#tokay gecko photos
helluvatimes · 7 months
Gecko Reflection
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A Tokay Gecko puzzling over its own reflection in Reptopia. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
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sthenored · 2 months
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Binggeck has finally found his Shen Yuan, now he will never let him go again 🥰
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twothpaste · 8 months
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intermission furries: earth bound edition (ongoing work in progress for 5000 years)
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snika67-v2 · 3 months
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Tokay Gecko. Photo by Mano Aliczki.
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micamaconceptart · 8 months
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Creating Concepts:
Project 3: Nostalgia and Memory
While I was designing my evil little geckos, I was wondering how else I could make them more terrifying. I suddenly had the recollection of playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017), which I quickly grew fond of and tried my best to finish it.
Breath of the Wild (BOTW) was an excellent game - from start to finish. The gameplay environment was beautiful and all the characters were likeable...Excluding Calamity Ganon.
Calamity Ganon had a design that sold for its purpose; it's revolting. The sheer mass of this antagonist completely dwarfs the grandest of architectures within BOTW, especially Hyrule castle. It oozes with dark, evil aura - a bleeding red. This was the perfect inspiration for my design.
The more I drew these tokay geckos, the more disturbing ideas I was able to come up with in accentuating their features further. Their ugly dots of red hue were what I started to imagine as eyes, as if the geckos were eager to watch your every move from the dark, peering and eager to get indoors at night.
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This idea partly stems from the earlier inspiration, The Girl and the Glim (2022), as its glums have the ability to manifest into a massive feat, conjoined with all the smaller ones.
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As stated prior, I also wanted to try out photo-bashing for a concept I had in mind. I wanted to take this giant, monstrous tokay gecko and illustrate it lurking from the exterior of my childhood house.
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A picture here was taken while the house was still under construction. This was an idea I wanted to quickly explore, so while the 'drawing' of the building will not be from scratch, I still wanted to add more details and compositing to create a spooky illustration.
With this, I sought out more media to take note of. I came across a horror-action type of game: Little Nightmares II (2021), which features very beautiful compositions and focus on background colours. The long, stretched out environments of gameplay allows players to immerse in its scenes. Overall, the art of this game compliments the horror of its antagonists, thus perpetuating the scary elements of its gameplay throughout.
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I did not wish to create an overly detailed art piece for this concept, so I decided to keep the adding of details simple. I only wanted to see how a composition in my vision would work out, and if it would be a coherent idea at all.
After altering the colours and tones of the original house photo, I was able to depict a night scenario. I also carefully measured the windows in the photo, so I could colour them in and make them more defined. Lastly, I added in the huge tokay gecko, leering on top of the roof!
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This was where I decided to make a few adjustments, by adding in some extra details with colour dodge layers. In relation to colour theory, I also wanted to communicate more 'contrast' within the colour coding of this piece, so I made the overall environment blue to further clash with the tokay gecko's red.
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However, there was a slight mistake in adjusting the hue of the work. In order to fix the 'flatness' of the photo bashing and drawn in mess, I made an attempt to balance the main and highlighted colours to be more 'green'. This is so that the house will not drown in the colours of the sky's gradient, yet will also give an illusion of the tokay gecko's mass up on the roof.
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This is a comparison between the 'blue' and 'green' hues of the house. I ended up merging the layers of the two, which resulted in this:
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In conclusion to this project, I did not expect I would have fun drawing the subject that used to bring me so much stress. Exploring the ideas of geckos, while intentionally setting out to be negative, allowed me to embrace the strange traits found in these reptiles, as well as come to terms with the fact that I don't have to like them - all animals that roam this earth are different, coming from their own journeys of evolution.
Thus, this exercise has been a cathartic one, in which I'm now able to understand myself better and further grow from my experiences, both as a person and an artist.
Nintendo (2017) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [Video game]. Nintendo.
Swift, India. (2022) Instagram. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/doigswift/reel/Cey4FSCADOi/ (Accessed: 23 October 2023).
Tarsier Studios (2021) Little Nightmares II [Video game]. Available at: https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/little-nightmares/little-nightmares-ii (Accessed: 17 January 2024).
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painted-bees · 7 years
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A bad photo of our wild resident tokay gecko--a mere second before he darted into that little hole I assume he has been living in these days. He calls out during the night. A funny warble followed by a loud "HEK-AAY" four to eight times. In thai culture, if they call more than seven times in a row, its good luck! (Also, finding a tokay with more than one tail is extremely auspicious, too..! I found one with two tails during my stay in bangkok [it had split due to past trauma and incorrect healing by the looks of it] and I bid him to be careful lest someone catch him to preserve him for decoration...) Also, as defensive and bitey as they can be in captivity, their wild counterparts are just as keen to use their jaws when cornered. I would never reccommend handling one unless you know how to do so safely (for both you and the tokay).
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mutant-distraction · 2 years
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Tokay gecko photo by ZTH Photography, animal owned by Reinhart Reptiles. TRR is made possible by Dubia.com
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I admit I'm a sucker for adorable animals in videos and pictures. With all the troubles in the world today, sometimes it's nice to vicariously immerse myself in piles of puppies, kittens, and other cute critters. Unfortunately, sometimes the media I'm consuming is a source of troubles itself. Many times ignorance about animal behavior is at the root of the cruelty, though there are situations that are born out of greed for money, prestige, likes, and so forth.
Obviously some of these videos have worse origins than others. The upset gecko gaping its mouth at its supposed rival in a mirror isn't being nearly as badly mistreated as the loris that's starving to death due to an incomplete or incorrect diet. What's important is developing a critical eye for this sort of media and learning more about how to assess whether the animals involved are actually enjoying themselves or not.
Here's some sauce for those of you who want to read further:
http://blog.whyanimalsdothething.com/ - Why Animals Do the Thing (@why-animals-do-the-thing) is a great start to learning more about animal behavior, which ones are healthy and which ones indicate stress (here's an especially good post that goes into even more detail about some of these viral videos and photos: http://blog.whyanimalsdothething.com/post/128327199132/animal-science)
http://thehsi.org/2015/04/01/the-cruel-cost-of-cute/ - the Herpetological Society of Ireland explores more about the cruelty behind staged frog photos and more
http://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/whimsical-wildlife-photography-isnt-seems - more on those staged photos, including some good links throughout the article
http://chimpsnw.org/2013/10/take-action-tuesday-new-childrens-book-exploits-anjana-and-tiger-cubs/ - goes into more detail about how TIGERS and similar organizations exploit wildlife for profit
http://www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk/pdfs/BathingBunnies-RO.pdf - if you absolutely must bathe a rabbit, here's when and how to do it as safely as possible
Species portrayed: Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), Sunda slow loris (Nycticebus coucang), orangutan (Pongo sp.), tiger (Panthera tigris), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), scrub frog (Rhacophorus sp.), rhinoceros beetle (Dynastinae sp.), domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), tokay gecko (Gekko gecko)
12-11-19 note: Hey, I’ve added a transcript of the comic panels above down below the read more cut. I have to run to an appointment now but will try to add neat links people post in the notes later on. Meanwhile, please reblog this version so that more people can enjoy this comic, including those who may have trouble reading the written text or who use text readers. Thanks!
Comic transcript:
[Panel 1: a puppy plays in a grassy field on a computer monitor] title: Not So Cute Animal Videos. Feeling stressed? Why not watch some cute animal videos online?
[Panel 2: the puppy is now looking quizzically out of the monitor at the viewer] I hate to be a downer, but unfortunately some of these videos actually show animals in distress. (Sorry, I know you were trying to destress.)
[Panel 3: a Sunda slow loris is being tickled by a human hand and has its arms raised in defense] A viral video from a few years ago shows a slow loris raising its arms as it is tickled. It’s not having fun; instead, it’s trying to access venom glands in its arms, glands that were surgically removed. Like other slow lorises in the pet trade, it also likely had its canine teeth pulled out without anesthetic, and was originally poached from a wild population along with the rest of its family. Lorises are cute, but they make poor pets and most die very young.
[Panel 4: a young orangutan is bottle feeding a tiger cub] In 2015, a video appeared showing a young orangutan bottle-feeding tiger cubs. it was created by T.I.G.E.R.S, a facility that separates cubs from their mothers to be used for cub-petting and photo sessions. Not only is this stressful for all animals involved, but the facility breeds tigers, ligers (lion-tiger hybrids not found in nature) and other exotics only for display and “experiences” for tourists, not reintroduction into the wild. (I’ll go deeper into the problems with cub-petting and other such attractions in a later comic.)
[Panel 5: two whitetail deer are shown, one of which seems to be asking for food like bread, an apple, and a cookie] It’s not just captive animals, either. YouTube is full of videos of people feeding deer. Even in cases where the deer aren’t being fed something that will make them sick, it encourages them to see humans as a source of food and lose their fear of us. This leads to the deer being more aggressive in seeking food, as well as more deer hit by cars, not running from hunters, and other deer-human conflicts. Artificially increasing the amount of food in the habitat causes overpopulation, which means more deer dying of starvation and disease, slow, painful ways to die.
[Panel 6: a frog is riding on the back of a rhinoceros beetle, but looks as though it is in distress] It’s not just videos, either. Those photos of frogs riding beetles, holding leaves, or dancing, are often staged by gluing the frog in place or sewing fishing line through its toes and posing it like a marionette.
[Panel 7: fishing line runs through the pads of a frog’s toes] So how can you tell which media is legitimate? First consider the source. If it was made by a cub-petting “sanctuary” or that otherwise profits from animal “encounters”, be skeptical. Look at the animal’s expression and body language without anthropomorphizing--judging them by human expressions. For example, many animals show fear or pain with an open mouth similar to a “smile”.
[Panel 8: a white domestic rabbit is sitting on its back legs in a bathtub of water, with a distressed expression] To responsibly enjoy cute animal videos, learn about animal behavior. Ask rabbit owners whether that bunny in a bath is having fun, and they’ll tell you no! It’s actually trying to stay above the water so as to not drown, and is under severe stress. Remember that behaviors that are positive in humans are often distress signals in animals. Look at it this way--each new video is an opportunity to learn something new!
[Panel 9: a tokay gecko has its mouth open in a threat display while next to a mirror showing its reflection] If something looks too good to be true, research it. If a video showing a lizard “smiling” at a mirror goes viral, search online for “lizard smiling at mirror” plus a word like “scared” or “cruelty” or “bad”. Chances are someone will have written about why this animal is stressed and upset, not happy.
[Panel 10: The cute puppy from the first two panels is now happily playing with a ball] Thankfully there are lots of cute animal videos and pictures that show animals genuinely having fun. With a little care and research, you can enjoy these guilt-free!
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amnhnyc · 4 years
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Say “hi” to the tokay gecko (Gekko gecko)!🦎 The vibrant reptile is native to southeast Asia, where it lives in rainforest habitats. It’s one of the largest species of gecko and can grow up to about 14 inches (35 centimeters) long. What does this big gecko eat? It munches on grasshoppers, locusts, beetles, and maybe even small mice! 😯 Photo: Tontan Travel, flickr https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9vf2egF3F/?igshid=17h7hkzrzbuy0
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drhoz · 4 years
#1667 - Underwoodisaurus milii - Thick-tailed Barking Gecko
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Up at Bindoon again.
Living in a hollow log under a birdbath, and boy was she pissed that people keep lifting it up to get a photo. The barking defense call is typical of the genus, and the source of their common name. Not quite as psychotic as the Asian/Pacific Tokay Gecko, which is also known as the ‘Fuck You Lizard’ from the call and spirited attempts to to bite off your face. 
The species is found in rocky areas across most of the southern half of the Australian mainland. It’s more cold-tolerant than most geckos, which might be related to their unusual sociability during the day - multiple geckos will huddle together, apparently to stay warm for the onset of evening. 
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sitting-on-me-bum · 4 years
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This impressive photo was captured only on the sixth attempt of getting close to this Tokay gecko. These geckos have a very bad temper, making it difficult to get close.
By @yensen tan (Indonesia)
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lovingexotics · 5 years
Help please angels 🐍
I wish tumblr had a poll so I could take the top answers and let you guys have a vote. But oh well. ANYWAYS. For my artwork that I'm going to sell on merch I have these reptiles planned:
1. Crested Gecko (Done)
2. Hognose (Done)
3. Leopard Gecko (Almost Done)
4. Ball Python (Half Done)
5. Bearded Dragon
6. Tortoise
7. Chameleon
8. Tokay Gecko
My problem is that I'd like to have 10 options for photos available before I set it up. SO. What two reptiles (reptiles only please) should I add to the first list?? Let me know what you guys want please 💕 Thank you babes.
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svtnct-kr · 3 years
Tokay Gecko Care - Are They Easy To Keep?
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A discussion of Tokay Gecko Care and "are they easy To keep"? Tokay geckos are popular pets in the exotic pet trade, despite their feisty behaviour. Below is a photo of what a “normal” average tokay gecko looks like, with their iconic blue skin and bright orange spots. After that, please do keep scrolling to read more! On This Page - Tokay Gecko: Species Profile - Tokay Gecko Behavior and Temperament - Housing the Tokay Gecko - Choosing Your Tokay Gecko - Tokay Gecko Humidity Requirements - Tokay Gecko Care Guide – The Critter Depot - Can I get an intro on Tokay Geckos? - How to Design a Tokay Gecko Habitat - Tokay Gecko Diet and Feeding Schedule - Common Tokay Gecko Diseases - How long can Tokay Geckos live? - Are Tokay Geckos great for beginner reptile owners? - Tokay Geckos will Bite! - How do I handle my Tokay Gecko?
Tokay Gecko: Species Profile
Tokay Gecko Care - Are They Easy To Keep? This species occurs in northeast India, Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh, throughout southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia, and to western new guinea in Melanesia. Its native habitat is rainforest, where it lives on trees and cliffs, and it also frequently adapts to rural human habitations, roaming walls and ceilings at night in search of insect prey. It is an invasive species in the Florida keys. Increasing urbanization is reducing its range. Opportunistic feeders, tokay geckos consume just about anything they can overpower. Read the full article
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jabphotos · 3 years
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While I was snapping photos of its roommate this gecko was checking ME out from the glass! I think he wanted to show off his feet and how he can stick to glass. Here are ⑤ ᖴᑌᑎ ᖴᗩᑕTᔕ about the Madagascar Day Gecko: ① Day Geckos don’t have long, sharp, claws like most lizards, but they do have 𝗮𝗱𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀, called 𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗲, on their toes that help them stick to smooth/flat surfaces. ⬅️ Scroll to see a close up of the lamellae! ② They have excellent eyesight. ③ Males have distinctly broader heads and generally, more vibrant coloration than females ④ Geckos are the only lizards that can produce a large range of vocalizations, compared to just a hiss or other simple sounds common to other lizards. From squeaks and clicks to barks and croaks the sounds differ by species. A great example: the Tokay gecko who is known for their loud mating calls that sound like they’re saying “tokay” (honestly, I hear more of an “uh oh”) bonus: their name being the sound that they make is a perfect example of 𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗼𝗲𝗶𝗮. ⑤ All geckos are lizards but not all lizards are geckos!Geckos belong to their own 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿: 𝙂𝙚𝙠𝙠𝙤𝙩𝙖. Other infraorders include 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙥𝙝𝙖, 𝙄𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙣𝙖, 𝙇𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙤𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖, and 𝙎𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙥𝙝𝙖. #Funfacts #animalfunfacts #madagascardaygecko #gecko #reptile #lizard #wildlife #wildlifepictures #wildlifepics #wildlifepage #wildgrammers #wildplanet #savetogether #saveourwildlife #igswildlife #earthoffline #canonwildlifephotography #animalcaptures #animalove #animalartists #femalephotographersnetwork #julieannbloniaszphotography #propetpix (at Riverside Reptiles Education Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK5K6CkAsbQ/?igshid=1kn5n4jkbzh06
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micamaconceptart · 8 months
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Creating Concepts:
Project 3: Nostalgia and Memory
For this stage in my project, I gathered up a few references of antagonists from recent media I consumed - the products below share common traits that I often associated with geckos; little creatures with monstrous forms.
I often viewed geckos as aliens, and basically parasites in our house - despite the fact they were more help than hindrance, eating up all the less wanted pests within. One type of antagonist that stood out to me was the zurks from Stray (2022), which are organisms evolved from man-made bacteria. They scavenge for and feast on both meat and metal, thus causing a lot of danger to the environment of gameplay in Stray. While its obvious that geckos are not like that, one similarity that they do share with zurks is that they tend to avoid light.
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Hence, my earlier comment of associating geckos with the dark in the previous post. Additionally, zurks also share similar quantities and mass with tokay geckos, further compelling me to use these glowy-eyed critters as reference for my visualisation of geckos:
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I wanted to communicate the discomfort I feel when seeing tokay geckos, as well as how little me would have envision them while they lurked in the dark. I even accentuated the little razor-sharp teeth that they have. I kept the colours simple and binary: black and red. So, a bit of colour theory was implemented; I used red to signal danger, as well as black for mystery and correspondence to the dark.
The reason for my choice of colour scheme was heavily inspired by a graphic novel I read, called The Girl and the Glim (2022). Filled with vivid illustrations, the story is narrated through an array of symbolic colours - the antagonists, referred to as 'glums', are coded with a black and green palette. India Swift, the author of this novel, explained in her Twitch livestreams about representing her characters using colour theory, and that the green and black colours associated with the glums are meant to communicate fear and disgust to her readers.
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Like zurks, the glums share similar size and feature. However, Swift explains that glums are transcendent beings, meaning that they take on a variety of size, mass, and even appearance, which are all based on the host they attach to. They are parasitic aliens that are fuelled by the negativity and fears of Earth's beings.
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While I was happy with exploring the nightmare-fueled illustrations I created from tokay geckos, I still wanted to push their designs further and make them bigger and 'badder'. I also wanted to take an opportunity to produce a photo-bashed piece, which I have the pictures needed to create that.
My next post will involve further experimentation on my character design of geckos, including more inspirations I took and the photo-bash work I came up with.
BlueTwelve Studio (2022) Stray [Video game]. Publisher OR Available at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1332010/Stray/ (Accessed: 17 January 2024).
Swift, I. (2022) The Girl and the Glim. Available at: https://www.girlandtheglim.com/ (Accessed: 17 January 2024).
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Photos from Tinley pt. 2.
Some very good geckos! My mom fell in love with the feisty little tokays and I was practically drooling over that garg with orange stripes.
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