#toji book
gojou-violin · 1 year
[1] vulnerability
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| chapter 1: meeting
| pairing: toji fushiguro x fem!oc
| warnings: 18+ MDNI. cursing. next chapter is the smut, i promise hehe.
| summary: seena and toji meet for the first time.
| wc: 3.6k
| a/n: you'll all learn quickly that i'm not into writing slow burn LMAO. i love answering questions, though, about this story <3 so if you have anything, send me some asks! also, for those who are new here, ineka is my friend's oc who's in the same story as seena.
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Ever since Nanami came back home, he’d taken to filling his downtime with teaching me the most random things. How to ignore Satoru Gojou, for example. That was a talent Nanami had unlike any other, so he taught me the expertise by having us sit in the teacher’s lounge at Jujutsu Tech one day, reading quietly on the couches, while Gojou came in to annoy us, and we both ignored him. It got to the point that Gojou genuinely thought he was invisible. Until I cracked… There was only so long I could hold back my laughter while Gojou was clinging to my arm, sobbing that he had so much he wanted to say to me and Nanami while we could still see and hear him. Poor thing was so hysterically mournful that I couldn’t help but smile and bite my lip, all while Nanami was giving me the stink eye as a warning to not blow the whole operation; but it was too late by that point. Gojou was at my feet, crying like a lost puppy, and I started giggling. He immediately perked up and realized what was going on.
After that, Nanami deduced that I could learn… easier things. For example, his favorite thing to brag about with those younger than him was what it felt like to really be an adult, because his favorite sandwich had disappeared from all of the convenience stores recently, even though it used to be wildly popular while he was growing up; and as he told me this story, we walked to a bakery not too far from Jujutsu Tech in Tokyo where I worked and he was lazily spending his days until he figured out what he wanted to do next with his life. He coached me to remember the importance of appreciating things in the moment. Or, at least he tried. Honestly, I blocked most of it out because I was too busy worrying about trying to keep up with his ridiculously long stride when I was so much shorter than him and he wasn’t showing me any mercy.
He took me to his favorite bakery that served his favorite sandwich: a casse-croute. It was the last place he was aware of that still sold a version that was worth the money he earned while he briefly retired from being a sorcerer in order to work a meaningless corporate job like most mundane people did. He hated it, though. The second he realized how boring life was, he came back to us at Jujutsu Tech. The bakery itself was still boring, though. There was nothing special about it, and there was no aesthetic to really catch the eye. It had four simple white walls, a vase here and there with some fake flowers, and a small, glass pastry stand for people to window shop through. Nanami didn’t even let me look. Despite the fact that the croissants and chocolate eclairs looked devine, he told me in his stern Nanami-voice, “No. Being an adult means you must already know what you want, and you can not afford to let yourself go by splurging on desserts. Trust me. You’ll thank me in twenty years.” He said it all as if he wasn’t only just a few years older than me. And as if I wasn’t already an adult myself who knew how to operate fine on my own. Like I wasn’t twenty-two years old. Still, free food was free food.
“You have to have a goal, Seena. A retirement plan of some kind. What you do in between doesn’t matter so much as your endgame, because everyone’s working towards a peaceful elderly life that they can have while coming to terms with the life they wasted and the regrets they collected along the way. I, for one, would like to build a small home somewhere quiet for me to really settle down and finally read the books I’ve been collecting but have been too busy to get around to.” He said this as we sat at one of the few tables inside of the bakery. His coffee was gone within an instant. Mine remained untouched because it was too strong. “What about you?”
I wasn’t really sure what I wanted, honestly. All I could do was shrug my shoulders before telling him that I would think about it and tell him before our next “lesson.” To which, he agreed with a nod. In the back of my mind, however, as he continued to lecture me about what it meant to be an adult, I thought about my life. I knew exactly what I wanted; I was just too scared to admit it to Nanami. He wasn’t like Satoru Gojou who would laugh in my face, but Nanami certainly would have judged me and made it known. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for my dreams to be crushed quite yet, considering our lives as sorcerers were never guaranteed when a curse could overpower us at any second. My silly, wasted dream consisted of a large home in the city, close enough to Jujutsu Tech that I could walk to work every day like I did currently; and I wanted as many kids as I could with a man who could care for all of us without any worries or struggles. It wasn’t anything real. Everyone had issues to deal with all the time, I knew that best of all, yet it was nice to think that there was someone out there who could make our family so happy that we could live safely in our own little bubble. But that was why I was sure Nanami would judge me if he knew the truth. There was no reality where anything could be perfect.
“Next time, we’ll discuss finances,” Nanami said as he dropped me off at my office at the school.
I smiled politely at him while slowly closing the door on his face before I slumped onto the floor when I was sure I was free of him. I loved Nanami… Truly. He was a dear friend who was like an older brother to me, yet I couldn’t help but feel drained around him sometimes. He was just too serious for me. I was bubbly, bounce-off-the-walls energetic, and just as crazy as Gojou, thanks to the fact that he was the only person I connected with when I was still a student at Jujutsu Tech. Nanami was none of that. He was business all of the time. It was a miracle that we were compatible at all.
I later realized that the coffee and casse-croutes at that bakery really were something else. At the time, Nanami didn't let me put sugar or cream in my coffee because he said it was something else that was unnecessary, and if I really wanted to feel the full effect of the coffee, I needed to keep it pure and black. No nonsense, according to him. Because he was babying me, I decided to return to the bakery the following morning on my own for a pastry for breakfast and coffee with enough nonsensical sugar and cream to make it actually taste good.
I continued to go every morning after that.
Eventually, I became a regular face to the point my coffee, random pastry of the day, and casse-croute sandwich for Nanami (if he hadn’t already picked it up himself) were waiting for me at the counter every time. It made life easy to know that when I woke up, a schedule was awaiting me. Breakfast at the bakery, walk to the school because I refused to live on the campus, even though Gojou always begged; then I’d work and meet with students who needed to talk with someone, and then I would go home to rinse and repeat. I liked how secure my life was now. When I was unsure of what to do after leaving Jujutsu Tech as a student, I told Gojou that one of the reasons I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere was because of a lack of security and repetition. I wasn’t built for adventure. People like Satoru Gojou and Ineka Harimachi were made for fighting and exploring, whereas I enjoyed peace and quiet amongst helping others. If I could live a mundane life in the sorcery world, I was happy. If my job meant I never had to face another incident like what happened a year ago, I was sold.
There was one day when Nanami asked to meet up again for breakfast before school. I made my way down to the bakery a bit earlier than usual, only to find that Nanami was already standing at the counter, leaning forward on it a bit, smiling, and… flirting. Nanami, of all people, was flirting! I decided to go into the store and “bump” against him to see if I could feel anything, and, yes, I did— Oh, boy, was there a lot to feel there. His heart was fluttering, his adrenaline was up. Puppy love. Pre-pubescent-boy-type-of-horny. Whatever you wanted to call it, Nanami was it.
Ever since, I had been trying to find an excuse to bring up Nanami and somehow brush hands with the barista, too, to see if she felt the same. It was a total invasion of privacy, I knew it, but it couldn’t be helped. I had to know if there was really someone out there who could possibly stand Nanami enough to like him romantically or otherwise. My curse was a gift sometimes for that reason. Feeling and controlling people’s emotions usually meant nothing, but when it came to Nanami’s crush, I had never been more content with my cursed technique.
Emotion control wasn’t exactly the most useful of techniques because it didn’t benefit anyone in a fight, but it was great for intel and defense. As a result, last year, following a year off after graduating, I had been working at the school as a guidance counselor. I was Jujutsu Tech’s very first— In fact, I was sure that I was sorcery’s first— guidance counselor; but after all that sorcerers had to endure out there while fighting curses, it seemed like a no-brainer to have me on staff. That was Gojou’s excuse to the Elders, anyways. It worked. I liked my job, others seemed to find my position helpful, and at least I was putting my technique to good use finally.
“Thank you,” I told the barista as I grabbed my coffee and the bag of sandwiches that were waiting for me on the counter.
She smiled back at me as she tapped away at her tablet to start up a new order for the next person in line.
I spun around and walked over to the side counter where there were napkins, stirring sticks, bottles of sweetener and creamer, and packets of condiments. I grabbed a few packets for Nanami’s lunch before pulling a handful of napkins to throw in the bag. On my way out, the door opened, and I sidestepped to avoid it, which ultimately led to an untimely collision.
I only got a quick glance at him before we suddenly crashed into one another. He was taller than I was, his width was impressive, and he was cleanly cut both grooming-wise and muscle-wise. By all traditional standards, he was a very attractive man. In the seconds before we collided, I thought to myself that he was incredibly handsome, and as a result of my gawking, I wasn’t watching where he was stepping, and as a result, my coffee cup exploded on his chest.
“Oh, my— I’m so sorry— I— I’m so, so sorry!”
I panicked and started crumbling the napkins in my hands so that I could clean his shirt off. Without thinking about it, I just went at it. I pressed the wadded up napkins against the inevitable stains and started tapping and scrubbing away in the hopes that it wasn’t too hot or that it wouldn’t stain too badly. The good news was, he was wearing all black, so it wouldn’t show up too much… Right? Oh, I was a clumsy fool. At least his shirt was tight enough around his body that it made it easier for me to press against his abs as a hard surface to clean his shirt against for some balance and pressure. But then I froze when I realized what I was doing. Without asking or stopping to consider how rude it was of me to just start touching him while trying to clean up my mess, I had accidentally overstepped a stranger’s boundary.
I looked up at him, blushing, awkwardly smiling, and croaked, “I’m sorry.”
He smiled at me kindly. “It’s really no problem.” He took the napkin out of my hand to finish wiping some of the coffee that remained at the hem of his shirt where his pants started oh-so-low on his hips.
I caught a glimpse of perhaps a little too much skin, making me blush and panic.
I immediately offered to pay for the cost it would take to cover his laundry. Whether it was dry cleaning, a laundromat, or even just the soap it would cost to clean it at home— Anything— I wanted to pay him back for my mistake.
He only smirked in response while crumpling up the used napkin. “It’s no big deal. Really. But… If you insist on finding a way to make it up to me…” He retrieved his phone, a flip phone, I immediately noticed, and he traded it for my coffee. “I’d like your number, if you wouldn’t mind. For the dry cleaning, and all.”
I looked him up and down for a moment before blushing under his stare. He was very, very cute; and he was very, very into me, clearly. Yet part of me was still apprehensive. I could always protect myself if he ended up being an asshole, but the question was… Well, was it really worth it?
Noticing my hesitation, he said, “If it’ll make you feel any better, lemme show you something.”
I watched as he stuck his tongue out, and without any effort, a small, slimy, brown ball of a curse fell onto his hand. I took a step back. The curse was growing. It shaped itself into a worm that slithered its way onto his bicep and shoulder, settling so comfortably it looked like it was at home. No one else in the bakery seemed to notice the curse, thankfully, aside from me, so I played it cool and tried not to bring any more attention to us after my coffee mishap.
He told me then, “We’re the same, you see? I can’t hurt you any more than you can hurt me.”
For a short moment, I continued to stare at the shikigami on his shoulder, debating on whether or not it would attack me the second I let my guard down. The worm was a decrepit little thing, though it certainly wasn’t physically small by any means because it easily constricted its bulbous limbs around the man’s thick arm and still had enough length and strength left over to hold its head up high so that its disgusting black eyes could follow my every move. However, it didn’t seem like any real threat. Sure, it could have hurt me if it wanted, but the man was still smiling at me, and as a result I could have sworn his shikigami was smirking, too. Perhaps I was going insane. Still, he waited for me to put my number into his phone. It couldn’t be helped. A gorgeous sorcerer like him who had taken an interest in me? No one ever cared much for me aside from Nanami and Gojou in their own brotherly kind of ways. Everyone else I had known throughout my life saw me as a weak tumor in the community that they could freely kick around because I wouldn’t defend myself and I would never be so stupid as to tell Gojou because I knew that he’d overreact and rain hell down on anyone who hurt me. All of that aside, this man was different. Did he seem nice? Not exactly. But he sure was interesting and very good at seducing me, so my blush darkened and I put my number in his phone. Could it have possibly been a dumb decision? Yes. But he was too handsome to pass up on— And he knew it, which made me more eager for him, honestly.
As I returned his phone to him, I reached to take back my coffee; however, the man kept it out of my reach.
He smiled again. “I think you’d be better off with another cup before you go. Allow me.”
Before I could protest, the man threw my coffee away and started walking towards the counter where he held up two fingers, indicating exactly what the barista already knew. The man paid with cash silently and quickly. The drinks were ready just as soon. As he carried one cup for each of us, he walked to the stand on the side to shake in sugar and milk for me, nothing for himself.
“Toji,” he said.
He took my cup, leading me towards one of the empty tables in the bakery, and set it down, enchanting me to sit in the chair he had designated for me by pulling it out and gesturing that he was waiting for me. “My name’s Toji,” he explained as he pushed my chair in gently underneath me.
My eyes followed him as he sat across from me. “Do you happen to be a December baby?”
The name Toji quite literally meant “Winter Solstice,'' which was the shortest day of the year, making it infamous for being cold and dark. I could tell that his parents took one look at his dark hair and knew that he would be the perfect personification of the shortest day. It was a fitting name, which was why I smirked when he smiled at me for catching the meaning to his name, and I tried my best to not read too much into the rest of him as a result of a simple detail. Dark, yes; but he was anything but cold.
“What about you?” he asked.
“March. Not as special, I suppose.”
He shrugged. “That’s alright when there are other things to make you special.”
I did my best to hide my blush behind my cup of coffee as I pretended to take a long sip until I could calm down. Hopefully he would figure my cheeks were red from the drink and not him. How embarrassing that would be if he knew… How easy I was… How effortlessly I broke at the slightest compliments.
“And what about your name, March?”
“Seena Kiyomi,” I replied.
“Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.”
“I take it you work at Jujutsu Tech.” He was so smooth with how he flowed between topics, guiding me to interact with him more without a second thought. He pointed at my black uniform. “Hopefully you’re a teacher,” he joked.
I giggled and set my drink down. “Yes, I am.”
“Does Satoru Gojou still work there? Haven’t seen him in forever.”
My jaw dropped a bit with shock. He knew Gojou? How? When did this happen? For what reason did they know each other? How did I not know Toji if Gojou knew him? All of the questions whirled in my head while I tried to decide on one to land on; but Toji beat me to it by changing topics again.
“Do you like working there?”
“Yes,” I answered with a smile. “How do you—”
“What do you do there?”
“I’m kind of, like, you know, a therapist…”
“Why do you say it like you’re embarrassed by that?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess it’s because it’s not as cool as what Gojou does. How do you know—”
“I think it’s lovely.”
I blushed again. “That’s very kind of you to say.”
Toji smirked at me while he relaxed so casually in his chair. He seemed so confident and suave in comparison to all of the men I’d met before, and I knew that it was on purpose because he was trying to impress me, but I was sure that was why I loved it so much. I enjoyed watching him put on the performance of running his fingers through his black hair so that he could show off his chest and bicep. He knew that he had my full attention, so he did everything he could to maintain it… Until he slipped up and made the mistake of letting the silence linger for too long in the hopes of letting the attraction brew for a bit. I tapped my phone’s screen twice to get it to wake up to show me the time.
I jumped to my feet with a shocked gasp. “Shit!” I started collecting my things while he raised a brow at me. “I’ll be late for work—”
Toji stood smoothly. “I’ll call you,” he said nonchalantly. “Kiyomi-san…” My name rolled off his tongue so easily I felt myself swoon for him again.
He took his leave from the table before me, beating me to the door so that he could hold it open for me as I made my speedy exit out of the cafe. I waved to him while I ran down the road. He watched me, grinning, his hands in his pockets, his pelvis resting forward to accentuate his abs. I nearly tripped over my own feet again.
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taglist: @aylitgirl , @thisbicc , @tojis-discord-kitten , @sailewhoremoon , @justanotherpasserby-blog , @lyteatus , @mimic-of-hysy , @fushisslut , @touyyes , @lex-dear , @chubbyhoney , @nomadmilk , @unknownspecies
27 notes · View notes
lxnarphase · 2 months
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Good morning to this cosplay and this cosplay only
1K notes · View notes
omgeto · 9 months
i need ur thoughts on nerd geto cause he’s living rent free in my head ever since i read kazushawty’s post abt him 🎤🎤
book worm!geto who is super well read and articulate and can't help but rant and rave about any and all types of fiction, even when you have no clue what he's on about.
"c'mon suguru, I thought you got in the bath with me so you could do me, not read to me," you whine, tapping the book he has in his hand lightly with your foot to get his attention.
"well actually you got in the bath with me," he lifts the book up, his eyes meeting yours as he chuckles. "but listen, I think you'd really like this author."
"fine tell me all about them," you agree, as you inch closer to him, and he lets you rest on his chest, as you fit in between his legs in the water. his eyes light up as he continues to rave about the latest book he's reader, a genre and author you had no interest in but you didn't care as hearing him speak with so much passion really made your day.
344 notes · View notes
wh0relibrarian · 7 months
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welcome to my loft
content ahead: soft!toji, shy!reader, black!coded reader, dry humping, clit rubbing, nipple play, princess is used once or twice, nothing rlly crazy, more plot than porn, toji is soo soft, he’s not a father in this!
word count: 3.1k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
And there it was. His large palm caresses the underside of your jaw. Looking into your eyes like they held the most fine jewels. You don’t know what’s going on, or why it’s going on, but you can’t deny the way your heart has been resting at the bottom of your stomach all night.
This was supposed to be a first date. A chance to get to know one another outside of work. When Toji asked you out, you tried your best to act cool about it. Part of you knew this was coming, maybe from the way he lingered a little longer at your desk when coming back from his lunch break; or when he started asking you questions about what you do in your free time. He’d always end the conversation with, “what time do you leave today,” hoping that your response would be “whenever you get off,” but to his dismay, you were always working the night shift. He was lucky to even get a word out of you before he would clock out of his morning shift.
But see, today was different. For once, you worked early in the morning, and by the time Toji made his rounds toward you, it was already time to go. This time when he asked what time you were leaving, you responded with “right about now actually,” and you watched his lips force down a smile, eyebrows raising slightly, surprised at your answer.
“Oh, really? Doin’ anything after this then?”
“Mm, I don’t think so. I’ll pick up something to eat maybe, then I’ll go home.”
“So you’re free, is what you’re saying.”
You offered a half-hearted laugh. “Well, I guess that is what I’m saying.”
“How long can you wait to eat?”
“How long do I have?”
“As much time as it takes for you to get ready. I wanna take you out to dinner, if that’s alright with you.”
And this shocked you. There was a part of your brain that really didn’t want to believe he had been flirting with you all this time. Maybe it was his looks that bullied you into that way of thinking. His general frame was huge, shoulders broad, puffed out chest that had a hard time remaining restrained underneath the collared shirt he wore. His muscles were always visible, even during these now cold months, his arms were never covered. You couldn’t lie and say his presence didn’t make you nervous. You never failed to immediately start sweating as soon as he came near you. You weren’t used to talking to men in this sort of casual way. It was either full on sexual, or nothing at all. So when he first started talking to you, or asking about your day, you truly ignored it. Just another man pining for your looks. But you soon realized Toji was different. He looked you in your eyes when you talked, he remembered things you told him weeks prior and would ask about them, he’d even go as far as bringing you a drink or snack when he’d go on his break.
Long story short, you were more surprised than Toji probably expected you to be. You both exchanged numbers, and once he gets back to his seat, you immediately receive a text.
Toji (work): I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear whatever you want, of course. Just send your address whenever you see this.
You: okay haha, my address is 123 Tumblr Lane. it’s my parents house btw lol
Toji (work): *Toji (work) hearted a message* That’s fine? Lol
To be honest, this will have been your first date like, ever. Yes, you’ve had different experiences with guys, and yes, you would tell them you wanted to be taken out on a date, but none of them lived up to your expectations. So your standards for tonight were pretty low. You thought about allll of the “dates'' you've been on while you got dressed. You weren’t sure what to wear, realizing that nothing you owned really made sense for a date. But nonetheless, you find a simple maxi dress, all black with a slit down the side. It was long sleeved, but it wasn’t enough for the November chill, so you paired it with a black fur coat, along with a black shoulder purse. Your hair was braided a few weeks ago, thank god, you thought, because there was no way you’d have enough time to style your natural hair. It was almost seven when you took a final glance in the mirror, you started second guessing your all black attire, thinking maybe it was too simple for Toji. But before you could even think about an alternative outfit, your phone dinged.
Toji (work): Hey, I think I’m at the right place. Is it okay if I ring the doorbell?
You: sure! no one’s home, just me, i’ll come down.
A second barely passed before the sound of the doorbell reverberated throughout the house. The sound rang in your stomach as your nerves finally started to rise. God, when was the last time you wore heels? You practically slide down the stairs. Once you make it down, you open the door and the first thing you see is a beautiful bouquet of pink roses. It was big, like you knew it was expensive, big. Once your eyes meet his, you feel your cheeks burn. He finally breaks the silence.
“Hi, y/n,” he says sheepishly. His eyes started to scan your figure softly, luckily you wore black, because you were practically a waterfall under your arms. “You look… really good.”
You smiled, “Thanks Toji. Are these for me?”
“Oh these? Nah, just my accessory for tonight.”
“Haha, real funny….. Or are you serious?”
“Of course not y/n they’re yours.” He hands you the bouquet and stretches his other arm towards you to latch onto. His arm was bulky, you knew this, but feeling it was so different. He walked you to his car (an all black Dodge Challenger) and opened the door for you. This is when you began to take notes on how many things he does for you that no one else has done. So far, this is the second new thing for you. First, the flowers, now, him opening your door.
The car ride was so far, the best part of this night. He played some songs you never heard of, but instantly fell in love with. When you ask him the artist’s name, he starts telling you everything about them and how he found their music. This leads to some other side conversations and you can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed this hard. Not only was he the sweetest eye candy, but he was crazy funny. Your nerves started to relax a little into his verbal embrace, you felt so comfortable around him, it felt otherworldly.
Once you arrived at the restaurant and actually saw the name of the place, your heart sank. This was probably one of the most expensive dinner spots in town. You brought money of course, but you weren’t prepared to spend more than $30 on a meal. “Oh, Toji, this is… a lot. I don’t know if I can–”
“I know it’s expensive, I’m the one taking you out. So I’m the one paying. Relax baby.”
Baby. Baby, baby, baby. You’re his baby? Not his but… anyway, you were flustered to say the least. He told you to wait in the car so he can grab the door for you. He held his hand out for you to stabilize yourself with, and he never let go until you two were seated at your table.
The date was everything you could’ve dreamed of. It was filled with the same energy that the car ride had, the conversation was never dull and he always kept you laughing. Two hours absolutely flew by, and when it was time to pay and leave, you couldn’t help but feel a pinch of sadness in your chest. You never wanted this night to end.
As you approached the car, he asked you what your general consensus of the night was.
“Well, the food was amazing, so you already get a ten for picking the spot.”
“I am the best food picker I know.”
“... Right,” you gave him a slight shove and rolled your eyes. “The food was good and you're excellent at having a conversation.”
“I’d fucking hope so, damn. Those are two very normal things for a date. Don’t tell me you’ve never had a good conversation with a guy.”
He was opening the car door when he said this, and you looked up at him sternly, trying to give across the message that no you had never had a good dinner date with a guy.
Before saying anything, he walks around the car to get in. The first thing he did, before even starting the car, was ask you a question.
“This was your first date?”
“What?! No! Well… no okay, no this is not my first date. Just the first one I could actually remember having a good time, that’s all.” You looked at him meekly, but he didn’t look at you. There was a comfortable silence for a minute and you felt like you said the wrong thing. Would he think you were immature in some way? Is he wondering why you haven’t succeeded in a relationship?
Then, he looks at you.
“I kinda don’t want this night to end… would you be open to going to my place?”
“Sure, yeah…” you said without a second thought. What were you thinking?? Going to Toji’s house on the first date is not what you expected, part of you was excited, the other part was worried about what he thought was going to happen when you arrived there. He started the car and before he drove off you said one more thing.
"I hope you aren’t expecting sex.”
“Welcome to my loft.”
It was just as you pictured. The front entry way led you both right into the living room. The first thing you noticed were the amount of plants Toji had. They were luscious and all varied in size. He had a lot of mood lighting, and the space smelled so good. You felt like you were in a trance.
Toji gave you a mini tour, and once he was finished, he asked if you needed anything. “This may be weird but, can I borrow some clothes? I’m dying in this.” And he happily obliged, running and grabbing a simple t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. Afterwards, you both decide to put on Home Alone, claiming that it was only right to get into the Christmas spirit.
It was clear neither of you were interested in the movie.
“Ya know, I’d never take you home on our first date in the hope of having sex.”
“That’s not why I brought that up, Toji.” Both of your eyes never left the tv screen, but after a few moments, Toji turned his body facing you, and manhandled your body to face him. His eyes were serious. Your gaze almost looked bored, but really, you’ve had this conversation with other men and none were able to understand your point.
“What? You’re a virgin?”
“No! Not that…I’ve never— like, okay. I’ve had sex but– I don’t know. There were times when I didn’t want to, but I was horny? And I guess that confuses guys, so I’d do it anyway…” Your eyes were moving sporadically around whatever was behind Toji, anything to keep from looking at him head on. You could tell he was looking at you with curiosity, though, you watched his arm raise from your peripheral vision and you flinched slightly as he moved a few braids from in front of your face. His hand brushed your ear and you felt your body go limp.
And there it was. His large palm carressing the underside of your jaw. Every memory from tonight clouded your head at once and you swore the room was spinning.
“Y/n, why do you think I’d care about that?” His tone was gentle, low and firm, you couldn't help but tear up. “I don’t know Toji, I just— I don’t want to start something I can’t finish. But I want to start it? I don’t want you to be mad at me if I want to stop.” He scooped your chin up to force you to look him in the eyes. He was such a beautiful man.
“Awh princess,” he said deeply, almost as if he was tantalizing you, “I could never be mad at you. You can stop anything anytime and I will always respect that.” His eyes never left yours, and you know this moment is sweet and wholesome but you can’t deny the wet patch forming in your panties. This is all you’ve ever wanted and god was it attractive. You licked your bottom lip and he mirrors your actions. The silence was so peaceful, you could stay just like this forever.
The kiss is warm, that’s the only way you can describe it. His lips are so soft and his hand stayed resting on the side of your cheek. You started pawing at the hem of his large t-shirt, whimpering as his tongue made its way inside your mouth. You were so hungry for him, he was so hungry for you, but he wanted you to take your time and show him what you wanted. When the kiss finally broke, you two stared at each other with your foreheads pressed together. The silence was long gone as the sound of your heavy breaths filled up the room. You weren’t sure why you did this, but you felt the urge to wrap your legs around him, straddling his waist and wrapping your arms around his stomach. Your head rested on his shoulder, and he did nothing but rub small circles on your back. As he adjusted his position to get more comfortable, you felt the incredibly hard and incredibly large bulge in his pants. It made your hips jolt up and a small gasp left your mouth. You could tell he was trying to be careful with you, he stopped trying to get comfortable to give you a chance to say something if you didn’t feel comfortable.
You were the very opposite.
Now you were repositioning yourself, slowly swaying your hips back and forth. No words had been spoken between you two, and this didn’t bother you. Toji could sense your desperation to get off, it was cute to him. You were so much shyer than he thought you’d be, but this was not a problem. His hands found their way to the sides of your waist, kindly guiding your hips as you continued humping him. You were practically crying at this point, your speed revved up ever so slightly and the whimper you let out right next to Toji’s ear made him feel like jello. You could feel his dick get harder and harder.
You finally picked your head up from his shoulder and could see the mess that was Toji Fushiguro. His hair was disheveled, sticking on beads of sweat on the sides of his face. His mouth was partly open and his eyes, oh his eyes were lustful. Dark green orbs sending electric shocks straight to your heat. He smiled at you, and gave your lips a peck as his hands traveled lower. Massaging the flesh and encouraging you to pick up the pace. There was something so lewd about using him to get off. You know it had to feel good for him, but it was you who was feeling all the friction. The friction created by your panties and the sweatpants he lent you were enough to send you dry heaving and clutching onto his chest. You were almost embarrassed by how sensitive you were.
“T-that’s it baby. You okay? This feel good?” You could do nothing but nod your head repeatedly and whisper yes yes yes as you kept striving for your release. “Mm, princess, you look so good like this. All a mess f’me.” His breath was ragged, you looked down to see a wet spot forming on his pants, the sight was all too much for you. This whole night was way too much for you. The amount of non-sexual foreplay that led you to this moment made it so much better than it would’ve been without it. Soon enough, your hips began to sputter, and your motions weren’t following a pattern like before.
“M’gonna cum Toji, I’m gonna c-cum–”
“Yeah? Baby’s close?” His hands found their way under your shirt and he started playing with your sensitive tits. Finding your nipples and rubbing the bud in between his thumb and pointer finger. That sent you into overdrive. Your head fell back and your grip on Toji’s shirt only tightened. You were too incoherent to form a sentence– a phrase even. All you wanted to say was thank you, but between your pants and his, Toji wasn’t able to comprehend it. “Mm, I’m so proud of you, doin’ so good bein’ a slut f’me.” His fingers started sliding down your stomach, making their way to the edge of your panties. "Is it okay if I touch you here princess? You can say n-"
"Please please please Toji, please touch me," and with that, he stroked two fingers against your soaking cunt. He spread the lips softly and found your clit, puffy and throbbing. He started making small circles on it, his fingers got more slippery with each motion. His eyes never left yours in these moments, and it was driving you insane. You were so overstimulated by everything. The way he smelled, how he was touching you, the way he caring for your body-
"Oh my god Toji right there right there, please."
"Right here baby? Mm, so wet for me. You gonna cum? I can feel your pussy throbbing. I got you all worked up like this?
Your orgasm washed over you like a giant wave, his last words made a yelp escape from your lips and you crashed down into the crook of his neck as you rode out your high. He pressed open mouthed kisses up and down your neck as you composed yourself, and his hands found their way right back your waist like before, rubbing in those small circles.
“I’m s-sorry. I finished too fast I swear I’m not like that it was just so much and you were-”
“Shh, shh. I understand princess, it’s really no big deal. I like that actually, it shows how much likeeee me,” he teased, and you pushed his chest playfully like before. You both were smiling like children and you don’t know why you guys were laughing, and you were okay with that.
Thanks for reading!
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chodzacaparodia · 7 months
Jujutsu Kaisen as Rick Riordan book chapter titles because why not PART 1
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(Or rather Fushiguro Megumi as Rick Riordan book chapter titles because I love him so much)
Part 2
Haikyuu! Edition: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Blue Lock Edition: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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sanasanakun · 17 days
Maybe I’m stupid (likely) but I feel like Gojo resembling Toji in his battle with Megumi!Sukuna is trying to show that he is a paternal figure in Megumi’s life. Like the two different sides of Megumi’s male paternal figures (or I guess the two most consistent male adult figures in Megumi’s life)??? I don’t buy that Gojo was a father figure for Tsumiki and Megumi (to me he was more like Spencer from ICarly lmao) but like…i feel like the outfit similarity is trying to say something about their relationship on a familial or paternal scale…but im too dumb to fully phrase this how i want so maybe just ponder on this for me hahaha
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yacks-art · 1 month
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An old toji fushiguro piece, I like jjk
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fics-lovebot · 8 months
enemies to lovers, academy rivals and work rivals are ugly tropes idc
LIKE??? I need him to be obsessed with me from the gET GO, I don't want none of that "we hate each other" shitt
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creampie-capital · 1 year
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✦「A Christmas GangBang (JJK)」✦
ɴᴀᴍᴇ (𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫)║ ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ - ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ - ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴏᴊɪ - ɢᴇᴛᴏ ꜱᴜɢᴜʀᴜ
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ/ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ║ ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ᴋᴀɪꜱᴇɴ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ║12,259
「ᴀꜰʟ」 𝟏𝟖+ 「ᴘᴡᴘ」 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ━━━➤ 「ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀʙʏ」
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
❝ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴍʏ ᴛᴜʀɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴛɪᴍᴇ.❞
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Do not steal, copy, or repost anywhere. My work is currently on both CREAMPIE_CAPITAL on wattpad and Imtropicalbaby on Quotev. If posted on another account or website, please report and notify me immediately.
Now onto the smut :)
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔
You could taste the sweetness of his chapstick on his lips, your tongue sweeping across his for a moment before pulling back to swallow the saliva in your mouth.
Gojo's smug smirk was ever so prominent on his handsome face. That cockiness obviously displayed in his azure star-filled optics.
The skin on your posterior felt frigid against the bathroom mirror, with no help from the backless creme top you wore for the party.
However, warmth spread across your flesh, your nerves tingling every time Gojo's hand caressed your thighs.
Featherlike touches stroke your legs in an insinuating manner, pushing your carmine-hued skirt up.
"Satoru, down boy." You breathed, your hands trailing down from his shoulders to his wrist, where you stopped him from moving farther up. "They're gonna know we're being naughty if I don't return soon."
The male shook his head, his Lilia-colored hair brushing against your forehead as a pout formed on his lips.
"Come on~." He hummed, tightening his hold on your leg and pulling you closer to the edge of the counter so you could press against his crotch. "Just a quickie, please~."
A laugh reverberated from your throat while you shook your head. "Stop it, you horndog. You can wait till after the party is over."
"But you're so pretty~! And this is more fun! So shameful; doesn't it make your heart race how we could get caught with that door unlocked?" He added, pushing his hands higher against your hold and grasping the strings of your underwear.
"Satoru." You warned.
His lips formed into a pout as he fluttered his Lila-hued lashes. "(Y/n)." He mimicked your tone but in a more playful manner.
"I'm serious; You can wait."
Your boyfriend groaned, huffing like a spoiled child that was told no. You expected his hands to release your body, but instead, he lifted your hips up slightly to remove your (f/c) undergarment.
He merely raised it by his head, carefully examining the apparel before stuffing it into the pocket of his black slacks.
"Since you're making me wait, you don't get to wear anything underneath that skirt." His grin was smug, and the sight made you roll your eyes. "Now be a good girl, and put back on your tights-"
Gojo leaned forward, his lips by your ears. "-and don't even think about putting anything else on when we join the group."
He pulled away; his smile would seem innocent if it were not for what he just informed you. He hesitated for a moment before stepping back and allowing you to place your feet on the ground.
"You kinky b*stard." You muttered, laughing at the end lightly. The male hummed while his nimble fingers grasped your tights and handed them to you.
A glint was seen in the man's optics, bright and radiant. "Oh, you have no idea."
His words made you squint your eyes and pucker your lips. You've been with the arrogant man for a good four-five years.
There wasn't much you didn't know about him, especially when he was rather fond of speaking about himself...and not ceasing.
"Whatever you say."
Finally, you had placed your tights over your bottom and headed over to the bathroom door. You opened it, peering into the hallway to see if anyone else was there before exiting.
Returning back to the party in the living room, you mingled with your group of friends before the sound of your doorbell was heard when the song changed.
You maneuvered past everybody and opened the doors; the chilly air blew right through your thin skirt, provoking goosebumps to arise all over your skin.
The first thing you saw was the face of one of your younger colleagues and former classmate.
A smile graced your lips, your eyes squinting with that wide grid. "Megumi, you made it!"
That cheerful expression fell, however, when a person much taller than the young adult appeared in the frame.
He hid his body behind his son but flashed a dazzling smile across his scarred lips. "Hey! Sorry I almost missed your party, Peach~!"
You had never moved so fast, slamming the door, which caused the decorations on the wall to rattle. It was a good thing for the blasting music, distracting others from your action.
Your heart was hammering in your ears, so loud it was almost agonizing. It had been a few years since you had even seen his face.
The face of your ex-boyfriend, Toji.
It was the most toxic relationship you had ever been in. Every day there was always something new arising that caused problems in your relationship.
His gambling, his insulting tongue, his recklessness, and the list could go on. He used your age against you, getting with you when you were only eighteen and he was at least twenty-four.
Sometimes he treated you like a child...like you couldn't do anything right when you messed up or broke something. Sometimes he treated you like you were grown, introducing you to things a young adult like yourself at the time should never have experienced while still being immature.
Not to mention he hid the truth about having a son, and even he forgot about him when you found out the truth and confronted him about it.
But at the end of the day, you always came running right back to him. He knew just what to say to make your knees weak, and rational thinking go out the window.
Toji was manipulative, twisting around your own words and persuading you to listen to him. If none of his earlier tactics worked, he was happy to wrap his hands around your throat and make you remember why you stayed.
Until one day, you couldn't take it anymore.
The doorbell rang again, and you could hear muted banter between the two males on the other side of your door.
You took a deep breath, your hands shaking slightly before opening the door again. The two Fushiguros were facing each other, arguing but ceased once you came into frame.
"Who even invited you?" You hissed, your attention on your ex, whose grin expanded.
His calloused hands held up a small red Christmas bag by his head, and he even shook it so a slight rustling noise could be heard.
"I was invited for the secret Santa, of course." He hummed, dragging out the last words of his sentence with a low pitch.
You pursed your lips, your heart beating ever so clangorous you were sure others must have heard it. "(Y/n), it's cold," Megumi stated, a bit of color arising on his pale face.
"Oh, oh yeah." Slowly you stepped back and opened the door of your penthouse wider for the two males to enter. Megumi was quick to walk past your foyer, already knowing the layout of your apartment.
But Toji, the male, stalled his steps, shutting the door with his foot and leaning down from his 6'3 (190 cm) height.
Your heartbeat quickened when he came closer to your face, and that smug smirk on his lips displayed that he knew what he was doing.
"You look good, Peach." You used to find that nickname embarrassing; now, it feels rather insulting. "Glad to see you're taking care of yourself."
His jade green eyes were gazing so intensely into your (e/c) ones that you had to look away. It felt like he was looking into your soul, inside of you, and it made your whole body shiver.
It came as a surprise when Toji's rough, calloused hands gripped under your chin, forcing your gaze back on his face.
He leaned forward so close you could feel his breath on your lips. His touch was familiar; it made your stomach drop.
Like you were on a ride with a rush of adrenaline. With your heart beating at a rapid pace and your muscles tensing.
"After what you did...the least you could do is look at me." He articulated, voice low and guttural. It made your head dizzy and your throat tight.
"Don't make me..." You hesitated with your words, finding it hard to speak while gazing into his bright optics. "Don't make me the bad guy, Toji."
Nor one of you spoke, eyes trained into each other's as the music and conversations boomed on in the background.
"I'm not trying to make you the bad guy, Peach." He murmured, his voice gravelly as if he needed to clear it. "I'm not even mad about it anymore."
Your heart lurched in your throat, your head feeling light like breathing air from a high altitude. With fingers flexing, you gradually rose your hands to hold his wrist.
"So what?" You asked breathlessly, the words barely audible over all the noise. "You deserved it; in fact, you deserved worse. I should have done it again."
Toji sighed, shoulders slumping as his face neared yours. His breath could be felt along your cold skin, plaguing your mind with distant memories.
"I know."
Before anyone could speak in response, a hand removed the brunets grip from your chin and pulled you away. It felt like you could breathe comfortably again; a fictitious weight was pulled off your chest when you were turned around to face Gojo.
"Come, (Y/n)." His hand that was on your shoulder migrated to your hand, where he began towing you out from the foyer.
Your boyfriend pulled you away, and you turned to glance at your ex one last time. You expected him to appear upset at being interrupted, but instead, the corners of his lips were pulled upwards.
His scar stretched, and the skin around it pulled at the blemish. Just like before, when the two of you were together, he was still as unreadable as ever.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
The rough skin of Gojo's palm wafted heat on your thigh as he gripped it tightly, his thumb caressing your skin.
You glanced up from your plate to the male, who only smiled at you, and you could even feel his expressive gaze through his black blindfold.
"Hey, (Y/n)! Do you have any more gravy?"
Your attention trained to lemonade pink-haired male, observing the mess on his face from him devouring the dinner you made.
"Oh, yeah, hold up. I'll have to warm it up, so it might be a little bit."
Gojo's hand lingered on your skin, and you felt him reluctantly leave your thigh. You showcased a smile, your teeth on display, before leaving the dining room and entering the kitchen.
Everybody else was sitting around the large table eating, so nobody was with you in the cooking area. You opened your fridge, rummaging through it before pulling out a pot of gravy and setting it on the stove.
You almost dropped the spoon you were using to mix the flavoring.
"Suguru, you scared me." A laugh echoed quietly from your lips as you twisted to face the long-haired male. "Is there something you need?"
He lifted his wine glass, empty and slightly stained with a garnet hue. "I wanted a little more." He hummed, smiling narrowly.
You watched his adam's apple bob on his throat, and you swallowed. Hurridly, you turned away to glance back at the pot and stir the contents inside.
Just looking at him made the guilt swell within the pit of your stomach. Heavy and cold, it all made your head hurt.
"In the pantry on the left, there's a crate with some wine Satoru bought."
"Oh." He crooned, stepping out of the doorway and walking towards you. You felt him brush up against you, one of his hands lightly grazing the small of your back as he passed.
The skin underneath your shirt felt like it was set ablaze, and a slight throb could be felt in your private area.
And the guilt grew stronger.
"I would have thought that you bought the bottles; it's much more your taste. Moscato d'Asti, your favorite."
You swallowed the saliva in your mouth, forcing your gaze to stay on the thick liquid. The cold apartment felt feverish.
"It used to be. I don't drink anymore."
"Oh really?" He asked, his voice growing closer to your frame. "You would stop drinking our most favorite wine because Satoru said so?"
Your lips pursed together, your back teeth pressing tightly into each other. Your palms felt sweaty, and you attempted to discreetly wipe them on your skirt.
"It's not like that, Suguru." You switched off the burner and opened one of the drawers to find a pot holder. "I just don't make...the most conscious decisions after drinking."
He stepped closer; you could hear his footsteps growing until he was right behind you. His glass was set beside the stove, his hands now lightly grasping your hips.
Warmth heated through the thin clothing that had tingles jolting down your belly.
You jumped, flinging around and finally gazing upon his face. He smiled again. The grin seemed innocent, but his eyes were much crueler.
"Like choosing him over me?"
His grip grew tighter, the pads of his calloused fingers pressing firmly into your skin.
"Like drunkenly revealing you still loved me last year even though you're dating Satoru."
You had to shut your eyes; you couldn't look at his face. "Suguru, please. I wasn't thinking straight."
His fingers lightly caressed your throat, trailing down your larynx before stopping once he reached your chest, and you slowly lifted your eyelids to glance at him.
"I said I loved you long before you, Satoru ever did. You looked me in the face with such a cold stare, and you even laughed."
His orchid-hued optics glazed over for just a mere second before it was gone, his orbs back to normal as he gained control over his emotions.
"It was quite funny, really; I would have laughed too if I were you." He mumbled dryly and returned his hand to your hip. "Seeing someone in such a vulnerable state really is humorous."
That intense gaze of his had you swallow strenuously. "Suguru, you wanted to date me right after my break up, thinking I would want to get with you. Now let me go."
"Why?" Geto questioned. "So you can pour your heart to me one minute, then turn around and stomp on mine the next?"
Your (e/c) orbs narrowed, and the once passive route you tried to go down was becoming rather blurred. You reached for his wrist and gripped them tightly, your nails digging into his skin and marking it with temporary blemishes.
Empathetic you are, and always have been. But you are also straightforward, and you'll let someone know when they've crossed the line.
"I've always felt guilty for hurting you like that but it is not my fault - nor does it make me the villain of your story - because I chose Satoru over you."
You removed his grip from your body and threw his arms back by his side. With swift movements, you grabbed a potholder before grasping the handle.
Geto's warm front pressed against your exposed back, his breath close to your ear as he lightly pulled a strand (or braid) of hair away from your face.
"Wouldn't you say you're the evil one for still being in love with your boyfriend's best friend? And if you want to deny it then tell me right here, right now. You're sober so you should be able to say it, right? You should be able to say the truth, yes?"
You parted your lips to respond but the words were stuck in your throat. If you told him the truth, it would just feel wrong.
After everything Gojo had done for you - as pretentious as he was - he has done more than anyone else had.
Clearing your throat, you shoved him away with a hand, refusing to even glance at his front. "If you would excuse me."
And you left Geto there in the kitchen to return back to the large group in the dining room.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Standing out on the balcony, your (e/c) optics gazed into the champagne-hued wine, your reflection staring back in a distorted figure.
Frosty air blew across your skin, chilling the exposed areas of your legs and back, but you ignored the uncomfortableness.
Your stomach was heavy, and having to deal with the appearance of your ex-boyfriend was hard enough. But then, adding Geto's guilt trip, the once joyous party was feeling more of a hassle now.
And it even caused you to break your promise and pour yourself a drink, hiding on the balcony so no one could see. Shame was filling your body, your year of sobriety washing right out the window if you took that sip.
You didn't want to, but you couldn't deal with everything - all the emotions - flooding every part of your brain.
A chasmic sigh was exhaled from deep within your lungs as you twirled the liquid around in the wine glass. Your fingers were rigid, fingertips tingling from the cold contact of the cup.
Wrapping the blanket around your bottom allows you to take a seat on the bench at the end of the terrace. It was rather gloomy at the moment, the promise you made shattering as you neared that drink to your lips.
Its cold, smooth texture was an old familiar sensation, a very recognizable one. You were once an alcoholic thanks to your ex-boyfriend, and you continued on for seven years.
Wine and beer - anything alcoholic - makes things fun; it lets you forget the pain and stress of everything. But it also made you carry out drunken thoughts and commit disastrous actions.
What would you do if you became drunk now at a party you planned with all your friends and acquaintances?
A drunken fool, you would be, mumbling out nonsense before grabbing the nearest person and devouring their lips in a lustrous motion.
"Take that sip, (Y/n), and you'll lose all your progress."
Your eyes flung open, the glass falling from your lips as your best friend stepped out onto the snowy terrace.
His large hands shut the glass door behind him and closed the curtain to hide your potential drinking.
"Kento." You breathed out with a simple voice that cracked at the end. Hastily, you directed your attention to the city, following the snow that descended at a dreadfully slow pace. "I didn't expect for you to catch me."
He clicked his tongue and strutted over, his heavy footsteps causing your heart to race so suddenly. Namami slowly removed the glass from your hand, replacing it with his own before giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"My (Y/n) senses were tingling." He hummed. The firm frown on your lips cracked slightly, a subtle laugh rumbling out as you shamefully hid your face from his sight.
His gaze was on your body, assessing your appearance, and you were sure he could see how distraught you were.
The sigh leaving his lips had your throat tightened. He released your hand and outstretched your blanket so he could sit next to you, covering the both of you in the thick faux fur. The drink was placed on the table next to the bench.
You could sense his body heat as you leaned into it, your gaze still cast away. His cologne, the one you gifted him for his birthday, wafted into your nose and calmed down your anxiousness due to its familiarity.
"If something is bothering you, I'd prefer you would come to me to vent. Not indulge yourself in the addictive taste of alcohol. You made a promise to me, remember?"
"How could I not?" You remarked lightly, scrunching your nose from the chilly air nipping at your face. "I practically begged on your doorstep to help me."
Nanami hummed softly as he reached for your hand again, holding it in a secure grasp. You could feel the rough texture of his palm, and the coarseness of his fingertips.
"It's shame I couldn't be your sponsor, but the thought of being sober myself was rather haunting." He joked lightly, yielding your smile to grow just the slightest.
"Nanami Kento? Giving up drinking? We would be in oblivion if that were ever to happen." You commented, squeezing his hand only to receive another squeeze back in response.
"And that's where you're stronger than me."
Finally, your gaze shifted, just barely glimpsing at his handsome face before directing it down to your lap and laughing pathetically.
"No way. I almost just broke our promise because a little visit from my ex and old friend made me emotionally unstable. I'm more of a failure than anything."
The blond released your hand only to wrap it around your back and pull you into his side. "Hey, you know I don't like to hear you slandering yourself." He huffed.
"Sorry." You mumbled half-heartedly, the grin dancing across your lips by now. "But...I'm being honest. I ceased drinking to stop humiliating myself, to make my relationship with Gojo healthier, but I keep having these moments where I almost relapse. And I know it's wrong. I know what I'm doing, but I just-"
Nanami halted your rambling by hiding your face in his chest, his arm wrapping you securely in a hug while the other held the back of your head firmly.
"And each time you stopped yourself without anyone's help." He countered, voice low and resonating off of his chest. "And that's why you are one of the strongest people I know. As well as someone who continues to make me remarkably proud."
His cologne smelt stronger now that you rested against his front. There was a pressure in the inner corner of your eyes, liquid cloaking over your orbs underneath your eyelids.
"Stop your flattery." The words were almost inaudible. "I'm just a f*cking wh*re, and you know it. Sl*ts don't make multi-billionaire men like you proud."
Your best friend pulled your head away from his chest, causing you to look up at his face that you've known for so long.
"(Y/n)." He expressed your name with such a low tone that your tummy tingled. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you this but you make me entirely proud no matter what. Your s*xual encounters do not define who you are and the mistakes you made in the past are not the same you that sits before me now."
Nanami leaned closer, his petrichor orbs gazing so intently into yours that your breath hitched in your throat.
"You just say that because you're in love with me." You could barely breathe out the phrase.
"In love with you or not my words are truthful and I would never lie to you. That is something I simply can not do to you."
The both of you unconsciously leaned in; your warm breaths blowing across your faces were a complete contrast from the chilly air of that night.
And the first to speak was you.
"If I never f*cked you on that drunken night those years ago, you wouldn't be in love with me. You wouldn't care so much and you definitely would not be proud of me."
He hummed, the corner of his lips quirking up into a grin that he attempted to obscure by licking his lips.
"If I never f*cked you that night, you would have never broken up with Toji. It's better he caught us, you would have never been able to tell him yourself otherwise."
You laughed, covering his mouth with your frozen hands as you turned away from his lascivious gaze.
"And you tell me not to call myself an sl*t."
His lips pressed against your palm, a small smooch before he grasped your wrist and trailed it up to your elbow.
"Calling the woman I love such a daunting word is simply ungentlemanlike." He responded, words vibrating against your cold skin.
You had to shake your head and lightly trace a thumb over his sharp jawline.
"I pity you, Kento. In love with a woman who doesn't even love you back. You're wasting your prime years pining after someone you'll never get."
And he placed his teeth against the cold skin of your forearm.
"I wouldn't say wasted per se. More, I'm satisfied with the fact that only I will always stay by your side. Your relationships may come and go, but I will never fall from my position."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"Alright! Is everybody ready!?" You asked, glancing at your guest that surrounded the Christmas tree in your living room.
Courses of 'yes's flown around the room. Taking a seat next to your boyfriend on the couch, you raised your hand to the decorated Christmas tree.
"Who wants to start first?"
Yuji raised his hand and rushed to the tree to grab a rectangular box wrapped in blue and silver swirling paper.
"Me! Here, Megumi!"
Your left eye twitched, your hands curling into fists as you huffed. "Itadori! It's supposed to be a secret Santa! You know what, never mind. Forget the secret Santa. Just give your gift to whoever! I don't care!"
Your guest laughed at you, and eventually, everyone just grabbed the gifts they brought and handed them to whoever it was meant for.
Gojo wrapped an arm around your waist on the couch and kept you close to his body. His present lay on the armrest of the chair as he waited to give it to who it was for.
Through all the stress you were feeling during the party, it was all worth it for this moment. Calming, comfortable.
The smiles that were displayed on everyone's faces made you feel that you succeeded in planning a great party and at least everyone had enjoyed themselves.
Lost in your thought, you didn't notice it was your turn until you felt your boyfriend's lips against your ear where he blew air in your eardrum.
You shook your head, pulling away and smacking the top of his head. He only laughed at you, releasing his hold on your body to grab a small box that was handed to him by Nobara.
He placed it on your lap softly and you could feel a small amount of weight from it. "You're the last one to give your gift." He told you.
Grinning, you shifted in your seat and found the frame of your best friend. "Kenny~! Come here; I've been dying to give this one to you!"
The blond gazed at you through his sunglasses before striding forward carefully, so he didn't step on anyone that sat on the floor.
"I'm surprised you made it until Christmas. You usually cave in and give it to me before the twenty-fifth." Nanami spoke with a light laugh at the end.
You beamed at him brightly. Proud that you actually gave it to him at the appropriate time. "Hush, hush. Now open your present, Kento."
The male took a seat on the couch next to you and ripped apart the wrapping paper in his thick fingers. It was just a brown box but when he opened it and slid out the contents of what was inside, an expensive-looking cologne now lay in the palm of his hand.
His small eyes widened, his gaze flying up to your face that still held a smile. "I thought they stopped producing this brand?" He asked in disbelief.
You dramatically waved your hand and leaned against Gojo's body. "Do you doubt me? You've known me for years, you should know that I have my ways."
Nanami rolled his eyes, laughing in his throat, that was joined by some of your other guests. "What about you? You're the only one who hasn't received a gift."
You glanced around, noticing everyone with their Christmas present. "Oh, it's alright." You stood up slowly and began collecting the rubbish that accumulated on your ground. "I think everyone just being here and having a good time is a good enough present for me."
"But (Y/n)," Yuji whined. "That's not fair to you!"
You flicked the younger boy's forehead before stepping out. "It's fine, silly. Besides, the Christmas present that I want is... well, it's rather impossible."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
The guest began to disperse, leaving one at a time as you started to clean. You collected all the dishes that were around your shared apartment and placed them in the sink.
"Bye, (Y/n)! We're gonna get going. Thanks for having us over!" The ginger-haired female spoke from the kitchen doorway before leaving.
You waved goodbye to her with a soapy gloved hand before returning back to your dishes. By the time you were about halfway done, your lovely boyfriend had made his way into the kitchen.
He threw away some drinks in a plastic bag, humming to himself quietly until he spoke up. "Everyone left, and I'm surprised we made it through a party without someone fighting." He mused
You couldn't help but laugh at his words and nod your head. "I know. Today...Today was rather eventful, to say the least."
Gojo stepped away from the trash can and made his way to your frame. His hands grasped your waist, holding it in a tight hold as he pressed his front against your backside.
"I'm curious."
"Of what?" You asked while placing a clean dish in the rack.
The Lila-haired male brushed his soft lips against the back of your neck while humming. "What your impossible Christmas present is."
You snickered, shaking your head lightly. "Not telling~."
"(Y/n)!" The male whined, with his hold growing firm. "Come on, pretty girl. Can't you tell me? I want to hear you say it."
Shaking your head while you finished the last dish, you turned off the sink and removed the rubbery gloves from your hands.
He groaned, hiding his face in the corner of your neck. "So stubborn."
"And you love it."
You could feel his chest vibrate as he laughed. With careful touches, he placed his lips against your soft skin and began placing ticklish smooches that had you giggling.
"Don't you want to have an amazing Christmas?" He sought.
"Of course." You shifted out of his hold so you could face him, your back pressing into the counter. "And I will with you just staying by my side."
Gojo's arms wrapped around your waist, and the feeling of his strong muscles pressing into your body had you sigh. "You know..." He started, leaning down and kissing your face.
Every inch of your face but your lips did he touch with his lips. "You are so adorable but also-" His hands dropped to your thighs, reaching dangerously close to your crotch. "-very alluring."
You shivered from his touch and leaned on the tips of your toes so your lips could connect. He smiled against your lips, grasping your bare bottom and lifting you up in the air.
"I should also add the best damn thing in my life."
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you watched the view of your kitchen disappear as he carried you away.
"Keep talking like that, Satoru, and I'm going to ask you to marry me."
He laughed aloud, his lips in a wide grin that made your own smile grow.
"Not before I put a baby in you first~!" He crooned, provoking you to pinch the back of his neck.
Carefully the male set you on the dining room table, the cool glass surface making goosebumps rise all over your skin.
"Oh, you're going to eat me out on the dining room table?" You sought, teasingly stroking your leg along the side of his frame.
Gojo released his hold on your body to remove his black blindfold. You quickly relished in the sight of his beautiful star-filled orbs.
"Isn't this the proper place to eat a meal?" He inquired.
Before you could reply, your boyfriend undid the straps of his blindfold and placed them over your eyes. Immediately you were surrounded by darkness, your other senses instantly heightening up.
"Blindfolding me?" You asked, grin so wide you were showing your teeth. "Am I hot with it on?"
His finger teasingly brushed against the tights that covered your cl*t. "So f*cking hot, pretty girl." He expressed breathlessly.
Skin began to feel feverish, and anticipation ran through your veins. Your lower region felt damp, and you were wet from his touch on your body.
Hands pushed your chest down, your bareback connecting with the cool glass table. Your legs were opened, your skirt piling up onto your stomach.
The tights by your crotch were gripped firmly before the sound of ripping fabric echoed in the room. Cool air brushed against your wet c*nt, and you could feel yourself clench over nothing.
"Hey, those were my favorite!"
Gojo didn't reply; instead, he gripped onto your thighs, and his hot breath was felt against your private area.
The palm of his hands felt much rougher than you remember, coarse along your smooth skin. He pressed into your thighs vigorously.
You could feel a slight tingling in your limb from how aggressive his hold was and shivered. His lips pressed against your thigh and something about it made your brows furrow.
Before you could think anymore about it you felt his fingers teasingly stroked around your exposed c*nt and refused to touch any of the more sensitive areas.
It made the nerves under your skin flare and sends jolts of bliss to your sensitive bud.
The tips of his calloused fingers just slightly grazed your cl*t before returning back to the skin around your slits.
Again his fingers trailed along the outside of your folds, not close enough to stimulate your bundle of nerves but close enough to tease you with extreme frustration.
And incredibly frustrated is what you became. You had your brows furrowing with displeasure and your legs pressing into his shoulders.
You panted audibly, taking a deep breath, and releasing it loudly with a bit of attitude. "Gojo, don't tease me~."
He listened for once, one of his thick fingers finally reached your folds, pressing right into your entrance. It quickly became coated in your liquids of arousal, and your walls clenched around the tips of his extremities.
More liquids started to secrete from the slight bit more stimulation. His wet fingers now circled your folds almost fondly but still teasingly, smearing the sticky liquids across your lower region.
Instead of a whimper or a huff, you had cried out loudly. An audible wail escaped your lips and reverberated within the dining room.
Your breathing started to become labored, chest rising and falling rapidly at an erratic pace. His fingers continued to press against your entrance slightly before pulling back and playing around with your slits.
The frustration you felt only grew as the male continued to tease you, giving you some sort of stimulation but not enough to please you.
"Are you playing with me because I didn't want want to f*ck during the party you asked?"
Instead of replying with words, you suddenly let out a choked gasp when two of his fingers were pushed into your body and pressed upwards against your bladder.
Your eyes widened underneath the blindfold and you so desperately wished you could look down upon your boyfriend's face.
You gripped the edged of the table, the glass pressing into the soft flesh of your fingers. Squeezing your legs against his body you could feel the strain in your lower limbs.
His fingers had stayed still for a moment, knuckle deep and slightly grazing against sensitive areas inside of your body.
Swallowing thickly, you tried to wiggle your hips in an attempt to get more stimulation. Your action caused the male to hum and press his thumb right up against your cl*t.
This drew a shaky breath from your chest as you squirmed with vexation. His finger pressing against those bundles of nerves was sending little jolts all up to your body and especially through the muscles of your abdomen.
Sweat began to drip off the back of your neck, dampening your hair and slicking your skin. You wanted to almost beg and plead for him to stop but you know Gojo.
And no matter how much you begged, if Gojo didn't want to stop, then he wouldn't. And the more you begged, the longer he would prolong his actions.
He was unfair but undeniably good at what he executed. It was from his h*e years before he met you and how well he knew your body from the four years you were together.
Suddenly, his mouth entrapped your cl*t as two of his fingers returned to probing your entrance in a vexing manner.
"A-Ah~." You hummed, your walls clenching down on emptiness.
Something felt different, his mouth wider and a slight coarseness next to his lips. His canine slightly grazed against your bud and even his teeth felt sharper.
He let the flat pad of his tongue lick at your throbbing cl*t, his fingers felt more of your natural lubrication seeping out of your entrance.
You couldn't help but suck in your abdomen and tighten your hold on the table. "S-Sh*t." The word came out breathlessly.
The male enveloped your cl*t with his mouth and began to suck harshly. He hollowed his cheeks while swirling his tongue around your sensitive region.
The pressure on those bundles of nerves had mewls leaving your lips and echoing all within your penthouse.
It was a good thing the music was still playing from the living room, it would at least muffle your cries and moans.
Your stomach rose and fell with every brief astute breath you bore. Unexpectedly he hummed, letting the vibrations stimulate the sensorial nerves.
It felt like a tingling sensation that was becoming almost too overwhelming. You swallowed whatever saliva was in your mouth strenuously, the muscles on your throat tight.
You were becoming lost in his endearing touch, your mind merely only focusing on his tongue. It was your body moving on its own, grinding harder against his mouth for more.
He gave your little cl*t a single last lick before his tongue dragged downwards across the rest of your c*nt. The action caused you to shudder and contract your stomach.
His warm tongue maneuvers around his fingers, flinching from the acute sensation. While you were distracted from his tongue, those two fingers that were at your entrance finally pushed in again.
A choked gasp echoed in the room as you arched your back, the sweaty skin gaining a bit of air to cool down. His fingers maintained their still position inside you, but that didn't stop your body from clenching down on his extremities.
His lips formed into a coy smile and you could feel it against your throbbing c*nt. You frowned and shoved the heel of your shoes into his back.
Lightly he pressed his teeth against your bud causing you to cry out and raise your hips. While he continued to lick and taste your private area, every once in a while his nose would brush up against your cl*t causing you to jolt in your spot.
Your juices were all over your thighs, staining your tights and dripping down your bottom.
Gojo pulled his tongue out only for a moment so he could kiss the slick, swallowing it with throaty gulps before returning back to your cl*t.
His plump lips left longing smooches that applied pressure and had your back arching farther than before.
Your boyfriend had you a f*cking mess. Sweaty, your skin coated in the salty liquid and dampening your clothes. Aroused, your p*ssy wetter than ever. Desperate, your legs pressing his muscular shoulders.
Once again his mouth was entrapping your bundle of nerves, howling his cheeks as he sucked again. The pressure had your lower body clench and your hips buck against his face.
Gojo's long nimble fingers began to move, pulling out causing you to clench down even more on his extremities. You didn't want to permit any of him to go at all, even if it was just his fingers.
And because of this, you were extra sensitive to whatever he was doing. Even if it was just him pushing the two digits back inside of you.
A shaky breathless moan left your lips that was soon followed by his name.
Gojo's fingers gradually worked to thrust at a consistent pace. It was slow at first, allowing for him to feel your clenching velvety walls and witness the way you ground your hips for more stimulation.
He pulled back to swallow the slick that amassed in his mouth before sucking in his cheeks again and swirling his tongue around your susceptible zone.
The pressure on those bundles of nerves had mewls leaving your lips and echoing all within the dining room.
Weakly you had lifted yourself with your elbows as the blindfold slipped down your slick face. You squinted from the sudden brightness, but once the blurriness went away, your breath became caught in your throat.
The hand that was grasping your thigh wasn't Gojo. The mouth on your cl*t wasn't your boyfriend.
It was Toji's.
Your ex's gaze flickered up to meet yours only for a moment before the blindfold was quickly placed over your eyes again.
"Uh uh, no peeking~!" Gojo's voice rang right next to your ear before kissing the corner of your lips.
Toji's finger pushed in deeply, brushing against sensitive areas that had the strength in your arms falter. You fell back against the table and reached forward to his hair.
A small part of you wanted to stop; this wasn't right. You weren't with the older Fushiguro male anymore. He wasn't your partner anymore.
But a larger part of you didn't want it to end. After all, it was a part of a dirty fantasy you kept hidden from everybody.
Grinding your hips against his face, you shuddered from your thoughts as the male relinquished his thirst with your juices.
All while, at the same time, he let the pace of his fingers increase and pressed harder against your sensitive areas.
There was this feeling in your lower abdomen; it was pulsating and slowly started to grow stronger, alerting you of your nearing climax.
A captivating release that would fill you with ecstasy and satisfy the burning desire that was ignited beneath your skin.
You were squeezing so tight around his fingers, and you were sure Toji knew that your body was approaching an org*sm.
His hand that had been holding your thigh dug tighter, his nails pressing into your skin that was so close to drawing blood.
It was too overwhelming how good Toji was doing. He always knew what to do, and you couldn't deny how good he was at it too. It was no wonder why it felt different when you were being eaten out.
The difference between how Gojo and Toji did it was astounding. They both were so good at it, but both of them also did it so differently.
There was an itch in your throat from the dryness of having constant moans leaving your lips. Your body burned with desire, and adrenaline flowed through your veins.
Your spine had a small divet in it, slightly arched and off the glass table. Toji breathed a deep breath to inhale the scent of your arousal and lowered himself back on your sensitive nerves.
He hummed, grazing your cl*t slightly with his teeth before resuming to sucking it. He knew you were close, so close.
You were trembling and grinding hard against his face. Your grip was tight on his hair and you were desperately begging for more.
Your hips bucked against his face, pressing harder into his familiar touch.
The feelings you were experiencing were indescribable. All you knew was that everything just felt so good but so overstimulated.
You knew you were getting to end, right the edge of the ridge where you'd fall into a pool of blinding pleasure.
And before you knew it your org*sm hit and flushed all through your body. Surging through your bloodstream and pounding your head with bliss.
"Toji..." His name spewed out of your mouth melodically, reverberating against your chest and the room.
Your stomach contracted, the abdominal muscles were tight from how much you sucked in your gut. You clenched as tightly as you could, squeezing his fingers so tightly you thought you might break them.
You felt as if you were going to draw blood if you grasped the table any harder than you already were.
With your spine arching from your climax, you lied your head back against the table with your swollen lips parted.
Pure satisfaction displayed on your face with your body trembling against him. It was an org*sm brought on by your ex, and it only made you feel filthier than usual.
Toji used his thumbs to spread open your slits so he could easily lap up the liquids of your climax. He savored the sweet taste and sticky texture against his tongue.
You were shaking against him, twitching from your oversensitivity. "F*ck." A curse left your lips breathless, still astounded at the event that just took place.
Before you even had a chance to breathe, toned arms picked your body up in a bridal manner and began to carry you away.
"You did really well, pretty girl." Gojo's voice rang in your ears.
"W-Where are you taking me?" You asked, voice slightly coarse from the dryness in your throat.
He didn't reply to your words, instead, he set you down on the familiar feeling of your living room rug. His hands gripped your wrist and place your hold on somebody's clothed thighs.
Your wrist was released only for another set of hands to grip your own and move your touch upwards. They stopped it once you reached his crotch, an obvious tent in their pants that even you could tell with no sight.
There was a small bit of guilt in your stomach, receiving actions from somebody who wasn't your boyfriend and performing actions on somebody who wasn't your current lover was filthy.
But it had always been a dirty fantasy you kept hidden away.
"Don't be afraid~." The arrogant male's voice rang in your ears. "You know you want to."
You hesitated, a bit of rational thinking filling your head but it was pushed away when a zipper ran through the air along with clothes shuffling.
Your hands were gasped again but this time, they were wrapped around something warm. You knew immediately what it was, the feeling of a c*ck recognizable, not to mention the manly musk that emanated from it.
The person you were touching obviously was not Gojo and definitely not Toji. Even after five years since you had been with the Fushiguro male, you still remembered how his d*ck felt.
How his girth was unbelievable, how fat thick veins protruded all along the skin of his shaft. How it curved ever so slightly at the top with his plump tip adding to the length of his member.
You didn't know who this was, but you had an idea.
Hesitantly you leaned forward, humming slightly before setting a smooch on the tip. It twitched in your hold and grew slightly harder.
The firmness is now more stone-hard, leaving you less afraid to squeeze at the base. Your tongue licked just below his tip.
You trailed the flat end of your tongue from the base of his shaft up to his head, following one of the thickest veins on his length.
Your saliva smeared across the surface and dripped onto your hand that clasped around his member at the bottom.
His body twitched, his breathing growing ragged while his body shifted almost uncomfortably. Soft, barely audible grunts left his lips and you could tell he was trying to hold himself back.
Who was he?
Your lips parted, widening as you engulfed his member within your mouth. "Mm~!" The moan was almost one of disbelief as if he couldn't believe how good you were at doing it.
You pushed him farther, letting him reach the back of your throat as you lowered yourself on him. The unknown male reached down towards your hair and entangled his hands in your locks.
His hips bucked upwards slightly, his knees squeezing your body that kneeled on the ground against the couch
Your tight throat wrapped around his member and he inhaled sharply. He twitched in your mouth, pushing farther that almost had you choking.
You looked up at him even though you were blindfolded, your cheeks hollowed and drool dribbling down the corner of your lips.
Pulling back until only the head of his c*ck lay on your tongue, you grazed your teeth like a feather touch over the sensitive tip.
His hips jerked upwards, his member being pushed back down into your throat. You gagged slightly, your throat constricting tightly for a moment until you pulled away to breathe.
You recognize that voice and froze.
He didn't respond to your question. His hands that were still entangled in your hair tugged you forward and pushed his member back into your mouth and down your throat.
Geto didn't want you to talk, he just want to face f*ck you at the moment. And you were down to participate.
You pulled upwards, removing his c*ck from your lips so you could spit on the flushed tip.
Your fingers wrapped around his slimy c*ck and began pumping, up and down. Warm hands, hot sticky saliva, all of it adding to the pleasure that was shooting through his veins.
Pre-c*m was leaking from his hole and you made sure to lean forward and lick at it, tasting the bitterness of his seed.
You wished you could see what his face looked like. Was his jaw tight, clenching tightly from the pleasure?
Were his eyes closed, the overwhelming sensation causing him to take a second to compose himself?
All of it was adding to the fantasy you've dreamed of, it was halfway completed but there was no way all of it could happen. Right?
Geto swallowed audibly, his breathing labored as you felt his legs twitched against your body. It only grew worse when you sucked harshly on the tip while pumping your hands across the wet surface of his shaft.
A high-pitched grinding could be heard and you knew it was from him grinding his teeth together.
Oh, you were doing great.
You could feel his d*ck throbbing in your hold and you knew it had to be painful how far his release was.
Geto's d*ck just throbbed in your mouth, aching for more of what you could provide. A man like him couldn't resist a warm throat around his c*ck, squeezing as more saliva drenched his flushed skin.
Deciding to give him what you wanted, you returned your mouth over his member, engulfing more of him as you rolled your tongue and sucked his length.
Your hands pumped along the shaft that was still out, untaken by your mouth.
"F*cK" The brunet hissed. Voice crackly as if his throat was dry and he needed a glass of water.
There were times when Geto used to tease you with words, implying that you could never leave a man speechless.
But you were sure now that the male was just eating his words.
Your cl*t throbbed from his moans and your sinful actions. A tingling arising in the pit of your stomach, an attraction to a stimulating org*sm developing again.
You hope there was more after this.
A hand traveled up Geto's stomach, caressing the firm abbs of his frame and you felt him suck in his stomach.
There was a possibility he was already going to c*m soon with his reaction and you would happily oblige bringing him to the edge with an overstimulating org*sm.
A bit of payback for guilt-tripping you in the kitchen earlier that night.
He grunted, his c*ck twitching in your grasp sending the sensation through all his veins. He was going to c*m the more you kept at it.
You could just feel how he was desperately aching to reach his high. A climax that only you could provide at the moment and have his legs shaking.
Your hands were pumping faster than before now that you knew is org*sm was so close. It was right there. Right there. Taunting him with the fact that he had yet to reach it.
And finally, after everything he attained his climax. His c*ck pulsated in your hold, his balls squeezing against your throat.
Warm spurts of his c*m sprayed from his tip down into your throat. You could feel the thick liquid gushing out, trailing down your constricting esophagus.
You couldn't breathe, he was just spilling so fast that you had to pull away and swallow everything with hefty gulps.
A few smaller, thinner strands shot across your cheek that dribbled down your jaw in such a lewd manner.
Your breathing was erratic, your jaw aching from sucking Geto's c*ck like there was no tomorrow. Once those familiar warm hands wrapped around your biceps and pulled you upwards so your legs could wrap around their hips, you knew there was more to come.
"I always told him you sucked like a vixen." Gojo joked, hands stroking your bare bottom softly as he continued migrating you to a different area of the penthouse.
You let out a satisfied sigh, gripping his shirt securely. "And how does he look?" You asked, voice coarse.
He hummed while setting your body on a cold surface. You wondered where you were until the buzzing of the refrigerator alerted that you were in the kitchen, on the counter.
"Like you sucked the soul out of him."
A laugh reverberated from your lips as you felt Gojo's touch slowly release your body. "If only I did."
You felt him kiss your forehead, readjusting the straps to the blindfold before his footsteps fell distant. A set of new hands now traced along your thighs, stroking your skin before lightly trailing up your chest.
This person's lips met your neck, licking, sucking, drawing pressure on your skin that had you clenching your knees around his hips.
Barely audible mewls could be heard, your throat already raw from everything that had taken place. You breathed in deeply, attempting to fill your lungs with air but all you did was fill it with expensive cologne.
And you knew that cologne like you knew the back of your hand.
His name was an asthmatic hymn that you knew had a noticeable reaction on his body. The hands grasping your thighs grew firmer, his breathing heavier against your neck.
"How long has it been since you heard me call your name like that?" You asked, feeling the corner of his lips tug into a grin against your skin.
The blond's hands rose to your shirt, skillfully unbuttoning your attire so he could see your breast cupped in a strapless bra.
"Five years and five years since my lips touched your skin like this."
His hands fumbled slightly with the hinges of your bra before it was removed and thrown somewhere. Your breast was now free, no longer hidden behind the undergarment, and now vulnerable to any contact.
They were already perky, hard from all the overstimulation and your anticipation. It was all playing out like a dream and you were going to enjoy it.
One of his hands rose to your face, wiping clean the c*m that hardened on your skin. "He made you a mess." He mumbled.
"Don't I always look like one?" You responded with a question that had him chuckle against your body.
"No." His voice rattled through your bones. "You always look absolutely ravishing, my darling."
Nanami's lips were back on your neck. He kissed your skin tenderly while rubbing his calloused fingers along your stomach and the curves of your waist.
He formed mildly dark, purplish bites that covered your once-clear neck. The stinging pain was a tingling sensation that had you humming in delight.
His name once again left your lips in a breathless tone that was alluding to a desperate hunger for the male. And it was like fuel to a fire.
His tender intimate sucking and kissing gradually grew to the valley of your breast. Those large hands of his left your sides only to grasp your breast.
"H-Hng!" A surprised mewl fled your lips, not expecting him to do such a thing. He grasped them firmly, pressing his fingers into the soft flesh that he felt years ago.
You inhaled deeply, clenching your legs around Nanami's body as his warm mouth entrapped your acute buds. "T-that feels good, Kento." You whispered under your breath but the male still heard.
He circled your erect n*pple with his soft tongue, sucking on it like a babe that was absolutely ravenous. Nanami was eagerly devouring you like a gluttonous man, like something he desired to eat more than anything in the world.
The male's teeth grazed over your nipples as he began to massage and mold your left breast in his hand. His action caused you to buck your hip and quiver in front of him.
His thumb skimmed over your nipple before he gave it a firm squeeze.
"H-Ha~!" You whined softly, one of your hands flying to cover your mouth.
Nanami hummed to himself as he kissed your n*pple softly. He leaned down, placing his face in between your breast while his hold on your bust grew tighter.
He sucked on your body again, bruising the skin as he pressed your mounds against his face.
They were so warm, so soft yet firm. He was enjoying it; you could tell by his almost playful manner and grin on his lips.
One of his hands inched down to your crotch before slithering his fingers between your slits. He could feel the hot slick liquid and casually ran his fingers along your c*nt before caressing your little cl*t.
His mouth entrapped your other n*pple, sucking on it passionately. Your back arched, legs squeezing his hips with your nails digging into his shoulders.
You were clenching over nothing, body desperate for anything more, for everything more.
The man laid a tender wet smooch in the valley of your breast, his hot breath fanning against your cold skin yielding goosebumps to arise over your skin.
A curse rang from beneath your breath with your nails digging into his flesh, creating temporary blemishes in his muscles.
To your surprise, his hands grasped your hips tugging your body off of the counter and placing your slick c*nt against one of his thick thighs.
Your hands flung behind you to press into the surface, heart racing slightly from the swift movement. He brought his lips to your ear, his heavy breathing tickling your labyrinth.
"You've already been eaten out and fingered so this time-" He chuckled in his throat, and you could feel the vibration against your bare chest. "-You can get off on these thighs you used to praise."
And your cl*t throbbed.
His grip was secure, holding up your body weight so there wasn't any fear of falling. You gave his thick thigh an experimental grind and sucked in a breath.
The pressure of his muscle pressing in between your legs, rubbing right up against your soaked c*nt had you quivering.
Your body was so sensitive from all the touching, all the attention that you could already feel that tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach.
You jerked your hips upwards, letting your body weight bring you down on his cold slick pants and rubbing along your pulsating cl*t.
Incoherent words trickled out of your mouth and into the kitchen. His slacks were feeling soaked from your slick that was secreted from your arousal.
Nanami's lips left longing smooches along your throat, his breathing ragged in your ear that matched your own.
"Don't hold yourself back, darling." He crooned. "We're all here for your own delight."
He didn't need to tell you twice.
The feelings in your abdomen were indescribable. All you knew was that everything just felt so good but so overstimulating.
Your org*sm hit and flushed all through your body. Surging through your bloodstream and pounding your head with bliss.
Your stomach contracted, the abdominal muscles were tight from how much you sucked in your gut. You clenched as tightly as you could, squeezing over nothing as your cl*t pulsated.
His grip grew tighter on your hips, your nails digging into the counter and scraping against the surface.
Your own thighs squeezed his, all your muscles flexing from your org*sm.
With your spine arching from your climax, you rest your head against his chest with your swollen lips parted.
You were sure pure pleasure was displaying across your face with your body trembling against Nanami.
The blond was whispering praises in your ear, quiet, private so only you could hear.
Your body was shaking against him, twitching from your oversensitivity. Your eyes started to hurt from the tight-binding around your head, fatigue taking over all your limbs leaving you limp and quite feeble.
His hands trailed down to your thighs where he heaved your body up, laying your head on his shoulder and beginning to step out of the kitchen.
"There's m-more?" You could barely even ask out from your exhaustion. Gojo's chuckle rang through the air, growing louder as you neared his frame.
With careful movements, your best friend set you down carefully on someone's lap in the living room of your penthouse. The familiar touch already wrapping around your thighs and shifting your body forward slightly.
Gojo's clothes could be heard shuffling, his zipper ringing through the air as he hummed without a care in the world.
"Everyone else got their private time with you." He stated, lifting your body up so your back could lay against his chest, his hardened c*ck pressing along your slickened folds. "It's my turn, but I hope you don't mind the others watching this time."
You opened your mouth to respond, but the man beneath you decided to speak again, his tone playful and almost mocking.
"Of course you wouldn't! This is your impossible Christmas wish, after all."
Your mouth felt dry, throat parched from his words. You gripped onto his leg, nails digging into his flesh.
Gojo's c*ck twitched against your c*nt. "What? You thought I didn't know?"
He placed a kiss along your jawline, his breath fanning your face as you stared into darkness under the blindfold.
"Come on, (Y/n). You underestimate me." The Lila-haired male grasped your thighs, raising it in the air and revealing your c*nt to the other men in the room. "I know everything about you and everything you want. And I did say I wanted to give you the most amazing Christmas too."
Slick was being secreted from your c*nt, coating his c*ck with some of it dripping down his balls. A content sigh left his lips, his hips slowly grinding upwards so he could rub his member along your lower region.
"I said they could do whatever they wanted but-" He raised your body his tip probing your entrance only for a few seconds before he lowered you down.
Your head was thrown back, mouth wide open with a choked gasping echoing into the room. As you sank down, your inner walls tightened, clenching and attempting to mold around his familiar member.
"-Only I can have my d*ck in this tight wet p*ssy."
There were words you wanted to say but the ability to speak felt as if it required too much strength. Sweat slicked your skin and dampened your open long-sleeve and short skirt.
Hair stuck to the back of your neck and the sides of your face, your nails hurt from the pressure of driving it into his skin.
Air was knocked out of your lungs while your boyfriend drove himself as far as he could until he was met with what he could only assume was the entrance to your womb.
Already panting Gojo's grip on your leg grew tighter as he pushed your legs farther open so everyone could see.
Your entire body was visibly quivering; the sensitivity from your two org*sm before was clearly having an effect on you.
Warm velvety walls surrounded his c*ck, tensing as the thick veins along his shaft pressed against tender spots inside of your body.
They molded around him, sucking him farther inside even though he was already so far in. Once again incoherent mumbling was leaving your lips as well as ragged breathing.
Your mouth felt dry, your mind blanking, and the heat of your body increased. You couldn't but feel a little dizzy from it all.
Noise, like skin slapping skin, could be heard, wet squelches that resonated loudly. Barely audible sounded over the bluster of the music.
But you knew what was happening. They were jacking off to your body getting f*cked by your boyfriend. How sinfully lewd and filthy it was.
You couldn't deny how it was also incredibly hot.
After a moment of relishing in your warmth, feeling your body tighten from how much you were enjoying the attention, Gojo lifted your body upwards while rolling his hips.
His c*ck plunged back inside where it belonged and kissed your cervix. A cry echoed out, drool dribbling down the corner of your lips in such a filthy manner.
You clenched down securely, the little butterflies that were felt dancing around in your tummy intensified.
"My pretty girl~." He sang in your ear. "You're tighter than usual. You like being watched, huh?"
Your teeth were grinding against each other, refusing to respond to dirty words. He was right, and you hated how he knew, how they all knew it.
His hips jerked as he quickly gained momentum and rolled his hips continuously. Gojo was acting more primal, almost overjoyed as he lost himself inside of you.
The male continued his upward movements of thrusting into you, he was using every muscle of his body to penetrate you deeply and ripple pleasure through your veins.
He was being clenched down by your inner walls, sucking him in even deeper. The head of his c*ck continues to kiss at the entrance to your womb.
The thick veins along his shaft brushed against every sensitive spot, sending jolts and tingles all through your abdomen up to your brain.
Your core that was gripping down on his member fitted tighter around him, allowing you to feel and memorize the shape of him.
You molded so tightly around him as if your body was trying to keep him inside as much as possible. It didn't help that your arousal from being watched had you holding onto him with an almost death grip.
The pace of his delightfully rocking hips grew, his grip on your legs so tight he was close to drawing blood. He pounded your body down onto him to meet his thrust and it had you an absolute mess.
Incoherent words, mumblings, and wails of overstimulation from your mouth were more music than the radio in the living room.
The other men's self-pleasuring noises also grew louder, and more audible. Briefly, you could hear your name falling from their lips.
Toji's voice, Geto's voice, Nanami's voice, and Gojo's right in your ear. All either calling out your name in a desperate plea, as if you were a goddess that they were worshipping or groaning and grunting.
And at the idea, you couldn't help but climax. Your body was writhing, stomach and muscles flexing as you choked out a cry.
A third org*sm raked through your body, and the male couldn't believe how much tighter you could squeeze down on him as you came.
The liquids of your org*sm milked his c*ck, the presence of it being seen on his member every time he had pulled out. The three other men could see how your c*m dripped down your bottom and covered his crotch.
You reached the very peak of your ecstasy as it burst and spread all throughout your body. Delight and satisfaction coursed throughout your veins as adrenaline would.
You saw a luminous glow behind your closed eyelids with your hearing suddenly zoning in and out, the only thing you could catch was the Lila-haired male's muffled grunts and groans in your ears.
He was hitting the deepest areas of your body while the heat of his skin wafted off onto yours. His large hands held you so tight as he did all the work.
The creamy white liquid of your org*sm pooled around the base of his c*ck and spread across your folds that were already sopping wet.
As he continued to thrust sloppily, the liquids of your arousal and climax smeared all over his clothes and trickled down your thighs.
Gojo's breathing was heavier, his little grunts growing a few octaves deeper as he let it all out in your ear.
His body was tense against yours, almost trembling and you knew he was close to letting himself go. The others must have been close to, their sounds of pleasure growing noisier.
"So, my pretty girl!"
Your body quivered, mouth parted with ragged breathing exhaling from your lungs.
"The boys are gonna c*m soon. Tell them exactly where you want them to c*m. Where you've been dreaming about it."
You swallowed the saliva in your mouth to satisfy the itch in the back of your throat.
"On me." The words were faint from your weariness.
Gojo slammed your body harshly down so the tip of his member could hit the deepest parts of your insides harshly.
"Louder!" He bellowed.
You hissed out from the slight thumping pain that infused with the throbbing delight in your veins.
"On me, please!" Your voice was slightly high-pitched. 
Right after you spewed those words, the arrogant male lifted your body completely off of his throbbing c*ck and laid your back flat against the coffee table.
He wasted no time plunging back in, hands tightly gripping your hips, your ankles hooking around his back with the squelching noises of the other males nearing closer to your body.
And not even a moment later did your boyfriend suddenly feel that unbearably tight tingling sensation in his abdomen, signifying he reached the peak of his org*sm.
Ecstacy flowed through his veins as his member twitched within your walls.
Warm spurts of his c*m sprayed from his tip into your womb that amassed all of it greedily. They were thick, painting your insides white with his slow lascivious thrust.
Your belly felt full, heavy even as the comforting feeling drove through every nerve in your body and numbed your brain.
He continued to roll his member inside, making sure every last drop was drained from his firm balls before finally, he allowed himself to still and plug his seed.
The sensation of his release spilling into you felt ever so warm, like a heating pad atop your abdomen where your womb was.
The men spewed your names as they too reached their climax and you could feel it. Every thick hot strand of c*m shot across your skin.
You could feel it all, coating your chest, stomach, thighs, and face in a hot murky white seed. The blindfold around your eyes had also been covered in whoever's c*m it was.
A smile must have been drawn on your lips, completely and utterly satisfied by a dream you never believed could come true.
Suddenly a heavy appendage was set on your face, your tongue instinctively darted out to lick it. Easily you recognized it as your ex-boyfriend.
"Merry Christmas, (Y/n)." They all sounded, fatigue evident in their tones.
Swallowing the saliva in your mouth, you removed the soiled blindfold, finally viewing all of their flushed expressions.
"Merry Christmas indeed."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧
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꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚 signing out
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cyancherub · 2 years
megumi tells toji he needs a laptop for school and toji tries to steal a chromebook off the walmart display shelf but it doesnt work so he makes megumi go to the apple store every day after school to do his homework on their display laptops
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 1 year
A Promised Princess
pairing: toji fushiguro x f!reader (x gojo satoru)
synopsis: after a knowing one another for two years, toji fushiguro (known as toji zenin in this case), must leave for war in the east. a rebel known as ryomen sukuna, plans to terrorize and eliminate the clans that make up the 4 wings (gojo’s, zenin’s, kamos, and the hirata). upon leaving for war, you promise something any powerful man, even the most vengeful of men, would kill for.
a/n: okay hear me out- yes, this is somewhat written in 3rd pov, but I also want to make note that the historical accuracies and etiquette between japanese/anglo-europe will be very mixed. so if this bothers you, you have been warned. I was just dying to write something like this. please let me know in the comments if you would like to be in the tag list if I ever make a part two (which seems probable).
tags: kingdom au, mentions of war, secret romance, indirect mentions of virginity, and established romance
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The carriage rolls around the block twice. No hesitation from the driver, as he exclusively follows his master’s orders: do not stop until the candlelight on the third floor is off.
A young woman, no older than 19, rushes through the gardens into the woods. Her cloak follows her movements with grace so as to not cause commotion and her breathing is but a hitch.
“I came as fast as I could,” he tells her.
“And I read your letter.” Answers she, “What was so urgent you needed to discuss with me at this hour?”
Prince Toji Fushiguro, 21, future heir to the Zenin throne stops in his tracks. His hands, which were on top her shoulders fall to her sides, a formality of which the two of them dropped several months into knowing one another.
He tries to think of something that will relieve the weight on his heart. Her lips, soft as flower buds from her garden, or her hair, as angelic that it frames her face; Toji finds refuge in her eyes.
“A war suddenly erupted in the east.” He says, the script that he had received earlier that morning engraved into his memory, “300 casualties have occurred since, and we worry there may be more.”
He had told her days prior of a rebel named Ryomen Sukuna who had gathered support from locals in a short amount of time. He criticized the regions, the regime, and their incompetence towards the common folk. Something Toji didn’t take lightly.
If he keeps up at this pace, he told her, bodies snug around one another under an oak tree, he could disrupt several cities, trading ports, and harm civilians.
“So you’re leaving.”
“Only for a short time,” he promises, hands wrapped securely around her own before he places a kiss to them. Within the two years of knowing one another, who would have thought that the son of a Zenin could hold so much consideration, devotion to their counterpart.
“If everything goes as planned, I’ll be back in 6 month’s time.”
“Still,” she frowns, “6 months is too long.”
“better that than never.” He closes off the distance between them. “Promise me one thing.” he asks.
“Promise me that you’ll wait for me,” he whispers against the crown of her head, “that when I return, I will become yours, and you mine.”
“I promise.” she replies.
“Promise me that no man will stand between us. That you will vow your loyalty, your honor to me and only me.”
She holds his hand tighter against her chest. “It’s always been you, Toji.”
Satisfied, the heir to the Zenin clan seals their promise in a deep, prolonged kiss. Hungry, needy, and already missing one another, both pairs of hands run through one another before both clans leave their respective routes.
hopeful for the future.
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crybaby-bkg · 2 months
I have done. the last three weeks of my homework in the past two days save for two papers. and I am so. tired. and so frustrated bc I am bursting at the seams with ideas but I just feel so drained that all I wanna do is just lay down!!!! also pmsing which doesn’t help with exhaustion levels ☹️☹️☹️☹️
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satorusdiary · 1 year
i made a wattpad fic td, you should read it bc there’s gonna b hella smut in the future + it’s a toji fic🥰
toji fic
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runabout-river · 11 months
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You know what I can't believe? They literally gave Toji the ass-and-tits pose.
Comic book artists are crying their eyes out right now 😭
#tojistits #tojisass #femaleempowerment
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planetmaven · 11 days
hi guys i would love if you sent me short fics/oneshots to write, I'm trying to get out of writers block 😔
i feel most comfortable writing for red queen characters, any sjm series character (acotar, tog, cc) jjk, and maybe aot rn
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inazuman · 21 days
i cannot wait for the day narumi gen is animated
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