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periwinklemoonlight · 4 years ago
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tog ship week day 1: affection (wangnan + viole)
a little messier than my usual stuff
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iarrelm · 4 years ago
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ToG Ship Week Day 6 - Date
Khunbam having a relaxing movie date:
Khun: (falls asleep)
Bam: 💕💖💕💖💗💓💞💓💓💗💞💖💕💖💗💞
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meliohy · 4 years ago
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Tog ship week day 6: Date/Embrace
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togshipweek · 5 years ago
Here’s the winning prompts:
Day 1. Confession/ Affection
Day 2. Promise/ Forgiveness
Day 3. Fantasy/ Modern AU
Day 4. Free Day/ Cooking
Day 5. Desire/ Firsts
Day 6. Date/ Embrace
Day 7. Dreams/Falling
We hope y’all have fun!
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pehstrie · 4 years ago
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ToG Ship Week Day 1- Confession
“Viole wait!!” ~Wangnan probably
This was originally planned in panels of like a mini comic thing, but err, that didn’t exactly turn out, I’m not quite used to the art of comic making yet, but I’ll probably still try and finish it later this week for practice and all!! ^^
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scenariosbutmakeitgay · 4 years ago
Cooking [Evankhell x Hansung]
genre: crack
summary: Evankhell wanted to bake some cookies, but with her cooking abilities, and Hansung’s endless complaints, there was only one thing certain - it was going to be an absolute disaster.
“It's not a good idea,” Hansung stated calmly as he saw Evankhell approaching the oven.
Her eyes were fixated on the weird substance she held in a bowl in her hands. “Cookies”, as she called it.
Evankhell furrowed her eyebrows, and mumbled. “So I can either bake it at 400 degrees for ten minutes, or 4000 degrees for one minute, right?” The color drained from Hansung's face upon hearing her words.
“Absolutely not!” During the last week Evankhell managed to burn down at least two kitchens while attempting to cook, and Hansung didn't feel like covering the expenses of another disaster. “Can't you follow the recipe for once? It exists for a reason.”
She turned her head to look at the man standing a few feet away from her, sipping a cup of instant coffee. Hansung wasn't too thrilled about Evankhell's new obsession with baking, but he couldn't stop her either.
“Following recipes is for losers, look!” she pointed at a piece of paper that included the proper temperature needed to bake the cookies. “It says to use 400 degrees for ten minutes, but what if I used my flames instead? It would be, like, 4,000,000 degrees for a minute. Way quicker, and my cookies will taste much better than that instant coffee of yours.”
Hansung almost spat his drink. First of all, how dare she insult his coffee? And second of all, he hoped she was joking.
“You can't be serious, can you?”
“Of course I'm serious.” Evankhell grinned as she found a baking sheet inside one of the cupboards. She poured the substance on it in small portions, so the liquid would start to resemble the shape of cookies. “It already looks delicious.”
The “cookies” had a lumpy texture, and if Hansung saw them for the first time, he'd think that someone mixed some dirt with water, and decided to call it a day. There was only one situation when refering to Evankhell's cooking as “food” was appropriate. It happened when you added “poisoning” after the term.
“I wouldn't put that anywhere near the oven if I were you,” Hansung advised her. “Your cookies look like a biological weapon.”
Evankhell gave him an amused look. “Funny, cause you're gonna be the one tasting them first.”
“No way!” he protested. Eating something made by Evankhell was equal with willingly drinking bleach. The only difference was that bleach wouldn't taste as bland.
Before Hansung could even notice, she put the baking sheet in the oven. The smell coming from it was horrendous. Hansung coughed, and quickly rushed to open the window.
“What the hell did you put in there?!”
She shrugged, and watched as the substance in the oven started poppling, and leaving a weird-colored foam. “It's boriiiing...” she yawned. “Let's speed it up!” A wild flame formed in Evankhell's palm, and it quickly found the way to embrace the baking cookies in its warmth. Hansung froze in  bewilderment.
“Turn the oven off right now!” he shouted, but to no avail. Evankhell was in her element, and she couldn't stop now. The blond hurried to close his distance with the oven to prevent another catastrophy from happening. He pushed Evankhell aside, and quickly turned it off.
“That's it, I'm done!” he stated loudly while wiping off sweat from his forehead. The room was too hot, Evankhell was insane, and he wanted to have nothing to do with her horrendous baking skills.
She didn't pay much attention to his complainings. “You're no fun.” Evankhell opened the oven, and grabbed one of the cookies. With bare hands. She didn't even flinch. She turned to face Hansung with an unsettling smile. He knew what was about to happen. “Come here, little shit!”
Hansung swore he has never run for his life as fast as he had to now. Unfortunately, she caught up quickly. Hansung muttered his prayers as Evankhell forced a cookie into his mouth. Was this the way he's going to die? He knew he should have written down his last will earlier. Hansung chewed on the monstrosity in his mouth, and suddenly his eyes widened. “It's... eatable?”
Evankhell grinned with a look of victory on her face. “Told ya!”
“It still tastes a little off. Once again, what did you put in there?”
She looked at the ingredients she used, and froze. “Oh...” A look of realization showed in her eyes. “Do you remember when I tried to use baking soda to whiten some of my clothes?” A few days ago Evankhell found some stupid lifehacks ideas, and developed an obsession with testing everything out.
Hansung nodded, not sure what it had to do with anything.
She averted her gaze, and looked at the ceiling. “Turns out the packages of baking soda and laundry detergent look quite similar. And there's quite a chance I mistook those two for each other when baking.”
Hansung spat out the cookie, and began coughing to get rid of it all. “I fucking told you you're making a bio weapon!”
“Hey, at least I have some hobby other than complaining and bullying kids!”
“Poisoning people is now considered a hobby?!”
Evankhell huffed. Hansung was getting on her nerves. “You know what? I have an idea.”
He didn't like it. Evankhell's ideas usually ended up tragically. “I'm all ears,” he said with voice full of irony.
“Why don't we give our regulars those cookies? To train their immunity or some shit like this.”
Hansung smirked. Maybe not all of Evankhell's ideas were that terrible. “Now we're on the same page.”
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noriatrr · 4 years ago
ToG ship week
Day 2. Promise/Forgiveness (ft. Khellsung)
Day 3. Fantasy AU (ft. UrekGaram)
Day 4. Free day/Cooking (ft. VioleHwaryun)
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5shadn · 4 years ago
I love those two so much si I just thought of a sketch for siu coming back and tog ship week 🥺💗💗
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#Tog #TowerOfGod #Kaminotou #bamdorssi #bamdorsi #bam25 #andorssi #andorsi #endorsi #togshipweek2020
#siu #date
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iarrelm · 4 years ago
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ToG Ship Week Day 5 - Firsts 
Viole, having his first crush ever: ??? what’s happening to my heart am I dying???
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iarrelm · 4 years ago
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ToG Ship Week Day 7 - Dreams
Rachel has always dreamed about seeing the stars. Except, until recently, she never dreamed of anyone being right there next to her as she looked at them.
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togshipweek · 5 years ago
ToG Ship Week 2020
Welcome to ToG Ship Week! This week is a challenge for artists and writers to create works based on a different ship in Tower of God every day from October 4th to the 10th. They can be any ships you like, but you can only do each one once! Every day there will be two different prompts to choose from, so look out for a poll where you can help us decide which prompts we will use.
We hope you’ll join in on the fun!
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iarrelm · 4 years ago
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ToG Ship Week Day 2 - Promise
Pinky Promises 💕
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togshipweek · 5 years ago
ToG Ship Week Prompt Poll
Here is the poll where you can pick your favorite prompts to be included in ship week. Please choose fourteen!
Responses will be accepted until August 18th.
Thank you all for participating and sharing! We hope this will be a great time for everyone! :D
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iarrelm · 4 years ago
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ToG Ship Week Day 1 - Confession
Anyway this is probably set in like a modern high school AU because, I’ll be honest, this is just an excuse for me to draw shoujo manga panels lol.
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togshipweek · 5 years ago
ToG Ship Week Rules
This week is a challenge so you must have a different ship for each day!
No ships that include incest or pedophilia are allowed. If you break this rule you will be banned from the event.
Please properly tag your posts so the mods can find your works! Use #togshipweek2020 and the corresponding days (ie #day 1) on Tumblr and the tag togshipweek2020 for AO3.
NSFW and potentially triggering content must be properly tagged (ie #nsfw, #tw death, etc.).
No hate will be tolerated. Any behavior such as bullying, flaming, and harassment will result in being banned from the event.
Do not repost other peoples’ works. All your submissions must be your own content.
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scenariosbutmakeitgay · 4 years ago
Desire [White x Bam]
day 5, and here’s my disastrous god pining for bam
genre: NSFW-ish? it’s suggestive at the end at least
trigger warnings: the fact that it includes White should really say it?? he’s getting quite forceful with Bam at the end, so please don’t read if this makes you uncomfortable; also there’s some mentions of violence
summary: White doesn’t like how weak Viole is, so he decides to show him what it means to be a god.
Every single sin in the Tower started the same way – with an innocent look of pure curiosity. Well, almost innocent in this case. White wasn't foreign with the concept of irregulars, and he knew how powerful they could be. He usually didn't think too much when meeting such individuals. White liked putting people into boxes. The first one was titled “potential preys”, and the second one didn't really have a name. It existed only because not everyone fit into the previous one. After all, a true god needed some kind of selection to decide who is worthy of being cut with his blade.
White met Jue Viole Grace on the Hell Express, and the first thing he felt was curiosity with a bit of unease. What was different about him? Maybe the fact how plain he looked? Jue Viole Grace, or Bam as some called him, wasn't the first person that you thought of when thinking “strong”. Quite the opposite. At first, he appeared to be just another D-rank regular. Not particularly outstanding one to be precise. White didn't like his eyes, though. They were odd. The Tower was supposed to taint even the most innocent souls that tried to climb it, but White couldn't find a single sign of poison in Viole's golden orbs. They were filled with a childlike determination. White had met people like this before. They're always led by a desire to change the world, and lose all their hopes after a minor inconvenience. They never realize how pathetic their human lives truly are. White was above selflessness. Gods had to be selfish, otherwise they won't be able to achieve more than mere mortals. Because we all start as innocent. And White strongly believed that the only way to destroy one's biggest weakness was to embrace your own corruption.
“I'll taint you, Slayer nominee,” he promised. “If you want to be a god, you'll have to become a demon first.”
The second time when White met Viole was during their battle. The boy looked different, and his aura made White sick. He wanted to fight for both his friends, and enemies. Even though they were in the middle of a slaughter, his gaze held an internal peace within it. Viole's eyes looked as if there was a piece of his soul in every drop of blood spilled throughout the Tower's history. He fought not to win, but to find his very own self in the battle. And that was the reason why White lost. The people who once worshiped his godhood out of fear, left him when a kinder ruler came. They rebelled against a superior being, and White wanted to make sure they'll face the consequences.
“I think you misunderstood me. I've never had any desire to become a god,” Viole stated calmly.
“All I care about is protecting what's dear to me. If the only path leading to it is abandoning my humanity, then I'll create a different one.”
The Slayer nominee's innocence was both repulsive, and alluring. White couldn't take his eyes off him. The more he observed Viole, the more a disdainful voice in his head tried to whisper that swordsman's interest wasn't limited only to disgust. A pair of dark eyes watched Viole silently, hiding in the shadows. Such a tasty meal he'd make, wouldn't he? FUG's new toy, Jue Viole Grace, was indeed an interesting individual.
White licked his lips as he approached the boy. “Aren't you curious about it all, Slayer nominee?”
Bam blinked in surprise, not sure where the man came from.
“I don't think I understand what you're refering to,” he replied.
The Slayer lifted Bam's chin up to meet his eyes. He was a little too close for Viole's comfort.
“Don't you wonder what would become of you if you abandoned your weaknesses?” White grinned at the idea. Tainting his Slayer candidate seemed tempting, just like a forbidden fruit that he wanted to eat so badly. “Wouldn't it be much more divine, Viole? Your whole being corrupted with pure power that no one else could even dream of.”
Bam shuddered at the sound of his name. It felt dirty when it fell from his lips, so dirty.
“Don't touch me,” he hissed through clenched teeth. “We'll never be the same.”
White chuckled at his little plaything's rejection. He didn't obey his wish, though. White liked it when his prey fought back.
“Aren't we already similar, Slayer nominee?”
Bam's eyes widened in shock, but he immediately shook his head. The swordsman smirked as he saw that Viole let his guard down. Before Bam could even notice, he was pinned to the wall with a pale hand that now held him by the throat.
“You're denying your true nature, Viole.” White seemed pleased with the picture appearing in front of his eyes. The brunet desperately tried to breathe, and his face covered itself in a mix of various hues of red. How vulnerable.
White lightly loosened his grip to prevent his pretty prey from suffocating. He placed his free hand on Viole's hip, though, to remain the restraint of his movements.
Bam gasped, glad he could finally breathe again. “We're nothing alike!” Fury slowly started to consume his golden eyes. “You've murdered innocent people for your own pleasure, what kind of god does that?!”
“The unblemished one.” A quiet chuckle left White's lips once again. He closed the distance between him and Bam, nibbling his earlobe. “The perfect one, little Slayer. The one that didn't allow the corruption of innocence reach their godhood.” His voice was breathy and low, almost incoherent. “I'll show you how to become a god, Viole. Don't you need more power to protect that pathetic friends of yours?”
“They are not pathetic,” Bam disagreed instantly.
“But they still need to rely on you to stay alive.”
Bam gulped nervously. He's right.
“...what would I need to do?” Bam wasn't sure if asking White for help was a good idea. Didn't he want to eat his soul? But, for now, doing it was the best possible way to get stronger.
A mischievous grin appeared on the Slayer's face. “Oh, nothing much. Just be obedient with me,” his hand suddenly moved from Viole's hip, stroking his thigh. “And surrender to your instinct's desires. We'll have some fun, little one.”
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