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hhoneycloves · 2 months ago
CH-CH-CH-CHONNY JASH??? A-AND AMONG US?????? <- tweaking out silly style
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Hey guys. Is that fucking among us
(it's Heart!)
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tenmatsukasa-wxs-official · 11 months ago
rhey all togethersies are like. if W x S was tiny little!!
shiny bug = you cause star goes sparkle sparkeleee. ladybird Emu cause. cute. butterfly Nene. caterpillar Rui cause. long = tallll idk
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bigfreakinfrog · 1 year ago
i dont say this enough but if you ever wanna be insane abt elias/jonelias in my dms like please. do it. or join my jonelias server (if youre scared of me, people have said im intimidating?). we can be insane togethersies <3
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ritsmew-sakunya · 1 year ago
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corycasale · 5 years ago
Well done FDNY... 🔥 #TogetherSI: First responders gathered outside Richmond University Medical Center in West Brighton on Friday night to applaud the hospital staff working during the coronavirus outbreak. 👏👏👏 Story and photos on SILive.com. (🎥: Paul Liotta) #fdny #stayinstaysafe #clapbecausewecare #statenisland #siny #statenislandny #coronavirus #covid19 #covid_19 #coronavirusoutbreak #outbreak #covid19outbreak #pandemic #coronavirusnyc https://www.instagram.com/p/B-kHeC1Av7t/?igshid=1859tv9mj9scz
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poisxnyouth · 6 years ago
neighbors. chapter three. (d.d)
A/N: Okay so hi!!! This is part 3. Not much to say about it except I hope you like it and my inbox is always open for criticism. love u thank u queenies lmk what u think xoxo -hailey (ps thank you to @alrightinbed-betterwithapen for always proofreading my shit I love u bitch)
Warnings: liiiiggghhhtttt smut, cursing, that’s about it?
WC: 3.1k!
Natalie is the one who opens the door, searching you and David’s eyes for any idea of how well the date went. His hand finds the small of your back, gently leading you inside for a quick second before removing it. It was small and quick, but enough to catch Natalie’s eyes and tell her it went better than he had planned it to. He watches as you greet your friends, introducing him to Tessa and Sienna through overwhelming hugs and tear-filled eyes.
  Natalie seizes the opportunity to speak to him as you, Tessa, Francine, and Sienna have a quick catch up.
  “It went well, then?” He nods quickly, trying to brush it off, not really wanting to speak on the topic.
  “What did you guys do?”
  “Dinner, milkshakes, she showed me around, some shopping. You know, the regular.”
  “Did you guys kiss?”
  “Natalie, I don’t want to talk about it. Not right now, anyway.” Natalie knows him well enough to take it as a yes.
  “Why? You just said it went well.”
  “I just – not with them here, I guess. It just feels weird,” he feels like he’s imposing on you and your friends, and it’s obvious. For a moment, he wishes there was another guy around, even with how close he is with Natalie. David keeps fidgeting with his hands, rubbing them together or fiddling with the rings on his fingers, standing awkwardly while whispering to her. He seems misplaced.
  Your friends are tearing into you about him, asking nearly the same questions as Natalie. They’re whispering, all four of you huddled together, ‘Did he pay? Did you kiss? Is that what the thud was? It was so loud! We need details, Y/N!’
  “Yes, he paid. Yes, we kissed. Yes. I’ll tell you later when he leaves,” You hurriedly make an effort to answer them, not wanting to draw attention to the gossiping taking place as you cut your eyes between David and them.
  You attempt to compose yourself, pushing your hair out of your face and turning back to Natalie and David, inviting them to sit down and talk.
  “Actually, I think I’m okay, Y/N. I’m really tired, I haven’t slept in like, two days, I think I might just go to the room,” he replies as you nod.
  “Oh, okay! No worries. You should sleep,” it’s awkward among the 4 other girls witnessing the conversation, their eyes flickering between the faces of the other girls, looking for reactions, and you and David’s eyes.
  “Yeah, um, Natalie, you coming with?” Natalie shakes her head no, promising she’ll most likely be at the room later. He nods.
  “Here, I’ll um, I’ll walk you – “
  “You really don’t have to, I can find it – “
  “It’s fine, Dave, it’s dark,” you respond, not thinking about the nickname as you pull your coat back on. You’d caught on to the name quickly, hearing Natalie saying it countless times over the past couple days. He doesn’t think twice about it, either.
  “I’ll be back in a little bit,” you insist, David following you through the door and out of the apartment. The door clicks shut and his fingers are immediately finding yours, not tangling them together entirely before he pulls his hand away.
  “Why are you so awkward around them?” you question, trying not to think about the move he just pulled. He just shrugs in response, muttering something about not knowing them so he doesn’t know how to act. You keep casual conversation with him the entire walk out of Francine’s apartment building, down the few blocks to his hotel, and up to his room. He continues to do the same thing the entire walk: intertwining your fingers for a few seconds before pulling away, only to repeat the action in thirty seconds. Their dancing almost makes you anxious.
  “Do you wanna come in?” he questions as you reach his door.
  “I don’t know, David…They’re waiting on me.” You want to, you just wanted to make an excuse.
  “10 minutes?” He’s turned to you now, hands finding his wallet as he searches for the key. You nod, feeling stupid. You’re a grown, educated woman and he’s making you feel like a teenager. Not necessarily in the stupidly in love aspect, more so in the I literally don’t know how to act around him aspect. The feeling is odd to you; your job is to, practically, be able to adequately communicate with an audience, just like his, so for him to make you speechless outside of his hotel room is staggering. You can’t tell what it says about yourself.
 You had thought the mixed signals were on their way out, but he’s began to confuse you again. Between his awkward presence in the middle of Francine’s carefully picked carpet to his unwillingness to fully hold your hand. You feel stupid, again, as you pick up on these clues.
He fumbles with the door lock and key, holding it open for you.
  You wish you were surprised as the door clicks shut and his hands find your waist, lips pressing against yours. You allow it to occur, but you set the mental boundary as your fingers tangle in his hair that this is as far as you’re going to go tonight. He pushes it further, not quite enough to initiate sex, but enough to allow his hands to wander.
  “David,” you say against his lips, “what’s up with you?” He pulls away, hands still on you as he gives you a surprised look.
  “What do you mean?”
  “I mean – I just – you must love mixed signals,” you watch as his eyebrows continue to scrunch together, head cocking to the side, “You’re like, holding my hand and kissing me one second and unable to keep your hands off of me and the next you’re acting all weird and staying on the opposite side of the room.” He pulls you closer again, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips.
  “Maybe I just want this to be between us,” he continues, voice low as he begins to lean in. You roll your eyes.
  “David, be honest,” you’re pushing your hand against his chest lightly, “Are you just trying to get laid? That’d be fine, just say it.” He fully steps away now, plopping himself on the bed.
  “What?” he scoffs, “No! I mean. I like you, it’s just confusing ‘cause we just met yesterday. I mean, like, if we fucked right now, I wouldn’t be upset or anything, but I’d definitely be bummed out if it ruined any chance of me going on more dates with you.”
  “But…I just got out of a pretty nasty break up. Well, not just, but still. Still hurts, I guess.” You place yourself down next to him.
  “How long ago?”
  “A year.”
  “Jesus. How long were you together?”
  “Two years.” You want to touch him, to hold his hand, but you don’t. It doesn’t seem like your place, especially on the first date. You still barely know the guy.
  “You don’t have to feel guilty about moving on, you know?” you gently remind him, pushing your shoulder against his playfully.
  “I think it’s just cause of how we broke up. Like, we broke up because she says she needed to focus on herself. And I respect that, but that thought is in my head, like, I guess this is selfish, but it wasn’t me that was the issue, you know? Like, if she wants to come back to me, she will.”
  “Okay, Dave,” you stand, not wanting to be a therapist for a heartbroken boy you’re on a date with, “you need to get your shit together. I mean it. I won’t go on another date with you until you do.”
  “What? Why?”
  “Seriously?” you deadpan, “I mean this in the best way possible: I don’t want to continue dating someone who is still not over their ex. I won’t let myself. It’s a disservice to both me and you.”
  “Yeah, yeah,” he nods in agreement, hand over his mouth, but it seems as though he’s trying to convince himself that you’re right. David stands now as you head for the door, opening it to let yourself out, getting right outside the door as he grabs your wrist.
  “Hey,” he’s leaning against the door frame, arm above his head as he runs his fingers through his hair, other hand still clasped around your wrist. You wish you could see it forever. “One more kiss? Just for keepsies? And get-my-shit-togethersies?”
  You lean in, giving him a peck before turning to leave once more.
  “That doesn’t count! You know what I mean.” He tugs on your wrist once more. You roll your eyes at his desperation, turning and leaning in again as he moves his palm from your wrist to your face, cold Cartier rings pressing against the side of your neck. He reeks of young money and it makes you melt against him. You wish you knew why, you’d been surrounded by young money your entire life. New York was young money, you were young money, your parents were young money when you had been born. But he wasn’t born into it. He earned every cent he has to his name. The thought of him continuing to spend it on you drives you crazy.
   “Y/N,” he pulls away, saying, almost too loudly, “If I fuck you right now, and then I get my shit together, can we still go on more dates?” David pulls away slightly, eyes following the thumb rubbing against your lips, sliding against your tongue as you look up at him, nodding. You know you should object, you should push him away and tell him, again, to get his shit together but you physically can’t. He looks too nonchalant, too beautiful, to be making out with you in the hallway of his hotel.
  These situations always brought problems into your life. You should be accustomed to them by now.
  “Cool,” he says lamely, pulling you inside the room as he closes the door, pressing you against it.
  “You’re such a fucking pussy,” you’re laughing at him as he starts to leave desperate wet kisses down your throat, decidedly ignoring your comment.
  “Tell me if you don’t want me to-“
  “I got it, David. I know.”
  “I’m just saying…You never know,” He mumbles into your neck before he leans up and kisses you again, chasing the taste of his own lips. He tugs your coat off, mouth still on yours as his fingertips start running over the intricate beading on the waist of your dress. He had bought it for you, giving you and Francine one of his cards before you went your separate ways. You had planned to just switch out his card with your own, but he pulled up to the Saks register just as you did, hovering over you two to ensure you used it. You had felt bad about it at the time, but as you feel his fingers find the zipper and tug down, you never want to feel anything else.
He pulls the shoulders of your dress down, warm hands pushing down the lengths of your arms as he continues kissing you. You hear yourself make a noise from the back of your throat, and he immediately becomes cocky, pulling your hips to his, off the door entirely. You feel a hand leave you, other remaining on your waist. You whine as he pulls away, head leaning over your shoulder as you hear him double lock the door.
“Daviiiiiid,” you hate how desperate you sound, “off, off, off…” you mutter, tugging at his jacket and shirt.
“Slow down,” he says, oddly cool, “Let me get this off first.” He unzips the rest of your dress as you kick your heels off, making you substantially shorter than him.
“What happened to ‘being tired’?” you question, threading your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly as he works on the buttons.
“Stop talking,” he orders, “Why’d you have to get such a hard fucking dress? How long did it take you to get into this damn thing? Zippers and buttons?”
You open your mouth to answer before he cuts you off, “Don’t answer that.” His fingers finally get it, allowing you to step out of the dress as he leads you to the bed.
He takes his jacket off now as you perch yourself on the edge of the bed. He doesn’t seem angry, or even turned on. You feel small, still like a teenager as you wait for him. He’s emptying his pockets on the hotel desk, back turned to you. You hear a small fuck escape his lips as he turns to you.
“I don’t have a condom,” he admits. “It’s fine. I’m not fucking you without one, though.”
“I mean, I’m clean but I don’t want to do that either.” He goes to sit next to you on the bed before you get up to locate your purse, digging through it to maybe find the damned thing that would continue your night with him.
“You really want me to fuck you, huh?” He laughs at your disgruntled ‘shut up’ and your groan of frustration when you have no luck in your search.
“It’s fine,” he promises, “We’ll get some tomorrow. Come here. I’ll eat you out.”
“You don’t have to,” you say, despite it being the very opposite of what you mean. His comment about the next day throws you off; since he couldn’t fuck you now, was he promising he would make sure to before you leave New York? Or maybe after that, in LA? You throw your purse to the floor before making your way to him. He looks too pure as he pulls you onto his lap, attaching your mouths again, allowing his hands to roam. You feel his fingertips graze your spine, and he smiles into your kiss as you shiver. David begins his trek down your neck, fiddling with your bra clasp.
“Fuck, I’m so bad at these.”
“Okay, casanova. Slow down,” you bend your arms to help him, quickly unfastening the hooks and eyes. You manage to throw your bra on the floor as he turns you over, fingers lacing with yours as he makes his way down, eyes looking up at you. He’s going painfully slow, hands slowly leaving yours, taking his time.
He eventually meets your thighs, arms wrapped around your legs with his hands resting on your stomach. David dots kisses up and down the inside of both of your thighs, beginning at the knee.
“David, I swear to God, if you don’t-“
“Slow down, casanova,” he retorts, fingers reaching for the waistband of your underwear.
“I’m buying you new underwear,” he promises.
“Hey!” you swat at his head as he smiles up at you, “What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing, I just wanna buy you some,” David pulls it down your legs, allowing them to drop to the floor, “For later.” He pushes your legs further apart, wrapping one arm around your thighs.
“You have to get your shit together first before we-“ He inserts a finger into you without warning, looking up to you for permission, just to be safe. You give him a soft go ahead.
“Fuck, hold on, sorry,” he takes his finger out, and you begin to wonder how often he gets laid if he always stops and starts like this. You then see him forcing his rings off his fingers, taking your hands in his as he slides them on yours instead. They’re too big. You might have to buy yourself some.
“Safe keeping,” he promises, returning to settle between your parted thighs and inserting two fingers inside of you now. You don’t look at him as you feel his tongue push against you, his free hand reaching to grab at your breast. He sucks your clit into his mouth every few moments, fingers leaving you briefly to gather your wetness before returning.
“Hooooly fuck,” he breathes, marveling at how wet you are, your hands now tangled into his hair.
“Daviiiiid, David, fuck.”
He continues his actions until you come, pushing repeatedly against your bundle of nerves as you buck your hips against him. It forces him to push your hips down with his entire forearm, attempting to keep you steady.
“Are they, like, okay?” Natalie, Francine, Sienna, and Tessa are now pushing the elevator button of Nat and David’s hotel.
“Neither of them are responding to their texts, I’m worried,” Nat says. Most of her believes you’re still together, hanging out in the room, but it’s eating at her. It’d been almost 2 hours since you’d bid your goodbyes.
“They’re not fucking, right? Y/N doesn’t really do that, though,” Tessa asks, looking for confirmation from the other girls.
“Oh, absolutely not. David would never fuck on the first date,” Natalie responds, inspecting her key card to press the elevator button with the corresponding floor. The rest of the girls pile in after her, making small talk.
They reach the floor and pile out once more, reading signs directing them to her room.
The girls round the corner, before shooing each other and peeking their heads around the corner.
You and David are stood in his doorframe, full-fledged making out. They see him pull you closer by your head before he leans out.
“Y/N, if I fuck you right now, and then I get my shit together, can we still go on more dates?” He says it too loudly, the girls are able to hear it from down the hallway as Natalie gasps.
“Oh my fucking God! He’s such a whore!” Natalie whispers exasperatedly, all 4 girls’ eyes on you, waiting for your reaction.
They watch as you nod at him, narrating, “Jesus Christ! SHE’S a whore too?”
“Maybe the date went better than they let on?” Tessa offers.
“You think?” The 3 girls turn to her, looking at her as if she’s stupid. She throws her hands up in response, head still peeking over the corner.
“Cool,” he says, and Natalie scoffs, complaining about how lame he is. The door shuts and they hear a thud on the opposite side of the door.
“I mean, I guess we know where they are now?” Sienna suggests.
“Ugh, there’s one bed in that room! And they’re going to fuck in it! I have to sleep in that later!” Natalie complains, “Should we like, wait and see what happens?”
“That feels creepy, but I kind of want to,” Francine replies, shrugging her shoulders.
“Francine, you’re weird. Let’s just go, she’ll tell us what happened if he won’t,” Sienna responds, fixing the purse thrown over her shoulder.
They leave as they hear him double lock the door.
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