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messymoonmad · 1 month ago
For the hold them down animatic, is there any specific reason you decided to make the arrow go through Antinous’s mouth? Because that scene was absolutely amazing
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Antinous : HOLD THEM DOWN- (says the most outrageous plan ever)
Odysseus : how bout you hold that filthy tongue of yours instead.
But more seriously it's also to show how precise is ody's aim. If he could perce that tongue like that from the back of his head then obviously he can shoot an arrow through 12 axes cleanly
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maofa · 10 months ago
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ok Oda sir, hear me out- and it might sound crazy, but stay with me- ok? ok. now, imagine. kids. being. happy.
family/friends/little brother
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belzyboops · 2 months ago
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humblefryingpan · 7 months ago
Presenting Makotowing! (naegwing?)
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I finally drew something for my DC/Danganronpa crossover lol
If this is the first part of it you've seen then here is the masterlist of the posts I've made so far (assigning and explaining characters)
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monigote001 · 1 year ago
I was kinda ashamed to show this but I have nothing to lose
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thebiggestshot · 8 months ago
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Shading training
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cut-aare · 11 months ago
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The long awaited ALTA fanart is finally here!!!
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prethinkers-autistic-lover · 5 months ago
Guys do we fw my oc dancing (also sorry for bad quality alight motion messed it up 😓)
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purpleshadow-star · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Andrew Minyard Characters: Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten, Mentioned Aaron Minyard - Character, mentioned nicky hemmick, Mary Hatford, Brief Drake Spear, Other Various Foxes Mentioned Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Pre-Canon, brief Post-Canon, brief during canon, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Time Skips, warnings for andrew's past, One Shot, no beta we die like tilda minyard, Dialogue Light, andrew and neil are in denial for a bit, they get over it, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Soulmates Summary:
Andrew Doe is freshly six years old when he wakes to the sight of his shadow leaving him for the first time. Andrew knows he should be more careful while racing through the house; he doesn’t know these new people after all, but he’s too excited to let a little thing like caution keep him from finally finding someone who loves him. Someone who wants him. ~ Nathaniel Wesninski is four years old the first time his shadow leaves him. He doesn’t notice, but his mother does. She makes a mental note to make sure that neither Nathaniel nor his father ever have the chance to follow Nathaniel’s shadow to his soulmate. One less thing for Nathan to hold over Nathaniel, and thus over Mary, the better. ~~ Twice a year, your shadow leads you towards your soulmate. For Andrew and Neil, this changes surprisingly little.
New fic!!!
This year I want to challenge myself to write, finish and post at least one fic every month, starting with this one for January!
This fic is based off of a prompt from a book called 5-Minute Daily Writing Prompts by Tarn Wilson (I did not write this in five minutes, I just used the prompt). The prompt I used is:
"Prompt 1: Fantasy, Plot: A woman awakes in the early morning to see her shadow sneaking out the bedroom door. She follows. (Continue the story) The woman sees her shadow holding hands with another unattached shadow. What happens next?"
Go check it out and let me know what you think!
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somebody said that me(lesbian) and my best friend(asexual pansexual) were like two tits on a girl we both probably like and quite frankly i cant stop thinking abt it.
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linkuei-scum-without-s · 9 months ago
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bloodpen-to-paper · 2 years ago
Grian is a survivor.
He was never as on board with the Bad Boys shtick, only doing it cause he had to in order to join (and making many complaints along the way).
When the others died and only Grian was left, the Bad Boys would be dead as well. It only existed as long as either Jimmy or Joel did, because "Bad Boys" was their thing, and Grian was just along for the ride. He told Joel as much; he had no reason to hide it.
Grian accepted Joel's death far before it happened. He opted to join the Nosy Neighbors as a precaution. He's a planner, y'know; ahead of the game.
Grian doesn't care about the C-plots and the gimmicks. He doesn't make alliances out of love, he plays his cards and keeps his eye on the prize. Grian aims to win, and he makes this clear to everyone around him. That's all there is to it.
Of course, there were some minor hiccups.
Grian went along with the Bad Boys' style, leather jackets and all. Though it was unlikely he would've been kicked out for rejecting the fashion trend, the other two would not stop pushing for it, so he relented. It was stupid, and unsavory, a waste of time really. But it made the Bad Boys happy. So he wore it on his back and his sleeve. He wore them wherever he went.
When the opportunity came, he urged Jimmy to make kills using his plans, Grian's plans, because Jimmy needed the time more. He waited around a status chamber aimlessly, not partaking in the fun of his own contraption, because he caused Jimmy's death, and it was an accident and he was sorry but it didn't matter because he killed Jimmy-
So he tried making up for it. In every way he could.
At some point, Jimmy died. Got too excited trying to push a minecart and slipped and fell into his own death trap. Grian called the man an idiot. Said he died by being a fool. Because he was. He was a fool for dying the way he did.
... he was a fool for leaving them behind.
And when Joel brought up that even more stupid frog, that he knew where Jimmy's base for it was, Grian... well, he complained for starters. Complained the whole way there. Kept on complaining even during the funeral service, because Jimmy was a right fool and really needed to hear it even if he was dead.
And hear it he did. Because despite the protests, Grian went through with it. He went to the spot with Joel, he donned the mourning suit, he held a funeral service. Even threw in diamonds as a memorial tribute (Joel pointed out that those diamonds were still valuable, could put together a sword in a pinch, but... Grian didn't care. Those diamonds were for Dead Jimmy).
Still, none of that meant anything too important, of course. Grian moved on quickly. He organized, made alliances, continued to get kills. Joel, not so much. Grian could only look on in disappointment as his ally throughout this entire ordeal was throwing himself into harm's way as part of some suicidal urge to destroy the entire server and everyone in it (this included Joel himself, apparently).
Dead Jimmy had broken Alive Joel to mourn him fully, and Grian let him deal with that in his own way because he had planning to do dammit. They had burned their bridges with the Family and needed a failsafe. He accepted that Joel was nearing his end, and geared up for the next phase of surviving with his new allies. He let Joel know that once the two J's were out, the Bad Boys would be no more. Grian didn't care enough to uphold the name.
... he did try to uphold Joel though. Quite aggressively. He actually begged Joel to kill him so Joel could have more time, and Joel... didn't. He refused. He refused. The rabid wolf of a man was so stupidly loyal that he insisted on going after anyone but the one who would willingly give him time. Because that one was part of Joel's pack. A Bad Boy. And Bad Boys will make a bridge made of bread for no real reason, and Bad Boys will call each other "babe", dig straight down into lava, fail bucket clutches on a dare. Bad Boys will wear sunglasses so you don't see them cry.
But Bad Boys will never turn on each other. They won't hurt their own. Joel won't hurt Grian.
And Grian... he doesn't know how to deal with that only than to grit his teeth, hope that Joel takes up his offer, and continue planning. Because Grian doesn't waste his time trying to save lost causes. He isn't some sentimental fool who sticks around to see teammates destroy themselves. He won't go chasing after a doomed partner to try and have them take time off his own clock so he won't be left alone again after the other one already died, and he isn't worried for his only remaining Bad Boy and he isn't going to chase after him trying to get the reckless idiot to kill him because he has hours to spare and Joel doesn't and Joel's running out of time he's going to die if Grian doesn't do something Joel kill me I HAVE THE TIME KILL ME JOEL KILL ME-
Joel is crying out for Grian when he dies.
Grian moves on. Grian doesn't stare sadly at the place where his the final Bad Boy perishes. Grian doesn't think about how he didn't see it happen, because he was looking down when the lightning struck. Grian doesn't mourn. He becomes a Nosy Neighbor. He builds another quick memorial out of courtesy, nothing more. He plans and prepares and stays alive. He doesn't miss his fallen team. His boys.
Grian isn't lonely.
Grian is a survivor.
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bloodredlolipops · 11 months ago
Day 1 Snowjanus Week 2: Literature!
(Note: I decided to do mood boards for the first time, so…)
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Based on the poem by William Wordsworth: I wandered lonely as a cloud.
Coriolanus being the cloud and Sejanus being the daffodils in the poem😭
Credit to my sister for writing the parts of the poem in between the lines😛
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neuroticreno · 11 months ago
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uhh wine glass wip
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thebiggestshot · 1 year ago
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I love that one sprite
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teknikolor-walters · 1 year ago
Was thinking about my podcast some more and would anyone. Actually wanna listen to it. I'm thinking of sharing it here
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