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spiribia · 1 year ago
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Sonic boom so loud it made my dash show this twice xD
I HAD TO DOUBLE CHECK I DIDNT double post it. my shadow clone
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lozchic3 · 4 months ago
3, 7, 12, 13, 22, 33
3. Favourite incarnation of Zelda?
Somewhere between OoT Zelda and Tetra. EoW Zelda is a close third too.
7. Favourite dungeons?
I'd have to go game by game cause there's a lot of dungeons in the series with really fun mechanics. But one I always think about is Sand Ship from SS. It's the better application of the timeshift stones and it feels like they've tried to mimic that in different ways since.
12. Which Zelda game has the most sentimental value to you?
ALttP was the first game I ever played in the series. It was the one I was taught to play and eventually played on my own too. But I also spent a summer playing the original LoZ with my mom that I still think fondly about even today.
13. What Zelda game, in your opinion, has the best character design? Probably OoT/MM with WW coming in a close to both games. It feels like MC mimicked some of what WW did and ST had some fun designs going on. But most of the more recent 3D titles haven't really been creative or diverse with their character designs. Save for EoW which has my full attention and hope that they bring that kind of creativity back.
22. Favourite incarnation of Link? Either OoT/MM Link or WW Link. There's something about kids who are thrust into a journey by fate and their willingness to keep persevering as their strength that just calls to me. It's a very human experience to me. EoW Link feels close to that too but then that game isn't exactly about him.
33. Do you prefer puzzles or combat? Both? Both. I like both. Especially if the combat is the puzzle and vice versa.
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kdinjenzen · 1 year ago
Okay I didn't wanna add onto the really long Golden Sun breakdown I did earlier with this BUT...
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@hailstorrmmss and @tofukitten THESE LITTLE COMMENTS MEAN A LOT AND THANK YOU
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hologramblue · 1 month ago
@tofukitten the thing you sent me SUPER interests me, i don't want to publish the ask right this instant bc i've got someone following me who is dodging EW spoilers and i don't have the time on work break to copy/paste/clip bits out. also don't have the time to look at it yet but oh man i will.
hiroi being a playwright makes a lot of sense and hilariously i was just now thinking about how one of his things is like...he doesn't have as prominent a blorbos cast as ishikawa, he makes up a lot of new characters, right. and they like—they usually feel to me like they're supposed to be recurring characters. there is some vibe, something about the resolution of character detail, that in the context of a game like FFXIV always makes me feel like i'm being introduced to characters who i'll be seeing a lot of in the future. and then we rarely do! you get these dynamic, creative character entrances that establish a lot about who they are, and then when they leave it's like they walk back into their own lives and you're like wait that's it? what happens next?
but like. yeah that's a characterization style that you'd get from someone used to writing for theatre specifically, isn't it. that scans. i love it.
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siverwrites · 9 months ago
Challenge: make a poll with five of your current favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
Tagged by @laughingpinecone
Tagging @azurefishnets, @tofukitten, @yunaffie, @monk-of-figaro, @nintendowife
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sazandorable · 11 months ago
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so cute!!!! :D
@starlightmango @tofukitten @serpentinegraphite @siriwesen @ezzoh
fuck it. worm on a string picrew chain. let's fucking go
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happy worm creation my friends
tagging @areyoudoingthis @cursed-coat-of-homosexuality @peanutbutterex @tfemteach @piratecaptainscaptainpirates (no pressure 💛)
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justaminuet · 2 years ago
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@tofukitten the mount is very aesthetically pleasing.
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dood1e-bug · 2 years ago
Seems like it didn't work.
The typing thing works if you're using the mobile app (and also the :readmore: needs to be on a new line, and there should be no space after the second : -- hit Enter and it will convert the :readmore: into a line)
If you're on desktop, it's this button
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Thankyou so much 🙏😔
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pengychan · 1 year ago
OKAY @tofukitten here's what happened:
Jaheira died on me during the attack at Moonrise Tower, so turns out recruiting Minsc was not an option and I had to kill him
Unfortunately I was not willing to go back all the way to the end of Act 2 to save her and then bust my ass to get back to this point
I mean I will sooner hang myself by the thumbs than have to do the House of Grief battle again tbh
So I killed him
Then the hamster showed up to go to his body and squeak sadly
I felt bad
Still not bad enough to redo the fucking House of Grief battle
I reloaded the save before the encounter, beat him again, but instead of killing him I used a scroll of Hold Person to keep him still while I ran off with the entire party.
He lives, I guess?
No idea if this is coming back to bite me in the ass
It may very well come back to bite me in the ass
Also all companions talk about him like we killed him
But they also to have trouble grasping the fact the Jaheira in the sewers was not the real deal
Guess I'm the one keeping the collective brain cell at the moment
I don't go to BG3 but I bet the hamster made you very happy to see xD
I have yet to meet any hamsters but I'll let you know when I do XD
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kumapillow · 6 years ago
Lmao so did seimei just have a habit of naming his friends based on their colors ishdjd yuki for his fur being white as snow, kohaku for the amber eyes, now kuro for being a black crow...
I guess he did lol
I don’t know about Yuki (he wasn’t with Seimei in the flashback arc, so I think he’s the shiki of a different Abe descendant), but yeah, he did seem to look for the most distinguishing feature of an Another and decide the name he would call them based on it (^^) (which, most of the time, would be the color).
Maybe all of his descendants who can see Anothers got this quirk from him, that’s why Yuki got named as such ahaha
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spiribia · 2 years ago
Excellent first chapter and then your author notes--
hehe. thanks so much!!
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lozchic3 · 1 month ago
Temenos Chapter 3: Stormhail Route
Structurally an emotionally charged chapter like Castti's Chapter 3. In terms of the mystery involved with Temenos' story, this one actually zagged too quickly and made it feel highly suspect on the conclusion at the end. There's a ton of elements here where I hope by the final chapter things come together and really hold it as a stellar story.
In terms of the boss fight, can be difficult based on the mechanic going on. But definitely a lighter version of the kind of ramped up difficulty the game has slowly been introducing with both chapter and optional bosses. If anything it feels like an early forewarning that some of the final chapter bosses will get busy with both mechanics going forward.
Story wise.... I'm torn.
I think Crick's reveal as being from a corrupt aristocratic household and wanting to make a difference through the sacred guard works as a perfect foil to Temenos. It shows perfectly that the doubtful and stern inquisitor is just a cloak to hide the type of soft and vulnerable heart he has underneath the sarcasm.
Crick's death also serves as the final nail of whatever belief Temenos. Not for the church but I'd argue for any sort of belief in anyone at this point. The fact he's clinging to the idea of Kaldena being the true mastermind is just an off branch of this. He doesn't really seek the truth anymore as much as he tells himself. I think what he truly wants is justice and peace from losing so much along the way.
For that matter...
I don't think Kaldena is the true mastermind. It feels off versus the actual pieces in play since chapter 1. So let's review real quick
Chapter 1: The Pontiff had requested an investigation of Temenos but was interrupted by Mindt suddenly appearing. He told Temenos to meet with him by evening at his quarters. After which he met with the theologian Lucian before retiring to the cathedral. When Temenos left with Crick, a newly annointed sacred guard he discovered that the Pontiff was murdered. and hidden at the sight of the murder was a phrase from the Book of the Night.
Chapter 2: Temenos travels to Canalbrine because Lucian has become a key person of interest due to the Pontiff's murder. As Temenos goes to meet with him, he discovers that Lucian has been murdered in his home and with the same words from the Book of the Night the Pontiff had left as well. Ontop of that, Temenos deduces that the murderer is Vados the architecture who did know of the secret passageway into the Cathedral. He gets arrested by Captain Kaldena of the Sacred Guard and assigns Crick to escort Vados to their headquarters in Stormhail. Temenos with Crick's help is allowed an interrogation of Vados but decides to visit Crackridge first since the Fellsun Ruins was of interest to Lucian before he was murdered.
Chapter 3, Crackridge route: Temenos goes to Crackridge which most of the elders are actually hidden Moonshade Order members who want to kill him. They set one of their members after him, a woman named Reiza who pretends to be helpless and needs help. Temenos plays along and takes her down the abandoned path where she feigns desires until Temenos drops it. After a brief confrontation, Reiza willingly shows the location of the ruins. In the ruins Temenos learns that the Fellsun Ruins were actually the location of the Kal, a tribe meant to protect the sacred flame but were killed by the Moonshade Order. Their survivor, Vados vows to use the Moonshade Order to seek revenge and use the ritual of the night. After leaving the ruins, Reiza explains she knows what happens and wishes to die for such a sinful act. Temenos tells her to live and repent before departing for Stormhail now knowing there's the same line from the Book of the Night uttered within the ruins.
and right now.... Chapter 3, Stormhail Route: Temenos and Crick discover that Vados has been killed and there's no records of him being held in the headquarters. After Temenos retires for the night, Crick continues his investigation and is allegedly killed by the Captain of the order, Kaldena. Temenos discovers this in the morning and finds the same words of the Book of the Night crumbled in Crick's hand. He uses his unique ability to follow Crick's trail and discovers a hidden archieve of forbidden tomes where he's confronted by Deputy Cubaryi who claims Crick was personally killed by the captain for knowing too much. After fighting Cubaryi and attending Crick's funeral at a distance, he vows to go to the Nameless Village the location where the sacred flame was taken from the Kal and stop Kaldena.
So with that in mind, it's hard for me to see an MO for Captain Kaldena unless like Vados she was a hidden member of the Moonshade Order. And even if she was a hidden member, I still can't fathom what the MO could be.
What the information does show is that the church has been hiding the truth of the Kal for years and that someone doesn't just want to keep the truth hidden. So much as they're manipulating the events to hide the true motive. If this all goes back to Vide then I think Kaldena isn't the true mastermind but someone else in the Moonshade Order who is a keen manipulator pulling everyone to do their bidding.
and arguably, they might also be toying with Temenos personally to make him suffer for some odd reason. Which leads me back to this: when did Temenos send Mindt a letter and how did Mindt know to send a letter to him in Stormhail?
I don't trust her.
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discworldtour · 6 years ago
Welcome back we missed you
Thank you so much! I have missed all of you and I’m so happy to be back!
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laughingpinecone · 6 years ago
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siverwrites · 4 years ago
The sylvando ship is prob my fault x3. Anyway, F!
Haha majority of art was seen through you yeah :D.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
For actual consistent activity as opposed to once reading fic and then doing nothing for years then tossing out a couple tiny things myself and occasionally requesting during exchanges--(Chrono Trigger, I’m talking about Chrono Trigger so like 16-17 years yikes).
ANYWAY, 4 years and 5 months so far and still going and that’s Ghost Trick.
Fandom Meme
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ojamayellow · 6 years ago
tofukitten replied to your post “what if spikesoft said “here’s ai: the somnium files special agent...”
I'm not sure what the joke is bc the special agent edition IS north american exclusive;;;
That’s the joke, I want the edition, but I’m NOT North American. 
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