spiribia · 9 months
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Sonic boom so loud it made my dash show this twice xD
I HAD TO DOUBLE CHECK I DIDNT double post it. my shadow clone
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Tails ~
What I like about them
Tails fits the definition of a classical antihero. While nowadays we think of antiheroes as brooding types who are willing to do less-than-heroic things to get the job done, in classical literature an antihero was a character who, while heroic, displayed personality traits that weren't often associated with heroes. For instance, a classical antihero might be wrangle with self-doubt where a classical hero is confident. A classical antihero may be physically weak where a classical hero is physically strong, so on and so forth. Frodo Baggins is an example of a classical antihero, and so, too, is Tails. And I like this because it gives us interesting avenues to explore his character from. Sonic is great, but as a traditional hero he doesn't wrangle with things like self-doubt or anxiety. What you see is what you get with him: just a guy who loves adventure. But perhaps in part due to being a literal genius, Tails is a lot more cerebral and there's a lot more introspection with him, particularly given his shortcomings and weaknesses. Exploring the ways he grows and learns to work with his anxieties and traumas, rather than against them, makes his character really interesting.
Also, he is so fucking cute oh my god.
What I dislike about them
His character writing has been, to put it politely, inconsistent over the years. He went through all that growth in the Adventure games just to have it completely ripped the fuck away from him in later ones (particularly Forces). It's not great and most days I pretend I do not see it.
Favourite moment
In the games: Either the moment he threw hands with Eggman when he thought Eggman had killed Sonic in Adventure 2, or the acknowledgement of his issues and his whole arc in Frontiers rolled up into one.
In animation: Either saying that Sonic was his "mom, dad, and picket fence" in AoStH, or the episode in AoStH where Sonic was turned to stone and so Tails spent the whole episode trolling Scratch and Grounder Home Alone style. Again, he is so fucking cute oh my god.
In the IDW comics: Either catching Sonic with the Tornado in the middle of the Angel Island arc, or crashing the airship into Neo Metal at the end of that arc, or when he said goodbye to the Cyclone because he had to sacrifice her during the Metal Virus arc, or when he figured out how to take down Surge in their fight against her in the city, or defending Sonic from Kit, or immediately building guns to go save Sonic in the Scrapnik Island mini series, or . . .
Least favourite moment
Forces 🙃All of Forces. I hate it so fucking much.
Also not a fan of how they made him fight Sonic in the Archie comics. Really, any situation which pits those two against each other is an automatic Nope.gif in my books. I will smack that back button so fast, don't test me.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
How he's developing his technology to utilize clean energy! We see that he's using hydro power to fuel the Mystic Ruins workshop in the IDW comics; I want more exploration on how Tails' development of technology is not only not detrimental to the planet, but actually works to reverse the damage that Eggman does. Technology doesn't have to destroy the planet; it can be a clean force for good, too!
An interesting AU for this character
Can I promote my own fic Beyond Oblivion? Because that's an interesting AU to me!
A crossover
I'm still very much in love with my Night in the Woods crossover, where Tails spends an autumn in Possum Springs during his solo journeys. All anthro stories take place in the same universe and this one happens in my head and in my heart even if Sega thinks it could never work in canon. Sega doesn't pay me, they can't dictate what I do.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
None. In fact, adaptations that have tried to give Tails romances (Archie, Sonic X, Boom) are off-putting to me because they try to give Tails romances. He doesn't need a romance for his story to be interesting! In fact, I think a romance arc for him is far more boring than the alternatives like exploring how he overcomes his inner demons or focusing on the clean energy alternatives he creates to improve the world. And even if you want to explore him with other characters, platonic relationships and platonic love stories are a thing! Tails' brotherly relationship with Sonic, his friendships with Amy and Knuckles—these are interesting stories and romance isn't a part of them. Destroy the heterosexual notion that every character must be paired off for a story to be good.
Other ships?
His big bro Sonic, of course! Like I said above, platonic love stories are a thing, and the platonic love story in Sonic and Tails finding a family in each other when they were both orphaned has been one of my favorites since I was four years old. I don't think that's going to change any time soon.
I wish people who ship Sonic with Tails romantically a very do not ever interact with me, ever, in any capacity. Thank you.
An assortment of headcanons!
I have a lot! You can read some here, and here, and here :)
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aetherotransformer · 11 months
20. Of all the places they've been to, which is their favorite? Do they like to go back there?
the wandering stairs in the crystarium because he wants to see his gf again
besides that i think ashen likes zenith, the sagolii desert and lakeland. basically just any wide open spaces that are sparsely populated. thavnair is probably her favorite city state she's been to because it reminds her a bit of home (ala mhigo); terncliff was also pretty nice
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dood1e-bug · 2 years
Seems like it didn't work.
The typing thing works if you're using the mobile app (and also the :readmore: needs to be on a new line, and there should be no space after the second : -- hit Enter and it will convert the :readmore: into a line)
If you're on desktop, it's this button
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Thankyou so much 🙏😔
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kdinjenzen · 8 months
Okay I didn't wanna add onto the really long Golden Sun breakdown I did earlier with this BUT...
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@hailstorrmmss and @tofukitten THESE LITTLE COMMENTS MEAN A LOT AND THANK YOU
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siverwrites · 3 months
Challenge: make a poll with five of your current favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
Tagged by @laughingpinecone
Tagging @azurefishnets, @tofukitten, @yunaffie, @monk-of-figaro, @nintendowife
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bubblymaika · 2 years
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I’ll be doing the improvement meme later, but my friend @tofukitten showed me this meme and it works well considering I didn’t have time or motivation to draw for most of the year. I’m overall happy with how things are going. I might go back and forth between SAI 1 and 2 because of how differently pen pressure and texture work (my only complaint about SAI 2 tbh is the texture ;-;). I like the oil brush in SAI 2 a lot though, especially with the brushes in this pack
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justaminuet · 1 year
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@tofukitten the mount is very aesthetically pleasing.
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pengychan · 4 years
LaRoche!phantom, blackquill, outis xD;;; turnabout to the past/outbreak still remains as one of my all time favorite fics ^^ (I got bad request, so sorry if I sent it twice)
Aw, thank you! It was tons of fun to write (and Outis is probably still the single creepiest OC I ever came up with).
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kumapillow · 5 years
Lmao so did seimei just have a habit of naming his friends based on their colors ishdjd yuki for his fur being white as snow, kohaku for the amber eyes, now kuro for being a black crow...
I guess he did lol
I don’t know about Yuki (he wasn’t with Seimei in the flashback arc, so I think he’s the shiki of a different Abe descendant), but yeah, he did seem to look for the most distinguishing feature of an Another and decide the name he would call them based on it (^^) (which, most of the time, would be the color).
Maybe all of his descendants who can see Anothers got this quirk from him, that’s why Yuki got named as such ahaha
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spiribia · 1 year
Excellent first chapter and then your author notes--
hehe. thanks so much!!
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sage-nebula · 7 months
(not Side Order spoilers but from the new trailer) I don't play Splatoon, but I have learned that a particular puzzle mechanic, the 8 ball, is very loathed. How do you feel about it returning in SO? XD
This is how I looked seeing the 8 ball in Side Order:
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There was literally a level in Octo Expansion called Heinous 8-Ball Station. Heinous. HEINOUS. EVEN THE DEVELOPERS KNEW IT WAS HEINOUS.
I am so excited for Side Order. But I am not excited for the 8 ball.
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discworldtour · 5 years
Welcome back we missed you
Thank you so much! I have missed all of you and I’m so happy to be back!
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laughingpinecone · 5 years
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siverwrites · 4 years
The sylvando ship is prob my fault x3. Anyway, F!
Haha majority of art was seen through you yeah :D.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
For actual consistent activity as opposed to once reading fic and then doing nothing for years then tossing out a couple tiny things myself and occasionally requesting during exchanges--(Chrono Trigger, I’m talking about Chrono Trigger so like 16-17 years yikes).
ANYWAY, 4 years and 5 months so far and still going and that’s Ghost Trick.
Fandom Meme
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ojamayellow · 6 years
tofukitten replied to your post “what if spikesoft said “here’s ai: the somnium files special agent...”
I'm not sure what the joke is bc the special agent edition IS north american exclusive;;;
That’s the joke, I want the edition, but I’m NOT North American. 
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