orphancookie69 · 3 years
At Home Workouts: Advanced
Advanced, we have made it to the last level. 
Strength/Upper Body: Spiderman Pushups
Go into a standard push-up position, supporting your weight on your toes and hands. Your back is flat and your core is tight. Your hands should be directly beneath your shoulders.
Lower yourself into a push-up. Focus the tension in the chest.
As you descend, bring your right leg up and to the side. Try to touch the knee to the elbow. As you push yourself back up, return the leg to its original position.
 Repeat with the other side.
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Strength/Lower Body: Jump Squats
Stand with your feet hip width apart. Your toes should be pointing straight ahead or only slightly outward.
Cross your arms in front of your body, place your hands behind your head or at the sides of your head.
Keep your weight on your heels and bend your knees while lowering your hips towards the ground as if you are sitting down on a chair. Keep your back straight at all times.
Continue until you feel a slight stretch in your quadriceps. Do not let your knees extend out beyond the level of your toes.
Pause for a count of one.
In an explosive movement, drive down through your heels pushing yourself up off the floor with your quads. At the same time extend our arms out above you.
Land with your knees slightly bent to absorb the impact.
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Strength/Core: Toe Reach Crunches
Lay on a yoga/exercise mat or towel with your back flat on the floor and your legs straight and in the air with the soles of your feet facing up.
Outstretch your arms above your chest so that they run parallel to your legs.
Lifting your shoulders off the floor, reach up and touch your toes with your fingertips.
Lower your shoulders back to the floor to complete one rep.
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I hope by now you feel the burn and that the burn feels good! Stretch on!
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