#todoroki flower
redphlox · 9 months
Maybe he did love her, but everything else overshadowed that. I feel like if he didn’t care about her, he wouldn’t have remembered something she liked
I have a question for you, anon - does it matter if Endeavor cared/loved her in that romantic sense you're implying? Does that mitigate his actions? Are you saying "Endeavor abused Rei but at least he loved/cared about her" or are you saying "Endeavor loved Rei so that should mean something" or....? Because Horikoshi is telling us through his art and story that Endeavor's feelings or intentions don't offset or make up for what happened; he was the villain of his own family, he was the root cause.
Plain and simple. He still abused Rei.
Also, love and caring aren't mutually exclusive. I care about my coworkers, but do I love them? No. I love my abusive parent, but do I care about their likes and dislikes? Not really.
You can still abuse someone you love and care about, ex: your children, your significant other, etc. Abuse doesn't always mean the absence of close attachment. It's often a precursor or even necessary for the abuse to take place.
The flowers are Enji's way of showing that he cares about Rei, yes. That much is obvious. He's regretful of his actions but he's also a proud, stubborn man concerned with appearances and aware he's probably a huge trigger, so he's been trying to repent with her in subtle ways. IE, the flowers. They're his way of saying that he no longer only views her as merely a person he sought out to breed the perfect hero with - she's a person who existed before meeting him and who exists without him, a person with likes and dislikes, with hopes and dreams... a person he deeply hurt physically and mentally. This is his way of starting to make amends. Sending the flowers she liked = him acknowledging her humanity outside of her "duty" to him via marriage and mother to his children.
That much is obvious.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. If speculating that maybe Endeavor harbored a secret crush or feels the basic human emotion of caring about the other parent of his children is your way of humanizing and making him more palatable, have at it. Ask yourself if Endeavor loving or caring about Rei alters, lessens, justifies, changes, his abuse.
Horikoshi hasn't left any room for debate on romantic feelings between them, though. If we're going to use the "well soandso remember that soandso likes blablabla" argument then we can also use that on pretty much everyone in bnha. Deku knows Bakugo is fond of spicy foods, and he cares about him, yes. Literally, Tomura remembers everything about Deku. At this point in the story, does Tomura care about Deku in a nice way? No. But he definitely cares about him enough to always think about him and remember things about him.
So, yeah, not sure what argument you're trying to generate, but I'm not interested in talking through it because I've talked about it hundreds of times before. I won't be talking about it anymore. The canon material is clear and meta isn't needed, and like I said, I've written about it before.
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puppyaulait · 6 months
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Flower shop x tattoo shop (and the little emo gang)
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holografrick · 2 months
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babysitter dabi
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healercharm · 1 year
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him n his momma r Everything 2 ME!!!!!!!!
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herbarimoon · 2 days
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Flowers, mountains and funerals
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yubikyu · 5 months
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Touya 6am sketch or something
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sugarplumz100 · 1 year
BNHA Boys w/ an S/O who loves flowers/gardening
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He secretly like the fact that you have a green thumb
He might ask you to grow some herbs for him
Don't be surprised when you fine Chile seeds on your night stand
You WILL be his little farmer S/O
Would die if he saw you in cute little overalls, all sweaty from the heat of the sun, down on your hands and knees......tending the flowers ofc ofc 😉
Will take note of what your favorite flower is
So don't be surprised when you find a cute little vase full of your favorite flowers by your dorm room door
😊who knew 'suki had a small soft spot just for you
Oh you like gardening....let him get you all the stuff you need to do your favorite activity
Plzzz let this boy watch you take care of your little nature babies
He like how gentle you are with your flowers, it makes him feel calm
If you talk to your plants while tending to them....lawd have mercy, those are his children now
You will constantly be gifted new gardening equipment and bouquets
After all, he does love spoiling his lover
This sweet boy probably enjoys gardening too
I have a hc that he and his mother go help out at the local community garden
He will love to help you
It's your little bonding time
He feels bad when he doesn't have the time to help you garden
He will turn tomatoe red if you gift him flowers
Even if it is a single red rose
He will get lost in the HomeDepot gardening section with you
He loves seeing you ogle the pretty flowers
He will offer to help garden because not helping your sweet little s/o is unmanly
Expect him to always gift you a flower
He'll see a pretty one on his way to the super market, he will pluck it and give it to you
He just loves his gardener s/o so much
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burntbirdss · 1 year
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I cant do it. please. LET THEM BE HAPPY OH MY GOD PLEASE 😭😭😭
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
My favorite m/f duo trope is 'Miss Transgender and the absolute freak of a man who're deeply obsessed with eachother and it's somehow healthy'.Dosen't matter if it's platonic or romantic,i eat that shit up like my Tía's homecooked gourmet meals
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wowzaapples · 11 days
Flowers 💐
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Flowers 💐
Thank you to my sister for saying I should draw this 🔥👌
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class1akids · 2 years
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Back Alley boys New Year's badminton
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thebnha-auhoard · 6 months
Hey Cookie, there has been a grave tragedy in the Tumblr Draft process and I may have deleted your ask. Still going to answer the ask though regarding the Flowers au! If I remember correctly you asked about what Proxies are, if the Wraiths are like fears, who are the Witches, what friendship groups changed, and if we had art on the au. If I miss anything Cookie please tell us in the inbox because we are excited to talk about this au.
So to put it simply on what Proxies are, think of it like how in Greek Mythology there are people who have the gods as their Patrons and call upon them for blessings and aid and such, or like how in TMA there are "Avatars" who pretty much serve the Fear they're affiliated with and "feed" them. It's sort of like that here but you do not want that Proxy business 90% of the time. Currently you can be a Proxy to either a Ghost or to a Wraith but more likely you're going to accidentally become a Proxy to a Wraith which is never really a good thing. If you do become a Proxy however, expect changes to happen. These changes include amplified feelings, physical changes, boosts to your Quirk, and basic powers that are from the Ghost Patron.
The Wraiths are like fears but more specifically they're the previous One For All User's fears. They're all the anxieties, fears, and regret that they had when they were alive and when they died, all that anxiety, fear, and regret manifested into a Wraith that goes and carries out that fears onto others. A good example would be Shinomori and how in life he just had the anxiety that he would be followed and killed by All For One's forces or, hell even from a person who had disdain for people with Meta Abilities. When he died and his Wraith formed, the fear that it goes and spreads the most is paranoia and the idea that everyone is out to get you, whether that statement is true or not! It's basically that with individual One For All users and god forbid any one of them goes and targets you because you probably won't come out the same afterwards.
The Witches! So glad you asked! they have to have a certain amount of spiritual Energy imbued into them. Such as having a Soul connected, your entire family being haunted except you, or even just having a good spirit come around alot. It's almost a lost practice except for those who wish to learn and know. Tokoyami learned because he wished for a Protection against the things he learns of. Fuyumi learned as a protection for herself and her class. The Kirishima Moms learned so they could protect Kirishima, Son of the only man who won against Kudou. Or later. Yagi. Who's Legacy has been passed down but the spiritual Energy imbued into OFA allows him to be taught
As for the friendships, a lot has changed here. There are many cons to having the world be haunted as hell but the pros are that we get new friendship dynamics.
For one, Midoriya, Tokoyami, Shinsou, and Kirishima are a friend group who's main goal is to figure out how to stop the Wraiths and collect stories on people who were victims of them to perhaps fight back or even banish them completely.
Kaminari, Todoroki, and Sero meanwhile are another friend group who is also investigating the Wraiths but in the aspect on what they are and what their pasts may be, well it's more of Kaminari and Todoroki investigating while Sero desperately tries to get them to take a break.
Ojiro and Ashido are also a duo here, more specifically a duo who really just decides to say "No" to the horrors and go on with their day. They're pretty much the Ghost Files duo and they simply just keep on vibing despite the Wraiths trying to get them.
Where's Bakugou in all of this oh uh. Don't mind that! He'll be there soon after Kamino he's there just. Not right away!
Anyways some art under the read more!
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^^^ Kirishima's moms. They're great.
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^^^ Picture of Kudou in his intimidating glory. Don't fuck with him.
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^^^ Finally Shinomori. He's probably putting someone into paranoia as he's talking to them. He's the "nicest" one
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dreamersville · 1 year
i cant wait til i kiss somebody in the rain😩. that shit is so romantic to me idc idc idcccc.
imagine going out of the state/town/country whatever, and having to be away from mha boys! like ofc they are going to miss you and you’re going to miss them but you have to leave for whatever reason, good thing you have a couple of days before you go because now you got a very clingy boyfriend attached to your hip. claiming that he gotta soak up your presence while he can 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and ofc you let him cause ofc youre going to miss him 10 times more (you and him lowkey kinda argued about who was gonna miss who more😭)
its raining when you have to leave and right as you are about to step in the car or walk into the airport, you turn around to see him standing there, next to his car umbrella in hand, with tears in his eyes , if they haven’t fallen already, and you cant help but to run back into his arms locking your leg and arms around him🥺 cause you really are going to miss even, even though youre going to be back in a week at the latest, still he drops the umbrella to wrap both arms around you stroking your back in a soothing manner, kissing your temple whilst running his fingers on youre scalp trying to calm you down. when you finally let him go, he sets you down moving the wet streaks of your hair from his face, leaning in as he meets you half way to capture your lips in his. you are more so just letting his lips guide you.
surprisingly hes the first one to pull back and remind you that if you dont go now youre going to be late😭🥺 but dont cry your pretty eyes out about it cause the week will be over in no time and then you could get all the kisses you want 💞
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idk why im having ng so many thoughts so early in the morning 😭😭 request are open
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vynkx · 2 months
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(2nd part of my gift for my boys - this took me way longer than i expected) For Dabi i chose one big Dutch carnival dahlia with his colours on and of course a bunch of forget me not cause for me those represent his most truthful desire.
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sharpnaago · 11 months
Lavender Sage.
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calqkey · 1 year
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happy (late) valentines!!
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