mapriljelly · 1 year
I'm probably going to have to make a second account so if there is another me that explains it. see yall' next week! :D
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laura1633 · 2 months
Toddler Max has is own seat where he can watch the race always with Leo and Roscoe of course..
Just one day someone tried to harm Redbull and give out these threats and nobody took it seriously unless max wasn‘t on his spot.
He wasn’t in danger just hungry and didn’t tell anyone that he was going to the cafeteria (he is to shy sometimes to ask if he wants something)
Awww poor baby just wanted a snack and had everyone at Red Bull going absolutely crazy worrying what had happened to him 🥹 Probably someone from the cafeteria brings him back with his snacks (and he of course has snacks for Roscoe and Leo!)
I can imagine him being quite shy around certain people and then once he feels comfortable with them he likes to talk to them about all the things he has learnt that week!
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 year
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Single dad!Carmen x reader
Carmen's daughter likes you and doesn't know the meaning of the word 'no'.
You stepped into the sandwich place, your laptop bag slung around your shoulder as something collided with your leg and clinging to it.
"Oh shit, sorry I- she slipped away from me." A man apologises for the little child around your leg, lowering himself to her level and tiredly begging her to let you go.
You took a better look at the toddler at your side. She had the man's curly hair and wore a fluffy teddybear onesie.
The man in front of you was tired. No question about it and his attire told you he worked here.
"Hey, you know what?" His focus moves from the child up to you. "How about I watch her for a bit? I'm planning on getting some work done here anyways and I'll probably be around when your shift ends." You shrugged at your own suggestion, placing a hand on the child's curls making her giggle at you.
"I uh- my shift ends a couple hours after we close." He wasn't declining your offer, he just didn't want you to waste your whole day here. He had gotten up again by now to talk to you at eye level. "I'm Carmen." He extends a hand to you to shake. "I own this place. And this here's Alex," he motions at the babbling todddler who was now casually hanging from your hand. "She's my kid. Daycare wouldn't take her cus she sneezed one too many times on drop off this morning." A tired hand runs over his face as he recalls why she's here.
"Hey, I'll watch her for you. Just come say hi a couple of times and we'll be good." You shoo'd him off and he went back to the kitchen. But not before making sure he got your food order and saying goodbye to his daughter.
Over the course of the day he swung by your table to watch you type away on your laptop while Alex was no doubt ruining your highlighters and scribbling on the back of your notepad. During food breaks she was in your lap and you'd watch some kids videos on Youtube with the sound low enough to not bother anyone.
Little Alex had been an absolute sweetheart the whole time, clinging to you and showing off her artworks that had rendered your notepad entirely useless.
Around dinnertime Carmen had come back again, insisting he'd be fine watching her himself now, but you assured him you were good and didn't mind staying the few extra hours. He accepted reluctantly and rought you two dinner on the house, dessert included.
When the placed closed down and Carmen was finished cleaning everything he came by one last time, to pick up his daughter and thank you again for watching her. You exchanged phone numbers in case he ever needed a babysitter.
Leaving was a lot more difficult than you had thought. Alex threw the biggest fit the second you turned to the door, running up to you and clamping herself around your leg, sniffling No's leaving her lips as she sat down on your foot with her arms around your calf. Tears staining your jeans.
Carmen stood there, a hand on his hip, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing deeply. "Come on, teddybear. She's tired too, we're all going to our homes and sleep, okay?" He tried bribing, any and all promises he could think of, even physically prying her off your leg resulted in the biggest drama he had ever seen her make.
You felt bad for Carmen. The permanent bags under his gorgeous blue eyes and the mess of curls you wanted to run you-- "what if I tag along and put her in bed?" The suggestion seemingly came out of nowhere amd it took Carmen a moment to register your words.
His place was an even bigger mess than he was and he'd be ashamed if she saw Alex's living situation. But then again, he was a single dad with an extremely demanding job, so the mess did explain itself that way..
"Yeah, okay." A simple, soft answer that had Alex screech with joy.
The three of you made your way over to his car. Since Alex wouldn't let go of you, you carried her while Carmen carried your bag for you as well as his own.
His place wasn't big. But it was big enough for him and Alex. On your way through the livingroom you had to watch your step and not trip over the large amount of toys on the floor. The coffeetable held day old mugs and coffee circles permanently staining the wood. The dinnertable was covered in paperwork but the kitchen looked decent enough, besides the dishes in the sink.
Carmen could feel you judging him, trying to speed up the whole going to bed ritual Alex had so you could stop being grossed out by the mess.
After watching Carmen struggle with the currently very difficult child you stepped in and offered assistence.
Carmen stepped aside and mimiced his steps but in your own way. Suddenly she was the sweetest child ever and did everything you told her to.
"Are you serious? Now you can listen?" The soft complaint didn't go unnoticed and made you giggle as you tucked her in and wished her sweet dreams. Besides you Carmen leaned over to give her kisses and said goodnight as well.
"Why does she listen so well to you?" The question wasn't meant in a bad way, even though it sounded like jealousy. "Guess she just wants a mom." You answered from across the kitchen island. Carmen insisted you stayed for a drink and talk about your day with her. "Neither you or her ever uttered anything mom-related so I guessed it's just you two." You sounded like a prying therapist right now, but you meant it in a kind way.
Clearly both of you sucked when it came to words.
"Her mom was a drunken mistake." He downs half of his drink and decided right there he was gonna talk about it. If you deleted his number and walked out afterwards, so be it.
"I didn't even know she had a kid until kne day she stopped by the restaurant. I barely recognised her but she still made a whole scene about some mistake, dropped the carrier with a crying baby at my feet and shoved a stack of paperwork in my hands." He downed the other half of his drink, not liking how recalling those memories felt. "I barely knew her, only saw her twice before moving back here from New York and found me all the way here to drop the baby and all her papers stating I was the one responsible for her on me and leave after screaming at me amd blaming me for leaving."
Carmen's story shocked you. You sat in silence after he finished, not sure how to respond to such a confession, so you offered your help once more.
After a while babysitting Alex at work and tucking her into bed turned into babysitting, tucking her into bed and moving into the next one together with Carmen. His early shifts really messed up Alex's sleep scedule so he suggested you staying the night and working from his apartment and do Alex's morning routine at a more acceptable hour than 6am, when he's kiss you goodmorning, wish you some good few more hours of sleep and went off to work.
Carmen was enjoying your time together so much, and Alex was almost permanently attached to you when you were around so his only thought was how he was going to ask you to move in with him. You already had a spare key so giving you one of those in a fancy little box wouldn't work.
Eventually he thoight of an idea that just had to work.
He wrote a note from Alex's point of view, rolled it up and tied a little bow around it and handed it to his daughter. "Can you go give this to her, please? It's a gift."
Alex immediately ran over to you, waving the paper roll at you and smacking it against your leg. She mumbled a quick "foyou" before waving it up at you again.
You accepted the gift with a grand display of thanks, with kisses and a hug, a whole scene amd read the note in silence. You recognised Carmen's handwriting immediately and smiled your way throigh the creatively written sentences.
"So, you want me to be mommy, huh?" You asked Alex, but not without moving your stare up to meet Carmen's, who looked away quickly to hide his blush.
A string of Yes and Please and happy giggles were all the convincing you needed before agreeing to move into Carmen's apartment officially.
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alc0h0lic0 · 4 months
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fierce-trait · 1 year
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oml. the ts3 modders are watching the newest expansion packs and PLOTTINGGGG!!!! i cant lie im loving it LMAOO. growing together inspired mod for more meals & snacks along with preferences for todddlers :) grab it here
this makes me wonder if someone might expand on the TS3 horses when the upcoming EP comes out 🌚🐴✨
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tempting-andromeda · 7 months
Some reading headcanons of Ef and you can CLEARLY tell they’ve never met a native person irl or have the literacy comprehension of a todddler
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propalitet · 7 months
Parent influencers calling their todddler daughters "little bitches" and "cunts" to seem funny on the internet is really disgusting
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starry-hughes · 1 year
it’s like an alumni event thing, and everyone comes flooding in. and because op is a freaking giant- he looks so intimidating to dalton. and he’s asking over and over if someone he’s more familiar with will play, but find finally he goes to luca and he’s like “dada you think he color with me?” “yeah buddy let me ask him”
and then you have this shy little todddler coloring with a freaking giant
“owen, someone wants to meet you,” angel smiles.
“hey dalton! i haven’t seen you since you were a baby baby, you could fit in my hand.”
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cyazurai · 8 months
wait wait wait wait
I just realized
I really need a walker and playpen for infants like the ones in the TS3 store for todddlers
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evilforgood999 · 2 years
Im gonna add onto callmejayl, I think that Blue doesn't know what flirting is due to how his childhood was and feels as if he is just giving compliments and n the process making evryone uncofortable. He is basically tht ne child at the park that makes all the other kids uncmfortable because he staers a them. Honestly I have thought about this waaaaayyyyy too much. have hld onto this man like a todddler holds their fav barbie.
I'm glad we have a piece of Blue's childhood.
by the power given to me by memes, I declare it canon
On the subject of compliments: I think AT FIRST he did not understand how and to whom it was right to make compliments and at first they were awkward and even went too far, but the way Blue can manage people now shows that he has learned to master language and thoughts. But he hasn't stopped being weird.
Not in any case.
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millennialtumbler · 2 months
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longwindedbore · 1 year
Finally, Trump will be VISUALLY in the midst of one cadre of his conspirators.
A tableaux which will make it very difficult for the GOP to continue to spin the Narrative of a ‘political witch hunt’to stop a legitimate Presidential candidate.
Perhaps the infotainment ‘news’ media will be satisfied with their Trump-generated advertising dollar$ from his televised court room appearances in Georgia. Won’t need his BS to generate dollars for the campaign coverage.
Perhaps the media will lose interest in maintaining their pretense that there is a real debate on issues between the two Parties?
Or even a debate on real issues between the at-least-living-in-Reality Republican presidential candidates and the wannabe fascists dictators blowing racist dog whistles like Trump and DeSantis.
Particularly as campaign viewership will plummet as the Tangerine Todddler focuses solely on his legal travails. Instead of generating campaign bytes to feed the ravenous echo-chamber that is Infotainment.
Difficult to maintain a presence as Ohiio and other special off-off year elections, as well as the dearth of big donor $$ to any GOP candidates, are indicating that the GOP is effed in the 2024 elections. Predicating that 2026 elections will sweep them out of beaucoup State and local offices.
Without Trump the GOP strategists believe that a third of their voters who are devout MAGAs won’t show up to the polls. Or watching campaign coverage on Faux News.
Actuarial tables and the high death rate continuing among the anti-vaxxed are cutting GOP voters from the rolls and Fox viewership.
The increasingly unpopular States Anti-abortion officials and legislators were elected by the 70% of GOP voters who are from the diminishing 50 or older and largely evangelical demographics. The evangelical churches are not retaining younger members. GOP voters aged 18 to 29 are only 6% of the GOP voting bloc.
Then coming soon to a DC court house will be the Seditionists in Congress who gave tours to the insurrectionists. They’ve already turned on each OTHER over who Trump-loves-best. Indictments will break them.
Eventually we get to those post-election Trump civilian replacement appointees in the Defense of Defense responsible for preventing the Maryland National Guard rescuing Congress on January 6.
The Congressional and civilian appointees are part of criminal acts which may incur the death penalty.
Trump, Giuliani, Eastman, Chesbro, et Al are part of those conspiracies. Damnatio memoriae!
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btsroleplayblog · 2 years
"Even if Jungkook didn't want you here, we would find a place for you" Namjoon sighed and slightly pulled away "That kid is an idiot" He breathed out before patting your head "Do you want me to talk to him?*
"Im so thankful for you alpha." I sniffle, kissing his cheek as we embraced. "I mean, wouldn't thst make it worse? I dont know. Im out of options. If you think it would help then please do.." I smile sadly, picking up the todddler and sitting him on my hip. "I have some duties to attend to.."
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salesjmo · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nautica (NEW) Todddler Boys Dress Pants Charcoal Grey Size 3T.
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mz-sims · 3 years
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Anyone have a clue to her name? On a side note, she looks just like her daddy! 
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kumonindiasrilanka · 2 years
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Kumon goes beyond tutoring, by actively developing critical thinking skills as children progress independently through carefully crafted Math and English curriculum. Enrol with Kumon and see the difference in your kid.
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