#todd rebane ( ask ).
hidiingplace · 2 years
“don’t do this here. you’re making a scene.” (todd)
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“Maybe I oughta be makin’ a scene.” Voice raised, body animated, it’s clear that something has set him off and for what? Be it the tension that’s been building up he’s tried to push down, or the feeling like surely everyone leaves him at one point or another and that such a time for Pasha was running short, Todd’s behaviour might be seen as self-destructive. Though in a room full of people, fuelled but a lingering fear of abandonment, it was hard for him to see it as anything other than justified right now.
“Ye embarressed? Eh? What it is, then?”
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@rootworkin // jealous much ?
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rootworkin-arc · 3 years
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todd said, “i’ll avoid that place like the plague. i’ll never go back there.”
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“i suppose it’s not for everyone,” she says, a bemused smile flitting over her face as she folds another outfit into her open suitcase. the conversation had been going fine until she’d mentioned taking a jaunt to paris when she was overseas. then todd had immediately launched into his hatred of the city, leaving her (as always) with a lot of unanswered questions.
pasha doesn’t exactly know what todd’s experiences in paris were. she knows he lived there for a good portion of his life and that, whatever had happened there, had left him with a harsh disdain for the alleged city of love. but whenever she tries to get context, todd shuts down and changes the subject, a shadow hanging low in his eyes.
“i promise i won’t get you a souvenir.” sighing, she perches next to him on the bed, grabbing his hand and kisses the back of it, pressing all her unanswered questions into his skin so they won’t slip out. “try not to get in trouble while i’m gone, yeah?”
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prompt / accepting / @hidiingplace​
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harrowiingstreets · 4 years
Todd: does something stupid Most people: what the fuck? Ella: he hasn't even had redbull yet just you wait
LMAKLSCOSHDJGFS she’s right and i hate him
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hidiingplace · 2 years
❝ where did you get that? ❞ i haven't had some TODD SABINE FOR A WHILE <3
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“This?” Todd asks, holding up a small bottle of perfume. It obviously wasn’t his. Todd used deodorant and nothing else seeing as he tended to work himself into a sweat frequently throughout the day. But this? This tiny little round bottle pinched between his fingers, it might not be his but it was certainly hers. 
“I just found this ol’ thing lyin’ around.” Todd remarks, snickering lightly as he tosses it up and catches it in the palm of his hand. His eyes squint closed in the action, teeth showing as he does so. He nicked this little bad boy from her dresser about a month ago when she had been getting dressed. She had a sea of perfume bottles, all covered in a small layer of dust. Perfect for a little bit of a theft prank, if you ask him.
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@meowtrash // five words.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
[ UNPLANNED ] i think it's time for some parker todd <3
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There are benefits to being able to fall asleep in the most uncomfortable places. After Parker had fallen asleep with their head in Todd’s lap while they were sitting on the sofa enjoying a random movie, Todd didn’t have it in him to wake his boygirlfriend. Instead, Todd merely lifted his legs and crossed them without waking Parker up. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned himself back into the sofa. Todd wasn’t a good sleeper to begin with, but he manages to snag a few hours of sleep before the sunrise streaks in from the big windows to the right of them both. 
Todd, sensing Parker’s newfound restlessness, gently coos to the other as he stretches his arms over his head. He yawns, displaying his canines like a rabid animal before his arms drop down to curl tightly around Parker. With a purr like growl Todd nudges the other away with his nose and a series of kisses just behind Parker’s ear, waiting for them to full wake up. 
“Eh, sleepy bones, ya got my legs asleep.” In truth, they weren’t, but it was always nice to poke a little fun, right?
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@meowtrash // staying the night.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
[ GUARDED ] julia todd for sure what a stubborn queen
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Todd’s apartment was hardly a nice place to host anyone, let alone someone like Julia who seemed to have standards taller than the ceiling at times. How she ended up stuck with him was still a mystery to him, but he was in no mood to spin down that drain of wondering why she bothered to stay with him.
The danger wasn’t anything Todd really believed would come back to get him. Though when you stumble through your girlfriend’s home with a broken arm and bruised ribs it tends to leave them alarmed. His secret was out, and even since, Julia had been a little bit paranoid. Discharged from the hospital after 3 days waiting to get pins put in his arm, he couldn’t help but think it ridiculous and was looking forward to calling Daeton in the morning. 
But of course, Julia demanded to stay over night. After the anxiety and fear that Todd had over hospitals, he was in no mood to argue. Once home he stood at the kitchen counter and used his good arm to grab a knife from the kitchen drawer, he flips it and tries to cut off the hospital tag on the same hand as he holds the knife –– failing in his attempt to remove any scent of hospital off him. 
“Ain’t no body gonna be slippin’ through these windows at night.” Todd says, having yet to really fully merge his two lives together. Even when Julia mentions him being the Fox, he tends to distance himself, using his well practiced skill of acting like the Fox wasn’t himself but some reckless vigilante. 
“Ain’t no body except ye, my sister, an’ Dae know about any of what yer so worried about. ESTI DE TABARNAC! SACRE,” he barks, frustrated with his failings on getting the tag off, dropping the knife on the counter and bringing it to his mouth. His sharp teeth dig in and with a flick of his head, he tag breaks of. He spits it to the floor, not even bothering to look at the red mark on his wrist from the force of his pull.
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@meowtrash // staying the night.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
[ TIRED ]  (todd)
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Perhaps the most poorly kept secret of Todd’s was his quickness to cry. His life could crumble around him and he would greet it with a grin and a laugh as if he was enjoying it. But at the end of the day, when the world had crumbled and he still had a home left to go back to, his emotions dripped out of him with shakes and trembles from having to hold it in for so long.
It was his grandmother’s death-anniversary. He’d planned to go to Canada, visit her grave, thank her for the life she had gifted him –– for protecting him, for allowing him to meet his father, for saving him from a life in Paris that had no end but to jump from a high building and never get back up again. 
But when he got there, his mother had decided to cause a scene. He’d gotten angry, but thankfully his father had been there to end it swiftly. The drive back home was silent; not even his father’s gentle prodding could get Todd to say much beyond sharp bursts of rage and brooding revenge. And it wasn’t until he’d arrived back in New York and Pasha had asked him so gently, ‘How was it?’ that he broke into pieces with a weepy: “She ruined it.”
Now, hours later, curled up in Pasha’s arms, his depressive spiral leaving him in near-hysterics, he was finally beginning to fall asleep. His fingers curled tightly around Pasha’a clothes, his face blotchy and red, eyes and nose swollen, that he could feel the weeps turn into tiny hiccups instead of trembling, choked noises. He was never a loud crier. Life on the streets had taught him how to remain silent even in his darkest hours. Even his sobs were tight and held, but now the tiny hiccups are just him trying to get his breathe back from holding so tightly.
“I’m sorry.” Even in despair he feels the need to apologize for the breaking this hard and this long. His voice is soft, tired, almost babe like as he squeezes her legs a little tighter. “I ain’t mean ta––”
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@rootworkin // staying the night.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
what song do you associate with each muse? 
ooc. i was saving this ask for last cause i LOVE this question:
Caspian Bengal –– The Resistance by Skillet  (Rock/Metal) Ash Yii –– Never Satisfied by CORPSE (Metal/Screaming/Rap) Daeton Rune –– Say What You Mean by Raleigh Ritchie (Confessional Pop/R&B) Mateo Marconi –– No Te Enamores by Paloma Mami (Chilean Spanish Pop) Todd Rebane –– Catch Me If You Can by Set It Off (Pop-Punk) Joey Hamilton –– Avoiding the Angel by Dave Navarro (Indie-Alternative)
also it should be noted that all (except Mateo) of these songs are sung by my muse’s VoiceClaims as well 👀. So it just adds to the experience.
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@dgnvill // 20 questions for multis !
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hidiingplace · 2 years
“You’re such an idiot. I will literally kiss you on the mouth.” | Lee @ Todd (i blow u and all ur muses a kiss, welcome back)
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“With a mouth like yers, ye can kiss me wherever ya want, toots.” Coupled with the signature wink and toothy smirk Todd was known for, you’d hardly even notice the fact that he was covered in spray paint from his expedition into the city to aid in the recent protests while leaving tags and sayings along buildings. 
“Better make it quick before tha cops catch up with me.” He takes a bounding step forward, arms looping around her and picking her up a few inches before planting a heavy, paint covered kiss to her cheek.
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@spiriitum // tumblr text post prompts.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
“You’re such an idiot. I will literally kiss you on the mouth.” (Ella / Todd)
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Cheering Ella up after a hard day exams could be classified as one of Todd’s favourite things to do. Today, the play opens with him wearing a sweater on his legs and pants on his arms while proceeding to do a hand stand and “dance” to the music she had playing while she studied for her next exam. Of course with his balance it turned into a whole musical, filled with his laugher and “accidentally” knocking things over every now and then. Eventually it fulfills its purpose and she’s laughing at him and calling him an idiot. 
He summersaults to his feet and quickly turns, playfully crashing through part of her room and ending up in front of her on his knees. He purses his lips, sticking them through the unzipped zipper of the pants as he waits ever patiently for her to make good on her promise.
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@never-surrender // tumblr text post prompts.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
“you’re talking mad shit for a guy within kissing distance.” (todd)
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“Ain’t that tha play?” Todd smirks, winking as he looks at her. “Talk too much so ye can shut me up with force?” 
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@rootworkin // tumblr text post prompts.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
“You’re talking mad shit for a guy within kissing distance.” jack todd i'm screaming
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“I ain’t so sure.” Todd tilts his neck at an impractical angle upwards, his eyes squinting as he lifts a hand to block out the sun –– like he has to look a few miles upwards to make eye contact. “Ya sure this is kissin’ distance, stretch?” Todd lets the question hang in the air, but he breaks a second later, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes and a smirk spreading across devilish lips. 
“Maybe I oughta climb ya like a pole ta get a lil closer for ya.” And cue the wink.
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@meowtrash // tumblr text post prompts.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
“I could recognize him by tits alone.” From nadine for todd
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“If i didn’t know any better I’d be sayin’ ya got tha hots for this guy.” Todd’s fingers are preoccupied with trying to pick out a fibre of squash stuck between those sharpened cannes of his. His lips curls upwards as he looks at the nail he’s been using. His tongue swipes along the line of his teeth, satisfied and looking more feral than usual before he becomes human again. Pushing off the railing of the stairwell Nadine and Todd had parked themselves in to chat, his feet land with an echoing thud that travels upwards, planting himself on the stair in front of Nadine with a smirk. 
“So ya gonna lemme meet tha guy or what? Just gonna leave me in suspense and unable ta get a good look at these man-tits ya been gushin’ over? That just ain’t fair, Dîner.” 
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@microwaveds // tumblr text post prompts.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
“I hate when people ask me what sign I am. Like, bitch, I am a sign from God. Start running.” (Tengen / Todd)
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“AHAHA!” The sharp and loud laugh cuts through most of the noise around them on the street. The brightly coloured red head bends, one hand landing on Tengen’s back, the other swinging down to slap his knee as he snickers lightly through the throws of his amusement. 
“An’ they better hope I ain’t catch ‘em!”
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@never-surrender // tumblr text post prompts.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
“Not evil anymore, I want to be loved now.” (Tiffany to whoever wants to take that doozy on)
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“Ain’t we all?” Todd says, laying with his back on the concret ledge of the high rise. One foot dangles over the city below him, the cold of autumn bites his pale skin as his arms are tucked behind his head like a pillow. 
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@never-surrender // tumblr text post prompts.
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hidiingplace · 2 years
misc • tag dump.
ooc ( screams in horse girl ). ooc ( ask ). psa ( hey read this pls ). ask meme ( specify muse ! ). queue ( line the fuck up ! ). self promo ( promote my brand ! )
ash & todd. caspian & todd. daeton & todd. joey & todd. mateo & todd. zipp & todd.
daeton & ash. daeton & mateo. caspian & joey. caspian & ash.
ash yii ( dash games ). caspian bengal ( dash games ). daeton rune ( dash games ). joey hamilton ( dash games ). mateo marconi ( dash games ). todd rebane ( dash games ).
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