#todd gloria
soullust · 4 months
dead poets full name headcanons
Neil William Perry
Todd Alexander Anderson
Charles Isaiah "Charlie" Dalton
Knox Theodore Overstreet
Steven Kirby Meeks
Gerard Jesse Pitts
Richard Stephen Cameron
Christelle Brandy "Chris" Noel
Virginia Pearl "Ginny" Danburry
Nathan Laurent "Stick" Stites 
Matthew Eugene ("Spaz") Schultz 
Gloria Vivian Hayes
Tina Delphine James
Chester Frederick "Chet" Danburry
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fightclubgayporn · 5 months
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scarlet pilgrim's precious little life (more under the cut)
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anyway. not pictured are wanda wells, steph stills, young nora, jules powers, steve pilgrim, lysander guycott, harris hawkes, sammy & monroe and mobile. her name is the same <3
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thiamblogger · 7 months
guys.. the scene with the girls in the cave happened right after the deskset scene.
did i block that out or something?
cause it was literally the same fucking night.. no wonder neil wasn't happy.
todd had basically just given all he could to him and now he's all goofy over some random girls?
they still flirted humblelessly, but still..
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(the last one's are just kinda there cause..)
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I am totally normal about this person. *grrr* *bark bark* *grrrr* *chewing on a discarded arm*
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rip knuckles u were great shadow is my new catholic latino buddy
Quick explanation:
Jason: I looked up Jason Todd Catholic on tumblr and one of the first posts was a hc about him being Mexican
Matt: Check out my fics/au
Trigun: my friend dm me this morning saying spaghetti westerns are spanish but death to Spain
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scaryscarecrows · 7 months
Does the Garzonas incident happen in the Scaryverse?
I was just. I was so fucking angry, he'd done that to her and nobody was doing a goddamn thing about any of it, I didn't know what I was going to do, just...I had to do something. Teach him a lesson.
He really did fall. I could've grabbed him, I guess, but he really did fall. I didn't even lay a finger on him. He freaked out. Typical. But Bruce didn't...I don't think he believed me. Guess that's why I went after Joker a few months later. May as well live up to expectations, right?
(Gloria is mentioned, however briefly, in For the Greater Good:
She is still very much a driving force in Jason's actions today.)
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xandriagreat · 4 months
Ballister | Chapter 15
Prologue | Last Chapter
Notice/warnings: crying, wounds/injuries/scars, kiss, angst, fluff, almost swearing
The whole kingdom had to evacuate and got help from the group’s village.
It turns out that the village was a mythical village, filled with humans and monsters mythicals.
Some of the people of the kingdom weren’t sure about this but this was the help that arrived and they’re kind when they arrived.
So they accepted their help and became grateful for the help.
Nimona blinks as she wakes up, groaning a bit.
Everything was a bit blurry to her for a moment before she gently rubbed her eyes and she slowly looked around. 
Nimona noticed that she was in a sometype of medical tent and was laying on a portable medical bed. 
She could feel that she wasn’t in her armor anymore but she was wearing some type of dress that feels really soft.
Nimona slowly sat up and looked at herself to see that she was wearing some type of medical and summer dress mix, which was pink.
She noticed that her hair was down when some strands of her red hair fell in front of her face and felt that her hair wasn’t tied back.
She could also smell lavender nearby and also noticed someone was sitting in a chair next to her on her left side of the bed.
She turned her head to see who the person was.
It was Gloreth. 
She wasn’t wearing her armor but was wearing some type of medical and summer dress mix, but it was yellow.
The blonde woman was holding Ballister’s satchel and was looking at it, getting lost in thought.
Nimona noticed that Gloreth had a some type of burn scar that traveled up her neck and ended at the tip of the ear. 
“Gloreth?” Nimona croaked, her throat very sore.
Gloreth jumped and her eyes lit up when looking at Nimona.
“Oh my- Nim! You’re awake!” Gloreth breathed excitedly, putting the satchel down as she got up from the chair and went to her.
Nimona waved weakly at her and said, “Hey…”
Gloreth gently hugged Nimona, who hugged her back.
“So… What happened?” Nimona asked when they were done hugging, looking at Gloreth.
Gloreth sighed and sat down on the bed, looking at Nimona for a moment. 
“After you passed out,” Gloreth started to explain, “people from the group helped everyone of the kingdom to evacuate. And then help arrived and everyone got help. The kingdom started to get fixed up again.” Then Gloreth chuckled and added, “Omar, the person who walked over to ask if we needed help, wasn’t joking when saying that the people from their village are different.”
“Let me guess…” Nimona chuckled. “Giants, cyclopes, orcs, witches, merpeople, sirens, elfs, fairies, and shapeshifters. The basic beings and things that we learned in our identifying monsters lessons?”
“Yep. Along with humans.” Gloreth chuckled, nodding softly. “They’re all very good beings and very kind.” 
Nimona hummed and nodded. “I bet…” she chuckled softly before going quiet, looking down for a moment.
“You ok?” Gloreth asked, tilting her head to the side.
“I don’t know…” Nimona said, hugging herself. “These past five months have been a lot…”
Gloreth nodded in agreement. “Yep…”
The two women got quiet for a moment.
The silence got a bit awkward.
“So… um…” Nimona started, breaking the silence as she looked at Gloreth. “How’s everyone? Are you ok? You have a really bad scar.”
“Oh! Everyone is good.” Gloreth said with a soft smile. “Everyone is amazed by the beings and the outside world.” Then she pointed at the scar and added, “You mean this? It was from The Director but I’m ok, I promise. One of the mythicals, the people of the village, gave me some type of healing lotion, which smells like lavender.”
Nimona hummed and nodded before looking at Ballister’s satchel. “I noticed that you were holding and looking at Bal’s satchel.” she said as she went back looking at Gloreth.
“Yeah…” the blonde woman said, nodding. “I looked inside it… that boy is a big collector… sorry but what pronouns did your sidekick use?”
“Ballister used he/him pronouns. And what do you mean by that? He’s a big collector?” Nimona asked, tilting her head to the side.
Gloreth nodded as she got up and went to get the bag. She walked back to her with the bag. “There are a lot of things inside of this bag.” she said, opening the bag when she sat down on the bed. “And there’s one thing that’s familiar.”
Gloreth reaches inside the bag while Nimona looks at her to see what is going to be pulled out. Gloreth pulled out Nimona’s sword out of the satchel.
Nimona’s eyes widened when seeing her sword. “My sword.” she gasped softly. Then Nimona noticed that a note was attached to it while Gloreth nodded as the blonde woman handed the sword to the red head woman.
Nimona took the sword from Gloreth and began to read the note.
To Boss:
I got this when I got the evidence of The Director’s confession. I thought that you would want your sword back, since it’s yours and you worked really hard for it. So you deserve to have it. Even if you’re not a knight of the Institute anymore. You’re still a hero. In my eyes, you are a hero. I hope that you like it!
-Your sidekick, Ballister.
Nimona stares at the note and feels tears peeking at her eyes. Her body started to shake as she started to cry, which made Gloreth get worried.
Nimona tried to calm down but ended up coughing, choking on her tears. “Sorry…” Nimona choked out, her hands covering her mouth as she coughed again.
“Hey. It’s ok…” Gloreth reassured, carefully taking the sword and putting it to the side, along with the satchel. “Do you want anything? Like hug or-”
Then Nimona quickly nodded as she lowered her hands from her face. “P-please… hug…”
Gloreth gently pulled Nimona into a hug and held her close. 
Nimona clings onto Gloreth, crying more while rubbing her back.
“It’s ok, Nimona… It’s going to be ok.” Gloreth reassured.
Nimona calmed down after a while. She looked at Gloreth, who was smiling softly at her and gently wiped her tears away.
Nimona smiled back softly, sniffing a bit, “You sure?”
“Yep.” Gloreth said, nodding. “You’re not alone this time. You have people who can help, talk, and listen.”
“Like you?”
“Only if you want. I can just be just a friend who lets you cry on their shoulder. Nothing more. But only if you want.” Gloreth said softly.
Nimona stares at her for a moment before nodding softly with a soft smile. “I would like that. We can be friends. I can be the shoulder for you too.”
Gloreth smiled back and hugged Nimona softly, who hugged back with a chuckle.
◇seven months later◇
A lot has changed with the realm.
The rule of ‘never let your guard down’ was changed to ‘only have your guard up when needed’. 
The cannons have been removed from the wall.
That gave everyone a sense of calm, even the knights and guards.
There were new homes, new businesses, and new buildings.
The hole in the wall has been re-made as a welcoming archway, allowing all people safe passage to travel in and out of the Kingdom as they please.
The remaining standing part the wall has become has completely changed into an open community with a park.
The Humans of all classes and Mythicals got along very well.
Nimona was on the remaining standing part of the wall, seeing a great view of the kingdom with how far it's come along with new change since the wall was down.
The back of her head was just shaved while the rest of her red hair has grown a bit. Her hair was still a bit short but it was still long enough to put it in a small ponytail. Her side bangs had a new layer of dyed pink. 
She was wearing black pants and a dark pink tank top. She also was wearing her black jacket around her waist. 
Nimona didn’t mind if she got stared at because of her burn scars. 
She also had Ballister’s satchel with her.
‘Some of us don’t get the “Happily ever-after” we were looking for. Maybe it’s not that kind of kingdom. Or maybe it’s not the end of the story.’ Nimona thought as she looked out.
Then for a moment, Nimona thought that she saw Ballister run past her. She turned around to see it was just one of the other shapeshifting kids who had blue and indigo hair. The kid was playing with the human kids.
Nimona smiled softly at them and sighed softly.
“Hey, Nim!” Gloreth called out, walking over to her.
Nimona looked at her and smiled.
Gloreth was wearing white pants and a yellow tank top with a teal light jacket over her. Her blonde hair was cut to an A-line cut and had some red highlights. Her scar from The Director has faded and healed that you can’t really see it.
“Hi, Gloria.” Nimona chuckled.
Gloreth and Nimona smiled softly at each other for a moment before hugging each other.
Nimona and Gloreth have been dating again for a couple of months now. They’re going slow at the moment, nothing too big at the moment like small kisses when it’s just them and simple dates.
Then they went down the stairs to get to the main ground floor, walking hand in hand.
They looked around to see how much everything had changed.
Everything is calmer.
Nimona and Gloreth got to the ground floor and walked over to a place that was near the hole of the wall, where a memorial of Ballister’s sacrifice was being celebrating.
A lot of people put flowers, drawings, and letters of Ballister.
Nimona looked at the memorial, smiling softly. Then she noticed Todd walking up to the memorial with flowers.
Todd had an arm in a sling but that wasn’t the only thing that he got from the incident. He had 3rd degree burns almost all over himself and a lot of scars, which did healed over time, but he did look different.
Todd placed the flowers by the memorial. He looked at Nimona and nodded to her with a soft smile before walking away.
Nimona smiled a bit and went to look back at the memorial.
Gloreth pick up one of the drawings and looked at it with a soft smile before handing it to Nimona.
Nimona took the drawing and looked at it.
It was a sweet drawing of Ballister with blue writing that reads: “We love Ballister”
Nimona smiled sadly at the drawing and held it close. 
She was still in mourning and missed Ballister but she did honor his sacrifice.
Nimona and Gloreth walked around the kingdom after visiting the memorial.
They walked by the edge of the woods at one point of their walk. 
Nimona stopped and looked at the woods, which got Gloreth’s attention.
“You ok?” she asked, looking at her.
“Yeah…” Nimona replied, nodding softly. Then she pointed at the woods and added, “I’m going to take a walk there. Maybe stop by the mansion. I promise I’ll be okay.”
Gloreth hummed and nodded in understanding. “Okay, I was going to get lunch. Want me to bring some pizza?” she asked.
Nimona nodded with a smile. “That does sound nice.”
Nimona and Gloreth gently kissed each other before going to their different destinations.
Nimona went into the woods and got to the mansion.
She opened the main door and looked around as she walked in.
Everything was the same, just covered in dust. 
It’s been a few months since she’s been here ever since she moved in with Gloreth as a roommate.
“Hm…” she hummed as she looked around, remembering the memories with Ballister.
Then she got an idea.
Nimona began removing dusty curtains, piles of wood from the windows, and fixing some lights. 
She started to clean up a bit and even decorated the place.
Finally she went to the evidence wall and took it all down except for the drawings that Ballister made. Then she begin making her own little memorial for Ballister with the drawing from the memorial and putting up the photos with both of them.
Nimona took a few steps back and looked at it, smiling at it.
The ‘lair’ was filled with light and love, a place where you no longer want to hide in the shadows.
Nimona smiled at the new look of the main floor of the mansion. 
She took in a breath, taking it all in the change.
Then there was a knock on the entrance door, which got Nimona’s attention.
She ran to the door with excitement.
Nimona grabbed the door handle and swung the door to see if Ballister was alive somehow.
There was no one.
Just sunlight shining over the woods with a gentle gust of wind blowing by and the sounds of birds chirping in the distance.
Nimona’s shoulders dropped a bit in disappointment but she couldn’t help but smile and laugh softly at herself.
Then a light blue light appeared from behind her and called out in a familiar accent voice, “Hey Boss.”
Nimona whips around and her face lights up with a beaming smile when seeing the blue shapeshifting light fully formed into a familiar teen who she hasn't seen in 7 months.
“Holy sh-!” Nimona started with surprise and thrilled in her voice but was cut off when Ballister hug attacked her.
The both of them fell onto the ground, making both of them laugh.
“You’re back. You’re back!” Nimona breathed, crying softly as she hugged and held Ballister close. “I missed you so much…”
Ballister nuzzled and let out a soft teary chuckle, “I missed you too.”
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toonsforkicks22 · 1 year
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Gloria + Green Cafe, Yokai’s #1 recommended! And Todd’s book, #1 NY bestseller!
Cafe Maid May Day 26-29: Decor + Lemonade + Reading + Social Media
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ufonaut · 2 years
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One of the reasons we’re losing, Salem, is because you only look out for yourself. You have since you got to this island.
Cherry Bomb & Salem in Stargirl: The Lost Children (2022) #5
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soullust · 5 months
my miscellaneous dps headcanons (including some background characters)
has HORRIBLE eyesight. like wayy worse that meeks but he hates wearing his glasses
loves scavenger hunts
charlie helped him realize he's gay (they made out once to 'check' but never had any actual feelings for eachother)
is diabetic but doesn't know it
is so incredibly competitive it's ridiculous. he'll die before he loses a bet
selectively mute
gets his poetry / writing published at least twice. the first time was even before he turned 18
scrunches his nose when smiling
not a morning person. he's dead until noon
is a huge gossip and his grandma's favorite bc of it
can't lie to save his life
loves horseback riding
can't cook. at all. like he burns water
loves spicy foods and smells
his parents mostly ignored him and his younger sister during their childhood and basically raised his sister himself
but it also gave him a lot of freedom, especially during holidays and school breaks, since his parents always either pawned him off to family or just didn't care where he was 90% of the time.
like, really, they only care about appearances so they get on his back about being disrespectful every once in a while and ignore him the rest that's one of the reasons he acts out all the time he desperately craves attention he never got
tina INSISTS on doing his make-up everytime they hang out. he likes make-up and she's pretty good, so he just lets her
like todd, he's very competitive, but, unlike todd, he's not a sore loser
has a huge sweet tooth smells like it
was obsessed with nordic mythology in middleschool
matthew ("spaz") was his childhood bestfriend, but they grew apart over the years
is allergic to bees. somehow never remembers to take his epipen anywhere. it's a miracle he's survived this long
he's a car guy. wants to be a car mechanic
had a crush on neil in like 6th grade
scared of birds
has a stutter and used to have a lisp
gamer boi
not exactly a hc but yall can we acknowledge how sarcastic and bitchy he is??? he's hilarious
knows how to sew
gives the best hugs
once got arrested and had to call charlie to bail him out. charlie was so proud he bought him ice cream on their way back
has lexical-gustatory synesthesia
his bio dad is dead and he hates his step-father with a passion
is besties with gloria and she finds him hillarious
mr keating used to work as a line cook in his teens. also he was a lot like charlie during his highschool years (chaotic & funny)
chris used to do ballet as a kid, but has moved on to cheerleading and gymnastics. her parents are divorced. she lives with her mother and younger half-brother
ginny really should be wearing glasses but she hates them and her parents refuse to buy her more flattering frames. she can't swim. people always share their secrets with her bc she seems like she can keep them, but she’s actually a huge gossip
stick has a twin sister. he is nonverbal and communicates thru asl
gloria is training to be a hairdresser
tina can’t walk in heels taller than half an inch
hopkins has a huge crush on cameron
matthew is an origami master
mr mcallister knits in his spare time. he married a chinese woman who, when he met her, didn’t know any english
i take headcanon and one-shot requests btw
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Dead poets characters as things my classmates said:
Charlie: i wasn't mean to Cameron for ten minutes!
Chris: i'm proud of you...?
Tina: i have new an idea for book!
Gloria: did you finish the last one?
Tina: no... But i'm working on it!
Neil, to Todd: you are my little monkey<3
Meeks: i wasn't here for an hour and Charlie is drinking water with cinnamon, salt, sugar and pepper. Neil is playing with plastic bottle and Ginny is violent to Chet, bcs he drinked her cola. Cool.
Tina, to Knox: do you wanna die?
Knox: no...?
Tina: oh, i wanted kill that character :(
Charlie: i would let him fuck me to death and *something very spicy but i don't remember what*
Todd: there's things you can't say aloud
Ginny: he's fucker, it's good you broke up with him. *Very aloud*
Chris: don't you wanna scream that?
Neil: Withman or Neruda?
Todd: ... Neruda
Pitts: oh, shit, i need pee
Meeks: again?
Pitts: i have weak urethra!
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dukeofthomas · 4 months
Why Jason Todd doesn't believe in Batman's idea of ''justice'', or his way of doing things.
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thiamblogger · 7 months
watching the deleted snow scene and its so freeing to see todd be so free, to see him hold the god, to see him willingly read his poems, talk to the girls he'd never met before first, to be throwing himself up and down, to yawp the loudest!!
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rickchung · 10 months
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May December (dir. Todd Haynes) x WFF 2023.
There's a deeply sincere quality to the dryly comical knowingness of May December's detached psychological humour. Scripted by screenwriter Samy Burch, the self-conscious film revels in its cattiness. It's often truly uncomfortable how the various characters toy and play with each other's emotions as Brazillian composer Marcelo Zarvos' delightfully overwrought musical score dials up the sense of high tension. It's an intoxicating ride questioning emotionally predatory behaviour at every turn.
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loisfreakinglane · 2 years
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WITH LOVE // 1.05 “Día De Los Muertos”
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