#todays lecture was its going to rain tonight so come home......
sadiiomane10 · 1 year
Why has my mum given the cat a curfew. What is she gonna do if he doesn't come home.....Ground him
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holdinbacksecrets · 2 years
i second hannie soccer player bf au lol! <3
nearly there… here’s college jeonghan part 2. part 3 will finally feature ~soccer and get us one step closer to boyfriend >.< part 1
tw: mentions of blood
jeonghan saved you the seat beside him. it’s not something he’s ever done before; you’re usually early enough to slide into it without a second thought, but today is off. it’s easy for him to tell as you trudge into the lecture hall.
you rub your temple as soon as you’re seated, not realizing he removed his bag from the plastic just before you fell into it.
“rough morning?”
“you could say so.”
“does it have anything to do with our midterm paper?”
“is it kicking your ass too?”
“actually, i wrote it two weeks ago. our soccer schedule is complete marbles over the next couple weeks. it was easier to knock it out early.”
“complete marbles?”
“yeah, like bonkers or crazy. i don’t know, my sister says it, rubbed off on me.”
you smile, feeling fondness bloom. he hasn’t seen your smile since last friday when he noticed you in the stands at his game.
your intrigued hum is the only response he receives as the professor’s greeting quiets the room.
moments before class begins, jeonghan taps the edge of your desk, earning your attention swiftly. “let me know if you need a second pair of eyes.”
your laptop comes to life. its light coats your face and captures specks of amber in your eyes. “i thought you’re about to be busier than marbles?”
jeonghan bites his lip, and you realize how terribly you fumbled his words.
“writing a ten page paper and reading yours once it’s finished are two different things. i’ll text you my email.”
“thank you, jeonghan.”
your sleep deprivation serves as a darker cloud than the ones rolling past the window, pouring rain across your campus, darkening the pavement, and challenging the fountain on the north end as water threatens to spill over and flood a flowerbed.
jeonghan wants to say something else, tell you not to bother because he’ll send you a copy of his own notes, but that would be too much for one day— for one class.
he’s still figuring out what exactly is going on here because he knows about your roommate’s crush on seokmin, but is there another reason why you join her at every home game? is it more than friendly support?
he was hoping to see even the slightest glimpse of excitement from you this morning, whether it matched the handful of royal blue bows worn throughout the hall or be a shirt with your school’s name stitched into its cotton. his number on a jersey you can purchase at the bookstore was the best case scenario, but that would be marbles.
your next class is close to jeonghan’s. now that he’s switched to liberal arts, the two of you are seeing far more of each other.
“have you decided on a major yet?”
“not quite. i was thinking about anthropology, but my roommates gave me shit for that, asked what the hell i would do after graduation.”
“really? i didn’t take you as someone who bends so easily.”
“why’s that?”
your fingers wrap around the straps of your backpack, catching a loose thread on a hanging nail you hadn’t noticed in your morning rush.
“you seem so sure of yourself, so autonomous. our university has two hundred majors in the school of liberal arts, so i can’t say anthropology is without a doubt the right choice for you, but you like it. you like your red hair too right?”
“would you dye it back because your roommate said it looked like someone dipped you in gochujang?”
jeonghan’s lips spread into a smile, and you wonder if there’s a rainbow hanging above his head, if the clouds are parting.
“no, i wouldn’t.”
you reach the steps of Snow Hall, and jeonghan nods toward the stone building. “this is me.”
“and that’s me,” you reply smoothly, motioning to the hall covered in vines and moss.
“i’ll see you tonight? unless you plan on locking yourself up in your bedroom to write a midterm.”
“are you crazy? those soccer stands are far too tempting.”
“the soccer stands, huh?”
you smile before feeling a sudden pain from your finger, drawing your attention away from jeonghan. specks of blood appear where your nail had been snagged, and you take a step back.
“mhmm, i have a thing for cold metal. i’ll see you tonight.”
you’re moving away too quickly to catch his goodbye. it’s silenced by the resonant conversations of students walking by.
your finger is covered in blood by the time you make it to your seat. without a bandaid in sight, you have no other choice but to suck it away.
surely jeonghan had a bandaid in his backpack. he probably has an entire first aid kit beneath his books, right beside a few spoons, and extra blue bows in case a certain someone in his environmental ethics class ever needs one.
like a precognition, your phone vibrates: the administration office on the second floor has bandaids and lollipops. i’d stay away from the lollipops, though. pretty sure they expired in 1995.
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the7thcrow · 3 years
indulgence | part one
pairing: felix x (fem) vampire!reader series
summary: an indulgence grows to become dangerous, as the society of hampden college takes note of y/n’s new blood bag.
series masterlist.
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word count: 4.9k
genre: forbidden love, angst (sorta), fluff, suggestive.
warnings: blood, suggestive content (kissing and a shirt comes off, nothing too crazy lmao), hook-ups (but nothing is explicitly described), strong language, and vampires ofc.
rating: 16+
a/n: hi everyone! this is my first fic, so i’m sorry if it’s a little messy. this is part one of what will be a series. i’d love to hear some feedback, so don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask or message! i hope you enjoy!
You are late. The pattering of rain echos from atop your umbrella, the puddles of pooling water soaking your loafers as you hurry along the busy street. However, you pay no mind as the liquid seeps into your shoes, mud embedding itself along your pant leg. On a normal day, you’d scowl. You’d curse the shitty weather, and grumble as you marched home to change into a dry pair of shoes. Only today is different. Today it doesn’t matter, not when you have far greater troubles warranting your concern.
The Council isn’t pleased. They’d be even more upset, if that were even possible, if you arrived tardy. You can imagine their old, petulant faces, looking down on you with disgust. Perhaps even pity, seeing you as nothing more than a childish young girl, who’d been foolish enough to break her vow. You frown to yourself, that’s all they would ever see you as. It didn’t matter how the years passed by, to them you were, and would always be simply that. A child. Always younger, always naive. Most of all, always beneath them.
The headquarters becomes visible in the distance, clouded in the slight haze of fog. It appears to be like any other building on the Hampden Campus. Old and rustic, elegant in the way it was shaped and carved, a relic of history reflected in a modern day era. Only this building holds a far different tale than those surrounding it.
Far more bloody. Far more gruesome. A home to monsters.
Monsters like yourself.
You knock on the door. Twice, slowly. Then a pause, before three times quickly. A code, letting anyone inside know that you are, in fact, a member of The Society. 
The door opens with a creak, a young boy with electric blue hair peeking out through the crack. After recognizing your face, he smiles, ushering you in quickly as the door slams shut behind you.
“Y/N! It’s good to see you. It’s been a while, huh?” The boy says, casually leaning against the door. It has been a while, you never came to this god awful building unless it was absolutely necessary.
“I guess it has been. But it’s nice to see you too, Jeongin,” you speak warmly in return. You’ve known Jeongin for a couple years now, since he first arrived at The Society doorstep. Alone and confused. A freshling, having just been turned. While perhaps not physically, he’s certainly grown since then, in both confidence and courage.
Suddenly, the smile drops from his face, his expression becoming sullen. “I hear you’ve gotten yourself into some trouble,” he states. When you don’t respond, he continues. “It’s not true, is it? I know you wouldn’t-”
“Listen, Jeongin,” you cut him off quickly. You aren’t in the mood to be lectured, especially not by someone whose opinion you actually care about. “I’m already running late. I’ll catch up with you after, okay?”
“Wait, Y/N!” He calls after you, but you’ve already disappeared down the hall, heading towards the council room. You quickly cast a glance at your watch. Shit, five minutes late. They wouldn’t forget that.
With only a quick breath to gather yourself, you burst in through the large wooden doors. The silence in the council room is deafening, as all heads turn to face you. In all your life, you’ve never seen so many dissatisfied faces. 
“Ms. L/N,” the head councilman calls. He has an old face, embedded with wrinkles and a scalp of thinning white hair. Unlucky. He could have been beautiful, or at the very least, young. However, he must’ve been turned late. A pity, to stare at such a reflection for eternity. 
You stifle a laugh. The frown he always appeared to be wearing probably wasn’t helping. 
“Take a seat,” he states, motioning to the chair seated in the center of the room. How dramatic you think, to put you in the middle of so many staring eyes. While the council was only composed of three individuals, the room seems to be full of other lower ranked members of The Society. 
As you take your seat, your gaze wanders the room, landing on a familiar head of shaggy brown hair. His eyes bore into your own, his expression serious. Perhaps even angry, the longer he stares at you. 
You want to say something. Mostly, to ask him what the fuck he’s doing here. This isn’t any of Chan’s business, yet for whatever reason he has the audacity to stare at you as if it is. As if you will grant him answers. As if he deserves answers.
“Ms. L/N,” the chairman interrupts your thoughts. “Do you know why you’re seated here today?” 
Why are you seated here today? Well, that answer is complicated. How could you have possibly gotten yourself into such a mess? How could you have been so foolish? You knew the rules. You knew what was permitted and what was not. Yet, you chose to ignore these conditions.
Why? What could possibly have made you toss everything you’d promised to the side? 
Well, that story starts with a head of bright blonde hair, and a set of curious eyes.
The library of Hampden College had become something of a second home to you. Late nights spent bent over a book, transcribing various philosophies and literature into latin. Sometimes greek, however you didn’t have quite the same knack for it. That’s where you found yourself tonight, your beaten down copy of The Iliad staring back at you from its place on the table. 
Your classics degree was coming along just fine. You didn’t mind the endless books to read and poems to analyze. Nor the papers you often found yourself crafting from this very spot in the corner of the library. It was always quiet, always solitary at this time. Even the night owl students having gathered their books, departing the library for a brief rest before their early classes the following morning.
Tonight however, was different. You heard the door creak open, glancing up as a boy appeared in the doorway. He had long blonde hair, fluffing at the nape of his neck. Sporting a sharp blazer and a pair of oxfords, you couldn’t deny he was well dressed. Perhaps that’s why he grabbed your attention immediately, you were attracted to effort. To someone who was put together, who cared. 
The boy took a seat just a few tables away from your own, gently setting his books down and disappearing into the maze of shelves to your left. You attempted to go back to your work, but couldn’t seem to find your focus. Who was this boy? You’d never seen him before in all your time at Hampden. Also, why would he possibly be at the library so late? You recognized the faces of those who while rare, might possibly be here at this time of night. He wasn’t one of them. 
You would remember if he was.
You strained your neck trying to find his figure, having lost him almost immediately.
“A fan of Homer?” A voice rang out from beside your ear. You jumped in shock, greeted by a sweet smile and wide eyes. The boy chuckled. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
You smiled sweetly, trying to calm your beating heart. “No worries. And well, you translate the entirety of Book Eight overnight into Greek, and tell me if you could still consider yourself a ‘fan of Homer.’”
The boy laughed before beginning to pull a chair out beside you. “May I?” He asked.
Looking back, you should have said no. You had a lot more work to do, and near no time to do it. Not to mention of course, rejecting him initially could have saved you from this whole mess. Instead you nodded, a grin forming at the corners of your lips as he sat down. 
“What’s your name?” He asked. His voice was sweet, sultry. Alarming in just how deep it was, not quite fitting his bright and youthful exterior. 
“Y/N, classics department. Yourself?”
“Felix,” he answered. There it was, the first time you heard the name that would cause your undoing. “I’m majoring in history. Listen,” he began, leaning in slightly closer as if he were going to tell you a secret, his voice lowering further. “I must say, I’m in here all the time, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.”
You hummed, leaning in closer to him as well. His eyes glinted. “Well that’s simple, I’m assuming you don’t frequent the library at-” you glanced at your watch- “2:32 in the morning.”
Felix’s eyebrows furrowed with something like concern. “You’re here every night at this time? Why?”
“Hey,” you began, not wanting to lose the playful nature to the conversation. You’d heard enough concerned voices to last a lifetime already. “Aren’t you here this late yourself? You’re in no place to judge.”
He laughed, and you knew you could get used to that sound. “Fair enough, I’ll leave it be.”
“Why are you here this late, anyway?” You asked.
“Oh, so you get to know my secrets, but I can’t know yours?”
“Of course.”
He rolled his eyes playfully, resting his head on the desk, cradled by his crossed arms. “If you must know, I couldn’t sleep. Figured I’d read some of your classics, thought they might help me doze off.”
You shoved his arm, to which he feigned a groan of pain, clutching his shoulder. “Excuse you,” you laughed. “I have a lot of Homer to struggle through, and no time for your cheap shots. You can go ahead and leave now.”
You were surprised when he got to his feet, worried for a moment he’d taken you seriously and was actually about to make his exit. Instead, he disappeared into the philosophy section, emerging with a copy of The Odyssey. Felix flopped down back in his chair beside you, extending his feet on top of the table and leaning backwards. 
“Well, then I guess I’ll suffer along with you,” he said. Without another word, he flipped towards the first page.
Felix was a good person to study with. Well, technically you weren’t studying with him, but nonetheless it was nice to have him in the room. He didn’t bother you, didn’t speak, just let you do your work. Sometimes you’d look up and meet his gaze, his eyes imploring you. Curious. Mischievous. 
“Alright,” you yawned after an hour or so had passed by, stretching your arms high in the air. “I’m done.”
He smiled, slowly closing his book and setting it down on the table. “Yeah? Finally going to go home and sleep?” 
“Sleep? What’s that?” You said, playfully scoffing. “Nah, it’s already past 3:30, it’ll be 4 by the time I get back to my apartment. Not worth it at this point.”
“Hmm,” Felix hummed, a flicker of mischief in his growing smile. “What ever will you do to pass the time?”
“I don’t know,” you returned, excitement building in your chest. “But I suppose I’ll leave you now. You still have about 3 quarters of The Odyssey to get through, and I don’t want to tear you away from-”
You shouldn’t have been surprised when his lips crashed into yours, but you were. You let out a small “mff” against the sudden impact. It took your brain a second to catch up to speed on what was happening. Here you were, with this incredibly beautiful boy of whom you literally just met, kissing in the middle of the library. 
Your second thought was about how you’d never done this before. Not kissing someone, hell you’d done a lot more than just that. But never a stranger, and certainly never a human, for that matter. You had to be careful with who you got close to, you never knew who could be dangerous, who could be a hunter. Besides, The Society had rules, and this alone was undoubtedly breaking a few of them.
So what the hell were you doing?
You should stop this, you thought. But the more you settled into a rhythm, the more your worries trailed from your mind. Felix was a good kisser. A really good kisser. His lips were soft, warm, his breath sharp with the taste of mint. When the dork had a chance to pop a tic tac you didn’t know, but it made you smile against him. 
You ran your fingers through his hair, leaning into him. He groaned in response, moving his hands down your figure, settling in on your waist. Carefully he began to fiddle with the buttons at the bottom of your blouse, and with that it all suddenly became real.
“We can’t do this,” you breathed, finally breaking away from him. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I went too far, I-” he began to apologize, frantically removing his hands from your body and shifting backwards into his chair.
“No,” you replied, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips at his sweetness. You grabbed the collar of his shirt, gently tugging him closer to you. “We can’t do this here.” 
The Society had rules, plenty. Human’s, in any sort of relationship, were out of the question. Public displays of affection with even your own kind, especially of the more vulgar sort, were off limits as well. The idea was to not bring attention to yourselves, to not cause a scene. And if you were going to break one of these rules so terribly, you figured you could at least pay the respect to do so privately.
“Okay,” he mumbled, placing his forehead against your own. “Where should we go?”
“My place? It’s a little far from here, but I don’t have any roommates. So..”
Felix smiled, planting a soft, lingering kiss at the nape of your neck. “Lead the way.”
The walk over to your apartment wasn’t awkward per say, it was simply...charged. Felix had his arm looped around your own, making your way silently down the dark, lantern lit path through campus. You could feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest, a desire thrumming down inside you, resurfacing. It had been a long time since you’d last been with someone. That last person being Chan, your ex as of eight months ago.
Things had been good with Chan. Great even, in the beginning at least. He was intense, thoughtful. He loved you deeply. Most of all, Chan understood. Like you, he was a member of The Society. He was under every restriction you were, and felt all the same frustrations. 
Of course, not all good things can last. Eventually your relationship began to sour. Your arguments became full on brawls. Your differences and quirks became unbearable. You couldn’t be in the same room without being at one another's throats. You were the one who finally decided to end things. 
Chan was the only man you’d ever loved, and since him you’d never entertained the thought of being with another. Until now, that is. You glanced towards Felix, who was staring ahead down the street, his eyes dark. You could feel his own desire radiating off of him, visible in the way he slowly swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing. Besides, Felix could give you something more. Something Chan could never.
No. You stopped yourself. That wouldn’t be happening tonight. It would only make things more complicated, more dangerous. Still, you could feel it deep inside you, pounding for control. That familiar, incessant hunger. The more you tried to ignore it, the more it was there. Becoming stronger as your ears focused in on Felix’s heart beat, the sound of blood pumping through his veins.
You were pulled from your thoughts as the sight of your apartment complex appeared in front of you. Quietly you entered, making your way up the stairs and towards your own door. Releasing your arm from Felix’s, you fumbled for your keys in your purse. Giving him a small smile, you twisted your key in the lock, and allowed him inside.
The moment you closed your apartment door, all bets were off. Felix tossed his books onto your kitchen table, clashing into you with a speed that almost made you lose your own breath. You felt your back press against the wall behind you, Felix’s lips devouring your own. Desperate and wanting.
He quickly revisited the buttons of your blouse, this time starting at the top and beginning to make his way down. All the meanwhile his lips traced your neck, gently brushing against your skin. With every new kiss fueling your own desire, you slowly began to rock your hips into his own. This was escalating. Fast. As he finished with the last button, he allowed your blouse to drop from your shoulders, smiling to himself as he took you in. 
“Your turn,” you breathed, tugging at the collar of his shirt as a signal to take it off. He did so, absent-mindedly tossing it aside into your living room. He took your chin in his hand, forcing you to look up at him, staring deeply into your eyes. Then he proceeded to say the very last thing you ever expected him to:
“Look at your eyes… You haven’t fed in weeks, have you?”
You slapped his hand away and shoved him off of you, rushing to the otherside of the room, putting the coffee table between yourselves. “How-How do you?” You stammered, physically unable to form a complete sentence. How could he possibly know what you were? How did he even know you existed?
Felix’s eyes widened, clearly shocked by your reaction. “No, no. Don’t worry!” He said frantically, outstretching his hand to you. “Listen, I’m not going to hurt you or anything. I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry! I’m sorry.”
You stared at him, disbelievingly. “Yeah? And how do I know that?” You let this man into your home, your safe space. How could you have been so stupid?
“Look, I grew up around Vampires okay? My neighbors, back in my childhood home, they were like you. I know the signs. I know how your eyes blow out when you’re hungry, the way they glaze over when you haven’t fed in a while. That’s it. I didn’t even realize until I got a good look at you, back when you were translating. It’s no big deal, really.”
You scoffed. No big deal? Felix didn’t seem to realize just how big of a deal it actually was. Humans weren’t supposed to know what you were, certainly not at Hampden. The Society had made well sure of that. God, if The Council saw you now...
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I should have told you back at the library. I honestly didn’t think it would freak you out this much. That’s on me,” he said, inching slightly closer to you. Despite yourself, you didn’t move away.  “I’m serious though, it’s been a while since you last fed. Hasn’t it?”
A while was an understatement. The Society had been going through a shortage of blood bags, after having severed their connections with one of the nearby hospitals. Meaning if you wanted to drink, it would have to be from one of their Certified Donors. Which was another, fancier and far more innocent way of saying prisoners. These were humans who had given their lives to The Society, some willingly and others not so much.
You didn’t like going to their quarters. Located in the basement of the main district, it was always quiet down there. Always solemn. You’d never been to a place lacking so much hope. You’d only gone once, and drinking from that man still haunts you to this day. The way he didn’t move or speak, or even wince when your fangs broke his skin. The way his eyes were hollow and empty. How when you were done he simply laid down in his bed and turned away from you, without another word. 
The Certified Donors were what made you begin to hate The Society in the first place. Since then, your resentment only seemed to grow. 
You sighed, walking past him and flopping onto your couch. “Yeah, it’s been a while,” you confessed.
Felix carefully approached you. Instead of seating himself next to you, he got down on his knees, resting a hand on your thigh. “It’s okay, you can use me. I don’t mind.”
You were ready to tell him no, the word lingering on the tip of your tongue. However, you couldn’t bring yourself to deny him. Perhaps it was your hunger, the fact that a few more weeks in this drought, you might actually become ill. 
Or maybe, just maybe, it was the fact that you wanted to disobey the society. That this little act of rebellion, this utterly wrong indulgence, was what made your desire grow unbearable, unchained. You hated The Council, you hated the Certified Donor system, and you hated the way they had such a firm grip and control on your life.
A beautiful boy was seated in front of you, begging you to drink from him. How could you possibly say no? Better yet, why would you say no? To deprive yourself of something so great, for something you despised so deeply seemed ridiculous. That was the moment your judgment lapsed, that you crossed the point of no return. If you drank from Felix, there would be no going back. If the council found out, there would be consequences. Big ones.
But who doesn’t love a little risk?
You sunk down to meet him on the floor, staring at his bare chest. You could hear his heart pumping, its pace quickening the closer you got to him. 
“Are you sure about this?” You asked.
“Yes,” he whispered. You shifted your position. Not quite seating yourself in his lap, but hovering above, your knees on either side of him. 
“This might hurt a little bit,” you warned. You extended your fangs, approaching his neck, carefully. You didn’t realize until then how nervous you were. It had been a long time since you’d fed from a human. You’d drank from Chan of course, but he was also a vampire, and your blood didn’t have quite the same effect. There was pleasure in it, usually accompanied in moments of ecstasy, but it didn’t replenish you. It didn’t heighten your senses, nor fill you with energy. Most of all, it didn’t satisfy your hunger, your thirst. Not at all.
Felix’s blood would. 
You kept this in mind as you finally plunged your fangs into his neck. Felix let out a gasp, tensing beneath you, his hand clutching onto your arm for support. The taste of his blood grazed your tongue, metallic and warm. Delicious.
Fuck, did blood ever taste this good before? You didn’t think so.
The sweet taste consumed you. Intoxicating. Raw. Cascading over your mind in a blanket of pleasure, reveling in the way its effects seeped over your body. You could feel your mind growing sharper, your senses becoming more alert. It was a relief, after weeks of blurry weakness, of being too close to humanity in your thirst. You felt yourself again, the monster you are. The monster you are glad to be.
Here you were powerful. Invincible. And all you wanted was more. More. More.
More of this power, this sensation, this strength. This is what feeding should be. What feeding can give you. Not from a blood bag, nor a helpless prisoner, but from someone you want. Someone you desire. Someone who desires you in return.
It was as you felt Felix’s grip on your arm loosen that you finally broke away, breathing hard as you caught your breath. Felix’s eyes shifted to yours lazily, dazed. Perhaps even delirious. For a moment you feared that you’d taken too much. He blinked slowly, his eyes regaining focus.
Then he smiled. “Shit Y/N…” he began, his voice appearing more of a croak. “That felt really fucking good.” 
You grinned, leaning into him and pressing a series of kisses up along his jaw. Felix shivered, allowing his hands to slowly slide up your figure. Wanting.
“Yeah?” You whispered, your lips brushing against his ear. “Then how about we continue where we left off?”
The next morning you woke to the sound of your alarm buzzing, sunlight peeking through the opening of your drapes. You heard a low groan next to your ear, quickly becoming aware of the hand wrapped around your waist. 
So last night really happened. The reality of your situation dawned on you. You’d both drank from and fucked a human. There was no going back now, you’d completely disobeyed The Society.
Worst of all? You didn’t care. At least, not near as much as you should have. 
You shifted to face Felix, seeing his eyes still closed, eyebrows furrowed. “Hey,” you whispered, planting a soft kiss on the tip of his nose. “We have to get up. I have class.”
He groaned again in protest, shaking his head and burying his face into the crook of your neck. Between last night's events and the ringing of your alarm, you both only got about two hours of sleep, and that was being generous. This was no problem for you, as while sleep was a luxury, it was not a necessity. The same didn’t go for Felix.
“Come on,” you laughed, worming out of his grasp. “You’ll be fine, I’ll go make us some coffee.”
You rolled out of bed, throwing on Felix’s discarded shirt and heading towards your kitchen. Flicking on the radio, you felt oddly blissful as you grounded the coffee beans into a filter. It had been a long time since there’d been another person in your apartment. It made the space seem less… haunted. No longer lingering with the essence of Chan’s ghost. It felt fresh. New. 
Felix emerged from your bedroom, rubbing his eyes sleepily, sporting only his khaki’s from the past day. His gaze met yours and he smiled. “So, I take it my shirt is yours now?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, leaning forward over your kitchen counter. Felix bent down, causing you to become nose-level with one another. The close proximity made your heart race.
“Mean,” he murmured, leaning forward to kiss you softly. There was no unchained desire, no promise of more. It was simple, warm. A morning of peace after a night of wildness.
You could get used to this, you thought.
The thought sunk in your chest like a stone. This wouldn’t be as simple as you wanted to be, as you needed it to be. There would be sacrifices to make, and cautions you’d have to adhere to. You had to get the truth out in the open. Better to rip the bandaid off now rather than later.
 “Felix, you can’t tell anyone about this.” You said. The smile faded from Felix’s face, and for a moment he looked so… hurt. He stepped back.
“About the feeding? Y/N, I wouldn’t tell anyone what you are, don’t worry about-”
“No, not just the feeding. About us. About any of it.”
Felix opened his mouth to say something, but then quickly closed it. His gaze hardened. “Ah. Got it,” he stated sharply, grabbing his blazer and motioning to the door. “I’ll just head out then.”
“Wait, Felix! No, it’s not like that,” you said, rushing around the kitchen island and reaching for his arm. He turned around to face you, his expression wounded. “Listen, I don’t know how it was with your old neighbors, but here at Hampden things are different. There’s certain rules we have to follow, and what you and I did? Well, that broke about a hundred of them.”
Felix was silent for a moment, then sighed. “Okay… But what do you mean rules? Who’s enforcing them? Hampden?”
“No, it’s bigger than that. There’s a group of us here, a society. There are rules we abide by, and they’re meant to keep us safe. Keep us united,” you explained.
“Like a cult?” Felix asked, and you had to refrain from rolling your eyes.
“Well, if that helps you, then whatever. Yeah, sure. A cult.”
“Where do you-”
“I’m sorry,” you cut him off. “But that’s all I can really tell you, at least for now. Honestly, the less you know, the better. Just for safety’s sake.”
“Oh. Alright,” Felix said, his lips pursed. He wasn’t pleased, that much was obvious.
“I know this sucks, I’m sorry. But if we want to keep doing this-”
“Wait,” Felix interrupted, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “You want to keep doing this? I thought you’d get in trouble?”
You smiled, and were pleased to see the corners of his mouth curve up in return. “I’ve already risked getting myself in trouble.” You trailed your finger along the bare of his chest, feeling the warmth radiating from his skin. He was so alive, so real. And it only made you want him more. Perhaps, that’s why he wanted you as well. You were unpredictable, wild. A challenge. 
A match made in hell.
“I dug myself a grave, Lix.” You looked up at him, entranced by the curiosity swimming in his eyes. “Might as well lie in it.”
next chapter 
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kinkyjaems · 4 years
Officer Johnny
Word count: 4.9K
johnny x fem!reader (feat. taeyong & doyoung)
Includes: Smut, a bit of fluff I guess, him praising you
You're sitting at your desk as always. Answering phone calls, reading and signing papers, the endless click of your computer mouse. Nothing interesting has happened. Your life is a bore. You work in a police station but you ran charge of going through cases and catching all the bad guys.
You work in a room full of men who you're allowed to boss around. One of them being Johnny Suh. The flirtatious cop that you know I strong to get in your pants. Although he’s not one of those guys in a pussy drought, no, he’s a really sweet guy your glad to have around not only at work but outside of work too.
Taeyong walks over to your desk slapping a case folder on your table. “We have a case” He huffs, clearly tired. “Johnny, Doyoung, come over here” As soon as the two males reach over to your desk, Taeyong starts explaining the case. “Wen Junhui, although is Chinese, owns the biggest drug trade in Korea. He’s here in Seoul right now but will later make his way to different parts of the country for his business. The department has been getting information on him for over a year now and now that we’ve finally found his whereabouts, we must catch him because not only is he recklessly selling drugs, he’s killing innocent people.” Taeyong starts showing you all pictures of Jun and you must say he’s a very handsome guy but you know his ass should be in jail for the better.
“Now,” Taeyong starts again. “He’s not in Seoul for much longer, he’s only here for a little get-together with some of the people he works with and others who’s are interested in buying” Taeyong places a huge duffle bag on the tableland unzips it to show its glory. There were stacks over stacks in that bag. All three of your mouths open in shock. “We're gonna use this money to pretend like we're there to buy drugs” He explains. “Why can't we just enter the get together without the money?” Doyoung asks. “Well, it's a little suspicious if we go in there without a purpose since we're not acquaintances with Jun so we must act like we want to buy his produce” Taeyong looks at you and Johnny. “And by we, I mean you two” he points at you both with his flat smile.
You two look at each other and back at Taeyong. “I thought we were all going together,” You thought. “Again, it might look a little suspicious, plus you two should go as a couple” You agree, wanting to help out. Your fake names are Naeun and Minhyuck. “Alright, so the party is tomorrow in the afternoon so you two should be ready to go”. 
You head home after a long day of planning. You were nervous about tomorrow. Being in a house full of ruthless gangsters who won’t hesitate to pull a gun to your head and shoot you. This was risky and there’s no denying it but your glad you weren’t doing this alone and felt a lot safer having Johnny around with you.
You plop onto your bed letting out a large huff as your eyes start to fall shut. Your eyes fly open as your phone starts to ring. Its Johnny. “Hello?” You answer the phone. “Hey, baby, what’s up?”
You can tell he was smiling through the phone. “Baby?” You laugh. “Yeah,” he says. “From tomorrow onwards, me and you are gonna be a thing and we need to get into it” You furrow your brows at his choice of words. “Onwards,” You ask. “You never knows what's gonna happen” He starts. “You need to expect the unexpected” He explains. “Whatever makes you sleep at night, babe” You tease and he laughs. “What are we gonna b wearing tomorrow by the way?” You ask. “I've got nothing in my closet” You not the type of person to go to parties, hence why there’s not much party clothing in your closet. “Taeyong said they already have outfits at the department so don’t worry about it. Sleep well tonight okay? We have a big day tomorrow.” You wish him goodnight and hang up the phone, instantly falling asleep.
You arrive at the station making your way to your office desk. You can feel your heart banging against your chest. You see your best friend Karina holding a beautiful black dress in her hands and walking over to you. “Are you ready?” She asks. “Yes,” You replied, not knowing if you were lying or not. “I'll leave you to get ready but call me when your done” Tayeong exits the office with Doyoung by his side. DDDD
You hear a door open and look to the side. Johnny enters the room, wearing a black on black suit that looks very expensive. A silver watch on his right hand with an ocean blue center and ring that were divided equally on each hand. He looked beautiful. “You okay, babe?” He smirked. “BABE?!” Karina squealed which made you jump. “He’s just trying to get into character” You laughed. “This wasn’t part of me getting into character” He placed his hands in his pockets. “Get ready and ill be with Taeyong” He exits the room and you turn to Karina who is now shaking the shit out of you.
“HE LIKES YOU” She squeals. “You need to start acting like a woman. Dressing up, wearing makeup.” She lectures you. “I'm not gonna try to look good just for some guy okay? We're just gonna finish with this little mission and get back to work” The big smile that was once plastered on her face, has now disappeared. “Ugh, fine. But if you sleep with him you better tell me” You playfully slap her arm and laugh together.
Karina does the finishing touches of your makeup and steps back to get a better view of you. “I can't believe it” Her hands covered her mouth and she runs to hug you. “You look so good,” she says. “Thank you” You smile. You have to say, Karina did an amazing job with the makeup. You make your way over to Taeyong who was patiently waiting for you, but no sign of Johnny. “Wheres Johnny?” You ask. “Wow,” You look over behind you and see Johnny eyeing you up and down. You were wearing a black silk dress with a big slit in the front, accompanied by a very light smokey eye and rose-colored lipstick. “You look great” You two are unable to get your eyes off each other.
You hear Taeyong grunt in the background and both your attentions are now on him. “Shall we go?” Taeyong leads the way into the garage where his car is parked. Johnny sat in the front while you sat in the passenger seat along with the bag of cash and Taeyong starts the car and heads off. You were quite the whole ride, Tayeong and Johnny conversing a little but it wasn’t something you were interested in doing in.
You were looking out the window until you felt a pair of eyes on you. You turn to see Johnny looking at you and rain your brows in confusion. “Oh, um I just wanted to tell you the plan but I guess I got carried away” Your face starts you heating up and you curse your pale skin. “Okay, so when we walk in we need to find Jun. Once we do I'm gonna start off by asking him about his drugs and seeming interested in them. While in a conversation, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom when actually you need to find some documents that have information on where he’s gonna be land tomorrow. Got it?” He asks. “Got it” You reply.
You're parked in front of the mansion you have to say it was beautiful. It was packed with people from different parts of the world. The modern house was white and lined with gold details, making it catch your eyes instantly. Expensive cars were parked outside and giant window panes lines across the front.
“I'll be waiting out here. Once you get the info, you come straight back here” Taeyong explains. You both exit the car together walking over to two big males standing by the gate. “May I help you?” One of them asks. “My name is Minhyuck and were here to attend” Johnny remarks confidently. “What business do you have here and who is she” The other one points at you. “This is my girlfriend Naeun and we’re here to invest”. “With what money?” He asks. Johnny lifts up the big duffle bag he has and unzips it for them to see. They nod their head and opened the gates for you both.
You both look at each other before parting ways. You were in charge of looking outside while Johnny looked inside. You reach the part of the garden when most of the party is taking place. People were dancing and bumping into one another. You stand by the drink table holding your head high for a man named Wen Junhui. Before you knew it. You felt someone grab your hips and pull you towards them. “Hello~ beautiful” This man was clearing drunk. His breath smelt of strong rotting vodka. “Get off of me” You use your hands to push him away, which only made him angry. “Your gonna be mine today” He leans in to kiss you until he’s interrupted by a hand that punches him across the face.
Johnny pulls you behind him. “Get the fuck off of her you filthy bastard” His eyes wear dark with anger. You’ve never seen Johnny like this. “Johnny-“ You were interrupted by a voice calling you and Johnny. “Minhyuck and Naeun!” The man shouting was the man known as Wen Junhui. He looks at you with welcoming smiles and calls you over to sit at the table. Johnny obeys and walks over. You look down to take a seat but then feel an arm slither and an arm on your waist pulling you down onto Johnny's lap. You were a bit taken back knew you had to stay in character.
“So” Jun starts “I heard you wanted to buy some stuff of me. I got the best in the city, all you want”. “I am very interested in your products as I’ve heard it's the best quality, Mr. Wen” Johnny smiles at Jun. As they talk you start to feel something underneath you poking your ass and it's not along time before you realize it's Johnny's needy bulge. You ignore it and excuse yourself for the bathroom.
You enter the house. It was covered in the red carpet all the up until the two-way shimmering stairs. “Wow” You gasp. You look around to make sure there aren’t any guards around to catch you. Once you see the coast is clear, you quickly head up the stairs trying to make less sound as possible with your heels. “Brown door with a golden knob” You whisper to yourself. You move around the mansion trying not to be too loud as your heels lightly clack.
You finally found what you looking for, twisting the swinging golden knob allowing you to enter. You were presented into a room with multiple file cabinets. “Investment, partnership, blacklist, travel plans” You read all the labels trying to find the right one. You open the drawer marked ‘Travel plans’ and scanned the papers looking for destinations. “Oh dear,” You hear a familiar voice and turn around to see Jun holding Johnny tightly around his arm, giving you an evil smile. Two big men as backup behind him.
You still have the important file clutched in your hand. “You know what happens to people who try to snake their way around me” He lifts up his gun to point your face and you look at Johnny in panic. Before you knew it, Johnny lifted his elbow up and knocked Jun on the face, knocking the gun out of his hand. The big men in the back going for Johnny as he tries to fight him off with his back to you. Jun picks up his gun to shoot Johnny, when you kick his back, making sure to point your bottoms heels at him.
He looks at you in anger and takes a shot at your legs, barely missing as the bullet goes through your dress. You look down in shock. “DID YOU JUST SHOOT MY DRESS?!” Anger started filling you up all because he ruined this beautiful silk dress. You take off your heels and start smacking him on the face.
“Don’t” smack “fucking” smack “ruin” smack “my” smack “dress”. You now straddled on him repeatedly hitting him with your heel. You bring your hands down to his nipples, strongly twisting them and he shouts in pain. “Don’t you dare touch a woman!” You continue beating your fists on his chest until you feel a pair of hands slither around your waist lifting you up and over their shoulder. 
Johnny runs out with your over your back. You see them chase after you and use this opportunity to take one of your heels that was once hugging your feet, and throw it at the men. Once Johnny is outside the mansion, he places you back on the floor, grabs your arm, and pulls you into the car where Taeyong was patiently waiting.
You quickly drive off and see a black van full of men chase after your vehicle. Taeyong opens your sunroof and hands you a gun. “Use this to get rid of them” He handed you a handgun and you stand up so your upper body is out of the far.
Not wanting to kill anyone, you aim for the two front wheels while being careful of any bullets that might be coming your way. The black van gets slower and slower until it's a little black dot in the distance. You lift your hand over your head to form a heart. Johnny and Taeyong hysterically laughing at your gesture.
You sit back down and a loud huff escapes your mouth. “Did you get the file?” ask Taeyong. You reach into the pockets of your once beautiful dress that now has a hole in it and pull out a sheet. “Got it” you answer. “Yeahhh” Johnny claps. “Dude, she was wrecking that Jun guy. She used her heels as a weapon, I’ve never been so scared” He giggles. “This is why you shouldn’t mess with me” You point at your feet that’s missing one heel.
“So, where his next destination?” Tayeong asks. “He’s gonna be in Busan tomorrow, it says here he’s there for a meeting” You explain. “Alright great, ill make sure a hotel is booked.” He replies. “Separate rooms” You point out. “Oh come on babe, relax a little and share a room with me” Johnny wines, pouting his lips at you and you give him a cold stare as he looks away.
You enter your shared office getting ready to change as you pick up your clothes and head to the bathroom while Johnny just changes outside. You say your goodbyes and exit the department, waiting outside looking frustrated while trying to get a taxi. “Do you want a ride” you turn to see Johnny with a warm smile? “Oh, N-no it's okay. I don’t wanna trouble you” You kindly define his offer. “You're not troubling me” He replies. “Without your amazing fighting skills, we wouldn't have gotten the destination file” You lightly smack his chest and take up his offer.
The whole car ride to your house was quiet until Johnny breaks the silence. “You know” Johnny starts. “I know this is a bad time to tell you this but lately I've been thinking about how much I wanna take you out.” He looks at you nervously. “So.. when all of this is over, do you mind if I do?” You look at him and you smile from how nervous and cute he was. You don’t usually see Johnny like this. He’s usually so confident with everything he says. “Id love to” You smile at him.
You once again say your goodbyes and head inside going straight for the bathroom where you wash off your makeup and dress into some comfy pajamas. You get your suitcase out of your cabinet, placing some essentials in before you go to bed, ready for the next day. You eat breakfast in bed while watching your favorite show when you then get interrupted by a text from Taeyong.
Taeyong: Hey, are you ready?
You: Yeah. I'm gonna head out to the office soon.
Taeyong: Instead of the office, come to the train station where I and Johnny are waiting
You: Okk, Ill be there
You get your suitcase and head out, taking a taxi to the subway station. You arrived at the station and greet them both. You stand infant of the waiting train as Taeyong explains where you’ll be staying and other important information for your stay at Busan.
You and Johnny enter the train and took a seat. Johnny helped place both your luggage in the overhead stowage and took a seat next to you. It was a 2-hour train ride to Busan. You lay your head back against the seat as the train starts moving. “Hey, I have a question” Johnny looks at you. “Why not you wanna share a room with me?” He asks. “Is it because you wouldn’t know how to stop yourself?” He smirks and you smack his chest. “No,” You say. “I think you won’t be the one to stop yourself”. Johnny shrugs his shoulders. “You're not wrong” He leans slowly. “Hello, would you like something to drink” The attendant interrupts? “No thank you. You?” He turns to look at you. “I'm good, thank you” You answer with a smile.
You have an hour left of the train and you look vide bialy tired from staying in the same place. Johnny pats his shoulder, letting you use it as a headrest. You rest your head comfortably on his shoulder, slowly dosing off. He brings his arm over your shoulder and rests his head onto yours.
You finally arrive in Busan. Johnny nudges you lightly to wake you up and exit the train. You both wait outside the Busan train station for your ride. “Still tired” Johnny laughs and you hum in response with your eyes half-open. He pulls you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you while you rest your arms around his waist as support.
The car finally arrives and takes you to your hotel. You exit the car looking at the place as Johnny helps take out the luggage. “Are you sure this is the right place?” You ask Johnny. You were standing outside a small motel. Johnny stands next to you looking up at the structure in front of you. “I guess?” He replies. “Let's got check out our rooms”.
You two walked inside a were welcomed by an old lady. You politely greet her and check-in. “Okay, here is your key for room 24” She smiles as she places one key in Johnny's hand. “One room?” You ask. “I think we booked two”. “Unfortunately we don’t have another room available” She apologizes. “If you want we can-“ “It's okay, we’ll take the room” You smile, not wanting to trouble the lady. 
You walk into your room. The walls were painted a beige color. As you walk in you see a bed to the right, facing you, and a small TV opposite the mattress.
The station was so busy that it was already 6 PM. You changed into a hoodie and shorts before plopping yourself on the bed, thinking about how you gonna sleep tonight. As you were lost in thought, Johnny exits the bathroom wearing a plain black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, with his bulge being very obvious. How could someone look so good in something so plain simple? You thought. “What do you wanna do to pass the time?” You ask. “Do you wanna check out what movies they have on the TV?” You nod your head at him in approval.
You sit up at the back of the bed giving room for Johnny to sit next to you. Johnny starts scrolling through the different genres of movies, listing them as he goes. “Horror, romance, comedy, porn-“ He looks at you with begging eyes and you shake your head in disapproval. “How about a horror movie?” You suggest. Johnny nods and finds a movie that appeared to be 2 hours long.
It's about 7 PM and your 1 hour into the movie. You feel a pair of eyes on you and turn to look at Johnny. “What?” You quietly ask. He starts to realize he’s staring at you and stress. “Oh um, I-I was just um wondering if you were cold” He makes up an excuse and you laugh knowing very well that wasn’t it.
“Why are you laugh,” He asks with a little smile. “Nothing. It's just cute how you made an excuse to ask if I was cold when you were staring at me” You look at him to see he looks almost panicked. “N-no,” He says. “You even stuttering” You point out. “N-no I'm not” You laugh at him. He straightens his posture. “You think id be staring at you because of how beautiful you look in just a hoodie and shorts. How I can even focus on the movie because I can’t take my eyes off you. How I want to kiss your lips so bad and cherish your body forever. 
The smile that was once on both your face is now gone. Johnny leans in closer to the point where you can smell his fresh laundry detergent. Your lips meet together and move in harmony. He brushed your hair out of the way with his hand and places it on your cheek. He swipes his tongue across your lower lip, asking for permission to enter. You grant him permission by opening your mouth wider and your tongues fight each other for dominance as he takes the lead. “A little aggressive aren’t you?” He smiles again your kiss.
You slither your hands around his neck to get a better angle to dominate him but he reaches his hands behind you, lightly tugging your hair as a small moan leaves your lips and your head leans back. He smirks at the sound and starts trailing wet kisses up and down your neck until you were interrupted by a phone call from Taeyong.
He stops what he’s doing as he goes to answer the phone and you grunt in annoyance. “Hello?” He answers the phone. “Yeah we arrived, we’re just watching a movie to pass the time. Yeah okay, sounds good. Bye,” He hangs up the phone and turns to you. “We should go to bed. We need to wake up pretty early tomorrow” You felt kind of sad but you had a job and needed good sleep in order to do your best.
You get under the blanket and watch as Johnny goes to the couch, using an extra pillow and blanket to sleep for the night. The room is dark and you couldn’t help but think about how you wanted Johnny's arms wrapped around you as you slept, or even better, his lips all over you.
“Johnny” You call out. “Yeah” He replies and you sit up. “Do you mind if you sleep next to me tonight?” You see a black figure sit up on the couch, not hesitating to comb over and climb in bed next to you. “Miss me?” He teases you. “Yes,” You reply as you attach your lips to his. He adjusted quickly and kiss you back. This time even most passionately. He pushes you down so you're underneath him and he’s hovering on top of you with his hands roaming freely on your body.
Your hook your arms over this neck and let your fingers tangle around his hair. You bring one hand down to the hem of his shirt and lightly tug at it, gesturing for his to take it off. He sits up on top of you and brings his t-shirt over your head. You look at his toned body while placing air two hands on his shoulder and slowly feeling down his chest. He then roves your hoodie, leaving you only in your bra. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful” He pants, diving back into your mouth before moving to your neck.
After placing kisses cross your neck, he starts sucking on your skin like honey, making sure to leave marks with not one place untouched. He moves down placing kisses down your chest and onto your stomach until he reaches your pants. He looks up at you for permission to remove it and you nod, taking your bra off too. He pulls your pants to the side and teasingly breathes on it making your head go back.
He reaches his left hand over to your breasts, slowly massaging them before gliding his tongue across your fold. You let out a soft moan as Johnny repeats this gesture with his tongue. He starts sucking on your clit slowly and softly making sure to get every inch before sliding a finger in there and gently thrusting it in and out.
You start to lose your patience as you try to move your hand down to your slit but get stopped by Johnny's big hand. He places your hand to the side and thrust his finger and faster while flicking his tongue on your wet slit at an exceptional speed.
Your back arches in pleasure and you start to close the gap between your legs until Johnny pushes them open and digs his tongue inside or you even harder, which causes you to moans out his name uncontrollably loud. “I'm about to cum” You say in between moans.
Johnny takes this as an opportunity to place his pointer and middle finger inside of you, quickly thrusting until you come all over his face. He uses his tongue to clean you as if your juices were his treasure. He sits up and looks at you before crawling his way closer to your face. You can see your glimmering juices on his face as he uses his tongue going in a circle, getting it all off “You taste so good, baby”.
He re-attaches his lips onto you. You didn't care that he just ate you out and now his tongue is in your mouth. He slips out of his sweatpants and reveals his giant cock. He stands at the edge of the bed before you come over to replace his hands with yours. “Spit on it” He demands, and you obey spitting on his tip before spreading it across his whole length.
You started by tracing circles with your tongue at the top before slowly doing down on him until you manage to take all of him in. You use your free hand to massage his balls earning a low moan from him. Every time you reach the tip, you make sure to swirl your tongue around the top before going back down to the base.
He tangles his hand in your hair and starts taking the lead, going slow at intros but then quacking his pace. You start to deep throat him as he praises you with every move. “Fuck, your os good” he bites his lips. “Look at me” You look up at him and his hands go faster. You realize he likes it when you look at him as he fucks your mouth. 
Tears start welling up in your eyes and you feel his cock twitching inside of your mouth as his hands get weaker. You give him a hand by robbing your head up and down until you feel a warm sensation fill your mouth and his head leans back. You swallow every last drop of him and he brings his hands on your neck, lightly pulling you up to kiss you. “Can you lay down for me princes?” He asks and you do exactly that.
He quickly grabs a condom from the suitcase and glides it across his cock. He sits in front of you, pulls one of your legs over his shoulder, and slowly enters your heated core, earning a moan from boh of you.
He adjusts himself and starts thrusting in and out of you, again, starting off slow but then picking up his pace. The room is filling with loud moans and the sound of your skin slapping together. He reaches over to your breasts slowly massaging them one by one before smacking your ass as he cusses loudly. “Say my name” He speaks, in between shaky breathes. “J-Johnny, fuck” You moan out loud. 
“Johnny, I'm close” You let him know, and make sure he’s balls deep instead of your, earring a scream of pleasure from you. You feel him twitch inside of you as come all over his length, not long before he finishes too. You're both panting heavily as you try to regain your energy. He stands up taking the condom off before throwing it in the nearby bin. 
He cleans you up first, making sure your okay and comfortable, before helping himself. He helps you to his t-shirt that he was previously wearing and throw on his sweatpants, laying nectar you and pulling you in his arms. “You were so good,” He says and you giggle. “I'm happy there weren’t any other rooms available” You reply and he kisses you once more before you both fall asleep, ready for tomorrow morning.
Thank you for whoever suggested this story! I couldn't create a small short story so I decided to do this- @_@ 
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bokutobaes · 4 years
inarizaki boys when you have a bad day
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆-with: atsumu, suna, kita
☆-!warnings!: swearing, parental issues, parents fighting, (there’s nothing physically violent), illness like the flu
☆-a/n: yall these are longgg LOL sorry
☆- author: lu <3
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆ atsumu:
-his baby had a bad day :((
-just kidding he didn’t notice at first I’m so sorry nzjsjjsj
-your lockers are nearby so he’s usually waiting for you there first thing in the morning
-you woke up today with a headache and you were just really tired from studying last night :/
-you wanted to suck it up because it was your own fault for leaving the studying until the night before the test you had
-anyways, you were walking up to your locker lowkey trying to avoid eye contact with him
-“hi tsumu :)” u fricken liar with that fake smile
-“morning babe!” atsumu pulled u in for a back hug “i have to get to class kinda early for a test review so i’ll see you at lunch”
-and with that he was pecking your cheek and leaving
-“okay.. kind of good” you thought.. you didn’t wanna worry him or anything so you headed to you first class, math
-hell literally broke loose.. you forgot your pencil case and had to ask like 4 people until you got one which was embarrassing
-AND THEN the teacher called on you for an answer that you didn’t know like the universe
was against you or something
-“uhh... ummm i don’t know..” headass😩
-the class after that was slightly less dehumanizing but it was also japanese class.. the class you had a test in that you just barely studied for
-you did the test and lost braincells, blood sweat and tears LOL
-“okay class these will be graded by lunchtime so please come by to collect your scores before your next class”
-ogey :/ anyways u went to ur next class and before u knew it, it was lunch time.
-a text from atsumu made your phone vibrate while on your way to get your test scores
-“hey babe im actually gonna eat lunch with samu we’re practicing a bit at lunch”
-oh :) ok :) that’s fine :) not like u :) desperately:) need a hug :) right now :)
-“oh okay babe” you text back
-whatever u don’t need him independent queen
-that’s your mindset.. until you get those test scores
-it’s a literal fail .. did not pass the test.. ok..
-“y/n san, these test scores were not your usual best. I’m slightly disappointed, if there’s anything going on please let me know”
-“thank you sensei. i’ll do better next time.
-at this point you were just tying not to cry so you took your test and shouldered your bag and walked to a bench outside for some fresh air.
-right.. you didn’t bring lunch today
-so now you were hungry, tired, defeated, disappointed and lonely :,(
-the last class of your day went by quickly probably because you were zoned out the whole time
-the end of the day came and you were at your locker when your guardian texted you
-“Y/n, you had that test today right? I’m expecting to see the grade when your back home. Didn’t have time to make food tonight so find something to eat on your way home.”
-oh that test ? lol hahaha the one that you failed?! yeah that one haha lol lollll
-so with that, you started your walk home
-fuck. atsumu.
-if you saw him now you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold in your tears and you really didn’t want to cry
-so your solution? pretend you didn’t hear him and walk faster lmfaokdhdh
-but atsumu, being.. well atsumu, decided to just full speed sprint towards you to put his shoulder around you
-“i literally know you heard me. i missed you today sorry about lun- why are you crying ?!!?”
-“bad day” you choked out before a shuddering gasp wracked your chest
-atsumu didn’t say anything he just wrapped you in a tight hug, petting you hair while you cried into his chest
-“its okay babe.. “ :(
-“you wanna come over? we can get food and cuddle”
-you nodded your head taking a shaky breath
-his hand reached out and wiped your tears, brushed your hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead like it was natural to him.
-and so you walked together hand in hand to atsumu’s house where you ate samu’s leftover onigiri and vented to atsumu about the day while you cuddled
-he also gave you a hoodie :,)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆ suna:
-“living is a chore :|” you thought as the alarm rang through your room ruining your peaceful sleep
-it was raining outside and your mind went back to last night, the screaming match your parents had
-normally you’d be used to it but it felt like they were starting to take the anger they had for each other out on you now
-you tried not to but you started thinking about all the things your mom had yelled to you through the closed door of your bedroom
-“your just like your father. you’re selfish, lazy and all you do is run around with that little boyfriend of yours! what about your family?! you think your better then us? why don’t you move out then since your so good at being independent?!”
-everything she said was always completely blown out of proportion, she lied all the time. it’s exhausting for you
-you started getting ready for school, you wanted to see suna and your friends and laugh and just forget last night even happened
-when you got to school suna was there at your locker scrolling lazily through his phone
-you smiled, genuinely as he looked up and greeted you with a smirk
-“nice hair.”
-“wha-“ you started and then smacked his arm when you realized that your baby hairs were out of sorts “shutup” you scowled
-“good morning” suna hugged you
-“good morning”
-now you were off to class, it always went by too fast, you thought. school was always done in the blink of an eye
-“what’re you doing at lunch?” your friend tapped your shoulder and whispered to you
-“mmm nothing probably why?”
-“let’s eat on the roof today! yui told me there’s gonna be a rainbow cuz it stopped raining.”
-“okay” you smiled
-now at lunch with your friends you ate the bento you had packed before. the rainbow was there and it was beautiful
-you were having fun just laughing with your friends and texting suna while he sent terrible photos of atsumu. things were good, you had forgotten about your mom
-until the end of the day came and you had to go back home
-as usual suna was at his locker waiting so that you could walk home together
-after crossing the street you and suna were at a bike path, trees surrounding the fences
-it was a comfortable silence until...
-“what’s wrong?”
-suna asking took you by surprise, you didn’t think you were acting any different. were you?
-“what are you talking about”
-“you look sad, you did this morning too but then you were fine the rest of the day so I didn’t say anything. but, you look sad again now”
-so suna just saw right through you
-“ um.. i’m okay.. it’s just ..” you laughed dryly “i don’t really want to go home”
-“did something happen?”
-“yeah.. my parents were fighting, it turned into this whole thing.” you felt a lump in your throat start to form “i don’t really wanna talk about it”
-“okay. you should just come over then, right?”
-“can i?”
-“you literally don’t even have to ask me anymore y/n” suna grabbed your hand and led the way
-when you got there suna hopped on his couch and started putting on something from netflix
-“my parents aren’t home, my sister has a dance thing today” he grabbed a blanket and you sat down, putting your head in his lap
-suna put on a comedy show, of course he would
-he played with your hair while you watched and after an episode or two, he asked
-“do you want to talk about it now?”
-and so you did, you told him what happened last night and what your mom said. your plan was to not cry but that failed miserably
-suna listened intently, he told you the truth, he said that what she said wasn’t true, he told you you could sleepover whenever you needed to.
-kissed you and wrapped you back in the blanket
-“i love you, you know that right? always.”
-he always knew what to say and you loved him for that
-“i love you too, suna”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆ kita:
-kita knew, first thing he noticed when he saw you that you weren’t okay
-you woke up with a terrible headache, aching body and stomachache
-so this is it? this is hell? ok.
-but the test.. you had a test today. fortunately you had actually studied for weeks because you knew it was important
-mentally? you were ready for that test. physically? you had the spanish influenza
-so you weighed the options and decided you would go to school, take the test and then come back home after.
-the problem with that was that kita would in fact lecture you on all the reasons you should not have come to school
-he was right of course, but you still decided that you would need to avoid him for today
-spoiler alert it did not work
-your test was your third class of the day so you only had to get through 2 classes and you’d leave at lunch perfectly avoiding kita
-this was what you thought while you were at your locker until you closed it and walked directly into kitas chest
-“good morning y/n-chan”
-“morning kita! i have to go or I’ll be late!”
-you ran😭 and you almost got away too but kita grabbed your arm and pulled you to one side of the hallway
-he felt your forehead and both cheeks
-“you have a fever y/n”
-“no I don’t I’m just hot from walking to school”
-he said 😐
-you signed and rested your head on his chest letting your arms dangle
-“why did you come? you look sick”
-“thanks. I have a test.”
-“how do you feel?”
-you told him your symptoms but also that you were leaving right after the test and you could pull through
-he really didn’t want you to overwork yourself but he knew you were set on taking the test
-so he let you go and he made you promise to text him between classes and let him know if you felt any worse
-and off you went
-honestly, you were fine up until halfway through your second class.. then you started feeling really cold and tired even kind of nauseous
-then in the third class your test was put onto your desk and before you knew it your teacher was saying “begin”
-okay. you can do this you thought to yourself. the test was easy enough with how much you studied, you thought about every answer and you tried to finish quick
-but then it was like time cut itself in half and the bell for lunch was ringing
-you weren’t even done the test yet
-“y/n you can stay in here until your done but i expect you to have it finished soon”
-one question left
-you don’t even remember what you ended up putting before you were up and giving the paper to your teacher
-kita was right there when you left the classroom
-“hey ..hey.. y/n”
-you could barely hear him you just flopped into his arms
-“okay I’m taking you home.. “
-“shh let’s go”
-you don’t remember getting there but then you were in your bed smothered in pillows and blankets
-kita came in
-“what time is it?”
-he looked at his phone “half past 4”
-“4?!” you jolted up “did you even go back to school?” “kita?!”
-he smiled at you “no but it’s okay y/n it was only one day. i wanted to take care of you
-you noticed he had a steaming cup of something in his hands
-“what’s that” you asked
-“its tea, but it’s special tea :)”
-“what do you mean” you laughed
-“my grandma showed me how to make it, it’s gonna make you feel a lot better”
-he’s so cute...
-“kita... you didn’t have to do all this”
-“i wanted to” he sits beside you and hands you the tea
-literally tasted like heaven
-“mmmmm oh my god”
-kita laughed and kissed you on the cheek before joining you in the bed
-you cuddled and watched movies on your laptop until you fell asleep, comfortable in your boyfriends arms
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simpsiren · 4 years
rooftop star.
jung jaehyun x reader
Every time I look up in the sky. There's not a single star. It's alright, you're my universe, shine bright for me
main masterlist
description: you realised that love can bloom basically anywhere when you met a guy who entered your comfort space of the rooftop one day.
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers au
warnings: none
word count: 3,744
a/n: this idea just came to my mind while listening to rooftop by n.flying so i hope you guys will enjoy! if you guys have any requests or feedback please let me know :D
for a long time, you and your two close friends, Alex and James, wanted to go away from your home country. some place new and fresh, to start a better live. now you guys are finally living in your dreams of wanting to move to london, it didnt exactly turn out the way you wanted to, well it did. at least for a year.
now, you are just laying down on the long and wide wooden bench at your apartment's rooftop, looking at the sky like what you would do any other night, with your unfinished assignment scattered beside you along with your opened laptop with a blank screen. you would come to visit the rooftop every night, unless you had plans with Alex and James or errands to run of course.
no matter the weather, no matter the situation, you would always head there. in your opinion, you fet that you spent more time up at the rooftop than in your own apartment. its just something about the atmosphere of the place. no one ever came to the rooftop when you were there, the clear plastic that covers the entire rooftop to protect you when it rains, and the sky. you loved looking at the sky. whether there were shining starts filling up the sky or a black void of nothingness, you felt comfort in just looking at it. you felt as though.. it filled your loneliness since you werent able to meet your friends as often anymore as they were too preoccupied with their separate lives. you didnt have any other friends, nor did you bother to find some. you were fine with being alone, only because the sky was able to accompany you 24/7.
it was currently 1am, you sighed and you continued to lay down on the wooden bench with your forearms below your head. you tilted your head. you noticed here were stars. although it wasnt shining brightly, you were still able to see them. you turned your head sideways to face the papers that were all over the place besde you. you graoned as you forced yourself to sit up, gathering all the strength and brain power you had to complete the one assignment that your lecturer gave you for the week. you were already almost done so you might as well finish it by tonight so that you coukd have a break for the rest of the week. you pulled your computer towards you and took a deep breathe before getting back to work after a 30 minute rest from looking at the sky.
you were blasting out music while you were doing your work sincd you left your earpiece at your apartment. the music you listened to had you bobbing your head slolwy to the beat, the calming rhythm pushing you to do your work. just before the next song was about to play, you flinched at a voice that sounded like there was someone standing at the enterance of the rooftop.
"paris in the rain by lauv."
you tilted your head to the direction of the voice, shocked to see a man standing there. you couldnt see him clearly due to the darkness but you could make out that he was a tall man. "im sorry?" you questioned, gaping your mouth open slightly and raising an eyebrow. this was the first ever time you have seen someone coming up to the rooftop. you kept silent as you watched the unknown man walking towards you, his appearence becomig more clear as he stepped out of the darkness and entered the light of the rooftop. "the song you played. it was nice." the man said in a polite and slightly cheerful tone as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and placed his weight on his right leg. you looked at him up and down skeptically. he had light brown hair. he was wearing a plain dark blue hoodie and jeans.
"what are you doing here?" you asked him again, still stunned by how even a radom person showed up here. "you mean i cant enter?" he casually asked you back as he sat down on the floor. you wondered why till you noticed that the whole wooden bench you were sitting on was filled with your papers laying around.you closed your laptop and shook your head slightly. "no i mean i literaly locked the door. how did you-"
"i guess me being a locksmith has come in handy for once in my life." you heard him chuckle softly as he looked down on the floor before looking up at you. "please leave." you murmured softly as you grabbed a piece of paper near you and started writing something on it for your assignment. "this is a public place, you know? but it looks like youve made it your own." you glanced up from the paper to him, noticing that he was looking around the rooftop and looking at the decorations you put up such as fairy lights and lanterns.
“who are you?” another question pops out of your mouth. “you have way too many questions now dont you? alright im jung jaehyun, 23 years old.” the man now you know as jaehyun grins widely as he put his hand out to offer a handshake. “olivier rings.” you simply replied, not even bothering to shake his hand. jaehyun clicks his tongue and puts his hand back down to his lap. “nice name. so, why are you here at this ho-“
you immediately cut him off. “why dont you tell me why are you here? i am aware this is a public space but no one has ever came here till you showed up and i am very uncomfortable with talking to strangers. please leave.” you watched as his face grow dark and emotionless. you clearly made him upset, but he was quick to force a soft smile. “im staying here. you seem like someone i can vibe with.” jaehyun shrugged and lifted his head up to look at the sky through the plastic dome. you laughed softly. “you sure you can vibe with someone like me?” you whispered under your breathe and you lay down on the wooden bench once again, looking up at the sky just like how jaehyun was.
the both of you were silent for at least 20 minutes, not interacting, just admiring the sky with full focus. “i think i should get going. i have a lecture tomorrow.” you sat up straight and yawned, waiting for jaehyun to respond. jaehyun tilted his head back down to face you and nodded in approval.
you stood up from the wooden bench and began packing up, picking up every piece of paper on the bench and placing them in your tote bag. you felt jaehyun’s presence beside you as he assisted you in gathering up your papers and handing them to you. you let out a soft ‘thank you’ before carrying your tote bag over your shoulder and holding the laptop in your arms. “i have the keys to lock the rooftop but i certain someone apparently got through it.” you rolled your eyes as you walked over to the exit of the rooftop that leads to a flight of stairs. you heard jaehyun chuckled as he followed behind you. “ill come by to fix the lock tomorrow, dont worry.”
jaehyun was quick to open the door before you do and turn to you to give you one last smile before going down the stairs and disappearing into the darkness. you stood at the exit for awhile, thinkig over what you have just encountered with a stranger named jaehyun. you sighed, hoping to not see him again as you turned off the switches to the fairy lights at the bottom right of the exit door and left.
the next day, you had just got home from your morning lecture. luckily for you, the major you took only had a fews days of the week when you had to attend for lectures. other than that, you would just complete your assigned work at home, giving you the opportunity to work in your comfort space aka the rooftop.
it was a nice day today since that after the lecture, you did not have much work to do and decided to take the day off. you went to the donut shop nearby your apartment to get your favourite donut, one that you would buy at least once every two weeks when you are free. today is your lucky day.
you head straight to the rooftop with your donut in hand. you figured that you didnt have to vsit your apartment since you have everything you need up at the rooftop. you have a place where you can lay down comfortably, you have all your necessities im your bag such as a portable, your laptop and the whole rooftop just felt like your second home. you opened the door, knowing that there was no lock anymore due to the man named jaehyun who broke it and entered the rooftop.
you released a deep long sigh of relief as you bask in the light coming from the sun, closing your eyes for a moment as your head tilts up to the sky. you stayed there for a moment before walking towards the large wooden plank that you call your bench and bed area and instantly lay down on it. well, it had a thin white mattress over it, with a huge furry yellow pillow. while decorating the rooftop, you really wanted to make it as comfortable as possible, and for the purpose of in case you sleep through the night on top there, which you have done several times.
you placed your bag beside the so called bed and looked at your phone. it was evening at this point and the sunset was just about to come. you sat up straight and took a bite of your donut before reaching to the small area that is between the bench and the edge of the rooftop to take out your portable speaker. you kept it hidden in case anyone comes into the rooftop but you have it charge in your apartment once in awhile. you connected your phone to the speaker with bluetooth and blasted music from your ‘chill playlist’ on spotify. the first song playing was by pink sweats. you hummed the lyrics and bobbed your head as you took another bite of the donut in one hand and look through your social media with your phone on the other. you instantly look up from your phone from you heard the door open.
you see a tall man. this time you were fully able to know who he was in broad daylight. “jung jaehyun.” you looked down beside him to see him carrying what looked like bubble tea, for two? “i knew you’d be here.” you licked your dry lips as you folded your arms and watch him walk over to the bench, placing the drinks on your foldable dining table beside it and took a seat next to you. you moved to the side a little to make a small gap between you two, still unsure if you could event trust him just yet. “how’d you know i would be here?” you asked him as you folded your legs.
“judging from the rooftop thing you have going on, it looked like you come here often. most people like to come up to rooftops to look at the scenery. sunsets, night skies and such.” jaehyun shrugged calmingly, extending his arm over you, to which you backed your body away a little, noticing that he was reaching for the bubble tea. he grabbed it and took a sip. “so i made an intelligent guess that you would be here to watch that.” you heard jaehyun chewing on the drink’s pearls in his mouth as he pointed his drink.
you looked towards the direction he was pointing at the see a beautiful sunset arising. you gaped your mouth in awe, the song in the background making the whole atmosphere more fitting. you softly smiled and chuckled, grabbing the other bobble tea on the table and poking a straw into it before taking a sip. “im guessing this is for me?” jaehyun turns to you when he heard the noise of the straw poking through. he nodded his head as he swallowed the last pearl that was in his mouth. “for breaking your lock.” you hummed as you watched the sunset.
“it looks so beautiful.” you whispered, just loud enough for jaehyun to hear. you heard jaehyun sigh in satisfaction. “definitely.” you and jaehyun took a sip of your bubble tea drinks.
“get me brown sugar milk tea next time.” you told jaehyun. your turned towards him when you heard him scoff with a smile. “what?” you asked in annoyance. “you want me to come back here again? says the one that told me to leave yesterday.” jaehyun rolled his eyes. you let out a ‘tsk’ in response. “well of course i told you to leave. i didn’t know you at all yesterday.” you argued back.
the sun has now set completely and the sky became dark. “so you assume you know me now?” jaehyun raised an eyebrow with a smirk appearing on his lips. “that’s wasnt what i meant- jeez you’re so hard to talk to.” you huffed and ran your hand through your hair as you admitted defeat, too tired to even argue with a man you just met.
“mind if i stay here till midnight or something? i have no other plans tonight, i have to fix that lock of yours, and this place really is a nice spot to look at the stars.” you stared at him as you hard what he said. does he like to look at the stars like you do? maybe he wouldn’t be so hard to vibe with after all.
that night, you and jaehyun talked for hours while looking at the night sky. you found that that he recently moved into the apartment next to yours and he was working a bookstore nearby. the habit that you and jaehyun share of looking at the sky was what started your whole friendship. little by little, the two of your grew closer and closer together. you two carried on with your separate lives of course, but you and him will always spend time together, even if it meant one minute, to meet at your rooftop and admire the scenery of your town, counting every star you see in the sky together, and even looking down, observing the people that walked by, making intelligent guesses on what they work as based on what they were wearing or how their lives looked liked.
by 6 months of being friends with jaehyun, the friendship became more intense, in the physical way. one day, jaehyun caught you crying as he entered the rooftop. you later told him that Alex got into an accident and was badly injured. jaehyun hugged you close to him to comfort you. of course, that is what anyone would have done if they seen you crying, screaming, and balling your eyes out. but with jaehyun, you felt safe and secured in his hug. just the way he hugged your body, gently brushing his hand through your hair as he talked about the stars and came up with goofy stories as to how each star came to be. you laughed with the way he comfort you as he looked down to stare at your eyes, fully immersed into you.
“if you need me, ill be here. ill be like the rooftop, your very own comfort space.” a single tear rolled down your cheek as your bit your lip, fully aware that your eyes are red and sore from crying too much. jaehyun brings his thumb up to get rid of the tear before pulling you in once more, your face landing on his shoulder as you were finally able to calm your body and let it rest against his, melting away at his warm touch.
“jaehyun?” you looked at jaehyun, who you have been cuddling with since 8pm. “what is it, oli?” jaehyun asked back, patting your head as his grip around your waist got tighter to bring your closer to him. “i dont see any stars out tonight. why did you keep talking about them?” you questioned jaehyun. the whole time you were together with him today, he talked as if there were millions of stars in the sky, but every time you look up, you dont see a single one. you just saw a blank black sky.
jaehyun chuckled as the brushed a few strands of hair behind your back. “ever since i met you, no matter what the sky looked like every night, i still see stars. not the ones in the sky, but the ones in your eyes.” jaehyun sighed as he brought his hand to cup your cheek. you stared at him, your eyes froze as you made eye contact with him, not fully aware of what he was talking about. “im aware there isnt a single star out tonight, but its alright. you’re my universe, so shine bright for me.” you blinked at him. he has always said flowery words to you for fun, but the look in his eyes felt like he meant those words seriously. you hummed, out of not exactly knowing what to reply. “you’ll find out what i mean.” was all jaehyun said as he suddenly noticed you falling asleep in his arms.
the next day, you woke up, you winced at the sun shining brightly as it blinded your eyes. you rubbed your eyes before sitting up straight. you realised jaehyun was gone. that’s weird to be frank, normally if you fell asleep, he would be there for you the moment you wake up. whether he was cuddling you close, or brought out to buy you breakfast. you shrugged and moved on with your day, thinking that he would be back by tonight.
wrong, he didn’t show up. every night, you waited and waited mindlessly, thinking that he would pop up at the door of the rooftop. you didn’t know where he went or what he was doing during the time he was gone and it made you worried sick. it felt as though he left you for no reason. your comfort space left, and you didn’t know what to do without it. the rooftop doesn’t feel the same without the presence of jaehyun. as time went on, you still carried on with your routine of sitting by the rooftop, but you felt an aching in your heart every time you step into it. “this used to be my comfort space, along with you. so why did you have to go?” you questioned yourself, one year after his disappearance.
one day, you were hugging your knees close to your chest as you cradled yourself slowly, while looking up at the stars. “its alright. you’re my universe, so shine bright for me.” the last important words that jaehyun said kept replaying in your head, still wondering what he meant by that. you took a quick look around your rooftop. “fuck.” you whispered as you broke down in tears, noticing how much you miss jaehyun. the feelings of your love for him only grew as time went on and you couldn’t hold it in no more. you needed him here, right now.
“oli.” you heard your name being called at the entrance of the rooftop. you immediately jolted your head towards the door. you see someone standing there, and you know exactly who it was. “jaehyun..” you whispered as you watched jaehyun emerge from the shadows, revealing himself after being missing for over a year. you broke down even more, letting your eyes run dry as you cried out loudly, screaming jaehyun name. jaehyun instantly ran towards you and hugged you, a feeling that you longed for too long. “sh sh oli. its okay, im finally back.” jaehyun lightly kisses your ear as he ducks his head into your neck. you cried into his chest as his shirts started to soak in your tears.
“where.. where did you go? i fucking missed you.” you murmured as you looked up at jaehyun, who’s eyes immediately softened as he looked at your crying face. he wipes the excess tears on your cheeks dry with the end of his sweater and sighed. “i had to move out of the country to visit my sick mother. since she was feeling better after a year, i headed back here.” you felt his hand on your head as soothing his hand over your hair like the good old days. you really missed him. his presence, his touch. everything. “you didn’t tell me you were leaving.”
you looked down as you played with his sweater, fiddling your fingers with it. however, jaehyun brings his hand to connect with your interlocking the fingers of both of your hands with his. he brought your interlocking hands up in front of you. “princess, i hinted at you, didnt i?” you blinked at him as you tilted his head, the last words that he gave before he went away popped in your head. “what do you mean by shine bright for you?” you asked jaehyun as you frowned. jaehyun dropped his hands, along with yours to your lap, his face moving closer in your lips were just inches apart.
“it meant that no matter where you are, if i look at the most brightest star in the sky, ill be reminded of you. it also meant that you should have faith that ill come back to you, since you’re my universe, and my only brightest star.” with that jaehyun pulled you in by your waist, brushing his lips against yours before bringing you into a soft and gentle kiss. you kissed him back as you melted into him, fully letting him deepen the kiss. you closed your eyes in satisfaction as you smiled into the kiss. you leaned in closer as you wrapped your arms around his neck. you pulled away for a moment as you stared at his face. “then shine bright for me as well, jung jaehyun.”
“as i will.” you pulled him in for another kiss. who knew that a love like this can be made from meeting at a rooftop?
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jensensfanfic · 4 years
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moodboard created by @misspygmypie​
title inspired by: celestial by ed sheeran
pairing: justin foley x oc [name: isabella/"izzy"/"iz"]
prompt: this quick-fic
warnings: cursing, wealthy parents, little bit of overbearing/pushy parents, they are both around 21 - college students but there's no specifics on courses etc, doesn't follow show's plot at all, izzy has a flashback of attempted s.a.
taglist: @misspygmypie​ @justtinfoley​ @purpleskiesstorm​ @peter-covinskys​ @rudyypankow @mockerycrow @wqxianwriting
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The moon was bright and full tonight. There was a cool breeze in the air that caused goosebumps on Izzy's skin as she stared up at the stars. Usually, a night like this in her spot would bring her so much peace, but today was different.
This spot had been Izzy's favourite to come to whenever she needed to take a moment away from her hectic life. It was always there for her when she needed a breather or just a little time to herself.
She'd grown up in a wealthy household. Her parents owned businesses all over the country, most of which she had no idea about, if she was honest. She didn't really understand, or pay much attention to what her parents actually did. It didn't interest her to know everything they owned, bought, or sold.
It wasn't to say she wasn't grateful for her life, though. Izzy was well aware that people, including peers and even teachers at her school, saw her as a spoiled, rich girl. That was fine. It didn't bother her much to hear those whispers throughout the hallways. Why should it? Izzy's parents worked hard for what they had.
So hard that they weren't around quite as much as an average family would be. They didn't travel often, but when they did, it was for long periods of time. Sometimes, Izzy's auntie's and uncle's came to stay with her while they were gone. Other times, it was just her and the house staff.
Izzy can vividly recall the first time both of her parents left on a trip. It was when she was seven or eight. She was bored out of her mind on a particular night. Bruno, her Border Collie, was sleeping, the staff were working, and she hadn't asked for any friends to come over. Izzy had ended up deciding to read her favourite book. She slid it from its place in her personal library, skipped back to her sitting room, and plopped down into the cushions laid out on the balcony.
That's when your book dropped to the ground with thud. You glanced up at the sky and inhaled deeply at the beautiful sight of the twinkling stars, then looking around to see if anyone was watching, you made a go for it. Determined, but carefully, you made your way up the top floor of your home, then searched around before finding the escape that led to the rooftop.
After that night, you'd find yourself up there several times a week, either watching the stars, enjoying a light drizzle of rain, or outlining shapes in the clouds in your mind.
Eventually, your parents found out about it. You expected a lecture about how dangerous it was, and yes, there was a little bit of that. However, a few days later, they'd paid to have a safer staircase installed that led straight to your spot. Your spot, which was now decorated with pretty lights and a couple of comfy looking chairs.
They also gave you a key so that you could keep this place yours and yours alone. It stayed that say for years, until your best friend had come along.
Justin Foley was the first and only person to ever see your little haven, and as your friendship grew, it was no longer your favourite, but rather 'our' favourite spot.
You sigh as you close your eyes and try to find calm in another gentle waft of air that grazes your skin. Instead, you squeeze them shut tighter and start to feel pressure at the back of your head.
"The fuck is up with you today, Iz?"
Justin's sudden outburst causes your mouth to drop open, and you frown at him in confusion.
"Excuse me?"
"You haven't stopped moving since I got here." He points at legs which are bouncing up and down against the lounger you are laid on. As soon as you notice, your legs stop moving, and you sit up, crossing them over each other.
"And... you've barely said a word."
You blink at him. "Again... and?"
"I know when something's up with you. I mean, the roof is like your happy place, and right now, you don't look happy... you look like you're in pain."
"I have a headache." You scratch the back of your head, then look across at your friend, who is watching you and waiting for some kind of confession. You sigh.
"You know me too well, Foley. I wish I could say it was creepy, but actually, it's nice to know you've got my back."
"It tends to happen when you've been friends with a girl for, what, 10 years?"
You laugh. "Give or take."
"Look, it's not just tonight. You were off yesterday when we met for our weekly hang, too. Even Clay and Jessica noticed it." Justin rests his arms on his knees and leans forward so that he's fully focused on you. "Tell me what's bothering you, maybe I can help."
"You might want to take that back after I tell you." You start to twiddle your fingers, circling them around one another in a pattern.
"Cryptic..." Justin frowns. "But go on."
"Okay, fine. You know that my parents came home last weekend?"
"Well, they're trying to buy a hotel someplace– honestly, I go blank whenever they talk about the boring parts. You know that. It's why I never usually bring them up."
Justin chuckles. "Understandable."
"Anyway, they're hosting a dinner. A big dinner... with the owners."
"Okay." He says cautiously and with squinted eyes. "Not unusual. You've held dinners before."
"Of course, but... the owners have this son. He's apparently just a year older than us, but he's already doing well for himself. Respected, smart, in the process of starting his own company. Long story short, this guy's parents want him to ask me to the dinner... as a date."
Justin makes a scrunched up face that you don't quite understand. His top lip twitches and his nostrils flare. He clears his throat. "What's wrong with that?"
"He's a complete dick."
Justin chokes on a laugh.
"It's not funny!"
"What? I'm sorry- just- you-. Okay, how do you know he's a dick?"
"Because I met him... Drake... years ago when my parents had business with the family before. He was just so goddamn smug and- and had zero regards for personal space; was always getting way too close for comfort. He's one of those people- when his parents are around, he's a perfect gentleman. He's charming and polite. Then when they leave the room, he becomes a complete idiot, you know? Rude. Flirty, but in a bad kind of way, and he's got this stupid smirk that I wish I could slap off of his face, and–"
"Okay, okay." Justin reaches over and runs his hand over your knee, bringing your attention back to him. A shiver runs down your spine, which you decide to blame on the breeze and not his gentle touch. "I get it. You obviously don't like him, but you don't have to agree to the date, so what's the real issue here? They aren't forcing you, are they?"
"Not really, but they are on board with this plan for me to date him. They were so excited and all over me to agree, and I got pissed off... so I blurted out that I already had a date. A secret boyfriend... who was going to be my date."
"Which you... don't?" You shake your head, and a feeling of relief washes over Justin.
"So you're stresed because you don't know what to do now?"
"Not exactly. I'm thinking maybe I could have someone just pretend to be my boyfriend. Just for one night..."
"And who have you decided on? Alex? Zach? Maybe Tyler?"
"I'm actually thinking of someone else. Someone who knows me really well. Someone that my parents have yet to meet, even after all our years of friendship. Someone I trust."
You pause and blow put a breath, eyes meeting your friends' to watch for his reaction.
"I told them it was you." A gulp. "I told them my boyfriend is Justin Foley."
It's a couple of minutes before Justin's mouth closes, and he stops pacing the rooftop. "I just... I don't... why? Why me, Izzy?"
"Why not?" You stand up, blocking Justin's path and facing him. "Listen, I can't go with Drake. It's more than him just being an asshole. I don't think I could be near him for that long. I just–."
Your mind flashes back to a particular night that you'd rather forget. It was almost 3 years ago, when you'd first met Drake. You squeeze your eyes shut as you recall his hands on your waist, the way they pulled you away, and shoved you aggressively onto the couch. Images of him hovering above you as he clawed at your shirt before a bang on the door had interrupted him. His assistant. He'd yelled something about a ticket and a private jet, and then Drake was gone, leaving you cold and shaking on the ground. You remember running to the bathroom to throw up, pulling off the now, torn shirt and throwing it into the trash. Then, in the mirror, you noticed a large bruise forming above your hip. You thanked whoever was watching over you that night for not letting Drake get any farther than a ripped three hundred dollar shirt and a bruise. You often thought about how far he may have gone if—
"Izzy? Fuck, are you okay?"
You hadn't even noticed Justin's hands on your shoulders until his voice cut into your wandering thoughts. He shakes you a little, eyes searching yours in worry.
"You went pale on me. What did that bastard do to you?"
"Nothing. It's... I just can't. Please, you don't have to come, but it would mean—"
"Stop. I'll do it, okay? I'll be your fake boyfriend."
"Really?" A load of tension leaves your body, and for the first time tonight, you feel the way you usually do up on this roof. Relaxed and free. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Justin smiles, then grins. "Does this mean I get to eat fancy food?"
"I think we're having some kind of expensive buffet style meal. It's the only thing that makes sense to me, since there's going to be da–"
"Going to be what?"
"Uh, nothing." You decide that maybe you should save the mention of a dancing until the next night, just in case the notion made him back out. "Any other questions?"
"If I finally get to go somewhere besides the roof, and get to see your house... would you give me a tour? At least one floor."
"If we can find some time to sneak away, absolutely."
Justin's eyebrows wiggle, making you laugh. "Sounds like a good time. So, what about after? You're just gonna tell them we broke up or something?"
"Hm. I'm not sure about that part yet. We could come up with some really dramatic heartbreak story, in fact, I'll let you decide what happens between us."
An hour later, after explaining how the night will go to Justin, you both stand up to say goodnight to one another.
"Justin... fuck. I just gotta say, you're the best for doing this for me, thank you so much." You throw your arms around him then, hugging him tightly. You stay there for a while until you remember one last detail. "Shit!"
"What? What now?"
You pull away and take some steps back. "I mean this in the nicest possible way, but do you own a single piece of clothing that is actually, well... nice? Smart? Even ironed?"
Your best friend shakes his head. "Probably not. Unless Clay can lend me something."
"That won't do. Hm, we won't have time to have something tailored, but I know a place that will definitely have something to fit you in a hurry. Come on," You grab his wrist and pull him to the door that leads down towards your personal library, where there's a fire escape that Justin uses to sneak in and out. "You go home and sleep. Tomorrow I'll send you an address for a shop. I'll call ahead so they can expect you and charge everything to my account."
"And what prize do I get for this additional task?"
"You're getting a fully paid for, fresh new suit, and you want more?"
Justin's mouth falls and you laugh. "I'm joking... babe? Your girlfriend is funny like that." You make air quotes over the title of girlfriend.
You ponder over options in your mind before it hits you. "How about... as your prize, I give you a key to the arcade or cinema room. Your choice."
"You never told me you had an arcade in your home!"
"It's smaller than you might think, has maybe 5 games. But yes."
"Then I pick that."
You smile, then give him one last hug. "I'll see you tomorrow then. And Justin, thank you, again. I really appreciate this. More than you could possibly know."
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lovingleehaechan · 5 years
I adore you. - Jung Jaehyun (Part I)
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genre: fluff, angst(?)
word count: 1.8k
warnings: curse words
a/n: happy new year everyone! it’s been so long since i last posted on tumblr let alone post this first part T-T forgive me, it’s been so busy these past couple of weeks. but finally i’ve posted! i hope you like it and tune in for the next part, ba-bam!!! hehe
with all my love, summer x
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Jaehyun checks the time on his phone. Eleven twenty-four. 
He can’t help but use the remainder of his energy to sigh. Exhausted is an understatement as to how tired he felt. All day he had been working on an assignment one of his professors dumped on his class last minute. And as much as he loves going to university, it’s one of those days where he feels particularly low and ambushed by the universe. 
He grudgingly gets himself prepared for bed, dragging his feet along the carpet floor. With another helpless sigh he picks up his toothbrush but immediately halt his slow movements when he hears your distinct ringtone blast from his phone. Jaehyun’s ears perk in attention. He wonders why you were ringing so late in the evening, did something happen? Were you hurt? Where the fuck where you? 
His mind urges him to answer quick causing him to drop the toothbrush in the bathroom sink. He couldn’t care about his dirty toothbrush right now. He’s too busy worrying what happened to you. 
“Hey…” you answer hesitantly. 
“You okay? What’s up?” he asks in concern. 
“Yeah, I’m just-- a little…” 
Even without finishing your sentence, he knows exactly how you feel. He is never wrong when it came to his gut instincts. Jaehyun knows that you’re craving  for company tonight but your boyfriend isn’t there to provide it. 
“Do you want to go out for a drive?” he interrupts you.
“Hold up-” your voice immediately picking up in tone. “You got your driver's licence and you didn’t tell me!?” 
He shyly chuckles. “I’ve been meaning to today, but this bitch of an assignment didn’t let me.” 
You laugh loudly on the other side, “I’d love to go on a midnight drive with you Jae.” 
He shouldn’t feel butterflies in his stomach when he hears you say that yet he does. His heart is swelling with a good type of emotion for the first time that day. “Get ready, I’ll be at your place in ten.” 
“Okay.. See you in a bit.” you say, hanging up the phone. 
Jaehyun exhales the breath he didn’t realise is holding. He completely scraps his night routine out the window and proceeds to get dressed for your spontaneous adventure. It would be his first time taking a friend out for a drive since passing the test but since it’s you, it makes a whole difference. 
Quickly grabbing his wallet from the top drawer, he quickly makes his way to the car. The winter months were soon approaching with the light winds that blew through his jacket. Being it already past eleven, he takes notice of the amount of cars out. Only a couple every few seconds, unlike during the early hours of the day where they would be bumper to bumper. Once he’s inside the car he connected his phone to the car and blasted some new tunes from Lauv for the short drive to your house. 
It’s quite obvious that Jaehyun had only recently got his driver’s license, though he practiced a lot, he’s still unfamiliar with some of the functions the car had. Nonetheless he arrives at your house without a problem. He reaches for his phone by the clutch and calls you. Within three rings, he hears your, “hello?”, his heart rate racing immediately. 
“I’m here dummy. Right in front.” he says. 
He sees you peek from the living room window to check if he were really there. He chuckles on the mic causing you to laugh lightly. 
“Had to make sure, you’ve fooled me too many times Jung.” you reply, strolling to your front door closing it once you’ve stepped outside. 
Jaehyun hangs up the phone and watches you walk towards the passenger side of the car. You naturally smile at your friend at the driver’s seat, you couldn’t help but make a comment about how he looked like a grown-up. 
“Wow, you really did pass. Congrats friend!” 
“Is that all I get? A congrats? No, I’ll treat you to a meal since you’re driving?” he teases. 
“Alright fine, since you are driving, I’ll buy us food this once. Where are we going?” you ask curiously. 
“Hmm… I’m feeling a little hungry and all I can think of is Mcdonalds at this time. Their chips man, you know how much I love those greasy potato sticks.” 
“Oh! Now that you mention it, I’d love to have them too. Go! Go! Go!” you pointed towards the road with a childlike smile. 
He couldn’t help it but smile with you. After all the work he’s done for his assignment, you were definitely his happy pill. The highlight of his day- no doubt. You notice the songs he has on in the car and take his phone to play some music that you thought were more suitable for your spontaneous adventure. Though you loved Lauv too, his songs didn’t seem to fit well with the atmosphere at that moment. 
“Sure go ahead, take my phone, change the music. It’s not like it’s my car.” he rolled his eyes while he smiles at you. 
“Oh shut up, you know I have good taste in music. I love Lauv but listen, there are songs perfect for night drives.” you explain to your friend. 
He ponders for a while at your reply, after only a couple of seconds, he begins to nod his head in agreement. “You’re right. But make sure you include that one song of his that’s always good to listen to at night.” 
“I know exactly which one, Paris in the Rain?” 
“I didn’t even need to give you hints.” he laughs out loud. 
“I’ve lost count how many times you’ve said you want to have that song playing in your car while you drive at night. You specifically said night.” emphasising the word to remind him that you know him a little too well.
Jaehyun merely chuckles at your reaction. Any time he’s with you, he becomes soft. His tough exterior is broken down with your presence and he knows exactly why. You have no idea you have his heart in your hands. How could you though? Having a boyfriend erases thoughts that your best friend even has feelings for you. 
You both talk about your day like usual, never getting tired of hearing what normal and boring things you did. Jaehyun talks about his frightening driving instructor for his test as well as that last minute assignment his lecturer gave his class a few days ago. You on the other hand couldn’t help but rant about the few small things that bothered you throughout the day, like people walking too slow on the sidewalk or when you notice that people chew with their mouth open. 
Jaehyun couldn’t help but laugh loudly at your description of a couple of strangers eating their food at a restaurant you work at. While you on the other hand couldn’t resist laughing along with him. His dimples popped out with his smile and your automatic reaction was to poke it. That caught him off guard causing him to stop but he chuckles instead. 
Pulling up to the drive-thru of the Mcdonald’s you googled earlier, he asks you what you’d like to eat. 
“Bro, you already know I want nuggets and chips with a whole lot of barbecue sauce.” 
“How many nuggets do you want?” 
“Maybe… 20?” 
“Jeeez 20? Are you sure you can finish that?” he pretends to be surprised. 
You hit him on the shoulder, “bitch just get me my nuggets and we won’t have a problem.” 
A pleasant chuckle resonates from his mouth and shakes his head accordingly. 
Jaehyun orders the food and when its time to pay he looks at you expectantly. 
“Oh right, I said I’d treat.” you grin sheepishly. 
“Ye-huh,” he nods and takes your debit card from you and handing it to the staff over the window. 
You both wait for your food in the following window which comes rather quite quickly and thank the lady as Jaehyun drove off somewhere undetermined. You’re distracted by the food to take notice of where he was driving to, but it didn’t matter because you trusted that he would choose a location you both loved. 
There was a viewpoint on top of a hill by the motorway that allowed cars to park and look at the night skyline. It was one of the many places you both talked about driving to years ago and now that one of you finally got their drivers licence, what else is there that could stop you? 
As you munch on your third nugget and chips, you look up when he says that you’ve arrived. Your jaw dropped. The nugget you were holding also dropped to the floor of his car and your eyes widened in awe. 
“If I asked you where we should go, you wouldn’t have known so I figured why not here.” 
“Damn, this is beautiful.” 
Jaehyun was tempted to tell you that you were more beautiful but his heart held him back. You couldn’t peel your eyes away from the view and he couldn’t take his eyes off you. Looking at you and his heart swelling with emotion, it was almost too unbearable. He can’t hold you close. He can’t kiss your forehead and tell you just how much he felt for you. 
You turn to him abruptly, making him look at the bags of food he ordered. 
“Are we gonna be able to finish all this?” he asks, inspecting each bag. 
“Of course we are. If we don’t I can take it home. My boyfriend is getting off work soon and he’s always complaining that he’s hungry after.” 
“Right, that’s fine.” in his monotone voice. 
You’re unaware of the change in tone but you distract him by shoving a nugget in front of his face, urging him to eat. 
His dimple makes another appearance when he smiles and takes the piece from you. You grab his phone once more and play another song that fits the setting. 
The night goes on with endless conversations and eventually empty paper bags, once filled with warm treats. You yawn as you look out at the city lights and Jaehyun doesn’t fail to notice your eyelids falling closed slowly. 
“Do you want to head back?” he suggests.
“I think that’ll be the best. It’s already-- what? Fuck it’s already four am. I should really head back now. My boyfriend must be wondering where the heck I am.” 
“Sure thing. Seatbelt.” he reminds you. 
You buckle your seatbelt and he starts the car. 
The drive back was quiet and fast. Jaehyun glances at your sleeping figure next to him, fighting the urge to reach out and caress your cheek. 
If only he wasn’t driving you back to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend. 
If only he can take you back to his house and hold you to sleep. 
If only he can kiss you goodnight and wake up next to you. 
If only he was able to tell you how much he loves you. 
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
hello its the gremlin again : Arthur with a bookwormy/nerdy s/o that overworks themselves all the time? xx
Ooof this is a big mood! I’m often overworking myself because my personal standards are too high (I basically expect myself to be a robot and get upset when I can’t do it lmao) so I feel you. Hope you enjoy!
TW; swearing, panic attack descriptions.
Word count: 2, 175.
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Arthur almost ran through the streets of Gotham to get back home to you. He was usually quite quick to come home because he knew that the embodiment of perfection was going to be there waiting for him and he was just too excited to not walk fast, but today was different. Today, he had had a call from one of your university lecturers, informing him in an apathetic tone that you had suffered a panic attack right in the middle of the lecture and you had been sent home to recover. Arthur had been told that the work had been set aside for you to collect when you returned to university, but he had mentally snorted - like he was going to give you even more to worry about? No way. The work could wait until such a time as you were ready for it again. And if you weren’t? That’s okay, there’s always a plan B. Arthur would be willing to help you with your work if you asked him to. He’d do anything for you, especially if it meant that he’d be gifted with one of your full faced smiles. He so loved when your entire face lit up at him. 
He was going to get home to you as fast as he physically could given the teeming crowds, stinky back alleys and drivers with little care for pedestrians and pamper you for the rest of the evening. It was what you deserved. He had been angered by the person’s lack of empathy and compassion for a fellow human being, but this was Gotham and as such, the phone call in itself, as cold as it had been delivered, was considered almost polite for the city in which it took place. In any case, he was most thankful for the warning. 
Arthur was no stranger to you overworking yourself. You did it often. He was used to coming home to find you asleep in the early evening surrounded by books, papers and pens, and he was used to you crying over textbooks which made his head spin just from trying to make out the archaic language. He couldn’t make heads or tails of what was being said and he often complimented you for being smart enough to understand it. Even when you told him that you struggled too, he was in awe. University had never been in the equation for him and as such, he was so proud of the fact that you were doing something for your future. To say that he was used to seeing you in an overworked state didn’t mean that he liked it, but he overworked himself too, so he wasn’t really in a position to say anything to you about it. It didn’t mean that he didn’t take extra good care of you when he noticed that you needed it, though. He was nothing if not thorough in any process that he undertook.
What Arthur wasn’t used to, though, was getting a phone call to say that you had overworked yourself to the point of a panic attack. That, he was loathe to admit, had pissed him off. How dare you treat yourself like that? Didn’t you know how hard you already worked? Didn’t you know that even if you sat there in front of your textbooks and did nothing for the whole day, it would still be progress? Choosing not to work was sometimes more beneficial than continuing to work when you really didn’t want to. Hadn’t he come home just the other day to find you crying in the bathroom because it was too much for you and you needed a break? Yes, he had, but here you were, doing it all over again and increasing your own suffering. He was angry but, when he really thought about it, Arthur wasn’t angry at you, per se, but at a society that made people perform like robots and gave them little chance to recuperate because their days off were used to, guess what, do more work which they couldn’t do while they were at their job. It was enough to make anybody crazy.
Arthur’s heart clenched painfully in his chest as he thought of how hard you worked and of how little you seemed to care for yourself. You were the most important person to him and if he lost you, then he would have lost everything. A man with nothing left to lose was very dangerous, especially in a place like Gotham where the rich got richer, literally sitting on billions, whereas people like him struggled to make ends up meet even with multiple jobs and pulling shifts so long that they were illegal. Thoughts of you kept Arthur company as he got into the apartment building, his nose wrinkling at the scent of urine which lingered in the door way, and climbed all eight flights of steps. The elevator was just too risky; he didn’t want to get stuck in there and have to wait for who knew how long, when he could use his body and get there quickly. You needed him and frankly, he needed you too. Something as important as getting home to you was Arthur’s top priority, no matter the time of day or night.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” Arthur smiled at how joyful it was to announce that he was home. He had only ever had his mother to greet at the door, and she had usually greeted him with instructions or questions that he just wasn’t in the mood for. Now that she had died, he felt much freer, happier, because there was a huge chunk of responsibility taken off his shoulders. He was still the man of the house, sure, but he had you now, and somehow that made it all the more better. It was ironic how his mother had spent her life telling him to always be happy, and it was only after her death that he became what she had always wanted him to be. This didn’t escape Arthur’s notice, but he didn’t like to dwell on it, either. What was done was done and besides, you were still working on the sofa.
No. Fucking. Way.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Arthur’s voice was soft as he tried to keep himself calm, though there was a very definite edge to his voice. Okay, he had been angry before but now… oooh, now his hands were starting to shake as it turned to rage. Enough, already.
“Oh, hey, Arthur.” You didn’t even grace him with a glance as you scribbled something down and that hot spike of anger he felt in his veins as you casually waved him off prompted him to act. He had watched you overwork yourself this entire week and to come home having been forewarned that you had had a panic attack, only for him to find that still you were working? Oh, no, he wasn’t going to stand for that. He was putting his foot down. “I’m just finishing up my -”
Arthur laughed without humour as he grabbed all of your work from the table, ignoring your protests and pleads and swearing, and walked into the kitchen. He impulsively stuffed it all into the nearest empty kitchen cupboard. Hopefully, the saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’ would ring true. He needed you to stop working and if that meant that he had to be a little bit harsh? It was fine. You would thank him later when you were feeling better. “I don’t think so,” He was chuckling, but nothing about what you were doing to yourself was funny. Not to him. What you were doing to yourself you may as well have been doing to him, for all that it hurt him. Didn’t you know how important you were to him? You had followed him, and as Arthur leaned back against the cupboard, you gave up the fight.
You gave up everything and as Arthur’s hand touched your shoulder, you almost flew at him as you flung your arms around him and buried your face in his chest. Arthur let out a huff at the impact of your body colliding with his, but it was with relief that he held you back and rained kisses down on the top of your head. You were slowly coming back to him.
“I’m sorry,” He could barely hear you as you whispered into his baggy grey jumper, and he bent down a little to hear your next words, “It’s just so hard and I’m trying to do everything that needs to be done but I - “
Arthur’s heart broke. He pulled you tighter into his body and just held you. You needed to realise the importance of your mental health, the importance of your happiness. You couldn’t work if you were unhappy and being unable to concentrate always made you stress more. It was a vicious cycle that Arthur wanted to remove you from, but reality was kind to no one, so all he could do was be there for you in moments like this and all the good ones in between. Goodness knew you had done the same for him and more.
You hummed happily against Arthur. You had been highly strung all day, too highly strung, you thought with a jolt of embarrassment. Had you really had a panic attack at university? It was something you didn’t know how to come back from. Logically did you know that there was no shame in that, but there was shame in watching yourself doing something destructive and allowing it to happen anyway. The workload for this year was legitimately that heavy, so what else were you supposed to do? You had caused this whole thing by not listening to yourself anyway and now you were going to be even more behind and - 
Arthur had felt you tense in your arms. He had felt your breathing change and your shoulders stiffen and he rushed to cup your face in his hands and press a kiss to your lips, acting on impulse again to calm you down. He kissed you hotly, brazenly, his usual timid manner long gone in the face of his desperation to make you relax. In the back of his mind did he know that the best way to stop you from fretting about something was to kiss you. You couldn’t even remember your name whenever he kissed you, and he used that to his advantage; also wanting to soothe your stress and just take care of you.
He pulled away from the kiss, leaving you both breathless and dizzy on love. You were addicted to each other and you both knew it. “Let me take care of you tonight.”
You shifted in his grip, thinking of all the work you still had to do, thinking of how you were going to be even more behind, thinking of all the things you hadn’t managed to do today because Arthur had put it all away, he had taken control over a situation which you hadn’t helped yourself in. You thought of how worried he had been for you, how much love you both had for each other, and you thought of how you felt when you saw Arthur overworking himself but he refused to take a break because he was the man of the house and this was his job. You thought of all of it, and as you looked into his beautiful eyes and felt his large warm hands still on your face, you felt your lips curve up into the first natural, genuine smile of the day.
“There you are,” He murmured, kissing you again. Your smile was the most ethereal sight he had ever seen. Little did he know that you considered the same of his smile.
You nodded your consent to spend the rest of the evening to simply be, and it was with sympathy and tenderness that Arthur cradled you in his arms for the rest of the night. Kisses were shared, laughter was plentiful, and you forgot all about your burdens stuffed unceremoniously in the kitchen cupboard. Everything could wait until tomorrow. The world didn’t stop just because you had to for a short time. For right now… for now, you wanted to love and to be loved, to rest in the arms of the very best part of your life and to be reminded of all the reasons why you were working so hard in the first place: to provide a better, healthier future for yourself and the love of your life.
The world could try to do what it wanted to you and Arthur would always be there to pick up the pieces, just as you always did for him. But if there was one thing that he would never allow, it was standing by and watching you abuse yourself. That was an insult of the highest order to Arthur and he wasn’t going to just watch it happen.
Arthur Fleck/Joker:  @writings-of-a-gen-z @x-avantgarde-x @mapreza1 @insomniabird @mavalenovaninagavi @itwasrealenough @morrisonmercurymalek  @rand0ms-fand0ms @rafaelina-casillas @aclownthing @rebs-doom @vivft @help-i-am-obssessed @autumnaffection @taintednihilist @vladtoly @mg-woolf99 @misstgrey92 @that-s-life @dopey-girl-blogs @seeking-dreamland @sweetheart-syndrome @heartxfdesire @xmusichealsthesoulx @0callmejude0 @the-one-that-likes-riddles @hannibalsslut @folliaght @freeeshavacadoo @bingewatchingmylifegoby @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything @okamiredfoxx @sp0okysp0oky @the-pandorabox
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marvelsdc22 · 5 years
One Last Time (pt. 4)
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Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I’m sorry for the delay, but here is the next part to One Last Time!! Let me know what you think! The last part is next week!! :)
Note: Y/N is a lead singer. Kara still has powers. Angst starts to hit in this chapter. Songs are This is Not Goodbye by Sidewalk Prophets and I Hate Love Songs by Kelsea Ballerini.
Word Count: 2042
Part 1 2 3
A few weeks later, you had still kept the whole thing a secret minus Eddie who now knew everything as you sat at the doctor’s office, waiting for them to tell you pretty much exactly what you already knew “Are you sure you don’t want to try chemo?” Your doctor had asked a few weeks back, knowing it might not work to save you, but he said it would give you more time to which you said no since you knew what chemo did to people and you wanted to be yourself as long as you possibly could.
“How are you feeling today, Y/N?” The doctor asked as he sat down on the stool next to the bed you were currently sitting on “As good as I can feel, I guess” you said, looking at him “What can you tell me?” You asked, looking at him and just wanting an update so you could go home, you had plans that may or may not include Kara “Well, nothing has really changed, I have gotten a prescription to help you get through for a little bit, but they will only work so much… I’m sorry, there’s not much else we can do without the chemo” he said, looking at you and wanting you to change your mind but your shook your head “No chemo, I’ll be fine” you said, knowing you wouldn’t but you didn’t want to change your mind “Okay… Come back next week” he said, looking at you and watching as you nodded before you left the hospital.
When you got back to your hotel room, you sighed as you dropped your stuff onto your bed and plopped down next to it, rubbing your face as you thought, the cancer was really taking its toll on you and you were more exhausted than you usually were, you knew people were noticing how you were acting differently but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell them, jumping when your phone went off and digging around your bag for it “Ah hah!” you exclaimed when you found it, pulling it out and seeing a group text with you, Lena, and Alex in it.
So, what are we doing for Kara’s birthday? – Alex
Wait, her birthday is coming up? – You
Yeah, it’s this Saturday, what are we doing? ­– Alex
Surprise birthday party? – Lena
Obviously, but what are we doing? – Alex
Well, my band can play, I was working on a new song anyways, we could make it at that new bar that opened up – You
Perfect, I’ll talk to the others and let you guys in on the details – Alex
When you were about to text back, there was a knock on your door “Coming!” You called, locking your phone before going and opening the door, barely having time to react when Kara suddenly pressed her lips to yours “Someone’s impatient” you teased, pulling back and letting her in before shutting the door, sitting back down on your bed and just shoving your stuff out of the way so she could join you “Can you blame me?” Kara asked, laughing as she sat down beside you while you grabbed your song book “Working on a new one?” She asked, scooting closer to you and resting her chin on your shoulder, smiling when you hummed “Play me something?” She asked, giving you puppy eyes and grinning when you rolled your eyes “Fine” you chuckled, flipping through your book before finding one and grabbing your ratty looking guitar.
I can see it in your eyes that you are restless
The time has come for you to leave
It’s so hard to let you go But in this life I know you have to be who you were made to be
As you step out on the road I’ll say a prayer So that in my heart you always will be there
This is not goodbye I know we’ll meet again So let your life begin ‘Cause this is not goodbye It’s just “I love you” to take with you Until you’re home again
Once you finished those few lines, you looked at her and she raised a brow “You’re not going to play more?” She asked, causing you to laugh and shake your head “That’s all I have for now” you said, setting the guitar down and looking at her “What do you think?” You asked, giving her a small smile and watching as she returned it “Sounds like it’s going to be a good song, babe” she said, pulling you closer to her and kissing your head “Lets do something else, eh?” You asked, turning in her grasp and pressing your lips to hers before carefully pushing her back against the bed “Mmm, I like this idea” Kara chuckled, you laughing and rolling your eyes “Less talking, more kissing”.
A few days later, you were helping Alex set up at the bar since you had gotten it to where you rented it for the night “Y/N, that banner is crooked” Alex said, you rolling your eyes before looking at her “Sorry, I’m not tall enough to get it straight, a little help?” You asked, looking at her and watching as she went over and stepped on a chair before she fixed it “Go help Lena” she said, looking at you “You’re so bossy” you groaned, sighing when she gave you a hard look before you went over to Lena “She’s always like this with these things, you get used to it” Lena said, looking at you “We’ll see about that” you chuckled, giving her a smile before helping her out.
You guys got it almost finished by the time everyone started to arrive “We should get set up” Hannah said, looking at you since you were currently finishing up with hanging some lights up “I’ll be there in a moment, go ahead and get started” you said, glancing down at her before going back to hanging the lights up “Just… One… More” you said, stretching as far as you could and managing to hook it before you lost your footing on the chair, bracing yourself for pain only to feel strong arms wrap around you “Falling for me, I see” Kara teased, her having must’ve snuck in and you stared at her and shock before laughing “This was supposed to be a surprise” you whined, looking at her and hearing her chuckle “Hard to when Winn doesn’t know how to keep quiet” she chuckled, gently setting you back on the floor “Of course” you said, rolling your eyes then looking over when Alex came over “Kara? This was supposed to be a surprise!” Alex said, looking at Kara who just smiled at her “Well I love it either way… Thank you” Kara said, pulling Alex into a hug before Alex focused on you “Eddie wanted to remind you to help with set up” “Yeah yeah, I’m going” you said, kissing Kara’s cheek before heading towards the stage.
Once you were on the stage and helping set up, Eddie pulled you to the side “You need to tell her” he said, looking at you and you sighed “How? Besides I’m not going to tell her on her birthday that her girl/boyfriend is dying” you said, looking at him and hearing him sigh “I don’t know, but she needs to know” Eddie said, glancing over at Zeke when he said they were ready “Can we discuss this after the party? I don’t feel like being lectured” you said, looking at him and watching as he crossed his arms and sighed “Fine, but as soon as all this is over, I will lecture you into the ground” he said, trying to be stern but he let a laugh escape when you chuckled “Lets do this” he said, walking with you onto the stage.
“Before we get started tonight, I want to wish my beautiful girlfriend Kara Danvers, a very happy birthday! And no, I’m not going to say her age because I know better than that” you said, laughing some when you got everyone to laugh and locking eyes with Kara who was blushing but smiling at you “Anyways, we have a special song to start out with that I wrote for the birthday girl, I hope you all enjoy” you said, flashing one last grin before nodding at Zeke.
I hate Shakespeare and Gosling and cakes with white frosting Two names in a heart-shaped tattoo I think cupid is stupid and violets are purple not blue I hate catching bouquets, the honeymoon phase And letterman jackets don’t fit Your eyes can’t hold stars and you’d die if your heart really skipped
I hate love songs (I hate love songs) Yeah, I really do (I really do) I hate love songs (I hate love songs) But I love you
As you sang, you kept your eyes locked with Kara’s, wanting to gauge her reaction since you didn’t ever really do songs like this, seeing tears flooding her eyes as she moved closer to the stage.
I hate pink hearts with glitter and Valentine’s dinner And roses just die in a week We were drunk when we met so we don’t know our anniversary, woops Oh and I’m far too vain to kiss in the rain The clouds, they aren’t numbered to nine And you make me feel something but it sure as hell ain’t butterflies
I hate love songs (I hate love songs) Yeah, I really do (I really do) I hate love songs (I hate love songs) But I love you, ooh yeah
When Kara was close enough to the stage, you reached out for her and pulled her up onto the stage, giving her a smile and pulling her close to you, gently swaying side to side as you kept your focus on her.
Oh oh I really do
And I’ll always love you but I don’t have to sing it “For worse or for better” don’t rhyme They say I got the right one so now I should write one But I’d rather just show you tonight
'Cause I hate love songs (I hate love songs) Yeah, I really do (I really do) I hate love songs (I hate love songs) But I love you, yeah
You watched as Kara covered her mouth so her cries wouldn’t be heard over the microphone and you smiled at her, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek and frowning slightly when black spots appeared in your vision, but you quickly shook your head and went back to singing.
I hate love songs (I hate love songs) The old and the new (I really do) I hate love songs But I love you
 When you finished the song, you looked at Kara and gave her a small smile “I know we haven’t been together long, but I do love you” you admitted softly, knowing you had fallen hard for her and watching for her reaction “I love you too” she whispered, smiling at you before pressing her lips to yours “Alright, lovebirds, we have a set to finish!” Zeke shouted, immediately killing the mood, you turning and flipping him off before turning back to Kara “I’ll find you when I’m done” you promised, pressing another kiss to her lips before helping her down.
 After making it about halfway through your third song, you saw the black dots once more and tried to blink them away, stopping mid lyric when you felt lightheaded and causing everything to stop “Y/N, you okay?” Hannah asked, going over to you and resting a hand on your shoulder as you leaned heavily against the microphone stand “I’m fi-“ you started to say before you collapsed, Hannah barely catching you when you collapsed “Call an ambulance!” Zeke shouted, Hannah carefully laying you down “Y/N, what’s wrong?” she said repeatedly, shaking you in an attempt to get you to focus but you looked around with blurry eyes “Y/N, stay with me” you heard Kara say when she rushed to your side, feeling her take your hand and seeing she was saying something but it sounded like you were underwater, looking at her and seeing those bright blue eyes filled with tears once more before everything went dark.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​​ / @5aftermidnight​​ / @youngandwildx7​​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​​ / @aznblossom​​ / @stop-drop-and-drumroll​​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you want to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!! :)
Requests Closed
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jojoreadwhat · 4 years
you're all in my hands tonight, tonight I'm a rock 'n' roll star. / honey & smoke - m.h. x OFC story
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Four Days Later, On A Friday.
Matty's POV
Computer Education had already given me a sour taste in my mouth and I only sat through two of its lectures. One because I knew majority of what was listed on the slides Professor Nolan was scheming through. I really had no explanation why I applied at UNI in the first place. I had high hopes that the tapes the boys and I sent into Capital Records would hit a soft spot. Sending us on a one way trip to success, where none of these qualifications would matter as long as I wrote out the music.
Then again if it all went down hill where I'd arrive at my flat with a box of tapes with the word 'denied' repeatedly stamped over it like fragile, even though my heart would be the fragile piece in that box. It would open the door behind the scene, the little paper of a degree with my name. A ticket of being able to tweak the shitty tunes on the radio that replayed like the TV movies do on Sundays.
Two, Professor Nolan was a bit of a drag. A fine dapper looking gentlemen in his early fifties. His hair slick back dirty blonde with what looked like emerald eyes the last time I stood close. A close shaved beard that extenuated his sharp jaw line. Dressed to the nines that if you seen him on the streets, you would've thought he had millions and a white collar type business. Even though, his Gucci navy suit that my father had exactly and bought for fifteen hundred dollars could make you believe he sat on a green mountain of dollar signs.
I felt his personality and aura resembled a present me. Barely in tune with all the new things happening but completely in tune with the young ladies that gave any advantages to pass. But in his case the young ladies could pass as daughters if the sucker had any.
"Open Audio Access on your laptops." He commanded, changing the slides that was accompanied with taps and clicks from everyone following along. I sighed to myself, everything that was on those poorly designed boards. I had edited and achieved on a new track the boys and I had recorded last night.
I slouched back in my seat, listening to Nolan's cocky Mr. Know-It-All demeanor. His degrees decorating the back of his desk fact it in that he knew more. Only giving him the approval of having Professor in front of Nolan instead of Mister.
After commenting on Mindy's plaid skirt, Professor Feast-A-Lot finally dismissed us.
I still had a class within the hour, just some simple music class that I signed up for the laughing matter. Always stating my answers to bands I drowned myself in as the other students wanted to cuss me out. Sighing to themselves, like that mop got the spill of answers.
With the time I had between I decided to get some coffee. The tea I had earlier with George talking about his night wasn't living up to it's strong expectations. Even though the class I just left could stand as a contender of an explanation.
I walked with the rush of the hundreds in the halls, making my way to left wing lounge and turning the corner of muraled up wall, covered in vibrant flowers and weird shapes from the art program.
Waiting at the counter I turned to scan the little lounge, just many studying with their textbooks as heads. Some talking to another. Just the common vibe of any little coffee shop you stepped your foot into.
One of them sticking out like a sore thumb.
Writing in her leather bound journal that rested on her crossed legs, playing with the slight tear in her in the hem of her playful colored dress.
Relaxed and looking out the window on the purple wing-back in the cafe lounge. Watching the shades of orange, red and yellow converse against the blue sky. Admiring her side profile, a high cheek bone with a light dusting of blush against her milky skin, her perfectly rounded jaw. Her lashes curled with a coding of mascara that complimented her baby blues.
I watched as she grazed her bottom rosy lip with the back of her pen in thought.
The red headed barista asked for the second time what I wanted before realizing that she was even speaking. Finding it hard to take my eyes off the scenery near the window. I ordered my black coffee, then pointed out Lucy who looked disappointed in the last drops of her cup. Dark roast, light with vanilla, sugar and two shots of the sleep she had lost the night before.
Lucy's POV.
I was finding myself becoming a frequent patient with my therapeutic glances of the vibrant trees and the sounds of the espresso machine. Sitting in the same wingback, looking about the window, stuck in what I was going to jot in my journal next. My first week of being in London and enduring classes was wrapping up, nothing worthy had happened yet to write about and I was finding myself running around a writer's block.
As much as I wanted my creative juices to keep blending. I couldn't complain about how things were going. University has been so far treating me well. I've met a good handful of my professors in Week A, many have taken a liking to me which I couldn't quite grasp. But it wasn't a bad feeling to know about, plus Professor Jones really liked my thesis of A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Putting a good word into the librarian of the Uni's library and landing me a interview for Monday.
Things at the university housing with Liz and Abby was going pretty well too. I was growing more fond of them by the minute, both interested in the same type of books, music and films. Liz was a bit realistic and logic about life, which kind of put a damper on things if you were trying to live in a fantasy world with reality biting you in the ass. Then Abby was more free spirited and self aware of what made an individual very much happy, even when the world was not so happy.
Then lastly, home. I finally Skyped my brother Eric and my dad. It was early for them but quite late for me. But in all I was mixed with emotions, both joyful and sad that I wasn't home. They are doing well so far.
I sighed to myself, resting my leather bound on my lap and retreating my blue eyes to the shades of orange, red and yellow. Reaching for the coffee I had finished moments ago, but reluctant to get up and grab another.
But that was before one was brought to me instead. By another thing that I had happened to come across this week.
"Am I intruding?" The English native that I met my first night here had greeted, handing me the warm paper cup with pretty botanical flowers repeated. I shook my head, gesturing my free hand to the wingback across.
Matty sat down, folding his long legs over one another. His eyes meeting mine, smiling softly as his mouth indulged in a sip. Giving me a few moments to admire before another word.
He wasn't wearing his glasses today but his hair was the same as the night I met him. Pulled back into a bun with loose curls shaping out his face. My eyes leading down to his lined out jaw. His collarbones, the tattoo that always made an appearance no matter what type of shirt he wore this week. To the lasting hole over his knee.
I was broken from my stare when he had chuckled, possibly figuring out that I was staring long.
"Anything new?" He asked, his eyes gesturing to my open leather bound. I shook my head, slowly closing it against my knee before my eyes met his again.
He looked at me surprised and in disbelief, "So the storyteller doesn't have a story to tell?" He questioned, resting his cup on the table aside us. I shrugged, it was truly hard to believe but as my mind moved fast the world outside of it didn't and I was at a stand still.
"It just been classes, reading and then some." I finished, finally taking a sip of my coffee.
Matty smiled at me again, a smile I could watch curl at the ends of his mouth like a favorite part to a movie. "We may have to change that." He said, looking at me with tricks under his sleeves and me swimming in his over sized sweater.
I had to cut my coffee break short when I realized I had time run to my next class, Woman Studies.
Shortly becoming my favorite class as we debated fundamental rights and she played Kathleen Hanna fronted Bikini Kill winning my anarchy heart.
"Don't forget to read The Second Sex and please have your reasoning's sent in by 12 AM on Monday." She dismissed. I followed suit with the rest of the class as I packed away my things for the weekend.
Making my way to the hall to get lost in the hundred of others trying to head out and not miss the next Tube coming by. The boy in a leather jacket that I was sharing a coffee with an hour earlier was leaning against the wall next to the door.
His devious smirk gracing upon his face, "I'm feeling like you're onto something." I commented, a small smile plastering across my cheeks. Matty rippled a contagious laugh that I could listen to like an album on my turntable.
"Can't a gentleman just walk a lady home safely?" He remarked.
"No! That's a lie!" I laughed, hitting Matty's forearm lightly. We had moved onto music since Matty offered to walk me home. And let's just say we had a few differences.
Matty loved older music, which I did too. But I found Prince to be a bit cooler than MJ. Which didn't sit well with Matty. "Have you heard the magic in Rock With You?" He mentioned, "It's fucking legendary!" It was so funny to see him go off, but I never said I didn't like the man! I knew how the sounds had your hips moving. I was just a Purple Rain kind of girl.
Matty stood in front of me, walking backwards down the sidewalk.
Girl. Close your eyes... He began singing, moving his hips to the beats that played out in his head. Taking my hand, and pulling me close.
Let that rhythm get into you, don't try to fight it. Placing one hand above my hip, the other still in mine. Directing my hips into a sway, as his voice hit me like sweet serenity.
He went on, and I was enjoying every bit of it. Music was his muse like books were mine and he wasn't ashamed to show it. His hips showing that he never stopped moving either.
We had arrived to the front of my flat, Matty belting more songs of MJ.
"I have to get in," I mentioned, not really wanting to do so. Matty's lips kept moving "Not until you change your mind." Singing in the measures of Don't Stop Till You Get Enough.
I chuckled, still dancing with him till I finally caved in. "Alright, Michael Jackson is better." I confessed, meaning every word that fell from my mouth. He just chuckled, pulling me closer and bringing his lips to my ear.
"I think you're lying" his warm breath grazing my lobe. Sending chills down my spine. I went to protest when Liz and Abby got out of their car. Interrupting our manifest. They just softly smiled, saying Hello before retreating up the porch. I looked up at Matty, who still had his hand around my waist.
Matty pulled away with a soft but questionable expression on his face. I wondered what was on his mind.
"Come watch us play tonight." He said, "The boys and I are playing at the bar George's bartends in. I'd like to see you there."
Many different excuses ran through my mind. Studying, catching some sleep, watching the same three episodes of The Office, outline my far along memoir that would be a flop. Just a rush of things that could've fallen from my mouth.
"Alright, sounds like fun." Happened to be the better option.
Matty's smirk turn a bit shy, looking to the ground before he looked back up at me.
"I'll pick you up at 6?" He questioned, I nodded. Still confused on why I was agreeing to this extravaganza in the first place. A smile gracing his face once more before turning on his Vans to head back to where his road led him.
"See you soon, Blue."
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elven-ariaera · 4 years
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Read the New Leaf Diaries first here!
Start from NH Diaries part 1: Permanent Island Getaway
Day 7
Kitt moved in this morning. It felt so good to have her back in my life. I did not realize how nostalgic I would get already, but no matter what, I am sticking with my plan to move forward. Citytown is behind me, and Islandtown is my future.
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I got a free tee-shirt in the mail from Dodo Airlines. Audie didn’t seem to care much about it and gave me a lecture on fashion. I guess she does know what she’s talking about. Maybe I should pawn it off on some poor unsuspecting fool…
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Until then, all I can do is think about my life choices while wearing this dumb dodo shirt…
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That night a terrifying thing happened. A tarantula appeared and tried to get Audie! Luckily for her, I had a bug net in hand. I crept up next to the little sucker and swiped my net! …Only to miss and get bitten by the arachnid. Luckily she dragged me back to my house and all was well again. 
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You know, that’s a reoccurrence that I could never quite figure out. Whenever I am bitten by a spider or stung by bees to the point of passing out, I always wind up back in my home. Who is taking me there? Is that you, Antonio? 
Day 8
I caught a Whale Shark! I thought about doing a little more fishing after my excellent finds two nights ago and my word I’ve done it again! Sure it was the most ridiculously heavy thing I’ve ever had to reel in — I’m surprised the line didn’t snap — but I did it!
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I brought it to Blathers to give it a nice new home in the museum. Let me tell you, finding a plastic baggie big enough to bring it in was its own challenge. He told me some interesting tidbits about the gentle giant. Learning can be fun sometimes!
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Is that an actual option?
I had also been working on a garden for a while now and I must say it is really coming along! I’m so pleased… That’s it. There’s no punchline. Not everything in life is a joke! Can’t I just have a moment of serenity for once in my life?
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Oh, I had nearly forgotten! Stitches finally moved in! I’m not sure why he was the last one to move in when I asked him first, but I guess he had a lot of things to unpack. I visited him to welcome him to the neighborhood as he unpacked and he was very persistent about cleaning the back left corner of his home… Even though the entire floor was coated in dirt.
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In other news, Audie and I have continued to bond and I’ve learned some things about her. She might not be as innocent as I initially thought…
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I didn’t realize you played Smash Bros too!
But then we got to chatting about movies and it turns out she’s writing one. A rock-opera to be exact. While I was genuinely interested, its plot was a little hard to follow…
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Really, all the neighbors and I have been getting along rather well. I jumped in on a conversation between Bud and Kitt, though, and it seems they have rather opposite tastes. Literally.
All these wacky shenanigans that go on in this town, I swear, it’d make for some kind of sitcom. I actually just received a cartoonist set from Kitt earlier, perhaps I’ll try my hand at it sometime. For now, these journals will have to suffice.
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Day 9
I had gotten a new room expansion for my house the other day and it seems that word spread quickly! Audie has been dying to come over and see the place since the first day, but now she has sort of been inviting herself over. 
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It’s not that I don’t want her over, she’s easily become my best friend of all the island’s residents that live here. I simply want to gussy up the place before she comes. Still, she remains persistent… Is this what Antonio felt like about my persistence? 
…Man, what a great feeling to be loved and admired so much.
I headed over to check in on Stitches today seeing as he was still new to island life. He seems to be progressing rather quickly and is already doing stuff.
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On another note, he keeps insisting that he has bug friends who live inside the floor and whisper things to him while he sleeps. Should I be concerned? 
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Mabel dropped by today to set up shop in the town plaza. I always enjoy her selection of clothing to pick from. She’s also quite the trooper — It rained practically all day today, and still, she stood outside waiting for potential customers. I do think I was the only one though…
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She just stands there… Menacingly!
Later that night Audie insisted on coming over again. I did explain to her that I was waiting for the renovations on my new room aka extension walk-in closet to be finished before anyone saw, and she seemed to understand, so we went back to her place to chat for a while. I found it a little ironic that she didn’t want me to snoop around her house yet she kept trying to persuade me to invite her over to my house… Does she have a secret shrine of me? 
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…That would be so sweet! She’s the best friend I ever had!
We later went on a late-night stroll and things got real. I told her about my previous fishing escapades and she kept freaking out. It seems she has a severe case of ichthyophobia. 
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Day 10
The resident’s hall was under construction and they have now finished and revealed the new and improved plaza. It looks magnificent! Nook had even gotten new help from off-island. He hired Isabelle, my assistant from back home. I guess Citytown isn’t doing so hot without me… 
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Now I have no quarrel with Isabelle under normal circumstances, but I can’t help but feel that Nook is trying to replace me. I am your island representative, not her! Don’t you dare get any ideas…
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Ugh, Isabelle, you make it so hard to hate you when you act so precious!
Anyway, it’s clear that I’m still the favorite of the residents. Stitches came by and gave me a house-warming gift even though he was the one who just moved in… Still, it was much appreciated.
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I dropped by the town hall today to carry on business as usual, but of course, Tom Nook just had to rave about what a great help Isabelle would be. I mean, sure, she did let me change the flag because of my magnificent artistic potential, but that doesn’t change anything! I’ve got my eye on you, Isabelle…
Btw, the flag looks fabulous. 
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Other business included the construction of a suspension bridge. Of course, most of that money was coming out of my pocket, but still, if it could save me from a pole-vaulting accident, I’d gladly pay the majority.
I decided to look for more resources to sell off-island and the dodo’s brought me to a wonderful place. They brought me to an island filled with rare hybrid colored cosmos growing all over! It was truly a sight to behold! My garden would look absolutely stunning with some of these added in the variety! Why haven’t these dodo-brains ever brought me here before? Oh…
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In addition, I think my talk with Audie yesterday night helped her overcome her fear of fish. But I still don’t think she understands how fishing works…
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Day 11
I still needed to make some money for that suspension bridge, so I thought a little bug catching and tree shaking would do the trick. Kitt called out to me, asking if I was having a fun time bug catching. She then apologized for assuming, and though she did assume correctly, I appreciate her earnest apology. 
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We also opened a campsite today! To think, the future resident of my town would soon be here! Nook was very persistent about persuading people to settle down here, and I couldn’t agree more. I wonder what kind of animal they would be? I wonder if maybe… No. Certainly he wouldn’t be there…
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Enough stressing myself out over the thought of my future resident. I also took another mystery flight from Dodo Airlines to see what magnificent isle they might bring me to today. Yesterdays “Hybrid Island,” as I am thoughtfully dubbing it, was a sight to behold. How could they ever top that?
In short, they didn’t. They brought me to an island where every fish in the river was a black bass. Every. Single. One.
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I hate you all…
As awful as that experience was, I had to be grateful that the ocean fish were not all sea basses. Ugh. I shudder at the very thought of such a place even existing. Still, I complained to their manager. I had already booked a Nook Miles Ticket in advance, so their flight tomorrow had better be good!
All the neighbors today kept stressing out about the Happy Home Designers committee and I just couldn’t understand why. They give you nice presents if you do a good job decorating your home, right? Well, when speaking to Audie, she presented it to me in a whole different way. I’ll never look at the Happy Home community the same way again…
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A friend of mine had invited me and another chum over to his island later that evening. It was a delightful night filled with picnics and hide-and-go-seek.
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I also met someone. Roald. His eyes were so striking, I could not look away. With that and his chiseled features, one could easily… No. Stop it. You are a one-anteater kind of woman! Someday he’ll come back. I know he will. Until then, I must resist the sweet temptations of this gorgeous hunk of penguin. 
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Oh, you lift? I can tell…
Day 12
Today’s the day~
We have a guest at the campsite! Oh, I can’t wait to meet them! I’m so excited that I had to write about it the first minute I got up today! This lucky fellow isn’t even aware that they’re going to be our future resident! Ooo, I’m so excited! I have to go! I’ll write more when I get back tonight!
I don’t want to talk about it. Ugh, but I have to vent somewhere, don’t I?
Our guest today was Graham, the hamster. Ugh. I do not like Graham. Why? He’s such a wannabe poser! He claims he’s a celebrity and uses corny terms all the time. He greeted me by saying “Bonjourno!” and later exclaimed his excitement by shouting “Guten Tag!” First — that’s not even the same language as you were faking before, second, you’re not using that phrase properly! Don’t think I’m not onto you, hamster.
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To make matters worse, he doesn’t even refer to me by my name. He just calls me “Hey, you!” Do you even know who I am, pal? I’m more a celebrity than you’ll ever be!
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Ugh, after that nightmare finally ended (for now,) I needed a bit of joy in my life. Stitches was the perfect friend to brighten my day. But then I screwed that up too — I thought it would be cute to give him a stuffed Panda Bear, and then I remembered he is a stuffed bear. Oh, my dear sweet Stitches, I am so very sorry.
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Then Gulliver washed up on my shore again. Even he is aware of my excess loads of free time so, of course, I had to help him…
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I decided it was time to just take a breather and use that Nook Miles Ticket I had. I looked the pilot dead in the eyes before we took off and said, “I swear, if you bring me to black bass island one more time, it will be the last thing you ever do.” Needless to say, he brought me to Bell Rock island today. I went to the island with 5,000 bells and came home with 87,000. I am one satisfied customer.
By the way, how does that work? I understand when I chip away at a rock and things like stone or clay fall from it, but bells? Perhaps bells are actually a type of stone valued so much by the animal people it’s used as currency? You see, I could accept that, but the fact that sometimes it flies out of the rock wrapped in little bags, it just baffles me!
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Well, with all my profits from that trip I managed to pay for another bridge. Audie and I were discussing how this would benefit us by not having to use the vaulting poles anymore.
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Also, Kitt hurt my feelings today too. She said that my style was basic. She could see I was a bit upset by this, so she covered it up by saying she meant I wore basics well, but I knew what she really meant. I’m starting to remember why I let her move from Citytown…
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Yeah, well, your hat doesn’t match your jacket!
Though this day was full of ups and downs, the final part of my story ends with the highest high one could feel. Later in the evening, I thought I should attempt to find the rumored Tarantula Island. I haven’t had any luck finding a specimen for the museum, so certainly I would be able to find one in a place literally named after the creature. But I did not find the island. However, what I found was even better. Love.
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I got off the plane, and lo and behold, there he was. My precious, my darling — Antonio was there! I ran to his side, thrilled to see him, nearly jumping into his arms — but I controlled myself.
We talked and talked, catching up on life since we last saw each other. It turned out he was doing a survival training challenge, which is why he was out on the island. Typical Antonio. Still, his training was doing him wonders, ooh, those muscles!
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He also noticed how much I have been toning myself as well, what with all this island hopping and hard labor Nook tasks me with.
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He off-hand mentioned that he’d love to his island training full time, so I took the opportunity and asked him to move in with me— I mean, to Islandtown. After everything that had happened between us, I thought perhaps I came on a bit too strong, but he answered in the affirmative. Antonio, sweet, sweet, Antonio, is going to be part of my village once again!
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Despite all the bad things that happened today, I can rest easy knowing my favorite animal is going to be with me.
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Day 13
Graham was the first one to move in today, but Antonio will be here tomorrow! I’m so excited! Audie and I got together and talked about it all morning. It was funny because she was watching a romance movie the day before and had an inkling something special might happen!
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But sadly, poor little Stitches was sick today! I immediately ran over when Kitt told me the news and brought him some medicine. He was feeling a lot better afterward, but I told him he should still rest inside for the day.
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I proceeded from there to go to the Town Hall as Tom Nook had requested for my assistance — MY assistance, not Isabelle’s… Okay, Isabelle’s too. Ugh.
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If you think for one second that I’m your task force you’ve got another thing coming…
Anyway, the two of them asked me to keep inviting new residents to live in our town. Easy enough! I knew plenty of people from back home who would love to live here! I called up my girl Whitney from back home and invited her to camp out with us here on the island. I figured we’d hang out a bit and then I’d ask her about moving in.
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She was thrilled when I called her and came over immediately. We had such a good time catching up, it’s been so long! These past few days have been overwhelming me with emotion with so many familiar faces.
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However, when I mentioned that Whitney should move to Islandtown, she didn’t say no, but she didn’t quite feel ready yet. I get it. Citytown is a great place. I mean, it’s less great now that I’m not mayor anymore, but it’s still pretty cool. I’ll invite her over again after she’s thought it over a bit.
Oh! With my garden doing so well, I decided to set up my own little flower shop right outside my house. I stood there for three hours today and not a single customer. Mabel, I applaud your patience and durability.
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I was hoping to raise a bit of money through this stand to set up a bridge. You see, when I picked a spot for Antonio’s house to be, I didn’t realize he had no connection to the other parts of the island. It was imperative that I got this bridge funded and finished by tonight. Luckily I had some help from friends to donate enough bells for the project to be completed. It took a lot of hard work and a lot of fishing…
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But it will all be worth it. Tomorrow, my prince charming moves to town. 
A Residents Representatives work is never done! With so many tasks to complete and more residents moving in, how will our solo human villager handle the heat? Read the New Leaf Diaries first here! Start from NH Diaries part 1: Permanent Island Getaway…
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09yards · 5 years
Night Glo
You alone is enough. Tell me, can we work this whole thing out?
part one of the series
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“Why would you give a ten-year-old a knife?”
“He felt unsafe.”
“Now I feel unsafe!”
“Would you like a knife?”
“Don’t you mean another knife? I’m good I have enough weapons on me.”
“I thought we agreed no more knives in the bedroom!”
“Fuck off Johnny. Frankly, you can’t complain at me for giving Jisung a knife, he’s sixteen not ten. How old was Mark when you first gave him a weapon?”
“Shit, he was fifteen.”
“Sorry, I thought we’d established that grown men don’t mumble. Speak clearly to me Johnny.”
“He was fifteen when he first had a gun. B-but it was only in training, he didn’t leave the centre with any weapons! I swear!”
“I gave Jisung the knife because he gets scared about people breaking into his room, it’s never happened and I’m the only one who ever wakes him aside from Kun who rarely does so; we know what we’re doing. He happens to be trained to use it too but as you know, we’re planning for Kun to start teaching him on a more permanent basis. I can’t keep him from violence but I can make sure he does something good.”
“Now, strip.”
“Oh, angry sex? Tae you are killing me today.”
“No. We agreed no weapons in the bedroom, get them out.”
“Hey, it works for Yuta and Sicheng apparently! Maybe we could give it a go sometime?”
“I really, really hope you’re joking. For your own sake.”
“Are we done fighting now then? I’d very much like to kiss you and not to be brash or anything but I would very much like a cuddle session with the countries scariest mafia boss who is definitely the little spoon whether he admits it or not.”
“Shut up and kiss me already you twat.”
“Ooo, talk dirty to me... baby boy.”
≪ ≫
Johnny loved waking up to the sight of Taeyong curled up into his side. Their bed sheets tangled between them as were their naked bodies, a sliver of moonlight spilling into their home - not enough to see clearly but enough for Johnny to make out the sharp structure of Taeyong’s body, his pale skin almost sparkling at the contact.
It was moments like this he really thought it was worth it. The hiding and the lying was all worth it to spend time with the one he loved. Even if it was only for a few hours - it was enough.
But, once again, he was painstakingly brought back to reality at the sound of a crash downstairs. They lived alone. Carefully trying to slither out of bed, untangling his limbs from being intertwined with his lovers.
“Johnny, it’s cold and late, where are you going?”
“Sshh, don’t worry, I think there’s someone in the house. I’ll take care of it, go back to sleep.”
“Just don’t make a mess, blood is a bitch to clean off the walls and I deep cleaned the house yesterday.”
So, Johnny made his way downstairs, grabbing his gun from the pile of his clothes, as quietly as he could, missing the steps where he knew they would creak and keeping close to the wall. As he turned to go the kitchen where the back door was now left slightly ajar, he noticed the lamp on in the living room and the soft muttering of “what the fuck?”
Clicking the safety off, he gently pushed the door open, “Freeze! Don’t move, who are you and why are you in my house? Talk.”
That was when the anonymous figure turned to face Johnny, the most definitely not anonymous figure and in fact very, very familiar figure.
“Dude, what the actual fuck. You live here? You’re in what looks like a long-term relationship with Taeyong?! And why the fuck are you naked?”
“Jaehyun, your order tonight was working the bar, was it not? I think I’m the one who should be asking the questions.”
“Sorry boss but we’re all sick of you not telling us where you’ve been going! It was either Lucas or me who was going to follow you tonight and you better be glad it was me – for both your sake and Lucas’s because Yuqi is not doing well with his shifts getting longer. Now, I’ve explained my part - you need to start talking.”
“I’ll go put some clothes on then I’ll explain everything, I swear.”
“Hey babe, it’s Jaehyun, got some business to discuss - don’t worry he’ll stay downstairs he doesn’t know anything.”
“Too bad, I hate seeing you put clothes on.”
≪ ≫
“Okay boss, let’s hear it.”
“Right. Well, yeah, I live here and have done for nearly four years. Me and Tae have been together for five years, this time anyway - we were together for a couple years back in high school too. It’ll be six in a couple weeks.”
“Jesus Christ. I know the two of you were never rivals but you come home at the end of the day to him?”
“He usually comes home to me to be honest; they’ve got more business he has to finish up whereas we’ve only got the bar and the garage.
Look, I know this is going to be hard for you to understand but we are in love, we’re happy and who knows maybe we will work together in the future. I want to marry him Jae, I’m planning to propose on our anniversary. If he says yes, we will all be working together - whether you like it or not.”
“I just can’t believe we never knew. And that you felt like you had to hide this when you didn’t, we’d always support you, we love you. At least you didn’t hide it because you never told any of us you were gay!”
“Literally everyone aside from Lucas is gay, even he dated some guys before he got with Yuqi. The bar is a whole gay parade. I’ve literally talked about how hot certain people are with you, did you think I was gushing over Namjoon’s man tiddies and dimples because I thought it was the right thing to do? No, he’s hot and Jin is one lucky guy.”
“I’m so going to have to call Jaemin and get him to stop trying to set you up with Kun then if you’re practically married. Jaem did say he was being pretty stubborn about it though so to be fair I really think he just wasn’t interested.”
“Of course, Kun’s not going to agree to a date with me when he’s the one helping me pick an engagement ring.”
“Oh fuck.”
“Oh, fuck indeed. Honestly you guys are such morons at times. And if you’re here, who’s working the bar?”
“Oh wow, keeping quiet, now are we? I thought I told you about working Mark at night, he’s too young and he has to go to school! I enrolled him in that private academy place for a reason and its costing a bloody fortune, you could at least make sure he goes. You’re dismissed Jaehyun. I don’t want to see you out of place for a while, and don’t breathe a word of this to anyone else. I will not hesitate to punish you.”
“Yes sir, sorry boss. It won’t happen again – I’ll tell everyone I came up with nothing.”
“Good night Jaehyun.”
≪ ≫
Shit, shit, shit.
“Whose muddy boot marks are in my living room and kitchen. If it was Jaehyun oh my god so help me, he treks through the forest when it’s been raining for two weeks straight.”
“Sorry babe, I didn’t have chance to lecture him on his boots with everything else.”
“What’s happening, is it work?”
“Just some issues with an, uhm, with a delivery yeah. New shipment, new items, you know how it goes.”
“Did Ten send you new weapons?”
“No, no. It’s a shipment for the garage, new parts so hopefully I’ll finally get the 1957 porsche working.”
“Sure, okay. Pancakes?”
“I gotta dash, I love you.” With a quick kiss to the forehead Johnny was gone, practically running out the door.
≪ ≫
“I am so sorry I’m late Kun, I know you don’t get much time. Taeyong was questioning me on some business this morning, couldn’t exactly tell him the new shipment I was talking about was an engagement ring.”
“It’s not a problem, I’m only tutoring Jisung today. They gave me the day off, something about the chairman being worried at the number of hours I’ve been working. Oh well, gives me more time to find this ring – he’s going to be so happy.”
“Thank you, this really does mean a lot.”
“I am happy to help, two of my best friends getting engaged? Count me in.”
“Do you think I’m crazy for asking us to join our businesses if we do get married?”
“Not at all, I spoke to him about it once. He said it’d be nice to have someone to share it all with, he does get lonely sometimes.”
“I would give him the world if I could, every moon and every star. I just want him to be happy.”
“You make him happy Johnny, more than you could ever know.”
≪ ≫
“Hey, I know, I am so, so sorry I am late but I had to stop by the garage on my way home.”
“It’s fine, I was late too so I just picked up a takeaway, well Sicheng did and I got it from him but not the point. It’s in the oven heating up now.”
“Good, we need to have a quick conversation.”
“Johnny, what’s wrong you look all serious?”
“Happy anniversary Tae.” He was clutching a small blue velvet box in his hand, good thing it was strong or he probably would’ve broken it with the death grip he had on it.
“I told you not to get me anything.”
“And, contrary to popular belief, I am smart enough to know that meant get you something. But, you don’t like roses and besides they’re expensive and only die anyway, so I got you this instead.”
Hesitantly, he got down on one knee, then proceeded to struggle to open the box and Tae couldn’t help but let out a small snicker.
“Fuck, oh there we go. Will you, please, do me the honour of marrying me?”
“Of course, you idiot. Yes, yes, yes.”
Johnny pulled him in for a soft kiss, sweet and tender.
“Kiss me properly now Johnny.”
“Always so demanding.”
Johnny leant down once again, pulling Taeyong into a passionate, deeper, hungry kiss. One hand holding his waist, the other reaching down to cup the back of his thighs. With a quick tap to his leg and a breathy “Jump”, the kiss turned needy, pressed against the wall – the sound of whiny moans soon filling their kitchen.
“You know Tae,” kiss to his jaw, “I think that ring,” kiss to his neck, “will look a lot better” kiss to his collarbone, “when it’s the only thing you’re wearing”, kiss to the sensitive spot below his ear – producing a breathless moan of Johnny’s name.
“Johnny, bedroom now.”
“Takeout can wait?”
“We can eat later?”
With hungry eyes and a quick smirk towards Tae once again, “I think I could eat now.”
“Oh really, what kind of food were you thinking?”
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etherealreveri · 5 years
➶ MRS. KIM ➶ CH 6
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Chapter One  ⦁  Chapter Two   ⦁ Chapter Three   ⦁  Chapter Four ⦁ Chapter Five
“Hello Miss Sunshine looks like we did it again,” you look up and see that Naeun is wearing yellow as well. “Great minds think alike don’t you think?”  
“You okay?” Naeun pulls a chair and sits across from you. “Thinking of Junmyeon?”
“Hey, I don’t think about him 24/7 …” you scratched your head. “I’m just thinking about him now.”
“Didn’t you just see him this morning? And slept with him last ni-” you shove a chip into Naeun’s mouth. “Sh!” you laughed. You both order your dessert bowls and chit-chat about girl things such as makeup and fashion. Naeun mentions that she has been secretly designing clothes during the summer while you were away and there is a shoot tomorrow and she wants you to join her as well, she also mentions that Junmyeon and Jongin will be there tomorrow to join in the photoshoot. Naeun thinks that this will play well into Junmyeon’s public image and plus, you would get to spend more time with him.
“I don’t know Naeun, I’m not really the model type.”
“Please,” she pouted.
“Junmyeon doesn’t really like things like this either, how did you get him to do this?” she bats her eyes at you and laughs. “I might have told him that you agreed to do this so he agreed to do this.”
“Hey!” you almost choke on your drink. “You did what?”
“Please,” she begged with her hands together. I think i’ve finally found my calling as a fashion designer and could really use the assistance of my best friend, I’m also diving into men’s fashion and thats a big step from me, pleassseee.”
“Okay fine,” you bring her hands down and held her hands. “I’m proud of you, you know that right?”
“I know, and I’m proud of you too.”
“What did I do?”
“I’m proud that you and Junmyeon are back together.”
“We’re not technically back together. I don’t even know what we are.”
“You know what would be romantic?” she turns to you and holds up a dress, ”This is cute, here you go,” she turns back around and rummages through the dresses. “I think it would be romantic if you go visit him during work and bring him a home-packed meal. “I know Jaehyun really appreciates a homecooked meal during lunchtime and plus, you get to see him more.”   
“I can’t do that,” she gasps and turns around, handing you another dress.
“Why not?”
“What if I run into his dad?” she gives you a face.
“Why are you so scared of his father?”
“Because I’m not the right fit for him Naeun, I don’t own a chain of corporations or hotels and come from a well-known family, my family just owns a cozy hotel ...I think you would be a more perfect fit for him than I am. Look at you, I think you’re the perfect gal.”
“Shut up you are just as good, without all of the jazz I am nothing like you.”
“Hey! Random, but question! Do you think guys like wearing watches?”
“Yeah, why?” she smiles and narrows her eyes at you, you look her up and down and take a step back from her. “Why are you smiling like that?”
“Are you getting Junmyeon a little something-something?”
“No, silly. My dads birthday is coming up and I think a nice watch would go well with him and the snazzy style he always has going, and since you have great fashion taste and have seen my dad quite a few times I thought I’d ask if you want to hop over to the jewelry shop next door after we ring up these-”
“Okay,” she grabs the dresses from your hands and heads towards the register. “These are on me!”
“Wait, no! Naeun, I’ll pay for them my-” she turns around and pinches your cheek. “Just let me do this, I haven’t seen you all summer and you’ve been back for like 3 weeks and haven’t gone out and I want to spoil you, mkay? Cool,” and she struts to the register and hands the associate her card, turning back to look at you she gives you a cheeky smile. After you lecture her on how she needs to stop buying things for you, she just keeps insisting that it's okay and to let her do this since you are like a little sister for her.
You and Naeun walk arm in arm into the jewelry shop and begin browsing the watches on display. There were so many choices to choose from and some that would send your bank account to the roof. You settle on a leather watch with gold trim to it and hand over your card before Naeun could do anything.
“You don’t have to be so aggressive.”
“If I wasn’t aggressive you would have whipped out your card wouldn’t you?”
“Okay fine, you caught me but still,” she pulls you into a hug and jumps with you in the middle of the store.
“Look,” she points to a ring in the display case. It was a simple elongated ring with a diamond band that you and Naeun swore that you would both get so you would both be matching, and of course, it could be differentiated because Naeun wore a size bigger than you. The jeweler reaches in and grabs the ring, causing you and Naeun to pout at each other.
“A girl can only dream,” you both whispered.
“I mean I would want her to know as soon as possible you know just in case you know. I wouldn’t want ”
“Baekhyun,” you wave your hand over as he walks into the jewelry store. Baekhyuns eyes widen and he covers up his mouth as he was talking to the phone.
“I got to go. Haha, hi,” he puts his phone in his pocket and the jeweler greets Baehyun. “Sir, your ring,” the ring that you and Naeun looked at was in a ring box in front of Baekhyun. “Aha, right right my ring, this is my ring.”
“Baekhyun, I didn’t know that you had a girlfriend.”
“Oh yeah, I, haha, its-she’s pretty shy so we keep the low on things because that’s how my girlfriend is well, I guess now my soon to be fiance.”
“I see, well … she’s a very lucky girl Baekhyun. Naeun and I, we said that when we get proposed to we will both have the same rings, it works out with us not mixing it up because we have different sized rings.”
“Baekhyun is lucky here, this ring is popular and the only size we have left is a size 8.”
“Hey, Naeun. That’s your size, I think this is a sign with Jaehyun,” you winked.
“Right, um, well I have a meeting to attend in an hour so I just came to pick up the ring before the meeting. I should probably get going now because Junmyeon would kill me if I don’t show up prepared. He’s been pretty busy today with his merger deals with international corporations and such.”
“Okay, tell him I said hi.”
“I will,” he bows and powerwalks away from you two. You and Naeun shrug, Baekhyun was always like this so it wasn’t anything new. “That ring is so beautiful though, whoever he is marrying is so lucky to wear it.”
“Yeah, she’ll be one lucky gal. The ring is beautiful. ”
“You know, now that we’re on this topic. I think he’s going to propose to me soon.”
“Shut up Naeun, you’re lying.”
“I’m not,” she holds your hands and does a little happy jump. “When I get married can you promise me one thing?”
“Getting married will be very scary, promise to be by my side? I know weddings are all fun and stuff but its the next step of adulting and I’m scared.”
“Of course,” you hug her. “And to be completely honest, I think with the wayJaehyun is acting … I think you’ll get proposed to soon and plus, we’re like sisters, I will always be there for you.”
Though it’d been a few hours since you’ve seen Naeun, you’ve been texting her since the time you both parted because you had a sudden urge to go see Junmyeon even though you saw him this morning and wasn’t sure if you were just being needy because you couldn’t get the idea of his hug from this morning out of your head. Since you couldn’t get that out of your mind, here you are, standing across from his office dripping from the rain you just walked through. Thanks to your luck it began pouring in the middle of your walk there and you were drenched in rain by the time you reached the doors of his building.
“Okay,” you took a breath. “On the count of three,” you lift your hand up and ball it into a fist. One knock. Nothing. Two knocks. Nothing. Three knocks. Nothing. You sigh and your shoulders slump down. “So much for wanting to see him-” you place your hand on the door handle then turn around and make your way to the elevator. Pulling out your phone, you call Naeun to let her know of the fail that just happened to you. Saying your parting words to the cleaners, you walk out of the building and make your way back your family’s hotel. It was great that it still looked wet outside because if it didn’t look like it had just rained, you would have looked ridiculous walking in soaked clothes.
“At least it’s a beautiful night,” you round the corner onto a less populated street. “I don’t know what I was thinking, I don’t even know why I walked there.”
“Well, where are you now?”
“I just walked past the bakery shop by the corner and am on that one sketchy bit before it leads to the busier side again.”
“It was worth a try, you’re a hopeless romantic.”
“No, I’m not,”  you laughed.
“Hey, do you want me to come to drive you back?”
“I’m fine, I’m almo-ahhhhh!” a hand grabs onto your shoulder and you freeze. Before the guy was able to speak you elbow him in the stomach and twist his arm around, nailing him to the ground with your knee on his back.
“I know karate, don’t test me-”
“Damn,” you look up and Baekhyun was standing at the driver side with the door open. “When did you learn karate?”
“Uh …” your eyes divert down to the man on the ground.
“Thank you Miyeon, you don’t have to stay and take care of him tonight, I’ll take care of him since this is my fault.”
“Miss …”
“It's okay, you take a night off and I’ll take care of him,” she nods, hands you the first aid kit and makes her way out. You move the kit to the side and scoot closer to Junmyeon, taking the bandaids out you take a cotton pad and pour some hydrogen peroxide onto it. “This might sting,” you grab his arm and gently wipe the cut he sustained when he fell onto the ground.
“You know i’m okay right?” you shrug. “I’m fine I promise.”
“I know you say that but I still feel bad,” you take the bandage and place it on top of his wound. “Because of me, you’re bruised up like this.”  
“Well, at least we know that you will never get kidnapped.”
“Haha, not funny,” you said as you packed everything back into the first aid box. Junmyeon’s knee touches yours and you look up, noticing that he scooted closer to you. With your eyes locked on his, your heart began pounding, and it felt like it was pounding faster than the speed of light. “Why were you out in that part of the street? You know how dangerous that area is?”
“I-um, I-I just wanted to take a walk that's all. The hotel has had an influx of customers the past few days and I wanted to take a walk since it felt nice tonight.”
“Is that why the security guard I met as I was coming out of the restroom confusingly ask me why I wasn’t in my office with a beautiful lady?”
“I …” you scratch your head and turn away from Junmyeon. “I, I um, well you know your main building or whatever you call it was along the path I was walking and …” he turns you back around and locked eyes with you again. You hiccup and immediately looked down at your hands. Why am I like this again? You scratch your arm. He lifts up your chin.
“ … or did you?”
“Okay fine I wanted to see you.” you stand up and began pacing with your hands cupped to your face. Why is my face so hot right now? It's not like you’ve never done anything with him before. “I don’t know why I did that I actually went out because I wanted to-” You spin around and find his chest in front of your face, you clear your throat and turn away from him only to have him spin you back around to face him.
“So,” a grin begins building until he full on smiles. “Why are his teeth so pretty too?” you whisper.
“Nothing,” you shake your head.
“I wanted to see you too,” he pulls you in and the warmth of his body overtakes you and give in, wrapping your arms around his waist. He squeezes and tight little hug and pulls away. “Follow me,” he laces his hands in yours and pulls you out of the family living room and you both make your way behind the stairs to a bookshelf.
“Why are we in front of your bookshelf?” he shrugs at you. “I think there is an elevator behind this.”
“You think?” he pushes the light switch and it flips up, revealing a keypad. Junmyeon presses a few buttons and the bookshelf opens up, revealing the secret elevator. You both walk in and the door shuts, shaking a little before it began to ascend, he smiles and gives your hand a little squeeze. Once you enter the 3rd-floor Junmyeon pauses and looks both ways.
“What are you looking for?”
“My room,” he turns to the left, “I think it’s this way,” he takes you to the left wing. You pause and look up at him.
“You don’t know where your own room is?”
“I do, this house is just so big I don’t remember where everything is all the time.”
“Hold up,” you tried holding back a laugh. “Do you even know where all the rooms are in your house are?”
“I know where the family room is and where my room is and my office, that’s all that matters isn’t it?” he said as you walked through the hallways. “Yeah, those are important but why live in such a big house if you don’t know where things are? Or, get lost.”
“I don’t know.”
“But no ones occupying the room, wouldn’t that be a waste of space?”
“I guess you could say that.”
“Do you have some kind of secret society her-ah!” you yell as you trip over the carpet. He bends down as you sit yourself up and boops your nose. “Maybe,” he winked. “Here we are,” he opens up the door to his room and you follow him in. “What are we doing here?” you turn the corner. He grabs you a towel and wraps it around your head. “Dry up,” you take down the towel and dry your hair.
“Take off your clothes, you’ll get sick if you stay in those,” he strips off his shirt and begins unbuckling his pants, you clear your throat. “I’m fine,” he chuckles and comes over with his boxers on, “You act like you’ve never seen me-”
“This is covering more tha-”
“Junmyeon,” you covered his mouth. “Don’t say that.”
“Acting shy aren’t we?” he pulls a cabinet open and you see women's lingerie and clothing. “You have women's clothing?”
“Yeah,” he nods and turns back around. “I do.”
“That's kind of strange, don’t you think?”
“No,” he shook his head. “Not when they’re yours.”
“When I was packing to move back here, I forgot to give you the clothes you left at my apartment. I just never got around to doing anything with them.”
“Right,” you grab a black romper and undergarments and quickly change into them. You sit on the little couch built into his closet and observe the walk-in closet you were sitting in. “I see your style’s still pretty neutral.”
“I know,” he slips on black sweats and a plain white t-shirt. You blink at him. He looks so good. You follow him out of the closet and back into his room where you wait for him as he uses the restroom. Walking around, you notice that his room is just like the rest of the room, minimal decorations and really clean, like no one lives here and this is all brand new.
“You know, it looks like you barely live in your room.”
“I don’t,” he yells from the bathroom. “I mainly sleep on the couch in the family room or on the couch in my office.”
“You need to sleep on actual beds Junmyeon, you’re going to have a bad back when you’re older.”
“I think I’ll be fine,” he walks out with his glasses on. Oh fuck me, why does he look so hot in plain clothing. “Why are you so hot? I just want to kiss you so much ri-” you slap your hands over your mouth. Why did I say that out loud?
“Then do it,” he grins, your eyes widen and you take a step back from him.
“Or?” you said as you take a step back.
“Or I’ll do it if you’re too shy too,” your eyes move from his and travel down to his lips, you bite down on yours and hear your heart pounding out of your chest. The distance between you and Junmyeon is decreasing as much as the bed and your doomed fall onto it. It's now or never. You grab his shirt and tiptoe up for a quick peck. Well, you stand there unsure of what to do, that was anticlimactic.
“Satisfied?” he winked. You shake your head at him. Without a second thought, he pulls you on him with your legs wrapped around his waist with your forehead against his. 
You wanted to know Junmyeon again, you wanted to know how it felt to have his lips on yours. 
Junmyeon slowly put you on his bed, his lips gently pressed onto yours. All you could feel was the adrenaline in your veins and your heart pounding out of your chest, his hands push away hair from your face and you pulled him in closer to you. You missed this, you missed Junmyeon but of course, things like this never last.
“Junmyeon?” you manage to mutter out in between.
“Hm?” you pointed to the door.
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novelist-nerd-blog · 6 years
Fate - Pre-death Kyle Spencer Imagine
Notes- You met Kyle Spencer at support group for sexual abuse you had been going to. Kyle asks you to be his date to a typical college party and something astoundingly horrible occurs there.
Words- 2,152
You pushed the glass door open as you pulled out your umbrella. This was the fifth meeting you've attended for this help group. You didn't want to go at first because you didn't think you needed to talk about anything. Keeping the fact that you had been sexually abused several times took its toll on you, so you went. You shared the story of the man who moved in with you and your mother. He seemed to only bring smiles to her face and draw the bitterness out in your own. You were almost amazed to hear how similar yet different people's experiences with the topic varied. You lifted up your umbrella and the rain began to roll off of its surface. "Hey, Y/N," someone called for you. You turned around to see Kyle Spencer breaking out in a short jog to catch up with you. He lifted the hood of his sweat shirt up and tucked his messy blond hair into it. "Hi," you greeted him.
"Are you doing anything tonight," he asked as you began to walk down the street with each other.
"No, I don't think so anyway."
"There's this party tonight that me and the rest of my frat are going to, do you want to come with me," Kyle's voice trailed off as he asked the question.
"Yeah, sure. You have my number right?"
Kyle pulled out his phone and frantically began to type something in,"Yep," he said with a smile.
"Just call me or text me later and tell me what you want to do. We could other go to each other's house or just meet each other there."
"Alright, well it's date then. I'll cya later." Before Kyle walked away your eyes met and you could feel warmth spread across your cheeks. Kyle smiled and let out a small laugh before turning around to head the opposite way down the sidewalk.
You pushed open the old door to your grandmother's house and walked inside. Ever since you began going to the help group you moved out of your mother's home. It was either you leaving or her boy toy and for some reason, you had to. "Hey baby, how was your little meeting today," you heard your grandmother say in between the audio blaring from the television speakers. "It was good and I got a date out of it."
"Oh really?"
"That guy, Kyle, that I was telling about asked me to go to a party with him later."
"Good. You haven't been out of this house to do anything like that since you walked in," your grandmother had a hint of sass in her voice.
"Well, I'm going to go get cleaned up and stuff," you said as you began to walk to your room.
You had received a text from Kyle telling you the address along with that he was going to go there with the rest of the frat brothers and would just find you there. You had put on your favorite outfit and made sure everything looked perfect. You hadn't thought about Kyle much before. Yes, you thought he was attractive, but you didn't actually know much about his personality. You thought his story of abuse and leaving his mother to live with his frat brothers was utterly heart wrenching. You walked to the door telling your grandmother good-bye and having her offer to let you use her car for the night. You grabbed the keys and locked the door behind you as you left.
You parked the car two blocks away, knowing that you wanted to leave whenever you felt like and didn't want to be slowed down by a large group of people. Kyle was waiting outside with you and already a drink in his hand. You waved at his as you walked up the steps and he gave a short wave back. "You're looking pretty good," Kyle said as you approached. His eyes scanned up and down your body, resting back on your face.
"You still look like a frat boy," you responded back.
"Oh wow, my feelings. I think you crushed my soul," Kyle said as he moved a hand over his heart. You playfully pushed him and he acted like you were the strongest person in the world. "Do you want to go in and do anything," Kyle tentatively asked.
"Not yet. Let's just talk for awhile," you answered. You both moved to sit down out of everyone else's way. You talked about several things college, tv shows, and how dumb parties like this could get some time were among them. "According to everyone here I'm a professional heart breaker," Kyle said.
"Why's that," you asked.
"Apparently I'm just too charming. As far as I know I haven't actually done anything that makes that true."
"So you're planning on using me to make it true," you sarcastically said.
"I mean, if that's what you want," Kyle said as you felt his hand rest over yours.
"I could do without the heart breaking and more of the other stuff."
"Lucky for you, that's also one of my specialties." You giggled a little to yourself and leaned over to Kyle. You pressed a soft kiss on his temple. He turned and pressed his lips against yours for a short moment in time. It wasn't a long kiss or the start of a hot make-out session, but you felt something more there. "Let's go get some drinks and dance or something," Kyle said. He stood up and held a hand out to you. You grabbed it and let him pull you up. "I don't think anyone here would do anything to you, but you should probably try to hold onto me while we're in there," Kyle suggested. "Okay," you said and pulled one of Kyle's arms around your waist. He looked you over before walking into the house.
You were in there for a while, dancing and laughing with each other. You began planting kisses on each other more often and gradually becoming more affectionate with each other. You heard a loud noise and noticed Kyle's frat brothers all walking down the staircase. One of them approached the two of you. "Kyle, we're leaving are you coming with us or hanging out with beauty," one of them asked. You could feel Kyle's grip on one of your hips, pulling you closer to him. "I'm going to stay here, I'll talk to you guys later or something," He said. They talked for a little while longer and as they did, you noticed to girls walk down the same set of stairs the frat boys had. They both looked upset and one of them had tousled hair. You blew it off thinking it was nothing more than typical drunk party happenings.
When the frat brothers wandered off, you went with Kyle to get more to drink. You were talking and trying to decide if you wanted to stay here or go do something alone for the rest of the night. Suddenly, you heard people scream and everyone trying to dash out of the front door. You and Kyle waited a few moment before joining the crowd and wishing that you hadn't. As you stepped out onto the lawn, you saw Kyle go pale. An expression you never thought you'd see on him took over his face. His body wobbled and you grabbed onto him and helped him steady himself. He couldn't even say anything about the flipped bus he saw in front of him. He turned and wrapped his arms around you and you could feel him begin to cry as you rubbed his back. 
                                                        The funeral for Kyle's metaphorical brothers had happened about a week ago. You've never witnessed so many people in one place. Kyle made it through the actual event without crying. He stayed strong for the other people there and talked to those who asked him about why it didn't happen to him. As soon as you left, he broke to pieces. You sat in your car together as he cried and shook so violently you were surprised the entire car wasn't moving. You held his hand and embraced him as much as you could. He felt awful and there was nothing you could do to truly make that pain go away.
You'd been staying with Kyle at the frat house. You had gotten special permission to stay with him and you were unofficially charged with making sure nothing bad happened to him. Everyone thought it would be best if they wait at least another semester before letting anyone else join the frat. All of the bedrooms were shut and locked except for Kyle's and you had help some of the families go through the boys' things to take back home. Currently, you were finishing cleaning the kitchen waiting for Kyle to come back from his last class of the day. You had made plenty of extra food and shoved it in the fridge because part of you feared that randomly they would decided you couldn't stay with Kyle anymore and you didn't want him to have to do much work. You sat down at the old wooden desk in the corner of the living-room. You read through books and took notes and heard the lock in the door click. Kyle walked in seconds later and dropped his backpack on the floor after he shut the door behind him. "Hi Kyle," you were on the verge of yelling.
"Hey Y/N," Kyle called back. You could hear his steps as he moved to the room you were in. You got up and met him in the center of the room. You hugged him and placed a quick kiss on his lips before sitting down on the couch. He sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around you shoulders as you leaned against his body. "How was your day," you asked.
"It was alright it could've been better, but it could've been worse I guess. How was yours?"
"Boring, I almost fell asleep during my lecture this morning."
"I'm sure Professor Anderson would've loved that," Kyle said flashing you a small smile. Overall, he was doing much better than what he had been. He didn't show that it hurt him, instead he tried to make other people happy which ends up making him feel better. You knew deep down he probably wanted to talk about it or was on the verge of tears. You didn't want to bring it up unless you had to. There were countless times that you had to remind yourself that he needs to work things out on his own time and shouldn't be rushed into anything he didn't want to do. There was a silence in the air for a while and you just snuggled closer to Kyle. Taking in his scent that has always gave you nothing but comfort. "You know,"Kyle said," Scarecrows should get way more praise than what they do."
"Cause they're all outstanding in their fields," Kyle said and laughed as his little joke. You laughed a little to yourself and lightly hit his shoulder. You noticed Kyle looking down at you, carefully studying your features and taking care in not passing any of them over. You could feel yourself blush and watched as a smile formed across Kyle's face. "I like being able to make you smile so easily," you heard him say in a whisper. You turned to face him and brought one of your hands to his cheek. His own hand reached up to cover yours and you slowly inched forward.
When your lips made contact it felt like time stopped. Nothing could matter more than this moment and nothing could ruin it. Kyle pulled you onto his lap where you straddled his sides. His hands moved under your shirt and moved up and down your back. You moved in perfect harmony as if you both new what was going to happen before it did. His tongue made its way around your mouth, exploring every region again and again. You let a soft moan slip from your throat and Kyle held you even closer to him. You were chest to chest with him and the only thing in the way was a thin layer of fabric.
Kyle started tugging on your shirt and you lifted your arms to allow him to slip it off of you. He soon took off his top to let the soft skin of your stomachs met. Kyle stopped kissing you, but let his lips rest against yours as he spoke,"Y/N, I don't know what I would do without you."
"I don't know what I would do without you, but we're together now and that's what matters. So, shut up and kiss me," you said as you began to explore Kyle as he had you.
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Tears never came immediately after shock, at least not for me; only when surprise had worn off, had left as hurry as it had arrived, would the droplets began to teem down like cascades racing down a rocky cliff.
It had been a few hours, yet my eyes were as dry as sandpaper, perhaps perturbation had taken over sadness, perhaps I was still looking out for the emotions I should be feeling, or perhaps, just perhaps, I was in a hallucination.
Could it be a dream that the bed across the room, usually piled with lecture notes, scattered with worn clothes, was tidied at the present? That the creaks had been smoothed, that the pillow had been fluffed and that one could not tell it had once born another presence?
I flattened the piece of paper crumbled in my fist. The words were smeared by the sweat on my palm, yet, the dichotomy aroused by the ink and the white paper still screamed the message at me, “Tristan. Sorry. Goodbye. I have to go. Don’t look for me. Vie. ”
“I want to call it off.”
“Vie? I couldn’t quite catch you,” He shouted.
“I said I want to call it off.”
There was a slight pause, a blank moment, a remote hesitation that allows the loud chatters of men and the blaring clatters of China in the background to take over the void. I held my breath, wary of the response he might give.
I rubbed my temples. The noise on the other side of the phone was getting on my nerves; topped with his stupidity, my agony level was peaking at its highest.
“Do you mind?”
“Mind what?” He slurred, puzzled; his question was tinted with the sound of alcohol.
“Never mind.” I said flatly. “Just do me a favor and go screw yourself.”
The coffee machine shrieked from distance. I sighed. Its caterwauling no longer startled me, I had already lost count of the mornings I had been visiting the Society Café, like how I had stopped tracking the number of people apologizing for being unbeknownst to the whereabouts of Vie.
I was defeated, I was in angst, and the nearing of the deadline of my essay did no help to alleviate the agony.
The sudden giggles of several raucous youths captured my attention. The gaiety in their chatters could not be obscured by the blowing of the wind. Reminiscent bubbled in my chest as their backs faded in my blurred vision. They were us, we were them, sallying forth lanes with our boisterous laughter; distress coming from the academia was forced down for a split second, the present was what we indulged in.
The “we” now, though, switched to an “I”, the “present” became the “past”; I was still doused in history because I was, as though, catatonic, dormant, unable to detach myself from memories.
“I am sorry about last time.” He peered at me over the steam rising from the mug. “I didn’t know you have something serious to talk.”
A retort was ready to roll out of my tongue when, of fluke, my subconscious reminded me that my Indian brother was whom I was conferring with. With 5 years of British education, I sure was losing touch with my origin.
“It was alright.”
“So what’s it? What’s so important that I have to spare a day from my trip to come to you?” He sank back into the velvet cushion chair, nursing the latte in his callused hand.
I scanned his face, in search for empathy. It was a face that resembled mine, that always turned into an expression of support when I was a toppling roof desperately in need of solid pillars. I wondered, I profoundly wondered, whether, for this time, compassion would be too much of a luxury to beg for.
“I want to call it off.”
“So I reckon,” He nodded. “But what exactly?”
“The affiance,” I muttered, my fingers playing at the hem of my dress. Twist and turn. Twist and turn. The cloth spun back by itself for each time I let loose, returning to the previous staid state. If only things were that simple.
“You know you can’t,” He put his mug back on the coffee table. “You know we can’t. That’s double on the payment we’re talking about—”
“I’m pregnant.” I blurted.
He slowly turned his head toward me, “You what?”
“I am pregnant,”
I lifted my eyes to his, but they turned to the window. In his iris, I saw the reflection of the snow outside; the blank whiteness of the frost, the sallow sunless clouds of the sky, all packed in the small hazel rings. On there, I saw everything. Everything but warmth.  
“You are so selfish,” He gritted his teeth. “You can’t do this.”
“It’s my love.” I clenched my fist. “I can do whatever I want.”
He snorted, facing me eventually, “With money, you can.”
His eyes burned with an anguish fire, an anguish hill fire, of which the closer you approached, the more unbearable it became until it felt as though your skin had caught on the blaze and become a part of it as well.
I turned my head down. “I will bear the consequences.”
“As if we all will not,”
“You shouldn’t have signed it in the first place then,”
“You shouldn’t have fucked another guy then,” He slammed his fist on the wood surface. “If we have not agreed to it, where would you be now? You would be down the road in the cemetery now because you would’ve been starved to death.
“Would you end up here so poised and prim and all-so-well, huh? Would you even have the chance to get laid, huh? Why don’t you think about what has got you into this state before you told me what I shouldn’t have done?”
He stood up abruptly. “I will pretend we didn’t meet today.”
I looked up. His sunglasses were put back on, blocking any glimpses at the emotions swirling behind his pupils. I saw myself, only myself on the tinted panes; so small and so shrewd with vain tears brimming over the eyes. I tried to hold them back, tried to bar the dam from collapsing like the time I tried to barricade my love from spilling over, but one slipped and others came after it. It was not long before the waterfalls roared on and before I found myself drowning without an idea of how to save myself, how to deal with all that I had caused.
“Get rid of it the next time I see you.” He walked away without turning back. At the door, he halted.
“And please, tie up your pants.
So no one gets into it.”
The sky tonight was cloudless, unveiling the grey mysterious sash that had shrouded the moon for countless nights. Elise bid me farewell with the same look of empathy. It had become a ritual. As her shift ended, she walked me to the crossroad at the Martyrs Memorial and returned home, where her family was waiting for the arrival of their beloved one; I finished the rest of the journey to the dormitory myself, where no one was anticipating my entrance, except for two empty beds.
A chauffeur, in front of the Macdonald Randolph Hotel, slowed to a stop, sighing elegantly.
 I remembered, when I first showed her around town, I pointed at the Monsieur and Mademoiselles perching on the maroon chairs with the seats padded with soft cushions, and told her, “They call it ‘fine dining’.”
She told me the word stayed with her forever since.
We used to talk about how one day we would be the ones inside, pointing our fingers at the outside as waiters swiveled about tables, serving gourmets and delicacies hot right out from the kitchen.
But now we would not.
The valet, emerged, pulled open the door as a lady stepped out. Her frock, silvery white, sparkled against the dim street; her accessories with emeralds, with quartz, caught the streetlamp, all glittered with pride on her body. She was out of place, literally, her wealth was in harmony with the hotel at the background, but discordance sounded as her ruby red heels clicked on the sunken street with broken pavements.
She lowered herself to the height of the vehicle; that instance, I caught her face.
Profanities spat from my mouth, my legs were as though on autonomy, sprinting towards my long lost friend. She lifted her head up entirely; her features glowed under the light shone from the windows above. After weeks of distance, exhaustion lingered on her face.
It was that moment our eyes met did I witness panic swirling in her pupils; her mouth was wide open, a shriek developing from her throat. At the corner of my eyes, I saw something hurling at me at lightning speed, but before I could decipher its form, a film of black masked my sight.
“Yes, a car accident, yes, at the junction right in front of the Macdonald Ronald Hotel on Beaumont Street…”
“Mister, can you hear me…”
“Left leg fractured, he’s in coma…”
“Where are we going?” My eyes darted on his face on the rearview mirror.
“Somewhere.” Dismissal eminent in his voice.
We drove past the Magdalen Bridge. The current today was rocky, stumbling from wavelets to wavelets; white foam bubbled on the navy surface, the same kind the overdosed vomited when demising.
I realized where we were heading.  
“No. You are not doing this.”
“I have to see it done.” He tightened his grip on the wheel. “I have to.”
“Turn back now.” I demanded. “Now.”
He swerved into a lane, a narrow lane, one that I remembered when I first came, Tristan told me he called the “sorrowful lane”. I had never set foot here. I could not bear the idea of closing in a building disguised among the homey red-bricked houses that perpetrated manslaughter, that feigned virtuous with its pure appearance.
“Please,” I wailed. “Don’t do this. Please.”
 He accelerated. The residences outside became a blur, a ripple of crimson, raining down on the car window. I shrieked. I begged. I sobbed. But beyond my protests, I heard the lucid laugh of death, mocking at my foolish attempts.
Conversations undulated; slurred words reverberated around me. I was in throes, pain was attacking me in all directions; my frail body was as though burnt excruciatingly. I yanked open my eyelids; the torture was unbearable, was harrowing. The sudden flash of bright white light stung my eyes, forcing them close. A series of events inundated in my mind that split second.
The crossroad. Vie. The motorcycle.
 “I see you are awake,” A woman in white hovered above me, a wan smile spread across her features. “We need to do several checkups; you have been unconscious for 46 hours.”
My eyes roamed the room, a small figure huddled at sofa at the corner, her weary pupils met mine.
“Don’t go. We need to talk,” I croaked.
With a nod of assurance, the curtain was drawn between us again, only that this time I hoped, as the cloth rolled open, she would remain.
It was over.
I crouched, leaning against the brick wall; I ran my fingers on the pavement. The rough, uneven surface scratched at my skin. I scraped my palm against it harder, I scruff and I grooved and I grazed, until I saw red, until I saw the thick scarlet blood trickled out from the gash. They dribbled onto the ground, staining the pale concrete with their horrendous color. They screamed pain. They screamed agony. But I did not feel it.
“Dammnit.” He rushed to my side, picking up my wrist. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Don’t. Touch. Me.”I yanked my arm off him. “Don’t. You. Dare. Pretend. You. Care. About. Me.”
 I cradled my hand closer to my stomach, clutching it harder against the flesh. I tried to feel around. I smoothed the skin from the end of the midriff to where the bump had been, rubbing it softly with the tad of my fingertips. I followed the pattern I used to map out when I wanted to affirm its presence. It was our Morse code, the baby’s and mine. It would stick out its foot, jutting out its tiny toes against my belly; I would marvel at them as I tap slightly on the shape. It was my act of gratitude, how I was glad to have it with me.
But no matter how hard I pressed, how long I traced on my abdomen, there was no response. It was quiet. It was a deathly silence. It was gone.
I felt the map I laid out on my paunch removed, I felt the marks faded, but I did not want to let go. I grasped tightly on the skin. Anything physical, anything visual, anything reminded me of my baby, I had to retain it. I had to.
“Stop it.” He grabbed my hand from my middle and folded it into his. “You are hurting yourself.”
I swallowed hard. I tried to catch my breath. I removed my hand from his and returned it to my girth. Maybe it was just an illusion. Maybe it was still here.
But the repeated desolation was my last straw; a life evidence of the lifelessness in me. I shut my eyes off. I let the dark engulfed me. But their power was not fierce enough to barricade the pain from scorching me inside. I felt my shoulders trembled. It began with an inaudible hiccup, then came with the quiver of the lips, and when the gap in between widened the slightest, I gasped for air.
I remembered when I was four, I drowned in a pool. I remembered the fear, the fear of dying. I remembered flagging my limbs. I also remembered the more I flagged them, the further the water tugged me down; the more I fought for air, the more the water rushed into my nose. I remembered the feeling of being strangled.
I also remembered when I was seven, my mother hit me with a bamboo stick. I remembered looking for bandages to wrap up the wound. I also remembered the salt cellar I knocked over, the white crystals that appeared to be innocent but accentuated the torture I was subjected to. I remembered the feeling of being seared.
Those were nothing, now that I realized; because when you had a part of you removed, the bane was a mixture of burning and drowning; because when you registered that your vanity rendered the killing, you became a murderer of your own child. Even when that concoction of grief, of self-hatred ate you alive, you could not pity yourself; because you were among the sinned.
“It will be okay.” He rocked me in his arms. “It will be okay.”
I opened my eyes and stared at the open.
No, it will not; because the moment it slid out between my legs, my heart shattered into a pool of blood. It shattered into a pool of blood that slipped out of me, following my baby to death.
“I have an affiance.”
I blinked.
“I have an affiance.”
“How did this happen?” Calm was feigned in my voice.
“It was a business deal,” She played with her fingers. “My parents had me engaged when I was little. It was kind of a way out; we were about to be bankrupted.”
The blast of the thunder outside startled us. I turned my head; rain was teeming on the clear glass panes; ostensibly, the storm had approached, roaring ruthlessly out in the open.  
I looked down at my palms, “but how did you turn up here, in college?”
“My fiancé paid for me, he is willing to support my educational fee as long as we are betrothed.”
“And now?”
“He’s become insecure having heard the rumors about universities being wild,” Her gaze burned the side of my face, but I refused to look at her. “He wants me to go back to India; he doesn’t want any distractions in our marriage, so I need to quit.”
“You’ve never planned to tell me, haven’t you?” My voice broke at the last word.
“It’s not like that…”
“After all these years of us living under the same roof, you have decided to veil everything, left with just a note. And I was abandoned in the dark wondering if I have done anything wrong. It was so thoughtful of you.”
A flash of lightning struck the pitch black sky, illuminating the room to a degree more. The pouring of rain seemed not to have any intention to lessen, howling with rage.
“How could you say that? If I could tell you, I already would have,” Tears welled in her eyes as she hissed. “But it is forbidden to disclose the marriage. His prominence cannot be risked.”
“Everything is about him, isn’t it?”
Silence lapsed, barricading any remaining vicinity between us.
“I am sorry,” She clenched her fist. The first drop of tear had fallen onto her knuckles, glistening with sorrow on her smooth skin. “But I hope you would understand.”
I sighed, “When are you leaving?”
As if on cue, the door creaked open, a man stepped into the room.
“Miss, it is about time,” Formality tinted his words.
“I understand,” She rose from the seat. “I will be right out in a moment.”
The man hesitantly retreated, leaving the door ajar.
“I need to go,”
“I understand,” My heart throbbed in pain, taking over the ache resonating at my leg.
“We will meet again,” She said softly as she turned her back, twisting the doorknob. “In some time.”
“Vie,” I swallowed, suppressing the despair surging from the back of the tongue. “Are you happy, this way?”
I raised my eyes to hers, and I witnessed the unfolding of a story behind them, how they were deluged by words of tales, how they were flooded with lines ready to be spelled out, how in them emotions were stirred up eventually. I missed this; I missed her with her shields removed.
“Vie. Is there something you have to tell me?”
But as soon as I tried to flip open the book, it slammed shut, snatched away from me. All that was left was the hard plain wooden table, void of passion.
“Not at all.”
The door clicked shut, but all I could hear was the shatter of my heart, echoing against the hoary walls around me.
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