#tobin !!
Petition for more oblivious flirt options for everyone so it ends up in an intervention where the ROs have to sit MC down and explain to them that what they’re doing can be very misleading. Not to them of course, nooooo, but for other people!
HAHAHA. love the idea of everyone sitting MC down and being like, "we love you. But you Can't. Keep. Doing. This."
Also love the idea of weekly committee meetings where everyone but MC is present.
"C'mon, we gotta figure out a way to REIGN MC in," -- folks giving powerpoint presentations on their plan for the week. Animated brainstorming. Mutual grievances raised, empathetic nodding. Ending with a pep talk and encouragement. "WE GOT THIS," each RO says to the others.
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allieebobo · 9 months
Happy holidays and Merry Christmas everyone!! 🎄🎁
Holiday special
I hope everyone's having the absolute merriest holiday season so far!!
As mentioned previously, as a way to celebrate 2 years on both CT:OS and Merry Crisis, I'll be releasing 2 ''sneak peeks' for some moments that'll be coming up in future updates! It won't be the full scene, but hope it gives a nice teaser for what's coming in the year ahead :) I'll aim to release these sneak peaks by Jan!
Vote for the 'sneak peek' scene you'd like in the poll below. I'll write the top-voted choice from the poll.
For the other 'sneak peek', reblog the main posts of @collegetennisoriginstory and @merrycrisis-if (if you haven't already) and I'll randomly generate a winner for this segment from the usernames of people who have reblogged the posts within the past week, and contact the winner to ask for an additional sneak peek scene they'd like! :)
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ellamorgan333 · 6 months
blood meridian but toadvine, tobin, and the kid get a happy ending and the judge just fucking explodes✨🥰
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godly-feh-edits · 11 months
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(Mod Toto) "Smile, you're the future now!"
Finished my baby banner for Echoes! Can you guess all the references? 👀✨
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movietimegirl · 4 months
I'm getting my mind ready for The Acolyte. For me, this is new territory of Star Wars I have never explored before. I'm pretty excited to explore the High Republic era and its characters.
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The only character we know that is alive around this time is Yoda. This guy has seen a lot.
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luce-speaks · 5 months
kliff and the friends
last minute submission for day two of @fe-aspec-week 2024!! this one is a little thrown together because i had an idea at the last minute but! here goes!!
Kliff has never been particularly fond of other people.
He used to think he just got unlucky, stuck in a tiny village where no one understood the concept of personal space. He dreamed of the day he’d escape them, get out, go anywhere but here, and meet people who were actually decent.
Then he started going to school in the next town over, and with each new person he met, that dream died in front of him. Each and every one of them—over-familiar like Gray, clumsy like Tobin, naive like Alm, or disgustingly romantic like Faye. He hated it. He came back to Ram Village with a disappointed letter from his teacher and a new will to tolerate these idiots so he could safely ignore the rest. He might not fit in, but at least they know him well enough to leave him alone while he’s reading.
The war comes on suddenly, like a storm rolling in overnight, and things change. Kliff learns what fire spells can do to a human being, and Gray stops joking about hitting Tobin with his sword, and Faye picks up a lance for the first time, insisting she’ll do whatever it takes to protect her friends. Tolerable acquaintances become battle-allies, people you can trust to have your back. People who could die beside you, any day. There’s no room out here for petty bickering, but sometimes it also feels like there’s no room to get attached. When the war is over, Kliff thinks, they’ll go their separate ways. He probably won’t even miss them.
Tobin flags him down at camp one day. “Hey, Kliff!”
He rolls his eyes. “Tobin. I thought you knew not to interrupt me while I’m studying.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. But I have questions about magic! That counts as study time, right?”
Now Kliff is intrigued, though he refuses to give Tobin the satisfaction. “Since when do you care about magic? I thought it was too complicated for you.”
Tobin settles beside him, keeping a safe distance, but not bothering to ask whether he minds the company. “Well, I don’t really get it. But I want to learn. You know—for the war.”
He sighs. “I don’t know what Alm or Gray did this time, but you’re better with a bow than you’re ever going to be with magic. Focus on getting better at that.”
“Healing magic,” Tobin corrects. “I want to learn healing.”
“What? Why?”
“C’mon, seriously? I’m worried about you guys! I want us to go back to Ram when this is all over—all of us, together. Even if we’re not all planning to stay.”
“…All right, then. I can try to teach you.” Kliff grins. “Though I wouldn’t count on your ability to learn it.”
Faye catches him off guard in the middle of an overcrowded mess hall. She’s saying something, but he can’t understand her over the din of too many hungry soldiers. Eventually, she gives up and beckons to the door.
Kliff follows her, plate in hand, out to the cool night air. “What was that for?”
She shrugs. “You looked like you wanted to go outside.”
“I—” He pauses. Mess hall never used to bother him more than any other time around camp, but now that they’ve been getting more recruits, it has been getting louder and louder. He’s never liked loud noises, either. “I guess I did.”
Faye walks a little farther away from the tent, towards the woods. He follows her, and they settle together at the forest’s edge—still in earshot of the camp, but safely away from the clamor of the mess hall.
“I miss Ram,” Faye says quietly, after they’ve been eating for a bit. “Seeing this many people in one place reminds me how far we are from home.”
Kliff snorts. “It just reminds me of school. They always crammed too many people into the common areas for lunch.”
“So you didn’t like leaving then, either?”
“I liked going to school,” he answers. “I didn’t like the people there.”
“What kind of people do you like?”
He thinks on this. “The quiet kind.”
Faye smiles and nods. They eat the rest of their meal in silence.
Gray looks out for him during fights.
At first he’s convinced Gray is just showing off, jumping in dramatically and kicking down a mage in mid-chant before they can fire another spell at Kliff. But then it happens a second time, and a third time, and Kliff is more than certain that it’s intentional.
“You don’t have to do that, you know,” Kliff says, the next time Gray takes a blow for him.
“Do what?” Gray asks. “Look super cool while I’m saving the day?”
Kliff regrets that Gray is too focused on the battle to see him roll his eyes. “Protect me. I can look out for myself.”
“Oh, that? I’m just practicing for next time one of the girls needs saving.” Gray pauses to skewer another incoming mage. “Gotta keep my skills sharp and all that!”
“Gray, I’m serious. Can you stop joking around?” Kliff fires off another spell, stopping an approaching cavalier in their tracks. Now there are no more distractions—Gray will have to talk to him.
Gray turns to face him. “Look, I know you can take it, okay? But that’s not your job. If you’re up in the front lines taking hits, you won’t have the energy to cast your spells. So you do your job, and I’ll do mine, yeah?”
He sighs. “Fine.”
“Great! Now how about a ‘thank you’ for saving your ass?”
“In your dreams.”
Alm brings him a book from town.
“Here,” he says, unloading it off a pile of rations and weapons. “They had this on sale at one of the booths. I thought you might get some use out of it.”
Kliff inspects it. It’s a neatly-bound red tome, with gold embossing on the front. It looks well-used, but it’s holding together nevertheless. He flips it open, skimming the table of contents, and frowns.
“I hate to break it to you, but this is a book on magical theory. It’s not going to teach me anything I don’t already know about battle casting.”
Alm looks a little offended. “I know,” he says. “I just figured you would like it. You liked learning about magic at school, didn’t you?”
“I did, but—” He frowns again, turning the book over anxiously in his hands. “We’re in the middle of a war. Did you spend army funds on this?”
“Don’t worry, I spent my own money on it. No funds wasted.”
“But—” Kliff stammers. “Why? What’s the point? What do you get out of this?”
Alm sighs. “It’s just a gift. We may be at war, but we’re still people. I want you guys to be happy—at least, when we’re not having to kill people.”
“Oh,” Kliff says. “Uh. Thanks.”
Alm smiles, bright as ever. “Any time.”
The war continues, and Kliff keeps dreaming about the places he’ll go once he’s free to travel as he pleases. He’s not sure what kind of people he’ll meet out there, but—he thinks—if they’re anything like the ones he met in Ram Village, he hasn’t got anything to worry about. Other people may be unpleasant—clumsy, naive, romantic, and over-familiar—but they’re still worth knowing, every once in a while.
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creepedverse · 5 months
what does tobin consider success? like, whats his end-goal in life/the story?
Tobin doesn't stop to consider his future enough to have long-term goals. What he does know, though, is that he wants Tali in his future. Whatever that may look like, as long as she's with him, he's happy.
He's always focused on whatever he wants in the moment, or near future. The boy finds success in triumph and tasting the sun with minimal burns. He finds success in winning wars he created in his head, he finds success in crashing and burning, and coming out on top. Tobin is a fighter at heart. No matter how bloody, what he wants is to make all of the pain amount to something, and with all the wax on his wings, he'll do anything to make sure of that.
When it comes to his in-story goals though, Tobin wants desperately to be freed from losing his own mind at the metaphorical hands of The Slenderman. The thought of being controlled, having a parasite in his brain, losing himself - it all makes him sick. He becomes near obsessive chasing a creature beyond his own comprehension. All he knows is how to fight for what he wants, and all he wants is answers for his freedom.
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nadjatruther08 · 1 year
wives that rehab together…
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kpop-bbg · 5 months
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red-cavalier · 5 months
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Messy warm up of Tobin.
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
Happy 30th Birthday to Mitchell Hope. You and Ben still deserve better than what you got from both franchise and fandom.
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Am i hallucinating or want rayyan an anthology major??
oh my god, thanks for the catch! I was tripping when I was copy-pasting the descriptions over.
Rayyan's an anthro major, Tobin's a history major and G's a political science major. Sorry (not sorry) for the (over)representation of social sciences xD
Have updated the posts :)
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allieebobo · 1 year
Hiiiii!!! I loved the k0fi update!! But it did make me wonder something 👁👁👁 (Some spoilers i guess!), but does Tobin have a crush on the mc no matter what? It kind of got that vibes if (SPOILER) gets picked as their partner. You know: red cheeks, getting shy, Deepal's smug expression aksjssk. At first i thought they were just very nice and friendly, but now I'm seriously wondering lol
Anyways, i loved the update!!! (Oh, and feel free to answer this ask after the update goes public if you want!!! I just needed to get it out of my mind hahaha)
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((Wanted to reply to these asks only after the public demo is out...))
Looks like the cat's out of the bag 🤭
Yes, all the ROs start out liking the MC, in different ways. Some more platonically/sexually/romantically than others (no spoilers here!) These feelings will eventually evolve/morph throughout the rest of the book though, depending on how MC responds.
In order to avoid spoilers to the most fun/juicy parts of each RO route, I've resisted the urge to add a bullet point after the "gradually" part of the narrative arc i.e. what happens after MC decides how to respond—but it will change depending on who MC's been flirting with, and some major decisions in the later chapters (there's no romance lock yet) but it will happen at some point in the later chapters. Enjoy your free-pass now, I guess ;)
Initially: MC is hot. I am hot. We could do something about that 😏
Gradually: Ugh. (*rolls eyes*). Feelings, I guess.
Initially: I like and respect and really appreciate MC being on the team. I love spending time with them.
Gradually: And... they're…. cute. 🥰 But MC's a freshman. Everything's shiny and new for them———(redacted)
Initially: Goddamn this freshman.
Gradually: Goddamn, this freshman? Why??
Initial: Aww, I love MC. What would I do without MC in my life (affectionate)
Gradually: Oh fuck, I love MC. What would I do without MC in my life??? (*flops face-down on the bed*)
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ellamorgan333 · 6 months
need to share a blunt with the kid, toadvine, and tobin the ex priest
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toivoshi · 11 months
I wanted to make this like 6 years ago but anyway
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stephaniebrownslover · 5 months
Tali // @clockeyedtoy
Tobin // @necroromantics
Sorry for lack of non-OC creepypasta content lately.
But I wanted make a gift for my bros because of all the deal going around lately and it's Tobin's birthday, so I wrote something little for their OC's.
Really hope they enjoy<33
❝Sleeping death will come and lead me out of the sunlight❞
↺Both of them is a child who didn't have a chance to experience a true childhood. They had to grow up, and they had to grow up fast because of the brutalness they faced in their life.
↺But the thing is, they were fine with it. They were fine with not fitting in nor not being able to do things classified as normal kid things. They were fine with all the hate they had. They were fine with being all alone in the whole world. Because that is how life has always been for them. And it was okay.
↺Until it started to be not okay.
↺Somehow, every single thing started to felt worse than ever. Whenever Tobin did something, he could feel the claws of the emptiness squeezing his heart. While Tali was busy with something, she could sense the creeping presence of all of the wrong things with everything and nothing.
↺And this was not usual for either of them. Their hurt souls were angrier compared to before, they were more stray than before, they were more violent than ever. However, the worst part of this was their ever so growing loneliness.
↺Fortunately, this whole thing precisely happened before the time when both of their obstacle filled roads in life collide.
❝Shadows pulling me to lie with you❞
↺Tali hated Tobin to the bones. He was annoying, loud and stupid. He was a literal image of everything she hated and maybe that was the reason why she could stand to him.
↺Tobin liked Tali to the deep down of her soul. She was funny, caring and charming. She was the picture everything he actually liked and most probably that's why he never wanted to leave her side.
↺Tobin didn't care about feelings and emotions. He didn't know how to react to them, so he chose to ignore all completely. So Tali was a complete mystery waiting for someone to unlock to him. A girl showed no real emotions and as harsh as a rock. What could she possibly hide under that almost perfect mask?
↺Tali had no interest in talking to Tobin as she only perceived him as a energetic and noisy dog. She was a human, after all, and she had nothing to do with wild animals. Taming a beast was not one of her countless duties and she was already too busy with the pace of her own life.
↺But when Tobin and Tali decided to give a chance to study together, something's changed for both of them. It could be mutual understanding of two scarred person with no control in their life, or perhaps it could be the surprisingly fun time they had. But whatever that was, it changed something for them. Something is changed for the good.
↺After that study session, Tobin stole a chocolate for her and picked up a rose from a random garden. Unfortunately, he didn't know the rose would die after spending non-careful hours in an dirty bag, squized by the weight of books.
↺But Tali liked the dead and deformed rose more than the expensive chocolate. She found funny how dumb he was to not consider such a fact. She wouldn't like a normal rose anyway.
↺Tobin wasn't expecting Tali to offer him a cigarette. He accepted it and they smoke without talking. It was one of the most peaceful moments they had lived after the torture Tobin and Tali had gone through days after days.
↺They were truly made for each other and the real strange thing for the beginning of their friendship was how come they didn't meet sometime earlier.
❝The darkness brings me back to die with you❞
↺Although Tali was annoyed with him most of the time, she kind of liked not being alone always like normal times of her. She liked his stupid jokes and she almost enjoyed the trouble he dragged himself in even though she had to save his stupid ass.
↺Tali was new to human interaction which doesn't hurt, so this whole thing was just new to her. New but not bad, somehow.
↺Tobin had always been around other people, but no one was special for him to care about more than a few days. He would forget them and weeks later, he wouldn't even remember their name. But something was wrong with Tali.
↺Something was really, really wrong with Tali. He couldn't put his fingers on it exactly, however, he could say he didn't want to leave her side.
↺He liked when Tali joked about how dumb his hair was, he liked when Tali talked about a band she discovered, he liked when Tali acted like she's the strongest gırl in the world despite her scars.
↺She liked when Tobin constantly talked about new events in his life, she liked when Tobin kept drag her into interesting places, she liked when Tobin didn't care about anything in his past and kept moving forward.
↺They spend more and more time together day by day. And with this, they learned to tolerate each other. Or at least that was what they supposed.
↺Tobin thought this whole weird feeling would pass by time, just like what normally happens, but it didn't. In fact, it grew bigger. It grew into something more strange, it grew into something better.
↺It grew into love.
❝All I see is you❞
↺Their relationship hadn't changed much when they started to date. Because neither of them needed anything fancy or new in their messed up life. All they needed was the comforting feeling of their lover's presence.
↺They cared about each other so much. No one could dare to say anything about them because they learned that they would protect each other for even the slightest things.
↺They didn't say anything about their past mistakes. Because the only thing they cared about was how much improvement their partner made. And they knew there was no use in digging their dark graves.
↺Tobin was there when Tali needed him, and Tali was here when Tobin needed her. That was the only thing that mattered.
↺And all in all, Tobin and Tali complete each other in a way no one else could and they know this.
↺They're not only their partners in crime but their partners in life.
↺That's how things have been for an unforgettable period of time and they could not ask for more.
↺Because nothing was more important and unreplaceable for them considered to their eternal bound.
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