babyitsmagic · 5 months
The Spies
Dahlia serves as the spymaster for the Court of Time, despite the fact that their nephew... does not trust them much. But no one is more qualified than them and Calix does value their expertise. She has a strong network of spies reporting to her. This post is about three of them.
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Half witch/half dearg-due. Very little bloodlust. Clever and ambitious enough that Dahlia doesn't fully trust her, but they're used to working with people they don't trust. Piper's witch magic makes her a huge asset, given that a lot of fae just aren't expecting it. But her strongest asset? She can lie, and no one other than her and Dahlia know that. She and Lynette are decent friends and she could teach Lynette magic, but she also would tell Dahlia if Lynette asked her to do it.
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If he were any less good at his job, Dahlia would kill him. Not because he's a threat or anything. They just find him irritating, and they're not used to putting up with people who irritate them. But he's a damn good spy with a knack for shapeshifting that lets him get into places not everyone can. He provides a lot of intel that a lot of the other spies can't get. Which would be fine, great even, if he didn't know exactly how useful he is and weren't so damn smug about it. Aksel has been a spy the longest of the three, and worked under Hawthorne for many years.
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Tobias is a flirt who uses his charisma to charm secrets out of people. He doesn't have to ask people to tell him things. He makes them want to tell him things, just by being himself. He's Dahlia's go-to resource for when eavesdropping or theft simply won't be enough. Dahlia poached him from the Twilight Court, where they knew his skillset was being wasted. As a result, he's full banished from his former court and, if he were to return, would be executed by any member of the court who recognized him. He almost had a thing with Kieran that ended before it could go anywhere, but probably only added to Kieran's mountain of trust issues, and he's 100% certain that Kieran would murder him on sight.
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pesky--dust · 29 days
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I mean— that's his way of flirting...
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sleepy-bebby · 10 months
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arcanegifs · 14 days
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Happy Father's Day to our Arcane Dads!
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wkr-47 · 22 days
How all you people? Do u like Slenderman?
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bimbvx · 7 months
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punks not dead (but you will be) closeups under cut :))
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...also i wasn't thinking while drawing this so uhhh in this au tim and toby are left handed ok
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notzawzark · 14 days
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pisting(haha pisting, im not fixin this mistype) for old fandoms is always kinda embarrassing, cause yeaahhh im still rabid about this shit 6 years later
anwyays radical fucking creepypasta art drop
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funstealer · 4 months
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Tobias Wistisen Sterling Silver and Rope Candles
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hecetas · 10 days
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Happy Rite Here Rite Now release day!
photos by hecetas at Isleta Amphitheater
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clown-owo · 9 months
A typical dance of deduction
yt link
EDIT: realizing perhaps this video is not as ubiquitously known as i thought it was and also (judging by the fact that the post has way more notes than the video has views) nobody's clicking on the yt link (and therefore not reading the credit in the description) so i'd like to take a moment to direct everyone to the original video this is based on by BugOlively. im so obsessed with it that i made this whole fuckin thing. please watch the original also. they chose the poses/stock photos and the music and animated it. i just gave it a coat of paint <3
+Bonus images under the cut!!
the thumbnail:
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the full unobstructed background:
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full Ryunosuke and Gregson:
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a few susatos:
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and a few of my favorite Herlocks
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My favourite part about RITE HERE RITE NOW was when everyone sat there in the dark for a moment after the last scene and someone then blurted "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS"
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can-of-pringles · 9 days
Me when I saw Copia jump from the stairs and do mid air splits
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rocktheholygrail · 2 months
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
1x08 || 1x10
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arcanegifs · 6 months
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ARCANE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: SEASON 1 ↳ Amanda Overton (Arcane Series Writer) x Tweets on Arcane S1
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hamishoanvin · 1 month
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— I believe you could be what I need to believe…
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