#toba sport
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serviceatvbucuresti · 2 years ago
BIG GUN Can-Am Renegade 550/800 Slip On
Experimentați Performanță Suplimentară cu Toba sport BIG GUN Can-Am Renegade 550/800 Slip On
Indiferent dacă sunteți pasionat de aventurile off-road sau căutați să îmbunătățiți performanța ATV-ului dumneavoastră, toba sport BIG GUN Can-Am Renegade 550/800 Slip On este alegerea perfectă. Această toba de înaltă calitate oferă avantaje semnificative în comparație cu majoritatea tobelor de ATV-uri de pe piață. Descoperiți cum vă puteți îmbunătăți experiența de conducere și obțineți performanță suplimentară cu această toba de excepție.
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Performanță Avansată:
Toba sport BIG GUN Can-Am Renegade 550/800 Slip On este proiectată special pentru a vă oferi o performanță avansată. Datorită designului și tehnologiei de ultimă generație, această toba sport oferă o creștere semnificativă a puterii și cuplului motorului dumneavoastră ATV. Veți simți o diferență imediată în accelerație și în puterea generală a vehiculului dumneavoastră.
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Sunet Agresiv și Distinctiv:
Unul dintre avantajele distincte ale tobei sport BIG GUN Can-Am Renegade 550/800 Slip On este sunetul său agresiv și distinctiv. Veți putea să vă evidențiați prezența pe terenurile de off-road, iar sunetul puternic și sportiv al acestei tobe va face ca fiecare plimbare să fie o experiență captivantă. Fiecare accelerare va fi însoțită de un sunet puternic și plin de energie.
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Ușor de Montat și Compatibilitate:
Toba sport BIG GUN Can-Am Renegade 550/800 Slip On este proiectată pentru a fi ușor de montat și se potrivește perfect cu modelele Can-Am Renegade 550 și 800. Aceasta înseamnă că veți putea să vă îmbunătățiți performanța ATV-ului dumneavoastră fără a întâmpina probleme de compatibilitate sau dificultăți de instalare. Cu ajutorul echipei noastre profesioniste de la SERVICE ATV, montajul va fi rapid și simplu.
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Durabilitate și Calitate Superioară:
La SERVICE ATV, înțelegem importanța durabilității și calității superioare. Toba sport BIG GUN Can-Am Renegade 550/800 Slip On este fabricată din materiale de înaltă calitate, rezistente la uzură și factorii de mediu. Aceasta înseamnă că veți avea parte de o investiție durabilă și de lungă durată în performanța ATV-ului dumneavoastră.
Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei tobe sport care să ofere performanță superioară, sunet captivant și durabilitate de încredere, toba sport BIG GUN Can-Am Renegade 550/800 Slip On este alegerea ideală pentru dumneavoastră. Contactați echipa noastră de la SERVICE ATV pentru a afla mai multe despre această toba și pentru a beneficia de servicii profesionale de instalare și întreținere ATV.
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mecthology · 1 year ago
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Araǵanaqlta’a from Aregentinian folklore.
The Araǵanaqlta’a is described as a giant, multicolored snake, measuring 10 meters or more, akin to a bushmaster or fer-de-lance. Sporting a distinctive red crest, known as its "sign" (ndage), atop its head, it also features sawlike structures on its body for movement. The creature's tail terminates in two hooks, skillfully employed for grasping prey. In Toba folklore, the female counterparts are referred to as araganaqlate’e, signifying the mother of the snakes.
The Araǵanaqlta’a are shape-shifters, seamlessly adapting to their surroundings. They may appear as four-legged snakes, humans dressed in elegant business attire, or even rheas with vibrant necks. Regardless of the form, the characteristic ndage on the creature's head remains, serving as its unmistakable identifier as a powerful mythical being.
The Araǵanaqlta’a display intelligence and take pleasure in engaging with human conversation. They mete out punishment to those who disrespect nature and harm snakes but bestow rewards upon those deemed worthy. In a notable instance, a hunter, having shown respect and deference, received a promise from the Araǵanaqlta’a for abundance and was taught the art of healing the sick through the power of words.
Follow @mecthology for more myths and lores.
Pic credit: nodiceunrolled
Source: abookofcreatures & cryptidwiki
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turisiancom · 20 days ago
TURISIAN.com - Setelah hampir tiga dekade, ajang balap mobil bergengsi World Rally Championship (WRC) akan kembali digelar di Indonesia. Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga, Dito Ariotedjo, mengumumkan bahwa Indonesia resmi ditunjuk sebagai tuan rumah salah satu seri WRC. Dimana,  rencananya berlangsung di Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara, pada tahun 2026. "Kami sangat senang WRC memiliki keinginan serius dan secara formal ingin hadir di Indonesia," ujar Dito dalam konferensi pers di Kantor Kemenpora, Jakarta, Rabu 15 Januari 2025. Kepastian ini diperoleh setelah penandatanganan kerja sama penyelenggaraan WRC antara Lembaga Pengelola Dana dan Usaha Keolahragaan (LPDUK). Termasuk, Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI), dan WRC Promoter yang diwakili oleh Senior Event Director, Simon Larkin. Dito menyebutkan bahwa penyelenggaraan WRC di Indonesia tidak hanya akan mengangkat nama Indonesia di panggung internasional. Tetapi juga membawa manfaat besar, mulai dari pembinaan pembalap lokal hingga pengembangan sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif. BACA JUGA: Aksi Seru di Danau Toba, Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2024 Program Khusus Pembalap Wanita Uniknya, WRC juga akan menghadirkan program khusus bagi pembalap wanita untuk berkompetisi di ajang junior. Selain itu, WRC juga menyediakan peluang magang bagi pembalap Indonesia di tim-tim besar maupun perusahaan manufaktur yang menjadi mitra WRC. "Ini bukan sekadar balapan, tapi juga langkah strategis untuk memajukan olahraga motosport di Indonesia," kata Dito. Sementara itu, Ketua Umum IMI, Bambang Soesatyo, menambahkan bahwa ajang ini akan menjadi momentum penting bagi pengembangan sport tourism di Indonesia. "WRC sudah memiliki 14 agenda pada 2026, dan kita akan menyisipkan satu seri di Toba," ujarnya. Dampak Besar untuk Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Ajang WRC diharapkan membawa dampak serupa seperti kejuaraan dunia F1 Powerboat (F1H2O) yang digelar di Danau Toba pada 2023. Selain menjadi magnet wisatawan, acara ini juga diharapkan memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal dan nasional. Indonesia sebelumnya pernah menjadi tuan rumah World Rally Championship pada 1996 dan 1997. Kini, dengan kembalinya ajang tersebut, pemerintah optimistis Indonesia dapat menjadi pusat perhatian dunia di sektor olahraga otomotif. "Ini langkah besar untuk memperkenalkan Indonesia sekaligus mendorong kemajuan olahraga otomotif di Tanah Air," kata Dito. ***
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deodorantspraytawasterbaik · 5 months ago
BISNIS TERDAHSYAT, 082328436741 Distributor ALAMO GREEN LIFE Toba Samosir
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BISNIS TERDAHSYAT, 082328436741 Distributor ALAMO GREEN LIFE Toba Samosir
Alamo Green Life
1 Super Sponsor 35 Generasi Kedalaman
Bonus dahsyat 1500 sd 15rb/titik dari jalur sponsor anda
2 Super Passive Income
Bonus dahsyat harian mulai 100rb hingga 10jt/hr selama 100 hingga 1000hr.
Anti Jebol Passive Income Pertama di Dunia.
3 Super Reward 35 Generasi Kedalaman
Mitra 35 generasi kedalaman meraih reward, anda berpotensi mendapatkan Super Reward mulai HP Samsung (1, 5jt), Liburan 3 Negara, Umroh bintang 5, Tour Eropa, mobil (150jt) dan Pajero Sport (500jt)
4 Super Reward Crossline
Crossline anda meraih reward, anda berpotensi mendapatkan HP Samsung (1,5jt), Tour 3 Negara, Umroh, Tour Eropa, mobil dan Pajero Sport (500jt)
5 Super Matching Pairing & Crossline Matching Pairing
Mitra 35 generasi kedalaman dapat bonus pasangan, anda berpotensi 0,5% Super Matching Pairing, crossline 10% dari anda.
6 Super Leadership Tanpa Batas Kedalaman
Bonus tak terbatas kedalaman menggunakan sistem Break Away
7 Super Distributor
BBS (mobile stockist) Insentif 2% omset nasional.
CABANG (master stockist) Insentif 1% omset nasional, potensi dpt Super Reward HP Samsung (1,5jt), Tour 3 Negara, Umroh, Tour Eropa mobil dan Pajero Sport (500jt)
#DistributorALAMOGREENLIFEToba Samosir
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dullweapons · 6 months ago
{How do you feel about Ganondorf (Toba)?} {It might be anon but I am not hiding sdfgh}
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there is a low hum that leaves him before crossing his arms . ganondorf toba dragmire huh ? been a moment since he has spoken to the king . his majesty must be busy with ruling the kingdom but his thoughts about the man have remained mostly the same . perplexed . was it because of ray's knowledge of ganondorfs from the past ? he isn't sure , past ganondorfs could be cruel ; some had actions there were justifiable for their means ⸻ yet toba held him close once & told him that he is not just a weapon . he is an individual such as himself . that the action of being a weapon does not define him . they stood there together intertwined in each other's arm for such a soft , demure moment that if one walked in on them ⸺one might think them lovers .
clearly , he was wrong . he is a weapon . but his cheeks flush a touch .
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❝ ganondorf has been nothing but kind to me . his majesty ... sees me in way that i do not see myself . it confuses me ⸺ i don't understand why but i shall not question my king ... but if i may speak freely : i think him a bit too ... comfortable in his position . nine hundred years of ruling without major threat does do that to a king ... ❞ a small pause as he thinks . ❝ suppose that only proves that our late zelda was correct to entrust him with the kingdom . hylia rest her soul . ❞
❝ but i must say i find the way he deals with criminals to be ... fun . hope he lets me hunt some of them for sport . i'm getting bored without a major conflict . ❞
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sportshub16 · 1 year ago
Sports Hub 16
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Welcome to the Sports Hub, your ultimate destination for everything sports-related! Dive into a dynamic world of thrilling game analysis, exclusive player interviews, up-to-the-minute match highlights, and expert commentary. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual enthusiast, join us for an exhilarating journey through the exhilarating realm of sports!
Keywords: sports, cricket,game,Sports news,Game analysis,Player interviews,Match highlights,Expert commentary,Team updates,Performance statistics,Event coverage,Sports technology,Fitness and training tips
Business hours: 24/7
Business Since: 2023
Address: Chak no.391 jb, Toba Tek Singh, 36050
Phone: 3463208315
Website: https://sportshub16.blogspot.com/
Business Email: [email protected]
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sumutberitaaja · 2 years ago
Ryandava Rizky Dua Terbaik Kelas Jeep di Danau Toba Rally 2023
MEDAN, Waspada.co.id – Pereli masa depan asal Sumut bernama T Ryandava Rizky dari tim Bla BLA BLA motor sport mampu menduduki posisi dua terbaik khusus kelas jeep di Danau Toba Rally 2023, yang diselenggarakan di lintasan Aek Nauli TPL, Kabupaten Simalungun, 24-25 Juni 2023. Pemuda berumur 23 Tahun ini menganggap, bahwa trek atau lintasan Aek […] The post Ryandava Rizky Dua Terbaik Kelas Jeep di Danau Toba Rally 2023 first appeared on Waspada Online | Pusat Berita dan Informasi Medan Sumut Aceh. http://dlvr.it/SrFwCt
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apsny-news · 2 years ago
F1 Powerboat Momentum Perkenalkan Pariwisata Danau Toba
AJANG balap perahu supercepat F1 Powerboat (F1H20) di Danau Toba, 24-26 Februari 2023, tidak hanya mengedepankan unsur olahraga, tetapi juga pariwisata. Dengan itu, destinasi pariwisata super prioritas (DPSP) seperti Danau Toba bisa semakin dikenal. “F1 Powerboat ini kita menyebutnya sport tourism. Jadi, bukan semata-mata sport. Ada unsur pariwisatanya. Kita tahu Danau Toba adalah satu dari lima…
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goriaucom · 2 years ago
Konsep DBON Sports Tourism Nyata di F1 H20 di Danau Toba 2023
BALIGE - Penyelenggaraan F1 Powerboat World Championship atau F1 H20 Toba 2023 yang akan berlangsung pada 24-26 Februari 2023 nanti sebagai jawaban nyata dari konsep Desain Besar Olahraga Nasional (DBON) yang lahir di era Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora), Zainudin Amali. http://dlvr.it/SjtlyY
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serviceatvbucuresti · 2 years ago
BIG GUN KTM 450-505SX EVO R COMPLETE SYSTEM - Performanță Excepțională și Durabilitate Pentru ATV-ul Tău
Performanță Excepțională și Durabilitate la BIG GUN KTM 450-505SX EVO R COMPLETE SYSTEM
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Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei tobe de ATV care să ofere performanță excepțională și durabilitate, atunci BIG GUN KTM 450-505SX EVO R COMPLETE SYSTEM este alegerea perfectă. Această toba sport cu o singură țeavă din oțel inoxidabil într-un corp de aluminiu este special concepută pentru curse și vă va oferi avantaje semnificative în comparație cu majoritatea tobelor de ATV disponibile pe piață.
BIG GUN KTM 450-505SX EVO R COMPLETE SYSTEM se remarcă prin designul său de înaltă calitate și construcția solidă. Corpul de aluminiu asigură o rezistență excelentă și durabilitate, permițându-vă să vă bucurați de performanțe superioare în orice condiții de utilizare. Țeava din oțel inoxidabil este proiectată pentru a rezista la temperaturi și presiuni ridicate, oferindu-vă o toba rezistentă și de lungă durată.
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Cu acest sistem complet BIG GUN, veți experimenta o creștere semnificativă a puterii și a performanțelor ATV-ului dumneavoastră. Toba sport este proiectată pentru a maximiza fluxul de gaze și a îmbunătăți evacuarea, ceea ce duce la o creștere a puterii și a cuplului motorului. Vă veți bucura de accelerări mai rapide, de o viteză maximă mai mare și de o manevrabilitate îmbunătățită în timpul cursei sau a aventurilor off-road.
O altă caracteristică distinctivă a BIG GUN KTM 450-505SX EVO R COMPLETE SYSTEM este sunetul puternic și sportiv pe care-l produce. Veți fi impresionat de zgomotul distinctiv și răsunător al motorului dumneavoastră, ceea ce va adăuga o notă de autenticitate și adrenalina la fiecare călătorie. Experimentați senzații intense și o experiență de conducere captivantă cu această toba special concepută pentru curse.
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Pe lângă performanță și durabilitate, BIG GUN KTM 450-505SX EVO R COMPLETE SYSTEM este o alegere excelentă și în ceea ce privește întreținerea și service-ul ATV-ului dumneavoastră. Fiind o piesă de calitate superioară, va necesita mai puține reparații și ajustări, oferindu-vă o experiență lipsită de griji. Cu toate acestea, dacă aveți nevoie de servicii de reparații sau întreținere pentru ATV-ul dumneavoastră, echipa noastră de la SERVICE ATV vă stă la dispoziție cu expertiza și cunoștințele necesare pentru a vă asigura că vehiculul dumneavoastră rămâne în cea mai bună formă posibilă.
Investiți în BIG GUN KTM 450-505SX EVO R COMPLETE SYSTEM și vă veți bucura de o toba de înaltă performanță și durabilitate, care vă va oferi o experiență de conducere extraordinară pe orice teren. Alegeți calitatea și performanța cu această toba sport special concepută pentru curse și bucurați-vă de fiecare moment petrecut pe ATV-ul dumneavoastră!
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poroskota · 2 years ago
F1H20 Indonesia Di Danau Toba Akan Jadi Race Pembuka Musim 2023
F1H20 Indonesia Di Danau Toba Akan Jadi Race Pembuka Musim 2023
POROSKOTA.COM, JAKARTA – Indonesia dipastikan menjadi tuan rumah gelaran balap perahu motor formula satu atau yang dikenala dengan tajuk F1H2O yang akan berjalan tahun depan. Ajang adu cepat di atas air itu akan dilangsungkan di Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara, 24-26 Februari tahun depan. Direktur Marketing F1H2O, Raimondo Di San Germano mengatakan, race di Danau Toba ini sekaligus menjadi series…
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turisiancom · 20 days ago
TURISIAN.com - Setelah hampir tiga dekade, ajang balap mobil bergengsi World Rally Championship (WRC) akan kembali digelar di Indonesia. Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga, Dito Ariotedjo, mengumumkan bahwa Indonesia resmi ditunjuk sebagai tuan rumah salah satu seri WRC. Dimana,  rencananya berlangsung di Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara, pada tahun 2026. "Kami sangat senang WRC memiliki keinginan serius dan secara formal ingin hadir di Indonesia," ujar Dito dalam konferensi pers di Kantor Kemenpora, Jakarta, Rabu 15 Januari 2025. Kepastian ini diperoleh setelah penandatanganan kerja sama penyelenggaraan WRC antara Lembaga Pengelola Dana dan Usaha Keolahragaan (LPDUK). Termasuk, Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI), dan WRC Promoter yang diwakili oleh Senior Event Director, Simon Larkin. Dito menyebutkan bahwa penyelenggaraan WRC di Indonesia tidak hanya akan mengangkat nama Indonesia di panggung internasional. Tetapi juga membawa manfaat besar, mulai dari pembinaan pembalap lokal hingga pengembangan sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif. BACA JUGA: Aksi Seru di Danau Toba, Aquabike Jetski World Championship 2024 Program Khusus Pembalap Wanita Uniknya, WRC juga akan menghadirkan program khusus bagi pembalap wanita untuk berkompetisi di ajang junior. Selain itu, WRC juga menyediakan peluang magang bagi pembalap Indonesia di tim-tim besar maupun perusahaan manufaktur yang menjadi mitra WRC. "Ini bukan sekadar balapan, tapi juga langkah strategis untuk memajukan olahraga motosport di Indonesia," kata Dito. Sementara itu, Ketua Umum IMI, Bambang Soesatyo, menambahkan bahwa ajang ini akan menjadi momentum penting bagi pengembangan sport tourism di Indonesia. "WRC sudah memiliki 14 agenda pada 2026, dan kita akan menyisipkan satu seri di Toba," ujarnya. Dampak Besar untuk Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Ajang WRC diharapkan membawa dampak serupa seperti kejuaraan dunia F1 Powerboat (F1H2O) yang digelar di Danau Toba pada 2023. Selain menjadi magnet wisatawan, acara ini juga diharapkan memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi lokal dan nasional. Indonesia sebelumnya pernah menjadi tuan rumah World Rally Championship pada 1996 dan 1997. Kini, dengan kembalinya ajang tersebut, pemerintah optimistis Indonesia dapat menjadi pusat perhatian dunia di sektor olahraga otomotif. "Ini langkah besar untuk memperkenalkan Indonesia sekaligus mendorong kemajuan olahraga otomotif di Tanah Air," kata Dito. ***
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the-acid-pear · 3 years ago
I didn't want to but my last post got so long Tumblr can't load it AFSGSGAHH so this is my second post bc liveblogging this manga is part of my personality now <3
From where i left,
I love seeing Shibukawa i hate knowing how that fight will go down tho </3
Oh is that literally Andre the giant?
Katou baby you won't last
Yeah and uh, Katsumi whatever.
Poor Kozue on god pugoygpgu
Toba 🥺
Kozue like 😨
Chapter 186
You don't know but like 2 days passed and i actually forgot what was happening VÑVPJOYG
I just remembered that scene in the fairy odd parents movie where the crowd goes OHHH AHHH
I don't want to simp so early in the morning but UGHHH look at him!!
Hey has Baki always been doing the yujiro stand or is this new?
Feel you Mr Andre the giant i too have been told to not use my full strength. Though I'm just 1.60, my power comes from my anger issues and my god given right to kick ass
That's one strong kick
Rip the crowd n Andre the giant
Chapter 187
I don't think that's true Baki boy
That's a big number sir
I really don't care about this fight much at all surudtidkgxkhkdgksr
Poor Kozue man
Okay no apparently all cis men on the comments did want to become the string ???? Get help /j
Chapter 188
This is prob cool if you know who these people are. I unfortunately don't.
Look of bloodlust? He looks like the average fuckboy
Me watching the anime: omg that's so random why is he wearing glasses out of nowhere lol?
Me now (my brain is bigger): WOOOOOOOOO
I'm still obsessed with Toba's size
Okay i had to google who igari was bc i wasn't recognizing him, now I'm cheering on him
This is gonna be a good one, hopefully
That was murder
Chapter 189
Hehehe this title sounds promising 👀
I really can't tell if he's scared of confident, i HOPE he's confident like, he's my pollo afteral (i make that joke in Spanish bc idk how to do it in English 😭)
Nice feet (See? No one can accuse me of having a foot fetish because no one reads these haha!)
I'm not gonna simp for 3 lines straight but i can't just pass this without saying how much i love how Doppo looks in this arc my man looking more precious than usual 😌🥺💞
Shout-out to the ppl in the comments wishing Motobe a happy bday <33
Chapter 190
These men just LOVE breaking fingers don't they?
It was a pleasure knowing you Motobe-san
I must say Doppo first watching the fights with Katou now with his son is like, super damn sweet like this dude is just such a Dad™
Sumo is such a damn cool sport tbh, i watched like one documentary on it once and nothing else but it's just like damn
Lshekwhwksgskd someone was mentioning how they make Motobe sound like a badass but he loses every time and someone just responded "He's 50", which is similar to the justification i tried to give myself whenever Doppo kept fucking losing but then you have mfs like Shibukawa who is 70 and is just mad powerful KSVSNSH 😔
Chapter 191
Hehe the king ☺️
also if y'all wonder how I'm doing my jaw is currently trembling and i think i have a fever, but it's fine, we getting to 200 today boys
I really don't care much about Katsumi but he has a very shaped face i won't lie, his eyes are very pretty too. STILL DONT CARE BOUT HIM 🙄😒
They just throwing hands these mfs ffs
Katsumi that's a bit too far don't you think?
A fuckin pussy out sort of luck i see
Chapter 192
I hate smooth Retsu sm let him keeps his face wrinkles ffs
Obsessed with these lads
ANDRE MY MAN look at him
I love how these characters say <3
Fucked up to beat up a wounded man tho NGL :/
Chapter 193
Idk man after 180+ chapters Retsu's body doesn't look that wild to me
I know he will lose bc uh, Retsu obviously? But man i really like this Russian
Kozue that's how every match is
Hhhh 😬
He's dead.
Chapter 194
Hey they aren't doing the white lips thing anymore that's sick
Motobe Latino /j
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Look at the cocky mf man sjsgdhd
I must say i love the progression of Baki's personality
Chapter 197
Katsumi is deranged
My health problems are solved btw
I honestly hope Katsumi wins, for the honor of shinshinkai exclusively
Doppo looks so proud of his son 🥺
These mfs so childish ffs
...how is he that small 😭
I really don't understand any of these people
Chapter 198
I love seeing Toba just around doing shit like yeah king you go. My nostalgia enjoys his presence
Toba king i don't want to see you on a wheelchair please-
Toba baby you are going to die and horrible death and i will hate to be the witness of it
He's dead 😔
Chapter 199
Igari right? He's dead too. I have less doubt than anyone else, Hanayama is a beast.
Different? Idk man he looks the same to me
Chapter 200
Like it's not just brawling man if anyone the size and strenght of Hanayama did anything they would win no matter what, this mf is a beast
I'm sorry, he's gonna get WHAT? 😳
Ndhskshskhdkd obsessed
So glad at least SOMEONE is still a bro 😒
Obsessed he didn't even realize
And that's it for tonight, adiós
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thevindicativevordan · 4 years ago
I created a section for Superman Rogues in my Superman masterpost so I feel obligated to actually write about a character for there. But I don’t really want to dive into the nuances of Lex or any of the big guns just yet, so how about we talk about a guy most people don’t even know exists?
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Terra-Man friends! The Pre-Crisis version was created by Cary Bates, Curt Swan, and Dick Dillin. Based on Clint Eastwood’s “Man with No Name”, he was a child of the old American Wild West, with his father killed by an alien. Young Tobias Manning was then adopted by said alien out of guilt. The alien took Tobias with him out into the cosmos, trained him, and crafted high tech weaponry for him that resembled weapons used by 19th century cowboys. He was also gifted with slowed aging that gave him nigh-immortality. Tobias killed his alien guardian and struck out on his own as an interstellar criminal, taking the name “Terra-Man” to homage his Earth roots. His Pre-Crisis fights with Superman varied between him being treated as a bizarre gag villain and a deadly serious threat.
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Spoilers: The guy who ages up Superman is Tobias. He actually comes across as a legitimate threat in the story, using preptime to outwit Clark repeatedly:
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And it was the first time I had read a story with Terra-Man in it that made me go “this guy could be a legitimate threat”. Of course Bates had more creativity in his pinkie than a lot of creators produce in their entire careers, and the Post-Crisis revamp of Terra-Man really sucked:
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They got rid of his cowboy hat (a creative felony if I ever saw one), and revamped him as a businessman who had a crisis of conscience over the environmental damage he was causing, and thus set out on a crusade to protect the environment. They kept the high tech weaponry, and gave a lot of it an ecological spin, he had gadgets that allowed him to drain Superman’s solar levels to make him susceptible to weaponry, but the background motivation has aged poorly. Given the current environmental state of the world, more people would probably cheer this version of Tobias on as a hero (just look at Green Arrow or the Poison Ivy fans!) than want to see Superman beat him up. Also he still talked like an old school cowboy for some bizarre reason? Or maybe that was just how writers thought every Texan talked.
Anyway he ended up getting ripped in half by Black Adam and basically has been gone ever since as far as I’m aware:
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 So he’s been absent for two whole reboots now, New 52 & Rebirth, so I feel entitled to give my idea for how to make him work as a Superman Rogue. First up: his design. None of the ones I posted above really worked for me, none of them look “cool”, and if Venom and Carnage have taught us anything it’s that 90% of why some villains stick around is that they look cool. The Pre-Crisis one is too plain looking, he looks generic, the Post-Crisis look lacks a hat and the cowboy theme and is thus unacceptable. Luckily there’s already two very cool looking sources to draw on for a new design:
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Guy front and center is Terra-Man from the Legion of Superheroes cartoon, and my first introduction to the character. His backstory was heavily modified for the show, but he was a stone cold badass, forcing Imperiex and Superman X to team up to beat him. Think Cad Bane from The Clone Wars by way of Terminator and you basically get the gist. I honestly wouldn’t mind just straight up taking that design and adding the mustache of the comic version. But there’s another source to draw from:
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How the hell this guy never caught on I’ll never know. Maybe because Morrison never gave him enough badass moments during their Action run? But Nimrod has a very cool design, and he also has some crazy weapons like a gun that shoots telepathic bullets, he already feels somewhat like a Terra-Man revamp to me. I’d take the idea of a helmet/full body suit and the crazy high-concept tech weapons from Nimrod & Pre-Crisis Terra-Man, and combine it with the color scheme, basic outfit and hat of the animated Terra-Man. That would be a really cool design that would get people interested in Tobias I feel.
Second off: the name. Maybe I was just dumb as a kid, but I was always wondering why animated Terra-Man never used his earthbender powers. He clearly had them, why else would he call himself Terra-Man and not Space Cowboy? In the interest of retroactively justifying my young self’s stupidity, I propose a new name: The Terran. I think that does a better job of conveying what his deal is, that he’s a former resident of Earth aka Terra who has gone out and made a name for himself in the cosmos. Think of the children who will no longer be confused about why he’s not throwing boulders at his foes. I rest my case.
Third and finally: The motivation. Why does this guy show up on Earth? What’s his deal? Why does he hate Superman? Well I think there’s some easy justification in explaining why he would finally return to Earth in the first place by making him a hunter like Nimrod was. Terran is out to hunt the most dangerous creatures of a species for sport and profit. Guess who has an Intergalactic Zoo in his Fortress, containing last members of extinct species some of whom posses hides or organs that would fetch high prices on the galactic black market? That’s an easy way to justify why the two would first come to blows, and where the root of the contempt for each other would begin.
But that would only be the beginning. See there’s some very interesting twists on the Superman concept with Tobias. He inverts a lot of the core components of Superman. He’s a human who was abducted and adopted by aliens as a child. He got his “powers” from his alien father, and his “name” from the aliens he worked for and killed. He’s a human straight out of Earth’s past, a literal Man of Yesterday. I think you could do some very interesting stuff by contrasting the two, and one of the big ways to do it would be to make Tobias Manning gay.
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Yeah yeah get your jokes out of the way but hear me out: Tobias is from 19th century America, not exactly known for it’s tolerance of homosexuality (or anything non-WASP really). Part of why Tobas stayed away for so long then was that he felt alienated from his home planet. He thought he would never be accepted there, and thus stayed away and tried to carve out a life for himself in space where at least no one looked down on him for who he loved. So when he finally comes back and sees the way things have improved he’s overjoyed. Finally he can be himself among his own kind, he doesn’t have to stay away from Earth anymore, he can stay here and reconnect with his heritage. But then he runs into another barrier: He was raised according to 19th century American norms as a kid, then by alien norms for the rest of his life. He has zero in common with regular humans in the 21st century DCU Earth. His speech is antiquated and peppered with alien words no one understands, marking him as odd. Nobody shares any of his interests, and his job, which would’ve been cool and badass in the 19th century, now invites disgust in everyday conversations. Tobias may have been a human born on Earth, but he was born in the Wild West and raised in space, and he’s become totally alienated from the rest of humanity.
Enter Superman, an alien born on another planet but perfectly able to live amongst humanity since he was raised by them and educated in their modern standards. He’s white-passing and straight, and those two attributes help him be accepted. It would absolutely piss Tobias off that this alien is viewed as more human than he is, is accepted where he is not, and that would fuel the fires of resentment. So when he and Clark cross paths, Tobias is out for blood. Not just to beat/kill Superman, but to embarrass him, humiliate him, make him the outcast for everyone to point and gawk at. Also killing one of the last Kryptonians would really help cement Tobias’ reputation as a stone cold badass hunter which doesn’t hurt either.
On Superman’s side, part of him would absolutely despise Tobias for being a poacher, for hunting and killing endangered species, for trying to kill or humiliate him. He’d be put off by Tobias’ 19th century ideal of manhood and enjoyment of killing, something Superman wholeheartedly abhors. But on the other hand he would absolutely empathize with Tobias’ frustration. Clark has felt alienated from humanity at points himself, but also recognizes that he was lucky to look and be like he does given where he landed. He’d want to try to reach this guy, to connect with him, given how much he can sympathize with the longing for a place where you can be yourself without fearing rejection from others. Whether he would ever succeed is anyone’s guess.
I realize the possible pitfalls in making a prominent villain, who is also a cowboy gay, but I do think what I have here is an interesting way at looking at the very concept of “alieness”, a topic often explored in Superman stories. I’d add a prominent gay member to Superman’s supporting cast as a counterbalance too, either to the Daily Planet or the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit.
So yeah that’s how I’d revamp Tobias into the Terran.
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victorysp · 5 years ago
Dutch State Visit to Indonesia March 10 - 13. Programme
At the invitation of President Joko Widodo, Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will pay a state visit to the Republic of Indonesia from Tuesday 10 March to Friday 13 March 2020. They will visit Jakarta and Yogjakarta on the island of Java as well as the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra.
The state visit affirms the close, wide-ranging relationship between the two countries and will be geared towards future cooperation. The programme will focus on the economy, nature conservation, culture, science and the many ties that exist between the peoples of Indonesia and the Netherlands, based in part on their shared history. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will be accompanied on their visit by foreign minister Stef Blok.
Foreign trade and development minister Sigrid Kaag, infrastructure and water management minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, medical care and sport minister Bruno Bruins and agriculture, nature and food quality minister Carola Schouten will head a broad parallel trade mission to Indonesia to capitalise on the potential for economic partnership in the areas of agriculture, healthcare, coastal protection and the maritime industry, and circular economy and
Tuesday 10 March – Jakarta
The King and Queen will start their state visit in Jakarta by laying a wreath at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery to honour the war dead, especially  those who fell during the Indonesian War of Independence (1945-1949). This will be followed by an official welcome ceremony at the presidential palace in Bogor, where President Joko Widodo and his wife Iriana will receive the King and Queen. This audience will be followed by a meeting of the Indonesian and Dutch delegations.  Afterwards, President Widodo will host a lunch, preceded by a joint press statement.
In the afternoon King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will lay a wreath at Menteng Pulo Cemetery, the resting place of almost 4,300 Dutch soldiers who died during the Second World War and the Indonesian War of Independence.
They will then continue on to the Pipiltin Cocoa chocolate factory, which works with farmers from various regions in Indonesia. The farmers are trained in sustainable cocoa production methods and ways of improving the quality of their products.
In the evening the King and Queen will meet the members of the trade mission and will be present at the signing of various partnership agreements between Indonesian and Dutch businesses. Afterwards, they will visit a photo exhibition at the Erasmus Huis entitled ‘Innovation’, part of a competition for young Indonesian photographers. The day will end with a reception for the Dutch community.
Wednesday 11 March – Yogyakarta
On Wednesday King and Queen will start the day by taking part in a discussion about the opportunities and challenges for Dutch businesses in Indonesia. The delegation will then travel to Yogyakarta where they will be received by the Sultan of Yogyakarta in his palace Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. After a lunch at the palace, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will visit the ‘connected Kampong’, a neighbourhood of the city where internet connections have enabled residents to collectively improve their living conditions and quality of life.
A visit to Universitas Gadjah Mada will focus on scientific and academic partnership between Indonesia and the Netherlands. The King and Queen will talk to students about the Innovative Academy, which promotes creative partnership in setting up digital startups.
In the evening King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will visit the temple complex of Prambanan. It is the largest Hindu Javanese temple complex in Indonesia, and its name means ‘many priests’. The King and Queen will speak with various religious leaders about their efforts to promote religious tolerance in Indonesia and the wider region. They will then be given a tour of the temple complex, and attend part of a traditional Ramayana performance and a concert by the modern music group Rubah di Selatan.
Thursday 12 March – Kalimantan
The third day of the state visit will take place on Kalimantan and one of the themes will be nature conservation. In Sebangau National Park, the King and Queen will visit a research centre situated in the middle of a peat swamp forest. They will be given a tour of projects relating to water management and reforestation. These projects contribute to the preservation of orang-utans’ habitat. After the tour the King and Queen will speak to former loggers who are now involved in the sustainable management of the park.
In the afternoon King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will visit the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rescue Centre. Here, over 316 orphaned and displaced baby orang-utans are looked after. At the ‘Forest School’ the young apes are taught how to survive in the wild. Afterwards the King and Queen will visit a Dayak model farm and talk to farmers about making the palm oil supply chain more sustainable. They will also speak with representatives of businesses.
The day will close with a visit to a training session arranged by Pledge United, an experiential football programme designed to help Indonesian boys speak out against gender-based violence.
Friday 13 March – Sumatra
On the final day of the state visit King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will travel to Lake Toba, where the focus will be on ecotourism and water quality. They will start by visiting a traditional Batak village where they will hear about the history of the region and future developments. President Widodo has designated Lake Toba a new location for sustainable tourism.
The King and Queen will then visit the Del Institute of Technology to learn about the development of sustainable tourism. The institute is committed to combating overfishing and the discharge of waste water, in order to improve Lake Toba’s water quality.
Afterwards King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will travel by boat to Samosir Island in the middle of the lake, where they will visit Silima Lombu ecovillage, built to show the local community the potential of sustainable tourism and small-scale organic farming.
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sumutberitaaja · 2 years ago
Wagub Musa Rajekshah Raih Podium Teratas KFC Danau Toba Rally 2023
SAMALUNGUN, Waspada.co.id – Pereli tuan rumah yang juga Wakil Gubernur (Wagub) Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Musa Rajekshah, keluar sebagai juara umum setelah dua leg KFC Danau Toba Rally 2023 berakhir pada Minggu (25/6). Pereli yang turun dengan bendera Bla Bla Bla Motor Sport dengan navigatornya Hervian Soejono ini berhasil menyelesaikan pertandingan dengan overall waktu 1:43:18,5, disusul […] The post Wagub Musa Rajekshah Raih Podium Teratas KFC Danau Toba Rally 2023 first appeared on Waspada Online | Pusat Berita dan Informasi Medan Sumut Aceh. http://dlvr.it/SrCT57
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