#toa merchandise
lunar-corgimon · 2 years
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Rinwell link
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tarttsweetshriek · 1 month
(Warning: Mention of killing, mention of torture).
TOA Day 2 8/12/24
The second day of the Tournament had me giddy with excitement. Mostly watching the duels between competitors for a few minutes. Then my thoughts were lulled into boredom as I walked around the grounds, thinking to myself.
I am a Death Knight, and it is rare for us to find any sort of positive feeling or emotion. It is fleeting mostly. It is rare to find any tenderness or love. We can be protective of allies, we can slaughter enemies. There are only special cases when a death knight is willing to rescue those they care about.
Like Thassarian and his sister. She went looking for him. After spending what seemed like hours interrogating and torturing a Lich, he went to find out that she was brought to a necropolis by one of the San’layn princes. Thassarian slew the fiend and then went to his sister. That’s the only time I’ve heard him being calm.
Another moment that I remember is conversations between Darion Mograine and his father. He said to his spirit, that for him, he would die a thousand times. And then again in the realms of death itself, they met a second time. And Darion had said something that nearly melted my heart.
I myself can be tender when I want to be; loving as well. Even a little flirty. But it takes every ounce of my being not to just cause pain or suffering to someone, lest I suffer myself. This Eternal or Endless hunger as it’s called. For this tournament, I had to be calm afterward.
It was then that I had found Ranèk’s booth. He smiled at me. The Cast Co. always has such fun stuff when it comes to their merchandise and their menus. Especially their themes, plushies, and food and drinks. The others make me smile as well. Perhaps I can get through this day.
(Note: I know the Thassarian quest is Alliance only, but I love it so much. And the conversations that Darion had with Alexandros in ICC and in Korthia nearly made me cry and melt my heart, showing that death knights do care sometimes. That, and I love death knight lore).
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Cursed realization inspired by my post and the reblogs plus tags:
Once things have calmed down and the various economies get going, many markets on Spherus Magna will be swamped. Items connected to worship, but also items as merchandise because they bring in money.
Fake foot prints caked in dried clay, supposedly from the most famous glatorian fighting in the arenas.
So many replicas of the Ignika.
So many statues depicting Mata Nui in his 'glatorian' form.
Toa Nuva merchandise.
And many more! The possibilities are endless (and terrifying).
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Tales of Arcadia Ask Game
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I'm pretty sure there's already one but I'm bored and I want to make a new one so here we go: TOA ask game!
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Trilogy - favorite show (Trollhunters, 3Below, Wizards)
Daylight - favorite character
Eclipse - favorite antagonist
Moonlight - favorite side character
Crispy~ - favorite funny scene
The Deep - favorite sad scene
GLORIOUS - favorite fight scene
R+J - favorite ship (romantic, platonic, etc.)
Legends - favorite fic/fic recc
Destiny - would you want to live in a world with magic?
Brief Recapitulation - something you'd want to see explore more/explained
Changeling - would you rather be a troll, extraterrestrial, or spellcaster? (Or human!)
Conspiracy?! - your most insane theory (or theory in general!)
Kairosect - if you could pause time for 43 minutes and 9 seconds, what would you do?
Shadow Portal - if you could visit one place in the TOA-verse (present time or past), where would you go?
Red Boots - if you could make one piece of TOA merchandise, what would it be?
Titan - thoughts on ROTT?
Kronosphere - if you could change one thing about TOA, what would it be?
FUZZBUCKETS - controversial opinion? hot take? hill you will die on?
KLEB - random headcanon
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gokired · 13 days
Lego Bionicle Photography: Part V.
Final Toa of the original Bionicle merchandise from 2001, Gali: Toa of Water.
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thaliagrayce · 7 months
Contrasting Colors
Link: ao3 Pairing: Jason Grace/Nico di Angelo Fandom: Percy Jackson & the Olympians Tags: post-Heroes of Olympus, Not TOA compliant, fluff, jealousy (but like only a little bit)
Word Count: 2,998
There was a stranger on the subway who had been staring at them on and off since they had boarded the train. That wasn’t too unusual, but it was rubbing Nico the wrong way today. He shifted from one foot to the other as their car passed from the light of the last station into the darkness of the tunnel system once more. Maybe it was the fact that the stranger was a boy who looked just a little older than him. And taller. Broader, too, although he was almost certainly less experienced at actually using the muscle filling out his expensive name-brand athlesiure. He’d been looking between Nico and Jason since they left the shopping center they’d spent the afternoon at, but mostly he’d been looking at Jason. (or; Nico and Jason's journey to self-expression and belonging through really dumb shirts.)
There was a stranger on the subway who had been staring at them on and off since they had boarded the train. That wasn’t too unusual—Nico and Jason had both lived as demigods for long enough that a little staring wasn’t going to ruin their day unless it came with violence—but it was rubbing Nico the wrong way today. He shifted from one foot to the other as their car passed from the light of the last station into the darkness of the tunnel system once more.
Maybe it was the fact that the stranger was a boy who looked just a little older than him. And taller. Broader, too, although he was almost certainly less experienced at actually using the muscle filling out his expensive name-brand athlesiure. He’d been looking between Nico and Jason since they left the shopping center they’d spent the afternoon at, but mostly he’d been looking at Jason.
Nico shifted again, hyperaware of the space between them. Were they standing close enough? Was it too close? They had walked onto the subway car together, but it would be plausible that they just happened to be standing next to each other while they were waiting for the train. The platform had been crowded, it could have looked like coincidence.
Nico knew that he and Jason didn’t look like a matched set. There was about a foot’s difference in height when they were both standing straight, and Nico almost always made it worse by slouching. Their resting expressions were completely different now that Jason’s updated prescription let him see clearly without squinting at the world. And, most noticeable, there was the difference in style: Nico was comfortable in his all black, and Jason was wearing one of the colorful and dorky t-shirts he’d bought on this trip.
(“Look, Nico!” he had said after dragging them both into a store that was about 50% anime merchandise. “It’s me!” He held up the shirt for Nico to see: a pale blue t-shirt with a white cloud-shaped breast pocket. The cloud had a cutesy blushing smiley face on it. Nico raised one eyebrow in question, and Jason pulled the pocket open. The fabric underneath the cloud was printed with a rainbow. It was a terrible joke, and Nico had laughed anyway.)
Nico glanced at the shirt—which Jason liked so much he’d found a bathroom and changed into it as soon as they left the store—out of the corner of his eye. The white of the little cloud almost glowed in the terrible subway lighting. It was so bright, and Jason looked tall and handsome and at ease, and that boy across the train car was looking at him and Nico kept noticing.
Nico brought his right hand up and fidgeted with the blue bandanna he’d bought and tied around his neck on an impulse as they were leaving the mall. The train slowed down to approach another stop and Nico braced himself not to stumble. He wasn’t used to wearing anything around his neck, but it wasn’t terrible. He could maybe do it more often.
On his left, Jason brushed his knuckles against Nico’s in a signal they had developed early on in their relationship, when they figured out that their comfort levels with PDA were decidedly different. I would hold your hand right now if you wanted me to, it said. Nico turned to give him a smile.
Jason was looking down at him, head tilted in a way that reminded Nico that he’d technically been raised by wolves. There was some concern in between his brows. He was completely focused on Nico. It was possible that he hadn’t even noticed the boy across the way, or that he’d dismissed him as mortal as quickly as Nico had and then not thought about him again.
Nico knew that, if he wanted, he could take Jason’s hand right now and prove to all the random strangers in this train car that they were a matched set. He could tell the boy that might or might not have been checking Jason out to fuck off without even opening his mouth. A tiny, possessive part of him wanted to.
Instead, he took a deep breath in and brushed his knuckles back. They both heard the thank you, I love you that implied. The taste of jealousy was bitter and Nico didn’t want to let it linger. He let the breath out.
This whole endeavor had started about two months ago, just after they started dating. Nico had been accompanying Jason on a lot of his Pontifex Maximus duties, meeting up with minor gods and drafting temples across the country. Nico’s shadow travel got them places on time and Jason’s flight got them back to where they were staying when Nico got too tired to jump again.
That particular day had been a bit rough. Nico had jumped the both of them halfway across the country to Nowhere, Iowa and was already exhausted when a hydra melted out of the cornfield next to them. Nico was no help in the ensuing fight.
Jason didn’t really need the help, though. He managed to kill it on his own in under ten minutes while Nico slumped against a nearby bale of hay, sleepily cheering him on.
Unfortunately, killing the hydra was not a neat process, and it managed to get him a few times with its acid spit. They worked together and managed to do a halfway decent job of burying the final head underneath Nico’s hay bale before Jason realized that half of his shirt had melted off during the fight.
He had only packed pajamas.
They managed to find Jason a new (ish) plain shirt at the one Goodwill in town quickly, but Jason seemed reluctant to leave. He kept looking back at one of the clothing racks they had passed by, even after they paid and were heading out of the store. Nico gave in to his curiosity.
“What was it?”
“Huh?” Jason asked. He tore his eyes away from the rack one last time and pulled the door open, holding it to let Nico pass first.
“You keep looking back. What caught your eye?”
“Oh, I…” Jason smiled. They headed off toward their motel at a decent clip; they didn’t have a whole lot of time to check in, have Jason change, and leave again to get to their meeting with the eccentric minor agricultural god. “It was nothing. There was a shirt that made me smile.”
“Oh?” Nico prompted.
“Yeah. It was kind of goofy, y’know. Jelly bean print.”
Nico huffed a laugh. “I can picture you in that.”
Nico raised an eyebrow. He had planned to tease Jason, but the hopeful look on his boyfriend’s face stopped him. Raised eyebrows and a hint of a smile and that light in his eyes were all because of a jelly bean shirt?
“Sure,” Nico settled on instead. “Why not? Goofy print for a goofy guy.”
It was evidently the right answer. Jason’s smile grew as they walked into the motel, checked in, and shuffled off to their room. Nico sat on one of the twin beds with his chin in his hands as Jason took over the bathroom to change.
Technically, Nico wasn’t needed here at all. He usually tagged along to these meetings to have something to do, but he knew that if he even hinted he might be feeling tired…
When Jason got out of the bathroom, Nico was lying face down on the bed. Jason fretted and fussed and insisted that Nico stay behind to take a nap, as Nico knew he would. As soon as he left, Nico got up and put his boots back on. The meeting probably wouldn’t take more than half an hour and he wanted to be sneaky, so he had to be fast.
Besides, if he was quick enough, maybe he really could take a nap after he got back from the thrift store.
The Jelly Bean Shirt was the most obnoxious shirt in the entire world and Jason loved it. It was a short sleeved button down that was just a touch too small across the shoulders for Jason, which meant that he often wore it open over a different shirt.
The only other shirts Jason owned were either bright purple, bright orange, or the solid green shirt they’d bought for the meeting. Jason very quickly became the easiest person to spot at camp. Leo and Piper teased him about it, but he took it with a smile and continued wearing the shirt.
The next time they left camp for Pontifex business, Jason asked if they could go shopping again afterward.
“I know it’s not really necessary,” he said, sheepish, “but it’s kind of nice. I’ve never really picked out my own clothes before.”
Nico stopped in the middle of rifling through racks of secondhand sweatshirts. Had… had he ever seen Jason in anything but camp shirts? He really tried to think. The t-shirt for the meeting last time didn’t count, it was just the closest functional replacement clothing for the job. They’d picked it out specifically to be unobtrusive. And then there was…
Nope, then there was the Jelly Bean Shirt and nothing else. Jason had been raised by the Legion and dumped into Camp Half Blood and he’d never had the chance to be anything but a representative of those two places, or of his father, or of the minor gods.
Nico might have dressed himself like a walking Hot Topic advertisement, but he chose to do that. He’d been choosing how to dress himself since he was ten. He looked at Jason’s sheepish expression out of the corner of his eye.
“You’re dating the son of the god of wealth. Why are we looking in Goodwill?”
“Target doesn’t have this kind of selection,” Jason answered.
“I can afford Armani, why would we go to Target.”
Jason eyed a sweater that might have been handmade, complete with giant pink applique teddy bear on the belly. He held it up to his chest and wilted when he noticed it was about three sizes too small for him.
“Armani would look too… business. Probably.” Jason put the sweater back and moved on to a more summery section. “I don’t know anything about fashion, but big labels like that sound way too fancy.”
“Right, you prefer designers who are more in touch with their inner six-year-old girl.”
Jason shrugged. “It makes me more approachable, doesn’t it? I’m not the Son of Jupiter, ex-Praetor of the Twelfth Legion, Titan Slayer, Champion of Juno, Hero of Olympus, Pontifex Maximus like that. I’m that guy with the unicorn shirt.” He then pulled out a t-shirt that had pom-poms dangling from every hem. “Is this too much?”
Jason held the stupidest shirt Nico had ever seen in his life up to his chest and Nico realized he might be in love with him. He bought the shirt.
And he’d kept taking Jason out, on dates and on trips to make his wardrobe feel like him, and that’s what landed them on the subway that morning. They’d gotten as far as they could on public transport, then clasped hands and slipped into the shadows.
“What’s with the scarf?” Jason tugged at the bottom of the bandanna once they settled into the familiar comfort of Cabin 13. Nico untied it to let Jason take a closer look, and to get the fabric off of his neck. It was, other than Jason himself, the brightest spot in the room. That felt like a pretty apt metaphor.
Gods, Nico didn’t want to admit it. He was working on being able to talk about his feelings, but it still sucked every time.
 Jason never made fun of him, though. Nico took comfort in that fact as he staunchly refused to make eye contact, instead focusing on taking out and folding the new black skinny jeans he’d gotten to replace his old black skinny jeans. (He’d been wearing the old ones last time he attempted the climbing wall. It hadn’t gone well.)
“You like color.” It wasn’t a real explanation, he knew, but it was all that would come out at the moment. Nico smoothed away a few more wrinkles in the jeans.
“I like the way you dress, too, though. You look really good in black.”
Nico hid his reddening face behind his hair as he shoved the meticulously folded jeans into the drawer with the rest of his balled-up pants. He knew that. Jason, once he realized that it wouldn’t scare Nico away, was not shy with compliments. Nico knew very well how much Jason liked the way he looked. It was a lot sometimes, but it was… nice. It was really nice.
“I. Thanks.” Nico took in a breath and shut the dresser drawer, then stood up and let it out. He could do this. He turned toward Jason, who was still holding the bandanna. It almost blended in with the light blue of Jason’s new shirt. They weren’t exactly the same shade, but they were close enough to suit Nico’s purposes.
“We look really different. And that’s okay, I’m happy that you’re finding clothes that you like. But we don’t…” Nico walked over and took the bandanna from Jason’s hands to better demonstrate his point. “We look really different,” he ended up repeating. “And I just wanted.” It was suddenly hard to form words around the lump in his throat. When had that gotten there? This wasn’t a big deal, what was he even upset about?
“Can I hold your hand?”
Nico looked up. Jason had a hand extended to him and obvious concern furrowing his brow. Nico stepped past the hand and fitted his body against Jason’s instead. Without other people around, he didn’t have to worry about spite or jealousy or whatever motivating him. Everything was a lot simpler when it was just the two of them. Nico could take what comfort he wanted.
Jason wrapped his arms around Nico, just like he knew he would.
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks, you know that?”
“Yeah,” Nico mumbled into the blushy cloud on Jason’s shirt. It still smelled like the mall.
“The scarf looked nice on you, but you don’t need to wear color to be beautiful.”
Nico groaned and buried his face in his boyfriend’s chest. “I know.”  He was starting to feel stupid for his insecurity. Jason didn’t act like this for anyone else, why would a few stares bother him? The arms around him tightened.
“Besides, I think we look cute together like this.”
Nico looked up at him without bothering to step back at all. His chin was probably digging into Jason’s sternum, but that was Jason’s fault for being so tall. Jason looked down to meet his eyes and smiled.
(Nico was never, ever going to tell him how funny he looked from this angle.)
“Mismatching is cute, Piper keeps telling me that. It’s cute to wear mismatched socks. I think we’re cute together.”
Nico snorted. “I saw Piper’s bunk on the Argo II, I think she just can’t find matching socks.”
Jason pulled a face. “You might have a point. But Piper had one, too. A little variety and a little difference is good.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Nico’s hairline. “I think we look perfect together.”
“Sap.” The hug and the conversation and the visual angle all made Nico feel a lot better. Or maybe it was just being around Jason, honestly. Having honest conversations.
Maybe talking about his feelings wasn’t the worst.
The next day, the two of them had plans to head to New Rome to visit friends and work on Pontifex business. They were supposed to meet up at Thalia’s tree after breakfast and packing.
As usual, Jason was already waiting when Nico climbed up the hill. He smiled at Nico and extended a hand for him to take.
He was wearing one of the shirts they’d found yesterday—a pink button down with little dinosaurs printed all over it—under a denim jacket that had probably started its life black, but had faded into a dark grey over the years.
That was new. As in, that was new since yesterday afternoon. Nico would have remembered a jacket like that. He took Jason’s hand, but didn’t stop staring at the jacket.
“Where’d you get that?”
“Huh?” Jason brought his other hand up to fiddle with one of the buttons on the jacket, and Nico noticed that his nails had been messily painted black.
It looked… He looked…
“Oh! The jacket.” Jason laughed and it sounded a little nervous. “It’s Piper’s, actually, but she said I could have it. It was too big for her anyway, she was just planning on cutting it up for one of her projects. Said I’d get more use out of it.”
Nico stepped forward and ran his free hand over the denim. He didn’t comment on Jason’s obvious nerves.
“I like it,” he said. “You look good.”
Jason’s shoulders relaxed and he gave Nico a little grin. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Do you like it?” he asked. This effort alone was enough to squash like, half of Nico’s insecurities, but this wouldn’t do any good if he were limiting Jason’s self-expression just like the Camps did.
“I do. It makes me feel more connected to someone pretty important to me.”
“Good.” Nico smiled at him. “I’m gonna steal it so often.”
“Hey! That defeats the purpose!”
Nico’s hand wandered to the jacket’s collar and he tugged on it, urging Jason downward. “Hmm,” he hummed into a kiss. “I’ll give it back sometimes. Don’t worry.”
Jason was smiling like a dope. He wound his free arm around Nico’s waist.
“That’s okay, then. We can share.”
Nico liked the sound of that. He kissed Jason one last time and tugged him into the shadows.
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Brief Recapitulation, Red Boots, and KLEB for the ask game!!
Brief Recapitulation - something you'd want to see explore more/explained
I want to see Douxie’s story and character be explored a lot more than it was. This probably comes a lot from seeing Teny Issakhanian’s art but I want to know more about him. The other main protagonists (Jim, Aja and Krel) had more time to develop. Hell, Aja and Krel literally have a whole Trollhunters episode. Gimme me more Douxie lore!
Also a bit stupid but I kind of wanna see what Douxie, Archie and Nari did in that year they were gone idk.
Red Boots - if you could make one piece of TOA merchandise, what would it be?
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KLEB - random headcanon
Aja and Eli have designated days to wear Steve’s letterman jacket (that he has because I said so)
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Red Boots and Fuzzbuckets if you’d please
Red Boots - if you could make one piece of TOA merchandise, what would it be?
funko pops for aja, krel, and douxie! they didn't get any and it's a crime. also maybe little charm bracelets based on the characters? I dunno, i actually have a lot of merch i'd like for their to be
Fuzzbuckets - controversial opinion?
i'm not sure if this is controversial, but aarrrgghh and blinky are married and i won't take constructive criticism on it
ToA Ask Game
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albentelisa · 1 year
Karioscet, Red Boots, and Daylight for the ask game.
If you could pause time for 43 minutes and 9 seconds, what would you do? Realistically? I'll probably try to use it for some nice activity but will get distracted several times to do some dumb and entirely unrelated stuff, LOL.
If you could make one piece of TOA merchandise, what would it be? Oh, that'll be either a Shadowstaff or Douxie's vambrace. Or Claire's Papa Skull sweater (I kinda like that one)
Favorite character. Jim, Claire and Barbara
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rydervaughn · 11 months
Are Media Representations of Fans Fair? Experience of Fandom
#Week9 #MDA20009
In a world where media dominates our lives, it's essential to reflect on how it portrays fans. Are the common depictions of fans as 'weird and 'overly emotional' fair, or are they merely stereotypes? In this blog post, we'll explore these stereotypes and discuss my own personal experience with fandom.
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Section 1: Media Stereotypes of Fans
Media's Lens on Fandom
The media often portrays fans in a rather unflattering light. Think about TV shows where obsessive fans depicted as socially awkward or news sentimental that sensationalize fan reactions. These portrayals perpetuate stereotypes, making it seem like fandom is a realm of eccentricity (Fuschillo 2020).
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Examples of Stereotypes
Consider instances in movies and television where fans are caricatured as fanatics, and their passion is ridiculed. The classic portrayal of a fan living in their parents' basement, surrounded by merchandise, and socially isolated is a stereotype that has been perpetuated for decades. News reports during major fan events might focus solely on 'crazed' fans, ignoring the diverse and passionate community that these events bring together (Fiske 2017).
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The Impact of Stereotypes
These media stereotypes can be damaging. they contribute toa misconception that fandom is something to be ashamed of or that fans are somehow less 'normal'. This misrepresentation can lead to stigmatization and exclusion, making it challenging for individuals to express their passion openly (Stewart et.al 2021).
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Section 2: Challenging the Stereotypes
Breaking the Mold
Thankfully, fans have been challenged these stereotypes, and they've been doing so in remarkable ways. They're actively disproving the misconception that the media perpetuates by showcasing their creativity, social activism, and positivity.
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Fan Communities Making a Difference
One of the most powerful ways fans have challenged these stereotypes is by making a positive impact. For communities often 2come together for charitable causes. They organize fundraisers, donate to worthy charities, and use their shared love for a franchise or show to make a real-world difference. For example, "fandom charities" have raised millions of dollars for causes like disaster relief, children's hospitals, and environmental conservation (Mastromartino & Zhang 2020).
Campaigns organized by fans have also raised awareness for important causes. Whether it's advocating for social justice, raising awareness about a mental health issues, or supposedly LGBTQ+ rights, fan communities have been at the forefront of many meaningful campaigns. This leverage their passion and influence to bring about positive change.
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Section 3: My Personal Fandom Experience
My Fandom Journey
My own journey as a fan has been nothing short of transformative. I fell in love with a particular show that resonates with me on a deep level. This show became more than just a form of entertainment, it was a source of inspiration, comfort, and a gateway to a whole new world of creativity.
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Connections and Creative Expression
Being part of a fan community allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals who shared my passion. We discussed theories, analysed characters, and celebrated the show's milestone together. The sense of belonging within a community was a beautiful aspect of fandom.
Creativity played a significant role in my fandom experience. I started creating fan art, within fanfiction, and even participating in fan conventions. It was a way to express my love for the show and connect with others who felt the same way. The creative outlet that fandom provided was *incredibly fulfilling.
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Section 4: The Diversity of Fandom
Fan Communities Are Diverse
One of the most significant misconceptions perpetuated by the media is the idea that fans are a monolithic group. In reality, fan communities are incredibly diverse. Fans come from all walks of life, and their passion can be a source of empowerment and identity.
Fandom is an inclusive space where people of different backgrounds, age, gender, and cultures come together over shared interests. This diversity adds depth and richness to fan communities, it's a place where you can find acceptance and understanding, ni matter who you are or where you come from (Cristofari & Guitton 2016).
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Cristofari, C & Guitton, MJ 2016, 'Aca-fans and fan communities: An operative framework', Journal of Consumer Culture, vol. 17, no. 3, viewed 7 November 2023, <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1469540515623608>.
Fiske, ST 2017, 'Prejudices in cultural contexts: shared stereotypes (gender, age) versus variable stereotypes (race, ethnicity, religion)', Perspect Psychol Sci, vol. 12, no. 5, viewed 7 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5657003/>.
Fuschillo, G 2020, 'Fans, fandoms, or fanaticism?', Journal of Consumer Culture, vol. 20, no. 3, viewed 7 November 2023, <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322273679_Fans_Fandoms_or_Fanaticism>.
Mastromartino, B & Zhang, JJ 2020, 'Affective outcomes of membership in a sport fan community', Frontiers in Psychology, 8 May, viewed 7 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7225319/>.
Stewart, R, Wright, B, Smith, L, Roberts, S & Russel, N 2021, 'Gendered stereotypes and norms: a systematic review of interventions designed to shift attitudes and behaviour', Heliyon, vol. 7, no. 4, viewed 7 November 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8066375/>.
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whitecatindisguise · 1 year
Hi there!!
Crispy~, Brief Recapitulation, and Red Boots for the TOA ask game!
Crispy~ - favourite funny scene
The whole episode of A Hero With A Thousand Faces. It was hilarious 😂😂
Brief Recapitulation (couldn't use yellow for some reason) - something you would like to see explored more/explained
Ohohoho, a whole list here, but from the top of my head and the ones I'd like to see the most are:
How Douxie and Archie met
How Douxie and Zoe met
Basically more about Douxie's past
The first two series from Douxie's perspective
I think I can see a pattern here djndndnnd
Red Boots - if you could make one piece of TOA merchandise, what would it be?
I don't really know if this question is about me making something that's already existing or something new, but it doesn't really matter in my case cause I don't know what exists anyway, but I think I'd like any of these three:
Bracelet imitating Douxie's charm brace
A plushie of Archie in his dragon form, with maybe his dragon features hidden and extendable or smth (?)
A keychain in the shape of Douxie's staff
Again, I can see a pattern hendndnd
Thanks for the ask
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lunar-corgimon · 2 years
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Alphen link
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rosemaidenvixen · 3 years
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Finally have enough time to unpack these. Stickers made by @trololololololooz available in their etsy store. Look at them, look at all my adorable children! no I don't have a problem I just love cute stickers
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aevyk-ing · 4 years
Do you think we’ll finally get some TOA merch for the movie? 
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For the toa ask! alsO HUGS FOR YOU *HUGS* 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
GLORIOUS, R+J, Legends and Red Boots :3
RAHH *hugs!* Thanks for the ask!!
GLORIOUS - favorite fight scene
Okay, so I've mentioned the dinner scene and the Bad Omen scene...the Nomura v Jim one at the Lake House is a really good scene. I love the music and tone throughout it all, and it DEFINITELY scared me a little when I was a kid. If I had a nickel for everytime Dreamworks made an antagonist whistle an eerie tone as they approached the protag who is trapped inside of a bathroom, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice LOL.
R+J - favorite ship (romantic, platonic, etc.)
Platonic Mary/Darci/Claire/Aja is actually so real to me you don't understand. POC girls gotta stick together ykyk.
Legends - favorite fic/fic recc
RAHHH Brothers By Blood, Brothers in Arms by @honeyxmonkey is SO. GOOD. Douxie and Jim being literal brothers content makes me go !!! I also highly recommend Honey's series Half-Bloods and Hunters for some OC x Douxie content - historical/mythological/romance/action and it's funny and well-written and tragic and beautiful and GAH. GOOD FIC WRITERS HERE IN TOA FANDOM.
Red Boots - if you could make one piece of TOA merchandise, what would it be?
I think it'd actually be really funny if they made a "talking amulet" toy of Daylight. But in all seriousness, I'd absolutely buy an Archie plush (with changeable wings/tail!)
Tales of Arcadia Ask Game
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king-hime · 5 years
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Connected - TOA Print, soon to be in my online shop. 
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