#to which cheers mate in that regards
flowerandblood · 4 months
Incomprehension (Oneshot)
[ Michael • Gavey x math student • female ]
[ warnings: stalking, angst with comfort, depression ]
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[ description: Michael Gavey seems to her to be an alien from another planet, and observing him becomes her daily routine. She decides to cheer him up by secretly putting his favorite Crunchie in his backpack, but one day she is caught red-handed. Requests regarding the character stalking Michael and her comforting him after the situation with Oliver at the bar. ]
I thought I'd post this between chapters of The Fall from the Heavens because I really like it even though there is no smut in the story! This will not affect the order in which new chapters will be published.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
She had no idea how it really started. She had watched him for a long time, knowing only that he was the best. Even though he was a student in the same year as her, equations that took her an hour to solve, he solved in a few minutes.
He worked like a machine: when he stood in front of the big board his face was stony. Unlike her, he wasn't frightened or stressed knowing that the whole room of students was watching him – on the contrary, seeing his lips clamped into a tight line, the wrinkles of concentration on his forehead and his wide-open blue eyes, she had the feeling that he derived satisfaction from it.
He wanted his genius to be admired.
They never exchanged a word with each other – even if she had wanted to, she wouldn't have known how to begin, and seeing his outbursts and behaviour that seemed bizarre to others, to say the least, she wasn't sure it would be worth taking the risk and stepping out of the shadows.
Something about him not knowing she was watching him filled her with peace and contentment.
Her year-mate had lamented to her as they sat in the library that one of the handsome, rich boys from a good house had not responded to her greeting as she passed him in the corridor. She nodded in understanding, looking thoughtfully towards the other table.
She didn't understand why he stayed close to Oliver.
This boy seemed too frisky to her, stretched out, wanting too many things at once. He wanted to be humble and feisty at the same time, lonely and surrounded by a group of friends, appreciated and unappreciated, for someone to comfort him.
He wanted to be noticed while remaining in a state of his own uniqueness.
Unlike him, Michael was authentic.
She showed up in the places he walked because he appeared in them like clockwork. His routine became her routine, allowing her to be a passive observer of his life instead of participating in her own.
She didn't want to return her thoughts again to her body and the emptiness she felt as she lay alone at night, thinking that she hated math.
However, it was the only thing she could do well.
The logic of formulas, the certainty of the fundamental, immutable laws that ruled the solving of equations gave her a sense of security.
Words were a strange and unnatural construct to her, and while her mind was full of thoughts, they did not usually find an outlet beyond the basic phrases that allowed her to turn in the company of others.
It wasn't her nature, but her choice: it seemed to her that every time she tried to explain the state of what was happening inside her, no one could comprehend her, giving her cloying advice she hadn't asked for at all.
She wanted to hear that she didn't need to change, instead however, everyone kept telling her that she should smile more, which she did reluctantly.
Why should she smile if she wasn't happy?
Michael was her opposite, and watching him was like observing a rare animal in the zoo: he was loud and unpredictable, his remarks often lacking tact and sometimes even sense, his chin raised in the confidence that emanated from him.
He was a mean bastard and she knew it, but she couldn't hate him.
To her despair, he seemed to evoke entirely different feelings in her.
His behaviour did not repel her: on the contrary, his explosive, quirky nature aroused a kind of admiration in her, as if he were an alien from another planet, someone who did not really exist.
She watched from the sidelines as Oliver slowly began to make his choice, more and more and more allowing Felix and the rest to absorb him like a large, voracious monsters.
She wasn't sure if the look of disappointment on Michael's face when he waved at him from afar and he didn't respond was a result of his sadness or his anger at having wasted his precious time.
It seemed to her that after he started eating and sitting alone again he quietened down and fell silent, disappearing before her eyes.
One day she got the idea of cheering him up and whenever she had the chance, she would slip a small Crunchie bar into his backpack, usually when he was busy talking to someone or when he put it down on the floor and left it in the corridor while going to the toilet.
She would then sit down next to it and, watching to make sure no one saw, slip the bar into the side pocket of his backpack and return to her seat.
Only twice had she seen his reaction to finding her gift tucked in one of his pockets. He would then look around, and she would lower her gaze, pretending that she was engrossed in a textbook on quantum physics.
She would smile involuntarily when she heard the rustling of the paper after a while, and then look at his thoughtful face, his gaze directed somewhere far away as he bit into the bar as if he were eating a burger.
He was so uncouth, so bright, so unpredictable.
However, her lack of vigilance doomed her: she wanted to do what she always did when she saw that he had thrown his backpack on the ground and headed for one of the rooms, apparently to talk to their professor. As soon as she sat down next to his bag, he came out and looked at her.
She froze, feeling her heart start pounding like crazy, cold sweat running down her back.
She picked herself up and moved to flee, unable to face the shame that spread throughout her body.
"– hey – wait – fuck –" He cursed, wanting to follow her, but remembered his backpack, so retreated to pick it up.
She stepped out into the courtyard, not hearing or seeing anything, blinded by the sun, stunned by the noise in her head and the shrill conviction that some kind of veil had fallen between them.
"– are you deaf? –" She heard him behind her, his large hand grabbing her arm too aggressively and too firmly, turning her away with a sharp, impatient jerk. She stopped, looking with big eyes at his blue checked shirt.
"– do you like rummaging through other people's things? –" He sneered, frustrated and amused at the same time. She simply remained silent, staring dully at the fabric of his shirt, smelling some cheap aftershave and his own scent.
He bowed his head, apparently wanting to meet the gaze of her eyes, but when she noticed his blue irises she turned her face away, quivering in his grasp.
"– you're weird –" He decided and let go of her, stepping around her, making her lower lip start to twitch, burning tears of shame, disappointment and regret gathered under her eyelids, running down her face one by one.
She adjusted the straps of her knapsack on her back and moved ahead on trembling legs wanting to forget it had ever happened.
The next day she felt like throwing up at the thought of their lectures together and ate nothing. She rushed to the classroom at the last minute, walking straight into the room without looking at the people who were waiting for their professor in the corridor.
She sat down in one of the last rows in her seat, far to the side, almost against the wall, where she felt safe.
When she saw out of the corner of her eye his silhouette walking into the hall she froze, lowering her gaze to her fingertips, feeling an uncomfortable constriction in her stomach, trying to blend into the background and not exist.
She shuddered when she noticed that instead of taking his seat in the front row across the hall he moved towards her, walking down the row below her, sitting down opposite her. She swallowed hard when he sat sideways to her, spreading his elbows comfortably on his and her desk, leaning his back against the wall.
"– what's up, little freak? –" He asked simply, tapping his fingers against the top of her table. She looked at him with big eyes, feeling a complete emptiness in her head, having the feeling that she was hot and cold at the same time.
For some reason she wanted to cry again.
Hearing that she didn't answer him he lifted his gaze to her, twisting so that he rested his arms on her desk, correcting his glasses that had slipped off his nose with the index finger of his hand.
"– you've got me used to eating one bar every day and you didn't give me one yesterday – you've ruined my daily routine and it's very fucking annoying, you know? –" He asked with anger and some kind of expectation that completely surprised her, but what she said had nothing to do with his words.
"– I didn't look inside –" She muttered.
"– what? –"
"– I wasn't rummaging through your things –" She explained in a trembling voice feeling that for some reason her eyebrows arched in pain, warm tears one by one began to run down her cheeks again.
"– are you crying? –" He asked in disbelief, wrinkles appeared on his forehead as they always did when someone made him uncomfortable.
"– yes –"
"– because I'm talking to you? –"
"– because I'm ashamed –" She whispered and lowered her gaze, swallowing hard, feeling that it had cost her a lot of strength to choke out these few sentences.
He fell silent for a moment – other students began to sit down around them, their professor announcing that they were about to begin their lecture.
He no longer responded to her words, returning to his previous position, leaning with his back against the wall, one of his hands remaining on her desk. She watched dully as his long fingers beat rhythmically against it, repeating the same movements again and again.
As always, he didn't even open his textbook, didn't write anything down or take notes, memorising everything he heard in his head.
She couldn't afford to do that, so she wrote down meticulously everything their professor spoke about, knowing that it would be one of the topics that would appear on the exam.
As soon as their class was over, she saw his silhouette standing in front of her with the textbook in his hand, which for some reason he carried with him. She packed her bag, pretending she didn't feel his expectant gaze on her.
"I want my Crunchie." He communicated, as if giving her some irrelevant piece of information. She looked at him in disbelief, feeling her lips part involuntarily.
Was he always this cheeky and spiteful?
"Here." He said, pulling a few coins out of his pocket, far too many for one bar, placing them in front of her.
"Just bring it to me." He said impatiently and moved ahead, running down the stairs, correcting his glasses on his nose, disappearing out the door.
She didn't feel like bringing him this fucking bar, but decided she didn't have the strength to stand up to him.
That's why she went to the vending machine standing in the corridor and, using the coins he'd given her, bought him as many bars as the money he'd given her was enough for.
She found him exactly where he always was at this hour, which was in the library.
She knew that he was solving equations not because it was a challenge for him, but because he was terribly bored. She pulled her fabric knapsack off her back and opened it, placing bar after bar on the table top where he sat.
"– I wanted one – are you mad? –"
"– give yourself one each day – you know how to count – have a nice day –"
"– do you have to be so fucking rude? –" He growled with a hint of malice, from which she turned to face him, feeling that for the first time in many years she had lost her temper.
"– take a look at yourself, you spiteful, spoilt brat –" She hissed and froze, wondering how she could have said such a thing, a hot feeling of shame and horror spreading through her stomach.
He stared at her with his lips clenched, furious, his nostrils twitching in an anxious, heavy breath.
She thought he was going to say something, humiliate her again, but they just looked at each other.
"– I – I'm sorry –" She mumbled and turned away, wanting to run away, to sink into the ground, to disappear.
She was sure he would be avoiding her now, telling everyone with amusement what a fucked up and stupid person she was, that she'd stalked him and then started yelling at him in the library.
She knew he commented on various people's behaviour in this way and she was sure he wouldn't spare her.
"– hi, nasty bar slut – what's up? –" He asked, walking up to her as she stood by the notice board, causing her to completely freeze.
"– please, don't call me a nasty slut –" She mumbled, looking at him with big eyes.
He shrugged his shoulders, correcting his glasses on his nose with his index finger, his gaze fixed on the sheets of paper on which the timetables were written.
"– fine – so? –"
She didn't understand what purpose this exchange of words was supposed to serve.
"– and what are you asking? –" She asked uncertainly and he shrugged his shoulders again.
"– I don't know –"
"– are you still ashamed? –"
She swallowed hard, lowering her gaze to her feet, feeling her heart in her throat.
"– yes –"
"– why? –" He asked, as if he didn't understand what her condition was caused by. "– it was pleasant – finding a candy bar in my backpack pocket every day – unexpected – like magic with this dumb tooth fairy –"
She looked at him in disbelief, feeling a strange kind of warmth and relief spread across her chest. She pressed her lips together, adjusting the knapsack on her shoulders.
"– I saw how Oliver treated you – I think I just wanted to comfort you, but I couldn't speak to you like a normal human being –" She choked out finally, feeling that embarrassing sensation of a tightening in her gut again.
He snorted, correcting his glasses on his nose again.
"– sad bullshit is for poets – isn't it? –" He scoffed, still not looking at her, a mischievous grin on his lips.
She wasn't sure she understood him correctly, but it seemed to her that he was trying to tell her that he liked what she was doing in a way.
She shrugged her shoulders.
"– words have never come easily to me, although my head is full of them –"
"– right – I don't have a problem with talking, as long as someone doesn't start tendentious stories about their deep inner life – I don't give a shit, to be honest –"
He said, still avoiding eye contact. He scratched the back of his neck and rubbed the tip of his nose with the top of his hand, doing his best to look anywhere but at her.
"– it seems to me that you don't give a shit about a lot of things –" She stated finally and it was only when he heard this sentence that he looked at her, the intensity of the blue of his irises frightened her.
"– that's true – but that's who I am – I don't pretend to be anyone, unlike those rich losers who haven't earned anything themselves –" He hissed, and she nodded in agreement.
He hummed under his breath, pleased apparently to find in her a listener who didn't question his rather subjective, and therefore, in his mind, sincere judgements.
"– and you? – why do you behave in this way? –" He asked suddenly, and she blinked, feeling her whole body tense up at the urge in some primitive desire to protect herself.
"– what do you mean? –" She asked finally.
"– that whole crying thing of yours –" He said indifferently, once again correcting his glasses with his finger on his nose.
It seemed to her that he was treating her as an equation for which he lacked data, making it impossible for him to solve, much to his natural frustration as a scientist.
She thought she understood him.
"– I don't seem to feel alive – as if I'm a camera recording everything around me – when suddenly someone speaks to me as a person who should be experiencing and thinking something, I feel ashamed, as if someone has caught me in the act –" She choked out with difficulty, thinking in disbelief, terrified, that for the first time she had expressed in words what she was feeling.
She was more afraid than ever of hearing someone's response to what she had said.
He looked at her for a moment, furrowing his brow, as if analysing in his brain the details she had just provided him with.
"– you're lonely –" He stated finally, as if he had at last found a summary of what he thought of her. She pressed her lips together at his words, embarrassed that he had hit the nail on the head.
"– yes –"
"– me too – that's no reason to cry –" He said, shrugging his shoulders, sliding his hands into his trousers in some subconscious gesture of discomfort.
She nodded at his words, feeling her heart pounding hard in her chest.
"– so –" He began, looking at his shoe as if he saw something interesting on it. "– what now? –"
She swallowed hard, raising her eyebrows in surprise.
"– what are you asking? –"
"– me and you – are we mates now? –" He asked, and she involuntarily smiled sincerely for the first time in many years, feeling some pleasant warmth ripple through her lower abdomen.
"– yes –"
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writingforstraykids · 5 months
Always back to you - Chp.2
Pairing: Minho x m!Reader (mention of Chanlix)
Word Count: 7523
Summary: Minho and you grow closer over time as he watches you handling his beloved son with such ease. Minjun's innocent question, asking you to stay with them, changes the dynamics a little. One day, you're taking the trust Minho offers you regarding his son a little too freely, and it ends in a mess...
Warnings/Tags: fluff, single dad!min, angst, domestic shit, double "date" with chanlix, panic attack (brief description), argument (y/n and minho/ minho and chan), min collapses during practice
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Two weeks later
You just left the local aquarium, and all of you felt like getting something to eat now. Minho had mentioned their planned visit to the aquarium a few days ago, and Chan and Felix had decided to tag along, inviting you as well. 
It had been great fun seeing Minjun so fascinated with everything and answering all his questions. Chan and Felix fell back occasionally, taking some private moments as a couple for themselves as well, which left you a lot of time to talk to Minho. 
Now, you’re back outside, standing in front of the aquarium. “You’re hungry, mate?” Chan asks, kneeling in front of Minjun. 
“Yes,” he nods, wrapping his arms around Minho’s leg and cuddling into him. 
“Then let’s go get some food, yeah?” Chan suggests with a warm smile, and Minjun nods.
Minjun glances around before gently tugging at Minho’s trousers. “Daddy?” he asks, and Minho hums in response. “Up?” he asks, seeming a little intimidated by all the people after the peace and quiet at the aquarium. 
“Come here, dumpling,” he chuckles, picking him up. He tickles his side, pulling a sweet giggle from him, and kisses his cheek. “Let’s go eat, yeah?”
“Yes,” he nods, much more content up here now.
Felix looks up from his phone and taps Chan’s shoulder. “Babe? I found something,” he tells him, and Chan’s hand finds his as he leans over to glance at his phone.
“There’s a small restaurant not far from here that offers a lot for kids,” Chan tells them after humming agreeingly. “They even have a small playground in the back in case he gets bored and some coloring sheets.”
“Oh, guys, seriously, we can go wherever you want. He can still have some of mine if they don’t have kids' portions,” he assures them, and you notice his slight discomfort.
“I don’t mind, it looks good,” you agree with Chan.
“Minho hyung, relax; there’s plenty of stuff for all of us there. We don’t mind, honestly,” Felix assures him with his usual bright smile. 
“Okay then,” Minho nods with a shy smile. 
The theme restaurant is vibrant, decked out in bright colors, and adorned with characters from children’s shows. It was every kid’s dream, but as you sit down and look over the menu, Minho feels a familiar sense of dread begin to settle in. You excuse yourself for the bathroom and leave them for a moment. 
“What would you like to eat, Minjun?” Minho asks, pointing to pictures of various kid-friendly options. “They have dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, or maybe you’d like some noodles?”
Minjun scrunches up his face and shakes his head fiercely. “No! I don’t want those!” he protests loudly, causing a few nearby customers to glance over.
Minho’s heart sinks; they are in his son’s favorite type of restaurant, yet the usual struggle is unfolding. “Come on, buddy, you love dinosaurs. These nuggets look fun,” he tries to keep his voice cheerful, but the frustration is hard to mask.
“I don’t want it! I want to go home!” Minjun’s voice starts to rise, edging towards a tantrum.
Minho shoots his friends an apologizing look and shakes his head gently. “Baby, we'll eat here as we said.”
“They have your favorite noodles, Jiho; look,” Felix tries to help, showing him on the menu. 
“No!” Minjun swats his hand aside. Felix blinks in surprise but draws his hand back with an apologetic grin toward Minho. 
“Minjun, hey,” Minho says more firmly than he intended. “I know you're upset, but we don't hit people. Say sorry to Lix, baby,” he lessens the firmness in his voice again. 
“Sorry, uncle Lix,” Minjun says timidly, tears starting to form in his eyes. 
“It's okay,” Lix assures him gently. 
Minho takes Minjun's little hands into his and gently smiles. “Thank you, buddy. You still don't want to eat?” he asks. 
Minjun shakes his head, avoiding his eyes. By the time you arrive, Minjun is on the verge of tears, and Minho is feeling the stares of other people, each look like a weight added to his shoulders.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you ask gently, taking your seat next to Minho. 
“He doesn’t want to eat anything,” Minho explains, rubbing his temples. Chan gently pats his back, trying to calm him a little. 
You turn to Minjun, your expression thoughtful. “You know, I was really hoping you could help me with something,” you begin, speaking directly to Minjun. “I’m super hungry, and I can’t decide what to eat. Maybe you could choose something for me? What do you think is good here?”
Minjun, now distracted from his brewing fit, looks curiously at you. “Fries…or dino nuggies...” he mumbles, still upset but intrigued by the involvement in the decision-making.
“Great choice. But I heard this place has a secret dish that’s really, really cool,” you whisper conspiratorially. “It’s a magic pizza that makes everyone super happy when they eat it. Do you think we should try it?”
Minjun nods, a slight smile breaking through his frown. “Okay, we can try,” he agrees shyly.
You wink at Minho, who looks at you in astonishment as you get up. You talk a word in private to your waiter before the rest orders their things. While they wait for the food, you engage Minjun in a conversation about the aquarium you had visited earlier, effectively diverting his attention from the earlier situation.
When the food arrives, the pizza is presented by the waiter, who plays along with the 'magic' theme, sprinkling imaginary dust over it. “Enjoy your magic pizza, brave knight!” he exclaims, leaving Minjun giggling.
“See, it’s magic because it makes you smile,” You say, taking a small slice and offering it to Minjun. “You want to try some magic?”
Minjun hesitates for just a moment, glancing at his father. 
“Go on, baby,” Minho encourages him. 
Minjun nods before taking a tiny bite. His eyes widen in surprise. “It’s good!” he declares, a genuine smile spreading across his face.
Minho watches the scene, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over him. He smiles at you, mouthing a silent "thank you." The rest of the meal goes smoothly, with Minjun even trying some salad from Felix's plate and some noodles from Chan's. 
As they leave the restaurant, Minho feels lighter than he has in days. “You really have a way with him,” he says to you as you walk toward the park.
“It’s all about making it fun, turning it into a game,” you giggle. “Sometimes, kids just need a little distraction from their worries, even if it's about food.”
Minho nods, watching Minjun run ahead to the playground with Chan and Felix. “I guess I need to be a bit more creative with meals,”  he admits.
“Or just call me when it’s time to eat,” you joke, and you both laugh.
The rest of the afternoon passes in a blur of laughter and play, with Minjun in high spirits, having forgotten all about the lunchtime drama. As Chan and Lix say their goodbyes, Minho feels not just the exhaustion from a day well spent but a profound appreciation for his friends.
“Thanks again, Y/nnie. Today could have gone a lot differently without you,” Minho says as you part ways with them. 
“Anytime, Minho,” you reply with a warm smile.
“Let me drive you home? You're on our way after all,” he says, and you take his offer. 
Minho gets Minjun settled in the back before driving off. “Y/nnie?” Minjun's little voice comes from the back. 
“Yes, buddy?” you ask, turning to face him. 
“Stay?” he asks, and you frown at him gently. 
“Stay where Minjunnie?” you ask. 
“With us?” he asks timidly. 
Minho glances at his son through the mirror. He can see the need in his eyes and swallows hard. He knows how much his son sometimes longs for someone else besides him. He asked about his mother before seeing other kids at the playground. 
You glance at Minho nervously, not quite knowing how to respond without hurting either of them. “You mean for dinner?” you ask, trying to find a way out. 
“No…always,” he says softly, his big round eyes watching you timidly. 
Minho stops at a red light and stares out of the window, avoiding your look. His grip around the steering wheel tightens as his thoughts start spiraling, once more feeling like he isn't enough for his son. He knows he isn't. 
“Oh, love,” you say quietly and reach back for him. “It's okay, you know, we see each other sooo often, and I'm always at the company.”
“But I miss you,” he says softly, and you honestly don't know what to say about that. 
“You want to stay for dinner?” Minho speaks up quietly, and you look back at him. He sees the hesitation written all over your face and swallows softly. “It would be fine,” he assures you quietly. 
You nod slowly, considering Minho's quiet offer. "I can stay for dinner, Minjunnie," you tell him, smiling as his face lights up. Minho gives you a grateful look, the tension easing from his shoulders as he turns back to the road.
The rest of the drive is spent in a comfortable silence, broken only by Minjun's occasional chatter from the back seat, talking about his day at the aquarium and the 'magic' pizza he had enjoyed. You listen, amused by his excitement and the way his eyes sparkle when he recounts his adventures.
Arriving at their home, Minho helps Minjun out of the car and into the house, with you following close behind. The familiar warmth of their home greets you and you slip off your shoes at the door, following Minho into the kitchen.
"I can help with dinner," you offer as Minho begins pulling ingredients from the refrigerator.
"Thanks," Minho says, his voice soft. "I think I'm just going to make something simple I know he likes. Is some pasta okay with you?"
"Perfect," you reply, setting the table while Minho starts cooking. Minjun hovers between the two of you, occasionally helping by passing ingredients or stirring the sauce under Minho's watchful eye.
As the pasta cooks, you and Minho chat about work and plans for the upcoming week. The conversation is light, but there’s an undercurrent of something deeper, something unspoken lingering between the lines.
Dinner is ready in no time, and you all sit down to eat. Minjun chatters happily, clearly enjoying having both of his favorite two people together. The meal is delicious, and you compliment Minho on his cooking, which makes him smile with pride.
After dinner, Minho insists on cleaning up, so you take Minjun into the living room to play a game. As you build a tower of blocks, Minjun's earlier request echoes in your mind. You glance towards the kitchen, where Minho is quietly washing dishes, and your heart twitches with a mixture of affection and concern.
"You're really good at building things," you comment, watching Minjun place another block on the tower.
"Daddy says I'm good too," Minjun states proudly, his concentration evident as he places each block.
"Of course he does," you encourage him, your thoughts still on his request to have you stay. It wasn't just about tonight—it was about all the nights and all the days. He wanted you there, a permanent fixture in their lives.
When Minho returns, drying his hands on a towel, he finds you and Minjun laughing as your tower wobbles before toppling over. He can’t help but smile at the sight, feeling a warmth spread through him he hasn't felt in a while, not like this. He watches you, studying your features as he has so many times before, and something in him screams not to think you're beautiful. But you are. Lately, he can't help but notice it again and again. 
"Ready for bed, buddy?" Minho asks after checking the time.
Minjun pouts but nods, knowing that bedtime is non-negotiable. You help Minho get him ready for bed, a routine that feels both familiar and strangely intimate. Minho reads Minjun a bedtime story, and you watch, feeling a part of this little family.
After Minjun falls asleep, you and Minho settle on the couch with cups of tea. The house is quiet; the only sound is the occasional distant car passing by.
"Minjun seems to be getting attached to you," Minho begins, breaking the silence. "More than just as Y/nnie from work.” You nod, unsure of what to say, feeling the weight of Minjun's request weighing on you both. "I've been thinking about it," Minho continues. "About what he said in the car. It's not just that he misses you, Y/nnie. I think... I think he's looking for that missing piece. A family."
You meet his eyes, seeing the vulnerability there. "Minho, I-"
"I know it's a lot," he cuts you off, his voice gentle. "And I'm not asking for anything, not really. I just... I want you to know that you're already part of our family. If you ever want that, for real, it's yours. But no pressure. I mean it."
The offer hangs in the air, profound and sincere. You take a deep breath, feeling the significance of his words settles around you. You’ve grown to love Minjun and Minho, too, in a way that is more than just friendly concern.
"Thank you, Minho," you finally say, your voice thick with emotion. "That means more than you know. I love being with you guys. It feels like home."
Minho reaches out, his hand covering yours hesitantly. "That's all I needed to hear," he says with a relieved smile. “You can stay with him as much as you want to. There's no one else I trust him with as much as you.”
“Thank you,” you tell him, your hand still feeling warm as he draws his own back again. 
You stay a little longer, talking and planning for the coming weeks until the yawns get the better of both of you.
As you leave, Minho walks you to the cab he called, and the night air is cool and comforting. "Stay safe, Y/nnie," he says, leaning close to hug you. You hug him back, a little surprised. "See you tomorrow."
"See you," you reply, the warmth of his hug lingering as you drive away, the image of Minjun’s sleepy smile and Minho’s thankful eyes etched in your mind.
Tonight, Minho’s words feel true in your heart—you are part of their family. And as the city lights blur past, you realize how much you’re looking forward to what the future might hold. Yes, you're delusional enough to hope there could be something deeper than what you have now. 
At first, you were still hesitant about staying with them so often, knowing how important it was for them to have some time to themselves. Over the following weeks, dinner with them grew into a part of your daily routine. You and Minjun spend a lot of time together in the kitchen, trying out new dishes, which makes eating a fun experience for the little one. This allows Minho to wrap up things at the company in peace, able to focus on himself for a little without having to worry about his little troublemaker. Minjun looks forward to cooking with you in the evening which makes saying goodbye to his father so much easier.
With all the cooking, you two start making extras for everyone. You know they have a fridge at the company where they store their personal stuff, so you and Minjun start filling it regularly. It delights them all, always finding a fresh meal for whatever time of the day or night if your name is Chan. It feels like you're not only part of Minho's private, small family but also his bigger family at work. 
It’s been almost a month since Minho’s offer to be part of this family, and you didn’t regret it one bit. You all found your routine by now, and you had a spare key to their house, allowing you to get home earlier with Minjun. It means a lot to you that Minho trusts you when you tell him you’re taking his son home. Minho and you have grown closer, knowing how much it meant to both of them that Minho was sharing his home with you. 
It’s getting harder with every passing day to ignore how much he means to you. How beautiful he is when he’s wrapped up in a blanket, hair messily falling into his face, a wide smile on his face as he’s fooling around with Minjun. How treasured the sound of his genuine laugh after a long day had gotten. How caring he is for both Minjun and now, to some extent you. How strong he is for his kid, making sure to excel both at work and at being a father when all he wants is to hide away sometimes. 
Tonight, you and Minjun decided to make dumplings and surprise Minho with them for dinner. The kitchen is soon filled with the aroma of spices, the rhythmic sounds of chopping, and laughter. Minjun, your little bundle of energy, is sitting on a chair next to you, his eyes bright with excitement. You patiently show him how to prepare the filling, and Minjun watches, eager to learn.
“Okay, Minjunnie, you want to try mixing?” you ask, handing him a large spoon.
“Yes,” he nods quickly, taking the spoon with both hands. His attempts are messy but earnest, and you can’t help but laugh as a bit of the filling spills over the side of the bowl.
“Good job, buddy! Now, let’s make the dumplings,” you encourage him, showing him how to place a small amount of filling in the center of a wrapper. You demonstrate pinching the edges together, a technique that has taken you a while to master. Minjun tries to mimic you, his small fingers fumbling at first, but with each attempt, his technique improves. “You’re a natural!” you compliment him and get the sweetest smile in return. Once more, you realize how similar he looks to Minho when he smiles, cheeks grow squishy, eyes squint in joy, and the bunny teeth show.
Later, as the dumplings steam, Minjun's attention shifts to the window. "When is Daddy coming home?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
"Soon, I think. He might be very tired, though. He had a long dance practice today," you reply, checking the dumplings.
As if on cue, the door opens with a soft creak, and Minho steps in, his face showing signs of exhaustion. Minjun runs to him immediately, almost tripping over his feet, wrapping his little arms around Minho's legs.
"Daddy! You're home!" Minjun exclaims, looking up with a smile that falters as he notices Minho's tired expression.
"Hey, little chef," Minho says, his voice weary as he bends down to scoop Minjun into his arms. "Did you make all these dumplings?"
Minjun nods proudly, and then his face turns serious. "Daddy, are you okay? You look sad."
Minho manages a tired smile. "Just a bit tired from practice, baby. But I'll be okay. Smelling those dumplings definitely makes me feel better."
You watch them, your heart swelling with affection but also concern for Minho. Lately, the dance practices have been intense, often leaving him drained. "Let's eat! I bet your daddy's hungry," you suggest, ushering them to the dining table where the dumplings were now ready, steaming hot and inviting.
The meal is cheerful, with Minjun chatting about his day and the dumplings he helped make. Minho eats with evident pleasure, praising Minjun's efforts, which makes the boy glow with pride. However, you notice Minho grimacing slightly every time he moves his shoulder.
After dinner, while Minjun is occupied with his coloring books, you approach Minho. "You're really pushing yourself hard, aren't you?" you ask softly, concern coloring your tone.
Minho sighs, rubbing his shoulder. "Yeah, the new routine is tough. But it’s what I love to do."
You nod, your hands reaching out instinctively to his shoulder, your fingers pressing gently. "Maybe I can help a little," you offer.
Reluctantly, Minho agrees, and as your skilled hands work over his sore muscles, he feels the tension beginning to ease. The room is quiet besides Minjun's occasional hums as he colors and Minho’s low hisses whenever your fingers meet a tense spot.
"Thank you, Y/nnie," Minho murmurs, genuinely grateful. 
"It's nothing," you reply, your hands steady.
As you settle into the evening, Minho watching Minjun draw and you tidying up the kitchen, you feel complete, having spent a day well. The night ends with Minjun falling asleep early, curled up on the couch with his favorite blanket in Minho’s lap. “I’ll better get going,” you say with a glance at the clock. “I’ll be late on set tomorrow; I have an important call about a possible photoshoot for you before…but I’ll make sure someone’s there to keep Minjun occupied until then.”
“Alright,” Minho nods thankfully. “Get home safe, yeah?”
“Always,” you promise and gently squeeze his shoulder as you leave.
The next morning dawns bright and early for you. After a quick breakfast and the call, you make your way to the set where Minho is filming the music video for the song with Chan. Today's plan includes picking up Minjun from Minho’s set and treating him to some ice cream—a little surprise to break the monotony of his dad's long shooting days.
Upon arrival, you notice the usual hustle and bustle of the set, but with an added layer of excitement given the complex scenes scheduled for the day. As you navigate through the crowd of crew members and equipment, you spot Minjun sitting near one of the monitors, his eyes wide with fascination as he watches his father perform.
"Y/nnie!" he exclaims, his face lighting up as he sees you approaching. He runs over, nearly tripping over a cable before you scoop him up into a hug.
"Hey, my little star! Watching Daddy work, huh?" you say, smiling as you set him down.
"Yeah, Daddy’s really cool!" Minjun responds, his enthusiasm infectious. You chat briefly about what he's been watching before steering the conversation towards the day’s special plan.
"So, how about we grab some ice cream after this? Just you and me," you suggest, watching his reaction closely.
Minjun’s face splits into a broad grin. "Ice cream! Yes, please! Can we get chocolate?" he asks, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"Chocolate it is. Let’s go," you reply, your heart warmed by his excitement.
The ice cream shop isn't far, and the walk there is filled with Minjun's chatter about the various things he’s learned from watching his father on set. You listen, amused and impressed by his observations and memory.
Arriving at the shop, Minjun presses his nose against the glass display, his eyes scanning the array of flavors. "Two chocolates, please!" he declares when it’s your turn to order.
With the cones in your hands, you find a spot outside on a bench. Minjun eagerly attacks his ice cream, and the chocolate soon smudges his lips and cheeks. You can't help but laugh, pulling out a few napkins to clean him up.
"Y/nnie, do you like being with me and Daddy?" Minjun asks suddenly, his tone serious, as he looks up at you with those big eyes.
"I love it, Minjun. Being with you and your dad is the best part of my day," you answer honestly, touched by his question.
Minjun nods, seemingly satisfied with your response, and returns his attention to the rapidly melting ice cream. "Good. You're fun," he adds, his words muffled by a mouthful of chocolate.
As you sit there, watching Minjun enjoy his treat, you reflect on the changes in your life since joining their little family. Each day has brought its challenges and joys, but moments like these highlight the beautiful simplicity of your new life.
About half an hour later, you decide to make your way back, not knowing what mess your little surprise caused.
Minho brushes a strand of hair from his face, eyes flickering to Minjun’s prior spot, only to notice he isn’t there anymore. He frowns and quickly scans the room, a shiver running down his spine when he can’t find his son anywhere. “Chan hyung,” he asks, terrified, grabbing his friend's arm.
Chan turns toward him, frowning, confused. “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asks worriedly, seeing the fear in his eyes.
“Where’s Minjun?” he asks, and Chan glances around the room, not finding him either. 
“Baby, where’s Jiho?” he asks Felix, who’s already looking. “Min, who was watching him?”
Minho inhales shakily, his hands trembling by now, and his stomach tightens in pain. “I…He was right there the whole time,” he says, pointing at the now-empty chair next to the cameras. “Hyung, he was right there and-.”
“Breathe,” Felix tries gently, wrapping his arm around him. “He’ll be okay, yeah?”
“You don’t know that,” he shakes his head, anxiously watching Chan, who’s talking to their staff and trying to figure out who had seen him last. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have stopped watching him,” he whispers, and Felix squeezes him gently. Chan quietly ushers their team from the set so it’s only them, and pulls out his phone. Minho braces himself on his knees and squeezes his eyes closed as a wave of nausea crashes over him. “I’m gonna throw up,” he whispers, and Felix soothingly rubs his back, reminding him to breathe. He exchanges a worried glance with his boyfriend, anxiously biting the nail of his thumb.
The door opens, and you step inside, accompanied by a brightly smiling Minjun, who’s carrying a small bag of waffles for all of them. You look up, startled, and notice how empty the room is now, as well as Minho’s anxious form. Is he having a panic attack? Minho looks up, and the moment his eyes meet yours, something in his anxious expression changes. The fear makes room for a sudden coldness you’re not used to, which quickly gets replaced by anger. “Where the fuck were you?” he asks dangerously low.
“Minho, what’s wrong?” you respond, confusion evident in your tone as you hold Minjun’s hand a little tighter.
Minho pushes himself to his feet. “You took him. Without telling anyone? That’s what’s wrong!” His voice rises with each word, the strain of the moment overtaking his usual composure.
You glance down at Minjun, whose smile fades as he senses the tension. “I…we just went for some ice cream,” you explain, your voice steady despite the rising anxiety. “Minjun wanted to surprise you with-”
“A surprise? By letting me think my son had gone missing?” Minho snaps back, his words sharp and biting. “You don’t just take him, Y/n! Not without telling me.”
Minjun’s eyes begin to water, and his lower lip trembles as he looks up at his father and then at you. “Daddy, I wanted to.” His voice is a whisper, drowned out by the escalating argument.
“Not now, Minjun,” Minho says, a bit too harshly, his focus still fixed on you. "What were you thinking, Y/n?" he snaps, his voice laced with accusation. "You know you're supposed to let me know before taking Minjun out!"
You swallow hard at the sharpness of his tone, your eyes wide with surprise and hurt. "I'm sorry, Minho," you reply, your voice trembling slightly. Fuck. "I didn't think it would be a big deal. We were only gone for half an hour."
But Minho was beyond reason, his frustration bubbling over. "It is a big deal!" he insists, his expression one of betrayal. “I trusted you. How could you just take him without telling me? What if something had happened? How would you explain that, huh?”
Your heart clenches at his words, the hurt evident. “Minho, I would never put Minjun in danger. You know that.”
“No, I don’t,” Minho says harshly, making you take a step back, your grip on Minjun’s trembling hand loosening. What?
“Let’s all just take a breath, okay? This is getting out of hand,” Felix suggests, looking between you and Minho with concern. “Minjun is safe. He was with Y/nnie, and they weren’t far.”
"Minho, calm down," Chan steps in, seeing the clear shock written all over your face, his voice firm. "He was just trying to help out. You're overreacting."
But Minho now turns his anger towards Chan, his frustration boiling over. "Stay out of this, Chan," he snaps at him, his tone cutting. "This is between me and Y/n. This is about my kid."
“Calm the fuck down right now, Min,” Chan says, his voice rising as well. 
“Channie, baby, please,” Felix chimes in, fearing that his involvement would only make it worse. 
You let go of Minjun’s hand, looking at Minho timidly. “I thought you trusted me with him. You left him at home with me all the time, Minho. How is that any different?”
“The fucking difference is I knew!” he yells at you at the top of his lungs. 
Minjun flinches, the bag dropping to the floor. His face crumples, big tears spill down his face, and a loud cry ripples through him. Felix quickly scoops him up, walks a little away from the whole mess, and soothingly talks to him. It’s the first time Minjun has allowed Felix to comfort him when he’s upset, curling up in his arms.
You nod gently and shakily pull the keys to his house from your pocket. “That doesn’t give you an excuse to be such a fucking asshole,” you say, more calmy than you feel right now. “You just ruined his day; congratulations. Here, I won’t need them anymore,” you say, throwing the keys to his feet. “I’ll send you an email with your schedule for next week and make sure to find a proper replacement.”
“Y/nnie,” Minho breathes out, the reality of your words slowly settling in.
“Don’t Y/nnie me, not after this,” you shake your head and grab your jacket. “I’m sorry, Chan, I really liked working for you guys. You’re amazing,” you tell him before leaving, tears burning in your eyes painfully.
As soon as the door closes, Chan snaps at him. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Minho?!” he yells. “Are you insane? You just lost the one person who’s always been there for you. The one person your son felt comfortable around. You wouldn’t still be here without him; I hope you know that!”
“Fuck off!” Minho snaps back at him, feeling cornered.
“No, you fuck off! Minjun has no one to look after him when you’re busy except Y/nnie. Without Y/nnie, you wouldn’t even be part of the group anymore because you can’t fucking handle it on your own!” he says, and seeing Minho’s face fall, he knows he went too far.
“Chris!” Felix raises his voice at him, looking at him shocked.
“Well, thank you for finally being honest with me,” Minho says dryly, nodding to himself. 
“Min, he didn’t mean it like that,” Felix tries gently as Minho makes his way over to them. 
“Give me my son, please,” he says quietly. Minjun nearly screams as he eases him out of Felix’s hold. He flinches back, eyes filling with tears at the broken sound. 
Felix worriedly glances down at the little boy clinging to him tightly. “Minjunnie, you’re gonna go home, okay?” he asks, growing anxious, at him shaking his head firmly. “Your daddy’s gonna take you home now,” he says, gently lifting him off his chest. 
Minjun shakes his head, sobbing heavily, and holds onto his shirt tightly. “No, Daddy’s stupid!”
Minho carefully eases Felix’s shirt from his son’s hands and takes him into his arms. Minjun starts kicking, hitting his chest. Minho presses his lips together tightly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he says quietly, holding onto him tightly so he won’t slip from his grip. Minjun wails in his arms, still fighting him as he carries him outside to the car. “I’m so sorry, buddy. Daddy’s an idiot,” he tells him shakily, the seatbelt slipping from his fingers repeatedly. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, finally managing to buckle him up. He closes the door to the car and tries to hold back the sob threatening to leave him.
“You forgot your stuff,” Chan says softly, suddenly next to him. 
Minho quickly wipes his cheeks with his sleeve and takes the bag from him. “Thanks,” he mutters, not meeting his eyes.
“Min…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” he says carefully. “You’re doing your best, and we all know it. That wasn’t fair,” he tells him.
Minho throws the bag onto the passenger’s seat and shakes his head, sniffling. “It’s fine. You were right. I suck at this, and I’d do you all a favor if I quit until he’s older.”
“Don’t say that,” Chan says gently, shaking his head. “We couldn’t do this without you.”
“I highly doubt that,” he says, voice breaking. 
“Minnie,” he says quietly. 
“Fuck, Channie hyung, I messed it all up,” he finally breaks down, hot tears spilling down his cheeks.
Chan pulls him into a tight hug, swallowing at how hard Minho is trembling in his arms. “What happened in there, hm? You’re usually not like this,” he asks carefully, and Minho shakes his head with a sob. Chan chews on his lower lip, realizing this could possibly go deeper than he thought, considering Minho’s insecurities regarding raising his kid right. The question hung in the air, heavier than the silence that followed. “Look, I know you’re doing this whole parenting thing on your own, and you’re doing an amazing job,” Chan continues, soothingly rubbing his back. “But you can’t let your fear make you forget who your allies are. Y/n loves Minjun almost as much as you do. He wouldn’t just take him without any consideration of the risks.”
Minho’s eyes met Chan’s, a mixture of anger and sorrow battling within. “I know. I just... When I didn’t see him, all I could think about was all the things that could go wrong. He’s everything I have, Channie. He's my baby, and no one can just take him without telling me.”
Chan nods, smiling at him sadly. “I know, mate, I know,” he assures him. “Let me drive you two home, okay? You shouldn’t be driving right now,” he says, and Minho nods weakly. “Come on,” he urges him gently. Minho slips into the passenger’s seat, wiping his cheeks with his sleeves messily. Chan notices Felix a few steps away, anxiously chewing on his lower lip. “You’re coming with us, baby? We can take a cab from there,” he tells him, and his boyfriend nods quickly.
“You really think he’ll quit?” Felix asks timidly.
“Min? No, he-” he says, but Felix shakes his head.
“No, Y/nnie,” he says, chewing on his lower lip anxiously. “That would be the worst thing for Minjun.”
“I don’t know, baby,” he shakes his head. “That depends on Min and Y/nnie. We can’t do much; they have to be okay…but Minho feels like shit for it,” he sighs and kisses his cheek. “It’ll be okay, baby.”
“Mhm, maybe,” Felix nods before slipping into the back to Minjun, who’s still crying softly. 
“L-Lix,” he whimpers and reaches for him again. 
“Hey, buddy,” he says gently, taking his hand. “It’s okay, yeah? We’re taking you home now, okay?”
“O-Okay,” he hiccups.
Minho remains quiet during the ride home, silent tears running down his cheeks as he’s biting his lower lip hard. Minjun cries quietly in the back as Felix tries to soothe him a little. 
They reach their house not much later, and Felix carries Minjun inside. He exchanges a long look with Chan before moving Minjun to the room with all his toys. 
Minho's face is a canvas of frustration, marked by the occasional wipe to remove the tears running down his cheeks. Chan gently guides him to the sofa and sits down with him. 
"Minho, man, we need to talk about what happened," Chan begins, his voice firm yet gentle, trying to cut through the tension.
Minho nods, not meeting Chan's eyes, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I know, I know I messed up. It's just... when I couldn't see Minjun, everything went black. I panicked, Channie hyung."
Chan places a hand on Minho's shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. "I get that, really, I do. The fear of losing Minjun is real and valid, but the way you handled it with Y/n wasn't fair. You trust Y/nnie, don't you?"
"I do, but at that moment, all that trust just... vanished. I just felt so out of control," Minho confesses, his voice cracking with emotion.
"It’s important to remember that Y/n cares about Minjun almost as much as you do. He wouldn't have taken him without considering his safety. But I think this goes deeper, Minho. This isn't just about today, is it?" Chan observes, trying to dig deeper into Minho's fears.
Minho sighs, a long, weary sound that seems to carry the weight of the world. "It's everything, Chan. The pressure of work, trying to be there for Minjun, getting closer to Y/n, and not knowing where the line is—it's all piling up. And today, I just... broke."
Chan nods, understanding more than Minho realizes. "You're not alone in this. You've got us, you've got Y/n…you need to fix this."
Minho wipes his face. "Maybe you're right. I need to handle this better, for Minjun and for myself."
"And you need to apologize to Y/n properly. He deserves that much, Minho. He's been here for you through thick and thin."
Minho knows Chan is right. The thought of facing you was daunting but necessary. He owes you an apology, one that acknowledges his overreaction and the hurt it caused.
Later that day, after taking some time to compose himself and gather his thoughts, Minho found Minjun playing quietly in his room. His little boy looks up, his face still showing signs of the day's stress.
"Hey, buddy... can we talk?" Minho sits beside him on the floor, his tone gentle. Minjun nods, his eyes curious and a bit cautious.
"I want to apologize, Minjun. Daddy got very scared today when I couldn’t find you, and I didn’t handle it well. I shouted, and that wasn’t right. I’m sorry for scaring you," Minho starts, his heart heavy.
Minjun moves closer, leaning into his dad. "Okay, Daddy… Y/nnie bought ice cream."
"I know, and it was a wonderful idea. I’m sorry for ruining it. And I’m sorry for how I spoke to Y/nnie. He didn’t deserve that. I’m going to apologize to him, too," Minho says. 
"Do you still like Y/nnie, Daddy?" Minjun’s small voice is filled with worry.
"I do, very much. Y/nnie is important to us, right? I made a big mistake today, and I hope he can forgive me," Minho explains, hoping his son could understand.
Minjun hugs him tightly, "I forgive you, Daddy."
Minho chuckles softly, hugging his son back. "Thank you, baby."
Two weeks later
Life had once more settled into a stressful rhythm for Minho following the upheaval of his outburst and its emotional aftermath. Days morphed into weeks with Minjun by his side; each one layered with the joys and challenges of single parenthood, combined with his demanding schedule. Despite his deep love for his son, the strain of juggling his roles was evident.
Minho is preparing Minjun's backpack for the day, his movements automatic. The routine is well-practiced but no less draining. Minjun is playing on the carpet, glancing at his father suspiciously as he's preparing breakfast. 
“Daddy, you okay?” Minjun’s small voice cuts through the morning stillness, his eyes wide with concern.
Minho pauses, taken aback by the question. “Of course, buddy,” he replies, forcing a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. “Why do you ask?”
“You're tired,” Minjun says simply.
Minho sighs, the weight of his exhaustion settling deeper on his shoulders. He is tired—more than tired. Each day felt like a battle, each night a too-short break from it all.
Later that day, after getting Minjun settled, the effects of chronic stress, sleep deprivation, and emotional turmoil begin to manifest more aggressively. As he moves through the complex choreography, his steps start to falter, his usually sharp movements grow sluggish, and his focus wanes.
“Minho, take five!” Chan calls out. “You’re off today, man. Everything alright?”
Minho nods mutely, too spent to formulate a response. He retreats to a quiet corner, his breath uneven, his heart racing uncomfortably in his chest. He presses the heels of his hands into his eyes, trying to stave off the dizziness that threatened to overwhelm him.
Just as he felt like he'd be fine, a sharp pain clutched at his chest, his breathing growing labored, and the room seemed to tilt on its axis. Panic claws at his mind as he staggers, trying to call out for help, but his voice is a mere whisper. 
“Minho!” He hears someone shout and feels hands steadying him just before everything goes dark.
When Minho regains consciousness, he finds himself on a couch in the studio’s lounge, surrounded by concerned faces—Chan, Jeongin, and Felix, holding a distressed Minjun. An ambulance siren wails in the distance, growing louder as it approaches.
“What… what happened?” Minho manages to ask, his voice weak.
“You collapsed, man. Scared the hell out of us,” Chan replies, his expression tight with worry.
The paramedics arrive swiftly, assessing Minho quickly. Blood pressure high, heart rate erratic, they murmur words like "exhaustion" and "stress" as they prepare him for transport to the hospital.
The hospital tests confirm what Minho had tried to ignore: he was suffering from severe exhaustion combined with stress. The doctor’s advice was obvious. "You need to rest, Mr. Lee. Your body is telling you it can’t keep up this pace. If you ignore this warning, the next incident could be more severe."
Minho lies back on the hospital bed, the sterile white of the room a stark contrast to the vibrancy of his daily life. The words hit hard, a sobering reminder of his mortality and the stark reality of his responsibilities as a father.
Chan, who had accompanied him, squeezes his shoulder. “You gotta take care of yourself, Minho. For Minjun’s sake, if not your own.”
“I know,” Minho murmurs, the gravity of his situation settling in. “I just… thought I could handle it all.”
Chan’s look is sympathetic but firm. “No one can handle everything alone, Min. You need to let others help. Maybe it’s time to reach out to Y/nnie again. For support.”
The suggestion lingers in the air between them, heavy with implications. Minho’s thoughts drift to you, your warmth, your laughter, and the comfort you brought to both him and Minjun. The thought of reaching out, of potentially being rejected, is terrifying, yet the fear of what might happen if he continued on his current path is greater.
Anxiously, Minho makes the decision to call you from the hospital, his heart pounding as he dials the familiar number. The phone rings, each tone echoing like a drumbeat in his tense silence.
“Hello?” you ask, cautious yet warm.
“Y/nnie, it’s Minho. I… I need to talk to you. It’s important.” His voice is unsteady, and his admission of need is a significant release of his tightly held pride. “I…I need help.”
There’s a pause, a breath held, and then released. “I'm listening.”
Minho's voice wavers as he speaks, the hospital's fluorescent lights casting stark shadows across his face. "I... I had an incident today at rehearsals. I collapsed," he confesses, the words tasting like defeat but necessary in their truth.
You suck in a sharp breath at his words. "Minho, are you okay? Where are you now?" you ask, your voice thick with worry.
"I'm at the hospital. They're telling me it’s stress and exhaustion. Nothing life-threatening, but...can you look after Minjun for a few days?” he asks, chewing on his lower lip as you're silent for a while. 
“So you're suddenly trusting me again?” you ask dryly. 
Minho takes a moment to answer. “Minjun does…that tells me everything I should need to know,” he says quietly. “I've been an asshole, okay? I know I was. Once I'm better…can we talk? Really talk?” he asks timidly. 
You sigh softly, rubbing your face. “Where is he?” 
“He's with Lix,” he tells you, heart racing in his chest as you didn't answer his question. 
"Get some rest, Minho. We'll sort everything else out later," you reply, your voice a soothing balm to Minho’s frayed nerves. Shit, he missed you. 
“Thank you,” he says, tears burning in his eyes. 
“Just…take care, okay? Your little boy needs you,” you say quietly. 
“I will.” 
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yanderenightmare · 2 years
How's yandere yuji itadori like in bed? 😋
Itadori Yuji & Ryomen Sukuna
TW: NSFW, noncon/dubcon, yandere
fem reader
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He’s a sporadic hormonal spaz. Bottomlessly insatiable for pleasure.
Desperate and eager, he almost winces at how sensitive he is and whimpers upon how fucking good it feels to bury himself balls-deep inside your wet hot tightness.
Sukuna is no help to you either, equally incessant within the confines of Yuji's psyche, egging him on to go faster and give it to you harder, to make you submit and scream for them.
The demon gives you harsh sucking bites in those places Yuji lays his hand down flat -which is absolutely everywhere- licking the harm and lapping up whatever drops of blood he'd made spills with a wide grin.
You feared he'd bite your nipple clean off once, but looking in the mirror afterward, only a fine ring of red teeth marks were left in the wake of the chomp. The same marking litters your skin all over, thanks to Yuji having his hands buried in your flesh at all times.
His fingers carded selfishly into the doughy fat of your thighs, keeping them down flat in a tight mating press as he fucks all the way inside you, making you hiss out, hurting at the stretch you don't have enough space for within.
Or when he takes you from the back, his hands groping your breasts in two fistfuls while his sweaty forehead rests against the nape of your neck, watching himself disappear inside you over the hills of your ass, the lewd sight of your cheeks jiggling on rough contact with his hips riling him up like none other.
Or when you ride him, his mouth on your tits, tongue swirling your nipples, and lips sucking on them tight while his hands grab your butt in a supportive squeeze, lifting you up and slamming you down all the way, leaving you no other option but to moan and hold onto his shoulders to steady yourself.
He keeps the same raging tempo throughout it, pounding you for hours with no hope of rest until he knocks himself out unconscious. Cumming won’t mean he’s done, it only means round one is finished and that it’s time for round two.
You’re too busy panting and whining to tell him to give you a break, and he’s too caught up in the pleasure warming in his gut and chasing release to assess your condition, chanting quick incoherent words you’re unsure whether are meant for you or for himself.
You suspect he doesn't know either, guessing he swings between the two. Some part half-assed praise and compliments regarding you and the other celebratory of his own winnings, self-boosts meant to cheer him on as he goes yet another round.
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera! I absolutely love your writing! ♡ Especially your twisted wonderland chitchat! and after long day I always check if you uploaded smth bc it cheers me up! so thanks for that ☆
Also, you mentioned in previous posts before about how (or was it in the tags?? 😂) "Love/relationships/sex etc.... In the sea is Quite different than what we are used to" and NOW I'M CURIOUS!!
So, What are you thoughts??? how different do you think is love for the octavinelle trio? Do you think they view it in a unusual way? do they take a "mate" by force?? how different is it from human standards? 👀👀👀
Oh! and can I be 🌸 anon ? 👉👈
Thank you for liking my writing and twst chats!!! I'm happy to know it can cheer you up! :D you may be 🌸 anon! Knowing me, it's highly likely it was written in the tags hehe. ^^;;;
I think some merfolk who have observed humans and their traditions attempt to adopt such behaviors for themselves, such as getting rings and making promises to stay together forever, even things like marriage or ceremonies associated with binding souls together in eternal love. I like to imagine in the sea the concept of marriage is a little foreign to the mers who live farther from human civilizations (such as mers from the Northern part of the Coral Sea, which is where the trio hail from). Perhaps it's something where, once you mate with a mer you are intended to stay with them forever if it's a species that mates for life, or stay long enough until the eggs have been laid or hatched. That's probably the closest thing to "marriage," only it's more so once you've mated you're stuck together for life (or so that's how some mers view it).
Love is not entirely foreign to merfolk, though. All species have versions of love and affection, however unfathomable they may seem. Human traditions regarding love are just as strange to the trio as mer traditions are to humans. Affection in the sea is protecting your mate and fry from harm, it's hauling in the biggest, meatiest fish for dinner, it's settling down in a comfortable cove at the end of every day, curled and wound around one another, it's leaving to find warmer waters in the spring when spawning and mating seasons roll around, it's going out to search for the fry who will inevitably return after hatching, carried home by the pull and push of the vast sea, some lost to time, devoured by predators or smothered by the weight of the world, and others strong and lucky enough to survive the lottery of life.
As fluffy as that sounds, mates are difficult to come by. Some mers are picky. Merfolk want strong mates to produce strong, healthy offspring. Merfolk like colorful displays, though the trio know that too much flashy colors and shiny scales are as pretty as they are harmful (predators are drawn in by lights, sounds, smells, flashy displays just as much as potential mates are). Most merfolk seek mates out of biological imperative, so it's not usually love that brings mers together (at least not for the sake of breeding). And a lot of mers can be territorial and violent when it comes to mates. Merfolk might kill or fight for their mates, whether out of possession or part of a courting ritual (a test of strength); humans don't normally do that. And it's not uncommon for mates to be taken by force. It's not uncommon for toxic dynamics to be seen as normal or, at the very least, acceptable in parts of the ocean where life is difficult to come by.
Azul was raised in a loving familial environment. It's natural that his perception of love would be very sweet and gentle and almost human. He reads about it in books. Humans are strewn all throughout the tales merfolk exchange. Even the mermaid princess from so long ago experienced love with a human. Azul knows these stories well because they are often told before bed or passed around during youth. But Azul knows his species is not very common. He knows he stands out from other merfolk. He knows he is a solitary creature by nature's design. That's why love is so important to him. He'll scoff and insist he has no need for such trivial things, but it's his dream to find someone who he can live out the rest of his life with. Octo-mers mate for life. Naturally, some who follow more "human" ideals might inevitably drift apart or separate like how his parents did. But Azul knows deep in his three hearts that if he ever does find his forever match he will do everything he can to ensure he never has to remarry or search for another love because his one true beloved fell out of it with him.
The twins were also raised lovingly, albeit they were raised to be predators capable of protecting and defending themselves. Jade and Floyd are more accustomed to violence and gore than love itself, not only because it happens so often in the deep sea but because the family business is not for the faint-hearted. They've heard their fair share of human stories. They know of the love humans indulge in. They've spied humans tangling together on the beach. They've witnessed ocean weddings on the shoreline or from afar on the deck of ships. Their parents have often said that when humans love they kiss to show their affection, hence why Mama and Papa Leech kiss so often. It's very sweet. It's also very human. Jade is indifferent on the matter; he has always been that way: analytical, realistic, level-headed. Floyd... not so much. He has always been more emotional, more hormonal, more sensitive. For all of the playful immaturity and volatile mood swings, he wants a genuine bond. Morays don't often mate for life. Some have multiple mates; some do not. Their parents chose each other and have remained together ever since. It's exactly the sort of lifelong bond Floyd wants.
Jade can understand the appeal. Growing old and maturing together, forging deep, unbreakable bonds, witnessing the world unfold throughout years of devoted partnership. But Jade has never been able to fully grasp his emotions as well as Floyd does, and so, as fluffy as forever romance sounds, he often thinks about it logically. Logically, he will need to find someone in the future, if only to secure the next branch in the Leech family tree. Logically, as he matures sexually, he will need someone to fill with eggs as that is what biological imperative calls for (otherwise it's a great bodily discomfort when he has eggs and yet there is no one to accept them), and so he's forced to endure for a few days, wallowing in unshakeable heat, irritable and hungry, reduced to raw instinct.
On land, love is different. Humans do not need to hunt for their meals as often as merfolk do. Humans court in subtle ways (though sometimes it's grand and flashy). Humans are so hung up on getting to know someone, on determining whether they're a suitable match, before getting to the part where they mate (and sometimes they never reach that part). Love is a process on land (that's the best way Jade can define it). There are stages and steps one must take. There are rules, some apparent and others unspoken. It is very peculiar, but that is exactly what draws the trio in. Curiosity is much the same across all species. Humans can never tell when they've found "the one." Jade has learned that humans will often say they've found "the one," but that may have been said about previous lovers. Conversely, mers have this unique sixth sense; they often know when they've found the one that is right for them, the one they will spend eternity with.
And when the trio spend enough time with you, they all realize rather quickly that you are the fated half who will fulfill their pair.
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, fired back at pro-Palestinian protesters of Israel's war in Gaza as they interrupted her speech during a Wednesday night campaign rally in Detroit.
"You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I'm speaking," Harris said with a long stare, drawing loud cheers from supporters in the crowd before chants of, "Not going back!"
The exchange was a reminder of the lingering divisions among Democrats over the war in the Middle East that pose challenges for Harris in her race against former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee.
As Harris spoke, a group of protesters interrupted the vice president about halfway through her remarks: "Kamala, Kamala, you can’t hide! We won’t vote for genocide,” they shouted.
Harris initially responded: “I’m here because I believe in democracy. I believe everyone’s voice matters. But I’m speaking now. I am speaking now." But the interruptions continued as Harris tried to discuss the ramifications of a second Trump presidency.
More than 15,000 people attended the Harris rally held at a Detroit airport hangar with Air Force Two in the background − the type of campaign setting Trump has made a staple during his three runs for president.
It was the largest rally yet for the still-young Harris campaign as she conducts a multi-state blitz with her new running-mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, this week.
Throughout the year, protesters have regularly followed President Joe Biden at his public events but the demonstrations have been less of a reoccurrence for Harris, who launched her campaign after Biden dropped out of the race July 21.
Pro-Gaza group seeks meeting with Harris to push demands
Dearborn, Michigan outside of Detroit is home to a large Arab American and Muslim population that has criticized the Biden administration's support for Israel's war against Hamas following the militant group's Oct. 7, 2023 attack on Israel.
In Michigan's Democratic primary in February, a majority of primary voters in Dearborn, 57%, chose "uncommitted" over Biden in a protest over his position on Israel's war in Gaza.
Before the rally started, two members of the Pro-Palestinian group "Uncommitted" − co-founders Layla Elabed and Abbas Alawieh − said they spoke briefly with Harris and Walz as they took photos and shook hands with supporters. They asked for a formal meeting with Harris to discuss their demands, which include a U.S. arms embargo in Israel and a permanent Gaza cease-fire, and said Harris "expressed an openness to a meeting."
“Since October 7, the Vice President has prioritized engaging with Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian community members and others regarding the war in Gaza," Harris campaign spokeswoman Lauren Hitt said in a statement. "In this brief engagement, she reaffirmed that her campaign will continue to engage with those communities."
Hitt reiterated Harris' long-held position on the war in Gaza. "The Vice President has been clear: she will always work to ensure Israel is able to defend itself against Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups."
She added that Harris is "focused on securing the ceasefire and hostage deal currently on the table. As she has said, it is time for this war to end in a way where: Israel is secure, hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinian civilians ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, freedom, and self-determination.”
Michigan, with 15 electoral votes up for grabs, is a critical battleground state that Biden carried in 2020 en route to his election victory over Trump.
Although Harris, like Biden, has remained steadfast in her backing of Israel, she helped take the lead in the administration's criticism of Israel for the number of Palestinian casualties in Gaza. "Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed," Harris said last December. “Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating."
Harris last month told reporters, "We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent."
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
Mc getting into a fist with a demon and winning (only asking this because of a passing thought with my mc lmao)
Hi☺✨First of all, before starting with the headcanon, I would like to apologize for the lack of posts in this period😥but I've been a bit busy and as far as the sketches are concerned, as you can imagine, they are progressing, it's just that I'm slow as hell at drawing🙈so to make up for it, I'm working on some RAD classmates x Y/N (anon/MC) art💜Now regarding your ask, I'd say that it's clear enough that messing around with MC isn't a good idea😂and that they know how to defend themself😌but in any case, here's the reaction of the RAD classmates:
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Demya would honestly be very proud of MC and the idea of ​​her mate engaged in a fight to the death would attract/excite her quite a lot, perhaps also due to the propensity for fighting that her family and tribe had. Besides, she wouldn't care much about the reason for the quarrel, nor who was right or wrong, because Demya would still protect MC in any case and at any cost, what kind of mate would she be otherwise? She believes their relationship dinamyc is the "ride or die couple" after all.
Anyway, in case another fight were to be repeated, Demya, if present, would ask MC to let her join them, because she would find the idea of ​​a couple fighting side by side...romantic, in its own strange way
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Domnra would probably be proud of MC for being able to defend themself without using magic and relieved because their training together paid off, but he would advise his partner to still be careful and call him the next time other demons decide to bother them to such an extent that it ends in a fight, which, coming from him, would come across as a bit hypocritical given his anger management issues, but this could result in an opportunity for Domnra and MC to work together on how to vent their stress in a non-destructive way.
Mobim, on the other hand, would be very worried and would stay close to MC more than usual, both to make sure that their conditions are stable, and because it hopes that its presence will dissuade MC from engaging in more fights with other demons in the future...Mobim doesn't like when MC or Domnra risk getting hurt, it makes the little curse tear up
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Considering how much of a simp Azul is towards his lovely star, MC's strength and dominance in combat would make him swoon and most likely flirt with MC, complimenting their strength and courage in facing a demon without magic.
In case MC got wounds or bruises, Azul would take care of them, using cute plasters and personally kissing better each bruise, because according to him, kisses make pain go away more than any other kind of magic (if MC got too hurt though, Azul would use magic, leaving aside the more traditional methods). Also next time he'd like to assist, just to cheer for MC like the fanboy he is and to step in in case something went wrong
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Among the RAD classmates, Zuri would probably be the least in agreement with MC's choice to use violence, even if deserved, only because she worries that her beloved could receive disciplinary measures in case they were in the wrong for starting a brawl and she would also find it a waste of time to get their hands dirty because of another annoying demon.
Zuri would recognize MC's impressive physical performance, and would probably turn a blind eye this time, but she would suggest them to use magic in case such an event repeated itself, or to let her take care of the problem directly, since Zuri knows how to be very...persuasive, both with words and even with a single icy glare
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Although violence doesn't bother Odon, considering that they had to deal with it for many years of their long life and that it's a rather common phenomenon in Devildom, they would be worried about MC, certainly pleasantly surprised by their physical strenght despite their human nature, but still worried because MC is their dear friend and Odon doesn't want them to get in danger or trouble (although usually, saying that MC is with Odon, is enough to keep most demons at bay).
Odon would make sure MC is feeling okay and then ask them to try their best not to react harshly to taunts from any demons, because it wouldn't be worth it to ruin their day due to an unkind person, or at the very least...to bring the eye-like creatures with them, who should be enough to repel other demons or at least those with a common sense. The eye-like creatures would act like creepy watchdogs, so MC shouldn't have any more problems
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dontlikeadam · 5 months
Song Interpretations Re-Done
Me and You Together Song (2020) - Often stylized with their initials M&YTS
Lyric Confirmations:
"I can't remember how we met" relates to next song.
About You (2022) - The main song most often associated with Taylor. The song that Matty mouthed "This song is about you, you know who you are, I love you"
"We get married in our heads. Something to do, while we try to recall how we met"
On Tortured Poets:
loml lyrics: "I wish I could un-recall, how we almost had it all"
Taylor also seems to have sampled this song in the background of Guilty as Sin
Oh Caroline (2022) - A song Matty has always been vague about. But the overall theme of the song matches the situation. He wants to try again with someone, but doesn't want to mess it up this time.
The music video for Oh Caroline, includes a women who has a very similar aesthetic to Taylor in her video for delicate.
He always said the name was just a name that worked for the rhyming and beat (also noted in the songs lyrics), but I thought maybe it was in relation to Sweet Caroline being such an American song. Further discussed but Boys Like Girls putting these two together on their tour confirms this for me.
Roadkill (2020) - "And they're playing your song on the radio station, mugging me off all across the nation". Could be Taylor or Halsey.
Taylor does add a few odd Texas lines on the new album.
"I know it gets hard sometimes, taking out your shit on the ones you like. You know I didn't feel alright, until you spoke to me. You, I've been waiting for you. My whole life, waiting for you. "Well I'm gonna get a gun, but it's for her protection". Taylor mentions him having a gun under his bed on this album.
Be My Mistake (2018) - This song could be Taylor and now I am assuming is, BUT A song that Matty kept on the setlist for almost every show of the last tour, despite it never being a popular song. A song where he led into every night mentioning guilt and shame and therapy. He seemingly used it in the tour to portray something important and included it during the most vulnerable part of the show, with him trying to heal his weird naked was figure of himself.
Falling For You (2013) - Not a song that is ABOUT Taylor based on the year, but originally a song he dedicated to Taylor back early when she would come to their shows. A song he noted during this tour that "didn't work" in regards to "getting the girl". This was sang during most shows, usually with him "playing chess" or making a little family out of the chess pieces.
Relating possibly back to Taylors song Mastermind which is mostly likely about Matty and her lyrics "check mate, I couldn't lose” This also relates to the Fortnight music video. She also has a chessboard as the stage for this song on ERA's tour.
"Sincerity is Scary" 2018 ABIIOR
"I'm sure that you're not just another girl, I'm sure that you're gonna say that I was sexist"
"Why we can't be friends when we are lovers, because it always ends with us hating each other"
"And why would you believe, you could control how your perceived?"
"I'm just pissed off because you pied me off, after your show when you let go of my hand. In front of some set who wanted bite on your.." - Champagne Problems and her dropping his hand while dancing.
Time frame wise, he didn't date any other singers that we know of who would have had a show, but did date models. So you could consider the line relating to a runway show.
All I Need to Hear (2022) BFIAFL
Notably Mattys most emotional song this tour, especially early on. Maybe he had his dad sing it, because he couldn't?
"Reply to my message, pick up my calls. You see, I wrote you a letter, it was no use at all. Oh I don't care if you're insincere. Just tell me what I want to hear"
"I don't need the crowds and the cheers, just tell me you love me that alls that I need to hear. I've been told, so many times before, but hearing it from you, means so much more"
"You know where to find me, the place where we've lived all these years" referring to London? Counter argument being that it sounds more like someone he lived with and for a while, which would make it a better fit for the song to be about one of his parents or OG Gabi
This must be my dream (2016) ILIWYS
This is all pretty fitting, but the main points:
"I personify the 'adolescent on a phone' Speaking like I'm bigger than my body I personify that lack of freedom in your life" - He had more freedom to do what he wanted, be who he wanted to be without judgement.
"Let me tell you bout this girl. I thought she'd re-arrange my world. Takes a particular type of girl, to put my heart under arrest"
"So why is this feeling on my chest? (This must be my dream) Wide awake before I found you (This must be my dream) I can't wait for you, boy (Wake me from my dream) What does all our love amount to? (This must be my dream)"
Possibly related to him mentioning that he was in a dream? Or playing out a dream? Something like that around Australia dates. Let me know if you remember this.
"We can't make love when you fly around me, baby. Pipe down your no lover. It's failing 'cos you want it to. Well I thought it was love But I guess I must be dreaming" - maybe her flying all around and them not being able to really spend time together?
"I can't wait for you, boy (Wake me from my dream) What does all our love amount to? (This must be my dream)" Possibly him wanting to still party and be wild, or could be that he still wanted to make a name for himself on his own.
Songs of his that are not specific enough that its clear they are about Taylor or not, but they share the same title as her songs:
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weirdraccoon · 1 year
Til Death Do Us Whole
Tom Riddle was to wed Omega Malfoy to help his family and, unknowingly, the Omega's family. Both sets of parents had plans for the marriage, never mind that Tom and Draco never crossed a single word beforehand. It didn't matter. This was all business after all. So, it shouldn't be that difficult for the Alpha to exchange vows and tie their lives forever, or at least until death do them part.
Plans get complications when Tom finds himself married to a dead Omega.
Or - Tomarry Corpse Bride AU
Chapter 2
Merope was biting her nails nervously, looking out the window in the hopes that she’d be able to see her son arriving any minute now. Tom Sr. was similarly nervous, pacing the room from one side to the other. He had a short letter in his hand, in which the Malfoys expressed their worry regarding the young Riddle’s whereabouts and demanded rather than asked the return of the young Alpha in time to marry their son.
“This isn’t like him,” Merope broke the silence, looking at her husband with concern. “He usually returns before dark. Should we go looking for him in the forest? What if he got injured?”
Tom Sr. shook his head.
“He’s always careful. If he hasn’t returned, it is because he doesn’t want to,” he expressed grimly. “Maybe we shouldn’t have pushed him to marry Malfoy. We did never ask what he wanted for life,” he mussed.
“But he understood why he had to marry him,” Merope protested, thinking about her good and obedient son. “He agreed our family needed one last push to be included in high society. Everyone expects us to fail. Marrying Omega Malfoy would have shown all those stuck-ups that we are their equals.”
Tom Sr. sighed tiredly and sat next to his Alpha, taking her hand.
“I suppose having the Malfoy name at our backs would certainly help,” he agreed. “However, we’ve come this far on our own. We may have gotten a bit too enthusiastic when Lord and Lady Malfoy sent their proposal. As I said, we didn’t even stop to think what our son wanted, or if he wanted to marry at all.”
“Of course he does,” Merope frowned. “Maybe not now but he will,” she conceded. “This way he won’t have to worry about finding a partner on his own. And with an Omega, neither us nor the Malfoys will worry about grandchildren to pass on our legacy.”
Tom Sr. chuckled. As a Beta, he didn’t get all that concern over mating and breeding. However, he had to admit he wanted the best for his son, and a family of his own wasn’t a bad idea. Tom was a passionate soul, though, he wondered if Omega Malfoy was a good match, emotionally, for him.
Besides, he had his suspicions about why the Malfoys suddenly wanted to marry their heir to the son of a merchant.
“He’ll come back,” he promised his wife. “I’m sure he’s safe. We just have to keep the Malfoys occupied while he finds his way back home.”
Merope sighed and rested her head on her husband’s shoulder. Her eyes were firmly on the window, still waiting for her son.
Meanwhile, Tom was finally awakening in the strangest of places.
The young Omega with green eyes he thought he dreamt was peering at him from above, and there was a man hovering next to the Omega, also looking down at Tom with a slight smirk on his lips.
“Seems like he’s back, lad,” the pale man said, walking away. “A round on the house. To the newlyweds!”
There was a happy exclamation from around, several people cheering and offering their congratulations. The Omega, grinning, offered a hand to Tom to help him stand up.
“What a wedding night,” the young man said, dusting off Tom’s shoulders. “My new husband spent most of it unconscious!”
“That’s normal, dear!” A woman cackled from afar. “Now it’s when the fun begins!”
“To our young bride!” The man from before started a second toast. “Now a gorgeous wife!”
Tom gaped at everyone, pulling one hand free from the Omega’s grip to rub at his eyes. It didn’t help to clear his vision. He was still seeing corpses all around him!
“What is going on!” He demanded, looking at the Omega at his side and pulling his other hand free when he noticed the Omega’s arm was only bones. “Who- what- where am I? Who are you?”
“I’m your wife, silly,” the Omega chuckled, smiling softly. “Or don’t you remember? You spoke your vows oh so splendidly!” He showed off his left hand, where Tom’s ring rested peacefully on his finger. “I admit you caught me off guard, but I vowed all the same things to you after you fainted,” he finished sheepishly.
“Here, you look about to faint again,” the pale man said, pushing a mug filled with something smoky into his hands. “Just careful. The stench of death is hard to swallow the first time.”
Tom dropped the mug and took a couple of steps backward.
“I must be dreaming,” he muttered. “All the stress of the wedding is catching up on me. That’s it. I’ll wake up any moment.”
“You’re fun,” the Omega said, suddenly back at his side. “This is no dream. This is the land of death! Do you like music? You’ll love it here. Every night is a party!”
“What,” Tom repeated, dazedly.
“Well, everyone ends up here, you know,” the man from before explained, leaning on what looked like a bar counter. “And we’re here for the rest of eternity so we figured why endure an eternity of boredom and sadness when we can enjoy ourselves?”
“And we have something to celebrate tonight!” The woman screeched, wrapping one bony arm around the Omega’s shoulders. “Harrykins has finally married! This party will last centuries, I tell you.”
“I’ll take my head off if I could, dear Harry,” the man grinned, bowing to the Omega and showing his nearly severed head. It hung for a second before the man stood back up, pushing another mug into Harry ’s hands. “Drink up!”
The Omega grinned and did as told, getting another round of cheers from the rest of the patrons. Then he returned swiftly to Tom’s side and offered him his mug.
“I’ll pass, thanks,” Tom said, eyeing the smoking liquid with trepidation.
“Your loss,” Harry grinned and downed it. “It’s actually good once you get used to the burn.”
Tom only nodded, still trying to figure out how to wake up.
“I’ll show you around, come!” Harry claimed happily and pulled Tom behind him. “That’s Nick, his brother tried to behead him but the ax wasn’t as sharp as it could’ve been,” he shrugged unworriedly. “That one’s Bella. Husband pushed her off the stairs one too many times and she landed wrong,” the woman hugged Harry, whispering something in Harry’s ear that made him laugh before going back to drink with other people. “Oh, and that one’s Ron. His bullies went too far near a lake.”
The redhead waved at them from his table. Tom could see what looked like rope burns on his wrists and neck and he gulped. Bella had an open wound on the side of her head and Harry… When Tom paid attention, he could see a stab wound right over his heart.
“Did everyone here die a violent and horrific death?”
“Well, I guess,” Harry hummed. “How did you die? Oh, and now that I think about it, what’s your name? We skipped a few formalities before getting married, right?” He chuckled and grinned up at Tom.  “I’m Harry.”
“Tom,” Tom drawled. “And I’m not dead,” he frowned. “Unless you gave me a stroke in the forest, that is.”
“Really?” Harry peered at him curiously. “Hey, Nick! Tom doesn’t know if he’s dead!”
Nick came over and poked Tom in the ribs, ignoring his annoyed huff. 
“Well, most don’t stop breathing until after some decades. Habit, I think.” Then he put his head over Tom’s chest. “Oh, dear. This one’s beating still. Where did you say you found him, Harry?”
“Over my grave,” Harry said simply, and Tom almost choked at the idea of standing over someone’s remains unknowingly.
“Oi, Harry!” Ron called from his table. “Come here a second!”
Harry glanced at Tom and smiled apologetically.
“I’ll be right back,” he promised and scurried off to the redhead’s side.
Tom took the opportunity to look for an exit but was stopped by a hand over his forehead. He forgot Nick was studying him.
“Yes, yes, you are very much alive,” Nick was muttering to himself. “How did he manage to drag you here?” He shook his head. “That boy, always doing the impossible.”
“Harry?” Tom asked, pushing the man off him.
“Well, yes,” Nick nodded. “Not many can walk from and to the living world as easily as he does,” he explained. “And of course, no one has ever married or dragged a living person here. I bet he didn’t even realize he did it, not if he thought you were as dead as him.”
They were interrupted by a piano. Tom recognized the song immediately, it was his favorite. He looked up and found Harry sitting on the piano near the bar with his redhead friend shushing everyone else. Then Harry started singing, and Tom felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over his head.
He was awake.
He was in the world of death.
He was married to a dead Omega.
“Many talents, Harry has,” Nick smirked knowingly.
Tom took a deep breath and noticed an incredible scent covering him. Seems like Harry didn’t waste a minute in marking him. He looked at Nick but the man didn’t mention anything.
“How come he has a scent if he’s dead,” Tom asked. “You don’t smell of much,” he winced at the tactless comment. “Sorry.”
“Oh no need to apologize,” Nick waved off. “And we didn’t know Harry had a scent. We don’t breathe anymore, see, and we don’t particularly care about scents or biology. We’re all equals in death.”
Tom frowned at the lack of answer and continued watching Harry. He was honest with himself, the Omega was gorgeous, and he could only imagine what he looked like when he was actually alive. His dark hair was messy and his green eyes were bright even in the afterlife. His short stature and thin figure made him look innocent, which was a direct contrast to the mischief in his eyes and smile.
And his voice was beautiful.
Tom was truly enchanted.
“What happened to him?” He asked softly when Bella wandered over to his side.
The woman was humming along the song, but she stopped as soon as Tom’s question left his lips. She pursed her own and looked sadly at the younger man at the piano.
“Let me guess, he gossiped about our deaths but he forgot to explain his,” she sighed, rolling her eyes in a caring kind of way. “Harry was the heir of a rich family,” she began to explain, lowering her voice so no one else could hear her. “One day, he met this one Lord. Tall, dark, and handsome. Also mysterious and edgy as fuck if you ask me but well, I only know him because Harry told me about him. The poor lad doesn’t even want to utter his name, calls him he-who-shall-not-be-named.”
“And?” Tom asked, getting her back on track.
“And Harrykins fell fast and hard,” Bella explained with a tired exhale. “He-who-shall-not-be-named said he shared the Omega’s affections, but Mommy and Daddy didn’t really approve of the relationship, so they decided to elope. Harry had to steal a good sum of money and jewels from his family and meet his Lord in the forest. They would leave town and find their happiness for themselves,” she paused dramatically. “Except, Harry didn’t meet his true love in the forest.”
Bella stopped suddenly, looking behind Tom with a glint in her eyes. Tom turned and found Harry watching them with narrowed eyes. He looked serious for a moment. Tom missed the grin and mischievous air that surrounded him earlier.
“I met my death,” he finished. “ He stabbed me in the back, metaphorically, and broke my heart, literally,” he looked at Tom and his face lighted up again. “But it doesn’t matter now. You found me and married me and we’ll live happily ever after!”
Tom gulped. While he didn’t have many problems with that, seeing as he could still smell the Omega’s rich scent and found him not at all ugly, he still had to think about his parents and his responsibilities back in the living world. He was still part of the living world!
“Harry, I,” he began but was interrupted by Harry’s other friend, Ron.
“Harry! Can’t you sing another song? They all loved it!”
“Actually, I feel tired,” Harry said, eyeing Tom from the corner of his eye. “Maybe later. We have time,” he joked. “I’m going to show Tom around. This bar is not the only place in the world of death, you know.”
“Yeah, but we all spend most of our time in here anyway,” Bella winked. “Enjoy your honeymoon, lovebirds!” With that, she pulled Ron with her to a table.
Harry turned to Tom, and Tom imagined that if Harry could blush he’d be as red as an apple right then. Tom offered his arm and Harry happily took it and led him out of the small pub to what appeared to be a colorful village where the death… lived.
“So, Tom,” Harry grinned up at him. “You ever played twenty questions?”
Tom rolled his eyes and followed his Omega around town. He’d skip any questions about Harry’s death, but it was a good way of getting to know each other, he conceded.
Unknown to him, he wasn’t the only one playing twenty questions.
Back in the world of the living, Lord Voldemort was drilling Lucius and Narcissa about the young Alpha who escaped his wedding rehearsal.
“And do you really think he’s a good prospect for Draco?” He asked, looking intently at the Omega’s parents. “Sure, he’s an Alpha, but that doesn’t even matter in this day and age. If the lad proved to be incompetent during the rehearsal he must be as incompetent in providing for his family.”
Lucius and Narcissa exchanged looks. It was the only way they’d be saved from embarrassment. Of course, they weren’t about to tell this Lord Voldemort any of that.
“You seem so… passionate,” Narcissa commented drily. “Lady Voldemort must be a lucky mate.”
“Oh, no, no,” Voldemort shook his head sadly. “I’m afraid it’s only me. I confess I’ve been enjoying myself thus far. Traveling, exploring, and spending my fortune on myself. However, now that I’m back for good I’ve got to know the feeling of loneliness. This in part, is why I don’t understand why that young Alpha could up and disappear when he had such a gorgeous Omega practically handed to him,” he sighed dramatically. “If it were me, I would absolutely cherish Draco to the end of our days.”
Lucius and Narcissa exchanged another look. Lucius nodded once and Narcissa cleared her throat. Voldemort hid a smirk and offered all his attention.
“We should consider that Tom Riddle may have run because he didn’t accept our proposal,” Narcissa said slowly. “in that case, to avoid shaming our family and poor Draco, we could as well accept another offer of marriage, as long as it is in Draco’s best interests.”
Lucius cleared his throat too.
“We knew Riddle was not as trustworthy as we hoped,” he agreed with his wife. “They didn’t teach him enough about business and contract arrangements. I’m sure Draco, on his part, is perfectly aware of his role in this world.”
Narcissa nodded slowly, looking at Voldemort in the eye.
“We are open to discussing any sort of proposal you may have for us, Lord Voldemort,” she spoke clearly.
Draco, who had been eavesdropping from the top of the stairs, rushed back to his room and locked the door. He shook his head and looked into the mirror. He had hoped his marriage to Riddle would save him from his parents and his so-called role . However, if they married him to another Lord, there was no way he’d escape that sort of life.
He’d be no longer his parents’ perfect Omega, he’d be his husband’s perfect Omega.
He wished he could be only Draco like he felt when he was talking to Tom that very morning… Even if they didn’t have much in common, or if there was something off about the Alpha’s scent, Draco knew the Riddles wouldn’t mind some “rebellious attitude” from him.
“Where are you, Riddle,” he muttered, looking out his balcony towards the forest.
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Volleyball progress update- last year.
Okay, so I planned to post this "update" in the start of the summer; but I got busy and never got the time to write it properly. Since the season is starting once again, I really wanted to get this out there before that. So here we go :D
Long post ahead!
So in the autumn, it was a completely new team...mostly. There was only a couple of us who stayed while most of the others quit. It was kind of sad, since a lot of them had been in the club for a few years; but what can you do? The new team was nice and some of them more experienced that others. Which is pretty common regarding hobby-sports clubs at universities.
I did struggle to get to know them all. I'm really shy and not that good at taking the first step. A few of them already knew each other from before- and for me that just made it harder. It's like the feeling of always saying the wrong thing even when just talking about mundane stuff. I still cheered on them and they cheered on me, but in the start it wasn't anything beyond that. The few of whom I knew from before; barely showed up and of those I had become better friend with- switched groups. Still I enjoyed myself very much. Of course, I wished I could be the one to just be able to talk with all of them with ease. I'm not like that; I need time to figure out the dynamic. What I did enjoy and what I consider myself better at (at least); is the dynamic and the team building on the court.
We clap and cheer for each other when we block, does a great dive and a powerful smash. It's funny and great to see the whole team growing in abilities that makes the whole team stronger. We are a 100% women team and our coach sometimes jokes that he wished the guys could be a little more like the women. Since guys just often teases each other and they never get applauses.
I have always liked the setter position. I have always like a challenge and when everybody else wanted to smash- I have always wanted to set. I'm also in the mindset that if I'm not giving my 100%, then whats the point of doing so. And since setter is one of the harder positions in volley- this is just be progressing in my way. I used to swim until I was 17-18, and i was a fly-swimmer (butterfly was the style I was best in) and I chose to practice and exercise in that style only because it is the hardest style to compete in. It clearly gives me a few ego points lol. As long as I'm improving and are able to set the ball for my team mates, I don't think my motivation for playing that position matter. I'm enjoying myself and so are my teammates.
Further into the year, I signed up for a tournament for different business- like teachers from different schools, different offices and for workers like that. It was a low bar and the teams were mixed. Some of them were really god, like first division...others not so much. I singed up partly because it meant more volley for me, but also because I thought it would be a great opportunity to get to know more players. It was very fun. Most of the teams were nice too and we helped each other out. I have talked about few of the matches in past updates. It was a great experience too and even my family came to watch one time and they enjoyed it. We lost that match haha! I was the team "captain" or "leader". It wasn't serious, I just had the responsibility for my teammates, the coin toss and a few others things. Like on the court I can talk and cheer and be expressive- but off; I just never know what to do with myself.
It was also very tiring in a few ways. I had a full day at university. From 8 to 16.The matches would start around 17 or 19 and warm-ups before that. The teams from my club, was also the referees, so even when my team started late; I still needed to show up or stay late. I was home around 10 or something each match day and well, it was tiring in that sense. Still worth it, but it was so weird when the tournament was over and I suddenly had the whole afternoon for myself. I will do it again tho.
The thing of being shy, is that while I want to speak to everybody in the room and I want them to see that I want to talk to them- people react by the action and impression you give them. Being closed off, also means that other view me like that and that makes it harder for them to reach out too. Its a double edge sword in a way.
After the new year, the tournament continued. A girl on my team had a big birthday party with another friend and invited us all. She had even rented a place for the whole party. I was nervous about going, since I had declined parties and outings with the team before- due to my social anxiety. It was now biting me in the butt tho haha. The vorspiel when great. We drank, played a few games and an hour or so before we needed to leave I shared with the captain and one from my team that I felt like it was hard to get to know them and get a word in. That it wasn't their fault and I didn't want to think that it was them that was the problem. But that I wished that we could get to know each other better;I was just struggling to start. They were very understanding and worried about if I felt excluded. Which I wasn't. But the leader said that she would keep that in mind and was very glad that I shared it, because she of course had noticed the distance between me and the others. The other friend that played on the tournament team with me shared the same thing, but also said that I was a great source of team spirit and that i spread positivity. A friend of her that had watched more than a few games had even pointed out to her that It looked like i always tried to cheer people up when they "messed up" or we missed a point. That I was never angry (because I'm never angry when I play). And that was nice to hear. Hear that even though I felt like i could be more to the team, that my words and my intention to be a part of a strong team; wasn't in vain.
After that it got easier. The captain started to sent me direct messages when planning smaller parties or movie nights with the team. It was easer at practice too, since I was included more in the conversations about what not. That also just did it possible for me to join in on myself since i knew where I had them.
We didn't have a lot of matches, just practice matches with the other teams in the club. I quite like playing against the mens team or mixed ones. Their faster, stronger and jump higher and its a steep learning curve for us girls.
In volleyball there a big difference between men and women. Men are stronger, taller and faster. They rely more on their bodies than technique. You see that in play. They can hit a strong smash and score a point. That isn't to say that they are bad at techniques or anything like that- but they do rely in their strength more. With women, you'll often see that their better with techniques and system (playing with set positions), because they need to use those "tools" to be able to score more points. One of the coaches pointed that out during a mixed training and even one of the guys on the A and B teams pointed that out that they also need to think more when they played again women. So both men and women learn when playing against each other.
There was one practice in particular that could have gone pretty bad. There had been a volleyball match between some of the better teams. After that there was mixed training for those who wanted to participate. I did with a few from my team and a few from the team I played with in the tournaments. One of the guys had forgotten his shoes, but it didn't stop him from playing. He was just a little bit unsteady on his feet. The guys on my team started to joke around and tried a few positions and fast tempo sets that excused us girls. we got impatient because 1) they messed it up each time and we lost points, 2) we also wanted to play.
One rally, the ball when up on our side. I was in the setter positioning and of course ran for the ball. It was in front of him, so he could hit it from the back line. He jumped and collided into me. It hurt, very much. I got his feets in my upper ribs and then his whole body on top of mine. Everybody stopped and asked if we were okay. It was very stressful and painful. I almost started to cry, but brushed dit off and stood up. My ribs hurt and so did a few other places on my body. I brushed away a few tears that had escaped and laughed and just said I wash okay. A few of the girls on my team looked like they wanted to slapp the guys for messing it up so much. It was very stressful for me because everyone was staring and asking if I was okay. I hate attention like that on me. He of course apologised against and again. It wasn't funny for him either and he hurt himself too. It was his fault, since the second ball is the setters no matter what. He just got too excited and well, mistakes happened. I'm not the one that hold anger for long. I was okay and could play...although a little more limited than before.
After the practice, a lot of the other players came over to check on me. It was heartwarming that we have such community in the club. The guy that jumped on me also came and apologised again and again. We're friends and he is a funny guy. I love setting to him because he really gets happy when he smashes it. I said that he needed to relax and that things like this happened. He fired back that things like this shouldn't happen. But what was done was done and we both were okay.
When I came home I had bruises on my upper back, on my elbows and some on my knees too. I got another apology message from him and I asked if he was fine too. Since I heard that he hurt is foot in the collision. I also worried about it and apologized for not seeing him jump so I could backtrack.
When we met up from joint practice on Sunday (as it always is) he apologised AGAIN. I then said he needed to stop and that it was in the past. I said that I didn't want him to go around and be scared that I was upset with him. I wasn't. i Wolden have been if he had really hurt me. He said that it was a good thing that he had forgotten his shoes. If had had them, then he would have ben able to jump higher and with more force. Then he would have broken my ribs and kicked me in the face. So that Wednesday he collided into me - I had a few angles watching over me to make sure I didn't get too hurt (a Norwegian saying).
After that, whenever we played on the same team, he made sure to not stand opposite of me, so we wouldn't be in that position. I said he needed to stop being scared, but happy that he took care of it. It's not like I want to get hurt. Now we play fine together and its the same where we stand in relation to each other. I just enjoy playing.
There was another intern tournament with mixed teams. it was fun and the after party was also very fun. We partied with people we never met and I had come out of my shell some.
When my birthday in may came and it was coincidentally on the same day we have practice, I brought brownies with me to end the Friday and ring the weekend in. Of course my team and the others teams that played where happy for it. I got a birthday song and we ate cake and talked until the gym closed at ten. I got a lot of great wishes and hugs from the others. The suckiest thing about being shy and anxious in social setting, is that it keeps me away from kind people like this.
The year was nearing its end. A backside of having practice in the gym that belongs to the university is that some of the sections is used for exams room when the time comes. We needed to take our volleyball to the other gym, where they play handball. The floor is sticky and its hurt to dive. But practice is important. During the exam period, we have mixed raing. It's still very fun, even though less and less people come because they have started their vacation.
I also finally started to get over hand serves right and while their kind of weak- they still manage to score a few points when I get them over. They're short, so they usually fall in between the net and the three meter mark so they can be hard to pick up when it's not expected. I hope to get better at it and more powerful too.
Looking back ot were I was a year ago, I have evolved. Although there's a lot of different things that needs improvement; i have gotten better at both smashing and setting. I'm not so good of a blocker, but I can be used in the back. I have also gotten a lot of balls in my face, some have caused nose bleeds. I got s smash from the A-team in the tournament in my face and the hitters mothers instinct kicked in and she felt very sorry for hurting me. But I always go for the ball since that means more play on all of us. Its a fun group and I'm looking forward to see who will join us this year too. I brough new knee pads, those very sort volleyball shorts and last year I laos bought new volleyball shoes. I'm all fit for fight😗
I hope to increase my vertical jump, so I can be better in blocking and all around technique. I'm gonna focus on running and light weight training the next year, just so I can improve all around health. I hope the next season will be as great as or better than this one.
It's also pretty weird, since the season is about to start; I have dreamt a lot about playing volley and my teammates. I'm so ready to start up again!!!
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Hey, you have OCs - give a quick rundown of them! Are they in a story together? Who are they? Names and rough descriptions! (you posted a meme about talking about OCs, so I'm prompting you to do so!)
ooo omg okay imma try to actually talk about them for more than two silly sentences. thanks for the ask btw!
this might be a long post so i'm gonna put a read more option
okay so all my ocs currently are from the book i'm writing (theoretically) which is called Mesmo que te mate, meaning "even if it kills you" in portuguese.
there's a bunch of characters so i'm gonna talk about the main trio only or else this might become a way too big post so ok lets go
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these are Áries Carmo (green), Ígnis Fergales (yellow) and Marius Darsin (blue)! they're all pirates, Marius being a captain and Áries and Ígnis being co-captains of a different ship.
uhmm the story centers mostly Áries, who's been living as a pirate for 10 years now despite being born as a prince. it's a very well kept secret of his, and itd be a shame if the past he desperately hates came knocking at his door. he has a connection to magic
Ígnis is the co-protagonist, Áries (boy)friend and co-captain. he's part of a clan called Soleni, which was passed down to him by his father. that grants him the skill to manipulate and communicate with fire. not talkative around strangers but loves to show off.
now, regarding Marius, hes a cheerful and proud dumbass. very friendly, but doesnt hesitate on turning to brutality. he and aries are both terribly stubborn and tend to become stupid when around each other. Marius is a Lunai, by the way, which grants him the ability to communicate with the moon. consequently, he knows the sea and its waves and creatures like no else. pretty good since he's always sailing
THERE. i talked about my ocs! its a miracle but i did it!
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“Darling” anon here. I didn’t really get what happened but I’m gay and I use pretty “camp dialect” if it would be easier to call it that.. there’s been a severely bad misunderstanding about intent, and rest assured it wasn’t meant to be anything other than how I talk and I didn’t realise it would be a problem but I won’t use that term around you if it’s uncomfortable, though, but the main thing was that I was hoping you were alright and to cheer you up but I feel a bit weird submitting anything in future and feel very awkward to talk incase any of my other queer ways of talking bugs you! Take care anyway!
I’ll not submit anything else in case my speech is seen as weird, I feel incredibly awkward about what was insinuated.. aha, I guess many people get funny about how we as gay men may talk more Eloquently and Camp, or don’t consider it, forget it’s a thing.. I don’t know really, but saying terms such as darling which would be frowned upon by macho gay guys or even women who hated people being gay or people aren’t used to it I guess, so it’s not much new to experience that response even though it’s stressful to deal with, but I didn’t really expect it considering the nature of RPing gay men I thought it was safe to speak camp I guess that’s not the case… ngl it stressed me out n I got made because this page RPs a gay guy and it just irked me for a bit before I thought you were just assuming it wasn’t to do with this and saw another meaning so why would you consider it.
A lot of people use darling in other ways, words have many meanings, people speak differently.
I’d rather say Darling than “mate”, or something, if that doesn’t make sense what I’m getting at. I even call people I don’t like darling so, it’s not anything with directed intent lol. Hope it makes sense anyway.
Hi again anon~, and aaaa let’s see… I’m sorry my reply to your last ask felt like a misunderstanding… as I honestly hadn’t meant for it to come off that way— and I did sincerely appreciate the effort in making sure I was alright/trying to cheer me up— But to try and be a little more clear on what went down with that ask, there wasn’t really any problem at all with the usage of “darling”, I promise— considering that I myself had zero issue with endearments being used casually like that (hell, I use dear somewhat regularly myself—) and I’m also aware that more “camp” people use darling in a few different ways— with that said, though… I’d also like to apologize for upsetting you with how I responded to that ask, and I understand if you may not wanna send in anything in the future thanks to that…
In addition to that, though— I’d like to state that while I do indeed rp as a muse who’s a gay man, it should also be taken into account that Minato isn’t overly “warm” to strangers, which are what I regard any random anons as— so while part of the tone to his response was thanks to that— his internal remark about the usage of “darling” also wasn’t meant to be an overly serious thing— more of just a slightly confused question—
And lastly, I’d like to add the disclaimer that even given the muse I play— I as a mun, am simply a young lady who doesn’t have as much knowledge about gay/queer culture as someone more actively involved in it— which you may frown at me for, but— I’m just here to write and have fun, so I’ve mainly just concerned myself with aspects of it present in my muse’s source material—
With all that said, I’m once again sorry for how this or my previous ask to you might’ve come off, and if you feel I didn’t fully address all that you presented in this ask… But I hope you’re well anon, and that if you do decide to send anything in the future, then you’ll hopefully be more fond of my responses to those—
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modern-inheritance · 2 years
I bashed out a short fic featuring Alston. It needs some cleaning and a few added details but once I do that and make some people read it for child behavior analysis then I’ll probably post.
To be clear on this: I don’t know how much I will do with Al. He’s a nice addition to the post war stuff, but my main focus has always been the war and it’s effects on the MIC characters. I’m not as familiar with post war/civilian life coping strategies (and neither are the characters tbh). There’s also a LOT of behind the scenes fretting over writing proper child behavior and development, while also trying to create an entirely new yet reasonable set of milestones for a half-elf child. This, of course, would require a set of developmental milestones for both human children (have that, with a lot of help from one of my awesome readers and friends!) AND elf children (which we very much do not have and have to science the shit out of with what scraps Paolini gave us). So essentially making two whole new behavioral and developmental milestones guides. This is not something I ever thought I’d be researching.
There’s also the more nitty-gritty science of how elf and human genetics and traits would mash up and how they would present or be removed/buried. That’s more my speed. If I continue writing stories about Al it can give me a chance to introduce the more science-y explanation stuff I’ve been cultivating over the years regarding how elves work physically, ie bone strength to resist their natural enhanced strength, why eating meat isn’t just an ethical choice for a majority of elves, the more draconic traits that were passed down via the bond, and other fantasy-and-magic-meets-somewhat-plausible-explanation stuff. These things have long been a part of why I wrote MIC and why I keep coming back to it.
So. Anyway. I’ve sort of forgotten why I was writing this. On mobile and have a bloody wicked headache and don’t want to scroll up. Al is a new canon addition to the MIC post-war, but once I get the short fic out don’t come clamoring asking for more. You can always ask me general questions about Al, but some things I want to reveal via story rather than exposition, so some things won’t get a straight answer.
Looking forward to getting the short out soon! I also do commencement/walk for graduation this coming Saturday, and I finished my (hopefully) last final exam as an undergrad today. So. More time for tumblr, writing and research for writing 😁 ask me questions!! Not just about Al but about anything MIC! And I’ll actually have time to answer!
Cheers mates!
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lividdreamz · 2 years
Heya, Gemini! Sorry if I'm late for WbW, and I hope you don't mind if I try and make up for it. Going off the other one you already answered, it's a two parter, but no pressure for either!
What's an example of a "Culture between cultures" in any of your settings? As in, some shared identity or cultural phenomenon that can be seen across cultures which otherwise view themselves as very, very distinct. How does each individual group let their uniqueness shine through, within this otherwise common practice?
And now, Politics. Keeping to TCHH (since I think we've had the chance to talk about this one before!), could you tell me more about the institutions and power relationships within the Holy City? Who leads it, who runs it, is there a difference?
Cheers for the ask, mate!
Well, in regards to the question about culture, I do think one of most prevalently shared traits between them (in TCHH) has, in most part, to do with religion, which is especially surprising since all of them are so exceedingly different! Most of the religions in TCHH, in one way or another, incorporate the element fire into their religious practices—from Brechic cremation, to Enitiya’s funerary ‘baptism of fire,’ to fire-eating and fire-dancing as a tradition when it comes to Yeskeli priestesses, as well as ‘burning’ prayers written on slips of paper soaked in naphtha (a flammable liquid) . I didn’t even do this on purpose; I just found that fire as used in religious rites was really cinematic. However, considering how these cultures are entwined, it is not completely implausible that this cultural phenomenon might be the result of a cultural exchange of sorts from the past.
To be completely honest, I did end up making some small tweaks. First, renaming The Holy City. Second, giving The Holy City a twin—so now there are two, and they are, in fact, twin cities. The Sacred Cities of Raniz and Vrene. The first, Raniz, is believed to be where life began, and the other, Vrene, where life will come to an end. The Holy Powers do still reside in Raniz, though. And, just a really quick note, for clarification The Holy Powers refer to the institution at large, while The Holy Order are the sort of social stratum within The Holy Powers, as well as they rank in order of ‘importance.’ I will almost certainly be changing these names once I’ve developed this particular conlang or come across something more distinguishable.
At the top of this social ladder is TCHH’s pope-like equivalent, The Archon (I am still currently undecided on the name, but I’ll use it for now as a placeholder). The Archon, it is said, speaks to and for The Virtues (of which there are six), and has ‘final’ say on all religious doctrine. Directly beneath him are The Prophets, of whom serve a miscellany of functions depending on where The Sacred Cities are politically. They were more so soldiers during The Sacred Cities’ ‘dark age,’ and now they’re glorified missionaries, for lack of a better term. They also stand as rep. for The Archon on foreign soil—the arrival of a prophet from the Raniz to perform a matrimonial or funerary ceremony can and is symbolically interpreted as The Archon himself performing said ceremony.
The High Priests don’t necessarily fall beneath them—they’re quite neck and neck when it comes to ‘rank,’ and can even outrank Prophets in specific cases, since they serve on The Archon’s private council; The Archon himself is picked from this pool of High Priests via secret ballot, though, of course, these ballots can be tampered with or manipulated. Bribery is very common. Below The High Priests, though, are pretty much everyone else—acolytes, who are essentially a priests- and-prophets in training (most acolytes tend to be youth and children captured from borderland villages), as well as religious scholars who study manuscripts of the Hajad (which is the name of the palace where The Archon and The Holy Order reside specifically). There are an abundance of priests within The Sacred Cities—it honestly seems like there’s a prayer house on every corner, but there are priests who fall outside of the jurisdiction of The Holy Powers because of the fact that they don’t live in The Sacred Cities at all.
So, to summarise: religious scholars and acolytes are outranked by priests, who are outranked by arch-priests, who are outranked by high priests and prophets, all of whom answer to The Archon. The hierarchical system of The Holy Powers are quite complex (even I have a difficult time keeping track of all its components). I’ll probably simplify it down the line.
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alyjojo · 30 days
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Love Reading 🌡️ - August 2024 - Gemini
Who is Coming In: 3 Pentacles & 5 Swords
Regarding: 9 Pentacles
Long-Term Potential: King of Pentacles
This person is a real one, their intentions are on point. More Virgo energy with you, either this is someone you’re loosely dating, have recently broken up with, or they just like you but also can’t stand you 🤭 1000% a karmic soul contract, this person isn’t going anywhere idc what happened between you, seems like a lot of fighting. They show up as a soulmate, which is probably why they’re so pissed off (or switch) about other options, other people you’re dating, there’s clearly excess people here with 3 Pentacles & 5 Wands. That’s competition. When you meet your soulmate you’re not trying to battle the world to get them, right? You just want to be a pair, a 2, not a three or five. That’s their problem (or yours). At the bottom of the oracles is Not Enough, this situation is eating away at their self-esteem. It’s partly shadow work for them to deal with their own triggers, due to whatever is going on here and it probably being too much, it’s affecting them. Or you. Long term, it’s just showing this person as solid, steady, dependable, they’re the type to always come through for you no matter what…which leads me to believe it’s on you to make the moves towards more commitment here. But they’ll show up & do what’s right, every single time. Could be your forever person right here, be careful ❤️ The Knight to the King can show them being around for a long long time, you’re going to “grow up” with/because of them, and vice versa. Beautiful changes are meant to be, no matter if this goes long term or not, some will.
- I love our walks together.
- I can’t/dont want to have children.
- Soul Connection
- Partnership
- Soul Contract
- Life Partner
Try to go one day without complaining, and only affirm the positive.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Virgo & heavy earth 🌳
The relationship: 9 Wands rev
The problem: 8 Pentacles
What to do about it: Temperance rev
Current energy: 5 Wands
Again, there’s competition and bs around you this month, just across the board everywhere? Could be a retrograde thing, Saturn is also retrograde with Mercury (soon to be Uranus Taurus too) and both square you in the middle - and Sag - it can feel like that right now. Hectic, crazy, drama. Heavy fire 🔥 with this person, either they are fire, you have a lot of it, or it’s the heated tempers and passions that are fighting for top priority - of any sign. Again, Not Enough is at the bottom of the oracle deck, so no matter what is going on, someone isn’t feeling valued, loved, protected, appreciated or safe - something is toxic, they’re feeling like there’s competition on the field and they have to stake their claim or lose. Here it’s more like family, friends, ex’s/co-parents, or could be neighbors for someone specifically. I’m getting two stories here.
Now the shadow, for half. Because The Devil is showing their face more than once, these may be inner demons you/your person are dealing with, because the why is SUCCESS 🌞 So why would success be a problem? Because now someone is getting a lot more attention 💯 And your person (I assume) is jealous of that, they’re feeling insecure and like to be in control of things, they feel like they’re losing their grip over you (potential red flag? 🚩) or just losing you altogether. Are you giving other people a lot of attention, is it shady, idk, not every person here is wrong - but some are. I get this being more like they have valid points but maybe aren’t expressing them correctly, or it’s coming off as snide because you deserve to be cheered for…this person may seem like kind of a drag or a downer, raining ☔️ on your parade. With fire 🔥 signs it’s heavily about ego - like how dare you do better than them, they’re the ones that should be winning - that’s what’s coming through the strongest. Fire or not, them or you.
The advice saying to “play your part” along with Unconditional Love shows the advice, because there is genuine love here. If you’re ex’s, active partners, whoever you are to each other comes with some kind of “role” (that could be the argument). There needs to be clearly defined roles. So if you’ve been going to work parties and celebrating for a month, your person has handled all of the practicalities and they’re kinda pissed about it, you’re needing to step in and step up a little to help them feel less…against you, and more supportive. If you’re ex’s it’s going to take time to fit into new rules and right now is drama, which almost can’t be helped, but you still have to communicate & show up. They’re impatient with your side of things, could be switched, but whatever this is needs two people actively contributing to it in whatever way is necessary. There’s no real communication or planning, there could be sudden texts of “I’m going to be late” and kinda leaving it all on them - or switch it - and the state of the relationship currently is exhausted, “I can’t keep doing this forever.” Help is the advice, step up, pitch in, both sides ❤️ And easing someone’s mind about other people or competition in the mix - where that applies.
There’s a side story here about a house/neighbors and fighting about that, I’m literally seeing this tree on 8 Pentacles blocking The Sun, that could be the whole issue. Your neighbor’s tree is pissing you off or switch it, and there are no plans to do anything about it. Doesn’t have to be a tree, something around the home, and outside people. You’re both needing to play your roles or offer to assist rather than go to war. Knocking on guy’s door like “I will pay for this to be trimmed, will you agree pleaaaaase.” Why that’s the story idk but that’s what I’m getting. Once some kind of plan or agenda is put into place, things will improve, but that’s where the temper is coming from - it hasn’t. Could be regarding work as well, taking out work frustrations on your partner or they are with you, possibly competing for who does more. Both ❤️ Positive potential is here to work through the mess and get to a place of equal exchange, your person genuinely loves you it may just border on obsession sometimes…or that’s switched, because they’re feeling undervalued or not enough for some reason.
- Unconditional Love
- Giving & Receiving
- Fairness & Love
- Affection Returned
Life is like a play on a stage. Learn your part well, and remember that it’s only an illusion.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius & Virgo
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Trump claims 'nobody' cheered Harris outside Air Force Two despite video, images of crowds
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/13/trump-claims-nobody-cheered-harris-outside-air-force-two-despite-video-images-of-crowds/
Trump claims 'nobody' cheered Harris outside Air Force Two despite video, images of crowds
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Former President Trump is claiming that “nobody” was on the tarmac last week in Detroit to greet Vice President Harris for a campaign event in the Motor City despite unedited video and images from multiple news agencies showing otherwise. Trump made the claim in a post on Truth Social on Sunday as he shared two images – one showing thousands of Harris supporters reacting to Air Force Two’s arrival at Detroit Metro Airport, and another showing a zoomed-in reflection of the plane’s engine in which it appears difficult to make out an audience. “Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!” Trump declared. “She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane.” “She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the ‘crowd’ looked like 10,000 people!” Trump added. However, a review of media of the event by Fox News Digital clearly shows that there were plenty of supporters there on-scene to greet Harris and her new running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. WASHINGTON POST PUSHES HARRIS TO ANSWER ‘LEGITIMATE QUESTIONS’ ABOUT HER FLIP-FLOPS, AGENDA The Harris campaign had told Fox News an estimated 15,000 people showed up at the rally last Wednesday.TRUMP SHOOTING TASK FORCE DEMANDS DOCUMENTS FROM TOP BIDEN OFFICIALS IN PROBE KICKOFF The Harris and Trump campaigns did not immediately respond Monday to a request for comment from Fox News Digital. But an X account run by the Harris campaign shared one of Trump’s Truth Social posts regarding the crowd, saying that “This is an actual photo of a 15,000-person crowd for Harris-Walz in Michigan.” “Trump has still not campaigned in a swing state in over a week… Low energy?” it added. Fox News’ Kate Sprague contributed to this report.
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ferinehuntress · 2 months
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◈  ⇢  @shimmerbeasts  ⋯  Unprompted Ask ♡   ⸻ While they had not yet found the best way to cool off Karlach's engine, taking a bath in the local pond seemed to at least ease things for her. Lae'zel had joined their leader in the water with all the brash honesty her kin was so well known for. Circling the Tiefling in the water, the Githyanki easily kept herself afloat in the water, only letting her slit-like nostrils pop up over the water's rim. Golden eyes flitted over Karlach's appearance once every while.
There was something about their leader, which had drawn Lae'zel in. While Githyanki normally frowned upon a too-cheerful, happy-go-lucky attitude, Lae'zel knew a warrior when she saw one. Karlach was kith'rak, maybe not strictly speaking, but she carried the air and authority of one. She may not ride a dragon, but she had the smoky smell of one and a fire in her heart. More than just the fire of Avernus. Lae'zel found it quite enrapturing.
Githyanki normally did not have mates. Love was regarded as a weak spot, which had to be exterminated from a Gith's heart. However, even so, moments of carnal passion could happen, particularly if a Githyanki impressed another one enough. Lae'zel exhaled the air on the pond's stream, watching the bubbles surround her, as she continued to loop around Karlach, deep in thought. How could she impress their leader?
Her golden cat eyes caught sight of an apple, hanging from a branch above the pond. Lae'zel locked her gaze on the fruit and swam faster, shifting her stance underwater. The wind swirled around her legs as she called upon her ancestor's powerful leap. Waves splashed around her hips as the Githyanki suddenly flew out of the water. Lae'zel reached up with a hand, grabbed the apple and tore it off its branch. Her body slammed back into the water in a fall, which seemed more instinctual than an accident.
Lae'zel came back from under the water, her hair dripping and her ears swivelling around. Her nostrils opened and shut as she drew in breath, she had been instinctually holding when underwater. Lae'zel presented Karlach with the apple like it was the head of an enemy. "Gish", Lae'zel said, her formal tone having a slight tremor in it, "I brought you this. Please, take it."
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The water soothed all the achy joints, and the worn muscles as she settled in the water. She could sit and crouch down on her knees as she scooped water into her hand and over her bloody arms. It allowed her to clean off the dirt and grime of the earlier fight, and with the sun setting, they might have a night of peace as long as nothing interrupted it. At first, she had not been paying attention to who might join her. She briefly caught the sight of the grass green skin tone and knew it was Lae’zel who joined her. The water would be warm because of Karlach’s engine heating it up.
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“Come for a dip, Speckles?” Karlach questioned, a nickname she had been calling her for some time now. It was never an insult. In fact, she came up with the name for her scute of black markings along the side of her face and on her shoulders. They were distinguishable and nothing that the others had. With a clean figure, she leaned back and pushed her head into the water, soaking her raven black hair as it clung to her shoulders and over her bare chest.
It was intriguing to what the way Lae’zel moved, like a well-oiled engine primed to strike in the depths of the water. If Karlach hadn’t known she was there and watching her, she imagined Lae’zel could easily kill someone in seconds with her stealth of movement. Her skin actually melded into the water, between the blues and greens, which camouflage her easily, and her movements appeared to happen under the water, which left the surface still. Only those piercing golden eyes, pointed sharp ears and dark hair were visible on the surface. In truth, Karlach found it absolutely impressive how she moved and used her surroundings. She might not have brute strength like Karlach, but her skill lied in tactics and knowing how to fight, where to hit, and at what time. Brute strength didn’t solve everything, but it is where Karlach shined, just as Lae’zel’s was in primed timed attacks. She used her enemies’ disadvantages against them with her tones muscular form.
And then, Lae’zel disappeared under the water, and Karlach lifted her head up. Her ears flicked forward like a curious cat, wondering what she was doing. In a second, the surface tension of the water broke and Lae’zel launched herself out of the water. “Wow!” Karlach stared in awe as she grabbed the apple from the top of a branch and then dropped herself back into the water in a way that allowed her to vanish. Without warning, she popped up from beneath the water again, causing Karlach to react instinctively by jumping. Instincts made her prime to attack, but she had no reason as she knew it was Lae’zel.
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A bright smile crossed her lips as Karlach reached out to take the apple, making sure not to touch Lae’zel, and stared at its brilliant shimmering surface. “Thank you,” Sharp incisors ripped into the apple, as the juice coated her lips and some against her fingers. A content sigh echoed from her mouth as she chewed up the crispy fruit. “Oh, this is wonderful! It has been ages since I’ve had an apple!” She said, as she swallowed the food and glanced at Lae’zel. “Forgive me if this sounds stupid but, have you ever had an apple before? I don’t know what food they may have had in your creche, or... that’s a stupid question, isn’t it?” Karlach’s voice sighed and started muttering to herself.. “Really, the first question you ask and it’s ‘have you had an apple’. Great technique Karlach, good job!”
She didn’t realize she had been saying this out loud and not in her head. Karlach was absolutely skilled at smooth talking during sex, but with genuine flirting or interesting, she didn’t have a clue what she was doing. Most of all, she didn’t want to insult Lae’zel as she knew pretty much zero knowledge on Githyanki and their way of life.
“Would you.. like to have a bite?” She finally offered, hoping that might cover for her minor mishap.
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