#to watch them deteriorate and know that they’re deliberately putting themselves through this and refusing care and help
footballffbarbiex · 9 months
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drxwsyni · 4 years
Headcanons for yandere Bakugou Katsuki, Tamaki Amajiki and Denki Kaminari with a darling who doesn’t feel pain
Anonymous said: “You know what I've always thought would be interesting. A yandere's darling with a quirk that makes them unable to feel physical pain. Do you know how crazy that would drive a yandere? Especially if that darling has like no family or friends. They would basically have a darling who would mangle their own body just to get away from them. Their punishments also wouldn't do a thing to them since they can't feel a thing. I think that would be a yandere's worst nightmare lol”
warnings: violence, torture, drugging, nsfw
Now this is what I’m talking about. It would be the worst case scenario for sadistic type yanderes who instantly resort to harsh physical punishment whenever their darling slips up. Take someone like Bakugou, who I personally feel would act like this, and this very well would be his worst nightmare. His temper doesn’t allow for him to devise a proper, more humane plan for reprimanding his darling. There would never be an option for ‘talking it out.’ Just pure, unbridled pain in hopes of his darling learning their lesson.
But in this case, oh boy. It would really put him through the wringer. Bakugou wouldn’t understand how to correct their behaviour without using violence. So when he finds out they just...don’t feel pain? That alone would be enough to destroy almost all his plans for making them behave. To make things worse, he can’t even threaten them with hurting their loved ones. His brain might just short circuit trying to comprehend the situation. He’s got a darling that refuses to behave and is immune to anything he could use against them.
It’s safe to say that this particular situation would leave him at a loss for words for quite some time. Hell, he might just hurt them to let out his anger for a while even though he knows it does nothing. He’d just be so frustrated, dealing with a disobedient darling that just couldn’t care less what happens to their body if it means they have a chance of escaping.
Realistically though his darling probably still wouldn’t have a good chance at escaping either way. After finding out about their quirk the restraints would be increased tenfold. And once he comes to terms with it, the lockdown they’d be under would be suffocating. If he couldn’t hurt them he certainly wouldn’t let them hurt themselves. Even if they couldn’t feel it, the sight of them broken and bloody on their own accord would start to get to him. The whole point he had them locked up is to keep them safe, but he couldn’t even keep them safe from themselves? The whole ordeal would just be a mess, but eventually he would have to learn some other methods of punishment.
Technically, you don’t need to be in physical pain to hurt someone. You could just make them extremely uncomfortable―even damage them mentally.
I said this in my post about how Bakugou would deal with a bratty s/o, but there’s options like leaving them in a cold room to freeze for a while. There’s other things like drowning, sleep deprivation, shock collars. If we’re throwing all the hypotheticals out there then things like orgasm denial, overstimulation, and the use of aphrodisiacs aren’t off the table either. If anything, those punishments might just be worse as it would mortify his darling by being forced to enjoy the treatment to a certain extent. None of these puts his darling in pain, but my god it might just make them wish they didn’t have their quirk so less humiliating methods were used.
In this case, the sadistic type of yandere that I can see Bakugou being would work around this situation.
However, if we were looking at a protective type of yandere, say Tamaki, this would be ten times worse. He’d never threaten them with violence, but the reality that they’d tear up their own flesh to get away from him would be extremely disturbing.
It wouldn’t matter if it hurt them or not, seeing his darling deliberately harm themselves would not sit well. He’s already the type of person to treat his darling very gently in the first place. Luxuriously padded cuffs, the softest clothing imaginable, even personally bathing them to make sure they were taking care of themselves while using the most expensive products that he thought would best suit their physique. Now bring highly self-destructive behaviour into the mix and you’d never get any semblance of privacy ever again.
The side effects of them being strapped to a bed all day wouldn’t matter to him. In his mind it would be the only option to keeping his darling safe from themselves. Nothing would stress him out more than having to leave them alone to go out. There’d be cameras everywhere along with security systems to let him know if they ever leave the house.
Frankly, Tamaki would be too afraid to do much about the situation other than immobilize his darling. He wouldn’t want to yell at them because that might scare them, and he also doesn’t exactly have the will to do that in the first place. Instead he’d likely resort to simply begging them to behave.
With all the isolation his darling would be put through, their resolve to stay strong would deteriorate in favour of hoping for any kind of stimulation. Tamaki wouldn’t lay a finger on them, and he wouldn’t allow them any freedoms either. It would be extremely mentally taxing, and in this situation his approach would likely result in his darling’s mind breaking. There’d be absolutely no chance of them escaping, so their reformation would be solely done to get even a sliver of stimulus, even if it’s just to stretch their legs every now and then.
The only other way this scenario could go with the biggest difference in approach in my opinion would be with a delusional yandere, like Kaminari. While he’s also got attributes of a protective, the situation is still generally applicable. It would be a matter of him not being able to comprehend that they’re doing it because they hate him, and are rather just too scared because of the situational whiplash they’re experiencing. It’s mentioned in the ask that here the darling doesn’t have any friends or family, so it may turn into the mindset where he thinks they simply don’t understand what it’s like to be loved unconditionally.
Either way, he wouldn’t be violent when it came to trying to get them to stop. It would be more like amping up the love he’d normally dish out in hopes of gently coaxing them to stop. As far as Kaminari would be concerned his darling simply didn’t know any better. It wasn’t their fault, but he can’t just watch as they destroy themselves doing what they think is right.
It’d be more like taming a wild animal than anything else. He’d hold them until they calmed down and stopped yanking at their restraints, all the while gently cooing at them, saying that they’re safe with him and there’s nothing to be afraid of. For their own sake he’d slip some sedatives into their drink or meals just so they couldn’t hurt themselves in their weakened state. If the issue persisted they’d pretty much be drugged 24/7, especially if he had to leave them alone to take care of something outside of the house. He’d patiently bandage any injury they received for however long it took, knowing they wouldn’t be able to hold out forever. If they didn’t exhaust themselves fighting back then he’d do that for them.
It’d all be for their own good, and eventually they would understand that. It would be kind of hard not to with all the affection he’d show them.
(this was much longer than i intended but i hope this is what u had in mind anon)
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