#to the point where the residents are willing to uh
victorluvsalice · 4 months
Kelly Clarkson - People Like Us - Lyrics by Izzz
Hello, and welcome to the other song I discovered by pulling up the Leverage fan music video for Parachute on my phone and then letting YouTube do its thing while I cleaned my room. XD I'm not sure what video this song was linked with (I think it was a whole-team one), but the minute I heard it, I was like "oh shit, this is Valicer In The Dark." I mean, yes, as I mentioned in the other Song Saturday post, I was already primed to think about Valicer In The Dark stuff because I'd started from a song I already associated with this verse, but -- DAMN. This one just really has the VITD vibes for me, I swear. The whole thing just makes me think of the trio, their dynamic, and their adventures -- stuff like:
"And hey, yeah, I know what you're going through/Don't let it get the best of you, you'll make it out alive" -- Smiler being encouraging to Victor and Alice, since they do actually know a bit about what they're going through (shitty biological parents with Victor, being poor and alone in the world (even if just for a little bit) with Alice)
"Hey, this is not a funeral/It's a revolution after all your tears have turned to rage" -- Alice killing Dr. Bumby AND Victor deciding to officially run away from home after overhearing his mother's "what ghost would marry our Victor?" lines
"People like us we've gotta stick together" and all the rest in the chorus -- the trio doing stuff like running from the cops, pulling off a daring heist, killing the Jabberwock in the Deathlands, escaping a secret murder party with the help of the staff, etc
It's just -- it gives me the feels and I really love it. :) Top tier VITD song here.
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kachowden · 2 years
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Yandere Jock x Reader
You did not want to be here.
The seats were cold. Your butt hurt. It was loud. And the smell of sweaty feet and gym shorts was nothing short of a headache this early in the morning.
You knew you were being dramatic. Nobody liked gym class. Well. Nobody except maybe Loren. The campus “wonder boy”.
You guess you understood the hype. I mean the guy was a star player for your colleges team. Not to mention, insanely athletic, and good at about, well, just about anything. Except for y’know. His studies.
Which y’know gotta have that little cliche in their right? Who doesn’t love a big dumb jock huh?
And of course he was otherworldly pretty. Because obviously.
Okay maybe you were being a little hard on the guy. You didn’t hate him. Hell you hadn’t even talked to him!
A small part of you was willing to admit it might’ve been a slight case of jealousy
But only slight! The guy had everything practically handed to him and here you were busting your ass!
It sucked yknow? I mean what’s someone gotta do around here to get a helping hand-
“Hey! Watch out!-“
Suddenly the sound of rubber against skin boomed in your ears. A sudden shadow blocked your sight, and it took a moment for the sound of your own heart beat to settle, for you to realize what had just happened.
“Hey, you okay?”
The shadow moved, revealing a large hand, firmly grasping a stray volleyball. A volleyball that would’ve smacked you straight in the face because you were too busy monologuing to-
Oh right
You hesitantly moved your eyes upwards, and nearly groaned out loud.
Wonder boy. Of course.
Time to embarrass yourself with your poor social skills!
“Oh shoot, hey, sorry-uhm..thanks for totally saving me back there! I mean, saving might be a stretch cuz the worse that could’ve happened might’ve been a bruise or on the very slim chance a concussion- but still I appreciate-“
Mother fucker did not just
Loren must’ve noticed your sudden change in mood, because he quickly coughed into his empty fist with a shy smile. His brown eyes were twinkling obnoxiously in your opinion, from the reflection of the faux lights.
“Sorry- sorry…I just uh…you’re kinda dorky”
This bitch.
A scowl quickly took residence on your face, a snarl being on the verge of pouring out.
“Right. Well I said thanks so, I think I’ll be on my way now. Thank you, again for the save. Or whatever.” The last part came out as more of a grumble than anything, and yeah you might’ve been a little petty for it, but come on who says that to someone you just met??
As if realizing his mistake, Loren’s grin fell agape, and with slow reaction time, unusual for someone like him, he moved to follow after you towards the door way.
“Hey wait no! I meant it in-“
The door closed with a thunderous slam.
“-a cute..way.”
A hand perched itself on Lorens broad shoulder.
“Hey man! Who you talkin to?”
A fellow player chirped at the brunette, who’s lips had settled into a troubled frown before he snapped his eyes towards the other player.
He didn’t know his name.
There was a brief moment where the player swore he was being glared at by the Star member, but it was gone so fast he figured it to be a trick of the artificial light.
“Don’t worry about it. Let’s get back to the group yeah?”
God what a long day
Loren sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time that hour, sweat pouring from his brow as he roamed the mostly barren halls.
It was fairly late in the evening.
There was the occasional straggler, most of who greeted him enthusiastically.
“Hey Loren! Can’t wait for the game this week!”
“Loren! You goin to the BMZ’s party tomorrow?”
He responded the way he normally would. Smiles, “hell yeahs”, and high fives. Though at this point he was just going through the motion. He didn’t really feel the need to show up to the parties. But he decided he’d wait to see how he felt by tomorrow.
Right now, he just wanted to get home and relax.
“Stupid- fucking professor! Couldnt wait till I- goddammit!”
Maybe home could wait a while longer
Loren peeked around the corner, and swore he almost did a backflip at the sight of you slouched against an empty classroom door.
The moment your eyes drifted to his he swore he almost forgot how to breathe. You were way too cute.
But the frown on your kissable lips was disheartening to say the least.
“What do you want?”
Okay that hurt a little, but he kept his easy going grin as he strode to stand above you,
a visual he found…almost unnatural really.
It felt weird. Wrong, to be standing above you like that. But he disregarded the feeling for now. No matter how strong the desire to drop to his knees was.
“Need a hand?”
He heard you scoff
“Right..the professors gone so unless you have a key to the city than-“
He wanted to laugh at the stunned look on your pretty face. But that didn’t go well last time so he settled for a smile.
You looked less amused than he had hoped, with the way your head whipped back and forth before you carefully stepped in.
“Why the hell do you have a key that opens this classroom?”
“When you’re the “School Pride” you get a few extra privileges sometimes.”
You mumbled something at that, but he was unfortunately stood too far away to hear what you said clearly. He figured it was a jab at him. Not that he minded.
With quick, but still obviously cautious steps, you peddled on over to one of the front desks, where a lonely bag sat.
Quickly and nimbly you scooped it over your shoulder and made your way back to the brunette, who stood guard at the doors entrance. Almost dutifully.
Loren had to beg the universe that you didn’t hear his thundering heart and stuttering breath when you stopped directly infront of him.
Fuck you were so fucken cute up close what the fuck
“Huh?- Oh! Yeah of course anythingforyou”
You eyed him suspiciously for a moment, before seeming to sigh in resignation.
Moving out from the doorway, and away from him, you paused outside where you had previously had your little breakdown.
“Anyway. Thanks again. For the double save and stuff.” You almost looked pained saying that if he was being honest. But he’s take what he could get for now. “See you around. Or something.”
Wait what?
You were leaving again? Already? He barely even had time to stare at you!
I mean. Talk to you. And make up for embarrassing you earlier!
You paused, almost irritatedly but seemed to ultimately decide to be civil and hear him out. Probably because you liked him now.
(No you were just tired.)
“How about you come to my game this week yeah? It’s on Thursday.”
“Because i want you to. And I wanna make up for this morning.”
Loren watched anxiously as you seemed to weigh your options.
Again, you sighed, before turning around and beginning to stalk off down the hall.
“I’ll think about it. I guess I owe you anyway.”
Loren waited for you to turn the corner
He jumped up excitedly, “yes yes yes! Hell yeah!” clenching his fist with a enthusiastic grin, eyes practically shooting beams of excitement with how bright they were.
This was it. This was the beginning.
Fuck yeah! He was so pumped now!
You could consider this Thursday’s win dedicated to you.
A/N: this ask/story was so fun to read and write about! I love getting asks so don’t worry about sending too many btw <3 thank you so much! Perhaps we’ll see more of Loren in the future? Hope you like my take <3
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delinquentfiction · 7 months
Dancing Lessons With the Radio Demon
Content: Alastor x GN!Reader, no use of y/n, size difference mentions, reader is sleepy, fluff
Word count: 2,076
No trigger warnings
The bed creaks slightly as you turn and wiggle on it, trying to get into a comfortable spot. Unfortunately, despite the pure exhaustion from your day of running errands for the hotel and essentially being the gofer, your brain refuses to allow you to slip into sweet unconsciousness. It has now gotten to that lovely part of restlessness where no matter how you lay, no matter how long you stare at your phone to distract yourself, you cannot get comfortable. At this point there is nothing you can think of but to get up and find something to do and hope that something is enough to help your brain calm down. You don’t care if you fall asleep walking down the stairs as long as you get a wink.
You wrap your blanket around yourself before leaving the bed, not willing to part with it. Once up and walking you felt like one of those edited cat memes with those dumb relatable captions. One of the good things from life that still made it down into Hell. Cats look different down here and look slightly terrifying with their shark-like 4-way opening mouths, but they’re cats nonetheless.
Once in the hall, you somehow feel like you’re stomping and floating at the same time. Not awake enough to be fully aware, but aware enough of how your walking is the only noise being made. At least in the part of the hotel you reside in. As you meander around and approach the grand staircase, you hear the faint sounds of piano and sax playing a slow jazzy tune. Right then you were reminded that there would be only one other person awake at this hour. A person a little too chipper for the state you were in, but at least it would be company.
You recalled how when you were alive people would say that sometimes it would be hard to sleep because your brain feels like it’s in danger and having someone there or having a stuffed animal can help. Things that trick your brain into thinking you’re protected. Would you feel safe around this ever smiling demon? Would the same logic even carry over now that you’re a demon? Well, you’re going to find out.
As you wander up the hotel floors the song becomes louder and the air seems to feel thicker. It’s not as if it’s never been ominous to visit Alastor’s room before, after all you never know what you’ll open his door to see him doing. There’s always that little fear at the back of your head telling you that you know better than to walk right into a lion’s den like this. The feeling that just walking into his room is asking for a contract you’ll regret later but can’t refuse in the moment.
Once you reach his door, everything comes to a halt. Your walking, his music, and even time, seemingly. Did he know you were standing here? Just outside his door? Did you make a noise you didn’t hear but he did? That wouldn’t be unusual for you. Maybe he was simply getting ready to play a different record. ‘Perhaps now is the time to interrupt, then.’
You softly knock on his door and almost immediately the door swings open which causes you to jump back a little in surprise. He looms over you, crimson eyes peering down over a practically glowing sharp grin. You stare up at him, a shy smile slowly creeping onto your face. “Why, good evening! To what do I owe the pleasure of such a late visit?” Alastor greets.
You stutter a bit as you answer. “Ah, good evening! I just couldn’t sleep and I thought that, uh, I should come say hi!”
“Well, this is a very nice visit! I don't get many late-night callers these days; make yourself at home!” He opens his door wider and gestures with a grand swish of his arm for you to come inside.
And you do. As you walk in you glance around his room, wondering what he was up to while listening to his music. Some of his furniture was moved closer to the walls and a fire blazed in his fireplace, growing ever bigger as a breeze came in from the forest half of his room. ‘Huh, didn’t know that there was weather in here. Noted and hoping it never rains.’ With the warmth of the fireplace it feels unnecessary to have a blanket on so you placed it on one of the couches that is pushed to the side.
“I didn’t have much to do tonight so I resorted to getting into the swing of dancing to pass the time.” The red head explains as he made his way to an awaiting record player that looked to have seen better days, but from what you heard on your way here, it did it’s job much better than appearance would lead you to believe. “Would you care to join me, my dear?”
“Join you? Oh, I don’t really know how to-”
“I’m sure you’ll pick it right up! It does get so boring singing and dancing by oneself, and you seem like you need something to pass the time, yourself.” He looks over his shoulder at you, record in hand. His usual big grin had become more of a smirk, as if he knew about your tired wondering.
You nod at him, figuring he just wasn’t going to take a ‘no’ or an ‘I’d rather watch you dance and hang out on your couch’. You step over to the record player and pick up the sleeve the demon got the record out of. Judging by the title, it seemed to be a collection of old hits from the 30’s. None of which you were familiar with. There is a respect that comes with older music since more modern music couldn’t exist without it, however older music just tends to be a bit too slow for your liking. Perhaps you’ve been listening to the wrong songs though, since Alastor doesn’t entirely seem to be the type to enjoy slow music either. At least not on boring nights with guests like tonight.
As you set the sleeve back down where you found it, music started playing from the record player. A bit distorted at first but sounding just as clear and blaring as it was earlier once it had a second to do its thing. A much more energetic tune than earlier begins to play, confirming your earlier suspicions. Alastor leads you to the center of the room where it’s the clearest and stands next to you, offering his hand for you to hold. It was when you comply and take his hand in yours you begin to remember the sheer difference in size between you two. His clawed hand easily swallowed yours and at this closer proximity than normal it felt like he was a tower to you being a cottage.
“Now, all we’re gonna start with is moving side to side like this.” He shifts his weight from foot to foot, keeping his hips loose and going with the motion. You stare for a moment before awkwardly (at least it felt awkward) mimicking the action. “Use the same foot I’m using on my count. 1, 2, 3, 4.” He kept count until you got it and were able to keep up. Simple enough. “Now we’re going to do the same, but vertical. Slightly more tricky, try not to tie your legs together, dear. Outside foot goes back.” It was trickier, and you did lose balance in the beginning, but luckily Alastor didn’t entirely seem to mind it. You guess it would be less bothersome to someone who could lift you with their pinky. You think you got it down and it seems that Alastor thought so too when he directs, “Now we’ll combine them. Bring your outside foot back up, there you go, and rock on your outside foot, inside foot, outside foot rocks back, then rock back to the front foot.”
As soon as you got that down Alastor was off, adding an extra tapping step, throwing in a few kicks for himself, even switching the position so you were holding hands in front of each other. Once in front of the other you could swear that Alastor is staring a bit too intensely. It’s like he is attempting to peer further into your being and get a better read on your soul. What is more jarring is you could swear his eyes flicker to your lips and stay there, but your tired brain isn’t able to confirm for sure that’s what you saw. Honestly, you had no idea what was going on. Trying to focus hard on his steps and mimic and predict them was difficult, especially in your half awake brain. Considering he kept going you figured you were somehow keeping up well enough; you haven’t been looking at his face much, trying to watch his feet.
Your focus retreats entirely once you hear him say something, but as you look up at him you are suddenly stumbling right into a twirl and then into the deer demons’ chest; one clawed hand now on your waist and the other moving your hand to his padded shoulder. Your nose suddenly filled with a pine and metallic smell and your face so close to the crimson fabric of his clothes, it took a second before you realized your feet had been dragged for a second before the both of you weren’t moving.
“I did try to tell you I was going to pull you in, my dear.” His radio filtered voice brought you fully back. You find your footing again and look hesitantly up at his ever grinning face. Alastor is leaning over you, face coming closer until his sharp teeth become a little too close. Just inches from your own lips.
“Sorry.” One of your feet tries to go back so you would be able to create a bit of distance so you could see him properly, but his hand on your waist keeps you solid against him. You instead opt to move your hand from his shoulder to his lapel to keep your stability. ‘Did he just freeze for a second?’
The demons’ grin widens impossibly more, eyes flashing with an unknown emotion. “No need to apologize, my sleepy friend. I’ve found your company to be quite pleasant on this eventful night. Perhaps it’s time to bring this evening to an end.” He suggests. The hand that is still holding yours let’s go and lands on top of yours on his lapel. “ You caught onto the steps very quickly. You do enjoy keeping me on my toes.”
“Thank you.” You reply a bit flatly, your vision starting to unfocus as you stare at your joined hands. You both were just dancing so it makes sense, but somehow the warmth was still causing cogs in your mind to stutter. As if you can’t believe this as anything but a dream. “I think it’s time I head back to my room. I think I’m at the point where I could go into a coma for the next few days.”
He chuckled a bit to himself. “I see that. You look like you’re going to collapse as soon as I let go of you. Tell you what, I’ll send you back to your room if you agree to come back for lessons after supper tomorrow night. A time when you should be more awake. I am so curious to see how you fare fully awake.” You nod your head numbly, just wanting to allow sleep to take you. “Splendid! Have a lovely rest, dear.”
As he snaps the fingers on his free hand, you could feel the floor disappear under you. Before you could drop, Alastor allows you to essentially float for a second while he lifts your hand he had been covering and kisses the back of it. Next thing you know you fall into inky blackness before feeling the familiar softness of your bed. As sleep begins to over take you, you think back upon those final moments and let them sink in. ‘Oh shit.’ The radio demon just kissed the back of your hand. Not to mention, he also now has one of your blankets. Your eyes snap open, and suddenly you didn’t feel tired anymore. ‘God fucking damn it, Alastor.’
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hugmekenobi · 1 year
Goes Both Ways
A Bad Batch Series interlude oneshot
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Gif by @transkestis​
(no, the S2 fits aren’t here yet, this gif just worked the best)
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Summary: You and Hunter both realise there are trickier feelings that need navigating in a relationship but the two of you manage to work with them.
Warnings: Swearing, possessiveness/jealousy, reader doesn’t really stick the Jedi teachings (but we knew this anyway lol), pet name (sweetheart), Gregor being what I need in the form of a flirtatious plot device, Force communication working how I say it does, brief mention of death, no y/n, PDA in the form of making out, affectionate biting/marking, spicy and suggestive language and touches, awkwardness, getting caught/interrupted
Masterlist for S1 chapters
Word Count: 3.4K
Rating: 18+
Author’s notes: I can’t justify the main trope here, my brain just went into this headspace and took it and ran lol. Things get a bit spicier, but I appreciate this sorta thing isn’t for everyone but to those who do read, hope you enjoy :)
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The three of them watched from the bar at the scene unfolding in front of them. They weren’t sure how exactly you would react once you came back from putting Omega in Cid’s room, but one thing was certain, you weren’t going to be very happy.
“Hey guys, what are we looking-” You stopped as you saw what it what they were staring at, or rather who they were staring at. “Who the fuck’s that?” You asked, attempting levity but it wasn’t very convincing.
“We don’t know. She appeared once you left.” Tech answered.
“Did she now?” You replied, your voice tense. The feelings bubbling within you were unfamiliar and you were still getting used to the whole relationship thing, but you could already tell you weren’t a fan of what was happening in front of you.
You continued to stare at the young woman currently standing by Hunter at the other end of the bar counter. She was being a little too touchy-feely for your liking, her hands kept wandering to Hunter’s chest and hands. Hunter, to his credit, kept inching away every time she did that, but she was not for dissuading.
“Are you alright?” Echo asked.
“Uh huh.” You replied stiffly.
“You sure?” Wrecker asked as he saw the way your jaw clenched.
You sucked air through your teeth. “Yup.”
“You know he’s not going to do anything.” Tech added.
“It’s not him I’m worried about.”
“Are you sure you-”
“Relax Echo, I’m not going to cause a scene.” You said calmy as you watched them.
You understood to a degree, hell if you were in her position you’d probably try too, but he was taken now.
Now he was yours.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, where the fuck did that line of thought come from? You thought to yourself, shocked that you’d even gone down that road so quickly. That jealousy and possessiveness was something you’d been taught for years was a very bad thing, yet you jumped to it immediately. You took a deep breath. “It’s fine, I’m fine. He’ll come back over once he's done talking.”
The three of them regarded you suspiciously.
“Chill with the fourth degree. I’m okay.” You reiterated as you felt their eyes on you.
“You’ve still not looked away.” Tech pointed out.
“And that bar stool leg wasn’t bent like that before.” Echo said, indicating to the chair you were closest to.
You glanced down and sure enough, the leg has curved slightly. Clearly you weren’t as fine as you were trying to make yourself out to be. “Wrecker, stand in front of me.”
Wrecker did as you asked. “That better?”
You took another deep breath. “Yeah. Just gotta wait until they’re done.” You stole a swig from Echo’s drink and willed the streak of possessiveness that was residing with in you to go away.
“Okay, how long has it been? Seriously, what could she be saying that’s so interesting?” You asked irritably. “Also, Hunter isn’t exactly a conversationalist, what could she be so captivated by?
The others shared a smirk. It had been five minutes and you’d only lasted two before you’d moved past Wrecker to watch them again.
“I don’t think it’s his conversation skills she’s interested in.” Tech said simply as if he was answering a question about the weather.
You shot him a glare as Wrecker and Echo both shook their heads at him. “Sometimes Tech, I forget you’re the smartest one here. I know what she’s interested in but how many times does he need to back away for her to get the hint? Or better yet, why doesn’t he leave?”
“Maybe he’s just being polite?” Wrecker offered.
“Or they’re genuinely having a conversation?” Echo suggested.
You hid your head in your hands, but you couldn’t help but laugh. “Sometimes I really can’t talk to you boys.”
“Although I doubt a genuine conversation would involve that.” Tech said indicating over to them.
You lifted your head and that possessiveness you had been attempting to quash came to a head as you saw the way she looped an arm around the back of his neck and drew her closer to him. “Oh, for fucks sake.” You muttered. The Jedi were dead, and they weren’t perfect anyway, so you didn’t have to be. You downed the rest of your drink and began to walk over to him.
“I have 5 credits on her bumping into her and making her spill her drink.” Wrecker said as he watched you go.
“Nah, she’ll use her Jedi abilities for that.” Echo countered. “Tech?”
“I think she’ll rise above and merely ask her to leave.”
Echo and Wrecker just stared at him; eyebrows raised.
Tech sighed, “Fine. She’s using the Force.”
Hunter had been itching to leave for the past ten minutes but this woman was not getting the message. He had just taken her hands off him for what felt like the one hundredth time when he felt you next to him as you wrapped an arm around his waist.
He glanced at you and saw a hint of darkness in your eyes as well as something he couldn’t quite place. “Hey, how are-” Your lips on his abruptly cut him off and it was a kiss that was definitely not meant for a public space. It was deep and intense, and he was sure it had something to do with whatever it was that was lurking behind your eyes. After what was probably too long for a casual expression of affection, you pulled away and he found that all words had left his brain.
“You were stolen away from me. I had to come check on you.” You said sweetly as you gazed at him, pleased with the slightly dazed look on his face. Keeping your hand wrapped around him, you faced the woman, and you felt a hint of smugness as you saw the flash of irritation on her face. “I see you’ve met my Hunter.”
Your Hunter? He regarded you curiously, but your eyes were focused on the woman in front of you.
“Yeah, we just got chatting.” She said innocently.
“Oh, chatting, was it? Looked to me like you were hitting on him.” You said with fake politeness.
Oh, that’s what this was, Hunter realised. You were jealous. He worried for the woman across from him since he’d never seen you like this, so he didn’t know what to expect. “Sweetheart, I wasn’t-”
“Oh, don’t worry, I trust you.” You said, leaning up to plant a kiss on his neck and you smirked to yourself as you saw her frown out of the corner of your eye.
You faced her again. “Honey, you should really look for men that are interested in you. You’re not going to get what you’re looking for here, I can tell you that.”
“Oh, I’d never-” She began, placing her hand over her heart as if she was shocked by such an insinuation.
“No?” You asked as if you were willing to believe her.
“It’s just he never mentioned you, so I assumed-”
You could tell she was lying and that was confirmed by the way Hunter stiffened next to you. “See, I think he did, and you just don’t know when to quit.”
“Well, I didn’t think sewer rats were his type.” She sneered.
You were glad you could be done with the fake niceties. You placed a hand on Hunter’s chest as you sensed him getting ready to speak. “I think you better be going now.” You said coolly and with a subtle flick of your finger, her drink spilt on her lap.
She shouted in annoyance at the red puddle that was now forming on her lap.
“Oh, now that’s unfortunate. You better get outta here and sort that cause white and red? That’s a bitch to clean and I wouldn’t want your lovely dress to get ruined.” You said with a cat-like grin.
She glowered at you and walked out of the bar.
“That wasn’t very nice.” Hunter kidded into your hair as he kissed your temple.
You looked back at him and looped your arms around his neck.
Hunter’s hands found your waist and as he stared into your eyes, he saw that that hint of possessiveness hadn’t left yet, and he realised it wasn’t necessarily just the woman he had to worry about.
“She was trying to take something that wasn’t hers.” You said as your hands threaded themselves in his hair. You pulled on it and brought his lips down, so they were mere inches from yours.
Hunter had to bite back the groan that threatened to leave his mouth and instead he tightened his hold on your waist. “We can’t… not here.” He managed to rasp out.
“See, I think it should be here. How else are people going to know that you’re mine?” You purred as you moved your lips to his ear before you bit down on his neck, using your tongue to sooth the sting of it.
“Fuck.” Hunter hissed out and he had to grab the counter so as to stay upright.
“Did you like talking to her?” You continued to whisper as you kissed along his jaw.
“No.” He replied hoarsely. His brain was having to work overtime to form even the simplest of words.
“You didn’t leave.” You murmured as you traced your lips over his. You took them away as you saw him go to make something more of it. “Why didn’t you leave?” You asked again, your hand trailing up and down his chest- thankful that they’d all decided they could take a break tonight since his armour would’ve made this difficult- whilst you sucked a mark on his pulse point.
Hunter’s head fell back, and it took all the willpower he possessed not to let out a moan. “Didn’t- Maker- didn’t want to be- Fucking hell- rude.” He ground out as your lips and tongue continued to do things to his neck that left him unable to think straight.
“If there’s a next time, Sergeant…” You crooned, bringing his head back up. “Be rude.” You whispered before kissing him once more, gently biting his lip and relishing in the way he couldn’t keep it together anymore as you heard him groan and hold you tightly to him.
“Oi, you two! This is a public space. Do that in your own place!”
Hunter snapped back to the current moment. He broke away and he saw Cid standing behind you.
You didn’t seem bothered at all. “We will.” You said simply as you took Hunter’s hand and led him out the bar.
All Hunter could do was follow you, too hooked on whatever it was you were acting like to argue or even really think.
The others had turned away from the moment that was unfolding between the two of you now, but Wrecker handed the credits over to Echo and Tech.
Echo heard Cid shout and risked a glance over his shoulder and as he saw you lead Hunter out, he guessed they’d be banned from the Marauder for a while. He sighed.
Tech and Wrecker stopped their conversation and followed Echo’s gaze.
“Ah.” Tech said plainly.
“Guess we’re going to be here a while.” Wrecker grumbled.
Hunter watched as you laughed at whatever it was Gregor had said. He wasn’t that funny. His jaw went tight as he saw the way Gregor placed a quick hand on your back. He felt that cold stab of jealousy, something he thought he’d risen above since he knew that it was really nothing more than friendly banter between the two of you, you’d told him as much and he trusted you. Plus, Gregor was a brother, and he was doing what brothers do which was very successfully winding him up and Hunter knew he should’ve been better at ignoring it. But seeing the flirtatious repartee come so easily to Gregor and watching him lean in closer to you was doing enough so that the primal feeling of possessiveness was able to take over his brain.
He got up as he saw you pass the table and followed you as you headed into Cid’s office.
Echo, Tech, and Wrecker watched from another table as you picked up your communicator and gently nudged Gregor out of your path, making your way out of the bar. Their eyes then fell to Hunter, who stood upon seeing you leave and followed you out of the room. The scene was all too familiar, and they all shared a knowing look as the deja vu settled over them.
“Who knew he could get jealous too.” Wrecker said. “I figured he’d be better than that.”
“Not with her, he’s always had an issue with Gregor. He flirts with her. It’s innocent enough but it gets to him.” Echo said.
“Yeah. Remember when Gregor brought her those flowers? Hunter didn’t leave her side the entire day.” Tech reminded Wrecker.
Wrecker nodded his head in agreement as he remembered.
“Hey fellas.” Gregor said as he sat down next to Wrecker. “Where’s the Sergeant?”
“No idea.” They all said together, and they were thankful that Omega was out running errands with Cid.
You finished finding those datapads Cid had asked you to bring to her but just as you were turning to leave, you felt Hunter’s presence but before you could say anything, he’d whirled you around and brought his lips to yours. It was the kind of kiss that took your breath away and left your head spinning as he pulled away. Gathering yourself, you put the datapads down and stared at him as he kept a firm grip of your waist. “What was that for?”
Hunter didn’t answer. He just kissed you again and tangled his fingers in your hair.
You felt it then. You felt the possessiveness that was flowing through him, and this kiss definitely had that in it. It was rough but it felt really fucking good. You just didn’t know what had set this off. What’s going on? You managed to send as you kissed him back just as eagerly.
“I never like it when he flirts with you.” Hunter muttered as he followed your jawline with his lips.
Letting out a happy sigh, you tilted your head back and let him explore your neck. “Who? Gregor?” You watched as his gaze met yours and you nearly let out a groan at the sight. His eyes were dark, and he was breathing heavily. “He’s harmless.” You managed to say, though it was a struggle.
“He wants you and I don’t like what that does to me.” Hunter growled as he kissed you again and pressed himself tighter to you.
“What if I like what it does to you?” You whispered breathlessly as you broke away, a coy smile on your lips as you leaned forward.
No. He wasn’t going to let you turn this one around. It was his turn now. “I don’t like people coming for what’s mine.”
The guttural way he said that had tingles running down your spine and your toes curled as he made his own mark on you. You’re lucky I love you, had that come from anyone else, I’d have kicked their ass.
“I must not be doing a very good job if you’re still able to find a way to speak.” With that, he kissed you again and he tugged on your lip, delighting in the way your breathing hitched as he did that. He grabbed the backs of your thighs and picked you up and carried you over to the edge of Cid’s desk.
You were grateful that the mission you’d been on had been tamer and involved blending in because if he was wearing his armour right now, you wouldn’t have been able to grab fistfuls of his shirt to hold him close to you.
Hunter brought his lips back to your neck. “Do you like it when he flirts with you?” He rumbled against your skin whilst his hand began to steadily trail a path along the inside of your thigh.
You couldn’t help the moan that left your mouth, but you stopped his hand from going any higher. “Someone could-” You broke off with another groan as he bit the sensitive spot just behind your ear before he cooled the sting of it with his tongue. “Walk in.” You said, your voice hoarse with effort.
“Maybe that’s what I want.” Hunter crooned. “Maybe Gregor should see who you’re with so he could get the message that you’re mine.” He kissed you again before he repeated his question, “Do you like it when he flirts with you?” He needed you as speechless as he was when you were this way, so he made another mark on the junction where your neck and shoulder met.
“Fuck!” You couldn’t help but shout and you removed your grip on his wrist since you needed both hands to keep yourself upright.
“Answer me.” Hunter ordered as he slowly continued to move his hand upwards.
Right. Words. Come on. “I-um- shit-” His teasing touches were killing you. “No. I’m just being nice.” You managed gasp out as your head fell back.
“Hmm.” Hunter stopped just before he reached where he knew you were wanting him. He grabbed the back of your neck so that you were forced to look at him.
You could barely keep your breathing under control. You’d never seen him like this, and you were scared by how much you were loving it. You found the edges of his shirt and found that all worries of being discovered were rapidly leaving you.
“If I went higher, what I would find there, would that be because of me or because of Gregor?” He hummed against your lips as he moved his fingers in small circles at the juncture of your thigh.
You could only moan in reply and your head fell into the crook of his neck.
Hunter paused what he was doing, pleased that you were as wrecked as you’d made him.
“You.” You croaked out as you felt him stop. “Please, Hunter.” He’d reduced you to a begging mess, but you were too far gone to care. “It’s only you. I’m just being nice. I’m yours. Please just-”
Your words sent him over the edge, and he kissed you hungrily.
You were about to lift his shirt over his head when the office door opened.
“Kriffing hell! Not my office!”
You pushed Hunter away and jumped down from Cid’s desk and you wanted to curl up on the floor and die but Hunter… he looked cool as can be.
“You two, out!” Cid yelled, shooing you out the door.
“The datapads are there.” You said sheepishly as you pointed to the small pile on the end of her desk.
“Well, now I know why you never brought them to me.” Cid snapped. “What if it was the kid instead of me?”
“It wasn’t.” Hunter replied breezily as he re-entered the bar.
You glanced at him, confused as to how he could answer so casually, but then you saw the look on his face, and you could feel that he wasn’t done with you yet and the thought sent a thrill through your veins.
Hunter snaked an arm around your waist and began to hurry you out the parlour.
“Ready to hear the rest?”
You stopped and turned to face Gregor. Hunter’s arm had wrapped itself around your front and he was pressed into your back. “Not right now but yeah, Gregor, you can finish that story later tonight.” You let out a small yelp as you felt Hunter nip the back of your neck. “Tomorrow. Can talk tomorrow.” You corrected quickly and you let Hunter push you out the parlour.
Neither of you had noticed Omega squashed between Wrecker and Gregor.
“Um…” Wrecker said.
“I know, I know. ‘We’ll tell you when you’re older.’” Omega said grumpily as she crossed her arms and slouched.
“Just don’t go to the ship tonight. I think we gotta crash here.” Echo said.
“Those two…” Cid came in shaking her head.
“Hey, we gotta live with them.” Wrecker pointed out.
“So long as we don’t get our timings mixed up, we should be fine.” Tech said.
“We can only hope.” Echo muttered.
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy​, @tpwkcalli​, @fuckoffthanos​, @arctrooper69​ @graciexmarvel​, @flyingkangaroo​, @nightmonkeysstuff​, @a-streakofazure​, @ladytano420​, @dragonrider9905​, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf​, @yyourmotherr​, @xxeiraxx​
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helloliriels · 11 months
Tell Me Where It Hurts
by helloliriels
Inspired by THIS FREAKING BEAUTIFUL IMAGE by @a-victorian-girl
John wasn’t sure what he had expected …
After the wedding; after hearing Sherlock had left early and wasn’t answering his phone …
. He was worried.
They’d gone on their honeymoon, he and Mary.
Sherlock had posted about it … dripping with sarcasm and butterflies and … 
. John had felt miserable the entire 10 days.
Mary wasn’t speaking to him.
Hadn't for two days.
John made his way towards Baker Street knowing only that he needed to see Sherlock. To bring some sanity back into his life.
You keep me right.
John had not prepared himself for what Sherlock's best man speech had contained ...
He hadn't even allowed himself to think about it again.
But he couldn't seem to stop it.
As he approached Baker Street, he realized he was probably going to be facing temper-tantrum Sherlock. Bored Sherlock. Why-the-hell-did-you-get-married-when-I-need-an-assistant-Sherlock.
He was either going to have to;
.  berate Sherlock for not answering his phone; 
.  face some horrible version of Sherlock high off his tits without anyone there to mind him;
. or at the very least, have it out with him about the ridiculously embarrassing posts …??? I mean … who calls it a ‘sex holiday’ …?!
Whatever it was. It wasn’t going to be pretty.
John was amped up and nervous and feeling like he might throw up, but he was going to do this!
Did he need Sherlock?
Like air.
Did he feel like a magnet being pulled towards its home … ? Even though Mary and their residence was forty-five minutes in the opposite direction … ?
Absolutely and without reservation.
He ran his hands through his hair. Cursing himself for being an idiot.
Oscillating again … on the pavement … 
. Bouncing between frustration and need to know.
Before he entered.
He took the stairs slowly. Willing himself to calm and come up with some reasonable way to start the conversation. 
He wanted to sit down and really talk things out with Sherlock. See where they stood. Why … they stood where they were … and how they could move forward, but-
There were voices upstairs?
. Lestrade?
A case?
. No.
A client perhaps?
. No.
Voices were too energetic.
. Sherlock was laughing.
John halted on the steps.
.         Heart racing.
Who had … ?
Made Sherlock laugh … ?
He blinked and went offline temporarily. A panic setting in that he could not quite explain. 
Not rationally. 
Not excusably.
Get ahold of yourself!
. You are a married man!
John swallowed his (unreasonably) bruised pride … 
And took the last few steps up the stairs.
The door was locked.
He heard another chuckle inside and something like-
. John had his keys out of his pocket 
. before he knew what he was doing 
. and the door flung open.
“Sherlo-” John's voice choked in his throat.
He stepped back.
. Stunned.
Sherlock stood by the mantle with another man, running his fingers through his hair.
He had the slightest hint of stubble growing on his face, and a soft look in his eyes … 
And he looked gorgeous.
And all John could think was … 
. His hand is in your hair?
John wanted to die.
“I-uh… I-I’m so-so-sorry, I didn’t mean to just-” he pointed at the door and nearly dropped his keys as if burnt.
Sherlock caught sight of John at last and dropped something himself. Fumbling to the floor to try and catch it, but ultimately crawling around a bit until the item was retrieved.
Those eyes.
Staring back up at John in … Anger? Regret? Agony?  For a brief second …
Before the altogether too-handsome detective collected himself again and rose … smoothing his suit back into order, and ruffling those raven curls back into a mop of touchable silk on his head … 
… made John’s heart skip a beat.
“There, I have it …” Sherlock chirped happily, handing the ring back to whomever this other man was … “no harm done.” He smiled. 
The other man stepped closer again. Placing a soft kiss on Sherlock’s jaw. The familiarity sickening to John's stomach.
.   A ring.
That was what Sherlock was holding.
And smiling. 
So fake.
John wanted to scream.
Instead … 
John turned and ran from the building.
@gregorovitchworld @escaroles @chinike @rhasima @johnlocky (I'm finally working on this one again!) @fluffbyday-smutbynight @totallysilvergirl @topsyturvy-turtely @ anyone who wants to experience pain with me (with a happy ending ofc)
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nkirukaj · 1 month
Fawning for You (19)
Pairing: Alastor x Voe (Fem!OC)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Angst (& Humor!)
Word Count: 3.4K
19. Your Fault
Two months. Two long and harrowing months Voe was gone.
“That’s a bad way to go too,” Angel gossiped to Cherri “Childbirth? You know my sister almost died in childbirth, it was crazy!” he nodded to emphasize the story
What was wrong with them all? They had just moved on as if she had never existed. They spoke in their same crude manner, not even acknowledging her passing. Alastor stormed in and out of rooms in silence, his anger filling the room before he entered it. She was gone and had left him with…children. Two children. Alyson, with gorgeous brown eyes and skin sometimes with little radio dials as her pupils; and….Vernon. he didn’t know what to think of his supposed son. He kept staring at Alastor as if he wanted to tell him off or thought he was better than Alastor. He was sure Voe would agree with him on the boy’s impertinence. Usually, Alastor passed him off to Niffty, who was ecstatic to have a toy to play with finally. But he couldn’t get enough of Alyson, she was a gorgeous child, reminding him of Voe in every way, she was attached to his hip wherever he went and whatever he did. Fighting the urge to kill again was quite difficult with all the hotel patrons and residents acting as if his wife’s life was not important, but he was willing, for her.
Their laughter was thunderous on one occasion, and all of them gathered in the kitchen when Alastor arrived looking for Alyson, he could hear the sounds from up the stairs.
“These kids are classic!” Angel laughed
“Love this kid!” said Cherri Bomb
“They’re so cute I just can’t” Charlie added
Alastor stood outside the kitchen, indignant at the sound of their joy. he cleared his throat “So, I see you’re all enjoying my wife’s absence,”
They all turn to him and stare.
Charlie says “Oh hey Alastor! You gotta see this! The twins are doing this super cute thing! It’s-“
“No wait! I wanna say it! I found it out!” Angel interrupted “If you touch Vernie’s nose, Aly’s nose scrunches up!”
“Oh yes! It’s so funny!” Alastor places his hands together
They look around “Well, we thought it was cute,”
“So cute that my wife isn’t around so you’re replacing her with my daughter?! It’s sickening!” His grin is menacing
Angel turns to Cherri “What’s happening?”
She shrugs “I think he’s mad,”
Lucifer rolls his eyes “Oh here we go,”
“Tell me about it,” Vaggie agreed
“You all should be ashamed of yourselves!” he points to Lucifer “Especially you!”
Lucifer puts his hand on his chest in faux shock “Me?” 
Alastor stalks up to the King “If you hadn’t put the stupid idea in her head, this would’ve never happened!
Lucifer waves his hands in front of his face “Woah woah woah, I did not give her the idea. It was her idea,”
“That you decided to go along with! Both of you keeping this from me, and you encouraging it!”
“What? That was her idea too!”
“I bet you were glad to keep this from me. Wanted to see the Radio Demon look stupid!”
“Uh no! I was the one telling her to tell you, she said she didn’t want to!”
Alastor chuckles evilly “Sure you were,” 
Lucifer sighs “Okay Alastor, whatever,” He waves him off, walking away
“Hm! Going to abandon your daughter once more?” 
Lucifer turns back to him “No actually, I was going to my room. Are you abandoning your son like how your father did to you?”
“Oh shit!” Cherri covered her mouth
Alastor’s eyes turn black “Excuse me?”
“Yeah, I read your file ‘Al’. That’s what he called you right? ‘Al’?”
Alastor looks furious but straightens up, knowing that he can’t fight Lucifer “I am going,” then goes over to the table and scoops up Alyson “She is the only one here worth my time,” and dissipates away
Vernie sits on the table, leaning forward to keep himself up on his hands, staring at the spot where his dad was just standing.
“Come on Sam,” Niffty picks him up and drags him off the table
Angel turns to Cherri “Is it just me or is that not his name?”
“Oh look at you!” Alastor tells Alyson as he teaches her hand games “So smart! And such a cutie pie!” Alyson smiles at her dad, putting her palm out for Alastor’s game. Vernie crawls into the bedroom and up to his sister and father. He hits Alastor on the knee, looking up at him with a big smile. “Can I help you?” Vernie just laughs and smiles bigger, trying to crawl onto his father’s lap. Alastor rolls his eyes and picks his son up, holding him as far away from him as he can “Niffty dear!” she does not come immediately “Niffty! Niffty!” She comes running around the corner
“Yes sir?”
“Do please come when I call you dear. Take this,” he gives her Vernie “And off with you,” he waves her off as Vernie reaches for him with a smile
“You got it,” she giggles, dragging him away “Let’s go, Sam!”
Alastor dusts his hands off and returns to Aly “Now where were we? Ah yes, we had gotten up to two,”
Lucifer found himself wandering over to the room where Voe’s body lay still and cold. They had decided not to move her when Carmilla had declared her dead. Alastor had entered a fit of screaming rage after Voe had finally closed her eyes, while Lucifer stood in silent shock and confusion. It had been his job to make sure that nothing went wrong, and Alastor made sure that he knew it. Screaming at the top of his lungs at the confused King, he didn’t even know what had happened. Had his blood caught up with her? Had she done the pentagram wrong? Was she too stressed? He knew that he had been warning her that she could die during this process, but he didn’t actually expect her to.
“I know that you’ll come back but I need to know, what happened?” he whispered to her lifeless body
In truth, he didn’t know if she would come back, they had used angelic steel on her, it was just to cut the umbilical cord, but he didn’t know how that affected sinners, since this was something that had never been done before. Maybe he just didn’t have the power to make it so both the children and the mother could live. Perhaps that was part of the punishment of being a sinner. Do you want kids? Here, do this and you’ll get them, but in return, you die permanently? He hated thinking that he might have been the cause of her death, maybe Alastor was correct, perhaps he should dissuaded her the kids would not exist, but she would still be here. 
She may have broken his heart, but Lucifer liked Voe, even if he knew he couldn’t ever have her, he enjoyed her company. She was such a dynamic person, and to see her, her body at least, lying that way, motionless and cold, was chilling. Alastor didn’t want him near this room, but he was the King of Hell, he did whatever the hell he wanted.
“Was it worth it?” He asked the body “I told you that you might die, and you did it anyway. You wanted this so badly!” Lucifer inhales deeply “Why did you need this so much? Why did you need his babies? Why did you need him?”
He stifles a sob “And now you're gone and nobody gets you.” He throws up his arms, kneels by the bed, and grabs her cold hand “You left them. Your babies, your husband, the Hotel. Why did you leave us? Why did you leave me?”  he stifles a sob. “I admit it, you were right, I’m not a very good king. I couldn’t even save you from this. I don’t even know if you’ll come back,” The tears stream down his face and land on the bed “And I lied to you, I never stopped loving you,”
He choked down some air “I don’t know why but I just can’t,” he put her hand on his forehead “Please come back, please!” he begged her “I know I can’t be with you, but I need you to come back, come back to us, come back to me, I need you around,”
After his confession, he stares at her body, still motionless and limp as he drops her arm. Her lips slightly parted, he thinks about kissing them but decides against it. He didn’t want to be creepy, and he didn’t want to get his hopes up for the real thing instead. So he leaves, as stone-faced as he entered.
“Going somewhere?” Alastor asks, just outside the room Lucifer had left
Lucifer rolls his eyes, ignoring Alastor, continuing to walk 
“Although I’m more interested in the place that you left,” he shadows in front of Lucifer in the hall “What were you doing in that room?”
The King opens a portal to the parlor and steps through it, not wanting to deal with Alastor’s nonsense, but Alastor simply shadows and follows him there. “What? What would you like to hear? Do you want me to tell you that I was fucking your wife’s dead body? I mean, I wasn’t but, is that what you want to hear?”
“I want you to stay away from my wife,” Alastor squints
Lucifer sighs “Are we still doing this? She is literally dead,”
“And yet you still find a way to be around her!”
“Since you care so much, why was I able to get in there in the first place?”
“Most likely because you’re a sneaky little bastard,”
The King widens his eyes “Oh I’m the bastard?’
“Get fucked,”
“I would! If you weren’t in the way!”
“Really classy, this is our King everyone,”
He crosses his arms “And your wife probably wishes she’d chosen me,”
A loud static is heard emanating from the Radio Demon, his eyes glow and his teeth are bared. He is smiling of course, but he is not happy.
“It’s all your fault!”
Lucifer is aghast “My fault? How about your fault for stressing her out!”
“You keeping it a secret stressed her out!”
“For the last time, that was her idea! And you not trusting her was not helping!”
“And as the leader, you just listen to everyone else? Excellent Kingship!” he claps sarcastically
Lucifer grits his sharp teeth “I was helping out a friend!”
“Right, by leading her to her death? Common friendship activity!”
“I warned her that she could die and she wanted to do it anyway!
“So again, you allowed your ‘friend’ to do something potentially dangerous. No wonder your wife is still with you- Oh wait!” He grins down at the King
Charlie holds her ponytail, hearing everything they’ve said “You guys, can we maybe not argue? At least not in the parlor?”
“I don’t want to hear anything from you either! You with your silly redemption project having her every which way, making her think she could somehow be better!” 
“Do NOT speak to my daughter that way!” Lucifer’s eyes turn red
Alastor turns back to the King “You! Your ‘concern’ for my wife is laughable. What’s this really about hmm?”
“It’s about you not deserving her. I cannot believe she married you. You’re a terrible husband and a useless fucking father. You are just…awful!”
Alastor smirks “Well I am in Hell for a reason,”
“No, it’s not cute or funny. Voe needs to know what kind of person you are and not who you pretend to be!”
Alastor rolls up his sleeves “I don’t pretend to be anything. I am who I am, and she knows that. The fact that you’ve convinced yourself that there’s some secret hidden layer of me that you believe she’s not aware of is comical. You think she only chose me because she doesn’t know me when the truth is,” He leans down to be at eye level with Lucifer “She chose me because she does,”
Lucifer shakes his head “No no no!”
“Yes indeed,” he grins evilly “Perhaps there are some parts of her that you are overlooking yourself because she and I are not that different. So if you hate me, why do you love her?”
Lucifer doesn’t know how to answer that question, so he opens a portal to whoever knows where and steps through it.
“Come on Sam!” Niffty calls after Vernie as Lucifer walks by later
He kneels “Why do you keep calling him Sam?”
“That’s his name!”
“No, it’s not,”
She waves him off “Whatever!”
“Did his father not tell you his name?”
“He doesn’t call him by his name. He just says ‘Hey you’ all grumpy like, ha ha!” She goes and starts dragging the baby, which Lucifer promptly scoops up
“His name is Vernon,” he tells her while holding the baby. He looks into Vernon’s eyes and sees so much of Alastor, but the spots remind him of Voe “That’s what his mom named him,”
Niffty crosses her arms “Pssh, he doesn’t even have a mom anymore,”
Lucifer bounces Vernie on his hip, smiling while looking into his eyes, how could this have come from Alastor’s blood? He thought until he used his claws to scratch Lucifer’s face and then smiled about it. 
Oh, that’s how.
Lucifer took it upon himself to care for Vernie, playing with him and treating him as though he were his own son. They sit in the parlor playing.
“Hiya, how are you doing? How’s your day?” 
Vernie leans forward and grabs onto his nostrils, smiling all the while.
“Oh, this is so funny for you isn’t it?”
Vernie claps his hands and laughs, flapping his hands happily. He grabs Vernie’s nose.
“Well I’ve got your nose!” he tells him, Vernie slaps his nose and whimpers in worry “Okay! Here!” he pretends to give the nose back. Vernie curls up his lip.
“What? What? Did I do something wrong?” he asks the baby “You don’t want it? FIne I’ll keep it,” he pretends to take his nose again, and Vernie reaches out for it, almost falling over.
“Sam!” Niffty called “There’s my baby!”
“His name is not Sam!” Lucifer corrects her
“But Alastor said it was okay! And I wanted to give him a surprise when he woke up from his nap!” She picks up Vernie and drags him to Voe’s bedroom, where Alastor lies with his daughter, both of them sleeping. She places Vernie in between the two of them, who climbs up onto his father’s chest, snuggling between his father and his sister. 
Alastor wakes from the sudden intrusion, seeing Vernion on the bed between him and Alyson. Vernie looks up at his father and smiles
“Niffty! Niffty!” she does not respond so, he picks him up like he’s something that belongs in the garbage and brings him downstairs “Niffty!”
“You woke up from your nap!” She answers from behind the bar with Husk
“You were meant to be keeping him, why was he in the bed?”
She sits on the counter “I put him there. I thought it would be cute for the whole family to nap together!” She laughs
“It’s not!” he yells at her, Niffty’s smile drops and so does Husker’s jaw “You do what I tell you, not what you want! Are we clear?”
Niffty’s eye teared up at Alastor’s volume. “Whoa Boss, that’s not cool,”
“Was I speaking to you Husker? I do not believe I was!”
“Why you yellin’ at Niffty?” Angel came up from behind him
Alastor puts Vernie on the floor “I don’t have to tell you anything!” Vernie crawls to Alastor’s feet, he looks down at the boy “Hmm,”
Lucifer steps in “What is your problem?” He picks up Alastor’s son off of the floor “Now you’re yelling at the housekeeper? I mean seriously, you have completely lost it these past few months,”
“Mind your business, I own Niffty, therefore I can do whatever I like,”
“And why does it bother you that your son is in the bed with you?”
“Probably because I told Niffty to do a job and she didn’t do it,”
Lucifer shakes his head “Let’s get to the bottom of this, for some reason, you hate this little boy” He shakes Vernie’s tiny had
Alastor rolls his eyes “For goodness sake!”
“No, why do you never interact with your son?” “The same reason you didn’t interact with your daughter!”
Lucifer tilts his head “Depression?”
“Enough of the depression nonsense. There was nothing wrong with you, you just didn’t want to deal with your kid,”
“That’s where you’re wrong snobface. Charlie is the light of my life. Depression is real and it is serious and you do not have it!”
“Mhmm, are you done?”
“No! Take care of your kid!”
“If you care so much you take care of him!”
“I am! Because you’re not, and you’re his father!”
“Lucifer, why don’t you start worrying about being a good ruler and stop worrying about my parenting skills,”
Lucifer is appalled by Alastor’s behavior “Like father, like son huh?”
Alastor gives a fake chuckle “Eat shit,”
“You eat shit, what kind of man has a bone to pick with a baby?”
“I’m not picking anything with him, that’s why I give him to Niffty,”
“You know you’re an awful father,”
“And you’re an awful husband, no wonder you’re wife didn’t want to be with you,”
He steps closer “You think this what Voe would’ve wanted?”
“We don’t know what she would’ve wanted because you killed her,”
“I killed her?”
“Yes, you did,”
“You’re honestly ridiculous,”
Alastor nods “Mhmm, you’re probably glad she’s gone because now you don’t have to fight the urge to fuck her. Unless you fuck her dead body,”
“What? No!”
“Sure Lucifer,”
“This isn’t about me, this is about the innocent baby that you won’t even give yourself a chance to love!”
“Sure Lucifer, keep changing the subject,”
“That was the subject from the start!”
“Uhh guys,” Vaggie calls from upstairs “Sorry to break up this dick fight (not really), but where’s Voe’s body?”
Both men look up at her on the stairway “What?” Alastor snaps
“Her body, it’s not here,”
They look far and wide for the BIllboard Doe’s body but can’t find it anywhere. Alastor goes to wake up Aly and bring her to his radio station, the stress has overwhelmed him. He thought that perhaps a nice broadcast would calm him down, however, he found that he had no signal. No matter how he tried, it would not work. 
“What in Hell is going on?”
He noticed his little Alyson up against the window, slapping her little hands up against it “What is it? What do you see?” she tapped the window harder “No no no, I may be impenetrable, but these windows aren’t,” he laughs and picks her up, pulling her to his cheek “What is it, sweetheart?” Aly just reached out for window once more.
Alastor looks out the window and sees nothing, but when he stands still he can hear something on top of his radio station. He puts Aly down on the opposite side of the station and opens the window, leaning out as far as possible. When he looks up he can see a lump, a person sitting on the tip top of his radio antenna, his antlers grew along with his rage. Who would dare disrupt his broadcast? He almost climbed out to give them a piece of his mind, when large wings spread and they jumped, gliding down and coming directly toward him. Alastor retreats inside the window and grabs his daughter as the stranger flies in through the window. They’re wearing all black as they stand directly in front of them. Alastor steps forward before the demon sheaths their dragon wings, before he can react, they open their gorgeous plump lips and speak.
“Well hello handsome,” Voe smirks at her husband
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rekas-writes · 2 years
Kinktober Day 2: Semi-Public
Pair: Sova/GN! Agent! Reader Source: Valorant
Type: One-Shot - 1812 words Genre: Smut/NSFT(W)/18+ Perspective: Second-Person (You/Your)
Summary: You have the pleasure of training with your boyfriend in a one-on-one environment. You take this rare alone time as a chance to push his buttons with little, immediate consequence, but Sova has other plans.
TW: Penetrative Sex but it’s unspecified where!
Terms Used For Reader: Hole, Sex
A/N: I’ve been playing a whole lot of Valorant, DBD and Resident Evil 2 and the urge to make this for Leon S Kennedy was strong. Maybe next prompt- My 2016 Overwatch addiction has come back full force too :,) Also uh, dang Scarlet and Violet came out and I am just so caught up in that rn- I also got incredibly carried away with this one bc it’s been in my drafts forever!
Sova was always so calm and collected. A reserved archer with absolute focus that could not be deterred so easily. And yet.. The agent knew he had a weak spot for you, and you knew that too. A simple, short cry of pain from you on the battlefield was enough to send him running to your side, though it was fair to say that the same could be said for you too. 
You'd never tried anything like this on the battlefield, you weren't an idiot willing to dance with Death and Sage's revive, but in training sessions it was all too tempting (and perhaps a tad ego-boosting) knowing just how much your mere presence and voice alone affected the usually level-headed Initiator. It would always start small, gauging his reaction and response before carrying on with whatever devious plan you had for that particular day. 
Maybe you’d act a bit pouty and reluctant whenever he said your break was up, dramatically laying down and insisting you were still tired. Maybe you’d brush and press your ass against his front whenever you just had to go past him; for another mag of course! Maybe you’d lean a little too close, purposeful hot breaths blowing against his ear, as you purr about what a good teacher he was but you just really needed a certain kind of help. Some form of close contact guidance.
In turn, he would always shoot you a somewhat confused look at first for a few moments, almost like a lost puppy as he figures out what you’re trying. Then, there’s the raise of his eyebrow, followed by a certain narrowed eye look; a slight tug at his lips. It’s a simple look of acknowledgement. Challenge accepted.
Perhaps the breaking point was when you’d sat on his lap victoriously, having pinned him to the ground during a sparring session before you purposefully ground your hips down. The only material between you was (besides your underwear, of course) his casual, light jogging pants and your rather thin yet durable spats shorts. His bright, adoring eyes had darkened ever so slightly as he stared at you; they were almost predatory in nature. 
And, oh, lucky you. You were the prey. 
The Initiator had always admired your strength, finding a certain kind of delight in losing to you that he couldn't find anywhere else. Your quickening pulse thumped in anticipation as you swallowed your breath and hastily got off of him. That look was new. But not here, this room had far too much common traffic from other agents. You’d practically sped over to the showers, calling behind you about how you really needed a shower to clean off. Half of that was true, the other half just really wanted to know if Sova would follow like in all those filthy fantasies of yours. Or maybe you just really needed a cold shower to empty that crude head of yours.
With your beloved archer so riled up, you really had it coming when the door to your shower stall was tugged rather impatiently aside. You had barely gotten into said shower before Sova claimed your mouth with his, feverish with lust and wild with abandon. His lips are slightly chapped as he presses them adamantly against yours, before nipping against your lower lip. You answer with a soft moan and parted lips. An invitation.
Your eyes had already shut from the fierce kiss, thirst-induced warmth already simmering hot beneath your skin. The way he grabs at you so needily, desperate to touch you yet still oh so gentle; it betrays the stoic, untamed façade and reminds you of the softer nature of your boyfriend at heart. You try to ignore the sticky feeling of arousal building in your gut. Familiar, bare arms had encircled you with such avidity, pulling you back into a certain warm, toned chest. Now here you were, a whining, little mess as he pressed you against the tiled back wall of the shower stall. 
There was something about the lack of control, the way he toyed with your sex roughly as he growled lowly in your ear about all the things you’d done to mess with him. Promising silently through his hold on you that he’d pay you back in kind. All of it had you singing in his arms, only spurring Sova on like a Siren’s call. His calloused fingers drag roughly upon your skin, greedy and yearnful in nature, before settling before your hole. His digits are slick with the makeshift lube he’d snatched from your bag; a pure Aloe Vera gel Phoenix had recommended in passing to use for your face (You were very curious on how his face stayed so clear). Who were you to question the king of skincare? Especially when it made for a great DIY lube in desperate situations.
You gasped and squirmed a tad as he spread you out with his fingers, the sounds swallowed by each dizzying kiss Sova gave you. You feel your fingers start to flex and claw into the wall, unable to keep them flat against the tiles. Each stretch of your hole was accompanied by more stimulation directly to your sex from his other hand or his lips stealing the breath from your lungs, which had you crying out in desperation for your release as the sensations only climbed higher. Your stomach tensed and curled as you arched into him, legs flexing, tensing, and hands gripping desperately to his wrists.
It’s not long before he’s rutting his thick cock against you from behind, his teeth nipping at the flesh you so eagerly show him. A small bottle of gel falls and rolls by your feet, courtesy of Sova being too impatient to set it down properly, but you’re both too enthralled with each other to care.
It’s deliberate as he nudges himself against you, low groans falling unanimously from you both. You’re halfway to begging him as he mercilessly teases you, rubbing against you with the hot, blunt tip of his weeping dick in a way that almost drives you mad. When he finally decides to give in to both of your festering desires, his voice is akin to the sweetest birdsong, arguably better, as he sinks deeper into your insides inch by inch. His thick cock spreads your snug hole out so deliciously full and wide, you can’t help the loud keen that tumbles from your kiss-bruised lips. You feel so full and hot, it's incredible. You’re so pent up from the foreplay, you don’t think it would take much to just cum right then and there.
Then, there were voices.
They’re just outside, lingering just beyond the doors of the training hall showers. You could feel the electrifying thrills running down your back, of doing something so filthy in a place anyone could wander into, of possibly getting caught. It turns you on more than you thought it would. Perhaps due to the comfortable middle you’re sitting in while trying something new, with just enough privacy and risk provided by the shower stalls.
Muffled laughter and animated talking are barely stifled by the door in place, warning you of your own volume seeping through to the outside world. Despite your sealed mouth, small whimpers still stir up from your throat; you barely catch the soft laughter from beneath Sova’s breath. Your heart races at the thought of them going inside, and you unknowingly clench around Sova’s length at the pesky thought. If he couldn’t tell before, he definitely knows what this does to you now. The sounds of people only grow ever closer, making you tilt your hazy, foggy head back over your shoulder to face Sova with semi-wide eyes. He simply put a finger to his mouth with a small, impish grin,
“Quiet now, unless you want them to hear you,” the archer whispers into your ear; the outside chatter almost drowns out his words with how much your mind dwells on it. You naively believe he’s leaving you be until they pass by but there’s this sudden jut of a thrust, pushing and pulling at your slick, tight insides as you quickly clamp a hand at your mouth- your hissing and soft cries barely hushed behind your palm,
"B-But," your sentence falls apart after just one blubbery word, too distracted by the thickness ramming you full with each thrust,
"This, моя любовь (*my love)..." He sucks in a breath at how wonderful you feel wrapped around him, "Is, hah, your punishment... You, ah, will take everything I give you, да? (*yes?)" His tone is low and hoarse; it sounds so good to your desire-addled brain. You only nod eagerly against the wall, distrustful of your voice. Anything to just keep him there, filling you up so perfectly. And when he presses you for a vocal response, you can only wail a broken "yes!" against the hand you have somehow kept in place.
The archer’s chest presses more firmly against your back, letting your already heated body better feel his own warmth and underlying strength from all those years with the Protocol. His arms hold you close, whilst his chin tucks itself in the crook of your neck- mouth in the perfect place for you to hear every low groan and whine he spills as he buries himself inside of you again and again. You can barely keep it together as the haze in your mind clouds your judgement evermore with each thrust that splits you apart, shaky hands barely shielding your sounds. His thrusts are borderline frantic as you both climb higher, spurred on by both his thirst and lust for you and the newfound excitement of danger. The low amount of sound only makes the lewd noises of his thrusts more apparent, making your sex throb and ache.
You cry out louder, drool positively now staining your hand, as you grind back against him, desperate to feel that euphoric crescendo. It’s so close, so so close to feeling that blissful wave wash over you- but- but- It’s gone all too soon as Sova purposely slows his movements and stills your writhing hips within his punishing grasp. You practically wail as the tension building in your stomach falls apart, leaving you all the more horny and desperate for relief.
With a slight smirk pulling on his lips at your pouting and mock-glaring over your shoulder, he simply leans in closer to your ear to whisper knowingly in that all so husky, accented tone that makes you involuntarily clench around his length again and shudder,
“I don’t think you’ve learnt your lesson yet,” the hunter growls your name at the end, deep and unmerciful, and you can only pant in anticipation as you feel your stomach flipping at the suspense- your heart trilling loudly in your ears.
Gods above, you were in for a long night.
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
Guilty Pleasure Pt. 3
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Pairing: Jihoon x f!reader x Mingyu
Genre: angst, suggestive content
Word count: 2.8k
Tags: situationship!mingyu, roommate au, mentions of insecurities, angst, pining (mutual and one sided), suggestive language and content
Summary: You know what’s shittier than liking someone taken? Liking someone taken by your best friend.
author note: hehe
Chapter list
Jihoon was freaking the fuck out. He had gotten used to you being around, he had to, but your behavior around him was peculiar. It was like something in you…shifted. You would not only stay over like you usually did, but you’d also stay past Mingyu’s time to leave for work. It was as if you were staking your claim at their residence.
In his eyes, you were a bit more free-willed than most people he encountered, at least you made it that way. And not many people at this point would continue to have sex with someone knowing their roommate would be around, at least not as often as you two did, but the circumstances have surpassed sex at this point. You were around as much as Mingyu was, if not more, making Jihoon wonder if you ever had your own place, to begin with. You essentially became another roommate.
Then there’s this tension he’s feeling when he’s around you. Your gazes fall on him a little longer than they should’ve. You’re wearing less and less articles of clothing around him, leaving almost none to the imagination at times. It felt like more clothes were on the floor than on your body, even remembering a pair of underwear left behind on the couch. You didn't change how you talked though, but it felt that’s what made it harder for Jihoon to confront you about these things. That and the never-ending guilt of being madly infatuated with you.
“Hi, Jihoon!”
You greet him from the couch in familiar article clothing that made his eyes shoot up. “You’re here…In my shirt?”
You styled the same shirt you borrowed about a week ago when that waiter spilled all those soft drinks on you. There was no way he could forget it. It was also the same shirt used to…pleasure himself the same night. Jihoon built up a cool sweat remembering the stains of sweat and cum he’s left on that thing. He takes a harsh swallow.
He really should’ve thrown that away by now.
“Yeah. It’s just so much comfier than Mingyu’s. I feel like I’m drowning in his clothes. I hope you don’t mind,” tossing a piece of popcorn in your mouth, lifting the top hem of it for a sniff, “It smells clean so.”
He coughs into his fit, somewhat almost choking on his own drool. “No. No. Go nuts. It’s just, you might as well pay rent. You’re here all the time now. 
You straighten up your back, worried if you’ve become a nuisance by overstaying your welcome. “Oh sorry–”
“That’s not what I meant. Just, it’s cool. Where’s Mingyu?”
“He’s, uh, busy. Not sure with what, just busy enough to rush out of the door.”
“So just us?”
You nod with a grin. “Yeah, for a while anyway.”
That wasn’t good. Sure, you’ve been left at the house alone, sure, all three have been in the house, but the only other times you and Jihoon were ever alone together were the moments he planned on leaving. Now he’s home with no option to leave, especially when he’s made it apparent he has nowhere to be. It’d be weird if he isolates himself in his room, wouldn’t it?
“Join me,” You offer, patting the empty space next to you, “You can pick what we watch.”
He’d be a fool not to take up that offer, or he's the biggest fool in the world for agreeing to it. Either way, here he was sitting side by side with you on the couch, the micro hairs of his arms standing tall. His heart was probably pounding a thousand miles a minute. His sanity was holding on by a single thread just knowing there’s a short distance between your knee and his. He felt like a blushing teenager all over again.
He’d sneak gazes at you from the corner of his eye. You would mindlessly eat your popcorn and eyes glued on the first Ironman movie, almost as if you forgot he was there. He couldn’t move a muscle even if he wanted to, he felt frozen.
You laughed at the funny scenes, made comments about Tony Stark's questionable character, and lightly shoved Jihoon to point out interesting moments on the screen. He would enjoy the movie if you weren’t all he could focus on. Eventually, there was a point that night he’d calm down. You were dozinb off at this point, your guard falling as your head swung back and forth in the air. Your eyes are already entirely shut, and your body’s gravity naturally settles on Jihoon’s shoulder, causing his peace to be cut short.
Your face so close taunts him, breathing out of your nose down his chest, ticking his skin. He attempts to push you away, nudges you by the shoulder, and even attempts to move you by hand. He takes the side of your head, deciding to bring it up against the couch but instead, he finds himself staring at your sleeping figure.
From the delicate layering of your lashes against your soft cheeks, to the peaceful heaving of your chest as they took paced breaths. You looked delicate, beautiful, ethereal. He parts your hair away from your forehead, fingers brushing over your soft skin, and he feels breathless under your wordless spell.
He shifts his legs slightly to regain some sanity but doesn’t let you go. He could feel what most people knew as butterflies, the sounds of the TV drowning out in the background as Jihoon is lost in the heat of his own movie. He feels greedy, and the tingling sensation of his hands against your face sends him the itch to hold you closer. He pushes more hair out of the way for your comfort, so he tells himself, tucking them away behind your ears until your eyes begin to flutter open and stare back at him, his finger frozen behind the back of your ear. 
Your vision was still disorienting from your slumber, unsure of what you were seeing. The man you couldn’t help but think about for weeks on end staring back at you with an innocent, but startled, look in his eyes, as if he was caught doing something he shouldn’t. There is this moment of silence you have. It was long enough to notice the longing in his expression and how it matched yours. Although no words were spoken, it was all seen in his eyes, his breath, and his presence.
You were dreaming again, you thought. This image just happened to be a lot more vivid than others. Like any dream, you reach up to him, hand cupping his warm cheek, fascinated at how realistic it was this time around, and notice his gaze soften. You admire the smooth sensation of his skin before capturing him in a liplock. His were as soft and plush as always, but unlike your visions, he was warm. 
His arms loop around your body in an embrace, finding your waist naturally and pressing up to the heat of your body. His lust takes control of him and kisses you like he feels he’s meant to, stroking your sides and memorizing your body with his fingertips. Love in every touch.
It was then you figure out it wasn’t a dream at all and your eyes shot open. You froze under his grasp and now you weren’t the only one to realize the reality as Jihoon is the one to push you away. A stern expression takes over him as he dumps you aside and stands up from the couch. He doesn’t meet your eyes as he leaves you with a few last words. “I’ll pretend that never happened and so should you.”
But you wouldn’t. How would that even be possible?
Jihoon traps himself in his room for the rest of the night and avoids you entirely after that incident. He doesn’t answer your texts, makes sure his work gives very little opportunities that you’d be alone together, and he would leave as soon as you’re in his sight.
You look up at the ceiling of Mingyu’s bedroom in contemplation, surrounded by the heat of his half-naked body.
“What are you thinking about?” He mumbles with closed eyes, taking over the structure of your hand and clasping it with his.
What else could you have been thinking about?
“Not much.” you breathe out.
“Okay…Ready for another round?” His tone perks up.
You softly scoff, a smile curling up on your face. “Aren’t you tired?”
He shrugs, running a hand through his messy hair, “I think you could wake me up.”
He crawls on top of you, peppering kisses around your neck and grinding against your body. You throw your arms around his neck, trying to get into it, but ultimately you feel your body involuntarily reject him. “Gyu, sorry. I’m just a little…out of it.”
“Anything…I can…do to help?” He speaks between his kisses.
You blink back up at the ceiling as Mingyu settles on your neck, “I was thinking over some things.”
“Am I one of those things?”
You shut your eyes, the pang in your heart hurting more than it should’ve and you push the bigger man off of you. “I-I don’t know. I’m just…I think I’m gonna call it for a night. I’m sorry.”
You pick up after yourself, collecting clothes to put back on your body as Mingyu sits up distraught, concern written all over his face as he tries to calm you down and hopefully prevent you from leaving. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong? What’s happening? If I did anything—“
“No,” you sigh, “I’m just having some…strong feelings right now and you don’t deserve that. Not with what we have.”
“Hey, I’m more than a hot piece of meat. I’m your friend. Come on,” he extends a hand, “tell me what’s wrong. We can fix it.”
“I don't know if it’s something I can just fix.” You slump down in his bed, knees to chest and face to hands, “I feel like I screwed up Mingyu and I don't know if you're the right person for this.”
Mingyu sighs, sounding discontent. He grew rather fond of you in the past few months, looking past the body, face, and pure allure you just emit and seeing the human behind it. You become this insecure, unsure person that gets indecisive or self-deprecating and whenever you think you make a mistake, you put yourself down. He wanted to uplift you, reassure you, and just be with you. He was enjoying your codependency and vulnerability; it gave him a sense of fulfillment. Whatever he was feeling for you, he just wanted you to be happy and to see you so stressed for a reason he didn’t know, he knew he would scour the earth to fight whatever it was in your way.
“We’ll never know unless we talk it out,” He strokes the side of your head with kind, doting eyes. 
How could you even explain this to him if you wanted to? Would it have made you a bad person to say you were thinking about someone else while you were with him, specifically someone he knew? His best friend and roommate at that?
“Fuck it.” You hop back in bed, take off your shirt, throw yourself on Mingyu once again, and evade your internal conflicts. Mingyu gladly obliges, reciprocating your kiss with equal amounts of vigor, but questions you in your urgency, aware of undisclosed issues he knew you still had. “But…the talk?”
“I just need to forget. Take your dick out for me, baby.”
You shouldn’t have done that. You should’ve been honest. However, Mingyu’s cock was some damn good sense of relief. Mingyu gave you some mental space, generously patient with you coming out to him with the truth. Although he gave you plenty of opportunities to for you talk out these issues with him, you always found some way down his pants and he was only a simple man. So, he let you be. After some time later, everything began to make sense.
Mingyu noticed his roommate being home a lot less, and sleeping over at Vernon’s a lot more than he typically did, but that didn’t bother him initially. Jihoon is a workaholic at heart, he would be out of the place a lot, but Jihoon made himself seem avoidant. It was like he had something to hide, which seemed likely. Jihoon was a pretty private guy, for the most part, but Mingyu didn’t doubt whatever truth his roommate had to hide would’ve been anything but harmless.
The picture all came together when he noticed the apartment door cracked open haphazardly. Distraught voices, yours in particular, on the other side discussing something that would make him think twice about what he thought he knew about the people he cares about.
“Jihoon, you can’t ignore me forever.”
“I’ve been doing pretty well so far.” 
The distress was evident in your tone, urging Mingyu to press an ear to the door as they do in those romantic comedies during an intense scene between the main protagonist. In this case, it was you and what he could assume to be Jihoon, and then there was himself, the nosy supporting cast. 
“You said you were going to forget it happened. Well, guess what. It happened and you’re acting weird about it.” A clap to thighs resonated, obviously from you that done it in frustration.
“I’m not…where’s Mingyu anyway?”
You sigh, noticing the immediate abrupt change in topic. “He’s picking something up from the pharmacy down the street. I stayed back.”
“…why are you doing this to me, y/n?”
Mingyu had to see the situation unfold. In a squatting position and space only enough for one of his eyes to get a view, he leers through the tiniest crack the door mustered. He was lucky enough to get both you and Jihoon in his only direct line of view. He lays a hand against a wall to ground himself steady, noticing your physical states on opposite ends of the spectrum. Your body language was open and directly gave attention to the person you were talking to, while Jihoon was evidently more closed off.
“I just want to talk to you again. Like we used to.”
“We can’t do that,” Jihoon emphasizes, he glares with his voice almost hissing back at you.
You furrow your brows back at him, taking a step closer to him. “Why not?”
“We…I can’t.” Jihoon’s figure slumps down, his voice faltering in the softest, faintest tone.
You soften your gaze, getting closer and closer to him, “If it’s about the kiss…I think about it every day, Jihoon.”
Mingyu’s eyes shot up at this, trembling from behind the door as he sees you approach Jihoon with longing in your eyes. Mingyu didn’t even think you could make a face like that. Was that what it looked like? What were the expressions you gave to Mingyu?
“Y/n. Stop,” Jihoon manages to gasp out, clenching his teeth in utter frustration. “Just stop.”
You reach out to grasp the fabric of Jihoon’s hood, “I can’t. I like…I like you.”
Mingyu sees through the crack of the door you brushing your lips against his roommate, languidly moving into the kiss before Jihoon completely succumbs. He sees the other man pull you by the waist, kissing you like he’s done it, or imagine himself done it, a million times. His hand smooths over the hair on the back of your head, returning your kiss tenderly. Your body reels in Jihoon’s embrace, savoring this moment in its entirety. 
Mingyu felt heated, grips the door in a hot sweat.
“Oh! The door is open!”
Both figures on the other end repel each other swiftly, pushing each other to opposite ends of the room. You retreat to the farthest part of the kitchen and Jihoon stood in the middle of the living room. Mingyu pushes the door open and refrains himself from any strong apparent emotions, utterly failing.
“Hey, Hyung!” He greets his roommate briefly before dropping his pharmacy purchase by the front door and making his way toward you. He picks you up from the ground and pulls you in for a deep, passionate liplock, tongue invading your mouth, urgently trying to fill the absence of Jihoon’s presence with his. 
“Hi, gorgeous,” Mingyu gasps as he parts.
“Mingyu.” You exasperate, eyes wide with warm cheeks, Mingyu unsure if it was because of Jihoon, Mingyu, or the possibility you were caught in the middle of your midday rendezvous.
“Yeah, I’m gonna get going. See you guys later.” Jihoon makes his escape, grabbing his bag, and closing the door he disappears behind, a bitter taste left on his tongue: a sense of reality.
MIngyu doesn’t tear away from your gaze even when Jihoon departs, hands slipping past your waist and down the flesh of your ass, feeling you flinch under his touch. “I don’t know if I can wait until the movie. Let’s fuck right here in the kitchen.”
“Mingyu,” You halt him, pushing his hands off your body and staring back at his hungry daze with a pitiful expression. Mingyu expression’s drops gradually, hurt by your reluctance, but doesn’t let you go, and instead grips you by your wrists. His throat goes dry seeing your face wash over with guilt.
“I think we need to talk.”
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prettyblondguys · 2 years
Eye Contact
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Here have this Eddie comforting/being nice to reader fic i definitely didn't write bc I was feeling bad about my anxiety '_' Eddie is a very nice weirdo in this and I love him.
Warnings: reader has bad anxiety, mentions of an anxiety attack, minor mentions of tactile hallucinations bc those fkng suck, cussing, I think that's it.
"Open your eyes."
The demand throws you mentally off balance, eyes shooting open to stare at the teacher standing in front of you, the sentence you were in the middle of dying on your lips.
"What?" You smile nervously, feeling the looks from the other students sitting around you.
Mrs. Silmore, the history teacher, looked less than pleased by your question, her hands resting on her hips as she stares you down.
"You keep closing your eyes when you talk, and avoiding eye contact. It's very rude."
You hadn't noticed you were doing that, but the flood of embarrassment washes over you like a cold front, palms suddenly sweaty and mouth dry. You believe her, you knew you struggled with eye contact because of your anxiety, but you didn't know it was that bad, and certainly not that noticeable. And you didn't know you closed your eyes, but now that's all you can think about as you try to say something.
You had been answering a question about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, feeling somewhat proud for making yourself raise your hand, something you were now regretting.
"Oh, oh um, I'm sorry.." You stutter out, feeling the heat flush to your cheeks as a few kids snicker, your mind going blank, "I was saying that...that uh..if he hadn't, hadn't been..there…" The snickers get louder, or maybe they don't, maybe they're just echoing through your head, bouncing around and ricocheting off the thoughts of "you're a freak" "who closes their eyes while talking?" "You're not normal" "you're not normal you're not normal you're not normal"
"Sorry," you mumble, voice pathetically small, willing yourself to keep eye contact, "I lost my train of thought."
"Hm," Mrs. Silmore walks back to the blackboard, finally looking away, "anyone else?"
Your eyes drop to your desk and stay there for the rest of class, trying to ignore the anxiety induced itch creeping along your arms. Freak. You just can't be normal, can you? The bell signals the end of your quiet suffering, and you stand to hurry out of the room, apologizing when you accidentally bump into someone in your haste, speeding out of the room before they even reply. Out in the hall you side step and avoid the barreling masses as you try to make your way to the bathroom, a ball forming and growing in your chest, crawling up your throat and making it hard to breathe. You burst through the bathroom door and grab hold of a sink, taking deep shuddering breaths as your fingers grip the basin, eyes squeezed shut. In, 1 2 3 4, hold, 1 2 3 4, out, 1 2 3 4 5 6. Repeat. The feeling shrinks and crawls back into your chest, nestled against your breastbone where it normally resides, smaller but never gone. Always there.
A group of girls walk in and shoot you glances, you recognize one of them, Nancy, you think, as she eyes you quizzically. "Hey, are you okay?" Freak. Freak. Freak. Your hands begin to shake as you turn the water on, "Yeah, I'm good." You manage, running your hands under the stream before turning it off, grabbing a few paper towels and brushing past her out into the hall, halfway to your next class when you realize you're still holding the paper towels. Why can't you be normal?
You finally reach free period and it couldn't have come sooner. You'd been stuck in your head ever since history class, well, more stuck than usual. Flytrap level stuck instead of scotch tape stuck. You sit on the bottom bleacher, staring out at the empty football field, mind swarming despite the fresh air and fair weather.
It hadn't even been the first time someone pointed out your social issues, just the most public. You couldn't count the number of times your parents had reprimanded you for not looking at them when speaking, or moving away when they went to touch you during a bad anxiety episode. They didn't understand that none of it was an insult to them, that you wished you could act like everyone else, laughing and talking and not having to worry if you were doing what a normal person would do, wondering if you were sitting like a normal person, talking like a normal person, existing like a normal person. They had no idea what it was like in your head, and boy oh boy, they sure didn't want to either.
Freak. Freak. Sitting here by yourself staring at nothing like a freak.
"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" The shout comes from a few feet away, from a guy standing on the bleacher seats and walking towards you, arms waving towards the empty field. He plops down beside you with a huff, "Can you believe he fumbled the ball like that?" He shakes his head harshly, shaggy hair whipping around as he sighs dramatically, eyes moving across the field as if watching a game. You remember him from the cafeteria a few times, always loud and energetic, not seeming to care who looked his way or what they thought of him. You had wondered many times how he could be so comfortable drawing that much attention to himself. But then again, dressed the way he was, in ripped black jeans and a leather jacket, chains and a shirt that fits him like that, he had to be more than ok with the looks he must get.
"Yeah," you mumble, wondering if he's crazy or just bored, "what a disgrace to the team." He lets out a snort before adding, "Oh, to the very game itself!" You laugh, deciding he must just be bored. You both sit there quietly, staring out at the field and not saying anything. Which is fine. Sometimes people do this. They just sit. This is normal. You aren't being weird. You aren't being weird. You're being weird. He's probably waiting for you to talk, he spoke last and now it's your turn. But it's been too long since the silence started, won't you look even weirder for a delayed comment as opposed to an absent one?
"Oh look, a streaker." He calmly breaks the silence for you, and you can't help the laugh that bubbles up, sharp and loud, your hand flying up to cover your mouth in embarrassment. "Come on," he continues, apparently spurred on by your outburst, "don't laugh at the poor guy, his bits don't look that weird." You laugh again, this time not bothering to suppress it. "You're right," you say, playing along, "I don't wanna give him a complex." He laughs, a deep, full laugh.
"Hey, don't worry about it, by the way," he says after a minute, eyes still fixed on the field. Confused, you rack your brain for what he could mean. "Huh?" He leans forward like he's suddenly enthralled by the imaginary game, then disappointedly slumping down. He's really invested in this bit, isn't he? "You skedaddled outta there before I could tell you." He explains, as if that explained anything. You slowly shake your head, more confused than ever. "Sorry?"
"COME ON COME ONE COME ON COME O- OHH, DAMNIT." He's suddenly standing up, screaming at the field. Nope. Not bored, crazy.
"History class," Oh. Was he there? Did he see? Of course he did if he was there. Was he snickering? The thoughts start flooding back. "You bumped into me," he clarifies, sitting back down. "You left before I could tell you not to worry about it."
"Not that I blame you," he adds, leaning back on his elbows, "Mrs. Silmore is a total soul-crusher."
"Yeah, I guess." Freak. Freak. Freak. He saw you. He thinks you're a freak. He's just trying to be nice because he feels bad for you.
"Yup. Eye contact is overrated." You chuckle at his words, feeling that ball of anxiety staying firmly snug in your chest, sated for the time being. "I'm just.." You start, choosing your words carefully, "not good at it, when..talking to people." He nods like it's the most normal thing, like I'm normal.
"Well, I won't look at you if you don't look at me."
You smile, yeah, definitely crazy. "Deal."
A few minutes pass in silence, although it's a comfortable silence this time, interrupted by Eddie letting out a long sigh.
"Would you look at that score? 0 to 0. What a terrible fake football game." 
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pbaintthetb · 8 months
For the potential AU: One where, instead of kicking JGY down the Koi Tower steps, JGS decided there was some use to his bastard son and brought him into the sect.
hah I was actually thinking of asking you something similar :-D...
Okay, so first things first it's important to establish that JGY shows up at a different time i.e. NOT on Jin Zixuan's birthday. He is also, perhaps, less naive? and waits for Madam Jin to uh, not be in residence, before showing up. Man bides his time, perhaps stalks Lanling for a bit
JGS doesn't like this Meng Yao fella very much BUT, without all the awkward shame, his wife, and the threat that maybe this bastard is actually older than the heir, hes more willing to talk. And maybe he admires/MY lets slip that he waiteed for Madam Jin to be out, and JGS is like I like this shady character. Alternatively, having a son that nobody knows about around can be useful for things (like spying or DC) JGS can't be seen to be doing- because JGY can live there but unlike canon, his acknoweldgedment (or pointed lack) is NOT made into a big thing
Nie Mingjue has a bit more respect for JGY, firstly, man doesn't do the who Lanya incident, secondly kicking him down teh stairs is not as loaded, C. the whole JGY in Qishan spy thing feels less personal without all the lanya history and less like proof he's a inherently shady and D. Nie Mingjue can let himself believe that this pooor guy didn't know enough about sects to know how JGY was using him. NMJ gets to live! This is, until, of course, NMJ realises that arguably JGY is like 2x as manipulative as canon, what with staking out Lanling, the whole spy thing hten they fight. Who knows if he dies
Mo Xuanyu is less worrying to Jin Guangyao in this au, it's more JGS realising that having bastards around to do dirty work can be useful and sure JGY needs more lackeys. It (feels) at least less to JGY like MXY is here to discredit him. JGY doesn't ovelry like MXY as he's too young and weak to be super useful, and also maybe he feels bad about trapping MXY as a pawn between him and his father, so MXY is just kinda... there. JGY would stick him off to XY to do demonic-y things in teh basement together while JGY is being a helpful son, but he's not sure this is a great idea, so MXY is just... kinda there
post Sunshot JGY seems to be doing well, he's a son, he's there, he's still a war hero (and he is too useful and has too much dirt to be convienently gotten rid of)... that is, until, JGS makes sounds like he's planning to do to JGY what JGY does to MXY because keep your potential blackmailers close, or discredit them utterly adn exile them amirite and hm, Jin Guangyao is like no and sets up a whole staged JZX death before rescuing him so now JGS can't get rid of him and keep face
Thanks for the ask! this was kinda rambly and unclear idk
tldr jgy is a son but secretly(ish) until post war, but he feels more secure in his post in Lanling- he's too useful to JGS. Even if he's not actually more secure in his post as a son
Less death! (at laest for now, but if JGY is in jZX's good books by saving his life then they really don't need his dad, and MXY is like.... just there JGY being begrudingly nice to him while JGS tries to use him. Just saying...)
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irrlicht-writes · 2 months
it was going so well. God, it was going so well. Why didn't I stop?
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but then again, when I read the warnings, I saw the last 'liar' and almost immediately knew what was about to happen. I don't know why, but redfall was still a shock, though. I read the 'incest' warning and was like 'uh?- what' and then redfall showed up and I was like 'fuck this can't be good' and by that moment I completely forgot about the incest tag. Then the chapter ended, and I stared at my phone for ten minutes straight.
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this is the part you let us see in one of your posts!!! I remember when you said it was approaching 70k, aaaaaa when I read it I was giggling like a little girl.
I didn't know what would come next.
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Alastor was right. He always is, unfortunately. At least they got a night together??? well, Alastor had been roofied, but... I guess that's the most comfort you're willing to let us get. And that's alright! I love angst, I feel like a feral animal every time you upload cause I know there will be a ton.
that would've been a perfect ending. But knowing that there's something more, something else that was bound to happen, AAAAAH I can't live without having closure, and a promise it's not enough.
it's never enough.
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By this point I completely forgot about the warnings. Poor me. Foolish me.
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aaaaaaand this was where I was the most shocked. I didn't expect to see Redfall ever again, I thought he was like DEAD or something. surely Vox will be by his side, won't he? He loves Alastor too much to not act...
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I wonder when Vox got together with him. I wonder if redfall talked to him already by that point. I hope we will get to see his Pov, but like you replied to me sometime ago, when scribbles was just getting started, some things are better left unknown.
He promises to kick him out, and the most heartbreaking part is that Alastor believes him. He never believes him, he always calls him a liar, but the one time he starts doing so, he is reminded that he isn't living a fairytale. He's in hell, and people lie, they always do.
Maybe that's his punishment. Maybe he's bound to always be let down once he starts believing someone.
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some chapters ago you wrote "Alastor wanted to tell Vox things he had never told anyone. He wanted to tell him about Redfall" or something along those lines.
This broke my heart.
(But hey, that's not at all a bad thing!!! I love angst and my heart, even if it's already in pieces, can still be ran over by a car, get soaked in acid or maybe i will be the poor sinner that gets her heart carved out and esten by Alastor, it can still go through a lot of things really!)
then there were the break downs, Alastor looking for constant reassurance with his wedding band, I was hoping Vox would eventually ask him about Red, but then he saw them kiss. (I didn't take screenshots because I was so pissed at Vox but at the same time so hooked by your writing that I forgot lol)
I wonder what went through Vox's head. I wonder what he thought. But I know it, don't I? it was the same exact thing he thought when fucking Elliot was still around. He must've thought 'oh well I can't have what I want, so I'll screw his father. nothing can go wrong, can it? surely I proposed to him, but hey, I'm a filthy man, and my NEEEEDS need to be fulfilled!!!'. I know he was thinking about Alastor the entire time, but oh, wasn't there a more hidden place to do it?
The worst thing about it is that he didn't even look for Alastor when Redfall arrived. He was there, and then what? They started going at it the second Alastor wasn't looking?
It was only Vox who looked for him after the fight with Adam, only him who cared for Alastor. But that was when he needed him the most, and he wasn't there.
None of the hotel residents looked for him after he went to his room.
Not even Vox.
He knew about Redfall. He knew what a mess Alastor had been. He knew what Redfall could do to him, even if not to the full extent. And still, he was the person he decided to get with.
'He has Alastor's genes.' he must've thought. 'I know him.', 'We've been friends before.'
That's still unjustifiable.
At least I hope it was Redfall starting it. No, I know he was. Vox wouldn't seek him out, would he? yes, he is a man with 'needs', but he wouldn't deliberately seek out HIS FATHER to fulfil them. yeah. it's definitely that. (Yes, I am very delusional, thank you)
At this point, I think Alastor will feel worse in the relationship. No matter if one day they'll be happy, what's done is done. Vox can't undo it. He can't. I'll be so mad if they stay together.
I hope Vox finds out. I hope he finds out what a monster he's been, and I hope he feels like shit. I don't want him near Alastor ever again.
Then there was the sex. How had Vox not noticed? How had he not wondered what could've possibly brought him Alastor to give himself if just the night before he stopped him when he tried pleasuring him? It's heartbreaking. (Remember, that is a GOOD thing, I loathe for hurt/no comfort). Alastor tried doing that before. He tried giving himself to Vox, but then Vod had the decency to stop himself when he sensed something was wrong. Then, though, Alastor hadn't said yes. Now that Vox had his consent, why would he stop to check on him? it's not like Alastor's body wasn't enjoying it. And Alastor truly is a good actor. He was disgusted and grossed out, but how could Vox tell?
He's just a filthy man.
Alastor is the girl in their relationship, isn't he? That's what he always believed, and hey, who cares about the girls, right? They just need to be put in pretty dresses. They need to let the manly man tear the clothing off and let him do whatever he wants. They need to let him break them, use them, and throw them away.
Who cares about the girls?
Vox cares about Alastor, but when he's the girl of the relationship, he almost forgets he does.
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Then there's the next day. I really don't know how Alastor held it all together.
No, wait, I do.
The fear of being alone is far greater than anything Vox could do to him, isn't it? The fear that Vox would abandon him for someone else. The fear that the wedding ring is just another empty promise.
Their relationship is shit. Complete and utter shit. They both need to work on themselves before they get married. IF they get married, because I truly hope they don't. I don't want Alastor to be with him, I don't want him to be trapped in a relationship with someone who, yeah, cares about him, but would still choose to treat him that way.
BTW I love your writing!!! I binged the whole series multiple times, it always makes me cry when I see Alastor's side of things.
Remember, though, that the angst is never enough. Just like love is never enough in your story :)❤️
love your works, dear author, and I hope we will see more of them in the future!❤️
(this took me an hour to write, istg I could spend so much more time discussing your story, it's so great I love it so much I hope you know how much I get excited whenever an update comes out, there are no words to describe how i feel every time i read it)
Okay now that some time has passed let me answer you! :)
Yes, Falsettos! I hadn't seen the musical before, and my friend showed me this song because of the "What I love I devour" line! And Christian Borle too! I'll never watch the whole musical though bc sob Whizzer
Haha, yeah when *I*, of all people, tell you "here's a good stopping point" then maybe there's a point to that :) Yk the chapter was going to be much worse but then it was so long I cut that part out... it still happens ofc but we don't see it :) Most of the angst I read is way too tame for me... I need it to hurt so I have to provide it myself ugh
We will get Vox's POV! I was way too tired/depressed last week to write anything, but next part is from Vox's perspective, so we'll know what happened! (My note for getting Redfall to stay was literally this: "why does he get to stay?? idk old friendship maybe?? let's see when we get there") And I still firmly believe in "some things are best left unknown"! It leaves more room open for interpretation. Even though now everyone is yelling at me for Vox's ooc behaviour...
Don't worry, Vox will realise what he's done :) Everyone will be so very thrilled! A heart-wrenching end, even! It's all quite dramatic.
Mhm, yes, the sex was terrible, wasn't it? Took me forever to write, too, because I don't do sex scenes. I've only done them in, like, three instances overall.
I'm glad their relationship is terrible! I've only ever done ones that were (to an extent) good for each other, so it's nice I can get the oposite done too!
And dw, there will be more! I've got the Human AU left to finish up, and then Part 4 too! And I had made some notes on other things but they're iced for the moment (for obvious reasons) My DMs and asks are always open, so feel free to come talk anytime 👉👈
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waifuholic · 2 years
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Claire Redfield From Resident Evil + LH version
This time our seat is reserved for a survivor, please welcome the sexy redhead and queen of getting in trouble of the Resident Evil franchise!, the one and only, Claire Redfield!
Let's face it, of the whole series of RE games, Ms. Redfield HAS to be the most unlucky redhead of the entire cast, wait... what you said?... she is the only redhead? oh well... *ahem* as I was saying, I love Claire as a character, but damn! her luck is just something!
SPOILERS AHEAD (if you haven't played Resident Evil and plan to do it without spoilers you may want to skip to the end).
-Arriving at Raccoon City on the worst time looking for her brother (who isn't even there) - CHECK! - RE 2
- Getting thrown in a prison on an forbidden island run by sickos  - CHECK! - RE Code: Veronica
-Escaping from said island just to crash on the ANOTHER place full imminent death, ice and danger - CHECK! RE Code: Veronica
- Joining Terra Save organization and investigating a case that led her to go to exact airport where a virus outbreak takes place - CHECK! RE Degeneration
- Getting tased, knocked out and kidnapped, then carried to an underground site and strapped to a chair where she almost dies (again) then has to be saved by Leon (again!) - CHECK! RE Infinite Darkness
- And finally getting betrayed by the same organization SHE joined (Terra Save) to be sent to... yeah you guessed it ANOTHER godforsaken prison island, to... ye... you guessed it again, fight for her life (and her partner Moira Burton), just escape end up in an hospital where they apparently thought it was a good idea to cut her hair with "The Good Guy Style" (like Chucky from Child's Play), and FINALLY come back to the same damned island to rescue her partner, well... wait... that actually didn't end too bad, but you get the idea! -CHECK!
Wait...again? 1 sec please, *helpers whisper* uh huh... uh huh... uh huuuuh... "but it doesn't count as bad luck when YOU are the one who looks for trouble...you're bound to find it" Mmmm... true, true. *ahem* the point here is... Claire IS a survivor, and as such, she is a strong, skilled, gentle and very human lady and why not say it? in the end she IS lucky, (I mean... to survive ALL that, well...).
If you like strong-willed but kind-hearted, compassionate ladies, that bring a LOT of trouble to the equation (and exciting adventures with it) then Claire Redfield is the perfect waifu for you!, leave some good love for her on the comments section and I'll see you on the next one.
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
Julie as an exorcist for hire and Luke as her ghost partner au (Bring it On Ghost 😌)
JATP characters meet working a a pet store au (let’s pretend it’s a super ethical one where all the pets are rescues ok lol)
HOOO BOY OK ok ok ok OK
edit: uh. yeah. good luck reading this it’s so long but then so rushed idk man enjoy……….
edit 2: wait shit i just reread your ask and u specifically said julie exorcist and luke ghost…..I APOLOGISE. STILL WORKS………….
get it on ghost au:
so luke’s always been plagued with the gift of seeing ghosts - he hates it, it’s mostly annoying when they show up unannounced declaring that he has to help them — and worst of all, it’s exhausting having to get rid of the creepy ones in ways other than just guiding them spiritually (ie beating the crap out of them)
it took up too much of his time and he just wanted to focus on his music man
he figures out at one point tho that he can make a business out of it — make some money by advertising his skills (without his parents knowing cause well. they wouldn’t necessarily agree to it) and getting people to pay him to ‘exorcise’ ie beat the crap out of ghosts that refuse to move on and just insist on haunting the living
(alex and reggie know about this of course. esp when they suddenly have nicer practice rooms to chill in. alex isn’t thrilled he’s actually terrified, but reggie just wants to join in on all the client calls luke gets)
AND THIS IS WHERE IT GETS INTERESTING: so one day luke gets a text from a potential client asking him to head over to the abandoned los feliz high school building (that particular building was shut down a couple years ago because of a tragedy and hasn’t really been dealt with yet)
BUT BASICALLY the text asks him to check out the building cause there’s this one notorious ghost that keeps scaring all the high school students in the buildings nearby and they just need it to be dealt with (he’s seen those high school kids running past it like their lives depended on it
luke’s happy to oblige, especially when he finds out how much the client is willing to pay, and heads over — only to get the surprise of a lifetime. he meets a ghost who 1. turns out to be the one who texted him (so he’s not getting paid and that’s not great news) and 2. is a cute girl who looks very much human and not like any of the other ghosts he’s met before
he’s taken aback, especially when she kicks his ass (and helps him kick the resident ghost’s ass)
it’s a whole cat and mouse thing for a while, she keeps following him whenever he’s alone and he keeps telling her to leave him alone (mostly cause she’s hella cute and he seriously can’t afford to catch feelings for a dead girl yknow). he tells her she needs to pay him or move on and she keeps insisting that she just wants to figure out who she is!! how she died!! who her family is!! so that she can move on!!!
so they strike up a deal: he helps her (her name’s julie, by the way) figure out who she is, the mystery revolving her death and why she can’t remember anything, and she, in turn, helps him on the job (she’s got a wicked left kick), slowly paying him back with her skills since she never paid him for that one job (the abandoned high school building, remember that?)
so she tags along wherever he goes (at first to his dismay), even joining in on band practice (the boys know of her existence and try to be as considerate as possible considering they can’t see her)
things start to change between the two the second luke hears julie sing, fingers slipping on metal strings when she follows the melody perfectly and holy shit he’s a goner (the boys are confused af they’ve never seen luke lose focus when it comes to band practice)
THEY SPEND THE NIGHT TALKING AND HE FINDS OUT SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW SHE COULD SONG- he tries to get her to play various instruments to see maybe she was into that and turns out she can play piano!! and oh?? SHE CAN ALSO WRITE SONGS??? match made in heaven soulmates luke’s fucked and fully in love with a ghost etc etc
ah fuck this is getting long i’m so sorry but let me continue:
so this is where we meet our antagonist: the music teacher at los feliz, the one luke’s seen loitering around the high school (alex goes to that school and whenever luke stopped by for lunch he’d see the somewhat creepy teacher)
and he gets a bad feeling from him every single time
TO MAKE THIS SHORT LMAO: turns out julie’s accident had soemthing to do with the teacher, caleb covington, and turns out she was a student at that school!! 10 years ago!!
ALSO: SHES BOT ACTUALLY DEAD? SHES IN A COMA????? what a plot twist. it’s why she looks so normal so human. it’s why she’s never felt like any other ghost.
anyway stuff happens luke figures out caleb is some weird powerful ghost demon who sucks the life out of students for their talents and that’s what happened to julie except he never managed to finish the job.
luke finds a way to bring her back to life and together they fight caleb and it’s A HAPPY ENDING OH JESUS
do you still want the pet store au??? lmao
julie starts working at a pet store, she meets reggie first, and he takes her round the store introducing her to all the animals and staff members and when they reach the puppies section they find a guy their age on the floor on his back being attacked by several puppies (licking his face) and it’s the cutest thing julie’s seen in a while
that is until reggie shouts “luke! new person coming through” and the boy on the floor sits up and julie sees his face and decides actually. that’s the cutest thing she’s seen in a while
coworkers romance and all that jazz 😌
she finds out he sings to the scared puppies and agitated animals at the store, and it melts her heart. he hears her sing along to one of his songs one day, matching the harmony perfectly, and he melts.
they fall in love and live happily ever after the end
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setagaya-division · 1 year
It wasn’t everyday that you can visit another city, especially as someone as introverted and more of a homebody as Kureha but today she was willing to make an exception as today was a very special day, hence why she was currently in Setagaya, just right in front of the door leading to the residence of Mina, Elliot, and Yorii all while holding an armful of gifts. She knocked on the door using her foot as her arms were occupied, sighing in relief upon seeing Mina, she was glad she had gotten the right address, it would’ve been embarrassing had she didn’t. “Uh, hey.” She greeted, adjusting her position to keep a grip on the presents. “Is Elliot home?”
“Hello…” Mina blinked in surprise upon seeing Kureha, in fact, she didn’t expect to see anyone today until she heard the blue haired goth say her brother’s name and saw the gifts in her arms and put two and two together quickly, “Yeah, actually, he is. Do you need any help with those?” She asked, pointing to the gifts and Kureha sheepishly nodded, “I appreciate it.” She let Mina take the top two presents from her and carried the third one inside.
Immediately upon entering, she was greeted by Yorii “Heyy! Kureha, right?” The blonde bounced up to her and Kureha had to stop herself from physically recoiling from the sheer volume, smiling politely. “Right, uh, hello Yorii.” She nodded at him, going to set down the presents on the table where Mina had set the other two on and Yorii took a look at the gifts with sparkling eyes. “Ooooh~! Are these for Elliot?” He asked and Kureha nodded “Yeah, I heard it was his birthday today and I wanted to wish him well.” She rubbed the back of her neck, sheepishly looking off to the side and Yorii’s grin grew wider and a tad devious. “Awww! How sweet! Hold on for a sec, lemme go get the birthday boy!” Before either Kureha or Mina could say anything, Yorii had already taken off upstairs and it wasn’t long until he came back with a confused Elliot.
“Loooook who came to see you, bro!” The blonde idol sang, letting go of his hand to gesture towards Kureha who quietly waved and immediately, the bespectacled boy felt his face heat up and his heart nearly pounding out of his chest. He opened and closed his mouth several times like a gaping fish, staring at the gothic artist with wide eyes, causing Mina to sigh, Yorii to facepalm, and Kureha to watch the whole thing awkwardly, unable to handle the silent, the bluenette spoke up. “Uh, happy birthday, Elliot. I got you a couple of gifts, they’re over there….” She pointed at the table and Yorii perked back up, “That’s right! Kureha was so nice to give you a gift! Let’s go see what she got you!” Once again, the idol took off before anyone could say or stop him and came back as fast as he left with the three presents, he pushed everyone towards the living room couch to sit.
Taking one of the wrapped presents, Yorii handed it to Elliot who finally came out of his stupor but now was looking directly at the floor, his face still flamming. “C‘mon Big bro! Open it!” Yorii encouraged and after taking a few breaths, the black haired boy carefully unwrapped the wrapping paper to find…
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“Books?” Yorii said out loud, disappointed but quieted down when Mina elbowed him, Kureha smiled shyly. “Yeah, I thought you’d like it, it’s a series about a group of teenagers that can turned into animals and they all come together to help save the world, I don’t want to spoil it but it’s pretty good but that’s just my opinion, I managed to get all three books for steal, let me know what you think if you do read it.”
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“Alright, well, next gift!” Yorii announced and Mina gave him a warning look which he promptly ignored and picked up a bouquet of flowers, specifically, pink carnations and practically shoved them in Elliot’s face. “Oooh! Look Elliot! Aren’t these pretty?” He gushed and Kureha ducked her head, embarrassed. “I know it’s cliche to give a person flowers but I don’t know, I think it’s nice, it was hard choosing which flowers to get but carnations are always a classic, pink ones especially, did you know that pink carnations symbolize gratitude and the concept of never forgetting someone? Well, I guess that kinda speaks for itself…” There was a faint blush on her cheeks before she cleared her throat and picked up the final present, handing it to Elliot herself. “This one, in my opinion, is more special..”
Eyes widening, he shakily took the present from her, this one was bigger than the books and flowers and carefully he undid the wrapping paper to reveal…
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“Whoooa~!” Yorii exclaimed and even Mina looked impressed, “That looks so cool!” The blonde haired boy complimented and Mina nodded in agreement, Elliot was silent, looking at the painting in awe. Kureha’s face flushed as she smiled meekly. “Uhh, thanks, it’s really nothing, I just remembered how you said that you liked spending time out in meadows stargazing and it kinda just stuck with me, before I knew I was just..painting and this was the end result, I, uh, really hope that you like it..” She scratched her head, nervously.
A notification sound came from her pocket and pulling out her phone, the bluenette’s eyes widen, “Oh crap, I gotta get going, I almost forgot I had a meeting about my upcoming feature at an art exhibit.” She placed her phone back in her pocket and stood up, Mina stood up alongside her, “Here, I’ll walk you to the door.” The artist replied with a small nod of appreciation as the two turned to leave though not before she looked at Elliot with a small smile, “Happy birthday”. Yorii waved goodbye, smiling brightly “Bye Kureha-chan!”
Happy Birthday Elliot!
"Wow, we're certainly popular today, huh Big Bro?" Yorii asked, teasing Elliot, who was still staring at the painting that Kureha had drawn for him. It was unknown if was even aware that Kureha had even left.
"Big Bro?" Yorii repeated, turning his head to look at Elliot more clearly. Waving his hand in front of the nerd's face, the pink-haired boy frowned as Elliot was still ignoring him. He even resorted to snapping his fingers, which still did nothing, making Yorii frown even more. If he would have done more had Mina not grabbed him by one of his ears, erecting a loud 'ow' from him.
"Leave him alone," she ordered, pulling him by his ear back to his room.
Meanwhile, Elliot continued staring at the painting his crush had just bequeathed him. It's unknown why he was so enamored with it. Was it because it was given to him by the person he adored tremendously, or was it something else that was occupying his mind at the present moment?
This was the first time Elliot had seen this painting, but... for some reason, he couldn't help but feel like he knew this place and it felt... familiar to him. Like his siblings, he had huge gaps in his memories. He remembered vivid places and images, but he had no idea what they were. And this painting... this place... he, for some reason, felt as if he had seen it before.
A luxurious green meadow with blue plants, a forest in the background along with peak mountains, a night sky filled with aurora. It was like... something you'd see on a painting somewhere. How ironic that it actually was featured on a painting. Suddenly, a woman's face appeared in Elliot's mind, a smile on her face. Before he could utter a word, she quickly disappeared, unclogging his brain and knocking him back to reality.
Looking around, Elliot realized that he was alone. He had missed seeing Kureha and his siblings leave, and was now standing in the corridor with the painting still in his hands. Looking down at it, the bespectacled nerd remembered who it was from and felt his face heat up. Quickly grabbing the flowers and books that she had left for him, he rushed to his room and closed the door, his heart beating heavily against his chest.
"I... I got a gift..." he stated. "I got a gift from... K-K-Kureha..."
It seems that that was the most his fragile heart and mind could take as the poor boy suddenly fainted, either from shock or heatstroke...
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badwithten · 2 years
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PAIRING Stalker!Han x fem!reader
GENRE horror
WARNINGS drugging, kidnapping (?)
SYNOPSIS After a warm welcoming gift from your new neighbour, you notice him becoming more attentive to your life. You blew it off as him trying to make you feel more welcome. It soon became clear it was more than that. And despite not believing in fairytales, you swear your elf on the shelf keeps moving on its own. 
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It wasn’t your first choice of apartments, the neighbourhood was so-so, your room only smells slightly of must and at least the landlord didn't look like she wanted you to leave before you even signed your contract. With the budget of a college student working part-time, this is all you could afford. 
The day of the move was just as stressful as you had imagined. Your friends that promised to help had suddenly pulled out. Not that you had any heavy furniture to move, but you were more worried about moving the dozens of boxes you had from your car to the fifth floor. Some of them were light, you could take two at a time, and others were heavier meaning only one box per trip. After the sixth box, you were getting sick of it, but you were only halfway through. Just as you grew tired of the tedious activity. A voice catches you off guard.
“Excuse me miss” You spin away from the rental van you had hired for the day. Seeing a tall thin man head your way. His bagging jeans came in at his waist where a black sweater was tucked into. He jogged towards you, keys jingling in his hand. The parking lot was below the apartment building, for residents only. “Can I offer you a hand? I didn't mean to pry but I’ve noticed you've moved a few boxes in the last half hour or so”
“Uh yeah, that would be nice thanks” You're caught off guard, willing to take help from even your weird high school crush at this point. Anything to get this move over and done with. You awkwardly shuffle around each other as you hand him a box, you go to grab your own but he stops you.
“Give me another one”
“Are you sure? These ones are heavy”
“I got this” You could tell he was showing off, but it made you laugh. There was an innocence to his flexing, he wasn't trying to be cocky, only trying to make light of what otherwise would be an awkward situation. You appreciate his humour.
With another box in the stranger's arms, he follows you up the staircase towards your apartment. It doesn’t take long, but it drags out in silence. You're too concentrated on not breathing hard, too embarrassed to show this man how out of breath you are. And it seems he's struggling with the weight of the boxes he insisted would be easy to carry. 
Finally, you reach your door. Both of you place down the boxes to catch a breath, laughing when you look over and see him a lot more worn out than he cares to admit. Fiddling around in your bag you find your keys, the small ring holding more pretty jangling things than actual keys. One of these clips contains your I.D., being held in a small blue wallet with a clear screen. As you search for the unfamiliar key to your new home, you catch him staring. 
Like a doll, his eyes are empty. His body seems out of his control, he's lifeless as he tilts his head to the side trying to read your I.D. He snaps out of it when he catches your eyes, standing back upright. “Y/N?”
“That's me” You smile, choosing to ignore his strange behaviour in exchange for his help moving. The key turns and your door falls open, allowing you to finally enter. “And you are?”
“Han Jisung” He follows behind you once again, moving his heavy boxes while you carry just one. He places them down with a grunt. “Just call me Han. I'm just down the hall”
“Well thanks for your help Han” Standing with your hands against your back, you catch your breath, mentally prepared to do the trip all over again. “I should have it from here, I gave you the heavy ones”
“I got to finish the job now”
“Are you sure?” You could use the help, but having an unknown man in your apartment felt wrong. 
“Can’t have a pretty girl like you doing all the work now can we?” He smiles towards you, but not at you. The nice intent that is supposedly behind his compliment not meeting you. “I insist, please”
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Although this place doesn't feel like home just yet, you're comfortable, you're safe. The stress of moving melts away, you had been worried for so long about where you would be moving once you were in the city and you were lucky to find this place, especially with the busy hustle of the city that comes with the holiday season. You have a bed, a bed you own under a roof you pay for. It's more responsibilities than you have ever had in your life, but you're stronger than ever now. It doesn't weigh you down the way you thought it would. It's not too heavy, breaking your bones as you try to keep yourself afloat. Instead, it's a welcomed pressure, it grounds you. A weighted blanket that lulls you to sleep. 
A fast knock wakes you up, you don't remember sleeping but the pain in your neck says otherwise. You’ll have to invest in a new couch if you're gonna make a habit of falling asleep without your knowledge. The knocking catches you in between consciousness, you can't tell where it's coming from. Was it your door or the neighbours?
As you are heading to check the peephole, another knock makes you jump awake. All memories of your sleep are gone. You're more awake than ever, instead of checking you pull open the door, annoyed at the impatience of whoever was behind the disturbance. But your heart sinks and you regret opening your door.
Han Jisung stands outside your apartment, smiles wide and eyes deceiving. He looks like a snake with his fangs out, his gummy smile catching you off guard while his eyes are hunting you like prey. You feel as if you aren't treating him fairly. You have no reason to think this of him. Not when he helped you this morning, and especially not when he put a gift basket together for you.
“Welcome to the complex Y/N!” There's a certain innocence to his words that let you trust him. His voice is high-pitched, squeaky clean. A hint of humour is in all his words, making you confused if he's being serious or not. 
“Oh wow” All thoughts have left your head, well that's not true. Any appropriate thoughts have left your head. The main words floorings around in your mind, what the fuck. You don’t know this man, yet in his arms is a woven basket filled with small Christmas-themed gifts. A pack of candy canes, a miniature tree decoration that fills your nose with the strong smell of pine, you assume the candle next to it is the source. The smell is not strong enough to cut through the silence that follows your words. Although Han seems unbothered by the tension.
“May I?” He points his head past you into your unfurnished apartment. His words are formed as a question, but you have a feeling he's not asking. Silence still fills you as you step to the side and he welcomes himself into your soon-to-be home. 
You watch as he sets the basket down on your dining table, sitting with a grunt and looking over at you. His eyes are as empty as this morning. The door creaking is the only sound in your apartment, it once again doesn't seem to bother the man in front of you. Taking a deep breath against the now-closed door before turning with newfound confidence, a smile on your face.
“Thank you, Han, I appreciate it I really do” You join him at the table, starting to pull apart the gifts he had purchased you. “But why? I mean you don't know me”
“We’re neighbours now, think of it as a housewarming gift!” He watches you intensely as you search through the goodies he bought you, he's proud of himself. “I have a feeling I’ll get to know you soon enough”
At the bottom of the basket lies a small toy elf, one you recognize as an “elf of the shelf”. Although this was a tradition you never participated in, you understood the concept. He would watch you, reporting back to Santa each night if you were naughty or nice. There's something uncanny about this elf. His eyes dig deep into you and you have to look away before you get lost. Yet looking up, you find the same dark look in Hans' eyes.
“Thank you, Han” You try to be genuine with your smile, but your mind is racing for an excuse to get him out of your apartment. “I was worried about not being with my family for Christmas for the first time, but this is really nice. So thank you”
“Of course, I’m glad I could help” He stands, straightening his jacket as he does. “I’m sorry to leave so soon but I need to be up early tomorrow so I’ve got to go”
“That's ok, you’ve done so much already” You laugh, not wanting to come across as too sad that he's leaving, you wouldn't want him to change his mind. You open the door for him, this time allowing him to step outside of your apartment. Hands tucked behind his back, he spins on his feet to smile at you one last time. 
“Catch you later Y/N”
That man left an uneasiness in your stomach. His kindness contained something sinister inside but you couldn't place your finger on it. You tried not to let it dampen your mood. You had just moved into your first apartment, this should be exciting for you. Even with the overly friendly neighbour. You needed to be grateful you even had a roof over your head. After spending some time making peace with the weird events of your day, you climbed into bed. Your first proper sleep in your new home was a strange but welcome feeling. You didn't fight the heaviness of your eyes as you sink into a deep sleep. 
It took longer than normal for you to come to your senses this morning, it was as if you were waking up at a friend's house, forgetting you had stayed over and panicking when you didn't know where you were. That panic is only temporary as you come to realise this is just your new home. A new panic comes when you see what's waiting for you at the end of your bed.
At the foot of your bed sits the elf on the shelf toy that was gifted to you yesterday. The dead stare in its eyes remains. You're not sure how you managed to not knock it over in your sleep, but here it sits, watching over you. 
You're convinced this is what a heart attack would feel like. The cracking of your ribs and rupture of your skull. A panic you've never felt before. In your teenage years, you were often spooked by what you thought were supernatural occurrences, which in reality could be explained by very natural everyday occurrences.
But this, you couldn't explain this. You swear you left this thing on your dining table, you haven't touched it since you pulled it out in front of Han. But it's on your bed, watching you sleep. You quickly wrap yourself up in your robe, grab the cursed object and head down to the parking spot below your apartment. Regardless of if you have moved it there unconsciously or it really was haunted, you didn't want it in your new home. It had no place there. 
Opening the large garbage bin, you threw the toy in there. Its eyes looked sad as you closed the lid, a waft of air tainted by rotten food spewing into your face. The smell makes you stumble away for fresh air. But at least it is gone, and with the panic out of your system, you can finally take a moment to allow your brain to fully wake up. You rub your temples, desperately trying to descramble your thoughts. You didn't even know what time it was or how much longer you had to get ready before class. 
The sound of a car unlocking catches you off guard, you spin to see who else is present with you at this moment. The brief moment of relief you felt is quickly deflated as you see Han heading towards his car. You play it off, praying he didn't see what you just threw away. You need to walk past him to get back to your apartment so you smile as waves.
“Good morning Han” 
“Morning Y/N” He waves back. Despite the disturbing nature of some of his actions, his appearance was so enticing. His long thin legs were supported by his thick platform shoes. Today he wore a denim jacket, tight at his waist. And his hair was unkempt, wild apart from the sunglasses that kept them out of his face. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah actually, it was a good first night” You fidget with your house keys, not stopping to talk, instead keeping a slow pace.
“Nothing weird happened? I’ve heard some strange first-night stories” He laughs but you don't have any humour in you. You stop in your tracks, turning back towards him.
“Excuse me?” You want him to celebrate but your questions come out with more anger than intended. His face drops into something more real than any upbeatness you've seen from him.
“I’ve got to go to work, I’ll see you later Y/N” Without giving you a chance to reply he gets into his car, starts it and puts it in reverse right away. Forcing you away from his vehicle. How did he know something happened to you?
You're so fixated on his words for the rest of the day. What does he mean he's heard strange stories? You wished you weren't so aggressive, you wanted answers. What does strange mean? And did he happen to be at the centre of these stories? Your mind ticks along throughout the day, you're barely present as you sit through your classes, run errands and meet with friends. Something was off and you couldn't figure out what this was. Your mind was so preoccupied with these thoughts you could barely function.
Your day is full of mishaps due to your wandering mind. First, you overfilled your coffee, spilling it over your computer top. Your lecture is no better, being called upon to answer questions that you didn't even hear. As you arrive home, you try to destress and calm down. But to your shock and horror, there sits an elf at your door, the same one you threw away this morning. 
You don’t believe in the supernatural, you really don't. But maybe this was a sign from the universe. Hesitantly you pick it up, taking the doll inside with you. You contemplate what to do with it so for now, it sits at the kitchen bench with you. Watching as you begin your task for the afternoon. Baking. 
With your mind occupied with the elf and what to do with it, it's not till you're halfway through a batch of muffins to realise you had no vanilla essence left. You contemplate finishing them up with no vanilla but you know your mother would not be pleased when she came round tomorrow and you offered her one. Exhausted from your day, you grab your keys and head out the door.
It's becoming a pattern with Han. Anywhere you go, he's there. He's walking up the hall, grocery bag in hand. He jumps when your door opens, eyes wide from the surprising sound. 
“Oh Y/N” He holds his heart, bending over. “You scared me!” 
You can’t help but laugh with him, or more accurately at him. He was charming despite his flaws. “Sorry! I was just heading out, to the supermarket as well actually” You point at his bag of groceries, subconsciously moving your keys in between your fingers. 
You're still standing in your open doorway and you see him look past you, but you move with him, subtly but enough to block his view. “You bake?”
“Yeah my mums coming tomorrow, just making some muffins for her but I ran out of vanilla essence”
“Well today is your lucky day” He lights up, reaching and digging in his bag of food before finally pulling out the small dark bottle. “You can have this one!”
“Oh no I can’t take that from you, I appreciate it but I’ll get my own”
“I insist” You're hesitant, your hands still close to your body. “Come on, it's yours seriously”
He places it on the ground between you two and steps away, hands in the air. “It won't bite!” He laughs, walking away. You pick up the bottle, it's still sealed. At least this saves you a trip to the market and a few dollars. 
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You can't get Han out of your head. He's charming and gorgeous, with humour and smiles for days. But there's something about him, something wrong with him. You hate to word it that way but some of his behaviour is just disturbing. You can't put anything else against him apart from the fact he disturbs you. He seems to be a prominent figure around this apartment complex, and although you've only been there two days you've spent more time with him than you have anyone else. In fact, he's the only person you've seen who lives here. 
Getting yourself a coffee and a fresh muffin out of the tin, you sit with your laptop. A quick google search of your apartment complex comes up with thousands of results, more than you can process. You were expecting to find ads or reviews for the building, maybe even small businesses nearby. Instead, articles appear before your eyes.
“Rachel Bowen, a 20-year-old journalist has been reported missing, last seen at her apartment complex”
“Gina O'Brien, the second young female to go missing this year at the Mariners apartment complex”
“Police investigate residents at Mariners apartment complex after two more girls are reported missing”
“Within two years, four girls that were residents at the Mariners apartment complex have gone missing. Police believe there to be a connection as a fifth female has been reported missing, 23-year-old Nicole Mccarthy”
The names begin to blur, five girls, all disappearing from the building you are currently in. You close your laptop, reaching for your phone. You see your hand above it but as you press forward, you miss, instead falling on the floor. Your head is pounding, and an intense wave of nausea bubbles in your stomach. After moments of trying to calm yourself, you pull yourself back onto the couch. The room is spinning, but your eyes are caught on one thing. 
The glowing eyes of your toy elf. The bright red light is the last thing you see before it all fades away. 
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Your mind is covered in fog as you try to pull your head away from the pillow, but it feels like a bowling ball. And you do not have the strength to pick up such a weight. You don't remember putting yourself to bed, but all of last night was a blur. The harder you thought about it, the more intense the pain in your head became. You wince, finally pulling your eyes open before shutting them once again at the bright light.
“Careful Y/N!” Your heart sinks, you know that voice. Your eyes aren't open but the pitch is enough. You have a vision of his bright eyes that are so empty, his smile that's covering something else inside. “I’m right here, you don’t need to stress”
You force yourself awake, opening your eyes to see him right in front of you. A softness comes across your hair as he strokes it. There's something so wrong about this but he's acting as if this is ok. Trying to turn away from him only results in a struggle, you can't move. Your hands are tied to your side and your legs are secured to the bed.
“Han” You begin to panic, the weight of the situation finally sinking in. Any worry you felt earlier about the toy was nothing compared to the anxiety eating you alive right now. All you see are the faces of those missing girls, you're about to become one. “Please” 
You don’t even know what you're asking for, but it becomes a beg as you cry out those same words. It gets lost in your sobs as tears fall down your cheeks. “Shhh Y/N” He stands away from the bed, looking down at you with pity. “I won’t hurt you”
“What is this Han?” You look around, you're still in your own apartment, you're in your own bed. It doesn't provide as much comfort as it once did. Just like last night, your eyes fall on the doll at the end of your bed.
“Well my little friend here,” He walks around your bed, capturing your attention as he picks up the elf. “He helped me a lot didn't he” He's proud of himself, with a toothless smile that screams for praise. But your mouth stays shut. 
“You know Y/N, the other girls put up a bit more of a fight, but not you. You just took that vanilla as if it was nothing.” He sits once again, rubbing your legs. “Aren’t you glad I got here before your mother did? Imagine what she would say if she found out you took food from a stranger?”
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just wanted to ask more on character dynamics! what’s chujin and dalv’s dynamic like? i think you mentioned earlier that they did work together at one point to set up the corn field, but do they still talk to each other often? and is chujin familiar with the other monsters in the remnants?
also; any uh. random facts about the kingdom you’d be willing to share? attractions, general population, storekeepers etc
Heya, glad you asked! Also, FYI, this is gonna be a chunky post so let's get into it.
Like in the original Undertale Yellow, Dalv was best friends with Kanako and acted as her caretaker on behalf of her parents, so Dalv and Chujin had known each other before the incident. After Kanako was killed (she'd fallen down, but close enough) by the Integrity Soul, Dalv pretty much blamed himself entirely for letting her fall, even if Chujin reassured him that he did his best to defend her. When Chujin decided to go into self-exile, Dalv actually helped him get set up in the Remnants.
And yeah, like I said, they both set up the corn field together. But there's also times where the two just have lunch together or reminisce about Kanako. It gets awkward at times, but generally they're pretty good friends with one another. Dalv actually lent Chujin a cloak that he wears whenever he exits the Remnants in disguise.
As for Chujin and the rest of the monsters in the Remnants, he's familiar with just about everyone who sets foot inside. He has a surveillance network set up around the whole city, so he knows everyone who steps foot inside (though he is respectful towards those who want their privacy). Some inhabitants are a handful of followers to joined with him when he fled the Imperial City. Others are people who simply weren't too comfortable with the Empress's rule. Chujin doesn't really block anyone from getting in (he's not too concerned about Ceroba since she's respectful of his decision to leave her), but he is a bit suspicious of any of her agents who enter. He even helps construct/rebuild housing for residents of the Remnants. As for some random fact about the Kingdom, well, I got some shop-keepers set up! Muffet acts as the Vendor for Lakeside Village, where she runs a bakery. Her personality is fairly unchanged. She's still pretty stingy and pressures passers-by to purchase her items.
Blackjack is the main Vendor for the Sand Dunes. He's pretty much identical to how he is in base UTY. He's less resentful of Starlo and the Feisty Four, now that they're a proper law enforcement group than a bunch of vigilantes, but given their history, he's still a bit cautious around them.
Dina's still the bartender of the Saloon, but that's more of a side-job for her now. First of all, there's not a lot of traffic in the Wild East these days. Second of all, she's a member of the Royal Rangers, too, who ended up joining after Kanako's passing to keep an eye on Ceroba (yes, Beer Yuri tease). She also has a bit of a darker role as the unofficial executioner for the Kingdom. It's worth noting that she has a much bigger role in the AU, especially on the Vengeance/No Mercy route...
Sans and Papyrus are the owners of the Frostpeak Settlement General Store. It's nearly identical to the shop Sans runs in Deltarune. They have a lot of the same type of banter they do in the original Undertale. It's worth noting that on a Vengeance Run, Sans would be the only vendor that doesn't leave.
Steamworks currently doesn't have a vendor.
Alphys acts as the vendor for the Imperial City, where she works out of a tech-based shop (Bratty and Catty are her coworkers). Just like in the original, she has a crush on Undyne and is a massive fangirl for Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. Part of her story is that she has a penpal who's also a massive fan of the show and ends up getting revealed after the Pacifist ending.
Okay, sorry if I overdid it with that, but I hope that answered your questions!
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