#to the boy who said he didnt like black people: i forgive you.
peachyys-posts · 2 years
hello!! my english isn't the best but I want to make a request <3 yandere platonic! pitch x reader, reader is the queen/spirit of evil and pitch is in love with her. but she isn't aware of pitch's love. I hope it is a good request thank youuu
Reader is the spirit of evil.Platonic yandere pitch black is trying to protect reader from the guardians
(Takes place in autumn)narratorPOV:
A black mass flew around the city of lights it was so beautiful and yet trouble filled the air.They say the spirit watches all never taking sides but yet helping those who seek revenge some believe that this spirit is a fallen Angel trying to ask for forgiveness others think it’s a demon looking for ways to take one’s soul
Pitch Black knew better than those mortals.he knew who the spirit was and what they were doing.The guardians had no right talking to you especially that pesky winter spirit.The black mass was once his child called (Y/n).she was once the kindest of souls but she was faced with horrors that no child should have witnessed.Anger and hatred changed her into what mortals now call the Mother of darkness.
Reader POV:
It’s nice to go out to see the lights.It sometimes helps with the voices calling to begging for me to let them out to let them kill whoever they please.I tell them to be patient we must wait and watch for whoever is deemed the “winner”
A scream was heard from the alleyway.I decided to follow it only to find a scrawny child, he only looked to be four or five didnt really matter until he looked at me like he could actually see me and begged for my help.Some many voices came to my head begging me to help him others wanted me to kill him.I didn’t know what was happening until I saw shadow casted from a lighted window did I see why the boy was so scared.A man who appeared to be drunk shouting at the poor boy.He threw a half empty beer bottle at us but missed my an inch that’s when I decided to let some of the voices out letting them tear that man from limb to limb. It wasn’t till he was dead did I realize that the boy was still there.I turned back to him and put on my best horror face and said one simple thing
“RUN.”He ran as if I was going to eat him.I was thinking about it.just a little bit.”well,(y/n) never thought to see you be kind to a child again.last time I checked you eat children.”Great not this jackass.I turn around to see my least favorite guardian.”why hello Jack Frost long time no see.”Jack smiles and says “I know there’s still good inside you please we need your help.” I couldn’t help but to be annoyed,I simply stated “jack you and I both know I don’t have good inside me and why would I help you?”Jack look at me sadly,I have no time for his antics so I called my back my demons.”While this was unpleasant I must simply be going I have people to see people to kill and you are simply annoying me,goodbye” and so I transformed back into my black fog and flew away to find more victims m.
Pitch black POV:
After seeing jack’s poor attempt to get (y/n)to join their side I couldn’t help but to pounder on the idea of getting (y/n)the Mother of Darkness herself to join my side after all the guardians just want to lock her away to change her but I would accept her as she was.I would protect her from those simple minded creatures.This would even the playing field.I looked up to the moon and smiled”Well old friend it seems jack’s plan has failed.let’s see how long your guardians will last.”
Narrator/reader because I changed it halfway through and I didn’t want to change it because it’s late and I’m tiredPOV
(Y/n) arrived at her house after a long night of hunting only to find pitch black in her living room seeming to be in deep thought while standing at a painting she stole from a victim’s house .She stood there for a moment contemplating on what she should say or do one wrong move and she could piss him off especially since the guardians are kicking his ass.Pitch black turns around to see (Y/n) staring at him with a look that could kill.Pitch black calmly greeted her after a moment of staring back and simply said “lovely painting you have.I must say (y/n) you have a lovely sense of art.” “Cut the bullshit Pitch,Why are you in my house?”i stated coldly no longer caring if I started a fight.” Now now hold your tongue I just wanted to give you a opportunity”.I looked at him with confusion but waited for him to explain himself and hopefully get him out of my house quicker.”I hear that the guardians want you to join them,but if you do end up joining them they will change you or if you refuse to change to their ways you will be sent away locked for who knows how long”.I closed my eyes to think about the possibility of me joining them thinking how my life would be like if I did join them.would the voices go away or at the very least would I be able to control them but then again if what pitch black is saying is true … i opened my eyes to look pitch right in the eye but he went back to staring at the painting. “What do you suggest that I do then ?” I swear I could almost see the smirk on pitch’s face he turns around and says “join me” “what” “join me for I will not change you I will make sure you will never be locked away not again with that I can promise you but only if you join me”thinking about it some more joint pitch didn’t sound like a bad idea I wouldn’t be alone anymore I won’t spend all my nights alone screaming and crying for the voices to stop and give me some peace.and with that I turn to pitch.”okay I’ll join you”
And just like that pitch black has you
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bellqmione · 8 days
okay so this time i wrote down stuff as it happened instead of after finishing it
tom and tim remind me of my dynamic with my little sister
"you are gonna make a killing" OH NO OH NO (foreshadowing?)
my ex bf's name is ethan. jumpscare
"my mom's a bitch!" girl same
i was mostly completely fine with linda's rudeness but it ticked me off when she started to mock becky's experience with domestic violence. kinda icky.
i would rather DIE than work retail omg
they got tom too???? HUH??
i'm sorry but that high school boy being santa is so fucking funny
oh thank fuck tom isn't dead, i like that guy
"if she'd been driving, she would have seen the other car…" JUST RIP OUT MY HEART NO BIG DEAL HUH???
"something about that woke something up inside me." prediction: did she kill stanley?
kim whalen… oh the actress you are <3
FUCK YEAH i was right
'take me back' is my favorite song so far
okay uh let's take it easy with the implied nsfw PLEASE
lmao i love the theological discussions surrounding wiggly
"MOTHER" "yes tjey're talking about me, gerald" okay, fuck, that was so funny i forgive her
starting a cult to obtain a doll is iconic actually. queen behavior
"i met god. he had nothing nice to say about you." personally i would pass away instantly if she said that to me, but maybe that's just me
i paused it at the wrong moment cause i unpaused and. HUH SHe KILLED HIM?? JUST LIKE THAT?
i actually like that linda isn't 100% likeable. makes her character feel more grounded.
i love becky shes so cool
i love tom and becky they're at once so normal and so evil together. don't ship them though
"you think that in the netherlands they'd give a shit about some toy?" home country jumpscare. can't talk for how people would react to wiggly here cause i don't really go out much. but personally i've never given a shit about any kind of plushie, even as a little kid lol.
powers?? okay sure more chaos
my favorite characters are tom and becky, followed by lex and linda
i love ships where they fuckin kill each other (/srs) you're so right about beckyxlinda
lol okay so the ending is kinda ambiguous but. i assume the town got fuckin nuked?
omg i remember ethan actually
YES. YES. i'm . officially voted the nr 1 linda fan on tumblr. and i 109% agree with you she is a cunt whos not happy with her own pathetic life and picks on others to make herself feel better. i hate ehr. i can fix her
ongggg i didnt expect u to like tom sm!!!!!!! i love that aw.
that song is SO good genuinely
ong im so glad you agree....i have. Such a soft spot for best friends tom & becky. or queerplatonic maybe?
AHHHHHH BARNROE MENTION. theyre so bad theyre so perfect oh my GOD i have an essay somewhere theyre eveything to me ive never been more insnae about a ship genuinely.
yess they did in fact get nuked </3 omg. i love black friday sm & i love reading your notes hdjshdh /gen
<33 /p
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dulcejam · 4 years
when i was younger, my friends ran from me. it was during a mile run and i had always failed because i was a fat girl who hated exercise. i tried hard that day, to catch up to them because they seemed to be having fun. every time they saw me catching up, they would yell and run faster. i didnt make the correlation until they told me, later, that my presence told them they weren’t doing good enough. never have i wanted to disappear so much than that moment where my existence meant failure.
when i was older than that, there was a boy in my class. he was a bit of a class clown, and he was also a little person of color like me but of a different race. there was this game kids would play in class where if you had a stitched tag that showed through the back of your shirt, you would hit them as hard as you could on the back of their neck. i saw his tag at the end of the day and i put my hand against it to tease him. he recoiled and yelled at me, “this is why i hate black people.” my teacher asked if i wanted to sit somewhere different from him. the principal said something like ‘i understand that his words hurt but we also shouldnt be touching other students’. i agree with that sentiment but... were his words not worse than my fingers grazing across his clothed back? was his racism justified because i did something that incurred his anger?
when i was younger than that, i think, there was this girl who i knew. she was hairy and she was ashamed of her hair when we had to change in gym class. i dont know if i ever told her, but i wish i did: that everyone has hair. it makes no sense to make fun of something that everyone has. but we were slight friends, i think. i told her i was bi-curious once. and then i forgot i told her. months later, she asked me “are you bi?” i panicked and said “i’m straight as a board.” she said, awkwardly, “you told me you were bi.” it hit me all over again what i said and i scrambled and said, “i said “bi-curious”. it’s different.” i knew even back then that it wasnt different. i knew i wasn’t bi, too. i’m pan and i say it loudly now, to make up for it. i wish that girl could hear me. i wonder if she recognizes herself as bi now. i wish i could tell her that i’m on her side. i ran because i was scared, not because i thought it was wrong.
when i was older than that, i failed another mile run. i was used to it. but was i? when i saw my gym teacher move from the right side of the field to the left and pick up his chair, i knew i had failed. that was the signal. but when i passed the finish line and my lungs burned and he gathered all us up and told us we got zeroes, i wondered what was the point. why did i try so hard when i would fail. why did they say it was for my health and then give me no points for trying. i went back into the gym that day and cried so hard that they cancelled mile runs for the rest of the year. its funny, now. but not really, because why did it take me crying my heart out for them to realize that i actually was doing my best.
a bit after that, my friend got in trouble. she had comforted me after i cried after the mile run and said “you did your best, it’s just cause you’re fat.” it was something we said to each other as comfort. we were both fat, we both did our best. she was still one of the ones who laughed and ran, when i was younger, because i was a sign of failure. she got called into the therapist office and then i did too, and we sat there awkwardly with no way to explain our little joke. the therapist got a phone call. i leaned over and said that i wasnt mad at my friend. that i didnt even know why they thought it was a big deal. i was fat and i failed running. it made sense, right? thats what everyone says. my friend had twisted her ankle, during the time it took for me to finish crying after the mile run. the people who had been around when she called me fat said that she deserved it. they laughed at her. when the therapist got off the phone, she found us laughing too. she wondered what she missed. i told her it was miscommunication and that it wasnt a big deal. she let us go. i forgive my friend for what she did. i wouldnt want to be around failure me, either, but im glad that she apologized for calling me fat anyway.
when i was older than that, my professor said the n-word in class. it was a shock, but i didnt say anything. the next day, she mentioned that people had mentioned their discomfort. others gave their opinion. i was the only black person in class that day, because the others knew what would happen. she called me out and asked what i thought. i laughed and said “i guess i see why you said it.” it was an academic work. i didnt want her to cause any more of a scene. i wish she hadnt done that. i wish i told her not to say it. will the person after me, in that next semester, have to feel that same humilation i did when i heard a white teacher who was twice my age say so confidently a word that made bile rise in the back of my throat? i’m sorry, to you.
when i was older than that, i broke up with my girlfriend. i tried to explain that it was because i wasnt prepared for a relationship anymore. i couldnt give her what she wanted and i was scared of the commitment. i dont think i explained it right because she told me i betrayed her. i still dont know how i did and im sorry i did. i loved her so much, and i’ll always remember the way she screamed “why, i don’t understand” at me. i wish i could go back and explain better and make her understand that, even if its cliche, it’s because of me. it wasn’t her fault, and i’m sorry. 
when i was older than that, another teacher made me read a book. it was a book about slavery, because i lived in georgia and the author was also from georgia i think. i knew before the class even started and before i read the summary that it would be a book i hated. why did i have to subject myself to it when every history class i learn about how much people hate me for the color of my skin or for where i come from. even though it was their ancestors who stole my people from their lands and MADE them come over here. why is it my fault. that story did nothing to help me come to terms with it. why would someone who is my skin color feel it was necessary when all we get is that. all i see when i look for people like me is slavery. i want to be more than a slave. why cant i just be me. why did they steal my people from their lands and break their links only to tell me i should be proud of where i come from. i dont know where i come from. i’ll never know.
i don’t know what i’m missing. i know there’s something in the recesses of my mind that i’ll remember when i’m trying to sleep. i dont know the point of this post. is it just gonna bring me more pain when i find it a few days from now? yeah, probably. but i dont think i’ve told anyone this. not without joking, anyway. i always make a joke of my pain. i just want someone to take me seriously for once. but it’s so hard.
my heart hurts
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areislol · 3 years
Hi i recently just saw your "streamer au" and i want kazuha, scaramouche,ayato,diluc for the part 2 of "reader saying that they have a boyfriend" ^^
Sure thing!! make sure to stay safe <3 streamer! kazuha, scaramouche, ayato, diluc x online friend! reader kazuha: recommend listening to: everything - the black skirts scaramouche: recommend listening to: my kind of woman - mac demarco ayato: recommend listening to: the feels - twice diluc: recommend listening to: try again - d.ear x jaehyun
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streamer! kazuha x online friend! reader • kazuha is always giddy whenever you're around • he has been crushing on you since you've both started talking • he has never thought of you having a bf once, his mind has been to preoccupied with you so he hasn't really have had the chance to think abt that.. • so when u tell kazuha and his viewers that you have a lover now, everyone can practically see kazuhas facial expressions droop • kazuha keeps his cool ofc, he gives you a "that's nice to hear y/n. is your bf treating you well??" • you can literally hear his voice break when he mentions "ur bf" • kazuha's chat is basically now teasing kazuha.. • "yea!! he's treating me like a queen." kazuha nods and you feel so bad, he looks like a sad puppy.. • anyways, there was a long silence, everyone taking this opportunity to clip kazuha's expressions and make a sad edit of him ;( • you just kinda sit there in silence, kazuha suddenly ends the stream and ur left their dumbfounded(along with his viewers), you know he's not feeling okay(who would've know that he, kazuha would get all dull and moody over some news??) • you text kazuha and apologize, explaining that it was all just a prank and that you hope that he's not mad at you. • kazuha reads the message and scolds you, but forgives you. • he makes you pinky promise(virtually) that you wont ever do that again. • "y/n can we ft?" - "sure kazuha what's up?" • "pink promise me that you wont prank me like that ever again. " - ".... why....??" • "because! just because." "okay kazu" • he probably screenshots you pinky promising him just for proof. *puts it as his wallpaper also* • one lovely day, you was just scrolling through your fyp and you stumble upon an edit of you and kazuha playing games together and then him *clearly* upset over something you say(the bf prank thing), you chuckle and went into the comments.. • "omg!! poor kazuha.. :(" "do u think she's pranking us??" • right.. kazuha forgot to tell everyone that is was a prank, you text kazuha and he says sorry and addresses it right away. • his fans are a bit mad at u cuz u made kazuha upset. you apologize to them and said that u already pinky promised kazuha that you wont ever do that again. • honestly, kazuha doesn't like those sad edits so he presses the "not interested button" on the edits and instead watched the "kazuha x y/n" or the ship edits. • those videos give him hope and courage. • he wish he could meet u irl :(
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streamer! scaramouche x online friend! reader (angsty??) • this bitch • scaramouche is a "know it all" and "selfish/rude" person. • well that's what everyone thinks, and they think that because every time he streams, he always sounds so rude when talking to his fans or just looking mad over all. • but when it comes to u?? oh boy, he's a whole different person - he's not even scara! well the scara that people see on twitch. • his viewers know who you are because you come join his streams whenever you're free, and they love you!! • so when you come onto stream and announce to everyone that you have news, all the attention was on you. scaramouche had to shush everyone and glares into his camera cuz he knows he's scary soo why not?? • you explain that over these past few weeks, you've met a special someone and that you and him are dating now!! • scaramouche was left there, shocked. • you?? his crush?? having a bf?? • no but the fact that u didnt tell him before.. • anyways scaramouche acts all calm and EVERYONE, including you can tell that he's obviously not. • "scara you okay?" "yes, im totally fine." "you're such a bad liar scara.." "okay and?" • honestly, this was meant to be a prank, and it is!! and the whole point of it was to see his reaction and you got it. but the way scara was giving you attitude, the way he glared at you even tho it wasn't UR fault made your heart shatter into pieces. • you was just done with scara?? like sure he was nice to you and all but he's always so, mean and cold?? you're not the one to judge, you dont know what scara has gone through but this was it. • you sigh *dramatically* and tell everyone that you was tired and left, everyone could tell that you was annoyed or pissed off at something. • scara didnt meant to get mad at you or sound mad, he was just jealous and didn't like the idea of you having a bf, sure it's your life, your choice and he'll always support you but something about the fact that you had a bf pissed him off. • he told everyone that it was the end of stream and told everyone to go sleep. • he went on ur discord and checked if you sent him any messages - and you did. "look scara, im sorry if i made you mad or anything im just letting you know that it was just a prank and that it was nothing more. i just wanted to see your reaction but it seems that my prank made you upset and i apologize. im going to sleep now so ig sleep well scara." • well shit, you're mad at him now aren't you? • *ur mad at him but not rlly.* • he apologized to u, instead of a simple "im sorry.", scara wrote a whole paragraph. • he was relieved that it was just a prank and nothing more, he still felt bad and told everyone on twitter that it was just a prank. • when u woke up, u straight away went to see if scaramouche texted u anything, and he did - and so you read his messages. you felt bad and forgave scaramouche. • scaramouche read your message, he was at ease as he read your message. • ever since then u swore to scaramouche that you'll never do that ever again. • everyone still made edits of you and scaramouche, ship edits, pov edits, and alot of angsty edits. • scaramouche would often share you them, you two would laugh a them(not in a bad way). • he knows u dont have a bf so he'll try anything to gain your attention and make u fall in love w/ him.
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streamer! ayato x online friend! reader • ayato is such a flirt, he always catches everyone's eye and they fall in love w/ him and blah blah blah. • he has had many gfs, and ayato has gotten many confessions. • but out of everyone, YOU had to get a bf?? • "hey ayato.. want to know something special??" "mhm, go on" • "I HAVE A BF NOW!!" ".. repeat that again darling?" • after you said that you had a bf, and after rephrasing your words • ayato is obviously shocked, but he hides it - he congratulates you and wants to know ur bfs name. • you laugh and say that you wont be giving any names out, he gives u a smile that literally screams *please give me his name, for purposes.* • his heart is broken now, and it's all ur fault(jk) • ayato stays quiet as you go on about him, describing your bf. • his mind if full of "why didn't i confess earlier?" "was i not good enough?" "i knew that she would find her love sooner or later, but why now?" • you suddenly burst out laughing, catching him off guard - in between laughter you say "im sorry ayato!! ur face is too funny.. it's a prank, i dont have a bf" • you fall onto the floor, still laughing and ur stomach was in pain. • ayato is left there confused and stunned to say the least. • he smiles, but this time he smiles genuinely, knowing that u actually dont have a bf and it was just all a prank. • he's "mad" at you and starts to "wow how could you do this to me y/n" you. • you both laugh and both say sorry to each other. • nobody knows at this, cuz it was just between you and ayato. • you still tease ayato about it. • "you should've seen the look on your face!! you looked so scary but it was still funny." "yada yada yada, y/n you should've felt how my heart broke, you hurt me!! but you already pink promised to me that won't ever do that again." "did i really promise that now??" • honestly, he could confess to you, right now - but he doesn't want to risk breaking the relationship between u two.
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streamer! diluc x online friend! reader • diluc was always known to be quiet and reserved, even during streams he doesn't talk much. • but once you're around - he puts more effort into speaking, only speaking whenever you ask diluc something or just want to talk to him, which is everyday. • you've brought the other side of diluc out(does that make sense??), you've made him more confident in himself and he's really thankful about it, and that's what made him fall in love with you • your caring and loving nature lured him in, and so when you say to him "i have a boyfriend, diluc!!" his heart immediately drops. • his mouth agape, eyes wide and the look on his face kind of scares you? • you've never seen diluc so, upset before?? the way his eyes drop when you mention the word "boyfriend" made you regret saying that. • diluc gave you a small smile "that's great news y/n!! im glad you've found your s/o." • his heart ached while saying that, he hated it. he hated how he said it, he hated how he had to say it, he didnt want to say that, ever. • you pouted, god his stupid sad face was making you sad. you gave up and said sorry, "oh diluc.. im so sorry :( it was just a prank! i dont have a bf at all. i dont need one, i have you!!" • that made diluc look at you, was u being fr? • diluc didnt know why but when u said "i dont need one, i have you", it made his heart race. it made his heart feel warm, it made him feel good(a good kind of good). • diluc smiled, and his smile never fails to make you smile. • and since then, you've never dared to prank diluc like that ever again, and diluc is still planning on when he'll ask you out, to meet you irl, to take you out on a date, to be your boyfriend. • you tell diluc's viewers about it, while diluc was going toilet or something ofc. they're all upset, they would've also liked to see his reaction!! but you quickly said that they wouldn't have liked his reaction as diluc looked really upset :( • u and diluc probably see some angsty animation of u two but you two are quick to click "not interested". • perhaps, he has a chance with you
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they're so precious, <3 a/n: if u enjoyed this pls go check out my other genshin hcs/liking + following + reblogs r appreciated. note: sorry if this was bad!! it's 8:10 pm and im not really feeling well. I dont know if im going to post any headcannons today.
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Our little love - mafia/soft Yandere au OT7 Drabble
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So I might’ve started this with a little angst and really soft hints of yandere behaviour however I think I might do a part two for this with a little bit more yandere and jealousy vibes (I got ideas okay, just needed a starting point)
“Tell me why I shouldn’t put a bullet in your head little love?” Even with the gun pressed firmly against your head, the cold of the barrel threatening to do as he said, you know Yoongi won’t do it, even if you deserved it.
All seven of them stand around you, no matter which way you face you’re met with the disappointment and the consequence of your betrayal in their eyes, but you refuse to look down in shame, you deserved to feel the guilt that pumped in your veins.
“He asked you a question Y/n,” Jin doesn’t have the smile he reserves for you on his face, all their demenor’s are cold, and you are the reason why.
“You love me,” you whisper, looking Yoongi dead in the face with no fear.
“I thought you loved us too,” Namjoon steps forward, breaking the circle around you, coming close to stand next to Yoongi. He has his hands in the pockets of his black blazer, silver hair pushed back.
“Was it all a lie?” if a voice could break you it would always be Jungkook’s, he was the one it took the longest to become close to, and when you had you could see the softness in his eyes despite his career. Of course he would sound the most hurt, he trusted you the most.
Yoongi, with his unfaltering gun, was the other member of their team that took you almost as long as Jungkook to get close to. While Jungkook was just shy, Yoongi didn’t trust anyone, he pushed people away, hurt them to keep them far, you learnt that the hard way. While his eyes looked like they held no emotion in this moment, you knew better, he had shown you his soul, you could see behind the barrier of his expression.
You took his wrist into your hand and pressed the gun harder against you.
“You should shoot me,” it would be better to be dead than live without them, they would never forgive you for what you’d done. The betrayal cut too deep, these wounds wouldn’t heal.
Yoongi scoffs, but you don’t let his wrist go.
“I told you all she shouldn’t be trusted,” he says to the others. “Why would a girl like her fall for men like us?”
You can feel the pain in his words, because above all else, no matter what he says, Yoongi just wants to be loved. They all do, that’s why it was almost too easy.
“Well now we know, don’t we babe?”
“That wasn’t my intention,” you swallow the sob that threatens to rise in your throat, you hate seeing him like this, you hate that you’re the reason why they’re hurt. Every time they came home with a bullet, or a cut or wound, it would kill you inside and you realised then you were compromised.
“No your intention was to infiltrate our defenses and rat us out,” Jimin’s the one to chime in, standing next to Tae who looks at you like you’re dead to him.
“Detective L/n, did you really think we’d never find out?”
You look to your side to make sure Jimin could see the honesty in your eyes.
“It wasn’t my intention to fall for you,” you sound like you’re choking with the way you’re holding back tears, but you don’t want to cry in front of them, it would feel like giving up.
You were assigned to go undercover to infiltrate the uprising gang called BTS, they climbed the heirarchy of organised crime too quickly, too dangerously, something had to be done. You went in with every intention set to take them down until you got to know them, love them, and you knew then you couldn’t do your job. The internal battle to do what was right but felt wrong and what was wrong but felt so right was causing all your morals to be questioned.
Tae scoffs at you now, not believing a word from your mouth.
“I don’t think we should kill her Hyung,” he says to Yoongi, “she needs to feel her betrayal, it would be too easy to escape us with death.”
Namjoon hums in agreement. The cold of the gun leaves your skin and you almost feel unsteady without it. Yoongi doesn’t look at you anymore now that it’s not there, instead he takes your wrist as you previously had, and they walk you to the car. You don’t fight, or talk, or argue, or ask what they wanted to do to you.
The boys had trusted you infinitely, while others had agendas and seeked their downfall they knew you were the only one that wouldn’t betray them, how wrong they were. For your safety they kept an eye on you, when you went out one of them would follow to ensure their little love didnt get into trouble or worse, get hurt. Imagine their surprise when you walked into the police station.
You didn’t tell them you went in to hand in your notice, unable to continue with this lie, it didn’t matter, the damage was done, anything you said would be meaningless.
Your sat inbetween Jungkook and Hoseok, who still hadn’t uttered a word to you, but you could see him restraining his hurt and anger. Jin was in the drivers seat with Yoongi beside him. The others must’ve taken the other car, you don’t really acknowledge it you’re too deep in your own thoughts.
You don’t come up for air until you feel a hand soft on yours in your lap, Jungkook doesn’t look at you, just at how he’s stroking the back of your hand with his thumb comfortingly. You don’t mean for your heart to swell in your chest, pushing the tears up and out.
Jin and Yoongi don’t miss the way your bottom lip trembles in the rear view mirror, the small sniffles or the tears glistening down your face that you wipe away quickly with your other hand. Hobi puts his arm around you, still looking out the window as if you’re not there, but his actions show what they all know in their hearts; they still loved you.
“Why are you crying baby girl you’re not the one with the knife in your back,” Hobi mumbles. They think you’re scared of what they’re going to do with you now they know, but that couldn’t be further from your mind. They want to reassure you, but the words are stuck in their throats.
“You need to be punished darling, otherwise you won’t learn,” Jin can see you nodding to his words in the mirror in acceptance.
“I know.”
You expected them to put you in the cellar where they tortured their enemies, you don’t even realise you’re in the living room until you’re placed on the couch. You don’t look up until Namjoon is standing in front of you.
He traces his finger from the edge of your jaw to your chin, your eyes big on him from his soft touch. The calm should scare you, but the only anxiety you have is over whether you should hope for another chance or whether they’ll throw you onto the street when they’re done.
When a tear hits Namjoon’s hands he frowns, they didn’t expect this from you when they confronted you with what they uncovered. They expected you to reveal another face, the true colours beneath the girl they all fell hard for, kick and scream and throw insults their way over the life they had, how awful they were, how they didn’t deserve to be loved. But you kept quiet, eerily quiet, and they didn’t know what to think anymore.
Letting you leave was out of the question, whether you wanted to stay or not. Not because they were concerned that you had seen too much, they didn’t care, they couldn’t imagine their lives without you anymore. The trust might’ve faded, but their love for you was real. Yoongi might’ve created a farce with the gun to your head but it was done to see your reaction, the truth behind the last 6 months of your relationship.
They expected you to beg for your life like every other person at their mercy, but you always defied their expectations.
“You’re so quiet my love,” Namjoon says to you. “Nothing you want to say to defend yourself?”
You shake your head, no there was nothing you want to say or explain.
“Then you take your punishment without complaint?”
You nod without hesitation.
Namjoon releases a deep breath, building the nerve to do what they knew would reveal whether your feelings for then were real or a lie you fabricated for your job. But he wasn’t one to easily be vulnerable, especially not after the blow that they faced today.
Jimin can sense it, the words on their leader’s lip, and he decides to take over. Namjoon steps aside as Jimin kneels on the floor in front of you. He takes your hands that are fidgeting on your lap and place them by your side on the seat, resting the weight of his head there instead.
He hugs your lap with so much love you can’t mistake it for an illusion, he rubs his head into you as much as he can.
“Stay with us,” if his actions weren’t a shock to your system enough, his words pushed you over the edge. You look into each of their eyes and the vulnerability you had learned to recognise was there begging you to want to stay.
“But I...” you don’t know what you want to say, the beating of your own heart was overwhelming in your chest. “I- I hurt you all so much.”
Yoongi hums in agreement, stepping forward to stroke your hair back, the hurt was still there they couldn’t lie to you, but losing you would be worse.
“Do you love us?” Jungkook asks taking a seat beside you, Taehyung sits by your other side. Jimin rubs little circles into your thigh while they wait for your answer.
“So much,” you confess. “I couldn’t do it, I- I”
Your words break off in a sob, as Tae takes your hand in his and presses a kiss to the back of it, a weight lifted off his chest. Jungkook pulls you into him, arms wraps around you as you let out your cries and the man in your lap places little kisses on the expanse of your thighs. You feel overwhelmed with the love theyre displaying when you were expecting their hate.
“But I dont understand,” you cry, “why aren’t you all angry, why aren’t you yelling at me?”
“We love you too,” Jin smiles the way he only reserves for you, and you feel thankful for it.
“It doesn’t matter how you got to us dove,” Hobi comes to kneel beside Jimin, wanting to be close to you too. “If it weren’t for your job you wouldn’t have met us.”
“I don’t know about that Hobi,” Namjoon chuckles. “You were meant for us my love, we would have found you one way or another.”
“We forgive you,” Jungkook kisses your hair. “Just don’t leave us.”
“We wouldn’t let you go even if you tried,” Tae voice rumbles in, leaning his face against your neck while the youngest holds you, still latched to your hand.
“You’re ours,” Jimin’s muffled voice comes from your lap, he’s pressed his face into you.
They would never let you go, and you don’t want them to. You thought all they wanted was love, but now you think you’ve reflected your own desire into them, they just wanted you.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
(About: This and This ask) I know this probs doesnt need to be said but..... coming from a black (and aroace) person... PLEASE do n o t feed into these mentalities!! they are very otherizing for one and just terrible to hear about?
LOOK this might be irresponsible to say but idk if fandom racism does exist because wtf does that even mean and like ok how are you to deal with it effectively? as another anon said racism is systematic and will always pump out more? like forgive me if i cant give my full attention to the atrocities happening in fandom rn but like.. i heard another black person talk about panty and stocking and say that he liked the show just stop with the black caricatures and like that made me REALLY start to think about what fandom racism even is????
like i tried the show out because of what he said and well hes right its alright, the caricatures are uncanny but didn't really make me uncomfortable just some other things about the show made be drop it. so otherizing and centering black people as on issues on EVERYTHING even slightly involved with us is dumb because i wasn't warned of the other concepts of the show that made me drop it. putting black people in a monolithic box where they can only be portrayed in a way you want them to be is so dumb like i heard this somewhere before but the LGBT community is taking this really ugly turn where everything IS in little boxes where you cant act in certain ways but like THATS terrible people are complex and yadda yadda(you know how this goes) so if claire says theyre something or other believe them! ppls experiences are SO much greater than some arbitrary definition meant to help those UNDERSTAND not DEFINE that sexuality or gender.
so hang in with mehere when i say you absolute can not let people who say or do things like the peeps mentioned in those anons! an anon talked about them writing a character in their fic that was black and liked basketball because THEY were black and liked basketball so whether a black person is depicted right is dumb i care more on how you'd talk or treat me! if somebody said things in those anons to me id drop them, so you should too :]. i know things in this rant might have jumped around too much but one last point;
a space that i care to see isn't one where me being black is repeatedly brought up as reference in everything i do (even if its positive or what not and mainly what behavior i mean when i say othering) its one where bigotry is IMMEDIATELY called out and not tolerated and the best way i can illustrate this is my experiences in high school! recent graduate here so pretty fresh on my mind. in 10th and 11th grade i went to a school with at least half the population being minorities and anytime someone tried some nonsense or tried to get away with something they shouldn't it was instantly called out and the person would shrink back or immediately have to tuck that mentality back where it came from and it was great! you wouldn't have to worry about them coming out of the woodwork with terrible takes cuz it'd would be squashed. but during 11 and 12 grade i went to a predominately white school and that CHANGED things. like walking in the hallway hearing someone say nword hard r behind your back kinda changed and youd look behind you and they were both white and look these are kids who use tik tok that app KNOWN for radicalizing ppl towards bigotry so like please empathize with me when i say i dont want to see ppl that way. but yknowww, and this wouldnt be called out, just some lighthearted voice going 'omgggg you shouldnt XD' and dude this is the "texas" south the mfing my bus driver talked about sneaking guns into cali cuz she hated the laws against them south. the obnoxious white boy jokes about being a bass fish south and he could do it LOUDLY too. so yeah when i came home i didnt and still dont want to see or hear bigotry! all this to say;
just... just act normal! like the behavior in those anons arent NORMAL 'aroace people are uncaring and incapable of love' i know this was called out for what it really was , aro + ace phobic nonsence but what would this person think of an actually black person calling them out like wattttt anyway thanks for the soapbox i never get to rant irl like this bc few peeps have the context.
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miiamour · 3 years
fem!reader x sirius black
summary: sirius black didnt love you, or at least not as much as you loved him.
warnings: angst, cheating, illusions to smut, self indulgent asf, y/n being stupid.
word count: 0.8k
italics: flashbacks
a/n: im sad so i put it into words lol
⊱ ──── ˗ˏˋ✧*♡*✧´ˎ˗ ────⊰
out of all of the seven billion people in the world, you managed to fall in love with him; the boy with long black hair who wore a stupid leather jacket.
the boy who’s smile lit up the room, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
the boy who would laugh so loud that entire common room would hear but nobody would complain, simply because his laugh was too beautiful to disrupt.
how could you give everything to someone and receive nothing in return, but in all honestly you were kind of okay with it. you were glad to love him even if he didn’t love you back.
he said he loved you, but his words meant nothing compared to the melancholic actions. although he would never technically cheat, flirting with other girls was just as bad.
“it meant nothing” he cradled your cheek in his hand as he reminded you while watching you sob about how he didn’t love you. it was pathetically vulnerable of you, you didn’t care though.
he leaned down, ear pressed against your chest, hearing you rapid heartbeat and placed a kiss under your collarbone. “there, all better” he smiled.
except that it wasn’t all better. with every suggestive look he gave another girl, every wink, every smile, your heart broke into another tiny piece. it wasn’t all better— he simply just put a bandaid over it.
it was a friday night, gryffindor had just won a quidditch game and james threw a party in the common room to celebrate. you had decided to skip out on it; it somehow felt better to stay up in your room while sirius flirted with girls opposed to having him doing in front of your eyes.
you laid in bed, wondering which girl he could’ve possibly been flirting with at the moment. maybe it was marlene, or that girl lucille from his potions class you once caught him winking at.
you decided to take your mind off of it by rereading little women. you searched through your books but you couldn’t seem to find it, then you remembered, you had lent it to remus.
they were all at the party so you decided to go up to the boys’ dorm and steal it back from remus.
as you left your dorm, you heard the piercing music and the smell of alcohol drifted up the toward the dormitories.
the music was so deafening that you couldn’t hear the moans coming from the boys’ dorm. you never believed it when people would say that their world came crashing down in seconds. it seemed impossible for so much to go wrong in so little time but alas here you were: eyes full of tears, shaking, and heart shattered— you felt the bandaid slip off.
neither of them even noticed that you had entered until the cup of firewhiskey near his bed exploded; your magic had a tendency of going haywire when feeling strong emotions.
the girl under him— lucille from potions— jumped and quickly covered herself with a blanket. sirius looked back to see you, the look in your eyes would be something he would never forget; it wasn’t shock, there wasn’t even a glimpse of it. it was pure disappointment and regret.
you weren’t even able to put into words on how upset you were with him, so you walked away. you turned your back on him— never wanting to see him and his stupid face again.
your vision was blurred with tears and your ears blocked out every noise that you didn’t hear sirius call out your name. you reached your dorm and slammed the door shut only for sirius to stop it with his foot.
“y/n, love, let me explain” he pleaded. his hair was messier than usual, his shirt was wrinkled and his pants weren’t even buttoned up.
“don’t love me!” you seethed at him as you sat on your bed; if you stood up for any longer you’d probably collapse— you’re mind was foggy with emotions
“i’m sorry, alright! i’m so sorry” he fell to his knees, taking your hand in his, “i’m a horrible boyfriend. i’m so sorry— it didn’t mean anything, i swear to you”
he placed kisses all over your hand. his eyes were glossy and his lips puffy; you could still see the pink lipstick on his face and the fresh hickeys on his neck. his hair was messy, she probably ran her hands through his hair as he thrusted into her, you wondered if he had scratches on his back, if she had hickeys all over her chest like he’d do you to you.
but most of all, you wondered if he was actually sorry. if it actually didn’t mean anything. but you didn’t really wonder, because you knew the answer.
he wasn’t sorry he did it, he was sorry he got caught. and it didn’t mean anything, because nothing meant anything to him. he never loved you— he never loved anybody; so what you did next surprised the both of you.
“it’s ok, sirius.” you moved a strand of hair that had been in front of his face, “i forgive you”
taglist: @keepawaythenargles @anywherebuthere @myloveforluna @ga-bitch @starlight-writes-stuff @miss-starkov @m4r13l3y @mollysolo @kenzie224
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madamaryxx · 3 years
Hello my children its me your mother yra😌
I serve you a Teacher Aizawa x Teacher Reader
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You and Aizawa are Married, 5 years to be exact you two have a 3 year old daughter name Fala (i came up to that lol, you can change it if you want
Aizawa is the class-1A homeroom teacher, and you are the Support class teacher (youre the one who teach how to build, how to create different inventions and you have your own agency)
And dont worry when you two are at work your mother take care of fala, but sometimes you bring Fala to your work shes mostly at the teacher lounge
No one knew that you two are married except the teachers and hatsume because you sometimes bring fala at the development studio(she keep asking who is the father over and over again, you cant take it anymore,so you tell her that its Aizawa, dont worry she wont tell anyone :) )
the reason why people didnt speculate that fala's father is aizawa because she got your bubbly personality, she's always smilling, a friendly kid, but she still inherited something from her father, her appearance, black medium lenght hair, black eyes (without the eyebags👩‍🦯) and ofcourse! her love with cats!! You will see her in a cat tshirt, she will carry her cat plushie everywhere
But of course some people suspect something is going on with you and aizawa
Like there this one time where
Fala is with you at the development studio your mother cant look after her. You werent really expecting students to come by at the studio but no no no, three students from 1-a came inside, looks like their look for hatsume
"may i help you?" You smiled, "hello were looking for hatsume? ma'am-" from the tone of the green hair boy looks like he's trying to remember your name "[your name]" you reply "Yea!!maam [your name]" he scratch his head, "she will arrive soon"
"Mommy how do you do this?" Your daughter asks, she's pointing at the screw bar "you use this to loose or tighted a slotted head" "this?" She grab one of the slotted head "yes sweetheart"aww your baby is following your footstep (suck to sucks eraser head)
"Awww you look so cute" the brown hair approach you two, "hi im ochaco uraraka!"
"Hi im Fala!" your daughter gave her a big smile, "Hi im deku!" So the green boy hair name deku wait a damn minute "wait so your Izuku Midoriya?" "Yes i am" oh so its him aizawa once mention him
"So now we have izuku midoriya he's the one who breaks his bone at the entrance exam"
"Thats so Cute" fala giggle " i know right!" Ochaco agree to her, "im tenya iida" he bowed "Hello!!!!!!!"
deku's thought: this kid kinda give me sir aizawa's vibe, i mean her attitude is so far from sir aizawa but her appearance and tshirt-
"HEY MISS [your name]! IM BACK" "oh finally hatsume this three has been waiting for you" "oh im sorry"
Few minutes later~~
"Thank you so much!" The three bowed and left.
Dekus Pov
"is just me or that kid kinda give me sir aizawa's vibe" uraraka said "now that you mention it, it did give" i reply "why dont we ask miss [your name]" tenya suggest "Sir aizawa didnt tell us anything about his love life so maybe he want to keep it private?" Uraraka reply, "yea maybe thats the reason or maybe fala's father isnt actually sir aizawa!" "If they want to keep it a secret, then we have respect that" "yea" "lets go back to class"
how would class 1-a found out aizawa's wife
Okay hear me out
You knew that scene where the hero license where Joke (my waifu) shows up yea there
"Lets get married"
"No? Good one!"
"Because i already have a wife"
"HUH?! SINCE WHEN?!!" mina shouted
"Since your 11 years old" aizawa reply in a cold tone
"Wait so, 1, 2- 5 YEARS?!?!?!"
"Oh- well who is this lucky lady" joke wiggle her eyebrows, aizawa just look at her with a annoyed face expression. "Sir aizawa can i ask something?" Uraraka suddently break the silence "what is it?" "Is it Miss [Your name]?" Aizawa quite shock, "change into your hero cotsume and head to the briefing"
"Wait HER?!, i mean i feel something going on~"
"Can i ask who is she?" Mina ask, "She's the support class teacher and her agency help make your costume" Joke reply
"Yes mina she's my wife and i have a daughter" just like hatsume mina keep asking if Youre Aizawa's wife and the whole class cant believe he's dating anyone and have a child HAHAHAHAHAHA
"Its been a rough day today" aizawa said while hugging your waist, you two have been cuddiling in your shared bed, "really what happen?" "Joke shows up then said "lets get married" of course im annoyed so i tell her no because i already have a wife" he even hug you tighter "let me guess your class is so shock and joke" you laugh "you didnt tell me you met uraraka" "oh not only uraraka also deku and iida" you brush his hair "mhm i miss you" he stop hugging your waist and kiss your forehead "i miss you too babe"
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My children please forgive me for my grammar mistake😔
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prettyvampiress96 · 3 years
The Malfoy Secret
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Chapter 1
Sat in her defence against the dark arts class, Anastasia sat at her desk with her head down, her long black hair falling from its place over her shoulder and her feather quill elegantly scrolling notes across the parchment in front of her under the watchful eyes of Professor Lupin. Anastasia was in her seventh and final year at Hogwarts so studying for the N.E.W.T.S were strictly underway. As Head Girl , Anna's free time was extremely limited even the she spent it mentoring some of the younger members of her house. Professor Lupin was currently recapping over a subject they had covered at the beginning of the year when a knock echoed throughout the large room.
" Forgive me for interrupting your lesson Remus but might I borrow Miss Rosier . There's a situation that requires her immediate assistance" Professor McGonagall asked her eyes locking directly to Anastasia's. When Remus nods his head granting Anastasia permission to leave the class. "Miss Rosier you'll want to collect your things class will no doubt have long finished by the time you'll return" McGonagall spoke up once again. Anastasia nodded slightly confused and with a flick of her wand , her belongings were packed and in her possession. " Professor McGonagall ma'am with all due respect may I know what the situation is that requires me to be pulled from my class" Anna questioned the head of Gryffindor house. " It would appear Miss Rosier that a child of whom you are mentoring and as of whom you are known to be close too has been injured by a hippogriff, the extent of the injury I myself am unaware now if you could Madame Pomfrey shall be waiting for you in the infirmary wing. I have to alert Draco's parents" The transfiguration teacher informed . As Anna heard Draco's name she immediately began sprinting to the infirmary wing , the blonde haired boy was indeed close to her . Anastasia burst through the infirmary doors catching sight of Draco in the bed surrounded by other Slytherin's. The Slytherins and the Slytherin head girl stood at Draco's bedside whilst his arm was mended. Anastasia knew this was a lucky escape for Draco , she had no doubt that the Gryffindor trio were in some way involved. They always were. Draco had to stay for observation for a few hours so his friends dispersed to lunch, Anna stayed getting the run down from Draco on what had happened. Anastasia had stood with her back to the large infirmary doors so the pair had yet to notice the set of parents in the doorway observing. " Draco what do I tell you time and time again , if you want to go at war with the Gryffindor's then be smart about it . A snake lies low before it strikes and therefore its prey is unaware and then dead. Take myself for example do you see me all out duelling in the courtyard? no you don't . Even after that Weasley insulted my family I planned ahead and I struck him when he least expected it and I've yet to see Percy on my rounds since. The moral is be smart Draco and don't lose us anymore points or you may find yourself duelling me little Malfoy" Anna joked patting Draco's good shoulder both of them laughing together until the pair heard chuckling behind them. Anastasia eyed the two adults lurking in the doorway , she didnt have to ask who they were to know that these were Draco's parents. After all her family had mentioned the Malfoy family countless of times, although she hadn't expected them to look so breath-taking. The woman hurried at great speed to Draco's bedside Lucius standing right beside her. " Draco my poor baby don't you worry that animal and that sad excuse of a teacher wont be on the grounds once your father is finished with them. Nothing hurts our baby" Narcissa cooed failing to notice the blush spreading across Draco's face. Anastasia giggled at Draco's embarrassment. " Sorry to interrupt Draco but now youre family are here I see you're in good hands so I shall leave you be, but take this" handing Draco a book for transfigurations " I know its not your strongest topic but itll do for now considering your not in class and I'll help with your homework after alright. We need to keep those grades up after all" she offered. Anastasia managed to move two steps before a figure blocked her way. Looking up she found herself looking into the ice blue eyes of Lucius Malfoy himself. " Do forgive me but who exactly are you we know Draco's friends and your face isnt one we are likely to forget is it darling?" The tall blonde questioned his wife. She moved to his side humming in thought. " No Darling I do believe we havent met her I am sure of it" Narcissa assured her husband both of their eyes coming to glance at Anna. " My name is Anastasia Esmeralda Rosier and I am Slytherin Head Girl and Draco's mentor
courtesy of Professor Snape sir " Anastasia spoke clear not allowing the pair to see how intimidated they made her. When Anastasia glanced back towards Draco , he simply shrugged during their interaction. The pair both missed the looks that the elder Malfoys shared with one another.
Draco was released from the infirmary wing in time for dinner that evening and as promised Anna assisted him in anything he didnt quite understand while at the same time revising over all of her N.E.W.T.S that she was set to take in a mere few days. Just over a week later N.E.W.T.S had finished and all students were packing up the dorms ready to spend summer break at home. Many of those students already excited for the next year. Draco Malfoy was one specific student who indeed was not looking forward to returning knowing that Anastasia would now not be returning. Her final year now complete. Anastasia was a nervous wreck now that the time had finally come , the fact that she wouldn't be a student at Hogwarts next year really had begun to sink in . There were plenty of careers she had in her mind . She had already been accepted to work within the Ministry of Magic.. Working was something that also had young Anastasia scared. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't worried, after all her last name is the name of her father therefore would others think she was destined for the same fate despite never stepping a foot out of line. As Anna settled herself into the comfort of her train compartment , she curled up on the plush fabric of the seat and leaned her head against the window , closing her eyes she was thankful for the chance of an empty carriage it happened on rare occasions. Moments later that silence was disturbed by a white headed third year. Ana had half expected Draco's cavalry to file in right behind him but it was just him. The pair just looked out the window unsure of what to say to each other. The train began to slow to a stop signalling they were at kings cross this was it . This was their goodbye. People from all houses began filing out onto the platform 9 and 3/4 .
The white mane of the elusive Lucius Malfoy could be spotted miles away. Anastasia's Aunt had come to meet her despite her not feeling herself. This was her younger brothers only child and the child she raised and treated as her own. Merlin himself wouldn't stop her from missing this. With her luggage in tow Ana had spotted her aunt Amalthea Rosier or aunt Thea as Anna called her and headed directly for her . Anna embraced her Aunt in a large hug. "Auntie you didnt have to meet me here , you should be at home resting, I could have apparated home, but thank you " Anna thanked her aunt tearfully appreciating the effort she had gone through to be there. Thea didn't have a chance to respond as a pair of arms enclosed around her nieces waist, holding her from behind. Anna looked down and turned to see who the culprit was . Staring into the greyish blue eyes of Draco. "I'll miss you Annie. Promise me you'll visit me before I go back to school and we have to stay in touch that's not negotiable I'm afraid and I'm a Malfoy I get what I want" Draco smirked at Anna. " Oh Draco I don't know I was looking forward to no more potter drama or Draco theatrics" she joked back smiling at the boy . Draco looked a tad offended. "Of course I'll keep in touch but let's at least get home first " she laughed , patting Draco on his shoulder . Bowing her head to Draco's parents in a sign of respect. Both families apparated to their respected homes.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
What about a scenario with overhaul and his SO got into an argument about him being reckless again. He didnt know he was hit with a quirk that granted wishes but it's not was it seems. During the argument. He slip up and said a wish he deeply regret. For example, like he might slip up and say "sometimes things like this I wish I didn't have a SO." (Or something Similar to that). The next morning he is looking for her and everyone was like "who tf is (y/n)."
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Again the same discussion...
Honestly? What did you expected from him? He was an yakusa criminal, people target him, tried to kill him... of course he wouldn't come back without an injury. Members of the Shie Hassaikai coming back from missions unharmed wasn't a miracle, it was a fucking joke.
"You can't honestly keep brushing aside your own health like that!" You trailed after him as he grumbled and fixed the injury on his arm.
"Is nothing major. You're just making a fuss, as always.." he growled while stoping on his tracks and looking at you.
"Oh now I am the one making a fuss?!" You exclaimed as he simply arched an eyebrow before sighing.
"Honestly, you are better off being quiet."
"So maybe I just say 'screw you' and not care about my boyfriend at all HUH?!" You exclaimed in offense and hurt as he only punched the wall, his anger finally manifesting.
"If I knew that having you as my partner would be like this everytime I came back from a meeting I much rather wish you never even crossed my path, or better yet, never existed." He grunted before opening jos eyes and seingbthe hurt in your expression and how you backed down.
It was silence for a bit before you brethed in and out, looking at him coldly in the eyes before managing to mumble some words.
"If is that how you feel. Fine. I will peave yoh alone Chisaki."
He narrowed his eyes at seing you walking away as he rolled his eyes after. Walking towards the bathroom to wash all of the filth sticked to his body.
As he felt the drops of hot water hit his skin and letting out a relieved sigh, his mind plagued him with the words he had said... Sure, he was a prideful man, but he knew when he had overstep and he was on the wrong.
He didn't know jow long he had been on the shower, but as soon as he left the bathroom he saw that all of your things were simply... gone. His face scrunched up at the mere thought of you being so mad that you just decided to get out of your shared room.
Sighing, he only picked up some clothes and layed on the bed. Thinking that he just needed to give you a bit of time to cool your head off.
It was alreadh dark, and sleep? He didn't get any of it. Just rolling on the bed, impossibpe of getting comfortable as he just chuffed and got up, placing his casual black mask on as he left his room.
Spoting Chrono on the halls he only sighed as both him and Mimic greetes his presence.
"Sleep well?" Mimic snickered at the face of Chisaki as Chrono chuckled. He only rolled his eyes at them before putting his hands on his pockets and lookimg around.
"Make all the fun you want. I have to apologize to (Y/n), a better thing that discussing with two imbeciles." He muttered nonchantly as Chrono and mimic widened their eyes while looking at eachother.
"Who is this godsend (Y/n) that YOU have to apologize to?" Chrono chuckled as Mimic snickered.
"Yeah boss, since when you apologize to someone? Specially a chick we never heard of?"
"Very funny." Chisaki deadpanned "Any of you saw where she went?"
"Still dont know who the fuck are you talking about." Mimic spatted as Chrono nodded in confirmation.
"Dammit both of you!" Chisaki hissed in anget "Stop joking. Im talking about (Y/n). You know? The woman I sleep with and even lives in here for about four years?" He narrowed his eyes as he vrossed his arms as Chrono made a worried expression as Mimic let out a confused noise.
"Kai? You're.. are you okay? Got hit by a quirk or something?"
"Chronostasis if you dont tell me where the fuck is my girlfriend I am turning you into a pool of blood on these halls." He growled threatening as Mimic got in the middpe of both them, returning to human form to prevent a catastrophe.
"Boss we're serious here. Never on those four years you brought a human soul inaide the shie Hassaikai asides from the precepts."
He scoffed, feeling hives creep through his spine as he spotted Nemoto coming along.
"Nemoto." He growled aas the man with glasses got onto his side pretty quickly. "Where is (Y/n)? I want you to ask them this moment."
The man only arched his eyebrows up in worry as he put his hand on his chin.
"Huh... master, who is this (Y/n)? Is a debtor of ours?"
"Not you too." He groaned "My girlfriend Nemoto! Where is she?!"
"Master..." the man only muttered in fear for his boss "You.. never had a girlfriend. Never even brought someone asides form us the eight precepts inside."
His eyes widened... Nemoto qoupd rather die than lie straight to his face...
No... this couldn't be real.
He ran past the three man back to his room. Anyone who saw Chisaki at that moment would tell he was insane, searching every centimeter on that room in search of a proof you existed, you were still there.
Yet, he found nothing. His room was throw upside down as he breathed in and out desperatly and scratched his arm full of red spots.
One last chance was Pops. Yeah. The opd man would just simply tell him that he needed to give you time and that was all a cruel joke from his most trusted subbordinates on him. Yeah, that could only be it.
Barging through the door he apmost shouted Pops name as the man was checking some papers.
"Why, good morning for you too Chisaki-"
"(Y/n)-" he breathed out your name as he slammed jis hands on the desk of the elder "Please tell me where my angel is old man.. please tell me I didn't losed my mind..."
It was quiet for a bit before he felt a hand on his head and he saw the worried look on Pops face.
"Chisaki calm down my boy, what is happening?"
"I had a fight with her." He breathed out "I said some stupid shit to my girlfriend and now everyone is staring at me like I am some sprta of crazy bastard, telling me (Y/n) never even stepped inside this house..."
"Kai, I hate to tell you this my boy..." he patted his shoulder "But really, I dont know who is this (Y/n).. maybe you're mistaken?"
"I am not.." he let out a shaky breath as he gripped his hair "I am not mistaken..."
He ended up sitting on the sofa, collapinsing even as his eyes burned.
He didn't meaant those words! How?! Must be a nightmare, it must be-?! A life without you he couldn't imagine, hell he didn't even wanted to live a lige without the light of his dark life. His angel that always worry about him...
It couldn't be.. please... this cant be real.
Before a tear could escape his eyes he heard a door opening and some muffped voices.
"He just barged in here talking to himself some nonsense and is just like this."
"I heard the same thing from the guys, is he okay?"
That voice... it was.. it was your-
"(Y/n).." he called out and finally looked up from his hands and seing you there looking at him.
There you were... hurt for sure by his words yet looking at him with worry in your eyes.
"Maybe he was hit by a quirk on his way out earlier." Pops commented as he standed up, immediatly catching your hand and pulling you towards him so he could your cheek. Uncharestically of him enough to make you widen your eyes.
"Kai..?" You almost whispered his name as his golden eyes had a tears stuck on them as he looked at every atom almost of your face.
His thumb carresed your cheek like your skin could breao at any moment... the fear he felt earlier was slowly melting away as he noticed you were really there, he could touch you and ... it was real.
"Kai..?" You furrowed your eyebrows, grabbing the hand on your cheek before gasping when his arms circled around your waist and almost crushed you to him.
"You're really here..." he breathe dout shakily, holding your body close to him as he rubbed his nose on your temple with shaky breaths.
"Where else I would have gone..?" You laughed nervously while hesitantly hugging back.
"I'm so sorry... angel, Im so sorry... forgive me for what I said.." the way he hugged you was so rare and so out of character of him, it was like you had died and come back to death.
"I will leave you both alone for now." Pops said before smilling at both of you as Chisaki finally repeased a bit the grip he had on you after Pops left the room.
"What happened for you to act like-" he quickly locked his lips with yours making you wide your eyes once again.
"I swear-" a kiss "I will mever spoke such atrocities to you again-" another kiss "You're the angel of my dreams and life-" so much kisses god.
You even giggled at his treatment and carresed his chest.
"Okay okay I forgive you-" you giggled as he he brought you close to him again so he could bury his face on your hair "But really, what happened?" You asked while carresing his back as he sighed in relief at feeling your warmth and scent.
"I just lived my worst nightmare... after a stupid wish." He breathed out, surely not over from what had happened.
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sixtyeightdays · 4 years
Only you, Marinette. Only you.
in which marinette lifts thors hammer with no knowledge of how great it is to wield mjolnir 😔✋🏻
kind of crappy but thats okay
Normally, when Tony Stark's name was brought up, the following words would be either 'Avengers', 'Iron Man', or something along the lines of cool and amazing.
But this time, as Tony Stark's name fluttered through the compound of College Francois Dupont, the following words were 'Why her', 'What happened', and'Marinette Dupain-Cheng'.
See, throughout Lila's entire reign at Francois Dupont, unknowingly to the Italian, a certain bluenette had been giving her and all of her classmates choices.
Lila chose to ignore Marinette's warning.
Alya chose to believe Lila and cut off all ties with Marinette.
Nino chose to follow Alya and ignore Marinette.
Adrien chose to remain quiet for fear of Lila getting akumatised.
The class chose to believe Lila, drinking up her lies and claimed connections to celebrities that'll 'boost their careers in the future'.
Now, Marinette wasn't normally one to show off her connections to the world, unlike Lila, who lied about celebrities with every breath she took.
No, Marinette preferred not to mention her celebrity contacts.
However, this time, she had thrown all caution out the window and texted him.
mari <3
cant wait to see all of you soon!
do you think you can pick me up at my school drop off point after i end school instead of the bakery next week?
the one and only
sure thing, mari
everyone misses you too and they cant wait to see you again
any reasons why the sudden change though
mari <3
no reason
It was a week before he arrived. A week full of taunts and bullying from the people who used to be her friends.
But the day had come, and Marinette was about to leave this place for the summer, and was finally going to be where she wanted to be again.
It was the last period, and Marinette, having finished her work already, started on a new design. She had just finished it when the door crashed open, making Mlle. Bustier and the class jump.
The shock turned into exciting adoration, however, as standing there in all his glory were the Avengers.
Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor, and of course, Tony Stark. Pepper was also there, trailing behind with Natasha who were muttering about how dramatic the boys were.
Alya immediately jumped to her feet, fumbling for her phone that she held with shaking hands, and started a livestream.
'Hi everyone! It's your Ladyblogger here, and today the Avengers came to visit! Oh, I bet Lila got them to come, she is Tony Stark's goddaughter after all.'
No one noticed Marinette snort into her palm.
Max gaped at his idol in the doorway, his glasses sliding off his face in his shock before he hastily placed them in it's proper position.
Thor ignored the reporter, making his way to the back of the class where Mari sat, placing his hammer on top of Mari's sketchbook, much to her chagrin.
The devious smile the god gave her confirmed that he did it on purpose, and Mari smacked him in the arm and glared at him.
'Was it really necessary to break down the door?' She deadpanned, unimpressed.
Alya gasped. 'Marinette! Don't be so rude to the Avengers! They're here for Lila, not you.'
Thor frowned in confusion. 'Who is this.. Lila you speak of?'
Alya gasped again. 'She's Tony Stark's goddaughter!' She frowned at the god disapprovingly.
'She spends her summers there, how could you not recognise her?' The Italian in question was sinking into her seat, regretting the lie she told.
Tony clicked his tongue.
'I have a goddaughter, yes, but it isn't this Lila girl. I have never heard of a Lila. No, I'm here for Marinette, my actual goddaughter.' He shot a pointed look to Alya at the last bit, before he and everyone else walked over to Mari.
Pepper passed by Alya and handed out two stacks of papers.
Alya cautiously picked it up and Pepper said, 'These are lawsuits for both you and Lila. It is for defamation and slander of different celebrities, as well as spreading false information.'
Alya gaped at the blonde as she made her way up the stairs to where Mari and everyone else was before turning to Lila with a glare.
'Were you lying the whole time?'
The class erupted in shouts at the girl, until she broke and called out that Adrien had known, but didn't say anything.
'It was for the best! Her lies weren't hurting anyone!'
'I didn't submit my music portfolio because Lila said she'd guaranteed me a spot.' Nino uttered quietly, realising that he had lost a chance to have his big break.
Mylene looked gobsmacked. 'I passed up the offer of meeting Alexander Hamilton because Lila said she'd get him to meet me for free.'
One by one, the students began listing everything they missed out because of Lila's lies, from Alix not being able to be in the X-Games like she was promised, to Kim, who had quit his swim team because Lila told him she'd get Michael Phelps to train him personally.
Adrien cracked and admitted that yes, he was wrong, but Marinette knew too!
The class suddenly remembered Marinette.
Marinette, who had been telling them all along that Lila was lying.
Marinette, who they had bullied because they thought she was jealous.
Marinette, who was scolding Tony Stark right now, wait what?
Sure enough, the bluenette was reprimanding the billionaire, who's head was hanging low like a kicked puppy, with Natasha smirking in the corner.
'I told you to come after school! There's still 15 minutes before school ends, Uncle Tony, you couldn't wait another 20 minutes?'
He hung his head and Steve snickered, until Marinette turned to him.
'Why did you let him come so early? I thought you were the responsible one.' She pinched the bridge of her nose.
The class took advantage of the momentary silence to swarm Marinette, until the Avengers glared at them and they backed away slightly.
'Girl, we're so sorry for believing that liar! Will you forgive us? We'll be best friends again.' Alya looked excited, a gleam in her eye.
'Do you think you can get me an interview with Tony Stark?'
Marinette looked at her in disbelief.
'So you want to be my friend again, just because I'm Tony's goddaughter.' Pepper and Natasha looked furious as well, while Tony eyed his goddaughter's class.
Steve placed a hand on Marinette's shoulder.
'Besides, Marinette already has a best friend.'
Alya spluttered. 'Who?'
A swarm of black and blue flew into the room and crashed into Marinette, causing her to fall back into her seat.
'Peter!' She laughed. 'MJ! Ned! Great to see you guys too!'
Peter smiled gave her a brotherly kiss on the cheek, while MJ gave her a hug and Ned fistbumped her.
'Oh! That reminds me, MJ, I'm done with the design for the dress you wanted! Let me show you!' Mari looked around for her sketchbook before noticing it under Thor's hammer.
Thor, noticing this, moved his hand forwards to pick up the hammer, but his jaw dropped as Marinette easily picked up the hammer with one hand, holding it up while she moved the sketchbook underneath it away before placing it back on the table.
She flipped through the pages of it, not noticing the shocked looks on her classmates and family's faces, and the pale face of Lila. She had become enemies with a girl who could lift Thor's hammer!
Alya, who was still live streaming, looked like a fish, and her hands, which were still raises in the position of recording, trembled.
Marinette let out a small 'aha!' when she found the page she was looking for, and looked up to see her friend's shocked face.
She frowned. 'Do you not like it?'
Adrien, still rather astonished, spluttered out. 'Marinette.. you just lifted Thor's hanmer!'
At the sound of his name, the god snapped out of his stupor, and lifting his hammer, he pointed at the bluenette. 'She is worthy! I must take her to Asgard with me!'
Marinette cocked her head. 'It's just a hammer and it wasn't even that heavy. Now you big babies, let's go back to New York!'
She grabbed MJ's hand before picking up her bag and running out, she and MJ excitedly chattering about the dress, Marinette having not understood the implications of lifting Thor's hammer, and MJ, who had seen weirder things in her life.
The Avengers, Ned and Peter blinked before filing out of the room slowly, following the excited bluenette and brunette.A certain blonde god staring at nothing in particular.
'She doesn't know what lifting my hammer means?' He snorted. 'Only you, Marinette. Only you.'
well yeah there isnt exactly a ship for this but i wanted to write something where mari lifts thors hammer bc i dont see enough of those
mj and peter are together, in case u didnt know
kind of lost interest in the end but thats okay lmao so the endings kinda crappy but i think weve established that i cant write for shit
thank u for coming to my tedtalk ok byee
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yukina-otome · 4 years
Otome game MC’S
Hello everyone ! Today i am gonna tell you about my opinion on the mc’s of the otome games i played ! Again this is just my opinion so feel free to share yours or complete with your opinion on mc’s of otome games i didnt include !
This is not a ranking btw !
MLQC MC: Youran
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Job: Producer | Queen
Age : 22 year old
Good points : 1-Brave and take risks 2-Never give up 3-Smoll bean (seriously she's so cute) 4-Really nice and helpfull (walk around the city for hours every week to help anyone in need) 5-Hardworking 6-Tell whats on her mind and doesnt hide her feelings 7-Can play piano
Bad points: 1-Bad decision making 2-Rely on the boys too much 3-Mary sue 4-Clumsy AF 5-Sneez\ stomach noises when boy is about to kiss her
Mystic messenger mc:
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Age and Job: Depends
Depend on the route 1-Yoosung : Super patient and mature 2-Jaehee: Supportive 3-Jumin : God levels of patience but also kinda always have to agree with jumin which i hate 4-Seven : Happy go lucky and clueless about her whole situation (Seven : There is a BOMB | MC:LOL OK) 5-Another story : Guillible but also very patient. (i would take none of that s**t) Common to all routes : Have no eyes
My candy love MC: Lyn Darcy AKA Candy
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Age : 17 during 1st season \ 23 during 2nd season \ 25 during 3rd season
Job : High schooler\ college student\ coffee owner
Good points: 1-Friendly 2-Helpful 3-Open minded 4-Pretty 5-Very strong mentally (during the highschool part) 6-Appearance can be customized 7-Energetic 8-Can get angry and speak her mind (depend on your choices)
Bad points: 1-Nosy AF 2-Mary sue 3-Play terapist with literally anyone she meet even if that mean getting herself in trouble and ignoring her own love life 4-Paranoid 5-Childish (even for a highschooler and even more in campus life)
7hotties MC AKA the worst mc (No pic for her cause tumblr says only 10 pic per post)
Job : Freelance designer  Age : middle 20′s
Good points :
3-Absolutely nothing
Bad points: 1-Weak 2-Useless 3-Doormat 4-Almost jobless (never seen her work aside from keita's route because he is the one who gave her the job) 5-Bland AF 6-Forgive everything a guy do to her (even rape) 7-Never actually get mad (even after a guy sleep with her and dump her literally right after she's like "pls don't abandon me! Tell me if i did anything wrong ! I'll fix it")
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Job: Concierge at the royal shining
Age : Early 20′s
Good points: 1-Sassy 2-Have a goal in her life and a dream she will not abandon no matter what 3-Can solve mental illness with love (because otome game power) 4-Described as extra pretty (All the boys at her workplace like her) 5-Doesnt give up easily 6-Actually got some backstory 7-Thirsty AF 8-Relatable
Bad points: 1-Forgive too easily (Minami's route !!) 2-Always get caught when spying or listening on someone's conversation 3-Clumsy AF 4-Can't brew coffee even after two weeks of trying (toma's route) 5-Actually not so good at her job but she's trying really hard
Le secret d'henri\Henri's secret MC: Lyla (Actually not an otome game, more like a visual novel but i wanted to include it because i absolutely love the mc and also because it's getting a remake and i wanted to promote it a bit)
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Job : Highschooler
Age: 17 then 18
Good points: 1-Strong 2-Naive in all the right ways (she know how naïve she is but still choose to be naïve because she'd rather get backstabbed because she trusted than miss the opportunity to know a good person because she didn't trust)
3-Very pretty (Said to be the prettiest girl in all the high school and literally every boy she met aside from her brother and clement her bestie want to date her.)
4-Very popular 5-She is so nice even Henri call her a saint 6-Have the best family 7-Have the best friends 8-Supportive 9-Likes to play detective and solve people's problem 10-You really get attached to her by the end of the story you are almost sad because you wont get to see her again
Bad points: 1-Overreact 2-Drama queen (I understand tho as she is still a highschooler so she get emotional and depressed quite easily specially when it comes to a certain someone)
3-A bit too perfect sometime : Pretty girl, nice , friendly, cool, like nailpolish and fashion but also manga and video games, smart etc etc 4-MARY SUE 5-Nosy but not in an annoying way
Ikevamp MC:
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Job: Travel agent and blogger | Housemaid
Age: Early to middle twenties
Good points : 1-She's said to be very beautiful (leo's route) 2-Speak many languages and seem to have a wide board of interests 3-Adapt fast to her new environment (depend on the routes) 4-Mentally strong (specially in napoleon's route) 5-Kinda mature (sometimes and depend on the route) Bad points: 1-Inconsistent personality even in the same route 2-Mary sue 3-Can be very weak and submissive (depend on the route) 4-Have no reason to stay aside for the boy she loves (what I mean is that by the end of the route the only thing she have in 19th century France is her boyfriend, in some routes she doesn't even meet or talk to most of the other resident and she have no job aside from cleaning the mansion with Sebastian)
5-Also get kidnapped every route (don't know yet for Theo) 6-Always wear the same clothes
Ikerev MC : Alice
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Job: Help at a bakery ?
Age: Early twenties (saw somewhere that she was the same age as ray, not sure tho)
Good points : 1-Like food 2-Foodie 3-Enjoy food 4-Food = Happiness 5-More seriously she's super positive and optimistic and adapt really fast to her environment 6-Friendly and happy go lucky 7-Have the power to repel magic and protect herself and sometime her suitor to some degrees
Bad points: 1-Clueless 2-Dumb AF 3-Bad decision making 4-Get kidnapped almost every route 5-Zero observation and deduction skills (Oliver's route) 6-Technically squat at the black\red army headquarter\Oliver and Blanc's house or Harr and Loki's house
Ikesen MC : Mai AKA the queen AKA the fireball AKA the little mouse AKA The godess AKA the wild boar
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Job: Seamstress
Age: around 25
Good points : 1-Strong AF 2-Take no sh*t (Kenshin's route\ Nobunaga's route...) 3-Adapt quite fast to her new and very dangerous environement (if i was her i would not leave my room for the next 3 months) 4-Fireball 5-Saved her suitor in many routes (Kenshin, Ieyasu, Shingen...) 6-Sass Queen 7-Have a life in sengoku era aside from her suitor (kinda the opposite of ikevamp mc as i said in bad point 4) 8-Have a dream and a goal 9-Very beautiful (even kenshin said so outside of his route and he was not in love with her!) 10-A lot of chemistry with all of the boys even outside of their routes.
Bad points : 1-Mary Sue 2-In some routes she is weaker but it never really disturbed me as it suited the love interest of the route(Sasuke and mitsuhide's route) 3-Kidnapping
Midcin MC:
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Job : Princess
Age: Heard somewhere that she is 19 but not sure about it
Good points : 1-Adapt fast to her new situation 2-Try her best to learn everything 3-Try to take responsibility as the new princess 4-Can't think of anything else for her...
Bad points : 1-Weak 2-Bland 3-Doesnt speak up when she actually need to (The dumpster fire that is Alyn's ever after) 4-Kidnapping sometime twice in the same route 5-Submissive depending on the suitor
Okko's games MC'S : Honestly they r all the same so reunited them all in one
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Job and age : Depend on the game
Good points: 1-Hard working 2-Have goals and dreams 3-Usually have a backstory 4-Some of them are sassy 5-Pretty but doesn't take care of herself 6-Always have a very fashionable bestie with a lot of experience with dating that help her and listen to her problems
Bad points: 1-Emotional maturity of a middle school girl 2-Doesnt want to admit her feelings and keep denying them even when there is no reason to 3-Self sabotage 4-Blame herself for every bad thing that happens 5-Some of them are very weak and submissive
And that’s pretty much it ! Thank you for reading until the end ! Pls feel free to reblog and add on those with your opinion ! 
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: Silence is Golden?
Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Summary: Tom and Y/N don’t get into a lot of fights, but this one will leave you speechless...literally.
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships |The Birthday Week | Movie Night
A/N: Hey! Did you know I created a Masterlist?! You can view here (X)!
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Every couple has their good and bad days. Some people will even say it’s healthy to have a little dispute once and awhile. For Y/N and Tom, the bad days just kept on coming. Maybe it was due to the work piling up on Y/N’s plate lately, or the fact that Tom was stressing about going to Berlin in 2 weeks for his work. Either way, both of them were under pressure, and with everything going on, it’d be no surprise that even the smallest things would irritate them.
“Tom I told you to put your luggage off to the side. One of us is going to trip with all this shit in our room.” Y/N scolded as she pushed the black luggage to the side of wall.
Tom was sitting in bed, rolling his eyes at his fiance’s comment and went back to focusing on his script. “Well, maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal if you just cleaned the room every weekend like you were supposed to do.” He grumbled as he highlighted his lines.
“I was working the entire weekend. I told you I had a huge release to prep for and last time I rememebered I’m your fiance not your maid. It wouldn’t kill if you could just do some of the chores in the house instead of having me, Harry, Harrison, or Tuwaine do it for you.” She argued, glaring down at Tom with her arms crossed. “Just cause your some hot shot celebrity doesn’t mean you can just sit there and do jack shit.”
Tom looked at her with surprise and anger. He just about had it up to here with her nagging. Tom loves Y/N, but sometimes, like tonight, she was really getting on his nerves, and the next few things he says to her were not so pretty. “Can you just shut up?! You’re always telling me what to do, what not to do, to stop doing this and stop doing that, and god the never-ending chatter that comes out of your mouth.” He spits out not even paying attention to how Y/N was reacting. “Some people actually do prefer some peace and quiet. God, I really can’t wait to go to Berlin just so I don’t have to hear that god awful nagging of yours.” Tom shakes his head as he looks back at his script, until he realized what just came out of his mouth...complete and utter bullshit that he didn’t mean.
It was Y/N’s turn to be surprised. In fact she was speechless, not really knowing what to say to his rant. It hurt a lot, as if her heart had just broken in a million pieces. If there was one thing you needed to know about Y/N, it was that she valued everyone’s view and opinion of her. So, you can best believe that if someone had a problem with her, she would not take it lightly. When it comes from the person you love the most...well...one can’t even begin to fathom how much it could hurt.
Tears were forming and streaming down her eyes, as small sniffles start to escape. Her tiny hands balling up into a fist. She wasn’t just upset, she was furious. “Well, if thats how you feel then, I don’t know why you’d want to be with a person that doesn’t shut up...Cause clearly I’m not good enough.”
Tom starts to sit up on the bed and lean towards her, trying to apologize profusely, but it was a lost cause that couldn’t be taken back. She runs out of the room with her stuff as she moves to the guest room to cry herself to sleep. Tom stays in their bedroom as he looks up at the ceiling with a disappointed face. “What have I done?” He whispers to himself, only praying they would be able to make up in the morning.
The next day, Tom wakes up extra early to prepare a ‘Sorry I’m such a div. Please forgive me’ breakfast with chocholate chip pancakes, bluerberry smoothies, and apple turnovers from her favorite coffeshop in London. And if that wasn’t enough...he had also brought her a bouquet of red roses. He awaited for her to come down, with everything set. As the boys came by to eat their share of the breakfast, Y/N comes down to akward silence. Everyone staring at her and Tom standing in the middle smiling with flowers in hand.
“Morning Y/N.” The boys say in unison.
“Morning boys...Tom.” Y/N mumbes the last word as she makes her way. They continue to talk and eat amongst themselves as Y/N looks for a seat to sit at, but sadly the only one available is the one next to Tom. He looks at her with his brown puppy dog eyes, silently pleading for her to sit next to him. Y/N gets the message as she rolls her eyes, and tales the seat. He present her the flowers once again, smiling off his boyish charm. “Darling, Im so sorry for the way I acted I didn’t mean it. Please don’t be mad at me. I love you so much.”
Y/N takes the flowers and nods, as she goes back to her breakfast. She ate rather quickly as to make sure she didnt have to deal with anyone and went straight back to the guest room. Tom slouches in his seat, sighing in defeat. “Great the silent treatment.” He says out loud.
“Damn, Tom you must have really fucked up.” Tuwaine said as he took a bite of his pancakes.
“Yeah mate, what did you do?” Harrison asked, intrigued by his best friend’s dilemma.
“You couldn’t hear them? They fought because Tom couldnt do a simple job and then called Y/N a talkative nagging piece of work” Harry answered him, stifiling a laugh. “Im sure the whole world could have heard him.”
“You also forgot, how he said he’d rather be in Berlin than be here with her.” Tuwain mentioned.
Tom glares at his younger brother and Tuwaine, giving them a good shove on the shoulder. “Hey, don’t be mad at me. I’m not the one that had to get his shit together.” Harry defends taking his last bite.
“What do I do? She wont even talk to me and I went through all this work to apologize to her.” Tom asks as he stares at the floor solemnly. “I don’t want her to be mad at me.”
“I don’t know mate. Maybe just earn her trust again. Im sure youll both work it out...you always do.” Harrison reassures him as he makes his way to wash the dishes.
Later that night, Tom passes by Y/N as she makes her way to the bathroom across their bedroom. Tom tried his best to set up the bed as if she was staying with him, fluffing the pillows, pulking down the comforters, and turning up the AC. As Y/N finishes up, she sees him standing at the edge of the bed, waiting for her to join him. “Please? I cleaned up the room and gave you your favorite pillow because you know you cant sleep without it.” He pleads, pouting with his lower lip sticking up.
Y/N looks at the tidy room and the pillow he left her. She smiles when she takes notice of the the one pillow with flowers and ripped edges. It was her favorite pillow since she was 5 and sworn to everyone that it was the only pillowcase she could ever sleep peacefully in. With the thought and gesture Tom made today, Y/N figured it was the least she could do, though it didn’t mean he was forgiven compeltely yet. Tom smiles at his first victory as he climbs in the bed with her. He tries to snuggle closer and wrap his stron arm across her waist, whispering “I love you and I really am sorry.”
Y/N wasn’t too comfortable getting this close still, and ultimately took his hand that was on her waist and dropped it to his side. Tom, felt a slight hinge of sadness when she did that. She never refused his cuddles and anytime they had a fight they would always make up before rhe end of the day. He sighs loudly in silence. Y/N turns around to face his back, and leans over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, which takes him by surprise. “I love you” she whispers, going back to her side of the bed.
The next day, Tom decides to take a quick trip to his parents house, who greet him with ipen arms. Though, both his parents, Paddy and Sam, notice the distress on his face. “What’s wrong son?” Tom’s mum asked with worry.
“Mum, Dad...I messed up.” He cries. “ I was just really stressed out this past week, with the movie, and the fans, and thinking about how I have to leave Y/N for Berlin...I-I- just said a lot of stupid things to her that I didnt mean.”
Tom’s mom rubs her son’s back as she tries to console him and calm his breathing. “There. There. Its going to be okay. You know Y/N loves you so much. Im sure you’ll both get through this.”
“That’s the thing mum. I don’t know if we can. She won’t even talk to me. I made her breakfast gave her flowers and even cleaned our room liek she asked me too. I don’t know what else to do to show her that I truly sorry.I told her I can’t wait to go to Berlin so I did have to hear her talk, but thats far from the truth. I don’t want to leave her when we’ve had all this time together.”
“Hmm...perhaps you should do the things that she doesn’t ask you to do. You know Y/N is also stressed with her job as well, she might not have time to get around to all the things that need to be done. Also tell her how you really feel besides that you’re sorry and you love her. You know both of you have had a hard week and there’s a lot of feelings bottled up inside. Just be honest with your feelings. I know you didn’t mean it and Im sure she knows too.”
Tom smiles at the last sentence, realizing the two haven’t really committed to the rules they promised each other, be honest and communicate with each other. “You’re right, Mum. I cant even remember the last time we really talked.” Tom got up up quickly whiping away the dry tears. “I’m gonna go make things right with Y/N. Thank you for everything. I love you.” Tom hugs his mother, before he makes his way ready to set things right.
As he pulls up to the house, Tom is ince again by the door with flowers in hand. Y/N sliently looks at him as she tilts her head curious as to why he’s on his toes...and with more flowers in hand. “Look you don’t have to say anything because I’m gonna be doing all the talking right now.”
Y/N looks at him in surprise, intrigued to hear what he has to say this time. “Y/N. Im know. im such a dumbass, clueless, and careless bloke who didn’t stop to think about your feelings and the things you wanted from me. I should have helped around more, I should asked how you were , and I definitely should have pushed my luggage to the side of the wall like you asked me too many times.” He says chuckling nervously. “And I know I fucked up, but Im really going to to try to make it an effort to listen more, and help you as much as I can. And Im so sorry for being so distant, I just I had a lot on my mind and the fact that I have to leave you, in two weeks when this has been the longest we’ve spent time together, it made me more sad.” Y/N looks at him with a sympathetic smile, almost ready to accept his apology. “So look, I know you’re probably still mad and everything, but Im really hoping this makes it up for you because I really do love you. Every single thing about you and theres only two more weeks before I leave and I want to spend every day, hour, minute, and second with you.”
There’s silence in the air as Tom looks into her eyes, trying to find some answer. “Every day, hour, minute, and second?” She questions him smiling. Tom’s face lights up with the brightest smile hes ever out on. He drops the flowers and hugs her even more tightly than he did with his mother, spinning her around. Nothing sounded better than hearing her laugh, it’s been far too long. He cups her face, kissing her passionately only to pull away and move the stray hairs from her face. Taking in every single detail of her face. “Yes. Ever day, hour, minute, and second..so lets not waste anymore time.” He grabs her hand as he rushed her to their room.
“Wait, wait, wait!” She yells with laughter. Tom sulks and groans, “Aw, what now?”
“You didnt even ask if I forgave you, yet?”
“Well...” Tom says pretending to think “Do you forgive me?”
Y/N looks at him, leaving a chaste kiss on his lips. “Of course I do.”
“Good. Now let’s go. Got to show you how much I appreciate and love you.” Tom smiles as he pulls her away.
@hollanddolanfangirl @parkerspillow @joyleenl @kihyunwifes
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sortasirius · 5 years
“Destiny’s Child” and the Destiny of...Them
So that was..........A Lot.
Liked A LOT about it, a lot more than a usually do with Buckleming, but uh, some issues.  Eugenie didn’t really need to bring up Busty Asian Beauties, that had gone and we didn’t need more of it.  And I hate any mention of John Winchester that is positive, whether it’s in an AU or hammering home how poor of a father he is, but other than some details, this was a wild ride that I mostly enjoyed and have a lot to talk about.  They certainly crammed a lot in there.
Starting from literally the very beginning, they’re hitting us with some sick parallels in the “Then” portion of the episode.  Listen, y’all know me.  Y’all know I am.......Not A Fan of M*g or M******l, I am, however a Rachel Miner stan, so when the “Then” started out with the pizza man and the cringy kiss from “Caged Heat” I sorta rolled my eyes but held out hope for a Rachel cameo bc I.....lov her.  But then.............”I learned that from the pizza man” is compared directly with Dean being mistaken for a pizza man?  And then eating pizza in like 20 different scenes?  Could the production be louder???????  There is, in my opinion, literally no other way to take that, that was a sequence that basically said “Dean taught Cas how to kiss” and I will not be accepting dissenting opinions at this time.
Also AU Sam and Dean were so dumb and I appreciated their stupid Fiat and the song that played when they got out of the car, thanks Amyn, I appreciate you dawg.  And then Sam and Dean explaining it to Cas?  Thanks base gods.
Cas was so fucking sassy in this ep and I......love him so much.
The idea of killing Amara is interesting, mostly because it brings her into play again, we saw in the beginning of the season that she just....doesn’t give a fuck about any of this, but the boys don’t know that, so maybe she’ll become an ally?  Idk, here’s hoping.  I miss her.
And when Cas and Dean have this exchange about the occultum:
“It was housed for hundreds of years in an ancient before it was-”
“Plundered by pirates!”
“It was...dug up by tomb raiders!”
“It was...seized by the king of the dead and his warlords amiclose?”
“Looted by invading mongol hoardes for trade on the black-”
“Black market, yeah I was gonna say that next, that was the next one.”
Like.....can y’all say MARRIED?  Anyway.
Danneel and Gen???  Together???  Ruby and Sister Jo????  Together???? I’m gay.
I’m SUPER interested in the convo that Jack and Cas have in the kitchen, specifically about Dean:
“Will he ever forgive me?”
“You know, Dean...he feels things more acutely than any human I’ve ever known.  So, it’s possible he could work through this.  One day he may explode, let it all out, breathe deeply and move on.”
“How long will that take?”
“I don’t know.”
Can we say PARALLELS fam??  First of all, Cas is so in tune with Dean, he knows him so well, knows how much he cares how deeply he loves.  Honestly it causes me chest pains to think about it for too long.  But Cas knows this because he just went through it, Dean “couldn’t forgive” and “couldn’t move on” until he had an Outburst in Purgatory and begged asked Cas to forgive him for how he acted.  It’s an interesting parallel because it isn’t a direct parallel: Dean was the one that asked forgiveness of Cas, not the other way around.  It’s a little detail, but at this point every little detail seems to be important down the road.
Also there were a lot of Looks between Dean and Cas and they were all soft and I gtg
And then we get the big mention: the first mention of Cas’ deal since last season.  I knew the writers wouldn’t just write this plotline off, and Cas is, “far from happy” as he says himself.  So.....not to clown.....but if getting Jack back doesn’t make him happy............what does? (I think we know)
And then Cas in the Empty, looking for Ruby, and runs into “Meg” (Rachel I missed u).  And I think it’s fascinating that the Empty appeared as Meg specifically.  The Empty knows Cas, of course, but, more specifically, the Empty knows EVERYTHING about Cas.  “I know who you love, what you fear.”  And the Empty appears to Cas as someone that he TRUSTED, not as someone that he loved.  It’s an important distinction, because if the Empty wanted to appear as something that would RATTLE Cas, it would appear as someone that he loved or hated, but he trusted Meg, that’s why it appeared to him as her.
Also, “go get her, pizza man” after that intro?  Really just hammering home that Dean is the pizza man with all the subtlety of an elephant imho.
Also Concerned Husband Dean is alive and well, he doesn’t even hesitate, he makes Jack bring Cas back immediately, important information be damned.
But before Cas leaves, Empty!Meg says something that should NOT be glossed over, about Death’s plan to defeat Chuck, “Funny thing about her plan though, she didnt say anything about needing you.”
How many times have we heard this this season?  How many times has Cas occupied the negative space?  “No one mentions Cas,” the loudness of his absence after the breakup, when he was kidnapped by Leviathan in Purgatory, not being mentioned in Billie’s plan, and now? Fret not my friends, I know so many people are worried about Cas, but Andrew Dabb is a Cas stan first and a human second, and all of these mentions or lack thereof of Cas being a part of the endgame?  It just makes him all the more important, because he’s a surprise attack, Chuck never sees him coming because he doesn’t consider him important.
And when Cas comes back and Dean calls him an idiot?  Some serious callbacks to one of the gayest episodes and one of my personal faves: “Lily Sunder has Some Regrets.”  They be married.
AU Sam and Dean were very wrong and I did not wike it and that’s that on that tbh.
So they get to the church, Sam holds the door against the hellhounds like the badass boy he is, and Dean and Cas really do just stand exactly where a couple getting married would stand, with Jack standing where the officiant would stand.  I mean.....it’s LOUD.  It’s just real LOUD in here.  Also pretty fucking ON THE NOSE that Jack stands in front of Jesus, Cas in front of Mary, and Dean in front of Joseph.  I’m not qualified to do religious iconography meta but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh come on now.
That snake sequence...Jack’s life flashing before his eyes before he gets his soul back?  Ya boi weeps.  Buckleming had no right to write something as amazing as Jack’s snake sequence and final scene, it shouldn’t be allowed and it was not what I was expecting.
So.....there was a lot happening in this episode but, y’all know I sound like a broken record here, Dean and Cas were, once again, the overwhelming and blatant focal point.  Sure I watch with my eyes tuned to them especially, but they’re really cranking up the volume over here.  The Empty deal is back and unresolved, Cas talks to Jack about Dean’s forgiveness, Dean’s fearful when he thinks he’s lost Cas again, the fucking pizza man.  It all points one direction.
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catboyithaqua · 4 years
Ramuda and Doppo :0
Under a cut bc long
Ramuda Amemura
First impression
Baby boy baby. Very cute and sweet i love characters with ramudas aesthetic i tend to want to protect them, especially since its an aesthetic that i fall into myself and lo v e so kseidjsnfn YEAH this man is baby!!!
Impression now
Ohhh my god i love this man i love the way he is characterised he is so incredibly interesting as a character and tbh so realistic and honestly i adore him!!! I alarmingly see a lot of myself in him tbh, were incredibly similar and that isnt necessarily a good thing!! But still i love this man
Favorite moment
Oh man where tf do i BEGIN there are so many ngl, but mostly all of the moments where we see ramuda's humanity. There is still a sweetness left under the darkness, there is still a man who wants to cling onto everything he has - his emotion, his internal battles, his morality vs his desperate need to survive - oh fucking man so much.
Idea for a story
CAN WE FUCKING. HAVE RAMUDA TALK HIS SHIT OUT PLEASE can we just have others actively helping ramuda cAN THIS MAN PLEASE BE SHOWN THAT ITS NOT TOO LATE FOR HIM,,, PLEASE,, i just want ramuda to finally talk out everything and have people on his side. Please.
Unpopular opinion
This probs isnt unpopular by any means, but idk what else to put here so take this:
I dont really see it often discussed that yknow ramuda is an abuse victim. Like, its very clear that chuokhu uses and abuses him, and his life is constantly being hung over his head. No wonder the dude is doing anything he can in order to survive, he has no choice in that regard. Before i get told this in the notes yes i know this doesnt excuse the things hes done!!! But tbh i really think that like the trauma that ramuda is living with kinda needs to be addressed.
Favorite relationship
I am a huge multishipper and have found a way to ship ramuda w just about most people (that are adults and not in chuokhu lol) so this is pretty tough
Id say either fling poly or jkrm and these are my reasons lets go:
Fling poly: HAVE YOU S E E N THEM do i really need to say more here all three of them have such good chemistry together, theyre all clearly on the same wavelength and have such a wonderful dynamic,,, they found out about the clones and shit and they STILL chose to protect ramuda and to fight for him and with him and to stay by his side aND BLACK JOURNEY TOO I-- IM GONNA START SOBBING,,,
Jakuramu: this one is not based on canon too much i am sorry this is mostly hc but i am a huge sucker for enemies to lovers ok also, i feel like out of TDD these two would be the ones to reconcile. After all, jakurai is a rather empathetic man and he probably would def understand the situation that ramuda was in. After all this dude was an ex assassin, if ramuda was to tell him everything, im sure that he would be able to relate to yknow the time he took others' lives, people with families and friends that he killed because he was ordered to and most likely had no other choice. Of course, jakurai is well within his right to not forgive ramuda for what happened to yotsutsuji, but i feel like he would and would help him get out of the situation hes in,,, and also im soft for the TDD era ok like how jakurai WANTED TO KNOW THE REAL RAMUDA AND LIKE,,, even when ramuda snapped at him he was GLAD HE WANTSD TO KNOW HIM FUCK MAN,,, i just really like these two ok
Favorite headcanon
I have quite a lot of hcs! Here are a few and like some explanation as to why:
- hes trans - i personally believe this bc personally itd make sense. Ramuda has a very feminine appearance and build, those that are like typically common in asian countries. As well as that, he has his own autonomy unlike the other clones. It wouldnt surprise me if chuokhu orignally wanted to make a girl to keep the other divisions in check, but when he decided personally that he didnt want to be such a way, they said sure, more room for us to treat you as we want to. Hes got money, getting T wouldnt be that difficult for him either, so thats why his voice is. That way fiaudjsnfnd anyway i think it makes sense!! Idk--
- he has bpd - projection probably but the biggest inspiration for this headcanon is how he is emotionally. His swings are violent - he feels and expresses such a diverse range of emotions and its so easy for him to change his emotional disposition - whilst also mostly feeling totally empty. Relationship wise also, given how he was genuinely really close to jakurai and then completely splitting on him, h a t i n g him. Yeah that sounds like bpd to me chief i know i have it!!! Theres more ik there is but i cant pull up examples rn
- hes neurodivergent - again mostly projection honestly and like there isnt much of a canon basis in his behaviour, just little things, but i like to personally hc that aside from eating candy to stay alive duh, that he chooses lollipops bc they serve as a sort of stim?? Also ik that fashion is his job but hes also so so clearly passionate about it that its a special interest for him, and thats partially why he took it up as a job in the first place, so he could do something related to his special interest lol. Idk i know there isnt any basis for this but just let me have autistic ramuda iaiesjdnsnfn
Doppo Kanonzaka
First impression
Now THATS what i call a tired mf!!! This dude has yves saint laurent eyebags also he really reminds me of aggretsuko somehow??? Im really not sure what it is
Impression now
Yeah i was def right with the aggretsuko comparison siaishsnshfb BUT I LOVEEE HIM i love him very much and i think this man really needs a break and is also very relateable i love
Favorite moment
As much as i love fp i absolutely adore the badass koments that doppo has including when he absolutely fucking obliterated fling posse sksjxnxncn also!! All of his little moments with hifumi i genuinely enjoy their dynamic its so cute
Idea for a story
Honestly i wanna see him slowly recover from the teauma that he has experienced because this king absolutely deserves it, and also from a practical point of view itd make this mf s t r o n g e r i also just.... long to see doppo happy honestly he deserves to smile!!
Unpopular opinion
I dont really have an unpopular opinion but saving like leaving this blank: as much as i absolutely adore jakurai and hifumi and their music (jakurai is my fave out of every hypmic character and i WILL drive this home), to me doppo just has the best music. Like, i love tigridia and BLACK OR WHITE so fucking much its absolutely unreal and all of doppos verses in every song are juust so fucking good. As much as i listen to you are, therefore i am on repeat every day of my life doppos music is just the best ✨
Favorite relationship
Again i am a huge multishipping bitch and i habe a few ships with doppo but in ahll honesty my fave is very clear - i absolutely adore his dynamic with matenrou as a whole and especially hifumi - his relationship with hifumi is clearly so special and it really shows how strong their friendship is, and in a ship sense i find it to be realy cute bc theres such a clear need for each other and that even if they clearly come at odds sometimes, at the end of the days theyre still clearly so close and i just,,, god doppo reallt deserves someone like hifumi in his life and im so glad that he has it!!!!
Favorite headcanon
Honestly i dont really think i have too many for doppo but given his general demeanor and his attitude, i personally hc him as demi. Yeah i know that sexualities dont have like typical personalities and such but i feel like given his anxieties around new people and how he clearly only really sticks to those that hes very close with, it makes more sense for him to be demi than any other sexuality to be quite honest - and this is also just pushing my hifudo agenda aiqiauansnssn but yknow!!!!
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lailarain · 3 years
Spoilers for TBHK
TW: Mentions of s3xu@l åss@ult/@buse, $uicidə and bl00d
Episode 9(continued):
"Is Amane good at S M O O C H I N G"
"He isn't my type" "you sure about that?" this is literally the only time Tsukasa has been right I swear
Also, on an unrelated note, does Nene have the same VA as Chiaki from Danganronpa, cause they sound really alike
This Natsuhiko is not that bright
Holdup this isn't her home🤨
Wait so she still has the keys? What are they even for?
Episode 10:
Okay I'm starting to doubt my $exu@| @$$ault theory a lot, but I know that Tsukasa DEFINITELY hurt my precious Hanako somehow and I don't plan on forgiving him for it
I gotta admit, Mitsuba is pretty cute
The mirror dude is just roasting Mitsuba and Nene💀
Episode 11:
I'm still wondering what Tsukasa did specifically to push Hanako to murder him(other than being a terrible person. I normally LIKE psychotic characters, but this guy is just manipulative)
Awwww Hanako🥺
I love Hanako I swear😭😭
Awwww Fox Girl🥺
wait why did Hanako stroke his face post-it thingy just now
Hanako just standing there like 👁👄👁
Awww Nene is sad🥺
Okay I'm gonna save the season finale for I tomorrow because it's getting late where I am
Episode 12:
Okay I know i said I'd watch it the next day and it's been more than a week since then but I swear I wasn't procrastinating
Okay so I think I still kinda believe in my s3xu@l @$$ault theory because I have been thinking abiut Korekiyo from Danganronpa's backstory and HE was gr00m3d by his sister(I think. I haven't actually gotten to that part of the game yet. I only heard this from tiktok), so it's still possible, but I'm not sure anymore.
I'm still salty about Tsukasa manipulating Mitsuba🙄
I still feel really bad for Kou🥺
Hanako istg why are you so LIT
She's worried for Kou😭
Awww hanako is so cute🥺🥺🥺
Yeah Hanako you gotta open up too😤
Nene lmao💀
Why does he keep calling her "Your Highness"
A princess? Sounds like bullshit to me🤨
This is totally the fish trying to trick her
Aoi got herself a deticated guy😳
He really has to tell her his past, otherwise he's gonna lose Nene before he knows it and I DON'T THINK I CAN LIVE WITH THAT
Awwww Nene no you mean everything to Hanako🥺
WAIT THAT'S IT?!?!?!?!
Okay so I googled it and apparently Season 2 hasn't been confirmed but there is plenty of material from the manga available to make a sequel. If anyone has any other information, I would LOVE for someone to reply to this with that info.
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun is an anime about a ghost named Hanako-Kun, who haunts the school bathroom, being summoned by Nene Yashiro, a girl who dreams of having a boyfriend to love her for who she is. Despite how weird and crackhead-sounding the title and storyline are, the show has an amazing plot and incredible characters. Definitely high up on my list of animes I love. Overall, I have to rate Season 1 a definite 8/10. The show is awesome, but I despise the fact that all the characters keep making fun of Nene's legs as if a woman is supposed to have every single feature of her body be perfect. I feel like it would've made more sense if you had people make fun of her boobs or something rather than her ankles because for her boobs to be kinda underdeveloped in high school would be a definite target for bullying rather than a feature as random as her ankles. I am definitely a Hananene shipper, and possibly a Mitsukou shipper. I still wanna know WHY Hanako killed Tsukasa, and if my s3xu@l @$$ault theory was right or not. I can't wait for Season 2 to come out, and I hope they continue to have the show be the masterpiece it is.
Thank you all for being so patient with me finishing the first season, and thanks for reading my thoughts! Bye!
UPDATE: I've been told that the manga confirmed that the s3xual @ssault theory was wrong so yeah
Also, I've started collecting the manga(i currently have 1-3 and 5, with 4 and 6 arriving next month)because I'm sick of waiting for Season 2 so when Season 2 comes around just know that I might know everything that happens by then
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