hanafubukki · 10 months
I’m going to talk about the Knight of Dawn because I don’t see anyone really talk about him?? And with the recent updates I think that’s quite sad and unfortunate.
The Knight of Dawn had similar situations to Lilia and Silver, from their upbringing to the people they loved and how far they would go for them and their sense of justice and loyalty.
But you know what makes me look at book 7 with new eyes?? This
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The Knight of Dawn truly loves Silver. I mean can you question it?? When he and his wife put him to sleep until a time of peace came?? Until he met people that truly loved him??
What makes me very soft is the way that he is guiding his son every time the ring glows. He is there protecting him.
The ring saved them in sebeks dream, the ring glowed in Lilia’s dream, the ring shined when silver accepted himself and his love his family, and at the end of the chapter we see the knight smile fondly at his son.
He’s been guiding his son this entire time and honestly, it’s heartwarming and yet heartbreaking. Because even when gone, a parent’s love is always with you.
(Which to add, can parallel Lilia and his love for his boys. Even though he might be gone, he will be with them.)
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peachy-keenss · 1 year
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We can make it if we tried! Just the two of us! You n I
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
what if we get a scene that parallels the moonlight scene in s1ep5. like, ed and stede are in a similar spot where they’re looking at each other from across the way, longing for each other, yearning for each other’s touch and affection. so they’re once again stuck for a few beats looking like this—
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but instead of parting ways again, something in them breaks, and they run back to each other to grab hold of what’s hanging in the air between them. they run back to see through what was started, but never finished.
they run back to deeply kiss each other.
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chippdhearts · 1 month
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@frostysfrenzy requested - CSI + Favourite story arc ↳ Catherine's leaving arc
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losthavenmine · 6 months
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Advent Character Countdown❄️24th December❄️ || No. 1: Cort (The Quick and the Dead, 1995)
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runawaycarouselhorse · 2 months
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I've seen people draw on paper doilies before, so I figured I'd draw something frilly! Frillish and an equally frilly Trip.
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killerandhealerqueen · 2 months
Tagged by @sunriseverse to do a wip poll!
RULES: summarize your WIPs badly and let people vote on they’d most like to read!
I'm terrible at this but here we go
Please feel free to reblog and let me know in the tags which ones you'd read and why
Tagging: @theotherwhybietoldmeso @clawbehavior @hyperbolicgrinch @fourth-quartet @ahhhnorealnamesallowed
@bestbuds55 @kpopfantasywriter and anyone else who wants to play
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theashemarie · 3 months
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of course i got the shirt
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petrovna-zamo · 1 year
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Trixie & Katya Live Tour Candids
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onceuponalegendbg · 4 months
You know that post that’s like “if x only has one fan, that’s me. If they have no fans, I’m dead”?
That’s me about Tifa Lockhart.
She deserves the world. Deserves nothing but good things and love.
Still reeling from “No! Don’t take him too!” Like, damn, that delivery guts me.
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currentlyonstandbi · 1 year
i know they're probably trying to keep some type of consistency between leon's looks in the animated movies (especially with the infinite darkness/death island model being the same) but i need more content with eduard badaluta as the face model okay, it's insane
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theehorsepusssy · 7 months
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The big announcement of the Royal Racist completely over shadowed by Kissinger.
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crazy-minded-girl · 7 months
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the bad twitter takes on mass effect have again shown that gamer bros and other Gamers(tm) have no fucking brain cells.
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kittytiddycommittee · 20 days
Coral Island! 😄
I speed-ran it in Early Access, been waiting until they finish updating to come back to it (do they let you date mer-people yet?)
Are you romancing any of the NPCs?
Not yet, but thats the next update. And yes, Rafael is the love of my life and must be protected at all costs.
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spookspokay · 11 months
A blog i followed turned into a sans ask blog out of nowhere. Gave me war flashbacks to 2015. Tumblr fandom really broke my enjoyment of some things, cant even see people have fun on the sidelines without remembering how horrendously annoying and uncreative it was at its peak.
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