#to that anon who kept requesting a recs list! here it is!
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justalonelybitch · 2 years ago
Recommendation List!
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Call It What You Want by @perfectsunlight - Yoo Jimin
I'm Sorry by @goldennikko - Yoo Jimin
Best Friends by @perfectsunlight - Uchinaga Aeri
Sticky Note Love by @kimsohn - Kim Minjeong
Brave by @ddoxhan - Ning Yizhuo
At Your Service by @let-them-read-fics - Kim Minji
Hoist the Colours High by @foolish-sparrow - Kim Bora
Take A Look by @flooffybits - Kim Yoohyeon & Lee Yubin
Aftertastes by @seollenda - Hwang Yeji
Lost In Thoughts of You by @flooffybits - Choi Jisu
RUN2U by @panda-writes-kpop - Choi Jisu
Touch Ups by @seoltzuki - Shin Ryujin
~Le Sserafim~
Neglected by @k-comfyspace - Kim Chaewon & Kim Minju
Best Friends by @perfectsunlight - Huh Yunjin
YouTube Series by @jihyoruri - Huh Yunjin
In Your Face by @flooffybits - Jo Haseul
Breathless by @flooffybits - Ha Sooyoung
(Not Just) Friends by @flooffybits - Kim Jungeuen
Are You Done? by @seoltzuki - Kim Jungeun
That's Not The Case by @seoltzuki - Kim Jiwoo
This Suffocating Silence by @flooffybits - Park Chaewon
Bright Path by @k-comfyspace - Son Hyejoo
~Red Velvet~
First Kiss (Royalty AU Reaction) by @luxora - All Members
It's Not You I Want by @sodamvelvets - Bae Joohyun & Park Sooyoung
Dance For Me by @kpop-zone - Bae Joohyun
Trouble Maker by @luvlyrv - Kang Seulgi
Good Enough by @revelwrittenscenes - Park Sooyoung
Lights, Camera, Action by @kdyism - Kim Yerim
2.10am by @eunjidrabbles - Kim Yerim
Past Tense And An Arms Length by @seollendaollenda - Kim Taeyeon
Apology by @girlgrouptrash101 - Jung Jessica
Figure My Heart Out by @gllitter-asian - Im Yoona
Ignore The Rumours by @multiphandomunnies - Im Yoona
Don't Keep Me In The Dark by @sarcasmmoo - Seo Joohyun
Wait For Me by @soulkeeper801 - Im Nayeon
Can you?? Ugh! by @seoltzuki - Im Nayeon
Mary Sue by @purecantarella - Hirai Momo
Something To Make Up For by @mashup-writing - Park Jihyo
What I Thought by @sarcasmmoo - Park Jihyo
Don't Call It Clich�� by @seollenda - Park Jihyo
Maybe Less Blush? by @seoltzuki - Myoui Mina
~New Jeans~
Something There by @jigujellee - Kim Minji
Convinient For Who? by @rosiehrs - Kim Minji
Shades of Cool by @jiihu - Kim Minji
See Through by @jiihu - Pham Hanni
Please! (SMAU) by @mingkuri - Pham Hanni
Push & Pull by @the-roo-too - Lily Morrow
Say Something! (SMAU) by @the-roo-too - Oh Haewon
Real You by @the-roo-too - Seol Yoona
The One That Got Away by @silantryoo - Choi Yunjin
I am definitely making another rec list in the future. There are so many groups and more amazing fics I wanted to include, but unfortunately it was too late before I realised Tumblr wouldn't let me add anymore links :(((((
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randomfoggytiger · 15 days ago
Hello again, “Mourning the Lost” anon here. Thank you so much for the recs, I was struggling to find fics set directly after the end of This is Not Happening but before Mulder is exhumed; I’m working my way through the list! I noticed your reply to my ask had “Part 1/3” in the title, should I be expecting parts 2 and 3 sometime soon? 👀
Collector's Edition: Season 8, Mourning the Lost (Part 2/3)
My, oh my, how the vacay time flies~.
Yes indeedy, there are a lengthy three parts to your fic request-- because I, for one, can't figure out how to do things by half measure.
Loose chronological order below~
@alsoablankslate/tabulaxrasa‘s (LJ, tripod) Trepidatious
She dressed all in black almost unconsciously. She isn't a widow, she reproached herself. He isn't dead. But she cannot bear anything brighter.
They looked at her like she is a widow. She doesn't want them to look at all.
Within Scully remembers how rich Mulder made her life. 
A dream, a nightmare (Ao3)
It’s not a conscious decision to grip the shirt, to lie down in his bed, her head against his pillow. This is my side of the bed, Scully, she thinks, seeing him grin at her. She doesn’t need to close her eyes to dream of him. It’s faint, but the shirt still smells like him. Involuntary memory, the mental image of Mulder says to her, walking around in her mind, in her last memory of him. 
Within Scully remembers the night before Mulder left.
Missing You
There was nothing she could do. No matter if there was music, or the whirring of the computer, or Doggett making conversation. The fact remained that there was no Mulder. No mid-day jokes to make her giggle. No humming of random songs that would get stuck in her head, too. No sunflower seeds cracking. She misses that noise the most.
Pre-TINH Scully is bereft in her partner's absence.
Not Today (Ao3)
Mulder used to keep a few mugs on the lower shelf just for her, knowing she couldn’t reach up high. The first time, so early in their partnership, he laughed when she tried her best, on her tiptoes, her blouse riding up. He handed her a mug, promised he’d think of something. He did; he kept his promise.
But that was years ago.
Post TINH Scully refuses to finish moving out of Mulder’s apartment. 
SusanProto’s Dealing with Disappointment 
I wake up each morning and wonder if this will be the day a clue falls into my lap or a piece of information finds its way onto my desk.
I go to bed each night disappointed.
Post Without Skinner observes Scully boldly pressing onward. 
@mytardisisparked's (Ao3) Shirts (Ao3)
Her skin crawls to think of what people might say, not because she’s ashamed in any way, but because she knows that no one will ever understand the depth of her relationship with Mulder; no one can grasp exactly what he meant to her and what she meant to him. They will think of tawdry nights out on the road or locked doors in their downstairs office, rather than the encompassing love and comfort and friendship that lay between them. The rumors will make their relationship sound cheap and dirty when it was anything but. 
And then there are the people who will romanticize it, who will imagine her grief and try to sympathize when they have no real idea of how large the gaping hole in her heart is. 
Post Without-Three Words Scully wears Mulder's shirts.
@ghostbustermelanieking/skuls’s one in five billion - Chapter 2: “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” 
“Mulder,” she says, choked on tears. “Mulder. Mulder.” He is unresponsive, which is strange because he always has something to say. She rocks him slightly. She has never held him, not like this, not when she wanted to. 
TINH Scully begs Mulder back to life. 
pinebluffvariant’s Dresser (prompt #3)
She’d taken great care in selecting his outfit, down to the details: she had carefully searched his surprisingly sturdy thrift store dresser and folded his best dress socks, underwear, and tie into a silk pouch. You shouldn’t get silk wet, so she didn’t cry. She held her breath the whole time.
Post TINH ISTJ flies with Mulder’s body. 
@seek-its-opposite's all the old familiar places (Ao3)
She thinks that grief is an X-File, and wouldn’t Mulder find that fitting. She and Mulder (she and Mulder, she and Mulder) once chased a monster that presented itself as its victims’ worst fears. Grief is that monster without the bare-faced cunning, the obvious motive, the wink at the camera. Grief is that monster in the shadows: a dark kaleidoscopic thing that changes as soon as it’s recognized. It hit her as a whispered “agent” and Skinner’s hand on her shoulder and her feet leaving the floor. It was the vague, throbbing sense that she should fight her way out of Doggett’s arms. It was blades of grass slicing the lifelines on her palms. Wild eyes, denial, a pounding head, everything muffled and blurred and not enough air. The next day, it was forgetting that she’d called her mother already.
After that it was as slick and as tangible as the shirt that she hugged in her sleep. 
Post TINH Mulder’s legacy lives on through Scully, her family, Doggett, and the files. 
@sigritandtheelves's This Last Moment
She holds his hand.
Skinner finds her this way, hours later, expression vacant, still touching him. She is a beautiful thing made of glass that has broken.
“You can’t,” he says, but she only stares at him. “You can’t stay. We need to bring him home,” he insists.
At this her mask trembles. Home. Bring him home. That’s all she wanted to do. She won’t let go when Skinner touches her shoulder. “I just need this one moment. This last one.”
But when she says the word last, something cracks. 
Post TINH Scully (and Three Words Scully) works through the grief of Mulder’s loss (and his distanced resurgence.) 
spookycc's Together, Broken
Fox Mulder. The nameplate stares me in the face, and I pick it up, almost reverently, just as I suspect Agent Scully does. He is the reason she goes on, in the face of all the obstacles we've encountered in our search.
TINH Doggett feels like he's failed Scully.
@starwalker42's (Ao3) febuwhump day 3: immortality
As she stands over his grave, watching the dirt fall from her fingers, all she can think is that he must be out there, somewhere, waiting patiently for her. That seems like something Mulder would do.
Post TINH Scully is afraid she'll won't be able to join Mulder on the other side.
@nachosncheezies's The Bet (Ao3)
She had been wearing his sweatshirt - her sweatshirt - to sleep whenever the weather and the tiny furnace in her belly would allow it. 
AU-- Mulder and Scully married in the Pilot... which complicates her grief after TINH.
@all-these-ghosts/all_these_ghosts's Pray the Light
She calls in sick the day after the funeral. She does not apply for bereavement leave; she cannot bear the thought of filling out the form. She’s filled it out before, for her father, for Missy; there is a blank space that says relationship to deceased and there is nothing, nothing she could write in that space.
So she calls in sick and she drives to his apartment to feed the fish, and then she takes off her shoes and curls herself into a ball on his couch. After some indeterminate amount of time - ten minutes, half a day - she gets up and goes home. And the next day, and the next.
It’s a routine and a relief. The drive to Alexandria is the only prayer that doesn’t taste like ash in her mouth.
Post TINH Scully and Skinner are coping silently.
@scullyphile's (Ao3) missed calls
The worst time of day was between one and four a.m., when she lay awake missing him, especially once she realized she couldn’t sleep because she was hoping he would call.
Post TINH Scully clings to phone, hoping INTP will call.
@cecilysass/cecily_sass/Cecily Sasserbaum's Opposition And Synthesis
Is it the nature of all things to be paired?, Scully wondered.
<Maybe it is. Maybe it is part of a divine design that I do not yet understand fully.>
Post TINH Scully can't fill the hole Mulder's absence has created.
@i-gaze-at-scully/i_gaze_at_scully's Peaches to lovers 
Oh Scully, he murmurs. Don’t cry. She touches her finger to her cheek, surprised at the rivulet she finds making its way to her lips. The salt reminds her of sunflower seeds and she can hear the crack, see him smile around the shell.
Post TINH Scully avoids the memories in her apartment.
Euphrosyne's Starlight
She has taken to seeing Mulder again.
It upset her less than it should; less than it would Skinner, or Doggett, or even Frohike, if she chose to tell them.
Post TINH Scully sits alone in her apartment with her secrets.
@cuminspice's Without You (Ao3)
She lightly touched the top of the headstone, and then traced her fingers across the raised granite letters. M-U-L-D-E-R.
“Mulder it’s me,” Scully said quietly.
Post TINH Scully talks to Mulder's headstone.
@agentwhalesong/sadandangstyagent's (Ao3) Could It Be Any Harder?
“I wish you had been there to see it,” she completes after a few seconds of silence.
Her smile slowly fades as she comes to the conclusion that the answer isn’t coming. She knows that there is no way that he will get out of that grave and suddenly say, “wow, Scully, you’ve really changed since the last time I saw you.”
Post TINH Scully visits Mulder's grave.
TLynn's (LJ, XF Fanfic) Writhing Towards An Unforeseen Divination
Dana Scully was never one to believe in fate or destiny. She refused to accept that her path was already set out for her, whether it be by some unknown and unseen force or her own parents, and she was proud of the direction she had taken herself in the time she had been on this planet. But at the same time, she clung to the belief that everything happened for a reason. There was a reason she went into medicine, there was a reason she met Jack and Daniel, and there was a reason she pursued a career with The Bureau. There was a reason she was partnered with Mulder, there was a reason she believed his stories, and there was a reason she fell in love with him.
But there was nothing to convince her there was a reason for his death. 
Post TINH Scully's baby remains her only anchor.
bellefleur’s Easter Vigil
In this land of miracles, the barren conceive, and the dead live again. Resurrection is possible. Perhaps it is even to be expected. She isn't sure, since she no longer understands the rules.
All she knows for sure is that he was dead. She held his lifeless body. She touched his decaying flesh. She stood watch as they sealed him in the casket and then lowered him into the ground.
He was dead. And then he wasn't.
He is risen.
Deadalive Scully thinks of her waxing, waning faith in miracles.
Thanks for reading~
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gerec · 2 years ago
i'm looking for some fic recs where charles is a human and erik is cold/cruel to him because of his mutant supremacy ideology; i think you might have made a fic rec list for this topic before but i can't seem to find it! if there's a link, that would be lovely :D ty and have a great day!
Thanks for your patience, Anon! Here's a list of fics with human!Charles and mutant!Erik as requested. You asked for stories with Erik being cold/cruel so I've left off fics that were more cracky/humorous FYI :D
Let Them Talk by manic_intent
Written as an Option A (Logan Wins) follow-up to the first anon fic for the kmeme prompt: "There are stories where Charles is Erik’s sub and they are both happy, but what about some more angsty theme? AU where mutants and humans live together but mutants think themselves more important and often treat humans like dirt. Sub/Dom pairs are created by imprinting. Mutants generally imprint on mutants and Erik who is the most powerful among them thinks that he will have equally powerful sub. Turns out that he imprints on Charles – a brilliant yet entirely human Professor. Cue Erik being disgusted and angry with his Sub, which Charles takes really hard. Erik is ashamed of him, and doesn’t want him to associate with other mutants, but slowly Charles charms his way to the hearts of everyone and one day another mutant (Logan pretty please?) challenges Erik’s claim over Xavier."
Imprint – PoorMedea
Inspired by, but not actually a fill for, this prompt: Charles/Erik Unwanted sub: There are stories where Charles is Erik’s sub and they are both happy, but what about some more angsty theme? AU where mutants and humans live together but mutants think themselves more important and often treat humans like dirt. Sub/Dom pairs are created by imprinting. Mutants generally imprint on mutants and Erik who is the most powerful among them thinks that he will have equally powerful sub. Turns out that he imprints on Charles – a brilliant yet entirely human Professor.
The moment of imprinting: overpowering, irresistible, and most importantly, uncontrollable. As Charles and Erik are about to find out.
Everyday Love in Stockholm – tahariel
Prompt: Magneto is the ruler of the posthuman world. His only secret? Charles Xavier, the human he’s kept locked in his bedroom ever since his right-hand woman, Mystique, came to him pleading for mercy for her stepbrother, who accepted her mutant form and protected her as a child. The human he started fucking after Mystique was killed in battle, despite the guilt he feels at contaminating even this last promise to the woman who was integral to his life’s work and happiness.
Spätzünder–  InsertSthMeaningful
Erik doesn’t like Charles Xavier. Not one bit. Not his impeccable mannerisms, not his spotless clothes, not his winning smile. Or how the human likes to curry favor with literally every mutant or other member of oppressed minorities he encounters.
Still, there is something about his fellow college student that intrigues Erik. Makes him want to push the boy, tear down his arguments, and, just to shut him up, kiss his cherry red-
Maybe falling for a human isn’t that bad. Certainly worth a try. Especially since Xavier doesn’t seem to be averse to the idea himself. But months later, things change. Or rather, a certain someone does. And nothing is ever going to be the same.
A Bit of Fun by Anon on the kinkmeme Charles is Erik’s forever - the man he wants to spend the rest of his life with and can’t imagine his future without. So why is he saying that Charles is nothing more that his temporary bit of fun? (Hint: Modern!AU with Mutant!Erik and Human!Charles.)
Fallen Days by rosesinthedark (WIP)
Erik is a King and a mutant and isn't happy when he has to marry Charles, a Prince and a human. Charles is ignored for much of the time until he becomes pregnant and therefore obviously not human. Erik then changes his attitude towards him drastically, but Charles keeps conversation between them guarded, making Erik realise how cruel his behaviour had been.
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writing-in-april · 4 years ago
Any Iteration
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader is nervous that this new iteration of her won’t be something Spencer will like.
A/N: This is my first fic for my 1250 follower celebration!! If you want another fic with nipple piercings check out my first smut ever- Surprise Pretty Boy. It’s also based on this request that my amazing girlfriend @spencers-dria gave me- also please go send her some love she just tested positive for covid 🥺 Also again thank you all for 1250 followers- I can’t believe this is my 4th follower celebration!! I’m planning to continue to do them every time I hit another milestone (every 250) however- if I hit one while I’m doing my 30 fics in 30 days for April I’m going to find an alternative way to celebrate besides my usual 7 fics in 7 days- let me know what y’all would be open too (maybe a bunch of fic rec lists or maybe a writing contest 🤷‍♀️ idk send me an anon if you have an opinion on what would be the best option!) Thanks for reading and requests are open!
Warnings: 18+, Non specific dom, Nose piercing (F), Nipple Piercings (F), Lots of nipple play, Unprotected sex, Slight bit of cockwarming at the end
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
Spencer wasn’t one to get angry about anything, disappointment or frustrations were the most extreme negative feelings that he normally felt towards someone that had wronged him. I was dreadfully afraid to see the look of disappointment on Spencer’s face.
We hadn’t been dating for long, only about three months of official dating. We also hadn’t gotten much further than a heated makeout session so he wouldn’t have seen any of the other piercings I had hidden under my shirt.
I had other piercings that weren’t visible to the naked eye that didn’t help quelling the fear that I felt. He had never taken off my shirt before as we had decided to go at a relatively slow pace in our relationship. I wondered in fear if he would also be disappointed with the barbells that were pierced through both of my nipples or- would he like them because they were not as prominent as the ring that was proud on my face.
I had said I’d meet him at his apartment to watch some Dr. Who and eat whatever take out we were feeling like that night. My nerves were lit with worry as I stood in the elevator after he had buzzed me up.
When he opened the door to his apartment to let me in I held my head slightly down as I walked in not wanting to have the conversation about the nose ring while I was in the hallway.
“Do you like it?” The words slipped out immediately when I turned to face him, not even letting him get a good look at me before speaking, my voice meek.
“Like what?” He was still confused, until I pointed to the ring that was pierced through my nose. “Oh- of course I love it!”
“Thanks, Spencer.” I fidgeted with my fingers a little still feeling nervous even though he had said he loved it.
“Why do you look so nervous?”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t like it.” My admission made Spencer frown and silence fell between us for a second while he pondered my words.
“I’d love any iteration of you.” There was no hesitation when he spoke. He always had such a way with words, including when he was ranting and of course his stuttering when he was embarrassed or nervous. His eyes were wide with adoration as if he’d never consider thinking you were anything less than gorgeous.
A rush of boldness came through me, wanting to show him what else I had hidden. My fingers danced along the hem of my shirt, maybe this was moving a bit faster than what we had spoken about earlier. But, I wanted to show him, to either let it lead to something more or to let him know what he was looking forward to when we made that step at a later date.
“Well- if you like this one I have another piercing that you might enjoy…” My voice was still holding a bit of tension, he may have liked the nose ring- but would he like the others?
When I pulled off my top his eyes went wide, his pupils expanding into black pools, he did not stop me. Then when my bra went off finally exposing the barbells that sat under my clothes everyday he was stunned speechless. I withered a bit under his gaze, fearing that my boldness had scared him. “I’m sorry if that was too much.”
He cut me off by speaking quickly, “N-not too much- just ummm- shocked??”
“Do you like them Spencer?” My confidence had returned a bit since he had confirmed that he did in fact, like them, but I still was holding back a bit.
When he gasped out a little ‘yes’ I decided to stop holding back, stepping closer towards him.
“You can touch them Spencer, that’s part of the reason why I got them.” I leaned in to press a soft ghost of a kiss to the shell of his ear making him shudder, I then whispered, “it makes them more- sensitive.”
A groan from deep in Spencer’s chest rose up quickly taking me by slight surprise. His large hands then rose up to finally palm my breasts, his hesitation had been whisked away by my words.
When he was no longer satisfied with palming my boobs he reached up with one hand to pinch my left nipple slightly. The slight sting sent a shock of pleasure down my spine in an instant, my panties dampening further in quick response.
A moment of silence passed, the tension suspended thick and heavy in the air before Spencer spoke, “Did you like that?”
I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I still answered with a slight whimper in my voice, “Yes!”
The confident smirk on his face was something I hadn’t seen much of from Spencer, but I was thoroughly enjoying it. He pinched them both this time- and much harder too. The moan I let out was almost pornographic which spurred Spencer on to continue to pinch them, rolling the buds between his fingers before pulling again.
When he moved forward to wrap his lips around one of my nipples I felt like I had gone to heaven. As he laid kisses all along my chest I couldn’t help but try to grind my hips up into him, however I couldn’t from the position I was in.
I was tired of not being able to touch Spencer in the way I wanted, I wanted to give him some pleasure too. I pulled his mouth off of me momentarily so I could push him down to sit on the couch to be able to straddle him properly. He had whined a bit in protest at first, but when my legs that were now stripped of their clothing slung over his lap his complaint died in his throat.
My core rested right over the prominent bulge in his slacks now. I smirked cheekily a little bit before grinding down onto him.
His lips captured my nipple again, this time the one that had been slightly neglected. This time he also decided to bite his teeth down slightly and nibble a little.
“Harder, please!” I gasped as I continued to rock my hips over his clothed cock. He thankfully obliged me by taking my perked nipple and slightly sawed it back and forth between his teeth. The pleasure that came through me from his actions far outweighed the pain, the moan that came falling from my lips was a sign of that.
A squeak then fell from my lips as I was suddenly lifted up and then set on my back. I guess he had gotten impatient from my teasing.
“You’re needy.” I commented with a smirk. He had been unbuttoning his pants when I spoke, but paused when the words came out of my mouth. He then pinned my hands above my head with one of his own and dipped the other between my folds.
“Who’s really the needy one here?” I definitely liked the little taste I was getting of this side of Spencer, that was firmly evident by the amount of slickness was evident on his fingers when he brought them up to my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his fingers eagerly before he could pull them away bobbing my head as much as I could in my constricted position pinned underneath him.
“Fuck-“ He swore which was another normally uncharacteristic thing for Spencer, it spoke to his own neediness. Though I could not make a remark about it as his fingers were still far down my throat.
When he removed his fingers he also lessened his grip on my hands that had been pinned. I wiggled out of his grip to help him get his slacks out of the way. I didn’t care if I was needy as he had said, I was tired of the teasing and my arousal was so prominent I could feel it dripping down my thighs.
He didn’t need any preparation either, his erection looking almost a little painful. ThoughI was more caught up with observing how beautiful he looked- which wouldn’t normally be the adjective someone would use, but it perfectly described Spencer’s cock.
He filled me slowly, letting me feel every vein and letting himself feel every ridge. After he filled me all the way to the hilt he stopped for a moment, just to relish in the feeling of being impatient. I however was too impatient.
“Please move, Spencerrrr…”
“And you say you’re not the needy one…” He commented with another smirk that was now becoming a staple on his face, I never wanted it to leave. I moved my own hips, squirming underneath him to try to coax him into moving.
When he finally obliged me by snapping his hips quickly up into me I couldn’t help but involuntarily make a desperate moan.
It wasn’t long until he had created a steady rhythm along with me. The pace we had set wasn’t rushed, but was still desperate in a way. His thrusts were deep and quick, but he always paused a minute moment at the end of each thrust to appreciate me fully.
Our hands couldn’t stop exploring each other while he kept up our pace. From the amount of time Spencer was lingering to play with my boobs you’d think he was obsessed, maybe he was just a little. He also made sure to pepper kisses all along my neck, jaw, and face. He even made an effort to kiss the tip of my nose, making everything much more sweet.
I however had decided to rest my hands on his hips and ass, sometimes pushing him forward slightly when I felt our pace faltering slightly. When he started to pick up the pace I could feel my pleasure starting to come to its peak. I was going to fall over the edge soon and fast.
“I’m gonna cum!” I gasped, almost so whispley that it was barely sensical. Spencer was able to still understand my words, pitching his hips to hit at my sweet spot more intensely. Then he moved his dexterous fingers down across my boobs pinching my nipple on last time before he spoke,
“Go ahead, I want you to cum for me.”
My hands wound their way into his hair trying to grasp onto something as my orgasm washed over me in waves of pleasure. Spencer too wasn't too far behind, his own triggered as my walls clamped down tightly around him. We rode out our highs together, our heavy breaths mingling in harmony as we started to come down.
Spencer’s gaze was still heavily fixated on my body as we both caught our breath again. His eyes were glanced down at my naked chest, pupils still wide with wonder as he got to fully take in the sight without being clouded by lust. I couldn’t help but want to tease him a little.
“Hey, my eyes are up here, mister.” I said cheekily, though I could tell that he had definitely missed my joke by the look on his face.
“Sorry!” His little squeak was adorable and he started to move his way off of me with averted eyes until I stopped him.
“Spencer- I was joking.” The smile that was prominent on my face then morphed into a coy look. I moved my hands down to cup my own boobs before continuing while I pinched my nipples like he had done, “You’ve got permission to look anytime you want.”
His shoulders slumped a little as they always did when he was relieved, I was happy to see his own smile back matching mine.
We had no desire to move from our position, at least for a little while until I had to get up to clean myself. But, I was content to bask in bliss with Spencer for a while.
He brought me out of my thoughts by booping the tip of my nose with his pointer finger, my nose scrunching up a little in response. I giggled a little bit, moving my own pointer finger up to boop his own cute little button nose.
“Maybe you’d also look good with a nose ring.” He snorted loudly into my ear, making another fit of giggles erupt from me. At least this time my joke was caught by Spencer.
“Maybe so, but no. I’d like it better on you anyway.” His goofy little smile brought me such joy. In hindsight I should have never worried about Spencer loving my piercings, he’d think I was beautiful no matter what iteration I was. The little kiss he left on my nose was a testament to that.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
Spencer Reid/CM
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
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my-johnlockficrecs · 3 years ago
ok i kinda have a specific fic rec request.. what fics made you so emotional (for whatever reason) that you had to put your phone down for a few seconds to collect yourself again before you continue? bonus points for any fics that are not super well known
hello anon! first of all, i'm sorry it took me so long to respond to you! i was just in a bit of a fic-slump and i didn't want to make a rec list in that sort of a mindset. and then once i started compiling this list, i just....kept going 😭 (this is a relatively short list, but initially i wanted it to be a lot shorter, haha) because i've been reading johnlock for so long, and i didn't want to leave out any fics if i could help it. this is what i have for you! i kept the list brief because honestly, the kind of reaction you're describing is rare for me when reading/watching anything. which is not so much a comment on what i'm reading and more to do with just the kind of person i am. that being said, it's not outside the realm of imagination that i've ended up leaving out a couple of fics. if more come to mind, i'll update this post as and when needed :) otherwise, here you are! i'm afraid quite a few of these fics have become quite popular over the years, so idk how well i met that last criteria you asked for, but i hope there's something on here you haven't read already!
Galapagos by anchors (8k, E)
Somewhere in the depths of the universe, and somewhere in the middle of Sherlock’s chest, a star goes into supernova.
Another Auld Lang Syne by @discordantwords (30k, M)
There had been years of missed chances.
Out of the Shadow of Missed Chances by MargueriteSomebodyoranother (1k, teen)
He’d had eighteen months - it seemed like a goddamned eternity at the time - and he never uttered a word.
The Presbury Letters by Katie (17k, unrated)
Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, and John Watson battle to survive the Great War.
Again by @discordantwords (9k, M)
It never seemed like the right time. And then time ran out.
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands by miss_frankenstein (3k, teen)
“Will you need fresh socks?”
Sherlock’s voice immediately brings John back to the present. “What?”
Sherlock gestures irritably to the wet socks clutched in John’s hand. “Socks,” he says again sharply because he hates repeating himself, “Will you need fresh socks?”
A post-S3 piece in which John and Sherlock finally confront their feelings for each other - as only they would do - in the pouring rain.
proper procedure series by paxlux (6k, 2 works)
Love or What You Will by miss_frankenstein (31k, teen)
John is an English professor who specializes in War and Post-War Literature and Sherlock is the brilliant yet impossible Ph.D. student assigned to be his TA because no one in the Chemistry Department is willing to put up with him. And - somewhere between Waugh and Plath, e-mails and takeaway, novels and villanelles - they fall in love.
carrying up his morning tea by @watsonshoneybee (34k, E)
His fingers tremble as he dials and he can’t force them steady. Familiar number, even though he hasn’t used it in two years. He isn’t even sure he should be calling it now, but she’d asked. She’d made him promise.
Second Waltz by Atiki (6k, teen)
"The night I died, you wished I could wait for you."
The Burning of the Leaves by @blueink3 (15k, M)
After the events of series 4, Major Sholto invites John and Sherlock to lunch one day. It nearly proves to be too much for their tenuous relationship as the past haunts the present, putting the future that Sherlock so desperately wants at risk.
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wolfstar-in-color · 4 years ago
Fic Rec List: Disabilities
Alright, kitty cats. Behold - a rec list long overdo. To the anon who requested this list some many eons ago, if you’re still around, here’s the thing. Thanks for your patience.
A Very Obnoxious Preface: This list is broad and incomplete, and I took a few liberties. These are fics that I personally - as a disabled person - found to be good, accurate and/or responsible representations of disabilities. Others may disagree! That’s okay!
An Equally Obnoxious Disclaimer: I didn’t read every fic with disability rep in it. Not even close. I know there are more. I am so tired all the time, gais. 
Leave your own recs below! Fics below the cut.
Fic: All Hail the Outlaws (orphaned fic)
Rating: E
Disabilities represented: Blindness/low vision
Summary: “One of Remus Lupin's three jobs happens to be working maintenance for their flat building. He gets to meet all sorts, most of whom he would rather have nothing to do with. Until James Potter and Sirius Black move in across the hall. Engineering students and self-proclaimed geniuses, the pair set out to make their neighbours new best friends, and everyone's life is turned upside down, but in the best way possible.”
Fic: Fractured Skies (orphaned fic)
Rating: M
Disabilities represented: D/deafness, epilepsy
Summary: “Two worlds collide. Deaf artist Sirius Black works at his best mate's cafe. Remus Lupin is an epileptic student from France who is just looking to get by unnoticed. But the artist sees something he wants in the shy boy, and makes it his mission to see what makes Remus tick.”
Fic: Blue (by BrujaBanter, @brujabanter)
Rating: M
Disabilities represented: Blindness/low vision
Summary: “In October of their sixth year, the weather changes, Sirius paints (another) moonscape, and Remus goes blind. OR The effects of rare moons on werewolves, and the benefits therein.”
Fic: Watch Me Go Blind (by RuinsPlume @ruinsplume and lefthandofglory)
Rating: E
Disabilities represented: Chronic pain/pain of werewolf transformations but like, in a radical disability positive way. 
Summary: “In which our heroes uncover a very well-kept secret. And about damn time, too.”
Notes: You have to look sideways to see the disability representation in this one, but it’s there. One day I will write a dissertation on the use of sex for chronic pain reduction in this fic as radical disability positive literature. 
Fic: What is it like to be a bat? (by WanderingBandurria @wanderingbandurria)
Rating: T
Disabilities represented: Chronic pain
Summary: “Remus is on the shack waiting for the full moon. This might be a good time to come to terms with some things, including love, life, and family.”
Fic: Let’s Go Out With a Bang (orphaned fic)
Rating: NR
Disabilities represented: D/deafness 
Summary: “When Remus is ready to throttle the next customer who is rude to him, he ends up meeting Sirius Black, and his entire day is turned round for the better. Especially when it ends in an after work snog.”
Fic: Spring Back (by earlybloomingparentheses @ebp-brain)
Rating: E
Disabilities represented: Depression, anxiety
Summary: “Sirius is stuck inside Grimmauld Place, and Remus feels powerless to help him cope with his declining mental health. Then Sirius requests something they've never tried before. Remus doesn't think he'll particularly enjoy it; when the opposite turns out to be true, he tries to come to terms with what this means for him, and with the fact that it seems to be working for Sirius as well.”
Fic: Los Angeles, I’m Yours (by elanev91)
Rating: M
Disabilities represented: Amputation/prosthetic limb
Summary: “Lily and Marlene have ventured to sunny Venice Beach, CA to escape their British "summer" -- their Airbnb host is pretty fit (and his mates aren't half bad either).”
Notes: R/S are not the main pairing in this one, it’s mostly a Jily fic.
Fic: Tumblr Trash (orphaned series)
Rating: Ranges from G-E
Disabilities represented: Blindness/low vision
Summary: “Padfoot and Moony meet over mutual follows on Tumblr. Remus, the blind student, hires Sirius, the fallen Aristocrat, to be a reader for his classes. They fall in love in separate ways, and fall apart. Then fall together. Their love is almost as ridiculous as they are.”
Fic: Then I Would Come and Find You (by RuinsPlume @ruinsplume)
Rating: E
Disabilities represented: PTSD
Summary: “This is what saves them every time.”
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collecting-stories · 5 years ago
JJ Maybank Rec List - 6/20
I’ve seen some people do rec lists and I know I have a wealth of JJ fics that I ABSOLUTELY adore so I wanted to comply them all here!!! So, here’s my JJ Maybank Rec List as of 6/20.
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This list is in no particular order: 
1. Happiness is a Butterfly : @johnb-routledge
  - I think I’ve read this a few dozen times at least, I really love it. And I love the way JJ is written in this one too.
2. Best Friends to Lovers : @sunflowerbecca
  - I love that this is broken up into moments in their life together. Definitely my favorite JJ piece she’s written though her whole masterlist is worth a read.
3. For Me : @obx-sos
  - Any of her JJ pieces are incredible, her characterization is spot on. This one in particular I love just because it deals with mental health in such an honest way. 
4. Untitled : @obx-writings
  - I don't actually know if this has a title but it’s one of my all time favorite JJ pieces I’ve read on here. Honestly, it’s in a league of it’s own.
5. Day One, Done : @ijustreallylovethem
  - I haven’t read a lot of in-the-future fics but this was one of them and it’s just so sweet honestly. Imagining JJ with a family😍
6. My God, You’re a Sweet Thing : @maybankiara
  - I love this! Prom night JJ? Please!! Honestly I’ve loved everything she’s written. It’s really wonderful, like it’s out of this world how good she is. 
7. Badass in Heels : @midnightmagicmusings
 - This is basically the latest thing I’ve read by her and that’s why I chose it because honestly it was a  hard fucking choice like, there isn’t a bad fic on this masterlist. And her HOH stories are really great.
8. Fools Gold : @outerbxrafe
  - I’m a sucker for a friends to lovers and this one is so good. I’ve read it quite a few times! Along with everything else on her masterlist.
9. Not Just Any Guy : @johnbstwinkie
  - There aren’t too many JJ x m!reader fics that I’ve read but this is one of my favorites! Just really well written. 
10. There for You : @johnbstwinkie
  - I didn’t wanna rec anyone twice but I have to because I love this fic too much not to include it on my list. I love JJ in this! 
11. Longing for You : @poguesrforlife
  - This 100% has to go on my list! This was the first JJ fic that I read and it’s still one of my top favorites! 
12. The Four Times He Heard You and the One Time He Didn’t : @lifesabe-ch​
  - I mean I even wrote a fic inspired by this fic, how could it not be on my list lol. It’s such a good fic, I still can’t get over it.
13. Sunburnt : @lifesabe-ch​
  - Sorry I’m breaking my rule again. I love this fic and it’s too good not to put on this list.
14. Police on my Back : @milamaybank​
  - Hands down one of my favorite obx writers on here and definitely one of my favorite JJ fics. This is truly a masterpiece. 
15. Only a Little : @uwubonebabie​ 
  - So...first JJ in that gif. And then...JJ in that fic. So good. Just serious perfection. 
16. Graveyard : @amandaisverycute​
  - Finding this fic on tumblr was honestly like a blessing. The writing is so good and JJ is spot on. I love this to pieces. 
17. Name : @woogity-boogity-pogues​
  - This is so cute! I’ve seen a lot of name speculation/name fics about what JJ stands for and this is definitely one of my favorites.
18. Consent : @obxfishon
  - It’s not letting me tag this because her blog was labeled adult but this is such a good fic and such an important topic. I really love it, I’ll tag it when I’m able.
19. I’m Right Here : @winchester-books​
  - As it turns out the anon who requested this sent the same request to me. That being said, this one is like 12952984957 times better than the version I wrote. 
20. It’s Just Polyester : @thebutterflyonhischest​
   - The angst! But also the talent! This is such a good fic and it’s got a sequel which just makes it even better!
21. September : @rudethstyles​
  - I was only going to include 20 on this list but realized I hadn’t added this and had to include it because it’s such a good fic. Like...so so good. 
22. Is There Somewhere : @pogue-writings​
  - This is so sad and so beautiful and I’ve read it so many times. Also, here’s her whole masterlist cause there is not a fic on there that isn’t this beautifully written. 
23. Midsummers : @softstarkey​
  - Again, worth reading everything she’s written because it’s all flawless. But Midsummers is up there with my like, top 5 favorite JJ fics. 
24. Sober : @poguegarbage​
  - I saved this fic and kept putting off reading it and finally read it and just thought...I could’ve been reading this all this time? This fic is so good, I love everything about it and JJ in it. 
25. Coconut Breeze : @outerbxrafe​
  - not a xreader fic but so good. I love  JJ x m!oc so much and I had to include it. Beautiful, simply. 
Masterlists I love:
1. @outrbanks​ masterlist : there are two JJ fics and a series all worth reading.
2. @normatural​ masterlist : literally adding new, amazing fics daily.
3. @extratragic​ masterlist : I could not possibly pick just one fic to rec. (soon to be @louisolos)
4. @obxsummer​ masterlist : all the best stuff lives here. 
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harryspet · 4 years ago
𝓽𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 ... 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓼
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𝓽𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 ... 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓼 
This December, for the holidays and to celebrate my followers, I’m giving readers a chance to request drabbles/one-shots but I’m also hoping some writers want to share the Holiday joy too! I have a list of dark prompts as well as holiday prompts so feel free to mix and match them however you like!
𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈 & 𝑔𝓊𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈 
You don’t have to follow me but it would be greatly appreciated!!
Please be courteous and only send one request especially if you’re using anon.
When sending a request, tell me the character(s) + 1-3 dialogue prompts (have fun combining them) + au idea (optional)
I prefer to write for (aged up) Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers. If you’d like to include MJ, Natasha, Thor, Loki, Wanda or Sam please combine them with those three. Threesomes and foursomes welcome ^^
Make these unique! If you just want pure angst, smut, or fluff then choose your prompts accordingly. I’m hoping people enjoy mixing the holiday prompts with the dark ones (though its not required) so please read through them all. There are a lot of good ones!!
Most of these will probably end up being around 300-700 words.
I write dark fics which means there may be mentions of violence, abuse, noncon/dubcon and just angst overall. If you have limits, please let me know.
I may reject your request if I feel it’s too similar to what I’ve already written or if you ignore the rules. I may also close requests if I get too many.
𝓘𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻 and you’d like to write a drabble/one-shot using my lists then please let me know! I’ll be sure to give it a reblog and add it to my #fic recs if you tag me @harryspet​ and #tistheseasonfordarkfics. There’s no due date, just participate if you’re interested! :)
Don’t choose prompts with strikethroughs.
𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮: CLOSED
𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓈
“I wish I’d never met you.”
“Did you just stick your tongue out at me?”
“I’m done. We’re done.”
“Why are you fighting me?”
“I’ve never…they kept me untouched. For you”
“Did you just bite me?!”
“If I’m dead then how come you can see me?”
“It’s cute that you think you can defy me.”
“Duct tape. I need it for... taping something.”
“Why don’t you smile anymore?”
“Fuck you.”
“Your soul is mine.”
 “Looks like you need to be trained.“
“It’s not...not going to hurt, is it?”
“I don’t ... I don’t remember my name.”
“Did you see the way they looked at you?”
“How dare you challenge me.”
“I’ll let you go when I’m finished with you.”
“Hand Daddy his belt and take your shirt off.”
“I don’t like when they touch you.”
“Are you getting sore, all cooped up in that cage all day?”
“Shhh. It’s all right. I’ll be gentle.”
“Daddy wants to hear you sing a song. Sit on my lap and make Daddy happy.”
“Shit, are you crying? I didn’t mean to hit that hard!”
“You can’t take people as property!”
“I feel like you’re taking advantage of me.”
“So … uh.. who is that person … they keep texting you?”
“Fuck, I love you like this, all rounded with our child…”
“You wouldn’t want him/her/them finding out about this, would you?”
“You haven’t earned it. What are you going to do for me?”
“Stop crying.”
“You’re not in trouble, sweetheart.”
“I’ve been looking for you all night, and you are in desperate need of my help.”
“And the hunter becomes the hunted.”
“They hurt you and I’m going to hurt them back.”
“Never steal anything from someone you can’t outrun, kid.”
“Hands off, alpha. Never learn any self-control?”
“Can i stay at your place tonight? I don’t feel safe here.”  
“I really think you need to see a doctor.”
“Everything that happened is your fault.”
“You...you were never supposed to find out.”
 “Well, hello beautiful!”
“You want to what? That’s embarrassing!”
“You look a little lost, omega.”
“We need to talk...about the pregnancy.”
“Oh, did someone get lonely?”
𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒾𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓈
 "Excuse me—where is my Christmas kiss?"
"I made you some hot cocoa."
''I just want you for my own.''
"You didn't have to get me anything."
“I don't remember the last time I truly enjoyed Christmas."
"Go on, open it."
"Did you spike the eggnog?"
"I can't believe you did that to Santa..."
“You're my best Christmas present this year.”
“How many Christmas lights does one person need?”
 “Shut up! Santa is real.”
“I hate winter.” 
“Aren’t you just Santa’s Little Helper?”
“Son of a nutcracker!”
"You didn’t bring date to the party, did you? Because I need someone to kiss at midnight."
 “No you don’t understand, I need a picture with Santa!”
“I can’t reach the top of the tree to put the star on.”
 “Oh the weather outside is frightful.”
“This is our first Christmas together and I want it to be special.”
“Don’t you dare buy me that.”
“Tell me what you want for Christmas.”
“Fuck it let’s just get drunk.”
 “We can build a snowman.”
“What no, that’s not daddy, that’s Santa”
“Maybe if I kiss you, you’ll feel warmer.” 
 “I can not believe the car broke down in the middle of nowhere 3 hours before it’s officially Christmas.”
“...I think we’re snowed in...”
“I hate work Christmas parties.”
“What do you mean you’re working on Christmas?!”
 “I refuse to have a baby on Christmas.”
“Call me an elf one more time!”
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
 “I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me.”
“I don’t even have a family to celebrate with, so what’s the point?“
“Forbid Christmas? No one can forbid Christmas.”
“We can add a special ornament to the collection each year. This year's is for our future baby.”
“I’m not going to kiss you under the mistletoe.”
“Remind me why I can’t kill the carolers?”
“No one should be alone on Christmas!”
 “So you’re going to dress up as Santa.”
“You burnt the holiday cookies!”
“Wanna go skating in Central Park?”
“How can you possibly look good with snow in your hair?”
“If you throw that snowball you’re declaring war”
“You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?”
This list is a compilation of a bunch of starters I found on tumblr so you may recognize quotes from movies and songs! I reblogged a lot of the original posts on my side blog @parkerspet​.
𝒶𝓊 & 𝓈𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓈 (optional)
Arranged marriage au - Angel/demon au - Assassin au - Apocalypse au - Android au - Amnesia au - Babysitter au - Bodyguard au - Bookstore au - Baker au - Band au - Bounty hunter au - Brothel au - Camp Counselor au - Camping au - College au - Criminal au - Caregiver/Little au - Doctor au - Domestic au - Enemies au - Ex au - Forbidden Love au - Fugitive au - Gang au - Hero/Villian au - Immortal au - Kidnapped au - Mafia au - Maid au - Marriage au - Neighbor au - A/B/O au - Porn Star au - Prostitute au - Royalty au - Serial Killer au - Stalker au - Stripper au - Tattoo Shop au - Werewolf au - Yandere au
tagging all the fics #tistheseasonfordarkfics and #harryspetrequests !
𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓼
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tagging some authors :) @cherienymphe @andybarberslxt @mypoisonedvine @nsfwsebbie @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @mcudarklibrary​ @opheliadawnwalker3 @autumnrose40 @marvelmaree @thecutestlittlebunbunfairy @buckysbunny @buckybarnesplumwhore @honeyloverogers @mariessecretfantasies @mrwinterr @yanderepeterparker @raisincookieswrites​
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tundrainafrica · 4 years ago
a song recommedation: for me the biggest levihan song is Skulls by Bastille. i don't know if you've ever heard it (or maybe it's a basic song for every levihan fan out there and everyone collectively knows about it)...it sounds like they're having a conversation the entire time. especially these lines: "when all of our friends are dead and just a memory, we're side by side, it's always been just you and me" "i don't want to rest in peace, i'd rather be a ghost that annoys you"
Title: Milestones
“And just like with every loss he had ever felt, Levi would count down the hours, the days, the months and the seasons following the death, labelling them each as a milestone to trudge past. In that aspect, Hange’s death was no different.”
Levi has this habit of counting milestones following the loss of a close comrade.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Notes:  Thank you for the song rec anon! I made it a little homework for myself to listen to this song today while I did some grocery shopping and this really screamed Levihan, so loud I got a little inspired and I came up with this small ficlet.
The grieving process had always been respected.  
Soldiers could easily request time off to mourn the death of comrades and loved ones. In the survey corps, one or two days after a mission were usually given as a little gift for those who had given their lives and for those left to pick up the pieces.
It was a generous gift at face value but for many who had experienced too many deaths to count, it had started to twist into something a little short of cruel. 
Soldiers who had experienced more than enough deaths after all, eventually realized that the losses only completely sink in when they finally go back to their routines. The largest and strongest waves of grief come when the soldiers are left to navigate their routines, changing around their daily routines to fix what the dead had left behind. 
For some cruel reason, losses were rarely felt in the losses and the memorials that celebrated them. They were felt in routines that followed.
Levi had survived one of the longest in the survey corps and had experienced more losses than he could count. Having to quickly go back to routines after dealing with losses and having had to navigate these same routines peppered with continuous losses of squad members and teammates, Levi had developed a little habit, something to occupy himself between expeditions and missions. 
As Levi quickly noticed, that habit had gotten a little out of control that time around. 
Of course it would, there was nothing else to do. Levi had made the decision to retire. There were no expeditions to prepare for. The government was more than eager to grant humanity’s strongest pension already. He was also certain he couldn’t fight like before anymore either. 
And that extra time and mind space had given his grieving brain a little more wriggle room and consequently, a little more power. Levi found himself scrambling for a routine. With that free mental space, that habit decided to take control again. 
Levi had nothing much else to do but let it take over. When he was at his most vulnerable, when he was at his most alone, that habit had ended up becoming his best friend. 
He allowed that best friend to guide him once again as he went about the daily routine of a retired soldier. As it did with every loss, that best friend would religiously remind him that time continued to pass. 
And just like with every loss he had ever felt, Levi would count down the hours, the days, the months and the seasons following the death, labelling them each as a milestone to trudge past. In that aspect, Hange’s death was no different. 
At the same time, Hange’s death was special. Possibly because they had been working together for five years. Possibly because compared to the other times when he had wanted to grieve, he was in no pressure that time to recover quickly or go back to a routine. 
There were no distractions that time to fall back on. Levi was left with memories, milestones and himself. 
First sunset without Hange. 
The sunset and the gradual flashes of colors from yellow to orange to red. Levi had always found sunsets beautiful. Objectively, nothing had changed about that sunset. Somehow, Levi couldn't help but notice that he was seeing less colors than before. 
First Monday without Hange. 
Levi hated the typical Mondays in the office. The paperwork always made it unbearable. He had always preferred expeditions and combat. He was retired though and Levi was sure the paperwork would be nothing more than a memory moving forward. But reflecting on that monday in particular, he was certain he would have given up the world for it. 
First Friday without Hange. 
Depending on who won the argument or bet of the week, Fridays could be either drinking or heart-to heart-in-the-office-over-tea days. That particular Friday, Levi made sure to do both. He wasn’t sure what she would have wanted and it’s not like he could have asked her. 
First full moon without Hange
He didn’t even know he had built that habit of staring at the full moon until he looked out the window and felt time stop for a few seconds. In those few seconds, he was brought back to a time long ago, when Hange had been next to him, staring in complete awe at the full moon in front of them. He was too distracted by her then to have looked at the moon. 
Time started to move and Levi was reminded that he did not have much to distract himself anymore from the full moon in the sky. 
First spring without Hange 
Levi, when this war ends and I retire as commander, I really wanna explore the flora and fauna outside the walls. Let’s study them together!
He had tried to appreciate nature. He had tried to sit on the grass and just stare and touch the prettier or the uglier weeds that stuck out of the common grass. They were all weeds dotted with some flowers.  
Hange would have found them beautiful either way. He just found it mocking. 
First summer without Hange.
Hange loved ice cream. Ever since the first ice cream shop in Paradis opened. They made sure to get one as a treat after a hard day of work. Levi hadn’t gone back to the shop since he had last been there with Hange last summer. He wasn’t thinking of going back there either. 
First autumn without Hange. 
First autumn without Hange. 
Autumns were always special. The cool nights that only got colder and the days that only got shorter could have been depressing for most. Levi saw beauty in it because they built up to something else. 
They built up to her special day. That one special day Hange kept as a little treat for herself. She always decided what to do and she always made sure to rattle off her plans to him during down times between meetings and deliverables. 
Every year, she always had something she wanted to do and somewhere she wanted to go and every year, she always made sure Levi tagged along.
And as Levi thought back to their last conversations, he quickly figured out she had suggested one place she would have wanted to go with him. 
That passing thought she had shared during one of their conversations, that one night in the forest at least gave him direction. With her gone, Levi was the one who made the final decision to go there himself.
I came here for sanctuary
Away from the winds and the sounds of the city
I came here to get some peace
Way down deep where the shadows are heavy
In the first autumn after Hange’s death, In the forest glade where Hange had nursed him back to health, Levi had a small cabin built. Many could have concluded it as a capricious decision, even Levi himself. As he walked out and lay on the soft grass beneath him, he couldn’t help but think if he just closed his eyes and  focused on the familiar surroundings, he could imagine Hange next to him saying those words once again 
“Maybe we should just live here together.” 
I can't help but think of you
In these four walls my thoughts seem to wander
To some distant century
When everyone we know is six feet under
When Levi entered the newly built cabin and inspected it of any dust, he realized, maybe that was the first thing he had done for himself. He was already a retired soldier with nothing much to think about but himself. Levi was never one to constantly think of himself though, so he thought of everyone else.
When all of our friends are dead and just a memory
And we're side by side it's always been just you and me
For all to see
When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let's take it to the grave
The cabin was cozy and there had been nothing much to clean. It kept the cool air of early autumn out and if he had been feeling a hint of self preservation, he probably would have stayed inside. His body was not as strong as it was before and even the night air of early autumn had him shivering. 
Self preservation had always been low on Levi’s priority list. Because of the lack of responsibilities that came with being retired, it managed to bump up to at least third. It was still the last thing on Levi’s mind though. 
The cold air and the rustle of the trees brought back countless memories at once. It brought back the faint pounding of the hammer, the swish of the bandages and her hitched breaths as she worked tirelessly as he slept. 
It evoked memories from times before that. 
Every year, when the wind was starting to get a little colder and the leaves a little redder, there was always one special day where Hange would take him out. 
To a place of her choice. It was that one day after all the commander would always spend for herself. The destination was always a different spot outside the walls. Sometimes it was a glade in the middle of the forest, sometimes it was a cave, sometimes it was a swamp. The places varied but the cool winds that came as the sun started to set were constant stimuli. The orange hues that stuck out of the green trees around him were also a constant view.
That night, Levi held his arms close to his chest, conserving warmth as the cool winds of autumn continued to barrel through his already battered body. He looked up at the trees around him, observing closely as some of the leaves started to stand out under the moonlight. The leaves were starting to take on a different shade and others were starting to fall off.
All those signs culminated into a scene and an experience Levi was all too familiar with. They were all heralding the coming of autumn
Hange’s special day always signaled the start of autumn.
Happy Birthday, Hange. That was the first birthday he’d be spending without her.
And his little habit made it so that he would never forget to spend it in the years to come. Even if he was painfully aware, he'd be spending every single one without her.
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I'll be buried here with you
And I'll hold in these hands all that remains
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tweedlydumbtweedlydoo · 4 years ago
Teacher, oh, Teacher | Bucky Barnes x reader
Requested by anon / Summary: You’re a teacher and Bucky comes to visit you at the school. 
A/N: you didn’t specify what grade you taught and what age the kids were in the request so I chose little kindergartners because i think they are the cutest little things. If the kindergartners seem to be too advanced or mature for their age, well, I’m sorry, just go along with it for the story please :)
 Also, I really loved this concept and really enjoyed writing it! Thank you for requesting it! I’m sorry if it’s not exactly like you wanted. I thought I was following the request as I wrote and when I was finished it didn’t have everything you wanted, but I didn’t want to change anything so I kept it as it is! Hope you like it xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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You’d only begun reading a story to your little kindergartners when there was a knock on your door. The kids got excited and you had to shh them, “Remember what we do when someone knocks on the door?” You smile and put your finger to your lips, the kids following your movement, quieting down. 
You opened the door and were surprised to see Bucky there with a bag in his hand, “What are you doing here?” You greet him with a kiss on the cheek and he holds up a bag of food.
 “Lunch. I didn’t see you grab your lunch on the way out this morning, so I thought I’d bring you something.” 
“Aw, Bucky.” You’re grateful because you were late this morning and didn’t even think to grab your lunch, “Thank you so much.” 
He shrugs and hears some kids coming down the hall, “I better get going.” He slips his metal hand into his jacket pocket to hide it. 
“don’t you want to meet my littles?” You motion to your classroom, “I just started reading them Jack and the Bean Stalk.” 
He shrugs you off, “No I better not.. I don’t want to bother you guys.” 
You pout, “Come on.. they would love to meet you. It would make their day to have a visitor in the class.” 
He glances down at his arm, “It might scare them. And I don’t want to be the reason you get emails from parents about their kids having nightmares about a robot arm.” He chuckles, trying to make a joke and seem like it doesn’t bother him, but deep down it does and you know that. 
You put your hand on his arm, “Just come in and say hi.. you won’t scare them.” 
He sighs before agreeing. You open the door, “Now class, it looks like we have a visitor! His name is Bucky. What do we say to Bucky?” You smile at them and then look to Bucky who stands uncomfortably next to you. 
The class erupts into squeals about having a visitor and a chorus of “Hi Bucky!” 
He forces a soft smile, giving a wave with his flesh arm, “Hey.” 
“Is he going to read to us?!” A little girl in the front quickly asks, raising her tiny arm. 
You glance over at Bucky, “umm. I don’t think so.” 
“Awww.” The kids pout. 
Bucky shrugs at you, “I can read them the book.. if you want me too.” 
You hand over the book with a shrug, “The littles have spoken.” 
“Do i just.. stand here or..” 
You laugh and motion to the small chair next to him, “You can sit here and then they will all gather around and listen.” 
He looks at the chair and then at you, “You want me to sit there? I’m like a giant to that chair!” He jokes, earning laughs and giggles from all the littles. 
You laugh as well, “If you’d prefer, you can sit on the floor.” You motions all the kids up to the front and they sit around Bucky who does decide to sit on the small chair and he is for sure a giant to that chair. He knows now he’s going to have to show his arm so he can hold the book up and read at the same time. You also realized this and get on your knees in front of the kids to explain it. 
“Okay class, everyone’s eyes here please.” You wait until they are all on you, “You know how some people are different than us? Maybe they have different hair or skin color? Maybe they are smaller or bigger than us?” They all nod their little heads, “We have to remember that even though they are different than us, we have to be kind right? We don’t stare, talk bad about them or laugh at them because that’s not being kind. Well, Bucky here is different than us.” You nod at Bucky and he slips his hand out of the jacket. 
The kids all gasp. He waits for their panicked screams or cries, but none come. The kids are all staring wide eyed and amazed at the black and gold metal arm. 
“That’s so cool!” One little boy yells. 
“Can we touch it?!” Another one yells. 
They’re all up and standing around Bucky, gazing at the arm in wonder, like it was the most wonderful thing in the world shining bright for the world to see. Bucky tells them they can touch it so all the kids are taking turns to touch it and some ask how he got his arm like that. 
“I had a really bad fall and lost my arm.” The kids gasp, “Yeah.. so the doctors gave me this.” 
“I want one!” 
“O O can I get one?!” 
The book was long forgotten and you were fine with that. It gave you a moment to teach the kids that just because someone looks different doesn’t mean they are any less of a person. They may have been too young to really know what that meant, but you hoped that maybe it would stick with them. 
“My mommy and daddy do that too.” A little girl says as she saw Bucky give you a hug and kiss as he’s getting ready to leave. She stares up at Bucky, tilting her little head at him, “Are you Miss y/f/n husband? My daddy is a husband.” 
You hold back a laugh and Bucky chuckles, bending down to her level, “I’m not Miss y/f/n husband yet...” He leans in closer, whispering like it’s a secret, “But maybe I will be one day.” 
The little girl giggles and runs off to her table. 
“Maybe one day, huh?” 
He shrugs, straightening, “Maybe one day.”  
Comments, reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated xx 
Marvel tag list: @hommoturttle​ , @iheartsebastianstan , @5jacobm5​ , @lovely-geek​ , @fangirl-swagg​ , @1-800-thanos , @jessyballet​ , @katiaw2​ , @yaskna​
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
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beca-mitchell · 5 years ago
happy (smutty) spotlight saturday
whenever I do fic recs, I inevitably get at least one anon asking for smut recs, so here’s to you.These are all rated M/E, so you’ve been warned.
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Hood Night
by @chloes-yellow-cup​
Summary: Chloe has been teasing Beca all day and with the addition of alcohol, what happens is not her fault.... Right?
**consensual sleep sex ahead.
Last Call
by rufeepeach
Summary: It's their last night in France: tomorrow Beca's off on tour and Chloe's going home to the States, and who knows when they'll see each other again? Set immediately after the 3rd movie ends.
**one of my fave post-PP3 fics. 10k+ words. 
by BrevityIsTheSoulOfLingerie
Summary: Chloe is religious, Beca isn’t, and this fic is about them reconciling their differences. And yes, there is sex. No, this is not the author’s summary.
**slight angst, things heat up around the end of Chapter 4/beginning of Chapter 5.
bang bang into the room
by gohandinhand
Summary: It's Chloe's birthday, and she has only one request.
**spoiler, it’s strap-on sex.
The Neighborly Thing To Do
by @aliciameade​
Summary: Based on the prompt: “imagine your otp living across the street from each other and both can see into the other’s bedroom window” 
**note that there are three parts to this and part three is rated E.
Back and Forth
by recallthelove
Summary: 'It looks ridiculous,' Beca groans, as soon as she sees it. 'Why did you have to get a pink one?'
**strap-on ahead
by @redlance​
Summary: Until Chloe, Beca's fantasies had been kept locked away in a little box, the lid of which she would open now and again so that she could sneak a look inside. Indulge herself, just a bit.
**beca fucks chloe with a strap-on and chloe likes being told what to do
I’m not insecure. You’re just wrong.
by Alexizzy
Summary: A very public breakup. Slow build and burn.
**yes there’s a plot. but sex happens in chapter 8.
Pillow Down
by TeddieJean
Summary: Morning sex with Beca is possibly Chloe's favorite thing in the world - the way her lips part to draw breath; the sleepiness in her eyes that morphs into pleasure. It's the most peaceful kind of sex they have.
For Lovers Only
by dr-jb
Summary: Takes place two years after the events of Pitch Perfect 3. Beca and Chloe haven’t seen one another since then, each going their separate ways – Beca to music, Chloe to vet school.
But, one fateful week, they both end up in Paris ... And when their paths suddenly collide, desire and passion take over as they gain back those missed years and rediscover one another all over again.
**yes there is plot, but you can kind of suss out where sex happens based on the chapter titles. 
by @starlightscape​
Summary: Their air conditioner breaks during a brutal NYC heatwave. Chloe learns something new about Beca.
**nipple piercings
Chapter 5 of Bigger Than Us, Beyond Bliss
by cherishmimi
Summary: ...Or that one time Beca found out about Chloe's BDSM aspirations via the underwear drawer.
**yes i have this one chapter bookmarked. warning for bdsm themes/content.
and more bonus fics:
Body Shop by @aliciameade
‘Too Much/Not Enough’ Massage AU by @asweetmelodytrickling
laundry room sex by @suituuup​
in the best way you’ll be the death of me by @sensiblethingtodo​ (IT’S A SERIES!)
please feel free to add to this list!
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carmenlire · 6 years ago
Hi! I am pretty new to SH, and when I went to ao3 to find some malec fics I saw there were 19k fics there and I just... noped out. But then I came across one of your fics somewhere idr (prob tumblr) and I really really liked your writing style so I may or may not have spent my spring break reading all your fics... rip. I'm still way too intimidated by the sheer amount of fics on ao3 and since I really loved your writing, I was hoping you could maybe rec some, either fics or authors? Thanksss
holy shit, anon, I’ve written so much dkfgjhsdfkjg that must have been quite the undertaking for spring break lmao! I’m super happy to hear that you like my writing though, especially enough to read most/all of my fics! 
Okay, so. When I first started in this fandom, it was overwhelming too and that was in August of 2017 lol! I read a lot of fic rec masterlists on here and then once I went through those, I explored ao3 a little more, along with those authors that captured my interest. I don’t know what you’re interested in but I’ll just go ahead and list some of the fics I started with along with my favorite authors! Everyone on this list is a delight as a person and a writer and I hope you like them! 
(This is going to be probably a lot of me rambling variants of read this!! but I’m gonna put a short summary so you know what the story is actually about. I will most likely oversimplify the fic lmao but check out those links for the full synopsis!)
Over 100k
Fall Without Wings by @notcrypticbutcoy (WIP) This was the first fic I ever read in this fandom and it topped every masterlist when I started– for good reason. At the time, it was around 180k? and I read it in one day/sitting. The writing is impeccable, plot to die for, and the way the author builds the characters in this story is just engrossing as hell. This is god tier lmao!
One Line Summary: Canon divergent AU where shadowhunters have wings, Magnus is actively on the Clave’s shit list, and Malec’s relationship is the best sort of slowburn.
One Easy Answer by @maleccrazedauthor This is the first of a two part series and holy. shit. I was enthralled from the first sentence. Apparently, I have a thing for canon divergent AUs and I read this a year and a half ago but still remember gasping at a certain point, hanging on the edge of my seat as I waited to see what the characters would do. I love this canon divergent AU– it’s written so beautifully. (Note: The series itself is over 100k. This particular fic is around 36k)
One Line Summary: Magnus and Alec are leaders of their people and have to learn how to make things work when a marriage of convenience is their only option.
Anything You Say by @milominderbindered Admittedly, I’ve only read the first 80k? of this because I started it like over a year ago and it was a wip at the time but I remember being Super Into It and desperate to see where the story was going. Now that it’s finished, I’d totally recommend it!
One Line Summary: Detective Alec and Forensic Expert Magnus. Honestly, need I say more lmao.
Deeper than the Truth by @insiemes This was one of the first fics I read– probably within the first week of entering the fandom. It’s a wonderful story and a classic for a reason. And that ending:’)
One Line Summary: Alec is a famous author who uses a pen name and Magnus is a fashion designer in love with Gideon’s books.
The Haunting of Lightwood Hall by @bonibaru There are tragically few historical Malec fics in ao3 and this is a gem! The plot is interesting and the love story is super well done. And that ending! I loved it so much.
One Line Summary: Magnus Bane, a psychic, is invited to the Lightwood estate when a murder mystery implicated the heir, Alec Lightwood.
42 North, 71 West by @lecrit Okay so, admittedly, I haven’t read this yet but it’s because I don’t read wips and this just concluded like, last week lol. However, lecrit is a brilliant author and I’ve read several of her fics before and loved all of them! You really can’t go wrong with this author and I would encourage you to read anything/everything in her ao3!
One Line Summary: Politics!Alec and Actor!Magnus in one AU? Sign me up!
The Strength of (Un)Broken Bonds by Blue This is the first of a three part series and I love it so, so much! This is a little grittier though not angsty. The plot is tightly woven, the characterization spot on, and it’s an excellent exploration of the parabatai bond done right. Wildly creative and I everytime I reread this, I’m just in awe at this author’s skill!
One Line Summary: Post 2b, shadowhunters realize just how intrinsically their biology is tied to demon energy and Alec has to deal with a fritzing parabatai bond.
Addicted to You by AlxSteele I’m not a huge fan of fuck buddy AUs but this author is prolific in the shadowfam so I took a chance and I’m so glad I did! This was a realistic portrayal of this AU without being needlessly angsty. Everything was just right and I was so ready to see Magnus and Alec get their shit together!
One Line Summary: Magnus and Alec lead busy lives and neither one has time for a relationship– only what starts out as a string of one night stands leads both to catch feelings big time.
A Fighting Chance by HeartsDesire456 This is a classic for me. I read most of this in one sitting and was almost late for work! But it was totally worth it. I love the build up and the world that this author created. Really, one of the best malec fics I’ve ever read and I love it so, so much! I would recommend anything else by this author, especially Hard Choices, though that fic is considerably heavier though no less well done.
One Line Summary: Alec owns an MMA gym next to Magnus’s dance studio. What starts out as a noise complaint quickly changes Magnus and Alec’s life irrevocably.
We Break That Way by ifallonblackdays_fics and valfromrome I’ve read this several times and it’s a fic of substance. I love fluff but this is a really excellently plotted story that does a fantastic job of showing both Magnus and Alec as the leaders they are. It’s darker but realistic for the shadowhunters universe and I love how amazingly well these authors created a story that picks up after 2x18 in an excellent canon divergent AU where Magnus and Alec didn’t reconnect at that Hunter’s Moon party?
One Line Summary: Not all shadowhunters are happy that Alec’s trying to build relationships with the downworld– what happens when a group of extremists go after the Head of the New York Institute in a bid to return to the old way?
The Lonely Heart Hotline by @unrestrainedlyexcessive Anon. Listen. I am putting Fatale here because this is her latest completed fic and it’s 40k but I would heavily encourage you to read every single piece of writing by this author. I have read all of her fics at least twice and I love them to death. She does such an amazing job of portraying real life, even when her AU is fantastical. I’m partial to her Ave Atque Vale series, which was the first fic I read by her, and her Home series but as I was scrolling through her ao3 profile, I just kept remembering all her stories and how amazing they are. Seriously. I can’t stress enough about how much i love this author’s writing!!
One Line Summary: Alec’s a law student who moonlights as a phone sex operator and Magnus calls him one night, only to talk about music and his questionable phone professionalism.
Love is a Gamble by la_muerta This is another author that I adore and I’ve read all of her fics! This is a western historical AU that I read last spring and simply loved! I’d also recommend her series The Universe is Conspiring Against Us!
One Line Summary: Sheriff Alec Lightwood is busy enough keeping Nephilim Falls from descending into chaos but when Magnus Bane opens a gambling house in town, Alec’s has more on his mind than his townspeople.
Give Me the Pain (Then Take It Away) by LadyOxymoron This is a beautifully well-done story of Alec and Magnus exploring BDSM, particularly Alec’s submission. But it’s so much more that. It’s about their relationship and Alec learning to take better care of himself and overall, I was stunned at this fic. I would really recommend anyone read this for something that pulls the heartstrings while still being hot as hell.
One Line Summary:  After a near death experience and throwaway line from Magnus, Alec finds out that he can let himself fall, as long as Magnus is there to catch him.
Appassionato by chonideno This is a classic in the shadowfam. A wonderful story of malec falling in love before properly meeting. The vibe is so ethereal and full of feeling. Really lovely story.
One Line Summary: Alec plays the piano and one day, a request slips under his door– what follows is months of Alec playing for a stranger, both of them falling one note at a time.
Pillow Talk by lacheses This was one of the first fics I read and it’s a really beautiful story that takes place during season one. It’s gentle and really does a fantastic job of building Magnus and Alec’s relationship, both of them so cautious and invested so quickly after meeting.
One Line Summary: Alec Lightwood falls in love, one nap at a time.
Good Our Whole Lives by @beatperfume This fic ruined me. I was invested from the first word and read it in one sitting. The emotions are enough to put you in a stranglehold and while I was wildly unsure based on the synopsis/AU (hooker AU) I gave it a chance and I am so glad I did. I remember reading it and just feeling so much. Wonderful, 10/10. I would rec anything by this author (she really is very creative!) but particularly and I will be your shade.
One Line Summary: When Magnus catches Alec, a shadowhunter, hustling his club the two of them reach an agreement.
Three’s a Crowd by GoldenDaydreams I’ve read this a few times and I love it to death. Super lighthearted and funny, it’s a fun story about Alec and Magnus trying to have sex and Jace being a perpetually pain in the ass cockblock lmao.
One Line Summary: The story where Jace keeps interrupting Alec and Magnus’s ‘alone time,’ and they’re both super fed up.
Sympathy for a Prince by @ketzwrites This was a hella fun story about Magnus as a literal prince of hell and Alec, a no-nonsense detective just trying to do his job. Ketz has written several fics I’d recommend but this might just be my favorite!
One Line Summary: When Magnus, prince of hell, comes top side he doesn’t expect to meet Homicide Detective Alec and become his partner, so to speak.
Hold Onto Me (Cause I’m a Little Unsteady by MagnificentlyMagic One of my biggest pet peeves with the show is that scene in 1x09 where Jace betrays Alec and then it’s never spoken of again. This is a great fic that takes that scene and runs wild with it.
One Line Summary: His parabatai rune was burning, not with death, or injury, but with betrayal.
Yours is the Light by @theonetruenorth This author is an autoread for me and I love a good abo fic. This is so beautiful and I really, really love this. It spins the trope on its head while still in the shadowhunters verse and delivers a really satisfying love story for Alec and Magnus! I would really, really recommend literally everything they’ve written though!
One Line Summary: It wasn’t exactly a secret that out of all three secondary genders, it was the alphas who were the strongest, the most aggressive, the most territorial– It was also completely wrong.
Inimitable by Bumblebeesknees. I adore anything by this author but this. Wow. The plot is super creative as Alec and Magnus get sent back to Victorian London and Alec has to do something both of them would rather he didn’t. It explores a murky area that has the potential to ruin both of them and the writing is perfect. I don’t want to ruin anything but you gotta read this. I read it when it was first posted then scrolled back up to the top and immediately devoured it a second time. I’d recommend anything and everything by this author.
One Line Summary: Stuck in London in 1882 without Magnus’ magic, the way back to New York in the 21st century requires securing a charmed amulet from the Magnus who lives in that time.
It’s a Kind of Magicby @thealmostrhetoricalquestion I love every single fic by this author and would highly suggest you read everything by her but this one has a special place in my heart. It’s light and sweet and a wonderful AU!!!
One Line Summary: Magnus and Alec live on the same floor and are highkey into each other– the only thing is that Magnus is a witch and Alec’s a mundane.
You Only Live Twice by partnerincrime I love this story so much!! It’s a fun little Simon POV on Alec as a gardening billionaire recluse and Magnus as a CEO of the shadow world’s largest department store. It’s hilarious and I lose my shit every time I read it!
One Line Summary: In which Simon Lewis becomes an entrepreneur, and, through a series of highly improbable events, fails upwardly toward success.
Lonely Starbucks Lovers by partnerincrime is also a hoot and I love this author so much!! It’s the quintessential coffeeshop AU.
The Way I Feel for You by @theonetruenorth Goddamn, this is a masterpiece. I’ve read this several time and like I said earlier, anything by this author is guaranteed to be amazing.
Shadows. Shovels. Joy. by oncethrown While this isn’t strictly a pwp, it’s about the parabatai bond and Jace’s POV on Alec having sex. Heartwarming and super well written! another example of how the parabatai bond could be well done.
In Plain Sight by redorchid. Holy shit, I love this to death and it’s actually the first in a series called membership, about Magnus and Alec’s exploration into exhibitionism.
hit me like a ray of sun, burning through my darkest night by liamandzayn I’ve read all of her malec fics at least twice and I just think she writes great sex lol. Definitely recommend!
With Bones Unbuttoned by @ohfreckle No smut list would be complete without ohfreckle. She’s an autoread author for me and I think I’ve yelled about this particular fic literally every chance I get. Goddamn, the sex is hot as hell and the emotions that pour through are enough to make my own heart ache. No one does it better and I wish everyone would read this and die with me.
Lionheart by Bumblebeesknees Both this one and the one above are 2x18 makeup sex fics but they’re both very different. I also love this one immensely and this author, as I’ve mentioned above, is amazing. 
Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things by @my-nameless-bliss This series ruined me. I can’t stress enough how much I love this series. It’s beautiful written, the emotion gut wrenching, and it’s a wonderful exploration of Alec’s masculinity and what that even means. It really made me think and reevaluate my own life and I am awed by this author’s talent and everyone needs to read this. There’s also ALDNT extras which is a multichaptered work set in this universe.
We Built a Dynasty Like Nothing Ever Made by Madalena. This was a canon divergent AU set after 2x17 that does a great job of exploring shadow world tensions and Alec as a Leader and Head of the Institute. Creative and stunning and wonderfully plotted, I’ve read this series several times and love it so much!!
The Boundless Saga by sarcasticfluentry and teumessian This is a canon divergent AU that starts in season one and it’s a classic for the shadowfam in my opinion. I particularly love Parts 4 (which could go in the pwp section) and 7, which I think it’s an excellent exploration of shadowhunter tradition and expectation.
@laughingmagnus Serendi has been an autoread author for ages, since the beginning, really. Her writing is wonderful and she really hits emotions in a way that’s enviable. Her Maryse centered fics are superb.
@gingergenower I’ve been yelling about Kat’s writing since I discovered her last winter. I started with goddamn right (you should be scared of me) and I’ve read all of her fics multiple times. You really can’t go wrong with her!
@thattrainssailed Monica’s writing style is very distinctive and literary. She writes Malec like they’re set in stone entities, powerful and always in control, even if everything else is a chaotic mess.
@bytheangell Elle can write fluff or angst depending on her mood and she does a wonderful job with whatever strikes her fancy. She has a >100k fic called Support System that I’ve heard really great things about, even if I haven’t had a chance to read it yet.
@royaltybane Lydia is an OG in the shadowfam for good reason! Her writing is fluid and suitably full of feeling. You really can’t go wrong with anything by her!
Ohprongs is a wonderful author and I’ve read all of their stuff on ao3. I’d highly recommend them for shorter pieces.
This is by no means an exhaustive list! I’ve quite literally read thousands of Malec fics since I joined the fandom in summer 2017. These are the most memorable to me, however, and the ones that I’ve returned to time and time again. Any author I mentioned would be worth going through their backlist. I often just picked my favorite fic of theirs. 
If there’s something that you’re into– a trope, a general tone– you can always come back and I’ll do my best to answer your questions and give you recs! I hope that this helps and isn’t too overwhelming– I tried to organize this masterlist by word count and then misc categories. Thank you so much for thinking highly enough of my writing to ask me this and I’m sorry it took a little while to compile this fic rec list! Happy Reading!!
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thewincestgospel · 6 years ago
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Someone sent me this...
Hi, do you have any recommendations for weecest fics? Long, plotty ones? Your recs are some of the best. Thank you for your service. ♡
And I was like
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But then life kept happening and I had to put it to the side and I was like....
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But then I finally got some time and I started composing my list but then I accidentally posted it before I was done then it wouldn't let me save it to queue so I could finish it so I had to copy it, delete it and start again. Then it wouldn’t save on my cell or tablet after two days of trying I said fuck it and just waited until I got back home (I travel for work) to do it off my laptop.
So so sorry to the Anon who sent me this request.
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I hope the long list makes up for my tardiness.
Weecest Recs
All the Way by  BenLMoore   A family court orders that Sam and Dean be separated because they're too close. These people don't realize, there's no keeping the Winchesters boys apart.              
And I Have Asked to Be Where No Storms Come by candle_beck Family is the first to break your heart.
The Ballad of the Invisible Boy  by dollylux   This is a story of adolescence. This is a love letter for the slow burn, for Led Zeppelin, for the 90s. This is the first of two sets of stories about how Sam and Dean didn’t fall in love. They never had to. It was always there, this desperation between them, like a real, breathing thing. When they came together, it was inevitable. As sure as continents colliding, as the phases of the moon and the life and death of stars. This isn’t a love story, but it’s a story of love.              
Birthday  by   helena_s_renn, Helenas_bitch, orphan_account     Sam turns fifteen two weeks after Dean ended their relationship. In order to celebrate Sam's birthday, Dean decides to get him laid – with a girl.        
Crown and Anchor Me (or let me sail away) by Sena Sam Winchester is fifteen years old, at yet another new high school in yet another state, he doesn’t get along with his distant, distracted father, he’s figuring out that he likes guys just as much as he likes girls, his clothes never fit and his limbs ache at the joint ever since his growth spurt started, he has to study for the PSAT and, oh yeah, he’s a little bit in love with his brother, Dean, who’s taken a break from hunting monsters to work at a local garage for minimum wage.
Crush by BewareTheIdes15 Dean looks at him different now, Sam just can't figure out what the difference is.
Everlong by Lux Aeterna  Sam and Dean’s feelings come to a head a year before Sam leaves for college. They struggle with the implications and complications of their relationship, but no matter where they go or what they do, it’s impossible to forget.
The Good Days  by  Danceswithfiends 'His stomach jumps at these small glimpses of Dean, and he tries to push it down, but thoughts of Dean bending him over in the back seat of the car flood his brain anyway. Sam swallows heavily and looks away, trying to focus intently on the road. If this doesn’t stop soon, Sam is going to go absolutely nuts.'The sexcapades of Sam and Dean's relationship in its early days and the days that follow.    
Hard-Won Inches by BewareTheIdes Dean’s developed this thing lately where he likes to touch Sam’s mouth while he has the amulet in there, fingers tracing so gently it almost tickles, around the little pouty spot where the cord disappears between Sam’s lips. It’s kind of weird, but probably not weirder than the fact that Sam’s ten and still sucks on his brother’s necklace to go to sleep at night.
A History of Love  by lyryk (s_k) When Sam is sixteen, he’s gotten pretty good at hiding what he’s been feeling for his brother for the last couple of years. But the most dangerous thing is not Dean finding out how Sam feels—it’s what happens when their father finds out.
The Hottest Days  by WevyrDove John is away on a hunting trip when Sam experiences his first heat cycle. Dean panics and makes Sam lock himself up in his room in a desperate attempt to keep temptation at bay.
Incubus by Ithiel_Dragon, virtualpersonal   Sam and Dean are left alone in Georgia in the middle of the summer while John is away on a hunt, and unfortunately the brothers haven't been getting along lately.  Sam's moodiness, and Dean's temper (not to mention his crush on his own brother) are not helping matters.  Things get even more complicated when Dean is attacked by an Incubus.              
A Life Made of Nights by BewareTheIdes Dean’s always loved Sammy more than anything, but what happens when brotherly love turns into something more? (A timeline of Sam and Dean’s relationship, starting from the time Sam’s a baby)
Lonely Harmonies  by Linden Dean maybe gets why John insists on separate beds, these days. 
More Than A Taste By BewareTheIdes After school, Dean finds out what Sam had to say about walking in on him
Never Again by made.of.bees   Dean walks in on Sam having some alone time and decides there are better things to do than leave. Sam freaks out but makes the best of the situation. After all, it's just one time, right? As long as it doesn't become a habit or anything...
Of Hot Showers and Female Intuitions by  cyndrarae  Sam‘s journey through teenage angst and sexual experimentation leads him to an irrefutable truth… he loves his big brother more than he should.
One Love, One Bond  by  RudexAndxNotxGinger   Sam and Dean have a special relationship. And it all started when Sam hit puberty.     
The Only Thing By BewareTheIdes  Ok, look, there’s not a delicate way to say it; Sammy sucks Dean’s nipples.  
P A R A D I S E (Born to Die!Verse) This story follows the lives of two young brothers as they try to make it in a dark world. After an overdose threatens to tear them apart forever, Sam and Dean vow to never leave each other's side again and hit the open roads of the American West to live fast and free together. They fight and fuck like every day could be their last because one day it just might be.
Plausible Deniability by BewareTheIdes Dean get a little freaked out about his relationship with Sam, and a whole lot freaked out when calling it off gets Sam interested in some other guy.
Sam’s First Love by  JAYJEN11   Dean was Sam’s superhero, his protector, he taught him everything. It only made sense Sam loved him but then he thinks he fell in love with him and Dean had taught him everything else so why not this too? This is not a love story. This is real life and sometimes real life sux.
Sam Liking Boys (And Dean)  by  stuck_as_sarah Titles pretty self-explanatory, just weecest thats pretty much a pwp. 
Sammy's Rule by Sammy_Rae22   John Winchester leaves his 12 and 16 year old sons for a hunt. While he is away Sam gets closer and closer to his brother, till he has to form a rule to control himself. That rule is to NEVER look at his brother like he is some sex lord. But what happens when things start to get a little out of control?                            
Sequelae  by candlejill After annihilating the boundaries between them, Sam and Dean both struggle to accept the change in their relationship. With Dean battling his guilt and Sam counting down the days until he’s able to put hunting in his past, they attempt to salvage what is left of their brotherly bond.
Note: Sequel to Situational Machismo
Situational Machismo by  candlejill  While on a hunt, Sam and John are hit with a mysterious spell causing them to switch bodies. Sam is devastated at the repercussions that could affect his future. The Winchesters are left with the monumental task of figuring out how to change back. Dean, previously believed to be unaffected, begins to have new troubling thoughts towards his brother causing him to think that maybe he did not escape the spell untouched after all.
Note: There is no sexual relationship between Sam and Dean while Sam is in John's body.
So It Goes by  jenajasper Dean would always remember the first time               
Teen Antichrist Master List by smallcaps Crack!AU teen antichrist Sammy has horns and a tail…and a hammer!  Dean keeps his hands to himself.  Barely.
A Thousand Miles to Get There  by  alakewood   Dean's not quite sure when it happened, but somewhere along the line he and Sam started messing around – it started with chaste kisses and graduated to more physical expressions of their desire. And, at some point, he fell in love with his little brother. Now, while on a cross-country roadtrip with his family, in the deceptive privacy of their RV, Dean has to prove to Sam that going away to college isn't going to change how he feels.              
The Time Traveler’s Brother by AmyPond45 Dean’s life is turned upside down the night his mother dies. But that’s also the night a mysterious grown-up version of Dean’s brother first appears in his life. While Dean grows up, “Old Sam” is often there, especially when Dean’s father isn’t. As Dean learns what the future holds, he begins to question everything his father has taught him about who he is and what he is supposed to become. Can Dean find a way to save his little brother from his own future?
To The Edge and Over   by   paperstorm, slf630   Here’s the thing. Dean’s mostly perfect in Sam’s eyes. He’s beautiful inside and out – cocky, charming, brave, fiercely loyal, flawed and stubborn and annoying and amazing – and Sam’s so stupidly in love with him it isn’t even close to funny. And there’s no way in hell Dean can ever know.     
Two-Headed Boy  by dollylux Sam's life from sixteen to twenty-two years old. This is a story of the last days of innocence during a sweltering Southern summer when Sam is so in love with his brother, he can barely stand his touch. It's the pain between them through lies, through jealousy, through seeing each other with someone else. Theirs is a story of leaving and Stanford, of Dean feeling lost and Sam nearly losing himself without his brother. It's fire and reunion and a love never lost - ever-present and no longer deniable.
Under the Blanket by Colette_Capricious   Sam is relentless when he wants something. Dean is helpless in the face of Sam’s desires and this thing that is building between them. It can’t happen, it won’t happen. It’s wrong. But why isn’t John doing anything to stop it? Could there actually be something on this earth than John Winchester is afraid to face?  
Verses Like Yours and Mine by rivers_bend   Sam/Dean are regular brothers – no demon, no hunting, Mary’s alive – who fall in love with each other.  
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azfellandco · 6 years ago
Hiya! So, please feel free to ignore this, but I just listened to Good Omens for the first time with considerable enjoyment, and I was wondering whether you have/know of any good fic rec lists for the book?
hi and welcome and i’m glad you enjoyed the book!! 
Something Ordinary by literature_and_ocean_waves (9k)
Summary: “You kidnapped the Antichrist?!”Aziraphale’s shrill screech echoed harshly throughout the dingy bookshop.
Crowley looked sheepishly at his expensive, snakeskin shoes. “Kidnap is such a strong word,” he said. “I rather like liberate.”
This is following what, if you ask me, is a plot this fandom can never write enough of: what if Crowley had kept baby Adam and he and Aziraphale had tried to raise him together? 
Never Mind the Gravitation by Argyle (2k)
Summary: Sure, there’s life on Mars. But Crowley can hardly call it living.
This is not as angsty as that summary makes it sound. …okay it is a little bit, but in a bittersweet kind of way, and it’s so funny as well. This is one of those fics that has the tone of the book down really well and it takes what I feel is an inherently sad concept (humanity moving off world and the places Aziraphale and Crowley call home changing again) and makes it feel hopeful and optimistic. Also scifi is my real true love so like… of course I love this fic. 
Even Without Looking by maniacalmole (18k)
Summary: Aziraphale gets requested by the heavenly court to prove that romantic love is real, and makes a valiant effort. He’s read about it so many times, in all the most romantic books. How hard could it be?
Everything maniacalmole has written is brilliant, funny, whimsical, and so in character, but this one is my favorite. 
Habitual by goingsparebutwithprecision (4k)
Summary: In which Crowley wears lipstick and Aziraphale is flustered.
The mutability of angelic/demonic gender and sexual presentation is one of my favorite things about these characters and about writing for them, and this fic is one of the first I read that got me really thinking about it. 
Guests On Memory Lane by Holoxam (5k)
Summary: “Whatever you go around telling yourself, angel,” Crowley said over his morning-coffee, “some of us have to work for a living. The girls and I can get into some shenanigans around the shops, you know.”Aziraphale looked up from his Telegraph, and sent Crowley a wary glance. He was torn between asking Crowley if he remembered his fruitless attempts at influencing the presumed antichrist back in the 1980’s, and sternly telling him off for even thinking about attempting to corrupt humans at such a young age.The Dynamic Duo babysit Anathema’s cousins for the weekend.
Crowley and Aziraphale being friends with Anathema? Yes, please. Crowley and Aziraphale taking care of children? Yes, please. 
Five Times Crowley Wanted Aziraphale by Mitsuhachi (3k)
Summary: Wanting and wanting and wanting, in many ways over many years.
This and it’s sequel, Five Times Aziraphale Wanted Crowley (The One More Night Remix) (rated M, mind the tags) are one of my favorite fics in this fandom. I love historical stuff especially that traces Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship over vast tracks of time and this delivers on that in a huge way. 
here i am, leaving you clues by Lvslie (10k) 
Summary: It’s all the same burning bookshop, and I’m always inside shouting your name. 
[Aziraphale is recalled to Heaven, but leaving proves more difficult than anticipated. Written for the tumblr prompt: ‘Actually….I just miss you.’]
Another one that I just adore. This fic is poetry in all the best ways and I think about the summary line, “it’s always the same burning bookshop”, pretty much every day of my life. There isn’t a plot as such (or if there is I’ve forgotten it because I am mostly just focused on how beautifully written it is) but I highly recommend it anyway. 
Everything Leslie has written for this fandom is like this, actually, beautiful and poetic and sort of dream-like. 
Modern Love by punkfaery (7k) 
(I podficced this last year)
Summary: “The crux of it, Crowley decided, was that demons were not supposed to want.
Or – well, that wasn’t strictly true. Certain things, such as material wealth and the corruption of innocents and the eventual triumph of Hell over Heaven, and possibly Earth as well, were perfectly all right. The fact that he didn’t particularly care about any of these things just served to add a little extra salt to the wound.
It wasn’t a question of wanting. It was a question of wanting the wrong things.”
Crowley, Aziraphale, and a series of religious buildings.
No Pain, No…Loss? by NotASpaceAlien (7k)
Summary: Aziraphale has a horrifying realization and decides he needs to lose weight.
This is so goddamn funny. I love Aziraphale with all my heart but he is very foolish sometimes and this fic… is such a good instance of that. 
There’s No Pancake Too Big For My Heavenly Father To Flip by dwarvenbeardspores (6k)
Summary: After a few exceptionally busy months, the forces of Heaven and Hell attempt to outwit each other in Aziraphale’s kitchen.
That is, Aziraphale makes pancakes and Crowley eats them.
I love cooking, and cooking headcanons, and Aziraphale and Crowley cooking for each other. This fic is delicious. 
Read everything by this author, actually, everything they’ve written is wonderful. 
Goodbody by copperbadge (3k)
Summary: Aziraphael’s new body is causing some problems.
Again, I love a good exploration of the relationship between angels and demons and their bodies and this fic is so much fun on that count. 
Only Human by abstractconcept (9k)
Summary: Aziraphale loses his job. Humor/romance A/C
Fics exploring the fallout of Aziraphale and Crowley’s disobedience towards their bosses in trying to avert the apocalypse is definitely A Fic Type in this fandom and this one goes the route of “one of them is fired and turned into a human”. It even takes a humorous angle on this and not the obvious angst route. 
fires of the flesh, both literal and figurative by mercuryhatter (3k)
Summary: Pretty standard “there’s a sex curse and Crowley has to have way too many orgasms or be discorporated” stuff.
Genderfluidity/trans Crowley!! Discussion of feelings!! Fuck or die!! What’s not to love? I really love this fic. 
No Cause for Alarm Clocks by HJ Bender (archived by the GO_Library_archivist) (2k)
Summary: A short story detailing one of Crowley’s infernal household gadgetries, and why he’ll never have sex in front of it ever again.
This is wild and funny and I have read it about thirty times. 
Figurative Language by alamorn (2k)
Summary: It’s two years after the apocalypse that wasn’t and the only thing that’s changed is Aziraphale’s dick. That is to say, he has one now.
A Classic. I have read this probably thirty times, as well. 
Rarefied Air by Vulgarweed (4k)
Summary: Earth is getting older, news is getting worse, and an angel has to go to extreme heights to get any peace and quiet at all. But as close as you can get to Heaven, you’re still never far from Hell. (Hell hasn’t frozen. Crowley nearly has.) Giftfic for Allthisnonsense in 2006 GO Holiday exchange. 
This is another author who has written a lot of really good stuff but this one is my favorite. 
And here is my ao3 as well, I’ve written a lot of GO fic in the last year. Here are some of the ones I’m most proud of. 
Where a Heart Would Fit Perfectly (Teen, 2k)
Summary: Aziraphale shrugged and gestured for Crowley to sit down, “I’ve come back from the battlefield; no need for all that muscle anymore.”
“You’ve gone a bit in the other direction, though, haven’t you?” Crowley said conversationally as he took a seat and flagged someone down for a drink. “You’re a bit… pudgy.”
In 600 BCE Assyria, two man-shaped beings meet up after a long absence.
Nothing Like The Sun (Teen, 6k)
Summary: One tended to go through a number bodies in six thousand years, even if one was as cautious or sturdy as Aziraphale. Crowley, who was neither cautious nor sturdy, had gone through a large number. He’d changed appearance so many times that in Aziraphale’s memory he was often just his eyes, for no matter if Crowley was tall or short, lithe or stocky, blond or raven-haired, his eyes stayed the same.
Touch Me Gently (Explicit, 2k)
Summary: Aziraphale had started manicuring his nails.
Yours, Truly (General, 3k)
Summary: A love in selected letters.
Snapshots (General, 2k)
Summary: Five photographs on the wall of Aziraphale’s shop. An expansion of a headcanon I posted on tumblr.
And that’s about what I got! Happy reading, anon. 
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fleurdeneuf · 7 years ago
Fourth Tumblrversary Fic Rec List
(To view previous tumblrversary lists: First, Second, Third)
In honor of my fourth tumblrversary (!!!), here is my annual fic rec list!  There was so much amazing fic this year (and so many amazing writers!), that this year’s list is the biggest yet.  (But that said, I know there was a lot of fic I didn’t manage to read, so this list is not by any means exhaustive.)  Thank you all for being so wonderful to me, and I hope you find something new to love below.  Here’s to another great year!   I’ve linked to tumblr where possible, to make it easy for people to reblog fic they like if they wish to (because reblogging fic is fun!), but linked to Teaspoon or AO3 if the fic in question wasn’t posted to tumblr, and/or in case of a multi-chapter fic whose subsequent chapters weren’t linked to/easy to find. Fics are posted by category and in no particular order save the order I found them in my fic recs tag. Most fics are Nine/Rose (if you didn’t already know that, then you must not follow me), but there are also appearances by Eight, Tentoo, Twelve, and unspecified!Doctor. As always, please heed ratings and authors’ warnings.
WIPs that Keep Me on the Edge of My Seat: (Note: for the WIPs labeled Adult, not all of them are Adult yet, but if the writer labeled them that way for the future, that’s the rating I went with.)
Lost Journal Pages by @acreasy1 (Nine/Rose)
Roses and Distant Echoes by @deartimekeeper (Nine/Rose, Beauty and the Beast AU) and accompanying moodboard
Northern Morality by Timeproof (Nine/Rose, North & South AU, Adult)
Nature of War by @letters-from-the-tardis (Eight/Rose, Human Nature UA), part of the Engines of War series
What We’re Made Of by @caedmonfaith and @rishidiams (Twelve/Rose, UA, babyfic, Adult)
Faith of the Heart by @rishidiams (Nine/Rose, Star Trek soulmate AU, Adult) and accompanying manip by @rose--nebula
Copperopolis, CA by @whatwecanfic (Nine/Rose, dragon!Nine, AU, Adult)
Renegades & Revolutionaries: Season One: Unexpected Consequences by @deathlyfandoms (Nine/Rose, AU, Adult)
The Curse of the Time Lords by @chiaroscuroverse (Nine/Rose, dragon!Nine)
Multi-Chapter Fics that Kept Me Going:
A Peculiar Unfathomable Combination by @leabharlannkay (Nine/Rose, boss/employee, fake dating AU, Adult)
Beneath the Desk (part 2) and Quiet Times by @hellostarlight20 (Nine/Rose, AU, Adult, BDSM), part of the Pushing Boundaries ‘verse
In the Hall of the Mountain King by @deathlyfandoms (Nine/Rose, fantasy AU)
Smith’s Book Store by @kelkat9 (Nine/Rose, Victorian AU)
Rose and the Mechanic by @badwolfgeek (Nine/Rose, Human Nature UA, Adult-ish) and sequel, Bad Wolf Rises (Nine/Rose, Series Two rewrite, Adult)
Soldier’s Solstice by @hellostarlight20 (Nine/Rose, alien!Rose, AU, Adult) and accompanying manip by @rose--nebula
Of Coveralls and Penguin Suits by @countessselena (Nine/Rose, AU)
Penance and Pain by @paigenotblank (Nine/Rose, Adult, BDSM, dub con warning for shag or die trope) and sequel, The Light of Day (Nine/Rose, Adult, BDSM)
All I Want for Christmas is You (Naked) by @blueboxesandtrafficcones (Nine/Rose, fake fake dating, Adult)
31 Days of Ficmas by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose)
Lots more great stories below the cut!
Perfect One Shots:
Different Species Cuddling by @chiaroscuroverse (Nine/Rose)
There Are No Rules by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Husky Prayers by Etwas_Schlau (Nine/Rose, Adult-ish, AU)
This is Us, I Think by @deathlyfandoms (Nine/Rose, AU)
Lost and Found at Sea by kathryn_hart (Nine/Rose, mermaid AU)
Tying Laces by @tryingthisfangirlthing (Nine/Rose, Adult, corset)
Between a Rock and a Hard Place by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose, Adult, telepathy)
Burning Books by @ciara-jane (Nine/Rose)
Not a Moment Too Soon by @ciara-jane (Nine/Rose)
Lean on Me by @countessselena (Nine/Rose)
Fever Dream by @megabadbunny (Nine/Rose, Adult)
In Dreams She Comes by @lastincurableromantic (Twelve/Rose)
Undone by @perfectlyrose (Nine/Rose, Adult, corset)
Pipeline by @onthedriftinthetardis (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Images on Jericho’s Walls by jer832 and scifiangel (Nine/Rose, It Happened One Night reference) (Note: per the creators’ request, please do not copy or repost the story or manips without their permission.)
Reason Dictates You Must Not Dance by @unnnedited (Nine/Rose)
Last Call by @sequencefairy (Nine/Rose, Noir AU)
Satellites by @his-braveheart (Eight/Rose, UA)
Play for me? by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Better than Tea by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose, Adult) and sequel, Hard to Get (Nine/Rose, Adult)
When Wendy Grew Up by @starsandfairytales (Eight/Rose, Nine/Rose, UA)
After the Rain by @acreasy1 (Nine/Rose, AU), sequel to Happenstance
Untitled by @megabadbunny (Tentoo/Rose, Adult) with accompanying fan art
To Dance Upon a Time by @goingtothetardis (Tentoo/Rose, Adult)
Give and Take by @megabadbunny (Tentoo/Rose, Adult) with accompanying fan art
Death and the Rose by @redthreads (Nine/Rose, AU)
Mine by @countessselena (Nine/Rose, Adult-ish, closet UST)
There with Bells On by @paigenotblank (Nine/Rose, Adult)
His Beloved by @paigenotblank (Twelve/Rose, Adult, corset)
Fanning the Flames by @paigenotblank (Nine/Rose, Adult, Duke of Norfolk roleplay)
A Star, a Star, Dancing in the Night by @asthewheelwills (Nine/Rose, A Christmas Carol reference)
A Blonde Walks into a Bar by @blueboxesandtrafficcones (Twelve/Rose)
Siren’s Call by @paigenotblank (Nine/Rose, Adult, slight dub con warning for aphrodisiac trope, BDSM)
Short and Sweet: (drabbles, askbox fics, prompt fics, and other ficlets)
Love Unspoken by @lillibetm3 (Nine/Rose)
Push by @lillibetm3 (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Prompt fic by @asthewheelwills (Pride and Prejudice: Lizzy/Darcy)
Prompt fic by @asthewheelwills (Nine/Rose, Jack, Woman Wept)
Prompt fic by @perfectlyrose (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Askbox fic for me by @escapadesofanaskboxficfairy (Nine/Rose)
Askbox fic for @dwsmutfest by anon (Doctor/Rose, Adult, telepathy)
Askbox fic for me by @escapadesofanaskboxficfairy (Nine/Rose, Adult-ish)
Her Dragon by @rishidiams (Nine/Rose, dragon!Nine, AU)
Quiet Time by @perfectlyrose (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Askbox fic for @theladyro by @escapadesofanaskboxficfairy (Doctor/Rose)
A Little Push by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose, Jack)
Prompt fic by @kelkat9 (Nine/Rose, Human Nature UA, Adult, road trip)
Askbox fic for me by @escapadesofanaskboxficfairy (Nine/Rose), inspired by this post
Askbox fic for @badwolfxoncomingstorm by @escapadesofanaskboxficfairy (Nine/Rose, AU), inspired by this post
Ice Cream by @goingtothetardis (Doctor/Rose, Adult)
Mouth by @marvelouswhovianfairytales (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Looks Better on You by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose) and accompanying fan art by @megabadbunny
Hands Entwined by @paigenotblank (Nine/Rose, Adult)
No Moving by @goingtothetardis (Nine/Rose, Adult, BDSM)
Thirty Seconds by @chiaroscuroverse (Nine/Rose, Adult, closet)
Hands by @lastbluetardis (Doctor/Rose, Adult)
Askbox fic for @ciara-jane by @escapadesofanaskboxficfairy (Nine/Rose, closet UST)
Untitled by @tryingthisfangirlthing (Nine/Rose, The Aztecs reference)
Askbox fic (part 2) for @chiaroscuroverse by anon (Doctor/Rose, Adult)
Unexpected by @perfectlyrose (Eight/Rose, AU)
Askbox fic for @countessselena by anon (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Baby Blues by @pipertennant (Nine/Rose, Tentoo/Rose, baby fic)
Askbox fic for @badwolfgeek by anon (Nine/Rose, Adult-ish)
Askbox fic for @countessselena by anon (Nine/Rose)
Askbox fic for me by anon (Nine/Rose, Eight/Rose, Adult)
1605 by @lostinfic (Nine/Rose)
Askbox fic for @the-untempered-prism by anon (Nine/Rose)
Askbox fic for @the-untempered-prism by anon (Nine/Rose, Adult, closet) and art mentioned by prism
Prompt fic by @unnnedited (Nine/Rose, Beauty and the Beast AU)
Night by the Bonfire by @lizann5869 (Nine/Rose)
Prompt fic by @professortennant (Nine/Rose, merman AU)
Askbox fic for @the-untempered-prism by anon (Nine/Rose) and accompanying fan art
Prompt fic by @lostinfic (Twelve/Rose, Adult, Professor/Student AU)
Prompt fic by @perfectlyrose (Twelve/Rose, Adult)
Prompt fic by @perfectlyrose (Nine/Rose, Adult)
The First Course by @paigenotblank (Nine/Rose, Adult)
Also, many thanks to the writers who are so generous with their talent and request prompts from readers. All of the fics I’ve prompted can be found here.
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