#to mend a faux pas
gayemeralds · 1 year
silver: yes im from the future so of COURSE i know EVERYTHING obviously
silver: *didn’t know tails was dr miles prower, the genius whose time travel theories silver read one billion times over*
silver: *didn’t realize sonic was the same sonic who could turn super and personally fist fought a bunch of gods…. the same sonic he used to look up to*
silver: *no idea where angel island is*
silver: *no idea he can go super and still has very little understanding of chaos energy*
silver: *no fucking clue that shadow tried to end the world upon his release*
silver: im basically a kick ass historian, yes
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themetalvirus · 1 year
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gayemeralds i love you platonically
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psychictimestone · 2 months
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If you were able would you go change the past To mend a faux pas with one last chance? ⏳🔙
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hermitscratch · 4 months
or 2 with rendoc please? :)
Send me a pairing + a number! || Accepting
2. An accidental kiss, Ren/Doc, 953 words
Contrary to popular belief, Doc enjoyed slow mornings.
He was an early riser, when his ambitions were lax enough to allow him a full night's sleep, or his friends insistent enough to demand it of him. Something about seeing the sun crest the horizon and paint the sky in gloriously bright color always lit a fire under him, reminded him that there was a new day at his disposal and urged him to make the best of it. He could grind for hours on that motivation alone.
But, that didn't mean Doc didn't know how to appreciate downtime. There was a contentedness that came with everything being in its place, his builds ahead of schedule and his workspaces organized in a way he understood, even if nobody else did. In the distance, Doc could hear the sparking redstone and firing pistons of various contraptions, a cadence so familiar that he could tell they were working properly by sound alone.
The eggs were fresh from Doc's chicken farm. The steak had sat in an herb bath overnight. The coffee was ground from Doc's latest attempts to crossbreed a sweeter bean. The berry juice was pressed and chilled that morning. Ren was running downstairs in a rush-
Doc looked up as Ren flitted and fretted around their shared space, disheveled from sleep. "I am so late, dude," Ren said in way of greeting, apology, and explanation, all in one.
"I can see that," Doc said, putting down his coffee mug, "What's the hurry?"
Ren disappeared back upstairs. Into the bathroom, were Doc to guess, the door left ajar for the sound of running water and brushing teeth to travel. "Hah a meeing wih Hreah an' Hrea," Ren tried.
Doc's organic side softened. "Try again," He said, standing from the table. If he'd known Ren had somewhere to be, Doc might not have made him a plate. He'd've at least woken him up to eat it sooner, but no point letting it go to waste now.
There was the sound of swishing, spitting, and a much clearer voice repeated, "A meeting with Stress and Cleo!" Doc heard rummaging from the direction of Ren's room as he worked to slice the steak and scramble the eggs, "Where's my-?"
"Your elytra is hanging in the front hall," Doc interrupted, "Where I left it when I last mended it for you."
"Oh," The delight in Ren's tone seemed out of place, and Doc huffed, shaking his head fondly as the rummaging kicked up again, "I was gonna say my shades, actually, but good to know about that, too!"
"Have you checked your head." It wasn't a question, and there wasn't an answer, just a telling silence that made Doc wheeze with laughter.
When Ren came back downstairs a bit later, he was out of his pajamas, teeth, hair, and tail all brushed. "We're just gonna ignore that little faux pas I did there, alright? Alright," Ren insisted casually, walking past the kitchen to grab his elytra and strap it on.
Doc met Ren in the hall. "You can ignore it," Doc pointed out as he offered him an insulated bundle. The steak and eggs were sliced thin and mixed together, and he'd poured the berry juice into a capped bottle. Ren might have appreciated the coffee, but it wasn't yet decaffeinated enough to be dog hybrid-safe. "I'll be thinking about it for the next hour."
Ren snickered, accepting the bundle with one hand and pulling the front door open with the other. "Yeah, uh, this morning's been a struggle," He stood on his tip toes to press his lips to Doc's, and then he's out the door, calling a "Catch you later, baby!" as he flew off.
Doc watched him go. He shut the door behind Ren, and returned to his place on the couch. His coffee had cooled. Doc took a sip anyway, and didn't even register the tingling of his lips.
"DOC!" Doc coughed in surprise as Ren careened back through the front door. His elytra would need to be mended again, but that was less of a concern than the wide-eyed expression on Ren's face.
Doc hardly had a moment to set his mug down before Ren was trapping him on the couch, a hand holding his weight on either side of the headrest. "What is happening, man?" He asked skeptically.
"Doc, what did I just do?" Ren asked him with an urgency that made Doc's eyes narrow thoughtfully.
"Ruined your elytra, again, and maybe the door?" Doc spared it a glance. Definitely broken, or at least knocked off one of its hinges, hanging askew in the doorway by little more than a prayer.
Ren shook his head, "No no, before that! I left with the bundle you gave me, what did I do right before that?"
Doc thought back. Ren had been rushing to leave. He'd brushed his teeth, gotten dressed, and found his shades. He'd been putting on his elytra when Doc stopped him for the bundle, and then-
Oh. Ren had kissed him.
"You should call Stress and Cleo," Doc said, half-dazed. It had happened so quickly that Doc hadn't even processed the action until now.
Ren raised a brow, "Why's that?"
Doc hooked his arm around Ren's neck and pulled until Ren fell forward, body against him properly, and returned the favor. It was more than the quick press of lips Ren had spared him at the door, but if the wagging of Ren's tail and the feel of his rapid heartbeat was any indication, there weren't any complaints.
They were both breathless when they broke apart, and Doc touched his forehead to Ren's. "You aren't going to make that meeting."
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
Hi! I love Tim and I love all your itty bitty Tim stories. Thank you for all these really cool ideas you have.
I love the idea of Tim having litters of babies with Bruce. The Batboys are already very distant from their dad because of Bruce's parenting faux pas and absolutely disgusted with Bruce having it on with the neighbour's kid, and having actual babies with him. But the kids are so cute and they slowly start to visit the Manor more often. They watch tiny Tim taking care of the babies and they kind of wish that Tim had been there to take care of them the same way. They slowly mend their relationship with Bruce.Then, they see Tim breastfeeding his kids and they fall in awww with him. Then they see Bruce also breastfeeding from Tim too and think, wait a minute, could we do that??? And they do. And that leads to more litters and other things.
thank you so much!!!! i'm so happy that others enjoy them as well and i'm so happy that so many people send me asks with their incredible thoughts and prompts!!! i hope they continue to do so!!!
tim having lots of little babies with bruce is one of my all time favorites 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i especially love omega and hybrid tim having lots of cute little litters!!!! in a civilian au where tim never became a bat and joined the family there would be a lot of consequences- most notably that the family wouldn't be as close because much of the driving force behind the reconciliation between bruce, dick, barbara as well as bruce opening up to work with others was because of tim. in a world where tim doesn't come into bruce's life until he's already estranged from his other kids well then that opens up the very unique situation where bruce is incredibly lonely and deprived of affection but not able to recognize it.
hybrids are naturally incredibly affectionate, even to complete strangers they'll run up to them and hug and kiss them as well as rub against them in hopes of praise or perhaps even candy if they're young. so when bruce finds himself gaining the affection of a curious little hybrid chasing butterflies in the garden and finds out they're the sweet neighbor boy who moved next door with his wheelchair-bound father, he grows addicted to it.
tim is all lithe and small and fits perfectly in bruce's arms, he loves standing on his tip toes to kiss at bruce's cheeks and he likes holding bruce's hand and flopping it on his head for bruce to stroke between his ears. tim is innocent and sweet and freely gives bruce the attention and affection he hadn't realized he was desperate for. bruce, as an adult, is used to different forms of affection aside from cuddling or kissing and the build up of having tim there is just too much to ignore.
of course it ends with him getting tim pregnant. his little baby womb swells up with a litter.
bruce's children are estranged but they still visit him occasionally and they find out bruce has been getting it on with the little neighbor boy. they figure it out quickly when they see that tim's little tummy is curved with a sweet bump that can only mean he's expecting a litter and bruce is the only man aside from tim's dad for miles...
they don't take it well. of course they don't. dick is disgusted, jason is furious once he learns tim's age, and damian is deeply unhappy because one of damian's most recent charity endeavors were for the exploitation of hybrids.
they think the worst of bruce, of course they do because bruce has never given them rhyme or reason to think otherwise.
they distance themselves even more from bruce if possible.
tim gives birth to his litter in the laundry room of the manor and bruce marvels over the tiny babes. he knows that hybrids are born tinier than normal but they they'll progress to the toddler stage in a matter of months before reaching the same rate as normal human development.
jack drake can barely care for tim let alone an entire litter of grandbabies, not when he's still progressing in his healing. so jack drake gives them his blessing and bruce, without much ceremony or formality, marries his little hybrid that has become the mother of his children.
the first time his other kids see bruce's children is in a magazine spread that bruce did as a result of public interest of his marriage.
the visits start slow and hesitant. its very clear initially that the visits are only to see how tim and all the babies are doing but bruce sees as their concern shifts to curiosity to interest. tim is a natural mother and is always carrying around, playing, or nursing one of his and bruce's little babies.
initially tense or hostile conversations turn quieter and more tolerant when the babies cry at the harsh tones bruce's sons use when speaking to him. eventually that forced calmness turns real because its easy for them to forget how much they hate and disapprove of bruce while they're playing with several cute little babies.
eventually all of them are able to be in a room with any hard feelings and bruce notices as his son's eyes linger on tim's puffy little mama tits when he unclips the front of his nursing bra to free a tit for a hungry little baby that hastily latches on and begins desperately drinking down milk like they think their mama's milk will be stolen from them.
which it won't because bruce is always careful not to steal too much food out of his babie's mouthes. but sometimes tim just has his tits out, changing out babies every few minutes so they each get their fill and the first time it had happened bruce had gotten...curious.
now he just takes a few sips once tim is done feeding their baby. tim's small hand will curl around the back of bruce's neck, fingers playing with little bits of hair and murmuring encouragement as bruce lets out a satisfied sigh and gently suckles milk out of tim's tit like he's one of tim's babies.
bruce can see the barely restrained interest in his son's faces when they see tim disrobe and reveal a pair of plush milky tits. bruce hears their breath hitch when bruce descends down on them once his children have had their fill.
he knows that they ache for connection just like he did and he knows that they've been drawn in by tim's image as a mother to many sweet babies. bruce knows its hard to resist. afterall the heart wants what it wants.
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inorganicone2230 · 2 years
This Waking Nightmare (Part 1) Yandere!Morpheus x Fem!Reader
Part 2
Summary: Even before his capture, Dream of The Endless had always longed for a loving partner to share his eternity with, and when he finds that an unexpected turn of events may be the first step towards gaining what it is he has been yearning for for so very long, he’ll do anything to make it a reality.
So when Alex Burgess unexpectedly flees after the death of his father, leaving Fawney Rig to crumble into disrepair, Dream had no idea that his salvation would come, not in the form of any of his siblings, nor by any feat of cunning on his part, but simply by the unprecedented arrival of a single mortal girl who would go on to forever reshape and change the very fabric of the Dreamlord’s endless existence.
Warnings: There are no warnings for now, these first few chapters will be fairly tame.
Neil Gaiman is a master storyteller and I own nothing related to The Sandman in any of its forms and/or adaptations.
As soon as you heard the word ‘initiation’, you knew you should have noped right the fuck out of the situation and said screw the consequences.
When you arrived in England to attend school at the University of Sussex, you had, due to some minor paperwork issues regarding your student visa and passport, unintentionally arrived a few weeks later than planned, and thus, had also missed the chaos of those initial first weeks. It was a tad bit embarrassing to arrive so late, and many of the people in your classes took notice of your unexpected arrival and obviously had questions, but you figured that the slight faux pas would mend itself in time as you grew more accustomed to your new surroundings and the cultural differences of the country. It was hard being so far away from your friends and family, but it was no less exciting.
That’s why you had initially been so thrilled when the group you were-… had been with, had approached you in the cafeteria last week and invited you to eat and study with them. You recognized a few of them from some of your classes and hadn’t given it a second thought. They had seemed nice enough, and when they once again invited you to hang out, this time to go and do something fun, you immediately agreed.
It had been fun at first; going out and experiencing the local nightlife and bar scene in a new country with people who you thought were going to be new friends.
Things had started to turn sour when one of the girls, a tall and immaculately beautiful brunette by the name of Gabby, had suggested that you all should go and explore the ‘famed’,  Fawney Rig; a supposedly haunted mansion that was once the home of a cult known as the Order of the Ancient Mysteries, back during WW2.
The idea wasn’t all that appealing in your opinion, not because you lacked any sense of adventure, but because if the authorities were to get involved for some reason or another, you could potentially lose your full ride scholarship and be sent home. But, the last thing you wanted was to be seen as a boring old stick in the mud, so you had feigned excitement and agreed to tag along.
During the half hour drive, Gabby had enthusiastically given you a quick rundown on the supposed ‘legend’ surrounding the manor’s history. You pretended to act interested, but had only managed to retain a few slivers of the heavily embellished information. Something about a man named Roderick Burgess who founded a dark magic cult and who was rumored to have the Devil trapped in his basement. He eventually died of old age and his son disbanded the Order and left, leaving the once beautiful home to fall into disrepair and the rumors to spread that spoke of it being haunted by ghosts and demons.
“There’s nothing in the basement though.” The driver of the van, Kalvin, said in a cryptic tone. “People have been looking down in that place for decades, but no one’s ever found anything remotely interesting. Most of the occult stuff was either sold during the early estate sales, or picked off by looters and the like over the years.” He continued on. “We’ve been there before and the place is full of more dust and cobwebs than anything else these days.”
You were just about to make a comment when one of the others loudly shouted out that you had arrived at the destination, and you looked out the window at the dark and foreboding structure that seemed to rise up over the ground like a monster borne from hell itself. You weren’t all that surprised to find that it fit the bill perfectly for almost every trope filled gothic horror movie mansion in literary and cinematic history. All it needed to complete the ambiance was a flash of ominous lightning and a dangling window shutter blowing in the howling wind to set the stage. And since neither of those things took place, you didn’t feel all that hesitant about entering.
Until Gabby spoke again and you felt a tightening in your gut that told you this night likely wasn’t going to end well for you.
“I have an idea.” She said excitedly, and turned her ‘not so friendly any longer’ gaze on you. “How about we let (Y/N) explore by herself for the first few minutes, then we follow in afterwards.”
“And why exactly would I do that?” You asked, making sure to keep your voice as flat and even toned as possible, despite how nervous you were feeling. Girls like Gabby could smell fear and skittishness like sharks with blood in the ocean, and the last thing you wanted was to give her what she probably wanted.
“Because it would be fun. Just think of it as a kind of initiation to join our little circle.” She said, sounding just a tad too defensive to be convincing. Whether that was because you weren’t giving her the nervous scaredy-cat reaction she was likely hoping for, or because of something else, you didn’t know, either way, she obviously didn’t like being questioned.
“It almost sounds like you don’t trust us.” She went on, faking a sad attempt at a pout.
“Maybe because I’ve seen one too many bad horror movies and I know that this sort of thing is as cliché a set up for one as you can possibly get.” You shot back, actually getting bored with conversation now that you could see her feathers were starting to get ruffled. “Let me guess; you expected me to go in there, scared out of my wits because of your little ghost story, then you slam the door and lock me in until I’m screaming and crying and begging to be let out while you all have a good laugh at my expense.” You shoved your hands into the deep pockets of your coat and gave them all a bright but condescending smile. “Am I on track, or do I need to keep going?”
They all stared at you with fidgety expressions and you knew right then that this had likely been their plan from the beginning, and you felt your heart sink a bit at the loss of what you had originally hoped would be the start of a decant friendship with some of them. You did feel a slight modicum of satisfaction though when you noticed that Gabby in particular looked very put off over her plan being foiled by your reliance on nothing more than pure common sense.
“Hay now…” Kalvin spoke up, raising his hands up in the universal gesture of ‘calm down, we’re all friends here’. “It’s not like we were planning on hurting you or anything, it was just going to be a joke.”
“Doesn’t sound like a very funny joke to me, asshole.”
“Maybe if you weren’t such a buzzkill it could have been.” You heard Gabby mumble under her breath, making her sound more and more like a petulant child.
You let out a humorless laugh. “Oh yes, it’s such a crying shame that I won’t allow myself to be humiliated and harassed by you all.” You sent them all another smile, this one full of teeth, and set your eyes on the obvious ringleader. “Gabby, I’m gonna guess that this bright idea was yours, right? That must explain why its attempted execution was so sad and pathetic.”
The indignant screech she let out next sounded like something a severely wounded animal would make and you knew that if looks could kill, you’d be dead ten times over by now, but you refused to let them and this harmless little attempt at cruelty get the better of you.
“Now don’t go getting your panties in a twist.” You said, rolling your eyes at her childish behavior and turned back to the others who were all staring at you with wide eyes and gaping mouths. “I’ll still go in there by myself if it’ll make the whining little princess over there end her bitch-fit, just don’t expect to get the reaction you were hoping for.”
Okay… in hindsight, maybe common sense wasn’t your strong suit after all…
Not only did you quite willingly walk right into the situation you now found yourself in, but you also didn’t do yourself any favors by antagonizing the already agitated bitch queen. But you’d already made your decision, and you sure as hell weren’t about to back down now and look like a fool. So with squared shoulders, you quickly made your way over to one of the others who held a flashlight and snatched it from his slackened grip.
“Hay! You can’t-” Gabby started, but you cut her off.
“I’m not stepping one foot inside that place with just my phone's flashlight, and if you try and take it from me, I’m gonna shove it so far up your bony little ass that your stomachs gonna glow from the inside out.” You threatened her, and you must have come across as pretty damn intimidating, because her already pale skin grew a few shades lighter in the flashlights glow and she immediately took a step back.
You typically tried to be a nice person, but with a good amount of tequila running through your system and a chip on your shoulder because of this whole situation, you were done playing around. Growing up in a rather rough neighborhood back home had taught you early on that push-back was one of the best ways to get a bully to back down, and Gabby was stereotypical bully 101.
“Well?” You said, looking at two of the guys expectantly. “You gonna lift that plank away from the door for me or not? I’d like to get home to my bed sooner rather than later.”
Oddly enough, they immediately rushed to do as you said, probably still too stunned by the situation going further off the rails then what they had been expecting. It was obvious that none of them had anticipated your reaction to their little prank and you were able to use that to your advantage a bit.
Once the huge double doors were opened, you made your way inside, but not without getting one last dig in on Gabby, because as you made to walk past her, you flashed her a saucy wink and then proceeded to spit in her general direction. You took great satisfaction when the wad of saliva landed directly on the tip of one of her pretty shoes and she screamed in outrage, shouting profanities and curses at you all the while..
You stepped inside, and despite its decrepit interior and the mediocre illumination of your flashlight showing you glimpses of the ripped up wallpaper and graffiti streaked across every surface, it was clear that the place was still an impressive sight to behold. You could only imagine how beautiful it must have been in its hay-day, when it would have been filled with furniture and everything would have been clean and polished, all nice and pretty.
You only slightly flinched when the door was intentionally slammed shut behind you and you really weren’t all that surprised to hear the muffled sounds of your one-time-only friends rushing back to the vehicle and driving away. They probably thought that leaving you alone in such a frightening place would terrify you and be a good punishment for spoiling their fun. Too bad for them, you weren’t so easily frightened by rumors and urban legends of ghosts and the things that go bump in the night. 
Letting out a heavy sigh, you leaned back against the door and pulled out your phone. You had absolutely no service out here, but you at least had a full battery. You remembered that you’d had service up until the turn-off that led down to the mansion, and it would probably take an hour or so for you to walk back up to the main road and call for a ride.
You knew you should walk out and start making your way back, it was already so late after all, but a part of you was now curious to explore the dilapidated structure of Fawney Rig and get a look at its mysterious basement. It was probably a bad idea, and even with the flashlight helping to guide your way, there were a number of things that could go wrong; you could slip and badly hurt yourself, you could step on a rusty nail or something and get tetanus, hell, there could even be a crazed axe murderer lurking around the place just waiting for you to be their next victim.
That one was honestly more plausible than a ghost or demon jumping out to scare you.
The morbid thought somehow left you feeling strangely relaxed and you couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled up out of your throat. The lack of fear or caution was likely helped by the alcohol still buzzing about inside of you, but you also knew that this was nothing new for you. All your life, you’d never been the type of person who was easily scared. As a little girl, you had the normal and irrational fear that any child has at those ages, but once you were old enough to know better, to know that there wasn’t anything lurking in the dark or a monster hiding in your closet and under your bed, you quickly outgrew those phases.
In your experience, real people were far more frightening than superstitions and make-believe stories.
And with that disturbingly comforting thought, you set off to explore a bit. Perhaps you’d even be lucky enough to find something to drop at Gabby’s feet the next time you saw her and her little group of assholes, you thought with a wicked smile. A big ass spider to drop into her lap would be both hilarious and satisfying, but then she wouldn’t know if it had truly come from the mansion or not. Maybe a candelabra, or even some other small trinket, if there were any to be found in this bare-bones place.
You would just have to keep your eyes peeled for anything of interest.
How long had it been since he’d been left alone down here in the darkness?
Too long, he thought to himself, with no outside light or living thing coming and going, there was no true passage of time, just the same nothingness moment after moment.
He could sometimes hear the scurrying of mice and rats as they moved about the chamber, and he would even occasionally catch the muffled sounds of the people who would break into the abandoned mansion above, but not much more than that.
When Alex Burgess fled Fawney Rig after the long awaited death of his father, he’d had his prison moved into a secret chamber below the basement, and the entrapment circle reapplied with something, he wasn’t entirely sure what, that wouldn’t be so easily shifted as sand or washed away like ordinary paint. When last he saw the boy, he’d actually had the nerve to apologize to him and try to justify his actions and reasons for doing what he was doing in continuing to keep him held prisoner. Before his father’s death, he did not hold the boy accountable for anything except the death of poor Jessamy, and even that was more his father’s doing than his own, but that all changed the moment Roderick Burgess met his end and he still refused to free him.
After that, the mortal had every right to fear him all the more.
He was likely dead by this point anyway, and Morpheus silently lamented that he would never be able to exact his vengeance, should he ever find himself fortunate enough to be freed from this horrid cage.
If he were anything less than endless, he probably would have been driven to insanity after being confined in the dark for so long, but unfortunately, time did not move any faster for a being such as him, it was merely the way he and his siblings processed those oh so long stretches of time that differentiated them from other beings, both mortal and immortal. Most creatures were simply not equipped to withstand centuries and eons of time and life, and he had seen time and time again how badly it could affect those lesser creatures.
Oh, they certainly viewed immortality as a blessing for a few hundred years or so, but it usually always went one of two ways for those who became cursed with it; they either went mad after a while and ended up begging for death after realizing that an eternity of life was not at all what they had been expecting, or they grew cold and apathetic to everything around them.
Well, not all of them anyway, he thought with a bittersweet smile, there was still one he knew for certain would never lose his lust for life and the joys and misfortunes to be found in it.
Hob Gadling…
He often thought of the immortal human during the last century, or however long it had been, and he regretted how their last meeting had gone. The man was right to have said he met with him every century, not to test his theory, but because he was lonely and wanted some kind of companionship, though he wasn’t sure he’d ever be willing to admit that out loud to anyone but himself.
Even as the King of Dreams, with all the power he had at his fingertips and the wonders that dwelled within his realm, he could speak from personal experience and admit that after so long, apathy was an emotion he knew all too well. Life, even an endless one of magic and otherworldly wonders, lost its luster after so long. He had long been on that path before his capture, but now? Now he would give anything to see something of beauty and life, familiar or unfamiliar, it didn’t matter, anything would be better than this blasted darkness.
He would even be willing to set aside past grudges and see Desire at this point, that is how desperate he was for any kind of relief from this solitude.
Sometime later, it was the muffled sound of a door slamming and the creaking of floorboards that drew his attention away from his morose thoughts.
Someone must be up there, moving about the manor, he thought to himself. Strange though that it only sounds like one individual, normally it was always a group.
In the silent darkness, Morpheus sat as still as he could, soaking in the sounds created by that of another living being. He knew it wouldn’t do anything to change his situation, but he would take whatever small reprieves he could get at this point.
His curiosity peaked however, when he heard the soft footfalls getting closer and closer to the upper door that led down into the basement.
Over the years, he had more or less pieced together the rumor about the Devil supposedly being locked in the mansion’s basement from the bits of conversation he’d managed to hear throughout the decades. It took no effort at all on his part to deduce that the ‘Devil’ the rumor spoke of was none other than himself, and he couldn’t help but imagine that Lucifer Morningstar would take much amusement in hearing such a ridiculous thing. It was one of the few things that brought him even a modicum of respite from his loneliness.
As the steps drew closer, he really did try not to, but somehow he always managed to get his hopes up in these rare moments. Every time someone entered the basement, he found himself near praying that they would somehow find him and set him free at long last.
It was wishful thinking that did him no favors, but considering his situation, there was little else he could do.
But what Morpheus could have never predicted, what even his elder brother, Destiny, had never seen coming, was the unexpected appearance of a single mortal girl who would go on to forever reshape and change the very fabric of the Dreamlord’s endless existence.
I hope you all enjoyed this opening chapter to my newest fic! This is an entirely new fandom for me, so please, let me know what you think of it!
Please forgive any minor potholes or inconsistencies, I tried my best to make the detail changes make sense for the story I wanted to tell while still keeping in line with the original source material. This is mostly based off of the Netflix series, but there are some details about the comics and audio books thrown in for flavor.
And as always, I want to give a very BIG thank you to my amazing friend @talpup for all the brainstorming and encouragement on these stories! I’m  sure I would have given up on this blog a while ago if it wasn’t for  all of   their help. I highly encourage anyone who takes the time to  read this to go over to their page or their AO3 account under the same  name and check out their works, especially Chaos and Lost Song. They  are two of my favorite BNHA fics of ALL TIME! And who has also started  their own Yandere!Overhaul fic called Crossroads and is set in a  1920′s prohibition style era, it’s amazing and you really need to check  it out!  
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voolfman · 4 months
Bring Out the Dead Man
Sctir fanfic multi-chapter fic posted on ao3 by voolfman
Chapter 4
Anxiously, Yoojin drummed his fingers in a tight and fast tattoo against the top of his knee as he waited for the eternity to end and for the doctor to come back so that Yoojin could check up on that Myeongwoo and make sure someone else had not in fact bled out in front of him and well on him in the span of less than a week-
“Mr. Han,” and wow, Yoojin had not even noticed the doctor entering the room. Maybe he had used more mana than he had intended. “You have a clean bill of health,” the aging doctor monotoned, fixing his rimless bifocals, “There’s no no need to make another appointment unless something else comes up. Thank you and have a pleasant rest of your day.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Yoojin called to the quickly retreating man, grabbing his crutches and meeting Sunghan right outside the doorway. “Shall we go check on our fallen rockstar?”
Sunghan quirked his eyebrow up at Yoojin. “He’s two floors up in room 649. He’d lost a lot of blood and was pretty dehydrated, but they expect him to make a full recovery.” He pressed the elevator button and Yoojin let out a pent up breath as they were lifted to the injured man’s floor.
As they stopped in front of Myeongwoo’s door, Yoojin hesitated as he internally debated the wisdom of what he was about to do, but he clenched his fist, his nails threatening to bite into his skin, and knocked on the door.
For what felt like five years, but could have only been five seconds, Yoojin’s stomach roiled anxiously before a thin, reedy voice called out, “Come in.”
Yoojin gently slid the door open, “Hello! Glad to hear you’re going to be on the mend…Myeongwoo?”
The hunter, who was now sitting up somewhat in the bed in the brightly lit hospital room, raised his eyebrows almost up to his hairline as his fingers gripped the sheet. “Yes? Do I know you?”
“Ah, personally? I doubt it,” Yoojin chuckled quietly and somewhat derisively, “But I did happen to catch you before you tried to kiss the pavement?”
Myeongwoo’s eyes grew to the size of saucers, and, when not hidden by the stringy carpet of hair, Yoojin thought that he had nice eyes. Kind eyes. “You..helped me?”
“Well-” Yoojin scratched the back of his neck, trying to hide the slight redness that was creeping up it - “Mr. Kim here did most of the heavy lifting, really, I just became a cushion…”
“Thank you!”
“Whoa! You don’t need to bow-”
“Thank you-”sniff- “really!”
Panicking slightly, Yoojin scrambled up to the crying man’s bedside, “Hey! Uhh hey-hey, it! It’s okay! Don’t cry! You’ll open your stitches! I’ll uhh I’ll be back tomorrow…”
That got the watery mess to calm down. Wiping his tears and blowing his nose into the handkerchiefs Yoojin was handing him, he finally choked out a response. “Really?”
Internally heaving a massive sigh of relief at the fact that Myeongwoo was no longer sobbing his eyes out over an act of general, human decency, Yoojin grabbed his crutches and ruffled the man’s hair before it occurred to him that Myeongwoo was probably the same age as him (old habits die hard) and did his best to act casual despite his faux pas. “Yeah, really. Rest up, eat well, and we can talk tomorrow. It was nice to meet you, Myeongwoo.”
A starstruck gaze stared up at Yoojin similar to the likes of a kid doing his best to stay up in the hopes of meeting Santa Claus. “It was nice to meet you, too…?”
“Yoojin,” dripped hesitantly off of his tongue.
“...Yoojin,” Myeongwoo mumbled as his eyes drooped and he fell asleep.
Turning to Sunghan, Yoojin put his finger to his lips in a shushing motion and silently hustled the two of them out to the hallway.
“Phew,” Yoojin leaned against the wall, “Sorry, I hope you don’t mind if we come back tomorrow? I mean, I’m sure he’ll be alright, but…”
In the silence that followed, Yoojin was sure that Sunghan was thinking of a way to bring down the hammer of Yoohyun’s absolute rule. Honestly, if this kept up, Yoojin loved the kid, but there really was a limit - "I… would like to apologize.” It was a low rumble, a quiet admission, a gut punch that stole the breath from Yoojin as his weight was kept hold by the wall and his crutches. “I may have misjudged you.”
"...nah, I acted outta line at some points.” Wild how your whole perspective can do a 180° once you find out that your only remaining family member didn't immediately abandon you as soon as they possibly could. "Thanks for looking out for Yoohyun, though. He's always been a quiet kid, so appreciate your taking care of him."
An ever so slight smirk snuck onto Sunghan’s face as the two started to pick their way back to the car, “I only picked up where you left off. I can see where the Guildmaster picked up some of his more… unique quirks.”
“Yoohyun was a perfect child! What are you inferring?” Yoojin smashed the elevator button grumpily. Yoohyun was just a little emotionally stunted, that was all.
Instead of answering, Sunghan only chuckled and stated that Yoohyun was a very good Guildmaser and that he was incredibly lucky to be a part of the Hayeon Guild. Which was an obvious sentiment because of course Yoohyun was running Hayeon well, he was Yoojin’s perfect little brother who was standing in the kitchen cooking when they arrived back at the apartment.
“Why’re you here?” Yoojin gasped and raced across the apartment as fast as his crutches could carry him. The kid had at least five more days until he was supposed to have finished the dungeon.
Yoohyun turned away from whatever he was frying in the pan to speak to his brother.“I live here-” the spatula dropped from his hand and splattered sauce all around the stovetop. “Hyung! You’re covered in blood! Mr. Kim-!”
“It’s fine. It’s not mine.” Yoojin brushed away his concerns to pull Yoohyun close and examine him, pulling back his sweater’s sleeves and reaching up to tilt his brother’s face this way and that. “Not the point. Did you rest at all in that dungeon? It looks like you’ve got quite a pair of eyebags-” Yoojin bit his bottom lip, “You should’ve been in there for at least a week longer!”
“It wasn’t a difficult dungeon.” Yoohyun squinted in mild annoyance at Yoojin brushing off his own concern only to absolutely baby Yoohyun. Hypocrite.
“It wasn’t- It was S- rank!”
“An easy S-rank.” Yoojin called bullshit on that lame excuse.
“...an easy-!” No, Yoojin was going to step back. Yoohyun was 25 now. He was 25 and alive and Yoojin was still going to worry, wasn’t he? “ Anyway, while you are resting up, Yoohyun-” and you are going to rest was unspoken “- I’m gonna have to head out tomorrow.”
“No.” And that’s final, was left unspoken for him.
“Yoohyun,” Yoojin shook his head, it wasn’t like he was requesting to go into a dungeon, “I’m going to visit a friend I saw in the hospital.”
The disbelief was abhorrently evident on Yoohyun’s generally impassive face. “You … have a friend in the hospital?”
The silence following the question could have been compared to the vast, unknowable solitude of of the universe, only broken by the gentle and playful sizzle made by the oil in the pan. “You know what? That’s so rude. I have friends.”
“...” Yoohyun seemed to think that silence was the better part of valor in this scenario and pushed around the pork belly so as not to let it burn.
Refusing to back down, Yoojin turned to the man who had been accompanying him all day and to all of his past trips to the hospital for the past couple of weeks. “Mr. Kim, back me up.”
Sunghan, however, would never lie to his Guildmaster. “You met today.”
“And I saved his life, hence the blood,” Yoojin gestured to his ruined clothes, “ his blood. We’re friends.”
Yoohyun shot his Second in Command a concerned look before turning all of his worry towards his brother.“Hyung…”
“Mr. Kim will be with me, and Myeongwoo’s an F- rank, so it’s fine.”
“Fine.” Yoohyun could tell that Yoojin would not back down with this. He’d let him go, just this once, though. “Just be careful and be back before dark.”
Oh, how the tables turned, or at least that’s what Yoohyun thought. Really, was he that naive? Yoojin was 30. He was an adult. “Are you giving me, your older brother who raised you, a curfew?”
“I made lunch, Hyung-” the adorable little bastard had plated the food and it looked divine, holding it out to Yoojin.
“Your attempt at changing the subject is successful for the sole reason that I don’t want to fight, but I am going to the hospital tomorrow. You have work to do anyway. And for pity’s sake, make sure those under your care are alright after going through an S-rank dungeon at such a reckless speed.”
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mirroredranger · 8 months
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Playlist meme: Post 5 songs for the character
Spectrum - Florence and the Machine Say my name As every color illuminates We are shining And we'll never be afraid again
who.am.i? - Bentley Jones, May J, Curtis Young Don't understand why falling should be indescribably hard You make the leap and tumble wearing proudly all your scars I want to be with you why is that you only see The side of me I cannot touch the oh so unfamiliar me?
Dreams of An Absolution - Bentley Jones In the nightlight do you still feel your pain For the valor you wait and it never came If you were able would you go change the past To mend a faux pas with one last chance?
Rain - Studio Yukari translation Where's the eye of this storm? When will all the rain stop? I've been cold, lost in all the darkness for so long. Tell me why, did it choose me? And now there's nowhere to run. I'll let it take me, and lose myself in this rain!
Cube Land - Laura Shigihara I am no one, I have no place, no one relates And there is no sun as the night covers this place But I beg you please please don't let this life go to waste
Stolen from @blastburned
Tagging: You
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hqmillioncorn · 2 years
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FFxivWrite: Day seven.......Pawn
‘If you were able, would you go change the past. Mend a faux pas with one last chance’?
on the even of leaving to find emet-selch and kick his butt to rescue g’raha tia , babycorn and her big little brother have a conversation about the past   and also get funny little nicknames
Babycorn watched as the older Cherrypit closed the curtains to their inn room. He stood there for quite a while, completely still until he let out a heavy sigh. Babycorn noticed that his hands were holding onto the curtain sheets in a tight grip, as if letting go meant he would suddenly fall down a deep and dark cliff.
But she would never let that happen. She would catch him before he passed the first ilms.
“How are you feeling?”
The buzzing of the light inside her almost drowned Cherrypit out. “Uh…Fine! I feel fine!” Babycorn answered. She didn’t realize it but it had taken her almost a minute to answer. The truth was she was far from fine. Her mind was still busy trying to process everything she and Cherry had found out inside the Crystal Tower.
Though it did explain why there was an older version of her baby brother running around.
The umbilicus had provided the answer to almost everything, courtesy of a vision from the echo. Babycorn and both Cherrypits had seen everything and to Babycorn’s surprise the older Cherrypit looked as if he just had the wind knocked out of him. Wouldn’t he already know about this? She wondered.
Babycorn felt the older Cherrypit sit down next to her on the bed. “You don’t look fine…” that particular comment was muttered under his breath.
Both siblings remained silent as Babycorn watched her baby brother playing with his older counterparts’ dolls. They were twirling and spinning together, all of them looked like they were having a good time despite the circumstances.
Cherrypit had been heartbroken that their surprise trip to the First meant that he wasn’t able to bring many of his friends with him. The very best he could do was try and have Feo Ul check up on them but because dolls don’t really dream all that often the task of making sure his friends weren’t lonely fell onto Centella and Monita.
‘Grwwowoollll Hey! Stop looking at me funny!!! BARK BARK BARK GRRFFF’
‘Hey!! Get that out of your mouth!!! Babycorn is going to kill us if she finds out you’re doing that!! If the dolls don’t kill us first!!’
Cherrypit was sure they were doing just fine.
“Hey, Cherry…?”
Both the older and perpetually young Cherrypit moved their heads to look at her.
For a brief second the younger of the two shot a stare at the older that could only be described as, jealous.
“Oh, that’s right you’re both Cherry…” There had to be some way around this. If they were going to confront Emet-Selch and save G’raha tia they couldn’t afford to spend valuable seconds second-guessing what Cherrypit someone meant when they simply just called out his name.
“You both need nicknames. So we don’t get you two confused…” Babycorn smiled from ear to ear, “Doesn’t that sound cute?”
The older Cherrypit crossed his arms, turning away to avoid looking at his sister’s eyes. “I think confusing the two of us is the least of our problems right now.”
Babycorn rested her head on her hand and closed her eyes. “Hmm…What’s another cute nickname I can call you?” She tried to ignore the fact that she could still see the light even with her eyes closed tight.
There had been many small nicknames that Babycorn had called Cherrypit by when he was just a newborn and even before he was born. The name Cherrypit just happened to be the one that stuck the most and Cherry had just naturally broken off of it.
Babycorn tugged on the older Cherrypit’s oversized sleeve. “I got it…! You can be Cherry.” The half-second of joy on Cherry’s face was not lost on Babycorn, even when she couldn’t see too very well. “Cause cause-! It makes you happy when I call you that~!”
“N-No it doesn’t! I mean yes it does!! I mean-!” Cherrypit tried his best to hide between his sleeves and scratched his head in frustration, messing up his already messed up hair. He stopped and looked back up at Babycorn. “I…I really like that name. Thanks…Bebe.”
“Heh-heh!” Babycorn laughed to herself. It just went to show that underneath all that anger and layers of emotional detachment was the baby brother she’d known for years. Deep down it broke her heart that Cherry ended up just like she had acted at one point. Unable to let others in, refusing to let love into his heart again.  
Babycorn thought back to the vision they had seen earlier.
If all of it was true, then that meant she’d died. Her death was the cause of this. It was all because in one timeline she had left Cherrypit all alone forever. The one thing she promised never to do to him.
“I’m sorry, Cherry…”
“Huh? For what?”
Babycorn remembered the dolls Cherry had used back during their fight with Vauthry. She clearly remembered seeing a party of dolls composed of a black mage, a bard, a monk, a Dark Knight and an Astrologian. They were all themed after their friends. Her friends lived and existed in the present for Babycorn but for Cherry they were probably the last thing that remained of them, and even then…
“For leaving you alone for so long.”
“Were you mad at me when we got back to the Crystarium?”
Cherry was caught off guard by the sudden shift in Babycorn’s question. He had been mad when he and the scions returned to the Crystarium but he was sure Babycorn was out cold for that part. Unless one of her friends had told her about how he had yelled at all of them for putting Babycorn in danger. And even though he wasn’t around to hear, Cherry had even yelled at the Crystal Exarch for betraying his trust after hundreds of years.
He wanted to make one thing clear. “I wasn’t mad at you. I was mad at everyone else I guess…Even when they saw the light was hurting you they still pushed you forward and told you to keep fighting…”
“They didn’t do that.” Sure, maybe some of the scions suspected something was wrong but in Babycorn’s opinion there was no way any of them would have known something like this would happen until it was too late.
“G’raha knew. He knew you would get hurt and he still tried to…And then he after all that he was just going to…d-die? ” Cherrypit cut himself off with a shaky sigh. “All this time he had this big plan to save you and he didn’t even tell me!” Had G’raha really been planning this whole thing since they first arrived in the First? Or had he come up with the plan along the way somehow? Either way it didn’t really matter.
It sure explained why G’raha hadn’t wanted him to follow Babycorn on her quest.
“Would you have helped him if he told you?”
“Of course not!” Cherrypit was almost mad that Babycorn would even think that. “If he had told me I…I would have helped him find out another solution! Another plan where nobody would get hurt! Not you! Not him! Not anyone!” All Cherrypit really wanted in the end was to stop losing people. For once in his life to finally be able to be with the people he loved.  
“I just don’t like being tricked…it sorta feels like that one thing that happened back in Ul'dah.”
“What thing?” Cherrypit couldn’t possibly be talking about what Babycorn thought he was. Could he?
Cherrypit absentmindedly tugged at his necklace, “You know, when we got accused of murdering Nanamo and they chased us out of Ul’dah.”
Babycorn’s eyes widened, there was a slight pain in her chest. Cherrypit must not have noticed how her hand flew up to grab onto her robe. “H-How do you even remember that? You were so small…” Technically he was still small, in one sense, but Babycorn always expected that Cherrypit wouldn’t remember their adventures on account of how young he still was.
Cherry shrugged, “I don’t know. I don’t remember a lot of things. But I do remember some things. Like the Nanamo thing, how you burned your tongue on the hot chocolate Haurchefant gave us and how sad everyone was. All I really knew is that someone tricked us and used us to do something bad…”
Babycorn frowned, bringing her legs closer and resting her head on them. “I guess my crying and thinking that I actually killed Nanamo didn’t help, did it?”
“You were just scared. It’s not your fault someone used us like that.”
Babycorn smiled and for a moment the light subsided enough for her to be able to clearly see Cherry since she last saw him on Mt.Gulg. He wasn’t wearing his big hat anymore, so she could see more of him. She laughed, Cherry still had the same cowlick her Cherrypit got whenever she let his hair down. “You’re really smart Cherry.” She was sure of it now. Cherry had grown up to be a kindhearted person.
Babycorn felt tears come down her cheeks.
“I-I’m okay!” Babycorn tried to reassure him.
Cherry was taken aback, “Okay?! There’s light coming out of your eyes!” He reached out his hand to help her, only to recoil it back when he realized he couldn’t touch her, he couldn’t even get close.
“Oh.” Babycorn rubbed her eyes, Sure, enough there was some sort of light residue on the back of her hands. As worrying as that was-she didn’t want to panic anymore than she already had. She didn’t want to scare either of the Cherrys either. After wiping down her hands on the bed’s blanket she raised her hands for Cherry to see, “See? Everything's okay now!” she smiled as hard as she could.
Cherry frowned, he wasn’t convinced. Hopefully the scions would be ready to go soon.
“Bebe! Bebe!”
The younger Cherrypit came spinning in with different Calca and Brina dolls behind him. “Bebe okay?” He must have sensed something was wrong, that’s why he had come to his sister’s side as quickly as he could.
The older Cherry remained silent to let his sister answer instead. There was no point in telling his younger self the truth when he knew Babycorn would tell him the same thing she’d already been telling him.
“I’m fine Ch-Oh that’s right!! We still need a nickname for Cherry!” With everything she and the older Cherry had been talking about, it completely slipped her mind.
“Nickname? Nickname for me!” Cherrypit loved nicknames! He didn’t really understand but Cherrypit loved giving other people nicknames. Most of them were created solely because Cherrypit couldn't pronounce certain names.
“You can be Cherry…” Babycorn pointed at the older Cherrypit, then she pointed at her baby brother, “-And you can be Piff!”
“Piff???” The older Cherry had literally no idea where that particular nickname had come from or why Babycorn seemed to decide on it so quickly. Had someone called him that in the past?
“Piff! It’s the name I used to call you when you were in mama’s tummy!” Babycorn had just remembered it! Since she didn’t use it much after Cherrypit was born it had sort of faded in use. She had to dig deep to find a nickname that wasn’t just the last half of Cherrypit’s name.
Babycorn wanted to avoid reminding Cherrypit about the Himbo Hooter’s incident where Cherrypit thought he was going to be eaten for a week straight after Himbo mentioned he ate cherry pits.
Piff smiled and tapped his feet on the ground in excitement. “Piff! Piff! I’m Piff!” Piff rushed over to Babycorn and climbed onto the bed, wiggling himself into her arms. “Bebe called me Piff!” His hair was tickling her chin again.
Babycorn hugged him tightly. “Do you remember me calling you Piff?” She was curious.
Piff happily nodded. “Mhhm! Mhhm! I rember!”  
Cherry gave his younger self a skeptical look. “There is no way you remember that!”
“Oh come on, if you remember things when you were two, who’s to say Piff doesn’t remember that far?” Babycorn moved Piff’s arms forward and back then forward and back. Doing this always made him laugh.
Cherry scowled, “Maybe so.” was his only response to that question.
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gayemeralds · 1 year
mephiles: you killed me! and now i’ve come seeking revenge!
sonic: technically, it was elise who killed you, you know. i just encouraged her. glad i’ll get the chance to kill you myself tho
silver, standing in this white space hell dimension with no recollection of 06:
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themetalvirus · 1 year
ok. reading to mend a faux pas and like three paragraphs in im already buzzing with stuff to say
i find it fascinating how sonic's blasé attitude toward saving the world and doing good drives characters with more rigid principles up the fucking wall. shadow in particular can't stand it but it's an interesting take having silver feel the same way. sonic hears "the future exploded" and is like yea yea we'll fix it and silver is like. this is my life. this is my whole life this isnt a laugh-and-thumbs-up issue dont you laugh and thumbs up at me
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PSG vs AC Ajaccio : Messi fera-t-il son retour dans le XI parisien ?
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Quelque jours après l'annulation de sa sanction, Messi sera-t-il opérationnel pour ce PSG vs AC Ajaccio et dans quel état d'esprit ? Les compos probables pour ce match sont encore incertaines, mais les supporters des deux équipes pourront espérer voir leurs joueurs préférés briller sur le terrain, pour une soirée de football inoubliable. Le coup d'envoi est prévu pour 21h00 demain soir, et tous les yeux seront rivés sur le Parc des Princes pour voir qui sortira vainqueur de cette rencontre cruciale. Les enjeux du match ! Le Parc des Princes sera le théâtre de cette rencontre passionnante, qui devrait tenir en haleine les fans des deux équipes. Avec le titre en ligne de mire, le Paris Saint-Germain ne pourra se permettre aucun faux-pas, alors que l'AC Ajaccio jouera pour son honneur et pour tenter de sauver les meubles avant la fin de la saison. L'enjeu de cette rencontre comptant pour la 35e journée de la Ligue 1 ne peut être plus clair : le club de la capitale a l'occasion de faire un pas décisif vers le onzième titre de champion de France de son histoire, s'ils parviennent à l'emporter contre la formation corse. Voir aussi : - Messi à Al-Hilal : Leo aurait donné son accord pour un transfert ! Les hommes de Christophe Galtier abordent cette rencontre avec confiance, forts de leur victoire sur le terrain de Troyes la semaine dernière. Kylian Mbappé, Vitinha et Fabian Ruiz ont été les buteurs de cette rencontre, permettant à l'équipe parisienne de prendre une avance de six points sur le Racing Club de Lens avant le début de la journée. De leur côté, les partenaires de Romain Hamouma ont quant à eux connu un match nul peu convaincant à domicile contre le TFC lors de la dernière journée. Cette contre-performance les a laissés à onze points du premier non relégable, Auxerre, et leur relégation en Ligue 2 sera actée s'ils ne parviennent pas à arracher une victoire contre le Paris Saint-Germain. Une affaire plus que compliquée ! PSG vs AC Ajaccio : Les compos probables Le club parisien devra cependant faire sans plusieurs joueurs clés pour cette rencontre. Neymar, Presnel Kimpembe, Nordi Mukiele et Nuno Mendes sont tous indisponibles en raison de blessures. La défense pourra cependant compter sur le retour d'Achraf Hakimi, qui revient de suspension. Tandis que l'attaquant argentin Lionel Messi signe son retour dans le groupe après l'annulation de sa suspension de deux semaines. Lire également : - Départ de Lionel Messi : le PSG face à un dilemme financier ! Du côté de l'AC Ajaccio, Ruan Levine, Michaël Barreto et Jean Botué ne pourront pas participer au match, ajoutant à la difficulté de la tâche pour les Corses. Les compositions définitives pour cette rencontre restent à déterminer, mais les supporters peuvent s'attendre à un match palpitant. PSG : Donnarumma – Pereira, Marquinhos, Ramos – Hakimi, Ruiz, Verratti, Vitinha, Bernat – Mbappé, Ekitike. AC Ajaccio : Sollacaro - Youssouf, Vidal, Gonzalez, Diallo - Marchetti, Mangani, Coutadeur - Hamouma, El Idrissy, Spadanuda ________ Pour retrouver toute l'actu foot, rendez-vous sur notre site web ou sur notre page Twitter. Read the full article
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miquellaslily · 1 year
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In the night light, do you still feel your pain? For the valor you waited never came If you were able, would you go change the past To mend a faux pas with one last chance? And I might know of our future But then you still control the past Only you know if you'll be together tonight
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dumbshyanon · 2 years
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And every night
I lay awake
And I find no conclusion
'Cause every night
It just stays the same
In my dream of an absolution
In the night light, do you see what you dream?
All your troubles, are they all what they seem?
Look around you, then you may realize
All the preachers, all with their lies
And I might know of our future
But then you still control the past
Only you know if you'll be together
Only you know if we shall last
In the night light, do you still feel your pain?
For the valor you waited never came
If you were able, would you go change the past
To mend a faux pas with one last chance?
And I might know of our future
But then you still control the past
Only you know if you'll be together tonight
'Cause every night, I will save your life
And every night, I will be with you
'Cause every night, I still lay awake
And I dream of an absolution
'Cause every night, I will make it right
And every night, I will come to you
But every night, it just stays the same
In my dream of an absolution
In the night light, do you see what you dream?
All your triumph and all you'll ever be
Look around you, then you may realize
Happiness lies trapped in misery
And who knows what of our future
We can all try to change that past
Only you know if you'll be together tonight
'Cause every night, I will save your life
And every night, I will be with you
'Cause every night, I still lay awake
And I dream of an absolution
'Cause every night, I will make it right
And every night, I will come to you
But every night, it just stays the same
In my dream of an absolution
'Cause every night, I will save your life
And every night, I will be with you
'Cause every night, I still lay awake
And I dream of an absolution
'Cause every night, I will make it right
And every night, I will come to you
But every night, it just stays the same
In my dream of an absolution
And you'll see (And you'll see)
What you'll be (What you'll be)
And you'll see (And you'll see)
All you can be, oh (All you can be, oh)
'Cause every night ('Cause every night)
And every night (And every night)
And every night (And every night)
I will dream (I will dream)
Yeah, this is my dream
And every night
And I will always dream, yeah
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rmpmw · 2 years
When is Labor Day?
Monday, September 5th, 2022
Labor Day, is a legal holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September in the United States, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone, and the Virgin Islands.
Canada also celebrates Labour Day on the same day.
In European countries, China and other parts of the world, May Day, the first day in May, is a holiday to celebrate workers and labor unions. Before it became an international workers holiday, May Day was a celebration of spring and the promise of summer.
What Labor Day Means
For most people, Labor Day means two things: a day off and a chance to say goodbye to the summer. But why is it called Labor Day? Labor Day is a day set aside to pay tribute to working men and women. It has been celebrated as a national holiday in the United States and Canada since 1894.
"Labor Day differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country," said Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor. "All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man's prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor Day...is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation."
Who started Labor Day?
Like most cultural events, there is still some doubt over its origination. Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor working men and women. But many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday.
Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear however is that the Central Labor Union adopted the Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.
The First Labor Day
The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union.
In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a "workingmen's holiday" on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country.
In the USA, governmental recognition first came through municipal ordinances passed during 1885 and 1886. The first state bill was introduced into the New York legislature, but the first to become law was passed by Oregon on February 21, 1887. By 1894, 23 other states had adopted the holiday in honor of workers, and on June 28 of that year,
Still, it wasn't until the May 1894 strike by employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company and the subsequent deadly violence related to it that President Grover Cleveland suggested making Labor Day a national holiday. On June 28th 1894, as a way of mending fences with workers, he signed an act making the first Monday in September a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories.
There is a tradition of not wearing white after Labor Day. This fashion faux pas dates back to the late Victorian era. The Emily Post Institute explains that white indicated you were still in vacation mode, so naturally when summer ended so did wearing white.
Sources: US Department of Labor, PBS, US Census
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Did you know?
Three facts about Labor Day
President Grover Cleveland and the U.S. Congress made Labor Day a national holiday in 1894
Labor Day has become an important weekend for retail sales, said to be second only to Black Friday in sales. Ironically this means more than 24 percent of all workers in the U.S. (retail workers) may work harder and longer on Labor Day
Over the past 35 years, the share of American workers who belong to labor unions has fallen by about half.
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spoonbenders · 3 years
song that is specifically designed to be sad: *is sad*
dreams of an absolution, a song from a fucking sonic game: h-
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