#to make sure either side of the town and caverns on the island are kept in check/at peace
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kagooleo · 1 year ago
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the zine’s officially out, so I can post my contribution for the @extraordinaryzine :D!
my piece is an interpretation of the caverns on Iron Island 🏝️ so I wanted to incorporate more of the water surrounding it by creating a sea cave to have light spill inside (akin to the modra špilja/blue grotto)
the focus of the zine was on the daily lives of trainers and their pokemon, so Riley uses a spot inside the caverns like this to meditate with his team, although any new Riolu he trains can’t resist wanting to jump into the water to play υ´˶ ・ﻌ・ ˶`υノ”
this piece alongside a ton of amazing artists can be found free to download digitally here! (and lastly some closeups bc I liked getting all the little deets down)
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themadlostgirl · 6 years ago
Not Dead Yet (Part 84)
*This is a little number I like to call: condensing events for the purpose of pushing this story forward so we can finally get to the motherflipping end chapter! For real tho next chapter is last one. Let’s do this!*
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warnings: language
We burned Devin’s body. I didn’t have the emotional energy to bury anyone else. Neither did the boys. Placing his body in the bonfire was easier and I feel like it was what he would prefer.
Days went by. After losing Peter and killing Devin I stayed away from camp. I didn’t want to be around anyone. I needed to process this entire shit week. I stayed in the cavern underneath Peter’s Thinking Tree mainly. One day I got curious and went to Skull Rock. The giant golden hourglass was still there. It didn’t glow with magic anymore and the never-ending flow of sand was piled in the bottom.
This was Peter’s life. It wasn’t right. He was so much more than a pile of dirt in a glorified time keeper. I focused on all my anger and all my sadness and punched it straight through that stupid hourglass. It burst into shards. Maybe one day I’ll be able to erase this entire rock from the island.
I kept my mourning down to a week. I can’t spend my entire life mourning, though I feel like a part of me always will. Who knows. Maybe one day I’ll finally bite the big one and I’ll find Peter in the Underworld. We’ll take over and become the king and queen of hell.
As the boys went about getting used to the island without Peter around I was trying to get the handle of my new powers. It seemed every little thing I did somehow affected the island in some way. I did a lot of tests making clouds roll in and out and changing the temperature. It was easy to do physical things like make the wind blow but the one time I tried to conjure my dagger into my hand from my sheath I only managed to stab it through my hand. Trying to heal it after that didn’t go well either.
How does Peter do that?
Or did…
Stop thinking about it. I’m only going to make myself sadder. Let’s try to get rid of Skull Rock again.
It was hard to keep time in the Underworld. You would have thought Peter was used to not telling the days apart after spending centuries on Neverland. There though it didn’t matter cause he was spending everyday having fun. Here though...there was nothing to do but bum around the town.
Peter spent most days walking through the forest. Being surrounded by trees and not being able to see the bloody red sky made it easier to pretend he was home. Devin’s sudden appearance not too long ago only made it more so.
He had been worried when he saw one of his former Lost Boys show up in the Underworld not twenty four hours after Peter’s death. He thought that the transfer with Y/N hadn’t held and that Neverland had plunged into the ocean and killed everyone. It was a relief when Devin told him that Y/N had killed him.
That sounded bad.
He was a martyr for a good cause. To kill everyone in Storybrooke. What better cause was there?
Not that it actually worked because there was no one from that town in the Underworld now. His Lost Girl gave it a good effort though.
He knew it was selfish to think but part of Peter hoped that she would come down here. He waited twenty eight years to get her back now he was incapable of waiting any longer. He wanted to see her again. To hold her in his arms, kiss her...talk to her.
Peter pulled out the drawing of Y/N again.
“Pretty girl,” the voice behind Peter made him jump. It took a talented person to sneak up on him and even more so to startle him.
The man behind Peter was tall with fiery red hair and a boring face. “She yours?”
“What’s it to you?” Peter folded the drawing again but the man snatched it out of his hands before he could tuck it away. “Give that back!”
“Oh, I know this one. Her name is Y/N, isn’t it?” He inspected the picture closer, “The many times I felt her soul start to enter this domain but never did. Multiple near death experiences make people like you and her such teases. I was starting to worry that I’d never see you down here.”
Peter tore the picture out of the man’s hands and made sure it wasn’t damaged. “Who the hell are you? How do you know about Y/N?”
“Well as the god of death I know a lot about who sends me more souls and even more about those that vigorously avoid my realm.”
“You’re the god of the Underworld?” Peter scanned him from head to toe. “Have something against looking god-like?”
“We appear as we are most comfortable. Some of us prefer to be distinguished by age and a fine pressed suit. Others seem to be content as a whiny teenager in dirt smelling rags.”
“Was there a point to this or did you just want to insult me?” Peter snapped.
“I’m here to offer you a deal, Peter Pan. You are probably one of the longest living beings in the realms. Even more so than the Dark One. I know you have considerable skills and I would like to put them to use. Best to keep the mind sharp while waiting for lost love.”
“Put them to use, how?”
“A little this, a little that. General causing mayhem and other odds and ends. Interested?”
“What’s in it for me?”
“I can give you comfort here.” The god wrapped an arm around his shoulders but there was nothing kind about it, “A nice little place to call your own and my seal of protection. You’ve brought a lot of angry souls here while you were alive. It’s only a matter of time till they find out you’re here.”
“I can take care of myself.” Peter shoved him off.
“Okay, okay, I see where you’re coming from. You can but also consider this, up until the very moment of your death you were supposed to be wallowing in eternal agony as a bunch of particles in the River of Souls. That little lovey dovey kiss from your girl gave you an out but it can’t stop me from dumping your carcass in the river now. Thoughts?”
“Threatening me...I’d say I’d kill you but I guess that’d be a moot point.” Peter scoffed. “Fine. What do you want me to do?”
“Come to my office, we’ll talk more there. I already know exactly where I’m gonna set you up too. There is the nicest pawn shop on main street that would be perfect for you.” The god continued to talk his ear off as they walked down the street.
At least it was something to do.
It took over a year but I had finally truly mastered my new powers. I could bend everything on the island to my will, blink in and out throughout the island, heal myself, conjure fireballs and other cool stuff. I was still working on wiping out Skull Rock. It had been such a permanent fixture in the realm it was proving stubborn to get rid of. Reminds me of someone…
Living without Peter was still hard. I kept waking up expecting him to be right by my side. He never was though. Was this what he went through when I was missing? Day after day of misery and emptiness?
Neverland is my home but without any Peter it wasn’t the same. It was like the heart of the island was missing. Waiting for it’s real leader to come back and breathe life into it again.
Things had been going well despite how empty I felt. The boys were great fun, Felix was a good second in command, and Candace was still a wonderful pet. I didn’t hang out with Tigerlily as much anymore but sometimes I’d come across her while taking a walk and we’d catch up. She was the only person I felt like I could talk to about Peter. Everyone else didn’t want to focus on sad things long enough to have any real conversations about him.
I only visited Wendy once. She looked older and seemed a lot happier. Her brothers didn’t like the sight of me but considering how well I got along with their sister I got a pass. I hope Wendy is doing okay. I don’t think I’ll be able to muster the courage to visit her again. I don’t want to see her grow old and die. I want to remember her as the nervous yet energetic girl I rescued from the waves all those years ago.
I brought the pipes to my lips and blew a soft note. An old song from a time I can’t even remember anymore drifting up from the depths of my subconscious and floating out through the air. I think Peter and I danced to it once…
Peter had to admit. Being in Hades’ employ had its perks.
He got pretty much anything he wanted in reason. The one time he asked the god for anything major Peter had to make a deal. He’d trade in his usual Neverland jungle attire for a fitted suit like Hades wore. It was awkward at first but Peter had to admit it looked rather nice.
It made him think back to a time when he dressed up to sneak into a wedding reception with Y/N. They drank and danced and kissed and it felt like the world couldn’t touch them. He wished he could go back to that night. He’d never let the dance end if he could.
As used to the new additions to the Underworld Peter was it turned out he could still find some surprises. Like Hades telling Peter that one Captain Killian Jones had up and died. Peter got hopeful thinking Y/N had finally done the pirate in. No such luck.
His arrival was fortunate because the desperate residents of Storybrooke banded together to bring him back to the world of the living. Too bad it was impossible. Trust him, Peter tried. He tried again and again to find a way back to the living. They never worked out.
Then before Peter could wreak his havoc on him and the foolish heroes that ventured to the Underworld they were just as quickly gone without a trace and took Hook with them. How was it that someone so undeserving could cheat death?
Oh boohoo! The Saviour’s pirate that she’s only known for maybe four years died? Peter had been with Y/N for decades. Decades! If anyone deserved to be reunited with who they loved it sure as hell wasn’t that crusty pirate.
If Hook could get out though then maybe there was still hope Peter could too. He’d mention it to Hades when he was in a better mood.
Hook can say that he had sincerely wished to never have to return to Neverland. Not that it was his choice this time around. An increasingly absurd number of circumstances and wrong turns and here he was with no way out. What was even worse? He was tied to a pole about to be burned at the stake.
“Stop!” a voice hushed the hooting Lost Boys. “I leave for one day and you all turn into brainless baboons? What’s going on here?”
Hook’s heart dropped into his stomach as a figure parted the boys. She stared at him with a wicked knowing smirk. “Oh my. Well isn’t this a treat? An old seadog washed ashore.” the boys lowered their weapons as their leader stepped toward the pirate, “Hello Hook.”
“Hello Y/N.” he muttered.
“We have got to stop meeting like this. You tied up, me wanting to kill you, such unfortunate circumstances.”
“I agree. So how’s about you cut me loose, love, for old times sake.”
She let out a small chuckle, “There’s that strange sense of humor of yours. You’re not going anywhere just yet.” The playful smile dropped from her face as she turned back to the Lost Boys. “I want whomever was leading this idiot circus in front of me right now.” she barked at the boys.
No one came forward immediately. “I said,” the sky crackled with lightning, “Now!”
The boy that tied him up stumbled forward and dropped to one knee in front of Y/N. “Get up Verne, you embarrass yourself.” The boy quickly stood back up. “You started this?”
“Because he’s one of the people that killed Pan! Surely you must want--”
Slap! “What I want is to be respected. Yet, with my absence you plan a burning without my permission nor my inclusion. For this act of idiocy you can spend a couple nights in the cages.”
“But Y/N I was only doing what I thought you would--”
“And for arguing with me it is now a week. Now go to your cage or it shall be a month. Understood?” The boy dropped his gaze and shuffled into the jungle.
“What about Tigerlily?” one of the boys shouted. “She was helping the pirate!”
“Tigerlily,” Y/N sighed, “Is this true?”
“I needed to. To help the Saviour! Otherwise I would never have betrayed you, you know that.”
“I know but it hurts to think that one of my closest friends would do this to me.” Y/N started cutting away the ropes binding the former fairy.
“She needs help to win the final battle! The realms are in danger!”
“The saviour is the reason Peter is dead. Why would I ever want to help her?”
“Y/N, please, don’t harm the lass.” Hook said.
“I would never hurt her. I brought her here to protect her.” Y/N turned back toward Hook, “But you hold no such affection. Give me one good reason I shouldn’t burn you alive right now.”
“Because you’re incomplete.” he whispered so the words only reached her ears, “You may be the new ruthless leader of these boys and this island but it isn’t enough. No amount of treasure, adventure, followers, magic, or rum can fill that empty void. The one he left.”
She curled her lip up at him. With one swift motion she pulled the dagger off her belt and lashed at him. Hook closed his eyes expecting pain but was surprised to feel the ropes tying him loosen. He looked down as the ropes dropped to the ground.
Y/N sheathed her dagger once more. “Let’s take a walk captain. No tricks. No escape attempts. Just a walk between the two of us.”
“As the lady wishes.” Hook stepped down from his perch and followed Y/N into the jungle. The Lost Boys watched them disappear in confusion. Surely they must think that their leader was taking the pirate to be killed somewhere else. The idea wouldn’t surprise him one bit.
They trudged through the jungle in silence. What was she waiting for?
They stopped in front of a massive tree. Pan’s old Thinking Tree if he was correct. Y/N knelt to the ground in front of it. At first he didn’t realize what she was doing until he saw the stone marking the head of a grave.
“I try to forget.” Y/N murmured to the grave, “I leave, I play the pipes, I look for amnesia in the bottom of a bottle but no matter what I find myself right back here everyday. I come back here and think of how I could have changed things. How I could have saved him but failed. All those times he saved me and it was finally my turn and I couldn’t do it.”
“If you want me to feel sorry for what happened I won’t.”
“I don’t expect anything. You’re a hero now. It’s what you people do.”
“Why’d you bring me here?”
“You hear many stories when you travel as much as I. I heard you came back from the dead.” Oh no. He could tell where this was going and it was nowhere good, “That your hero buddies traveled to the Underworld to bring you back.”
“They did. But if you think that you can bring him back then you should know it’s not possible.”
“I know. I’m not naive enough to think I can just travel to the Underworld and pull someone back into life. That’s not the point I was getting to.” she took in a deep breath, “I wanted to know, was he there?”
“Aye, he was.” Hook answered. He never saw the demon boy himself but he knew he was there.
“Did he say anything?”
Hook was torn between telling her that he never said a word to the demon or giving her the closure she so obviously craved. In the end the latter won out. Hook knelt next to her. “In between his attempts to make it back to the land of the living he did tell me something. That if ever I found myself sailing these waters again for any reason to tell you that he wished you happiness in your life.”
“Thank you,” she muttered, “It’s a blatant lie but thank you.”
“Alright, I never actually spoke to him. I just thought it was something you may have wanted to hear.”
“Trying to butter me up?”
“Of course. How else would I make it off this island alive?”
“I don’t want you here. I don’t want you dead. I just want you gone.” she whistled to the sky and a dark shadow swooped down. “She’ll take you home. Stay there and never show your face here again or I will kill you myself. Is that understood?”
“Good. Now get the hell off my island.”
Hook didn’t feel like testing his luck by questioning why she was letting him leave and took the shadow’s outstretched hand. Soon he was far above the trees and the spot where Y/N sat in front of a grave was a pinprick in his vision. Despite all the hell she had put him through he couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for the lonely Lost Girl.
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cateringisalie · 6 years ago
Renegade Aeris x Cloud Week Day 4
Written for the prompt ‘Unspoken’ and ‘Friends Know Best’ and OM MY GOD THIS WENT ON FOR LONGER THAN IT SHOULD HAVE. I need to completely rewrite this and actually put dialogue into it! And so many other fixes and... This on top of my new absurd plan which is going to require (does sums quickly) 28 fics! 28! I’m totally going to scupper myself and struggle to make a 100 words on some of them, I just know it. Anyway:
Aeris’s first adventure was easy. She would retrace the path Avalanche took around the world – up to the same point and then take the step beyond. Cid muttered something when she made the announcement and gifted her a satellite phone soon after. He demanded a promise from her she would keep it charged. Another trip on the Highwind was always welcome – and while she might be able to walk back from the North Crater, her companions had flown instead.
Keeping it as much the same as she could. As there was no moment she would have not been with their friends. The missing portions constituted an odd curiosity. Most of those moments were pained or at least unwanted memories. Aeris by virtue of hearing second hand could sympathise with the emotional state of her companions when living through them. But few could fault her for wanting to have been present. So; a flight from the North Crater was acceptable. Yuffie loudly wondered if Aeris wanted to meander quite so much or double-back the same as them. Aeris smiled. From Midgar to Kalm took less than a day. The Planet’s voice rumbled somewhere far below, the former traces of Mako in the air long gone. Gentle wind washed over her while she crossed the grasslands. Grass beneath her feet and blue sky above; Aeris took her boots off part way there and walked barefoot to Mom’s house. She was still amazed by Aeris’s presence in the world, that she could come back after all that happened. Shame she could not stay longer; Aeris and her Mom sought common ground and caught up. Mom looked so much brighter here in Kalm. Less tired. After Mom’s house there was a long stretch of wilderness. Aeris still carried her staff and with enough supplies to camp out safely. Monsters could be dealt with with magic, and some remembered tricks of her first trip around the world kept her safe at night. She kept a journal, scribbling sightings, thoughts and distances. Chocobo Billy did not recognise her when she made it to the farm. She never expected him to, and paid the requisite gil to hire a room and a chocobo. The Midgar Zolom might be dead (the impaled corpse thankfully no longer looming over the entrance to the Mythril Mines), but trudging through a swamp held little appeal; Aeris rushed over the distance on Chocobo-back. The Mythril Mine was colder and echoed in the stillness. Well-worn route out to the grasslands and Fort Condor. The new Phoenix sat contentedly on the inert reactor, slumbering. Aeris first ran into Cloud at Junon. Out on deliveries and pleased that by chance they arrived in the port town at the same time. Together they visited Priscilla and Mr. Dolphin, the bay water fortunately clear and less polluted. The upper plate’s skies were criss-crossed with airship traffic; the city still not looking right while lacking the Sister Ray. Time together became dinner. Dinner became some drinks at the bar. Cloud fully intended to drive through the night until Aeris invited him to her hotel room for coffee. Their first time together. For all the flirting and attempts, they had never had a chance for privacy and comfort like this. Cloud was shyer than imagined, less confident. Aeris was happy to lead and make clear what she wanted from their coupling, and Cloud was a quick learner. He made some fumbling attempt to find out if she expected him to stick with her now, but she assured him that was not her intentions. They had spent the night together – which had been absolutely fulfilling – but who knew when another opportunity arose? Cloud had his life, and she had hers. He waved her off when the ship set sail for Costa del Sol; Aeris waved back and smiled at the memory of last night. Two days later she accepted a girl’s offer of coffee at the hotel in Costa del Sol, splitting time with her new friend Undyne, the beach and the bar. Undyne had a life here and little desire for travel. Aeris bid her goodbye and set out once more. Barret met her in North Corel, the ravaged town transformed utterly by its residents, new buildings shooting up. Marlene was thrilled to see her and asked a torrent of questions about the rest of Avalanche behind her. At Barret’s insistence she spent the night on his sofa before setting out for the Gold Saucer the next morning. Here too would be a divergence; no desire to wind up down in the prison or trek across the desert on foot. Aeris toured the theme park, spent some pleasurable moments in secluded areas with a guy she met in the queue for the Shooting Coaster and left for North Corel before the next stage. Gongaga confounded her; what could she say now? Her second time here, and the elderly couple recognises her all too readily. How to explain the how and why of her previous lie, when she hadn’t wanted to accept the implied truth? The town showed signs of recovery, but uncomfortable here with the past looming so large. Cosmo Canyon was better; Nanaki pleased to see her, the elders crowding her to learn what she could now tell them having ventured into the Lifestream itself. Too busy for anything else; her time split between reciting what she knew and Nanaki. Too easy to spend all her time here. Unlike Nibelheim. Before reaching the town, Aeris had considered getting a room in the hotel. The town was odd and fake, but functioned. A revisit dismissed the notion. The residents had dwindled over the years and a new oppressive feel hung over everything. A feeling of too many eyes watching left her shivering. Stupid plan, but Mount Nibel must surely be better than this. A mistake. The former resting place of Jenova plagued her. The Planet’s voice was dim, and while Jenova was assuredly gone, her voice somehow lingered here, singing her impossible, seductive song. No rest to be had here – and more critically little idea of how to find her way down to Rocket Town. Possibly should have taken Tifa up on her offer of company. Or at least asked for a map. Bad to ask so soon, but completing the journey was the important part. She called Cid and holed up at the entrance to the Mako reactor for a few hours. Cid expected the call, but not so soon. Some minor grumbling aside, he was content to drop her off at the base of Mount Nibel. Rocket Town was changed; no Shinra-26 looming, no Cid and no Shera. The pair were all too busy running their airship business, sending people and goods all over the world. Aeris did not spend much time there and pushed onto Wutai. The sea crossing now boasted a regular ferry thanks to the much diminished hostilities between Wutai and the rest of the world. Something of a shame that Yuffie was not there to meet her either. But surprisingly Cloud was, having picked up from Cid where she was and calculated accordingly. Aeris enveloped him in a long hug and convinced him to lie down with her. Three days in Wutai, much of it in bed. She checked each morning if Cloud needed to go, and when he insisted he did not, she indulged. Almost tempting to ask him to stay with her for the next part; relive Enchantment night with her. Unfair; Cloud had delayed more than he should and needed to move on once again. The timing was off on the return; well- She never planned to replicate anything quite so closely. The return to the Gold Saucer was a night like any other. Crowds of people, lost bets on the Chocobos and couples on dates. Barret helped chart a boat the next morning; her approximation of her trail took her out to a rarely visited island chain. She did not spend long at the Temple ruins. Little to see anymore, a plunging pit nothing close to deep enough to hold the gigantic structure that had been the Temple of the Ancients. A scene of discomfort; returning to Gongaga did not help, but another link in the chain. Traveling North was better. The archaeologists at Bone Village still dug into the earth, a few conspiratorially telling her of the unexpected visitors years before who entered the Sleeping Forest – and made it out the other side as far as they could tell. Aeris let them talk her out of attempting to enter the woods and rented a room. But hard to wait, she slipped from her room in the midnight hours and followed the remains of the path North. For a moment a worry that whatever guided her through the trail previously would be gone. That the Sleeping Forest would be true to its name. But neither exhaustion nor tiredness marred her as she hurried through the oppressive quiet of the woods. She arrived at the City with the dawn. And now, a deviation. Once before she followed the path into the centre; into the hidden forest and the lake within the city, and then down into the cavern below. She had never seen the remainder of the city, the fallen houses, the still usable structure Avalanche camped in while they pursued her. Acres of rubble, and in many places little indication of what might have once been here. The air was warmer than it should be, some quirk of the landscape or some ancient Cetra device still operating was unclear. Paths snaked around the city and lead further North. Down into a canyon and a shell-like spiralling stair up into the mountains beyond. New ground upon which she had never trodden. But there remained one place still to revisit. The fish vanished at her touch as it had before. The long descent down the crystalline stair as dizzying. But less pressing need to move fast, to begin the ceremonies. Aeris descended the stairs and made her way to the platform. The place where she once died. Nothing here to indicate what had happened. That moment was vague in memory; a distant recall of pain, confusion and darkness. The altar did not invoke the discomfort of the Temple. This place had been her ending once, but remote. Better prepared than Avalanche had been; Aeris changed into her cold weather gear at the Northern limit of the city. Avalanche had been shocked when leaving the mountain paths left them in the snowfields. They were fortunate none were harmed with their trek through the snows. Aeris still shivered despite her preparations. The winds howled around her, snow swirling. Of all the places she had never seen, Icicle Inn and the cluster of houses nearby remained one of the more fascinating. Snow was new, the altitude, the quieting of the Planet beneath her. But past her ending, was her beginning. She took her time getting to the damaged house, the power still connected. Bags dropped off at her room in the inn, getting warm again, and a good, hot meal. The broadstrokes of what awaited her was well-known; as was most of the content of the video tapes. The bullet holes still invoked a shiver, but she would not be deterred. In grainy images, Aeris once more saw her mother and for the first time, saw her father. She watched each tape three times, scarcely listening to their voices, focusing more on their faces, their movements, the way Mom cradled her- The last tape was hard to watch with Hojo’s intrusion into the family’s life. To her the fatal gunshot. She had heard both bullets that ended her parent’s lives it seemed. The rest of the house failed to turn up additional artefacts. Shinra and Hojo were sloppy in some ways, less so in others. Nothing but old, out of fashion clothes, decomposing toiletries and decayed food. The sense of family in the building was long gone. Aeris took the tapes and retreated to the hotel, holing up in her room and unsure. Of course the tapes affected her badly; how could they fail to? She hugged them to her chest. Little appetite but she forced a meal down. She would need her strength for the next part. In a surreal bid to catch up with Sephiroth, Avalanche had used the nearby ski-slope to speed up their descent. A potentially fun route, but Aeris had a lot to carry. She took a longer, winding parallel route down to the hot-springs that lay at the base. Ahead, Gaea’s Cliffs rose high above. Easy to find her way. Mr Hozelhoff remembered Avalanche well-enough; who could fail to remember such a mismatched group, so woefully unprepared for climbing the mountain? She smiled at his amazement that they had successfully scaled the cliffs but taken a different route away. They sent on their apologies. He gave her a critical look when she confessed to a desire to climb the cliffs as well. He stopped short of advising against it, but warned that the conditions at the peak were changed from prior. The most physically intensive part of her trip; Aeris had long prepared for his, practicing, researching and learning all she could about mountain and ice-climbing. Amazing Avalanche had survived this at all, the icy-covered rocks, the cave systems threading in and out of the towering cliff. Inching ever further up. Until she clambered over the peak. When Avalanche made this same trip, they found Mako flaring up from the centre; a maze of twisted rock and high winds in the bowl of an impact crater. All gone now; demolished by Sephiroth and the WEAPONS. A conical hole lay before her instead, irregular rock outcrops providing a tiring, but usable route down deep below ground. Not her route. Not yet. Perhaps not ever. Still undecided if what remained of those deep trails was worth striving for. On the edge of the crater she called Cid. Her timing was off apparently and it would take him three days to reach her. That was fine; there was a safe-spot below the ridge, a small cave she could setup a camp in, sheltered from the cold and wind as much as possible. The next day she skirted around the rim of the crater, peering down into the depths and outwards to the unfamiliar land beyond the crater and South. Avalanche had never set foot there. And for now, neither would she. On the second day, she tensed as the sounds of something scrabbling up the cliffs became too loud to ignore. Someone for company, but at the moment- Cloud hauled himself over the edge and Aeris could do nothing but hug him. Cid had called to tell him he would need some time to get to her – and find out if Cloud was in a convenient spot. Fortunately he was. An unrealised tension slid from Aeris’s shoulders. They curled together in comfort that night, waiting for Cid. Bliss. The next morning, Aeris asked Cloud how long he was going to hand around for; he replied he would stay to the end now. He too had missed out on her next move – the airship from the North Crater to Junon – and he liked the idea of revisiting this missing portion of Avalanche’s journey. Smiling, Aeris took his hand and they found ways to amuse themselves while awaiting the arrival of the Highwind.
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9r7g5h · 8 years ago
Remember All - P8
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Overall Rating: T+ (Rating subject to change) 
Genre: General
Summary: Given another chance, left with her memories of their first time through, Gabrielle knows there’s only one option for her- let Xena live. Whatever she had to do, whatever she had to change to make sure that would happen, Gabrielle was willing to do it.
Words: 4,112
AN: *Singing* ~We’re gonna change the world, you’ll be amazed, so full of praise, when we’ve rearranged your world!~ Let’s continue on this wild ride- I’ve got some amazing ideas for future chapters, and to get there we must continue on with the show! Also, to the people who ask: Bad ass Gabs will appear soon, I promise.  
Disclaimer: I do not own Xena.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, ???
Stepping off the boat was the hardest thing she ever had to do, second only to accepting Xena’s wish and not pouring her ashes into the water. She stood for how long she didn’t know, just staring at the gangplank; watching as the crew and the men who had come with them disembarked, unloaded the supplies they had brought with them, got prepared to set out and go. She just stood there and watched, unable to force herself to move, to set foot back on the land that had once hurt her so.
It wasn’t until Xena held out her hand, a soft smile- confused, because there was no way Xena could understand what had happened, what was keeping her frozen on the only spot safe for her at the moment, but still encouraging despite her lack of understanding- that Gabrielle found she could move. Found that she could take that single step forward, could take Xena’s hand, and could step onto the gangplank, onto the soil below.
It was beautiful. As much as the island had pained her, as much as she despised its existence, Gabrielle couldn’t deny its beauty. Perhaps the one thing it had going for it, in truth. But it helped, that little bit, just enough. It helped to keep her mind strong, to keep it from wandering down those dangerous paths, helped to keep her grounded in the present. So she stared into the forests, at the rolling hills, and let herself be swept away by the sight of it all.
Better that then the memories, the remembrance of fire and Hope that still killed her a little bit inside every time she thought of them.
It took them a while to find her- the countryside was crawling with Romans, legions celebrating what was to them a sure win. Boadicea had led her army well, but without Xena’s instinctual knowledge of what Caesar was like? She had been destroyed slowly, her army whittled down battle after battle, her forces growing weaker without any support coming in. Not that she had made it easy for the Roman bastards to win, no; she had no support, while it had taken them half a year to get her to this point, and more legions than Caesar probably had justification for. For every Brittianic life lost, at least a dozen Romans had lost their own, until the final battle when Boadicea’s forces had been shattered.
Supposedly, at least. Because her body had never been found, nor had those of her closest generals, and so many still believed them out there. And even if there was no proof, well… if a Roman supply train suddenly found every single axel on their wagons breaking while on smooth roads, or if entire garrisons found themselves falling incredibly ill from befouled water supplies, or if all the bows of entire archery brigade started to snap in half, rendering them useless? More often than not, it was Boadicea’s name whispered, credit given to her whether she was dead or alive. Because either way, whether it was in the flesh or as a spirit trapped by the intrusion of invaders upon her homeland, she was still fighting.
It was, of course, in the flesh, as Gabrielle and Xena eventually found out. In the flesh, with quite a large handful of men still in her service, all with very sharp swords pointed right towards their necks.
For a long moment no one said anything- Xena had ordered the warriors that had accompanied them from Chin to stand down, preventing a fight since Boadicea’s men had stayed their hands as well. It was a long, tense moment of silence, both sides staring, judging, trying to size each other up to determine whether or not the momentary truce would hold. All ready to kill if need be, neither side willing to be the one to make the first move that could end in their deaths if it all went wrong.
She laughed. Pushing back the hood of her cloak, Boadicea laughed as she took in the sight before her, staring at Xena and the small army she had brought to her shores. Not a kind laugh, nor one that even seemed amused- but one half mad, given by someone forced beyond the brink of exhaustion finally seeing a light when it was almost too late.
“About damn time you showed up,” Boadicea said when her laughter had subsided, wiping at her eyes. “I thought news of Caesar would have brought you here a long time ago.”
“I’m here now,” Xena said, stepping forward with one hand out. Her voce and demeanor were calm, casual- instantly betraying how nervous, how worried she was. Even as she approached Boadicea, Gabrielle could see the miniscule movements of her checking everyone else out, making sure she knew exactly where the enemies and her friends were at all time, adjusting her position ever so slightly so she was in line with Gabrielle. Perfectly placed in case things went wrong with her attempt to bridge the gap between her and her once friend. “Still up for a fight?”
Boadicea considered her for a long moment, mistrust clear within her gaze. A common sight when it came to people who knew Xena from her past, people Xena had turned against, had wronged, had forced into a life or death situation where the only winner was Xena. And the longer she stared, considering her options, the more tense things became- soldiers shifting, muttering between themselves under their breaths, all of them waiting for a battle that would break this strange stalemate.
Even Gabrielle felt herself stiffening, her hands wrapping tighter around the staff, staring down the people standing across from her- taking stock. One leaned too far to the right for it to just be tired feet, so an injury. Another was clearly left handed but fighting with her right, so as to not hurt her companions; someone easily disarmed. Another’s helm strap was beginning to fray at the edge: a quick jerk of her staff against the edge of his helm would break it, leaving him defenseless to an attack, allowing her to smash the side of his skull with her weapon. Another-
Boadicea spat off to the side, her distaste for the situation clear. But still she stepped forward and took Xena’s hand, grunting as she stepped away for them to all follow.
They were in the caves. Vast caverns Gabrielle never would have believed could have existed in the perpetually damp climate- they should have been filled with mud and muck after the latest storm. But somehow they had held, and Boadicea's men had spent their time expanding. While she couldn't be sure, as they entered the darkness, one of the men who had come with them from Chin uttered the question they all were wondering.
"How far do these exist?"
"Across the entire island," one of Boadicea's men answered, his voice kept low- they were exposing a hidden entrance, and most of the men were on guard, staring out into the distance as best as they could with trees blocking their lines of sight, searching for Caesar's men. "And more."
Part of her knew it had to be an exaggeration- she knew well enough how much of the country was marsh, land that would collapse the moment it had the room to do so. But as the torches lit up the cavern, Gabrielle could believe it.
It was a city, or as close to one as they could get. Tents filled every corner, set up in every bit of free space they could find. Poles held up the ceiling, dug into the dirt to give some sort of sense of safety. Torches had been sunk into the walls, their flickering light doing little to alleviate the darkness, made even worse by the shadows of Boadicea's army as they scurried through the dark, their shadows a twisted dance upon the walls.  
Her grip on her staff tightening, Gabrielle moved so she was almost pressed against Xena, making sure they were constantly close, something of them always touching. This dark, this crowded, it would be easy to get lost from each other, falling victim to the maze Boadicea was leading them through. This dark, this crowded, it would be easy for a blade to find its way home into someone who couldn't quite yet see.
The tent they finally stopped before was large- a full general's tent, though in the caverns it looked ridiculous. Lopsided on the lumpy floor, as if it was about to fall at any moment, though enough ropes had been tied around nearby protrusions from the walls to keep it at least semi-stable. Though it wobbled as they entered, a humorous effect if it wasn't for the fear of it falling upon them. It wouldn't be harmful, no, but Gabrielle already felt as if she could touch the rocks, as if they were pressing upon her despite the distance. She had no desire to be surrounded by darkness and fabric when she was already encased in darkness and stone.
"What information have you been able to gather so far," Xena asked the moment the tent's flap closed behind them. Walking over to the uneven table that had been set up in the center of the room, she began to pour over the maps that had been laid out in the half-light the torch provided, one finger tracking the markings that had been made. Cities the Romans had taken, Gabrielle guessed, or places where battles had been lost. The same, it seemed for many of them, towns and villages she knew would be filled with dead. "Where is Caesar now? If I can-"
"You'll do nothing, Xena," Boadicea growled, stomping forward and yanking the map away. "This is my army, and I'll command it as I see fit. If you want a chance at Caesar, you'll accept that now."
"I'm not here to take your army," Xena said after a long moment, looking Boadicea over. "Not now, anyway. I'm here for Caesar- nothing more."
"Then you'll wait," Boadicea replied, straightening her back ever so slightly at Xena's calculating stare. Her glare was strong, enough to match Xena's level gaze, though after a few moments she allowed her eyes to fall. "I have a plan, Xena. If you want Caesar, you'll go along with it. Any attempts to do otherwise will only get you killed. You and your little friend."
Boadicea glanced over, just long enough to spare Gabrielle to quick, curious glance- one Gabrielle was used to. She still didn't look like much, not yet; a young woman, weaponless except for a very big stick, traveling with the Warrior Princess. She didn't look like much- and that was how so many had fallen before her. Not in death, not in this world and not yet, at least, but still, many had learned not to take her quite so lightly.
Something Boadicea would learn herself.
"Is that a threat?" Xena's voice was light, but her mannerisms were deadly: her hand twitched closer to her chakram, and for a moment Gabrielle couldn't help but worry if they would have to fight their way back out of the caves. Their men had scattered the moment they had entered, taken aside by Boadicea's men to help with some of the camp tasks, and in this light there would be no finding them. If it turned into a fight, they were as good as dead, even if she and Xena could make their way free.
"A warning," Boadicea replied, her voice still gruff but slightly less threatening than it had been a moment before. As if she had noticed Xena's movement; a possibility, with how skilled she was of a fighter, a leader, it would be a poor lacking on her part if she hadn't seen that she had raised Xena's hackles, and a death wish if she didn't do something to smooth them over. "You have no idea what you're dealing with here, Xena, and attempting something like that on your own would be foolish, even for you."
"Then fill me in." Xena settled herself into one of the chairs that surrounded the table, rocking slowly side to side on the uneven legs as she waited for Boadicea to respond. When they both looked at her, Gabrielle stepped forward and took a seat of her own, waiting.
Boadicea didn't let them down. For the next who knew how long, for time was hard to track when darkness was the default, Boadicea filled them in on what had been going on in Britannia. Of the battles they had fought, the villages they had razed to the ground, the men they had lost in this war. Where they had loyal people bringing them news, where those friends had gone silent, where they knew nothing and had no way of getting someone in. On the movements of troops and the little pockets of resistance that had popped up when the army itself had finally fallen.
On Caesar's whereabouts, and her plan for his demise.
"Londinium," Gabrielle said slowly, repeating the name of the town Boadicea had just named for them. "That's where he is?"
"Last we heard," Boadicea replied gruffly, nodding as she pointed to a crudely sketched place on the map- a recent addition, it seemed. "Caesar had it built shortly after he took control of the area- it's supposed to be the beginning of a great Roman hold on Britannia. Supposedly the little bastard's holed up in there, running this war through proxy."
"And you're going to sneak into the city and kill him?" Though framed as a question, there wasn't much of a question in Gabrielle's voice- it was clear what Boadicea was planning. Gabrielle just voiced the question to get confirmation.
"Once we figure out how to get in, aye," Boadicea said, her fingers tapping on the map before her. "We've thought the river would be a good way to get in, but boats are too easy to see and defend against. We thought maybe a frontal attack against the walls, but we have no idea how many men face us on the inside, and even then, the archers would take us out before we got close. Then there's just opening the doors, storming the city, finding Caesar and killing him. All a hunk of bread." Boadicea gave what was almost a wiry smile, self-deprecating in nature for the hurtle that remained before them. "Without their fearless leader, the Romans would fall back, and we might be able to retake the country. But if we failed..."
She didn't need to finish. Failure would mean death, a Roman conquest, and another part added to the Empire.
"I could get you in."
Boadicea almost started- the entire time she had been talking, Xena hadn't said a word, instead just listening to her and Gabrielle discuss the issue before them. Turning from Gabrielle to fully face Xena instead, Boadicea just tilted her head, waiting for Xena to continue.
"The river," Xena said, leaning over and tapping the map. "You can swim down the river, climb up the bank, climb the wall into the camp, and then it would just be a matter of sneaking to the front gates. It wouldn't be too well manned- no, Caesar thinks he's already won. He gets arrogant when he's close to winning. He'll have sent most of his men to bolster the battalions in the field, and will only have a hundred with him, tops. I get in, take out a couple as I go, open the doors to let your men in- we'd have the city within a few hours. Then we would just need to find Caesar himself. And best part is, he doesn't even know I'm here. He wouldn't be expecting it."
It wasn't clear, not in the dim lighting, but Gabrielle knew Xena. She knew her better than anything else, and even in the near darkness, it was clear Xena was shaking. Shaking with excitement, an edge to her voice that only showed up when she wanted something and was close to finally getting it.
In this case, her revenge.
"You really think he'd be that stupid," Boadicea asked, though the hint of energy that had returned to her voice was enough to betray her as well- she was already staring intently at where Xena's hand rested on the map, her almost willingness to hope clear. "He's not a fool."
"No," Xena confirmed, shaking her head. "He's smart and clever and will have thought of almost everything else possible. But he is proud, believes that ruling the world is his destiny, and that'll blind him. We can use that to our advantage."
For a while longer they discussed it, throwing out thoughts and counter thoughts, trying to work through every angle in an attempt to discover anything they might have missed. When Xena would enter the river, where Boadicea's people would wait, what time they would begin their attack- they discussed every detail possible, going over every little thing to create the perfect plan.
Gabrielle only half listened, just enough to know where she would be- with Boadicea, preferably with some group that would remain out of the fighting, providing first aid to the soldiers who came back wounded. An assignment Gabrielle struggled to keep a derisive snort from sounding at; the idea that she would be anywhere but the thick of the battle, working her way towards Xena, was absurd. Maybe not to Xena, who still didn't know, didn't understand, but to her? There was no other option.
But instead of listening to the plan, instead of mentally preparing herself for the battle to come, Gabrielle focused instead on another section of the map she could see. A valley with three hills, surrounded by mountains on all sides. A large mark covering the parchment, indicating a major loss that Gabrielle knew, if Xena had been there, would have been a win. A badly drawn building (a temple, she knew it was a temple, even if on the map it was just a messy brown square. A temple that the thought of turned her pale, that had her hands shaking if she thought too much about it) hiding among the trees.
"This temple."
Xena and Boadicea froze, both of them turning to look at Gabrielle- it was clear from their faces that they had forgotten she existed, they had been so caught up in their planning. But her voice had reminded them, and, curious, Boadicea motioned for her to continue.
"Caesar had men posted in this temple," Gabrielle said, tapping the map. "Was it destroyed?"
"How did you know that," Boadicea asked, her eyebrow raising as she gave Gabrielle a look over. "That Caesar put men there?"
"Was it destroyed?"
Both women shared a look at the insistence in Gabrielle's voice, the almost twinge of anger and fear that caused Xena concern and had Boadicea even more curious, both turning fully to look at her. It was clear Boadicea wanted to question her more, had a dozen thoughts just waiting on the tip of her tongue. But a look at Xena, a nod when Xena shook her head, and Boadicea replied.
"Aye," she said. "Watched his men tear it to the ground. It's gone."
She fell.
Gabrielle was aware of both Xena and Boadicea's voices surrounding her, was aware of Xena's arms wrapping around her and pulling her close, was aware of the hustling of men as someone brought forth a waterskin. Gabrielle was aware of it all, knew well enough that it was happening, but what did it matter?
The temple was gone. Dahok's followers were either slaves to the Romans or dead, at the very least scattered. There was no one to perform the ceremony, no one to betray her, no one to gain her trust and shatter her.
She was free.
"You best get her to sleep," Boadicea finally said- the first words Gabrielle was truly aware of as the relief finally began to fade. As she remembered where she was, as she felt herself leaning against Xena, as she felt Xena's fingers try and wipe away the tears that were streaking her cheeks. Tears she hadn't even been aware of, sobs that tore at her throat that she was only just now hearing. Xena was whispering to her, her words too fast and just barely restraining panic for Gabrielle to understand what she meant, but they were soothing nonetheless.
She took the waterskin Boadicea held out when she noticed Gabrielle had returned to them, and Gabrielle drained it, every piece of her being calling for the moisture. She coughed- it caught in her throat, just for a moment, but almost enough to send Xena into a tizzy as she fussed over her; brushing her hair away from her face, asking a stream of questions Gabrielle had no answer for, everything that showed just how helpless Xena currently felt.
Gabrielle felt the same- she felt weak, tired and weak and sore from a weight she hadn't realized she was still carrying. Especially since she had already accepted she was free, free with Krafstar’s imprisonment. She had thought herself free then, but now? Now she was.
"I'm sorry," Gabrielle said when she was breathing evenly, her voice stable. "That temple, it...it means something to me. Something I read. It being destroyed just came as a pleasant shock."
"You've had a long journey here," Boadicea said, allowance in her voice. "You two must be tired. Xena," Boadicea continued, focusing on her, "you two go get some rest. My men will show you to a tent. We'll continue planning tomorrow."
They exchanged a look- one that promised questions to come, one that suggested there might be answers- before Xena just nodded and shifted, her arms wrapping securely around Gabrielle to hold her tightly in place against Xena’s chest. Rising, Xena ignored Gabrielle’s protests as she began to walk, following after one of Boadicea’s men as he led them deeper into the caves, where smaller, more private tents were waiting.
The moment they were alone, the closing tent flaps sending them into darkness, Xena carefully put Gabrielle to her feet and began to check her over for wounds, her hands searching familiar skin in the darkness and finding it intact. Continuing to ignore her, Xena gently pressed Gabrielle towards the pallet that existed as the bed, kneeling before her to undo her boots as she continued her examination.
“Xena, I’m alright. Promise.”
“Was it a vision?” Her voice was tight as Xena slid Gabrielle’s foot from the boot, her hand wrapping around Gabrielle’s ankle to ensure the joint was alright and healthy- slightly swollen from a long day’s walk, but nothing unusual. Still, Xena massaged the muscle- and at that moment Gabrielle realized she was trying to keep herself busy. Was trying to distract her mind with moving hands, all while subduing her constant fear that something would happen to her.
Reaching forward slowly in the dark to avoid her fingers making contact with Xena’s eyes, Gabrielle gently cupped Xena’s face and lifted it upwards. Placing a small, reassuring kiss somewhere- Xena’s cheekbone, it turned out, the distinction hard to make in the almost pure darkness- Gabrielle reached down and tugged one of Xena’s hands upwards, pressing her lips against Xena’s palm so she could feel her smile.
“Just a dream.” Their code for something changing, indicating a difference between what Gabrielle had “seen��� and what was to be. A code that had Xena nodding, her head moving in Gabrielle’s hand the only indication she understood.
“Will you tell me your dream?” Not a common question, but one Xena had given enough- sometimes Gabrielle had refused her, while other times Gabrielle had recounted how their adventures had once gone, as their ‘dream’ version, before the world had changed. But this time Gabrielle shook her head no- she would, one day. By the gods, one day she would sit Xena down and explain it all, so she could finally understand.
But for now Gabrielle shook her head and leaned in for another kiss, managing after a few moments of searching to capture Xena’s lips.
She was free.
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mrwilliamcharley · 7 years ago
How to Experience Fortune Island in Style
Fortune Island lies off the coast of Nasugbu in Batangas, Philippines. It’s a small, private island that offers a quick escape from the mainland, with breathtaking views, towering limestone cliffs, and its very own taste of Athens.
A structure resembling the Acropolis sits on top of a cliff, overlooking the turquoise waters beneath. Although first impressions are those of ancient Greek ruins, you’re actually looking at the crumbling remains of a luxury resort that was built on the island in the 1980s, but closed down in 2006; a luxurious resort was difficult to sustain on an island with no fresh water source. However, the spot lends a mythical charm to the island and has become an incredibly popular with travellers looking to snap great holiday shots.
Why visit Fortune Island?
If exploring a stunning location off the beaten track calls to you, then Fortune Island is your place. Here you can dip into the cool, deep blue waters, relax on the white sandy beaches and take quality snaps of the stunning scenery to show off your adventures to friends and family back home. The best time to visit is during the dry season, which is November through to June.
It’s entirely possible to experience the luxurious side of this beautiful region without seriously denting your bank balance. There are plenty of adventures to be had, and numerous fun activities that will all add up to an unforgettable experience.
Here’s what you need to know about traveling to Fortune Island…
Best accommodation near to Fortune Island
As there is no fresh water source, electricity, or commercial accommodation on the island, you’ll need to camp if you want to stay overnight. If so, plan to bring camping equipment and provisions with you – including plenty of drinking water! There are no stores, restaurants, or accommodation on the island itself, but there is at least a mobile data signal.
Stardust Beach Hotel, Matabungkay Beach
Stardust Beach Hotel is situated right on the coast, practically opposite Fortune Island. It’s considered one of the best places to stay in the area. What makes it special is that it’s not remotely typical of a Philippino resort. It’s a David Bowie-themed resort with a French touch. Naturally Bowie fans are going to love this, but even if not, it’s worth booking for the comfortable king-sized beds and stylishly decorated, homely rooms.
The hotel also has an inviting clear blue swimming pool, and the beach is just a few metres away. It’s an orderly place where peace is kept as standard, staff are friendly and there’s plenty of good, affordable food onsite – the homemade whole wheat bread is a particular hit with guests. Expect to pay around 2,800PHP per night.
Coral Beach Club, Matabungkay Beach
Coral beach club is another popular choice. Also situated on Matabunkay beach, it’s one of the closest options to Fortune Island. Coral Bay is Australian owned, it’s not a huge resort but does boast a spa where you can get a massage after a long day of exploring, and there’s a small swimming pool for those times you need a refreshing dip. If jacuzzis are your thing, you’ll be happy to know that Coral Beach offers one of those too.
You’ll only need to walk 20 metres to be on the beach, and you’ll have a spacious room, with a set-up comparable to a 4 star hotel. Bathrooms are sizeable, you’ve got decent air-conditioning and management are very accommodating. The restaurant has a good menu with reasonable prices, and there are even happy hour deals on beer and cocktails.
Things to do on Fortune Island
The island appeals to a range of visitors, from those eager for adventure to those happiest relaxing on a beach. Whatever your motivation for visiting this gorgeous island, there is plenty to keep you entertained.
Cliff diving
Adventurers will love this one. Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping more than throwing yourself into the air and dropping down into the ocean below. At Fortune Island you find some great cliff jumping spots, between 15 and 30 feet high.
Snorkelling and diving
There’s plenty of marine life in these crystal clear waters; snorkelling and free-diving are popular activities on Fortune Island. You can ask your boat captain to take you to a good spot; just remember to bring your own snorkelling equipment.
There are also several excellent diving spots around the island. ‘Blue Hole’ is characterized by spectacular underwater architecture; three large holes in the reef open into a vast cavern, so it would be a shame to miss out on such a mesmerising scene. Also check out the deep valleys at Fortune NW diving site, which drop down over 120 feet and are dotted with unusual coral formations.
Visit a shipwreck
Visit the shipwreck near Fortune Island if you’re interested in checking out the remnants of the warship San Diego that sunk in the 1700s. Scuba diving fans can request to be dropped at this underwater museum ship, where they can explore the stern and keel. Dive down to 65 feet, and you’ll even see a VW mini-bus!
Swimming and relaxing on the beach
With plenty of white sandy beaches, there’s ample opportunity to take it easy. Sit back and relax while watching the waves rolling in. Be warned, the waves can get a little rough on the beach, so swim with caution.
Take a hike up to the lighthouse
The trek to the lighthouse on the highest point on the island takes about 30 minutes but the views are simply stunning. You could also hike around the island, which is only 27 hectares, so it doesn’t take too long.
Take photos at the Grecian ruins
The island is full of Grecian architecture. Here you can find the signature pillars of Parthenon, mythical creatures and sculptures of ancient gods. There is also a photo-worthy replica of the San Diego as well (the warship that sank off the island).
For all you Instagram fans and avid photographers, the best time of day to get the best Fortune Island shots is between 1 pm and 3 pm, when the sun is at a lower point.
How to get to Fortune Island
The nearest airport is Ninoy Aquino International Airport, also known as Manila International Airport. If you’re traveling from Manila, you can either opt for public transport, drive by car, or hire a van (which is a great option if you’re in a bigger group) to get to the town of Nasugbu.
There are several direct routes offered by DLTB and San Agustin Bus Line. The journey takes about four hours, and fares cost around Php168 ($3.20) per person. The best stop to get off at is Jollibee-Nasugbu and you can either take a 20 minute walk or ride a tricycle to Fortune Island Resort on the mainland. Cost is between Php10-15 ($0.20 – $0.29).
When you get to Fortune Island Dive Resort, you’ll need to pay an entrance fee to get to the island. Day trips cost Php300 ($6). Finally, you’ll need to hire a boat to take you to Fortune Island, which takes between an hour and an hour and a half. Boat rental costs are usually Php3000 ($58) for groups of 5 to 10 people, or Php4500 for groups of over 10 people.
Although Fortune Island is remote, with a little forward planning it’s quite easy to get to. If you’re staying in the Batanga area, it’s the ideal spot for a day trip to experience wonderful scenery and take some great pictures at the Greek ruins. Who wouldn’t love the chance to watch a sunset or sunrise over this beautiful Filipino island? Enjoy your trip.
About the guest author
Cal Bailey runs MountainLeon.com – a travel blog he started after two years backpacking around the world. If you want to learn more about life on the road or tips for travelling, make sure you read his blog!
  The post How to Experience Fortune Island in Style appeared first on Ladies What Travel.
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