#to jump around to the few sections I worked on and highlight them to get the word count for only that portion
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just a few little bits from the past few days
#both the word count screenshots are from the same day - just different sections of the text. so that was like 4000 words in#one DAY.. huzzah!! (< making up for the fact that I did 0 words the 3 days before that lol.. so its not actually an accomplishment ghjjh)#In renpy I think you can have multiple separate texty cody whatever documents and still jump between them so long as they;re#labeled properly. Rather than like... having one extremely long 60.000 line file where in some places youre in a menu within a menu#within a menu within a menu within a menu within a menu within a menu jhbhj#But that was the way I started doing it lke 5 years ago when I actually made the base of everything so I feel like it'd be too much#work to change it all that dramatically now. But that means I cant just get the word count for the whole document I just have#to jump around to the few sections I worked on and highlight them to get the word count for only that portion#.. the one tiny fraction of the whole monster text wall. Though it is of course spaced out and organized into#clearly labeled sections within that because otherwise I have trouble discerning text on a screen. still.#Resuming a project that's been basically abandoned for 4-5 ish years is just always finding weird stuff like.. why did I do this that way..#why did I write that... why did I organize that in this manner... what the hell am I referencing in this note... etc. lol#Anyway... also......................cat with plum on his head.#everyone point and laugh at mr. plum head boy..!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:3c#I've been obsessed with Calico Critters' social media presence from afar (like how I mentioned one of my possible dream jobs would#be to be the person that sets the scenes and arranges all the toy animals at a tiny little table and etc. to take the type of pictures they#post on their facebook page and stuff) and I see all their photos of them posing the rabbits as if they're in a swimming pool#or on a nature hike or etc. etc. BUT I have never really seen them in person. Recently I was at a store (in a KN95 mask and not staying#very long still of course. wastewater covid levels are still high where I live (and most of the US truly)) and it just crossed my mind#to actually go to the toy section and see if I could find any....wow.... Its like meeting a celebrity.. the Latte Cats....#Of course I didnt buy them because they're like... very expensive?? like $25 - $40 just for one little pack of a few critters like#what is shown. but.... I still got to see them................ my beloved.. I want their outfits... T o T#Oh and then lastly just a pot of purple clover looking things. I just think theyre neat lol#photo diary
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wovenintosilk · 1 year
Received a request through a reblog for something related to Miguel's fangs. It's not exactly focused on them but they're definitely part of it!
No Content Warnings
Word Count: 1100
“Get your fingers away from my mouth. Are you a child?”
You pouted and withdrew your hand, thwarted in your attempts to sneakily lift the corner of your boyfriend’s lip. “I want to see them,” you defended. “They’re so nice to look.”
“If you’re that bored, I will find you something more productive to do,” he reminded you and twisted his face further from your reach. “I’m not in the habit of allowing people to lounge around my workspace for the fun of it.”
“Can my something productive be getting you to smile?”
“Absolutely not.”
You sighed and sank further into your chair, head tilted back to the ceiling you stared at far too much. “You said you would be finished with this by now.”
“It was a possibility but it required far more attention than I expected. It won’t be much longer.”
Miguel’s desire to be busy never surprised you. From the day you’d met him to the day you kissed him for the first time, you always understood why he obsessed in the way he did. It didn’t hurt you but you worried – more about his own health than anything else.
When was the last time he’d even eaten?
“You know, I actually do have a job to get done,” you said. “I’ll be back soon. Try not to get too big of a headache by scowling at that screen.”
“I know.”
The grumbled words didn’t help your concerns. You cast a glance over your shoulder in his direction. The harsh artificial lighting of his office highlighted how he hunched over his work, shone off his suit in a piercing way.
It really couldn’t be good for him to stand like that.
Your first stop took you over an hour to reach and you still didn’t doubt for one second that Miguel would still be working on your return. Though he cared little about food quality lately, you insisted on getting him something healthy and what you knew he would enjoy.
If it took you ages to find, you didn’t mind too much. You knew it wouldn’t impact on your plans going forward.
Around the side of Miguel’s office, a few wires connected just behind a broken section of the wall. You had to hold your breath to squeeze half into it in order to reach them.
“This is a very bad idea.”
You jumped, hit your head against the wall in your startle, and groaned in the unexpected pain. Lyla watched with a humoured smirk from where she’d appeared, projected out of your personal watch.
“It’ll be fine,” you said. “He won’t even know it was me.”
“He will,” she corrected. “But that’s not what I’m worried about. I know you can handle Miguel yourself but I think you shouldn’t play with electricity.”
“When you asked me to get him to take a break, you should have known I’d need to resort to some extreme measures.”
She sighed and waved a hand for you to continue. You squeezed your way further in so you could reach the wire that fed his office and a few of the surrounding halls. Hobie showed you it wouldn’t turn off the rest of the complex when he did it last time as a joke.
“I’ve already backed up everything he’s working on. If he throws you out, I take no responsibility for it.”
You grinned cut the wire. Everything plummeted into darkness around you, computers shut off loudly and the ever-present hum stopped. You grinned proudly and dropped your cutter back into its space before you headed to the office.
You realised one of the main problems when you walked through the doors and spotted him on his platform. The one that wouldn’t move now without electricity.
“Wow,” you said loudly. “Can you believe the timing of this?”
He turned slowly. The silence stretched thickly between you, your smile a match for his glare. Lyla was right, he knew exactly what had happened.
“Either you have to come down here or find a way to get me up there,” you called. “Because I can’t reach you otherwise.”
You held up the food right as a bright web attached to your chest. It pulled you forward and lifted you into the air as though you weighed nothing. It might not be the first time it had happened to you but you’d never really get used to the sensation of being dragged around.
He steadied you when you landed, his hand rested on your arm until you gained your balance back. His lip curled up ever so slightly as he waited.
“I brought food,” you said and sat down in your chair.
“What did you do?”
“Went a ridiculous distance to get this for you,” you noted. “Do you know how far this place is? And then I got back and the power disappeared. Had to walk here in the dark.”
“Do you know how busy I was? How much you may have gotten lost?”
“I’m sure Lyla managed to get it saved. You can take a break while she finds the fault.”
He loomed above you, leaned down and opened his mouth ever so slightly. Finally, you had an opportunity to see those massive fangs you loved so much. You loved his habit of using them to intimidate. He didn’t even do it purposefully.
“You can’t really be blaming me for the electricity,” you said.
“I’m not stupid.”
You finally placed the packet of food aside, reached up and grabbed the front of his suit so you could pull him closer. You used your free hand to cup his jaw, ran your thumb over his bottom lip. Those fangs really were beautiful. What you’d give to have them showing more often…
“I need you to take a break,” you said. “It might take a while to fix. You may as well give your body a small rest, okay?”
Before you let him go, you pressed a small kiss to the underside of his jaw. He leaned into the touch just enough to let you know you’d been somewhat forgiven for your meddling.
He took the food from you, muttered something about stubbornness, and listened as you spoke about everything you’d been waiting to tell him.
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ternfic · 10 days
Chapter Six
“It’s so adorable! And cute!”
“Are you covering up some un-dark past?”
“Well well well! I thought ye were tough! Looks like the peg’s on the other leg!”
“Wait, is she secretly cutesy?”
Lucy couldn’t give them an answer as she fought not to hyperventilate. She could recall very clearly having her bangs bleached and dyed on a regular basis to keep the colorful highlights. Emmet had even gone with her a few times to see how it was done. “This isn’t my real hair!” she finally snapped, glaring in challenge at her friends. “My hair is naturally black! Can you guys seriously not remember my highlights fading?!”
“I dunno, Wyldstyle, that black sure looks like it’s washing right out,” Benny pointed out.
“They did something to it! Are you seriously going to trust someone you’ve known for barely an hour over someone you’ve known for five years?!”
“Pardon my language, but she’s a real grumpledumpuss,” the vampire huffed, earning a round of gasps. Lucy only gave him a flat glare.
“Take her for some music therapy,” the General commanded. “Then she’ll be ready to join our ceremony.”
Lucy struggled as she was marched to another section of the temple. “Just listen to the music, and let your mind go,” the vampire told her, just before she was shoved into a room and sealed in. She stared around as giant speakers lowered from the ceiling and almost immediately began blasting some catchy pop song, the bass thumping through her entire body.
“This song’s gonna get stuck inside your- this song’s gonna get stuck inside your- this song’s gonna stuck inside your head!”
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me,” she muttered, but soon the annoyance faded to horror as she could feel it working its way through her. It was burrowing into her brain, just as it threatened it would, slowly starting to pick at her less than happy memories. With a shriek she launched herself at one of the speakers, tearing it apart in seconds. She fashioned a pair of headphones from the debris to try to block out the insidious music before grabbing a long pole and using it to pry open another door. It shattered under the force of her fury.
On the other side was Unikitty, her fur its natural bubblegum pink for the first time in years. “Unikitty, let’s get out of here!”
“Wyldstyle, it’s fun! Sing along!”
The rest of the group joined them then, closing in on her as they tried to convince her to join in. Metalbeard had had a new body built for him, and Benny’s arm was seemingly restored- or was a very masterful prosthetic that mimicked his original perfectly. “What’s wrong with you?! You’re not acting like yourselves!”
“Don’t be a grumpledumpuss!” Unikitty teased.
“Don’t you see?! They are trying to change us!” She started to move with the music, and screamed her frustration. “Shoulder! Stay still!” she growled as she glanced around for a way out. If she tried to break out through the door, she’d be greeted by those weird robot guards and the General. She didn’t like those odds.
There! Up near the ceiling, an air duct! She jumped up onto the shuffling platforms, using them to launch herself upward and toward the duct, swinging inside with ease. She took a moment to breathe; it was considerably quieter inside. The feeling of those little fingers sifting through her brain had eased. She’d thought something weird was going on, but brainwashing?
Whatever that Queen might have sang at them about being ‘not evil’, her actions were certainly proving otherwise. This wasn’t just weird, this was downright sinister.
She crawled away from the rooms being blasted with music and kicked the grate out with perhaps more force than was really necessary, but the resulting clang! and looks of shock on the vampires' faces was more than worth it. She stalked up to the young man, snarl firmly in place.
“Where’s my ring,” she demanded.
“Ring?” came the puzzled response. “You didn’t have a ring-”
“The hell I didn’t!” Lucy exploded. “It was hammered copper with a wire-wrapped sapphire and I was wearing it on my left hand and you took it for ‘safe keeping’ before you shipped me off for those stupid ‘treatments’!” By now she’d grabbed his collar and was shaking him. Maybe putting the fear of The Man Upstairs into him would jog his memory.
A white-gloved fist flew toward her face and she jerked back, releasing her hold on the vampire to avoid getting hit. She glared at the General, and dodged a few more punches before finally managing to kick her away. The moment the opportunity presented itself, she sprinted for the exit, putting a fair bit of distance between it and herself before climbing up to hide among the crystal formations.
She watched from her vantage as the blocky guard-bots were deployed to look for her, but with no luck. It seemed they didn’t have flight capability like the General, and so couldn’t see her from the ground. Lucy smirked to herself. Apparently the General hadn’t thought the temple climbable. Eventually they gave up. Lucy crammed herself further into her hidey-hole in case the General herself came out to search, but it remained silent.
After a while she heard an announcement that the buses would be departing for the wedding soon, and she climbed back down to get a better view. She watched as the others were loaded onto a bus, the General herself taking Batman alone, for who knew what reason. Nothing good, she guessed.
Lucy watched with curiosity as a pair of Systarians in armor similar to the General’s approached her, conversed for several minutes, then saluted and left again. She wished she could have heard what they were saying. Just as she was debating creeping closer to sneak a ride out under one of the buses, a whisper caught her attention.
That… sounded like Emmet. She shook her head. She had to be hearing things.
“Lucy, over here!”
That was it. That song had gotten to her, and she'd officially lost her mind. She looked over anyway.
To her immense surprise, there stood Emmet, along with someone who looked like Bad Cop (if the sunglasses and scowl were anything to go by, at least) and another man she didn’t recognize but who looked somewhat like Emmet. The other two didn’t matter to her in that moment. Emmet was there.
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penname-artist · 2 years
Life Updates (Jan. 2023)
(Dated as such because I presume I’ll do more month-to-month updates, assuming I’ve anything update-worthy. Highlighted the section’s themes cuz I bounce a lot and there was a lot to cover for this month)
My commissions have been doing well as of late. I wouldn’t say they’re “booming” per se, but I have two done and two right behind them. Getting onto a real schedule has its ups and downs, though. For one thing, remembering to block my time for work (espeeeeecially for logging commission times) has been challenging. Nevertheless, I’ve done the thing, and I’m being good and making myself not work on the weekends and only putting in my work toward the week days.
That said, this Monday (the 16th) will probably be busy. Next to those two commissions, I have a pair of videos (which aren’t even mine, they’re my father’s) to edit for posting to help him advertise somethin-or-other. I really need to work on my own videos for my channel and get my setup back (the camera holder thingy I use when doing speed art has been moved since I replaced my floor last year and I still haven’t put it back) BUT, because Monday already has three to four projects in it, I’m not gonna push it. I know what I’m like, I want to do everything at once and then I don’t do any of it.
Which ALSO reminds me of the Dusty Collaboration project that I intended to do in August last year and never finished. My plan on that, going forward (and I’ll go back and poke the members of this project and re-ensure everyone is still on board with this) is to do it this August instead for the Planes 10-year anniversary. Because, you know, it’s TEN YEARS. That’s fucking INSANE.
Now mental health wise...well it’s kind of a mixed bag. I definitely feel a lot better and more alive right now than I had working 36 hours a week and wasting away in a chair. I have all of my side hobbies in the same place and I can add to them and work on them in my own time (and literally, I have a lot of fucking hobbies. In this room alone I have two dozen someodd video games, board games, card games, stacks of books I’m addictively reading, piles of crochet projects and yarn, a desk full of art materials, another desk full of writing materials, and now I’m putting in a TV and DVD/CD player for television and music). It’s also given me enough motivation/inspiration to do the things I’ve been actually wanting and needing to do - like make money - more effectively. So on that front, all is well and good.
But, the rat situation from a few months ago is still going on. And I literally have no fucking idea what it is or why it is and what we can do to stop it. I literally don’t even know if it’s a rat anymore. I never hear any active chewing or scratching, all that I hear is the movement of an animal from one end of the bedroom all the way around to the other, and the occasional bump of something in the wall as it hits it. A pair of times I’ve heard some weird squeaking like it’s a baby animal of some sort, but only a teeny tiny amount of times. And the other day I discovered a cat outside my window, so NOW I’m thinking he’s sneaking into the house walls to hunt and just fucking with me. Or it’s something else, I literally have no idea. Either way, I have slept with the wax melter light on EVERY night for the last month or so.
Lastly, on the side of financial state, we’re still going by the skin of our teeth at the moment, but I suppose it’s working. Dad’s jumping between fixing cars (which he knows) and trying to do real estate (which he does not know as much - also making money from that takes significantly more time and less consistency) and I’m only just now starting to scratch into my savings for things.
My biggest focus aside from my commissions and things will probably be getting my license and then finding a second job somewhere, hopefully art-related (please), between now and May. That is, assuming that I’m still not quite making enough to be comfortable. I’m teetering on the edge of qualifying for making money through Youtube, and commissions are making a fair bit of pocket change right now, but even that plus my work income right now is about half of the rent money for the month. I did say I’d give myself until April to do this, because I can make it that far on savings alone, comfortably and without much fear. BUT, nothing and no one can break until then because I ain’t got no insurance for shit anymore. *punches body* Stop being stupid!
(oh yeah physical health wise I still get occasional noodle days where my body is just, non-functional and I’m just kinda made of limp noodles. Not often, but, it does happen. I dunno man, maybe it’s just a normal thing, who knows.)
That’s all I can think of for the time being, y’all. I’m gonna work on this immediate stuff first and then hopefully I’ll have room to put out some videos for you guys. And, there’s fanfics to look forward to! If anyone remembers Night on the Bow, a project collaborated by Ivory, Shu, and yours truly, we’re making another one! It’s a beefy fic too, so hang onto your hats... ;)
There’s tons more in the wings but I can’t even remember what lol, but it’ll get there when it gets there!
Take care y’all and have a nice Sunday, til the morrow!
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mychorrhizal · 6 months
3 Essential Design Trends, April 2024
March 25, 2024
Ready to jump into some amazing new design ideas for Spring? Our roundup has everything from UX to color trends covered.
Let’s spring into some fun colors and unique UX. This month’s roundup of website design trends should have you feeling fresh and ready to head into the new season.
Here’s what’s trending in design this month:
1. User Experience Unicorns
There are many fun little elements appearing in new design projects. With emerging technology and users with faster, more reliable internet everywhere, it’s much easier to incorporate some of these fun elements and know that they will work.
To get the most out of each of these examples, click through and play around a bit. Also, be on the lookout for similar unicorns as you navigate other websites.
Double 2 does a few different things, but the most fun element in the design is the color picker at the top right of the screen. Print designers might recognize some of the crop and bleed marks as well as the CMYK color block. Click a color, and the background changes to match; the logo also takes on a new font treatment and style with each shift.
Akaru does one thing like the example before it, with downpage navigation – is this an emerging trend of its own? – but shines with the treatment of the right side, numbered panels. Click any of them to jump into a web experience for that section of the site that all seems to happen without you leaving. The menu has a nice feel as well, with robust menu options, hover state animations and a full reel video.
Your Majesty is a magazine-style website with a homepage design that seems to bend images and space. Click on any of the images and you pop into an immersive content experience with the same shape-bending background for each. The design leaves every user with a quandary – do I want to read on or just keep looking at all the great art effects?
2. Black and White Imagery
Black-and-white imagery has such a classic feel that it is often hard to think of as a trend. On the other hand, the use of black-and-white images and video seems to come and go in waves of popularity. Right now, it’s returning to prominence.
The secret to using black-and-white imagery is connecting it to storytelling. The lack of color has to work in concert with your brand and design story to be truly effective. Otherwise, it can leave users somewhat underwhelmed or confused.
In each of these examples, the use of black and white has a purpose, and each website design tackles it in a different way with a different purpose and results in mind.
Michelle Benzer showcases her work by leading off with a beautiful black-and-white video reel that leads into color images. The stark nature of the black-and-white video helps bring focus to the color images when they appear. It’s a classic example of contrast for impact done well.
Luciano de Crescenzo also uses a black-and-white concept for his personal site, leading off with two images of himself taken decades apart. While the design does feature some color well below the scroll, the images grab your attention with the simple overall aesthetic. Between the black-and-white photos and light-and-black design, everything is created to facilitate reading.
The Boathouse isn’t a personal portfolio but does highlight the work of a brand agency. This design features a collage with plenty of black-and-white images that animate onto the screen as an attention-grabber. The placement and style of text in the hero area with the colorless images give the design an elegant feel.
All three of these designs start in black and white and transition into some additional color on the scroll. This is done with purpose. Too much black-and-white imagery can feel stark and lifeless, while flipping from black-and-white to color has a type of “Wizard of Oz” effect, bringing life to the design.
3. Brights Are Back
If you thought bright colors were gone, you are wrong. They are back!
The colors that made Material Design palettes popular – yes, pink and purple among them – are making a return to all types of website design projects. (And we kind of love them.)
There's something fresh and happy about bright colors that’s hard to ignore. They work well for everything from portfolio sites to app landing pages. The only real challenge with this color trend is the potential to create a not-so-great combination of hues because of your brand colors. (So be careful there.)
Joseph Yosep uses a fun combination of color and oversized text to get attention. Subtle motion doesn’t hurt, either.
Function and Form uses a more neutral background color and goes all in with bright graphics. Multiple animated screens introduce different elements, many of which feature similar color palettes.
Say Social combines color and interesting animation – look for the UX unicorn in the navigation wheel downpage – in a way that makes you want to click around. The design uses multiple variations on color themes with tints and tones that make everything work seamlessly with a variety of two-color, bright options.
While user experience changes aren’t for the faint of heart, they can have a huge impact on your overall design and projects. For most website revamps, this isn’t something we’d recommend, but these ideas are great to think about when planning new projects.
The same can be said for both of the color trends featured here. Using black-and-white imagery is a distinct choice, as is a super bright color palette at the other end of the spectrum.
We hope these ideas inspire you to try something new with some of your upcoming website design projects.
Carrie Cousins
Carrie Cousins is a freelance writer with more than 10 years of experience in the communications industry, including writing for print and online publications, and design and editing. You can connect with Carrie on Twitter @carriecousins.
Read more here https://upcity.com/profiles/d5-media
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lindsaynooneops · 7 months
Fundamentals 1: Software Pūmanawa A bit more compositing
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first image of choice to edit into the jumping man Photoshop creation
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i duplicated the photo, object selected the magpie, then clicked on the mask icon and then added a blank layer between the two. by clicking option/alt + delete/backspace, in the new layer between the bird and background, we created a fill using the foreground swatch colour. i selected then duplicated the background layer and made it an overlay by putting the opacity down to see all the issues needing fixed
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on the mask layer being selected, i created a path around one of the areas that were undesired and needed removal. i turned the path into a selection and then hit delete.
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going over a few more areas and using the same technique as shown above has proven success in creating a more seamless cut.
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after removing sections we found some areas that were overdone
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i ran the white brush with maximum softness over the edge of the feathers of the layer mask
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after some touch ups and tweaks i finished separating the background and the magpie
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Magpie added to the jumping man composition
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this is the 2nd Photoshop image i will edit out of the background.
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once again i duplicated the photo, object selected the skink, then clicked on the mask icon and then added a blank layer between the two. by clicking option/alt + delete/backspace, in the new layer between the bird and background, i created a fill using the foreground swatch colour.
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i then created a path around the areas undesired i then made the path into a selection and then deleted the section
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i then took the soft white brush around the areas i went a little over
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i then added the skink into the background.
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moving on to 2 vectors (one that interacts with the jumping man) i decided on using a whirlpool (the road i grew up on's name means Whirlpool in Maori)
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i started with creating one ring of a swirl
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I then duplicated the swirl while removing some parts of the shape ie. the mid colour, highlight and shading
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i played around with the shapes and bent some edges to create some uniqueness and natural randomness.
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I selected the image and hit export selection, hit 3x scaling and made sure it was in the right folder and then hit export asset.
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i then placed it via file > place linked into the jumping man project.
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i then duplicated the asset and then moved the duplication below the stylised S.
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after adding a layer mask to the top duplication of the whirlpool and creating path selections around areas overlapping and parts of the swirls to be put behind, i was able to successfully create an effect similar to the stylised s of the whirlpool going around the jumping man
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for my final vector, i will be recreating Carex kaloides, commonly named sedge which has been observed in the area of what the background painting was of(The Poolburn Dam) to be declining.
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after rigorous play around with stroke shapes, placements and sections of colours this is the end result. i started off with the left down bending straws but realised how drooping i had made it thus far so i gradually had the straw stand up mostly straight as i went on.
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i decided to put the sedge next to the skink cause they looked very lonely :(.
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i went over the area with a soft erasor to blend them in better
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i decided to add some shading to have them work a little better with the scenery
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Following all that, we are finished. in reflection this turned out better than I imagined and I'm glad that things fit together well with each other. I'm happy i was able to use images and vectors that well represent the area of the Ida Valley and the Poolburn Dam in an artistic perspective after growing up in that area for many of my young years. the main thing that i would benefit a project similar to this is having more time to brainstorm and go more in depth into the design and creation of the objects. i honestly haven't been able to get around to work on this composition until the day of posting this and the day after. all of these objects and photos are of significance to me. the sound of the Magpies squawking early in the morning among the pine trees opposite to my bedroom window and the poplar trees spread around the farm house. the name of the road i grew up on, Auripo Road, where Auripo is Maori for Swirly Wind or Whirl Pool visualised here with the whirl pool around the jumping man and stylised S. the skinks roaming around up on the hills of my farm that my family has owned for many generations. and the sedge observed all over the place along the Dam and my Family Farm.
0 notes
musicthrob · 8 months
Girlish - Heartthrob Live! (Full Film)
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February 19, 2024
Current watch count: 9
For fans of boybands, 80s and 90s Pop, The 1975, Charlie Burg, Justin Bieber, and 4*TOWN
Casually tapping through Instagram stories, I stumble upon this gem because of musicians Andrew Pham and Samuel Victoria. I look further at the credits and I am glad to see that Cameron Thistle is part of this ensemble as well! I did not go to Youtube and watch it right away because I wanted to save it for later when I could give it my full attention, which would naturally be at 3 in the morning for me. With my roommates asleep, I could not scream at the top of my lungs, for I just discovered my newest obsession. 
The film starts with the camera wandering around the house, collecting the duo Alex Perdomo and Kevin Moody, to the accompaniment of beautiful synths, keys, saxophone, and light drums. As the words say on screen, a genius idea does take shape and the notes of the saxophone perfectly emulates that feeling. Ever so nonchalantly, the duo finally wanders into the living room and everything just comes alive with the full band. The drums kick it off and the upbeat guitar and groovy bass just made me want to jump and dance! The sounds of the synths, guitar, and the saxophone especially take me back to when I saw The 1975 (At Their Very Best Tour) in 2022. They have the same essence! I need to see Girlish perform live immediately!
Girlish performs four songs and all the melodies are so catchy, I don’t know why they did not put the song titles in the description earlier because I was ready to stream right away. However, I gladly scavenged through their catalog to find them. The setlist is “2 LUV ME,” “RUNAROUND,” “Overstep,” and “MISS UNDERSTOOD.” I was pleased to find in the comment section that they might be releasing the live versions of these songs on DSPs because I enjoy and prefer the live band sound and carefree and playful vocals that this environment produced, over how the released singles sound! 
I think this film was shot, mixed, and colored so beautifully and with much heart. To me, it’s very reminiscent of Dijon’s live sessions for Absolutely. The musicians are highlighted doing their thing, enjoying their craft, rocking with it, and you could tell that everyone involved was just having a great time. I wonder how much they practiced and choreographed everything from the dancing, lighting, to camera work. I saw somewhere that this was filmed in December of last year! Can’t believe that they just had this in the vault like that.
Miscellaneous thoughts:
A few weeks ago, there was this Tiktok I saw where this person was talking about the revival of the pop boyband genre and I am gladly hopping on that train. I love listening to fun music. 
They would be the perfect opener for Charlie Burg, someone who also writes really strong melodies and is just really good live. They are all just groovy guys and I think they would really get along. 
I’m also just confused as to why they don't have that many followers and monthly listeners yet!
The bits of bass and percussion throughout are the best omg.
The jumping around is very Justin Bieber in the best way.
The space this was filmed in is super cool!
(02/22/24) - Just saw that they are submitting for the NPR Tiny Desk Contest and I was literally thinking about that when I watched it for the first time. I hope they win! W00000
1:27, 2:06, 2:55, 3:30, 3:59, 
4:27, 5:04, 5:37, 6:06, 
7:59, 8:10, 8:55, 9:23,
9:49, 10:22, 10:32, 10:44, 11:21, 11:28, 11:37, 11:55, 12:19, 13:10, 13:27
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geekfanficwriter · 2 years
Slumber Party- Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
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Summary: When your parent’s go away for a weekend you finally get some alone time with your girlfriend Robin. Based on this request: How about needy and submissive Robin? With a dominant female reader? (And mommy kink?👀) Words: Warnings: SMUT (18+, minors dni), Dom!Reader, Sub!Robin, teasing, mommy kink, fingering, oral, strap-on use, lots of dirty talk
‘Are you sure you’ll be okay?’ Your mom asked you. It was your parents' anniversary this week and your dad had surprised your mom with a weekend away, meaning you’d be alone for the next few days. ‘Yes, mom, I’ll be fine. I’ll just do homework or something.’ You lied. You had no homework this weekend but your parents didn’t need to know that. ‘Okay, well stay safe and make sure you take care of yourself. I’ve left money in the kitchen for some food.’ She fussed, pulling you into a hug. ‘Will do. Have fun on your trip.’ You said as your dad opened the front door. You said your goodbyes to your parents, your mom panicking slightly, despite the fact you would be moving out in a few months to go to college anyway. You stood by the door, waiting until you heard their car pull out of the drive and away before practically running to the phone and dialling the number for Family Video. ‘Hello, this is Family Video. How can I help you?’ Steve asked, picking up the phone after a few rings. You could tell he was bored from the sound of his voice. ‘Hi Steve, is Robin there?’ You asked him as he let out a loud sigh at your question. ‘You know we're not meant to take personal calls at work right?’ ‘Oh please, I know you do it all the time, now put Robin on the phone.’ You heard some yelling and shuffling on the other end of the phone before a voice came through. ‘Hi, it’s Robin.’ You heard her speak. ‘Hello, I was wondering if you had a copy of Deep Throat in the adult section?’ You joked. ‘Hilarious, Y/N. Did you call me just to make a joke?’ She replied deadpan. ‘No, I had something important to tell you. And don’t pretend you’re not happy to hear my voice, baby girl.’ You smiled, twirling the phone cord around your finger. ‘I’m not admitting to anything. What do you have to tell me?’ You could tell from her voice she was smiling. ‘So my dad just surprised my mom with a weekend away, meaning I have the place to myself. Please tell me you’re free this weekend because I want you to stay over.’ You begged. It had been so long since you’d had some alone time with your girlfriend and sneaking off for quickies in the back of Family Video or your car wasn’t cutting it anymore. ‘Well lucky for you, tomorrow is my day off so I guess I could come over tonight.’ ‘Yes, I’ll pick you up from work. You finish at 8 tonight right?’ ‘Yeah, 8. I’ll see you then.’ ‘See you then. Love you, baby.’ You hung up the phone, not waiting for a response as you knew Robin wouldn’t tell you that she loved you while in a public place. You ran upstairs, jumping in the shower and cleaning yourself up, making sure you were ready for tonight. Once you were finished with the shower, you walked through to your room, glancing at the clock on your bedside table. It was only 6 so you had plenty of time to get ready, though you would have to leave early so you could go to the store first to get food for the two of you. You walked over to your drawers, digging through them until you found what you were looking for. It was a new pair of lingerie you had bought a few weeks earlier but hadn’t had a chance to wear. It was a dark green set, a colour which Robin loved on you, all lacy and practically see-through. You knew you looked good in the set and you couldn’t wait for Robin to see you in them. You put on a pair of jeans and a shirt over the top, not wanting to give anything away, before sitting down at your vanity, doing simple makeup to highlight your features. You couldn’t wait for tonight.
You walked into Family Video at 7:45, smiling as you saw your girlfriend standing behind the counter. Robin’s face lit up when she saw you walk in, waving you over. ‘Hey, how’s work going?’ You leaned against the counter, wanting to lean over and kiss Robin but you couldn’t because of the other customers in the store. ‘Busy, it is a Friday night.’ Robin said as a customer came over to check out a film. You stepped out of the way, going to look for a movie to watch tonight. You looked around before your eyes settled on Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. You didn’t even know it was out on film yet. You picked it up and walked over to the counter placing it down in front of your girlfriend. ‘Chose a movie for tonight.’ You grinned at her as she groaned. ‘No, I don’t want to watch this. Can’t we watch a drama or a comedy?’ She asked picking up the film. ‘You picked the film last time we hung out and it was in Italian with no subtitles so I had no idea what was going on. It’s my turn to pick. Plus you wouldn’t come to see this with me in the theatres so I haven’t seen it yet.’ You pointed out. ‘Fine.’ She said, scanning the film for you. ‘Oh, I’ve picked up food and stuff for tonight so we’re good on that front.’ Just at that moment, Steve walked out from the back. ‘Hey, you know we don’t finish for another 5 minutes, right?’ He asked, putting returned movies back on the shelf. ‘Yeah, but I had to pick up a movie anyway.’ ‘Well don’t go in the back room, I don’t want to walk in on you two ever again.’ Robin started blushing at his words, while you laughed. ‘5 minutes isn’t nearly enough time. If you think it is I feel sorry for Heidi, Jessica, Sarah. Who are you seeing right now?’ You said trying to remember who was the last person Steve was dating. ‘Casey, actually and I’ll have you know I’m great in bed.’ You made a grossed-out face at his words. ‘Ew, I don’t want to know.’ You turned to Robin and mouthed Is Casey new? To which she nodded. ‘Robin could you actually help me rather than staring at your girlfriend?’ Steve asked. ‘Go help, I’ll wait out in the car.’ You said blowing a kiss to Robin as you walked out.
Once Robin finished work, she climbed into your car and the two of you drove home. The second the two of you entered your house, you pushed Robin up against the wall, dropping the plastic bag you were holding and pressing your lips against hers roughly. You gripped her hips roughly as you slid your tongue in her mouth while Robin wrapped her arms around your neck. ‘I missed you.’ You mumbled, pulling away from her lips slightly. ‘You’ve been with me for the last half an hour.’ She laughed. ‘Yeah, but I missed you like this.’ You pressed your lips against hers again. ‘As much as I want to babe, I’m absolutely starving.’ You sighed, pulling away and picking up the bag of food, taking it through to the kitchen. ‘Fine, food and then the movie.’
‘Robin stop squirming.’ You were currently on the couch your legs outstretched and your back against the armrest. Robin was lying between your legs, her head pressed up against your chest, you had your arms wrapped around her waist, her hands out on top of yours. You two had finished your pizza a while ago and half-empty bags of various snacks were lying all over the table. You were about halfway through the movie and you could tell from Robin’s squirming that she was getting antsy. ‘Sorry.’ She pouted. She sat still for a few minutes before turning her head slightly and pressing a kiss to your clothed breast. You immediately moved your hand up and grabbed her chin, turning her head back to the tv. ‘I’m trying to watch a movie, baby girl.’ You told her. You knew that she was horny so you decided to tease her. You moved your hand under her shirt, slowly moving it up, stopping right below her breast. You kept your eyes on the screen as you started rubbing small circles on her stomach, you started moving your hand down, continuing to rub circles as you did so. You could hear her letting out tiny whimpers which only encouraged you. You continued to lower your hand until you reached just above her trousers. You kept rubbing circles, feeling her stomach spasm beneath your hand. You stopped moving your hand, keeping it still as she started rubbing her thighs together to relieve some of the pressure between her legs. ‘Focus on the movie, baby.’ You whispered in her ear. ‘I’m wearing something really special under my clothes for you, baby girl.’ You added on, making her groan. You couldn’t keep the smile off your face, you loved teasing her and making her beg for you. You decided to take your teasing a bit further, sliding your hand into her underwear and placing your hand over her slit, keeping it completely still. You could feel how wet she was against your hand, it made you excited to see how turned on she was with only the smallest of touches. ‘Please.’ She whined out grinding up against your hand. ‘What do you want?’ You asked, leaning forward and nipping her earlobe. ‘Please, touch me, mommy.’ You had to suppress a moan at her words. You loved when she called you that, but you weren’t done teasing. You rubbed your hand around her hole, getting your fingers wet, you then rubbed her clit a few times before pulling your hand out of her underwear. She threw her head back on your shoulder letting out a loud whine as you licked your fingers clean. ‘I’m trying to watch a movie.’ You told her, turning your head back to the film. Robin sat still for a few minutes as you focused on the movie but you felt her start to wiggle again. You looked down at her and saw she had shoved her own hand into her underwear, rubbing herself. ‘Umm, what are you doing?’ You said grabbing her wrist to stop her from moving. ‘I’m sorry, I just needed to feel something.’ She pouted as you pulled her hand out of her trousers, interlocking your fingers with hers so she couldn’t touch herself. ‘And did I say you could do that?’ You asked. ‘I’m sorry, mommy, please. I just need you so bad.’ She whined in her beautifully raspy voice. ‘Fine, upstairs now.’ She stood up, practically running up the stairs as you followed closely behind. You both entered your room and she turned around and wrapped her arms around your neck, going to kiss you but you pulled away. ‘Nope, strip and get on the bed.’ You told her. She started to strip as you walked over to your wardrobe, pulling it open and grabbing your box of toys. You pulled off your clothes, leaving on your bra and underwear before picking your strap out of the box and putting it on. You turned around to see Robin lying on the bed completely naked. You stared at her for a moment. Even though you’d seen her naked a hundred times every time you saw her naked you were stunned at how perfect she was. Her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, just every part of her was perfect. You stopped staring at her and walked over to the bed, climbing on top of her and resting your head on her stomach. You pressed small kisses to her stomach as she moaned. ‘What do you want, baby girl?’ You asked, running your hands up and down her thighs. ‘Your mouth, I need your mouth on me, please.’ You obliged, pulling yourself further down the bed. You kissed your way up her thigh, skipping over her cunt and kissing her other thigh. You eventually moved your mouth over to pussy, pressing kisses to the outside, before pulling her legs further apart and licking a strip up her. You then focused your attention on her clit, flicking it with your tongue. You put your mouth around her sucking hard as you started to swirl your tongue in circles. She moved her hands down into your hair, gripping hard as she moaned, encouraging you as you started to suck harder. You continued sucking and licking until her moans got louder and you knew she was close to coming. You pulled away as she let out a groan of frustration. ‘Why did you stop?’ She whined as you pulled yourself up, pressing a kiss to her lips and sliding your tongue into her mouth. ‘I didn’t put this on for no reason, I’m going to fuck you.’ You pointed at the strap you were wearing, reaching over to your top drawer and grabbing out the lube, smearing it all over the strap. You lined yourself up with her, slowly pushing in as she moaned. You pushed all the way into her before stopping, keeping your hips still. ‘I really wanted to watch that movie and you interrupted me. Why should I do anything for you?’ You whispered in her ear before biting her neck. ‘I’m so sorry but I needed you so badly.’ Robin whined out as you kept your hips painfully still, your hands resting on her hips so she couldn’t move. ‘Beg for it, baby girl.’ You said, moving one hand to her nipple and playing with it. ‘Mommy, please just fuck me, I promise I’ll be a good girl. I just need you to fuck me.’ Robin begged you. You made a face as if you were thinking for a moment. ‘Okay.’ You lean down and kiss her passionately while starting to move your hips, pulling the strap in and out of her. You moved down to kiss her neck as she let out moans her hands gripping your hips which moved in and out of her at a fast pace. You moved your mouth even further down, taking her nipple into your mouth and sucking hard on it before biting down slightly making her let out a loud moan. You pulled one of your hands away from the side of her head, rubbing her clit with it as you picked up your pace, moving the strap at the perfect pace. You kept sucking and biting at her nipple as you fucked her hard, the moans from her mouth being the most perfect sound you’d ever heard. The way her head was thrown back against the pillow, her eyes closed and her mouth parted in the most beautiful way only encouraged you, wanting to make her feel good. ‘Mommy, I’m so close.’ She whined out as you kept pounding into her, rubbing her clit in circles. You moved the hand that was still by her head into her hair and lifted her head up kissing her hard. ‘Open your eyes, I want you to look at me as you come.’ You told her. She did as she was told, her eyes heavily lidded as she stared at you. ‘Good girl. Is my good girl going to come for me?’ You encouraged her as you kept your movements up, not slowing. ‘Yes, oh god, yes, mommy!’ She yelled out as she came, forcing herself to keep her eyes open and looking at you as she did so. You slowed your hips down, helping her ride out her orgasm as she let out small pants. She lay beneath you, breathing deeply as you pulled the strap out of her, rolling off her and lying down next to her. You removed the strap on, placing it on your bedside table, leaning over to kiss her cheek lightly snuggling into her as she recovered from her orgasm. She turned to face you, placing a kiss on your lips and fiddling with your bra strap. ‘These are really nice. You look so hot.’ She said, pulling herself over so she was curled up against you. ‘I bought them just for you.’ You kissed her forehead lightly before she moved her head down to kiss the curve of your breast, just above the lace of the bra. She placed her hands on your hips moving her head down to kiss your stomach as she pulled herself on top of you. ‘I want to make you feel good.’ She said between kisses, hooking her fingers into your underwear and pulling them down your legs. You kicked them off as she kissed the top of your cunt, placing her hands on your thighs and pulling your legs apart as you felt the cold air hit your soaking wet pussy. She placed a kiss to your clit before licking a strip up your entire pussy making you moan. She started to suck on your clit, moving her tongue in circles as she did so. It had been so long since you’d had her mouth on you and you had missed it so much. She was so skilled with her mouth, knowing exactly what to do to make you come. You moved your hands down to wrap them in her hair and pulled lightly, making her moan. The vibrations against your clit felt amazing as you let out a loud groan, pulling your head up off the pillow. Your reaction encouraged her as she started to hum against you, the feeling making you practically scream. ‘Oh my god, keep doing that. That’s so good, you’re such a good girl.’ You moaned out, your voice higher than normal. Your words only encouraged her, as she kept licking and sucking at you for the next few minutes, bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. ‘Baby, I’m so close, don’t stop.’ You whined out, gripping her hair as hard as you could as you felt your pussy clench. She flicked her tongue up and down as your head fell back on the pillow, letting out a final moan as you came. She slowed her tongue down licking you clean as you loosened your grip on her hair. ‘Such a good girl.’ You mumbled, breathing heavily. She pulled her mouth away from you, moving up and pressing a kiss on your lips before resting her head on your chest cuddling up to you. You wrapped your arms around her as you lay there with your eyes closed. The two of you sat cuddling for the next few minutes, just enjoying being together. ‘I love you.’ You eventually spoke, running your hands through her hair. ‘I love you too.’ She said, looking up at you. ‘I’m sorry about interrupting your movie.’ ‘It’s okay, baby. I was only doing that because I love teasing you.’ You smiled, kissing her hair. She smiled, cuddling in even closer to you. ‘God, I’m so tired.’ She yawned. ‘You better get some sleep, baby, cause tomorrow I’m going to do so much more to you.’
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pinkacademic · 3 years
Aesthetic Studying
*note: you do not need expensive stationery to make your notes pretty. Also, practical is more important- what matters is studying in a way that's functional for you. I want to give tips that are pretty AND practical, but you need to do what works for you. Without further ado: 1. I'll say it again: fluffy pens. Fluffy pink lens and fluffy pink notebooks will always make you feel like Elle Woods, Cher Horowitz, and Sharpay Evans all at once. Other elements: colour coding with highlighters and file dividers is useful and very cute, add pictures or illustrations where you can to emphasise points, and you can absolutely add doodles in the margins... But maybe not on your exams. 2. Make studying fun to encourage you to actually do it, especially if you're stuck with a module or subject that you'd rather not work on. You could: - make yourself a fancy beverage- a hot chocolate with ALL the trimmings, or a berry tea, or whatever you make to feel cozy and comfy - Keep your desk clean and tidy, but add a few things that make you happy such as a small potted plant or a teddy that can sit and watch as you go. - dress for the occasion! Use your favourite book characters as inspiration, or just a classic pink moment. If you feel pretty, it can be motivational to get stuff done. *if you don't have a uniform/ you're in third-level education, you could try wearing a certain colour when you study certain topics as a bonus visual aid. If you do have a uniform, try the same tip with a bracelet on your dominant hand. 3. For Auditory Learners: Pink Academia study playlists are very fun. I'm sharing my playlist soon, if you're interested, but if you're not then take some other options. If you're a classical purist, I'd use Tchaikovsky's three big ballets- Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Sleeping Beauty. If you like musicals, there's Legally Blonde, Mean Girls, Carrie, and Six for a few to get you in the Pink. For musicals, I like to pick a song or character that I can sing along to and use that as a short break... Just don't pick Veronica. 4. For Visual Learners: Colour coding is very Pink Academia. You can also make your flash cards on colour-coded card. Something I don't see recommended that often is checklists. Break your tasks into smaller steps so that you can tick them off or fill them in. This is also another opportunity to talk about pretty pink stationery. 5. For Kinaesthetic Learners: Ok, this  might just be a me thing because I've never seen it anywhere else- tell me if you do this! So, take your notes with you while you exercise at home... Or at the gym if you really want, I'm not going to stop you. Basically, you read them in sections to yourself (aloud is best) while you do something like mountain climbers or up-and-down planks, and then you recite the information again while you do, say, jumping jacks, or anything you can't really read while doing. It's kinda like a variation on the audiobooks while you work out, but what you're listening to is your own notes. It also totally feels like you're Elle on her treadmill! 6. Making your Actual Notes pretty. Analog: (aka physical notebooks) my tip is not worrying too much when you initially take down notes.  My rapidfire note taking handwriting is absolute chicken scratch. But make it pretty when you need to read from it so that it's easier. - again, I will die on the fluffy pink hill - nice headers- try coloured pens, drawing a ribbon banner around it, colour coded underlines, or adding a couple of doodles that relate to the topic - consistent bullet points. I mean, if you draw your bullet points as filled-in circles, empty circles, dashes, or asterisks, it looks more aesthetically pleasing if you pick just one, or assign different roles for different shapes (like for staggered points) -work on your handwriting- when you need to be able to read it back, or when a teacher or examiner needs to be able to be able to read it, you should try to make it legible. You can add to the pretty with consistent sizing and shape. Digital: Literally please just... Notion. The free version has more than you will ever need, and you can make it as simple or as pretty as you like. It's... Listen. It's just good.
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adorethedistance · 4 years
A Pretty Good Bad Idea - Owen Joyner x Reader
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: swearing, peer pressure kinda, very mild n fluffy
Words: 1865
Summary: Touring with the Julie and The Phantoms cast as a dancer has been the best time of your life, and the only thing that could make it better is the reciprocated affections of a cute, blond drummer.
A/N: So this piece is 1) inspired by this interview and 2) entirely self indulgent. It’s something I haven’t been able to get out of my mind every time I’m doing warm ups, and putting it down on ,, digital paper is my only way to get rid of it lmao. I hope y’all enjoy bc I know this scenario makes me really happy and I love sharing my joy with y’all.
I let out an involuntary whine when I roll forward into my almost-center splits. My hips are so sore from yesterday’s performance I had to force myself to start stretching in the first place. Getting a head start, I arrived at the concert venue an hour earlier than call time to get my lengthy stretching routine out of the way before the other girls show up. Slowly but surely, the rest of the dancers arrived and we began getting ready together.
“I have a speaker!” Tori announces to the room upon entering which makes me jump up from my seat.
“Yes! May I do the honors and bless y’all with my musical theatre playlist?” The rest of the group cheers, exposing themselves for the theatre kids that we are. After hearing the chime that signifies the speaker-phone pairing, a few seconds pass before “Cell Block Tango” begins to play. The entire group feigns outrage but we know all the words and soon indulge in such shameful pandering. A good pre-show playlist is what really gets me amped up for performing and after yesterday’s queue of ‘today’s hits’ pop, the musical theatre is a nice change of pace.
Since I’d gotten here so early, I decided to do my makeup before stretching and I still had time to spare. The only thing left for me to do was to get in costume but I’d wait until a little closer to showtime so that I could still eat and drink for the time being. This also meant I was free to roam and bother other people as they got ready, doing what I’d done almost an hour ago.
“So, Y/n?”
“What’s going on with you and Owen?” I feel my breathing halt for a microsecond before looking up at, one of the other dancers and also my friend, Ella. My eyebrows are cinched in confusion as I try my best to figure out what it is she’s getting at.
“I don’t know, Ella. What is going on with me and Owen?”
“Oh come on. Your Instagram story from yesterday?” Oh. That.
“We just went to lunch?” I seemingly ask more than state.
“Yeah. Just the two of you. Don’t hold out on us, we wanna know what’s going on!”
“Really, Ella, there’s nothing going on. We’re just getting to know each other better.”
“Just getting to know each other better? Or getting to know each other better?” Tori butts in, dusting her cheeks with a subtle highlight.
“The first one?”
“How many times have you hung out?”
“Just the once.”
“Are you planning another date?”
“It wasn’t a date-”
“Do you want us to help wingman you?”
“I really don’t-”
“Hey.” The rapid-fire of questions cease when the gang of us look up to see Owen himself standing in the doorway.
“Speak of the devil,” Tori snickers as the rest of the girls slowly disperse and smugly resume doing their makeup. Owen makes a face in reaction to her comment but chooses not to pry.
“Could I borrow some hairspray? This one piece of hair won’t stay.” Despite each of the girls having a full can of hairspray on hand, nobody makes a move to give him the product, indicating that I should be the one to help him out. Rolling my eyes at the look Ella is giving me through the mirror, I stand from my chair and hand Owen the can of hairspray. He then looks straight ahead and moves to use the product but I stop him before he can.
“What’s your plan?”
“Are you just gonna spray the piece?”
“That’s not gonna work since the rest of your hair already has product in it. Can I help you?” Owen nods amiably and takes a seat after I gesture for him to sit in my chair. I then realize my mistake as I need the comb on the grey countertop, and have to consequently reach past Owen in a way that wouldn’t be so compromising had I not worn such a low-cut top. Thankfully it’s over as fast as it began, and walking to the sink in the corner of the dressing room, I run the cool water over the bristles. It isn’t until I turn off the tap that I notice how eerily quiet the room had gotten. None of the girls are talking, attentively studying my every move as I cross back to Owen.
“Is this Chicago?”
“Uh, yeah, We’re listening to my musical theatre playlist though, not the whole soundtrack,” I respond in spite of the nervous laugh that falls from my lips. The slight slouch in Owen’s posture doesn’t help me to see what I’m doing clearly enough. Using my index finger and an upturned palm, I tilt his chin up to get a better look at his hair, willfully ignoring the fact that he’s staring at me right now.
Still, silence fills the room as I take the wet comb through the front section of his hair where the stubborn strand won’t stay put. Once the water binds the pieces together, I grab my can of hairspray and struggle to uncap it. The outside is slick from god knows what, but thankfully Owen doesn’t let me struggle anymore and holds up his hands to wordlessly offer his help. I hand him the can, and he pops the top off after barely struggling. Handing the can back to me, he holds onto the lid, and the entire exchange remains completely silent.
I have to work quickly in my next step, but it’s not enough to distract from the fact that everyone in the room is watching me intently. Holding the aerosol can away from the crowd of people, I put some of the product on the comb and quickly work it into Owen’s hair while it’s still wet. Once the comb has formed his hair to my liking, I stop brushing it through in fear of the now dry hairspray ruining the shape. Then, I use my left hand to shield Owen’s eyes from getting any product in them before spraying the offending area to seal in my hard work.
The sound of a cell door sliding closed signifies the end of the song, and I wait for a second, eagerly anticipating the next song to play. Upon hearing the staccato piano notes of “Bad Idea” from Waitress, a smile appears on my face.
“I love this song.” Lunging back on my right leg, I create a little distance between us to make sure I didn’t completely butcher the rest of his hair, singing as I do.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you.”
“I know, I totally agree.” Pleasantly surprised by his joining in, my smile grows bigger.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you.”
“I’ve never known anything so true-”
“It’s a terrible idea, me and you.” The effortlessness that the two of us find in harmonizing is a genuine shock and an absolute thrill all at once. Once Owen sees how excited I am by his joining in me, it’s like a switch had been flipped; the two of us immediately slip into Actor Mode and begin to sing the song as if we were performing it on a Broadway stage.
“You have a wife.” I take a small step back out of the character’s hesitation.
“You have a husband.” Owen mirrors my action.
“You’re my doctor-” I cross my arms across my chest, but release my right hand to gesture to Owen standing in front of me.
“You’ve got a baby coming-” He uses both hands to gesture back to me in my ‘pregnant’ state.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you,” the two of us turn slightly away from facing one another in false bashfulness. When the music picks up, the two of us avidly step toward one another to come together. In perfect synchronization, I grab Owen’s forearms and his hands face upwards to hold onto my elbows.
“Let’s just keep kissing ‘til we come to.”
“Heart, stop racing, let’s face it-” Owen pivots his step out to the side to face forward, extending his right arm which cues me to turn into him and take his other hand to spin out.
“Making mistakes like this will make worse what is already pretty bad.” Then he extends his right arm forward, and I turn into him once again.
“Mind, stop running. It’s time we just let this thing go.” Instead of spinning out again, I stop in front of him where he wraps both of his arms around me.
“It was a pretty good bad idea,” in our harmony I cast my gaze upward to see Owen staring right back down at me, and I feel like I’m seeing stars, “Wasn’t it though?”
The two of us continue dancing and singing with one another as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist. It’s only the two of us, here and now. The other girls in the room don’t miss the way I seem to smile like never before, and I sure as hell don’t miss the way my stomach fills with butterflies. When he holds me so close and dear for each intimate moment of the song, I’m seeing stars. A bold happiness consumes me, the same happiness I felt when Owen and I laughed over lunch in that small pizzeria.
The final harmony draws the song to a close and when it finishes, the two of us fall into a breathless kind of laughter.
“I didn’t take a big enough breath for that last part.”
“Me neither.”
“Your hair stayed intact.”
“I must have a pretty good stylist.”
After recovering from our laughter the two of us wind up in a palpable stupor as we stare into one another’s eyes. A few blinks and my trance is broken, I become aware of our surroundings.
“I should get dressed soon, and you definitely need to get dressed.” Owen nods still somewhat breathless.
“Yeah. See you later for pulse?”
“Save me a spot,” I joke as he backs out of the threshold of our dressing room. Leaning against the doorframe I watch him disappear into his assigned dressing room with a small smile still lingering on my features.
“Just getting to know each other my ass!”
“What the heck was that?”
“Are you sure you don’t want us to wingman you?”
“Do you even need a wingman after something like that?”
Turning on my heel, I face the bunch of insatiable dancers and shake my head in disbelief.
“We were just acting, you guys.”
“Excuse me?”
“Maybe you were acting, but he sure as hell wasn’t. Did you see the way he was looking at you? He is totally in love with you.” Ella shakes me by my shoulders.
“He’s just a really good performer is all.”
“When is your next date?” she completely ignores me.
“Oh, and I want to be the maid of honor at your wedding-”
“It was just a song, Ella.”
“-Oh my god you guys are gonna have the cutest kids! I mean, your hair with his eyes and cheekbones? Ahh! The cutest.”
A/n: the way that being on tour isn’t the most unrealistic part of this fic, but instead Owen actually knowing the lyrics is? Work diva.
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13​ @kaitlyn2907​ @itz-jas​ @crybabyddl​ @kcd15​ @kinda-really-lost​ @calamitykaty​ @morganayenneferburnham​ @n0wornever​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys​ @amazinggracy​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean​ @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99​ @ifilwtmfc​ @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker​ @lovesanimals​ @thebloodthirstyvampress​ @bumbleberry-pie​ @losers-club6​ @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1​@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz​ @talk-on-the-street​ @phantompogues​ @konciousdreamer​ @sunsetcurvej​ @warmnesss0ul​ @celestialmolina​ @lilyjoyner​ 
208 notes · View notes
Attack Of The Winter Wolf: It Can Be Fixed
Summary- 8.9k Alpha Steve x Little One Reader. Packs are being destroyed and Alphas taken. The danger is hovering closer, its just a matter of time till it falls on Steve’s doorstep. For now he is enjoying his life as a Bonded Alpha, making the most out what peace he has found with his Little One. Divider made by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- Weapons, mass murder, language, m/f sex. 
A/N- Hey everyone, thank you for sticking with me through this and THANK YOU for all the support shown. I hope you all enjoy this next section in the Alpha’s life. Happy Howling 🐺💙
Prologue / Masterlist
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“You know what you need to do.” The Hydra Agent now known as Soldat snarled at the smaller woman next to him. Her eyes flashed red while never moving off the target in the bar, her fingers swirling beside her, wisps of red energy dancing between her fingers. She pursued her dark red lips, as she focused on the man slouching against the bar. 
Her target. This would be easy, she might not even have to put a compulsion on him to trust her. She thought to herself studying him. A weak wolf drowning his meaningless misery, seducing him wouldn't be an issue. 
“Attract the target, have him bring all of us onto his pack lands without the Alpha being alarmed. I have my orders.” 
Soldat growled in response, turning away to go back to the truck to wait for the woman known as Wanda to carry out her mission. Now she was nothing more than a mindless Hydra Agent to be told her orders, Wanda nothing more than a memory for the woman now. 
On her neck, she adorned a thin chain, tight against her throat. All of them did, someone would have to really look to even notice the restraints. Those chains were powerful, controlled magic from Hydra. Touched with a power no Wolf should possess. Inside they were trapped, Wolf and Person, unable to break loose from the mind control forced on them. Wanda lifted her fingers to trace the collar, the vibrations coming from it barely felt, but reassuring to the controlled hostage. Hydra had full control. 
Wanda readjusted her low cut blouse, smoothing her hands over her leather skirt, and entered the bar. Her boots clicked on the old hardwood floor of the building, the air was filled with stale nicotine, made her over sensitive nose curl in distaste, and a jukebox wailed some rendition of Ac/Dc Back in Black. When she passed, men looked her way, momentarily distracted by the vision they saw, something personal for each, the woman of their dreams. 
But the Scarlet Witch ignored them, there was only one man she was focused on, one Wolf she needed to ensnare. And luckily for her, he happened to catch sight of her just then, half sputtering in his bottle. 
The Wolf she was now had growled deeply in satisfaction, streamlined as the beast crouched in her mind, hunting him just as much as Wanda was right now. The Witch ignored her corrupted beast aching to kill. Instead she sidled up to him, taking his bottle and pressing it to her lips all while watching him as she drank his last few swallows. 
His nostrils flared to scent her, trying to figure her out. He was swarmed with the heavy scent of arousal, a female in heat and it made the Wolf in him lick his muzzle in interest. She shook her head lightly to let her hair fall away from her shoulder, the length of her neck flashing so he could really have his senses assaulted. He would smell everything he desired, in this case his Wolf started howling for the scent of hot sex and whiskey. Another deep inhale and his eyes snapped open, simmering a yellow as his beast reared its head for control. Wanda smirked as she set the bottle down. 
“Looks like I owe you a drink.” She said with such an innocence, and he smirked, clearly ready to play the game. 
“That you do Babe, but what kind of man would I be if I made the woman pay?” He dug out his wallet and put some cash down. “Another two beers please. What's your name? Mine is Tommy.”
Wanda let her hands wander to his arm resting on the bar, her nails softly trailing down the top of his arm to his wrist and back up. “Wanda.”  
Once they were alone, he turned his stool to face her, giving his full attention to Wanda, looking her up and down once while rubbing his hands against his spread jean clad thighs. “So Wanda, what brings you in a place like this?” 
“Just going through town.” Wanda stepped in closer, between his thighs, and slid her hand up behind his neck, letting her fingers dance in a sensual way, planting images of their bodies colliding, grinding, him laying a claim on her. “A few friends and I were looking for a place to stay. I came in, hoping someone would have a suggestion.” 
He shook his head a bit, reaching for the bottle just dropped off and took a drag off it, hoping it would calm him down, cool the eager snapping Wolf in his mind and the semi hard on in his jeans. 
“There ain't much as far as motels in town, but how many people you got that need a place to stay sweetheart?” Now Tommy’s hand drifted to Wanda's waist, letting himself get familiar with how she felt, the images still sweltering in his mind of mindless sex. Wanda let her hand curl onto his shoulder, biting her lip while whispering just before his lips. “Not many, three men.” 
“Three men?” He pulled back a bit, a look of uncertainty at bringing competition for him onto pack lands. “I really only have space for you Sweetheart.” 
Wanda let her lips press against his, drawing him to lean into her a bit before pulling back, whimpering just soft enough for his Wolf to want to change his answer, pushing for the man to give in. 
<Invite them all.>
The Alpha will be pissed if I bring four Wolves onto our lands. 
“Well, okay. I will tell my brother and friend’s that we will have to go to the next town.” She went to pull away when his hand shot out, grasping Wanda's wrist. 
<She’s ours, she wants us. Wants to be our mate, you can’t let her go. Besides, one of those males is her brother.> The Wolf snarled and Tommy’s fingers flexed around her slender wrist. 
“Now hold on Sweetheart, maybe… maybe we can figure something out.” He pulled her back to him, and let his hold lay claim on her ass, arching her into him. 
“Come home with me, and your friends, they can stay in my camper out back. There's plenty of space for them in there, I got it hooked up so they can do what they need to.” 
Wanda gave a quirk of a grin and lapped her tongue over his lips as his reward. “Deal, lead the way? We will follow.” Without another thought, her victim yanked out some crumbled bills from his wallet, and led them out the door. Sealing his fate.
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Bouncing down a dirt road, Soldat was going through his gear, handing stuff off to Wanda and Pietro. Clint followed the tail lights closely, making the turns when necessary. 
“Pietro, as soon as we're in the clear of any alarm, shift and start flushing people out of their homes.” Soldat picked up a wickedly lethal blade and fitted it into the holster. “Wanda, you mind fuck as many as you can. And NO ONE FUCKING TOUCH THE ALPHA. They want the Alpha back all intact. Clint, see if you can't secure another means of transportation.” Grabbing a face mask, he fitted it over his face, and went silent, turning to watch out the windshield as they approached, done giving orders. Tommy waved the van through and directed them up to a house nearby, jumping out. 
“So uh, Wanda, I will show you where you will be staying.” He said, as she slipped out, and the back of the van opened to let out Pietro and Soldat, suddenly he started to look worried. “These are your friends and brother?” 
“Oh only one of them is my brother.” Wanda said with a smile as Soldat reached for his blade and flung it to land in the unsuspecting wolfs chest. “And it's not him.” Clint got out to, scanning up in the trees. 
“Get up high Clint. Any stragglers break for the trees, end them.” With a nod, the archer broke away and went into the trees. “Pietro, start flushing people out.” Soldat started instructing as he reached to grab his blade from the man's chest and wiped it on his shirt till it gleamed again.
Pietro nodded, as he shed his clothes, dropping quickly into a sleek silver wolf, his speed almost making him a blur in the dark as he raced forward, starting his howls. They were sharp and dangerous, warning the pack. Several members stepped out of their homes, clearly having been asleep in the state of their dress when Soldat held up his sniper rifle and started to pick people off, Wanda following along, slamming demands in each of their minds thanks to her powers. 
Her warnings started crippling families in agony, screaming as the pressed hands against their heads at her mental onslaught. Wanda twisted her hands in the air, snapping open fingers into fists, and people started shifting, their wolves released to scream their pain she inflicted on them instead. Soon the night was filled with horror. Those that managed to escape the trio working through their homes were met with piercing cool blades flying from somewhere in the trees. 
Soldat was almost lazy walking along this pack's compound, some memory started to stir in his mind, reminding him of another compound, sunlight shifting through the trees to dapple along a dirt road, a man’s laughter behind him from someone. “Buck, wait up!” Ahead was a sparkling lake and he glanced over his shoulder to see someone running towards him from a distance. He shook his head to dispel these memories. 
The White Wolf paced the edges of his consciousness. <Follow your orders Soldat.> 
The memory was hazy, and it slipped away from him once more. He snapped his head again to focus on the task at hand. 
Back to the present, moonlight was shining bright and highlighting bodies scattered around. Except for one, a woman bolting out of hiding trying to get away from him. Lazily he swung his rifle up and sighted her in, his finger slowly easing against the trigger. For him it was all slow motion, the woman pitched forward with a cry as she fell forward in his path, and he stepped over her as she bled out. Soldat growled in irritation as the Alpha still hadn’t made themselves known. 
“Alpha, are you okay with sacrificing your people?” Wanda came up beside him, panting slightly with exertion of the use of her powers, listening. A pained howl came from a nearby home, Pietro pacing around it waiting for the occupants to come out. The door creaked open, and out stumbled a woman, a flare of Soldat’s nose told him exactly what he wanted to know, the Winter Wolf growling in a menacing way at the approaching victim. Finally the packs Alpha was surrendering. She was flanked by a nipping Pietro to speed her jog up, blood streaming down the back of her calves from where she didn’t move fast enough. 
“Stop, what do you people want? We have done nothing wrong to the council to warrant a removal like this.” Her eyes were wild as she looked at her packmates, the smell of blood and death so heavy, she heaved a gag.
Wanda looked her up and down, arching a brow. “She's an Alpha? Doesn’t look much like one.” 
Soldat’s hand wrapped around the woman's neck, dragging her forward, and inhaling along her face, the tip of his nose dragging up from her chin to her temple, sorting her scent to be sure. A shuddering gasp fell from her, laced with fear. It made Soldat smirk behind the mask. The acrid scent of fear was something he was accustomed to. Beyond the fear though, she was the prime scent of health. This Alpha did not lead her pack on force and strength, but respect and knowledge. He could imagine the battle she was going through with her wolf right now, the conflict to shift showing in her eyes, fear sweat rolling down her temple. 
“Where's your mate?” Soldat growled and gave her a slight shake when she sobbed. 
“G-gone! She's gone. Visiting her old pack across the country. She won't be back for another month.” 
Inhaling again, Soldat sneered, his voice laced with it. “You lie girl. Your efforts to keep her safe, pointless. I can smell her all over you, fresh.” He hissed in her ear and turned to the twins. “Find her. She won’t be far.” They nodded, wolf and sister splitting off towards the Alphas house and she tensed in Soldats grip, starting to fight to break out of his hold. 
“What do you want?! Who are you?” she was gulping in air, possibly scenting him, trying to figure out where he came from. Soldats hard eyes went over her once, and did not find her worth answering. Instead his grip tightened around her neck and he whipped her around, her back slamming into his chest and making her gasp in loss of air. 
“They are close.” he reached up, taking off the mask and stuffing it away. Her whimpers made his teeth snap at her neck, she might be Alpha of this pack, but she had nothing on him. The Winter Wolf paced, fur bristling as Soldat eyed her steady pulse, resisting the urge to rip at the throbbing vein, killing the Alpha. But he didn't, he had orders. “Can you smell your mates' fear from here? Cause I can.” Instead his tongue lapped up her neck before he tilted his head. “Or maybe that is yours?” 
A cry from the woods along with snarling made Soldat straighten and the Alpha tense in his hold, soft “no no no no…” uttered from her and a sob in which Soldat snapped his fingers tighter around her neck to shut her up. Her mate stumbled from the woods, continuously trying to break away, but between Wanda and Pietro, they kept her moving forward. Soldat dropped his hold on the Alpha, letting her spring away to run towards her mate, and drag her into her arms, sobbing into her hair. “I told you to run Alicia, I told you to get away from here.” 
“We couldn't, we couldn't just leave you to them Alpha.” Alicia responded, all three of them watching as the Alpha regained her composure a bit, wiping at her face and turned to face Soldat. 
“Anything, whatever you want, it's yours. Just let my mate and the rest of the pack leave unharmed. They won't try anything.” Soldat arched a brow, and reached into a pocket on his tactile vest. 
“Then you will put this on without any trouble.” 
He let a thick silver collar and muzzle fall from his grasp, and the Alpha swallowed hard seeing it. She gave a nod in acceptance and a plea from her mate made the Alpha’s eyes well up with tears, but rounded on her growling at Alicia. “Be quiet, listen to your Mate and Alpha.” Alicia’s begging quieted with a nod, her head bent in submission to her partner. The Alphas hand came up to cup her face in praise, and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and dipped to her ear, whispering to her for a moment while Alicia’s eyes welled up again and closed as if she was trying to remember the words. Soldat waited patiently, watching this moment between bonded mates without any feelings. All it showed him was a weakness in the Wolves. Their devotion to their mates could always be a weapon he could exploit. 
Soon enough the Alpha turned back to Soldat to strip out of her nightgown, quick to shift into her Wolf. Padding over to him, she sat in front of him and lifted her head to fit the collar and muzzle on. It was all so final with the click, binding the muzzle to the collar, completely in Soldats control now as he hooked a chain to her like a lead, wrapping it around his hand and shortening it. 
“Kill the rest.” Soldat said and the Alpha at the end of a leash started thrashing as much as allowed, growling in fear and rage, her head straining to look over her shoulder while Soldat dragged her away. Helpless while having to  watch Wanda and Pietro round on Alicia, her screams for her Alpha dying out and the smell of her death hit the Alpha. Blood and the sting of fear struck her, and she sank to the ground, losing her trapped mind. Soldat never even noticed her body going limp behind him, and that he was dragging her across the ground while she howled in pain at the severed bond of her now dead mate.  
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You were sitting behind the wheel of the pickup, Steve on the other side of the hood poking his head around. “Okay, start her up Little One.” he ordered, and you went to flick the key, listening to the whir whir sound of the engine before it sputtered, choked, and gave a mighty shutter, dying down. Turning the key back to off, you leaned yourself out the window. 
“Steve… You might have to call it. I don't think there's any saving this one.” Opening the door, you slipped out, landing lightly on your toes, and closing the door shut with a squeak. You could see your mate standing at the front, wiping his hands on a rag, staring down at the engine. Not yet in defeat though. If there was anything you knew about the Mountain Packs Alpha, it was that Steve Rogers did not stop till every last thing had been tried. That meant one thing. He was going to take this engine apart piece by piece if he had to. 
You leaned against the side of the truck, looking down in the mess of engine parts, and then back to Steve who spared a glance upwards at you and giving a sigh. “Leave no man behind, or woman in this case. This trucks a girl.” His hand slapped against the side of it affectionately and you snorted, folding your arms over your chest. 
“First of all, it's a truck Alpha…” you started. 
Steve reached up and slammed the hood down, scoffing. “It's her, and her name is Lenore, and she's not just a truck. I have had her since I was 15.”
“Safe to say this is your first girlfriend then?” You giggled as you tapped your fingers teasing along his arm and skimmed your fingers along the back of his neck, while he wiped his rag lovingly against the hood. Little did he know he had a scuff of dirt on the back of his neck, and it was distracting you now. 
The Little Wolf snickered at your reaction. <See something you like?> 
Sure as hell do, our Alpha looks fucking good like this. 
She yipped in agreement and spun around with excitement. 
You pressed your nose in against his shoulder, inhaling deeply while gently sinking your teeth in against his shoulder. Steve growled softly feeling you press against him and looked over his shoulder with an arched brow. “Nah, but she was around with the first girlfriend, and watch me get her fixed to keep her around with my mate.” He pulled you around, his hands circling your hips and easily lifting you to perch on the edge of the truck's hood, making you giggle, and grasp the front of his shirt to pull him in closer. Steves fingers dug into the curves of your hips and pulled you to the edge of the hood. 
“Your awful confident Alpha.” you wiggled your brows and leaned forward to nip at his lips. “What makes you think you're that good of a mechanic?” 
Steve hummed, his hands slipping under your shirt to dig his fingers into your waist as you wrapped your legs loosely around his hips. “Think you can do better Little One?” he teased back while the tip of your tongue dragged along his bottom lip and he rumbled slightly as you sucked on his bottom lip before pulling back. 
“Give me a wrench, I get Lenore running like brand new.” You exclaimed with a wriggle of your brows, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning into Steve’s chest. The Alpha laughed, dropping his head to your neck, and rubbing his beard against the column of your neck and kissing over the bonding mark deeply, his tongue tracing the slight scar he had left there that night and letting his teeth sink in enough to make you whimper in a happy way. He tilted back to look at you. 
“Little One, I give you a wrench and she will be like new, back before they even put her all together on the manufactures line.”  
You scowled at him, and playfully pushed him away from you, which resulted in him backing up and stepping back into you, kissing on your neck as you tipped your head back for him so that his lips could skim the column of your neck, his inhales making you drag your teeth along your bottom lip with a whimper. “I'm a little insulted that you think I would tear Lenore apart.” 
Steve lifted his head, and arched his brow at you. “You wouldn’t?” 
“Hell no Alpha, Sams have been teaching me the way around an engine. He said I got the magic touch, and can make them purr.” You stated proudly, and you saw his pupils flare suddenly. You scooted closer and leaned in close to whisper against his lips, your forehead leaning against his. “Is that true Steve, Do I… have the magic touch?” 
Your Little Wolf connected on the Alphas bond, the two wolves teased each other back and forth in your minds. You and Steve started nipping at each other's lips, growling as he had you open your mouth to him, and your hands fisted into his hair at the back of his head, rubbing your chest in against him. Steve inhaled your taste and scent, the way you softened under his touch, allowing him to touch you however, and wherever. Fingers flexed, smudging motor grease against your skin and your hands twisted in his dirty shirt to start tugging it off him, pulling away to drag it over his head. Your hips rolled into meeting his groin and he hissed feeling your core rub against his erection “Yes Little One, You certainly do have the magic touch.”  
His hand snaked up your top and palmed your breast through your bra till you also lost your shirt, the heavy scent of your arousal drenching your panties along with the stinging mechanics grease tainting his senses. It smelled dirty, and Steve was fucking raging from it. 
Wanting to bury his cock in your heat, he pulled back from your embrace and jerked you off the truck's hood twisting you around. Your hands slamming against the hood and Steve grasping the back of your neck to press you against the hood. His thumb feathered back and forth over his mark, your neck arching under his touch. You could feel his hips slotted against yours, and your ass pressed back to grind into his erection. Your ass, firm and soft in those jeans pressing into him made him growl and bite against your shoulder, arching his hips forward to pin you against the grill of the truck. 
You groaned when you felt the sting of Steve’s bite against your shoulder and his weight keeping you in place. Steve lifted his head suddenly hearing you, easing back slightly. “Is this okay? Too much?” You could still feel how hard he was behind you, but his voice was laced with gentleness and concern. You arched your head back and took a deep breath. 
“Steve Rogers, you have me pinned against Lenore, you better fuck me or else.” 
Steve’s concerned look melted with a devious smirk before he moved to suck a spot just behind your ear, his hands slipping to the front of your jeans to snap your button open and wriggle the zipper down. 
“Or else… Fuck Little One, that sounds like a promising threat.” Steve growled against your ear, and he tugged your jeans and panties down around your knees, you lifted a leg to kick your pants off, shifting to the other to get rid of your clothing. His hand flexed against your neck before pulling it away. 
“Might be in your favor Alpha.” You shifted your legs back and forth to spread them, Steve running a finger through your slick and spreading your folds to stroke you a moment, feeling just how ready you were for him. Licking his lips he could almost taste you as he knew intimately just how good you were. 
You panted while your cheek pressed against the truck's cool hood, a contrast to your mate behind you all hot and bothered. “Steve, Fuck. Me.” your voice went muffled as his fingers filled you and you tried to arch in his hold, but he flexed fingers against the back of your neck once more, keeping you still while he took you apart with his fingers. Your velvet walls fluttered around his fingers, and you moaned in pleasure. 
“Is that what you wanted Little One?” His chest pressed against your back, making your breathing shallower, your whines sharper with need. “Your soaking me Omega Girl. I gotta be inside you. Cum for me first.” His hips rutted against you and you shuddered underneath him, slamming your hand sharply against the hood of the car while nodding that you heard him. Your cunt made squelching noises and his fingers scissored you open, he kept uttering for you to let go when you finally did, an explosion of pleasure humming through you while you cried out his name, falling apart around his fingers.
 Steve raised you off the hood and pulled you up against his chest, kissing on your neck hungrily while your orgasm made you whimper, trying to squeeze your thighs closed around his hand. “Good girl Little One, you are so good to me.” He growled against your ear softly before dragging his tongue to mark his scent on you, he let you lower back to the hood of the truck. 
Pulling his hand away from you, he undid his belt and worked his pants open enough to pull out his cock, using his slick covered hand to rub himself. “Hey Little One, are you still with me?” 
You nodded as he wrapped his hands around your hips and shifted your ass to where he wanted it while sliding his cock through your slick folds sure to press against your clit before sliding back closer to filling you. 
“Fuck Steve…” You exhale and he thrust into you, one fluid motion had your cunt swallowing him, pulling him in to feel you gripping him tightly in a way that made the Alpha growl possessively over your form underneath him, his fingers digging in your hips in a bruising way. Your body shook with the effort and his hand smoothed along your side when he arched his hips to grind into you. “Your so fucking good Little One, I can just stay buried in this sweet pussy all day.” 
Pulling back and thrusting to split you open, your chest crushed against the truck's hood, and you wouldn't want to have it any other way while Steve started to rut into you faster, the only thing keeping you in place was Steve's unforgiving hold on your hips and the truck's hard surface. The metal underneath just proved to help Steve punch the air from your lungs. One of his hands slid up your back and moved to grasp your shoulder and pull you back harder, taking angled strokes to make you fall apart around him. 
So pretty you were, sprawled against the hood of his truck, doing your best not to scratch at the paint. You were balancing on your tip toes and starting to plead in a muffled tone “Steve- fuck-oh oh- I need to- ah right there.” 
Steve pulled back on your shoulder, bringing you up to brace against his back, and wrapping his arm across your midriff. Reaching up to cup and squeeze a breast in his palm while biting your shoulder with a growl made you arch in his hold. You were still raised to your tiptoes, and could feel yourself fluttering around his cock, clenching and aching to find that release. 
Aiming for that sweet spot he knew would push you over the edge, his hand covered the front of your mound and rubbed his fingertip in a vigorous circle, making you squirm in his hold. “Don't fight it Little One, you're almost there. Just a little more. You're being so good for your Alpha, taking my cock so good.” He praised and your head fell back against his shoulder, letting him move you now. 
“It feels so good, it hurts.” You whined out while reaching down to where his fingers were rubbing at your clit, you explored further down in your heat, until your fingers found the tender spot where his cock pushed into you, feeling him slide in and out made your belly clench at the sensation. 
“Do you feel how you made just for me Little One?” Steve grunted while kissing the corner of your mouth till you rolled your head to meet him, both of you biting at each other's lips and easing into a deep hungry kiss. 
“Steve, I’m-” You sobbed into his mouth as you fell, and intense pleasure fluttered from your core and spread through your body while your hearing buzzed, and your vision exploded in sparks. He groaned as he rutted into your breaking body, his arms locking around you and his teeth sank into your mark, just making your orgasm explode all over again, tilting your head and crying out in a howl while he filled you with his seed, spreading it through you till he knotted. When he finally stilled with his forehead against your shoulder, you let your head roll forward and took a deep breath to refill your lungs. Your hands dropped to his hands still holding you with a tight grip and let your hands rest over his. Feeling your touch he eased slightly and lifted his head, breathing in against your neck, the expand of his chest with each breath scratched lightly against your back. 
Your eyes lifted and you could see the sweaty imprint on the hood of his truck, and then looked down to see grease and dirt smudged all over your skin and your bra, making you chuckle. Steve lifted his head up, careful how he moved behind you while straightening. “Care to share Little One whats got you laughing?” 
You tilted your head over your shoulder to look back at him while he loosened his hold. “You got me dirty, and then you got me really dirty.” You emphasized, and he looked over your shoulder to see the streaks against your skin. “We also got Lenore dirty.” You nodded towards your imprint against the hood, and then he finally laughed, his shoulders shaking amused. 
“I've never seen Lenore look better Little One.” He muttered while kissing your neck deeply, flexing his hold around you again and you bit your lip giggling while dipping your head back to his shoulder. You two waited till he went soft again and was able to pull out from you. You bent down and picked up scattered clothes to pull them back on while Steve zipped up his jeans and buckled his belt, you grabbed his discarded tee and tossed it to him. While he was picking up the garage with the tools he was using, you happened to check your phone, and noticed a text from Caine. 
“Hey how do you feel about going to see Caine and the rest tomorrow morning? If we leave tonight, we don't have any plans, do we?” You ask after reading Caine’s message asking them if they would come visit. Being a fairly new Alpha, learning how to properly set up a pack was a daunting task, especially to that group and he was leaning heavily on Steve’s guidance in that case here and there. Steve wanting to see the young wolf succeed had allowed the bond to form, which was unusual but not unheard of, especially now that the Wolves were depending so much more on pack relationships. He hesitated a moment, but it had been quiet for months since the last attacks from winter. 
“Let me get cleaned up Little One and we can head out, haven't been over that way in ages, and would love to see the changes he has made to that place.” Steve came over, reading the text while you held your phone up for him to see, and he nuzzled against his mark, nipping the scar on your neck gently. 
You turned in his hold, wrapping your arms around his waist and looking up at him. “Thank you, for making it work Steve.” You said softly to him, hugging him a bit in the process. “They are no longer my pack, but I still have a connection with them.” 
You were the other reason Steve kept himself available to the new pack, he knew that you had survived with these wolves, had faced things no wolf should have to, and it in some way reminded him of his time with the howling commandos. No longer were they “family” but in a way they always would just be that. If any of them contacted him still to this day, he would be there for them, that was what happened when you went into a war with someone. And that is partially how he saw your whole ordeal, it was a fight for your life. As important as you were to him and his wolf, his better half, his partner, there wasn't anything he wouldn't do for you. His hand smoothed along your back and he kissed your forehead. “Always Little One, come on, lets go get ready.”
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Once it was established that Sam and Sara would take over while you two were gone, Steve filled up the pickup while you packed a bag for the two of you and were on the road soon enough. Steve easily drove through the night while you either kept him company talking, once in a while falling asleep with your head on his shoulder, snuggling against his side while he would hug you in closer whenever he felt a slight chill run through you. Your wolves remained twined around each other with the bond you now shared, and Steve loved feeling traces of your wolf in his mind. 
He thought of a time before you, when the sensation made him cringe. Your wolf fit there, was a warmth that his own Alpha settled into easily, no longer a pacing beast in his mind. Alanna’s wolf was so much more different, the hair on the back of his neck would raise, and the Alphas' own hackles would bristle. The bond they shared was sick from the start, the she wolf would be looking for a fight with the Alpha, who was more then willing to return the favor. There were no playful teasing or quiet grooming moments that the Alpha shared with the Little One. 
Steve did back then what he thought was right, trying to make it work when he had impulsively bitten Alanna, but now he could see how wrong it was. What people like Bucky and Natasha had tried pointing out to him for the years he forced it to work. That it could be better. How it could be what he had now. You softly sighing against his shoulder while you two went to help another pack, not fight against them. 
As the sun started to rise, Steve couldn't help compare it to his new chapter in his life, stepping from the darkness of his past into the bright promising start of a new one. One he looked forward to. 
<It will one day be even better Steve.> The Alpha commented as he groomed the sleeping Little Wolf, nibbling along her neck and shoulders before his pink tongue ran over her fur till it was soft and fluffy. 
I don’t know how it can get better, our life is finally calmed down, my mate is settled and happy in her life, and our Pack is strong. 
The Alpha just continued his gentle grooming for a few moments before he moved up to stretch, his tail giving a slight wag at the next words he said. 
<One day she might have children, and you will get to have that family you always craved.> 
If it happens, it happens. 
The Alpha wasn't wrong, Steve did always want a family. Some part was the connection that Wolves always had, packs were nothing more then large family units surviving. But there was more, Steve wanted to give that love to another, and he could see you already, fiercely protective over any children. 
The idea of you pregnant stirred some primal things in him, more primal then even the Wolf itself. It was a part of him that wanted it more than anything. But the time would come, where you two would really sit down and discuss it. Feeling you stir under his arm, he was pulled from his thoughts and glanced down. “Morning Little One.” he chuckled watching as you groaned while pushing to sit up more, rubbing at your eyes. 
“Ooh, sorry I fell asleep, what time it is Steve, are we almost there?” Your hands rubbed against your face, and you blinked rapidly against the bright light of the new morning sun. 
“7 AM, and we're a few miles out still. You want to stop for some breakfast first? I know we will be passing a diner here shortly.” He offered and you perked immediately hearing that. 
“God that sounds amazing.” You hummed just as your stomach made the loudest grumble noise, making you both bust out laughing, and Steve stepped on the gas a bit more to make the truck pick up speed. 
The diner was one of those little country diners you see in small towns. Along the wall were booths with the little quarter jukeboxes, and in the middle was a long counter scattered with displays of pies and pastries every few stools. When you and Steve first entered, you were first hit with the smell of diner coffee, which you tilted your nose up appreciatively to inhale the aroma, while Steve wrapped an arm around your waist to lead you to a nearby booth. You slipped in first, and Steve just sat next to you, leaving the other side unoccupied. 
“Alright kids, what'll it be.” The waitress came around, an older woman with a tall grey beehive style hair-do, a pencil tucked behind her ear which she plucked her fingers against to use, as well as dug for a pad of paper from her apron. You couldn't help smiling at her, as she was just a sight to see, and Steve himself hid a laugh while he filled in with what he wanted. “Eggs, sunny side up, with toast, bacon and sausage. Coffee, black and a side of orange juice.” She was quick to jot it all down, and paused her rapid writing. “And for you sweetheart?” her accent took on a sweet tone, and you filled in with what you wanted.
“Short stack blueberry pancakes, some sausage links, and a glass of milk, and coffee?”
 “Sure thing” the waitress was sure to jot it down and leave the two of you alone, Steve’s hand reached under the table and took yours to weave his fingers through yours, giving a light squeeze. It was just a few moments when their waitress came back around with there beverages. 
“Cook will be just a few minutes with your food. But here, we made some extras.” She winked as she left a small basket with piping hot donut holes at your table, leaving you two alone again after thanking her. Steve picked up a cinnamon sugared one to pop in his mouth. Lifting the mug to your lips, you blow on the steaming mug and sip on it while your eyes dart out the window to watch other patrons start to arrive. 
“I've lived here my whole adult life, and never knew what it looked like outside of the pack boundaries. Pierce hardly let us leave.” You mused and Steve slid a hand along your thigh, squeezing reassuringly before you turned towards him with a warm smile on your face. “I'm glad we came, it will be good to see Caine and everyone else again.” 
“He has good makings to be a strong Alpha once he washed the taint Pierce left in this area.” Steve agreed as his arm moved from your thigh to wrap around your shoulder, dipping his head to place a light nuzzle to your temple as you leaned into him. It wasn't long till the waitress was back to drop off the hot plates of breakfast. 
Bites were shared between the two of you, you nipped off the tip of Steve's bacon and you offered an extra syrup drenched bite of pancake, where droplets of sweet syrup caught in his beard which he wiped away with his napkin. Before long plates were being pushed away with groans of being too full, Steve dug for his wallet to leave a nice tip to their waitress as well as the bill and headed out of the little diner. 
Soon you two were pulling off the highway and along a familiar bumpy road leading deep into the forest, away from the town. You cranked down the window the closer you got, the warm spring air was alive with fresh growth, along with the familiar scents of the pack. Steve started to slow down when the road grew rougher, the truck bouncing on its struts as remnants of mud and snow bogged the road down. You were quick to grasp the ‘oh shit’ handle, noticing streaks of shadows running alongside the road, and howls started announcing their arrival. 
It was getting familiar and Steve reached over, sliding his hand with yours to weave his fingers through yours and pull your hand into his lap, his thumb sliding over your knuckle. “You okay Little One?” His gaze tilted towards you, and you smiled at him with a nod. 
Your Little Wolf stirred and moved over to her Alpha, brushing up against him once the other packs scent grew stronger the closer they got, reaffirming that she belonged to him now. He curled around her, pressing his muzzle against her while thumping his tail loudly in approval. 
<It doesn’t even feel like ‘home’ anymore.> The Little Wolf said softly and you hid a smile hearing her, squeezing Steve’s hand back. 
It hasn't been in a while now. It was hard to think it was just about a year, another month and it would have been the first time you met Steve. Bucky allowing you to cross from No Man's Land into the pack boundaries. You could still remember that first time, how Steve went to your level and offered you sanctuary before even actually hearing why you were on the run. And you knew he would do it again with another if the time came. Soon the road curved and you two came up on the all to familiar grey building that had the underground expansion where you were kept. You could hear the Alpha growling softly seeing it, and Steve’s features hardened as he picked up speed driving past it till you two started to come more towards the homes that spread through the grounds. Neither one of you wanted to step foot in there, and did not plan to ever again. 
Caine came trotting out to greet them, and you hopped out to rush around the truck, springing at your former packmate in a hug. Steve took his time, although the Wolf didn't much like it, he waited to give you two a moment before intruding. You weaved yourself back into Steve’s hold, grinning happily. 
“Driving all night I’m guessing?” Caine asked and you shrugged, jerking a thumb at Steve. “He was, I was the co-pilot. In charge of the radio.” 
Steve winked. “And did a good job of it to Little One, you only passed out on me for a couple hours.” He teased while you poked his side a bit for ratting you out and Caine laughed heartily. 
“What I figured, since I messaged you last night. The house at the end is vacant for now if you two wanna rest a bit to settle in.” Caine offered, and Steve was thankful for the offer after the long drive. Steve pulled up the truck to the house while you and Caine strolled to the quaint house, talking about how each respective pack were doing. You noticed his eyes lifted to your neck when you lifted your hair off your neck, and his brows arched. 
“Is that what I think it is Y/N?” the young Alpha asked and your hand pressed against Steve’s mark, nodding. 
“Yes, Steve and I bonded, made it official. It was time to put Pierce and all that behind. It wasn’t natural trying to force us to bond with anyone willing to pay for us.” You stalled a bit, slowing down while watching Steve grab the duffel you had packed from the back of the truck and brought it inside. Caine hummed in agreement, having faced the same ordeal you had. Your Little Wolf stirred in her nearby Alphas' care, feeling your emotions rolling and soon felt her brush along your mind, a calming presence that brought you back to the present. Caine smiled at you, brushing his hand along your back and giving a half hold hug around your shoulder. 
“I’m happy for you Y/N, that you found Steve. I mean… well for us to. If you hadn’t gotten away from Pierce, who knows where we would be now.” Caines gaze flashed to the grey building for a second, the heavy chain strapped against the door to keep it shut. 
“What are you using that for now?” You asked, noticing where his gaze went. Caine continued the two of you forward. 
“Storage, once we cleaned it out. Stark took any of the medical equipment besides the basics we could use for emergencies. All the shit they used on us. After that office was cleaned out, the computers taken, I locked up the underground floors, and we have been using the top as storage for gear and such. Might just seal off that underground and tear that top part down. I don't know honestly. It's like a sickness here still, seeing it. But one day if anything was to happen, it could be useful.” 
It was easy to tell that Caine was unsure of what to do with it, and you nudged him lightly to lighten his heaviness. “You will figure it out.” Glancing up, you could see Steve gathering the last of the overnight stuff from the truck, the door snapping shut. “We will see you later, I'm gonna go get some proper shut eye.” Splitting from Caine, you went inside first and Steve chatted a few moments with Caine before excusing himself. 
Going inside, it wasn’t home, but it wasn't bad. Sparsely furnished with the minimal comforts, he tilted his nose to inhale, searching you out. You had gone through the downstairs while he was outside from what Steve could sense, but he heard your soft footfalls above him, turning him to go up the old stairs to the tiny upstairs. A single bedroom with a double bed and a bathroom graced the upstairs. Dropping the bag on the end of the bed, he glanced over to you unpacking on the other side. 
“Not quite like home.” You observed, while looking around. The bed just about took up the whole bedroom. “But cozy.” 
Steve chuckled as he moved around the bed, wrapping his arms around your hips and pressing his face in against your neck, nibbling while his hips pressed against your curves and his chest to your back. You sunk back into him while refolding one of his shirts, tilting your head to feel his affections with a close of your eyes and a satisfied hum flowing through you. “Yes cozy, you are gonna have to sleep on top of me in this bed.” You chuckled hearing his teasing, the two of you swaying in the early morning light streaming through the window at the head of the bed. 
“That's never been a problem before.” You smirk while feeling Steve laugh softly behind you and you twist to nudge at him. “You're tired, I can feel it. I'm gonna go take a shower, why don't you lay down. We can meet up with Caine this afternoon.” You removed the bag off the bed, and Steve rumbled slightly. 
“Shower? I could join you Little One.” His hands moved to lightly grasp your hips, fingers flexing. You shake your head and turn to face Steve, your hands cupping his face and tilt up to place a kiss on his lips, keeping it simple and affectionate. 
“You were up early yesterday, because I remember your little wake up.” You smirked at his lopsided grin, all proud of himself for his methods. “And up all night bringing us here.” Your hands pressed against his chest, gently pushing him down on the bed and reaching for your shower bag. “So sleep Alpha, we can mess around later.” You nipped his lips and pulled away, while he groaned, tilting his head back to the mattress while you left the room to go down the short hallway to the bathroom at the end. 
“That's teasing Little One.” He growled out as he pushed back to a sit, undoing his belt on his jeans while you called back. 
“Make me pay for it later Alpha, learn to take a command once in a while.” You firmly shut the bathroom door on him and the Wolf laughed hard at Steve’s predicament. 
You were sidelined too. Steve growled out softly although he knew you were right, his body was tired. The heaviness started to make his eyes ache to close. 
<Mmmh, actually no. I can go to my Little Wolf whenever.> The Wolf shook out his fur and padded away from Steve's consciousness, in which the Alpha rolled his eyes at his inner beast and proceeded to strip down to stretch above the comforter. 
It wasn't long till Steve felt the bed dip at the end and you crawled over him, settling down to lay your head on his chest, and his hand smoothed against your back to rest against the dip in your lower back. Your face rubbed against one of his pecs and he half turned to give you some more room on the mattress, your legs tangling with his and the rest of the morning was spent in lazy half sleep snores and readjusting in the smaller bed to get comfortable.
Finally the afternoon sun was just too bright shining down on the two of you, spring softness had picked up more heat and was starting to feel hot in the small bedroom. You groaned and pushed off Steve, who growled feeling you move away while waking up further, his arm slinging over his eyes to block out the light. You quietly get dressed and descend down the stairs to let him wake up in his own time. Going through the kitchen, you grab a glass to fill with water to inhale quickly and parch your thirst. Above you, you can hear the bed creak under Steve’s weight, then the slap of his feet against the hardwood boards above you. You start to go through the house and pry open windows, and the front door you opened wide to let the fresh air in. 
“Mmh, how late is it?” Steve rubbed at his face and you pulled your phone out. 
“3:30, we're gonna be up all night.” You chuckled while checking a message from Sara, complaining that she should have gone with you and Steve, Sam was driving her crazy making you chuckle while answering back. “Sara checked in, said everything is going good at home.”
Steve as well sought out some water, draining the glass with deep gulps, he wiped at his mouth with the back of his arm and nodded. “I’m sure we can find something to do tonight.” He winked in a tease. “Good, how about we go see the rest of the pack?” His hand went through his hair, pushing the longer dark blonde locks back from his face, looking every bit of Alpha that he was. You could have whimpered right then, sure he wasn't even aware of how it made your stomach clench. You were just grateful that the Little Wolf was preoccupied with her mate to be paying attention to your reactions. 
“We better, I’m sure he's forgotten were here.” You move to step out the door, blinking in the bright afternoon sunshine, bouncing off the steps with Steve right behind you. 
“Unlikely, his wolf won't be letting him forget I’m here.” 
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"ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙᴏᴏᴋ, ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ?" - ʜ.ᴏ
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Hello to you! There it is! My first Harrison request. I'm working for a one shot with him, but it takes me so long because it's a little angst. But don't worry, this one is just fluff! I hope you'll all like it! I did not have time to be reread and corrected. So be indulgent once again, English is not my native language.
Summary: harrison met you in this coffe/bookstore where you friend worked. Since that day, he tried to ask you out but nothing really worked he would like. Until that day. Word count: 2690 Warning: some of swear, spoilers of "one day" by David Nicholls" Pairing : harrison osterfield Request: yes!
You walked happily into the store, heading towards the counter where your best friend was. “The cup and feather” was a second home to you. The warm atmosphere that reigned in the bookstore/cafe has always seduced you. There was a peace of mind that relaxed your muscles: the woody decor, the warm and captivating light, the mixed smell of old/new books and coffee. You were leaning on the counter where Maya was completing an order for a regular.
“Good morning Luke! Enjoy your drink!” you said with a large smile.
“Hello dear y/n! Thanks sweetie! Let me know if you want to drink something. It’s on me”
“It won’t be necessary but thank you. I appreciate!”
The customer adds a generous 10-pound bill to the tip pot with a wink at you. Maya thanked Luke and then gave you a broken look. You gave her an amused smile, shaking your head, already anticipating her next line. But nothing could dissipate your good mood, your day was good.
"It's unbelievable how my tips increase when you're here. What's your secret?"
“Hello to you too, dear best friend. I don't have a secret...but maybe, try to be...nicer to customers? Give them a smile while you're taking their order! ”
“Hello honey. I’m so thankful you’re here. It’s a boring day”
It was a pretty quiet day, there weren't a lot of customers. The rather gloomy London weather seemed to have put them off. A huge thunderous sound echoed outside and Maya jumped. You had a sympathetic and somewhat amused smile. You liked the storm. To be honest, you liked the storm when you weren't alone: feel the heavy, electric atmosphere before the refreshing rain falls. She looked out the window with annoyance.
"Jesus. It looks like it's gonna be a long day" she complained
“Don’t be so dramatic! Let me help. How can I help you?”
“There is this book cart that I have to put away and that has been lying around for an hour. But my boss would kill me if he found out that someone who actually doesn’t work here, did it for me”
Maya gave you a knowing look. It wasn't that she hated you helping her with her work, on the contrary, you were quite useful to her. But she would have preferred that you spend your free time other than helping her. You took a few books from the cart, sticking your tongue out at your best friend and rushing down the aisles of the library section. The distinct sound of a heavy downpour was heard outside and a few seconds later, the store door opened to let in two young, but also handsome, men. Maya bit her lip as one of the individuals approached the counter with a polite but warm smile. He seemed tall, with a thin but toned build, thin lips, his blue eyes pierced her from the moment his eyes met hers; a fucking model.
"Hello. Do you mind if we stay a little while the downpour subsides?" he asked.
" Hell no, of course! You can stay as long as you want as long as I can admire you… uh, shit, no, as long as you order something… did I say the other part out loud?
The second boy laughed, but nothing mocking. He was shorter than the guy across from Maya, brown hair and chocolate eyes, muscular arms but not sculpted like a bodybuilder. He seemed in good shape.
The blonde raised his eyebrows, an amused smile on his lips.
"I'm afraid so. Um ... okay. Tom?" he turned to his friend "Do you want to drink something?"
"Black tea. A single sugar and a drop of milk."
Your friend nodded meaning she heard it and then she patiently waited for the blonde to place his order.
"I'll have mint tea. Just one sugar too."
"Noted! Feel free to go grab a book once you've settled in."
The blonde smiled at Maya as he turned slightly to the tables to settle in with his friend. You were immersed in reading a synopsis when you finally returned to the counter. You looked up too late while talking to your best friend.
"Hey, Maya can I keep - ouch"
You had just hit a rather solid chest and your eyes widened in surprise. Two hands grabbed your shoulders before the fall, stabilizing you on your two good. And thank you, handsome stranger because you would have been able to let yourself fall so as not to drop the book you were holding in your hands.
"Everything's alright, love?"
"Huh Huh" You barely said, still a little surprised by the impact.
He smiled at you and finally joined Tom at a table without giving you a chance to thank him. You leaned against the counter giving your best friend an indecipherable expression.
"Who are these guys?"
"I know, right?" Maya whispered, biting her lips again.
You smiled to her. You and your best friend had the same tastes when it came to boys. So it was no wonder that they found them attractive.You quickly gave a last look on the mysterious guy before focusing on the cart again. Your logic wanted you to go back and forth rather than pushing this wheeled machine. And deep down, it was also an excuse to admire the blond boy at the table 7. When you came back from your last trip down the aisles and there were no books left on the cart. You noticed with a sad expression on your face that both boys were gone. What did you expect? A romantic scene where love story is born in the aisles of a bookstore cafe. What's the point? You might not even have been his type. Correction: You were certainly not his type. Maya came over to you, a mischievous half-smile on her face.
"If you're wondering. His name is Harrison. I heard his friend call him. And he kindly tipped you 25 pounds."
"I don't work here."
"It's just like"
"I would probably never see him again, Maya"
"Believe me, I have a feeling that you will."
And she was right. The following week did not bring the handsome stranger, the following week either. You had totally, or almost, forgotten this delicious abrupt encounter. You were in the aisles of the cafe, looking for the next book you were going to devour when you were politely tapped on the shoulder, a throat clearing accompanying the gesture.
"Hm, excuse me?"
You turned around and your eyes widened a little in surprise. You did not expect, or more, to see this beautiful stranger again. He was holding a book in his hands and looked nervous. His demeanor was endearing and you couldn't help but suppress a shy smile.
"I'm looking to get my mom a book. I've heard of this one but ... I wanted your advice."
You raised an amused eyebrow. He wanted to buy a book from his mom and he went to a coffee shop to ask you for advice on a book he obviously couldn't buy here. You found this sweet and awkward. You gave him a shy and mischievous smile.
“You know you're not supposed to buy the books here… just read them. »You joked
"Hmm, yeah ... but ... I wanted your opinion since ..."
"I don't work here ..."
The surprise was read in his eyes as in yours but for different reasons. Harrison felt silly for asking you when you weren't an employee. You, you were surprised by your tone, which seemed so cold when it was not your intention. You didn’t want to be rude to him. In fact, he makes you a little bit uncomfortable. You had never been so awkward with a boy but, for some reason you didn't know, his piercing blue eyes bowled you over. You couldn't deny that you were drawn to him and there was something really spellbinding about Harrison. To catch up you glanced at the book, you wrinkled his nose and you scratched your head
“I'm sorry, this is not the kind of novel I read ... But if she read Fifty-shade of Grey ... this book might please her” you told him, somewhat embarrassed.
Harrison gave you a confused look and you pointed to the cover of the book. To be fair, although he won't admit it, Harrison had grabbed the first book he saw off the storage cart and it actually turned out that it was an erotic fiction rather categorized in the young adult, a bestseller. Honestly, you didn't know where to put yourself. You watched the cheeks of the boy in front of you turn deep red.
"Okay ... Okay. I wasn't there for my mom."
"No shame ..." you tried to comfort him
"No..no i swear. It..i'm … okay ...
A boy with curly hair appeared in the aisle, calling out to the young man, breaking that awkward moment between you at the same time. Harrison's friend seemed vaguely familiar to you, as if you knew him or seemed to know him.
"Harrison, we're late. Tom's gonna kill me, mate!"
Harrison gave a sigh of relief that he seemed to have held back. He gave you a sorry smile and apologized before leaving you, putting the book down on a shelf. They headed for the exit and you stayed there, without moving, still challenged by this moment. You heard a laugh that came from the curl without actually hearing the reason.
"Did you ask her advice about 365 DNI? What kind of div are you?"
"Shut up Harry."
And Harry's laugh echoed one more time before the door closed on them. After a few seconds, you returned to the counter where your best friend was. She nodded at you, as if asking like it had happened. You have to shake your head negatively while shrugging your shoulders. It was the most bizarre interaction you have had in your life. A total failure. With that, he was sure you would never see him again.
But you were wrong again. You were, again and again, at the cafe. Maya was finishing her shift and you were sitting at a table with a book in your hand. You were in your own little world when your gaze was drawn to a male hand, wearing rings highlighting the veins of that said hand, placing a cup of latte on your table.
"I didn't order any-" you said before interrupting you.
Harrison was in front of you, a shy little smile drawn across his face. You frowned, intrigued. How had he guessed your favorite drink? A simple glance over the blond's shoulder told you your answer: Maya was smiling at you, thumbs up, as a token of encouragement. You looked Harrison, pursed your lips, flattered by the gesture.
“I wanted to apologize for the other time.” Harrison finally spoke.
“It's nothing ... I..I hope your mom liked the book.” you just told him with a little smile
"I… It wasn't for her."
"Oh..for whom?" you asked intrigued.
He smirked, amused by your carelessness. Was he not obvious, however? Since the day he met you, the actor hadn't stopped thinking about you. Tom and Harry kept telling him that he was completely whipped and looked like a fool.
"For no one actually. I grabbed the first book I found."
"But why?" you seemed more confused.
"I wanted to see you. It was a pretext… I didn't know how to approach you."
Your cheeks turned as red as Harrison's the last you met him. You were flattered but at the same time surprised to know that he was interested in you. You've replaced a strand of hair behind your ear, blushing. An awkward silence has settled between you two. Neither of them really knew how to break the ice. Harrison looked up at the book you had put on the table when he arrived.
"What do you read?" he asked interested
“One day by David Nicholls. It’s the one of the most moving books I have ever read.”
And you started talking for hours about how this book moved you and how Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess' portrayal in the film adaptation blew your mind. How you went from laughter to tears to anger. How you got attached to the characters in both the book and the movie. Harrison couldn't stop you. He admired you talking with passion and found you endearing. The way you spoke with your hands or the way you frowned when some character action disturbed you. You were in your world and he wanted to enter it.
"I hope we end up like them." He said, interrupting you.
You suddenly stopped in your monologue looking at Harrison puzzled. You didn't expect this. First, because by knowing the story of this novel. You didn't want anyone to experience people's stories, no matter how beautiful it was. Second, did Harrison just say he was considering something with you?
"Like who?" you asked
"Emma and Dexter ... I hope we have such a great story."
You pursed your lips, amused. You swallowed to keep from laughing and you shook your head. You were sure he didn't read the book but you wanted to play with him a little.
"I don't hope so."
"Why? Their love story is beautiful!"
"You haven't read this book have you?"
"Of course yes!" he defended himself, uncomfortable.
In truth, he was lying. He was trying to impress you. He had simply said he wanted to live this love affair to soften you and try to approach you to ask for a date. Once again, you smiled, genuinely amused by the boy in front of you. He looked so innocent and so confident in her walk. But you knew ... You knew he hadn't read the book.
"Harrison, she dies at the end"
Harrison's cheeks have once again turn red. He played with his hands nervously, embarrassed. He was an idiot, a complete fucking div. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to let go of all the stress he had accumulated but also to find a way to make up for it. You were blowing him outright. He thought you were so beautiful and had never been so awkward about approaching a girl. Of course, Harry had introduced him to his ex-girlfriend. But, the actor had never had a hard time flirting. He knew his strengths, he was kinda funny, can't deny he was pretty handsome, after all he was a model. He was also an actor, he could play all emotions, recite hundreds of lines of dialogue. But you looked different and he was unable to have a conversation with you without being ridiculous. You found that rather adorable.
"Okay, okay. I don't hope we end up like them."
“I hope you don't wait 20 years before asking me out?”
Harrison looked at you surprised. Did you really just reach out to her? Did he hear what you just said or did his imagination play a dirty trick on him? Her heart skipped a beat. You pursed your lips before putting on a warm but shy smile. You weren't that confident in normal times but ... but it was pushing you out of your comfort zone. You liked him, his clumsiness made you laugh and moved you a lot. You wanted to know him better. And with a simple smile, Harrison knew he had the green light.
"Would you ... have coffee with me?"
"I'm already taking one with you, idiot" you joked ...
"Yeah..hmm, okay ... um. Would you like to go on a date ... one day?"
Your smile widened. You didn't know if he had chosen his last words intentionally but you liked to think he had. And if it wasn't, that awkwardness had melted your heart. You bit your lip, a smile still on your face. Your cheeks were rosy with emotion. Eventually, you might have had your romantic story at a coffee shop / bookstore.
“Yes, Harrison. I would like to go out with you.
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candychronicles · 4 years
red room // y. inasa
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A/N: my take on the bnharem sex workers collab! so excited to write for inasa. he’s an incredibly underrated character and all i hope is that one person likes this lol
CHARACTER PAIRING: Yoarashi Inasa x F!Reader
WARNINGS: oral (m!receiving), sex work, just some good ol fashioned safe, consensual sex
SYNOPSIS: a lucrative encounter with a group of pro heroes leads to an unlikely relationship.
want to read more goodies? head on over here!
loud music blared over the speakers as you sashayed your way through the back stage. it was a crowded night and you were itching to get on stage and make some money. usually, you got good tips just by shaking your hips in your scantily clad body but the real cash was private events. it was especially rewarding when pro heroes, such as the ones who sat in the private VIP section, joined the club. that was when you made the most dough.
your set was announced and before people could prepare themselves you sauntered on stage, false confidence oozing out of you. you never really loved your job for this aspect, nor did you think you did great in front of a crowd, but you had been faking it your whole life and it came in handy when you walked across the platform, twirling around the sleek metal bar in the center of the stage.
slowly, your gaze raked across the people in the bar, eyes narrowed into slits, a small smirk across your face. you lazily dragged your hand up your body and across your chin, letting it fall to the pole. gripping the metal, you twirled your body around once, twice, three times before jumping up, entwining your legs around it and letting your head fall back, hair cascading towards the floor. you spent the next five minutes tantalizingly moving about the area. slinking to the floor towards the end of your set, you pushed your breasts together as you tucked the tips from the greedy men in between them, sliding the rest in the waist of your sequined panties. with one small wave, you pulled yourself off the ground and sauntered back behind the stage.
it had only been a few minutes of you counting your money in the dressing room before one of the bar maids had flagged you down, letting you know one of the VIP sections was asking for you. a cheshire grin made its way across your face as you realized that this could be the big money you were after for the night.
“well hello boys, how are we tonight?” you cooed, sliding into the seat next to a rather uncomfortable looking guy with striking red and white hair.
a man of intensely large stature sat in the middle, a few older men surrounding him in the semi-circle booth. across from you sat another guy your age: tall with buzzed hair and looking as equally uncomfortable as the man sitting next to you.
“we were very intrigued by your performance,” the large man in the middle stated. when he leaned forward, you recognized him as the former number one pro hero Endeavor. despite his size, you weren’t intimidated. you may have not had a lot of confidence with large crowds, but when it came to working a group, you could get them wrapped around your finger with a little bat of your eyelashes.
this collective was no different than the rest. a few jokes to the ones who were uncomfortable, chagrin smiles to the ones who just wanted some entertainment and some well placed compliments and they were putty in your hands. Endeavor spent most of the time sloshing his drink around and bragging about his accomplishments back in the day. you had found out that the guy sitting next to you was his son and they did not seem to get along very well. while you had spent time verbally praising the former number one hero, you secretly whispered jokes and jabs to the dynamic man next to you, allowing him to loosen up and even smile. 
when the session had finished, you were tipped heavily. some sloppy cheek kisses were exchanged and you had thought that had been the end of it, a thick wad of cash in your hands, when Endeavor had spoken up once more.
“Inasa, you haven’t said one word to this pretty young lady. she’s spent her time here all for us and you disrespect her like this?” he chided, but his words were laced with something else, something sharp.
“a private room might change your mind, perhaps? you’ve barely looked at anyone here or even touched your drink. i suggest you change your act after this is over.”
you felt bad for the fellow, you really did, but when Endeavor, Enji, he told you to call him, pulled out a stack so large you didn’t even know if you could fit your hand around it, you accepted immediately. you were going to make sure he had the time of his life one way or another.
you placed your hand gently on his shoulder and he jumped, his skin crawling underneath your touch. you didn’t let it phase you though as you guided him towards the private room, your hand coming to clasp around his, twirling yourself as you giggled. he looked like he was going to be sick, face clammy and eyes darting everywhere but your body. 
when you had finally sat him down in the cushy couch, he burst.
“i’m so sorry miss, i’m trying really hard to be respectful and not look at you. i’m not interested in this at all, so if you could please just let me go, i’d really appreciate it.”
you blinked at him, cocking your head before howling, hands clutching at your stomach as you listened to him continue to babble.
“are you not into women? it’s okay if you’re not, i’m happy to sit here but your friend paid a great amount of money for you to be in here and if i want to keep getting that money i have to at least do my job and make you stay the full hour.”
“oh no no that’s not it at all. in fact, i find you very attractive. i just, i don’t like these sorts of establishments. not that they’re bad in any way, oh no, your profession is quite admirable, it’s just that i prefer to have a connection before engaging in anything flirtatious and physical. though i have been told that it is easy for me to make friends and i guess that’s true, so maybe we will be friends by the end of this and it won’t be a total waste, but it’s…”
you cut him off with your hand, flabbergasted at his ramblings.
“i’m happy to just talk and i’m happy to make friends. so tell me about yourself then.”
you sat down opposite him, sinking into the soft plush as you listened to him ramble about his life: where he went to school, when he met Shouto Todoroki, how he became a pro hero, how he landed the job at Endeavor’s agency and how he had ended up across from you in the burgundy room. you listened with rapt attention, nodding sympathetically when he expressed struggles, giving little whoops and cheers when he explained his victories and just generally murmuring along to his story. 
when the time was up, you stood up and walked over to him.
“is it okay if i sit down?” you questioned, motioning to his lap. 
he looked you up and down as if you had three heads but leaned back, palms placed firmly on the plush seating. you giggled at his actions but proceeded nonetheless, popping buttons open on his shirt, rustling up his clothes and placing a big kiss on his cheek for good measure.
“don’t want your boss thinking you chickened out on him,” you teased. “it was great meeting you Inasa. it’s not every day i get a gentleman as kind as you coming in. i do hope i get to see you again, if only to listen to more of your stories. take care of yourself and stay safe.”
you stood up and opened the door, motioning for him to step out and walk down the hall back to his booth. he watched you for a moment, enraptured by your actions, before he quickly turned around and practically sprinted down the hall. you heard the whoops and hollers of the men as he returned back to his seat and you smiled, satisfied with the heavy weight of cash in your hand. 
the next night of working started out the same. a few sets with some decent tips, but you had little luck when it had come to private dances and you greatly missed the generous tips from the booth the night before. just when you had thought luck ran out for you though, a familiar buzzed head darted nervously around, seemingly looking for someone.
“are you lost handsome? never thought i’d see you here again, let alone so soon.”
relief flooded his eyes and before you got a chance to tease him for it, he had pulled out a stack of money equally as large as the night before.
“you know you don’t have to pay me that much for an hour.”
“will this cover the rest of the night?” 
you didn’t even have to look at the stack to know it would cover a whole week's worth of private dances if he wanted. wordlessly, you took the money from him and led him to your private room. this time you brought in snacks and drinks, choosing to sit on the lavish carpet instead, cocooning yourself with pillows.
“so what do you want to talk about this time?” you asked, spurring him on to talk about his latest adventures.
things took a turn for the worst when, an hour in, he became visibly upset.
“i feel like this is wrong,” he confessed, eyes darting to scantily clad figure, teeth clenching as he attempted to calm himself.
“this is my work. i don’t feel degraded, i feel empowered. people are paying me for my services, whether they be innocent or not. i choose what i get to do with my body and how. nobody else can control me. i’m happy to be anything to anyone and i must confess that talking to you has been the highlight of both nights. it’s a gentle reprieve from everything else but at the end of the day this is a job and i don’t feel demeaned by it, so please don’t treat me like i’m some abused puppy.”
after that argument, his body visibly relaxed. it didn’t really matter exactly what made him relax but it did lead to a much more enjoyable night. when everything was over, you left him with a kiss, pinching his cheeks with your hand as you led him out for the second night in a row.
you had a day off, choosing to enjoy your excess money by splurging on some new items you wanted but when you came in the next day, he was there waiting, a wad of cash in one hand and a bag of something in the other.
“a private room for the whole night?” you questioned, not waiting for his response as you took the cash out of his hand and grabbed his tie, leading him to your room once more.
when he sat down across from you, he pulled out his own snacks and drinks, claiming he needed to pay you back for the night before. you shrugged your shoulders as you dug in, chatting the night away, laughing and enjoying yourself much more than you should for him just being a client. 
“Inasa, while i don’t mind you spending exorbitant amounts of money on me every night, i’ve got to ask, why are you here? why do you come just to chat all night? do you not have friends or family?”
his eyebrows furrowed, mouth forming a harsh line before he stated, “i do but nobody treats me the way you do. nobody treats me like i’m, well, nobody. i don’t claim to be the number one pro hero, but i am fairly popular, and the fact that you sit across from me chatting and listening to my stories like i’m an old friend and not some big shot with money makes me feel different.”
you pondered the thought for a moment, not realizing how taxing it could be to have so many eyes on you all at once. while you felt sympathetic, you still didn’t understand why he paid you so much for just one night. was he afraid you wouldn’t accept the normal rate? was he trying to remain professional despite the lines already being blurred?
“listen, Inasa, while I don’t mind you doing this, we can be friends outside of work. you don’t have to pay me for just talking, at least while i’m not here. this is my job and i’d like it to remain somewhat professional. i won’t be leaving for any person, any relationship, any amount of money, because i find dignity and excitement in doing so. if that’s something that doesn’t bother you, then let’s finish the night off and if you’d like to see me, we can go get coffee or something, yeah? the most i’ll let you pay is for the drinks themselves.”
he nodded his head firmly, agreeing to see you for coffee, but something seemed off still. you tried to keep the conversation going, throwing candy at his face and cracking jokes but he remained somewhat stoic still.
“alright buttercup, what’s wrong?” you questioned, frowning when he looked up at you.
“you find dignity in this job, it doesn’t bother you to be sexual with someone in any manner for a certain price, and you don’t look down on anyone who engages with you sexually?”
you nodded your head at his questions, looking at him quizzically as he processed the information.
“would you look down on me if i asked you for something like that?”
ah, so that was the big question. it would take a fool for someone to not realize how he had looked at you, how his gazes got more bold and as he shifted, holding a pillow in his lap as you laid lavishly across the fluffy carpet. you felt stupid for not realizing sooner that that was what he wanted, but with a satisfied smile, you shook your head no. 
“it’s my job and you are my client. you have paid me well, way more than i would ask for anything like this. i don’t see it as weird or uncomfortable. we do have some ground rules to lay if you’re interested though.”
you spent the next few minutes explaining safe sex, STDs, condoms, rules and boundaries for the scene and safe words in case anything got out of hand. he sat listening with rapt attention, soaking in every word you said and engaging in the conversation maturely and respectfully. when everything was said and done, you pulled out your contract, having him sign, agreeing with all that you had said.
“i don’t know if i can do this. i feel like this is wrong. not because you do but because i like you and i know this is just a job for you and wow i shouldn’t have done this.”
“relax Inasa, i’ll take care of you. and if it gets too much, don’t forget to use your safeword.”
he clenched the seat next to him as you straddled his lap, taking his face into your hands as you etched all the little scars littering the skin. 
“it’s not every day i get to fuck a handsome guy like yourself,” you cooed. “is it okay if i kiss you? i don’t usually do that with clients but i think you’re an exception to the rule.”
he responded by surging forward, all inhibitions lost as his lips smashed into yours, hands reaching to pull you impossibly close to him. you squealed into the kiss but relished in the way he felt, the way his large body engulfed all your senses. you were definitely screwed, not only literally but mentally as well. you knew damn well that this was more than a client interaction and would lead to something potentially messy but right now you didn’t seem to care as you felt his hands grasp at your ass, squeezing and eliciting yet another moan from you. this time, he took advantage, his tongue delving into your mouth, exploring every inch of you.
“i need you Inasa,” you moaned, partially because it was true but also to spur him on, to continue to make him feel confident and satisfied. 
“let me take care of you first,” he tried to insist, eyes blown wide at your lewd words, but you had other plans.
you shimmied out of your panties, sequins glittering in the dim red light, tossing them to the other side of the room before motioning for him to stand up, asking permission to take off his pants. when he nodded his head, you chided him, reminding him to use his words. all it took was a squeak of a “yes” for you to slowly pull his pants and boxers down, mouth absolutely drooling at the sight of his cock. he wasn’t the longest you had by any means but he was so incredibly thick you weren’t even sure if he could fit inside, but all you knew was that you wanted to be stuffed full.
you pushed him back onto the couch, dropping to your knees as you settled yourself between his thighs, kissing and sucking at the sensitive skin. before you even had a chance to ask him if you could touch him, he was already begging, hand gently placed on your head as he struggled to remain calm. 
you spent a few moments just admiring the way he breathed, how he moved, what got him twitching, before you began. a soft lick was placed on the underside of his shaft and he jumped, startled yet aroused at the soft feeling of your tongue on his dick. you licked once more, enjoying the way he reacted, before you took him fully into your mouth. he felt warm and heavy on your tongue and you did your best to take him all in, using your hand to pump the rest of him. 
a languid pace was set, you appreciating the way he reacted to your touch but it wasn’t long before he was begging for more, his release being teased. you complied, wanting nothing more than to keep the customer happy, or so you told yourself. in reality, you were enjoying this much more than you could possibly explain.
it took only a few more minutes before he was bucking his hips into your mouth, spurting hot liquid down your throat. you swallowed every drop, sticking your tongue out to show him what you had done. he spent the next five minutes apologizing for not asking permission before doing that but you had shut him up by straddling his lap, your pussy grazing over his already hard again cock.
“want you s’bad Inasa. won’t you fuck me please?” 
he sputtered and stammered, not believing this was happening but complying all the same. he quickly grabbed the condom and rolled it down on his shaft, careful not to rip anything. he slowly lifted you up before placing you down on his cock, enjoying the feeling of you sucking him in immediately. 
it took an agonizing three minutes before he bottomed out. he had stretched you completely, filling you to the brim with his cock. you felt like you were going to burst at the seams with how full you were but it also felt so incredibly good.
“please move, wanna feel you inside of me,” you begged, throwing your head back and bouncing on your knees.
he complied once again without question, thrusting his hips up to meet your pace, setting a fast yet gentle tone to the scene. you gripped his shoulders with all your strength, attempting to steady yourself against his speed. moans and whines left your mouth at an obscene rate, your brain being fucked out of your body as he continued to stuff you over and over again.
when he realized he was close yet again, he licked his thumb before placing it experimentally against your clit. you bucked immediately into his touch, keening at the overwhelming sensation. setting a rate that matched his thrusts, he circled around the bud, applying just the right pressure to have tears leaking out of your eyes, feeling so overwhelmed by sensation of him and him alone.
“please, i want to cum, please,” you begged, this time putty in his hands as he continued to fuck you senseless.
“cum for me, please, i want to see it, want to see your pretty face as i make you cum.”
all it took was some added speed and pressure and a gentle grab to your chin with his other hand to have you come undone, eyes screwing shut as an intense wave of pleasure rushed over your body. he sputtered and thrusted a few more times before coming in the condom, his body instantly relaxing. 
he spent the next few minutes bringing you down from your high, rubbing soothing circles on your back, having you drink some water and cleaning you from your own juices which were dribbling down your thighs. when he was finished, he pulled back on your underwear, careful of your now sore and throbbing cunt.
sitting down on the couch, you spread out, completely spent from just one fuck. never in your life had you had dick that good, the sheer care and intensity at which he screwed you sending you reeling as you tried to wrap your head around what had just happened.
looking at the clock, you realized his time was up. despite not wanting to see him go, you had to admit to yourself that you had a fun time and that this was something outside of a workplace situation. 
“i-uh, your time is up now Inasa. i hope you had fun and had a satisfactory experience.”
“i did, a lot.”
“i hope to see you again soon,” you finally admitted, bringing your eyes up to stare at him, at his truly disheveled yet satisfied state. you didn’t want to get your hopes up, knowing that he paid for this and it was strictly professional, but when he uttered a question, you smiled, hoping that this would turn out to be an interesting time.
“so, uh, coffee soon?” 
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scpeen-l0l · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if your could do a scp-035 x scientist!reader fix where the they’re in the middle an interview, and a containment breach suddenly happens
ahhh, i’m not entirely sure if this is what you had in mind. but anyways, thank you so much for requesting!! you’re the first on this blog and while writing this i got another! man i’m so happy ahah
(i forgot to tag this when it was first posted lol)
1.5k words
‘easy prey’
You’ve always had mixed feelings on 035. Since the very first day you were assigned to them, you felt their infamous ‘lure’ that they were known to have. Despite that, you liked to think of yourself as resilient, so you were able to just bury yourself in work and deny any sort of weird attraction you had to the mask. Of course, 035 had picked up on the behavior that they had seen countless times in the past, much to your dismay.
Your supervisor told you that you would be interviewing 035 with the routine set of questions in a few days’ time. When you queried as politely as possible to why you were assigned to interview them this time over the usual interviewer, your supervisor handed you a page of the transcript of their most recent interview, with a section highlighted in yellow.
 //PAGE 2//
SCP#: SCP-035
Class: Keter
Interviewer: Warren, [REDACTED] (Sr. Researcher)
  SCP-035: Mhm… Hey, what are the odds of that new researcher coming into my cell anytime soon?
[Dr. Warren pauses for a moment, before looking at their host’s hands.]
Warren: Which one? Dr. L/n or Dr. Ahmad?
SCP-035: The younger one. Yes, I’d like to have a chat.
Warren: Why?
[SCP-035 throws its head back before resting its chin on its intertwined hands.]
SCP-035: Since when have you started recruiting people that young? I simply want to ask them about it.
Warren: Stop it, 035. Be more specific.
[SCP-035 lets out an exaggerated sigh]
SCP-035: Why can’t a mask just have a regular talk with a researcher? All I want is a friendly chat! Besides, you’d get some free time whilst we’re busy…
Warren: If we do allow you to converse, you will only be allowed 30 minutes maximum with routine questions.
[SCP-035 laughs]
SCP-035: That’d be grand. Well, what’s on your mind today?
  Your heart was beating out of your chest, fear coursing through your body. Your supervisor coughed to get your attention, to which you could only nod your head slowly to, it wasn’t like you really had a choice. Still, what did it want from you?
You didn’t get much sleep that night, to say the least.
 When the fabled day finally arrived, you were an absolute wreck. All of your confidence flew out the window and left you with sweaty palms and a looming feeling of dread. The walk to the mask’s cell was long and unnerving, the adrenaline was putting you on edge. You weren’t usually like this, but your fears got the best of you. What if they convinced you to wear them? What then? Regardless, you’d be dead either way. You cursed yourself for being a nervous wreck at the worst time, so you headed to the closest empty room you could find.
You found yourself in a break room after a few minutes of searching, the missioning around the facility already clearing out your mind. You rubbed your temples, psyching yourself up. If you did eventually become a host for the mask, you sure as hell weren’t going to make it easy. With a small pep in your step, you finally approached the area containing 035.
Warren was talking with your supervisor, just about to leave when he saw you walk in. A forced smile made its way to his face as he approached you.
“Pleasure formally meeting you, L/n.”
“Same here. Do you have a spare copy- “
Warren handed you a file, “here, make sure to stay on topic as much as possible. Oh, and the second you feel like putting him on or anything of the sort, press the panic button next to the microphone on the table.”
You nodded, reassured that you had a sure-fire way to get out. “Thanks. Do I… go in now?”
Warren turned to your supervisor, Dr. Patel, whom only nodded in response. Dry, as always. You sucked in a deep breath before checking your phone for the time, 9am on the dot. A good time to die, you thought, before a guard ushered you into 035’s cell. A male D-Class with 035 on his face looked to you and tilted his head.
You knew you didn’t look the most assertive, or dominant but you were resilient. That’s all you had going into that interview, you told yourself.
Sitting down and laying out the documents inside the file on the table, you looked back at the group of staff behind you. McAllistor, the technician, gave you a comforting smile; Warren was already out the door; Dr. Ahmad looked away awkwardly; Dr. Patel was typing away on his computer and you could see the side of a guard’s visor at the corner of the observation window. Huh, a little understaffed today. Were they the last people you’d ever see? Perhaps. Alas, you had a job to do, and you were going to do it damn well, if it was the last thing you ever did.
L/n: Hello, 035. Ready to start?
SCP-035: Of course.
 Ooh, that voice- Did it always sound so… Smooth?
 L/n: Well, let’s get through these questions quickly.
SCP-035: Aw, I was hoping to get to know you a little better first.
L/n: Maybe another time. How would you describe your emotions today?
 Deflect, deflect.
 SCP-035: Admittedly, a little upset that you’re being so stiff with me. I rarely speak to anyone else other than [REDACTED], who’s gone off who-knows-where. Ooh, probably with his assistant- You wanna hear about that?
L/n: Uh, so you feel upset that you can’t speak with me-
 Shit. That threw you off.
SCP-035: Indeed, would you help me with that? Pretty please? You look like you need a break, you know. Look at those bags under your eyes!
 No, you weren’t going to let him get under your skin that easily.
 L/n: Apologies, 035, if my appearance is sub-par— However, I am incredibly committed to my job and I-
SCP-035: Blah, blah. Cut the canned crap. You can speak to me about it, you know, I’m a great listener.
L/n: I will be the one listening today, 035. Now-
SCP-035: You say-
L/n: 035! Stop speaking over me, unless you want this interview to be terminated?
 Assertive, dominant.
 SCP-035: Ah, of course not. I was out of line, I am sincerely sorry, dear.
L/n: It’s- It’s fine, where were we? Oh, here, I- Um…
 Nevermind. How did he manage to make you feel bad? Stupid mask, getting in your head…
 L/n: Uh, how would you describe your intentions as of late?
SCP-035: Nothing dangerous, I simply long for the stage, you know? I just miss the atmosphere! The joy! Oh, what I would do to even just watch another showing…
L/n: Thank you for not evading that question, 035. But, ah, I’m sure if you behave you’d get to-
  The breach alarms went off, making you jump out of your seat. Looking back to the observation window, you saw all the scientists being escorted out of the room by the guards. You rushed to the door…
Slowly turning back to 035, you gave him the dirtiest glare that you could muster.
 “Unlock it. Now.”
“You know, I liked the more quiet, sweet, meek version of you-“
You mockingly mimicked his tone, “you know, I don’t give a shit. I’m not putting you on. You’ve already got a host, just leave me alone!”
“Oh, but you’re so intelligent, so innocent… Face it, you’re dead either way. There’s no way you’re making it out alive, I’ll be merciful and make it painless. Wear me, and I’ll ensure that your body gets some good mileage.”
 A small part of you was tempted to take his offer, but the rest of you was only willing to admit he was right. What chance did you have without an armed guard? You slouched, fear settling in.
“Come on…”
You felt a weight on your right shoulder. You could see his hand in the corner of your vision, but, it was cold. Long dead. You didn’t want that for yourself.
Aggressively sliding your keycard in the scanner, you bolted out the cell and grabbed the handgun on the desk.
 You let out a humourless laugh, “yeah, no. I think I’m fine.”
035 walked out his cell, scoffing as he looked at the gun in your hands, “what’s that gonna do? Is that peashooter gonna scare 106 away, huh? How many bullets are in that thing, if any?”
Biting your lip, you whined, “ahah, um, yeah… Look,” you debated internally whether you should try bargaining with this thing, “I’m not going to put you on, however, I’m willing to… cooperate in order for us to reach our separate goals. I have a level 3 keycard, which I can hand to you once I find the safety shelter. Try anything funny and I’m snapping the keycard in half.”
 035 laughed, “ok, maybe I was wrong about tough and cold L/n. Sure, we can work together, but good luck trying to resist me. I can tell you’re already a bit enchanted already!”
You snorted, “yeah, yeah. Suuuuure… Alright, you promise to keep me safe whilst I navigate through the site?”
“I assure you.”
 A part of you felt fuzzy. Damn, he was right about you already being charmed by him. Maybe… No, you weren’t going to give in. You’re using him as much as he’s using you. Right?
 “Guess I was wrong about you being an easy host.” He mumbled.
“You what?”
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
Alright so I know Literally Nobody asked for this but the idea of leaguers having differnt armor types, speeds, and strengths is so fascinating to me so here’s an entire post about my headcanons about it, staring the Main 7 since they’re the ones we see most and have the most evidence for. 
Also, please keep in mind that this is completely made based on memory alone and it’s been a bit since I last saw the show. If I missed something or remembered something wrong feel free to correct me or add your own thoughts.
Also also, I made a chart (the chart is based on the strongest for the leaguer, not out of all of them, ex: Top Joy’s strongest is different from GZ’s strongest)
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First off, the leader of Silver Castle himself, Magnum Ace, a Baseball Leaguer. Right off the bat(hah puns) I immediately knew his arms would be the strongest points. He seems to have been created with him being a pitcher in mind and his 44 Sonic has clearly been shown to posses a lot of power which he would need the strength to handle. There’s also how he was shown to be a decent hitter in Gold Arm’s flashback, sending every ball into the outfield. As for his weakest points, they were also pretty easy. The joints are a bit of a constant with all of the leaguers I showed, but the fins are because they seem to be rather thin and probably can’t hold up very well under pressure. There’s also the shoulder joints, which I wasn’t able to put on the diagram, since as shown during the end of the series, if Magnum repeatedly pitches his 44 Sonic without rest the stress on his shoulders start to cause them to break down, to the point where he was forced to sit out for the next few days for repairs. Speed wise Magnum is nothing special and in my eyes pretty average amongst the team.
Next up, we have Mach Windy, a Soccer Leaguer. Similar to Magnum, I knew almost immediately his strongest point would be his legs since, y’know, soccer. Everything(physical) we see coming from Windy is almost always centered around his leg strength and speed. This is outright said when Silver Castle is resting after some baseball training and Magnum tells Windy(I shit you not) “We believe in your leg.” There’s also his Mach Spin which depends entirely on his ability to kick to ball at an extremely high speed. There’s also a scene when trying to help Gold Foot during the Forced Retirement Arc where his kicks a ball of solid rock without any issues. The scene also brings me to why his head is a strong point. Heading is also something Windy has been shown to be able to do, and referencing the Forced Retirement Arc again where he head butts the aforementioned ball of rock. For speed, as mentioned before, when it comes to running Windy seems to be the fastest amongst Silver Castle. The weakness I feel is pretty self explanatory since soccer doesn’t really require use of your arms unless you’re a goalie. There’s also how in the Jet Setter episode Bull sees Windy loose an arm wrestle almost immediatly with Ryuuken, but that might just be since Ryuuken is ridiculously powerful. As for durability, he seems to be not very strong, instead having lighter armor for more speed.
Speaking of Ryuuken, let’s talk about the Karate Leaguer. As you can see, his strongest part is his armor, aka almost all of him. As a karate leaguer, Ryuuken was probably created with the intent of being able to take a lot of hits. There’s also the running joke of a member of another team attacking him with all their power and him not budging and saying something along the lines of “I feel nothing.” Strength wise, we get a taste of his crazy power is during his first spotlight episode where he was practicing kicking with Windy, to which he accidentally broke the stone wall surrounding the field. He then unlocks more of his power when rescuing Ruri from the factory, but we don’t see his real power until the Forced Retirment arc. There we got to see when going to rescue Magnum, Windy, and the Gold Bros how he opened a literal chasm into the ground with a single punch, though I can’t remember if it was rock, metal, or both, but that’s still pretty impressive, and that was before he unlocked his Heart Kit in the Death Football Arc which only increased his power. And then during the OVA when the Fighter Brothers try to fight Windy’s new team and they use their pitch, a pitch that nobody had been able to hit before, Ryuuken straight up punches it with seemingly no backlash and getting a home run all because they made him mad.….maybe it’s a good thing Ryuuken is so innocent and calm. Speed wise, Ryuuken seems to be on the slower side of the team, however I do think Ryuuken(alongside Juurouta) would have the best reflexes. This one is completely headcanon and I don’t have much proof, it just makes sense to me.
Next up, we have Bull Armor, a Football Leaguer. His armor and helmet are easily his strongest parts, for mostly obvious reasons. Multiple times throughout the series he is seen tanking blows that would normally knock another leaguer to the ground, most notably when he’s Silver Castle’s goalkeeper in soccer and catcher in baseball. However, his durability seems to be different from Ryuuken’s since he is still moved by the attacks but can bounce back from more. His durability seems to be pretty tied to his strength too since he is one of the only leaguers who has been shown to catch Magnum’s 44 Sonic. There’s also how when he was first introduced he stopped and lifted a truck much larger than himself with relative ease in order to stop it from hitting a young boy. His speed however is admittedly a bit harder to figure out. He seems to be much larger and heavier, however as shown when he lost control in his past he still has the ability to charge down opponents at a speed in which they can’t properly evade, though it’s up for debate whether they were trying to properly evade or trying to reason with him.
Juurouta, a Kendo Leaguer, is next. His durability is more basic compared to the others, mostly focusing around his Armor Armor(no that was not a typo). Said Armor Armor also seems to be protecting the joints which may or may not be intentional, but I’m going with it. His fins share the same logic with Magnum, as do his joints with everyone else. His strength mostly seems to be localized in his arms, which makes sense since he is a kendo leaguer. His strength was first shown in comparison to the others when he was the first person to hit Gold Arm’s Genocide Screw with a hit(discounting Bull since he technically kicked it). There’s also how in the Arctic he was able to cut down the  blizzard machine, however that spent all his energy. Speed wise I think he’s in a similar i boat to Ryuuken: slow overall, but incredible reflexes.
Now, Top Joy, a Basketball Leaguer, was a fun one to do for no reason more than I like the character. Strength wise, nothing very impressive, he show much. Durability though….it’s not the best. The only points that seemed to be able to hold up were his arms(sort of) and feet, and they’re less based on actual proof and more on logical thinking but I digress. Hand and arms because he’ll need to be able to catch balls thrown his way, but they’re still relatively weak compared to other members of Silver Castle. I highlighted his feet because they would probably be needed to make they don’t break once Top Joy lands after jumping high. If they were weak the repeated slamming into the ground would cause them to break and then Top Joy(and any other basketball leaguer) would be relatively stuck. But where I think Top Joy shines is his speed and maneuverability. As he has demonstrated many times throughout baseball and soccer games alike, his spring legs can be used in a variety of situations, from avoiding attacking players to catching balls that would normally be too far out of reach. And there’s also the possibility of using the force from the spring to propel himself faster when running, thought it’s unclear if he does this already. However, they are not without weakness. As shown in the episode with Gebara, they are easily damaged when seemingly a single coil is damaged and prevents him from walking without assistance from his teammates. There’s also his recording equipment and speakers which, while functional, seem like they would also be damaged rather easily since as someone who has worked with recording/video equipment, I am all too aware of how fragile it can be. Also another note, Top Joy also seems to have an incredibly high pain tolerance. When the members of Section X give him a warning shock with the shock circuit, he pleads with them and says how he “doesn’t like punishment,” implying this has happened before. There’s also his questionable relationship with his past team and much later in the Death Football Arc when he flat out says “I’m used to pain,” which in concerning to say the least.
And finally, last but most certainly not least, we have GZ, a Hockey Leaguer. Similar to Ryuuken, GZ has been shown to be incredibly powerful and being able to take a lot. There are three times where his power is shown. First is barely a day after he joins their team when he defends his teammates from attacks that would normally knock them off their feet(sans Ryuuken). The second time is when he’s babysitting the kids and survives an avalanche that took out another group of hockey(?) leaguers with barely a scratch. And then in the OVA where he’s able to deflect almost all of Garret’s dive bomb attacks without took much trouble. This is undoubtedly a combination of some hockey leaguers being incredibly defensive(like Thunderbolt) and his reformatting which led him to be a mercenary. We don’t seem too much from GZ in terms of strength, so I’m going to say he’s just a little weaker than Magnum. Speed though, that one was a bit hard to figure out. Main because of his boosters. His boosters give him an enormous speed boost, fast enough to get ahead of Garret who was literally flying and dive bombing, and on the ice without as much friction it only increases his speed. However, the few times we see him running, he seems to be slower than the other Silver Castle members, likely because of his weight and how he was meant for ice, not land. 
TL:DR, From most to least
Durability: GZ, Ryuuken, Bull Armor, Juurouta, Magnum, Windy, Top Joy
Strength: Ryuuken, Bull Armor, Juurouta, Magnum, GZ, Top Joy, Windy
Speed: GZ(with boosters/on ice), Windy, Top Joy, Magnum, Bull Armor, Ryuuken, Juurouta, GZ(running), but Juurouta and Ryuuken have the best reflexes
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erazonpo3 · 3 years
so What Once Was Mine came out and I read it.
My General Thoughts are that this book was something of a rollercoaster but in like a pop up carnival with dubious safety regulations and diseases in the DIY log flume water kind of way. I had some fun reading it but I also feel like I picked up a rash.
If you're like me and you enjoy picking a book apart for morsels of interesting concepts then you might enjoy it, if you think holy shit why the fuck is a literal real historical serial killer in this book I need to see this then you might enjoy it, if you care about engaging plots and character beats then you probably won't.
If you want to ask me anything specific go ahead, but otherwise for more in depth thoughts: spoilers ahead
Basic Summary of the Plot
Okay so here's the deal. The story has the framing device of two siblings in a cancer ward, where one tells the other a story. I'll get into that later, but that's how it starts. Our actual story starts with a pretty long prologue: We learn that the King & Queen got the Moonflower thinking it was the Sunflower, Rapunzel was born with silver hair, and then baby Rapunzel kills a maid who accidentally hurt her when brushing her hair.
Oh, by the way, Max is a human man named Justin Tregsburg. Yeah.
Anyway, the royal family puts out feelers for legit witches who can safely take care of Rapunzel because the baby is too dangerous, and Gothel shows up to take her away. Queen Arianna visits Rapunzel once (but is only allowed to watch through a peephole) and decides watching another woman raise her child is too painful and throws herself into restoring the kingdom's orphanages instead.
Now we're in the present. Rapunzel is nineteen and she wants to go and see the lanterns (a mourning tradition of the Dead princess in this story). She tries to argue with Gothel but gets shut down, and Gothel makes her kill a chicken to prove the point that she can't go outside because she's too dangerous. However we as the audience already know Gothel plans to sell Rapunzel off as a bride or a servant or a weapon to some other nobles, because she's evil.
Also by the way Gothel still has access to our Sundrop Flower and is using it to live forever that's just a thing that happens in the background.
When Gothel is gone Rapunzel watches as a man (Flynn) stores a satchel in a tree outside of her tower, and that motivates her to leave the tower for the first time. Then she goes back inside the tower with her prize of a crown, and a skink she found and named Pascal. Rapunezl and Gothel have another spat, and Rapunzel decides she will run off to see the lanterns and she will find Flynn and make him her guide.
She ends up at the Snuggly Duckling and she doesn't find Flynn but she does find Gina, a young career criminal girl looking to break the glass ceiling. Gina agrees to help her find Flynn. They find Flynn, and he agrees to help guide Rapunzel to see the floating lanterns for a split reward of the crown with Gina.
The Snuggly Duckling gets burned down by Countess Bathory (yes that Elizabeth Bathory) and the Pub Thugs are pissed about it and also they're helping Rapunzel even though she didn't sing the I've Got A Dream song don't worry about it. We learn that the nobles that wanted to buy Rapunzel are now hunting her down so she can go to auction.
Gina takes them to her adopted mother's cottage. Gina's mother is a white witch, who goes by the name of Goodwife. She doesn't get an actual name she's just The Goodwife. Anyhow, the cottage is a magic safe space (for now) and Goodwife teaches Rapunzel that her hair isn't inherently evil and may not even be all that deadly! Rapunzel learns that her hair has other powers too, like the ability to turn skink Pascal into a sentient Chameleon. Yeah.
Also Goodwife tells Rapunzel she's the dead princess but this isn't like, an immediate call to action. Not a lot happens until we get this story's version of the Mother Knows Best Reprise where Gothel finds Rapunzel again but has to flee, but this Rapunzel has a bigger support network and isn't buying it. Flynn and Gina decide the safest course of action is to bring Rapunzel to the castle, but along the way she gets kidnapped by the Countess.
Gothel is pissed because she still wants the money for Rapunzel, so she rallies the armies of all the opposing bidders. Flynn and Gina convince Max the Man to send for his troops, and he joins them in going to the enemy castle. Flynn tries to sneak in, gets caught, and meanwhile there's a bloody battle out the front between the noble armies. Max jumps into the fray, Gina turns around and rallies the Pub Thugs.
Rapunzel uses her shrinking magic (!) to disappear half the castle and escape with Eugene, and the Pub Thugs arrive and basically end the battle. The Captain is dying but it's okay! Rapunzel turns him into a horse :) Also Rapunzel sees Gothel and tells her to fuck off.
The story ends with a tearful reunion between Rapunzel and her parents, Eugene and Gina are implied to be biological siblings, and things are good but of course in direct parallel to Cass Gina leaves at the end to become an adventurer. The end.
(There are a few other smaller plot beats, but you get the idea.)
So here are my thoughts™.
Framing Device
I'll just state that I didn't like that the story was told via the vehicle of an older brother telling his 16 year old sister a different version of the Tangled Movie in a cancer ward. From what I've heard it also isn't normal for the Twisted Tales series to use a framing device for the AUs either.
I sympathise with the author's personal story, of course I do. That doesn't mean I'm stirred with compassion every time the flow of the story is interrupted to remind you to be sad because this is a story being told to a girl sick with cancer. It feels more than a little tragedy-porny rather than emotionally touching, and maybe that's because I'm too burnt out on real life tragedy to waste emotional energy on fictional cancer patients but we don't need to do Fault In Our Stars discourse again.
Real World References
This story goes heavy with Real World references. And another issue with the framing device as above is that you do feel like this is a story being told by someone namedropping every historical figure they know which makes it harder to get into the story.
There's like... a lot of references to Christianity, particularly in the prologue. There's a priest that thinks Rapunzel's hair is the work of the Devil or whatever. It's a lot. The Patriarchy is a thing. And that's not even getting into the Countess. I put it very succinctly in my notes so I'll paste it here:
I wish she’d just been an OC who could exist to chew scenery because the fact that she was a literal historical serial killer is super. Off putting. Like, she could have been an obvious reference to Bathory, but it feels like Miku Binder Hamilton levels of uncomfortable to me.
I miss Lady D.
Which basically sums up my problem with trying to take the setting of Tangled and put it somewhere in the Real World and somewhere on the Timeline. Who thought this was a good idea.
Misc. Thoughts
So, I used the five highlighter colours my ipad allows to organise my thoughts and organised them accordingly: Yellow for out of place IRL references, Blue for worldbuilding/character points that aren't plot relevant but still interesting, Pink for when something I find personally amusing happens, Purple for when the story feels like it's trying to 1-up the movie in some kind of way and Green for Heterosexual Nonsense. I'll touch on those last two in the Character sections but be prepared.
Also: for a book about giving Rapunzel killer hair, her hair isn't very dangerous. I wanted to see Rapunzel kill someone, and I'm disappointed that I didn't.
I'll do a deep dive into my thoughts about the characters before wrapping it up. I'm starting with Gina because she's honestly the easiest to get through.
Gina is a new character introduced for the story. She's a young woman trying to make it as a career criminal but keeps hitting that glass ceiling. So here's the down low, for all those who want to know: Gina is basically Cass, only not really. She's implied to be Eugene's biological sister, as previously mentioned, but you can imagine she's Cass the entire way through without breaking your immersion because if you imagined Cass if she were adopted by a Goodwitch rather than the Captain and had a looser, more wilderness survivor than trainee guard upbringing then you get Gina.
I liked Gina! I think she's fun as her own character too, and her best moments are when she's interacting with her mother Goody Goodwife, and she of course picks up a natural sibling rivalry with Eugene, but I was disappointed with how little she really bonded with Rapunzel because she needed to make room for Eugene and Rapunzel's romance.
Okay, here's our protagonist. There's a notable effort to make Rapunzel more active in her destiny and whatever, and sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't. I was worried they'd try to go full butt-kicking girlboss with her but I was pleasantly surprised that Rapunzel was pretty useless in most scenes, genuinely love to see it.
With a more intimate look into Rapunzel's psyche through the medium of prose, we see Rapunzel really questioning Gothel's behaviour even before she leaves the tower, and while I appreciate that she can develop her own cynicism I feel it starts unnecessarily early. This is my purple colour; the movie needs to be "fixed" by showing the readers that this Rapunzel is quicker to distrust Gothel. She's also quicker to hatch a plan to go outside of the tower on her own, and she makes a plan to make Flynn her guide for the lanterns even though he never stumbles upon her in the tower- and even though she has a perfectly rational reason not to trust him which is that he is a stranger and a Wanted Thief.
In the moments where it does work is when Rapunzel is surrounded by her new support network: Flynn, Goodwife and Gina, who encourage her to question Gothel's sincerity, and Rapunzel comes up with her own defences for Gothel so that she can poke through them herself.
I have some other thoughts about Rapunzel's hair and her powers, like how the story provides the interesting concept that her hair gets different powers with the different phases of the moon, but a lot of the powers are uhhh stupid and also I feel like it really robs the story of the whole gripping conflict of "Yes I'm Rapunzel Yes my hair kills people what of it".
In as far as just Rapunzel herself though, she still felt pretty in character nonetheless, and maybe that's all I can ask.
Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
My boy I am so sorry. They neutered my boy.
Long story short: Eugene in this story is the sexy lamp. He contributes nothing to the plot except to be there for Rapunzel to drool over. And of course because he won't get any character development, he starts from the very beginning as a sweet soft boi with none of the Flynn Rider characterisation from the movie because we don't have time for that, he needs to be husband material stat.
His whole character is the colour green for Heterosexual Nonsense.
So, here's the problem. In the movie, there's not a lot of time for ~friendship~ between Rapunzel and Eugene because they kind of immediately see each other as a romantic prospect. And whatever, it's a movie and there's only so much time. But this book had the opportunity to take things a bit slower and instead chooses to make Rapunzel get jealous whenever Eugene and Gina interact and for her to be constantly wishing he was holding her hand.
Say what you will about Lost Lagoon, but it tells a good romance story just by virtue of not intending to be a romance story, because the author is trying to convey a strong bond between Rapunzel and Cassandra without using "and they kiss" as a cheatcode. What Once Was Mine says "he was a boy, she was a girl, could it be any more obvious?" and leaves it at that.
Now as for how this all pertains to Eugene's character? Well, it just robs him of any flavour. In the movie there's a clear distinction between Flynn and Eugene, when we learn Eugene's real name about halfway through. We see a clear difference between the Flynn we knew- kind of an asshole, wanated to drop Rapunzel off at the Snuggly Duckling and get rid of her- and Eugene, who is sincere and chooses Rapunzel as his New Dream in opposition to his Old Dream of living alone on an island with a bunch of money.
This version of Eugene is basically Eugene all the way through, because the plot doesn't really need Eugene there but he has to be there because it's a Tangled AU so there's no Rapunzel rescuing Flynn from the guards and healing his hand scene, he just loves her immediately and that's that. They have a little spat at one point but it's cleared up later and not because they actually communicate but because they kiss.
Rapunzel only learns Eugene's real name at the very end of the story, and gives a speech about how Eugene is the real him, but it's just so flat because 'Flynn' has been sincere this whole time? Anyway he does nothing of value for the entire story except be there for Rapunzel to lust after. Eugene I'm so sorry.
Gothel's sort of the Big Bad and is characterised as an abusive asshole, the usual. I wish there were a bit more nuance to her character but then again in this story she's not just being passively evil- taking care of Rapunzel for selfish reasons but nevertheless maintaining the status quo- she's being actively evil in trying to sell Rapunzel off.
It's notably funny that Gothel sees the Countess Bathory and is like "what the fuck".
Anyway Gothel in this story also feels very weak in part because this Rapunzel is more critical and in part because this Rapunzel has a new support network. It's for that reason the Mother Knows Best Reprise scene doesn't really work, because the original has Gothel pit Rapunzel against Eugene, whereas she can't do that here so it remains a Gothel vs Rapunzel thing.
She gets a boring death as an epilogue addendum that someone rips out the Sundrop flower, which tbh? lame. It would be a lot more fun if it were open ended but I am also preferential to Rapunzel actually using her killer hair to kill someone. Please
Captain Justin Tregsburg
It's Max. He was a human but then he got turned into a horse. what the fuck you guys
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