#to fluffy haired blue eyed angel
marielle-heller · 8 months
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Michael J Fox as Marty McFly Jr/Marty McFly in Back to the Future Part II
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trashogram · 6 months
He Chose You (Pt. 10)
Lucifer/Reader: Lucifer chooses you to be the mother of his child. Rated E for Explicit.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 13.5 | Part 14 | End
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Everything was white. Pristine white. 
You couldn’t be blind, but no one would blame you for entertaining the idea as nothing but white stretched beyond your gaze.
Unending white. 
Uncanny. White. 
“Hello?” You asked the white abyss. Your call echoed out and back in, the way you imagined sound would echo in a canyon. 
You screamed, jumping up at the new voice coming from somewhere high above you. You tried to pinpoint where it came from, staring up at what you hoped was the sky before things slowly materialized. 
Pastel pinks, oranges and soft blues bled into the white, adding definition to what had once been literally nothing. The whiteness remained in the shape of buoyant, fluffy clouds pillowing all around you. 
“Over here!” The voice chimed. “Oh no, here! You’re getting warmer! Almost there!”
After circling around like a dog after your own tail, you finally found the source. Behind you rose a ginormous golden gate, gleaming beneath an electric-looking, all-seeing eye.
 And at its entrance towered a gold and platinum podium. 
A very… well, there was no other way to say it — a very white man with swooping blond hair eyed you from the top of the podium, grinning from ear to ear. 
“Hiya! Welcome!” The man said. “You’re right on time!” 
“Uh, okay…?” You replied. 
Without a hitch, the blond lifted up a large tome and began flicking through the pages. In the meantime, you stood there awkwardly, a question on the very tip of your tongue. 
“Wh-um, where am I, exactly?” You finally asked. 
“Why, you’re in Heaven of course!” He stated jovially before turning the book around and tapping on a name. “This is you, correct?”
Your name stared back at you in a glowing golden font, all pretty and shiny — 
And underlined? 
“Yeah.” You blinked. “Wait, did you just say Heaven?”
“Mm-hm, yep! And if I could just get you to stand right here at the center of the platform, that’d be great.” 
An elevated slab of pure gold rose from the clouds beneath your feet a little ways ahead of you. Timidly, you made your way over and onto the platform as instructed. You were pleasantly surprised at the instant warmth that met the bottoms of your bare feet. 
“Pe-rr-fect!” With a flap of suddenly conjured wings, the gatekeeper floated down to hover right beside you. “Now, we just wait for Emily. She should be here in 3, 2, 1… .5 — ”
A loud clang startled you out of your skin for the second time, and you whipped around to face the woman that had spontaneously appeared in front of you.
She panted. “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to be late!” 
The golden gates pulled back to reveal the white-haired newcomer in all her splendor. This other angel was bedecked in a floor-length white gown to match her downy-white hair and periwinkle-grey skin dotted with white freckles. A halo hung over her head, casting an eternal light over her large, bluish eyes that sparkled with mirth. 
Like the gatekeeping angel, her wings flapped behind her, but you noted how they seemed to flutter nervously. Or perhaps excitedly? 
“Welcome to Heaven!” She opened her arms toward you. “We’re so glad you’re here! I’m Emily, but you can call me Emmy, or E, or Millie. Whatever you want!” 
You waved dazedly. “Hi.” 
Emily stopped short of touching you, despite looking like she was about to wrap her arms around you in a hug. Instead, the angel bit her lower lip as she stared at you. 
“I really am sorry I was late. I got caught up talking with Sera, making sure everything was all ready for your arrival.” She gushed. “Thank you for greeting her, Peter!” 
Peter brightened. “Of course.” 
Emily turned back to you, buzzing with anticipation like a bumblebee. “Anyway, I’m sure you have tons of questions! No worries at all! I’m here to give you a tour and show you around your new home!”
You cautiously took the hand offered to you, and let yourself be led through the golden gate. 
Heaven was very beautiful, and very clean. The polished golden floors and beautifully-crafted architecture, complete with smiling people of all races, sexes and species didn’t unwrench you from a nagging sense of confusion however. 
“Um. Emily?” You asked your companion — well, one of your companions. Peter had elected to join the two of you on your tour, commenting that he’d gotten someone to cover his eternal shift at the gate for the next few hours. 
“Yes! Yes?” She smiled at you encouragingly. No doubt, your silence, while it had not stopped her constant chatter, had been a downer in as far as engagement. 
“I’m… dead. Right?” You asked. “I mean that’s how one gets to Heaven, so obviously I am… right?”
The mood turned down at that, with Emily turning morose. “Yes, I’m afraid so.” 
“Okay, good. I mean — I’m dead, but I’m having a hard time remembering h-how it… happened.” You admitted, embarrassed. And a little afraid, if you were honest with yourself. “Is that… normal?”
Emily and Peter stopped on either side of you, twin looks of confusion on their poreless faces. 
Peter was quicker to recover. “Oh that can happen sometimes! Dying can be a very traumatic thing for the soul.” 
Emily seemed hesitant for the first time since you’d met her, but with a look from Peter, she seemed to gain resolve. “Yes, yeah. Lots of people forget… but you’ll remember in time, I’m sure!”
“But wait!” Emily gasped. “We could ask Sera about it!” 
She clapped her hands together joyfully, while Peter’s expression teetered on uncertainty. 
“Uh, Em? I don’t think —” 
“We were headed her way anyway.” Emily nodded as if affirming her own plan. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to help us figure this out!”
The angel yanked you forward in her quest to get to Sera (whoever that was) and had you stumbling on pure fluff to catch up with her. 
Many angels raced to get out of the way as Peter called out in alarm, but apart from shouldering a particularly tall angel clad in a chasuble, you were unable to stop or slow down. 
“Hello child.”
The Seraphim (“Sera.” Emily had urged) was so large that you had to crane your neck up to see her face. 
She was beautiful in the most ethereal way. To look upon her was to look at a celestial body and feel your own insignificance dragging you down and swallowing you whole. 
Your surroundings — a gold and white antechamber with delicately carved archways and a grand war table in its center — did not help. 
Emily laid a hand on your shoulder with concern before you realized that you’d been paralyzed by the scene before you and had yet to say a word.
You stuttered a hello, and Sera’s stoney face softened into an understanding smile. “Be not afraid, my friend. I mean no harm.” 
You returned the smile, albeit shakily. 
Emily squeezed your shoulder. “Sera? We have a question.”
The Seraphim gestured with open palms. 
“Well, we were going around Heaven, and just kind of talking before um… well…”
“Emily, dear. Please speak up.” Sera’s command was gentle but firm.
Emily bounced in her spot, unable to keep herself from floating up from the ground. 
“Shesaysshedoesn’trememberhowshegothere!” She blurted out.
You and Sera both stared at Emily for a long moment, trying to process what exactly she had said. Sera had opened her mouth once more before the grand entrance into the committee room was slammed open and all heads turned to the unwelcome sound. 
The angel with the chasuble came barrelling in, and the omnipresent sunlight that touched everything around you glinted off the sharp black horns winding down from his skull. Or was it a skull? The face of this particular angel looked odd to you, with its smooth, glassy surface and flickering pixelated expression that replaced natural features like lips, cheeks and a nose. 
Their appearance looked at odds with everything else you’d seen in Heaven, regardless of the holy garbs they wore. Everything, while somewhat fantastical on the basis of it actually existing, resembled the organic and natural, and this figure stuck out like a sore thumb in comparison. 
“What the actual fuck? She’s actually here?!” The abrasive, aggressive voice that came out his digitized face shook you from your musings. 
You shrunk back toward Emily and Sera, instinctively trying to get away from the rapidly approaching figure that also towered over you. He glared in your direction, as if you were an insect he wanted to squash, and only when you lost the nerve to meet his gaze did you realize there was another angel behind him. This one wore a similar face, though they were smaller, slimmer and straight-backed. They wore darker vestments and jet-black horns as well, with wings nearly as jagged and hardlined. 
“Adam,” Sera greeted hesitantly. “I don’t believe you were summoned.” 
“Why is she here?” ‘Adam’ demanded, as if the Seraphim had never spoken. His companion stood firmly just a pace behind him, arms behind their back. 
Their combined presence was so off-putting, and your brow furrowed with mounting confusion. Sera’s shoulders slowly rose and fell as she sighed, disapproval in the hard line of her mouth. 
“That was part of the agreement.” 
“Uh, yeah — with the Devil!” His demeanor completely threw you off, so much so that you didn’t catch the full extent of what he’d said. “Who the fuck keeps their end of the deal with that asshole?”
You couldn’t hold back a scoff of disbelief, even as your confusion deepened. ‘The devil?’ 
A hand wrapped around your forearm, making you turn to look at Emily, who’d once more moved beside you. Her ire was clear, though much less contained than Sera’s. “Who are you to question Divine Judgement?” 
Adam laughed condescendingly. “Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m the fucking CEO of Divine Judgement, kid!” 
“We are literally judges, juries and executioners in Hell.” The other angel chimed in, flat and resolute. The smirk that curved her stitched lips gave away some covert sense of satisfaction in that statement. 
“Executioners?” Emily’s voice rose a few octaves. “What’re you talking about?” 
She was legitimately bewildered. 
“Enough.” Sera stepped in. “Adam, this has never been, nor was it ever, a debate. If you have a grievance, you can take it up with the counsel at a later date.” 
“My ‘grievance’ isn’t gonna fucking wait for this bitch to fuck shit up!” Adam pointed at you with a poisonous claw. 
“Excuse me?” You demanded in sheer disbelief. “Who do you think you are?!” 
The grin Adam shot you was more a bearing of one’s teeth, which further threw you for a loop as, again, his face was completely digital. “I’m fuckin’ Adam. The First Man. The Original Dick. I’ve been here since the fucking beginning. I earned this shit.” 
“Who do you think you are?” He asked, advancing on you. “You think you can whore yourself out to the worst being in all of Creation and still take up space in Heaven? Are you fucking kidding me?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Your gaze narrowed, a stark contrast to the whirlpool of thoughts swirling in your mind at his accusation. 
“HA! Seriously?” His face was mere inches from yours. “What? D’you open your legs for fuckin’ everyone? Have a hard time keeping track of all the brats you pop outta that used vag? Guess so, if even dying for one doesn’t ring your fuckin’ bell.” 
Adam’s sharp grin dropped, expression dawning from stunned to petulant as Sera’s thunderous exclamation reverberated through the vast space between your unusual group. You swore the clouds trembled beneath your feet, but it was hard to care too much with the insinuations that had been thrown at you rattling within your being. 
Dying for… 
“Charlotte.” Your eyes widened to the size of saucers. Air escaped your lungs - which shouldn’t have been possible, but you were already dealing with one crisis upon the epiphany of what you’d been missing this whole time. 
A blitz of images and sordid emotions saw you struggling, legs falling out from under you as the weight of how exactly you’d died forced you down. Emily’s distressed cry sounded from above you, melding with Lucifer’s frantic pleas for you not to go as life drained from your body. 
The Seraphim’s shadow engulfed your broken form while you panicked on Heaven’s floor. 
Lucifer sat hunched in his chair, your cold, lifeless hand hanging in his. 
Charlotte had stopped crying and presumably gone to sleep. He hadn’t put up any fight when Cass took her to a crib set up beside your… your bed.
That was who knows how long ago. And apart from Cass coming over the check on his daughter, the elderly worshippers had left him to grieve in peace. 
The King had tried to convince himself to get up. He needed to take Charlotte and leave. Go home. The sight of you in death was unbearable — but he could not move. 
He couldn’t leave you, even if you were no longer there in spirit. The You he loved the most, your soul, was gone and had been gone for some time now. 
You had gone to the one place he could not follow. 
Lucifer’s hanged head slowly rose. His thoughts were starting to become more coherent — what if you hadn’t gone where you were meant to? 
Heaven was a paradise bound by rules, but it was also a cold bureaucracy where things could fall through the cracks. 
And any dealings with him — Heaven’s sworn nemesis — were likely to be one of those things. 
Slow-building anger replaced the gold in his veins as Lucifer considered that his own Deal was not met. If it wasn’t, that meant you were down Below, alone and afraid and suffering. 
The Devil’s claws cricked, fist clenching as he glared at the wall opposite him. 
He would not let you Suffer. Not you. Never you.
And you weren’t here anymore. He needed to know where you’d gone. Now. 
Rising from his seat, Lucifer laid your hand at your side and ignored the tears that stung his eyes at the sight of your ashen face. 
He touched your brow, lingering only to memorize the way your lashes rested against your sinking cheeks before turning to Charlotte’s cradle. 
She was sleeping peacefully, unaware of his anguish, of the great loss that not only he had endured but she as well. It made Lucifer’s heart ache. 
He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. 
Then, with a sudden snap of his fingers, Lucifer conjured the presents he’d made especially for her. 
The twin goats appeared, suspended in the air behind him. Lucifer didn’t bother to turn until their bodies were triple their original size, fur changing from felt to coarse fiber, eyes glowing as they were transformed from button to bonafide, and their bat-like wings began to beat at the air, blowing back the gossamer of Charlotte’s bassinet. 
Lucifer looked between the two magicked goats after kissing his daughter’s fragile head. 
“Stay here and protect the baby.” He ordered. “Charlotte is your top priority, do you understand?” 
The two creatures nodded simultaneously, determination set in their naturally adorable maws. 
“If anything happens, just bleat, and I’ll be back in the wink of an eye.” Lucifer’s wings extended and propelled him upward with a great stroke. 
The King of Hell disappeared through an enormous portal, sparking and swirling reddish-gold before vanishing behind him. 
*** Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1, @loquacious-libra, @glowymxxn, @avadakadabra93, @froggybich, @hamthepan, @ukor02, @adaizel, @boogiemansbitch, @vinillies, @lbcreations-blog, @thesoundresoundsecho, @serenity-loves-red, @alientee, @aquaamythest96, @0strawberrysorbet0, @fluffy-koalala, @washeduphazbin, @rebecca-hvnstn, @velvette3, @kermitdafroggy, @wpdarlingpan, @apatcheworkofproblems,
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sirenedeslily · 4 months
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𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐔𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐬, matthew sturniolo && fem!reader.
𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 : a world renowned model dating a loser?!?
𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : fluff fluff aaaand more fluff!! established relationship between reader and matt. swearing. matt is just a normal dude with absolutely no social media presence whatsoever
˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖ 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 [𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲] : first time writing a headcanon so be gentle with me PLS !!! new acc bc i hated not being able to follow y’all back <33 i might turn this into a smau if anyone wants it & pls give me ideas in da inbox (: huge creds to @//fawnchives for being the inspiration of the layout, love her BAD
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𓋜 you met matt in a movie theatre.
𓋜 "parasite" was the movie that your friend dragged you to watch with her, telling you that it was life-changing — urging you to sit in the B section, your seat being #13, which happened to be beside three identical boys.
𓋜 when the end credits started rolling, the fluffy haired boy caught your attention when he pulled out his phone and went on letterboxd, rating the movie five stars and writing a quick review with a “what the fuck?” it made you giggle.
𓋜 from then on, you and the sturniolo boy had become inseparable, going from friends to lovers two years after the movie's release.
𓋜 it took you both some time to truly get used to the idea of going public with your relationship. matt was just a boy from boston who moved to los angeles because of his brother’s hockey scholarship. he didn’t even own any social media accounts!?
𓋜 well.. that is until he got sick of missing out on his angel’s content.
“why did nick say you ‘onika burgered’ in your comments?” the doe - eyed boy stared up at you with a look of confusion on his face.
“i-what? since when did you get instagram?” you exasperated, halting your previous movements of sitting on his bed and brushing your hair. matt sat up from laying on his back just a few moments ago as he explained.
“i felt left out.” you chuckled, unable to resist the urge of jumping on him and smothering his face with kisses. his pout turning into a big cheeky smile as you left your sparkly lipgloss all over him.
𓋜 from then on, his instagram consisted of anything and everything that had to do with you. he had gained over half a million followers, but that never halted him from basically being a fan page for his favourite model.
𓋜 his account is truly just an update account for you. posting you on his story, the new cover magazines you’re in, the products you’re modelling for, and the runways you’re walking in.. best believe it’s already all posted on his socials.
𓋜 with matt having absolutely no social media presence unless it was to keep up with you, it’s safe to say that the public was quite confused about who this boy was and how someone as seemingly normal as him stole your heart — a model desired and wanted by everyone.
𓋜 the first few months of you going public with your relationship, the articles were spewing out left and right. the media was on a mission, trying to figure out who matthew sturniolo was.
𓋜 matt is obsessed with taking pictures of you. wether he’s backstage admiring as your makeup artist touches up your face or you’re both at the beach aggressively playing uno with friends — he’ll capture those candid moments!
“ha take your 20 cards idiot!” you yelled, smiling as chris whined about this game being stupid yet picking up the cards from the deck. you couldn’t help but laugh at every cry chris was making as he counted twenty.
matt couldn’t help himself as he grabbed his phone and took multiple pictures of his girlfriend erotically laughing, the piercing blue ocean in the background.
it’s almost as beautiful as her.
that picture remains on the back of his phone from then on, a constant reminder of your angelic essence.
𓋜 matt truly believed you were a real-life doll, and he treated you as such! he picked out the prettiest items for you to wear and learned to tie the ribbons in your hair, always ready for your constant requests to do so.
𓋜 with you being a model and him being in college, the two of you weren’t able to constantly be with each other. traveling was mandatory for your career and matt completely understood that.
𓋜 he would write you love letters, always ensuring he got your suite's number correct, not wanting the pink envelopes to get lost or, worse, sent to the wrong person.
𓋜 his love language is acts of service, so having to occasionally do long distance wasn’t going to stop him from showing his love. the boy would curate an infinite amount of playlists, from songs that reminded him of you to songs that sounded like his love for you.
he takes his craft very seriously
“why did you send me a link of congratulations by mac miller?” you questioned as you stared at your boyfriend’s smirking face on facetime. your phone was perched up on your hotel’s vanity, applying the final touches of your lipstick.
“just a little sneak peek of the playlist i’m making you.” matt answered, laughing at your cute expression.
𓋜 shoots are incredibly draining for you and matt knows that so, he always makes sure that lilies are sent to your dressing room with a cute little note letting you know how proud he is of his doll
𓋜 matt acted like a proud mom when it came to you. buying more than ten magazines and told the cashier that the girl on the cover was his girlfriend. he sat front row at every runway show you walked in, proudly telling the person beside him that his girl was one of the models.
𓋜 he loves matching with you. outfits? you bet! nails? you don’t ever need to ask him twice! jewellery? he already made sure to get a ring and chain that looked exactly like your favourite set!!!
“baby, why the fuck do you have a bow engraved in your ring?” you questioned, puzzled. you were getting ready to go out, and the boy had asked you to grab his rings from the nightstand as he adjusted his button up.
“oh i got someone to engrave the same bow as your favourite necklace.”
𓋜 dates were almost always planned by him.
𓋜 he knows how exhausting your life can be, so his dates usually involve drive-in movie theatres or your favorite activities: picnics and stargazing.
𓋜 he’s completely smitten with you, and he wouldn’t have it any other way..
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my inbox is always open !!! pls feed it some content 🪽🎀 likes, comments & reblogs are highly appreciated.
ᨳུ⠀ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. @carvedtits
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arminsumi · 1 year
hii!! hru?? i hope ur doing finee!! :))
so i have a request 😭😭 imagine olden times gojo satoru x reader, reader comes from the lower class poor family and gojo is the higher rich class 🤩🤩 gojo and reader go to school together and gojo is rlly known and popular in school so reader gets curious and tries to talk/start a conversation with him!! then they become friends but they eventually both develop feelings for eachother 😭😭 but because of their differences they cant get together/love eachother and gojo's parents dont rlly support gojo marrying a poor girl and want him to marry someone with a high status!! (u can make gojo have a future arranged marriage if u want, i jus need an angsty fluff fic 😭)
✎ runaway lovers
💗 さとる
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note : i found this buried deep in the drafts !! :( i'm late but i wrote this in one go and it was so fun, i got so absorbed into the story... ugh i'm a sucker for olden day gojo stuff. one of my fav posts was that hanahaki gojo fic. anyways!! aaa i swooned a bit at the part he says "i will always find my way hom and she is my home" 🥹
content : one day at school, those six eyes catch you spying through the gap in the door, and from that moment on gojo satoru grows fascinated with you. he just has to introduce himself to you. he doesn't care about the whispers around him and just falls right in love. unfortunately, his parents frown upon you two being together, and they try their best to pry the two of you apart.
warnings : fem reader, angsty fluffy, misunderstandings, gojo gets put into an arranged marriage, forbidden romance trope
playme : you're in love
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"gojo satoru...?" you question curiously.
your friend nods, starry-eyed. "you know, from the gojo clan? oh, he's so... he's just... you can't even envision how good-looking he is; you just have to see him with your own eyes. come on."
"alright..." you chuckle, letting her lead you down the corridors. she trips clumsily on the way.
the two of you peer into the senior student's class. you whisper under your breath to her, "which one is he? there's so many people in the room... and i can barely see."
"just search the room. you'll know him when you see him. he stands out." your friend whispers excitedly.
your eyes look searchingly. and then they land on a head of snow-white hair; there's a boy, two years your senior, sitting upright like a stick and clad in a blue-toned kimono with an endearingly simple pattern on it — but you're not fooled, that's the highest quality silk. a clan crest stares at you, as his back faces you.
You peer through this slit in the door.
you're staring at him like you're spellbound. and... those hyper-attentive six eyes catch onto you right away.
gojo curiously peers behind him over his shoulder. when you see his face, it immediately makes sense why your friend — like so many other girls in this school — is completely taken by him.
and he... he's taken by you, the instant the two of you make electric eye contact. you look away as if singed by spilled boiling tea.
gojo's heart thumps in his chest.
who was that, just now, peering through the slit in the door? she was...
"good-looking, isn't he?" your friend smugly nudges your shoulder as the two of you scamper away like mice, escaping outside.
gojo's class concludes moments after catching you spying through the slit in the shoji door, so he quickly makes a path to follow after you as you escape to the taiko bashi bridge with your friend as if you're two criminals.
and he ends up eavesdropping on your conversation at a prime moment.
"...he looked like an angel..." you say in awe. his heart flutters and he widens his eyes, straining his ears to hear more but the bush of flowers is fluttering so loudly in the wind that it makes it difficult. so much for six eyes... what he wishes he had right now is six ears.
he picks up fragments of your voice. it gives him... butterflies, for the first time he understands what it means to have butterflies in one's stomach.
"...ah, don't tease me...!"
he blinks his pretty eyes and listens to you.
"...i can't possibly introduce myself to him...he's not just my senior...he's the prodigal son of the gojo clan..."
his heart... does something. a smug look forms on his face.
well... if she can't find the courage to introduce herself to me, then i'll introduce myself to her.
and so he does. when his best friend accompanies him on a gliding exit walk along the bridge, he stops by you and...
he bows deeply, like you're a very important person. but you're not, you're a commoner in most eyes at this school... and yet he doesn't treat you as such. it even takes his best friend, suguru, by surprise because he knows satoru to usually be a bit pompous.
electric eye contact is made between you and satoru when the two of you rise from your greeting bows.
"have we met before?" he begins smoothly, "your face reminds me of a girl i met in a dream."
your throaty stutter endears him, but makes his best friend snicker.
"satoru... don't go around flirting with monkeys." he says meanly.
for the first time, satoru ignores something that his best friend says. a reality-shattering moment, really, suguru widens his eyes as satoru asks; "what's your name...?" as if he's desperate and determined to know it.
and that's where it all begins. on the taiko bashi bridge. one spring.
it doesn't take long for his parents to find out that he's conversing with a commoner, and they put a stop to it immediately. not only because of your status... but because they don't want him to be "distracted". he needs to keep a "narrow focus" on his studies. and... they refuse to let some commoner mingle romantically with their precious prodigal son.
girls snicker in secret about you. rumors spread that you forwardly introduced yourself to gojo.
"i heard that she chased after gojo-senpai and desperately tried to introduce herself to him. she's obsessed with him or something, it's really pathetic!"
speak of the devil... no no, he's an angel like you said... satoru appears. not a word slipped by him. it makes his blood surge, is stomach twist; they had some nerve. he wants to cuss them out, be improper and raw and visceral. but he refrains. because consequences.
"i'll have to correct you two," satoru's sudden appearance shocks them out of their bodies. that voice is chilling. "it was actually me who initiated that introduction on the bridge. she was too lovely to ignore..."
oh, satoru... why did you choose the word 'lovely'? now rumors begin to circulate the school that you two are dating. they rapidly make their way to his parent's ears, and while his father may be lax on his lectures, his mother is strict.
she parts the two of you. cleaves your budding friendship. rips the two of you like paper, refusing to let her son be tainted or distracted by someone like you.
but does he listen to his mother's orders to never speak to you? no. he sneaks out to meet you after school. he squeezes in through your window at night with a toothy grin. he secretly invites you to his birthday parties ("where has the birthday boy run off to...?"). he holds your hand when no one is looking.
and he cups your cheeks and leans in for forbidden little kisses when it's just you and him in the vacant school corridor.
your faces melt like butter against each other. it makes his heart lurch to have a forbidden fruit touching his lips like this... it makes him feel weak, which is just laughably ironic. so weak, that he wants to take a bite... even if it puts both the reputation of him and his family in jeopardy.
there's a sad twinge in his chest when he thinks about how you and him are forced to keep your love secret.
"i'm sorry that... i can't show off something as beautiful as you without getting the both of us in trouble. i wish we could kiss right in front of the whole world's face." he admits in a soft murmur.
it's simple, these sad times. but then the future comes and delivers despairing news on gojo.
one day, while having tea with his mom and dad, they tell him that a marriage between him and another woman is being considered.
he violently jumps up from the table. a teacup shatters on the floor.
"huh...?" his shock and surprise slowly morphs into pure anger, "like hell! you can't j-just spring this on me. i refuse to be married to anyone except y/n—"
"—that commoner? you... still speak with her?"
his face drops. oh, shit... now he's given it all away.
and what a consequence he faces. locked into his room, like some funny version of rapunzel. he paces around, mind racing and heart palpitating.
his contact with you is cut off in the most brutal of ways.
his mother comes to you, and tells you with a convincingly icy lie;
"gojo is too kind to tell you himself... so he asked me to inform you instead; he never wants you to see him again. his heart has found a wife, and he doesn't want you to seduce him away."
you remember choking up and sputtering broken sobs at this reveal.
he couldn't tell you from himself... ah... did those kisses mean nothing? am i the other woman?
gojo doesn't know why you avoid him so violently the next time he sees you at school.
"hey — wait. can i talk to you? it's important." he asks.
you give him a bitter look. "i'd rather we not. i don't fancy being the other woman in your life..."
you confuse him. and he blinks at you astoundedly. what caused this? he's a smart boy, he tries to figure it out. but it leads to long nights of brooding in his futon, body sinking deep into the plush until he feels like gravity is accelerating on him alone. but it's just his thoughts. he tosses and turns.
he doesn't give up his determination, though. he will find out what deterred you from him...
oh but when he figures it out, through suguru's admittance, he bursts in through his mother's tea ceremony one day and confronts her with the rage of a dragon. right in front of guests. completely embarrassing her.
"you told her! you lied to her? do you think you can keep us separate forever? — NO. I WILL ALWAYS FIND MY WAY BACK HOME. AND SHE IS MY HOME!"
his yell is so piercing and raw that it makes his mother drop into her seat. the guests have mixed looks.
the backlash he receives for lashing out and denouncing his arranged marriage is severe. the scowling looks he receives are not nearly as bad as the ones you receive. unkind words is putting it lightly; the whole village and school turns against you. they still view gojo as the star child of his clan, but now as a star that has strayed from its rightful place in the sky.
he meets with you in secret. what begins as a tearful explanation and angsty bunch of confessions to hidden truths, turns into a steamy make out.
gojo needs your kisses like he needs air, like he needs water, like he needs food. you're his essential, he tells you that;
"my vitals would fail if you left, as if i would be stabbed."
he mutters against your lips other things... and then cries with you. it hurts to see such a pretty boy cry.
"satoru..." you begin soothingly.
he presses his forehead against yours. tear drops roll off his cheeks and splatter against your face.
he draws out your name. the wind stills. there's a long silence.
"...run away with me..." he murmurs. "please, let's leave this place behind... and start a family somewhere no one knows our names."
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© arminsumi 2023
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gawkingatyourface · 6 months
Sweetest Tail | one
summary: A new recruit, Sas joined the Hazbin Hotel after the extermination which made Charlie so happy that she was jumping with joy. This new recruit took the whole crew to their only family that was outside of Pentagram City. Not realizing what they were getting into or more like whom they'll meet.
pairing: Lucifer x fem!reader , Alastor x fem!reader , Azrael x fem!reader
warnings: blood, death, cursing, angst
notes: Hi everyone :D I got so much love on the preview that I'm so happy that you guys really enjoyed it! I've been working on this series to make it as best as i can do it. So here's the first part so hope you like it! it will be a bit different from the show so here it is! Enjoy ! Feedback is appreciated! <3
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[Y/N] stood in front of several angels that were standing in her way as well as the gates of Heaven that wouldn't open for her. She eyed them all with anger and betrayal especially towards one.
One that she never thought would betray her.
He did.
The last memory she had was of feeling cold and lifeless in her home. She remembers seeing her little brother above her with tears in his eyes as his voice faded from her ears. He was the only person that was always by her side. She would miss him a lot. That was when she was on earth.
After that, she woke up in a dark place. The sky that used to be baby blue with white clouds all over now was black with red clouds. She was confused as to what this place is. She got up and walked around to see it so deserted. No one else was there.
Only her.
She felt so alone.
She sighed as she ran her finger thru her hair but stopped once she noticed something different. She gripped on her ears? She gasped as she tighten her grip and felt her body feel some sort of tingle. She let go of it but then she noticed something behind her. She slightly turned to see fluffy, white tails.
She had nine tails attached to her back. Her eyes widen as she twirled around like a dog trying to catch its tail. She stopped as she was getting a headache of all this. This was just too confusing for her. She didn't know where she was at and now she had ears and tails.
She knew that standing here wouldn't help her so she decided to look around this place that would soon be her home.
After a few years, she found out that was in hell or what she calls it "Wrathifuca". She became Queen of Wrathifuca since she was the first one that had shown up and decided to make this her own place to rule. Several more years, more sinners showed up that eventually became her warriors. She was vicious, powerful yet understanding.
Well, sometimes.
Most of them wanted to duel her for her crown which she gave everyone a chance to take her throne.
None never could.
Wrathifuca and Heaven would always butt heads.
Until he came along.
[Y/N] had gone up to Heaven for a meeting with God. She didn't like being in Heaven. She felt like an outsider, a freak. They all were so nice and sweet to her. She knew that most of people had good intentions but there were certain ones that didn't.
She had the meeting with God alongside some higher ups that disliked her. The meeting didn't last long since her nor God ever came to an understanding.
As she made her way out, she bumped onto someone. She was about to fall until she felt arms around her waist, making her avoid falling on her ass. She cursed under her breath at how stupid she must of looked.
"You know that you shouldn't curse when your up here." A dark, cocky voice was heard.
She rolled her eyes as she looked up at her savior which caused her to stop her breathing.
She met these eyes. These gold-colored eyes that were staring into hers.
"What you falling for me already Queen of Wrathifuca?"
His comment made her scoff as she pushed him away, keeping a distance from him.
She glanced at him before walking off, wanting to go back home but once she took several steps, her head met his chest. She groaned as she was gonna step away once again, but she felt her body being pulled by him once again. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her body against his. No space between their bodies which he wanted ever since he saw her.
"What is up with you?! Let me go!" She said as she stared up at him with a glare that would make anyone run off in terror.
"Not happening, wifey."
"Wifey?! What the-"
"Nuh uh! Remember what I said, no cursing here."
She rolled her eyes and looked away. She didn't know what's his deal and why he wouldn't let her leave.
"Can you please let me go so I can go home?"
Her eyes flared up as she looked up at him, not believing at how he's behaving.
"What do you mean nope? Who are you anyway?!"
His lips curved into a smile as he closer to her face making her back away.
"The name is Azrael wifey. Don't forget it."
She rolled her eyes.
"Already forgot it."
She watched as one of her tails slammed him against the wall, knowing that it'll take him a while to get to her. She quickly ran off to get out there. She knew that Heaven was trouble. Real trouble. Yet, once she got back home; she couldn't forget his name nor his gold eyes that she grew to admire.
The same with him; he missed her so much. He loved her glare. Her beautiful eyes. Her voice. Just everything about her. He had first saw her when she got there in Heaven and he couldn't help but keep his eyes on her. She was so magnificent and beautiful like a forbidden fruit that he couldn't have.
But he would have her. No matter what, she would be his.
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As time went by, [Y/N] would get unexpected visits from Azrael. Her sinners were defending her from him which they wouldn't stand a chance against him. She knew that so she had told them to back away. She knew instantly that he was very powerful and there was no way that her bodyguards wouldn't stand a chance.
Every visit from him, he would just watch her do her duties or just rant to her about how boring Heaven is.
She didn't know why he felt so comfortable with her or why bother telling her all this.
She was so confused yet she didn't mind his presence.
After so many visits, she grew comfortable with him. He would always make her laugh with his jokes and stories about heaven with Michael and Gabriel.
Even some of the sinners were familiar with him every time he came over to see her.
Azrael would sometimes get jealous over some of the sinners getting too close to [Y/N]. He knew that it'll take for her to accept him but there's only so much that he can take.
His possessiveness and jealousy sometimes overtook him.
"What are you doing here?"
He shrugged his shoulders and gave her a smile.
"What? I can't come here and check if you sinners are behaving."
She rolled her eyes as she turned around.
"That's nothing for you to worry about."
"That is true but I am worried about something else."
She let out a sigh as she regretted her next words.
"And what would that be?"
She didn't hear anything which confused her since he always had a comment. But she felt something. She looked up to see him in front of her. Giving her his famous smile as he had one of his hands on top of her head, patting her ears and hair. She wanted to growl at him so bad. To snap his hand off her yet his touch made her feel something. Something in her gut that was telling her to not stop him.
Before she could say anything, she finally heard his voice.
"I'm worried about my wifey."
That word again.
That name that he would always call her. It irked her that he would call her that. He had no right to yet her heart melted when he would say it.
"I-i'm not your wifey!" She yelled at him as her ears were turning red alongside her face.
"You will be."
Before she could yell at him, she felt his lips against her in a deep kiss. Her eyes widen as she tried to push him again but he wouldn't let her. She felt her back against the wall while her mouth was being devoured by him. She could easily push him away if she really wanted to.
His touch did something to her. Made her feel something she never felt before.
After a while of their heavy make out session, he finally pulled away from her lips.
Both gasping for air as they stared into each other's eyes.
"You will always be my wifey. That will never change." He said it with a deeper voice as he placed both of his hands on her face, making her stare into his eyes.
"This will never work."
"It will, my wifey."
She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face which he loved so much.
He couldn't help but smash his lips against her once again, making her giggle at him. His lips curved into a smile, wanting nothing more than to hear more of her sounds.
But she was right.
It was never gonna work.
Once heaven found out about her and Azrael's relationship, a war was coming to Wrathifuca. Something that [Y/N] knew was bound to happen. She knew that being with him would have this effect.
Effect her home. Her sinners.
What she didn't expect was that Azrael was the one that gave the order to the exorcists.
Earlier that day, she had a very surprised guest visiting.
It was Sera.
[Y/N] had heard of her and has had meetings with her before. But this was too unexpected since she would of never gone down there.
She knew that something was happening. She felt it in her whole body.
"[Y/N], your and Azrael's relationship has to come to an end."
"And who are you to decide that?"
"I didn't. I'm just here to let you know about what's to come if you don't."
[Y/N] rolled her eyes.
"And what is that?"
"War. The exorcists are coming to kill you all."
[Y/N] frowned as she stood up from her throne and glared at Sera.
"Why you-"
Sera held out a hand.
"I'm just the messenger. The one that did the order was your beloved Azrael."
Her eyes widen at what Sera had just told her.
"No. It can't be him. You're lying!"
"I am not, [Y/N]. He's one of the leaders and part of the organization that created the exorcists."
[Y/N]'s mind was going everywhere. She didn't know what to say or think. The person that she had fallen for had betrayed her.
"I want him to tell me. Not you Sera."
"He's forbidden to come here anymore, but I will show you."
Suddenly, a shiny, portal appeared next to Sera as some sort of video was playing.
It showed Azrael with Sera and Lute.
"Sir, what are our next move?"
"Go down and destroy them all. They all deserve to die. Don't leave any survivors. Understood."
"Yes sir."
That's all that [Y/N] needed as she turned to Sera and told her to leave and never show in front of her face again.
Sera disappeared as [Y/N] was lost in thought thinking about what to do.
But she didn't have much time.
As her home was being destroyed, so was her heart. She knew that all this time yet she hoped for a different solution.
If only.
She decided to fight one more time before she disappeared. She had dealt with the exorcists before. For many eons. It was different now. Now she had a broken heart after knowing the truth so now her wrath was out and no one could stop her.
Especially as she saw her family, her sinners dead in front of her. For protecting her.
Her hands turned into fists as her true form came out and absolutely destroyed every angel that was in her sight.
They killed her home. Her sinners.
It didn't take long after they were all dead.
She was filled with blood. Her chest breathing heavily as she was hurting. It didn't show on the outside but inside, she was dead. She glared at the red sky, knowing that they are watching her. She shook her head and turned around to see several survivors kneeling down to her. She gave them a small smile before giving them a signal.
"I'm no longer gonna be Queen of Wrathifuca. Just a normal sinner like the rest. You can follow me and live a quiet life. Or you choose your own path. It's your own decision. I won't get upset from your decision."
She watched them as they all agreed to stay with her. She gave them a nod and smile as she made her way out of the city that she had cared for. Now, she had to leave it for someone else to take care of it. She gave it one last look before leaving it forever for the next King or Queen that will take over.
Not realizing that someone was watching her from above.
Azrael's fists kept slamming on the desk as he felt nothing but pain. He couldn't believe that Sera had given his exorcists the decision to destroy that place. The place that was owned by his beloved. His wifey. His [Y/N].
He was gonna go to her. He needed to see her. To explain to her.
"You will not go there Azrael."
He froze as he turned around to see Sera and Lute. He glared at them both as he laughed.
"And why the fuck not?!"
"No cursing Azrael-"
"Shut it Sera. You did this! You went and told her didn't you! You did all this!"
Sera sighed as she nodded at him.
"It had to be done Azrael."
"Why Sera!? Why did it had to go this way?!"
"Because she was changing you sir!" Lute suddenly said as she was getting frustrated. "You wouldn't be around anymore. Always going down there with that bitch!"
Azrael's glared even more.
"You shut it bitch before I make it worse for you."
"Azrael enough. We all decided that this is what's best for you both."
"By making her hate me forever? By not seeing her at all?!"
"Yes. If you want a partner, there are many here-"
"Sera if you don't stop talking, I'll do something to you."
Sera sighed as she turned around, about to leave.
"It was bound to happen Azrael. Nothing was gonna be different. She was bound to find out. Even if you had told her, you think she'd react differently. She's a sinner. Will always be."
Azrael watched her and Lute walking out of his office. He gripped on his hair as he started to destroy his whole office. Smashing and tearing things apart. He was losing his mind. He couldn't see her. Couldn't be near her. He needed to know if she was okay. Needed to explain to her.
It was like she was the reason why he was breathing. Why he would smile and enjoy his life because of her. She made it worthwhile.
He sat in the corner as he watched into space with his room all destroyed. He leaned his head back as he took off a small box from a hidden box that was underneath the floor tiles. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ring that was for her.
His wifey. His one and only.
"I will find you again, my wifey. Please wait for me." He whispered as he kissed the ring with a tear rolling down his face.
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After that night, [Y/N] had found a deserted area with a rough up building. She stared at it with wonder as she looked back at her family. Giving them a smile and telling them her plan which they agreed. So, they all started to build a safe haven for her and her sinners-family. She wouldn't lose anyone anymore. She made an oath that she will never let anyone die because of her.
She opened this café that was open for anyone. It was outside of the city, miles away from anyone. Only certain sinners knew about it. As long as they didn't cause any trouble, then it was fine with her.
She lived a quiet life yet she was still so broken from what happened. She made sure to never be found. Not from Sera, the new King and Queen of Hell, and him. Most definitely him.
She had heard of Lucifer and Lilith ruling Hell. They had even changed her home's name. She didn't care. She wasn't a ruler anymore. But this place will always be Wratifuca. No matter what, but she didn't mind Hell. It had a good ring to it.
She had several stories about Lucifer and how he was an angel but fell because he disagreed with Heaven so then he became a fallen angel. He arrived with Lilith and together they ruled Hell.
[Y/N] couldn't care less at how Hell had become. More sinners showed up and it got so chaotic. So much had changed but it wasn't her responsibility anymore. She now had a quiet life with her café and family.
One night, she had an unexpected visit.
Someone she never expected to find especially in hell.
It was her brother, Sas.
He was a three-tailed lion that was taller than her. She couldn't believe it was him. She gave him a big hug as he cried about how he had missed her so much. She agreed with him at how bad she had missed him as well.
Yet, she was confused as to why he got sent to Hell. From what she remembered, he was a good boy. Never did anything wrong unlike her. She was always the bad child in the family. She had done so many horrible things that some not even her brother knew. She intends to stay that way, but once Sas explained what had happened once she died. It made more sense why he was there with her.
She didn't care. She was happy that she had him now. He stayed with her for a while until he suddenly disappeared. She worried for him but knew that she couldn't hold him down. He will always be her little brother but he had his own life there in Hell. So she would wait for him there at her café.
But her quiet life would soon change.
With unexpected people and familiar faces...
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rottnteen · 1 year
okii hi hi lovely i hv a new sfw blurb request <3 spencer reid coming home to reader having a bad week, him taking her to a bath and washing her while brushing her hair and stuff :(( my week has been so stressful and thought about being taken care of by spencer reid 🎀
TW: sfw, soft!dom spencer, sub!reader, just spencer being the best boyfriend ever, pet names, she calls him daddy but like not sexually but more in a comforting vulnerable way, idk ddlg undertones maybe?, spencer is able to pick reader up, reader is a girly girl!!!!
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Spencer comes home with a smile on his face. Work was good because he only had to do files and he could get home to his lovely girlfriend. The love of his life. He enters the bedroom and sets his satchel down to see his Angel laying down in bed in her pajamas she was in last night. She looks up at him with a pout and he pouts back in return. “what’s wrong?” He asks, approaching her side.
“I’m just…” her eyes start to water, “a lot.”
Spencer’s eyes soften and he brings one of his hands out to cup her face. “Oh baby.” He sighs and kisses your tears away, “Oh princess.” He whispers and pulls away to rest his forehead on yours. “It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. It’s okay to feel ‘a lot’.” He smiles at you reassuringly.
You look up at him with wide eyed and pouty lips. He kisses your cheeks and pulls away, “I hate it when you’re sad.” He comments quietly. He pulls you up by your arms and takes off your old pajamas. The big t shirt and panties get thrown aside.
He picks you up and carry’s you into the bathroom, plopping you on the toilet seat. “Gonna get you feeling good as new.” He informs you as you watch him get your bath ready. You watch as he fills the tub with warm water and bubbles for you. He turns back to you and cups your face, his thumbs brushing your cheekbones. “My baby…” He whispers and kisses your lips softly.
You let out a small sob at his kindness and his heart breaks. He picks you up again and places you in the tub. “You okay?” He asks softly.
You look up to him, you’re eyes glazed over. “Anxiety and i can feel it and… Just my chest just and and…” He shushes you quickly with his lips. You hold his face to yours, him leaning over the tub as you shake. He pulls away but his forehead is still against yours, “Daddy…” your voice breaks and his brows turn up.
“It’s okay baby…” He knows you’re vulnerable, he knows you need him to take care of you. He pulls away and grabs a cup to pour the warm water over your head. “I’ll take care of you princess.”
You nod and he washes your body and hair, humming a tune. Once he’s finished he starts draining the tub and flitting about. He grabs your pink fluffy towel. He picks you up and wraps the towel around you. He carry’s you into the bedroom and places you onto the bed, kissing your forehead.
He grabs your pink striped pajamas set and comes back to you. He puts some underwear on you and then puts the pajamas on you. You watch as he does all these things for you and your heart swells, your eyes tearing up. He quickly kisses the tear that falls down your face and brushes your hair gently. “You’re such a good girl…” He cooes in your ear.
You let out a whimper at that. Your head was always fuzzy around him, especially when he took care of you like this. “I’ll be right back…” He informs you and your hand quickly grabs his, “I gotta get in my pajamas too, princess.”
She whines and waits for him. He goes to the dresser and takes his clothes off. He puts on some blue plaid pajamas pants. He doesn’t bother putting a shirt on, he knows you wanted to be close to him. Soon enough he dusts at the pillows on the bed before sitting down and making sure he’s comfortable.
He signals you to come over and you sigh. You crawl over and his arms are out for you. You crawl into his lap and he cradled you close to his chest, almost childlike. But you didn’t mind. You liked moments like these when he’d take care of you and it wasn’t sexual.
He sighed and pressed kisses on your head as you listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
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aspiringtrashpanda · 4 months
HI TUMBLR USER ASPIRINGTRASHPANDA im a big fan of your work please keep it up!!!!!!!!
would it be too oddly specific to request raph introducing mc to hella britney spears obey me? :D
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Characters: Raphael, MC, appearances by Solomon and Simeon Raph shows MC his pet. pure fluff! No warnings apply
“Ah, welcome,” Simeon smiled from the doorway of Purgatory Hall. “I heard from Luke that you were coming by. Are you seeking refuge?”
You shuffled your feet, ducking your head as shame prickled the nape of your neck. “How did you know?”
His eyes squinted, that pretty jingle of his laugh filling the air between you. “I think I can see smoke coming in the direction of the House of Lamentation.” 
“Oh. Yeah, you see…” Where did you even begin to explain the domino effect that had happened this time?
“No need,” Simeon came to your rescue, gentle gaze oozing sympathy. “I know those brothers well enough to surmise what happened.”
When you winced something akin to an agreement, he ushered you inside, sheltering you from the occasionally overwhelming presence of your favorite brothers. As you toed your shoes off in the entrance, the scent of Simeon’s cooking washed over you. You may as well have turned into a cartoon caricature of yourself, floating towards the delightful smell in the kitchen. 
“Luke and I are making lunch.” As if he even had to clarify. He did, however, add, “but you’ll find Solomon and Raphael in the living room,” which was basically Simeon for don’t bother trying to help.
Making the familiar turns throughout the first floor, you lifted a hand to wave at Solomon and Raphael, only to drop it to your side when you found them. The two men stood side by side, folding laundry. Or, more like Solomon was hauling clothes out of a basket, molding them into a roughly square shape, and placing them on the coffee table… Just to have Raphael re-fold them right beneath his nose, with piercing eye contact. 
You watched for a few seconds before making your presence known. There was a twinkle in Solomon’s eyes, a twitch to his neutral lips that had you wondering if he was intentionally ruffling the angel’s - currently withdrawn - feathers. 
Solomon’s amusement was lost on Raphael. You were certain you could see the cogs whirring in his brain beneath his ashy hair. The crease of his brow told you he had absolutely no idea how Solomon could be so bad at laundry. 
“Hi,” You broke through the silence, putting on your cheeriest smile, “How is my favorite Purgatory Hall resident today?”
As you saw the confusion give way to suspicion in their twin looks of surprise, you considered that perhaps you, like Solomon, also liked to stir the pot. It was funny, how they both straightened their spines, puffed out their chests, sized the other up while simultaneously pretending to be unbothered. Subtle peacocking, in a way. 
You would do the same to the brothers, but… Well, then you would just end up at Purgatory Hall once more, wouldn’t you? Such a taunt was sure to start another fire of some sort between the Rulers of the Underworld. 
“Well, if it isn’t my adorable apprentice,” Solomon beamed, reaching behind the laundry basket to procure a bowl of pastries. “Can I interest you in a macaroon?”
“Did you make them?” You eyed the fluffy cookies. They did look good…
“Of course!”
Never mind.
“Ah, sorry Sol, I ate before coming here and I’m stuffed.” You lied. Thankfully, Raphael’s malfunctioning tastebuds saved you from further scrutiny. He lit up like the heavens above, blue gaze sparkling like sapphires as he snagged one of the sweets.
“Truly delicious, Solomon.” Despite his praise, Raphael remained as stoic as ever. Only the slightest glimmer of joy dancing in his eyes gave away his genuine gratitude. “I must get your recipe. Michael is so fond of sweets.” 
“I’ll make sure to bake him a special batch at the end of the semester,” Solomon preened beneath the compliment, “You could send him my regards.”
And just like that, the angel’s guard flew back up, an expression edging confusion finding solace in your hum of surprise. What on earth - er, the three realms? - did Solomon want to send regards to archangel Michael for? 
As Solomon turned back to the laundry, excusing himself by claiming he had to retrieve another load from the dryer, Raphael eyed you with unveiled curiosity. You shrunk under the intensity of his stare. It wasn’t often you found yourself alone with the latest exchange student from the Celestial Realm, and you weren’t sure you would ever get used to the way he watched you so carefully. Though he rarely voiced his thoughts, his stare had a certain weight to it. One that told you that he was questioning every flex of your fingers, every slope of your lips, every shift of your limbs. Why he found you so interesting, you weren’t sure. 
As for you… Of course you found him interesting! Luke had said it himself - Raphael was the youngest angel to ever be given the rank of seraph! He was quiet and mysterious and so very guarded. You never knew just what he was thinking at any time. You could examine him for hours and you were certain boredom would elude you.
In fact, you were about to find out who would win a casual staring contest between the two of you. Almost taken aback by your confidence, there was a split second where you thought he was going to cave, his jaw clenching and his lips pursing in a pout you almost considered petulant. But then, he steeled his resolve, doubled back with a burning question in his gaze.
You had no answer for his silent inquisition, but you felt scorched regardless. 
“Hey,” He blinked slowly, forfeiting. “Do you want to see my spears?”
“Actually…” You were answering before you even knew what you were going to say. “Yeah, I do.”
“Come with me,” He nodded curtly, exiting the living room with little warning. 
Nearly tripping over your feet in your haste, you raced after him, the flutter of his Celestial Realm clothes a flash of ivory turning a corner. Your heart thudding in your chest, you felt your anticipation growing with each step. You had heard so much about his rain of spears! The terrifying display of violence that struck fear into even Belphegor’s heart!
And so, you were completely flabbergasted when Raphael spun around from the corner of his temporary bedroom, brandishing… not a weapon. 
You almost considered it anticlimactic, but the disappointment lingered for less than a second. Your brain’s buffering complete, it reached a very reasonably enthusiastic conclusion: Raphael was cradling a hedgehog. Not just any hedgehog, but a shadow hedgehog native to the Devildom. Its charcoal quills quivering under your awestruck gaze, you hit the brakes on your excitement, your index finger hovering an inch away from its curious nose.
“Can I pet it?” You whispered, even though no one had told you to keep quiet.
“He likes when you rub his forehead,” Raphael matched your volume, lifting the little mammal closer to your face.
Sure enough, the shadow hedgehog squeaked in delight as you carefully ran the pad of your finger up his nose to the patch of fur between his ears. “Is… Is his name Spears?”
Raphael looked at you incredulously, as if the answer was obvious. “His back is made of a thousand spears.”
To accentuate his point, he gently stroked the needles laid flat over Spears’s back. You smiled, “Shadow hedgehogs are known to inflate like pufferfish when they feel threatened.”
Raphael regarded you with a stern frown, “I would never harm Spears.” 
“No!” You squawked, startling the hedgehog. He hissed softly, nuzzling into Raphael’s thumb for reassurance. “I didn’t mean it like that!”
A pensive hesitance fogged those sapphire eyes. Cradling his pet close to his chest, he seemed to calculate the potential risks in his head before offering, “Would you like to hold him?”
Did you ever! Your hands shaking, you extended them towards Spears, your palms pressed together in a makeshift platform. “Okay…”
It tickled, the way his little paws scurried across your skin. His nose - wet and cold - nudged against the base of your thumb, his miniature spears raising in apprehension until he deemed your hands safe. Then, he sat still and allowed you to marvel at his pristine quills and beady onyx eyes. He was an awfully cute hedgehog. 
“You know, in the human world, there’s a musician named Britney Spears.” You weren’t entirely sure why you were bringing up the pop star. You were positive she was not to Raphael’s liking. 
“Are they any good?”
You sidestepped. “They’re iconic.”
His silence seemed louder this time, his lips twisted into the smallest frown as he watched his pet tentatively lick at your palms. With a resolute jerk of his head, he decided, “I will allow Britney to be his middle name.”
“Middle name? Like, Spears Britney… Last name?” 
“His first name is Hella.” 
“What?” You blinked. Listen, you led quite a bizarre life. From being yoinked into the Devildom, to nearly dying at the hands of Levi because you lowkey cheated at a quiz show, to actually dying in a different timeline for wanting to hug Belphie, and then to somehow becoming the apprentice of the world’s strongest sorcerer. And yet, this hedgehog’s name managed to be the oddest thing you had heard yet.
Raphael shrugged, “Solomon assures me it is a name for only the most honorable warriors in the human world.”
Your lips curled inwards, sucked by the force of your inhale. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh.
Still, your voice wavered with amusement. “Hella…Britney Spears, the shadow hedgehog.”
“Yes,” Raphael confirmed, pride overwhelming his gaze as he gently took the little mammal from your hands. “The best around.”
The glint in his eye told you that arguing would only end in a rain of actual spears. All you could do was nod, thank him for sharing a piece of his life with you, and echo, “The best around.”
My requests are open! Find out more HERE. Banner by the incredible @4laurus, Beel fan extraordinaire.
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 month
i wanna see your animal side
i wanna see your animal side by Anonymous Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 18.5k
Dean gets attached to a dark-haired, blue-eyed kitten. He hates cats, so he can't really say why.
Are you waiting for a fic that combines angst, pining, and an incredible amount of fluff? Well, look no further! Set in a time when Cas has lost his powers, this fic does a deep dive into both Dean and Cas' relationship as well as their lingering feelings of guilt and inadequacy. Cas just wants to be useful, and Dean is trying to control his outbursts of temper. Both of these desires lead to an unfortunate encounter with a witch, with catastrophic results for Cas.
As a cat, Cas is in a unique position to hear Dean and Sam's conversations, not only about the witch they're currently hunting but also about Dean's frustration with a newly human Cas as well as his lingering guilt and grief over Cas' seeming disappearance. The fact that Cas is powerless to respond to Dean adds another layer of pathos to the fic. And it's heartwarming to watch how Dean slowly warms to the cat that's following him and Sam around.
(Brief warning: there are a few scenes involving hurt to an animal, so if that's something you find troubling/triggering, you might want to read with caution.)
This fic is full of pining and fluff, where Dean and Cas are together and separate all at the same time. It also involves a fluffy kitten, and who doesn't love a fluffy kitten--especially when it houses an exceedingly grumpy angel??
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lightwing-s · 1 year
Ok, hear me out this: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsWwEmVga9B/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
but with Jason
You didn’t know how your friends convinced you to go out. Or how they convinced you to come to this place. Or how you had returned. Once. Twice. Three times… Four?
You just knew you kept going back, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t know why. The reason had a name… a stage name, but still. A name, a face and a body like you’d never seen before.
The man wearing a red balaclava, dancing around a pole, shirtless, sweaty, dirty, filthy. The whole reason for your presence in a place you’d never thought you’d go to in the first place. The Red Hood.
They said he never took his mask off. But that time, but with you, he did.
It was your third or fourth time going. After your first, when your friends dragged you out of your apartment telling you to be more social, to have more fun, to drop sulking in your bed to romance books and turkish dramas, it took you a while to return there. The Red Hood had caught your attention more than you were proud to admit, but he was stuck in your head, so you had to return.
And then you went again. And again. And you noticed he saw you. He had to, his eyes didn’t linger over anyone for that long.
Then, he called you on stage. He sat you on a chair with a kiss on your hand. He performed his regular routine, but this time just for you. You remembered how your blood boiled watching him dance for other girls. But now he was all yours.
You sat facing the crowd, but it was like they were not there. The stage lights blinding your sight. Their gasps and screams going from one ear through the other. Only him in your mind.
He danced. He teased both you and the crowd. He kissed your neck and his hands travelled through your body. He took off his shirt, earning louds screams from the ladies around. He sat on your lap, he leaned down, his warm breath hitting your neck, warming up your core and sending shivers down your spine.
You were dumbfounded. You could bet anyone seeing your face right now would be laughing at it. But he had completely hypnotised you. He looked like an angel. A filthy angel, with wings made of light and a devilish smile. And when his raspy voice reached your ear, it left you petrified. “Take off my mask” he demanded.
You didn’t respond. You didn’t know how to. You just stared at him wide eyed. So, noticing your state, with a playful smile on his lips, he slid his hands down your bare arms, feeling the coldness of the night through them, and grabbed your smaller freezing hands in his to bring them to his face.
When you felt the soft fabric on your fingers, it took you a while to react. Then, slowly, you revealed his face.
Chiselled jawline, plump lips framing his dangerous smile, gorgeous blue eyes staring down at you like a hungry dog and a white streak adorning his fluffy dark hair. If everything that had happened didn’t make you dizzy, seeing his face had certainly done it.
You felt the floor vibrate with excitement, gasps filling the air and necks stretching out to see his face, but sadly being unable to. This sight, as heavenly as it was, was all yours. He had his back towards the others, and his eyes fixed on yours.
You felt trapped in his gaze, your breathing suddenly heavier, thicker, and your heart beating faster than it ever did. Briefly, for a moment so fast you could’ve sworn you were imagining it, his eyes lingered lower at your lips, as you nervously bit on them.
Leaning closer to you once more, his right hand went up to rest at the nape of your neck, tangling your hair between your fingers and tugging at it just enough to get your lips parted. His left one took one of your arms, the one holding his balaclava, and trapped it firmly behind the back of the wooden chair.
Again feeling his hot breath hitting your neck, the tip of his nose touching the spot just below your ear and his lips hovering ever so close to your skin, you felt three million types of inappropriate thoughts about the man sitting on top of you fly to your head.
You were intoxicated by him, his smile, his touch and his smell.
“A private view for my favorite regular” he told you, teeth nibbling at your earlobe.
Your free hand on his tight, you felt how hard his muscle was, and how a full hand wasn’t enough to cover it.
His warmth giving space to the cold air of the room, he stepped out of your lap, hood in hand and threw you a wink. Before putting his mask back on, he leaned closer one last time, fingertips playing with the thin silver chain on your neck. “The name is Jason, and I’ll see you tomorrow”.
Putting the mask back on, giving you one last wink, he turned towards the hundreds of other girls in the club after making you feel like all warm on the inside. Ready to come back as many times as needed.
a/n: a magic mike live gotham series, anybody?
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alastor-simp-page · 1 month
Bill Cipher x Charlie Morningstar: You’re Acutie Though a Bit Obtuse, Right?
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Why did I do this? Because I can. I'm cringe. I don't care.
Charlie Morningstar had started to lose hope due to the recent ordeal with Heaven until a rather geometric obsessed sinner appears on her doorstep, more specifically an unsolicited guest interested in redemption! While Charlie takes a liking to the new guest, some of the others welcome him while others regard him with suspicion especially Alastor, Charlie's trusted business partner. AKA Bill Cipher has taken an interest in the Hazbin Hotel and as we all know, wherever Bill goes...chaos follows.
There was a twink at the door. Well, Angel didn’t know exactly what to call this dude’s cartoony ass. The second Angel’s mismatched eyes saw that smirk, cane, and eyesore of a golden suit, he spun around and called, “Eh! Alastor, your long lost half-brother or whatever’s at the door.”
The sinner smiled and tipped his top hat, “Actually, I want to be redeemed. I’m here for that.” He laughed, leaning on his golden cane.
“There’s a patient for you, Charlie!” Angel Dust nodded, cupping his hand next to his mouth as he hollered up the grand staircase. 
Charlie blinked awake, rubbing her eyes and sat straight in bed. Patient. There’s a patient?! PATIENT! Her heart leaped and her body did as well as she scrambled out of bed. She was halfway out of her bedroom door still tugging on her slippers. Then she frantically popped her head back in the door, staring at the alarm clock: 1pm. One o’clock. How long did she sleep in for? Shit. 
Charlie shook her head and called down, “I’ll be there in a minute!” At a record pace, she dashed down the hall, practically tripping over herself, desperately running a hand through her wild, unkempt hair. It was futile. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she whispered under her breath, taking the grand stairs two at a time which was probably very unwise. In a heap, she finally reached the door, heaving, huffing and puffing. Her hands were on her knees, and she bent over. Wow, she was out of shape. Then she snapped up and waved, “Hi, hi, my name’s Charlie.” 
The sinner was, well, he looked a lot like Alastor. He was wearing a clean-cut golden coat with an odd pattern of bricks on the torso and long black dress pants. A black bowtie, a black top hat that seemed to hover slightly above his blonde dyed black hair. His eye was dark, and the right side of his face had a triangular eyepatch. His black gloved hands clutched a golden cane. Damn, he did look a lot like Alastor if he looked more human and favored gold over red.
“Yeah, hi, Charlie. The name’s Bill.” The sinner named Bill said leaning against his cane and extending a gloved hand. “I’m sure you haven’t heard of me!”
Charlie stared down at Bill’s outstretched hand. A small blue flame flickered in between his fingers and then died just as quickly. She blinked and beamed a smile at Bill, clasping hands with him. Well, a patient was a patient. “Hi, Bill! So, you’re interested in redeeming yourself?” With one firm shake, it ended.
“Hello?” Angel Dust narrowed his pink eyes at Bill who in turn glanced over at the Spider Demon. “You know I exist right?”
“Yeah, you’re Angel Dust. The porn star, right?” Bill’s eye slid over, rather unimpressed. Is that all what everyone saw when they looked at Angel?
A smirk spread across the Spider Demon’s face, and he smoothed back his fluffy hair, “So you’ve seen my vids?” Well, he didn’t seem to mind. 
“Hah!” Bill laughed and Angel’s face turned sour, “Nah, just saw the billboards. You can’t really miss them in Hell, can you?”
“Likely story, one eyed,” Angel Dust narrowed his mismatched eyes at the one-eyed demon. He used his four hands to jab his pointer finger and long finger at him. 
Bill grins, “Well, in life I worked at this mangy shack for who knows how long. Not really one for porn. I just really love kids.” Then he pauses and looks at Charlie’s horrified expression. “No, I’m not in for that . Had these two twins that kept ruining my life and giving me heck.” That grin thins, “I’ll get back at them…one of these days.”
“Ooookay! Ready to check in?” Charlie pumped a fist. Jeez, this guy seemed to be a bit of a wreck. Beefing with kids? Well! It was Hell after all! Everyone was a wreck. 
“Yeah, speaking of which, don’t you have a check in counter?” Bill glanced around the spacious lobby wreathed in crimson. Even with one eye, he seemed to be combing through every detail. 
“Budget’s a bit tight,” Charlie beamed a strained smile at him.
“Yeah…I can see that.” Bill said quickly and strolled ahead, his golden cane thumping on the ground with each step. Did he need it? He looked rather spry. A sinner that died in his prime. Charlie didn’t pry. She didn’t want to scare him off too early.
Angel Dust waved at the pair, “See you two later.” He sauntered back to the gilded golden doors leading out of this little pure bubble of hell. Charlie briefly glanced, seeing him go, go back to his own personal hell, back to Valentino. A frown was slowly crawling across his bright face, but she shoved it down. 
The all too cheery sinner walked side by side with her and elbowed her in the side with a sharp elbow. “Hey, kid, why the glum face?” 
Kid? Her mouth opened and then she snapped it close again. She was sure as hell a lot damn older than him. Again, she reminded herself…don’t scare him off. Whatever little sparks of fire sprouted from in between her clenched fingers extinguished. 
“Nothing,” Charlie said shortly but thankfully Bill didn’t question it. He seemed preoccupied with the sights even if there wasn’t much to see. Paintings glowering down at them on the walls, long sweeping curtains curling around the window’s light, and what seemed to be eternally empty rooms lining the hall.
Her hand gripped the doorknob to her office and the bell hung to the doorknob jingled. She had almost expected Alastor to come rushing ahead of her to hold the door but of course, he wasn’t there. He was locked up in his radio tower doing who knows what.
She almost hurled at the sight. A new guest and this is what her office or well, her and Alastor’s office looked like? A large stained-glass window filtered in crimson sunlight into what she could barely call an office. Dusty bookshelves lined the walls where her parents’ paintings had once hung. Her and Alastor’s eyesore of a desk sat proudly at the center of the room, littered with scattered papers, a monitor with far too many files on the home screen, an obscene array of stress toys and silly colored gel pens strewn across the hard desk wood. At the midpoint of the half circular desk was a chair for a guest and across the desk were the chairs for her and Alastor.
“Sorry for the mess,” Charlie crossed to the desk, desperately swiping at the papers and plunking them onto the table in a semi-coherent pile. “You can sit–” Her eyes drifted back to the door’s threshold where he was. Then she motioned towards the seat across from her. But he wasn't there. She blinked. He disappeared. No. He didn’t disappear. He wouldn’t just–
“Nah, it's fine. Comfy chair by the way,” His voice said beside her, and she turned. There he was leaning back in his office chair, grinning at the princess and appearing way too comfortable in Alastor’s chair. 
Oh. Well, maybe it's better that Alastor isn’t here. 
Sitting in her business partner’s chair? Bold, cocky, definitely arrogant. Now who did that sound like: Alastor, Angel Dust, a bit of Vaggie, and her own father. Well, surely one more cocky arrogant bastard wasn’t going to burn down the Hotel, right? 
Continue reading this abomination under here:
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annawritesblog · 10 months
Matchmaker (m.s.)
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Summary: Angie loves walks but also books apparently. Her playfulness results in a matchmaking.
A/N: hey lovelies. Sorry for the long wait, but here’s my second imagine, this time with Mick. It’s missing Mick hours here, so I thought this would be cute. Also, English is not my first language and I do NOT speak German, all the bold texts were translated with google translate, so excuse me if something’s not correct. Enjoy🤍
Today is an exceptionally beautiful day in Switzerland. After days of rain, the beauty of fall is finally showing. The park is covered with leaves and families are spending quality time with each other.
Turning a page in my new book, I inhale the fresh smell of my cappuccino that I couldn't manage to drink in an hour. I'm just so caught up in this book, that I cannot concentrate on anything else. Earlier today, I decided to walk to the nearest park, find a bench and get lost in my book. And that's exactly what I did.
I put my book down and look at my surroundings: happy couples, dogs, trees, babies and older people. Everybody’s chatting and enjoying the last bit of sunshine. The picture is so calming, I could sit here and observe things all day. I wonder if there’s a job like- what the hell?
"Angie, was tast du?" I look down, where I find a dog playing with...my book? When has that fallen out of my lap? I must've been lost in my thoughts again. I should really focus more on what’s happening around me.
"Das tut mir leid." A tall, blonde guy approaches me and takes my book out of what I suppose his dog's mouth. Only if I'd understand what he's saying.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak german." I pause the guy who was still talking to me I guess.
"I-I was just apologising. I'm so sorry, she usually doesn't do things like that. I guess she got excited?" He hands me over my book that's a bit wet, but it salvageable. "I- let me buy you a new one, this one's a bit...damaged."
"No, no. You really don't have to do that. It's completely fine, I actually like it better this way. It's unique." I smile to the very attractive blonde in front of me.
He runs a hand through his short hair and looks to his left, where his dog is, looking all innocent and cute. "Can't be mad at such an angel, right?" He asks while putting the leash on the puppy.
"No, you really can't." I giggle and scratch behind the dog's ear. "What's her name?"
"Angie." He looks at the animal then flashes his blue eyes on me. "And yours? What is your name?"
"Y/n” I answer shyly. "Yours?"
"I'm Mick, nice to meet you." He shakes my hand and instead of feeling uncomfortable, I actually feel chills running up my spine. "Mind if I sit?"
“Not at all.” He sits pretty close to me and the smell of cologne hits me. I take a second to examine Mick: his short blond hair is somewhat messy, but it actually suits him. He has an Under Armour jogging set on, which shows off his massive arms. Before I know it, I’m blushing at the sight of that.
"You have a really pretty accent, Y/n. I like it a lot." Mick looks into my eyes and smiles widely.
"Thank you." Just as he wants to say something,his dog jumps on the bench, just between us. I pet the fluffy animal and coo at her just like a baby. I can feel Mick’s eyes on me, his stare burning holes in my body. God he’s attractive.
“So hey, I really do feel bad about the book. It’s not acceptable.” He says and fumbles with one of his many bracelets.
“It’s totally fine. Now it has a story.” I smile at the blue eyed boy but he just doesn’t let this matter to rest.
“Still, I would like to rebuy that. Or any book really.” Now he seems eager almost. Although, not gonna lie, a book shopping date doesn’t sound half bad.
“Okay, alright. You can buy me a new book.” He smiles at this and nods. The dog between us starts barking so Mick takes her by the leash and stands up.
“I think someone’s hungry.” He pets Angie’s head and the cutie starts to shake her tail. “I think we need to get going, but can I have your number? You know for the book?” He asks and I feel my face turning red.
“Yeah, sure.” I try to act naturally as he hands me his phone and I type in my number. I save the number alongside with my name and hand him back the device.
“Thank you. So, I guess I’ll see you later?” He scratches the back of his neck and I nod. He will see me again for sure. “Well then, have a nice day Y/n.”
“You too, Mick.” I smile as he walks away. The leash however was twister around his feet so he almost fell over.
“Get it together, Mick.”
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synthetictorii · 1 year
Love At First Dance ✧ Dance Teacher!Toshinori Yagi
Pairing: All Might/Toshinori Yagi x reader Genre: fluff Summay: Toshinori is the new teacher at the academy and he needs some guidance that you willingly provider. Needless to say he'd like to make it up to you - and what better way than through dance? Word count: 3.7k A/N: ...obligatory old and cringey fic ahead warning... + this was a wattpad rq
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     Walking across the road, you regretted not putting your warm fluffy hoodie on. The cold weather hit the city only yesterday and you thought it’s not gonna be that bad so you didn’t bother to take a jacket, opting for a mere cardigan instead. Big mistake. It didn’t prevent the cold wind to chill you to the bone at all. And since it was only the start of autumn, no one thought of starting up the heating system of the school you worked in yet so the whole building was a half-freezing hell as well. How fitting, considering how many students would describe their school experiences as hellish. You smirked a bit, wondering if that’s how your students would talk about your lessons too. You rounded your shoulders, trying to warm your stiff with cold muscles. The café wasn’t even that far from the school and yet you already felt like no amount of warm-up will get you ready for the lesson. Oh well, the coffee was worth it. Fate, however, had different plans for you.
  Just as the place you aimed for came into the view, so did something – or rather someone – else. A man you recognized even from far away. He had fluffy blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that simply dragged your full attention to him. And the fact that his charcoal grey turtleneck hugged his sculpted body snuggly didn’t exactly help either. He looked like an angel! If only angels wore their jackets folded over their arms while carrying a little cardboard cup holder. He waved at you and you returned the gesture, rushing to meet him halfway. How he was not freezing was beyond your comprehension.
  “Hey Toshi! Also lacking caffeine I see,” you teased once you were close enough and eyed the cup holder, finally noticing it was occupied by two cups. “Yeah, I thought you might want some too and hoped to catch you before you have to endure this cold. I know you grew up in warmer climate, so… yeah,” he rubbed his neck with a shy smile that made your heart flutter. “Aw, that’s so sweet! Thank you so much! I swear I’ll stay put next time,” you smiled gratefully.  “I’m not your personal delivery service, you know?” he joked as he handed you your cup. You hummed dismissively and took a sip. It was done just the way you liked it. That caught you off guard and he probably noticed because he chuckled at your confused expression. “What? You thought I wouldn’t remember how you take your coffee after all these weeks?” Now it was your turn to be shy. “Well I didn’t exactly have a reason to assume so,” you smiled a little bit as you sipped the drink again.
  You were not bitter, truly not. But it was such a stark contrast between you two. You on one hand never missed an opportunity to watch his lessons or just sneak a peek as he practiced. While on the other he never bothered to do anything like that or to at the very least try to get to know your dance style better. You would lie if you said you weren’t disappointed by his behaviour – you were friends, colleagues and even shared an office after all. You kept telling yourself that maybe he just doesn’t feel comfortable enough to just barge in and watch you so you offered him to help you during the class but he always politely declined. Yet here he was, remembering something so stupid like how you like your coffee.
  “I’m full of surprises,” he winked you playfully. You choked on your drink, laughing as you coughed. “Where did that come from?” you said in between coughs, lips spread into a wide smile. He shrugged as he laughed himself. “I guess I’m still half asleep,” he joked, finishing his drink in a long swig. “Or maybe just slowly dying from the cold,” you muttered as you gulped down the rest of the warm liquid and were once again left to face the cold without any protection. You shivered as the freezing wind rushed past you. “Oh, I’m so stupid, I didn’t notice – here, take this,” he stumbled over his words as he put his jacket over your shoulders. The relief was immediate. You almost purred like a cat with the sudden warmth. “Are you sure? It’s not that far, I can do it,” you politely assured he was alright without his jacket even though there was no way you were going to give it back until you reached the school where you kept a warm sweater for this kind of scenarios. “I’m fine, the cold never really bothered me,” he smiled at you. “Thank you,” you returned the motion and snuggled into the warm piece of clothing.
   Finally you reached your apartment after a long day at school. You loved your job and wouldn’t change it for a world but sometimes it was too much. And with the freezing hell the building was today you were ready to take a hot shower and hit the hay.      
  Which was exactly what you did and now you were laying in your bed, a thick duvet covering your body from toes to chin. Your stomach was full after a delicious dinner you made and you felt content. Well, quite content anyway. You couldn’t help but feel melancholic as you looked out the window into the dark, quiet street.
  It was at times like this you missed your home the most. You got over the cultural shock pretty quickly since you’ve always been interested in Japanese culture and way of life. Getting used to it wasn’t that bad, everyone was very polite, nice and you’ve found some great friends that helped you as well. But sometimes at night when it was so quiet it was unsettling you remembered the soft noise you always heard outside while growing up and the comfort of knowing that you were surrounded by people who had the same worldview and values as you.
  And the parties, god, did you miss those. Every one moved in sync, body on body, moving to the rhythm of salsa and mambo. How easy it was to get lost and free yourself from everything, just dancing to the beat and meeting handsome strangers. Well the last part applied here too, only your handsome stranger wasn’t interested in dancing with you and he was no stranger. You scoffed as you thought of Toshinori. He was your very own mixed signal generator. He was nice, he was friendly and paid attention to what you were saying and actually remembered it – the coffee earlier was not the first time he surprised you with what he remembered about you.
  What you admired and loved the most about him though was his passion for dancing that matched your own. That was part of the reason you always made time to watch him dance. His moves perfectly matched the songs and expressed so many emotions. The shy guy disappeared completely; it was like watching a caterpillar change into butterfly. It always made you long for his touch on your skin to rhythm of salsa, you knew he would be a perfect dance partner for you! The moves were a bit different, sure, since his style was more street dance whereas you, obviously, focused more on latin style dances and hip hop, yet you knew he was talented enough to learn from you quickly. 
   So why? Why did he never accept your offer to come and watch when you asked him? Could he not see how important it was for you? You huffed, he for sure was oblivious about every hint you dropped that you liked him, but he surely couldn’t be as dense? Sighing deeply, you decided to let it go for tonight. It wasn’t like you could do anything about it right now and your body craved sleep.
  Toshinori leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms. He would never guess that being teacher would also mean so much paperwork. And you weren’t in yet to brighten his day. He ran his hands down his face when there was a knock on the open door. He looked over to see his long-time friend and fellow teacher, Naomasa, standing there. “Hey, Nao,” he greeted as he pushed himself away from the desk. “Hey, still not done with those?” the other man pointed towards the many stacks of paper on Toshinori’s desk. “Yeah, [y/n] promised to help me fill them correctly,” he sighed. It always took him forever but with you it was so easy. “I recommend you make it up to her, she helps you all the time you know,” his friend said with mischievous glimmer in his eyes. Here we go again, Toshinori thought. “What do you suggest I do?” he crossed his arms over his chest; he already knew what his friend will propose. “Well, you always turn her down when she offers you to join her during a class,” he shrugged and the blonde couldn’t help but sigh. “And what would I do there? I can’t dance like she does,” he argued but Naomasa had none of that. “You can watch her, you know, everybody here does that. Just go and support your friend.” Toshinori knew that of course, literally everyone told him to go and see her class. It was one of many things he really liked about the school – that everyone was so supportive of each other and often watched others dance. With you however it wasn’t so easy. He knew he wouldn’t be able to just watch the whole time. “You know why that’s a bad idea,” he pinched the bridge of his nose as his friend laughed at his misery. “So what? You like her and she likes you,” Naomasa ignored Toshinori’s doubtful look with ease, “and you’re both so confident while dancing that might finally talk about it,” he finished his lecture with a big smile, completely oblivious to his friend’s exasperation.
  Before he could respond, presumably by kicking Naomasa from the office, you walked in and gave them both a questioning look. The black haired man grinned widely as he greeted you. “[y/n]! Doing great I hope?” You immediately felt suspicious about his cheery attitude. “Yeah, what’s up? Am I interrupting something?” You took of your coat and set your bag on the chair. “No, not at all, I have to run anyway! It was nice seeing you again [y/n] and Toshi, remember what we talked about,” he gave him a strict look that was slightly undermined by his wide grin. He left the office swiftly and you turned to look at Toshi who looked like he could strangle the man right now. You simply chuckled, it wasn’t the first time this has happened. “So what did he do today?” you asked amusedly but Toshi only shook his head. “Nothing really, he’s just annoying,” he sighed. You patted his shoulder supportively, “It’s alright, you can always tell your class to be extra mean to him.” He laughed at the suggestion, knowing his students would be more than thrilled to obey.
  Little did you know that his mind was racing under his laughing face. Because however he tried not to accept it, Naomasa was right. He did like you, he wanted to see you dance – and dance with you – so much, only more interested after everything he heard but he was afraid. Worried that once he saw you dance, there would be no going back and he would fall too deep. And what would he do then if you decided to reject him? On the other hand, how was he supposed to function when you occupied his mind all the time?
  Sighing, he decided to bite the bullet. “Hey, so, uh, I was doing these,” he said as he played with one of many papers on his desk. You looked at him curiously. “Yeah?” you prompted. He looked away for a bit. This was harder than he expected; his whole training seemed easier than this! “And I need a break so do you think I could join you in the class today?”
   Now it was your time to trip over your words and blush, all shy and shocked. You bit your lip to stop yourself from giggling. Speak and the universe will listen, huh? “Of course! It’ll be fun!” you blurted out quickly before he changed his mind. After all the weeks you tried to get him to come he’ll just ask himself, what’s up with that? You had a hunch that Naomasa was somehow involved in this but in your experience, he never could talk Toshi into anything so who knows. Said man laughed at your eagerness, awkwardly rubbing his neck. “I’ll just watch, I don’t think I could pull off the right moves.” You waved him off. “Sure sure, whatever.” You were too giddy to trouble yourself with anything but the fact that Toshinori will finally come and see you dance. Maybe he will like it and join you too! Well, that was too good to become true but girl can dream, right? You agreed on when and you told him where and parted ways to go to your respective classes. He wouldn’t be able to stay the whole lesson but it was a little step forward.
  You were ecstatic for the rest of the day. You put more energy into your moves, swayed your hips with more passion. Every song seemed to be about Toshi and you. Your mind was a mess but it was such a sweet feeling. Overall you were more cheerful and nicer to both students and your colleagues. Nemuri noticed too but said nothing – she probably guessed what was happening, judging from the shit-eating grin she was giving you. Fortunately, she kept her mouth shut and students whispered just quiet enough for you not to hear.
  And finally the fated lesson came. All the students were in the dance room your class took place in and among them, leaning against the wall in the front, Toshinori. You were almost sure he was blushing. It was the first time he saw you in just your leggings and tank-top afterall. You suddenly felt shy too but this was no time for your insecurities to pop out! You greeted everyone as usually and shared your plan for today: stretching, a little repeat of the moves they learned the last time and then new steps that will finally complete the whole fast sequence of this dance. It was something you worked on for the last two weeks with them so you hoped everything will go smoothly, especially today. Though students noticed your unusual mood and impatience to start already but it looked like nobody made the connection between these changes and Toshinori’s presence.
   You let the music play and went through a quick stretch session. Your muscles were already warmed from the previous lessons as was the case of most students but you wanted to make sure everyone was ready. Better safe than sorry, right? Then a shift in your playlist came, signalling that the class was about to move to the more interesting part. “Alright everyone, let’s do it!” you shouted excited as you adapted to the music.
   Toshinori watched this change awe-struck. His eyes never left your body as you moved to the music. You moved in such feline way, so sensually, teasingly swaying your hips to the rhythm. Your movements were quick and precise but also slow and breath-taking when needed to be. He could imagine with great detail what you would feel like under his hands if he held you, every little movement of your muscles as his palms would slide on your skin.  He had a hard time just standing there, nodding to the rhythm when your dance was so inviting he forgot about not knowing steps. He felt like he could just melt into you and follow your commands without you ever giving them aloud. He felt so robbed when his phone vibrated and forced him to leave for his own lesson. He tch’ed as he looked at you longingly. How was he supposed to teach now?  It was like he was leaving a miracle in progress just to watch tv. With a soft sigh, he waved at you as he promised to do when he was leaving. He hoped you didn’t notice how much his hands shook.
  You didn’t. How could you with the look he gave you? You doubted he realized, but in that moment he looked at you like you were an angel saving him from death. Such thirsty and regretful look. A shiver ran down your spine but you carried on. You can freak out about it later when the students leave.   
  Once you put your mind to it again, the class ended unexpectedly soon. You thanked everyone for their attention and hard work and said goodbyes when suddenly Mineta and Kaminari raised their hands. You knew well how they could be so you raised a brow questioningly as you nodded for them to ask. “[l/n]-sensei, we wanted to ask if it was possible to have classes where we would dance with a partner,” they asked in unison. You saw Jiro giving them a disgusted look. Chuckling, you shrugged your shoulders. “It’s something I’ve been thinking about too but I would need everyone’s consent and a okay from the principal,” you explained. It would take some effort to find more boys for the girls to dance with too, but these kids were really talented and always gave it their all so you were willing to try harder for them too. “Think about it and let me know next time, alright everyone?” you smiled as they left the room, already shouting and talking one another into being their partners. You shook your head fondly; you remembered being the same way in their age.
  A soft knock on the door interrupted your thoughts and when you looked up, you didn’t believe your eyes. Toshinori stood there and his eyes never left yours. It must’ve been the first time he didn’t avert his gaze from you and it was wonderful and scary at the same time. What was he thinking about? You were about to find out soon… “Teach me how to dance like that,” he said with a confidence he never showed you before. No. He did. This was the confidence he had while he was on the dancefloor. He had the same determined, passionate look in his azure eyes that shone brightly with energy. “O-okay,” you laughed is disbelief but you were so happy and pleasantly surprised you thought you might pass out.
  He walked over to you and let you show him how to stand. His face turned red when he realized just how close you would be during the dance but didn’t back away how he usually would. You showed him the basic moves and saw how the shade on his cheeks darkened. “Don’t worry, it’s alright,” you chuckled as you motioned for him to join you and try himself. He was awkward, clearly hesitant to let go, so you stood behind him and put your hands on his hips. He stiffened under your palms but relaxed again when you led his movements, corrected them be more fluid. When you were finally satisfied with the way it looked, you stood beside him again and showed him how to connect this move to another, piping in with what you’ll do. He was speechless as he saw just how sensual your moves were and how passionate. He knew what your dance looks like, sure, but having you show him while so close took it to a whole new level. Yet his resolve didn’t falter if anything, he wanted to prove to you that he can get as wild as you.
  When he had at least some idea with how your native dance works, you moved forward to the real test: combining your steps and dancing together. He tensed again slightly when you invaded his personal space, this time though he relaxed almost immediately. By the look in his eyes it was obvious he wanted this to work out just as much as you. In any way really – just this dance or you two being partners or even couple. Right now it didn’t matter for in this moment all that mattered was the music your bodies pressed close, swaying to the rhythm. He didn’t flinch when the music started playing and you took his hands and put them on your waist. The material of your tank top was so thin it was like there was nothing separating your skins. It would be such a nice contrast too, his creamy white skin against your tanned darker one. You tried the first few moves tentatively, getting used to his presence behind you. He did the same, hesitating when he was to move your hands along your curves but you were gentle with him, always assuring that it was alright. It wasn’t like he was doing anything intimate in the wrong sense.
  Soon enough though, you both let the music consume you. There was nothing shy about Toshinori anymore, he knew what he was doing and even if the steps were rather easy for you, they were far from boring. Your energy surged to the room and didn’t hit a wall but mingled with Toshi’s, creating a mix that pushed you both to experiment, tease each other and push your boundaries. It wild, crazy, exciting and perfect you felt like you were high. You just moved in sync with Toshi and forgot all about the world in favour of the music and his skin against yours.
  When the music stopped, you were both out of breath. You stared into each other’s eyes, so close to each other. Your hands were on his chest and his on your hips as you were pressed flush against him. The atmosphere was hot and heavy, almost tangible. But neither of you tried to move away nor did you say anything. No words were needed for you two to understand.  This would happen again. And again. And again. Until one of you wouldn’t be able to dance anymore. And even then, no doubt, you will find a different way to connect so deeply.
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archive-of-artprompts · 5 months
🌹👹 Beauty & Beast : Blindly send in two numbers, and I'll draw that beastly beauty or beautiful beast! 👹🌹
Send one from each list and I'll combine them into one character. Numbers are 1 - 40. (Tropes from tv tropes pt1🌹- pt2🌹 - pt3🌹 - pt4👹)
🌹Beauty Traits 🌹
Aloof and Dark-Haired : A tall, dark-haired beautiful person with an aloof demeanor.
Amazonian Beauty: A muscular woman who is attractive.
Angelic Beauty: Their beauty is literally heavenly.
Agent Peacock: They're not going to let this job get in the way of being stylish.
Beautiful Tears: Somehow, tears make this character cuter or more beautiful.
Big and Beautiful: They’re fat and fabulous
The Dandy: This character values looks and fashion.
English Rose: The English archetypical beauty; usually a fair-haired, fair-skinned character with a regal nature, delicate nature, and posh sophistication.
Everyone Loves Blondes: When blondes are seen as more beautiful than other hair colors.
Everything's Better with Sparkles: Sparkles make everything pretty.
Femme Fatale: Her looks could get away with murder (if not already).
Fluffy Fashion Feathers: Plumes and down on stylish clothes just look appealing.
Gold Makes Everything Shiny: Gold adds visual flair.
Hospital Hottie: Attractive medical personnel.
Hot God: Makes you get on your knees for several reasons.
Hot Librarian: Because good literacy is beautifying.
Hot Men at Work: people on the street should be catcalling them.
Hot Witch: A witch who is a bombshell rather than an ugly, old hag.
Hunk: A tall muscular man who is very handsome
Lascivious Beauty Mark: A facial beauty mark is used to characterize someone as flirtatious or seductive
Lovely Lesbian: This hot girl has the hots for other girls.
Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Long hair just makes this Pretty Boy look better.
Innocent Flower : A delicate character is associated with the beautiful and equally-delicate flower.
Love God/dess: Most mythic pantheons have at least one.
Mystical White Hair: White hair indicates magical powers, mysteriousness, and/or otherworldly origins.
Pretty in Mink: A luxury fur garment is meant to look good.
Pretty Prince/ss Powerhouse: Being pretty and of royalty doesn't mean they can't kick ass.
Princess Classic: The beautiful princess as the epitome of grace, poise, delicacy and beauty.
Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Dark hair makes this pale person pretty/handsome.
Redheads Are Ravishing: Red hair is associated with attractiveness.
Rose-Haired Sweetie: A bright, optimistic, pink-haired character.
Shy Blue-Haired Girl: A Shrinking Violet with blue hair.
Silver Fox: An attractive older person with grey hair.
Southern Belle: The American South archetypical beauty; usually motherly, delicate, kind, and fiercely devoted to family and tradition.
Statuesque Stunner: A character is pretty and tall.
Sultry Bangs: The use of eye-covering bangs to denote sensuality or seductiveness.
Tall, Dark, and Handsome: The quintessential description of a character who is supposed to be attractive—tall, dark-haired and dark-eyed, and good-looking.
True Beauty Is on the Inside: What you find attractive about this person isn't their looks.
Unkempt Beauty: You don't need to have a beauty regimen to look nice.
What Beautiful Eyes!: They never need to say "My eyes are up here."
👹Beast Traits👹
Amphibian at Large: Giant (bigger than average) frogs and other amphibians
Angelic Abomination: Angels which look extremely bizarre
Bat People: Humanoids with bat traits.
Big Creepy-Crawlies: Giant arthropods.
Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Various big, hairy ape-like creatures who live in seclusion.
Big Red Devil: The classic stereotypical demon that resembles a humanoid with red skin, horns, bat-like wings, goat-like legs, and a pointed tail.
Bird People: Avian humanoids.
Blob Monster: A living creature made of amorphous slime.
Body of Bodies: A monster compiled of a mass of bodies.
Botanical Abomination: An eldritch organism which appears to be an extremely bizarre and unnatural plant.
Cactus Person: An anthropomorphic cactus creature.
Cat Folk: Feline humanoids.
Chupacabra: A strange beast that is said to prey on goats and other livestock.
Classical Chimera: A monster made up of a lion, goat and snake.
Cthulhumanoid: A humanoid creature with squid-like features, reminiscent of Cthulhu.
Cyclops: A creature with only one eye.
Dem Bones: Living skeletons.
Digital Abomination: A virtual eldritch being originating from cyberspace.
Draconic Abomination: A dragon-like creature which looks very bizarre and otherworldly. 
Fauns and Satyrs: Humanoid creatures with goat-like legs.
Fish People: Aquatic humanoids with fishlike traits.
Flesh-Eating Zombie: Zombies usually crave the flesh of living humans (especially their brains).
Fox Folk: Humanoids with foxlike anatomy.
Frankenstein's Monster: A being made up of dead body parts sewn together, who has been brought to life through mad science.
Headless Horseman: A ghostly man without a head who rides a horse.
Humanoid Abomination: An eldritch being which superficially resembles or behaves like a human, or is at least vaguely human-shaped.
Living Lava: A creature made out of molten rock.
Lizard Folk: Humanoid reptiles.
Man-Eating Plant: A plant that eats people.
Martians: Space aliens from the planet Mars.
Medusa: Snake-haired women with a petrifying gaze.
Muck Monster: A living, moving mass of filth, poison and refuse.
Mushroom Man: Intelligent, humanoid fungi.
Nuclear Mutant: A monster created from exposure to radiation.
Our Minotaurs Are Different: A half-man half-bull creature.
Poltergeist: Ghosts that haunt inanimate objects and cause them to move on their own.
Rat Men: Humanoid rodents.
Spider People: Chimeric beings with the physical characteristics of both humanoids and spiders.
Swamp Monster: A monstrous creature that resides in a swamp.
Wolf Man: A wolf-like humanoid.
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
Hunter gets something in his eyes that make him temporarily blind.
Good morning! Thanks for the request!
Drabble: Temporarely Blindness
It was a sunny day on the Boiling Isles as the most inseparable pair of brothers had a class at the Potion Track together. Unfortunately, the young Grimwalker miscalculated something and a potion blew up in his face.
"Oh, that can't be good! I'm blind!" Hunter panicked. His beloved little brother Colli had a concerned expression on his adorable multi-colored face. Hunter's greatest treasure tried to heal his big brother's eyes with his magic.
To his horror, small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold couldn't help his beloved big brother! "No need to worry! I had the same accident some time ago. Your eyesight will return in a few days." Boscha chimed in.
"Are you sure, Boscha?" Colli's sweet voice was filled with concern for the former Golden Guard. "Of course, Moondrop. Don't worry. Your big brother will be fine in no time." The three eyed girl reassured the kindhearted eternal little boy.
A few hours later, Colli and Hunter returned home. Colli held Hunter's hand the entire time as he was floating through next to him. The physical contact with Colli was incredible soothing for the blonde boy. Hunter intertwined his fingers with Colli's.
At the Owl House, Colli helped Hunter with everything. Hunter couldn't be more grateful for having such a thoughtful and sweet little brother. Not that much later, Colli and Hunter took a bath together. Colli tenderly washed his big brother.
Even though Hunter couldn't see a thing right now, he still managed to wash Colli's small body and his fluffy lavender hair. It was due to the fact that he'd done it many times before. 'I wish I could see all of Colli's beautiful blue freckles.' Hunter thought.
The worst part of his blindness was that he couldn't see Colli, whom he loved more than anything. He already missed Colli's adorable multi-colored face, his kind red eyes, his beautiful long eyelashes, his adorable round ears. His cute little nose. He definitely missed everything about him.
After the bath, Colli levitated Hunter out of the water. The immortal celestial boy wrapped him into the softest towel. Colli floated up and pressed with infinite tenderness his forehead against Hunter's. "I love you." "I love you too, Colli."
As soon as Colli and Hunter were dressed in their pajamas, the most inseparable pair of brothers lie cuddled close together on the large bed in their shared bedroom. Hunter put tenderly his hand on the blue side of Colli's face and caressed lovingly his little Sunshine's freckled cheek.
Colli placed a soft kiss on Hunter's nose. As so often, Colli didn't wear his hat. The blonde boy buried his nose into the lavender fluff and felt his heart swell as he breathed in his Little Angel's lovely scent.
Hunter wrapped his arms around Colli and cuddled him close to his chest. "Goodnight, my beautiful little Sunshine." Hunter whispered softly. "Sweet dreams, Hunter." Colli said as he cuddled even closer to him.
Three days later, Hunter couldn't be happier as he woke up in the morning. His eyesight finally was back! Colli was still sleeping. Hunter admired his little brother's beauty. "Oh, how I missed looking at you, you gorgeous little starboy!"
Colli woke up as Hunter showered him with lots of soft and loving brotherly kisses. His magenta eyes were filled to the brim with love and adoration for him. "Good morning, my precious Little Angel." "Hunter, can you see me?"
"Yes! I missed your beautiful and cute appearance so much!" "Oh, Hunter! I'm so happy that you're alright!" Colli practically threw himself into Hunter's arms and cuddled close to him. Hunter tightened the embrace and rubbed softly Colli's back.
The End
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Eye of The Beholder
Summary: Five times Peter wished he could tell MJ she was beautiful, plus one time he did. (Raimi Spider-Man)
There wasn’t a lot Peter understood about life right now. He didn’t understand why his parents hadn’t come back to pick him up yet, why Aunt May and Uncle Ben had slowly but surely been moving all of his clothes and toys and things into their spare bedroom here. They had started calling it his room now, like he didn’t have his own bedroom at home with Mama and Papa.
He didn’t understand.
(Or maybe it just felt too big and scary for him to face.)
When he saw the moving truck, he had imagined for some reason that it was the rest of his stuff being delivered to his room here. It caught him off guard when it drove past him to park in front of the house next door; maybe that was why he was completely unprepared for what came next.
Another car followed in the truck’s wake, the backdoor swinging open as soon as it was at the curb, and Peter was so startled by what emerged that his toy robots slipped through his fingers. A girl—a really, really pretty girl who had started glowing as soon as she was in the sun. Her red hair looked like it was about to catch fire, folds of her fluffy white dress spun dizzily around even whiter skin and her eyes were the exact same shade of blue as the sky today.
Was that where she came from? Had she driven down from Heaven to visit their neighborhood? She looked just like one of the porcelain cherub figurines that Mama used to display on the bookshelf!
“Aunt May!” Peter gasped, scrambling across the driveway to tug on her hand as she finished putting recyclables in the bin. “Aunt May, is that an angel?”
Following his wide-eyed gaze, May chuckled in surprise. “Oh! Well, I don’t know, sweetheart! Why don’t you go over there and ask her?”
He might have done just that if her mother and father hadn’t picked that moment to come out of the front seats. Little heart flip-flopping in his stomach, made nervous by the man’s size and the woman’s irritated expression, Peter opted to hide behind Aunt May’s leg.
Peter would learn later, when she introduced herself in front of the first grade class, that her name was just as pretty as she was. Mary Jane. He had never known someone with two first names before; that made her even more special.
Their classmates knew it too; it was no wonder they all wanted to be her friend. Peter spent the better part of recess trying to muster his courage to ask her if she wanted him to push her on the swing but one of the other boys shoved him into the sandbox and got to her first.
After blowing grains of sand from his glasses, Peter could at least watch her have fun. She was wearing another fluffy dress, blue like her eyes. None of the other girls looked as good as she did in fluffy dresses.
The teachers must have noticed the same thing because later that year, they made her Cinderella in the school play. Sandwiched between his aunt and uncle in the audience, Peter rocked as he watched her scenes with the terrible stepsisters.
They were just playing pretend but that didn’t prevent him from feeling hot and sick when they pushed her around and called her ugly. It was unfair. It was wrong. She was pretty even when she was wearing the servant outfit one of the moms had put together with towels and garbage bags.
She wouldn’t be in rags forever. When she donned her sparkly princess costume for the ball, Peter stared for a solid five seconds—then he startled both himself and his guardians by promptly bursting into tears.
“What’s wrong, honey?” Aunt May whispered but he was too overwhelmed to answer. People in the nearby seats were peering over at him, which only made him sob harder, so Uncle Ben scooped him up and took him to the back of the theater.
When the play ended they spotted Mary Jane in the foyer. “The star of the show!” Ben noted, propping Peter on his hip so he could see. “Do you want to say hi, Petey? You can tell her she did a good job.”
It would’ve been tempting but he was too wrung out from crying to find words. Sniffling, he tucked his face into Ben’s shoulder until she left.
This was the year Peter was going to make a change, definitely, for sure this time.
Every time the Valentine’s Day class party rolled around, Peter swore that he would tell Mary Jane he liked her—and every time it seemed to get harder and harder. In second grade he’d misplaced her card when Flash Thompson knocked the craft box out of his hands. In third grade he’d accidentally handed it to Kathryn Caine, who had made a big show of disgust about getting a valentine from “puny Peter.”
Across the classroom MJ had given him a sympathetic look and a mouthed “Just ignore her.” Hunching his shoulders, he had mumbled back, “She sucks,” and MJ rolled her eyes in a “Don’t I know it” fashion. That had loosened some of the knots in his stomach.
This year everyone else would get the generic valentines that Aunt May helped him pick at the drugstore (although Harry would get the funniest one) and Mary Jane would receive something special, hand drawn. Peter barely slept, slaving over his colored pencils. He was proudest of how he’d captured her smile, the way it made her cheeks all pink. Now what to write with it?
Roses are red, violets are—Too cliché.
Your hair is red, your eyes are blue—Well, duh.
Slumping, he gave the picture another bleary onceover. What did he like most about her? Her kindness, compassion, her bubbly cheer, her perseverance, her bold stance against bullies, her sweet, strong voice, her dancing, the shining swirls of red and gold…
He wasn’t good at verbalizing his feelings. He had to make it simple and to the point.
You are my sunshine. Be my Valentine too?
The next morning, sleep deprivation and nerves had Peter shaking in his sneakers. He had folded MJ’s drawing to the same size as the rest of the cards so it wouldn’t be too obtrusive or obvious when he slipped it into her box. Harry snickered at the pun on his valentine, which warmed Peter’s clammy cold just a little until the big moment came.
The way MJ’s face lit up was everything Peter hoped for. She was beautiful, she was radiant, she was…glancing around like she didn’t know who to thank.
He’d forgotten to sign it.
There were many things Peter had grown to detest about Mr. Philip Watson. Aunt May and Uncle Ben were always telling him that he should look for the good in people but as far as Peter knew, the only remotely decent thing Mr. Watson had ever done was moving his family to this neighborhood. If it weren’t for that, he never would have known Mary Jane but everything else about Philip made it difficult to be grateful, much less compassionate.
Mr. Watson seemed hell-bent on making others suffer, especially MJ. He made it as dramatic and shameful and as public as he could without lifting himself off the couch; he always made sure his voice carried beyond the confines of their house so all of the people down the block would understand how ungrateful and pathetic and stupid his daughter was growing up to be.
He was a bully. Was there no safe space for Peter and MJ to be themselves without bullies around to tear them down?
“This is what you’ve been wasting my money on, you little brat? Well, allow me to be the first man to give you an honest critique: there’s never gonna be enough makeup to salvage whatever you’ve got going on there! You’re just like your mother, all flash and no substance. You may as well wipe all that cake off your face and take it to the nearest Goodwill.” His snide laughter spilled through the nearest wall to grate on Peter’s ears. “Aww, don’t start crying now, babycakes! You’ll ruin your mascara!”
If Peter were a bully, he might march outside, find the nearest hefty rock and hurl it through Philip Watson’s window. As it was, he could only look forlornly on as MJ slammed her bedroom door and sagged into her desk chair, burying her smeared face in her hands.
This morning the other girls were peppering her with eager questions about her eyeshadow. Flash Thompson had wolf-whistled at her, Harry had clicked his tongue, and Peter, as usual, had blushed and ducked down before she noticed him staring.
There was a pebble on his windowsill. He could flick it at MJ’s window, wave her over and assure her vehemently that everyone else loved her…that he loved her.
No. He suspected what she needed for now was privacy.
There wasn’t a lot Peter understood about life right now. He didn’t understand why his body had changed so drastically overnight. It was the worst sleep he’d had in his life and yet somehow it had kickstarted puberty in full force? Not that he was complaining! It was the first time he didn’t get painfully winded when sprinting after the bus, the first time in his life that he didn’t need to wear his glasses (the first time his tormentors wouldn’t get a chance to shatter them and cost Aunt May and Uncle Ben another fortune to replace them.)
The world felt sharper, full of more refined sensations, like he was looking at it through a cutting edge microscope—and beholding Mary Jane this close, held securely in the crook of his arm, which definitely wouldn’t have been strong enough to catch her a day ago…That was an experience.
“Hey, you have blue eyes,” she commented, slight surprise tugging at her lips. “I didn’t notice without your glasses. You just get contacts?”
The first thing that came to his mind was “Not as blue as yours,” which wasn’t even an answer to her question. The second was “Thanks,” which was also not a valid response, but give him a break. He was a little busy processing the fact that his arm was still around her waist and she was smiling at him. He couldn’t help but smile back like the love-struck idiot he was, heart fluttering in his throat.
Her face was so close that he could see every freckle dusted across her nose, the perfect crest of her brows, the little laugh lines around her eyes. She was wearing her favorite pink lipstick, Deep Rose Sheen, which made her mouth look fuller, and in lieu of any rational thoughts she was filling his head with the scent of strawberries. It wasn’t caustically over-applied or sickeningly sweet like the lotions and perfumes the other girls used, just enough to lure a guy in. If his legs hadn’t been newly toned, his knees might have been knocking.
What was her question again? She had asked him a question, right? Good grief, he couldn’t remember.
“Well,” she concluded at last, looking a little amused as she pulled away, “see you.”
Not as clearly as he saw her.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Peter murmured, running his thumb back and forth over his wife’s face. He could feel her cheek go warm under his touch even before the soft pink blush had risen to the surface of her skin.
“Oh, I don’t know, it might have come up every once in a while. But feel free to remind me as often as you like,” she hummed, sky blue eyes half-lidded as she cracked a sleepy smile, and it was just as lovely even after he’d kissed away all of her lipstick (still that Deep Rose Sheen after all these years. She knew what they both liked.)
She didn’t need it anyway. No lipstick, smudged eyeshadow and hair mussed against the pillows and she still looked like an angel. He didn’t know how she did it or how he had come to deserve it but here she was, gracing him with her presence, loving him to pieces. If the city knew how easily their hero fell to pieces for her…but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Beautiful one I love,” he crooned softly, an echo of the song he had asked the dinner theater to dedicate to her earlier tonight. “Beautiful one I adore…Beautiful one, my soul must sing…”
His voice wasn’t really made for music like hers; even far beyond his teen years, it still had a tendency to crack at inopportune moments, but her smile widened at the words regardless and that was enough.
“You opened my eyes to your wonders anew. You captured my heart with this love, because nothing on earth is as beautiful as you…”
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the-void-writes · 2 years
"i've loved you since the moment i first laid my eyes on you."
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Combining prompts again for this fluffy, written-while-sleep-deprived Jasio snippet 😅 I’ll probably try to improve it later if I remember to. But thank you again for giving me brainrot of these two because I adore them 💖
Freaks Of Preston - Photos
It was Ves Corp’s version of summer break: shorter testing hours and more days off, which meant the patients and employees mostly got to stay home. Many of them were using the extra time to sleep in, but not Rio. The old soldier had been overtaken by a sudden playful mood. He repositioned himself on the bed as he adjusted his camera, aiming it towards his model.
“Stay just like that,” he said.
Jason smiled against his knee as Rio took the photo. The covers of the bed looked more like the robes of a Greecian statue, framed modestly around his waist, to his relief. He wasn’t completely exposed underneath, but the attention itself was overwhelming, even more so with the camera. Phil had been obsessed with photography, and Henry took a lot of goofy photos, but Rio used the camera like a painter used their brush. Jason was his masterpiece for the day, and as flustering as it was, he was still flattered.
Rio, of course, was also in pure heaven. The sweet, warm summer air felt amazing on his skin, and the sun glowed off of Jason’s hair like fire. He may not have believed it when Rio called him an angel, but he sure looked like one. An angel as beautiful as him deserved to be immortalized.
They took a few more photos, just so Rio could compare them later. There was no flash, of course. Rio knew better than to turn on the flash. The first time they had taken Jason’s company photo, with that giant flashing lamp above the camera, he nearly flew out of his wheelchair. It hurt to watch him break down like that, searching the room for a boy that wasn’t there…
Rio pushed the darker thoughts aside and shifted onto his knees.
“Lay down, please.”
Jason did as he said, letting the soldier position his arms above his head to make his own halo. He closed his eyes and let Rio take the photo.
“You could be an artist,” Jason said.
“Oh, not a chance. I barely have the patience for paperwork.”
Jason snickered. “You’re patient with me, though.”
“And you know damn well why.” Rio brushed some hair out of Jason’s face. “Smile for me, angel.”
He smiled softly, and Rio took the photo. Rio moved his arms around to different spots for each image, like he was capturing a slow-moving dance. His hands lingered on Jason’s skin, making him blush.
“God, I’m sorry,” Jason said. “I must look like a fool.”
Rio winked with his good eye. “Aww, don’t go doubting my vision now, angel.”
“It’s not your vision, it’s me. All tired and old and—”
Jason yelped as Rio squeezed his hip. He curled in on himself as he laughed.
“Rio, don’t!”
“Hold on just a second.”
Rio took several more pictures before finally letting up. As Jason caught his breath, Rio turned the camera around so he could see the photos of himself, glowing in the bright sunlight like a gem.
“This doesn’t look like a fool, Jay. Your smile is the most beautiful thing on this damn planet. I couldn’t ask for a better model, or a better partner.”
Jason tried to dry his eyes. “Rio, you don’t have to—”
“Can I say something crazy?” He chuckled. “I’ve loved you since the first moment I saw you— like, really saw you, the day I introduced you to everyone. I didn’t realize it, like a damn idiot, but I still knew that you were incredible. Not tired, not old, not foolish. You were just you… and I’ve always adored you.”
Rio was mesmerized by how Jason looked at him, still teary-eyed but full of love. It was there, in that moment, that Rio finally realized how peaceful he felt. He was so used to darkness, the constant anxiety of planning for the future, to make sure he and his family survived. And yet, when he stared into those pale blue eyes, the only future he wanted to think about was one with his angel.
Jason pulled Rio down to kiss him, running his fingers through his hair. He took the camera and snapped a photo of the two of them. They both laughed when they checked it, seeing only a blurry mess of red and black.
“I’m making this my desktop photo,” Rio said.
“Don’t mock me. I know I suck at this.”
“Maybe I can teach you, then.”
Jason smiled and kissed him again. “I’d love that.”
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