#tmp ep 14
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allbluegem · 8 months ago
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Episodes 10 to 15 on my The Magnus Protocol illustration project. Will see if I can catch up during the show’s break.
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dragunonov · 10 months ago
Why must all body ocupying horrors be noodle shaped? Like yes, body full of worms is spooky, and snakes pouring from your mouth ain't fun either, but putting those two together we just get the image that Jonny is scared of noodle shaped things.
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honeii-puff · 7 months ago
maybe i should have taken the clown warning a bit more seriously...
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kidnapped-archivist · 10 months ago
I think this most recent episode confirms that Chester reads statements tied directly to the Magnus Institute. Not necessarily all of his statements are tied to it from what I can tell, but if it has to do with the Magnus Institute, Chester's reading it.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 1 year ago
What DPHW Means, and Its Relationship to Smirke's 14
The following contains spoilers for all of TMA, TMP (eps 1, 2, and 3 released currently if you’re in the future), and the ARG. Spoilers for all of this are throughout so I would advise against reading any of this unless you've listened to everything mentioned. It could also spoil episodes of TMP that have yet to release but if it does I don't think it will be a major spoiler. If I'm right I think I'm only right about a fairly trivial piece of information. 
Theory of Fears; or, Zur Furchtlehre
Part 1: Opticks
Smirke's 14 isn't the truth. With or without Dekker's +1. It is, however, necessary and correct. It has also been talked about ad nauseam and isn't a topic I want to dedicate a lot of time to. Smirke's 14+1, or even TMA in general, isn't the focus of this theory nor is it that relevant past its necessity as a point of comparison.
There aren't 14+1 distinct entities in the TMA cosmology. There is a singular entity that has been given divisions by fear and labels by those that have witnessed it. There is no objective line in which to draw these divisions. No matter where you put them or what you name them these concepts will always bleed into each other. Aspects of one Entity will manifest in another because the labels are invented and Fear is a storm of concepts crashing into each other. That's not a flaw in Smirke's list but its strength. A single entity of that scale is impossible to discuss in meaningful terms, the concept has too much gravity to be properly conceptualised and so an entire spectrum of fear must be divided in order to combat it. Categorisation is a vital part of TMA's cosmology and Smirke was as correct as anyone to put those lines down where he did. The real flaw with Smirke's list is forgetting the spectrum exists and stopping seeing the shades in between the Powers.
Finding a way to categorise this concept is important, but the methodology isn't. Smirke's 14 isn't the truth. The only truth is there is a singular whole. But branding goes a long way both in terms of research and in terms of following. This branding lacks accuracy though, it is in large part arbitrary and by its nature removes the shades and the bleed. TMP takes a different approach, one only hinted at, but one that I think is now fully explainable. 
Part 2: Lost in Translation
Perhaps the most interesting mystery in TMP thus far is DPHW. However, I think based on episodes 1 and 2 of TMP (and now 3), and the Klaus excel sheet from the ARG, we have all we need to explain its utility.
In order to show that conclusion in a satisfactory manner some basic facts need stating, and the order of my thoughts on those facts needs explaining. Firstly, each DPHW is 4 digits. Secondly, each DPHW is read as 4 numbers rather than, say, a pair of 2 numbers. Thirdly, these numbers can change independently of each other. Fourthly, incidents may share CAT#R#'s but have a different DHPW as found in the Klaus sheet (a German document listing OIAR-style incident reports). Finally, the German equivalent of DPHW is TSHU also found in the Klaus sheet. We can use those facts to determine something important. Each letter of this initialism is paired with a digit meaning that DHPW is a group of 4 categories. If that is true we can intuit some of its meaning. It is likely that these numbers are a rating of sorts for each category there. To prove that's the case we would need to know the categories and fortunately we have a starting point to understanding it, German.
If the categories that DPHW describes start with the letters TSHU in German then what needs to be done to find the categories is quite simple. You pair each letter up and then find a suitable word to categorise the supernatural whose first letter starts with the respective letter from the initialism in its language. D/T, P/S, H,H, W/U. After some brainstorming in the Statement Remains PLUS Discord server we had come up with strong candidates for 3 of the 4 pairs.
The first was Deadly/Tötlich, a seemingly solid start that gave this theory some legs. Next was Painful/Schmerzlich which was a distinct enough category for the threat of an incident that proved this was a strong direction to head it. H/H proved more troublesome. To my mind the two strongest contenders here were Hypnotic/Hypnotisch or Helpless/Hilflos. Both sound very reasonable but that in itself is a problem. However the last one was found relatively easily as Weird/Unheimlich. With 3 of the 4 it seemed like this was all but correct at this stage. However, I had been thinking about this backwards and it wasn't until I had a revelation that the pieces really fell into place.
Unheimlich sounded familiar when it was suggested but not in a way I could place. It wasn't until the next day that the aforementioned revelation happened. The ARG had a huge focus on Germany, and Ep 1 of TMP revealed why. FR3-D1 uses German source code which makes German the original language for the OIAR's methodology. Meaning DPHW is the translation, and I now think it's a shoddy one at best. The reason unheimlich sounded so familiar to me is because it's a fairly important part of psychology's history.
DPHW's Weird isn't weird, DPHW's Weird is uncanny. A direct translation could give you weird but a more accurate one, especially in this instance, gives you unheimlich. Unheimlich as in Jentsch's "Zur Psychologie des Unheimlichen", and Freud's "Das Unheimlich". Both of which are essays on the uncanny. It's all about the fear of the unfamiliar, and a central example of this is Olympia from Der Sandmann, a seemingly living doll.
The German word unheimlich is obviously the opposite of heimlich, heimisch, meaning “familiar,” “native,” “belonging to the home”; and we are tempted to conclude that what is “uncanny” is frightening precisely because it is not known and familiar... - Freud, The Uncanny
This is incredibly relevant to a lot of what has been discovered so far. The uncanny as a topic in psychology was kickstarted by two Germans, and a central part of their essays was the German Der Sandmann, and a German, SSandman, was a large presence in the ARG. The strength of this connection all but solidified this theory in my mind. And, briefly, this is also related to Masahiro Mori's uncanny valley hypothesis which I'm sure I won't need to explain.
The obvious way to test this is to take the few W ratings we have been given and compare them to the incident to which they're assigned. The first is from Ep 1, “dolls comma watching”, and was given a 7. This is a good start both in that a 7 feels appropriate as an "uncanny rank" but also that a doll is a focal point on the essays on the subject. Also in Ep 1 is "Reanimation (Partial)", again with a 7. Another very appropriate number. The last in Ep 1 is "Transformation (eyes)" with a 5. Certainly less uncanny than the previous examples so this is still strong. In Ep 2 we get a 5 for Bram Stoker's Dracula, which seems more than fair for a strange man like him, and a 7 for Frankenstein which gives parity for another story of the resurrected dead. Finally we get "Transformation (full)" at a 7, more uncanny than "Transformation (eyes)" which tracks nicely.
With what I felt was such a strong theory for the W/U pairing it helped clarify the ideas of the others. The final digit rating the uncanniness of an incident gives an idea of how these categories work and the breadth of their definitions. Up until this point I was leaning towards Hypnotic/Hypnotisch for our H/H pairing. But giving it more thought, and comparing it to TMA's own groupings, it becomes apparent that Helpless/Hilflos is more appropriate. Hypnotic effects are too aligned with things that would already be very aligned with Uncanny ones, the Stranger's Not!Them alter memories and prey on the fear of something being not quite right, so as a categorisation tool I think it makes less sense because of the greater overlap. Helpless on the other hand works better for things like The Dark, The Buried, or The Lonely. Aspects which I don't think show up in our current other 3 groups. But given the current definition of the strongest category, the fear of the uncanny, I think that helplessness is a more apt label. The fear of helplessness. Which makes H Helplessness/Hilflosigkeit.
With this level of breadth established re-examination of the final two categories is warranted. Painful/Schmerzlich is more likely to be Pain/Schmerz. Not just incidents that are themselves painful but the fear of pain, possibly including the emotional. A comparison to TMA gives this rating a strong affiliation with Entities such as The Desolation, The Corruption, or the Flesh. Similarly Deadly/Tötlich should now be broadened beyond the fear of things that will kill you, to the fear of death in a broader sense. Which makes D/T Death/Tod instead. To compare again to TMA this is The End, The Extinction, or The Slaughter. Although, while I might be describing these ideas as the fear of ____ I think it's important to know that they do appear to be more conceptual in nature rather than just if something is scary or not.
Comparing each of these assumed categories against current DPHW’s strengthens this argument. “Dolls, watching” scored 1157. It’s a very low fear of death and pain, but they present a medium fear of helplessness and a high fear of the weird. For a fear that’s rooted in paranoia that makes good sense. “Reanimation (Partial)” got a very similar rating, at 5257, but it being a corpse cranks up its fear of death. “Transformation (eyes)” got 2155 which, again, seems to fall in place with what we know. It’s more human than the doll is so it’s less weird but a physical and alarming transformation naturally seems like more of a terminal concern. Combine that with some good ol' internet death threats and it's not nothing, but not much.
As a small aside, while it's not come up in the episodes so far the Klaus sheet shows DPHW's are 0-9. There is a good bit of evidence to suggest 0 might be read as 10 here. 0 most commonly showed up in that sheet for P and the incidents often had the notes "Kriegsvolk". Literally "war people" but more accurately "army/soldier". So pain of 10 for those would track better than P of 0, and it explains why things like the watching doll rate a 1 for D and P instead of a 0, and Dr. Webber's infection is a P of 1 despite entirely removing physical and emotional pain as it goes. Because 1 is the lowest.
For Ep 2 we start with Dracula scoring a 7465, he’s undead and a killer for high death, if he kills you it hurts but it’s not extreme, he’s both hard to physically stop and has mental tricks, and he’s just a weird dude in general who always seems off somehow. Frankenstein at 5337 has aforementioned parity with the reanimation incident as you’d expect but notably less on the helplessness rating as he is just a man. Next is “Transformation (full)” at 1567. This is generally a more severe rating overall than Transformation (eyes) and you’d expect that, but I think it does show something interesting. At no point did Daria want to end her own life. The transformation is far more severe, arguably looks more life threatening, and was clearly more painful but it is explicitly and repeatedly not about dying. I take that as a suggestion that these ratings take into account more than just the mundanely observable nature of the incident. She looks very sick which would make you think of death but it rates low for it because of the emotional, or maybe supernatural, purpose of the incident. She didn’t want to die, the manifestation didn’t try to kill her, and so despite its appearance it’s low on death.
Then finally in Ep 3, we have "Infection (full body)" with a 8175. (Although I'm assuming that's a misfile and it should be Infection (Arboreal)). I think D and H here are more interesting to dig into. P is pretty obvious it's the lowest rating because it seemed actively pain-numbing as it went. W being 5 tracks too is certainly uncanny and has strange geometry but it's not full Distortion levels. So with those two out of the way we can get to the good stuff. D is the most interesting of the two to me. Because while it's pretty clear he died I don't think that's got much to do with it. Rather I think the 8 is more specifically about the way it deals with death, decay, and rot in relation to new life and the growth of other things, plants and insects. Thematically, I think there is a lot more emphasis on death as a broader concept beyond the terminal nature of the infection. For Helplessness there is also an additional element beyond whether or not he was able to do something about the infection, and that's whether he wanted to. As the symptoms worsened his desire to treat them decreased. Initially he was worried about the infection and determined to seek attention when able, then he was happy to let someone else help instead (a hallucination, which makes things more helpless), before finally wanting it to happen. These sorts of elements are things I think we're going to see factor in quite a lot.
In summary; it is my belief that DPHW is a way to rate incidents that the OIAR catalogue based upon the strength of the fear they elicit in the categories of death, pain, helplessness, and weird (uncanny). This system is effectively the TMP equivalent to Smirke's 14 from TMA. Rather than assigning each statement to an Entity each incident is rated for those qualities. These systems are distinct methodologies but each is a way to categorise the supernatural.  
Part 3: On Analogy
That is the juicy bit of this post out of the way so now I have to put a bow on it and touch upon the overarching analogy here. As alluded to by the title and some turns of phrase, it's colour theory. It's a somewhat common analogy for TMA's fears but I think it applies in equal measure to TMP and taken together might provide an insight into how the cosmologies will differ. So, to me, colour theory is not only the perfect lens in which to view the Fears as a whole, it's the perfect lens to view these methodologies.
Smirke is Newton. He broke up a singular spectrum into wide chunks. The Dread Powers themselves are very analogous to a colour wheel. Colours bleed into each other and the boundaries of where one stops and starts is up for debate but red is still red, and blue is blue. That is a useful context for them, it aids discussion. Try talking about red without ever saying red and only referring to a representation of a divided whole. But all too similar to Newton's 7 colours Smirke's 14 lacks nuance, it lacks shade.
On the other hand we have DPHW and this is all shade. DPHW is CMYK. It's not one thing or another with DPHW. You don't have the pitfall of Smirke's methodology where one manifestation is in one arbitrary box. Here, assuming I'm correct, each incident is made up of constituent parts. The OIAR, and presumably its German forebear, are less interested in Smirke's occult ancient gods and more interested in bureaucratic precision. Smirke was doing research while the OIAR are doing administration. As such DPHW takes a wholly different approach. It's now all shades. This has its own problems in that it's harder to discuss in broad terms. It's such a specific methodology that it's lost a lot of what Smirke triumphed with. This is well represented already given that no one has been shown to know what it means at all yet. But if there is a truly different cosmology at play here we might see the axes of DPHW being where alliances fall.
All that leaves us with is a comparison of these two. The only way to really do that is to talk about how Smirke's 14+1 would fit in DPHW's system. This is something I touched upon briefly. Death is strongly related to The End, The Extinction, or The Slaughter. Pain to The Desolation, The Corruption, or the Flesh. Helplessness to The Dark, The Buried, or The Lonely. Weird to the Stranger, or the Spiral. But that's not all of them and even within those it's already clear that something like The Vast isn't just about helplessness, and we've already seen Daria who would likely be an avatar of the Flesh rank highly in Weird. Which hits upon what I feel is the most interesting aspect of this entire theory. We've seen what happens with Smirke's boundaries on the Entities. We don't know if Entities even exist in this setting, or if they do exist whether they'll be the same ones, or even if they're not the same ones whether they'll function under similar rules. But now we get to see what happens when there aren't those boundaries. We get to see much broader mingling than TMA showcased. It was hinted at there, especially early on before the lore really settled, but now that mingling seems to be the whole point.
And as a brief mention, and to further labour the theme, I don’t think there is enough information to really discuss how CAT#R# works but there are some analogies to work with here. From the Klaus sheet we can infer that CAT# has the following values 1/2/3/12/13/23/123. Or three non-mutually exclusive groups. What those groups are is hard to say right now. There is some soul/body/spirit stuff for the alchemic tria prima that's got some nice connections but doesn't map well now that Ep 3 is out. Either way, this is RGB. An incident can be all red, or red and blue, etc. R#'s values we can infer to be C/BC/B/AB/A/S with maybe an AS in there too. That's a linear scale of similarly unknown value but could represent something like potency/threat. If that is the case then R# is saturation. Some things are more intense than others. We also know from the Klaus sheet that CAT is the German from the "kategorie" meaning "category" the R was from the German “rang” meaning “rank” and so probably has more meaning to it than currently implied.
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voidedsoul5 · 1 year ago
Spoilers for the new TMP episode (Ep 8)
NOT ONLY did we get my babygirl back (Who definitely has something going on with him but we'll go back to that later) we also got another hint about one of my other working theories about Celia and this universe... I am losing my mind rn and I need someone to talk to about this even if it's just screaming to the internet void. More below cut. Split it because it's a semi-long post.
I think Gertrude is for SURE coming back at some point, literally no reason for her not to especially considering I don't think TMP team is going to pull the 'But this time she's actually just an innocent old lady' thing. It's cheap, and she likely knows stuff that will come up later when (I believe) she still has worked at the institute before it burned down due to her age. Plus, someone had to have cleared out those files.
Gerry is happy and it makes sense. Gerry in TMA was trying to be a kind person, but he'd witnessed too much and seen too much to be able to do that. In this world, if the fears didn't exist Mary would've likely not been AS deranged. OR mary might not have existed at all given Gertrude claimed Gerry as his grandson. Removing Mary, Gerry really doesn't have a reason to be so reserved and abrasive. HOWEVER. I think there's a possibility that isn't his actual personality. The happiness (as mentioned in the unofficial transcript) is maybe a bit too played up. I wouldn't mind if this is just how he was, a slightly erratic messy artist. But pairing him specifically WITH gertrude in this universe stood out to me. So here's my mini theory.-I'm not saying it's drugs, or Gertrude is casting black magic or something, but I do think she's doing something to keep Gerry out of this 'mess'. Even if that's just living with him and helping him have a normal life as a painter. Gertrude has always had a soft spot for gerry in TMA, in this universe where she's probably not as battle-hardened, trying to keep him safe and out of it all isn't out of character. Mostly, this idea just came from the fact that she tried to brush it off, then seemed disappointed when Gerry spoke about the gifted kids program, despite him being well enough able to speak for himself. She probably doesn't want him involved. This however all relies on the context that Gertrude knows stuff. Honestly, she might just be his grandma that he now lives with either for rent reasons or because his parents might be dead. It could honestly be that simple, I just like rattling off ideas.
CELIA KEEPS DROPPING HINTS OF KNOWING SHIT. SHE KNOWS SOMETHING. SHE KNOWS THINGSSSS. I have another post about my TMA theory of these reoccurring characters from TMA beginning to remember things from the TMA world. Its so incredibly on the nose for her to immediately start asking questions about the 14 fears WE KNOW, ask about alternate universes, AND BE THE ONE WHO PUSHED SAM TO LOOK INTO MORE STUFF ABOUT THE PROGRAM (Sam said it was her idea at the end of Ep 8) I don't know exactly how thisll work, but I get more and more convinced each episode that this theory has some merit.
And this is a small one, but blah blah Norris reading a paper about loneliness, isolation, and hostile architecture blah blah blah metaphors symbolism blah blah you get the jist
I rlly just wanna talk about this show to anyone, I don't have friends who've seen TMA or TMP so my only option is talking about it here. PLS feel free to talk about your own opinions and ideas in reblogs and shit. I don't care if they counter mine I just wanna talk about this show I love it sm </3
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corvid-corvette-coven · 1 year ago
Watch me ramble and speculate wildly off the top of my head about TMAGP’s new fear paradigm
the ramblings of a madwoman
The fears have been severely reshuffled in TMP
These fears might have entered TMAGP’s universe recently
Or otherwise haven’t shaped history to the same degree as the TMA universe
The magnus institute still existed though
Which implies the events of Jonah Magnus’s life, barnabus bennett, etc happened
But the magnus institute was not relocated to London, and was in Manchester… which could mean a lot
A. The original Jonah Magnus never attempted the watchers crown, or any version thereof, he died a natural death, and the institute continued until that fire (which may or may not have been intentional)
B. Many of the events of TMA did happen the same, with the exception of a lot of the webs spinning and key events around the 70s and 90s when the OIAR or whatever was formed and the magnus institute crumbled.
C. Jonah DID live or some other influences to do with the institute and the eye happened and strands that have not yet revealed themselves will lead us to discovering this OIAR or whatever is some extrapolation of that original mission
I feel like jonah being the villain again is weak sauce tho
the series is yet to reveal its finish line OBVIOUSLY cos only 2 eps are out but there is a puzzle in my mind that is being filled out slowly, and i’m only guessing from these pieces and reasonable expectations of our boy Jonny.
Any of those being said, the way Jon, Martin, and Jonah have entered this world in some form or another, which implies there was an active change made as a result of the apocalypse and the events of MAG200 ( 😭 )
They could have been unwillingly injected into this program, or maybe the program was born when they were, if it’s intentionally nonsensical or otherwise jumbled it might be a creation of some new or old entity
Maybe in this new world smirkes 14 doesn’t apply at all, and whatever otherworldly playdough made those original entities was reformed and remoulded to newer, more apt designs for our modern day, no longer based in ancient cultures and primal motivations.
Self image coupled with flesh based self mutilation and an almost corruptive force that drains the first true joy the victim felt regarding their appearance once they strayed further and further from themselves to achieve an idealised form is ALOT to try to define as a single known entity
They were gifted this beautiful design, and once they were finally at peace with their look, they gained an itch to go further, more and more unnatural, they pursued perfection and paid the price.
Maybe multiple entities may claim a victim,
The tattooist might have been an avatar of a new eye esq entity that takes a more active role?
Then the victim was claimed as by some sort of flesh adjacent entity that contains the unrealised potential of the flesh from TMA originally (more self image and impossible standards than body horror)
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dissonantartist · 10 months ago
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only just now getting to ep 14-15 of tmp because i always listen with my friend and we’ve been busy. but i thought this was really funny
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hazel0159 · 28 days ago
Everyone just assumes that the dual CATs are additive. So CAT 13 is just a case with both a CAT 1 thing and a CAT 3 thing. This is the simplest explanation, but I don’t think it makes sense. Out of the 5 dual CATs, I’d say only the ones in episodes 1 and 19 work. 
Episode 3 and 23 are similar, so why is only 23 given a dual CAT? Why not give episode 3 CAT 23 for the garden and the polyps? 
There is nothing at all in episodes 11 or 22 to suggest that the graveyard/telegraph are individually supernatural. Why do they get dual CATs?
Why don’t more cases have dual CATs? Episode 5 has the cashier and movie, 7 has the volunteers and donations, 8 has uncanny people, 16 and 20 have tattoos, 21 has the doppelganger, 25 has the chef and food, 28 has the skeleton monster, 30 has a bunch of random stuff. I feel like episode 29 deserves a dual CAT more than any of the episodes that actually get one.
Person/Place/Object works ok for the single CATs as long as you ignore the Klaus spreadsheet, but I’m convinced that the dual CATs are more complicated than people think. That being said, I have no idea what else they could mean. 
Also, bonzos-number-1-fan came up with a pretty convincing DPHW theory here:
Alright folks buckle up because I'm about to break down my entire theory for the TMAGP classification system before season 2 drops.
1. CAT - Category Many of you have probably seen my original post about the TMAGP categories being literally the most basic thing in the world and we all missed it, but in case you haven't, here's the gist! It's nouns. Is the source of the supernatural activity a person, place, or thing?
1 - Person
Zombie [Ep 1]
Needles [Ep 6]
Bonzo (x2) [Eps 10 & 12]
Snake Guy [Ep 14]
Hunt Aristocrats [Ep 15]
Ink5oul (x2) [Eps 16 & 20]
Talking Corpse [Ep 18]
Isaac Newton [Ep 19]
Not sure if this one is the scientist or the test subject but either way it's a person [Ep 22]
Coral Doppelganger [Ep 23]
Demon Baby [Ep 24]
Compelled Runner [Ep 26]
2 - Place
Garden [Ep 3]
Theater [Ep 5]
Hilltop (x3) [Eps 7, 17* & 30]
Liminal Building [Ep 8]
Cemetery [Ep 11]
Construction Site [Ep 21]
Restaurant [Ep 25]
Magnus Institute [Ep 28]
Tunnels [Ep 29]
*Episode 17 isn't confirmed to be at hilltop I don't think, but it is heavily hinted at so I'm going with it.
3 - Thing
Tattoo (x2) [Eps 2 & 11]
Murder Violin [Ep 4]
Dice [Ep 9]
Phone App [Ep 13]
"Fruit" [Ep 19]
Telegraph [Ep 22]
Coral [Ep 23]
Carriage [Ep 27]
I may be slightly off on some of these, but many of them are glaringly obvious. And each episode seems to fit, though some more cleanly than others. I'm open to suggestions on this, though.
2. R - Rank I posted about this just a day or two ago but I noticed when I was going back through that episode 30 had a rank of S instead of A, B, or C which seems a lot like it's a tier system, likely for danger levels. My best guess would be the ranks mean the following:
C - Low-Level Threat B - Mid-Level Threat A - High-Level Threat S - Extremely High-Level Threat [DNI]
If this is the case, any ranks that contain two letters are likely to mean that it's between those two levels. BC is Low-To-Mid-Level Threat, AB is Mid-To-High-Level Threat. This could also mean that in the cases where there are multiple supernatural elements, one of them is low and the other is mid, etc., but based on the way double numbers and double letters line up, I'm inclined to believe it's the first theory. Here is a list of all supernatural elements along with their rankings.
C - Low-Level Threat
Garden that turns people into trees [Ep 3]
Violin that needs blood to play well [Ep 4] *
Hilltop Charity Center [Ep 7]
Spooky tattoo in a cemetery that makes people drown themselves [Ep 11]
Portal from another dimension [Ep 17]
Talking corpse [Ep 18]
BC - Low-To-Mid-Level Threat
Zombie/reanimated corpse [Ep 1]
Tatoo that makes reality reflect a self-portrait [Ep 2]
Liminal building with uncanny cannibals [Ep 8]
Isaac Newton's fucked up crystal tree [Ep 19]
The Dome construction site [Ep 21]
Something about an experiment splitting a brain in two [Ep 22]
Coral that grows into a doppelganger if you shove it in your leg [Ep 23]
Demon baby [Ep 24]
Compelled runner guy [Ep 26]
B - Mid-Level Threat
Movie theater that Knows you [Ep 5]
Needles [Ep 6]
Dice that control fate [Ep 9]
Bonzo [Eps 10 & 12]
Gambling app where you can bet against your own life [Ep 13]
Snake guy [Ep 14]
Hunt aristocrats [Ep 15]
Ink5oul [Ep 16]
Restaurant where you can't stop eating disgusting food [Ep 25]
Carriage that eats people [Ep 27] *
Magnus Institute ritual [Ep 28]
Tunnels that drown you [Ep 29]
AB - Mid-To-High-Level Threat
Ink5oul [Ep 20]
A - High-Level Threat
[None in Season 1]
S - Extremely High-Level Threat [DNI]
Hilltop/Portal to another dimension [Ep 30]
*Some of these seem to be ranked lower than I think they should be, but they are much older cases so maybe time plays a factor in how dangerous they are considered to be.
While not everything is where I would put them, personally, I do think that overall they do seem to increase in threat level. I'm still not 100% sold on this, but it's what I'm running with for now until season two either confirms it or proves me wrong.
3. DPHW I'll admit it. I'm stumped on this one. I feel like this has to be a lot more arbitrary than the other two so it would be hard to reverse-engineer a filing system from it.
The only tiny morsel of a theory I could come up with is that each letter in DPHW stands for a word (duh) and that corresponds to the same number in the four-digit code. So for example, if a DPHW was 1947 it would be D=1, P=9, H=4, and W=7. Now what those letters stand for or what the numbers actually mean are completely lost on me.
If anyone has any good resources for how we could potentially figure this out, please let me know. But as of right now I think my theory is "It's a rather arbitrary sorting system that Alex and Jonny made up and we have little to no chance of decoding it without much more data."
That's it. That's the whole theory. It's not as wild and fantastical as we all hoped I don't think, but I think everything seems to check out. Let me know if you have any other theories, especially about the DPHW.
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sakuraswordly · 2 years ago
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Source: Comic EP 14
Sonic: Yes and no, what Punch is up to here is because she wants the truth of this world, no, the forbidden law of the universe. She wanted to travel the world and explore but that was her passion since childhood.
Syaoran: Her passion?
Sonic: Hmm...how do I make sense...she kinda had the wish that born like a child passion. Because I love the new things in this world. That's why my dream never ends. Both Punch and I have the same wish. The freedom. Save people, do the impossible and break the chain of the prison world or something like that.
Source: Announce9
Punch: Sonic's wish is just simple. "Freedom". This wish for the world and universe is also the desire of Mr Gilgamesh and me too. Our childhood dream.
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Gilgamesh: "Freedom" is not real. There are chains that bind us. If I can break these chains, everyone will be free from the law of the universe. But these chains need keys or weapons to unlock these. They need 4 elements of Vaten Hörmulegt. That was what Fei Wang Reed try to do with Sakura. Use her and kill her to break the cycle law of the universe.
Peter: Gil...you don't have to try hard to tell us.
Punch: No, I think it's time. We can't hide the truth from Sonic any longer. The seal is already broken because of us.
Gilgamesh: ........................Vaten Hörmulegt mean "Water Tragic".
Punch: A colourless, transparent, odourless liquid and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms. Water itself is like waves that tell us, the voice, future and music. Which mean......Vaten Hörmulegt had the power that can change the world even the timeline itself, and that power will bring troubles and disturbances.
Peter: Even everyone's life or even yourself.....
Sonic: .....................................did Shadow know about this?
Peter: He did from the metarex. Only Shadow and Sakura knew about Vaten Hörmulegt's curse. Sakura got from another Sakura.
Sonic: You seal my memory off to prevent this happen but it already happens.....how long that you lie to me, King Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh: .......................
Yesudas: Now you can see what happen on our travel many long ago. Thanks to the green magic in your eyes that Enkidu gives to you, the power of nature.
Pit: Please don't blame Gil and Punch-big-sis, they can't avoid some events. If they don't avoid some, they will find us.
Sonic: And you use Syaoran for this....am I right?
Punch: Yep! He is.
Ephemer: Wasn't Punch afraid that he would get angry? Even we save him from his curse.
Punch: Why am I afraid? Me and King Gilgamesh did use Syaoran to avoid us to get in trouble. I didn't see anything wrong?
Ephemer: You trouble.(Terrible)
Sonic: Punch....your health was getting worst every time you break the seal of the curse inside Sakura and me.
Punch: ..................
Sonic: I saw....some of my power flow into you. And only Punch can save us back to normal, right?
Punch & Gilgamesh: ............................
Naminé: Punch-big-sis had the power to prevent bad guys from using Vaten Hörmulegt in the future, and to prevent you to die by your own power.
Periwinkle: If my king didn't change the future and let Syaoran to part of Sakura's life, both Syaoran and Sakura will die.
Punch: If we don't drag Syaoran to you, Sonic....you will die....
Sonic: But even so, it's not fair to burden yourself without letting me know!
Punch: That's the reason! I don't want you to get involved in this! Even I don't know what happen to me but at least let me share some of my life to save you. Also, you never listen to anyone at all!
Sonic: ........................!!
Punch: Please don't hurt yourself again....please......I don't want to lose you again also everyone around you too.....
Sonic: ................I see........but let me be involved in this. Even if you will use me, I'm okay. At least let me protect whom I care about!!
Peter: "Punch"
Skuld: Everyone we found the plant egg!! C'mon!
*tmp tmp*
Sonic: Are you sure about this? About Punch.
Gilgamesh: No. I can't accept it. I will save her. I won't let her die like that again.
Sonic: "Again" you say.....
Gilgamesh: Punch isn't Vaten Hörmulegt. But she is.........
Sonic: I know what you mean......I will tell Syaoran about the curse and I won't tell about you guys then.
Gilgamesh: .........................
Sonic: Promise me. Don't part from her.
Gilgamesh: I won't I promise.
Sonic: And.....don't run or hide from me again, okay?
Gilgamesh: ..................!! Thank you for not hating us.
Knowledge 19
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In the study of biomechanics as it relates to fracture fixation, the fundamental mechanical question remains: is the fixation system stiff and strong enough to allow the patient early mobility, before bony union is complete, without delaying healing, creating bone deformity, or damaging the implant, and yet flexible enough to allow transmission of force to the healing fracture to stimulate union? The issue of which brand of fixation is strongest or stiffest is not specifically addressed because that is not the standard by which different devices should be judged. Within a range of fixation stiffness it has been shown that bone will heal, with the amount of stabilizing callus compensating for more flexible fixation.
Read more in Source: teachmeorthopedics.info/
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Screws and screw heads (A) Cap screw, (B) machine screw with oval head, (C) setscrew with hollow head, (D) self-tapping screw, (E) flat-head wood screw, (F) machine screw with Phillips head, (G) lag screw. And Six simple machines for transforming energy into work.
Read more in: www.britannica.com
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mylifeiskara · 5 years ago
I made this thread on Twitter kind of comparing how The Mindy Project and The 100 seem to be handling their cast shake-ups, which might seem rather silly of me because they are different genres, but I’ve been rewatching The Mindy Project recently, and I remember how upset the writing and stuff made me while I was watching TMP, even though I knew that it was because Chris Messina had asked to be on the show less to pursue other projects. He was in like a million movies in 2016! But as I go back and rewatch, I’m realizing they actually handled it very well, and I thought I’d elaborate a little more on my thread where there is no character limit. So spoilers for TMP and what we’ve seen of season 7 of The 100 probably.
Tl;dr: I still think Bellarke is happening, and I don’t think what we’re seeing on screen would be that much different, even if Bob hadn’t asked for time off.
So season 3 of The Mindy Project ends with Mindy and Danny (played by Chris Messina) together and expecting a baby, though Danny has said he’s not sure he wants to get married again. He even travels all the way to India to visit Mindy’s parents and explain to them that he is in love with Mindy, but isn’t sure he wants to marry her. This is where the first episode of season 4 picks up, and at the end of this episode, after Danny talks to Mindy’s parents and comes to the realization that he wants to work past his hang-ups on marriage, he proposes to Mindy.
Now somewhere in between season 3 and the writing of season 4 Chris Messina asked to be on the show less because he was interested in pursuing other projects. So the writers had to navigate how to tell a story where Mindy’s fiance and the father of her child was not on the show as much. They first did this by setting up the conflict of Mindy realizing that she does not actually want to be a stay-at-home mom, like she initially agreed. She wants to still be a doctor and continue to grow her fertility practice. She has a hard time telling this to Danny, because since his mother was a single mom and always working, he felt alone during childhood, and he doesn’t want his kid to feel alone or unloved, though Mindy argues that just because they both work doesn’t mean that Leo will feel unloved. This argument and conflict gets put on pause when Danny’s father has a heart attack, and he goes to California to take care of him. While he’s gone, Mindy goes back to work and realizes for sure that she doesn’t want to stop working. When Danny returns this conflict continues, because Danny wants another kid soon, and Mindy realizes she’s not sure she wants another kid, because she’s committed to growing her fertility practice, especially now that her new business partner Jody is involved. They can’t work past this, and end up breaking up, which is told through an extremely well done montage if you’d like to watch season 4 ep. 14.
The next two seasons show Mindy as she handles being a working single mom, co-parenting with her ex, and even some of her dating adventures. She even ends up marrying someone else for a while, and Danny gets engaged again. So even though Chris Messina is no longer a series regular, he is very much still part of the story. Season 6 shows how Mindy and Danny grow back together in a way, as they realize that they’ve both grown and that they still love each other and want to work through their issues and be with each other again.
I then think about what TMP would have looked like had Chris Messina not asked to be on the show less, and I honestly think it makes sense for them to still have done something similar. Danny was always Mindy’s main love interest, and seasons 1 and 2 saw Mindy through many boyfriends, Danny and Mindy’s “will they, won’t they”, and their eventual decision to be together. Season 3 was them being together, and also navigating long distance for a period of time as Mindy went to do a fellowship at Stanford. Yeah, this is a rom-com, but I think it would have been pretty boring for seasons 4-6 to only be about the “happily ever after.” Even if Chris hadn’t asked for time off, I think conflicts still would have arisen between Mindy and Danny, because they are very different as people and they both had some growing to do, even if they do have to stay on somewhat decent terms because of their son. The whole point is that they never stopped loving each other through all of this.
So what, might you ask, does this have to do with The 100? Well I’m assuming a similar sit-down happened between season 6 and the writing of season 7 where Bob asked to take some time off. Obviously the situation is different, but Bob and Chris are both the second leads, so it’s definitely something the writers have to sit and think about in terms of how they’re going to handle it.
If your second lead asks to take time off in the last season of the show, it makes sense to write him missing for most of the beginning half of the season. So that when things wrap up at the end, Bellamy will be there as the story comes to a close. Now that we’ve seen six episodes, I’m assuming that we’re about to start wrapping up some of the side stories so that when Bellamy is back for real, the focus will then turn back to Bellamy and Clarke. People have been saying that Bellamy is the key and Clarke is the key to whatever this story unfolding is. Their stories are connected, and you can’t fully tell one without the other. I think it’s safe to say that later on we’ll see them reunited and learn more about what this means. But for now, we’re focusing on other characters, and I’m okay with that.
Since the story is coming to a close, I’ve been thinking a lot about the overarching journey. We’ve seen Bellamy and Clarke go from adversaries to reluctant leaders, to best friends, and I’d still say we are most definitely on track for a Bellarke ending. I’m one of those people that actually loves when Bellamy and Clarke are separated, because I find their reunions to be incredibly meaningful. And I think the reunion that we’re being set up for is going to be great, though I don’t have much of an idea on how it’s going to happen. I’m just waiting to watch all the pieces fall into place.
I know a lot of us talk about what would have happened if Clarke made it up to the Ring in season 4 because it was pretty obvious there was such unspoken tension and love between the two of them, but honestly? I don’t think there would have been much reason to continue the show. They would have gotten together on the Ring, and then what? It’s always been about Clarke and Bellamy, and them being together leaves little story to tell, if we think about it. The whole conflict of season 5 was that they had spent so much time apart that Bellamy had to start thinking with his head (per Clarke’s advice) and they had grown without each other, so they had to take the time to recognize that and be on the same page again. Season 6, they are on the same page, but then Clarke “dies” and Bellamy’s entire story becomes how to get her back. And now in season 7 though it’s not just Bellamy missing, Clarke seems very focused on getting back Bellamy in particular. Sure there’s a lot going on at the same time, but Clarke’s main focus currently is getting back to Bellamy, especially after Bellamy did so much to save her last season (which was like a mere few days ago Sanctum time).
Had Bob not asked to take time off, I think the story would still play out similarly. Maybe we’d see Bellamy a bit more, the way that we saw Danny every now and again in season 4 of TMP and through voiceover text messages to Mindy. But I think this was always going to be what the story looked like. We also have to remember that storytelling on TV and storytelling in other forms are fairly different, since you can’t necessarily have a bunch of long scenes where people just sit and talk about their feelings. That’s boring to watch. I think that’s why we got that Princess Mechanic scene in 7x06 when Raven and Clarke were stuck in the body of that organism and Raven broke down, or the scene in 6x11 where Octavia and Bellamy had a heart-to-heart. Neither of those scenes were very long, but the characters were working towards another goal while also talking through some issues that they were having. There’s different time constraints and factors to consider when writing a scene for TV that you could handle differently in a novel or a fanfic.
None of this is to say that I’ve never taken issue with how the story is told, because that’s not true. I just think that the overarching narrative is about reuniting Bellamy and Clarke, similar to how The Mindy Project’s overarching narrative is about Danny and Mindy growing so that they can be together again. Unlike when I watched season 4 of The Mindy Project, I’m taking the time to watch how the story plays out here, because I spent a lot of time back in 2016 being needlessly angry over something that in retrospect was actually fairly well done given the circumstances. I’m watching what’s presented to me on screen, because that is the story that we’re working with. And I’ll see how I feel about the whole thing once it’s all over. I’m hoping I’ll be satisfied with the ending, but if not, there’s a whole lot of very talented content creators who I know are already geared up to write some fix-it fanfics.
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clairerosame · 4 years ago
The new changes of Toyota Vios
With six accessories to choose from, it's not hard to understand why so many Filipinos like the Toyota Vios and make it one of the best-selling models in the country.
However, before the advent of Vios XE (January 2019) and Vios XLE (November 2019), only four trims were available – Vios 1.3base, Vios 1.3j, Vios 1.3e and Vios 1.5g (including G prime).
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The purpose of Vios XE is to let Filipinos experience the miracle of CVT (continuously variable transmission) in Vios. Its price is low, and the goal of viosxle is to modify and customize their Vios to meet their needs and preferences of buyers.
Looking at the whole picture, it's hard not to thank TMP for making sure that no matter what your budget is, there is a Vios for you.
So, needless to say, let's take a look at the features, specifications and amenities of the latest Vios decor to add stable, Xe and xle.
First of all, Vios now has a level look, adding a sophisticated and polite style to the "sharp look" look. It now uses a corolla Altis like grille - a slender V-shaped connection to the sides of the headlamp and a wide air inlet at the bottom.
Vios XE and Vios XLE share the same 1nr-fe in-line four cylinder engine with stop and start technology, EFI (electronic fuel injection) and dual VVT-i (intelligent variable valve timing).
The function of stop and start technology is to automatically shut down and restart the internal combustion engine to reduce idle time and thus reduce fuel consumption and emissions
EFI is a system that precisely controls the amount of fuel injected into the cylinder based on the mass air flow sensor (MAF), which determines how much air is entering the engine at any given time. This improves cold and hot start performance, provides the best air / fuel mixture for starting, and allows for better atomization by fuel injection compared to the fuel delivered by the carburetor.
The working principle of dual VVT-i is to adjust the timing on the intake and exhaust camshaft so that the engine can start and stop almost unconsciously under the minimum compression. It also heats the catalytic converter rapidly and sends it to ignition temperature, so that hydrocarbon emissions can be significantly reduced.
Use reduced friction materials (an advanced carbon fiber and an advanced material) in a smaller engine intake pipe and a smaller carbon fiber and an advanced engine.
The power take-off is 98 HP and 123 nm of torque sent to a CVT for the Vios XE and a CVT or five speed manual transmission (MT) for the Vios XE.
External features include four beam halogen headlamps, led front fog lamps (Vios xle only), black exterior rear-view mirror for Vios XE and color keyed exterior rear-view mirror for Vios xle, side turn signal lamps on fenders, black exterior door handles for Vios XE and color keyed exterior door handles for Vios XLE, and rod antenna on Vios for Vios The XE and fine antenna of the xle, the bulb type rear combination lamp, the 14 inch steel wheel with full cover on the Vios Xe and the 15 inch alloy wheel on the xle.
The dashboard on the Vios XE is an analog system, while the Vios XL uses optitron, a color LED system that provides backlight for the dashboard to make it easier to see.
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The climate control of Vios XE and XLE is manual.
One of the features of the two ornaments is the upgraded infotainment system, which is the standard configuration of the two ornaments. The audio is sent to two speakers in the viosxe, while the Vios XLE has four speakers.
The steering wheel is a common three spoke polyurethane. There is no audio control in the Vios XE, but the Vios XL already has an audio switch.
The steering column tilt is adjustable and equipped with EPS (electric power steering), which is more fuel-efficient than the hydraulic system because it does not use the power from the engine to turn the vehicle.
Since these are still entry-level units, the shift lever and knob are made of polyurethane and it uses a rotary or mechanical ignition system.
Modern "power" features include a power window with anti pinch protection on the driver's side window and a power door lock on the driver's side. The rearview mirror on the Vios XLE can be adjusted electrically.
Vios XLE is also equipped with TVSS (Toyota vehicle safety system) and wireless door lock system.
For the p40000 value accessory option, customers can choose to modify their Vios unit with a range of exciting internal and external add ons. They can mix and match the Vios accessories package, including but not limited to: daytime running lights (DRL), led fog lights, rear camera, aero kit, and TRD accessories with 17 inch alloy wheels.
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chronotopes · 7 years ago
star trek parent child relationships ranked by objective quality
15. elim garak and enabran tain. as a character whose daddy issues serve as pivotal plot points in not one but two excellent two-parters, garak deserves no less than the bottom spot on this list. garak’s dad refused to acknowledge him as his son for years and forcibly locked him in a closet as a punishment, which is a charmingly unsubtle way to let us all know that tain is a homophobic 1950s politician. this adds an extra dimension to the already horribly sad dynamic between the two. 
14. gul dukat and tora ziyal. ziyal actually beats garak for the dubious prize of ‘most plot-essential daddy issues’. maybe this is something they bond over? anyway this is some truly shit tier stuff. the power dynamics are truly horrific, she’s not in a place to register this until a week or so before the narrative unceremoniously kills her off, and his biggest achievement as a parent is choosing not to kill her off to preserve his career. 
13. julian, richard, and amsha bashir. eugenics is bad, kids! while they are outwardly nicer than tain, and are not war criminals like dukat, the ever present knowledge that eugenics is, in fact, bad, means that they’re basically tied with tain from my pov. another way in which julian and garak are soulmates. 
12. worf and alexander. while worf is a pretty great guy, unlike all the other parents on this list so far, i think it’s best for these two to stay apart. also sons and daughters was only interesting during the ziyal b-plot and young alexander seems incredibly annoying. 
11. jim kirk and david marcus. to be frank jim and david isn’t much of anything! jim was absent for the majority of david’s life and when he did return david’s life went to shit pretty fast. this wasn’t through any fault of jim’s own but carol really could have benefited from sending david off on vacation for the entirety of the khan thing. from an audience perspective, the only useful thing david does is act as another kirk mirror who is (beta-canonically) fucking saavik, a spock mirror. which is fine but we went over that in tmp. ultimately they land so low not because they’re incredibly troubled but because the search for spock is a badly written movie. 
10. kira nerys and kira meru. these two , like the previous two, were characterized by an overall lack of contact. in fact i’m not sure that traveling back in time to find out if your mom was fucking gul dukat counts as a relationship, but i liked that episode even though its temporal mechanics were shoddy. and even though nerys did attempt to kill her for a bit there, meru does love her and nerys does realize this ultimately. and regardless of the questions re: collaborators and how much meru enjoyed the thing with dukat and the degree to which it  matters, she did a lot for nerys. and i’m fucked up over how much this show TORTURED my girl but that’s all known already
9. spock and sarek. these two probably deserve to be lower but i’m a sucker for their reconciliation arc! sarek LOVES HIS SON, man, it’s REAL. the mind meld scene in search for spock is a great scene in an overall pretty bad movie. in fact i’m obsessed with sarek’s antics as a father-in-law. still, though, sarek was a total dick.
8. sarek and michael burnham. i’m still only on ep 3 of discovery but they seem pretty cool. she facetimes him midway through a space battle which is perhaps not an ideal use of pacing but it does reflect the degree to which they trust each other and all.  
7. beverly and wesley crusher. wesley is a shit but from the minimal tng i’ve seen bev seems to be doing her best. god bless her she deals with a lot. and it’s a compelling ongoing idea to return to in theory, so i’m keeping it up here. 
6. spock and amanda. they love each other! fuck jjverse for killing her off, though. that was low.
5. kira nerys and kira taban. well even though i had to look up her dad’s name on memory alpha, and even though (much like meru) taban gets just one episode, they seem like they loved each other SO MUCH and it’s another episode that i’m fucked up over! nerys missed out on his death because she was out shooting cardassians but he forgives her, over in the celestial temple. occupations fuck with people’s priorities. they loved each other is what i’m saying. 
4. molly, kirayoshi, miles, and keiko o’brien. (and kira nerys.) one big happy deep space family! they retain a really good home life, mainly, for a family where the mom is written in or out as it suits the writers’ convenience and the dad is formulaically required to be tortured in every season. good on them! 
3. nog and rom. (and later leeta.) the extent to which i was ultimately invested in this One Big Happy Ferengi Family is something i could not have AT ALL predicted over the course of my ds9 adventure. they both advanced their careers out of quark’s shitty bar and became compelling characters, AND they loved each other and made it through trials such as ptsd and quark’s continued shittiness. (dw quark i reluctantly love you too.) good on them as well. 
2. joseph and benjamin sisko. joe sisko is in like five episodes but he proves to be just as iconic as his son and grandson. his golden moments include calling ben out for getting too Patriot Act on him, being a badass priest in ben’s prophet vision about racism & rick berman sucking but science fiction being great, and running around a desert in his old age out of sheer stubornness. a kind man who gives good advice. a sisko father son relationship that can only be challenged by… 
1. benjamin and jake sisko. dodging cliche sources of manufactured conflict as ben accepts jake’s decision not to join starfleet easily! making us all cry in the visitor! warming our hearts as ben supports jake’s career as a writer wholeheartedly! get this lads: ben is the only starfleet captain to balance a career and a family, prophets bullshit nonwithstanding, and he was in the middle of a WAR. your faves could never! prophets bless them forever. 
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 6 months ago
TMAGP 27 Thoughts: Uber Eats
We've broken the guest writer run with another Jonny episode and it's quickly apparent why. Super pleased to hear another Augustus incident. As I mentioned the last time we had one of these I was half expecting it to be the last of the season. Glad to be wrong and glad for another fantastic episode.
Spoilers for episode 27 of TMP and general spoilers of TMA below the cut.
There isn't a whole lot to get into for the opening scene. Lena is obviously very anxious for this visit with the minister. I'm fairly sure that's just Lena being Lena but you never know.
As I've mentioned I'm thrilled for another Augustus episode. Tim Fearon has killed it in every performance and I think the style of incident he gets are some of the most enjoyable. In no small part to the gravitas he lends these older incidents. This is going to be another quote heavy breakdown too as there are a fair few bits to really pull apart in the incident.
I really enjoyed this incident. Just a lot of fun and Augustus incidents are always great. I'm not going to get into the plot of this one too much as I feel that's fairly easy to follow. There are some details to get into all the same though. Firstly, our PoV character is an unnamed Magnus and while it'd be tempting to say it's Jonah you can't rule out the fact that their first name, and gender, wasn't mentioned here. There are also few mentions of the Great Work here too. This is something I talked about it my ep 21 post Y2K [Errors] so I won't repeat myself here. This being set in 1845 is pretty important for a few of the details but it also means it takes place just 14 years after episode 4 and so the stranger with the violin could well be our PoV character, as has been speculated by myself and others. Our Magnus' mention of being at work for 3 decades would also line up well with that timeline.
With all the more general thoughts out of the way it's time for a lot of quote.
While I have no hesitation in accepting N’s recommendation, the particulars of the collapse must be confronted directly.
The only N I think this might be alluding to is Isaac Newton. There is a later reference that, while not directly supporting this idea, reinforces it. Newton would potentially be aligned with the Institutes goals. The Great Work is the goal of alchemy and as we've seen from ep 19 it's something he was invested in. However, this episode takes place in 1845. Newton died in 1727. The "recommendation" could be something foundational to the pursuit and as such laid down before Newton passed the phrasing does make it seem more immediate than that. Which probably means this N isn't Newton, or Newton never quite kicked the bucket. Whether because he's achieved the immortality alchemy promises, or is using more sinister means. It could also be a title that's passed down too. That would be fun.
and thus far are still unable to effect transmutations beyond those endeavours we each undertook alone.
This is a very interesting quote. There are two ways of looking at this to my mind. The first is that the Great Work is simply too vast a topic for any one mind to pursue to fruition. The second is that it's impossible for one man to do it alone because the aspects of the Great Work are governed by separate powers and you can only serve/be claimed by one. If it's the second one then this is a set up anyone familiar with TMA will be very familiar with.
No, I must excise such doubts from my mind. Purification is not only to be found in chemical processes, after all.
This one isn't super important but I did want to mention that purification is the second stage in the traditional four stage process to create the Magnum Opus.
It is strange how the work of natural philosophy attunes ones eye to the things that might be termed unusual.
The quote here isn't important. The way this quote is said very much is and I've not seen anyone mention it at the time of writing. There is an unnatural strain on the word "eye" and it's obviously not a coincidence. Given the text itself doesn't have any strong meaning so I can only conclude that the problem speaking the word is with the speaker rather than the text. While it's not exactly revelatory it's likely the strongest hint we have at who Augustus is: TMA's Jonah Magnus.
our London offices
Not a whole lot to say on this bit other than it's interesting they had these at all. We knew they were snatching up a lot of land but had these been particularly prominent you'd expect them to have been mentioned by now.
Perhaps my recent frustrations with our progress and the increased scrutiny by Boyle’s incessantly meddling inheritors have pressed me to put more significance on this than is warranted
This is our second reference to episode 19. You'll all no doubt remember that Robert Hooke wrote to Robert Boyle in that episode about Newton and referenced the "Protocol" multiple times. It would now appear that my earlier speculation is correct. The histories of the Institute and the Protocol are deeply tied together and that whatever the Protocol, or rather its enactors, grows into the OIAR is connected too.
Archibald Cameron’s notebook, and found it surprisingly legible, if somewhat soiled. It is no great loss to the Institute
Okay, so this one is just bizarre. Archibald Cameron is a fairly important historical figure. He was a very prominent figure in the Jacobite rising of 1745. 100 years before this incident is set. He was the last Jacobite to be executed, in 1753. While that's now viewed as a pretty shitty move it does mean he should be well dead. There isn't really another famous Archibald Cameron that would be alive here either. So this is either the "young" 138 year old Archibald Cameron, or it's just a very odd choice of naming/a mistake. If it's the first that also means our as yet unnamed Magnus is much older than 138 if Doctor Archie is "young". Which could very well be the case if our Magnus is famed alchemist Albertus Magnus. He was born somewhere around 1200.
the rate of digestion, for lack of a better word, seems to be linked to his own levels of fear
Fear makes it hungry. Hunger theorists are either in shambles or elated.
I think that's all the interesting stuff to pick out of this incident. A really fun listen and I can't wait to hear more about
I do always enjoy Gwen and Alice hating each other. It seems like strange emails are back on the menu. Although this time I think it's more likely to be from Klaus, or one of his potential associates like Einsamernarr, than it is another John email. Especially as the address was nonsense and it contained files. It's not the first time he's leaked stuff after all, and not the first time it's been direct to Gwen.
Just… junk. Old paperwork. Nothing important. bzzt Sorry. Already deleted. bzzt
Also Alice mentioned she's trans in text now. It was always canon but now people can't deny it.
Sam and Celia's continued Magnussing doesn't have as much to dig into as you might expect here. It's all pretty explanatory and if it isn't there isn't a load to say. The obvious stuff is Hilltop and Oxford. Celia's fascination with this is obvious as she ends up in or going towards Oxford when she "sleepwalks". The Institute, and other powers, interest seems to be tied to other worlds. The Hilltop Centre is where the charity shop the hard to remember strangers packed full of strange antiques. It's also now confirmed to be where the Magnus Institute's "Outreach Centre" was that scooped up Darrien 3 in episode 17. It's also burned down in either case. It's really nice to see Alice getting more on board with all this too. I thought it was rapidly approaching the point where she wouldn't be able to just do nothing. Totally weird Celia is so concerned about the word "Archivist". Its just a job title for boring nerds.
You also have no idea how much I regret not including a joke about Trevor Herbert being the minister. I wrote a joke about the irony of going from killing blood sucking leeches to being one. I cut it because I already made the better joke about Tories that post and thought it was enough politics.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 5535 seemed fine but I expected H to be a good bit higher on this. You can, obviously, just not fall for it. It does seem like a hard thing to escape from after it's gotten you though so I'd expect more H here. First one in a long time I've sort of disagreed with.
CAT# Theory: CAT3 is sort of interesting for the "It's not Person/Place/Object" thing. This is another one in the same sorts of realms as Mr. Bonzo or a doll, presumably, where something is ostensibly an object but has some higher level of reasoning. All three are different CAT#s too.
R# Theory: B felt quite high for this one but it's got multiple witnesses who both documented their sightings of it. For one of them they documented it while being victim to it. So that's probably fair.
Header talk: Kidnapping (Carriage) -/- Consumption [Letter]. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN "[letter]"‽‽‽ Why did formats stop? Why did they start? Why does it not have a crosslink subsection? Can you only have 4 terms in a heading at once?
This was done to spite me, and me alone.
30 notes · View notes
ociirrr · 8 years ago
Thought via Path
Informasi Harian Kajian Sunnah Indonesia & Madinah untuk Hari Senin 28 Jumadil Akhir 1438 H/ 27 Maret 2017 M 《 JAKARTA 》 Tempat : Masjid Darusa’adah P4 Plaza Mayestik - Jalan Kyai Maja RT.14/RW.3 - Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan Pemateri : Ustadz Dr. Elfa Hendri Mukhlis, MA Tema : Dahsyatnya Kekuatan Fakir Miskin & Orang Kaya Qs 18 : 28. Dan Surat 92 : 5-7 Waktu : 09.00 - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Dengan Pemateri Yang Berbeda) PIC : 085779885364 ******* Tempat : Soepomo Office Park, Jl. Prof. Dr. Soepomo SH No. 143, Blok ABC, Lantai 2 (Toko Buku), Tebet - Jakarta Selatan ●SESI 1 Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Yahya Badrusalam, Lc Tema : Ringkasan Shahih Muslim, Hadits ke 145 Waktu : 09.30 - Selesai ●SESI 2 Pemateri : Ustadz Azhar Khalid bin Sefd Tema : Ada Apa Dengan Bulan Rajab ? Waktu : 13.00 - Selesai PIC : 0812 1037 9940 (I) / 0822 2176 6670 (A), 0818 0692 4440 (A) ******* Tempat : Masjid Nurul Iman, Perkantoran Gedung Antam Jl. TB Simatupang No.1 Jakarta Selatan GMaps : https://goo.gl/maps/N9ZqPyc4cgy Pemateri : Ustadz Dr. Khalid Basalamah, MA Tema : Kitab Minhajul Muslim - Bab : Akidah: Pasal ke-10: Beriman Kepada Hari Kemudian Waktu : Ba'da Dhuhur - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Dengan Pemateri Yang Berbeda) PIC : 0812 7060 8202 (I) / 0896 5277 1152 (A) ******* Tempat : Masjid Al Hidayah Jl. Deposito 1. Komplek Bank Indonesia (Belakang Menara Bidakara) - Pancoran - Jakarta Selatan G-Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/bwc1j7gPXbt ● SESI 1 Pemateri : Ustadz Azhar Khalid Bin Seff, MA Tema : Sifat Wudhu & Shalat Nabi ﷺ Waktu : Ba'da Ashar - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Dengan Pemateri Yang Berbeda) ● SESI 2 Pemateri : Ustadz Sofyan Chalid Ruray Tema : Pemurnian Akidah Waktu : Ba’da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Dengan Pemateri Yang Berbeda) PIC : 082312555171 (I) / 081310626292 (A) ******* Tempat : Masjid Nurul Iman, Blok M Square Lt. 7, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Pemateri : Ustadz Dr. Elfa Hendri Mukhlis, MA Tema : Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Waktu : Ba'da Ashar - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 083806151538 ******* Tempat : Masjid Al-Anshor, PT.Toyota Astra Motor - Sunter II. Jl.Gaya Motor Selatan No.5, Sunter II Jakarta-Utara Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Hanif Ali Kusnadi Patada, MA Tema : Sirah Nabawiyyah Waktu : 17.00 - Isya' (Rutin Setiap Pekan Ke 4) & (Peserta Kajian Diwajibkan Menggunakan Sepatu, Selain Sepatu Tidak Diperkenankan Masuk Dalam Wilayah PT. Toyota Astra Motor) PIC : 082124271900 / 083893583523 ******* Tempat : Masjid Jami' Asy Syaakiriin Pondok Bambu, Jl. Gading raya – Kav. Pondok Bambu - Jakarta Timur Pemateri : Ustadz Nurdin Sarbini Tema : Kitab Al Kabair (Dosa-Dosa Besar) Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 08176716688 ******* Tempat : Masjid Nurullah - Apartemen Kalibata City, Basement Tower Cendana Jl. TMP Kalibata Raya - Jakarta selatan Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Ihsan Al Maidany, MA Tema : Mencetak Generasi Rabbani Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 081289889900 ******* 《 BOGOR 》 Tempat : Masjid Mu'adz bin Jabal, Jl. Pojong Iping ,RT 03 RW 01, Kavling BULOG Blok B No.10, Bojongkulur, Gunung Putri-Bogor ( Akses Terdekat Tol JORR Exit Jatiasih Atau Kota Wisata ) Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Zeid Cecep Nurrahman, Lc Tema : Prinsip-Prinsip Aqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah Waktu : 09.00 - Selesai (Kajian Muslimah) ******* Tempat : Masjid Darurrozaq Montreal - Toronto Kota Wisata Cibubur G-Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/%C2%ADauF19CfvA982 Pemateri : Ustadz Najmi Umar Bakkar Tema : Kiat Mengobati Hati dari Riya' Yang Tersembunyi Waktu : 09.00 - Selesai (Kajian Muslimah) PIC : 081510178714/ 0816559085 / 082114005055 ******* 《 DEPOK》 Tempat : Masjid Puri Cinere, Perumahan Puri Cinere, Jl. Lembah Pinus, Cinere - Depok Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Ihsan Al Maidany, MA Tema : Ketika Mata Telinga & Lidah Menjadi Saksi Waktu : 09.30 - Selesai PIC : 0856 1192 3217 (I) / 0811 1001 47 (A) ******* Tempat : Masjid Latifah Yusuf - Jl. H. Muhari, Serua, Bojongsari, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16517 G-Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/Tnew7XRpAST2 Pemateri : Ustadz Dika Wahyudi, Lc Tema : Kitab Syarhus Sunnah Penulis Al-Imam Al-Muzani asy Syafi'i Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 0852-1642-5232 / 0856-1878-727 ******* Tempat : Masjid Darussalam Perumahan Griya Tugu Asri Depok Pemateri : Ustadz Sulam Mustareja Tema : Kitab Bulughul Maram (Karya Al Imam Al Hafidz Ibnu Hajar Al Asqolaniy) Waktu : Ba'da Isya' - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Isya') PIC : 08161978816 《 TANGERANG 》 Tempat : Kediaman Bunda Salma Jl.H.Rean no.53, pdk benda Pamulang - TK ABDAN SYAKURO Pemateri : Ustadz Zainal Abidin Syamsudin, Lc Tema : Kitab 55 Wasiat Nabi ﷺ Waktu : 09.00 - Selesai (Kajian Khusus Muslimah) PIC : 08561862236 ******* Tempat : Masjid As Sunnah, Bintaro Sektor 3A (Belakang Bintaro Plaza), Tangerang Selatan Pemateri : Ustadz Muhtarom Tema : Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Waktu : 10.00 - Selesai (Kajian Khusus Muslimah) & (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 087808068279 / 087871139106 ******* Tempat : Kediaman Ibu Linda Ummu Luthfi, Permata 1 Bintaro HG24-24, Jl. Trulek Sektor 9 (Samping Sekolah Jepang) - Tangerang Selatan Pemateri : Ustadz Ali Hasan Bawazier, MA Tema : Kitab Tauhid Waktu : 13.00 - Selesai (Kajian Khusus Muslimah) & (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 0811 1171 881 ******* Tempat : Masjid Imam Syafi'i, Komplek ALIA Islamic School, Perum Dasana Indah Blok SO, Bojong Nangka, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Faris Yudi Kurnia, Lc Tema : Adab & Akhlaq (Kitab Al Adabul Al Mufrad Karya Imam Al Bukhari -rahimahullah-) Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 087871332290 (I) / 085217663380 (A) ******* Tempat : Masjid Al Ikhlas Komplek Karang Tengah Permai (Samping SMA Yadika 5/Belakang Ramayana Ciledug) Pemateri : Ustadz Dr. Khalid Basalamah, MA Tema : Sikap Kepada Para Ulama Dan Tokoh Tokoh Islam Dari Para Qurra', Ulama Ahli Hadits Dan Ulama Ahli Fikih Waktu : Ba'da Isya' - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Isya') PIC : 08118093093 (I) / 081317889282 (A) 《 BEKASI 》 Tempat : Gedung Guru Kabupaten Bekasi, Komplek Metland, Tambun - Jl. Kalimaya I Blok B Metland, Kec. Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi GMaps : https://goo.gl/maps/Z7zbogifM9E2 ◆SESI 1 Pemateri : Ustadz Dr. Erwandi Tarmizi, MA Tema : Tanya Jawab Bisnis Syar'i Waktu : 08.00 - Selesai ◆SESI 2 Pemateri : Ustadz Mahfudz Umri, Lc Tema : Ensiklopedia Larangan Dalam Islam Waktu : 13.00 - Selesai PIC : 08170890100 ******* Tempat : Masjid Raya At-Taqwa, Rawalumbu - Bekasi Pemateri : Ustadz Hamzah Abbas, Lc Tema : KItab Umdahtul Ahkam Waktu : 08:30 - Selesai (Kajian Khusus Muslimah) ******* Tempat : Masjid Al - Mu'min, Perum Dukuh Zamrud, Blok T, Kota Legenda, Bekasi Timur Pemateri : Ustadzah Umi Yunengsih Tema : Aktualisasi Akhlaq Muslim (Kajian Muslimah) Waktu : 08.30 - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin 1, 2, & 4) PIC : 087832017868 ******* Tempat : Masjid Al Ihsan - Pondok Timur Mas - Vila Jakasetia Pemateri : Ustadz Ilham Thabrani Tema : Tematik Waktu : 09.30 - Selesai (Kajian Khusus Muslimah) ******* Tempat : Masjid Baitul Jabbaar, Jl. Kepodang Raya - Jatibening Estate Caman, Ratna - Bekasi ◆SESI 1 Pemateri : Ustadz Abdurrahman Ayyub, Lc Tema : Ibu Benteng Utama Dalam Mencegah Radikalisme Terorisme Pada Anak Waktu : 08.30 - 09.30 WIB ◆SESI 2 Pemateri : Ustadz Hamzah Abbas, Lc Tema : Belajar Bahasa Arab Waktu : 10.30 - 11.45 WIB PIC : 0818905859 ******* Tempat : Masjid Raya At Taqwa Jembatan Sebelas Rawalumbu Bekasi Pemateri : Ustadz Subakir Ahmad Tema : Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al Muyassar Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 08151819810‎ 《 KARAWANG 》 Tempat : Masjid Al Kautsar Telukjambe Timur Karawang Pemateri : Ustadz Muhammad Asaasuddin Tema : Kitab : At Tafsiiru Al Muyassaru tafsir Al Qur'an Al Kariim Waktu : Ba'da Isya - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 081385108424 《 CIANJUR 》 Tempat : Masjid Al Bayaan, Kp. Pasir Hapa 04/13, Desa Sirnagalih, Cilaku - Cianjur (50 meter belakang Terminal Pasar Hayam) Pemateri : Ustadz Muhammad, M.Pd.I Tema : Adab & Akhlaq Waktu : Ba'da Isya - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 0856 9187 2424 《 CIREBON 》 Tempat : Masjid Al Jumhur, Jl. Wanagati (Belakang Komplek As Sunnah) Cirebon Pemateri : Ustadz Muadin Tema : Kitab Al-Ushul Ats-Tsalasah Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 085318111812 NB : Kajian akan DILIBURKAN jika turun hujan ***** Tempat : Masjid Abdullah Al Kholifi Yayasan Umar bin Al Khattab Cirebon - Jl Sunan Gunung Jati Ds Grogol Kec Gunung Jati Kab Cirebon 45151 Pemateri : Ustadz Fikrul Hafidz, Lc Tema : Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 081313571483 ***** Tempat : Masjid Al Jama'ah Komplek Pertamina EP Asset 3 Jl Patra Raya Klayan Cirebon 45151 Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Nida Nana Tema : Kitab Tauhid Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 081347118802 ***** Tempat : Masjid Darul Huda, Desa Gombang, Plumbon, Cirebon Pemateri : Ustadz Idris, Lc Tema : Al-Wabil Ash-Shayyib Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai PIC : 081395555406 / 081312653543 / 085222544404 《 SUKABUMI 》 Tempat : Masjid Darut Taqwa Lt. 3 Toserba Selamat - Jl. R. E. Martadinata Sukabumi Pemateri : Ustadz Salman Al Farisi, Lc Tema : Mengenal Kesesatan Syiah Waktu : 16.30 - Selesai PIC : 083818172464 (I) / 085721935405 (A) 《 TASIKMALAYA 》 Tempat : Masjid Akhwat Ma'had Ihya As Sunnah, Jl. Terusan Paseh BCA No.11 Pemateri : Ustadzah Ummu Humairoh Tema : Tahsin Al Quran (Khusus Akhwat) Waktu : 10.00 - 11.00 WIB ***** Tempat : Masjid Al Furqon, Kp.Ciomas Jamanis Pemateri : Ustadz Hazim Tema : Riyadhush Sholihin Waktu : Ba'da Ashar - 17.00 WIB PIC : 081220851528 ***** Tempat : Masjid Al Jihad Taman Sari Gobras Pemateri : Ustadz Iskandar/ Ustadz Asep Syafa'at/ Ustadz Surur/ Uatadz Yudi/ Ustadz Soni Tema : Tematik Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai 《 PURWOKERTO 》 Tempat : Masjid Wijayakusuma, Jl. Raya Unwiku, Karangsalam, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Juman Abu Ahmad, Lc Tema : Fiqih Sholat Waktu : 09.00 - Selesai (Kajian Muslimah) ***** Tempat : Mushola Al Firdaus, Jl. Sukadamai, Pondok Indah Estate, Selatan Dinas Pendidikan, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Safin Santarwi, S.pd Tema : Tafsir Al Quran Waktu : 15.30 - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Ashar) ***** Tempat : Masjid Al Fattaah, Jl. Serayu Raya, Sumampir, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadzah Ning Muhibbin Tema : Kitab Arbain Nawawiyah Waktu : 16.15 - Selesai (Kajian Muslimah) & (Rutin Setiap Senin) ***** Tempat : Masjid Tujuh Belas (17) - Jl. Dr. Angka, Depan Rsu Geriyatri, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Arif Hidayatullah Tema : Kitab Bulughul Maram Bab Akhlaq Waktu : 16.30 - Selesai (Tersedia Buka Puasa Gratis) - (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Ashar) ***** Tempat : Masjid Gelora Indah, Selatan Gor Satria, Barat Smp/sma Al Irsyad, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Arif Hidayatullah Tema : Kitab Arbain Nawawiyah Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Tujuh Belas (17) - Jl. Dr. Angka, Depan Rsu Geriyatri, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Tamim Abu Unaisah Tema : Tafsir Al Quran Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Darussalam Jl. Merdeka, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Hendra Sapta Tema : Tematik Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Al Amin, Jl. M.yamin Gg.3, Selatan Samsat, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Mohamad Aminudin Tema : Tematik Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Amanah, Jl. Bkr, Selatan Pasar Manis, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Saefuddin Zuhri, Lc Tema : Kitab Riyadhus Shalihin Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid At Taqwa, Jl. M.Syafi'i, dpn Matahari Mall, Kebondalem, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Darussalam Tema : Tazkiyatun Nufus Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ******* Tempat : Masjid Fatimatuzahra, Jl. Madrani, Karangwangkal, Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Abdul Mana Tema : Hadist Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ******* Tempat : Masjid Umar bin Khattab, Perum Sapphire Residence, Karangwangkal - Purwokerto Pemateri : Ustadz Abdullah Zaen, Lc Tema : Happy Ending PIC : 0812 1541 5112 《 WANGON 》 Tempat : Masjid Assunah, Jl. Raya Wangon - Ajibarang, KM.3, Desa Jambu, Wangon Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Ahzam Tema : Tafsir Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) Pic : 0857 2922 1066 《 SOLO 》 Tempat : Masjid At-Tin (Gerbang Depan Universitas Sebelas Maret - Gang sebelah Timur RM Embun Pagi) Pemateri : Ustadz Abdurrahman Hamzah, Lc Tema : Kelas Tahsin Al-Qur'an Waktu : 16.30 - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 089669479631 ***** Tempat : Masjid Al Furqon, Kampung Kentingan Baru, Jebres, Surakarta (Timur UNS) Pemateri : Ustadz Said Yai Ardiansyah, MA Tema : Kaedah Fiqh Muamalah Harta Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Umar bin Khoththob Jl. Amarta Raya no 6-8 (sebelah RS. Karima Utama) Ngabeyan Kartosuro Sukoharjo ● SESI 1 Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Azhar Tema : Al Hadits Silsilah Ta'lim Al Lughoh Al Arobiyyah Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ● SESI 2 Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Adib Doni Tema : Kajian Ilmu Nahwu Pemula Waktu : Ba'da Isya' - Selesai PIC : 083865579000 《 YOGYAKARTA 》 Tempat : Masjid Al-Hasanah. Jln. C. Simanjuntak no 72 Terban Jogjakarta G-Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/7Y22hLcYNx72 Pemateri : Ustadz Amir as Soronji Lc. MPdI Tema : Shifat Wudhu an-Nabi Shalallahu alaihi wassalam Waktu : 09.00 - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 08156 877 677 ***** Tempat : Lantai Dasar Masjid K.H Ahmad Dahlan UMY Pemateri : Ustadz dr. Raehanul Bahraen Tema : Meraih Surga Dengan Birrul Walidain Waktu : 15.30 - Selesai ***** Tempat : Masjid Al-'Ashri, Pogungrejo, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman DIY (Utara Fak. Teknik UGM) Pemateri : Ustadz Sa'id Tema : Kitab Aqidah Al-Wasithiyah Waktu : 16.00 - Selesai PIC : 085881808369 ***** Tempat : Masjid Ulil Albab Universitas Islam Indonesia Jln. Kaliurang, Km. 14, 4, Sleman, Yogyakarta Pemateri : Ustadz Faharudin, B.A Tema : Kitab Al Wajiz Waktu : Ba’da Maghrib - Selesai ***** Tempat : Masjid Pogung Dalangan - MPD Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Umair Tema : Syirik Tanpa Sadar Waktu : 16.45 - Selesai (Rutin Kajian Menjelang Shaum Senin & Kamis) PIC : 085201221111 ***** Tempat : Masjid Pogung Raya - MPR, Pogung Dalangan, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman DIY (Utara Fak. Teknik UGM) Pemateri : Ustadz Ari Wahyudi, S.Si Tema : Kitab : Al Qawaidul Arba’ Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai ***** Tempat : Masjid Al Ikhlas Karangbendo (Dekat Toko Ihya’, utara Fakultas Kehutanan UGM) Pemateri : Ustadz Afifi Abdul Wadud Tema : Tafsir Alquran Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai PIC : 085275592797 ***** Tempat : Masjid Ulil Albab Universitas Islam Indonesia Jln. Kaliurang, Km. 14, 4, Sleman, Yogyakarta Pemateri : Ustadz Amir As-Soronji, M.Pd.l Tema : Al-Irsyad ila Shahih al-I'tiqad Waktu : Ba’da Maghrib - Selesai ***** Tempat : Masjid Al Hidayah Purwosari (Jakal Km 6.3, Barat Lapangan Kentungan) Pemateri : Ustadz Aris Munandar, M.PI Tema : Adab dan Akhlaq Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai PIC : 085275592797 ***** Tempat : Masjid Al-Mukmin Jln. Kaliurang KM. 5,6 gg. Pandega Karya No. 23 Sleman, Yogyakarta Pemateri : Ustadz Amir As-Soronji, M.Pd.l Tema : Ashabu ar-Rasul Waktu : 20.00 - 21.00 WIB 《 SEMARANG 》 Tempat : Masjid Al Mu'thasim, Pondok Bukit Agung C 21 Pemateri : Ustadz Abu unaisah Jabir Tema : Tafsir As Sa'dy Waktu : Ba'da Subuh - selesai (Rutin tiap Hari) PIC : 087832491519 ******* Tempat : Sekretariat Yayasan Sahabat Iman, Jl. Sumurboto II/6 Ngesrep Pemateri : Ustadz Abu unaisah Jabir Tema : Nahwu Waktu : Ba'da Ashar - selesai (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : 087832491519 ******* Tempat : Rumah Ibu Astuti / Bp Imron Syuaebi, Jl. Rasamala III/188 Pemateri : Ustadz Haris Budiatna Tema : Tafsir Waktu : 15.50 - 17.15 (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : (024)7462345/08164242870 ******* Tempat : Masjid Nurus Sunnah Bulusan Tembalang ● SESI 1 Kajian jelang Buka Puasa bersama Pemateri : Ustadz Supandi Tema : Tafsir Juz Amma Waktu : Jam 17.00 - Maghrib ● SESI 2 Pemateri : Ustadz Abdul Hakim Tubagus Tema : Kitab Al Qoulul Mufid Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : 08231372226 ******* Tempat : Ma'had Ta'dzimussunnah Jl Dong Biru 2 RT 8/4 no 36-37 Genuk Sari, Genuk Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Utsman Arifin ● SESI 1 Tema : Syarah Ushul Tsalasah Karya Syeikh Ibnu Utsaimin Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai ● SESI 2 Tema : Kasyfus Syubuhat Karya Syeikh Ibnu Utsaimin Waktu : Ba'da Isya - selesai (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : 0858 7512 5175 ******* Tempat : Masjid Aisyah, Jl. Manyaran Gunungpati Pemateri : Ustadz Endang Sutedi, Lc Tema : Ushul Tsalasah Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : 0823 2558 8524 ******* Tempat : Masjid Manarul Ilmi, Karangrejo IIIc Banyumanik Pemateri : Ustadz Muhammad Utsman Tema : Bulughul Maram Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : 085225780310 ******* Tempat : Masjid Miftahul Jannah, Perum Sambiroto Baru Pemateri : Ustadz Abu unaisah Jabir Tema : Kitab Tauhid Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - selesai (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : 087832491519 ******* Tempat : Masjid Baitu Al Muslimin ( Perumahan Greenwood ) Pemateri : Ustadz Abdul Mu'thi Al-Maedany Tema : 7 kewajiban seorang muslim Waktu : ba'da Isya' - 21.00 PIC : 0812-2931-235 《 SALATIGA 》 Tempat : Masjid Al Burhan Soka Pemateri : Ustadz Yusuf Ibrahim, Lc Tema : Bahjatul Qulub Al Abror Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - selesai (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : 085640412221 《 UNGARAN 》 Tempat : Masjid Baitus Syukur, Jl. Letjend Suprapto 19 Sidomulyo Putatan Pemateri : Ustadz Rizki Ramadhan Tema : Mulakhos Fiqh Waktu : Ba'da Isya - selesai (Rutin tiap Senin) PIC : 087777788540 《 DEMAK 》 Tempat : Masjid Darussalam Demak - Jl. Kyai Jebat No. 9 Demak (Sebelah Barat Kantor Bupati Demak) Pemateri : Ustadz M. Ashim bin Mustofa Adnan, Lc Tema : Kitab Tauhid Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Isya' (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 085225370432 《 SURABAYA 》 Tempat : Masjid Al-Amin MERR (Middle East Ring Road, Jalan Lingkar Timur) Jl. Semampir Tengah 3a No. 25 Surabaya Pemateri : Ustadz Ma'ruf Nursalam, Lc Tema : Kitab Riyadhus Shaalihin Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Ahmad Yani, Tegal Mulyorejo No. 80-81 (Depan Kampus PENS Jl Raya ITS) Surabaya Pemateri : Ustadz Fadlan Fahamsyah, Lc. MHI Tema : Siroh Nabawi Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) 《 SIDOARJO 》 Tempat : Masjid Baitul Mu'minin - Taman Vancouver - Puri Surya Jaya Sidoarjo Pemateri : Ustadz Fachry Permana Tema : Kitab : Khudz Aqidatak Waktu : Ba'da Isya' - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Isya') PIC : 0811339337 《 GRESIK 》 Tempat : Masjid Jami' Shulthon Az-Zakari - Ma'had Al-Furqon Al-Islami - Desa Srowo RT 2 / RW 1, Srowo, Sidayu, Kab. Gresik, Jawa Timur - 61153 Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Ubaidah Yusuf Assidawi, Lc Tema : Kajian Kitab Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) 《 MALANG 》 Tempat : Masjid Brigjend Soegiono Block Office Pemkot Batu Jl Panglima Sudirman 507 Batu - Malang Pemateri : Ustadz Abdullah Amin Tema : Kitab Riyadhus Shalihin Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 085655199855 《 LUMAJANG 》 Tempat : Masjid Hidayatullah - Jl Brigjen Katamso Gg 1 No.26 Lumajang Pemateri : Ustadz Habibullah Tema : Subulus Salam Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 085258867144 《 JEMBER 》 Tempat : Masjid Arrahmah (Kampus STDIIS Jember) - Jl. Mh. Thamrin, Gg, Kepodang No 05, Gladak Pakem, Sumber sari Jember, Jawa Timur Pemateri : Ustadz Dr. Syafiq Riza Basalamah, MA Tema : Kitab Al Adabul Al Mufrad Karya Imam Al Bukhari -rahimahullah- Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 082242426012 《 MEDAN 》 Tempat : Masjid Khairuna Fauzi, Jl. Lizardi Putra (Komplek Kejaksaan) Pemateri : Ustadz Nuruddin Al Bukhori Tema : Bulughul Maram Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin) PIC : 0812 6024 3442 ***** Tempat : Masjid Al-Ikhwan Jl. Masjid (Belakang swalayan Giant - Jl. Gatot Subroto) Pinang Baris, Medan Pemateri : Ustadz Ali Nur, Lc Tema : Ensiklopedi Larangan Dalam Syariat Islam Waktu : Ba'da Isya' - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Isya') PIC : 0823 6496 0922 《 LAMPUNG 》 Tempat : Masjid Al-hayah, Perum Bumi Puspa Kencana, Jl. Z.A. Pagar Alam, Depan Tribun Lampung Pemateri : Ustadz Abdulloh Furqon Tema : Tafsir Al-Quran - Kitab Tafsir Taisirul Karamir Rahman karya Syeikh As-Sa'di Rahimahullah Waktu : Ba'da Isya - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Isya) PIC : 0812-7338-8845 《 PEKANBARU 》 Tempat : Masjid Raudhatul Jannah, Jl. Tuanku Tambusai - Kota Pekanbaru Pemateri : Ustadz Ahmad Doni, Lc Tema : Tematik (Kajian Khusus Wanita Muslimah) Waktu : 09.15 - Selesai 《 PALEMBANG 》 Tempat : Masjid An-Nur, Kompleks PSX Mall (Palembang Square Extention Mall) Pemateri : Ustadz Iswandi Abu Harits Tema : Akidah | Syarh Aqidah Ahlusunnah wal Jamaah Waktu : 14.00 - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Dengan Pemateri Yang Berbeda) ***** Tempat : Masjid Sulaiman al-Kuraida, Ponpes Zaadul Maad, Jl. Padat Karya, Lrg. Melati, depan perumahan Taman Mekar Sari, Talang Jambe Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Dzar Tema : Kitab Tauhid Al Ushul Ats-Tsalatsah "3 Landasan Utama" (Tiga Hal Dasar Yang Wajib Diketahui Setiap Muslim) Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Bakti, Jl. Sukabakti, seberang Graha Sumeks, sebelum Punti Kayu, KM. 6 Pemateri : Ustadz Abu Hamzah Tema : Kitab Tauhid Al Ushul Ats-Tsalatsah "3 Landasan Utama" (Tiga Hal Dasar Yang Wajib Diketahui Setiap Muslim) Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Imam Syafii, PPTQ Mutiara Sunnah, Jl. Pertahanan, sebelum Giant, Lrg. Sikam, dekat SMA N 8, Plaju Pemateri : Ustadz Roni Nuryusmansyah, S.Sy Tema : Akidah | Al-Irsyad ila Shahih al-I'tiqad Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Darul Asykar, Kompleks Perumdam, Jl. R.A Abu Salma, Simpang Lima Pemateri : Ustadz Aidil Fitriansyah, B.A Tema : Akidah | Kitab at-Tauhid Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) ***** Tempat : Masjid Al-Amin, Jl. Bukit Baru, masuk dari Jl. Ratu Alamsyah Prawira Negara Pemateri : Ustadz Nurfitri Hadi, MA Tema : Hadis | Arbain Nawawi Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) 《 BALI 》 Tempat : Masjid Utsman Bin Affan, Jl. Salak Gang 1/10, Lelateng Negara-Bali Pemateri : Ustadz 'Ainurrofiq, Lc Tema : Pembahasan (Syarah) Kitab Mauqif Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah min Ahlul Ahwa' wal Bi'da Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Selesai (WITA) (Rutin Setiap Senin Ba'da Maghrib) PIC : 08786049089 《 MADINAH 》 Tempat : Masjid Nabawi Gate Badr number 19 C Medina, Saudi Arabia Pemateri : Ustadz Abdullah Roy, MA Tema : Syarah Kitab Aqidah Wasitiyyah Waktu : Ba'da Maghrib - Isya' (Kajian Rutin Sabtu - Kamis) Live : Kajian secara audio akan disiarkan secara langsung via facebook fb.com/hsi.abdullahroy pukul 22.00 WIB Semua Kajian Tertera Diatas Free Entry (Gratis-Tidak Dipungut Biaya) ; Terbuka Untuk Umum - Semua Elemen Masyarakat Boleh Ikut Hadir - Bukan Untuk Golongan Tertentu, & Tidak Perlu Registrasi (Cukup Datang Tepat Waktu Sesuai Agenda Kajian Yang Telah Disebutkan) *Silahkan untuk senantiasa cross-checked info kajian terlampir dengan PIC (Person In Charge) / Contact Person Kajian* Hadits Of The Day : Dari Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Setiap amalan kebaikan yang dilakukan oleh manusia akan dilipatgandakan dengan sepuluh kebaikan yang semisal hingga tujuh ratus kali lipat. Allah Ta’ala berfirman (yang artinya), “Kecuali amalan puasa. Amalan puasa tersebut adalah untuk-Ku. Aku sendiri yang akan membalasnya. Disebabkan dia telah meninggalkan syahwat dan makanan karena-Ku. Bagi orang yang berpuasa akan mendapatkan dua kebahagiaan yaitu kebahagiaan ketika dia berbuka dan kebahagiaan ketika berjumpa dengan Rabbnya. Sungguh bau mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih harum di sisi Allah daripada bau minyak kasturi.”” (HR. Imam Muslim no. 1151) – Read on Path.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 10 months ago
TMAGP 13 Thoughts: Phone Bug
A big episodes for small reasons. Not much world-shaking happened but just enough was said about just the right things. A lot to get into in this one around the incident. We're starting to have the curtain pulled back. Just a crack right now, but that's just more reason to be cracked.
Spoilers for episode 13, and all of TMA, below the cut.
Not a huge amount to touch on in the date portion of the episode other than a couple of sentences. Yeah, Sam is a gifted burn out that's sad about not getting experimented on. Same old same old. But Celia has a baby. Jack being Celia's kid I wasn't expecting mostly because of how that figures into her timeline. She's very heavily implied to be TMA's Celia but based on what she said if she is then she's been in TMP's universe for at least 4 years. A "couple of wild years" and Jack's "just over a year old". Plus 9 months and it's a lot longer than it might've appeared. None of that stuff tripped Freddy's possible lie detector either that I heard.
If you work under the assumption that the voices are who most people think, and they started roughly when they arrived, then that's a fairly major time discrepancy. The voices are about a year old but Celia has been around for 4.
However, it doesn't strictly rule that out either. Firstly, we know that moving between universes isn't actually one-to-one time-wise. Anya Villette went backwards 2 weeks when she crossed over. So them arriving at different times could support the idea that she's TMA's Celia further. Her general explanation of events could also be explained by this too. If she's not there willingly, or is there willingly but it didn't quite go to plan, a couple of wild years while you get your footing in a world you don't belong to isn't far fetched. If she was there looking for the voices then her showing up so relatively late could be explained by her baby too. So it's certainly not a dead and buried theory yet.
While Jack isn't Jack Barnabas he and the voices are about the same age. If people want to go rabid over that.
Gwen and Lena's little chat has a similar amount to really dig into. It's nice to see Gwen dealing with it all, and it's annoying we still don't know who died, but Lena does have a lot to say in a few words.
The world is full of opposing forces, some benevolent, most not. In order for the wheels to keep on turning, all these forces need to be monitored and balanced. That is where we come in.
This probably the most information we've had on the OIAR to this point from the show itself. I think most of this was safely assumed before this point. They've been doing a lot of monitoring, categorisation, and the only responses we have seen have been tamping major spikes down. A world of opposing forces is also a given. We are being led to believe that these are analogous to the 14+1 but there being benevolent ones if that's true is a big mix up. If you take the above timeline idea a step further and say the 14+1 arrived much earlier (or it doesn't matter because of how they're temporally weird) the benevolent ones could be native to TMP. They could be all TMP had.
Her assertion that the OIAR is a balance on these forces is interesting. Beyond the obvious stuff it also leans into an idea I've been throwing about regarding Starkwall. In the perception of Starwall might not really be the whole picture. The San Pedro Square massacre could've been an easy scapegoat to pin on them for the OIAR to split with them. A split caused by a disagreement in ethics. Starkwall thus far hasn't been shown to have an incredible disregard for human life based on Ep 7. The OIAR definitely has been. It could just be a PR move because the massacre was too big to contain but that feels like the least interesting way to handle this. A faction that's all in on monster hit men splitting with a faction who is against it has more room for interesting drama and worldbuilding IMO.
Balance was also a very large aspect of TMA in the end. The OIAR working towards that balance isn't as noble a goal as it might sound. Or it at least has the potential to be an incredibly misguided goal.
Okay, with all that mostly out of the way onto the incident itself. I enjoy this one a fair bit. Very different to what's come before it but with another recurring theme. We're starting to see a couple of patterns emerge now although it's too early to start naming things. I don't think there is a lot to really get into but this one was written by Alex, had a new VA, and was a recurring idea. Which does all point to this being quite important as these things go. All the episodes will likely tie up quite nicely in the end but this one seems quite relevant currently. In any case this was a fun one and I'm kinda curious how some of the elements within it will tie together. Mainly the gambling and insects.
Also, super weird they went with Zorrotrade for this. Because that's a real thing. Or was a real thing? It might be dead now, but still.
Post-incident chat has nothing I really want to comment on. More Alice and Sam is always good, even if Alice is trying really hard to not seem very upset.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet
DPHW Theory: 4622 doesn't seem particularly noteworthy. It's interesting from a thematic angle how this differs from Rolling With It. Both obviously very linked to gambling but this one lacks the compulsion elements. Which is a good indicator that H is linked to that sort of thing. Not that I need to convince myself of that further.
CAT# Theory: 3. Insert screams et cetera, et cetera. More seriously there still isn't a convincing pattern to this. Although I might be swinging back to my original tria prima and/or triple deity interpretation.
R# Theory: B is where I was thinking it'd end up while listening. So that's nice. Not much to add to this. Much like with DPHW the more information that lines up with the theory the less there is to talk about it because I've already done the hard bit.
Header talk: Gambling (Application) -/- Murder. Other than Application being a pretty weird Subsection I'm not sure there is much to dig into here. Although it does likely confirm he's dead. Which does make it a little strange that his statement wasn't read by one of the Freddy lot.
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