#tmnt drako
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awzominator · 9 months ago
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Splinter week day one Battle Nexus!!!
of course I had to go w 03 🙌🙌
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viridisvilla · 10 months ago
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here's a wip for a pic I couldn't finish in time unfortunately, sorry I couldn't be around for your non-canon birthday Drako 😔
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ritz-writes · 4 months ago
Me: *trying (see: failing) to convince @novelcain 2003 tmnt is amazing*
This fucking thing existing:
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Me: ...okay this part is kinda complicated-
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ninjagecko72 · 9 months ago
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Day 27: Favorite Mutant/Alien Villain
Challenge by @tmaynt
POV: He found out about the original Chinese Zodiac story and that the rat won first while the Dragon was placed in fifth.
Anyways, I really do like Drako. I mean he honestly deserves a bigger spotlight since he’s the one who sent Donny to the SAINW universe. I’m still surprised at the amount of content he doesn’t have.
Also can anyone tell me if he has horns or if those are antenna? I know he’s technically alien but it’s never specified you know.
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vdragon-creations · 10 months ago
TMayNT Day 3: Favorite Henchmen
Day 3 of @tmaynt Prompt: Favorite Henchemn! It may just be me and my bias when it comes to dragons in general, but like...am i the only one that feels like Drako here should've gotten a little more solo screentime? And I know it maaaay be a stretch to call him a henchmen, but he did get screwed over by The Ultimate Ninja and did take orders from him for the most part...soooo, it still think he counts!
And for those that noticed, yes, I did tweak his design a little! Mostly cause while he's one of my favorite baddies, his design I feel lacks a little bit of...something.
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pocoslip · 3 months ago
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Maybe they should've change the Red Dragon's Name to "Draco" so there aren't Two 1987 TMNT Characters sharing the name "Drako"
(Or maybe the Blue Guy should be named "Draco" while the Red Dragon can keep the name "Drako" idk)
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xxbritishrosexx · 9 months ago
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Day 27: favourite mutant/alien villain
Does him count? Idk does he count but I couldn't figure out any other for this prompt who I like enough. I just don't like how he came out? Idk maybe tomorrow is better art day
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Wall doodles Pt 3.
Whoops! I missed one from my camera roll, so I’ll just put Ultimate Drako here.
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From that arc where the turtles are separated across time and space (S3 E 19-23).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (You're here)
Part 4
P.S. - If you somehow happen to know where the wall is up pls don’t say!
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ninjagecko72 · 2 years ago
A small thing that can't get out of my head. Still thinking of my own and @viridisvilla's AU.
The gecko mutant looked up at the Draconian man before her. He lowered his form, leaning his neck forward to directly glare at the much smaller lizard person. "All I ask is you to give him back." He sneered at her. The kunoichi however refused and spoke in a tone her family had never heard from her before. "Fuck you."
"You heard me fuck you.” Leo gasped at hearing his little sister say that. “Isa!” Raph however grinned with pride. “Hold up, Leo. I wanna see where this goes.”
The Draconian was immediately taken aback by the insult but Isabella didn't stop there. "You only ever wanted him back to save face. You hadn't cared for him since he was a concept, a little egg who was unaware of the world and who didn't even ask to exist and the moment he hatched, what did you do? You.." She let out a half chuckle, half sigh, "Heh.. you're the one who turned away first. You were already disappointed in him all because of a thing that was out of his control." She accusingly point a finger at him. "He was a wingless little wyrm." He hissed back.
"He was a baby! He has done nothing but look up to you and you never once looked back, you selfish dick!" She barked. "So of course he spiraled into being some megalomaniac, trying to get power to chase after a father's pride that he never knew would forever be out of reach. He was doomed the moment he first breathed all because of a thing that wasn't in his control, that wasn't even his own fault," She had her teeth bared at him, something a normal gecko would not be capable of doing, but she was no normal gecko. "Because of that, it led to him to get horribly morphed into a mangled being just to survive being torn apart by space and time, got turned to ash and presumably died for all we knew in that moment. You didn't turn up to get his ashes then, no. Lady Crimson did. You didn't put two and two together and realize he could restart somewhere else, no, she did. You weren't there when a new parent got worried sick his egg could've been damaged, no I was ad you definitely weren't around when he hatched unscathed and finally got to see the world around him with a new set of eyes, I was."
Isabella pulled back from him, finally putting some pieces together. "Scratch what I said before you don't want him back to save face now. You want him back because if word got out that a little lowly lizard mutate like me had a draconian on her hands, then that means you lost. You lost what little power you had over him, you lost someone that was loyal to you to a fault, and you can't stand it. You as a proud Draconian man can't stand the idea of losing, you narcissistic piece of work."
The draconian man reeled back, sneering down at her. He hated how she immediately read him out like so. She was a little lizard mutate and yet there was something in her eyes. Her blue eyes with a silvery-gray stream striking across them, looking like a pair of marbles. An unnatural pair of marbles that stood out against her bright yellow skin and dark spots. Her pupils formed further into slits and he swore he heard something.
Some low rumbling that came deep from the smaller lizard's chest and yet that seemed physically impossible.
How..? His eyes widened and his fierce expression dropped a bit in realization.
She has the force of a dragon lingering under her skin. It growls at enemies and friends alike, reminding them of who she is. Of what she can do. It didn't help that she had the ferocity not only of the dragon, but of a mother too, despite her being so young. A protective nature she no doubt inherited from her own mother and reinforced by her rat father, if the draconian heard about the things the rat had done for his own children correctly. Things that the rat was never proud of all for the sake of his own surrogate family.
How did a little lizard have a power of the dragons more than the draconian race who were supposedly direct descendants of them? Something about that almost made the so-called proud Draconian feel the need to surrender and yet.. he never admit that.
The rodent came between the lizard and draconian, pushing Isabella behind him with her brothers now grabbing her, stopping her from tearing into him further. One of them, the previous Battle Nexus Champion Michelangelo, handed the small draconian child back over to Isabella.
“Might I suggest you take your leave now before the Daimyo finds out of your dimensional skirmish?” The rat bared his teeth at him with his back arched, his fur puffed up and his stance making him stand higher while his hands gripped on his walking stick.
The draconian man gave a growl and hissed, which made the dark green turtle in red, Raphael and the Kelly green turtle in blue, Leonardo both stand guard at the sides of their rat teacher and father.
"He will be too much for you," The draconian tried. Isabella bit back still, "And I've experienced the end of the world, watching every bit of life from buildings to people lose all color and get erased from existence. What do you think a baby is going to do?"
She has the force of a dragon lingering under her skin. It growls at enemies and friends alike, reminding them of who she is. Of what she can do.”
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teetle-time · 1 year ago
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joyfuladorable · 2 years ago
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Dragon of the Sun by @forestwhisper3
You know, it was kind of weird...
Mikey sat on the living room couch, the sci-fi movie he was watching fading into the background after a really campy fight scene between two psychics reminded him of something.
The first time he'd had a freaky dream that ended up sort of true, he'd chalked it up to some weird crystal mumbo-jumbo messing with him. He figured it was a one-and-done sort of thing, especially since he hadn't had another since leaving the underground city.
But now it had happened again, and this time there were no crystals to blame.
GAHHHH!!!! THIS FIC!!! MYSTIC MIKEY BUT IT'S 03 MIKEY!!!!! This fic has my whole damn heart, holy shit! Author does a fantastic job diverging from canon and giving us all the family feels and character depth that the show didn't. My heart? Palpating, pumping, melting onto the damn floor!! Go read it!!!
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viridisvilla · 2 months ago
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I'm still alive, by the way
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ninjagecko72 · 2 months ago
@viridisvilla I was looking at another oc tag of mine and realized I made a bust of Drako in a suit 4 years before that Saturday Morning Adventures comic.
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This is the fifth time I’ve accidentally predicted something in a piece of media I was loving at the time yet no one’s ever gonna believe me.
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Seasons Week (22-31) in OCtober 2020 prompts
22. Autumn. @alena-1987 You’re the only other one who knows of Aiyana and honestly I think of her taking Krux’s outer coat and he’s just thinks it makes her look so small compared to him and he finds it cute to the point where he says she can keep it.
23. Winter. Mariana, originally a Bengal Fox now a traditional Red Fox mutant instead since one was more common than the other. She wears a fluffy coat even though she probably doesn’t even need it with her fur but the colors contrast hers nicely.
25. Spring. Here’s Apollo the mutant Crocodile Monitor. He likes Spring more than winter because it gets warmer for his liking but not so warm as to lay somewhere on the rooftops and fall asleep.
26. Summer. Melusine, wife to Knucker and ally/member of the Serpentine Rebellion. Just because she’s a fighter doesn’t mean she can’t look pretty too.
27. Star. Well, Dr. Kitty Saunders was the star of this blog so it’s fitting that they’re here.
28. Cosplay. Spec Ops guy is awesome so I had my Triceraton boy cosplay as him because well the roles they play and their heights are fitting.
29. Cafe AU. @glitchthenindroid Could you imagine an AU where Akumu just goes to a cafe regularly, probably hiding in back tables so he doesn’t scare anyone, but then he sees Gale coming up to him and he’s just “*gasp* oh no she’s pretty” and she’s just nothing but nice to him? Of course she has to be being a worker and all but he’s the only one that’s actually polite to her and even tips her more than anyone else does, so eventually somehow they get to know each other.
30. School uniform. Inizio (name meaning “beginning”), otherwise what you guys will eventually know him as Drako Reformed because I don’t see why he couldn’t be allowed to restart like the Daimyo’s son did.
31. Halloween. Umber the mutant long eared bat would fit right into the crowd. Though she may not be on the ground, she’ll like not having anyone point her out even if it’s for one night.
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towerofluin · 11 months ago
god, what i would GIVE to see don post 11 year sainw see his kid brothers again, i would give anything to see that reunion forreal
your work is fantastic and just so gorgeous and i am in love with the concept already! their designs? beautiful. stunning. brilliant. show-stopping.
anon, we wed tomorrow at dusk
also THANK YOU???? you're genuinely so nice like this made my week, i've been keeping this ask close to my heart <3<3<3
I'm working on something right now :3 about half way done :3 (artblock hit me like a truck but i'm pushing through it) for you,,, a kinda preview,,,, a little prequel to the comic if you will
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ninjagecko72 · 6 months ago
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It is Isa The lizard mama With her little Baby dragon
They don’t even know what awaits them.
(Technically he’s a dragon man alien but semantics, semantics, yadda yadda, whatever.)
@viridisvilla Anyways, I heard you were thinking about Drako a while ago so I give you wholesome little guy.
Reference by Mellon-soup. (They do have a Tumblr but I don’t wish to spam them.)
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burritello3000 · 7 months ago
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