#tmnt Mutagen Man
shantechni · 2 months
Aqua Teen/12 Turtles similarity
In one episode, the neighbor Carl contracts a virus that has no cure. He ends up being frozen till such time as a cure can be made/found. Time jump way into the future, a still frozen Carl has been repurposed into a coat rack
A character with a severe condition gets frozen until they can be cured, and then they just aren’t. Now why does that sound familiar? 😝
I actually cannot believe this ask sent me on a journey of procrastination to go and watch the entire episode instead of just taking your recount of it at face value😭
It was funny tho ngl.
And yeah it definitely sounds familiar lol, Timothy didn't stand a chance of becoming human again the moment he got demoted to a background piece for Donnie's lab😭
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espighty · 1 year
Can I talk about the subtext I see in the final scene of ‘Mutagen Man Unleashed’? Don’t bother answering that. I’m already talking.
So near the end, Leo gives the order that they need to take Tim out, yeah? But when Donnie executes his last ditch effort with the failed retromutagen? It seems more like he's intending to lure Tim away with it. I know that he purposely used the failed retro, but I believe that's because he was out of regular mutagen. Also just so, yknow, if he were to drink it, it wouldn't power him up. Anyway, judging by Donnie's frantic 'NO' as Tim snatched the can from him? He was very much NOT intended to drink it. Realistically, there is no reason Donnie would have had to put on a fake act for Timothy. Tim has NO awareness for that type of thing. It’s unneeded. I’m fully convinced that Donnie never intended to freeze Timothy, despite Leo’s orders. He still cared about Tim so much :(
I know the only argument he actually voiced against the kill orders was that he needed Tim to create retromutagen, but I think it went a little deeper than that. Donnie only used the argument he thought would sway Leo the most (the possibility of curing April’s father).
Leo obviously didn’t give a shit though. Right after Tim gets frozen, Leo just goes “nice job Donnie :D” all full of post-mission cheer, as if his brother didn’t just effectively kill somebody.
A lot of people like to say the gang just forgot about helping Tim, but you have to remember he’s not regular frozen. He was flash frozen by a mutagen-based chemical reaction. I imagine that would take a whole lot more to unfreeze than just thawing him out. He’s basically chemical soup. Donnie does mention Tim will naturally unfreeze in about 70 years, which kinda implies that he ran tests to see if he could unfreeze Timothy, and just couldn’t find anything faster or safer than his natural thawing rate.
The entire point of the Mutagen Man episode was to show that there was no way to help Timothy anymore. Donnie still very much cares about him, evidenced by the fact that he bothered to say goodbye during the Kraang invasion. Feels bad man.
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tmnt-starlit-sin · 1 year
Ough... No, I don't plan on having Timothy in here, the main way I know of him is in the 2012 series and I. Just. I wasn't a fan of him I'm sorry. I'm probably going to have Mutagen Man/Seymour Gutz though, he is my specialest little guy and a pure sweet angel who can do no wrong go read the idw comics right now pretty please
Ask game
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randomcerealbrand · 24 days
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Timatello... Timothy..
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autisticer-tim-drake · 2 months
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This man. Timothy.
He talks in two episodes of the 2012 teenage mutant ninja turtles run.
I would kill for him.
The entire first episode he’s in they’re just making fun of him for trying to help people basically in the exact same way Casey Jones was when they met him.
The second episode they’re still using him as a punchline, then they douse him in mutagen and he doesn’t become some cool hybrid villain, he becomes mutagen man, almost gets blown up, then gets frozen solid.
Donatello basically vows then and there to make a retromutagen and save Timothy.
Timothy was Donatello’s fucking motive to making a retromutagen in the first place. Granted, he’d already been working on one, but I guarantee that this was way more of a motivator.
When they leave to go to April’s family’s house they leave him behind and Donatello says something about how he’ll defrost eventually.
So we know that Timothy was Donatello’s like, priority when it comes to the retromutagen and that it’s possible to unfreeze him.
So why in GODS GREEN EARTH did Donatello, upon finishing the retromutagen, give some to April’s dad
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blobsnturtles · 22 days
to the (un)official Timothy archive!
This is a blog dedicated to Timothy (The Pulverizer) from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012). It will be filled with reblogs, and we will not repost art without the artist’s permission. Got a photo or some art of Timothy? Send it in!
If you do not know who an artist is, send the art in anyways, and we will try to find the original post/account before asking for permission (if the account is still up) and crediting them.
Regards on shipping:
Timatello is allowed and especially encouraged on this blog, though we ask that you do not submit any sexualized (or NSFW) art/posts about them at all. You may send in 'suggestive' art (smooching and such), as long as context is provided. If so, then we will evaluate if the art is okay to upload onto the archive with a warning attached.
'Thank you's:
We know and understand the low amount of attention Timothy gets, specifically 2012 Tim. Fortunately, fantastic artists such as:
And @/probably-not-a-rutabuga
Have been the fuel for Timothy fans to come together and enjoy this wonderful, slightly annoying, endearing character, no matter the iteration it came from. (Side note: Special thank you to @/pinetreevillain for creating their own ROTTMNT Timothy.)
The reasoning for making this blog:
- Timothy is a character whose world was flipped upside down the moment he met the TMNT. He was a cut plotline and was crucial for Donnie’s character growth for the show before Nickelodeon cut him. We unfortunately will never know what could have happened for Timothy in later seasons, and he could’ve been a fantastic character. It’s only fair if we give him the equivalent of a love letter as a proper send off for 2012 Tim.
- Why not? It’s fun.
Final note:
The blog will not be cluttered with anything that has nothing to do with Timothy, so if you want a general TMNT blog then this is not for you.
We hope to see you around! Stay safe, enjoy the blog, and try not to get mutated while you're at it.
Main acc: @randomcerealbrand
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rudymentari · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle animatic time....
rant/explanation under the readmore⬇️
This is technically part of my au but I think it works just fine with canon So part of the upcoming rant is going to be AU exclusive stuff and part of it is just how I see canon and I am not going to tell you which 
This is about Donatello's relationships with the humans he's known but it's also partially about Donnie's high and specific expectations of romance which he projects onto April in a sort of unhealthy way and which is later [hinted at being] turned completely on its head when. Casey and ensuing Bi Crisis 
Also I just think the whole thing with Timothy was incredibly sad and nobody ever talks about it
Okay so Donnie grows up with no human interaction and has never so much as seen anyone in a relationship before so he gets all he knows from old romance movies and books, which he only indulges in in private bc he knows his brothers would make fun of him for being so invested in it. So he has these very specific expectations for romance, and plans for his future that are mostly fantastical because he knows he is still just a mutant turtle living in the sewers. But when he meets April he’s like all my dreams are coming true :D. They aren’t, of course, and Donnie is just kind of overbearing and weird for a little bit until he learns to tone it down. Casey is a whole other story though; Donnie doesn’t know he even Can like guys, its not something he’s ever even thought of. So he doesn’t fully realize he has feelings for Casey and what exactly they are until way after this video takes place. He kind of has a whole crisis about it, the whole breaking of the mould completely throwing off his plans and expectations. He doesn’t know if it’s allowed, and he doesn’t know what his father [now dead] would think of it. And this whole jonatello arc is going to be kind of a large part of the AU
Also. I’m pretty sure Timothy’s frozen body gets shown like one more time ever but in this AU he was taken by the kraang because i cannot stand the thought that Donnie would just never acknowledge him again
Still have not seen past season 3 tho so bear with me 
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90ssuperheroes · 1 month
Never forget that this gnarly character's real name, on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, was Seymour Gutz. Mutagen Man forever!
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lavalamp-juice · 1 month
Just watched the 2nd episode of totmnt
Why is rod so annoying 💀
Bros as bad as Timothy
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lotus-duckies · 10 months
after some deep thinking and watching 2012 again as i often do, i've come to the realization that Casey and Timothy are actually rather similar in conception
They're both teenage boys with the aspiration for a hero role, lowkey thought of as kind of annoying but also others feel the need to look after them and tell them "don't do that you'll get hurt", getting into trouble a lot and in a lot of risk of getting hurt, they enjoy crafting a Cool Hero narrative for themselves despite the reality not quite matching up, having. . . some kind of relationship with Donnie, had some desire for April at some point in some way, and being artists
The big difference being that Timothy wanted to be a hero for clout, attention, and worship. Wanting to be cool and acknowledged for it, so he imitated the turtles in hopes that would get him where he wanted to be
and Casey has the genuine desire to help others, to smush wrong doing that he sees on sight, and he just happens to have enough raw anger, lack of self preservation, and brain cells to actually get it done (like using a taser and explosives alongside hockey sticks and bats, wearing protection that doesn't impede his movement, using his already acquired skillsets to his advantage etc)
As a result, Casey does get to be part of the action, he can be a hero and go through hell and back relatively unskathed, he's invited into their home and train under Splinter, and the turtles view him as their friend
and i think that's so interesting
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fowlaroundtown · 1 year
Funfact everyone who puts their own spin of Timothy into their tmnt aus/ocs/adaptations/whatever is my best friend and personal hero
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shantechni · 10 months
I like when the ninjas go ninja
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wondrous-art · 2 years
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I've been sick so all I got is this mutagen man design for our Mystic Forest AU. Enjoy he.
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tmnt-starlit-sin · 1 year
😍 and 🥷for ask game
For romances: yes, shockingly! I don't really like romance much, but there is Ramona and leolotus here for the turtles :] Karai and Shinigami are married, and then there's the whole Centaurworld inspired Rat King and Tigerclaw arc lol
For Timothy: I don't think so, unfortunately. I wasn't a huge fan of him in 2012. However, I do plan on having Mutagen Man/Seymour Gutz in my au! I really liked him in IDW, he just stole my heart <3
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randomcerealbrand · 2 months
Guys I have a playlist for 2012 Timothy
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Here take it
Also side note I'm screen recording the Japanese dub of ROTTMNT for funnies, whoever wants it can message me 💪💪💪
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[During Mutagen Man Unleashed]
Donnie: Timothy escaped!
Raph: You should have put him in something that was impossible to get out of.
Mikey: Like a group text!
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