#tmnt 2012 Kraang
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sweeneydino · 3 months ago
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Some WOH! AU ep 1-2 sketches
I got very tired
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vicbutnotactually · 1 year ago
hello epic person, could i suggest C8 from collection 1, and the prompt is a kraang drawing (im so Normal about kraangs)
The one known as Vic would love to digitally render one known as Kraang for Kraang
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ezrahayls · 10 months ago
TMayNT 27: Favorite Mutant/Alien villain
Mutant Villains:
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Alien Villains
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internet-sona · 26 days ago
Does anyone know if there’s any fics or comics that explore the idea of the Utrom’s experiences after being freed from being Kraang?
I can’t help but imagine the idea that either they all remember everything that they did as Kraang, or they don’t remember at first, but then it slowly comes back to them.
Cause imagine an Utrom that’s genuinely really nice and wouldn’t hurt a fly suddenly remembering that they either really hurt, or straight up killed someone.
And now they have to deal with the thoughts about that.
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fletcherwilbury · 1 year ago
@whumptober Day 29: Troubled Past Resurfacing
Warning for Verbal abuse, physical combat, blood, past physical assault, illness, physical assault
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yippee-optimistically · 3 months ago
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um. umm thinking about if mikey developed a like. kraang 6th sense. bc of the norman suit they obviously knew bishop was a kraang/utrom but just thinking about if, unlike mikeys usual ability to sniff out dangers and fakers (like aprils "mom") bishop and utrom just. unsettled him. its totally unintentional and he feels sort of bad but after everything in dimX he Cannot be comfortable around kraang/utrom. at least for a long time. idk!
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also thinking if the brothers learned from mikeys proven abilities to sniff out these false allies, theyd maybe double check bishop with him. like "hey, mike, this guy isnt setting off any alarms, right?" and pushing past all the KRAANG KRAANG KRAANG DANGER signals hes begrudgingly like "...no. no hes good. grins"
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related point... tokka vs the world you are so special to me... mikey and caseys bond is so so fun i wish we got to see a little more of it
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PLSSS PLSS drop any 2012 fic recs ... im so hungry
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pezhead · 1 year ago
April wanted to offer the competitors something-
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Dr. Donnie strikes again~
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torturedblue · 1 year ago
Hate how much this shot…
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reminds me of this shot:
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Cue protective brothers intervening under the cut
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This movie fucked us up huh 😀
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1nk-ling · 4 months ago
Okay, Imma talk incohernetly about 2012 Raph because I have feelings.
So, this train of thought started when I noticed that he always sits farthest away from the TV. Mikey and Leo are practically nosing the screen and Donnie sits close as well when he's actually there, but Raph is usually a solid 15 feet away at least. At first I thought it was because he just didn't care for television; he was usually reading a comic after all.
But then I was watching him more carefully, and I don't think that's entierly it. See, he doesn't seem to like being surprised by things. When Mikey walked in with his *imaginateive* pizza he screamed. Actuall involuntary yell of distress there. When the Shell Raizer crashed around the corner that one time Donnie rescued them all he leapt the highest and stayed crouched down long after all the others were calm and talking.
As someone who watches movies with my dad on occasion I can relate to subconciously scooting away from the screen. The volume is fine enough for the talking scenes, BUT IT COULD CHANGE SCENES AT ANY MOMENT AND BE WAY TOO LOUD OR THE LOUD MUSIC COULD START OR SOMETHING HORRIFYING COULD JUMP UP ON SCREEN AND IT WOULD BE LOUD!! I don't think he dislikes loud noises (he yells and plays the drums after all). I think he dislikes surprises, and sudden movements, and noises he can't predict or controll. As long as he's expecting it he's fine, but as soon as something surprises him he's easily the most high strung of the brothers. Whether his reaction be to stab it, or shriek, or both.
And if you're touching elbows with your brothers they'll feel it when you jump at that scene change.
Am I making sense? I had more scenes in my head where he was doing stuff like this, but I can't remember them now.
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sweeneydino · 10 months ago
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The calmer one, my ass.
More Krell 👉👈
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vicbutnotactually · 1 year ago
Day 21: Irma
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Yeah your goth nerdy girlfriend turned out to be a mech piloted by a maniacal brain alien yeah her head can crawl around on its own, sorry 😬
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imagionationstation · 3 months ago
I just like to think of the 2012 TMNT writers sitting around with big old grins as they write down a plot where it's very obvious to the audience that there's going to be some big reveal about Karai and Miwa being the same person.
And the audience was so focused on that aspect that they didn't notice that all along they've been hinting that IRMA IS NOT HUMAN in little moments that are so obviously hinty that it's baffling that I was 90% unaware until the actual reveal. (Sus, but only kinda)
You can say a lot about their decisions about Subprime as Irma but how many of you can honestly say that you saw it coming?
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internet-sona · 1 month ago
Considering the Kraang are just mind controlled Utrom, I came up with an AU idea.
AU where the Kraang will have split thoughts or actions that they don’t normally have or do. These moments are them acting how they used to. Them acting like their true selves.
For example, say a Kraang was a caring person back when they were an Utrom. The kind of person to be protective of others. They could have a moment where they help or save someone without even thinking about it first. They don’t know why they did it, as it doesn’t align with their usual thoughts, but they did.
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fabuloustrash05 · 9 months ago
Spoilers for the TMNT 40th Anniversary Comics Celebration, TMNT 2012’s “Kraang Among Us” by Ciro Nieli
So can we say this confirms (maybe) that in TMNT 2012, 1 season = 1 year??
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So that whole Mikey saying he’s still 15 in S3 is absolute bs
My best guess is that this story takes place after Seasons 4. I’ve always saw the arcs in S5 as epilogues (minus mutant apocalypse) so S5 might be a long shot, but could also make sense.
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This transformation was beautiful illustrated and the whole sequence was absolutely terrifying. I remember a couple years ago Ciro Nieli was interviewed in an article and he stated that if he ever had a chance to make a sequel for the 2012 series, he would have it take place during the turtles young adulthood where the Kraang would return and the store would be something similar to the horror movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
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You can definitely see those those ideas coming through in this short story, especially since…
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The fact this is Kraang Prime too! According to him, he said that his “remains” were mutated and his cells consumed the creatures and other in happiness of New York’s rivers.
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Over all, I would LOVE a follow up to this! If Ciro could make it possible to have the 2012 series continue as a comic and continue on with this story along with returning all the other 2012 characters like April, Casey, Karai, Mutanimals, Mona Lisa, Renet etc. I’d be very happy!
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nerocoin · 7 months ago
[HEADCANON] baby kraang / utrom tmnt 2012 lore because i love alien spec bio and also wanted to draw a little kraang. enjoy more text info [including image transcripts] under the cut. forgive me for any possible spelling/logical mistakes im tireddd
please click the images for high quality!
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the kraang and utroms refer to separate colonies of the same species. the kraang / utroms lay soft, gelatinous eggs. [these] eggs need high humidity levels to hatch, and are usually kept in containers filled with dimension x "water" [safe for them, acid to most]. eggs float on [the "water"'s] surface.
baby kraang / utrom, around 1 week old : paler skin compared to adult specimens. almost blind, communicates with caretakers[* see last paragraph] through "chirps". usually seen spending time in the aforementioned "water". their skin is semi-transparent in some places and their bodies have many darker spots, which usually fade with time.
physical touch plays a big part in forming social skills. the kraang practice it too, but only so the babies get used to seeing and touching droids. this is the last growth period a baby kraang will experience physical comfort from another member of its species.
babies start to develop serious social skills [utroms] / psychic skills [kraang] at around a month old. eyesight gets stronger. once a baby kraang develops proper vocal communication skills, they are accepted into the hivemind.
the kraang tend to reproduce through parthenogenesis. their gene pool is very limited and almost all members of this colony are identical genetic clones. this ensures next generations will share the same psychic powers and will be able to stay in the hivemind. mutations are highly unwanted, visibly different specimens tend to be left alone without care. caretakers showcase agressive behaviors towards those. on the contrary, utroms form long-lasting relationships and do mate.
all members of this species are considered either female or hermaphrodites from a biological standpoint. utroms understand the societial concept of gender. the kraang [excluding fully sentient leader kraang prime and kraang sub-prime] are a hivemind without any sense of self identity. selected specimens play the role of a "caretaker", which in this context means a kraang that 1. can reproduce, 2. has basic parental instincts. caretakers are not a part of the army, as their only job is raising baby kraang.
okkkk thats all i have for now if you read all of this holy shit
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supine-ly · 1 year ago
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doodle dump
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