lightfortitude · 2 years
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raventodd · 2 years
Jane Lane & Daria Morgendorffer + Trent Lane & Tom Sloane
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renaultphile · 4 months
The Last of the Wine help.....
TLOTW people help me out here, I'm three quarters of the way through, enjoying the read, but this blue-eyed grey-haired boy has me stumped! Have I missed something here? He's supposed to be the ghost of something but I can't work out what?
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stormy-seasons · 2 years
3 for TLotW, 7, 20, 38?
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
- For the Loyalty of the Wind.... Favourite scene... hard to pick. Part 4, or the interludes... or Part 15... But if I absolutely had to pick, the payoff that is the chapters 26 to 28 [they were one chapter, in the planning stage. I split them for readability.] and part 9. For the joke about death and Rex Lapis [and Xiao being very, very awesome]
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
For Genshin? ... the one where Morax/Zhongli is... doing as immortal beings do and loving many people in many different ways and all those relationships are important to him, in their own unique ways.
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
I absolutely love it when readers vibe in the comment box [or on tumblr, or discord] about something that they enjoyed or some thought or headcanon that was inspired by my writing! (also someone once read a certain section of Pet and was so moved they gifted me FAN ART which is, well, awesome)
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did?
The Loyalty of the Wind, actually. [and then Impulse, which was... literally written on an impulse.]
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lovely-dreamer77 · 3 years
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Risen A Man | Damaris De La Cruz
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alanaartdream · 3 years
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Been watching on Netflix a show based on the Chinese folklore tale *the legend of the white snake* with my mum and wanted to try to draw a pretty white snake version of lady bai .. or at least my interpretation of her snake form; anyway so far my mum and I have really been enjoying the show; the show so pretty and the acters/actresses are amazing ✍️✏️🌸
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abbystanaccount · 3 years
Do you ever get people complaining about your pairing in a fic even when you tag it properly? I just want people to read the tags
I haven't seen any, but maybe people have 🤔. I try to not over-tag stuff and I even made two compilation fics so I wouldn't have 25 different fics that would clog the site, but even then I still have 12 and they pop back on top when I update. 😆 I also don't like when people tag ships and people that are barely in it, but that's every fandom's problem. I also know a lot of people tag like every sexual act that goes down in their fics, but imma just keep it brief unless something special is happening 😏
Once I got a comment from a random of TLOTW just complaining about how Abby and Owen were selfish blah blah I was just thinking sir this fic ain't for you, but it didn't annoy me too bad bc I could tell he stopped reading after a chapter or two.
But I did once get a comment on a fic from someone I know from Twitter complaining deadass like 'ew heterosexualness 🤢' and it pissed me off so bad. Yeah, like no shit it is, that's exactly what I laid out it to be in the tags. The main ship I write is Abby and Owen. like???
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resistek2018-blog · 7 years
#WOMAN #EJECUTADA #PURGA D #CATOLICOS #gdl @AristotelesSD #HolySupper2017 #TLOTW ¡El Tiempo de Salvación ha Llegado! pic.twitter.com/4gGG9smAFn
— reziztek (@reziztek1234)
9 de agosto de 2017
@reziztek_666@NEWSLLDM RT #PURGAdeCATOLICOS EN #GDL LA #LLDM #SantaCena2017 A…!!! #EJECUTAR #CATOLICOSGUADALUPANOS #HolySupper2017 #TLOTW pic.twitter.com/ILMGb8NoOQ
— RazmuZ (@ZRazmu)
August 8, 2017
— RazmuZ (@ZRazmu)
9 de agosto de 2017
La delincuencia c la debes a la @FiscaliaJal xk libera a los delincuentes! Además la mayor inseguridad k vivimos fueron los narcobloqueos! pic.twitter.com/hAlzzc8B5r
August 9, 2017
#WOMAN #EJECUTADA #PURGA DE #CATOLICOS #gdl @AristotelesSD #HolySupper2017 #TLOTW ¡El Tiempo de Salvación ha Llegado! @BereaInter #lldm #RZK pic.twitter.com/BT6Ziu1Nks
— reziztek (@reziztek12345)
9 de agosto de 2017
Dios me ha puesto... NJG AristotelesSD EPN
gdl putooos kuloz y narcos secta LLDM: Dios me ha puesto... NJG gdl putooos kuloz y narcos secta Cobertura Especial agosto 2017
 @AristotelesSD #GDL @CaMontemayor TRAFICO #DENZO EN Jose Ma IGLESIAS x CULPA #NarcoSECTA #LLDM http://ret.io/report/32566063 La #Secta de la #LLDM se prepara #GRITAR , #LLORAR Y #ESCANDALIZAR EN LA #HP https://youtu.be/fxsiPh7z8zo Dios me ha puesto... #NJG @AristotelesSD @EPN🎵🎵#gdl #putooos #kuloz y #narcos #secta #LLDM 🎵🎵Cobertura Especial agosto 2017 - El... https://tmblr.co/ZoFHAd2Of7ZtN #Zombiz de la #secta de la luz del mundo llegan a #Guadalajara La Luz del Mundo: Fanatismo y ostento material Por Gloria Reza, Alberto Osorio y Anna Lozano , 9 diciembre, 2014 Reportaje Especial Ayer falleció Samuel Joaquín Flores, líder de la iglesia la Luz del Mundo. Proceso en su edición especial número 47 publicó un reportaje especial sobre este movimiento religioso, que a continuación se transcribe de manera íntegra: A 88 años de su fundación, la Iglesia de mayor desarrollo en el país es la Luz del Mundo, a tal grado que no deja de arrebatar personas a otras opciones religiosas, sobre todo a la católica. Algunos analistas estiman que en los próximos 25 años podría alcanzar un crecimiento avasallante en la “conquista de las almas”. Por lo pronto asegura contar con más de cinco millones de miembros en el mundo y hace unos meses anunció la apertura de templos en Roma misma, sede histórica del catolicismo mundial, y en El Bajío mexicano, corazón del movimiento cristero. Si bien este movimiento religioso no encuadra rigurosamente en las definiciones más actualizadas del término “secta”, la acepción peyorativa del vocablo le suele ser endilgada por sus detractores, sobre todo por los católicos, más aún por las afirmaciones en el sentido de que el líder de la agrupación, Samuel Joaquín Flores, adora los lujos, las grandes propiedades y el dinero. Y no sólo eso: en distintos momentos se han hecho públicos señalamientos de que ha abusado sexualmente de integrantes de su congregación, aunque las autoridades judiciales, al menos las del estado de Jalisco, no reportan ninguna denuncia penal de esa naturaleza en contra del dirigente religioso, quien se hace llamar “El Siervo de Dios en la Tierra” y es idolatrado hasta el delirio por sus seguidores. Otro argumento utilizado por los críticos de la organización para tacharla de secta es que sus miembros deben pedir “permiso” a los “encargados” de la Iglesia o pastores para tomar decisiones cruciales como el matrimonio. Según sus propias cifras, ésta tiene dos millones de fieles en México y realiza labores de evangelización en 46 países. Uno de sus objetivos, dice, es reforzar su trabajo en los enclaves históricos del catolicismo, aunque advierte que no está en competencia con ninguna otra organización religiosa. En entrevista, el vocero de La Luz del Mundo, Eliezer Gutiérrez Avelar, sostiene que su Iglesia crece de manera explosiva, a una tasa de 200% durante la última década, y apunta que las entidades donde tiene mayor presencia son Jalisco, Veracruz, Estado de México, Baja California, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Distrito Federal y Chiapas. “Hay estados, como Baja California, donde la tasa de crecimiento anda en alrededor de 400%, mientras que en Tamaulipas y Nuevo León llegamos a 230%”, dice. Llama la atención su amplio desarrollo en Tamaulipas y Nuevo León, entidades donde otras religiones se han replegado ante las amenazas provenientes de grupos del crimen organizado. Bajo el liderazgo de Samuel Joaquín Flores, quien a sus 77 años lleva medio siglo de labor pastoral, La Luz del Mundo cuenta con un total de 3 mil 500 templos distribuidos en México y decenas de países. Emblema En su libro Los hijos de la luz: discurso, identidad y poder en La Luz del Mundo, la investigadora Renée de la Torre, egresada del Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO), indica que la verdadera expansión de la Luz del Mundo ocurrió precisamente bajo la dirección de Samuel Joaquín Flores. La autora sustenta su afirmación en datos del sociólogo y académico Rodolfo Morán Quiroz, quien afirma que en 1972 la congregación tenía 75 mil miembros en México, cifra que aumentó a un millón 500 mil en 1986. Desde algunos años la organización puso en marcha un ambicioso proyecto para extenderse a dominios históricos de la Iglesia católica. Por ejemplo, en septiembre de 2011 inauguró un templo con capacidad para siete mil personas en el corazón del movimiento cristero –Silao, Guanajuato–, al que denomina Torre Monumental de la Fe. La construcción costó más de 20 millones de pesos y logró concluirse en un tiempo récord de tres años. Se encuentra a menos de 17 kilómetros del monumental Cristo de la Montaña, venerado por los católicos de la región. Ubicada en el fraccionamiento Los Olivares, la edificación puede verse desde varias carreteras que comunican la región centro-occidente y desde la vía que conduce al Distrito Federal. En la obra trabajaron de manera voluntaria más de 5 mil miembros de La Luz del Mundo procedentes de diversos estados. Por las noches, un rayo láser que parte del templo hacia el cielo puede verse desde cualquier punto en Silao. El antropólogo Miguel Rionda Ramírez ha advertido sobre el riesgo latente de que se desaten manifestaciones de intolerancia o de “defensa del territorio del cerro del Cubilete, donde se ubica el Cristo de la Montaña”, por parte de la jerarquía o los feligreses católicos tras la edificación de la Torre Monumental de la Fe. “Lo negativo sería expresar una reacción de rechazo e intolerancia; aunque deberíamos irnos acostumbrado a entrar a este mundo cada vez más diverso, con las opciones religiosas al alcance de cualquiera… Hay aquí una tradición de violencia religiosa” (Proceso 1728). El académico de la Universidad de Guadalajara Rodolfo Morán Quiroz, autor de la tesis Alternativa religiosa en Guadalajara, presentada en 1986 para obtener la maestría en sociología, afirma que “la Luz del Mundo tiene servicios religiosos, realiza proselitismo y se puede entrar y salir libremente de sus templos”. Añade que el término “secta” se lo atribuyen sus adversarios con fines de descalificación. Sin embargo, puntualiza, desde una perspectiva sociológica es difícil atribuirle esta denominación, toda vez que La Luz del Mundo “no es grupo cerrado o clandestino”. Quienes afirman que es una secta, refiere Eliezer Gutiérrez, son “ignorantes” y se niegan a reconocerle su estatus legal, el cual obtuvo a raíz de que, en 1992, el presidente Carlos Salinas reformó la Ley de Asociaciones Religiosas y Culto Público que reconoce la existencia jurídica de todas las Iglesias asentadas en México. De acuerdo con Gutiérrez, en la zona metropolitana de Guadalajara hay registrados más de 60 mil miembros repartidos en 40 congregaciones de la misma religión. La más grande es la Hermosa Provincia, donde se ubica el templo sede. En 1934 la Luz del Mundo abrió su primer recinto en Guadalajara en el barrio de San Juan de Dios, “receptáculo de migrantes pobres y espacio que alimentaba la vida nocturna de la ciudad”, y en 1940 se mudó a la calle 12 de octubre, en el oriente de la ciudad, indica De la Torre en su libro. En 1952 el fundador de la Iglesia, Eusebio Joaquín González, consiguió un terreno de 14 hectáreas en la periferia de Guadalajara donde comenzó a construir la Hermosa Provincia. La investigadora De la Torre dice que el predio se fraccionó y se vendió a precios accesibles y con facilidades a los adeptos de la Iglesia, que entonces apenas sumaban dos mil. El investigador Rodolfo Morán comenta que el terreno donde se estableció la Hermosa Provincia pertenecía al ayuntamiento de Guadalajara, que lo donó a la agrupación. El templo principal, el de Guadalajara, se construyó entre 1983 y 1990. Según información oficial tiene 83 metros de altura y una base elíptica de 60 por 90 metros. Puede albergar de 12 mil a 15 mil feligreses y su valor estimado se acerca a los 800 millones de pesos. El proyecto arquitectónico es creación de Leopoldo Fernández Font, que recibió un galardón por la innovación y el diseño de su obra. En su edificación se invirtieron miles de jornales que los adeptos aportaron de manera voluntaria. El templo semeja un “gran pastel blanco” y se asienta en el oriente de la zona metropolitana de la capital tapatía. Desde el edificio una luz láser color esmeralda alcanza el cielo, por lo que el sitio donde se halla el inmueble puede ser ubicado desde cualquier parte de la zona urbana. Para los seguidores de este credo, Guadalajara es “tierra santa” porque fue la ciudad escogida por su fundador para establecer ahí la comunidad religiosa y la iglesia originaria, luego de que, según se encargó de divulgar entre sus seguidores, “Dios se le reveló” para darle ese designio y, además, para indicarle que a partir de entonces recibía el nombre de Aarón. A la muerte de éste en 1964, su hijo, Samuel Joaquín Flores, fue “ungido” como continuador de su obra y bajo su conducción este credo alcanzó su gran despunte. Los dos templos más recientes de la Luz del Mundo se ubican en Roma, sede del catolicismo mundial que los cristianos de esta agrupación consideran el “corazón de la idolatría” por la infinidad de imágenes y figuras que saturan los recintos católicos y que son comercializados a costa de la fe colectiva. En un video de 45 minutos que la Luz del Mundo exhibe en internet cuestiona el hecho de que los católicos hacen un gran negocio con el turismo religioso y con los cientos de miles de peregrinos que visitan la Santa Sede. Afirman que en el Vaticano se “cobra por todo”. La representación de la Luz del Mundo en Italia recuerda que en octubre de 2012 Samuel Joaquín lanzó un comunicado a toda su grey desde la sede mundial del catolicismo para decirle que quiere “obreros para la construcción y expansión de su iglesia en el mundo”. Catarsis Samuel Joaquín es un personaje disímbolo, guía insustituible para los hermanos de la Hermosa Provincia, se hace llamar “representante de Dios en la tierra” y hasta se le considera “un hombre santo capaz de realizar curaciones milagrosas” y de llevar a la catarsis a miles de creyentes con su discurso o su sola presencia. Testimonios recogidos por la investigadora De la Torre confirman que el carisma de este líder religioso suscita profundos sentimientos entre sus seguidores: “Por la puerta trasera de la casa salían los creyentes llorando, algunos sin control, otros lagrimeaban y los demás mostraban un gesto de gran solemnidad, como de quien asiste a un entierro…” Al ver al “Siervo de Dios” Samuel Joaquín “muchas mujeres sufrían trances y hablaban en lenguas; otras pedían por él y le suplicaban su perdón: ‘¡Hazme santa, Samuel, hazme santa!’” En los festejos de la Iglesia aparece impecablemente vestido: traje con chaleco oscuro o blanco y de discreto brillo. De tez morena y sienes canosas, siempre sonríe. Suele llegar en una camioneta Cadillac-Escalade negra de vidrios polarizados, asientos de piel y cuyo valor supera el millón de pesos. En imágenes que circulan en internet se aprecia cuando el “apóstol de Dios”, como también se hace llamar, circula por una de las avenidas principales de la Hermosa Provincia: a su paso provoca histeria colectiva, hombres y mujeres caen en éxtasis ante una mínima señal de su parte. Lo protegen seis escoltas que andan a pie. Su capacidad de convocatoria es enorme. En uno de los últimos festejos de la “Santa Cena”, que la congregación realiza durante las primeras semanas de agosto en dicha colonia de la capital tapatía, acudieron más de 300 mil personas procedentes de México y del extranjero. El rancho A la sombra de su iglesia, Samuel Joaquín construyó un rancho en el sur de Texas. En mayo de 2008 el periodista Todd Bensman reveló en el diario San Antonio Express-News que la propiedad del “apóstol” y director internacional de la Luz del Mundo, localizada a 40 minutos de San Antonio, en Kinsbury, estaba valuada en más de un millón 700 mil dólares. Conocido como Silver Ranch, se divide en dos partes: una para la familia del dirigente y otra que funciona como refugio de vida silvestre abierto al público. Hace unos meses, en entrevista telefónica y desde Estados Unidos, Bensman comentó que no ha vuelto al rancho desde que escribió su reportaje. “Fui porque la propiedad me llamó la atención: se podía ver desde la carretera y parecía una pequeña Disneylandia. Cada vez que pasaba me preguntaba: ¿qué será aquello, quién es el dueño? Cuando fui, los empleados me permitieron la entrada y me dieron un tour. Pasé varias horas ahí. Sin embargo, había zonas restringidas. Por ejemplo, no pude acercarme para ver la casa principal.” En el reportaje de Bensman se consigna que en el rancho había leones, tigres, leopardos, aves y otros animales exóticos. Lo más interesante, cuenta el reportero en su texto, fue el hipódromo, donde asegura haber visto caballos cuarto de milla, que llegan a cotizarse entre 12 mil y 75 mil dólares. Asegura que los integrantes de la Luz del Mundo deben aportar donativos para la conservación de la propiedad. “Algo que también me sorprendió fue que usaban la mano de obra de los miembros de la Iglesia para mantener el rancho. Supe esto porque acudí a varios templos de la Luz del Mundo en el área de San Antonio y sus feligreses me dijeron que estaban obligados a pasar en el rancho varias horas de su día de descanso en trabajo voluntario, además de dar sus donativos para conservarlo.” En declaraciones hechas para esta edición especial, Bensman comentó que por medio de los registros públicos del condado de Texas pudo dar con el nombre del propietario, y aseguró que hasta el momento su reportaje no había sido desmentido por la Iglesia ni por la familia de Samuel Joaquín Flores. En 1942 el padre del “apóstol de Dios” fue acusado de “enriquecerse a costa de los diezmos de los fieles. De la Iglesia desertaron entonces más de 200 seguidores, que luego formaron otro movimiento, El Buen Pastor, sustentado en una doctrina muy similar a la desarrollada por los miembros de la congregación, según se afirma en Los Hijos de la Luz. La mujer El sociólogo Morán Quiroz plantea que la Luz del Mundo es cristiano-fundamentalista y ciento por ciento mexicana. Prevé que en los próximos 25 años podría convertirse en una de las iglesias de mayor crecimiento en el país y en América Latina. Gran parte de su éxito, afirma, se sustenta en la fuerte cohesión social que logra entre sus seguidores. Aclara que en sentido estricto no encaja en la definición de secta: “Cuando hablamos de una secta se piensa en un grupo cerrado que controla la vida individual, intelectual, familiar y hasta sexual de los feligreses y este no es el caso”. No obstante, integrantes inconformes con algunas de las prácticas de la congregación, quienes pidieron el anonimato, afirman que tienen que pedir permiso a los dirigentes para tomar decisiones personales, como casarse, o bien para lidiar con problemas conyugales o familiares. Incluso cuestionan el hecho de que a los miembros más adinerados se les presione para que aporten dinero a fin de mantener literalmente a los “encargados” de los templos y a sus familias. Las mismas fuentes refieren que en San Antonio, Texas, un grupo de dirigentes realizó una colecta para comprar un vehículo que “necesitaba” el familiar de un encargado. El automóvil comprado resultó ser nada menos que un Cadillac de modelo reciente. Las prácticas dentro de la Luz del Mundo acusan sesgos de género: las mujeres, por ejemplo, no pueden encabezar oraciones generales ni hablar de las sagradas escrituras ante un varón. En lo tocante al noviazgo y la sexualidad, la Iglesia juzga que tres meses bastan para que hombre y mujer se conozcan, y seis meses para que puedan casarse. A los nuevos matrimonios les sugieren que no vivan con sus padres, y no se permite el divorcio. “Para las jovencitas la virginidad es una virtud; es un reto sobreponerse a las tentaciones de la carne, pero también consideran ese desafío como una ofrenda a Dios”, explica De la Torre. Piedra de escándalo Entre 1997 y 2004 quedaron documentadas en varios medios de comunicación denuncias contra Samuel Joaquín por presuntos actos de abuso sexual en agravio de integrantes de la agrupación. Entre éstas se encuentra la de Moisés Padilla, quien en entrevista con Detrás de la Noticia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axF6NqGHfII) señaló que fue víctima de abuso por el dirigente religioso en 1981 “en un abierto acto de homosexualismo”. Tiempo después este denunciante fue secuestrado y apuñalado hasta quedar al borde de la muerte, según publicó el diario Los Angeles Times. Aunque denuncias similares se acumulan en la red, hasta el momento no se han traducido en averiguaciones previas o demandas ante el Ministerio Público. El 18 de octubre de 2010 Samuel Joaquín respondió a los señalamientos en una carta que publicó en diversos medios informativos: “Los actos bochornosos que irresponsablemente me atribuyen son inaceptables e indignantes, derivados de mentes sucias y perversas que recurren al protagonismo, atreviéndose en sus desviaciones morales hasta describir los ‘detalles’ para que las calumnias impacten, sorprendan y desconcierten aún más. Los delitos del orden común, lo son en cuanto hay evidencias, pero estas acusaciones de supuestos actos cometidos hace más de diez años, carecen de pruebas.” En 2004 la televisión mexicana difundió varios testimonios de presuntos abusos sexuales contra mujeres pertenecientes a la congregación; los difundió el Instituto Cristiano de México, que exigió la revocación del reconocimiento de La Luz del Mundo como Iglesia, aunque el asunto terminó por diluirse. Estrategias Las críticas y acusaciones contra la Luz del Mundo y sus líderes han sido hábilmente aprovechadas por ésta para intentar posicionarse ante otras organizaciones confesionales. En su ideario, por ejemplo, los adeptos manifiestan un abierto rechazo al fanatismo –justamente de lo que a ellos mismos se les acusa, habida cuenta de los ataques de histeria colectiva que, entre otras manifestaciones, desata su líder–, así como a la intolerancia religiosa, fenómenos que, dicen, limitan el desarrollo de los países. Sostienen que promueven la libertad de pensamiento y de credo, sin coerción de ninguna índole, e indican que sus ceremonias y sus templos están abiertos a cualquier persona, siempre que guarde el debido respeto a esos recintos y prácticas. Definen su iglesia como monoteísta y aseguran que la ciencia es un don de Dios puesto al servicio de la humanidad para favorecer su desarrollo. Se dicen respetuosos de las instituciones gubernamentales, de los símbolos patrios y de la cultura de cada nación en donde trabajan. Los líderes refieren que dos factores explican el crecimiento expansivo de la agrupación: Por un lado, la propuesta evangelizadora encabezada por Samuel Joaquín, “un líder carismático” capaz de convencer y arrastrar a sus seguidores bajo la promesa de la salvación y la conducción a la gloria eterna. Por otro, y desde la perspectiva académica, los miembros de la Hermosa Provincia se presentan como una alternativa diferente a la que brinda la Iglesia católica en materia de atención y compromiso con los fieles. El vocero de la congregación, Eliezer Gutiérrez Avelar, niega que la crisis por la que atraviesa el catolicismo como institución, sobre todo a raíz de los escándalos de pederastia y abuso sexual ocurridos en su seno, vaya a ser aprovechada para ganar adeptos. “Yo diría que ese asunto deben resolverlo ellos. De que esa situación es una oportunidad para que nosotros crezcamos, reitero que, según datos del Inegi, somos la Iglesia de mayor crecimiento en el país. Creo que eso se debe a que responde de manera genuina a los intereses espirituales que tiene el ser humano en México y en el mundo”, explica. También rechaza que su agrupación sea un bastión del Partido Revolucionario Institucional, como lo ha denunciado el Partido Acción Nacional. “La Iglesia de La Luz del Mundo es apolítica. No tiene interés político alguno… Nuestro trabajo tiene que ver con el Evangelio y en eso estamos ocupados”, precisa Gutiérrez, y añade que a sus feligreses se les invita a ejercer su derecho cívico de votar, pero sin que se les indique por quién deben optar. Durante la administración del panista Emilio González Márquez en Jalisco, una de las principales carteras de su gabinete fue asignada a un político identificado con la Luz del Mundo, Tomás Coronado Olmos, quien fuera titular de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado, acusado de haber incurrido en actos de pederastia y corrupción de menores mientras ocupaba ese cargo (Proceso Jalisco 149, 152 166). Estilo castrense A juzgar por su estructura, la Luz del Mundo no sólo descansa en preceptos espirituales, sino que se rodea de un aparato de vigilancia nada discreto que exhibe principios de la milicia, aunque sus representantes lo niegan. Durante la Revolución, el líder fundador de la Luz del Mundo, Aarón Joaquín, fue cabo en el 23 regimiento del Ejército. Para 1915 ya era sargento segundo en el estado de Sonora. Antes de abandonar la carrera militar, en 1918, alcanzó el grado de subteniente. Los fundamentos ideológicos de la Luz del Mundo siempre estuvieron ligados a los del Partido Nacional Revolucionario, que devino Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI). Ante algunas versiones en el sentido de que el general Marcelino García Barragán, quien gobernó Jalisco de 1943 a 1947, fue quien orquestó la creación de dicha Iglesia para contrarrestar el movimiento cristero en la entidad, Gutiérrez Avelar lo niega; considera un exceso sostener que la congregación se constituyó en parte de un proyecto de Estado para competir con otros liderazgos religiosos. 😈😡☠️
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lightfortitude · 2 years
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renaultphile · 4 months
The Last of the Wine some further thoughts
Thanks so much @alovelywaytospendanevening for your thoughts on The Last of the Wine, The Charioteer and a bit of Wingmen of course!! It is so nice to get some different perspectives! My brain was literally hurting after reading it!!
I also feel that The Charioteer is a kind of 'back-stage drama' to WW2, I wonder if she left a lot out that had already been done (ie in action novels and films and schoolboy stories), and kept a very tight focus.
But I do love a back-stage drama and for me that is exactly the appeal of TC, that she is writing about a small span of time with a relatively small cast of characters in personal crisis. I think perhaps she did feel she'd said all she wanted to in that context.
I was just bowled over by the sheer scope of 'The Last of the Wine', the huge cast of characters, the momentous events, and the intensity of the action, both in terms of external events and internal suffering. I cannot fault the writing, and yes, so uncompromising in its portrayal of people as they were, unromanticised, although she somehow captures their own romanticisation of themselves!
I wondered a lot about the use of the First-person in TLOTW, I thought perhaps she needed something to limit the viewpoint or it would have become too thinly spread. But I did feel that inevitably some of the characters became shadowy. Perhaps if she hadn't done such a good job with her brief pen-portraits I wouldn't have felt the lack!
One of the things I really liked about Wingmen was its restraint and laconic (!) style, of course I couldn't possibly say if that makes it particularly authentic, but it felt so. I think Ensan Case did an extraordinary job of finding an uplifting theme in the horror of war without romanticising or making it bombastic. A quality he seems to share with Renault. And I think I would agree, it is hard to do perhaps because the temptation is always to do more, but for me it really is true……most of the time, less is more!
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stormy-seasons · 2 years
Loyalty of the Wind, Chapter 30. Chapter 30. I can’t believe I finished it. Here, have the happy wedding proposal and the wedding night.
Part 30: the union of earth and wind
Note: the part about marriage and contracts and Zhongli’s possible approach being amending their existing contract is inspired by heavensblessing. For a more indepth look at what a ZhongXiao wedding might look like, complete with Zhongli as bridezilla, please go read their gorgeous wedding fic!
Also has dragon/bird form. And Zhongli grabbing hold of the narrator voice and refusing to let go. At all.
They dance eagerly through the air, flying with and around each other. Zhongli does his best to mirror Xiao’s dance, lacking corresponding sky-borne dances of his own to respond with – Xiao calls out joyfully and performs more and more aerial acrobatics around him – almost as though this was the correct response. A wonder and a delight, to have Xiao openly express his love and desire – publicly! So publicly! – Zhongli must return the sentiment in kind, and with interest. He croons his request through the air to Xiao, who sings ebulliently in response. Yes, yes, that would be possible. Almost, Zhongli swoops near enough to twine with Xiao in mid-air – but he restrains himself. There will be time for that. For now... for now, there is proper honour that must be done for Xiao.
When, at last, they finally heed their physical weariness and land, there is a crowd. The adepti and yakshas have gathered, as well as some of the bolder humans who had cooperated with Xiao before, or who worked in Morax’s administration of Liyue. All are smiling, cheering even. Azhdaha is there as well, an enormous smile spread across his face, standing right in front of the crowd with Bosacius, Indarias, Menogias and Bonanus beside him. A little further off in deference to their dislike of crowds – the adepti guardians of Jueyun Karst, Zhongli’s students, are there too. Azhdaha strides forward to welcome the both of them back, grinning as he says, “Had a good flight?”
Zhongli refuses to blush. “A very excellent flight, yes, thank you.”
“And, perhaps, you and your lovely Xiao have an announcement or two?” Azhdaha presses onward teasingly as Zhongli turns to look at Xiao, who nods shyly. He turns back to Azhdaha, “A happy announcement... yes. We will be... adding a specific addendum to our mutual contract.”
Azhdaha nudges him, amused, “What addendum?”
Zhongli raises an eyebrow. “An addendum of marriage, naturally.” 
He turns to the crowd, and addresses those he requires within it. “Ping, please calculate and provide me with a selection of suitable dates. And I wish to meet the representatives of the craft associations within.... Hm, within the next three hours. And the member of the administration who is responsible for preparations for festivities, as well. Azhdaha, my friend, it would give me great pleasure if you are also present as witness and master of ceremonies.”
A wild cheer goes up around them, and the crowd sweeps them into the palace in a wild, ebullient throng of overjoyed people.
Hours later, in the study, Zhongli meets those whose aid he will likely require. The textile guild representative, still smiling from ear to ear, takes the initiative to ask, “What do you need or desire, my lord? Are we to prepare wedding garments? Is there a particular colour or pattern that adepti consider appropriate –”
Zhongli clears his throat. The guild representative checks herself, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Kindly, he speaks to divert attention from her, “Your enthusiasm is most appreciated, but I have... prerequisites.”
“Anything that my lord desires, we will certainly do our best to fulfil.”
“Provide suitable examples of skill from all of your guild, and from others who would desire to contribute. Ah. Those with experience with... the sort of embroidery preferred for weddings, are preferred. And those with a delicate hand with the needle. And choose you well those with skill that you would desire to bring to my attention.” Zhongli reminds severely. He has several excellent tailors in mind, but it doesn’t hurt to see if there was anyone he’d missed out in his quiet walks through Liyue during times of peace. Xiao leans quietly against him, seeming to doze, and Zhongli cannot help the fond smile that spreads across his face, or the tender touch through Xiao’s hair. Ah, how fair and lovely his beloved bird is, fit to shame the moon and stars for glory and elegance... A soft clearing of the throat draws his attention away, and Zhongli turns his mind towards the minutiae of planning of ceremonies. Xiao had told him, as they flew earlier, that anything Zhongli arranged was fine – but it would hardly be a fitting ceremony if Xiao could not enjoy it. 
“No... public ceremony, my lord?” One of the humans asks very quietly, respectful of Xiao’s seeming doze. Zhongli shakes his head. “It would not be enjoyable for him, to have gawkers everywhere. But we also wish to respect Liyue’s desire to celebrate with us, and so... a public feast, and merry making, and I, at least, will make a public appearance. But the rites we will not publicise. Ah, and the celebratory foods... I will look over the menu suggestions personally – as far as is reasonable, the dishes should tend towards simple yet refined, without excessive fuss in the preparation or manner of eating. Sweet tastes are preferred, and nothing excessively rich or oily. And... Ganyu, let it be known that the appointed day will be a public holiday and day of rest for all. Now, for the next detail...”
Later, once the others have left and they are once more alone at last, Xiao kisses him shyly. “I... Zhongli, my apologies that I am not of more help in this –”
“You need not worry, my little bird.” Zhongli answers him fondly. “I have much more patience, even delight, in such details and matters than you do – I would rather not distress you by requiring that you participate closely in the planning of such events. The important part is our mutual commitment – what else would you like, beside the amendment of our contract to include our marriage? I said I would court and commit myself to you by whatever rites you desire – what is your desire, my Xiao?” 
Xiao blushes warmly under Zhongli’s gaze, and his wings shiver so cutely upon his shoulders as he fidgets, “I... you already did... part of it. The reciprocation of the courting dance. Though. If you would... would like... after the marriage contracts and rites are... are completed, I would like you to... to dance with me, again, from dawn until dusk. And then... then to... pursue me through the air.”
“And what shall I do then, after I pursue – and catch – you, my Xiao?” Zhongli asks with a purr. Xiao blushes even more brightly. “Then... have me, my lord, my... my beloved.”
Zhongli has to pause and make himself breathe calmly for a time to avoid prematurely ending their conversation. The very thought of what Xiao is asking for is... thrilling. “Then, I would like to ask that this... chase – the ending of it at least – take place in my domain. I would like the sight of your pleasure to be... utterly private.”
Xiao blushes so sweetly again. “I... I agree.”
The appointed day is clear and bright, the winds brisk and cooling amid the warm sunlight. A good omen, the people murmur. All of Liyue is buzzing with effervescent excitement, hardly able to contain themselves decorously. Their lord and god has a beloved! He has a loved one, and they are marrying! Oh, how wonderful!
Some exchange recent stories and tales passed down through generations from Liyue’s founding and before. Oh, that day, were you there? Did you see how that beautiful yaksha danced in the air for our lord and our lord alone? Their love is so true, so honest, so strong – may they share joyful eternities with each other!
My grandfather heard it from his grandfather who heard it from... anyway, it’s said that early in Liyue’s founding, there was an attack by that sea-god that now troubles Fontaine periodically – the harbour was nearly destroyed! They say that the Conqueror of Demons personally drove them away, and nearly died doing it! That... that our lord personally brought him to Jueyun Karst to be healed! Oh... do you think they were already....?
Pah, who knows? I know that they are almost never separated – whenever our lord goes out to war, so too must this yaksha go, or so goes the tales among the Millelith and exorcists!
And on, and on, and on, they share exuberant tales and stories of Morax, their Rex Lapis, their lord of rock and stone, and his consort-to-be, his beloved, the Conqueror of Demons. Some, a little more knowledgeable in the ways of certain of the adepti, whisper with blushes to their partners, That glorious sky dance the other day, the one where our lord took on dragon form to answer – that was a courting dance, maybe even a... a mating dance!
You disrespect the adepti!
It’s true! And... and our lord reciprocated it! The love and devotion they must share....
High above the joyful crowd, upon the peak of Tianheng, dressed in wedding finery, Xiao blushes to hear his title bandied about with such praise. “They praise me over much.”
Zhongli shakes his head fondly, and kisses Xiao on the crown of his head. “They praise you for the benevolent deeds you have done, which they or their ancestors have benefited from. My hawk, my lovely bird, if I thought you could bear it I would commission paens of praise of you and your deeds.”
“My lord!” Xiao protests, flushing crimson. Zhongli kisses him fondly again. “I know you would rather not. But accept the accolades you have justly earned, my love.”
Below, upon the terrace, the gong rings out loud and solemn, announcing the chosen hour, and they step gracefully down through the air, landing briefly amid the respectful crowd upon Yujing Terrace, before turning to enter the temple, for the portion of the rites and celebration which would be enacted here. 
Once that is done, they depart swiftly for Jueyun Karst, and there the adepti and Azhdaha’s people fete them, feasting joyously together with Zhongli and Xiao. 
After that, Azhdaha winks cheerily at Zhongli’s very nearly impatient face, and distracts the others before they can offer yet another round of toasts and well-wishes. Quietly, they slip away, and Zhongli takes the lead to bring them into his private domain. It opens up before them into a vista very much like the Jueyun Karst that Xiao had first come to know all those many years ago at Zhongli’s side, yet also reminiscent of Liyue as it is now. 
“Will this do?” Zhongli asks hopefully. Xiao turns to look at him, a smile on his face. “Yes. It will more than do. Is there a... a flower meadow here?”
“Several. Let me... let me bring you to one that I think will please you.”
Zhongli had hopefully shaped a few meadows among the mountains previously, and coaxed qingxin and other mountain blossoms to grow there. It is effort well worth it – Xiao sheds his wedding shoes and wades amid the flowers, gold eyes bright with delight. Slowly, ceremoniously, he lifts his arms about himself, and begins to dance amid the flowers, with only the rustling passage of the wind to accompany his dance. 
It is beautiful, Zhongli thinks, but it could be even more so – he asks the domain’s wind to blow a little more strongly, shapes the rocks and cliffs around them just so... Xiao dances on, and as he dances, as the wind curls playfully about him and whistles past the rocks and cliffs... the stone around them begins to sing, humming with the whistling song of the wind’s passage and thrumming in resonating echoes down to the deep cliffs that Zhongli had wrought. Xiao does not stop, but turns in his dance to smile joyously at Zhongli. My lord, you shape beautiful music.
It is but the bare minimum – you should have as much glorious music as you like to accompany your dance. I am no expert flautist – but to let the wind and the stone play their songs for you, that I can do.
Slowly, gradually, Xiao’s dance turns from demonstration of skill and capability, to a dance fit to evoke desire and longing. Unconsciously, Zhongli licks his lips, feels his shape slide from human to dragon. His mate, his beloved, dances to entice and call him – Zhongli will answer. He steps towards the meadow. Xiao, still dancing, looks up and smiles. Dances into a high, elegant leap, and at the apex of that jump changes form, taking to the air. Zhongli is after him in moments. 
As swift as he is in the air, Xiao is swifter and more agile still, elegantly demonstrating his mastery of air and flight, always just far enough ahead of Zhongli to whet their appetite for the chase. Zhongli lets Xiao play, for now. His is the greater stamina by far... and it was quite pleasant, indeed, to chase without any danger involved. Playfully, he tugs a cliff ahead to snarl the air currents for Xiao – Xiao simply soars through the tangle of wind as though there was nothing to it, slowing enough to playfully twirl his tail feathers at Zhongli. Ah, how delightful indeed... 
Eventually, as they both knew would happen, Zhongli’s greater stamina allows him to catch Xiao from the air. Laughing, they roll and tumble onto the ground, and Zhongli rears up, pinning his dear Xiao’s bird form beneath him. “Would you mind if I have you like this, Xiao?”
In answer, Xiao tips his head backwards, exposing his throat in silent permission. Zhongli bends his head down, and begins to explore this form of Xiao’s that he’d so seldom seen. His tongue on Xiao’s feathers is wet, but not particularly entertaining for Xiao, he notes. At certain places, though, the rasp of Zhongli’s tongue drew a most pleasing and tremulous whimper from Xiao. Lovely, how very lovely...
A soft, keening cry, and Xiao shudders beneath him with a whimper of pleasure, feathers ruffling – Good, he’s managed to coax a climax from him already. Xiao will need more, if they are to... carry out Zhongli’s rather heated idea. He bends his head, applying his tongue to more intimate parts. This might be easier, if Zhongli were willing to use toys and tools and constructs of stone, but ... for this moment, this unique night... Zhongli wants nothing but himself to prepare Xiao with. 
“My Xiao,” he rasps hungrily, “Tell me one more time you want me to take you like this.”
Xiao blinks at him. Whistles something that Zhongli can almost, almost understand, then blinks rapidly and tries again. His voice is... different, in this shape, higher, breathier, “I... my lord, my love, take me already!”
Zhongli obliges. Slowly, very, patiently, he lets the sexual organs of this form unsheathe. Xiao’s body is different like this, slightly larger, and Zhongli had only stimulated him once to orgasm to encourage him to relax enough – though being chased and caught was evidently enjoyable enough that Xiao is attempting to coax him to enter immediately. Zhongli takes his time anyway. This form is large, and not... easy – Azhdaha had commented fondly once that Zhongli’s dragon shape seemed to manifest some of his strong and vehement desires for his loved ones not to leave him. On more than one level. But if, if Zhongli took his time about it very carefully... it would also be very entertaining for Xiao. Very pleasurable, to go by the reactions of those few he’d trusted enough to attempt to couple in this shape. This was their night – he wanted Xiao to feel as good as possible.
The first few moments of entry are cautious, and Zhongli twines the rest of himself around Xiao in a coiling grip, caught in the furious desire to keep, to possess. And Xiao, though Zhongli knew very well that bird-adepti did not, generally speaking, share the same ... instinct to entwine, presses his own neck, his own wings and limbs around Zhongli, as though attempting to press their bodies together into one. Ah, but Xiao is so very warm, so very welcoming within, Zhongli cannot help but think, and he rocks himself deeper. Drags himself out, very slowly, delighting in the frustrated keen of pleasure from Xiao’s throat, before pushing himself in again, as deep as Xiao’s body can accommodate him. It feels so very good, and his next movements are less gentle, more certain – employing a little more force. Xiao bites him hard over the scales on his neck, beak nearly breaking through the scales to draw blood. “Stop holding... holding back and take me properly!”
He obliges gladly. Several slow, rocking thrusts later, Xiao trembles in his coils in the grip of orgasm, voice nearly cracking with his cries of pleasure as his wings and limbs thrash in spasms of pleasure. The delightful clenching of his body on Zhongli urges Zhongli’s own pleasure onwards, too, and he comes with a slow, trembling shudder of release. Delightful.  Moments later, Xiao’s body shivers with change around him, and Zhongli blinks open his eyes. What is his lovely bird doing? Xiao leans his head – his human form’s head – against Zhongli’s body, his arms wrapping tightly, his wings attempting to enfold both of them. Ah. Carefully, cautious of causing damage, Zhongli shifts his own form closer to human, too, and nuzzles his head against Xiao’s. 
This, too, was very nice, this cuddling of skin to skin and flesh to flesh. 
Eventually, Xiao murmurs in his ears, “Is my lord weary from his exertions?”
Weary? No, never, not as long as Xiao desired him – Zhongli nuzzles against him again. Xiao laughs softly, as though tickled by the motion, and whispers to him, “What we did was very enjoyable – can we do it again? Like this? Until... until daylight recalls us to the other things we have to do?”
 Of course. They can go as many times as both of them would like – they have time. At long last, they have proper time, in the peace that flows golden over the land. Xiao murmurs a sweet idea in his ears, and Zhongli agrees, taking him slowly, luxuriously, in a variety of positions and bringing Xiao to pleasure again and again, their partly-human forms twining insistently around each other. Kisses him slowly, tenderly – Xiao laughs with joy and returns his kisses with interest. They rest intertwined for long moments, desire still humming in Zhongli’s blood – in Xiao, as well, from the way his yaksha’s hands stroke Zhongli’s body, toy and fidget with his hair. 
“Perhaps...” Xiao murmurs softly, “In the open air, as well?”
“Of course.” Zhongli agrees, opening the way out of the domain. The air outside is sweet and calm, heavy with the scent of high mountain flowers – most of all the qingxin that Xiao favours. Below them, beyond them, across rolling plain, deep valley and high mountain, Liyue scrolls outwards, golden and at peace. Beautiful. Xiao sighs in his arms, breathing deeply of the wind that plays around them. “One more time, Zhongli? Before we take up our cares and duties again.”
“Liyue won’t need us forever.” Zhongli says thoughtfully. “One day, when they can stand on their own without me... without you... we too can retire and enjoy the peace in full. For now, Xiao... no one cries our names in need upon the wind. Let me share joy and solace with you, again.”
Beneath the light of the celestial atlas, with the wind singing about the mountains around them, they come together. 
In the afterglow, they exchange slow kisses as they lay back to observe the world at peace. Peace... Zhongli had not thought he would actually see it happen. Xiao sighs contentedly after a while. “Thank you, Zhongli.”
“For what?”
“For... more than I could have ever known to imagine, millenia ago, when... when you chose to spare my life, and bring me back with you.”
Zhongli rolls over to look intently at Xiao’s beloved face. “Then I, too, must thank you as well. Because you have also given me more than I could have known to imagine, when first we met.”
Xiao reaches up to him, and kisses Zhongli long and slow, even as the wind brings to them the sound of the distant celebrations of Liyue, rejoicing together with them.
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lovely-dreamer77 · 4 years
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martinzavaleta · 4 years
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