#tldr. um. they don't like each other lol
Molly Cadoret, known brawler,
the brawler: lack of empathy, confrontation
Her hand hurts. It has, for days, though differently; they insisted on a healer to fix her hands, grow back the nails she broke off, but they couldn’t insist that she let them. Three and a half hours of holding her down to pull her nails out to a normal length, clean the scabby mess she’d made of her hands on the stone. Healing hurts less if you don’t fight it, Molly has learned. Hurts like hell if you do.
Her hands have hurt like hell for days.
She thinks with vicious satisfaction that she’s wrecked her knuckles on his face, now, as the high chancellor staggers backwards with a hand covering his freshly-crooked nose, blood spurting bright over his elaborate robes. He does not swear—though the way his eyes are screwed up she thinks he must want to—but he does wave his other hand to return the half-moon of swords drawn to point at her to their sheaths. “It’s fine. Fetch a healer. Miss Cadoret,” the high chancellor says, through his own blood, “this is the greatest honor that we can bestow. There have only, in history, been six—”
“I’ll hit you again,” she says, quite calmly. He won’t make the same mistake of leaning within reach, if he’s smart; but he doesn’t look so sturdy that he can’t be knocked down.
“Martin Septim—”
“Brother Martin.”
“—the Emperor,” continues the high chancellor, with a delicacy not meant for her, “would have wanted some recognition of your—”
She laughs. The sound is ugly, scratchy; she’s made of dry straw and sparking and they, still, won’t just light her. “Because you know that, do you, you know what he wanted, and what he would want now—or you could just go ask him. It’s not like he’s going anywhere now, is it?”
One of the shiny suits of armor beside him, wearing a bland blank face instead of a helm, twitches for the sword again. The high chancellor dabs his handkerchief at his bloody nose and murmurs, “Leave it.” Aloud, he tells her, “We would prefer your cooperation, you understand. The political situation, as it stands, is… precarious.”
“I bet.” Breathe. One-two-three-four— “But I said no.”
“It would be a service to your Empire.”
Service to whose godsforsaken— She says nothing, snips her mouth shut, her teeth sore from grinding them, and flexes the hand she hasn’t hit him with yet at her side. She barely registers the stinging in her palms from a series of bleeding crescents, the fresh nails they made her grow back sharper than she’s used to.
The high chancellor regards her for a moment. “We’ll need to schedule a fitting,” he says, now, to another of his shining bland-faced array, “for the new armor.”
So: she doesn’t even see him, really. Just white. (And light, and light, and light—)
The arc is in progress before she’s aware of it, because she did decide it, and she did warn him. She doesn’t reach him this second time: someone sends her crashing to the cold tile, rattles her skull, sears her vision. She hears some awful howling and it was supposed to be over, it was supposed to be over, but they won’t even leave her anywhere alone and they want to take her name and the wolf and the stone-grit embedded in her fingertips—
“Where is the boy,” the high chancellor is saying as his healer with the dour eyes arrives to set his nose at last, and the suit of armor pinning her to the floor makes no move to get off her. Someone else goes out the door to chase his question.
She runs out of energy before there’s even tears. Finds herself, instead, staring at the ceiling as her pinched face goes slack again, everything too heavy, everything a waste. Her breath rushes out in a limp wet puff.
He stays silent as the healer finishes straightening his nose. Molly can hear her blood in her ears. “Let her up, Quintus.” The suit of armor obliges. She makes no move to get off the floor, anyway. “The remaining Blades insist you are an asset of a sort we are running low on.” The high chancellor sounds cautious—always looking for the stable footing. There isn’t any, obviously, but it won’t be taken the right way if she points it out.
He's the closest one, she thinks, to agreeing with her aloud. “And do you think I’m an asset to anyone,” she says to the patterns on the high ceilings, her voice unsanded.
There is a long, long pause. “Without an emperor,” he says, “there is no Empire. The world is no more secure than it was two weeks ago; we only face a different threat, now. We are yet fighting to preserve the people—their homes, their futures. Miss Cadoret. Can we count you among our number?”
Her body doesn’t even fit right. Too substantial. Too small. Everything useful has already been wrung out.
But this is not the answer he wants, so she gives him nothing, instead.
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salcreus · 11 months
Jummbox link
Another og song for the salcreus fandom 💯💯💯
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etherealspacejelly · 4 months
hi dad, i'm having some internal conflict. i've always been a really anxious person (which is probably due to undiagnosed anxiety disorders) and i've never really "fit in." i've been treated as weird all my life. i've never understood tone and i get in a lot of trouble with my parents for this (even though i've explained i can't control it), i go nonverbal for brief periods of time occassionally, loud noises and bright lights cause me pain like extreme headaches, i always feel the need to follow self-created routines in order to feel safe, i don't understand social boundaries all too well, i intensely hyperfixate, i'm extremely hyperempathetic, etc. i've never understood why i'm the way i am. then i started learning more about autism and i think i may have it. many of my autistic friends seem to think so.
but my parents don't believe me and don't like me researching mental health stuff. they don't think i'm "autistic enough" because my mom used to work with autistic kids who were almost always nonverbal and on a more extreme end of the spectrum. i mask all the time too, as a defense mechanism since i get in so much trouble for misunderstanding. hell, my parents won't even get me an official anxiety diagnosis (even though i've had symptoms since the moment the signs can appear) because they think "labels don't matter."
and the big problem that comes along with this is, i don't want to self diagnose and seem disrespectful to diagnosed autistic people. i've done a lot of research and gotten a lot of opinions from neurodivergent people in my life, but i still feel fake because i have no access to a diagnosis. so many people have told me to try to get one and my parents completely refuse.
is it okay to self diagnose? will diagnosed people find this disrespectful? i'm not exactly sure how to go about this. it'll most likely be several years at best before i can get medically diagnosed.
tldr; i may be autistic but i have no access to a diagnosis and feel guilty about self diagnosing. any advice?
thank you and sorry if this was too vent-ish, i just wanted to see if you had any thoughts <3 feel free to ignore this ask if it's too overwhelming /gen
baby. honey. sweetpea. let me tell you something
autistic people actually dont care if you self diagnose. in fact, many of us are self diagnosed. diagnoses can be inaccessible for many reasons, and its perfectly understandable if you cant or dont want to get one
i can absolutely relate to you. my mum works with disabled kids too, and insisted that i couldn't be autistic because she "would have known". she considers herself an expert, but somehow missed all the signs in me. i guess because i am also quite high masking.
you definitely sound autistic to me, and if other neurodivergent people who know you agree then you probably are. autistic people can sense each other lol
i remember once when i friend of mine came to me and was like "hey btw im autistic" and i was like "yeah i know. you told me" and they were like. "um. no i couldnt have told you i only got diagnosed a few days ago and this is the first time we've spoken since then" and i was like. oh. i just Sensed it, you know? i just fuckin knew
so yes. you can self diagnose. thats perfectly fine. and if anyone tells you that you cant or that you're somehow "harming the autistic community" you can tell them to fuck off. self diagnosis does not harm the autistic community in any way, but it can really benefit people like you.
i hope someday you can get the accommodations you need and deserve. in the meantime, please give yourself grace. you're trying your best. and im proud of you, ok?
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kuromi-hoemie · 3 months
how do you personally view sex/sexual attraction? what differentiates it for you, and what was your journey like? also your hair looks so good im jealous 😩❤️
im p stoned n in the middle of ori so i don't wanna rant(too much, but also oops) abt it rn lol, but I don't have sexual attraction 0:
ppl just b looking real pretty and i am looking affectionately. sex itself is just part of a shared experience to me and its a lovely way to be affectionate (❁´◡`❁) ♡⁠
there's a level of passion that ppl only really show when they're having sex with someone and if i could just have that without the sex that'd also be really great. i can and have made out all day, i love being handsy, i love being close in each other's embrace, i love the sounds and faces people make when they're losing themselves, i love Everything about when ppl cum, i also get a kick out of making someone as horny as possible bc it's fun, i love BITING people ☝🏾😤💕 i love the feel of our skin pressed together
idk i think it's all very fun and passionate and sweet! but then on a more casual note i got a huge oral fixation and if i know you like that, eating pussy's as casual as a kiss on the cheek and is more like me just stroking your back 🤧 it's just There ykwim i salivate over it.
the root of why i do things isn't because I'm horny and I Want You like that but more so from a place of wanting to take care of you bc i know you enjoy it 🤝🏾 and seeing/making you like that is enjoyable to me bc i know ur feeling good physically and emotionally.
tldr i move with my heart not my dick 🫡 but that's not gonna stop me from making someone cum as many times as they can handle bc I'm having fun and it's hot. as far as most ppl are concerned u still get to hit so whatever. if i think you're cute I'm trying to put u in a series of situations..
the only hurtful recurring issue I'd have before was ppl assuming I'm trying to have sex w them just bc we're making out like.. I'm just having fun and spending time with u, it doesn't have to be more than this. but then i let ppl escalate it and happily follow along but would always be confused and hurt low-key when they'd stop being as affectionate one day bc we've been having too much sex and like. i didn't know why those things had to be bundled together 🙈 it wasn't a big deal but i didn't get it, and it's hard to know u are missing a whole ass kind of attraction when you've never experienced it before!!
there are a lot of other slight disconnects that'd come up here and there over the years internally as i tried reconciling how i (didn't) feel with what the norm seemed to be and what ppl wanted of me, i only Really truly found out what being ace was in the past year as i tried answering the seemingly simple question of “do i like sex??¿” to which the answer was basically i love everything about it as a shared experience but as just a kind of affection it's also very besides the point To Me. enjoying sensations and connecting with each other are very 🤌🏾✨💕
coming from a more emotional/affectionate place this also makes me very flexible w kinks bc idk why not i would do anything for you.. but there are definitely simple physical things that make my brain go fuzzy, and i like to shut off and enjoy myself 😵‍💫😵‍💫 anything with my mouth is a big one but i like to be touched and grabbed too and being the dom is nice. why not lose myself in sensation 💆🏾‍♀️ i have a very sensitive body and i enjoy it.
but also as far as losing ourselves in sensation goes, that extends to everything (❁´◡`❁) ♡⁠ i cook and bake with decadence, i love to give massages of all sorts, i love being cuddled up and warm, i love putting on something fun for us to watch or do, i want to go on beautiful hikes and picnics in the garden with you, i want to experience Everything w you and enjoy all of life's pleasures. being polyamorous this also extends to friends bc there's nothing I'd do for a lover i wouldn't for a dear friend of mine 💁🏾‍♀️
um. i could talk in all directions and probably go in circles about the topic for a lot longer/more in depth but u get the gist of it 🫡 it's very easy to participate in and enjoy sex as an experience without that layer of sexual Attraction being what guides you To Me. ur still very lovely and seeing you naked is even more beautiful and I'm going to take my time exploring all of u ♡⁠ no matter what we're doing exactly I'm just trying to share a good time w you.
figuring out I'm ace made every disconnect make sense and everything clicked and it make me more sexual bc i firmly know where I'm coming from and what i actually get out of sex in general now👍🏾 there's an indescribable layer of hesitation in how i move and interact w others that's not there anymore, but that starts to bleed into self confidence and polyamory and other off topic stuff so yeah. good stuff. sorry my high rant was a lil long (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) consider this some sleepover talk lol
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sadhorsegirl · 2 years
need it on the official record that i do love moiraine and lan's relationship sososo much!!!
i love the implicit understanding they have with each other, based partially in the fact that they are both heirs separated from a crown for very different reasons. moiraine and lan are both people who cannot go back to where they came from, whether they want to or not. so there is this shared sense of loneliness, and drift that they share, wrapped up in the idea that they probably aren't going to survive the last battle (or even the journey to it) and would rather sacrifice themselves than have anyone they care for or, in moiraine's case for some people deem more necessary to The Pattern (although to be fair to her, this often still means having a certain level of care for them she just um. wasn't raised to know how to show any healthy positive emotion i don't think) moving in companionable silence eternally Searching™
i've grown increasingly haunted by this exchange they have at the end of new spring:
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like............"surrender after you are dead. yes." is the sentiment set up as one of the core values of their partnership starting from the very moment she decides to ask lan to be her warder. surely, this will end well for all parties and will NOT have any tragic implications!
it sets up this really harsh poetic symmetry (surprise) when they have their Big Fight™ in the great hunt. moiraine LITERALLY invokes how they first met with funny little jokes abt him throwing her in a pond to get his defenses down so she can jump scare him w an intense re-examination of their relationship. the whole fight is basically her forcing him to think on his toes so she can examine him at his most basic emotional level in order to try and expose the truth abt how he feels, going from playful to painful at the flip of a coin lol. and he's aware of it!!! him calling her out on it and her answering back w patented Aes Sedai Speak, in a relationship that should be free of such manipulation.....
the real master stroke here, though, is the fact that the chapter is from moiraine's pov. we get to see her own inner thoughts about it and see that beneath the devastating chess game she's playing she's just as heartbroken at having to play it. the argument is really a crystalization of what makes her such an interesting character for me -- she is leveraging absolutely brutal social dynamics in order to, from her perspective, HELP someone she cares for deeply.
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essentially, moiraine is saying that in his love for nynaeve he's found something to live for beyond sacrifice and that means that their bond to each other must be terminated. he can create a new life, and bc she thinks she understands how everything will play out moiraine thinks she is just cutting down the time before he realizes he can and will ask for her to dissolve the bond anyway. he isn't wed to death anymore, leaving the heavy implication that moiraine still is.
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which sets us up for something really interesting for them in s2 i think! while their relationship in the show seems to generally be under less strain than it is where we see them in the mainline series, there remains another crucial difference btw the books and the show -- moiraine has siuan!!!!! im rly excited to see how that comes into play in terms of any potential interpretation of this fight/the breakdown of lan and moiraine's relationship bc it makes her decision to push him away feel even more hypocritical and rooted in her tendency to be self-sacrificing to the point of self loathing.
tldr for anyone just trying to figure out what this might all mean for season two according to one singular poster on tumblr dot com: in the books moiraine feels very........time to burn all bridges so no one can chase after me on my suicide mission basically and i can't say im NOT excited to see if that's where she ends up in the show (to live is to suffer etc etc)
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boy-armageddon · 9 months
man could i get like. a crash course on your oc's. i don't know anything about any of them godbless
EEEE YAY OF COURSE!!!! (Insane ramblings about my world and 4 of my characters (technically like 6-7 though I mention some briefly) under the cut)
Okay so quick tldr thing for their world because there’s A Lot: set in a sort of fucked up future Detroit with a lot of pollution with this Alien God Blood/Fuel Substance (aka anti-essence) with a lot of. Basically killing machines of animals created from ingesting it (Reapers) who have changed a lot of how humans live and also the population in general is way down, so most of them live in cities now. Very compact and very low quality of life. The aforementioned Reapers are entities, which are beings created by old gods (aforementioned alien god things. Too much lore to get into but what you need to know is that they do exist and they do cause trouble for people and can possess people sort of. Not Reapers though they’re a weird exception). This is all I should say because Oh My God I run my mouth LOL
Enter my main protagonist freak, Jeong Chin-hae. Investigates entities freelance because of his strong moral convictions with helping people always no matter what it may cost himself or sometimes other people and all, and also partly because he is semi-possessed by an entity! Got nearly beat to death and a Shade (another kind of entity, friendlier than the others and distinctly nautically themed) tried to possess what it thought was his corpse but woopsies! He was still alive so they’re just stuck together LOL. Also other things of note about him: anger issues, autistic (specifically has a lot of sensory issues around being touched and has a special interest in hardcore punk and some of its subgenres. Like me yeah I know LOL), recently moved to futuristic Detroit and is sleeping on his friend’s couch. His friend is Dave btw she’s so cool but not too relevant rn, just know she’s Jeong’s ex (no tension or anything it was just kind of a funny thing and they just realized “oh yeah we’re just friends” and broke it off then) and only friend at this point and also a polyamorous weed dealer to the neighbors (not dating them though, just the weed dealer to them of course)
Speaking of the neighbors!!!!!!!! Cassy (Castillo) Navarro Villanueva :3 one of his mothers is an old god that feeds upon the fear of the afterlife/death and the one who made shades. Cassy specifically feeds more on sleep and has dream related powers, ironic considering he’s an insomniac LOL. Lives next door to Dave and yknow. Buys weed from him. Would have been a film major if he could’ve afforded it and still like constantly watches and talks about films (likes weird artsy bullshit and some stereotypical film bro movies. Wears a fight club shirt a lot but in entity affairs world it’s called Altercation Association). However! He is currently. Um. An organ harvester 😭 long story about that but that whole underbelly of the medical industry was basically his only option as, due to being half old god, he looks. freaky in a few ways (notably the multiple eyes and the hand mouths and other stuff). Very predatory industry stuff blah blah blah so that’s why he’s there. He’s also a cannibal AND in a weird gay relationship with Jeong they are So bad for each other ��️
Other neighbor who mooches off of Cassy, Homhe! Pronounced like Hawm-hey does that make sense. Too much lore to get into but they’re like 17 year old albino amalgamation dipshit being manipulated by this one old god into doing so many horrible actions. A huge asshole on purpose yet is weirdly protective of Cassy (like the only person who hasn’t gotten fed up with them yet which is why). Technically some sort of entity but moreso a vessel, long story. Because of this, they can sort of leech off of other entity’s power stuff. Like a sponge! Hates Jeong so bad too. It’s a jealousy thing but not romantic jealousy OBVS LOL
Finally, out of my main character. My fave oc ever in the universe… Cecilia Moore!!! Yes Cecilia like Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon. Constantly wears businessy clothes and has a flat affect and died once. She’s okay now though Cassy’s old god mother, Reorzæk, revived her because she just took a special time interest in her. Of course this is in exchange for being basically her “follower,” or a person (isn’t always a person specifically just any sentient life form) who just does the old god’s bidding, and is specifically assigned to the. Organ harvesting stuff, for the purposes of making more vessels (long story related to Homhe). Cassy’s boss basically. She’s very tired constantly and super overworked but she actually does have a similar music taste to Jeong (if liking more prog stuff than him), so when she has the time she either listens to music or reads (usually random super wordy books for fun.) Jayson’s older sister (not talking about my token cis guy rn because he’s not a main character, but if you want to you can ask more about him), transgender lesbian, generally the goat. To me
There’s more I can talk about obvs because look at how much I’m talking but alas. It would be a millenia to talk about it ALL in one post. Sorry for rambling 😭
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sadistpet · 7 months
1, 2, 9, 11? (feel free to reduce the questions you want to answer lol)
munday questions !
1. how do you feel about reblog karma?
okay this is maybe controversial but i do not care. i understand why people do it and it's definitely annoying to be reblogged from a bunch and have nobody send in anything, but like. reblog from me all you want i genuinely do not mind !! i try my best to practice it because it's just basic kindness, or i just reblog from the source like others do, but if someone was to reblog memes from me i really would not care at all
i think nowadays it's even extended to like, generic musings posts and stuff ? people tend to reblog from the source rather than each other, and thats something i cant really wrap my head around kjfhfdkj tldr i'll do it for other people but i truly do not care if people do it for me, pls reblog memes and stuff from me all you want
2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
um a bit? maybe? i think if i'm like completely unaware of the fandom then yeah, but if i have a general idea of what a character is like then i'm usually fine :3 i think ? maybe ? it is a little bit difficult just cause i'm not used to stepping out of my comfort zone, but obviously with an rp scene as small as mgs', you kinda have to branch out into other fandoms. like idk shit about final fantasy except like 5 characters max but i still like to interact with blogs from that fandom, even if idk much of um. anything about it. i find the characters themselves interesting :3
9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
HMM usually the muse themself, yeah, and the general attitude of the writer. i get shit scared of following people who are like, graphical geniuses or amazing writers because i feel like SO intimidated by them, but i wouldn't like. block someone or something just for being good at that stuff lmao. if you're a pretty chill person and i find your character interesting, that's enough for me !
ultimately i try to follow people who seem nice :3 i'm terrified of people who come off really stern or no nonsense ig, so i tend to gravitate towards people who are more. sociable and kind ? maybe that's naïve of me, but as someone who is very anxious all the time and very shy about interacting with new people, it helps a lot to know that the people i'm writing with won't like. spontaneously block me because i didn't post for a little bit yk
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
this is such a scary question am i fucking dying but i don't really have one ! i'd like to have a lot more rp partners and do a lot more writing in general, maybe get some mains and exclusives, that kinda thing. overall just character development through interactions !
as someone who was introduced to the rp scene through ask blogs and stuff, ig i've always been fond of like. having a narrative ? or connections with other blogs that influence how you write and what happens in your blog's "canon" ig. that's something that's always appealed to me :3 but i don't really have like an outcome or "endgame" ig because that sounds so ... final fjdhfjkhrg
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:) You said yesterday not to get you started. I've decided I would really like to get you started and hear about Hanma/Ran threesome 😏
Forgive me imma sin rn
Minors and you blank blogs I swear to fuck y'all better stay off this.
Okay god. Fuck. They're so mean. And just filthy.
Hanma and Ran bond over making you crumble for them. They only talk to each other, really. It's like you're not even there. They know it gets to you. They know you crave their attention. They know it only gets you wetter, makes you louder trying to get spoken to not about. And somehow, when they talk directly to your pussy, it makes your need for them to acknowledge you even stronger. They call you all sorts of lukewarm mean things. They banter about how needy you are and how pathetic you sound. And god,,,you didn't know how badly you wanted that,,,
Ran gets your pussy first, (they probably flipped a coin ahead of time) but not until after shuji feasts on your cunt and not until youve sucked and spit up and down Ran's long cock. All the while Ran isn't shy about asking Shuji how's she taste?
Shuji laughs, directly in your lips and asks how badly he wants to know as he collects your slick on his tongue and presents it to the other man. And by god if Ran isn't feeling absolutely foul enough to lick your slick right off Shuji's fucking tongue.
I swear to God you e never met men so secure in themselves that they could just casually pull that shit in their first encouter.
No now hear me out bc shuji is such a whore okay shuji is dying to fuck you at the same time okay so you're riding Ran while he preps you okay then bam you're absolutely losing you're mind. Both men are fucking you and you can't even tell that shuji isn't gripping you he's gripping Ran's hips trying to get him to fuck you faster, deeper, making it an even tighter, more mind boggling experience for him.
So um tldr. They're mean and vile and delightfully homoerotic despite maybe being pretty straight? I mean shuji is so bi to me but idk I don't know Abt ran except that I do think he'd get this way at least when he's super into it lol.
I hope you like the cliff notes of why I think they're super sexy together. Such weird unhinged chemistry ugh I need it.
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bredforloyalty · 1 year
you keep posting about columbo. do i need to watch it would u recommend?
first of all sorry for answering more than a week later... i had a feeling if i just keep on columboposting all alone eventually someone will be like what's going on.. my brain's been like THE KLUMBO!! every day most days for a while now so bear with me for a moment
my answer to "do you recommend x" is always that i can tell you about it, say what i like about it and what's possibly not to like so you can better evaluate whether it's something you would enjoy, yeah? 😳 like in the end it's either for you or it isn't and only you can find out. you know what i mean
um so columbo, the episodes are feature-length self-contained murder mysteries, if you wanted to you could start anywhere. and they aren't exactly mysteries because the concept is that you watch the murder happen and then the clues that lead to the arrest are uncovered gradually and the lieutenant and the killer dance around each other until the latter incriminates themself. usually because they underestimated columbo because he's a shabby little guy and appears to be sort of a bumbling idiot but is actually incredibly perceptive and sharp-witted, and he knows how the (usually rich) self-important murderers see him and uses that against them, as well as his compassion and intuition. that's pretty much it, it's a reverse whodunnit
i think (and it may be obvious) that the appeal of the show other than the crime/mystery is columbo, if you like him that could possibly be the thing that makes you continue watching. so i'll tell you that he doesn't carry a gun, can't stand the sight of blood, or high places, loves his wife. and his dog. simple guy, shrewd though. same rumpled coat and shitty little peugeot convertible all the time. he's very socratic in his methods, non-violent, and i think that's what really attracted me to this show. i enjoy the masculinity without the usual baggage, without the arrogance and the domineering and the posturing, if that makes sense lol.. plus i think peter falk's performance is wonderfully human, stephen fry said this once in an interview if i remember correctly: there's a certain warmth to it. columbo's a humble, virtuous character, yeah he's disheveled, a little all over the place but he understands people and is endlessly curious and dedicated and that's how he wins. and i like that and i think he's a bit of an unusual character because we're far from the macho tough guy cops who intimidate and coerce and threaten And from the trope of the egotistical superhuman genius detective.. he's a little guy c'maahn he's just a little guyy (it's not about him though viewers aren't even supposed to know his first name and it's hard to tell when he's bluffing and his private life is never the focus. so, a mysterious little guy)
TLDR: yes i recommend it if you like mysteries and would enjoy a crime drama with moments of silliness or would appreciate the unconventional masculinity (for his time definitely) i see in this character, and no i don't recommend it if you'd rather watch things that are short and snappy or if you strongly prefer an overarching plot or if you hate the look and feel of the 70s or if you don't like peter falk's whole deal and especially not if your pet peeve is talking in circles. oh and there are some moments and aspects of episodes that didn't age well but they're very few and far between imo. just wanted to mention that, i know nothing is perfect ofc<3
so yeah i do recommend it because i love it, thank you for asking !! :)
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harriertail · 2 years
Can you elaborate on your opinions on gray wing?? I’ve only ever seen ppl describe him as a good dad who couldn’t breathe and I never read him entirely as that so I’d love to know your thoughts!!
(long) Well i don’t know.
I don't dislike him but i don't like him (skip to bottom for TLDR if you care) I can't really discuss Grey Wing without also Clear Sky so. There is an opinion of him being 'good dad can't breathe uwu he made starclan' which I used to just accept but re-reading DoTC (parts of) its kinda... not true. The DoTC cast are flawed characters, they are mean (to each other, to strangers) they are pretty fucking stupid, and overall opinions tend to be (exaggerated) 'Clear Sky worst man ever, Grey Wing did nothing wrong', or 'Grey Wing is actually awful, Clear Sky did what he thought was right he's actually super nuanced' even tho there are a lot of smaller moments of awfulness from the both of them that show their awfulness.
I feel a lot of CS/GW opinions hinge on rejecting Thunder and the First Battle/borders thing > 'smaller' scenes of awfulness > Clear Sky and Thunder especially, theres scenes in TR and BS/AFD (so even post 'redemption') of Clear Sky trying to 'one up' Thunder and show off while hunting or traversing the forest, the killing of Misty, Jagged Peak, letting Tom sod off with TTs kits and lying about it, trusting One Eye, the whole Micah and Willow Tail thing, etc, so i definitely see Clear Sky as bad guy and not 'morally grey' or whatever, he's only really good to his new family with Star Flower or cats when they threaten to leave him (AFD). He disowns Jagged Peak and Thunder because they aren’t useful to him, but SF constantly boosts his ego and his new kits don’t give him trouble so he likes them. He doesn’t really get a redemption, beyond being leader of SkyClan. I can’t really see any ‘nuance’ to him, he’s not evil evil he’s just a generic dickhead (with a splattering of murder) and doesn’t really do anything by APoS/MV to make him not a dickhead. I like the idea that SkyClan’s removal from the forest was due to Clear Sky’s wickedness, and the dreams the med cats had of SkyClan being exiled came with whispers of ‘you brought this onto yourself’. I think Quiet Rain was right to disown him (and the fucking 'i forgive you' come on, very ooc, QR was fucking vicious all her life and definitely were i think Clear Sky got it from- I think the mountain cats all got their occasionally horrible personalities from their harsh environment and constant suffering in the mountains but) // I also don’t buy the whole ‘Clear Sky did bad things he knew others thought were bad but he had to do it he was suffering so much making those decisions, it was for Thunder/Jaggeds/insert character’s own good’ idea like, he knows he’s a dick, he knows he’s in the wrong. I wish his POV went more into the suffering in the mountains (Quiet Rain, Fluttering Bird, his dad) and how that directly affected him (nightmares? flashbacks? comparing everything to the mountains? we only get a few ‘ive seen cats starve’ lines like okay u had a rough childhood stop killing people; all of your friends are telling you this is a bad idea wth)
Onto Grey Wing (lol) > i think the 'uwu soft' opinions come from the old trope of 'evil sibling, good sibling' repeated in warriors (Hawk and Bramble, Ivy and Dove etc). His moments of awfulness are probably less obvious as he is the first POV so like... subconsciously we probably take his 'word' for more (same way people see Squirrel as annoying becoz Brambles POV introduces her as annoying), but most of his interactions with Turtle Tail and Bumble either come from a complete fucking socially-inept idiot who is too harsh and doesn't realise, or a really mean guy. I don’t know why Tall Shadow made him leader in TR and I don’t know why he got a ‘second chance’ with Slate. He can be pretty rude to Thunder but its nothing major, its just a sign that he’s got the familial dickhead streak. Um where was I going with this? Oh yeah, my opinion. IDK. The whole ‘good dad’ i don’t get because he just like, oversaw Turtle/Hawk Swoop raising her kits/Thunder and didn’t really, raise them; TT’s kits are basically plot devices, especially Pebble Heart. anyway. I think a lot of DotC conversation (including this) is pointless because not only is the overall arc flawed in terms of plot and character consistency, but because Clear Sky and Grey Wing make a lot of bad decisions and say/do some bad things that the narrative kinda expects us to just be like ‘and then they were good leaders’ in the end (I have a few ideas for a dotc rewrite but). I don’t like either of them, but I don’t hate them. I dislike the way their characters (in a writing sense) continued after TFB, and i think both of them becoming (in the narrative) leaders and founders kinda softens our perception of them being.. not good people. But i also just tune out any ‘grey wing good clear sky bad’ discussion because i don’t really care either. The more I think about DoTC now the more mediocre i think it was lol. The last chapter of APoS was good tho. 
TL;DR - I think Clear Sky is a major dickhead, and i think Grey Wing is a lesser spotted dickhead. I don’t really care for DoTC after more than 5 minutes of thinking about it. All the characters have room temperature IQs. Grey Wing needs a different personality because he’s very all over the place to me, and Clear Sky could have been something.
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There is nothing that makes my blood boil more than RDR fans that claim that they know everything about these two games.
I recently saw on tiktok many posts how John Marston is a bEtTEr gUnSlIngEr thAn ArtHur MorGaN. "John solos" "Arthur solos". Like can they just shut the fuck up? I don't like comparing these characters, but when it comes to dealing with ppl like this I'm literally raging. Their only arguments are that " John is smarter than Arthur, John was taught by Landon Ricketts, he has better deadeye or he's faster and better at gunslinging". The only thing they are forgetting that they literally play those characters and they CONTROL THEM.
And if someone dares to disagree with them, they say that this person never played rdr1 and their opinion isn't valid.
Like I'm just tired of these ppl every time comparing them. Whatcha thinking about this? 🤣
Oh wow! Um... lol, first of all as an RDR1 player, deadeye in rdr2 is more sophisticated. I would say it's improved, but I know some people think it's a downgrade because rdr1's deadeye has a lock-on. Also I don't understand the shooting speed. Arthur can fan a revolver too? I think this might come from their perception of dead eye in both games. The shooting happens in real time once targets are tagged in rdr1, so it appears faster, whereas a fully upgraded deadeye in RDR2 can remain within the slowed time. BUT ANYWAY there are just things about this where like deadeye is actually a non-diegetic feature of red dead (i.e., it's not actually something that characters within the universe of red dead are aware exists). It's completely there for the player, so basing character superiority on a non-diegetic mechanic feels very like... idk weird and childish? lol
I also don't understand the need to pit them against each other. Like lore wise, all that is just... wrong lol. John isn't smarter than Arthur (though Arthur might've felt insecure about John's closeness to Dutch at one point, sarcastically calling him the favorite/golden child; but I think they BOTH had that insecurity as they joke in Chapter 6 that they used to wonder who was Dutch's favorite).
TLDR I think it's nonsense. TBH I've been very lowkey and inactive on here, because it was getting unhealthy to be in this fandom and seeing very bad opinions or takes. I love this game still, but at a certain point I need to distance myself from arguments like the one you cited. They're weird, pointless, and flat-out wrong. I'm really sorry you were subjected to all that!
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HELLO . idk if u still interact with kotlc fandom but a friend has brought up the concept of desi keefe and i am wondering if u have any ideas as in hcs or concepts or just what u think in general?? :0
i do in fact on rare occasions interact with kotlc fandom HELP love how u phrased that like in fact i saw kotlc on a display shelf thing at b&n and went insane <33
and OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH desi keefe yes yes so true
i think. personally. its funny bc keefe does have desi boy characteristics in that he is annoying, flaky, and a charmer that u cant help but love (i have 2 desi boyz as some of my best friends shut up i have experience TM)
anyway hc time!!!!!!!!!
keefe. more like karthik except white ppl r gonna butcher that so keefe works fine.
photographic memory means this bitch remembers every aunty and uncle to ever exist always dominates the "do you remember me" question when he visits india and sees relatives (which i dont bc i nod and THEN they say "what's my name"...um lol goodbye im never coming back ever.)
keefe would love mango lassi and he would adore chaat and he would be obsessed with chai. keefe strikes me as an a "marie gold" type of person don't you DARE tell me im wrong these were THE shit and theyre perfect to dip in chai licherally the only reason i would drink chai
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^^ that is everything to me
okay but imagining keefe in canon as a brown boy with his parents obsessed with his "legacy" comparing that to the immigrant experience where you have to live a set life and ur parents worked hard so you can be the person they want you to be......hmmmmmmmmm anyway (except that doesnt excuse how gisela and cassius r literally abusive . lol. actually when ppl characterize them as brown bc haha they care about perfect grades when they r truly abusive. thinking thoughts....ruminating. anyway) back to happy times !!!
keefe would look so good in gold jewelry he gets his ears pierced when hes like 6 months and instead of red being sophie's color its keefe's!! bc GOD do we look hot in red its literally everything
i think. telegu speaking keefe. omg wait what if he spoke tamil. WAIT. marathi. and kannada. yeah fuck it um. he speaks all of them?? i cant choose they're all so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im obsessed bc its a given hes south indian like duh.
he would play the veena. loser (affectionate) i say as if i can play the veena
omg what if desi vackers and desi keefe met bc biana does hmm. bharatnatyam (no im not projecting SHUT UP) and meets keefe bc hes playing the veena for her arangetram (which is like. the performance when u graduate its a BIG DEAL with live music and everything its huge mines in like 2 years so yea)
ALSO keefe loooooooooves bollywood movies and okay he DOES like the good ones that make u cry but keefe ESPECIALLY likes the ones from the 90s where its a love triange and the girl gets kidnapped so the boy saves her from the other boy who got rejected stuff like that ("andaz apna apna" is the one im thinking of...loosely), he also likes all three dhoom movies (even the third one with katrina kaif which looking back on is so....insanity), and his guilty pleasure is "chak de india" bc screw him sometimes u just like watching the mcdonalds fight scene where a bunch of girls (on a hockey team) who never get along with each other band together and DEMOLISH guys who insulted and catcalled them while their hardass really mean coach sits there in amusement and happiness okay! (SHUT UP YES I DO THIS ITS EVERYTHING TO ME THIS MOVIE IS SO <33 SORRY)
okay sorry i have realized i apparently have many thoughts on keefe and bollywood movies insanity
ummm oh right! keefe loves loves loves idli especially with coconut chutney and he ADORES appam (GOD appam my beloved) and hes so hungry all the time all the aunties love him bc he eats whatever they make. okay but LOL keefe hates payasum and i think i should be able to have this one thing.
i think i should stop here bc WOW this is extremely long um tldr; no thoughts, head empty, only desi keefe
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ramjam · 3 years
come on don't be shy. tell me more about the lesbians. i mean this respectfully but i know you have no restraint when it comes to info dumping so
anon this is so funny and rude i'm obsessed with you.
SORRY LONG POST IM ON MOBILE... run while you can.
but um... they are beidou and ningguang from genshin impact... there's literally so much going on with them, i don't even know how to condense it?
ningguang is a powerful political figure and beidou is a pirate who constantly breaks her rules to the point of irritation. but since beidou is such a reliable person, ningguang eventually begins to work with her in spite of their differences, under the deal that ningguang will look away from her rule-breaking and lessen her fines/punishments. so they oppose viewpoints but are also strangely compatible despite that.
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^images that make me feel riddled with brain worms
beidou's character was revealed in a trailer of her and ningguang playing chess together and this was their dialogue exchange. it kind of sums up the type of relationship they have.
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the significance behind their matches over chess is that beidou is one of the only people to challenge ningguang in a game, rather to be challenged. and she's the only person who has beat her at their own game (chess is ningguang's hobby.) not one time, but twice. beidou presents the best challenge to ningguang which is probably the implication behind beidou teasing her that she won't have anyone to play chess with if she leaves. ningguang can always play with someone else, but no one who comes to her first.
they also have a lot of general opposing themes that display the difference between them, but also tie them together. ningguang represents the sky as her workplace is like a floating palace, whereas beidou is the sea for obvious reasons. worth mentioning the name of the location they live in is literally called the "sea of clouds" lol. their elemental abilities (earth for ningguang and electricity for beidou) bring them together because, well, lightning is always drawn to the earth etc etc.
this also speaks for itself i don't feel like retyping it but... umm... ❤️ (it also highlights how important beidou is to the government and how the city functions, even if she's not apart of the government itself!)
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(the armillary sphere because it's a device used to view the stars, which fits with this whole name theming. ningguang's title also kind of contrasts with beidou being the brightest star in the big dipper, whereas ningguang is in the background/the dimmest. you'd think it'd be the other way around given their positions.)
tldr they're very important to one another lol.
the two of them also come from similar backgrounds, two women who rose from poverty and into power. beidou was working behind the scenes to side the people from below while ningguang was doing it from above, they work worked alongside each other before they even knew it. ningguang doesn't see it that way. i think it has less to do with beidou's actions and more to do with the fact she hates the idea of anyone breaking her rules because she's a control freak (again, why the chess symbolism is important.)
ningguang puts up this front about disliking her and not wanting to be around her, but she like... regularly plays chess with her (seems pretty relaxed while doing it as well) and keeps an extravagant gift from beidou in her personal office lmaoo (this is one of the few items you can interact with in ningguang's chambers and the only one to mention another character. the fact they chose to highlight this is... hmmm.)
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the english dub kind of plays up ningguang's lines about her as really angry and aggressive, but in the original CN she sounds more exasperated than anything. that's an important difference imo. i think the misconception of genuine hatred comes from that directing choice and it drives me insane. but she goes between two different moods a lot, it's really funny. girl you are so embarrassing.
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ningguang has a line where the implication is that she was going to veer into concern for beidou's safety while out at sea and stopped herself. like there's no other way to read this. i hit my image limit so i'm just going to copy and paste: "gales like this can be the demise of fishermen, not to mention... heh, nevermind." the "heh" is more like a sigh and not a laugh by the way.
there's also an emphasis ningguang puts on the fact she hired beidou, not her pirate crew. still, doesn't stop her from constructing new docks in the harbor for her and her crew exclusively.......
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also this outside perception from one of ningguang's co-workers about their dynamic: "(smirk) thing is, the tianquan is supposed to be the one enforcing the rules [on beidou], but she always seems to be busy..." the smirk drives me insane.
beidou isn't really swayed by whether or not ningguang likes her, but she sure enjoys her company. her one gripe is the idea that ningguang is her boss, which she denies because she wants to be clear she works on equal footing with her. other than that, her negative feelings aren't as strong. the fact she insists on being ningguang's equal and shows no reverence towards her is one thing she respects about her. most people don't dare to do that. even though she kind of teases ningguang by signing her gift with the name of her pirate crew rather than her own name, it was an incredibly though out and extravagant gift that fits perfectly into ningguang's tastes. very personal and thought out.
beidou hasn't appeared in the story yet, as she was apparently off on business in the harbor and stayed later than usual. given her most highlighted business is with ningguang, the connotation is that she stayed out too late with her without noticing it. beidou is very devoted to her crew so something distracting her so heavily to the point of accidentally neglecting them is... interesting. very interesting.
their whole business situation itself is confusing to me personally. it seems like ningguang sacrifices a lot in order to work with beidou. her public image, her money due to the fact beidou's fines are lessened, and her own control freak behavior. beidou is reliable, but surely there's other people to work with that'd be less of a hassle? yet they keep going back to each other. ningguang has a line where she states that partnerships based on money cannot last. their relationship doesn't seem to be based around money, it's around services. the payment is the lessening of punishment, we haven't heard anything about beidou being paid in money for her work. interesting. that's all i have to say about that lol.
ningguang has stuff in her bio about how she turns down male suitors and mostly manipulates them for her benefit. the story goes into how she generally rejects romance because she doesn't want to be tied down and distraction. her love is money. but there's certainly a... way to read her inconsistent frustration with beidou with that type of frame in mind. there's a hidden fondness she rejects. in terms of ningguang's reasons for avoiding romance, the one thing important about their partnership is how both concede that they can't hold the other back and they work on equal ground while still pursuing individual ambitions. the fact they're distanced between the sky and the sea, but work so well together despite distance, is kind of... well. you could say that would be a type of relationship compatible with someone like ningguang. ningguang is also someone who strives to collect the unattainable. who is more unattainable to ningguang than beidou? teehee.
they also both have female co-workers who explicitly want to bang them or has a crush on them and i always believe proximity to gayness is important to note when analyzing subtext in other characters. the game actually has quite a lot of explicit lesbians it kind of drives me insane. the company's other game is like that too with the main cast. teehee also ningguang's chamber where she collects her precious items is just full of beautiful women while all the men stand outside... okayyyy...
tldr, women playing board games can be so homoerotic <3
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