#tldr: dew urtz 4 yeselff
cthulhubrain · 3 months
Amidst all the ai mass-plagiarism trend mess, the constant erasure of artists from their works, the devaluing of people who create, and subsequent fog of anti-motivation/depression/disgust/blunt nihilism concerning creating anything, I find myself thinking about the phrase, "Art for No One" again and again.
mostly I just want to plug this video by Jacob Geller. It's really good. (i've been watching a lot of his videos lately).
but it (the phrase "art for no one") also sticks into my brainmeats at a wonky angle and won't fade away.
There is no such thing as Art for No One. Art is made. It doesn't just happen. Art can never be for no one, because art is first and foremost for its creator.
And that thought comforts me.
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