#tldr: cats and wolves know a lot about each other
jaskiersvalley · 4 years
I don't know where the Vesemir/Guxart ship came from, is it even a ship? But I'd love to see some content if it's up your alley. I just imagine a keep full of young witchers being a lot for Vesemir and I think he deserves someone to lean on like the others lean on each other.
It took me a little while to get to this and I apologise. But I now bring you some supportive wolf pups and kitten, giving Vesemir and Guxart the happily ever after they deserve. Also, Vesemir/Guxart - Vexart or Guxmir for a ship name? 
The suspicions started out quite early for Lambert. He’d known Aiden for a little while, they fucked before they even knew each other’s names. The acrobatic sex had settled down into something that was more than just burning off energy with someone who didn’t reek of disdain. Loathe the admit it, Lambert would almost call it domestic, as if that term could ever be applied to Witchers. It was small things first like when he got back from a dip in the river and Aiden fixed him with a stern look.
“Did you wash behind the ears?”
“Of course!” It was a lie but Lambert wasn’t going to admit it. “Why do you care? You’re not my mother.”
“Wolves never wash behind their ears,” Aiden replied. “Everyone knows that.”
Which was not quite true because when Lambert asked Coen that winter, he was told that nobody cared about the poor hygiene habits of Witchers as a whole, let alone be worried about different schools’ habits.
When Lambert met up with Aiden again, he told him exactly how full of shit he thought Aiden was. He didn’t expect to be met with an unimpressed stare and a list.
“Wolves don’t like spicy foods, Wolves need cuddles even if they pretend they don’t like them, Wolves are loyal to a fault.”
Sulking, Lambert crossed his arms over his chest and didn’t argue. He did however invited Aiden to Kaer Morhen for the winter. Purely so the others could marvel at the idiocy the Cat spouted. It didn’t quite work out that way. The old keep was already more full of life than it had been for decades. As well as the usual four Wolves there was now a Griffin, a bard, a child surprise, a sorceress and a Nilfgaardian insistent he wasn’t actually Nilfgaardian. Adding a Cat to the mix wasn’t even a blip in the norm. At least, not obviously, not until Lambert started paying attention. It was small things to start with.
“Aiden, I’ve set aside that bowl for you,” Vesemir had nodded at a full bowl as everyone got together for dinner.
Suspicious at first, Aiden sniffed the bowl then his eyes went wide. He didn’t say anything but devoured the food in record time and, when he thought no one was looking, even licked it clean. Half an hour later Lambert was whining up a storm and drinking copious amounts of water, cursing about burning lips. It seemed Vesemir had made an extra spicy bowl of stew just for Aiden.
It didn’t stop there. The hearth in the tallest tower was lit and kept warm. Not that anyone realised to start with but, when Lambert couldn’t find Aiden anywhere for an afternoon nap, it was Vesemir who pointed him in the tower’s direction. Sure enough, Aiden was lounging on the wide windowsill, looking rather pleased at being able to enjoy the afternoon’s sunshine up high.
Then Ciri’s training began to include playing around in the rafters. None of the Wolves were keen on the game but Aiden bundled in without hesitation. It was difficult to tell who was having more fun - him or Ciri. When Lambert asked Vesemir about it, he got a shrug, “I knew a Cat once.”
The mystery thickened and Lambert and Aiden spent hours up, discussing how Vesemir could know so much about Cats. And how Aiden knew so much about Wolves. Not even Letho seemed to know so much despite having travelled with Gaetan a fair amount. At least, he denied knowing such things when confronted in the summer. It had Aiden frowning in contemplation.
“I have an idea. Trust me?”
That winter Lambert brought yet another guest. Another Cat. Guxart seemed reluctant to join them but Aiden wheedled and pestered, eventually winning some complicated sword dancing game which secured his wishes and Guxart travelled to Kaer Morhen with them.
“I don’t know why you’d want me in the Wolves’ stronghold,” he grumbled. “Their pack is very tightknit. They won’t take kindly to an old Cat like me.”
How Guxart knew the Wolves had a tightknit pack was a mystery. Except it really wasn’t. Aiden knew Guxart was the one he learned all he could about Wolves and Vesemir knew a lot about Cats. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. They walked into Kaer Morhen, heads held high.
“New guest, everyone, this is Guxart,” Lambert announced. “Guxart, this is everyone, Mostly.”
A couple of people were missing but most nodded and waved at the newest wintering buddy. The general hubbub died down when there was a gasp from the doorway.
“Gux?” Vesemir’s eyes were wide wide.
Turning slowly, Guxart looked just as hopeful. “Miri?”
Off to the side, Eskel mouthed ‘Miri?’ at Lambert who shrugged. It was all redundant though when, in a blur, Guxart and Vesemir rushed to embrace each other. Vesemir lifted Guxart off the floor in a spin, a disbelieving laugh in his throat that sounded a little wet with tears.
“Please excuse us,” Vesemir said to the room at large, even if his eyes never strayed from Guxart. “We have a lot to catch up on.” Hands linked, he led Guxart out of the room, the Cat all too happy to follow, smiling all the way.
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isthedogawolfdog · 2 years
Tbh defining a species as a group of animals that can breed together isnt the most accurate definition anyway.
No one is gonna say a ball python is the same species as a Burmese python (well, no one who knows anything about snakes). And yet somehow those two species can hybridize. Polar bears and grizzlies have been found to hybridize in the wild rarely. North American rat snakes and garter snakes can all mix within that group (so a texas rat can mix with a corn snake and a California red sided can mix with an eastern, not the two groups can cross with each other.
In general it’s best to take caution if you plan to mix species in the same genus in an enclosure as they could potentially hybridize and not all hybrids are healthy, some are also very dangerous for one or both parents (more dangerous than a mating between two of the same species would be for them).
For example, serval and domestic cats, servals are much larger than a domestic and that alone makes normal feline mating behavior a lot more dangerous. Another example is the very rare guppy/molly hybrid. I don’t remember how healthy the hybrids are but if the guppy is the mother it doesn’t tend to go well for her as mollies are a bigger and rounder species of fish and they’re both livebearers.
Even with the more complex definition of a group of animals that can breed together and have the same specific set of behaviors, diet, and ecosystem preferences. We still end up with stuff like the matamata turtle. Which used to be considered one species but was split into 2 species in 2020 after genomic analysis.
Tldr: species is super complex and there’s changes and debates all the time about it.
Personally i thing dogs and dingos should not at all be considered a wolf subspecies anymore but instead their own species. We can still see the family connections from the shared genus, but they’re both so different from wolves (either from being actually domesticated for ages or from being Australian for ages) that labeling them a subspecies could just make the public think a wolf or dingo could be just as good of a pet.
Agreed. The post where I briefly touched on what a species was wasn’t the best definition I could find, and frankly I was going off of one aspect that could potentially make animals classified as a species. It shouldn’t have been taken as the one and only definition. It was the quickest and least confusing way I could give an example. Organisms being able to breed and produce fertile offspring is only one aspect of what defines a species, but it’s way more complicated than that.
I also think dogs and dingos shouldn’t be wolf subspecies either, like you said, mainly because genetically they’re so different.
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Pets and meatless diets
As someone who works in the animal care industry, I have a lot of experience talking with people about their pet's diets. I know it has become popular and even trendy over the past decade or so to feed pets meatless diets, whether that be vegetarian or vegan, so I want to go over some of the dos and don'ts. [TLDR at end of each section]
Dogs, while being ancestrally carnivorous, have developed certain traits over centuries of living near or with people that allowed them to survive by feeding on human scraps. The gut microbiata (the collection of microorganisms such as bacteria found in the digestive tract, which, among other things, aid in metabolizing key nutrients) of dogs is functionally distinct from that of wolves. Because of this, dogs are naturally omnivorous and are capable of surviving on a meatless diet. On a case by case basis.
Some dogs, such as dalmatians, may benefit medically from meat free diets.
"For many Dalmatians, it is those diets containing high amounts of purine- yielding foods to be avoided. Certain foods such as liver and other organ meats are very high as purine-yielders, other foods like eggs and most vegetables and fruit are acceptably low as purine-yielders."
While any breed is capable of surviving on a meatless diet, it is important to remember that not all individuals will thrive on one.
The key thing to keep in mind with dogs is that their digestive tract is shorter than ours (generally ranging from 8-12 hours end to end), which may make it more difficult to absorb nutrients from plants depending on the dog. Because of this, it is important to consult with a veterinarian or someone with comparable nutrition expertise to craft a healthy and balanced meat free diet.
Above all, it is important to make sure that your dog is happy. It is important to keep an eye out for behavioral changes such as lethargy, as these could indicate underlying issues caused or exacerbated by the change in diet. If the health and nutrition needs of your dog are met and your pet doesn't exhibit behavioral changes, there's no real reason you can't or shouldn't feed your dog a meatless diet.
[TLDR: As long as you consult with a vet/nutrition expert, feeding dogs a meatless diet is fine, but don't force it if the dog doesn't seem interested]
The first thing one must understand is that 'can' may not always equal 'should', and its up to each individual pet parent to make that decision.
Cats, unlike dogs, are obligate carnivores. There are certain nutrients cats need from meat, and which cannot be found in the plant kingdom. Risk of health complications, including death, is very high for cats that are fed meat free diets.
That being said, many pet food companies have created supplements for these vital nutrients. There do exist many vegetarian cat food variations on the market, however, whether these diets are sustainable for the majority of cats is the source of much discourse.
As with dogs it is important, and in this case vital, to consult with a nutrition expert to craft a diet that will support your cat's nutritional needs.
[TLDR: While it may be possible, feeding cats a meatless diet may not be advisable and could lead to health complications.]
In conclusion, not all pets will thrive on a meatless diet, so its important to consult nutrition experts when planning your pets diet. If your pet seems lethargic or disinterested in the new diet, perhaps its not the best for them. Some animals may see medical benefits, and have a fuller life. It all depends on the individual as much as the science.
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swordbreakerz · 5 years
✨ for all of them, 🎥 for treasure planet and guardians of gahoole, 🍀 for 9-1-1 and penumbra, 📃 for unicorn chronicles, 🏳️‍🌈 for howls, treasure planet and legend of zelda, and 💎 for any ones you have facts for lol
you spoil me uwu
🎥 - ok for treasure planet, gotta be the 12 years later scene in the beginning and the zoom in to the spaceport, the way it transitions from jim reading under the blankets to him flying on his solar surfer is so chefs kiss, and just like. everything about to the spaceport lmao, fr guardians definitely the scene where soren flies through the fire and then blows up the pulley system to get rid of the flecks energy, bro when hes flying above it all holding the lantern before he dives down to save them? chills
🍀 - you know im on that projection shit w/ juno steel, ive truly never like connected with a character like that before and he’s really really helped me thru my recovery and transition lol, fr 911 uhhh ig buck or eddie? i havent Thought About It or like consumed it enough times yet to rly settle on someone but fr now,,, they
🏳️‍🌈 - ok for howls, Everyone Is Bi/Pan, howl is trans and autistic and i will die on that hill, fr treasure planet jim and cpt amelia are both trans and both of them + doppler are autistic, fr loz link is trans, autistic and semi nonverbal and communicates primarily with asl, post twilight princess zelda says fuck it and finds a way back into the twilight realm and she midna and link hang out, most of these boil down to everyone i love is trans gay and autistic because i say so lmaooo
📃 - OK SO. without like, spoiling too many plot points, our main character is cara and she lives with her grandmother. her mom is dead and dad is out of the picture. one day theyre getting chased by these people that her grandma knows and cara gets thrown into an alternate realm full of fantasy creatures using her grandmothers amulet. she meets a unicorn named lightfoot and a bunch of other rad people and basically, starts a journey to save that world from the Hunters. the Hunters are an organisation who specifically hate unicorns and want them all dead, led by Beloved, and cara and her friends have to try and stop them from entering the world and wiping them out. its sooo so so good and i highly recommend it cause i have no one to talk to about it please god
✨ - oh boy uh, well. im just gonna like list them out lmao
unicorn chronicles: i loved unicorns as a kid and read it when i was in elementary school, and over the years its remained just as compelling and well written as i remember and like. god the whole concept is so godamn cool and all the subplots that get introduced are fuckign fantastic and like all the different creatures are amazing i literally cant sing its praises enough
howls moving castle: must i have a logical reason? is it not to vicariously live my fantasy of running away to the countryside with a wizard boyfriend, his demon and his apprentice?? for real though, its such a fantastic story with beautiful visuals in the movie and wonderfully compelling prose in the book, and esp in the movie the whole time travel subplot with sophie seeing howl and calcifer in the past and then howl finding her in the future makes me go feral
penumbra: gays in space. need i say more? im a huge slut for gay found family and especially in futuristic space, and im a huge big fan of the lgbt utopia its created. like yeah capitalism sucks but at least im not gonne get misgendered in space starbucks, u kno? all the writing and dialogue is so incredible and the SOUND DESIGN GOD, alex i know u specifically can relate when i say i would kill a man for sophie and her incredible sound design skills, like dude the dance scene in man in glass p2 you can hear every single individual step they take and every swish of junos dress and i jusT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god its so good, plus the whole the characters help me work through my trauma and repressed anger haha
911: this one is entirely your fault. so obligatory horny on main everyone on that show is so hot i want oliver stark to cradle me gently in his beefy arms oh my god. other than Men, the way it drives home the whole ‘you can’t save everyone, and it will kill you to try, so just focus on what you can do and keep living’ makes me so emo. the way it tackles big bureaucratic issues as well as closer to home interpersonal ones is amazing and i love how it shows people going through and dealing realistically with trauma.
treasure planet: again, who doesnt want to live in Cool Steampunk Space Travel Future? i really really love jims story and his arc, the way he deals with his trauma is uhh very familiar lol and his relationship with silver is like the ideal. the story is just the coolest concept and i love all the wonderful character design and animation, plus the soundtrack SLAPS and everything is beautiful
legend of zelda: ive been associated with this series from a very young age due to my name and as soon as i gave into my fate and looked it up for real i just kinda fell into it lol. i cant really tell you exactly what draws me to it besides ‘wow fun game!’ and ‘god i wish that were me,’ but like the absurd amount of detail thats put into each installment and the creative ways they retell essentially the same/similar story over and over is incredible
guardians of gahoole: so i had the same experience with this and treasure planet which is i remembered ‘oh hey this is a movie that exists and i cant clearly remember watching it, ill look it up :)’ and then it consumed my life for a solid 3 months. firstly this movie is absolutely gorgeous, the animation and framing is fucking stunning and the way they handled owls talking like people as far as the movement of their very inflexible beaks was amazing. it sort of has the same draw for me as warrior cats? secret animal society ft incredibly traumatic experiences and the characters dealing with it. like, the whole concept is just so fuckign wild and it works so well, i rly enjoy this niche genre.
💎 - alright trivia time, so guardians of gahoole is based on a book series and the movie only covers part of the first arc i think idk, BUT theres another series set in the same universe called wolves of the beyond that i devoured when i was younger! i didnt know they were connected for the longest time and when i found out i was :000, i still rly love wolves of the beyond and wanna reread it, as well as read the actual gahoole books. in the howls books, sophie is a redhead! also, markl is named michael and like a fully functioning young adult who ends up marrying one of sophies sisters. treasure planet is, obviously, based off treasure island but its so much better than the book dont bother reading it lol i tried and it was boring. there was plans for a treasure planet sequel that was fully scripted and cast but it was cancelled cause disney sabotaged treasure planet from the start with the shitty release and advertising and tldr we were ROBBED, also amelias concept was much more octopus like and while that wldve been rad im p glad she was switched to a cat for. several reasons lol. uhh i dont have a lot of Fun Facts abt the unicorn chronicles but for the longest time i thought there were only 3 books and then last year i found the fourth book by chance in a kitsch store and nearly had a breakdown i was so happy, like full on i started shaking and crying cause there was so much joy in my body i cldnt contain it.
thats all i can think of tysm ily, to anyone who read all of this bless u please watch guardians of gahoole and read the unicorn chronicles i will love u forever
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mira-gilastorm · 6 years
Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords Chapter 2: Swearing Oaths and Vows
Summary: Quaithe is seeking out Daenerys - the new dragon. And is willing to trade a secret for a secret: that she has Helen Blackthorn. Aline and Dany are preparing to meet Khal Drogo, while the Lightwoods, Clary, and Magnus meet the King Beyond the Wall. But Arya has noticed Clary is missing and has roped Jon into helping her search for her friend and lady-in-waiting.[tldr: a lot of plot, sorry not sorry]
The obsidian candle in the window flickered to life, drawing the woman's silver eyes. Quaithe stared at the sputtering green flame, entranced. It wasn't quite lit, but it was the start of something. Another dragon was waking. The fire beneath her skin rushed at the very thought, remembering what it was like to live among her own kind, to walk in flame and blood. This time, she would intervene. This time there would be no Doom. Valyria had been her kind's greatest mistake and now she was the last. If another was born of fire, she would not let them burn like all the others - like the last of the dragons and the Targaryens.
She stood from her cot, donning her thick leather dress - more armor than clothing - and the traditional mask of Asshai'i, an intricate veil of wooden links, lacquered a blood red. Her glamoured hair tumbled loose down her back, appearing an unremarkable black, rather than its natural shifting color, the black glimmering green, purple, or blue, as it caught the light. She wouldn't bother with her eyes. She needed to get to the Volantis Institute. If anyone would have information on a stirring of new magic, it would be the Clave. And she always had a bargaining chip when it came to the Shadowhunters.
"Helen!" She shouted for her apprentice, a fae girl who she'd found wandering Quarth as a toddler and raised to use her own magic. The blonde curls and blue-green eyes appeared at the bottom of the stairs, a brow raised in question. "Pack up. We're closing shop and heading to Volantis. The candle is lighting and I intend to find out why."
Helen's lips twitched mischievously. "Ooh so we get to play with the Shadowhunters? It's about time." Her sing-song voice echoed as she already disappeared around the corner to follow the Asshai'i's orders.
Jace was painfully aware of the unmatched environment the warlock was leading them into. He was hoping his adopted siblings and this mysterious Clary would be enough if it came down to needing to fight their way out. There was no way he would count on the downworlder, no matter how he was glancing over at Alec. They followed the overdressed warlock through the encampment to a central tent. At least he was right about one thing - this was not a military camp. There were families, women and children, running about, tents pitched with stews over fires or laundry drying in the heat, protected from the snows. The wildlings were armed, but not like the soldiers the Lightwoods had traveled north with. They were armed for survival, not for show of strength.
Magnus walked ahead of Jace and Isabelle, with Clary still tucked close to him, away from where Alec stood, keeping stride. Whoever she was, she had the loyalty of a powerful warlock - or at least her parents had paid him exceptionally well - but there seemed to be a genuine affection between the two. He stopped short of entering the large tent that had to be some kind of meeting place - or else for someone very important.
The warlock fixed them with his unglamoured eyes, the golden cats eyes settling on each shadowhunter in turn before resting on Clary last. "Stay behind me. Do not speak until addressed. You especially run the risk of being recognized here." Who was this girl? He barely had time to register the layers of shock on her pale face before they were trailing Bane into a warm tent made of stitched skins, with a smouldering fire in the center, where some kind of council appeared to be expecting them. Jace's instincts were screaming that it was a trap.
Alec must have sensed his tension. He fell in step with his parabatai and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, lifting his head and putting on what Izzy always called his "Idris face" - the mask he used to play the diplomat. Several large men, all clothed in heavy furs, and two women who looked even more deadly than Izzy, turned to face the visitors.
Magnus threw out his arms in a grand gesture. "Mance! Always a pleasure to see you among anyone that isn't dressed in black."
A well-built man, with dark hair that fell in his eyes, stood to greet the warlock. They gripped forearms like comrades before the man broke into a grin, turning his eyes on the group of shadowhunters.
"I see not much has changed. The North warns of danger and the South sends children," his eyes flicked toward Clary, "and outcasts." Jace felt a surge of protective instinct toward the fresh shadowhunter as he stepped in front of her, moving to stand next to his brother.
"Believe it or not, they actually sent us valuable representatives of the Clave." A voice from around the fire spoke and Jace recognized it instantly, memories of his time training in the towers in Kings Landing flashing through his mind as his instructor shouted encouragements to the three Lightwood children from the floor below.
Isabelle practically radiated her resentment. "Starkweather."
Their former master at arms, nodded. "Well met, Iz."
Izzy made a move to leap at him, fury etched in her face, but her brothers grabbed her simultaneously, Jace's hand on her wrist so her weapon would remain hidden.
Magnus watched with what appeared to be only moderate interest. "Oh good. So introductions are hardly necessary. Mance Rayder, may I present Jace Wayland, and Alec and Isabelle Lightwood, of the Blackwater Institute, children to the head of the Institute herself, Maryse Lightwood. Shadowhunters, this is Mance Rayder, former brother of the Night's Watch, leader of the FreeFolk, and now a so-called King Beyond the Wall."
Mance snorted at that. "The FreeFolk need no king, Bane. We're not kneelers like those Southerners. I am simply the one who brought all the clans together." Jace nodded in respect, it wasn't like shadowhunters kneeled either. It was only when they were forced to interact with the obnoxious mundane courtesies.
Alec stepped forward, deliberately in front of Izzy. "I believe you asked us here for a purpose. The letter we received described ice demons and alliances with wolves."
At that, a large man, taller than even Mance, with unruly flaming red hair, stood as his eyes lit with the green of a werewolf. "You're damn right he made an alliance with the wolves. Our packs need south just as much as the humans do. We've lost too many to these fuckers." He glared down at the shadowhunters. "And they don't stay down. They get up - wolf, mundie, fae, giant - they all get up and do whatever those gods-damned demons command them to." The wolf encroached on Alec, looming over him, as if daring him to challenge the story.
Jace pulled up his sleeve, revealing many of his runes. "Does anyone who's seen them have runes? Do you have any shadowhunters up here, even with dormant angelic blood, we could still share the memory."
Mance and his men laughed. "None of us would trust you enough." The red-headed wolf backed down from Alec, chuckling. Even if the idea was a bust, at least his parabatai wasn't being threatened. "We might trust Magnus though."
Magnus snapped his attention from his colored fingernails he had been inspecting and stared at Mance as if he'd suddenly devolved into a puddle of ichor. "You want me to share Tormund Giantsbane's memories? This same man who's favorite story to tell is accidentally fucking a bear, thinking it was a hairy woman? That Tormund?"
A small snicker from behind them drew all attention to Clary. Jace cursed himself again for letting her through that stupid door. She'd just looked so damned determined. She watched them all as they evaluated her, as if unaffected.
She stared up at Magnus. "You judge his stories when I happen to know for a fact that your favorite to tell is how you fought off a fire-breathing cobra in Dorne. Or was it that you caught it?" She tilted her head, not even trying to play dumb. "I can never remember, it's changed so many times."
The warlock's mouth opened to defend himself, and he may have stuttered out words, but they were drowned out by the laughter of all the wildlings in the tent. Clary gave Magnus a self-satisfied smirk, brow raised, knowing she had diffused the situation and Jace felt like he was seeing the real Clary for the first time that day.
"Fine! Fine. Just shut up, the lot of you!" Magnus shouted above the obnoxious guffaws and overall laughter.
Tormund stomped his way over to the warlock, eyeing Clary as he did. "Kissed by fire, this one. Like me!" He tugged at his own hair before settling in front of Magnus, arm outstretched. "Let's do this, Sparky. I've got she-bears to fuck."
Aline was silent. And she refused to take any of the dresses Illyrio had offered, which only frustrated Dany's brother all the more. He knew the shadowhunter wasn't afraid of him and it bothered him - it kind of thrilled Daenerys. She'd never so much as spoken out against her brother, but this Volantian woman, clothed in runes and black leathers, defied him with silence.
"I know you're a shadowhunter. You being here has nothing to do with an alliance with my brother. From what I understand, your Clave would never make such an alliance anyway."
Aline froze, surprised by Dany's declaration. "I wasn't aware you had experience with the Clave."
"I don't. I listened to your mother's conversation with the magister. I learned much from just a single conversation. But I want to learn more." She held Aline's dark eyes with her own violet ones. "I scoured every book Illyrio has to offer, there's no mention of any of it." Dany leaned forward from her bed, where she was disrobing for a bath.
"No, I imagine there wouldn't be." Aline took her intricate blue dress and handed her a satin robe to wear to the bath. She glanced at Dany, and the princess felt like blushing. The shadowhunter stepped forward, blocking the hall to the bath. "Here. I would like to test something. I'm going to activate my glamour. Tell me if you can still see me, I won't have moved."
Daenerys nodded and watched as Aline took a silver knife - no, it wasn't quite a blade - almost a pen - and used it to trace over one of the runes on her skin, Something about her shimmered, but she was still there. "Did it not work? What is that thing?"
Aline flipped the instrument back into wherever it was hidden in her leathers before Dany could even reach for it, a small smile on her face. "It's called a stele, it activates the runes that give us shadowhunters our power. And yes, it did work. But apparently they were right about you. I'm glamoured and you can still see me. But to the average mundane, or average human, you would appear to be asking eager questions of the wind."
"Mundane. That's what my brother is."
"Yes. And cruel, from what I hear from the other girls. My assignment is to protect you, your Grace. Even if that means from your own kin." There was a hardness in Aline's eyes that told Dany she was serious. Daenerys suddenly had other questions to ask - like if she'd ever killed anyone, or been into battle, or won the princess' heart, like in the songs and books. But she had to bathe and dress to meet her husband-to-be. Grooming the broodmare, ready for sale - a wife for a crown. That was the deal Viserys had struck. The bathwater was steaming hot - the way she loved it.
She could feel the shadowhunter watching her. "I've always assumed I was going to marry him, you know. My brother." she tilted her head with each syllable. "It's the way of our family, if not of our home."
"I can't imagine that's something you would have wanted." The Volantian girl's eyes were far away. She must have had her own story, and Dany hadn't even thought to ask. Aline simply began to assist in washing her long platinum hair.
"Want? I don't recall anyone last asking what I want. I'm a princess, I'm fairly certain no one cares what I want." Dany felt an unfamiliar anger well up in her. She'd just been the prize on her brother's arm for so long - now she was to be some prize for a powerful Khal. "I want to go home."
The shadowhunter stopped lathering the soaps through the ends of Daenerys' hair. "Why don't you? The magister would help you. Now the Clave would too."
Dany shook her head slightly. "I would need a home to go to. I've been on the run my whole life, always dragged along behind my brother. Maybe the Khalasaar will be my home."
Aline rinsed the soaps out of her hair, the distinct smell of spices filling the air. "All Nephilim - shadowhunters - have a home, no matter where we are or where we're born, we all know Idris is home. It's in our blood."
"Idris? Yet another thing I've never found in my thorough and fruitless research." Dany stepped out of the water. It had cooled to barely warm enough to be comfortable anyway. She noticed the way Aline averted her eyes as she helped her into the lavender dress she was to wear, as though she was trying to maintain Dany's privacy.
Once the gown was laced and her hair was starting to wave from the humidity of Pentos, Aline answered the question she hadn't quite asked. "It's glamoured and there are wards that keep mundanes and other downworlders out without express permission. One minute you would be crossing the Western Waste, making your way into the Painted Mountains, and the next you would be in Idris. Or not, and you'd be right where you thought you were, having been transported from one side to the other."
"Sounds like something out of the songs."
Aline finished clasping bracelets and other jewelry on her, before fixing her with a sad smile. "All the legends are true. Where do you think the songs come from?"
Steps drew both of their attention to the hallway as Viserys barged in, his arrogant stride belying everything he thought the world owed him. Daenerys curtsied and presented herself to her brother. He stalked around her, almost threateningly, and Dany wondered what had angered him. Her eyes flicked over to Aline, who was standing silently to the side. He had ignored her entirely.
She's still glamoured, she realized with a start. Her brother lifted a strand of her hair, running his finger down her shoulder that the light gown left bare.
He circled her one more time, before deciding she was suitable. He rocked back on his heels, arms crossed. "It's a pity your breasts aren't bigger, to be more of a temptation. Oh well. We'll just have to see if the Khal will take you as you are." He offered her his arm for escort, which she took.
Aline crossed the room soundlessly and was waiting for them on the other side of the door, unglamoured. "Your Grace." She bowed, as she had the first time meeting Viserys. Daenerys knew it was to infuriate him. He simply nodded and pulled Dany down the steps toward the gardens.
Illyrio was waiting for them out in the courtyard, dressed finely in his magister's robes. He nodded to Aline and bowed lowly to Viserys and Dany. The sound of hooves flooded into the space, accented with yelps and warcrys as the Khal and his bloodriders filed down the path to the front of the magister's manse. They fanned out, horses and riders wild, and Daenerys understood why her brother saw them as barbarians.
Khal Drogo rode in front of them. He seemed to communicate with the other riders wordlessly. Viserys leaned over to whisper in Dany's ear. "See how long his braid is? When Dothraki warriors are defeated in battle, they cut their hair to show their shame. Drogo has never been defeated."
If she had been braver, Daenerys would have told him she knew that. That, and so much more. She'd been studying their language, their culture - anything to prepare her for what she now knew was coming. But she wasn't brave, not when it came to her brother. She glanced back at Aline, who was only steps away, her hands settled in a soldier's stance in front of her. The shadowhunter nodded ever so slightly to her, the motion likely imperceptible to the men around them.
Illyrio was introducing them to Drogo in the horde's native tongue. At Viserys' and her own name, the Khal's eyes swept over the siblings, taking extra time to look her over. His copper skin and dark eyes betrayed nothing of his thoughts, but she could feel him evaluating her, determining if this trade was worth waging war against her family's enemies. The dark markings on his face and body were faded with sun and time and she wondered how old he'd been when he'd received the ink. He wore no shirt, choosing instead to wear his scars and tattoos with pride, needing no barrier between him and his enemies. Dany found herself admiring him, meeting his gaze.
The Khal clicked to his horse, turning without another sound and leading his riders out of magister's courtyard. Viserys released her arm, stepping forward, again offended at not having been acknowledged. Daenerys could hear Aline hide a small snicker behind a cough behind her.
Her brother floundered for words. "What was that? What happened? Was he pleased with her?"
Illyrio raised a brow at Viserys' obvious panic. "Believe me, your Grace, if he had not been pleased, we would have known."
The magister's words calmed the Targaryen prince's panic, but not his pride. He stormed inside, muttering about barbarians and their lack of proper respect in the face of true power and dragons. Illyrio followed, always prepared to talk him down if need be.
Aline guided Dany back up to her rooms. "What did you think of my future husband, shadowhunter?"
The Volantian gave her a strange look. "I think he looks like a formidable opponent. I would not want to cross blades with him, even with my runes and the advantage they give me."
Daenerys rolled her eyes. Perhaps it would take a while before Aline was willing to talk of more than just duty.
Arya wandered the godswood with Nymeria. It wasn't like Clary to not be around like this. Rickon and Shaggydog were there, with Lucian, training the pup to be less wild. All the pups loved Clary's stepfather. Bran was sitting beneath the weirwood with Summer, resting.
"Ser Garroway, have you seen Clary? I'm so sorry to disturb the pups' training, but I haven't seen her at all this morning." Arya watched the Dornishman's eyes darken with anger.
"I'm afraid she was sent off on an errand with Lord Bane and some of the king's party. She should be back soon, my lady, or else I'll go looking for her myself, you have my word."
Arya nodded, her hand buried in Nym's thick coat. She turned, her footsteps silenced by the moss and leaves coating the ground. Jon, she thought. Jon will know what to do. She was going to find her friend. There was all this talk of leaving and going to Kings Landing and she was not going without Clary Rivers.
Jon was standing off to the side of the training yard, watching Robb and Joffrey spar with training swords. He was brooding, like he always did. Ghost turned at their approach, not making a sound, just observing as his littermate and Arya joined Jon in watching what was clearly an ill-matched session.
"The prince attacks with nothing but rage and spite, no thought for strategy or his opponent's potential strength or weakness." Jon was still watching the yard closely. "Robb sees it. He's wearing him down without having to hit him. It's clever, patient. More gracious than I would have been. I'd have given the twat a sound beating and let him learn his lesson."
Both she-wolves turned to watch the young men dance around each other with their pretend swords. Arya saw the truth of Jon's words. Robb was parrying every enraged blow, dodging every hurried thrust, until the blonde boy was panting and wild-eyed with fury.
Her big brother looked like it was taking every bit of his self-control not to grin. "It would appear I cannot even hit you, Your Grace. Shall we call it a draw?"
Joffrey's face reddened but Sansa was already there, swooning, telling him how astonishing his skill was, despite her brother being both older and larger than him. Arya fought the urge to gag.
Robb sauntered over to Jon and Arya, ruffling Nymeria's fur. None of them ever pet Ghost. The silent direwolf somehow made it clear he was Jon's and Jon's only. Jon spoke before Robb got the chance. "That was rather diplomatic of you."
Robb snickered. "Father told me quite firmly that I was not to beat the shit out of him, no matter how desperately I wanted to." He held himself upright, deepening his voice into a perfect imitation of their father. "'You'll just have to settle for outwitting him and proving you're a better man with more than just your sword.'"
Arya giggled and Jon nodded. "That sure sounds like Father."
Their older brother grinned at them both before slapping his thigh with sparring sword he was still holding. "I suppose I should go get dressed. See you both later."
They watched him leave as the younger prince, Tommen was bundled up and matched with Bran for sparring. She wondered vaguely when he had left the godswood.
"So what did you want, little sister?"
She peered up at Jon, who was finally looking at her, now that the sparring no longer interested him. "Clary's missing."
He made the pained expression that meant he was confused. "How is that possible? Her father is Captain of Father's forces. We have all these additional guards around..." his voice trailed off.
"What? What is it?" Arya knew that look. Jon knew something.
"The night of the feast, Clary went upstairs with Lord Bane. When Lucian asked me where she'd gone, I told him and he asked if she was alone."
"Well? Was she?"
Jon paused. Whatever it was, Arya could handle it. He should know she was old enough to handle it. "She looked alone to me, other than Magnus, but Tyrion Lannister said she was with three of the king's party. He said he wasn't sure their name, but that their mother had made sure they joined the caravan. Lucian seemed angry and stormed off toward his and Jocelyn's quarters. I assumed he knew something I didn't. I was also really rather drunk, Arya." He gave her a sad grimace. "Have you asked Lucian?"
She nodded fiercely. "He said she was on an errand with Lord Bane and if she didn't return soon, he would go looking for her himself."
Jon sighed. "Which means she's not here and he doesn't know where she is."
"Exactly." Arya's tone disturbed Nymeria, making the direwolf restless beside her. "I need to find her. She's been gone for over a day now and I'm not heading south without her."
Her brother ran a hand through his hair, letting out a frustrated rush of breath. "Fine. I'll help you try and find her. But only because I know you would do it without me. Go find Simon, if she told anyone where she was going, it would be him. I'm going to ask Lord Tyrion about who he saw her head off with. We'll meet in Magnus' library, deal?" He held out his hand, in the way he always had when they were betting or swearing secrets.
Arya took his hand, gripping it fiercely. "Deal."
Wards went off all around the Volantis Institute. The portal room locked down right as the warlock, an old family friend, was about to open the portal back to their home in Dorne - the Water Gardens Institute. Andrew Blackthorn pressed his fingers to his eyes. It had been a long meeting with Jia and he just wanted to get back to his duties running his Institute, relieve his son Mark. Tessa, still trying to open the portal, let out a frustrated groan.
She turned to Andrew, seeing his state, and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Let's go ask Penhallow what's happening." He nodded, following her lead.
They stepped into the main entry of the Institute, only to see Jia rushing to them, confusion on her face. "So it wasn't you then."
Tessa was clearly offended. "I've been portaling in and out of Institutes longer than either of you have been alive. Of course it wasn't me. Whatever it is has warded off warlock magic. I couldn't open a portal now if I wanted to."
Jia's face stiffened. "So we're under attack." She began shouting commands at the shadowhunters of her Institute. She turned back to Tessa and Andrew and was saying something but Andrew was too exhausted to hear it.
Tessa nudged him and he snapped out of his stupor. "What?"
"I asked if you've heard from Mark. Is the Dornish Institute in danger as well?"
Tessa shook her head. "We've had no fire messages. I doubt any could get through this. This is not like any magic I've felt before. This is older than myself, or even Magnus or Ragnor. It isn't fae or demonic either."
Andrew noticed Jia pale at the warlock's words. "You know who it is."
She shook her head. "No, but I have an idea of what they might be."
The sound of shattering glass drew their attention toward the portal room entrance. Black flames, like obsidian, shimmering with greens and blues and purples, swirled into a portal until two figures stepped through, wreathed in the fire. One was a tall Asshai'i shadowbinder, clothed in leathers and her lacquered veil, with silver eyes and raven black hair. The other, though, was a fae girl with brilliant golden hair, with blue flowers woven into a braid, accenting her blue-green eyes.
Blackthorn eyes, Andrew couldn't help but thinking. He stepped forward, drawn to the girl. She looked so much like his baby girl he had lost, the girl he had looked for before duty called him back to Westeros. "What business do you have with the Volantis Institute?" His eyes were fixed on the fae girl, but he address the Asshai'i woman.
She chuckled, a low, dangerous sound. "I want to know why the obsidian candle is now lit. A new dragon is born and I intend to defend them, as you and my ancestors failed before."
Jia stepped up behind Andrew. "We cannot divulge the location of the one you seek. We have already sworn to defend them. You attack our Institute, infiltrate and make demands. Tell me, why would the Clave ever agree to trust you with such a priceless secret?"
He could feel Tessa tense next to him. Jia was withholding things - again. A new magic. The other heads of Institute had a right to know about things like that. He had to wonder, though, if she had gone through the Clave or if this was just Jia. Penhallow had a habit of making her own deals.
That dangerous sound that was the woman's laughter rumbled again, filling the room with a heated energy. She removed her veil, revealing olive skin that made her quicksilver eyes shimmer even brighter in contrast. A glamour wavered in front of their eyes, like waves of heat, and her raven black hair was suddenly as alive as the black flames of her portal.
"I am Quaithe, of the Shadowlands. The last true Valyrian. Now you see me as I am, fire made flesh. I am trusting you, not only with one great secret I have kept, but two." She gestured to the fae girl next to her, who grinned like a true faerie. "I bring back one of your own, whom I have raised since she was a child. She is like my own daughter and free to choose her own path, but I reveal her to you now in good faith."
Andrew stumbled forward and fell to his knees in front of the two women. "Helen?"
The blonde blinked in surprise at hearing the name, turning her blue-green gaze on him. Blackthorn eyes. Recognition flickered in her stare as she turned to the Valyrian and said something in a language he couldn't understand. She reached out gingerly to touch his cheek, as if to see if he was real, before drawing her hand back. Andrew watched the confidence flow back into his daughter, the same confidence that filled the Asshai'i woman.
His half-faerie daughter directed her announcement at the shadowhunters in the Institute, most of whom had gathered at the entry to view the spectacle that had become a reunion. "It's true. My name is Helen Blackthorn and I am daughter of Andrew Blackthorn, as well as of a lady of the Seelie Court. I am fae, yes. But I am also one of you. I am nephilim." She turned to Jia. "Do you trust us now, Mistress Penhallow?"
Chapter 1
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