#tldr it's not like HARD hard to do but it does take a little while
carbo-ships · 1 year
Okay I'm sorry to bug you but I'm so stupid. How are you guys making the yumeship things? Like the background and stuff is there a program y'all are using to get it? I've been trying on my phone and I don't know how y'all get them so perfect looking 😭 please explain it like I'm 5. If that's too much work, feel free to ignore this/delete this no hard feelings I'm just incredibly dumb 🥲😅
No worries at all!
I do it on my computer in my drawing software. If you don't have one, you can probably achieve just about everything that needs doing using this free software:
I'll break it down step by step how I made mine below the cut. there are lots of pictues. i hope this makes sense. we'll be recreating my Aether/Ardis one for this tutorial.
here is what we are going to do today
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So step 1 is to download the template
I like using the transparent version because I find it easiest to edit for my purposes, but feel free to use the other ones as well if there's one you prefer. you'll just skip the first couple steps of this tutorial. Open it up in your software. I'm using Paint Tool SAI. It should look like this.
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First, I'll drag in the background that I want and put it on a layer underneath the template. It will look something like this (you can also use a flat color, whatever you want)
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Now I want to fill in the big boxes so that I can actually read the text, so I'll go back to the template layer and magic wand select the main bit of empty space (blue shows what's selected),
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then invert it (there is probably a button for this on your software)
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now I'll make another layer under the template and bucket fill what i want to be white
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you can color in extra things you want to change the color of on this layer too, or just leave it as-is. I'm going to spruce it up a bit, though.
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ok great. now i'm going to change the grey text boxes to be white because the light grey clashes with my pastels. this may not be necessary for yours. you can bucket fill those too on the main template, but I'm going to use what's called a clipping layer on SAI, which basically means that it's a layer that only draws on top of things that already exist in the layer under it (this may or may not exist in the software you're using, but do whatever works for you). so i'm going to make a new clipping layer over the template and color white over all the grey parts.
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much better. it's time to cut out where we want our pictures to go. I find it easiest to work when I treat all the boxes like picture frames, kinda like how the ones in the bottom right are. there are other ways to do this, but this is my prefered method. so we're going to go to our template layer and magic wand select everywhere we want a picture to go (once again now highlighted in blue)
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and delete those from both our template layer and our white layer. it should look like this now
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so now all you do is drag in your pictures so that they're underneath your template, erasing any parts that stick out
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and then you just add text and little rectangles and whatnot! (I added mine in a different program because my art software doesn't have a text feature)
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I made a couple other adjustments to mine (black circle around the one photo, getting rid of the line at the bottom of the aesthetic trio) by just editing the template layer.
and that's it! all done! does that make sense? i hope that makes sense. if i skipped over anything vital or if that makes no sense, let me know.
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habken · 4 months
/busts down your door WHAT ALL HAVE I MISSED IN BNHA?????? I just saw your comic and I’m so confused
okay so bakugou got got right we all know that, shigaraki fucked up his arm, bakugou said “oh I know what I gotta do” and did a good attack on shiggy but his heart exploded </3 and he died but edgshot said “nuh uh” and used his body to stitch it back up and then deku was late to the party and didnt even have time to be bummed out about bakugou’s corpse cause he has to fight shigaraki and then somewhere else afo does stuff blah blah blah and snatches hawks quirk (rip) and then takes off to join shigafo in that fight but all might says “not on my watch” and intercepts him and they duke it out and all this time afo is getting younger cause he used something made from eris quirk so he could keep duking it out with endeavour and that gang so he’s like a teen fighting poor old man all might who used all his savings to by himself a mech suit but it’s not going so hot for him and stain shows up to take on afo with all might but afo still wins and is about to finish off all might when bakugou starts up his own heart with his explosive sweat and makes really fruity eye contact with deku and with the power of friendship deku pauses his fight with shigafo to launch bakugou towards afo and bakugou saved all might and goes “dawg who’s this kid I’m about to beat the shit out of” and all might says “that’s afo” and bakugou goes to beat the shit out of toddler afo and succeeds because afo finally benjamin buttons out of existence but the whole balugou’s arm looks like seconds away from falling off, then after a long day of fighting bakugou takes a well deserved nap and we go back to deku v shigafo and it’s not going well for deku he’s trying to break through to tenko but he’s not getting anywear and then shigaraki steals danger sense and it gets even worse but second user goes “wait ! What if we attack him with psychic damage, give shigaraki ofa and we’ll beat the shit out of his mind so you can do your thing” amd deku is very sad but agrees and then after he goes punches all of the ofa vestiges into shigaraki they end up in his mind palace and little deku holds little tenko hand even though it’s disintegrating his own and this is where we think “wow he truly won with the power of friendship” but no !! He did not ! The afo vestige that loves in shigaraki’s mind comes out and evil laughs and says “you idiot I’ve been behind all the awful missrable things that happened your whole life ! I convinced your dad to have you, I took your og quirk away and gave you half of an ability that should have let you destroy and recreate but only gave you the destructive part because I am evil and you are too because I made you that way” and shigaraki goes :0 ?!1?;& and dissolves because afo cast vicious mockery and got a nat20 dealing double damage. We then exit shigaraki’s mind and deku has no arms !! But behind him avengers endgame style, heroes amass and aizawa steps out of the portal and goes “damn sorry midoriya if only I’d come like a minute earlier now you’re armless </3” but ! He tosses deku eri’s horn because eri havked it off herself to give to deku to save him and deku’s arms start growing back :D at the same time, afo has fully taken over shigaraki’s body and i like “haha tomura is no more it’s just me now” but he’s super bummed out because his vestige brother is gone as well and he’s like “damn what even is the reason for doing anything anymore :// I guess I’ll still kick ur ass or whatever but I’m kinda apathetic about taking over the world now” but while deku gave away ofa he still has some of the embers and with the power of froendship once more, he dodges afo’s attacks and punches him super duper hard, and we see shigaraki again :D and yoichi :00 and yoichi says sone shit to afo and shigaraki turns to deku like “this was truly our hero academia :) tell spinner I love him” and deku says “sure dawg” and they fist bump and stuff
tldr: deku gave up ofa to save shigaraki and bakugou’s arm is super super messed up which is very fun
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isagrimorie · 6 months
People give Janeway guff about not giving Kazon replicators and transporters. Still, it's proven repeatedly that giving one Kazon faction an advantage over the other would be mixing it up in an internal war that would LITERALLY shift the balance of power.
Klingons at least know the technology they have engineers, even as it's becoming a dying breed over Warriors.
TLDR in Alliance Chakotay and Tuvok convinces Janeway that making an alliance with a Kazon faction is the way to go.
And so she does finally concede on this little experiment but with a lot of reservations going in: That once they leave the infighting will go on, and might actually have been worse.
Tuvok naively thinks it might help and bring about a Federation.
B'Elanna then pushes forward Harry's sarcastic comment about forming an alliance with Seska and then at the first sign of this, Chakotay balks.
And then Janeway says something that I feel is her guiding principle in dealing with hard decisions:
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Janeway: "You can't have it both ways Commander. If you want to get in the mud with the Kazon you can't start complaining that you might get dirty."
Again, this is what I love about Janeway -- she gets flack for it but when Janeway makes a decision no one else wants to make it.
As I've mentioned in another post in tags: #right or wrong#i admire how janeway is always the one#who goes#the buck stops with me#she makes the hard choices on voyager#especially during debates#when the staff just goes around and around in circles#like in memorial where she starts just in the background#listening to the senior staff debate#from how janeway started in episode 2 of season 1#where she's presented with the horrific#sophie's choice of neelix dying because he has no lungs#and then subjecting another person to the same fate#to the (now boring debate about tuvix)#to this moment#to the moment on the memorial episode#she will take on that burden#and she will always stare at the hardest choice unflinchingly#because someone has to#as the 12th doctor once said#sometimes all your choices are bad ones#but you still have to choose#
In this episode, she allowed herself to be persuaded but she's not sold on it. But she's letting her crew run with it -- okay so we do this, but if we do this, we commit to it. And yet, at the first uncomfortable decisions... there's already balking. This was Janeway testing the waters if any other person on her senior staff could carry water about making the hard choices.
So far the ones who have stepped up were B'Elanna, Tom, and Neelix.
Anyway, I wish there was more fallout on the whole Kazon vs Trabe conflict because that was actually interesting.
But also Voyager had a Doctor Who problem -- if they meddle in the affairs of a spatial politik, they don't know the repercussions of their actions and just look at Living Witness and the reputation Voyager gained simply by doing a bit of a trade deal.
Voyager can help when they can, see: helping Brenari refugees escape the Devore. (Counterpoint).
But they can't and shouldn't really interfere with internal politics. They're not like DS9 where they can stay in one place and fix things permanently. They're just passing through.
This is also why I think she wasn't really considering Tuvok and Chakotay's thing during the Void episode where they raid another ship's resources. (Also, because after Ransom and Equinox, she knows what faltering in the Federation principles can do).
Crucially, she's also known both Chakotay and Tuvok enough that while she loves them -- Janeway knows neither men have the stomach for their proposals.
The Alliance episode was one example of that already.
Janeway, though, if she is pushed to make that commitment and there was absolutely NO way they can prevent raiding others-- Janeway would have committed to that action 110%. This is why I feel Janeway would actually come to a similar conclusion as Sisko in In the Pale Moonlight.
Especially, if she gets daily reports of Starfleet casualties. I have a feeling, there would be less kicking and screaming when Garak finally does his reveal.
Janeway has rules for a reason. She is fastidious about it. For a reason. Because once she commits to an action, it will take both hell and high water to take her off that course.
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cinnamoneve · 11 months
What's your opinion about gojo , is he a green flag or red flag or both (when he genuinely date someone or like someone or normally,and why ? give us a detail answer please
nonnie i want to kiss your big beautiful brain ♡ definitely a little bit of both, and of course i'll go into detail ab anything gojo :) thank you for your question !!
𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐯. 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐬
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𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐬 - anything casual
⤷ at his core, gojo is selfish; but that doesn't mean he's incapable of change w the right person!
⤷ if you're in a casual, new, or even friends-with-benefits situation, you simply are not a priority to him. really, you're something to pass the time, get his rocks off, or boost his ego
⤷ he knows this, and he knows it's terrible. he can't dedicate the time or the investment into a relationship if he doesn't see it going anywhere. but he does keep it around to entertain him.
⤷ and if you're not free to keep him busy, well! he's gonna move on to the next. unless he's committed and there's a label, it doesn't exist in his mind ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
⤷ habitual ghoster (sorry). he simply cannot be caught up in any of that, just takes what he wants/needs and slips away
⤷ notoriously can't commit. brushes you off every time. once he's locked down, he is for LIFE but until then he's gonna dodge it every chance he can. gotta stand out to be important to the strongest!
⤷ he's a tough nut to crack and hard to break through to - he's got a lot of walls up underneath his façade to keep anyone out. it's a little bit of a passion project, a little fixer-upper, if you will, but it's all worth it (personally i love the color red and i love fixing people sooo hehe)
buuuuuuuut let's talk about some green flags:
𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐬 - anything committed
⤷ if it's mutual and he's all in, this man is loyal to his core! just wants to be understood and to understand in return
⤷ sappy. once you bridge that gap of understanding, he is ALL IN !! all in. he wants to attach to you at the hip and be with you all the time
⤷ a hopeless romantic as well--didn't think he'd ever find a love like this, so he soaks it all up while he can. leaves you little notes everywhere, spoils you all the time, brings you gifts on every instance he can
⤷ did i mention needs to be attached at the hip? good luck ever showering by yourself or going to the store alone
⤷ surprisingly very good at communicating and listening. can get a little pouty and childish if he's upset, but needs some time to blow over before he can really focus in and listen
⤷ seeps you into every aspect of his life. you're teaching with him, you're taking his students out, you're going to all the school's activities and helping him with anything you can
⤷ protective of you! will work you into every aspect of his life EXCEPT for the dangerous ones. can't go on missions, sorry! can't go out late at night by yourself, sorry! who knows what's out there to hurt you when he can't protect you
⤷ indulges you and spoils you in every way he can. makes his best effort to understand you so he can comfort and love you in the way you deserve. a flip switches when he's committed, and there's nothing he wouldn't do for the one he loves.
tldr; lock him down if you wanna see the best version of him! if not, the walls he puts up are lined with red flags, baby!!
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twost3ps · 3 months
I love guitarhero, mostly thanks to you! But now I have to ask. What would guitarhero’s first fight would be? I’m all in for the sweetness, fluff, and romance. But they have got to have a sort of quarrel at some point. Unless it’ll never happen, thats fine too!
That is such an honor rfiycbyfeyicbeficyb AUYWUYAWFGuyaG
But man that’s actually a hard question…
I’m not sure but they do quarrel quite a bit. Still a definite believer that Adam is a brat who is madly stubborn and crass, and while Micheal is pliant to most of Adam’s wants and opinions he does put his foot down from time to time. Every couple is bound to argue but that’s honestly something that makes any relationship stronger- working around problems.
But they’ve had fights before
Short answer:
In eden their first argument would have about the value of life. In heaven, it was to do with Adam's abandonment issues because of Micheal's work
Long answer:
For me, their first ever argument, not even as a couple just in general, was the value of life in Eden/earth. I kinda explored that in one of my other posts, but to keep it short- at some point Micheal had looked at what was ‘mortal life’ as inferior. The way angels and humans inherently view life is vastly different, for me personally. And when Micheal found himself in the garden and finally met Adam, who he thought as a miracle by god, he still didn’t value the other life in there as equally. Adam definitely got mad when Micheal would scoff at and ignore the animals who were trying to capture his attention. Adam was really soft to all the animals- closest thing he had to children back then (his little babies) They get into a couple more arguments about it till Adam put his foot down. He felt it on a level unfair that there was a clear bias to him and the other life and that Micheal’s behavior and Micheal tells him he is unable to understand the connection because he just doesn’t feel it. Then it’s this whole thing of Adam dragging Micheal everywhere and showing him the wonders of life, and like really showing him. Making him wait and watch. It’s a lust for life kind of thing. The valve of the living experience and Micheal slowly comes to understand lol
In heaven they would quarrel about like general stuff that couples do but-
I think their first real genuine argument up in heaven would probably have to do with Micheal’s responsibilities and Adam’s relationship insecurity.
Micheal is a man dedicated to order. He willingly takes on more work so that peace is kept, especially because he thinks its HIS duty. Mainly a mix of Lucifer’s fall with the apple and the fallout of it- Micheal felt as the eldest sibling, being Lucifer’s closest twin (or triplet but that’s for another time), and being ones of the few guards of eden, in a way the fall was kinda his fault. And while waiting for Adam to get into heaven, Micheal took on some of Lucifur's old responsibilities and additional duties that had been created because of the fall.
Anyway tldr: the fall caused Micheal to become very work active as a way to cope with the loss of his brother. He feels the need to constantly work to keep peace and also to never think about his personal failures lololol (if I don't think about it its not there mindset- very counter productive lol) He just wants that CONTROL
When Adam finally gets into heaven, that's finally when Micheal halts some of his duties. He makes time out of his schedule just for Adam. I mean, yes, Adam has training with Micheal so that he can be supervised, but Micheal makes REAL time just to have personal one on one time with him. There is though, that nagging part of him thats yelling at him to work.
And it stays like that for a while till finally more winners come up into heaven and there is a steady growth of the birth rate at Earth. Then the work is stating to pile high and Micheal is actively being called in. He falls back into his older routine, of working and working. Old habits die hard and he adds on more work than he really needs to. It's all about having that control bby. And while Micheal is attempting to do work, his personal time with Adam lessens and lessens. He thinks it's fine because a long time has passed and Adam has assimilated pretty well into heaven by then and what he's doing is benefiting Adam's descendants.
As for Adam, he definitely has relationship issues- specifically abandonment issues. With Lilith and Lucifer obviously and a bit of Eve (cuz of the possible infidelity thing and I don’t think she’s in heaven). Micheal had been his rock. The one part of Eden he still had. He also Adam's break. As a winner, Adam was relieved of his earthly duties. He was free to chill and relax (training was Micheal's idea, but Adam had the freedom to refuse) Relaxing is his time with Micheal because it's how he relaxed in eden. And now that Micheal was going away more, he felt scared. He afraid of being tossed to the side again and this made Adam more clingy. Whenever Micheal would tell him he’d have to leave, he’d try to cling on to him and tell him that he could just do it later. Both are emotionally constipated so instead of talking it out immediately they let that stuff marinate and build up, expecting the other to address it.
It all blows up when Micheal is called in for this very important project and Adam is trying to make excuses for him to stay. This has been going on for a while and both of them just snap and words are thrown around. Neither of them have ever had a fight like this before and it ends really badly.
Both stop talking to each other for a while, but it's obvious it's taking a toll on them.
Micheal has buried himself in his work, and despite his dedication, he's become very sloppy.
Adam hangs around in their old hangout spots but clearly wants no one around. He's a lot more quiet but very heated when he actually speaks.
Even when they see each other in training, they actively avoid each other. Adam even dropped out after some point.
It's until Gabriel intervenes that he forces the two to talk it out.
It's rough, and ends in tears and stuff. All that jam.
Adam comes to understand that Micheal has a life outside of him. That while he is granted a life of leisure, the other angels have their duties that they must attend to as well. It hurts, but still. But he also gains comfort knowing that Micheal would not willingly abandon him for his work. That what he's doing is also for both of their families.
Micheal is confronted with the fact that just overworks himself. That he puts too much time in trying to take control that he's losing control of himself and the relationships he has (his work has not blocked his relationship with Adam but also with his siblings) He also comes to the realization that Adam still needs him, not just to guide him, but also be there for him.
Both are also coming to the understanding that they really need to talk about how the fall and eden in general affected them. They work it out. It forges a deep bond between them because they both now that they understand and relate to one another URGWIEGFKWEUBHo
Theres also like, a bunch of other issues that they address as well
This argument also might pipeline to why adam gets into heavenly politics. It was a way of him getting directly involved with his descendants but also to watch over Micheal, because if that man is going to try and listen to anyone its gonna be Adam. Of course theres more to it than just that but thats a part of it.
ALSO im so sorry to the the ppl who have sent me asks Ive just been crazy sick and delirious. But i really wanted to answer this question lol
I'll be answering the ones I don't have any sketches for maybe 2day or tommorow. For the other asks im so sorry but i wanna draw them ,esuFwejvfejwyv
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bywrios · 5 months
Hello Sev 🐍 here I have discovered your newest abode and once I saw this blog and it’s purpose I immediately thought of 2 things 1 Alpha Wriothesley and as someone who’s supposed to be in their omega era I believe u can go from there and 2 is Wriothesley and Clorinde doting and taking care of their perfect little wife if u wanted u could even think about both them being your Alphas while u r their omega have fun with this Sev glad to have u back take care!
🐍 anon u r killing me here giving me clorinde thoughts on my men blog............................ ANYWAY alpha!wrio mmm............................
in short? a sweetheart, but just for you. he's the type of alpha i feel to be subtle about things while also making it unmistakable that you're his, and more importantly, he's yours. sometimes he'll take you out to the surface for dates and make sure they run until late at night, just so he can have the excuse to drape his coat over your shoulders, both to keep you warm and have it be scented by you. two birds, one stone, right? the next day he'll wear it proudly around the fortress, ever so often wrapping it tighter around his large frame and burying his nose in the fur at the collar to breathe your sweet scent in.
alpha!wrio has a lot of scars; from typical fights to fights amongst alphas. the latter is always more violent, fists and teeth bared between people running on nothing but pure instinct, but wrio's always come out on top, of course. he isn't the duke--the top dog--for nothing. but with that comes scars, naturally. and he doesn't have any particular feelings about his scars, he's mostly neutral to them.
but. there is one scar that he cherishes above all, and it's the mating bite you left on his shoulder. sometimes in the mirror he'll brush his fingers along it reverently, and indulge in the way it makes his entire body relax. he can feel the ghost of your teeth when he does this, something that for once broke his skin not to harm but to love. to claim. and he loves it, just as much as the one he left on your shoulder. mirrors of each other.
alpha!wrio, and honestly regular wrio too, is really protective of you, of course. you're his mate, his beloved, the most important person in his life--he wants to ensure your safety, always. he has his guards periodically update him on what you're doing in the fortress, and it's his favorite part of their reports. maybe he'll even send one of them over to you with a little gift or trinket, like a duke-special coupon for a warm cup of tea or a little note telling you not to push yourself too hard and remember to take breaks. he passes the flat of the note over his wrist once, twice to scent it before passing it to one of his guards to give to you.
tldr; alpha!wrio is so puppydog whipped for you <333
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz + partner privilege
a/n: partner privilege isn’t a concept I was very familiar with, but it’s so cute…I’m gonna cry this is so qidhajdjsjs!!! Thank you for requesting anon <3 (also varying lengths isnt me showing favoritism, just me showing my writer’s block)
warnings/genre: fluff, swearing, “I’m breaking up w u” jokes, g/n reader, please tell me if anything else needs to be tagged!
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-lets you distract him
-chan prides himself on being very driven and task-focused, but when you come into the studio, or when he’s playing games or trying to cook and you appear, he is immediately just fawning all over you
-he needs you to know that you have his attention, and he doesn’t want you to think he prioritizes work over you
-he knows very well that sometimes he can be seen as a man married to the music, but you’re quite literally his muse, so he wants to spend as much time w u as possible-but also because he loves you and ur so cute and he wants to hang out w u!!
-“oh, baby, hey!! nonono you’re not bothering me.” and gestures you closer so he can hold you and ask about your day, if you need anything, etc etc
-tldr he’s always patient with you and lets you “bother him” except you’re never an annoyance, he always wants you around <3
lee know
-shares his personal life with you/lets you in
-in a more superficial definition, he lets you call his cats your children, he invites you to his apartment 24/7, he wants you to meet his family so you can all bond
-but in a deeper meaning, minho also is a lot more vulnerable with u (compared to others)
-he takes thinks very lightheartedly and isn’t one for super sincere moments, where he cries in your shoulder or explains his feelings, but with you he feels safe
-he lets himself break down in front of you, he talks about the minor irritations throughout the day, and he talks about any problems that come up in your relationship
-he never likes getting too emotionally invested in romantic relationships, but he wants to stay with u for as long as possible!!
-tldr homie lets down his emotional walls even in regards to you because he loves you
-tbh this one was v hard because he already holds his partner on quite the pedestal, with lots of privileges LOL
-but I feel like Changbin is the type of boyfriend where you could convince him to do literally anything
-he’ll practically do anything you say because he trusts you, and also he wants to see you happy
-if he’s ever mouthing off to chan, the members just call you over to get him to apologize for giving so much attitude
-“y/n?? I thought you were on my side >:(“ and he’s pouting and whiny but he does as asked for you, and he always ends up giggling when you give him a little kiss on the cheek as a thank you for listening to you
-obviously he listens to you on a regular basis (healthy relationships !!) but he will always do what you say, if you ever complain about something he’s doing while you’re fighting, he’ll put sincere effort into changing that or altering bad behaviors in a relationship
-obviously in exchange you’ll always put his feelings into his consideration and listen as well, but it is a privilege to have him so obedient (Chan thinks it’s a blessing)
-tldr he listens to you 24/7 about not being dumb but he also listens to you 25/8 about improving as a boyfriend and a person
-he’s so fucking sassy and always puts a lot of sarcasm and jokes
-similarly to minho he’s not going to randomly lovingly cup your face and profess how much he loves you, because he feels like that’s already obvious enough
-but with you!! he just snickers if you make a stupid joke at him, kisses your forehead, and jisung is just like :0
-han will just joke about hyunjin w slipping or messing up during a performance, and hyun will hit him with like “let’s talk about how you messed up pre-debut and almost got us cancelled”
-but if you ever call out hyunjin he won’t retaliate or bark back, just playfully roll his eyes and say “get better insults”
-he just can’t be mean to you, he can’t ever bad mouth you or even be hyperbolic in his little sarcastic remarks
-it seems small to your friends, but you know that this is his way of showing how much he loves you
-it’s not that he things you’re emotionally fragile or incapable of handling him, but he just holds you in such high regard and always so proud of you for all your accomplishments and improvements and wahhhh how could he ever find a way to back-talk you?? there’s nothing to mock or call out, at least in his eyes
-shows you off
-I feel like it’s pretty clear that he shows you off throughout my reactions (but never objectifying you), but for someone so bright and lively he can be a bit personal about his relationships—just an introvert thing tbh
-but to him you’re the most beautiful and amazing person in the world so how can he not post 20 instagram stories of you just randomly doing things?? how can he not smile every single time he talks about you??
-it makes you feel so incredibly loved and special to have someone so proud to date you
-he’s very loud and proud to love you, and even though he can shy away from being more expressive to the public about sincere feelings, he’ll never back away from an opportunity to brag about how amazing his partner is
-posts you to his story 24/7, talks about you excitedly to his loved ones, and he likes to include little aspects of you in his day to day life just as a constant reminder to others that he has the best s/o ever -wears your favorite color, your initials drawn on his wrist, picking out clothes he knows you like -and he'll always be like "oh this earring?? my partner likes this one, that's why i picked it <3"
-is more honest to you
-not that he lies to everyone, he’s so sincere and kind but he really is just a person and he feels like everyone expects him to love everyone, to tolerate everyone, and sometimes that’s just completely impossible
-rants to you about his feelings or annoyances, because he knows that you don’t have any expectations for him to just be a piece of sunshine 24/7
-you give him a place where he feels safe, maybe he had a bothersome run-in with someone at work, the choreographer was being a jerk, something along those lines—but then he gets home to you with your arms open wide and he’s immediately just ranting and huffing and puffing about his day
-“omg. love, today, you’ll never believe what this person tweeted about us, god!!” >:(( and he can just go off
-his honesty means a lot, because it shows that he really trusts you and is super sincere about his feelings, he knows that he doesn’t have to lie to you
-lets his humour run wild with you
-doesn’t feel like he needs to suppress his character around you, doesn’t feel like he needs to pretend, but unlike Felix who’s genuine in his feelings, Seungmin’s genuine in his humor
-weirdly stands in your doorway, pokes your cheek
-he can get kinda insecure about his behaviour, how he acts, he doesn't want to seem weird or be perceived any less especially when he was still super duper whipped and just wanted to impress you -but as the two of you grew closer he realized that he could just have the time of his life w/ you and you actually seemed to enjoy some of his jokes -okay so sorry about the format change it annoys me too--anyways, he loves to make you laugh so he is so down to publically humilate himself just to see you smile -he feels more confident and he feels as if its more worth it to be himself for you -you do wonders for his self confidence + he has fun so it's a win win situation
jeongin -always makes time for you, no matter what - he regards himself as more of a private and personal person, it can be overwhelming to him to be constantly surrounded by others, but for some reason you don't exhaust him in that way -he makes sure you always feel wanted, he never wants you to think that he'd rather have solitude over you -his members always tease him about it tho :,) -"we literally asked jeongin to hang out seven times this week and he said no six times, how did you manage to get him to immediately say yes to getting lunch with you??? he's a simp." -and yes he is!! he wants to be with you, spend time with you -you will always be in his schedule, even if for only a second
-on tour and you need to talk? dw shawty he's already asking a tech worker to hold his phone so you can facetime him while he's getting ready backstage -it's four am but you just need your boyfriend with you? he's already outside your door -he loves being with you <3
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Hi! I won't be put out if you don't answer this question, but I figured I may as well ask. For context, I am a disabled fanfic writer who's irritated by the casual ableism in my fandoms, and this blog is a big inspiration and help to me in doing my little part to represent accurately.
The fandom I'm talking about here is Hermitcraft, if that helps anyone get the jist of this. The vast majority of the characters are seen/shown as some kind of non-human or animal person, and that's how I like to show them too. There's one character, named Cleo, who's some kind of zombie-type creature in canon. She's loud, competent, snarky but still a great friend, and a talented designer.
Is it ever ableist to give Cleo a facial difference, as opposed to a different disability or condition? (It is normal in this fandom to assign characters disabilities in fics if you want, except for a few cases where the creators say they don't want specific characters given some category of condition.) I am concerned about her specifically because of her zombie-ness in canon, which is always treated as a cool and fun design feature by the fandom but still could be/look like equating a facial difference with something bad. Obviously I intend to write her having a FD in a canon setting, if I do it, as unrelated to her zombie-ness and a neutral/positive aspect of her. Is this specific issue (potential ableism) improved if she's one of a handful of characters with FDs or disabilities, or does that not help here? If it's an AU setting where all the characters are human and Cleo has an FD, is that better or worse than being in canon? (I am not at all interested in writing about discrimination, so assume there's no real-world-typical disfiguremisia at play.)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
while I appreciate wanting to include facial differences in all kinds of characters, zombies are... not great. Casting the rather uncastable fact of them being monsters aside, the popular depiction of zombies is full of connections to real life disabilities and facial differences. Think of the average zombie in Any Movie Ever; drooling, limping, eyes unaligned, missing noses, lacking teeth. These are all features that disabled people have, but in the zombie context they're used as a shock, grossness, or humor factor; sometimes they're literally based on real disabled people because why not I guess... I don't want to be like "don't ever write a zombie with a disability/FD" but on its own it leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. I know people with facial differences that have been called a "zombie" because of their facial difference. TLDR; it's just the 1 billion years of ableist connotations, not something about this character specifically or the way you are portraying her - the monstrous association is beyond any single person's control, the point is to just not propagate it further - I just don't think it's a good idea, regardless of your clearly good intentions (which I do appreciate).
(The above applies to visible physical disabilities - I don't think there would be a problem having a zombie character who is autistic or has chronic pain?)
As much as I enjoy facially different fantasy creatures, zombies (or mutants, stuff like that) just aren't ideal choices in my opinion. There are some exceptions, so to illustrate;
if you were writing a fanfic for Zombie Land Saga, where all the main characters are zombies, and you gave Lily Waardenburg syndrome, then that's not a problem - everyone's a zombie and one of them happens to have an FD, just like it happens to humans. That's cool.
if you're writing a fanfic where there's one character with a facial difference, and they're a monster, that's a problem. We aren't a different species, certainly not a monster one - I don't want to ramble on the whole "real life minority being a separate fantasy race" thing, but that's another potential problem that'd be hard to ignore.
From my understanding, she isn't the only character with a facial difference, which is good. If you do decide to have Cleo be a zombie with an FD, I would just try to be aware of what kinds of characters end up having them - are they all monster, or monster-adjacent? Or some other scary creatures? Do any of the traditionally cute characters have facial differences? etc. Look out for patterns.
If she was a human with an FD, I don't see any issue here - and if she was the only zombie with an FD surrounded by humans without FDs, that's... not great. It's a weird association, even if you're not trying to make it. Other species that aren't zombies or humans could also be cool. A character with FD who's a catgirl or some sort of aquatic creature would be fun! Even a skeleton would be better than a zombie (they're not associated with the above stereotypes at all in my experience, plus skeletons are more funny than scary lol. I've never seen a disabled skeleton, I think, IDK).
I hope this helps! Feel free to send another ask if you have another question
mod Sasza
edit after the replies: I'm not familiar with the source material quite literally at all, but if this is a real life thing then please don't give actual people facial differences in fanfiction (opinions on RPF aside.)
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redux-iterum · 11 months
man. i really do love the way you’ve handled tigerclaw— he’s still a bastard, but he’s a bastard who GENUINELY thinks he’s doing right by his clan, his family. the shift in motivation from “i want to conquer the whole forest as a tyrannical dictator” to “i want to isolate thunderclan from its neighbors so it can be restored to it’s former glory and flourish” is WAY more impactful, imo. i also think there’s something to be said about how he’s (maybe) willing to exempt fireheart— whose entire character has been about BUILDING bridges between thunderclan and the rest of the forest— from his hitlist and make a hypocrite of himself because he and goldenflower have a fondness for him. i choose to believe that tigerclaw is still proud of the way fireheart stands up for what he believes in, even if it is conflicting with his own goals.
tldr; loving the direction of this so far. thank you guys for all your hard work!! looking forward to my heart continually being broken in the future <3
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Figured answering these two together would be ideal.
It’s excellent to hear the enthusiasm and kind words, thank you! I’ve been stowing away this discussion about Tigerclaw and Fireheart for a while, and now I get to blather!
People have brought up that Tigerclaw choosing not to hurt Fireheart is unusual, since Fireheart’s the one that’s soft to outsiders and has been on track to softening the entire Clan as well, and Tigerclaw is against that. The reason for this requires a bit of a tangent.
Tigerclaw initially was a bit emotionally distant with all his Clanmates, save Goldenflower (for the most part). Not in the sense of “I don’t care about any of you”, but more like “I care about you, but I’m not so attached that I can’t kill you to save everyone else”. He’s had the thought in his mind for years that he could be a better leader than the one everyone already loves, that these cats had impaired judgement and couldn’t do what needs to be done, that he didn’t want to commit to having a family because that could get in the way of his silent and righteous crusade. He cared for his Clanmates, but his heart was careful not to get too close to anyone, even, to a very small extent, Goldenflower. What if he needed to put her out of the way too?
And then Fireheart happened.
Initially, Tigerclaw didn’t care about him. It’s some kittypet who has a tiny bit of potential. Big whoop. He was under the category of “to be Handled if he gets too uppity and does the wrong thing”, and Tigerclaw expected he’d stay there forever. That was fine and easy, even if Goldenflower got attached to him. He could kill Lionface if he needed to, why would he be unable to take out a shrimpy outsider just because his mate likes him?
The thing is, Fireheart’s got this annoying little talent of drawing out people’s kindness and affection without even trying. We’ve seen his own gentle, broad love for everyone around him, even those he just met and knows nothing about beyond them needing help from a stranger. He is overflowing goodness and fondness and empathy in a somewhat compact ginger body, and you can’t break that or scare that out of him. And somehow, with that infallible bravery to keep being kind and polite, he manages to worm his way into the core of another cat and soothingly convince them, even unconsciously, to offer a nice word to someone they don’t like, or maybe ask a Clanmate if they’re doing okay when they think they don’t care, or even just blink trustingly to calm a frightened and starving outsider they should be chasing away. It’s difficult to catch him doing it, but as we’ll see in the rest of the series, it’s a gradual, unstoppable infection.
This talent is what made everyone (well, except for Darkstripe, but he doesn’t like anybody) so fond of him, even if they preemptively think he’s just a dumb kittypet who needs to toughen up. Frostfur is a good example: she went from apathy and disdain to offering him silent support when he brought Cloudkit home and actively partaking in conversation with him when he approached her, just over the course of this book. All he had to do was, like I said, be kind and polite, and he gradually broke down even her walls. Charred Legacy, the next book, will go more into this, so I’ll save the details for now, but my point is that Fireheart is really damn good at making his Clanmates and friends care about him and others.
How troubling (and mildly amusing) it was to Tigerclaw to find that he wasn’t exempt from this. And how amazed he was to find that coming to care for this little outsider his mate was eager to adopt opened up a whole new world for him. Maybe having kits wasn’t so bad. Maybe he could be a father and still do what he needed to do, and maybe his family didn’t need to get hurt in the process. Maybe Goldenflower was more precious to him than he realized, and maybe Fireheart was someone he could see as a son, and be proud to do so.
What Tigerclaw failed to account for is that attachment complicates things. You might have to kill someone – but no, now you come up with excuses not to. They’re just misguided, you can fix them with a couple conversations. You don’t have to take them out. They’re your family! And your family is important! Surely you can let them live, just these particular cats. You can change their minds. They’ll understand and appreciate your goal in time. It’ll be just fine, you know it.
And so it went, deeper and deeper, until his twisted mind was able to justify not hurting Fireheart ever, solely because he’s his son, and his son deserves to live no matter what. In the same way he thought of his more “dangerous” Clanmates as a liability even if they didn’t really do anything wrong, he thought of his mate and son as essential to ThunderClan, even if they went against his ideals.
He never did see the hypocrisy in that. And even to the end, he never even dreamed of hurting Fireheart.
That’s his son, you know?
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
jim stream recap time....... so much happened. this is a long one.
jimmy logs onto sos and immediately decides to go to scotts dock to fish. scott comes over and he was acting a little weird buuut i think it was just him being. an actual guy instead of a streamer. jimmy asks him for a bday present (he asks for a fate coin. he asked every single person he saw today for a fate coin) and scott gives him some mob heads. fwhip comes over and gives him a diamond block for his bday. eloise turns up too.
scott gives jimmy a bday cake! jimmys not hungry so he takes his armour off and says "hit me" (notably while looking at eloise) and scott CRITS HIM and he goes down to 4 hearts ("you almost killed me on my birthday" "but i didnt!"). fwhip runs off to get a candle and they all start singing happy birthday. its very sweet if you ignore the fact he just almost died. jimmy wishes for a fate coin. they talk about the current challenge (villagers vs pillagers. the tldr is its basically among us) for a bit
saus turns up.......... he says hello sweet boy then gives him a birthday box (as seen below). the cod head is called codfather head and jimmy tells fwhip. fwhip immediately bans (and unbans) sausage for lore reasons. at some point oli logs on and saus says something about spanking him and fwhip bans saus again
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jimmy crosses the river to fish a little further away so he can thank donos while he fishes. fwhip enderpearls over and says "i missed you :]" and it was kinda cute. then he leaves this group to go home
on his way home he sees oli and shelby shubble on his bridge. he bothers both of them for a present and shelby asks if her bridge couns as a present. he said it does :] look how cute it is. cat bridge
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however immediately after he asks if she would give him a fate coin. they talk about it for a bit and they dont even come to a conclusion. shelby leaves and oli stays and they start discussing things to do for a talent show hosted by mog. they keep suggesting things that would be hard/impossible to do in minecraft. they keep referring to themselves as the blond boy friends
sausage shows up. oli turns him away saying "youre intruding on our blond boy friend time" and sausage asks if he can dye his hair and join. jimmy says "no clicks fingers" like outloud. they talk for a bit then jimmy leaves the bridge and goes to his house
oli and saus go to outside his house and in the 2 minutes jimmy wasnt there they started talking about anime. jimmy sets down sausages present, oli opens it, sees the cod head, and starts yelling lore at sausage who then leaves. oli and jimmy go to meet up with everyone else (fwhip, scott, sausage, owen, eloise, shubble. i think.) at fwhips village. theyre dealing with a raid however it ends like a minute after they arrive.
jimmy runs off to explore around fwhips place and scott follows him. they talk for like a minute about the villager/pillager thing then scott says "i know what you are" and runs off. someone in chat says sos more like sus and it makes jimmy laugh
DIRECT QUOTE IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS: ""scott just threatened you" to be fair he does that all the time. hes playing mind games. when is he not. he plays mind games all the time."
he goes home. sausage calls him beautiful in midair. oli goes home with him and they practise the talent show more. i still dont know whats happening there. they practice a synchronised dance and it goes about as well as you would think. jimmy does not like chocolate cake. he likes carrot cake and red velvet cake. olis hog is now canonically gay.
they start to make a song for the talent show and everyone interupts them. martyn raids oli and shubble turns up. important to note: oli calls martyn jimmys best friend. they practice the talent show more. theyre practising a magic trick where jimmys drowning and he eats a chorus fruit to escape. however he makes it out on one heart.
"its very sweet if you ignore the fact he just almost died." help. Also "blond boy friends" yeah okay Jimmy and Oli. okay
That's all-in-all nice though... Jimmy and fWhip being relatively cute... Even Sausage... even if my tension and anxiety spikes by 50 something each time he is in Jimmy's vicinity. The Oli stuff sounds adorable though... Blond boy friends... Scott um. I'd say at least he wasn't too obstructive or anything but he did almost kill Jimmy so uh. It is kind of funny though lol. It's so awesome for Jimmy to be blunt and largely unbothered though. This is what character progression looks like. Thank you for this stream report my faithful inbox guy
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@void-detective OKIE DOKIE ILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION HERE (hey hi hello it’s lil ol me @wisecrackingeric-2 ) CUZ THATS WHAT THIS BLOGS FOR AGABGSWBDHJSX I HOPE YOU DONT MIND!!!!!
Okay so the thing is. Compared to Leon or even compared to his time spent with Los Illuminados we don’t,,,, k n o w a whole lot about that portion of Luis’ life
Like OK if you’re speaking in logistics/canon compliancy then no alas it wouldn’t work at all JANSHSNDJXNX Laboratory Six (the Lab Luis worked in that made Nemesis) was set in Paris, France, and by the time the Raccoon City Outbreak had started, Luis had already fled Umbrella and presumably ended up in Valdelobos (sure there’s a CHANCE he might’ve floated around Europe for a while but?? He describes his time spent working on the Plagas as having been ‘years’ so I’m assuming he went straight to Valdelobos)
The timeline gets kinda wonky with Luis- he would’ve roughly been 22 when he fled umbrella, and it would’ve been anywhere between a couple months to a year before the RC Outbreak, and which meant he spent five or six years trapped by Los Illuminados give or take???? Which makes how he got a degree, went to college, got a job at Umbrella and spent enough time there to become one of their head scientists really funny to imagine when you remember he was only 21/22 when he fled HDBSHDNSJS like damn that man is a CHILD PRODIGY!!!! ((It also makes it DEVASTATING to imagine how he found out about Raccoon City one way or another but HEY I SAID NOTHING))
But if you’re talking in an AU or personality wise???? That’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY IM CHOMPING AT THE BIT FOR
Honestly I don’t think it’d be TOOOO different to their actual dynamic, just that they were both a lot younger and had a lot more maturing to do!!!! Again we don’t really know what kind of a person Luis was when he was younger other than that he was SUPER ambitious (which makes sense), probably a little more floaty/cocky (I don’t think he was lying about being a ladies man HXNSSJHD) overly curious and just generally really well-liked by his peers!! Like he considered them his family so I imagine he was probably just a more roughhouse version of the Luis we know him as now. We also don’t know how much of the Nemesis project Luis was aware of- given his upbringing I HIGHLY doubt Luis would go into umbrella knowing full well the scope of what they’re doing but I think it’s unrealistic to say he had malicious intent the entire time!!!
But adding onto that I think his guilt would be a LOT more apparent and repressed at the same time. Like when we see him in RE4R he’s already at a point where he’ll throw himself into the fire to fix his mistakes so can you IMAGINE what it must’ve been like when he was FRESH out of said mistakes????? Would he have tried to pretend they never happened??? Would it manifest as being destructive??? Who knows!!!!!! But I know for a fact Leon’s presence would DEFINITELY throw him for a loop HDBEHENDJD
Leon in RE2 is just PAINFULLY good at heart. Like we all know this you don’t need me to repeat it HXBSHSNS all he wants from the very start is to help anyone and everyone he can, and I think that would extend to Luis too. He’s obviously a lot more trusting too (like blah bla everyone get your jokes abt him believing that Ada was an FBI agent out of the way) so I don’t think he’d have AS strong of a grudge against Luis as he does in the remake. Sure I think he’d be WARY of him but if Luis was as honest and open as he is in re4r (even with a little prodding) which I think he definitely would be, ESPECIALLY cuz of, Y’know, waves hands, the debilitating guilt BXNSHNSJS Leon wouldn’t have a hard time trusting him in the end
What ID be SUPER INTERESTED IN is what would happen AFTER RC!!!! Would Leon try to protect Luis from the law???? Would Luis follow in Leon’s footsteps and be a government agent???? Would they both run away to Valdelobos and BOTH get stuck?????????
TLDR FOR THIS ACCIDENTALLY REALLY LONG POST AHWNWHWNDUDJSK I don’t think it’d be much different!!!!!!! They’d just have more maturing to do, which I think is weirdly beautiful!!!!!! Leon is still rather naive and optimistic and overly trusting and Luis is still wild and ambitious and overly curious about the world around him!!!!!! They’re good people at heart and I think their lives would’ve been a whole lot different if they’d just met at a different time and a different place
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earthry · 1 year
First of all, I wanted to say how much I love your writing! Every time I see that you posted something its easily one of the highlights of my day!
If I may, could I maybe ask how would the Papas handle someone who suffers from chronic pain, especially back pain? If you dont want to answer thats ofc fine too!! Thank you :)
Thank you so much!! I'm very happy to hear I can brighten someone's day with my work <3
Here you go, please enjoy!
sfw, hurt/comfort, fluff, disclaimer: writing with my own experience with chronic pain, other's experiences may be different.
This old man knows exactly how it feels to have aches and pains-- though your afflictions are not the same, he does understand. The two of you help each other on your bad days, it's very sweet. If it's a rough day for you, he will help you with anything you have trouble with using your mobility. If your back pain makes it hard to be up, he'll bring everything to you. Vice versa when he's having a bad day, you'll be the one to assist him (and if it's so bad that he can't tend to the garden that day, you'll go do it for him for his peace of mind).
If you're both having a bad day? It's a day in bed and you take your medication together with fancy little wine glasses (filled with water only-- don't mix meds with alcohol). He'll break out your matching heating pads and put your favorite show on the TV in your bedroom. Primo calls one of his brothers to make sure the garden is tended to for the day.
If you have wrist pain and have trouble opening things, well probably don't ask Primo because peepaw's strength ain't too much better. Both of you go begging to Secondo to open your jars and if it's a cheat day and you're using canned pasta sauce (which Primo only accepts when making it from scratch is too much for the two of you), you'll go to one of the ghouls to open it instead least Secondo bites your heads off.
TLDR your entire relationship is built on love and understanding and helping each other when the occasion arises. You never judge each other for what you can do one day and can't do the next. Support, encouragement, and communication are very important to the two of you.
Secondo is a menace with his credit card. He will buy you everything and anything that could and can help your chronic pain. He's not the best at emotional comfort but he tries to support you and care for you in the ways he knows how to. And that includes buying you countless muscle rubs, heating pads and cushions, bath soaks and soaps, massage guns, braces and wraps, so many rolls of athletic tape, and anything else that may help.
Of course it's way more than you need but he will insist that he is stocking you up just in case you need it someday. You almost feel like one of those coupon moms that buy things in bulk.
Very good with his hands and an expert at kneading the tension from your body. Even if your chronic pain doesn't flair every day, he'll make it a routine to give you a massage every night before bed.
Speaking of routines, he'll run you a hot bath every night (unless you're not feeling like it) and add epsom salt plus the essential oils he got from Primo that are supposed to help your muscles relax. He'll make sure you get a good soak in and slowly wash your hair for you, lathering expensive shampoo in your hair and massaging your scalp.
Once you're all clean and ready for bed, he'll give you your massage while you doze in bed. If you have a cream that helps relieve muscle pain or something similar, he'll often use that while he rubs your back or anywhere needed. You're often fast asleep by the time he's done and he'll give you a good night forehead kiss before sliding into bed to join you.
My favorite HC for Terzo is that his love language is acts of service. Physically showing you that he loves you, cares about you. It ties into the fact that these are all things he wishes someone would love him enough to do too (and you do).
He knows cooking is strenuous for you on bad pain days; that's why he's always willing to drop everything to make you a decent meal. He'll bring it to you no matter where you are, and even on days that you might be able to cook he'll want to do it for you anyways. He pulls out his most beloved recipes for you and makes your favorites.
Sometimes you'll sit in the kitchen with a heated blanket and some pillows that Terzo has brought in to help you be comfier, just to keep him company. As long as your pain is bearable enough to move to the kitchen, you try to be there just as much as he does for you. You can see from the expression on his face the first time you drag your achey body from your room to the kitchen that he's starstruck. It means a lot to him when you take the time to be there with him. Of course, he fusses over you to make sure you're not in pain and not pushing yourself by moving all the way there. He will smother you in love and care.
He may be very talented with his fingers (wink wink) but this man has no idea how to give a good massage; in fact he's often too afraid that he will hurt you by pushing or pressing on you too hard. But he does his best! He watches some youtube tutorials and looks up how-to's online. Be patient with him and he will slowly become an expert at it. He's very proud of himself the first time you absolutely melt under his hands, the pain easing just a little. Of course it won't fix everything but in the moment it feels so nice.
He's very worried at first; he doesn't know about the chronic pain and at the beginning he's worried that something is very very wrong and tries to urge you to see a doctor (or two or three because your man is a worryrat).
You soothe him and reassure him that nothing serious is wrong-- whatever issue you have that is causing your chronic pain is either already taken care of or being addressed. There's nothing you can do about it right now.
Does anything he can to help alleviate your pain. Helps massage your back or wrist or where ever you may need it. He'll buy heating pads for you and those cute little stuffed animals that have a pouch for a heating pack (or that you microwave to heat up).
Gets sad sometimes especially when he's done everything he can and the only thing he can't do is directly take the pain way (by the unholy lord does he wish he could though).
Sometimes you catch him looking distraught when you're laying in bed or having trouble with something and you call him over to reassure him that you're okay. Sure you're hurting, but you don't want your loved ones around you to hurt too, not when they don't need to.
He loves you so much, does anything he can to help. Sometimes you're afraid of asking for too much or that he'll get tired of taking care of you but he never does and he will remind you every day that he loves you and loves taking care of you because he wants you happy and safe. There is no such thing as asking for too much for him.
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loth-creatures · 9 months
Knowing how much Ahsoka struggled to be Sabine's master --- would she get advice from Kanan when she visits Lothal? Most likely giant wolf to giant wolf??
Wellll see I kinda ditched the entire Jedi!Sabine narrative. Listen if they HAD to go that direction, I believe they could have done it well but they really did not (to put it generously), and while I've considered trying to do it better myself, at the end of the day I wish they just hadn't done that at all.
Tldr: Ahsoka and Kanan probably will have a giant wolf to giant wolf conversation but idk if it'll be about looking out for Sabine or searching for Ezra or what
So this is my tentative and unrefined interpretation of Ahsoka and Sabine's relationship for SWW Ahsoka, aka roughly how I imagined it would be like before that damn show ever came out (sorry in advance this spiraled all over the place. I meant to elaborate a little bit and then I couldn't stop. I tried to keep it concise but. There's a lot to unpack that I didn't expect to have to unpack in order to get to the point lol)
First and foremost Sabine isn't fucking Force-sensitive. Ahsoka teaches her a lot about the Jedi, and continues her lightsaber training, and I think Jedi teachings and excercises can have a lot of value to ordinary people! But she's not trying to be a Jedi. Ahsoka does feel mentorly instincts towards Sabine, partly bc she knows what she's going through as a very young veteren and genocide survivor. Partly bc she does feel the need to pass her knowledge on to someone. Partly bc deep down Ahsoka is pretty damn lonely too, and Sabine is very family-shaped. And also because wolfwalkers stick together.
They call her Ahsoka's 'practice padawan' as a joke. Huyang is like. You really ought to find a Padawan one of these days. And Ahsoka's like. Why would I need a Padawan I have Sabine. And Huyang is like. Listen I'm very happy to have Sabine with us but you ought to get a real Padawan.
But how could Ahsoka ever take on a student while she's still wrangling with whether or not she wants to be a Jedi? Which, they never actually show her making a decision on that. Or rather there's really no transition between "I am no Jedi" and whatever she's got going on in the show which. Long story short, I hated it. Ass writing. In my personal opinion.
I think I’m just gonna lean into the idea that she feels like she can't truly be a Jedi whether she wants to or not bc she was trained to be a soldier instead, combined with the fear of Anakin's darkness manifesting in herself, distrust of his training, etc. Up until the point where she decides to put Anakin behind her for good and trust in her own experiences, during her WBW adventure (which goes way differently in my head but I will elaborate on that later. Maybe.) But for the purposes of this au, she doesn't even commit to being a Jedi again until dying for the 3rd(?) time and honestly maybe she still doesn't. Maybe it takes all the way to wet puppy Shin dropping in her lap that she sees her path as a Jedi path. Idk.
Ahsoka's arc is not an aspect of the story I expected to address in depth myself so idk how much I'm gonna get into it within the comic itself. It's hard to go over every issue bc lothwolfwalkers is just an anthology series adapting small chunks of the timeline that I find work well with the wolfwalking, and I'm trying not to make more work for myself than I have to, bc I already have plenty. Rewrite is maybe a strong word, when I'm just cherry picking what I liked from the ahsoka show and adjusting what I didn't like in a way that keeps the overall plot intact for simplicity sake. I will eventually write an official detailed ahsoka-from-my-head post, but the comics will just be little scenes based on that.
Regarding Sabine and Ahsoka's falling out. It doesn’t happen. In fact I think Ahsoka will take Sabine under her wing after the fall of Mandalore and they just immediately start looking for Ezra in the unknown regions, bc Sabine is like hey I have nothing left here can we go look for my brother now. They don't find anything. Eventually Ahsoka gets wrapped up in other business and Sabine ends up back on Lothal depressed as fuck (despite Kanan, Hera, and Zeb's best efforts to be there for her, infinitely more than what is depicted in the show) until Ahsoka finds the map and shows up for round 2. Or smth like that.
Side note: I am going to declare the Wrens MIA not dead. Because I hate hate hate that they were unceremoniously killed off screen and wasted the way they were. I guess I could just unkill them completely but well I am a sucker for that angst and something about the devastation of that reveal seared it so deep in my head that I can't imagine the story without it now (thanks for that Dave. Fuck you Dave.) So uh, they're trapped on Mandalore with those other survivors from Mando S3. After Sabine's already left for Peridea they manage to finally get off Mandalore due to S3 events and track down Hera and are like WHERE IS SABINE. Cue Clan Wren Ghost Crew team up to get their fucking kids back. Though everyone will probably make it back on their own before they figure out a way to hop galaxies.
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mumms-the-word · 6 months
tbh i'm actually kind of pissed at larian. regardless of if it's sticking it to hasbro or not, they're leaving the game in a potentially awful state and not delivering on promises they made, like the upper city. You also have SWEN talking about shit that could have been like ketheric's recruitment and what not, which stirs the pot even more and makes me angry. Like stop talking about it. we're already upset enough.
These are all very valid critiques, anon! I have many thoughts but I’ll put everything under the cut since I got a little long-winded because I’m passionate about video games in general.
I do play a bit of Devil’s Advocate here but please note I am not attacking you personally or trying to direct any hate towards anybody at all! This ask honestly gave me space to vent some thoughts I’ve had for months about this game. I did my best to offer nuanced perspectives and acknowledge my own biases. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, including their own disappointments and praises for Larian, Swen, the actors, and all involved in the making/maintaining (or lack thereof) of BG3.
TLDR: We shouldn’t put Larian on a pedestal as the Best Studio Ever, but we don’t have to grab our pitchforks and say they’re the worst studio ever either. If BG3 is a disappointment it might be because Larian flew a little too close to the sun trying to squeeze 80% of a functional D&D experience into a digital video game package, when (in my opinion) those two game genres are almost inherently designed to not mesh well, disappointing one fan while satisfying another.
Point #1, Idk how much Larian is sticking it to Hasbro but Hasbro IS a greedy corporation who has no idea how to make video games and I very highly suspect they’ve been making demands of Larian’s team that are impossible to meet without destroying the work ethic (and health/mental health/financial stability, etc) of Larian’s team. Hasbro just sees dollar signs. Larian isn’t necessarily as interested in milking BG3 for all it’s worth.
If they were, we’d be paying for Upper City in a DLC, and we’re not. Instead they’re choosing to pivot to a fresh new project that isn’t beholden to Hasbro or the demands of WOTC. Does it feel like they’re abandoning the game? Yeah, kinda. But if Swen says that his team looked visibly relieved to move on to something new, that gives me warning bells. Not against Swen, but about the crunch standard of games industries as a whole and possibly against Hasbro or WOTC. I’d much rather his team take care of their very human selves than grind themselves to ultimate burnout working on a game that is functionally complete, if buggy in places and not satisfying for some players because they didn’t get the content they wanted.
There is no perfect game, after all.
And honestly I’d say the same of any AAA studio too. I am consistently frustrated with game studios firing whole departments for the sake of retaining profits and treating their employees like content robots. Games should not be made at the expense of anyone’s physical or mental health, but unfortunately that’s The Industry Standard. (And personally I think Larian or at least Swen is uncomfortable with that.)
(Also I think people forget that making a game the size of BG3 requires the talents and hard work of hundreds of people. Larian was working with, what, 400 people? And that was after they hired like 250+ to even rise to the challenge of making BG3. Who are we even pointing the finger at for all these issues? Swen? He’s one man.)
Should they have promised something they couldn’t deliver? No. But also, I have no idea what issues led them to cutting the content, either. What’s done is done.
BG3 will be an obsolete game in a year or soon anyway, not because Larian isn’t working on it anymore, but because the games industry is just So. Freaking. Big. and pumps out thousands of games a year. Like, I hate to say it, but people are already dropping BG3 for other games like Dragon’s Dogma 2 because DD2 is shiny, new, and has a bonkers character creator.
And there’s nothing wrong with that! We’re not built to play (or work on) a narrative-focused game for 5-7 years, regardless of what any die-hard Destiny fan tells you (note: multiplayers without narrative get a pass purely because the focus isn’t on the narrative, but on collaborative play).
If a game is no longer fun to play, move on and find something that scratches your itch. Go back and play old games! There are so many things out there to explore. I have a To Be Played pile literally right now, a backlog of games I haven’t tried out yet. I’m sure many others do too.
Point #2 (and here I could be wrong, if I’m not already wrong in my opinions above), but they’re not entirely abandoning the game like…at the drop of a hat. They’re still promising at least a handful of hotfixes and at least one more patch with new evil epilogue endings (among other things).
Does that get us Upper City? Likely not. Does that add enough content to give Wyll a more well-rounded storyline, elevate all the romances to Astarion levels of cutscenes and dialogue, and finish Karlach’s questline with an actual solution for her heart? Also likely not. Is it precious to be mad about these losses? No! Be mad!! Wyll deserves justice!!!
I’d love to explore Upper City. I’m a huge advocate for Wyll getting more/better representation. If I could save Karlach without throwing her into Avernus I would in a HEARTBEAT. But these things aren’t in the game, and they likely won’t be. Larian made decisions to meet a (self-imposed? Hasbro imposed? Industry-relevant?) deadline that are ultimately disappointing. We can absolutely acknowledge that we’re disappointed.
But I don’t necessarily think Larian is just being lazy about these decisions, though. At the end of the day we have no idea what contracts Larian is under, what hell the developers have been through, either from the game industry, Hasbro, rabid fans, or excessively cruel critics, or what technical/gameplay/scheduling/financial issues they ran into at various parts of development.
Like the Ketheric thing (Point #3). Was it bad PR to bring up that Ketheric was a “kill your darlings” decision late in development around the same time you’re openly promoting the end of your relationship with BG3? Yeah. Totally. But I’m not surprised they had to cut something like that. Games, movies, books do that all the time. How many deleted scenes from movies have we seen where it could have changed the whole narrative (maybe even made it better) if it had just stayed in? I can think of a handful. It sucks, but trust me, it hurts the writers and developers way more to cut content they’ve poured money and time and heart and soul into than it hurts us, the players who would never know the wiser if they hadn’t said anything.
But also, the game is ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE. On PC you have to have 150GB free just to install it. Can you imagine how big it would be if they had shoved everything they wanted into it, even if they had delayed the game a while to make it happen? 150GB is a lot.
For perspective, that puts it on par with a very, very, VERY tiny sector of PC games at about the same level (or higher) of GB requirements, including Red Dead Redemption 2 (a fantastic open world game that still holds up in 2024), Microsoft Flight Simulator (which requires 150GB because it’s literally just flying through high quality renders of actual Earth), Forspoken (everyone says all the GB went to graphics here and I believe them), Star Wars: Jedi Survivor (which only has about 50 hours of playable content, allegedly), basically any VR game, and ARK: Survival Evolved which comes in at a whopping 400 GB mostly because of DLC. In other words, games that big get that big either because of graphics or like a hundred DLCs.
BG3 manages to fit in gorgeous cinematics, a super complex spell-combat system, a more or less streamlined video game build for complex D&D combat rules and mechanics, 10 potential companions, 8 romances among those companions, several large maps to explore, and branching narratives that would take you days to read every scrap of dialogue for (I’ve downloaded the datamined files for Patch6, and there are whole leagues of dialogue, encounters, and bits that are in the game, unbugged, that most of us pass by because we don’t explore enough). You want to know where most of the GB goes? It goes towards sustaining a D&D combat/narrative structure that was originally never built with video game constraints in mind.
Do you know how many conditions/status effects there are in the game? Over 1100. 1100+ unique descriptions and titles for conditions that debuff or buff your character or your enemies, granting hundreds of actual gameplay affects. Do you know how many spells there are across the 12 playable classes and all unique spells for enemies and allies? Like 400, if we’re getting picky and splitting hairs over stuff like Rolan’s Magic Missile being different than the usual Magic Missile or if we’re splitting out something like Disguise Self into its 32 different variations. Each spell needs a different icon, a different graphic effect, and it needs to do the right kind of damage and cause the right kind of condition or effect, some of which are immediate, others which linger.
We can speak with dead with hundreds of characters. That’s a lot of dialogue. We can talk to ANY named NPC. That’s a lot of dialogue! We can talk to any animal, with or without speak with animals enabled. That’s a lot of dialogue!!
A single playthrough where I try to explore as much as possible takes me 150 hours or more. I have 500 hours in this game and I’ve only got 4 characters and I’ve only finished 2 of them. This game is mind-bogglingly big. Even if it’s not the biggest game in history ever, or even the biggest game by the time of its release, its BIG.
The biggest critique I would have here is one that I’ve had since I first started playing the game, and it’s that D&D systems and video games don’t mesh comfortably well. I think that Larian got distracted trying to make the ultimate D&D experience, catering to a demographic that is known to ignore plot and pursue shenanigans, and Larian felt the need to build in a lot of shenanigans.
I think they got a little overzealous about it, and that’s where we have missing content, and a lot of fluff that isn’t always plot-relevant. If the game feels unfinished, it’s because Larian started too many threads, and while there are endings to all of those threads, many of them feel rushed or unsatisfactory. Why do they feel unsatisfactory? Because we’re offered so much freedom early on, only to be pulled back into the much more limited narrative constraints of a video game at the end. Because the game has to end eventually, unlike a D&D campaign which could go on or explore many other possibilities. But by act 3 in a 150 GB game, we’re running out of time and space.
And yes that’s disappointing as hell and Larian could and arguably SHOULD have made different decisions on what to focus on.
But ultimately, you just can’t fit a full-on, any-choice-goes D&D experience in a game that needs to be packaged neatly enough to run on most PCs or consoles, and Larian was ambitious as hell to try. Contrary to popular belief, I think they did pretty freaking well given the challenge, and no, it isn’t perfect, and no, to confess to my own bias, I don’t have the same complicated history with the game that early access or release day players have because I bought the game like 2 months after it was out and patched twice. But they’ve clearly built a game that people love so much they’re upset there isn’t more of it, or at least upset it isn’t the best it can be.
But sometimes we have to be realistic too. I can only imagine how many more bugs or render issues we’d get if they did try to shove in Upper City at this point. Games can only be so big before they start to become too much for the systems that try to run them and I don’t want the games industry veering towards making games an elitist hobby for only the rich and elite who can afford expensive rigs and $100 games.
(And also, I’m not at all upset that for $70 bucks I got 500 hours of gameplay and I’m not 100% sick of it yet. When EA and Activision are getting players to pay hundreds in micro transactions and DLC and dangling extra maps and new missions behind paywalls? Bish, please, I’m good. You want to talk about an unfinished experience? Dragon Age: Inquisition made us pay for our epilogue content as a DLC. At least Larian built theirs in for free from the start.)
All that said, I’m sure if Larian could turn back the clock and start over, they’d make different decisions about what to keep, cut, and refine. But we’re here now.
If I want to see anything from Larian right now, it’s a dedication to fix ongoing bugs that make the game unplayable or that block the narratives that they have built so that they play correctly (like with the Minthara romance). IDEALLY I’d like to see them add more content for companions other than Astarion, to equalize the romance experiences, but I’m not holding my breath (again, considering things like game development, actor schedules, contracts, etc).
While I’m sad about the permanent loss of stuff like the Upper City and disappointed by all the rushed questlines, I’d rather them fix the bugs that make the game un-fun to play and bow out gracefully once they’re sure the game won’t need constant supervision.
Besides, they’re working on cross-platform mod support, and mods are gonna add and mess with the game for many years to come, so we can pivot to support them instead while Larian works on its next game (and hopefully learns from its mistakes with BG3).
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kestrel-bee · 10 hours
I just finished ISAT, and. Wow. I am in shambles after Act 5 holy FRICK
Okay, now that I’m done, time to dump all of my thoughts out at once, because I NEED to talk about this game holy crap
(spoilers abound from this point, don’t read if you are interested in playing for yourself)
(CW for discussing religion-related struggles with sexuality, if that’s something that bugs ya)
Okay, for starters, I just want to talk about how well executed this game is.
The gameplay was interesting and not too hard to understand while still being unique and fun, the illustrations and art style was really cute and charming, the character designs are recognizable yet creative, the writing is entertaining and made me love all of the characters in a very quick fashion, and the story overall was just FANTASTIC.
Literally my only complaint is that i had a tricky time adjusting to how sensitive the controls were when walking. Maybe it works better on desktop, but I was playing on the Steam Deck, and the only other platform I can play on is Mac, which this game does not support.
But honestly this ended up being a nonissue, I figured it out pretty quickly and after an hour or so I had the controls down to pat.
I also love how they handled the concept of a time loop, and the slow descent of Siffrin’s mental downfall. The way he started getting so desperate at the end, clinging to every scrap of hope he could find was heart wrenching.
Act 5 was KILLER, omg, I was so wrecked over it I had to take a break to calm down 😭
It’s not often a piece of media evokes THIS much emotion out of me, holy crud.
To talk about some of the characters,
I LOVE me some found family fluff, and boy oh boy was I fed, they’re so wholesome, they’re all so skrunkly 😭
I loved the little snippets of representation in these characters, with Odile being mixed race and attempting to connect to her roots, and Isabeau’s very trans-coded backstory. And yk, the multitude of gays and lesbians throughout the game XD
Even though that kind of representation doesn’t resonate with me personally, I still like to see it.
But oh man, Mirabelle’s cutscene in Act 3 hit hard. I myself am aroace and religious, and marriage was always something I felt was expected from me.
As I got older and realized that romantic attraction wasn’t really something I feel for people, I tried to convince myself I was attracted to a good friend of mine who had a crush on me, which obviously didn’t work out.
I’ve always had a hard time identifying with womanhood in the way my church has always portrayed it as, so having Mirabelle talk about her faith related struggle with her asexuality and identity was such a comforting representation for me.
Another thing, I can’t tell if it’s intentional or not, but I love how neurodivergent coded they are?
Like, we have Siffrin, kinda touch averse and quiet,
Odile who doesn’t like change and needs her routine alone time to recuperate after every floor,
Mirabelle and Isabeau, the funny noise appreciation squad, the hyper-empathetic duo who would always get over hyped over things together,
And while I can’t think of a specific example for them, Bonnie is always there matching Mirabelle and Isabeau’s energy.
Not to mention the frequent amount of times the latter 3 would repeat each other (echolalia) when saying something fun or happy. (Like the “Pie Smell!” candle).
Do these things on their own make them neurodivergent? No, but the way they’re consistently written like this feels very intentional and I love it.
Anyway, whoof, that was very long, but TLDR: this game was PHENOMENAL, and I will be recommending it to everyone I know
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jamethinks · 18 days
I am so pissed on I had a whole paragraph and it just got deleted and I can’t even figure out how to get it back Jesus tumblr on mobile sucks.
Anyways what I think i was trying to say was that I appreciate chapters like 104 because they allow Endo to develop the twins as a group with Damian rather than alone. The story has a look of characters and many are not that integral to the main story so it’s hard to justify taking time off to develop them. Endo does a wonderful job working around this like the previous arc which was used to flesh out Henry and Martha but also provide more context on the history between the two states and make commentary on war. Chapters 104 and the camping one are great because they help to develop Damian as a main character while also exploring his relationship with his friends.
A major misconception I see about the boys is that they’re only friends with Damian because of his status. I do believe they were initially conceptualized as just two spoilt brats who spend must of their day kissing Damian’s ass but now we see that they have an actual bond and do enjoy hanging out with him. Damian is a very complicated boy, he struggles with his desires vs his perceived responsibility. He’s a child at heart but he’s also very burdened by his responsibility as a Desmond, similarly to Becky. His friends although wealthy as well clearly don’t have the same strain on them.
Two important things to note about Damian is: 1) he’s not very social and relies heavily on his status to get by and 2) he doesn’t like being around people who do nothing but suck up to him. As much as their relationship may seem like it, I doubt the twins only hang out with him solely because of his status or Damian wouldn’t want to hang with them. He doesn’t even like how much they praise him at times and regularly disagrees with them. But again there seems to be something more complicated about their friendship beyond the way they act on the surface.
Furthermore, they may be very submissive to Damian but they do treat him like a friend. They make jokes at his expense, they tease him, steal his snacks, play with him and complain about him. The whole boss man thing is a bit odd and the glazing is strange but it also just comes as kids being kids. Just being little yes men for their cool and awesome friend. But Damian doesn’t just see them as yes men and they do see him as friend. Their behavior is a bit exaggerated for comedic effect but it’s clear it’s genuine bond. Like they were genuinely offended when Jeeves said they were below Damian so I don’t think they see themselves as goons per-say.
Tldr: stop treating the twins like Damian’s mindless goons. They have a bit of personality themselves and they see each other as friends. They’re just having a bit of role playing fun but it’s not actual esteem thing. Let them have their fun y’all.
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