#tldr I dont even know what Im doing most of the time!
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sboochi · 3 months ago
How do you draw Merida’s hair?! It’s so pretty, especially considering how crazy her hair is in 3D lol. I wanna draw Rotbtd fanart too 😫 (thank you for all your art btw, it’s so refreshing when it’s on my feed!)
Difficult question, every time I draw her I use a slightly different method!
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Sometimes it's just a bunch of squiggly lines to convey the curls, sometimes I divide the entire thing in smaller sections, then those sections are divided again, sometimes I use brush strokes to give the illusion of detail
I do keep a few things in mind every time tho, which are
the two curls on her forehead (big long one on the viewer's right that in certain angles covers her eye, smaller on the left) (yeah bottom left pic I got it wrong)
the lenght (VERY long even in curled state)
the general shape (look at movie reference for this one)
adding extra little curls around it so it doesn’t look too "neat and tidy", go crazy with them
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risingsunresistance · 3 months ago
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would you believe me if i said this is skyblock fanart 😭
explanation below for anyone interested. it's a bit long 🐖
basic explanation for people who dont go here. or the tldr: the rift is a separate dimension in hypixel skyblock where reality and time itself do not function the same. the other npcs tend to take on different forms in there. this is my interpretation of what might happen to techno if he were to travel into the rift based on some other theories about the place and my own headcanons for him
less basic explanation for the rest of you: ok so. first thing to get out of the way, the rift isnt completely separate from the main reality. SOME of your own thoughts and feelings influence the way you exist in the realm and the way the realm itself behaves. not very many people seem to take on forms ENTIRELY divorced from themselves, save for maybe enigma (we dont know who he was originally, if he was anyone at all)
but i have a theory backed up by absolutely nothing that your rift form is mostly influenced by three different things: your inherit magic, your ability to control and manipulate that magic, and your overall stability. stability will look different from person to person and you dont always know if someone is stable or not just by talking to them. even something as simple as a phobia might change them drastically. still, the rift is unstable itself, so sometimes people get altered horrifically even though they were perfectly fine
my main points of reference for this are that some of our most altered characters are some who check all these boxes, and some who are relatively normal dont check any of them. lathrop/porhtal is split into a bunch of eyes and has one human-looking form that sits motionless at the wither cage and doesnt speak. we know he was incredibly magical, eventually got a great grip on said magic, but was also very very unstable. the wizard is very magical, is a master of said magic, and is pretty well put together. he is nearly unchanged in the rift. barry is the same as the wizard but went a bit nuts before he left, so in the rift he seems just a bit... off
on the opposite side of things, maddox is someone who we are told has ZERO magic in him. the only thing that changes in the rift is the fact that his helmet is red now. kat has never shown us any magic and seems to be pretty normal, so she's also just a different color palette in the rift and happens to have a weird job
anyways back to techno. (btw if you're reading this and happen to not be a regular here this is a mix of headcanons and "canon" but im treating it ALL as real and true facts for the sake of this drawing ok). he could be one of the most magical people here... but he has no idea how to use any of it on command. if you asked him if he possessed any magic, he would say no. his healing ability, while it is VERY strong, is passive, and he was only able to gather magic during the resistance fight with the help of the wands we were given. but he was able to gather a lot of magic during that fight, concentrate it, and release it all on his own. not many people could handle that. he also worships the blood god and has its blessing, and has some connection with spirits in the form of the voices / chat / whatever you wanna call them. there might be even more to him, who knows
so that's already a setup for disaster, but what about his stability? well he's constantly followed by a chorus of thousands of voices all screaming at him and god itself might be hanging around in that mix, led a war against the server staff and a dictator that lasted for 2 years skyblock time, and did the whole potato war thing which was ~70 years server time iirc. i wouldnt really call him stable KFJHG
so what you end up with is a very violent beastly thing, nearly unrecognizable save for the fact that he's still a pig (my first point, you dont become a COMPLETELY different thing under most circumstances). i think he's entirely out of control of himself and would not remember a trip to the rift. a stability elixir might help him in terms of being more aware of himself (i think sirius really downplayed what that potion does lmao it's not just a fun drink, he wanted to guarantee himself some control over his mind while he was conducting his "business" in the rift) but there's no saving the physical form
i wanted him to be beastly to mimic what happens to "dante" in the rift (the memory of dante, it's complicated. but dante and bacte are most likely two different people who are also the same person). yeah he was a big slime in the overworld, but now he's more monstrous. he also doesnt speak, he might not have any idea what's going on. same could be said for techno in a way. of course this is related to dante, what else would you expect from me :P i want to see them fight at the colosseum so bad...
here's a version without chat and the blood god so you can just see the big hog
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and here's my old concept from july of last year for comparison :P
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initially in the post for the old sketch i said he was based on what i think would happen if he got a hold of some sulphur. i actually think that would be about the same as his rift form because sulphur seems to do very similar things under certain circumstances. always corrupts your form, can sometimes make creatures MUCH larger (matriarch, kuudra, magma boss), heightens your magic (mage outlaw), and can make you incredibly violent (barbarian duke)
bye i hope i tricked someone into reading a really long skyblock theory post expecting more info about techno FKJHG
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that-starry-freak · 6 months ago
Yknow what? I have to rant about this this has been eating me up for forever. Fuck confessions I'm going to do this here.
I fucking hate old moon
Do I love his sass? Yes. Do I love how Reed plays him most of the time? Yes. Do I love how he interacts with other characters? Yes!
Do I like him as a "person" and for what hes done? Absolutley not. He abused Sun, and when he found out the daycare exploded his first reaction was to be upset because THE STICK HE WOULD ROUTINLY HIT SUN WITH was fucking destroyed. I'm sorry bitch what??? That's disgusting Moon I wish you burned in hell <3
I also absolutely hate that no one saves Nexus
Do I think it was Sun's fault? Absolutely not, he has had way too much shit to deal with. Do I think its Earth's fault? While I think Nexus was absolutely right for calling her out for not being a therapist, she has every right to be upset for him saying he'd kill her. Do I think its the families fault in general? No, Nexus pushed them away and hurt them, they did try.
You know who I do blame? Who should understand Nexus better than anyone? Who even admits partial responsibility for it, and pretty much denies any sort of redemption for Nexus?
Mother fucking Old Moon.
Old moon committed arson. He abused Sun routinely (forcing him to go to dangerous dimensions. Hitting him. Calling him stupid. Having a clear power difference between the two and abusing it). He put his killcode in Sun and is literally the reason Eclipse exists and terrified their family.
But no, Nexus is the one in the wrong. He's the one that will have to do soemthing huge and grovel to be redeemed. Because he threatened the family after having hallucination and literally going insane and mourning his best friend, and feeling like he wasn't good enough and spiraling cause he couldn't bring Solar back, and then joined Dark Sun whos known to be exteemly smart and manipulative. Not Old Moon, who did so much worse. No, he gets to rejoin the family after apologizing and promising to do better (and yes, he is doing better) sure, Sun doesn't forgive him (and im proud of him for admitting that <3 that's very strong of him), but still.
Plus, Nexus is literally the youngest family member. He's a lot younger than Earth and Sun and Moon and Lunar. He isn't Sun's twin, and he isn't Earth's older brother. He is the youngest. And that should be addressed, because that means he is much more immature. He hasn't had all the time to grow up like the rest of them have. Moon has had years to grow as a person. Nexus has had a year.
Anyway, tldr. I dont blame the family for what happened to Nexus, I blame Old Moon
Also sorry for bad spelling or grammar or autocorrect or whatever, I'm not rereading this
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am-i-the-asshole-official · 11 months ago
am i the asshole for yelling at my friend when i found out he had sex in my car?
i (26f) lived with my friend John (26m) when we were in college. John didnt have a car, but i did so i did most of the driving when we needed groceries/whatever we needed to go out for (it was a college town so it was mostly walkable, so we didnt need to drive every day). i have issues with other people using my car, especially when im not there (if anything goes wrong id rather it be my fault than have to deal with someone else totaling my car). but John had a girlfriend (Sarah) who also didnt have a car, so he would sometimes borrow my car (with my permission ofc, he never took it without me knowing) to take her on dates. when they were gone, i would constantly be nervous that something went wrong. there would be times they would go to a movie, then they would be gone for longer than the movie's runtime and i would get so anxious that something happened, then find out that they had just gone shopping/to dinner/etc after the movie ended. i never bothered saying anything because i didnt want to seem like a control freak saying "you can only borrow my car if you tell me exactly what you're doing and when you'll be back"
anyways, fast forward to now. i got a new car a couple years ago, John and i no longer live together (not because of any problems, we just got our own places after we graduated), and he is still with Sarah. one day John, Sarah, a few of our other friends, and i were all hanging out.
then at one point, Sarah made a joke about having sex in the car after Yesterday (the beatles movie from a few years ago). then i said "hold on, didnt you guys borrow my car to see that movie?" and everyone got really quiet. i turned to John and said "you had sex in my car???" and he tried to laugh it off but didnt deny it. and i got MAD. i was yelling at him and admittedly was pretty harsh (like calling him insensitive for violating my trust & property)
he said something along the lines of "i'm sorry, but it was a long time ago and theres nothing i can do to change it, and you dont even have the car anymore" and i realized he was right, and that screaming at him wasnt going to accomplish anything, but i was still mad so i left and went home
i asked some of my friends that were there if i was being crazy, and they basically said that it was understandable that i was mad, but yelling at him in front of everyone just made them uncomfortable and killed the vibe for the rest of the night, and there was nothing any of us could do about it now. no one told me how Sarah reacted, but she has really bad anxiety so knowing her, im guessing she didnt take it well that i got mad about something she said, and i do feel bad about that (though, in fairness, i assume she knows common decency and would know that having sex in someone else's car is wrong)
anyways, i dont think im the asshole because i think i have a right to be upset about that, and even though it was a long time ago i JUST found out about it so it wasnt that long ago for me. but i know i might be the asshole just because i yelled at John in front of our friends and made everyone uncomfortable over something that he can't do anything about anymore, and since i dont even have that car anymore, it has no impact on my life
tldr: my friend had sex in my car years ago and i found out about it and tried to fight with him about it in front of a bunch of our other friends, and it made everyone uncomfortable. so, am i the asshole for getting angry years after my friend had sex in my car? 🚗
What are these acronyms?
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opal-owl-flight · 7 months ago
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No sign of Rain.
Not easy living with the fact that you hurt someone you just wanted to protect, isnt it.
More context under the cut!
Tldr: 3 realizes that forcing 4 away from the Platoon after Sploon2 the way they did wasnt the best choice. That forcing her to ignore what had happened had most likely contributed to her unable to cope with life beyond war.
(The comic above is from after Sploon3/SO! Situation described below is post Sploon2/OE.)
3 and 4 have been doing missions together awhile. 4s been able to handle herself well, but theres a moment where she trips up and gets hurt a lil more than usual. Like, its to the point where she needs to be taken off the field awhile.
"|Im sorry.|"
"Heh? Three, if it wasnt for you, Id be dead. What are you saying sorry for?"
"|...if it werent for me going away when Octavio stole the Zapfish again...youd never have been dragged into this mess.|"
"Thats not your fault, Three. Cap'n called you away."
3 sighs... "|Still...you couldve been living a life where you never have to worry about your life being put in this much danger.
Or anyone else's life, for that matter.|"
4s the one whos quiet now, as she glances away. 3 does have a point... "...I guess so, yeah. But that wouldve meant that Id never have met you."
Silence sits between them awhile, until 3 grunts softly, to get 4 to look at them again. "|I want you to promise me something.|"
"What is it?"
"|When things settle down again, I want you to leave.|"
"|Live your life away from this. This danger, this war, this...everything.|"
"And leave YOU? Three, you cant do things alone anymore, you KNOW it!"
A clack of their beak. "|Im more capable than you think, Four. Dont think less of me.|"
"Im not- Im not thinking less of you!! Im just stating the facts!"
3s making a low gurgling noise. Its a similar sound an inkfish makes before spitting ink. A sound that says "dont test me."
"Three, Im not leaving. Its already happened... everything -- Octaria, the zapfish, the metro -- its all happened, and I cant just...go back after all of that."
"|Yes, you can. You still can. Youve a life outside this. Why else are you late enough that Marie has given up reprimanding you?|"
4 backs down...3s right. Again.
"...and what about you? Why dont you leave, too? Once...everything is stable."
3s ears droop. "|...theres nothing left for me. Ive thrown my lot with the NSS for as long as I remember. My team barely even recognizes me these days.|"
A silent beat goes by between them again.
"|So promise me. Promise me.| Rain." They rasp her name, making sure she gets the point. "|Promise me you'll live. Promise me you'll go back up there. You said you wanted to go to college -- go. Dont look back. Dont become like me.
I dont want you to become like...this.|"
They gesture to their scar. Their tentacles, forever stained marbled cyan.
4 can see in the gesture the pain they hid in their hearts. The regret. The guilt.
"Live." they rasp, So quietly."Live. Promise me."
"I dont want to leave you alone."
"|Ive been in this war since Ive hatched, and Ive done things on my own before you were dragged into this. You deserve none of this bullshit.|"
"You dont deserve it either!"
3 grips her shoulders. pleading with her. "Promise me. Please promise me. That youll leave."
4 shakes her head. Resolute.
"Im sorry...I cant promise that to you. Youre my friend, Tanara. Im not letting you do this alone."
3... leans against her, defeated. Burying their face into her shoulder. Theyre shaking their head, clutching on her tight.
"...I-Im sorry, I...Ill be more careful next time. Okay? I can...I can promise you that much."
3 remains silent. Thats not what they want. They want her to be safe forever.
"...this really means a lot to you, huh?
Ill...Ill think about it."
She does eventually decide to leave. Things were looking up for awhile, and missions are much lighter. She can dare to dream bigger now. That and...she cant stand seeing 3 looking so guilty whenever she says something abt her life on the surface.
None of it is their fault. Any of this. But they still feel that theyre taking her away from her "real life".
When she said that shes leaving the platoon, 3s look of jubilation both relieved and pained her. Then a thought hit her, right there.
"...Wait...all this time- did you just want to get rid of me? D-did you not want to be friends anymore?"
3 shakes their head. "|Rain, I asked you to live your dreams as a friend.
Your safety would be guaranteed. Youd be able to happily live your dreams without worry.|"
"...Will I ever see you again?"
3 sighs. "|...hopefully not.|"
4 gasps.
"|No- no-! Not because I dont want to see you-|"
"Tanara, youre making it hard for me to believe that youre doing this for me. What kind of life would I have if youre not there? Not a happy one, Im telling you!!!"
3s shaking as they sign. Trying so hard to keep their breaking mask tight.
"|Im a soldier, Rain. And Ill likely be one til the day I die.
I dont want to drag you back into this mess. I dont want you to get hurt, because of me.|"
Why is it that they always have a point? 4 despairs at the fact.
"So this means goodbye..?"
"|Weve got some days left. Lets make them count.|"
A smile. A bittersweet one.
These teenagers goddamn. 3 doesnt understand fully that shit still happened and one cant just leave and pretend nothing had transpired. Or maybe they felt they didnt deserve to have someone as good as 4.
Theyre ruthless in a sense that they know what their goals are. Their goal was to keep the world safe for everyone else to live. And if it means sacrificing their friendship with 4, so be it. If shes safe, their goal is met. Doesnt matter what either of them feel about it. (I suppose 4 getting injured really pushed them to make that choice.)
And 4... yeah, leaving was the smart choice for her personal growth, but agreeing with 3 to sacrifice their friendship wasnt the best choice to agree to. She felt like she cant argue 3 out of that decision they made for the both of them...so she just followed it.
"|Look alive, Rain. Your brand new life awaits you.|"
Thats why theyre so flabbergasted and upset that she came back. It felt like that time they spent alone, that sacrifice they made, was all in vain...
"Im sorry, Three. It sucked being away from you. It really did. I failed to live there...maybe my life is really meant to be lived here. On duty.
With you."
Are they disappointed that she failed her brand new life? No, never. They gave her the chance to run away from it all, but she came crawling back after doing so. If she felt that her life is here, after trying something else, so be it.
Thats what convinced them enough to allow 4 to return to duty. Theyll keep her safe another way. They also cant hide from themself the fact that theyre happy to see her again after so long.
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5-htagonist · 2 months ago
2, 7, 18 for kabru plz 🥺
i will apologize in advance i got like 5 of the most inconsistent hours of sleep so i dont know if i even make sense. More than i usually dont know LOL
2: favorite canon thing about this character
tldr: his trauma complexes and the way that drives his character
obligatory "autism" answer to be honest. no but in all seriousness kui is really really good at portraying people in accordance to their trauma/background and kabru is no different... being intimately familiar (married) to someone with ptsd, it makes kabru hit home in a lot of ways. i LOVE that he comes off as creepy to those that are close to him! i love his dissociative symptoms and his panicking. ive been doing (loose spare time) research on the correlations/potential causations of personality disorders and other trauma complexes (dissociative identity, ptsd, sometimes ocd, etc etc etc) that can arise specifically from the way people who are neurodivergent from birth are treated by others. i love the clear line from utaya (caused kabrus ptsd), his adoption (perfect circumstance for a knowledge seeker), his special interest, and his cluster b tendencies ("i have to mask, lie, or otherwise be dishonest to meet my physical/psychological needs. i have to yell to be heard by myself and others."). i think you can see from the way he reacts to going to milsirils family reunion that his interest in people isnt solely due to trauma-- that gathering has nothing to do with taking down dungeons. but it takes that path because the hole caused by kabrus trauma is a need that milsiril cant fulfill. so he has to do it himself. it is uniquely traumatizing to suffer from survivors guilt, specifically. HES JUST SO COOL!!!! <3 <3
of course im not saying like. Kabru Specifically Being Diagnosed With PTSD Is Canon because the term ptsd is a collection of traits that weve lumped together with one term that typically responds to the same set of treatment, but trauma is universal and ptsd is excellent shorthand for kabrus trauma responses!
7: something the fandom does with this character that you like
i love when he isnt portrayed as Knowing Everything. i love when hes portrayed like a little bit of a dumbass sometimes. i also really love the way a lot of people portray his dynamic with laios, especially when its kabru getting to experience his emotions in a relatively stable environment and laios is there to support him. ALSO i love that Kabru Marcille Friendship seems to be agreed upon
18: relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire
... i Mean. i dont mean to be TOO obvious but his relationship with laios... ouuughhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! FUN FACT! exposure therapy is actually like. HIGHLY effective for people with obsessive-compulsions, phobias, or other aversions!! this is not due to the simple fact of being exposed to it, however. kabru retraumatizes himself this way-- he risks his life for the uncontrolled exposure to the familiarity of his trauma. a big motivator for him is his survivors guilt. this isnt exposure therapy, its just exposure.
what makes exposure therapy effective is understanding. its understanding you wont get every disease if you dont wash your hands when youre compelled to, understanding not all spiders are dangerous and that we have an evolutionary fear response.
kabru is bad at recognizing his needs. he chases the need to understand monsters by resolving to adventure dungeons. he makes this decision as a kid. its like he knows he needs to understand monsters on some level, but no one else sees monsters as complex beings, no one gives the time of day to understanding them. so instead he interprets this motivation solely as a desire to end monsters and dungeons. upon his observation of laios though, seeing someone who doesnt act like everyone else, who is a really good leader regarding progress in the dungeon, its like he subconsciously chases his need to understand, while consciously seeing laios as concerning.
all this to say, i admire so much that laios can provide kabru a safe, human place to understand monsters, when hes ready. laios can expose him to the monstrous while preventing reckless, unprepared exposure. this story is so damn cool through my psychology special interest goggles lol...
honorary mentions: his relationship with rin. i admire rin, because dear fuck how do you make it through what she did and still speak at all let alone leave your room?? and their relationship i admire not because its crazy healthy or good for either of them but because it is a testament to their strength as people. i dont remember rn if any of their interactions as kids are shown but i presume kabru was just insanely kind and patient. you have to be to befriend someone so traumatized. their relationship kills me, because they clearly have a deep respect for each other, but rin probably has more emotional problems than kabru does regarding forging relationships. gwohhhh...
lastly, i like his minor relationship with toshiro lol its interesting how they seem to gravitate to each other if theyre both in a scene! and i really enjoy when kabru brutally talks sense into toshiro regarding falins revival. obviously, they dont have much interaction to go off of, but i like to think the combo of kabru being able to empathize so strongly with toshiro AND be honest about the situation at the same time are probably pretty refreshing for him, where he typically either gets minimal empathy and intense honesty from laios, or intense cognitive empathy-driven assumptions about what he wants or needs or how to interact with him. having someone who is genuinely adept at the mask and cognitive empathy out of his own choice, rather than social pressure, but also isnt scared to say it like it is... well itd do toshiro some good if they stay friends post canon imo!
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ch3rryb0mb3rr · 9 months ago
Tldr; please put warnings on smut and have it below the cut and stop sexualizing minors in media. Especially if they just came out of middle school thats weird. Write what you want but tag and put warnings when needed.
I get so pissed when im going to read something about my favorite character, and it's smut WITH ZERO WARNING.
No 18+, no NSFW, no MDNI and it isnt even in the fucking tags. I dont wanna read that shit. Put the damned warnings there for the love of all that is green on this earth it takes two seconds. maybe a bit more, but if you could pump out 3.4k words of pure porn, I think you can handle a couple of tags and warnings
I am a minor, and i use those warnings, so I dont read straight-up porn!! I also dont need to read about incest accidentally because there was NO warning, and it was NOT in the tags!!
(And for those of you who do put warnings, i thank you and wish the best in life!)
(I am also well aware that a lot of people dont listen to dnis like that, but it's helpful for the people trying to avoid reading stuff like that)
Also, while im on the subject, let's not sexualize minors in media. Yeah their hot, i can see that. But i dont want to see the start of an NSFW alphabet for a 15/16 year old. Aged up my ass. Just put the beginning below the cut?? And not after the first four letters??
I do NOT need to know a fav characters preferred body part is the tits thank you very much. I definitely do not need to accidentally read that they wanna suck on it like a damned bottle.
'This character as your friend is soo perverted he wants to steal ur panties hehehe' NO HE DOESNT. HE'S A TEENAGER AND LIKES CATS. TF?? theres adults in the majority of the show that are reasonably attractive. Write that shit about them.
'Oh, they have this list of kinks,' and its shit only someone who has read hardcore smut would have. They are 16 and most probably haven't had sex because the creator cant give them a fucking break from trauma.
'He would be soooo toxic and blahblahblah [insert romanticised assault and abuse and trauma]' NO. that boy is my age and is a nerd. Motherfucker wants to study at princeton and has absolutely no flirting ability. You're only saying that because he's black, most of that shit reeks of racism.
These characters are kids, CHILDREN, and you as an adult (if you are one) should not be writing smut about them, aged up or not. You should not be thirsting over a sophmore when theres PLENTY of good looking adults that you can be.
Theres a difference in growing up liking a character and having a crush on them and growing out of it when you're an adult. And being an adult thirsting over a teenage boy. It's not cute. it's not 'oh, it's fine because he/she's not real'.
Its really fucking gross actually.
At the end of the day just tag your stuff correctly. That way its easier for everyone else to find EXACTLY what they wanna read. Because at this point im just gonna start reporting fics with no warnings at the beginning.
Someome younger than me with no parents looking through their devices could stumble on that, and not know what it means, read it, and be scarred for life.
I was reading that stuff way way way too earlier and its fucked up my mental state a bit so if we collectively start putting in the effort to help prevent this from happening to another 11 year old or younger than we should do so.
Start gatekeeping fandoms like creepypasta from young kids, start tagging shit correctly
Another child does not need to end up somewhat hypersexul with very violent intrusive thoughts by the time they hit high school because their parents wouldn't look out for them, and the fandom did NOTHING to try to prevent it.
Its not your job to parent the kid, and to look over their should. Thats not what im saying.
It IS your job to, again, tag shit correctly, put warnings for gore, bluring violent images, saying outright that a certain game/book/story/etc your recommending is NOT for kids due to its violent nature/sexual content/etc. Reporting accounts of children under the age limit for social media (i.e., a 10 year old with discord or instagram) (it is breaking the T.O.S)
Act like that one lgbtq+ chat room website I was on for a couple weeks where all the adults kinda looked out for me a bit. And supported me figuring out who I was and collectively riped a guy to shreds after I blasted him at a failed attempt to groom me. (And told me I had done exactly the right thing in this situation. Also, hi, if you know who I am from there!!!) (Story time if ya'll want I look back and think its the funniest thing ever how I dealt with him 💀)
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feketeribizli · 1 month ago
need more nando and marci in my life cant stop thinking abt them
here are some loose ideas as i piece things together one by one 🫡
tldr; marc is pathetic and obsessed with the guy who could be his father
i dont really wanna specify what he is before he gets his f1 seat (not a reserve driver per se but maybe. some type of a junior. developement driver idk nawt important to me) but thats not even the point here cause no matter what he is prior to being teammates he rarely ever approached nando even when he had the chance... bro was scared he would cum and pass out on the spot if they as much as shook hands lol
anyway i think theyd first meet sometime in 2014... alonso sucked dry ferrari era... hungaroring would make most sense, marcis dad takes him bts to meet people and the little guy has his scrapbook full of newspaper clippings and printed photos and stuff to get autographs (no one needs to know that the fa14 section is multiply pages longer than some others) and i should draw the photo theyd take together fr... haunting
anyway! first day on the job marc is shaking shivering whimpering like youre not only gonna be doing your first formula one grand prix but youre doing it next to one of your childhood idols youre JOKING. hes in the garage next to me isnt he
longest most overwhelming weekend of his fucking life! i think he would get announced last minute (i also think he would be the last one to get the news lmao) so the moment hes anywhere near track he gets swarmed by people he gets absolutely jumped. sits furthest from fernando during briefings subconsciously (would be so numb to eveything he doesnt even register that hes around the guy he likes. worships even) with berta glued to his hip (or hes glued to berta. whos to say they dont really know each other at that point of time). hes fidgety and nervous and itchy and red from ear to ear and kind of just sour vibes overall coming in waves off of him (let the man livvveeee he just got here. he can be nervy) which could be the reason when the first time they speak and go over stuff nando makes a face at him (—> day ruined hes contemplating killing himself. manages a decent race instead) (lance finished p14 in spain i think marc could do that too)
after that the two of them would do some small talk here and there and marci is like a shadow following nando around (he doesnt fucking know what to do or how to act. its pathetic) but that initial "first impression" is like so engraved into his brain hes being weird about everything. like nando chivalrously brings him some espresso at hospitality and asks general questions about his past achievements etc etc and marci is there clutching the small cup in both hands minutely trembling because their fingers touched and also hes too afraid to let nando know he doesnt like coffee so hes taking the smallest sips possible between mumbling out details about his eurocup series endeavours that he knows nando probably doesnt give a shit about
linking these fuckers to the hungaroring like why am i about to bring it up for the like billionth time. anyway its a month into his debut and as one would be hes extra twitchy about his home race (and his father would be there. visiting him in the garage) and i want nando to come up to him as marci leaving his drivers room and nando puts a big hand on his shoulder and he looks marci in the eyes and squeezes his neck and says something about not overthinking it or whatever and like stop with the jittering because its ANNOYING 🩷 and then he laughs and pats marci on the cheeks and leaves and marci is like woagh. im so horny and distraught right now i might crash my fucking car and then my dad will kill me but woah. the interaction would help him loosen up a bit tho so theres that. peace and love
im lowkey too scared to get too into scenarios just yet lol so theyre just hanging out in my head... sometimes sexual style. on that front i think marci would need outside assistance (pálinka)... like getting a little frisky during some type of celebratory afterparty or something
if anyone wanna put him in scenarios lemme know lmao my ears are open i dont hold marc on too tight of a leash. haha get it cause dog. haha ANYWAY ive said so little with so much oh my god. kills myselg
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mochiiniko · 1 year ago
follow up to this ask! this time im just gonna be talking about my coloring process (i also want to let you all know that im not an expert in color theory since im still learning, im quite literally just going random bullshit go on the blending modes 💀 lots of explanation under the cut)
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the three blending modes i mainly use are exclusion, hard light, and overlay. from the guide above you could see how the blending modes work on their own, and how they look like combined altogether. the cool thing about blending mode layers is that it really is all about experimentation and finding the best combination for a piece (also to any fellow inabakumori enjoyers GRAHH lagtrain pose jumpscare)
i went through a bunch of blending mode phases before i ended up with those main three, though it's funny how ive been using the same overlay color for about 4 years now (multiply used to be one of them, and i still use it from time to time, just not as much). im gonna be honest the whole reason why i know about blending modes being helpful was because one time i accidentally had the fill bucket on and had a certified eureka moment 😭
the best way i could explain these three modes is:
exclusion - honestly i still dont understand how it works either 💀 when i use a really saturated blue color and lower the opacity, it gives a cooler feeling to the palette. feels like a mix of multiply and overlay with how it adjusts the colors without making it darker
hard light - gives more saturation and color
overlay - gives off a glowy effect, especially if the lineart isnt completely solid (this is why it isnt clipped on the folder as shown in the example below, keeping it above the layers gets that glowy effect)
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i still use the same colors for exclusion and overlay (while i do alter them with hue saturation brightness from time to time, i just use the same blue and brown for most of my works) though hard light is what i use to make drawings lean towards a temperature
i tend to use warm colors a lot because i think theyre neat and also im biased sorry <3. as a warm palette example, i drew yinu and used this orange color on hard light and lowered the opacity
cold colors have a similar process, it's just the matter of adjusting the hard light layer. i wouldnt really say it's completely cold since i still add warm colors because im still biased </3. as a cold palette example, i drew sayu and used this purple-pink (??) color with the same settings
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when it comes to drawings that have characters with contrasting palettes, it does take a bit of trial and error but i most of the time i mix both warm and cold methods like the example above. this also helps for art with several characters in general, since the blending modes help make the colors go well together despite the variety
theres also instances where i dont always use the warm + cold combo, since sometimes drawings lean towards a specific temperature instead (like environments with set lighting/shading, so usually i follow that even with characters with different palettes)
tldr; there are lots of palette combos you could make, not necessarily with just the three blending modes i mention. random bullshit go genuinely helps with experimenting with colors!!
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tldr: the story of how i figured out im gay and why i relate to byler so much. aka why its good rep
this was not supposed to be this long
my best friend doesnt like stranger things bc she thinks the metaphorical texture of the show is gross feeling(valid) but she follows me on here and has had to block the byler tag bc its all i post about these days and shes not into it.
anyways it made me think about why i love byler so much and it definitely has to do with the fact that as a queer person i relate super heavily to their story. being gay is way more acceptable now and i was born in 07 so its not like its was considered a death sentence to be gay in general. however i grew up in the classical church. my mom was part of a religious cult in highschool and i was my parents first kid and they were super protective of me. Im also autistic and i spent most of my childhood very worried about doing and acting the right way to make people accept me. my parents favorite story to tell people about my childhood is that when i finally graduated my crib and got a toddler bed they were worried that i would never let them sleep again. that didnt happen tho, in fact i refused to get out of bed with out express permission and would lay there until they came told me i could get up.
id like to say that i was homophobic growing up but not in the traditional sense. it was more that i was actually afraid of gay people. No one around me ever really said anything blatantly homophobic or had radical ideas about the subject but we were so deep into the church and i was always afraid of everything. when i was in elementary school we would do drills. call and response cult like stuff. theyd ask us to define sin and wed spout off this memorized line about going agaisnt gods will in action or thought or intention. i didnt even know what a gay meant until i got to middle school and the entire idea terrified me. because thats not allowed and when someone brings it up all the adults get that one look on their face and the pastor says that homosexuality is a sin or wtv.
i had this one friend, lets call her jane, at the time. i really liked her but she was kind of a delinquent, she didnt have the best home life and she was kind if an angry kid so when she came out to our friend group as bisexual in i think 7th grade, we (the rest of the group was v religious ) were concerned about it but not really surprised. we werent supportive but we werent angry either. it was more like we werent sure what to do. she had always been a problem child so it didnt seem to out of the blue for someone like her to like girls so we just kind of tried not to talk about it again.
I was a pretty big drama kid at the time( still am) (i swear i have a point to this) and i became friends with this one girl. lets call her belle. anyways i reallllyyyy liked belle i dont think i had a crush on her but i thought she was really cool and fun and liked hanging around her. we werent really close much to my past and present dismay but when i did hang out with her i always had a fun time. a few years later she told me that she was bisexual. this pretty much broke my little brain. because belle was cool and fun and normal and it was the first time when i realized that maybe there was something wrong with the way my church worked. they had to be wrong because there was no way belle was evil and going to hell. i loved being friends with her and i couldn't accept the fact that her liking girls changed anything. she still felt like the same person. still the topic was terrifying to me, i was so afraid that i was wrong or maybe just not smart enough to see the truth. so many people around me that i grew up being told knew what was right, knew what god was telling us said that it was wrong so maybe i just didnt get it. maybe i wasnt close enough to god to understand what made gay people so bad. still something changed from then and the next year i ended up being close to this girl, lets call her beth, (all my other friends had either moved on or were on different sides of our grade and tbh i was terrified of her but i had no one else). Anyways beth also had a crazy homelife she talked a lot about how she hated her family and how she would kill her dad if she could. she also ate highlighters, just drew on her tongue, and sold pictures of her feet on instagram to make money. needless to say as soon as i hit highschool i never spoke to her again, she freaked me out. anyway one day me and beth were walking at recess and she turns to me and tells me that im gay. i knew she was pan at this point and i didnt really care though looking back on it she was definitely flirting with me. I got freaked out and told her there was no way i was gay and assumed that she just wanted me to like her back but id had a crush on a guy before so i couldnt be gay.
speaking of this guy, he sat next to belle in my science class in 6th grade. i sat behind them and they were good friends. we were sort of a trio in that class and i thought he was really nice and funny. he was the first guy id ever been friends with and i assumed that the fact that i enjoyed hanging out with him and having fun meant that i must have a crush on him. because girls and boys cant just be friends. thats what everyone always said at least. one day we were texting and he told me that he liked me and wanted to go out. i csnt describe the feeling i got then. it was this werid mix of anxiety and fear and knowing that i should be excited but instead i was disappointed. and i didnt know why. i told him i wasnt allowed to date til 16 and if he still wanted me then whe could date then. i cried about it for almost a year. which doesnt make any sense because i rejected him not the other way around. but i felt heartbroken. im still not really sure why.
when beth told me i was gay i p much told her to f off in the most good christian way possible but i still thought about it. the idea felt so overwhelming and i couldnt think about it without wanting to have a panic attack so i stopped thinking about it. then i had a gay dream about jane and honestly i should have figured it out then but somehow i completely disregarded.
i changed schools for high school so i was with a lot of new people. i wanted a fresh start. at the time i felt like id been pretending to be someone else for my whole life and i hoped that starting over would help me find myself or something. I always sort of knew i was different from other kids i never felt like we had much in common or something but i could never put a finger of what it was (it was the autism). when i started highschool my main goal was to make friends on my own and conquer my social anxiety when had been crippling throughout middle and elementary. i ended up meeting this girl, lets call her cassie, (so many people ikik) and we became super close. she had a lot of issues as well bc apparently i attract unstable people. she was by far the worst id dealt with though. she was suicidal, ocd, anorexic and hurt her self a lot. it was a very codependent friendship but we were attached at the hip. she was my whole world at the time, nothing else really mattered more than her not killing herself. one day we were texting after midnight and she told me that she thought she might be bisexual and i told her a didnt care. i really didnt care i was more worried about her killing herself. she said she had a crush on someone but wouldnt tell me who and i let the topic die.
then heartstopper came out on netflix and i got DEAD sick. i couldnt even speak. it was very bad. anyways i had a computer at this point and was looking for something to watch. i settled on heartstopper because id heard so many good things about it and i was morbidly( at the time) curious. i watched the entire show in one sitting. i was scared my mom would find out and when she did find out she gave me this hesitant look and said she didnt love the idea of me watching that kind of stuff. i watched it anyways. i was mesmerized dude. the scene of nick nelson in his bedroom, on the verge of tears searching the internet for anwsers was so powerful to me and it was like something clicked in my brain.
what if i am gay??
id never let myself actually ask mysrlf that before. id never dared to even think it was a possibility because of course im straight. id know if i liked girls. but i sat there dead sick and dying slowly and looked over at my book case at all my favorite books. i looked up on youtube how to tell if your bisexual (bc ofc i like guys duh) and it said something about thinking about how you feel about fictional characters and i sat and i thought. it was a very overwhelming week. i thought back to middle school and the strange possessiveness i had over my best friend at the time, the feeling of hurt i always seemed to have when she hung out with someone else. i hated that part of myself. i felt validated in my feelings at the time but i never knew why i felt that way and it felt unfair to her.
at the time i was talking to a guy. he was nice and pretty chill but i sort of knew i didnt like him the way he liked me. i wanted to though. i wanted to like him so freaking badly. so i kept taking to him. id be on the phone with him for 5 hours just talking about nothing and tell myself that this was what its like to like someone. it wasnt a bad experience, he was nice and i liked to talk to him. but i didnt have feelings for him. one night i texted cassie back and told her that maybe i was bi too. she was from a christian household too and we talked for a while one what we should do.
my parents have always had this policy of being honest with each other when sometbing happens in our lives. which i think is pretty normal but my autistic ahh took it very seriously. almost as soon as i started questioning i told them. bad idea, was not ready. i was so scared that somehow theyd look at me and figure out that i was thinking about it, and that theyd be mad that i didnt talk to them about it. i said it at dinner and there was legit forks dropped. my mom took me on a 2 hour long walk to try and explain myself which was HELL because i couldnt even understand what was going on.
"why do you think you like girls??"
they eventually dropped the subject.
soon after that me and cassies relationship started to get werid. after being so codependent for so long we had thsi strange sort of toxic need for each other to be sane or something. she confessed that she had a crush on me and i really wasnt sure how to feel about it. she was so important to me and the trauma and confusion and drama of our friendship got all jumbled in my head and we fell into some sort of homo romantic something. we never did anything besides holding hands a few times, but we did that before either of us came out anyways. we went to summer camp summer after freshmen year and shit really hit the fan and we ended up having a friendship breakup. she told me afterwards that she was a devoted christian now, that god had saved her from herself and that now she was straight. i was really lost the rest of that summer. i wasnt sure what to do at all, who i was or what i was supposed to do now that i left the person i had dedicated the past year of my life and my mental health too. i was really suicidal for a few months after that but slowly i got better.
second semester of sophomore year i had my first real crush on one of my close friends at the time. she was straight which sucked but those 6 months of my life were some of the most terrible exhilarating experiences of my life. thats how i knew i wasnt wrong. bc theres no heterosexual option for wanting to make out with a girl in a dirty school bathroom stall.
it was hard though, being in love with someone you know will never feel that way about you. even if at the time i had mostly gotten over the majority of my internalized homophobia theres still that feeling of guilt. you feel so gross and creepy and unwanted. this person doesnt want you, they dont even want your gender but you cant let it go. its a very lonely feeling.
it was around the same time that i figured out that i was a lesbian. after i felt what it was like to like someone, really like someone. to be able to identify that feeling as romantic feelings, it was pretty obvious that i didnt like guys. i felt really bad about the guy i was talking too. he had no idea and id just heen leading him on for almost a year. i felt super shitty about it.
idk if that was coherent but i guess thats why i love byler so much. it feels so raw and real to me. i watch the van scene and i see myself. i see how hard it was and how much i hated myself and wanted so badly to be normal and to be able to talk about boys with my friends without feeling uncomfortable. i see the way mike is with el and i see myself with that boy from middle school. so desperate for affection and so so confused. this feeling of guilt and regret, the heartbreak of loosing someone that you couldve had but you dont want. i want to want it but i dont and its so heartbreaking.
i almost think its a worse feeling that being broken up with. i fell in love with a girl recently and she ended up ending things. i was super upset about it cried for a long time. but still. its not the same hurt. it hurts but its not the same deep primal hurt. sitting on my bathroom floor at 13 years old sobbing my eyes out because im not with a boy that i rejected. wishing that things were different but not wanting to actually change. i broke my own heart and i didnt even mean too
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freakenomenon · 2 months ago
Why do you like Ellen so much? /Genq
jesus christ this is a loaded question uuhhhh well. first of all. when i first drew ellen after reading the story and watching her playthrough. my immediate thought was "shes the nicest, i like her the most" and " i feel so bad for her " which. is generally the most you can get out of someone these days when talking about ellen. but because my stupid autistic ( not in a derogatory sense, i am autistic ) ass couldnt just fit in and leave it at "poor ellen!!" my brain latched onto her. and then i realized, shes the only character ( in the game ) that they didnt go out of their way to make an even more terrible person. which made her unique from the others. i found that interesting. and then i started noticing all the holes in her character. at least in the game. picking out, plucking away and putting my criticism of her treatment in the game, especially with how they handled her assault story, really kind of. made me attach to her? because, while i did find a lot that i thought was rather unnecessary.
i found it much more fun for me to explore the obscure bits of her character and flesh them out more. which made my attachment to her even stronger. and after finding out about the manual, i found more aspects of her character that i resonated with. its hard for me to explain, but ill put it in bullet points.
im black myself, and even within the flaws of harlan ellison trying to make ,, SOME kind of statement back them with her character as a black woman. i think that aspect of her ( growing up in "the ghetto", having to deal with racism even as a little girl, having nobody to attach to in the end except for the people who dont even view you as a person outside of your body and skin color. ) made her more. relatable to me.
her sexual assault story was something i latched onto, finding solace in a character who also struggles with attachment due to sexual trauma. and i found it cathartic to be able to project my hypersexuality onto a character who i view as,, kind of in the same pit as me
she struggles with her arrogance, ego, being blunt and often times being rude or offensive without meaning to be. and even sometimes with the intention of doing so without realizing the level of what you're saying. and struggling with social connection in general despite being labeled as one of "the best friends a person could have" which i also resonated with, as an autistic person.
lesbianism. not even gonna sugarcoat it here i want this woman BAD. i dont know man something in my brain saw this older woman with emotional attachment issues who would definitely not treat me the best and began nesting and laying an alien parasite between the slimy spots of grey matter that grew into a monstrous beast that would take over my body and force me to draw her putting cigarettes down peoples throats. I NEED IT. I NEED IT IMA EAT IT AHHHHH. i also just think shes really pretty, thats my wife we are married and she loves me and not you she loves ME.
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i also feel like its important to note that even within male / man focused books, shows, movies, media in general. ive always been more drawn to the female characters. no matter how expanded on their stories are. so that also probably played a role in my attachment to her. i. feel like even all this isnt enough to express how much i like her and why. i just. hhghgdsjhgfdghjhgf eelleeennn,,,,,,, thats it thats the tldr; ellen
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tubbytarchia · 4 months ago
ok i Lied i need to talk about the part at the end with everyone eating the canaries. starting with scott. the first thing i noticed is that it looks like? rather than take a bite like everyone else hes reached in with his hands and taken a small bit to his mouth. which you could say is him being less barbaric, more tender. but hes still eating the canary. and you could argue its more painful to dig around with his fingers than it is to go for the kill in a bite... hes also covering his mouth like hes not even doing it in the first place. and in my opinion he looks the least bothered. looking off to the side like he has more important things to be doing SHUT UP. hes also the cleanest about it. no blood on his clothes. nothing to stain him
martyn.......... martyn. also covering his mouth, but not in a hiding way, hes wiping the blood off. ADMITTEDLY this is like 100% biased insane solidwood enjoyer but. in wiping the blood away it could be like hes trying his best to make it not as unpleasant as it could be for the canary. im not sure if this is just me but it looks like he bit the head off? which would be awful for. both of them. he looks like hes going to be sick and thats the correct response. his expression hurts me a little
BUT U KNOW WHOS EXPRESSION HURTS ME MORE. OHHHH MY GODDDD JOELLLLL :(( the canary not even being in Frame is killing me. inappropriate time but love the way you draw joel as always. if scotts the least bothered then joel is by far the most bothered. my interpretation is it looks like he did something impulsive. then realised there would be terrible terrible consequences........ joel was going to sacrifice himself for jimmy smallishbeans. WHATEVERRRRRRRRR
i dont know enough about saus or fwhip to make like. entire things about them. but i have observations. some more serious than others
sausage holding the canary closest to his mouth
sausage taking a bite out of the canarys chest/the heart
fwhips canary being the most dishevelled
both fwhip and scott being visibly PULLING SOMETHING..... would hurt the canary more (if it was alive)
martyn holding the canary like a burger
sausage looking directly at the camera (you could argue joels also maybe doing that but joel seems more. canary happens to be where camera is. saus doing it on purpose)
the canary not having a face in any of them
OK IM DONE NOW tldr i really like the new animatic. thank u for feeding us tubby tubbytarchia
I have no idea what to add because YAYYYY PEOPLE ARE INTERPRETING MY ART AND INFERRING MEANING FROM IT YIPPPEEEE um yeah pretty spot on though haha. I still have a lot of trouble drawing people and expressions so I'm so so happy people like what I've drawn but are also able to pick up on what I was trying to convey through them... uh anyway sorry for the pain </3 everyone needs to suffer like I do. I'm so happy you liked the animatic though!!!!
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noctilin · 6 months ago
Hi jez!! ive been a long time follower of yours and your art has been a huge help when i was struggling in school. Hope you dont mind me asking this out of the blue but Im graduating soon and i still dunno if the careerpath i'll be taking is one i wanna take for life. I really like art, but im not really good at it, and i dont rlly have the means to "follow my passion". Im curious, do you do art for a living full time, or are you doing art while also having a quote unquote "real job"?
it doesnt really help that my parents arent very supportive of my art hobbies as of now, especially since im not making any money out of it. Money speaks as they say... LOL
hello!! i answered a question similar to this before you might be interested in. but tldr, i draw for a living! mainly freelance illustration.
commitment to art as a career is such a... complicated topic, i won't lie. even more difficult when you don't really have a sturdy support system like you say :( unfortunately, most people don't realize this is or isn't what they want until they take that leap.
personally, at first, it felt good, affirming to earn a living out of my art, it still does, but after years of it, i realized i would rather not monetize my work. it caused me to develop a complicated relationship with my creative process over the years. it often makes me question if i feel fulfilled with what i do, or if i'm only making this a means to survive. it burns me out constantly. even in the present, i have to continuously recondition my own perception of my process. but i'm currently not in a good position to just switch out my career.
i have been incredibly lucky that my art garners interest the way it does, and i make sure not to take it for granted. but i cannot hide how mentally draining it is to draw because i need to make ends meet instead of drawing because of the joy of it.
i like my art, i just wish i could enjoy it without worrying about a hungry stomach at the same time. 😅
i guess the point i'm making from all this is that money as a motivator in a creative field can be a mind killer. some people can do it, but i've rarely met such personalities... so what i'll say is this: if you want to learn and be around creatives, i would encourage going to art school, if you can. but going to art school isn't the end of it all either if you find it difficult to enroll yourself in one. art is accessible to all nowadays! just take a few google or youtube searches and maybe a little trip to the library, regardless if you want to keep it as a hobby or pursue it professionally. i've met a lot of artists who've landed full time jobs in studios without finishing an art degree. it's just a matter of letting your portfolio talk for you, a little bit of luck, and surrounding yourself with people who spark and uplift your creative spirit.
i know this is all still uncertain, but if there's anything i'm sure about, it's the fact that you don't have to give up art to live. art is living. it can still be your hobby if it doesn't end up as your job. and even if it doesn't become your career now, it's not impossible to have it in the future. i hope you find your way and, for what it's worth, congratulations on your upcoming graduation :)!
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fand0mswithbunny · 8 months ago
this is so different from the other posts i do but fuck it. descendants 4: rise of red review, spoilers ofc, we still boycott disney's ass, pirate this movie like uma and her crew ate the intro of this movie instead of watching this from disney+
keep reading if youve seen it or dont care about spoilers but tldr: if you havent seen it and see this as a spin off movie instead of a 4th installment, i say go watch it. its basically how i feel about the 2024 mean girls movie, im just here for certain characters, dynamics and songs, and a bit of the actual plot, its fun but definitely not for everyone, i liked parts of the movie/plots tho
okay honestly overall, despite the fucking terrible rushed ass ending, i still honestly enjoyed a lot of aspects of this movie.
songs, generally i liked. yeah its all pop-y but yk, none of them were unbearable, i loop red, whats my name (red vers.) and love aint it what about it
the editing was. a choice at times. like it will cut at the most random moments and when red was being transported and fell from that. pipe. thing in the castle it was so. disney channel editing core LIKE OKAY I KNOWW OFC IT IS but grahhhhhHH
the cg was good, direction was. also a choice at times. idk how to explain it but it felt like every scene was being directed like a music video and not like a MOVIE esp the lighting oh my god idk what it is but its so GLOWY AND WEIRDD
the characters themselves, i love the main cast, red, chloe, ella, bridget, etc. were all cool. IM A FIRM RED/CHLOE SHIPPER THEY ARE GIRLFRIENDS IDC and i also liked the dynamic they have with their past moms it was nice
oh yeah i dont mind how they wrote mal, evie, jay, and ben outta the story, i mean they gotta explain their absence yk. and i loved the carlos tribute, you can tell china was genuinely not acting in that tribute scene.
the vks were. okay. i dont mind that literally every villain/princess/disney protag goes to high school. this whole series basically feature length fanfiction anyway, idc personally about that. its weird URSULAS SISTER was the main antagonist. like i get having a completely new villain aside from the vks parents or something but. ursulas. sister??? besides you could tell me shes ursula and ill believe you.
its nice seeing filipino prince charming thats it thats all i gotta say RAHHH PHILIPPINES BABYYY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 MY MANS GOT THAT 'PINO RIZZ OKAYYY
the plot was actually fun, but yeah I WISH WE COULDVE SEEN CASTLECOMING WE WERE ROBBED OF THAT i knew when red and chloe got the book there was like 10 minutes left in the film but cmonn we couldve had Morgie, I DONT KNOW somehow freeing the rest of the vks and them STEALING THE POCKETWATCH AND RED AND CHLOE HAVING TO GET IT BACK, GET ANOTHER 30 MINUTES IN THE FILM MAYBE, ANOTHER ACTION SEQUENCE, CASTLECOMING. but its finee im sure theres a fanfiction in the works somewhere that has that exact premise because thats what fanfic is for babyyyy
imagine. during the dance chloe and red are scrambling to find the watch, they see the vks, they find bridget crying because her best friend isnt there, she thinks ella bailed on her, they have to find the watch but, they gotta make her feel better right? red comforts her while chloe chases after them to find the watch, ella comes to the dance late after deciding, fuck my stepmom, get your hands dirty parallels, something something, the four of them all stopping the vks together, THEN they travel back.
i should just write a fix it fic for this movie at this point damnn i impressed myself
but yeah the ending does leave a lot of plot holes, if bridget didnt change from the past WHO DID, if Red even CONSIDERED a VK in this timeline? if not then WHO IS IT?? IS IT CHLOE?? its hella rushed, its ass, but i guess we'll find out in the 5th movie ig
also i thought they were totally setting it up for Ella to be the one that humiliated Bridget in the past, like the "I saw through her" in Love Ain't It we NEVER GOT ANY CLOSURE FROM THAT WHAT HAPPENED?? sighhh its okay its fine
i see this movie as a spin off movie rather than a 4th installment of the universe because it pretty much is, like its basically its OWN universe with the lack of the og cast and new characters. i unofficially coin it as the "Descendants: Redverse" because it just makes more sense
so many questions, mainly WHY, but yeah, still liked it, would rewatch. certain. parts of it. but honestly? a 7/10. leaning towards a 7.5
is this a recommendation? not sure, depending on who you are you could totally love this film or hate it, i say give it a chance and completely ignore the busted ass ending <3
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clutchpowers · 2 months ago
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2024 coming to an end means that my personal 10th anniversary is also coming to a close... sad! i didn't draw as much (or at all) as i wanted but one thing i did wanna post was this! the 100 faces of a character challenge!!!!! though i guess its more of an art progression thing. from my very first fan art to the most recent its been a journey that makes me feel things....... and if you care to read a ramble thats under the read more but TLDR waah waaah *water shoots out of my eyes* i love this game so much and ty to everyones whos stuck around!!!!!!!! :'^)
man. idk i know i kinda went on a similar rant last year during the games 10th so hopefully this wont be too long but if you told me that 10 years ago i would have become OBSESSED with this stupid ass game id probably believe it. man tlm just came out and it was my THING i was getting back into clutch powers too so. i always like to joke that one way or another i would have been dragged into the hell that this game took me down into. but something about this year being my personal 10th!!! idk!!!! i had time to reflect on my entire journey that lead me here. all the stupid AUs and fanfics and shit i dont post/talk about and keep to myself vs the things i do end up putting out there. i dont joke when i say im obsessed they really did infect my every thought, action, being, personality, ALL OF IT. which is why it makes me sad that i could do everything i wanted for reasons both in and out of my control. and it sucks cus i love this game so much, i love THEM so much. i dont know where id be without them, they and the game makes me so happy in ways sometimes you wouldnt believe. i love that more has come out about the game and its slowly but surely broken apart, i love collecting my pieces of merchandise that i bet some people dont even know EXISTED, i love setting up my yearly displays with them, i love that i have a laptop strong enough that can run the game and i can play it again if i wanted to! even if all i ever draw is chase and natalia know that i truly do love EVERYTHING about this game. im always planing but never drawing. so many ideas in the backburner that id love to put out but i dont feel like im there yet to make it perfect. these pieces/ideas can and WILL come out tho, sadly not durring the year of my 10th but who knows what the freaking future holds.... and you know, i was rambling earlier when i was putting this together that i remembered everything about these drawings, where i was in life, what i was thinking/doing etc. etc. its this time capsule that special to me and my journey. from someone who hated all their art and would constantly delete it to someone who went digging for as much as i could so that someday in the future id have something to really look back on and see the passage of time (aw man) right in front of me. im super happy i did. so many memories of me being online and losing my damn mind, walking/talking in circles about the same thing, hoping and wishing something new would happen with them. some of my friends have seen the spiral since day ONE and i think thats funny. cus it really has been that long hasn't it.
anyway, thank you everyone! from people who followed me back when i was 1980-somethingspaceguy/my old DAs to this account, from the drawing that i made to celebrate the remaster being announced to the lead up of the 10th anniversary. from all the posts in between, and the 5th-10th anniversary posts. the redraws, the asks, the friends, the lurkers, the enjoyers. fans old and new of this game, whether you gave it a try because of me or you didn't. thanks for sticking around! heres to another 10 years! if Tt still wont do anything in the next 10 years then i'll still be here making Something.
as a little bonus, heres a piece from every* year! dont give up and keep drawing everyone!!!!!!! :'^)))))))
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chaostroid · 5 months ago
mouthwashing … save me mouthwashign…
( this is another spoiler filled yapfest from yours truly )
on gang IF YOU DONT FW SWANSEA I DONT FW YOU!!!! everyone in that game was so awesome except for jimmy I WILL NOT SURVIVE IF EVERYONE JUST LOVES ANYA AND CURLY
i heart them the most too but daisuke.. swansea… .. lore…
alsoalso also
fanart incomjng
i like drawing weird and creepy shit #im drawing curly for a pfp
curly had so much time to reflect on jimmy whilst immobile. DUDE im so
i saw someone say something like “curly deserved it” or something. guys i have a hard pill for you to swallow. (pun intended)
Curly, after finding out Jimmy raped Anya, obviously didn’t go and hurt him?? TRUST ME i know rape is super super traumatic and bad and a felony but Curly had to ensure EVERYONE was safe at all times. They are confined to a fucking space ship bro. Curly, who has worked hard to get his position, is not throwing his life out the window trying to kill a rapist, whom on landing will be arrested if he reports it !!!!!!! and better yet - ANYA REPORTS IT !!!
Curly was an incredible captain in my opinion.
He stayed incomprehensibly calm, was able to keep everyone (before the crash) at bay, likely resolving quarrels and such between coworkers. As much as we all love seeing it, Curly could not have taken the risk of killing a rapist. everyone except for daisuke (it seems) knows that jimmy is a terrible person, based on how they act around him.
Curly wanted to keep everyone safe, and if jimmy is able to break into the dormitory of, and rape his coworker, what else is he capable of?
However, despite all that, i do want to note:
Tulpar was going to arrive like day of the crash or at least in that time period if i remember correctly - if they were going to spend years together in that ship, that’s when killing jimmy became an option. Even just months, or a month. Punishment by death is what i’m presuming they’d have to do.
Mostly because any other punishment might send Jimmy into a tailspin and someone else will get hurt.
so anyway tldr curly was just professional and a generally good person and anya deserved better i love her so much.,., i loaf daisuke.., swansea..,.,,… c ..,. curly..,.,,
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