#tl;dr i love finding similarities in my favorite shows
leejeann · 4 months
Need a friend who is as equally rwby and bungo stray dogs trash as I am so I can make comparisons between the characters in each series without it making no sense lol
Gonna just list off a few comparisons I have in my head below the cut because I just need to talk about it lol.
There is a spoiler or two for the most recent bsd manga chapter (114.5). And some for the last couple seasons of RWBY but I'm not naming names and also that's been out for a while now
With Fyodor's ability revealed, he's like if Oz and Salem had been combined into one person but Salem's moral code won out over Ozma's
I can even make a comparison to the RWBY relics with the end of chapter 114.5 like come ON, he combines three basically god given things and seemingly is about to destroy the world with the power they create together
A main character who is literally a cat
(side character who is literally a cat)
*vague Storm Bringer spoiler* Teenage redheads experiencing a soul-related identity crisis over whether they're even human enough to call themselves one (and end up needing to save the world at the cost of confirming it)
Characters are inspired by literature and literary figures (mostly at least. in rwby some are historical figures like Joan of Arc)
Horribly mistreated orphan antagonist obsessed with power and strength and the praise of a horrible role model because at one point that horrible role model was the only thing that gave them a reason to live
Found family, like so much found family
Characters who abandoned the criminal organization they were a part of to become a good guy because the (literal or figurative) loss of a loved one made them realize they needed to escape
(figurative as in like in RWBY Adam was very much alive when Blake ran away, but the version of him she thought was good was definitely long dead by then and that was the trigger for her to defect)
Individualized powers that only some people have!
Redhead with a power that lets them control metal
The big bad keeps getting out big-baded by a bigger bad as the story goes
Giant terrifying sky whale capable of destroying the city
Terrible (and now dead) father figures
Unexpected immortality!
Beloved character and their beloved motorcycle
Cool team attacks that the fandom loses their shit over every time
I'm sure I could come up with more, but at this point I'm kind of stretching for it. I'm sure some of these can apply to several different series tbh
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midnight-in-town · 10 months
Ao no Exorcist is a Shonen series written by a woman and it shows
Since the latest chapter, I've been thinking about how several usual Shonen tropes are written rather differently under Kato-sensei's pen. No judgement or anything, it's just cool to observe. Some examples :
1) Rin's mentor is a woman
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2) Rin's secret, despite being the MC, was revealed in ch13 to the entire cast, meanwhile Shiemi, The Main Girl, who was introduced to be so helpless is only starting to be explained.
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3) Also, the Mysterious plot-relevant Shonen Parent is actually the twins' mother. (Of course Shiro is super plot-relevant too, but Satan is still angsting over Yuri and she's a huge part of the reason why he's the big bad)
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4) Rin also changed his view about his future throughout the story: from dropping out of school, passing by hoping to become the Order's Paladin (probably to cope with Shiro's death and also to antagonize Arthur), to finally showing way more interest and potential in the (less epic and heroic in appearance) field of talismanic cooking.
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5) When it comes to arcs, mental illness is a valid reason to build a character arc around...
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6) And so is making an arc about girls being "cursed" to basically "get married and have children before they hit 30, the age where their beauty fade thus they become useless" :
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7) ANE is a story about women becoming traitors to protect their loved ones, like Mamushi
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or becoming overwhelmed because men toyed with their feelings like Tamamo
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8) Older women can be absolute badasses like Shiemi's grandma
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or Lucy.
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9) Complicated mother-daughter relationship and girl friendships are given as much focus as complicated father-son relationships and sweet bro friendships (like Bon and his dad during the Kyoto arc, as well as the complicated but deep bond between the Kyoto Trio)
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10) And one of my favorites: full time single dad, asking for help to do the job as well as he can and finding his true purpose in life by doing so :D
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Hmm and now that I think about it, the only other Shonen series written by a woman I've been as invested in is Kuroshitsuji, by Yana Toboso, and similar examples can be found in it too, namely:
1) If Ciel ever finally admits needing a mentor, his aunt Frances will probably play that role
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2) Girls can be super strong & skilled (Elizabeth, Mey Rin) and clever (Sieglinde)
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3) (one part of) the Big Bad is a woman (Queen Victoria)
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4) maybe Ciel's entire revenge stems from a conflict between Queen Victoria and Ciel's maternal grandmother, Claudia.
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5) the Undertaker has been a continuously freaking pain in the ass because he probably fell in love with that same maternal grandmother and couldn't mourn properly
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TL;DR we love our boys and their spectacular growth and development under women's pens a.k.a shonen series written by ladies are hella fun to read. :D
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magefeathers · 4 months
In honor of TMBTE’s first birthday I’ve decided to finally unleash my dissertation on my unusual interpretation(s) of Sleep! I’ve only ever seen one person who had a similar outlook to me, and they said they received some Negative Feedback on their views, so uh, don’t shoot me?
My favorite thing about this band's fandom is exploration of the lore, how open to interpretation everything is, and how welcome we are to find our own stories within the source material. I love reading how other people interpret certain songs, or the overarching story, differently from each other based on their own outlooks and experiences. That's what I think the point is. So I want to be clear that I'm not trying to say I'm right, I'm not trying to say anyone else is wrong, I'm just expressing my own opinion.
Grab a drink, it's a long one. I won't give a TL;DR because I don't want people to reactively shoot down my theory without reading my reasoning, but I will say it deviates from the more standard interpretations in two ways:
I don't believe Sleep is meant to be an actual deity, I think it's meant to be more allegorical, a metaphor for something real.
I don't think the music, or the story being told, is about Sleep.
I'm sorry if I've already lost you with the first point. I'm sorry if I seem like a party pooper. I love the aesthetic and the worldbuilding and the symbolism, and I love the creativity of the fans who build out the story on the premise of Vessel actually communing with and having some manner of relationship with this great, unknowable, ancient deity. The issue for me is that I can only read that story if I already have that story in my mind, if that makes sense. Sure, I can make the songs fit that narrative, but I never would have arrived at that narrative on my own, without first reading that the band was made to worship this deity. And in my mind, if I couldn't arrive at that conclusion naturally, without being led there, then it probably wasn't the conclusion I was meant to arrive at.
For a while, I could vibe with the idea that Sleep was supposed to be a metaphor for a lover, either present or former, and a toxic relationship he was struggling or had struggled with. But as I delved deeper into their catalogue I very much lost the impression that all of these songs were about one singular person, or even that all of the songs were about romantic relationships in general. And as I got more into the fandom and found out that there was more official dialogue from the band than just the "One Single Interview" everyone talked about, I realized that trying to fit the songs to all be about one person or thing would never work, because the songs weren't about Sleep, there were merely gifts to Sleep.
Now, I could have sworn that when I first got into the band’s lore I read on their official website that their songs are offerings to Sleep - not about Sleep, the way everyone seems to interpret them. That no longer appears to be the case. I have this screenshot that I took of part of what I remember reading, but I distinctly recall there being another paragraph or two in addition to what I cropped, and unfortunately my PC doesn’t show me the link the screenshot was taken on, like my phone would. And in re-reading the text in the screenshot, it does seem to be speaking about Sleep Token as a separate entity so I may be entirely misremembering how official of a source it was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Regardless, I’ve seen multiple articles that word it in this manner, that the songs are for Sleep rather than about Sleep, and nowhere in the official sources I’ve found is it said that the songs are about Sleep, so I’m going to assume I’m right and continue under the assumption I’ve worked under all along: that the songs are not, in fact, about Sleep.
They are, however, for Sleep. This has never been debated. The songs are tokens, or offerings, to Sleep.
So, let me share with you the official communications that developed my theory. In addition to what I've commonly seen referred to as their "only interview" before II's drumeo video, I've found (poor quality) scans of two magazine spreads, one from Kerrang! and another I'm unsure of the source of, both featuring Jaws. I read most of these after having watched videos of rituals and reading transcripts of the conversation between Vessel and, presumably, his mask, that took place on last year's tour, as well as the monologue from The Room Below. I started to notice a common theme between that more recent conversation and these much earlier interviews, that for some reason surprised me: Vessel had wanted the fans to project onto the music all along.
Noteworthy quotes from the linked sources, in roughly chronological order:
“Our verses are a token, crafted to magnify and embody the multitude of emotion that writhes in our subconscious. Sonically our voice is rooted in the resonation between the notes and your emotion.”
“As musicians we are inspired by the human condition [...]. As followers we are bound by a duty to combine our crafts to create music that conveys some of our most primal, and powerful emotions.”
“We are here to deliver a message; touch people in their hearts and subconscious minds.”
“There exists a considerable body of art that explores the deeper recesses of the human mind. Sleep Token serve as a means to explore this on an individual basis. The music is a representation of one individual’s deepest and most fundamental emotions and desires. This is what people connect to. They see themselves in this individual, and the music becomes about them.”
“The aim is to provide something people can engage with without being obstructed by the identity of its creator.”
“The ultimate goal is to engender a constructive emotional process within as many people as possible. Simply the basic concept of understanding oneself better, understanding others better as a result.”
“Sleep Token draw from the most profound experiences we have in life and, most crucially, where they intersect. [...] To see this within yourself, and then to see it reflected in others - this is the essence of worship.”
“We all desire to see the darkest, most profound aspects of ourselves reflected in the expressions of others. [...] We’re here to provide this expression, so it may serve as a device with which people might understand themselves better.”
"We are here to silently collect. To project ourselves onto one-another."
"Perhaps that is another reason why we are here. At the very least, we have all suffered."
"I think they just want to know that I am feeling something, feeling what they are feeling, perhaps."
"In order for all of this to work there has to be a certain boundary in place. They need to be able to project themselves onto this without anyone else's identity getting in the way. In turn, I need to be able to show my true self to them in a way that does not compromise their ability to connect."
"They, too, are pained. They, too, do not know who they truly are. They are each stood alone on a stage of their own. And yet, they are here. United by that sense of never truly belonging. They see something beyond their own bleak horizons, and they reach for it. Together. So let us join now, to reflect their joy and to serve as a conduit for their anguish. To swallow their fear."
And finally, from the Fall For Me music video: "So for now let me serve as a living drama of your pain. If we are to be submerged let us be submerged together."
When I place them right next to each other, it's probably easier to see the common theme that I caught onto. I cycled through a few ideas - including Vessel himself being Sleep, or Sleep representing music and the connection it can foster between people - but I kept coming back to the way Vessel has repeatedly talked about fans projecting onto the music, examining themselves through it, understanding themselves through it. Projecting ourselves onto him, seeing ourselves in him, trying to understand ourselves through our interpretations of his story.
He's a Vessel for us. The songs are tokens, offerings, to us. We, the fans, are Sleep. The songs are gifts for us to examine ourselves through, to help us delve into our own experiences and emotional responses and understand ourselves - and, in turn, understand each other. It isn't Vessel that we are worshipping, it's ourselves and each other that we see in Vessel. I could even get really sentimental and cheesy if I wanted and say that Vessel directly worships us as well, albeit wordlessly, with his deep bows and falling to his knees in appreciation of his audience.
And just to reiterate, I don't think the songs are about Sleep. Although I think an argument could possibly be made about the toxic relationship between Vessel and Sleep being a metaphor for the parasocial relationship between an entertainer and their audience, I... won't get into that. Today, at least. Although I think it's a really interesting take that deserves exploration, I don't genuinely think any of the songs are directed toward or written about the fans/audience. I just think he's sharing the story of his life with us and allowing us to project our own lives upon it, to remind us that none of us are alone in this world. None of us are alone in our feelings, or in our experiences, no matter how isolated we may feel in them.
[EDIT: After making this post I found yet another magazine interview, in which Vessel kind of.... confirms this whole theory?
"He is everyone. He is you. There is a power in music that binds us all, every note relates to another."
The power of music uniting people and allowing us to see ourselves in each other and connect through that was exactly what I had in mind when I formed this theory, so it's kind of validating that I'm interpreting things correctly to see it put so bluntly lol]
If you made it to the end of this, thank you for hearing me out! \owo/ I had been wanting to make a post about this for a while as it seemed a very clear-cut take to me that I didn't think would be controversial. Speaking with the person I mentioned at the beginning who had a similar theory kind of scared me off it, since they said they received some outright hate for it, but talking to them also really got me excited to dig into my theory and provide my sources and show everyone the breadcrumb trail of how I arrived at this conclusion. So I hope at least a couple people enjoyed it!
If this is received well maybe I'll be brave enough to actually post about some of my song interpretations ^^; As I said, I don't think they're all about any one thing. My favorite quote from the ones listed above is this one: "Sleep Token draw from the most profound experiences we have in life and, most crucially, where they intersect." The intersectionality of it all is what's most interesting to me, so that quote was a little bit vindicating to read, lol. It's not all about romantic relationships, to me. It's about how every experience we go through in life, how we feel about them, how we react to them - all of those experiences overlap and intersect and color each other. It's about how everything you've ever been through will affect everything else you ever go through. But now I am genuinely rambling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you again for reading, and feel free to slide into my DMs to talk about this god-given band whensoever you wish.
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jjba-personals · 3 months
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In Short (tl;dr): basically, yeah lmao So I guess a little history recap is in order: I didnt make this blog, I came in on the tail end of its active life around mid 2017 (Mod Akira), I made a few fun edits that got some attention here and there, but interest kinda fizzled out over time for reasons I'll explain in a sec. 2016 was a pretty big year, I'm sure you remember it. In addition to everything else, that was basically the year all the usual responsibilities in the adult world hit me all at once, and carried into the year following. If I remember right it was around late 2017 that the other mods all left for likely similar reasons, but I stuck around for another year. Even outside of personal stuff for the mods the following years were also about the time where gimmick blogs started to really wane in popularity. By 2018 there were still posts but then two major events happened that really killed it: -The Porn Ban of '18 sheared off a considerable amount of Tumblr's traffic with many rats users, including myself, running from one sinking ship and boarding the similarly ill-fated ship that was Twitter
and even if I'd stuck around
-Legislative crackdowns on human trafficking meant that Craigslist had to shut down their Personals section, and the gimmick twitter account we were largely relying upon to cherry pick interesting sections similarly ceased production
Even though I'd left Tumblr behind I never deleted my account, which was ultimately very convenient for when X burst out of Twitter's shambling husk like some parasitoid wasp prepupa. I came back a couple years ago and have just kept the keys to this blog in my back pocket. The sharp-eyed among you may have even seen the rare few times i reblogged something to here only to quickly delete it. So now here we are! In the present time, with all the hopes and anxieties that brings. Will you do anything with this blog moving forward?
Maybe. I'm open to suggestions. I dont really feel like handing it to someone else or deleting though. Maybe pivot to a different group of uniquely lonely hearts trying to find a connection. Do you still like JJBA? I'm not as big and enthusiastic a fan as I used to be but yeah, I still really love JoJo and I'm anxiously looking forward to finally FINALLY seeing part 7 in motion. I have little doubt that it'll look great, my fears lie mostly with Netflix after how they completely screwed over Part 6's distribution. My favorite part and they just threw it out into the air with little to no fanfare, shit sucks. Also it looks like Araki's age is finally starting to show, so hopefully he can finish Part 9 and live to see his magnum opus be completed. Why write all this crap? Because I love hearing myself talk Because even if nobody really gives a crap and the reasons for the lack of activity are fairly standard and predictable, transparency is just nice. As I get older I realize more and more that honesty really is the best policy, and theres a distinct lack of it in todays world. I'm nearly 27 now and I've contributed very little honesty to the world in that time, so an abandoned JJBA gimmick blog seems a good place as any to start.
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skynapple · 5 months
Btw I finally finally got the gist of my story down that I've been world building since like,,, middle school. It's messy and long.
Genre: fantasy
Tl;dr - girl gets sucked into her favorite book, makes a lot of difficult decisions, falls in love but not with the main character (sort of).
Summary: An average young woman, Lynna, falls into a fantasy book and realizes she's a crucial part of the story. A knight, Daniel, in the story has been able to hear her speaking out loud to her book the entire time she was reading, so now she gets to befriend him and his brother, the prince "Charles" god I was not original but now I'm attached to the names, in person. In her fantasy-self, a powerful entity has possessed her, allowing her a host of magical abilities but also the ability to travel between her home and fantasy dimension. Over the course of time, she finds love in a manner of forms, and discovers the meaning of selflessness and devotion. In the end, she becomes a permanent part of the world and helps rightfully close the rip in time that brought the two dimensions together.
Characters: Lynna - Female, 20's, Book editor, American but presides and works out of London, UK.
Charles - Male, 20's. Prince in the book, married young (arranged), a year younger than Daniel.
Daniel - Male, Mid-20's. "Main character" in the fantasy book, prince's adopted brother and serves as his knight/protector
Erika - Female, early-20's. Side character, brief antagonist for a subplot, talented magician and organized thief
Storyline (Messy and plot holes but whatever):
Beginning: Daniel fell in love with her purely because she was the voice in his head encouraging him to press on through a difficult circumstance (because in the modern world she was fangirling out loud to herself). Charles though, pretty much fell in love at first sight but knows his brother has been talking about this girl for so long so he just doesn't get in the way and ends up in a loveless arranged marriage. Lynna does fall for the knight so their together at the end of I guess the first act.
Lynna has sort of an emotionally abusive family so the book for her was escape, so as soon as she realizes where she is she just accepts it as a blessing. Is very intrigued by the prince because he wasn't really in her storybook all that much.
The Middle: ok here's the messy bit. Charles is shown to be sneaking off to, I guess we'll call it the "villains" location, the king next door, and asks to be 'returned home.' The villain has similar magical abilities to Lynna, and sends Charles through a portal. We don't know where yet. This is just to show a bit of shady behavior and foreshadow some things. The assumption to everyone else is he's away on diplomatic business.
At some point, the castle is attacked by a group of magic-wielders, one of whom steals a precious conduit stone. Daniel leads a pursuit and captures her. He's at first intrigued cause... sword wielding woman with a flirty tongue but more like, 'how did you end up like this.' The thief, Erika, is intrigued by his apparent compassion. She escapes, and he pursues her again, but this time he lets her go if she can promise to return what she stole and seek honest avenues, she agrees but he has no idea if she's lying. They have an interesting dynamic, he did a bad thing for her, she did a good thing for him. Returns as normal and just says she got away.
Charles returns and is mostly absent, his wife is shown to be pompous and selfish. Charles realizes she's been sneaking a man into their room and threatens her, but she sobs and he kinda sees it as an out, so he agrees to a quiet divorce on a grounds of... idk they make up some kind of legal separation agreement. This actually ends up changing her drastically and as she becomes ruler of her nation alongside her true lover, she remains endlessly devoted to Charles. Platonic soulmate type of thing. Also illustrates that Charles is a bit manipulative himself and yet has a lot of compassion.
Lynna notices Daniel is growing distracted, and it becomes apparent when Erika returns, this time on the kings business as she has turned a new leaf, that he can't keep his eyes off her. She watches them sword fight together and can't handle it. She breaks things off with him and at this point he can't deny that there's something pulling him towards Erika either. (This is devastating for him because being loyal is such a crucial part of his very being that even though he never was really disloyal to Lynna ever, just the whole thing is overwhelming for him. He needs a min.) Mourning the loss of the relationship, Lynna decides to return home indefinitely realizing that fantasy isn't all that much better than reality.
At the end of this part, she runs into Charles at a library in London, where she realizes that he lives an entirely double life and goes strictly by "Charlie."
At first she's just surprised to see him and that he has a family (mother, father, sister) in London. He's confused why she's there too, since she's American. She moved abroad to study and ended up staying to live permanently after graduating. Mostly she's wondering why he never mentioned it, and wonders if he read the same book/fell into it too, and how he got there. He does say he's read the book, and has a conduit that lets him travel (didn't mention the villain king). This actually leads to a fight where he reveals he knew that Daniel and Erika were supposed to end up together at the end of the story (that their soul mates) and didn't tell her. She knows that wasn't in the book and he just pretends he had a different version. So they kind of part ways and don't talk for a while, because to her he's obviously hiding a lot. They end up running into each other a lot and she ends up sort of getting a lot closer to him.
Lynna has a lot of trust issues, and has a tendency for escapism. She doesn't like confrontation and would literally rather live overseas far away from her family than confront any personal issues. This carries over in small form, like ignoring texts so she doesn't have to deal with them. Charlie calls her out on this as he gets to know her. She calls him out on a lot of things too, like his anger issues and how he constantly fleas from responsibility, and that he's a bit immature. They yell a lot but they're really just stripping each other down to their cores and realize they're both a mess inside.
Charlie finally opens up about his past, that he was kidnapped by the villain king and sent "to a world without magic" until his royal parents could pay ransom. His royal parents suck and took their time but also the villain requested half the kingdom as his own, so they finally obliged to get their son back which is why he rules the nation next door now. Meanwhile, time is different in the modern world. Being a child, he was inserted into the foster system since he was kinda picked up off the streets with no records. He was adopted by his current family in London and grew up there thinking all his memories of his early years were just psychological escape fantasies from whatever situation lead to him ending up on the streets. He takes lots of prescribed medications.
For a while he grew up as an adult and then one day was virtually sucked back into the fantasy world, as a child again and had to grow up again as a prince. By the time he's mostly the same age as he was in the modern world, the villain visits him and offers him a deal to "go home" and return him back to his "true family." At first Charlie refuses, but after realizing he will never have the love, freedom, and warmth that he felt in the modern world, he agrees to the terms and is allowed to travel back and forth whenever he wants. The portal is more stabilized so, he can gauge how much time has passed.
Lynna's upset he made a deal with a villain. Charlie is conflicted because the manipulation has sort of worked on him. The villain hasn't appeared to do anything super harmless on the surface, and Charlie is too enamored with his average life to really think too critically about it. He shares his dream with her of getting his doctorate and becoming a professor. She argues that he has responsibilities to his crown and that he owes his people better leadership than what his father has shown. She believes he will become a good king. Charles asserts that he's worse.
It sticks with him though and he announces he'll return to the fantasy world and try to be better. Over time she realizes that as much as she fought with Charlie, that she loves him because no one else has really opened her up and exposed her to herself really like how he did. She decides to return also and to stop running from her problems all the time. They make up some excuse for the absence... Erika and Daniel have gotten married by the time they return. Charles invests himself in actual diplomatic relations and trying to establish a proper setup for things for his coronation. Lynna compliments his efforts. He says it's all for her. She asserts that its not, he just tells himself that so that he won't have to de with the fact that he's known what his purpose is all along and that he knows he really wants to be a good king, because he was born for it. She's right.
They do end up together and she makes him promise that whenever he wants to visit "home" that he'll ask her, and not the villain king. Along the way she's been sort of being "trained" by the entity inside her. The entity serves as a conduit for the world, helps the seasons change, maintains a certain power balance between the nations by being sort of omnipotent she can keep the other nations in check. She's not a god per se but.... yeah. The entity has to choose a pure soul. For as 'flawed' as she was, the entity was basically able to see her character development in the future LOL. The conduit Erika stole originally, however, was a mini version of the one thing that can kill Lynna.
The villain king has found a way to obtain it and is upset that his manipulation tactics are no longer working on Charles. He basically has, through treaties, manipulated the neighboring nations into owing him and even though he doesn't rule them, he essentially controls them. So without Charles, its kinda the last missing puzzle piece and thorn in his side. He knows Lynna is the reason, but also the power. He knows if he has Lynna, he has Charles, and has all the power.
Lynna and Charlie get married, making their nation the most powerful because of her entity. So the villain decides to make his move to kill her by possessing Erika. Erika has been the keeper/protector of this massive conduit (the whole world runs on magic so it's just this massive power generator thing that when stolen cripples a lot of things). Erika is the only one who can actually weild it. It's sort of Lynna's kryptonite. The world, and thereby a certain sort of her own power is sort of channeled into it, and yet its the only thing capable of killing her, so she's weak to it. Erika isn't stronger than her but is definitely able to easily get the upper hand. Right before dying, Lynna wills the entity to enter Charles's body, making him the new entity.
Charles was at a safe place away, being protected by Daniel, (aware that a battle was happening but having complete faith in his wife and also completely unaware that the special conduit was being used against her). Now in the entity form, he's able to see her last moments. He immediately recognizes that its not Erika, but unlike Lynna, knows the secret place the villain king is manipulating it for because of his close relationship with the villain king. He's able to teleport to that place since he's been there before, and kills the king. With his abilities, he's also able to revive Lynna and Erika (Erika died when the king did). After returning the entity, they make a few discoveries.
The dimensions were torn and a lot of people who currently live in the fantasy world were people who fell from earth, including Daniels original parents. The dimensions have been destabilizing, so they make the difficult decision to close it, cutting them off from their earth families but preserving current life otherwise. And I guess they all live happily ever after.
Sidenote: Charlie was the author all along of the original book, having written it during his time in london as a way to collect all his weird dreams and flashbacks, visions, and memories (some of which happened some didn't; he sees weird things as a result of the dimension destabilization), some of it he wrote as "ideal." so he had pretty much written himself out of the narrative, wanting it to focus on his brother instead, which is why Lynna was originally attached to Daniel more and had not recognized Charlie as a character. So rather than the fictional character Charlie essentially created, Lynna falls for the author instead.
Sidenote: Since Lynna's occupation before all this was as an editor. Every writer needs their editor to make a story flow :)
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Hi! I saw your tags on that post & I thought I'd send you a question about B7 that I'd love to hear your thoughts about :) Quick disclaimer: I haven't seen the last few seasons of Voyager & I've only *heard* about Picard so if I'm missing anything that's probably why. Having said that - if we assume that B'Elanna & Seven dated during the events of Voyager & came back to the alpha quadrant together, what is your favourite post-Voyager version of events regarding their relationship? Thank you & take care!
Thank you so much, this is a REALLY good question!
I find myself going back and forth on various versions of this canon-divergent post-Voyager scenario, and I find it hard to settle on one in particular. Would a relationship between them implode in the abrupt transition to life in the Alpha Quadrant, since it was something that started in the relatively isolated environment of Voyager, or would it survive the change? I think it ultimately depends on how that relationship between them developed, and when. Most of the time in my writing I assume B'Elanna and Seven get together in late season 5 or early season 6, and that would mean they had around two years to figure things out about each other and themselves before being faced with leaving behind the life they've known for so long. However, I wouldn't describe the dynamic of a relationship between them as stable, either.
Both because I'm a hopeless romantic and what compels me most about this relationship is the potential for growth and self-discovery it could spur in both B'Elanna and Seven, I really would love to see them working it out in some way, and remain together. I think a relationship still wouldn't cancel out their restlessness, though. Honestly, I think B'Elanna would hate a Starfleet-type job, and I don't see either of them settling down unless it was for a short-lived, unsuccessful experiment. I think it would be fun for them to have the kind of elastic bond that would allow them to work and travel across the Quadrant doing their own thing while periodically seeing each other whenever they have time, and sometimes going on wild tangents together (honestly if Seven still got in the Rangers or a similar organization, I see them working together pretty often trying to make old, banged-up starships fly again!)
Another important question to me is, would that relationship allow B'Elanna and Seven grow in such a way that they'd be able to face their future in a less dysfunctional way? Again I think it depends on how you look at it, but my favorite interpretation of this ship is a resounding yes! It's no secret that I think Seven on the Picard show is not doing very well and is not getting particularly better, but the way in which she's not doing well is very interesting. I think Seven's main problem on Picard is that she's avoidant, both wrt her own needs and feelings and wrt the people who care about her. All this sound to me like... she's essentially taken on a lot of the issues B'Elanna had on Voyager. Simply put, I think that wouldn't had happened if she and B'Elanna had been closer and had stayed close. Not that I think that they are particularly good at recognizing each other's issues, but they would certainly have more experience with dealing with them because, again, I think some growth has happened to allow them to stay in each other's life.
As for B'Elanna... we know nothing about her post-Voyager so far, but I really would love to see her forging her own path in the Alpha Quadrant, no strings attached, while still having a partner that she can be sure she can trust (however tumultuous her relationship with Seven is) and won't force B'Elanna to shrink herself into someone she's not. I want her to have the freedom that comes with that kind of partnership, even if it would probably take time for her to realize that not settling down doesn't mean that she's failing.
tl;dr my fave version of post-canon b7 is that with some growing pains they remain together in an elastic and informal arrangement, and still see each other when they're not having wild adventures (and maybe even have some adventures together)
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myersesque · 11 months
here's some questions spam!
what do you think is the best joke in tgwdlm? which nightmare time episode is the strongest? would you vibe with any of the lords in black? opinion on webby? favorite character introduced in black friday? some people have said that the youtube version of nerdy prudes must die gets fanservice-y with its hatchetverse references - what're your thoughts? which hatchetverse couple is the most transgender in your eyes?
here ends the question spam
YEAAAA QUESTION SPAM I LOVE QUESTION SPAM!!! my laptop is currently updating and therefore i feel no shame doing this instead of my dissertation LET'S GOOO
best joke in tgwdlm? - augh, a hard one. idk if it's the BEST but i always lose it at the hivemind breaking out of unison and having to stop and find their notes/re-harmonise after not your seed (i've been there... SO many times)
strongest nightmare time episode - ok this is the part where i admit i am VERY behind on nightmare time and have only seen a few in random orders - my favourite of the ones i've seen is abstinence camp, though. i think it's a rlly strong, relatively self-contained story, and ofc i'm always down for a friday the 13th parody lmao. boy jerry and girl jeri are my little freaks and i love them (and ofc peter and steph my beloveds)
vibing with the lords in black? - i love all of them an unreasonable amount and would LOVE to hang out, honestly. i never stop singing so pokey would probably be fun company, and wiggly won my heart immediately since i LOVE possessed/evil toys (if the url wasn't a dead giveaway for that) and green is one of my fav colours. but honestly any of them!!! they're deliciously evil and i would love to chill (and then regret it when i inevitably face their torment BUT THAT'S A PROBLEM FOR FUTURE ME!)
opinion on webby - i haven't seen a ton of her but i think she's really cool, both conceptually and in the execution i have seen! i love how the visions she gives hannah are contextualised and start making sense slowly as you work through the show (which it took me AGES to figure out, admittedly, because i'm either eerily good or absolutely terrible at recalling dialogue, and fsr her prophecies always fell through my brain like a sieve)
favourite character introduced in black friday - i'm disqualifying wiggly bc we've established i love him already - honestly, it's a tie between linda monroe (one word: MOTHER) and ethan green (aka the sweetest motherfucker in hatchetfield, holy shit). i find both of their characters super compelling and also i'm very bisexual about both of them so !!!
were the npmd hatchetverse references fanservicey? - i mean... yeah? i don't super mind though, fanservice isn't inherently a bad thing. i do wish there was some way to watch a pro shot of the show as it was on stage instead (i Lost My Mind when i found out the gerald part was originally my favourite little freak boy jerry), but i've heard through the grapevine that there's apparently a way to get your hands on a digital ticket recording as a bonus feature or smthn similar, which is good enough for me. so whilst i do think they came on a little strong in some sections (particularly hatchet town), overall i didn't mind - the smaller call-backs don't really harm the show at all if you don't get them (e.g. richie's joke abt peter looking like the homeless guy downtown is still a funny jab without the knowledge of who exactly that homeless guy is and how he's related to peter) and for fans who have been waiting for years, it's an extra little reward. i've seen some people be incentivised to watch the previous shows so they'd understand the audience's reaction to certain lines, too, so there's that. tl;dr it is a LITTLE much sometimes but i don't personally mind it and thought they were all fun
most transgender hatchetfield couple - oh you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE, i LOVE transgenderifying characters. i think lautski (peter/steph) feel very explicitly-queer gen z t4t, if that makes any sense, but i wouldn't be me if i didn't at least mention my quietly-queer first loves paulkins (paul/emma). they're like the chill trans elders (as in the community title, not in reference to their age lmao they're like 30) to lautski's spitfire trans youth. if that makes literally ANY sense
my laptop has great timing and has now finished updating (!!!) so i must return to the trenches of university coursework but this was VERY fun thank u
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candycoated-rage · 8 months
hazbin hotel review (first four episodes, spoiler free)
i literally only watched the show to see if it was any good outside of the ads and the hate on twitter and... its very hit or miss
im not gonna address ANY of the controversies in this show because it will lead to a biased opinion, but if you wanna look into the controversies, go ahead. this is only reviewing the show itself. not the producers, just the show. the cut underneath is gonna be long so be warned
the humor is either pretty good or very bad. and most of the time, most jokes are dragged down by ones before it or proceeding it. i personally find some visual gags funny, but most of the jokes revolve around swearing, sex, and violence. if you're into that, i won't judge. but i personally really don't like it.
the animation can be really beautiful at times! but i've also noticed a lot of animation errors. nothing major, but the most common one i've seen is that many charcters have a different lineart color than other characters (for example, angel dust as pink line art, while charlie has black) and it makes it look as if the characters are on completely different planes. theres a scene in the first three minutes of the show where charlie is holding onto vaggie, and it looks very unnatural to me. this isnt to mention the character design, as well. personally, i love the designs for characters like Velvette, Valentino, Nifty, and Sir Pentious, as well as a lot of the background characters. however, i don't like the designs of characters like Vox, Alastor, Angel Dust, and many more. the silhouettes of many characters end up looking extremely similar, and with the mostly red backgrounds in the show with most character's colors pallettes being shades of red, it makes it hard to distinguish the background from the character itself. the backgrounds are BEAUTIFUL, though. they're genuinely stunning, and i love the art done for them. it makes the world feel lived-in.
the show is a musical, and many of the songs are either very good or very annoying or forgettable. my favorite of the few we get is alastor and vox's song; i love the fast pace, the bickering between the two, and their general "tv and video" and "radio star" theme. on the other hand, both songs in episode three are extremely forgettable to me. i watched the episode not even an hour ago and i don't remember either of them. i also find Poison a very annoying pop song, and i really don't like that it's been stuck in my head ever since i heard the chorus. but, despite that, the music is usually the most consistently good thing throughout the show.
the voice acting is fine. some voice actors do great! alastor and husk have very unique voices, and they fit the character very well. however, my main criticism with the voice acting is angel dust. the accent is very jarring to listen to, and it feels pretty fake. again, very hit or miss.
the plot itself is what i don't like. the show often stops in its tracks to dump information on you, and it feels very shoehorned in. some episodes also have very generic plots, especially episode three. i could predict what was going to happen every step of the way. the structure makes it feel almost like it's for a younger audience, and not for adults.
overall, i personally think the show has its highlights, but i wouldn't go out of my way to watch any more. there are much better shows for mature audiences out there. if i were to rate the series, it would be around a five or a six for me. it's not atrocious, and if you enjoy the show for what it is, i completely understand. there are some great moments in the show! however, i wouldn't recommend this show for someone who likes adult animation.
tl;dr, it's a fine show, i have a very mixed opinion of it. wouldn't recommend unless you want some pretty good songs and some nice animation.
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pantswarrior · 1 year
I read Fighting Gravity on ao3 earlier this year and I wanted to tell you I loved it! I'm one of those peripheral members of fandoms who haven't read or watched any of the canon stuff, but are too obsessed with the fanworks to stop. It makes me wonder about stories like yours - is some point in the larger canon where something similar happens, or do you just come up with the idea for an unhoused Spock on your own?
I'm sending my ask to thank your for your story, but I also wanted to ask if you were alright with people printing and binding personal copies (ie. not for profit) of the fic for themselves.
I've been hand binding sketchbooks on and off for a little while, and I saw a tiktok of someone's self-bound versions of their favourite fics and thought that trying my hand at fic binding would be a fun project for this summer.
I just wanted to ask bc I heard some authors aren't okay with personal prints, so just let me know please; I'll always love the story regardless.
Aw, thank you so much! I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply - my laptop completely died several months back and the only one I could get online with is 11 years old, freezes up upon trying to load Tumblr, and is physically falling apart. -_- So I have been away from Tumblr all this time and did not see this until I got a new laptop tonight and could load the site again, I apologize! First of all - I consider it a great honor when anyone thinks enough of my fanstuff to want to do ANYTHING with it. =) I mean, I'm just out here being a nerd, writing fic about characters that are not mine. I can hardly be possessive about them. ;) So while I suppose it's rather late for a summer project, if for some reason the inclination strikes you in the future, feel free! It sounds like a beautiful project and I'm honestly flattered that you would think my story worthy. =) As for the inspiration behind that particular story... there is a rather silly story behind it. (tl;dr, possibly...) My partner-at-the-time and I were both really into the new Star Trek movie when it came out in 2009 - and this was not long after both of us were fixated on Ace Attorney fandom, which had recently had a new game released. Before the game was released, there was some character art showing an existing character looking scruffy, and the Ace Attorney fandom decided he must have fallen on hard times. There were multiple fanfics written about the guy he's usually shipped with finding him unhoused and taking him in and helping him get back on his feet. It became sort of a fandom injoke, "Miles adopts a homeless Phoenix". Not long after the first reboot Star Trek movie came out, the ONTD Star Trek community over at LiveJournal (good times!) dug up some screen test pics of Zachary Quinto wearing the Spock ears... but with a scruffy unshaven look and longer hair. So I showed them to my partner, who reacted with six little words:
"So... Jim adopts a homeless Vulcan?" I laughed because that was ridiculous and impossible given how some things work in the Star Trek canon. ...And then I started thinking about it, and how maybe it wasn't impossible, how someone *could* possibly wind up in such a situation in the Star Trek universe, and stopped laughing. ...And then spent the next several months of my life having this offhand joking comment turn into yet another exploration of one of my favorite themes: predestination vs. free will. OOPS. My partner, of course, was laughing their head off incredulously the whole time as I sent them drafts of the next chapter to read over and repeatedly reminded them that this was ALL THEIR FAULT. ;) So that is the...origin story... of that fic. Apologies for the length of this (and again, the lateness of the reply) - though to be honest it's so absurd it's fun to share it again. :D
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thegayfromrulid · 1 year
I feel the need to make an important statement. It has come to my attention that there are anonymous people who I perhaps may have never spoken to who have claimed some rather unpleasant things regarding my opinions and regarding my work as a fanfiction author.
Firstly, I would like to note the following: I do not ever condone harming someone, threatening someone, or bullying someone based off of differences. I may state that I avoid certain opinions and/or interactions with people whose opinions I disagree with. It is normal to want to tailor your online experience to one you typically agree with and feel safe in; THIS DOES NOT MEAN I WISH PEOPLE HARM WHO DISAGREE.
Secondly, let us discuss fanfiction. Fanfiction is an art of passion in which fans write love letters to their favorite characters and shows. Sometimes these are love letters that are deeply entrenched with person feelings and personal experiences. I pour my heart and soul into my fanfiction, this is very true. I bare myself and the struggles I experience with bodily autonomy, complicated beliefs on various topics, and with my own gender dysphoria. But let it be absolutely clear that I do not own anything I work with! I do not own the source works, I do not own ideas that many people share with me that surface in my fics, and I do not own the rights to any one idea or concept one could produce in fanfiction.
With these things being said, I find it is of utmost importance to clarify that I take no offense to anyone writing similar OR identical ideas and themes to the ones I write about. When you use my name and my work to shame another fanfiction writer, you are violating something very precious in the fanfiction community: our freedom and our space to create without boundaries. If you claim that someone is copying me, your words are not backed by me in any regard! Fanfiction is in and of itself the taking of someone else's ideas and transforming them into something new. If someone uses an idea I posted first, they have EVERY RIGHT TO DO SO. They may never have even seen my fanfiction. It could be coincidence! If it isn't and they saw my fic and said, "Oh my gosh, I want to write something like this!" THEN LET THEM! I would be honored that they were inspired by my work and would be thrilled if they would share their own take with me!
TL;DR If you weaponize my name to bully other fans, I am not in support of you. You are insulting people I am friends with. You are insulting people in my name, and I do not take kindly to this.
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perexcri · 2 years
That fic was !!! Wordsmith Perexcri strikes again because you always seem to know how to weave them!!!
(This is Fannon btw)
The imagery of Never Have I Ever on the eve of the Apocalypse—it’s like. I can’t even explain why I think it’s so cool—it’s sort of like almost an anachronism? but instead of something modern in a historical setting, it’s something so so normal when nothing in the world is normal. Idk I just woke up and I have a cold so idk if that made any sense, just know that I enjoy it.
Also, ‘All he knows is, each night, when Will rolls over to the edge of the bed they share and Mike’s eyes bore in to his bedroom wall, they always snag against a bloody, crimson heart on a shield, and he thinks he’d been stupid to ever believe anybody else could know him like Will does.’ BEAUTIFUL SO SO MUCH I am going to have this tattooed on the inside of my eyelids so I can look at it forever.
I hope you are doing very well!
(,,,I told my friends I would try to do this off anon for Once, bc I want to be your friend but,,,,I’m a coward☺️)
Thank you for being such a lovely writer!
!! hello fannon!! i hope you recover from your cold soon!! i am sending you a cup of warm soup to ward the illness away~
(this one got long so i'm gonna put the rest under the cut!!)
i'm so glad you liked it!! honestly i think this fic has become my fav i've written this year, so it brings me joy to see others liking it as well :D
what you're saying makes total sense!! i love when the mundane is contrasted with the horrific, like two teenagers playing never have i ever when they both think they're gonna die the next day. i always find little human moments like that impact me more than, like, an extended action sequence
i didn't explicitly use it as inspiration for this fic, but i do think i drew a little from buffy the vampire slayer (like with most apocalypse byler stuff i've written lol) for that contrast!! that show does such a good job of contrasting the mundane and quiet with the loud and horrific. i did think a little about the very last episode of buffy on the night before the big final battle, and there's this very quiet shot of buffy and spike sharing a bed in her basement,,,that's kinda the vibe i was going for, and i felt happy with how it came out in the actual story :D
AHHHH i love when people point out lines they like!! that's one of my favorites from this one - i remember writing it last night and kinda staring at my screen for a second like "oh. okay. don't know where that came from but i guess we'll roll with it" lol
FANNONNNNNN please please please don't feel like you have to keep using anon!! i would love to be your friend!! honestly a big reason why i post fics or do stuff on tumblr is because i want to talk with other people who are suffering from the same brainrot as me!! i've literally had full-blown conversations in the comments on some of my fics because i've really enjoyed getting to talk to other people (even though my social anxiety makes it very hard sometimes to talk but i'm being so brave about it). and honestly, i think fandom stuff is supposed to feel more like a communal thing?? idk i love responding to comments or getting asks or getting your messages anytime i post something because it makes it feel like i'm interacting with other people who like similar things as me, rather than me just like,,,mindlessly pushing stuff out into the void and never hearing anything back, or something like that. idk if that makes sense, but tl;dr: i would love to be your friend!! (but if you are too anxious about it i totally understand because, again, re: social anxiety)
thank you once again for stopping by fannon!! your words always mean a lot to me, and i hope you get to feeling better soon!! :] 💜💜💜
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As a Soviet History person, this is one of my favorite things about Goncharov (1973)
I took exactly one film class in college and it was about cinema made in the Soviet Union. Since Goncharov (1973) is an American film we never watched it, but my professor did have some interesting things to say about it in particular…
If you’re not familiar, Russia in the 70’s was the central state of the communist Soviet Union, along with Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and 12 other republics. it was formed by a violent revolution during World War One and broke apart in the 1990’s.
As a communist state, the government of the Soviet Union (Or USSR) owned all means of production (aka resources needed to manufacture and distribute goods). This included films, and though the budget was small, the USSR produced news reels and informational shorts for its citizens. Despite the government’s tight grip on all industries, by the 1920’s individuals had began to make films and show them at local cinema houses… so long as they met the strict guidelines surrounding themes and content set out by the government.
Freedom of speech was never the Soviet Union’s thing per-se, and they were more (very) concerned with portraying their ideals, their government, and the lives of their citizens in a positive light. This often included supporting the tenants of Soviet Communism; majorly sameness in the name of unity. The way we celebrate art for individual expression? Telling unique stories? Not a belief shared by the USSR. As far as they were concerned, the people of their country didn’t have unique stories. They were one communal body and their differences weakened them. If art couldn’t be used to forward the collective good of the people (aka themselves, the government…) it wasn’t just useless, it could be a threat.
What this meant for the people of the Soviet Union was a lot of bad films ranging from bland to outright government propaganda (Don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of great works to come out of this time… you can’t just turn off artistic experssion, hence the college class, but this is not the post). Along with a strict ban on media from outside the country. ESPECIALLY the USA, the USSR���s arch nemesis (it was mutual) and general example of moral depravity (also mutual). But there was a strict ban on anything from outside the country… and consistent shortages of everything from shoes to bread to toilet paper. Underground, black markets became hugely popular and often permitted by the government (unofficially). Though they were contraband, ultimately American films weren’t that hard to find if you knew where to look (everybody knew where to look).
So the USSR and the USA were bitter enemies. As just about any consumer of American film can attest, this led to a generation of Soviet (Russian) antagonists, and negative, often crude misrepresentations of Soviet life and people. As a result, a generation of Americans (Cough cough Boomers) to have pretty sensationalized feelings toward the USSR. While the USA was vilified officially in similar ways by the USSR, for much of the Soviet population, who got so many of their black market goods from the USA, watched the Hollywood films, and read American Vogue, the USA represented excess, freedom of expression, and opportunity to contrast their lives of scarcity, sameness, and a pre-determined fate.
TL;DR The Soviet Union tried to ban American films but that didn’t work; their own films were often to censored to be any good.
So Goncharov. According to my professor, it was a massive favorite of people in Soviet Russia. Like anything, it was still hard to come by, so people apparently held screening parties in their apartments and made eye patches out of fabric scraps. It’s considered a Soviet “Classic” even though it’s not a Soviet film, and apparently after the USSR collapsed it prompted a lot of older Russian dudes to get really into Scorsese. See, Soviet citizens loved American movies for the Hollywood quality and escape into a totally unknown world— but, it got old to see themselves as the villains (or insulting interpretations of who Americans thought they were). But Goncharov (1973) portrays life in the USSR with the glamor of American movies, but grit and gloom that they identified with. The Soviet characters are fully developed, well-rounded individuals and not backwards, brainwashed commies. The mafia tie-in, I remember, came off about 50/50 since people liked the theme but the movie got a lot of details wrong. But the best part is what the best part always is… the gay subtext.
The early 70’s was the first real time of improvement for gay rights in the history of the Soviet Union, when it began to relax its censorship laws after criminalizing homosexuality among men in its earliest days. 1973, the year of the release of Goncharov, was actually the first time homosexuality was allowed to be the subject of a short monologue in a Soviet Film (Moscow to the End of the Line). My professor, who was Russian herself and in university at the time, discussed how the popularity and accessibility (emotionally anyway) of the film contributed to the growing gay-rights movement in Moscow.’
Representation really does matter y’all
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@ahogedetective asked:
6. do you have any ship bias with your muse?
22. is there any ship you will likely never play?
(and!!) 39. does your muse have a celebrity crush?
Shipping Questions for the mun - Accepting!
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6. do you have any ship bias with your muse?
My ship biases tend to be writing partners who reply to threads and, if inclined, plot and/or chat with me OOC about our ships, fandom, life in general, etc. Overall, it's that simple for me! While my DR canon ship preference for Sonia is Sonia/Gundham, it doesn't mean it's my bias. Most of my favorite ships for her on this blog are with crossover and OC muses: to the point that I don't think I have active ship threads/interactions with DR canon muses right now.
I don't like bothering mutuals too much if they aren't terribly chatty about their muses and threads, but for me, replying to threads and plotting/sharing excitement about the ship really is how I maintain interest in writing them. I just try to be as invested in the ship as my writing partner is: it doesn't always work, but it's generally a good rule to follow.
22. is there any ship you will likely never play?
Beyond my list of NOTPs I listed in another reply, I wouldn't enjoy playing anything yandere long-term. Same thing goes for Remnant of Despair-verse threads or anything with abuse (sexual is already a firm no, physical and emotional are also very likely nos unless I really trust a mun and it's plotted). Unless I had something cheerful to counter it, I think: I think it would be a problem for my mood. And in Sonia's case, she can't do polyamorous relationships: it would never last for her, and she'd be deeply insecure the whole time. And while I would write cheating threads with her, those have the potential to break a relationship for good with her. A very high potential: it really needs to be plotted. Tread carefully.
39. does your muse have a celebrity crush?
This is really funny to consider! Mostly because Sonia just isn't the person to fall in love with celebrities: because she spends so much of her life being put on a pedestal for her looks, her wealth, her royal status, etc. she is deeply uncomfortable doing that to someone else. To the point that when it comes to actors in dramas, movies, and so forth, she's far more likely to be a fan of the character they're playing rather than the actor themselves. It's also why Sonia never really got into idols or idol culture: she finds the idea of idols, hosts, and other careers that pretty much rely on fan worship to be insincere at best, bordering on offensive at worst. She's likely taking it a bit personally at times, considering how often people praise her and value her for things that either fade or will eventually be unimportant. When it comes to musicians, actors, and others in similar professions, she might like their line of work: their songs or movies or what have you, but not really be obsessed with them as people.
tl;dr - If your muse is a musician/singer, actor, model, or some other sort of celebrity, it is very unlikely Sonia will have a crush on them for those reasons. She actually has to get to know them.
I think the closest 'celebrity' that would qualify on this blog would be @dxfiedfxte's Minato, honestly. Mostly as Sonia had been a fan of his show Paranormal Quest long before they met, and when they did she was far more of a fan of his show and in love with his job, as opposed to crushing on him as a person. It took her awhile to untangle those feelings later on, that she wasn't just in love with what he does but with Minato himself.
His interest in the paranormal did help attract her to him, though. Someone who not only doesn't find her hobbies dumb or dismissive of them but actually likes them? And not just to impress her? That's rare, where Sonia's concerned.
Sonia's real 'celebrity' crushes are, more often than not, fictional characters: attractive vampires, demons, other supernatural creatures, otome game heroes, Dracula, Sir Thomas Sharpe (from Crimson Peak), Gomez Addams (basically her dream spouse as a child), and Jack Skellington? She loves them.
Basically give her a combo of tall, dark, brooding, possibly flirty, adventurous, possibly dealing with past trauma, good with animals and/or people, encourages/has an interest in her hobbies and passions, deep down probably a good person even if they likely don't realize it yet, and someone whose affections she actually has to earn and doesn't just offer them blindly because she's royalty?
Yeah. She's all about those sorts of characters. She might be a princess but she's also a fan of 2D love interests. Let her go to fan conventions and she will invest in way too much merchandise. The thirst is real: especially when her own love life proves to be disappointing.
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
So... trailer. I have tons of thoughts but rn I will only be talking about the ones that I don’t expect other people to talk about.
First: in the scene with Catwalker blasting off, we see a little kid wearing a black cat costume reuniting with a black cat. Could this be the villain behind Kuro Neko? It reminded me a lot of the frog kid from that other spoiler.
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Could they be related in some way? Are they in an under-10 biker gang? Are they the lost boys from Peter Pan? I just find it odd that there are two new, small furry children getting involved in some allegedly serious episodes.
Next: NEW HEROES! Yay! My favorite thing!
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I must say, whatever hairstyle or lack thereof I was expecting Minotaurox to have, I wasn’t expecting him to just be straight up Ivan. Usually the more minor characters have different looks that are good disguises while the more major character look similar to their normal selves, but Ivan is Ivan. Love to seem him doe. Ivan stans, our time is near.
Also. That’s Marc. Like three days ago I reblogged this post @theultracharmingladynoire started about the Gloob Alerta Miraculous from whenever ago that had him in it, and I recommend you guys read it, but
TL;DR although this is literally undeniably Marc, Nathaniel also uses the rooster miraculous at some point and someone (Marc) uses the goat miraculous.
Casual reminder that it’s confirmed that all four remaining superheroes will show up in the last four episodes of season four. Now to continue,
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(Click on that silhouette image I’m too lazy to crop it) Rooster!Marc looks completely different from who I can only assume to be Rooster!Nath. The former has a skintight red/brown chest, a green coat tail like Rena, black skintight pants, and gold boots. The rooster from leaked concept art has a white chest, orange pants, and white boots. This concept art lines up with the rooster in the intro who has a fluffy chest and pants, which resembles the blurry shapes in the concept drawing.
The way this connects to my theory is that it confirms that the two roosters are two different superheroes, not one pretending to be the other. But why? Why did the miraculous change holders? Maybe Nathaniel broke some rules and got benched, or maybe Shadowmoth got to him first for whatever reason? Does he know/learn something he’s not supposed to? Idk. But I’d love to hear any ideas as to why this happens. I also wonder if it’s before or after when Marc uses the goat miraculous.
The last thing I’ll say is I actually kinda liked Pegasus/a horse user throwing the starman looking guy into the sun. We already knew they can do that, so it’d be weird if they didn’t. Coming up with stupidly convoluted solutions to problems that could be solved by exercising their OP powers gets a little bs-like after a while. I’m hoping to see future Pegasus eventually if not soon, but seeing a horse portal implies that there are other heroes besides the team we saw in the stuff pushed by Gloob. Since it’s the finale, you’d expect everyone to be there, so maybe they have different teams dealing with different threats at the same time, or there are just many different things happening at different times.
Edit: *squints*
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1. When will there be time for Ivan and Sabrina? I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if Sabrina only gets her miraculous in the finale, but Ivan already has one by Strike Back. I hope we’ll get some kind of character development for those four ‘cause wtf. I mean, there could still be someone in Kuro Neko... but. Hrm.
2. Idk if this is confirmation that Rooster!Marc is the one named Coq Courage or if Winny is trying to be vague, but like, there’s no way they went through a late redesign or something. Will Penalteam have an Aspic situation where Ladybug figures she gave them miraculous that don’t fit them at first and then swaps them? The intro implies that when they do their transformations, it’s the opposite combination from what we see here.
The plot thickens. Help me out here
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campbellsoupgansey · 3 years
Please, I dragged myself through Tumblr to find you, my friends and me need to know the commie Ninjago analysis
i cannot believe i got three asks about this. let's go. i have a whole slideshow but i'll cutting out the bits that aren't specifically about the communism. i'll make a whole video featuring haha funny bits once i get the proper equipment to do so. now let's begin
the marxist and anti-capitalist subtext of seasons 3 and 4 of lego ninjago
we'll start with season three, which i'd refer to as the radicalization, the realization that the current system is broken and should be replaced. the main 4 have become teachers at the former darkley's boarding school, and lloyd has continued training as a ninja.
the main antagonist here is the overlord, who has become a virus following his defeat in s2. he takes over cyrus borg and uses his body and inventions to take over new ninjago city. here, we see the theme of capitalism hijacking innovation that was originally used to help people and instead using it purely for personal gain. a prominent example is PIXAL, who starts out as an AI assistant to cyrus borg but who is later taken over by the overlord in order to manufacture the nindroids. we also see how zane's nindroid design, a design that was made by his father as an independent inventor, is stolen and mass produced to produce profit for the overlord.
we can also see the idea of automation vs. employees in this season, since much of new ninjago city is now run by robots. this of course backfires once the overlord takes over and those automated robots are harming the civilians. this plays into the argument against automation that leftists use, that automating jobs hurts people since people won't have ways to support themselves.
now we get to season 4, my personal favorite season. this season is more focused on the praxis part of leftism, the part that asks "what's next?" after radicalization.
the gang has broken apart after zane's supposed death: cole's a lumberjack, kai's a member in an underground fighting ring, jay's a game show host, and lloyd is somehow still a ninja. a letter from master chen brings the ninja to chen's private island, where they participate in a series of challenges against other elemental masters while they try to find their friend.
the most prominent leftist idea here is the villain: master chen, who is known to the most of the world as the ceo of chen's noodle house. not only this, but chen relies on prison labor to make his products, similar to the way that companies in the us rely on prison labor. those prisoners are all contestants in chen's games who lost, the most prominent of which is cole, who lost on purpose to jay.
actually, let's talk about the fight between cole and jay. i originally wanted to just talk about it just because i like the scene, but i found leftists connections surprise. the show has set up a bit of a love triangle between them and nya, with it coming to a head in s3. this fight represents the proletariat and leftists in general putting aside the minute differences in ideology and banding together to focus on the real problem, the bourgeoisie. in real life, a close example could be the system of unions. of course, chen goes union buster and tries to eliminate both cole and jay, so cole sacrifices himself in order to find the rest of the lost contestants.
while working in chen's factory, cole is able to organize a rebellion with the rest of the workers, who are all former contestants in chen's game. they all break out of the factory and overthrow chen, setting up a system where they work together to get off the island. i'd like to mention karloff as well, who helps cole the most in the factory and who is also a convenient slavic and eastern european stereotype: he's strong, works with metal, and has a slavic accent.
tl;dr: s3 is about radicalization and the fight against automation in the workforce, s4 is about unionizing, praxis, and overthrowing the bourgeoisie.
i hope y'all found this interesting, I've been working on it for way too long lol.
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woozi · 2 years
Favorite svteenie friendship dynamics? (It’s ok, you can give multiple <3 we all know you <3 NXKSKKS)
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READ ME ON MY OWN BLOG?????????????? as an ANON NO LESS??????????????? 😭 JKDFJDSJDS that jihoon was my literal reaction irl lmAOOO
also worm i looOVE THIS QUESTION <3 i have many answers (you're right and ily 😋)
not in order of preference (i think by now we’ve all established that i have a hard time picking favorites fjdjksjk)
soonhoon - a v popular one for good reason tbh. i was actually talking abt this with belle just the other day 😭 ANYWAY!! yk how they were both perceived as intjs the last gose 👁️ i think people undermine how similar they are tbh just bc they have very different ways of presenting themselves. i'm saying this goal, mentality, and drive-wise (all this from what we can see btw i’m not saying this is how they really are we do not know these men fsjdjkdsjdks), but again they express themselves v differently. that being said their personalities are also v compatible imo, jihoon's the type to not show how he feels that much even when he longs for something and bc of that people like hoshi complement him so well. hoshi's the type to Show it and reach out to people contrasting the way jihoon tends to withdraw. even in general, jihoon’s not the type to purposefully put himself out there unlike hoshi, but he seems to definitely love the attention lmao (which a persistent friend like hosh can give willingly and enthusiastically at that). their skills are also are a perfect fit for each other 👁️ but yeah tl;dr, i think the best way to put everything abt soonhoon is where one lacks, one compensates but they have the same way of thinking so they get along well. they benefit from each other and make e/o better
soonchan - i’m so devastated by this btw </3 they just seem to like each other sm </3 and are very affectionate towards each other </3
jihan - for comedic purposes /hj (they also just match e/o’s vibe v well tbh, unlike soonhoon this is a like calls to like situation) + they seem like a pair of friends who just really connect and understand each other well while maintaining a balance imo (like, no one’s more reliant on the other)
jun x boo/ww x dino - the fan and the idol <3 i love how boo/ww adores and always cheers on jun/dino
jeonghan x woozi - jeonghan’s not the type of person to be pushy (he literally just goes w the flow and takes whatever’s coming) and bc of that, as i see it, he’s able to respect boundaries v well which may be one of the reasons why woozi’s so comfortable with him? dynamic-wise, unlike hoshi who will literally ADOPT u no escape friendship wise, jeonghan’s the one who will let you ease in and just Waits for what you want/need. as jihoon’s not the type to open up easily, i feel like this Jeonghan Trait allowed them to build a more solid foundation. ion see jihoon being very physically affectionate with anyone, but a lot of the times when he actually is you will see it’s with jeonghan and that’s prob one of the reasons why. i also just find it v fascinating how attitudes from opposite ends of the spectrum produced these kinds of friendships <3
jeonghan x dk - just some silly men having fun <3 jeonghan needs a kind friend while dk needs someone who would embolden him tbh
shua x dino - NO BC WHY DOESN’T ANYONE TALK ABT THIS???????????????????????????????? i think they are a LOT closer than people think they are. also just feels like they get each other </3 receive each other’s jokes v well, and just overall seems like they support each other a lot/KNOW each other very well
junhao - feel like hao has been jun’s solace since he came to korea tbh. jun on the other hand was there to guide him. they just have a lot to share w/ e/o, someone who understands (also not really abt friendship but since we’re talking abt junhao now... i really admire them both sm </3 i’m in awe that the svteenies have ALL renewed, but junhao most esp. not bc i wasn’t expecting them to re-sign, but because they re-signed knowing full well that they’re giving up/have alr given up SOOO much of their old lives that they’ve established in cn + more in of their time with their families. i love them sm they have a special place in my heart </3)
woozi x vernon - OH MY GOD 😭😭😭😭😭 if jihoon’s ever been a hyung and if vernon’s ever been a younger sibling it’s HERE that you would most def see it. ion think i’ve seen woozi take care of another younger member like the way he does vernon </3 and idk </3 i dont think i’ve ever seen vernon as cutesy to everyone else as he is w/ woozi
dk x hao/dk x boo/dk x hosh - just a couple of besties pt. 2 <3 (with slightly threatening undertones in dk x boo). i like seokhao bc they’re Friends friends, dk x hosh because they’re Besties but u can still see dk looking up to hosh, and seungboo (i literally do not know the names of svt pairings im sorry lmao) bc they just seem to have fun tgt <3
mg x dk/cheolgyu - frenemies <3 but not to the point where it’s worrying like boochan lmao
meanie - i just find them so fascinating honestly. how’d this even happen
verkwan - just want someone to be obsessed w me like boo is towards vernon tbh FJSKJFDJS (vernon also cherishes seungkwan but in a diff way i cant explain it tbh... its just Vibes)
birdie - i feel like vernon’s the closest thing chan has to a friend in svt? unlike boo who tends to act and prefers to be treated as someone older (based off of what we’ve heard from em lmao), vernon’s a lot more laid back and it also translates to how he forms relationships with other people. but ofc, even so (with him not emphasizing that kind of hierarchy w dino), you can see him especially taking care of dino/treating dino like a younger brother at times </3 which is SOOOO CUTE and sumn we don’t see often bc dino’s the only one younger than him </3 but honestly while dino’s a lot more Free with vernon, you can still see that they’re all still hyungs to him esp bc of the culture so i get why he feels lonely at times!!
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