#tkwrt book ii
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tkwrtnewsfeed · 2 years ago
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Newsfeed #128 September 30, 2022 (30 Yavannië)
Yes, I am back (and after this post, I will be back later today after getting so sleep. It has been a while. I would explain what happened and how some unscrupulous people try to interfere with the completion of this trilogy*, but that is whole other book in itself.
While I was preparing to return to writing this story, I hadn't realized that the Facebook page for this book had blown up to his largest did. I did not find out until after my ordeal that I'm not going to discuss right now. So naturally, when I announced I was coming back, it blew up some more. I should learn to expect that when I'm dealing with Thranduil’s side of the family. Got worse after the premiere of Amazon Prime’s Rings of Power series. That, I can't explain.
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I’ll be bringing sexy back with @thegnotesots​ (hopefully soon, but I digress).
Let me update you on a few things before the events coming later today:
1. We’re back to Middle-Earth. I missed it a great deal. I was right in the middle of returning sooner when something interrupted that continuity and nearly cost me everything. It is a long story that I may share one day on @jmmauthoroftkwrtrilogy​ after everything gets back on a steady schedule.
2. This book is currently about 1400+ pages long (that is including Book II: The Saga of Thranduil and current first half of Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen. This number does not include the @extendedtkwrtrilogyend​ which is longer than the original by a lot of pages.
3. There are Videos. I will do those a lot on the book’s Instagram page. As with everything else, they are clever visual metaphors to tell people about things coming up and/or things you might find interesting.
4. This schedule is this way because I am also writing with a co-author on @thesecretofthehouseofbourbonbook​ (which is also a trilogy about the House of Bourbon). Currently, I am also writing on @lesecretdelamaisondubourbon​ (about Louis XIV). Yes, it is another king telling his story. I enjoy writing for that perspective. It is comfortable for me, and most people seem to enjoy doing that. It is not every day a short woman gets to play two tall/blonde blue eyed kings. Somehow, I will manage.
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Also, I let it slip about the return of the standalone books (like @oflordsandkingstkwrtbook​)
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The story of Legolas’ mother side of the story called “The Song of Seven Rivers”.
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And the final installment called “The Lore Masters.” I had to stop somewhere. That will be six books, you realize. (and that doesn’t include the sister series called @thehouseofdurin​ by @fortunatelyclevercandy​. But even with delay of over a year, I have somehow managed to stay abreast of the storylines, and I’m sharp as a tank. Tack, I meant tack. Look, it’s almost 2 in the morning and I haven’t had much sleep. Cut me some slack. Be glad that even after a year, I am still way ahead of schedule. I know, that’s really weird.
The reason for such a short writing schedule for TKWRT is because I am the most familiar with the stories. After all, it all began here on Tumblr in 2015. The Secret of the House of Bourbon just started its reign in 2019 and only recently started being posted on all the important sites. Which reminds me, TKWRT is on Twitter and Instagram as well as Tumblr and WordPress.
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Okay, so we’re good, then? We’ll see you later today. I better set the alarm. Great. This is going to be an interesting seven days. Night, night. 🌜✨🛌
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iamjaynaemarie · 5 years ago
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All four of the Middle-Earth Kings you missed this weekend by not being on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Wordpress. Part of the Seven Kings of the Season of Love Collection. The lead-up to the Twitter Exclusive Q&A next Saturday & Sunday.
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tkwrtrilogy3 · 5 years ago
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Chapter IX: The Reckoning (Pt. II)
As it was told to me sometime later: the whole of Doriath stood still that day. No wind blew through the trees and nary a forest creature could be seen. Time seemed to stop within our borders. Even within the halls of Menegroth there was an unsettled anticipation. Silence filled every chamber and the only sound heard was our footsteps—like heartbeats they filled our ears with anxious desire for a return to normalcy. This day would never be forgotten in the annals of time. Yet in the moment, one could forget there was ever a time such as this to remember.
It was the day Lady Lúthien and her Beren would return to Menegroth. Even as the day began as always, an uneasy excitement whispered through its hallowed halls.
I was called upon by Elmo and Orowen to receive the returning couple with the rest of the family. I had met the request with some doubt—for I feared it was all in vain. Nonetheless, I acquiesced for the sake of Mîrwen.
At sunrise on that day, I rose to find Mîrwen standing across our chamber draped in her robe and staring upward.
“Mîrwen,” I began. “Is something the matter?”
“Would you think ill of me if I were to say I wished this day had never come,” she asked softly.
“You know I could never think ill of you,” I said as I got up and walked over to her. “May I asked why you fell this way?”
She turned toward me; her eyes felt like daggers through my heart.
“I know of your visions, Orothôn,” she said. “I know you have seen was is to come and it will be this day that casts its long shadow upon this world.”
“What are you saying,” I asked.
“You know well what I am saying,” she snapped.
“If I did, my love, I would know how to answer.”
“Why did you say nothing to me of what you have seen,” she demanded.
“I did not wish to upset you,” I said. “It would appear I had just cause.”
“I am not amused, Orothôn,” she said.
“Nor am I, Mîrwen. What has brought you to this, dare I ask?”
“I know far more than you think,” she said.
“Well, that would not surprise me as you spend your days with the ladies of the court,” I answered. “I can only begin to imagine what you talk about when your husbands are not around.”
“We do not discuss Súlwë,” she said. 
Words escaped me.
“Where did you hear that name,” I asked.
“It does not matter from where I heard it,” she answered as her voice seemed darker. “What matters is he knows the reason why this day has come. Your visions are what lies in the future this day foreshadows.”
“Mîrwen, please,” I said softly. “No more.”
“For now,” she whispered as we heard a knock at the door. “Enter.”
Servants entered the room to dress us for the day.
“I will tell you as much as I can,” I whispered.
“No, Orothôn. You will tell me all that you know.”
She smiled and motioned to her dressers and disappeared behind her screen.
I made my way to my attendants and we were dressed in silence. When we were ready, Mîrwen and I entered the hall where we met Oropher and Nimeithel.
“Ada,” he said. “You clean up nicely. How long has it been since we have had the occasion to be so formal?”
“It has been too long,” I answered.
We began making our way to the main vestibule. I put aside the events of the morning the closer to the throne we came. Not since we first entered into Menegroth had it looked so festive. I allowed myself a moment of much needed peace.–TKWRT Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen by Jaynaé Marie Miller. 09-22-2020
Images: ©2001, 2002, 2003. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. All Rights Reserved.
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How to READ “The Secret of the House of Bourbon”
Like all the books (with the exception of @thehouseofdurin​) this could be complicated. Once again, I am starting in the middle (as I did with TKWRT and The Saga of Thranduil). Book II of the Bourbon Trilogy will begin with the life of Louis XIII (father of Louis XIV and his brother Philippe I).
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WARNING: This is not a fan site and it is not based on any television show/book. This is based on history and historical events and is a new story entirely. In other words, the Kings in this book you are about to meet are NOTHING like the ones seen on television and/or movies.
I will be labeling all excerpts by “Book” so another “blog” will be unnecessary (like it is for TKWRT). I’ll also issue warnings when a change of book is coming.
Also, the Prologue is very important as there is a secondary storyline that you need to follow that affects the lives of the kings you’ll be reading about. 
The same story here will be on WordPress (where it can be read in the language of your choice). 
Please Note: I’m probably going to have to add an Ask Me Anything in a few months, I’m sure.
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tkwrtrilogy · 7 years ago
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I have read complaints from people that seem understandably lost when reading from blog to blog, so I’m going to try to explain it has best as I can (especially now that TKWR Trilogy has a larger audience than originally thought). Most people may not be watching the TKWR Trilogy Newsfeed: @tkwrtnewsfeed often (where I often post free downloadable books now and then--one coming next Wednesday on my Dad’s birthday), so I’ll try to explain how to follow this book.
This is the first blog: the FIRST ONE you should start with. It begins here: https://tkwrtrilogy.tumblr.com/post/135724032251/book-ii-the-saga-of-thranduil-chapter-i-i-am. That’s the very first excerpt from the entire first book (either version).
This is also the first book I started with; it began as one book then it was to be a trilogy about Thranduil and evolve into a trilogy about the multi-generational stories of his family (thus is why the links seem odd versus the titles on the page). This blog is THE FIRST HALF OF BOOK II: THE SAGA OF THRANDUIL.
THE SECOND HALF of BOOK II: THE SAGA OF THRANDUIL starts here: @tkwrtrilogy2. You are taken to the additional 9 chapters of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil. It begins here: https://tkwrtrilogy2.tumblr.com/post/147531755302/chapter-i-a-love-beyond-time-pt-i-legolas-was. The chapter titles reflect what would have been the original THIRD BOOK of the ORIGINAL TRILOGY. It was easier to do that than add to this blog because I already had ended what was the original end of Book II.
THE EXTENDED VERSION: First, it’s here: @extendedtkwrtrilogyend. Secondly, it begins before Êlúriel dies in the first (original) versions–i.e., the above two blogs. It begins here: https://extendedtkwrtrilogyend.tumblr.com/post/148916252443/chapter-xviii-ext-the-return-to-shadow-pt-i. The Extended Version starts in the middle of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil and covers parts you read in the first two blogs. The chapter titles reflect the additional titles for the (now) new trilogy (that added 9 chapters and 140+ additional pages). This is part of a SEPARATE BOOK; the extended version of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil.
Going back into time: After doing some research to make this entire story appear to work alongside actual Tolkien, I realized that when Oropher dies during the War of the Last Alliance, he was too young to be “awakened” by Lake Cuiviénen; hence I had to create his family while all the while making him related to Celeborn (as Christopher Tolkien said his father said he was but never elaborated). That took about six months and when it was ready, Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen went up here: @tkwrtrilogy3. This is the book I am writing now. I am technically done with Book II and going through editing both versions.
I knew that all the generations of the Woodland Royals had to be consistent. Book I is told by Orothôn, father of Oropher and Oropher himself. You can thank Thranduil for making it possible that all generations tell their story from their point of view. So I decided to change what was a diary into a book. So now Legolas is Book III. He can be found here: @trenarnolegolaslasgalen. It will still be written in Sindarin more than the others; as the name suggests it means “The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen”. That will be the last book in the trilogy. Since Legolas is in most of Book II and its extended version, this means Legolas’ book has an extended version. That one is here: @tkwrtrilogylasttale. Nothing’s there yet (obviously). That doesn’t mean I’m not working on it--I am.
The only “updates” to the blogs will be in PDF versions of the books as they are made available periodically (like next week’s download that will last for 24 hours in honor of my father’s birthday). The online versions are the very first rough drafts. 
You are reading the evolution of a high fantasy novel based on the Tolkien characters Oropher, Thranduil and Legolas from their point of view (so look for a lot of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings in Legolas’ story (Book III) and a lot of The Silmarillion in Orothôn and Oropher’s point of view in Book I. There will be an end--unlike other fan fictions. Also, unlike other fan fictions, the entire book will have an annotated version--complete with notes for source material for how this book evolved in the first place; when that day comes, you’ll know: This book has 10 TKWRT related blogs.
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In conclusion: the first two blogs mentioned here are the same book (Book II: The Saga of Thranduil), the third mentioned is the extended version of the first book which is Book II, Book I (fourth link) is the story of Thranduil’s ancestors and Book III (fifth and sixth links) is Legolas telling his story as his father did in Book II and his great-grandfather and grandfather did in Book I. 😁 I hope this helps somewhat as the story continues to get more detailed and comprehensive.--JMM, author.
Images: ©2001, 2002, 2003. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015. “The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy by J. Marie Miller.
Disclaimer: New characters are intermingled with canonical characters–from the books, not the films. My non-canonical characters were created and based solely on Tolkien’s Middle-Earth (on purpose). Though there are events and relationships between new and canonical characters, the story itself is original, there are absolutely no passages, prose or quotes within this story that come from either The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings or any volume on the History of Middle Earth or the History of the War of the Ring written by J.R.R. Tolkien or Christopher Tolkien unless specified (in the form of Tolkien Elvish).**
**Annotated version of The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy by J. Marie Miller (forthcoming).
Spanish and French versions TBA.
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tkwrtnewsfeed · 4 years ago
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Newsfeed #124 December 26, 2020 (26 Ringarë)
After such a tumultuous year, I am hoping to go into 2021 with cautious optimism. Yet, even as I continue working on this series, I will admit I spent a lot of time afraid to work in anticipation of another tragic event that would keep me from doing what I love. However, readers and fans have given me more courage to go on--especially in anticipation of this release--possibly due to the "bonus" material.
In this download of the Original Version of The Saga of Thranduil, there an exclusive look-see into The Epic of Eryn Galen (the prequel, if you will). The first two chapters begin a journey for the Elves that (for some) will last until the end of the War of the Ring (in The Lord of the Rings). Under starlight, the elves awaken on the shores of Lake Cuiviénen. With a stop in a place that would one day become known to the world as Mirkwood, the saga of Elves of the Woodland Realm begins. Book I is their origin story; their legacy.
To end 2020 with something such as this reminds me of how my own journey to this work began--with uncertainty in adversity; wandering in darkness until the first light of the Day Star finally revealed the world to me. Not unlike the characters, I must find the strength to carry on knowing that every night has a day. Hope is often born in times when it seems lost.
You can get the book here: Google Drive or WordPress.
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iamjaynaemarie · 5 years ago
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This is it! The last Q&A for @tkwrtrilogy2 @tkwrtrilogy @tkwrtrilogy3 and its standalone books. After this, everything will be answered via YouTube. Announcements will always be on @tkwrtnewsfeed.
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Also, coming soon.....🤫
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iamjaynaemarie · 6 years ago
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For you enjoyment: The new Glossary for The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy on WordPress. Eventually, the languages will be more than Elvish. 🥰
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iamjaynaemarie · 6 years ago
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Special Valentines Day Excerpt: Thranduil has returned from the final battle at Dol Guldur and wonders where his wife Êlúriel is. After a moment with his cousin Elranduil, his wife and queen makes her presence known. 🥰
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iamjaynaemarie · 6 years ago
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The next six months begins 19 January 2019.
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iamjaynaemarie · 7 years ago
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Thranduil speaks to his council after an attack of some Easterlings near the southern borders. These Easterlings (of the Rhovanion) would eventually attack Erebor during the Second Battle of Dale killing King Brand (son of Bain) and King Dáin (II) during the War of the Ring. Both versions (ov,ev).
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tkwrtnewsfeed · 4 years ago
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Newsfeed #126 June 11, 2021 (11 Nárië)
Today, several things will happen:
1) A new excerpt will be posted at midnight from @tkwrtrilogy3. 
2) The article “Becoming Oropher” will be posted on WordPress in order to prepare everyone for the upcoming story told by Oropher in Part II of “Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen”.
I won’t go into all the annoying fights I went through with 2 internet companies to get here. I was knocked offline for over a month because one company was too expensive and lousy and the other one was affordable but the equipment is extraordinarily cheap and flimsy. On the upside of the latter, I now have 5G. Aside from now working on two trilogies (the other being @thesecretofthehouseofbourbonbook), we are finally back on track with TKWRT after a death in the family and an ongoing family dispute. 
So, until Midnight: Have a Wonderful Day.
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tkwrtrilogy3 · 5 years ago
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Chapter VIII: The Rise of the Fall (Pt. II)
It was much later after Eöl had left that I learned  why he ventured into Doriath. He was repaying a debt known only to him and King Things. Only a few days later would I learn more.
Iarûr had sent me on an errand to the armory to give a scroll to Finëar. Once I had arrived, I saw a familiar face.
“Ónarr,” I said, surprised. “I have not seen you since the dreaded war of the Dark Year.”
“Good to see you again, Orothôn,” he said as he took my hand. “Even one life spared among many lost is a blessing.”
“Finëar,” I said, handing him the scroll. “From Iarûr.”
“Thank you,” he said taking it and began reading.
“How have you been,” Ónarr continued. “My condolences to Eldôr on the loss of his father.”
“I will send word to him,” I answered. “It will lighten his heart to know.”
“I have not seen many of your kind for some time,” he said. “Not since the arrival of those new creatures.”
“You refer to the Atani,” I asked.
“If that is what you call them,” he laughed. “They are a cunning lot. They are quick-witted if I may add.”
“I am afraid my time with their kind is limited at best. I have not seen one in quite awhile.”
Finëar cleared his throat—I could tell he was bothered by our conversation.
“It says that the king wishes to place that gift for safe keeping in the armory,” Finëar said. “Has he gone mad?”
“I beg your pardon,” I asked.
“That sword Eöl gave to the king,” he answered. “Did he not tell you why you were sent?”
“I am afraid not, Finëar,” I said.
“You speak of Gurthang,” Ónarr asked.
“Come again,” Finëar asked him.
“The sword,” Ónarr answered. “The Elf-Smith Eöl forged it himself. I saw him do it with my own two eyes.”
“I am to assume you helped to create it,” Finëar asked glaring at the dwarf in disdain.
“My duties lie elsewhere,” Ónarr said. “Though I know my way around the fires, I am a master of stone. Mîm might have a notion.”
“There is a name I have not heard in a time,” Finëar said, calming down. “Was its creation ordered by Azaghâl?”
“If His Majesty requested such a thing be made, I have not heard of it.”
“I suppose you would not, Ónarr,” Finëar said. “I know  much your time is sacrosanct these days. How is Finrod, if I may inquire?”
“Quite well,” Ónarr said. “He sends his greetings to you.
I sensed something unusual in his voice as it grew softer. I felt he knew something but wished to keep it from us.
“Orothôn,” Finëar said to me. “Tell Iarûr I shall harbor this sword for now. When I find a place for it, let he be the only one to bring it to me. I have little doubt that such a weapon in the wrong hands could be catastrophic. Especially one so forged by Eöl. Who knows what machinations go through his mind.”
I nodded. I looked again at Ónarr.
“It was a pleasure to see you again,” I said.
“For me as well,” he answered.
I turned and left. In the hall, I nearly ran into Saeros.
“Many pardons,” he said. “Has Ónarr left?”
“No,” I answered curiously. “He is with Finëar now.”
“Thank you,” he said hurriedly as he went into the armory. Something piqued my curiosity. I leaned against the wall in the darkness to listen.
“What word have you from Telchar,” Saeros asked. “Has he not forged many weapons of late?”
“Aye, he has,” Ónarr said. “Most of which I am not privy to though one such weapon is in the hands of one they call Beren.”
“Have you seen this Beren,” Finëar asked. “Where is he?”
“I would not know that,” Ónarr answered. “It has been a long time since I laid eyes on him. Where he was going he will not return.”
“I suppose not,” Saeros said.
“You wish to know about the King’s daughter,” Ónarr asked.
“You know where she is,” Finëar asked excitedly.
“I saw her once, but no more,” he answered. “She took to the wind you might well say.”
“Even the wind has direction,” Saeros snapped.
“So it does,” Ónarr quipped. “And neither she nor the wind were going in mine.”
“What are you doing,” a voice said. I turned to see Êlengolas. I put my finger to my mouth.
“Well,” Finëar continued. “Should either one find their way anywhere near you, I suggest you send word to King Thingol as quickly as possible.”
“I will gladly do as you command,” Ónarr said.
I quickly led Êlengolas down the hall into darkness as I heard footsteps heading toward the door. The three left the armory together without suspicion.
“You realize it is unseemly to listen to the private business of others,” Êlengolas said.
“When you stop doing it, then tell me again how unseemly it is,” I answered.
“Was that Ónarr of Nogrod,” he asked.
“Yes,” I said. “He has seen Lúthien.”
“He did not say.”
“Orothôn, the whole point of secretly overhearing private business is to actually glean some useful information.”
“I believe she has followed Beren on his quest.”
Êlengolas looked at me, his brow raised.
“Could you be more specific,” he asked.
“Where else would she have gone,” he asked. “If such an event had happened, then she will return upon the news of his death.”
“You think a messenger from Angband is going to send her word to Menegroth saying, ‘We regret to inform you we have killed the beloved of the King’s daughter.’”
“It is Angband,” Êlengolas began. “They would not be so inclined to be courteous.”
“It is also a place no one returns from,” I said. “All I am saying is that she is still with us.”
“Not if she followed Beren on his quest,” Êlengolas said. “Do not tell anyone—especially your wife. She will tell half the ladies in the court and create a false sense of hope.”
“False sense of hope,” I asked.
“Yes,” he began. “If she indeed has followed him anywhere, there is little hope she will return. Not without him. Come, it is almost time for dinner.”
I sighed and reluctantly followed him toward the Great Hall. I could not help wondering what Ónarr did not say and how much he knew.--TKWRT Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen by Jaynaé Marie Miller. 11-28-2019
Images: ©2001, 2002, 2003. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. All Rights Reserved.
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tkwrtrilogy3 · 6 years ago
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Chapter VII: Darkness Falls (Pt. II)
“Two faces at one time intimately attached to the folds of eternity forever linger in uncertainty.”
Iarûr closed his book and put his quill aside. He looked at me—his gaze seemingly searching my soul for the answers to everything.
“I will not ask you what you are thinking, Iarûr,” I began, turning to my work. “It is always something that brings with it self-reflection.”
“For that, you should be grateful,” he said. “But today, my mind lingers on something less affirmative.”
“You worry about the mortal,” I asked.
“No more than I worry about us all,” he said. “Save what Queen Melian has seen and how best to put it down for future generations, I worry no more than usual.”
“I am afraid to ask so I will refrain,” I said, smiling to myself.
“Your curiosity is showing, Orothôn,” he said. “You do not hide it well.”
“I cannot hide anything from you, Iarûr,” I said, looking at him. “I would do well if my thoughts could whisper.”
“The world is changing, my friend,” he began. “Not for the better.”
“Êlengolas said peace is a time for scheming,” I said.
“He is right. No one schemes during a time of war. They are immersed in killing each other.”
“Hence, the scheming,” I added.
“Hence the wars that will come again to us.”
I sighed—it was the only emotion I had left anymore. The thought of battle brought uncharted memories of death and destruction. They were things I did not wish to become commonplace.
**** **** **** ****
I left the repository to find my family. My desire to be near them was overwhelming. A feeling of dread ran through me like rolling fire—I knew this war would be unlike any other. Iarûr did not have to say a word—his eyes told me more than he could express otherwise. As I walked through the halls leading toward the throne room, they seemed darker than usual—the candlelight appeared to grow darker and the halls longer. The echo of my footsteps faded behind me as an eerie silence surrounded me.
“Orothôn,” a voice said from a distance. I looked behind me and saw only darkness—an abysmal void of despair. The voice came from everywhere and nowhere. I said nothing as I continued on my way.
“Orothôn,” the voice said again. When I looked before me, I saw Valdôr standing before me. I screamed and fell to the floor.
“Valdôr,” I whispered.
“Orothôn,” he said, smiling. “It is good to see you, my friend.”
“You died in Ossiriand,” I stammered.
“I did,” he answered. “You did not.”
I knew then it was Valdôr. He reached down to help me up. He was as real as any other elf. When I was standing, I noticed the halls had returned to their regular appearance. Valdôr was still standing before me.
“Are you a vision,” I asked.
“I know you have them,” he started. “Though you keep them from Mîrwen.”
“I do not wish her to know.”
Valdôr gave me a smirk.
“This is Mîrwen, Orothôn,” he said. “Do you think she does not know?”
“I hope she does not know. Why are you here?”
“You know well why I am here,” he answered. “The world is changing and not for the better.”
“Iarûr said as much,” I said. “You heard him?”
“Where I am, I see what the living cannot,” he said. “I know what Queen Melian has known from the beginning of time. Darkness will fall again upon this world and last many seasons.”
“Then all is lost,” I said.
“With darkness always comes light, Orothôn, Valdôr said calming. “There is hope.”
“I am afraid waiting for hope is something for which I have little patience,” I said, frustrated.
“Hope comes when it is ready,” Valdôr said. “It is not for you or anyone to command.”
“Then why have any at all,” I asked.
“Because it is the only thing you have more of than time.”
I stared at Valdôr. His words were far more than I wanted to hear but I knew he was right.
“My hope will lie in Oropher,” I whispered.
“And his will lie in his son,” he said. “And mine shall be there by their side when hope again rises in this world, Orôthon.”
Before I could say another word, my name was spoken by another voice.
“Orothôn,” it said. I looked to see Eldôr standing before me in his father’s place with Amdir. “Are you feeling well?”
I looked around and realized I was standing in the vestibule by the main gates.
“I am quite well, Eldôr,” I answered.
“Oropher was looking for you,” Amdir said. “He is in his chambers.”
“Thank you, Amdir,” I answered. “I will be on my way.”
Hoping they did not see me speaking with myself, I quickly left them and made my way to Oropher’s room.––TKWRT Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen by Jaynaé Marie Miller. 9-13-2019
Note to @staff : They are Orlando Bloom as Legolas and Lee Pace as Thranduil. They are wearing clothes. Duh. This is also a book excerpt.
Images: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.
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tkwrtrilogy3 · 6 years ago
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Chapter VI: The Second Awakening (Pt. II)
As we entered the gates, the court ceased its duties as they looked upon us—especially the elegant beauty of Galadriel. Amdir had gone ahead to send word to King Thingol of their guests. We approached the throne just as Amdir returned with the king with Daeron at his side.
“Finrod, son of Finarfin,” King Thingol said. “Welcome to Doriath.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Finrod answered. “Your generosity has preceded you.”
King Thingol smiled. He motioned to Finrod and his family to follow him away. When they had left, Mîrwen and Nimeithel approached us.
“Who were they,” Mîrwen asked.
“They come to us from Mithrim,” I said.
“They are the siblings of Angrod,” Oropher added. “I trust they all remain with us for a time.”
“The lady is quite lovely,” Nimeithel said.
“Quite,” I answered. “Lovely but peculiar.”
“Let us be on our way, Nimeithel,” Mîrwen said. “We must help prepare the Queen for tonight.”
Mîrwen kissed me and they were on their way. Súlwë looked on—his face tense.
“I need to find Êlengolas,” I said. “I shall leave you to your duties.”
Oropher, Súlwë, Eldôr, and Amdir nodded. I left them knowing where I would find Êlengolas. He was with Mablung and Beleg learning about Legolas.
“You are from Valinor,” I heard Êlengolas ask as I entered the hall outside the throne room.
“I am,” Legolas answered. His confidence was as crisp as his striking gray eyes and long golden hair.
“Are there others as you,” Êlengolas queried again.
“There is,” Legolas said. “He is called Glorfindel. From the House of the Golden Flower.”
I could see by Êlengolas’ expression I needed to interrupt.
“I am Orothôn,” I said quickly, greeting our new guest. “We met earlier.”
“It is a pleasure,” Legolas answered.
“How long will you be with us,” I asked.
“For as long as we are welcomed,” he said. “No longer.”
I thought his answer sounded unusual but I said nothing.
“Êlengolas, may I have a word?”
He followed me around a corner.
“The House of the Golden Flower,” he finally said laughing.
“You know our visitors are kin to the King,” I asked.
“Are they from the House of the Golden Flower?”
I hit his arm hard.
“The ones he guards are kin to the King. They come from Mithrim.”
“They came from Valinor,” he said. “Why are these elves leaving the home we should be living in?”
“It is a long story,” I began. “I will speak of it later. Meanwhile, I expect you to mind your manners.”
Êlengolas glared at me.
“Orothôn, please,” he started. “I am not a child. Your royal duties do not require that you play nursemaid to me.”
“Only when Iarûr is absent,” I said, smiling.
“You know something,” he said.
“I do, but as I said before, I will speak of it later.”
“After dinner,” he said. He took his leave. I stood there thinking to myself as an uneasy feeling came over me. I went to my chambers to prepare for the evening.
**** **** **** ****
When we were in the Great Hall awaiting the entrance of the King and Queen, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Everyone was in their place—some were quietly chatting amongst themselves. Soon, the sound of music filled the hall and King Thingol, Queen Melian, their daughter Lúthien entered with Finrod, Orodreth, Aegnor, and Galadriel. It was then that Celeborn became enamored. It was hard not to notice as his face was glowing brighter than the lanterns in the room.
When everyone was seated, dinner was served. On this night, there were more delights than usual and everyone took advantage. Things were going well and my mind was put at ease. The celebration went on late into the night.
As promised, after dinner, I found Êlengolas and under the light of the moon. I told him all that I knew—from Nimernil to the coming of Finrod.
“Well,” he said when I finished. “That is quite a tale. Why did you not tell me this before?”
“I was sworn to secrecy.”
“I did not know where to begin,” I said. “It was not until Finrod came that everything Súlwë said made sense.”
“When King Thingol learns of this, it will not go well.”
“You will say nothing,” I said.
“I do not have to say anything,” Êlengolas said. “I trust someone will say it to him.”
“Who would dare tell the King of such slaughter upon his brother’s house?”
“My guess would be someone from his brother’s house.”
“I do not think Súlwë will be the one to tell him,” I said. “He does not want to risk his identity to be revealed.”
“I do not believe he will be the one,” Êlengolas said pensively. “Love will make anyone tell secrets and truths.”
“Love,” I asked. “What has love to do with this?”
“I know you saw Celeborn as he looked upon the Lady Galadriel,” he began. “Did you notice how she looked upon him?”
“No,” I answered.
“It is for no one to say but her,” he said. “She will speak when her heart is ready. I do worry, though.”
“What a burden to bear for ambition. Olwë is her mother’s father. What could be worth more than the life of your own kin?”
I said nothing. When he was wise, Êlengolas could make me think deeper on things. I could not imagine the guilt these elves would carry for eternity. On our way back to the palace, we happened upon Celeborn with Galadriel. They were very much in love. I knew Êlengolas was right—it would not be long before all would be revealed.--TKWRT Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen by Jaynaé Marie Miller. 6-24-2019
Note to @staff: This is a book. The photo–from a movie: See copyright information. Galadriel and Celeborn are fully-clothed. 
Images: ©2001, 2002, 2003. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. All Rights Reserved.
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tkwrtnewsfeed · 6 years ago
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Newsfeed #112 June 14, 2019 (14 Nárië)
From 12am Friday to 12am Monday, you can download the original version of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil here. If you are a member of the TKWRT Facebook Group, it is here.
Don’t forget to follow the next volume of the trilogy going on right now @tkwrtrilogy3 (if you’re new to all of this).
You can also read the books on WordPress.
@staff , it’s a book. No clothed knees of an Elvenking from a Peter Jackson film here. Completely PG-13 (if you know how to read).
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