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tkwrtnewsfeed · 1 year ago
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Newsfeed #136 August 23, 2023 (23 Urimë)
You are probably wondering where I went. Well, someone like this series. And so at the moment, they are looking to publish the entire Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy. Yes, so, if everything goes according to plan, you will be able to buy the books.
At the moment I do not have to change a thing, but if I get the green light the way it is planned, this page will only exist, and all the other ones: @tkwrtrilogy, @tkwrtrilogy2, @tkwrtrilogy3, @extendedtkwrtrilogyend, @trenarnolegolaslasgalen, @tkwrtrilogylasttale, @oflordsandkingstkwrtbook @tkwrtlegends @tkwrtsongofsevenrivers will be abandoned as I will have to work with the publisher to bring the books to a worldwide audience.
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Now, they did mention a series, but I'm not going to put the cart before the horse. I'm a realist first, and a truly diabolical human second. But this HUGE NEWS, yes. Thranduil began here in 2015 as the last of many Middle-Earth stories of the Elvenking, and he slowly rose to heights I could have never imagined. I hope I will be allowed to continue working here (should everything go as planned), and allow me to continue to entertain you as a published author. This will be another era for me and the Middle Earth of J.R.R. Tolkien. Thank You.--JMM (@jmmauthoroftkwrtrilogy @iamjaynaemarie)
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The Saga will ALWAYS continue.
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tkwrtrilogy · 7 years ago
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I have read complaints from people that seem understandably lost when reading from blog to blog, so I’m going to try to explain it has best as I can (especially now that TKWR Trilogy has a larger audience than originally thought). Most people may not be watching the TKWR Trilogy Newsfeed: @tkwrtnewsfeed often (where I often post free downloadable books now and then--one coming next Wednesday on my Dad’s birthday), so I’ll try to explain how to follow this book.
This is the first blog: the FIRST ONE you should start with. It begins here: https://tkwrtrilogy.tumblr.com/post/135724032251/book-ii-the-saga-of-thranduil-chapter-i-i-am. That’s the very first excerpt from the entire first book (either version).
This is also the first book I started with; it began as one book then it was to be a trilogy about Thranduil and evolve into a trilogy about the multi-generational stories of his family (thus is why the links seem odd versus the titles on the page). This blog is THE FIRST HALF OF BOOK II: THE SAGA OF THRANDUIL.
THE SECOND HALF of BOOK II: THE SAGA OF THRANDUIL starts here: @tkwrtrilogy2. You are taken to the additional 9 chapters of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil. It begins here: https://tkwrtrilogy2.tumblr.com/post/147531755302/chapter-i-a-love-beyond-time-pt-i-legolas-was. The chapter titles reflect what would have been the original THIRD BOOK of the ORIGINAL TRILOGY. It was easier to do that than add to this blog because I already had ended what was the original end of Book II.
THE EXTENDED VERSION: First, it’s here: @extendedtkwrtrilogyend. Secondly, it begins before ÊlĂșriel dies in the first (original) versions–i.e., the above two blogs. It begins here: https://extendedtkwrtrilogyend.tumblr.com/post/148916252443/chapter-xviii-ext-the-return-to-shadow-pt-i. The Extended Version starts in the middle of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil and covers parts you read in the first two blogs. The chapter titles reflect the additional titles for the (now) new trilogy (that added 9 chapters and 140+ additional pages). This is part of a SEPARATE BOOK; the extended version of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil.
Going back into time: After doing some research to make this entire story appear to work alongside actual Tolkien, I realized that when Oropher dies during the War of the Last Alliance, he was too young to be “awakened” by Lake CuiviĂ©nen; hence I had to create his family while all the while making him related to Celeborn (as Christopher Tolkien said his father said he was but never elaborated). That took about six months and when it was ready, Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen went up here: @tkwrtrilogy3. This is the book I am writing now. I am technically done with Book II and going through editing both versions.
I knew that all the generations of the Woodland Royals had to be consistent. Book I is told by Orothîn, father of Oropher and Oropher himself. You can thank Thranduil for making it possible that all generations tell their story from their point of view. So I decided to change what was a diary into a book. So now Legolas is Book III. He can be found here: @trenarnolegolaslasgalen. It will still be written in Sindarin more than the others; as the name suggests it means “The Last Tale of Legolas Lasgalen”. That will be the last book in the trilogy. Since Legolas is in most of Book II and its extended version, this means Legolas’ book has an extended version. That one is here: @tkwrtrilogylasttale. Nothing’s there yet (obviously). That doesn’t mean I’m not working on it--I am.
The only “updates” to the blogs will be in PDF versions of the books as they are made available periodically (like next week’s download that will last for 24 hours in honor of my father’s birthday). The online versions are the very first rough drafts. 
You are reading the evolution of a high fantasy novel based on the Tolkien characters Oropher, Thranduil and Legolas from their point of view (so look for a lot of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings in Legolas’ story (Book III) and a lot of The Silmarillion in Orothîn and Oropher’s point of view in Book I. There will be an end--unlike other fan fictions. Also, unlike other fan fictions, the entire book will have an annotated version--complete with notes for source material for how this book evolved in the first place; when that day comes, you’ll know: This book has 10 TKWRT related blogs.
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In conclusion: the first two blogs mentioned here are the same book (Book II: The Saga of Thranduil), the third mentioned is the extended version of the first book which is Book II, Book I (fourth link) is the story of Thranduil’s ancestors and Book III (fifth and sixth links) is Legolas telling his story as his father did in Book II and his great-grandfather and grandfather did in Book I. 😁 I hope this helps somewhat as the story continues to get more detailed and comprehensive.--JMM, author.
Images: ©2001, 2002, 2003. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015. “The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy by J. Marie Miller.
Disclaimer: New characters are intermingled with canonical characters–from the books, not the films. My non-canonical characters were created and based solely on Tolkien’s Middle-Earth (on purpose). Though there are events and relationships between new and canonical characters, the story itself is original, there are absolutely no passages, prose or quotes within this story that come from either The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings or any volume on the History of Middle Earth or the History of the War of the Ring written by J.R.R. Tolkien or Christopher Tolkien unless specified (in the form of Tolkien Elvish).**
**Annotated version of The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy by J. Marie Miller (forthcoming).
Spanish and French versions TBA.
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iamjaynaemarie · 7 years ago
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Hi. Lovely day isn’t it? How are you doing? I’m good. Just chilling at the moment. I’m about to make a PDF of my book so it can be downloaded for a day. You know how it goes. 🙂 Just another day in the life of Elves. It’s great fun. So much fun, I can hardly keep from having so much fun every single day I live in Middle-Earth. It’s pretty awesome. Being Thranduil (and his ancestors and son) has been one of the highlights of my life. So liberating, I guess you can say.
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See Thranduil? Lovely Thranduil. I like Thranduil; so much I wrote a book about him. 🙃
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Okay, Um, I need, uh...help. Hi...This is an S.O.S of sorts because since I’ve gone official, I’m running out of places to uh...how do you say...say stuff as it were. So, I would just like to put that out there and to say, “HELP” because, um, I need it. Seems this lovely book people want and after seeing the one I autographed for my dad, I’m hearing it from everywhere and it’s rather frightening because they want to buy it--as in pay for it between two covers and all. Uh, I see a disaster of biblical proportions coming. Just because I have a degree in it, doesn’t mean I could handle one--just putting that out there, folks. So if anyone would like to offer some advice or know Lee Pace well enough to ask him if I can hide out in his barn for awhile, I’m here. Hi.
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They’re coming for me....really; this is crazy. People want to PAY for Book II: The Saga of Thranduil like now...Dad, he’d LOVE that--a lot. Me, okay but do I really have to go outside when it happens? I’m really shy--painfully so. What’s happening? This is getting weird. I’m going to have to start talking like this on my other blog, @jmmauthoroftkwrtrilogy. No one knows I’m there--until now.
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So, the elves are about to dine here shortly with a spot of Tea. Did you see Black Panther yet? You should go...I might go again (incognito). I need one of those cat suits.
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tkwrtrilogy · 8 years ago
The Saga of Thranduil
If you are new to The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy by J.M. Miller, the rest of Book II: The Saga of Thranduil is found at @tkwrtrilogy2. Thank you.
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Images: ©2012, 2013, 2014. Warner Brothers Pictures. The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey, The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. All Rights Reserved.
The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy by J.M. Miller. © 2015 All Rights Reserved.
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tkwrtnewsfeed · 2 years ago
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Newsfeed #128 September 30, 2022 (30 Yavannië)
Yes, I am back (and after this post, I will be back later today after getting so sleep. It has been a while. I would explain what happened and how some unscrupulous people try to interfere with the completion of this trilogy*, but that is whole other book in itself.
While I was preparing to return to writing this story, I hadn't realized that the Facebook page for this book had blown up to his largest did. I did not find out until after my ordeal that I'm not going to discuss right now. So naturally, when I announced I was coming back, it blew up some more. I should learn to expect that when I'm dealing with Thranduil’s side of the family. Got worse after the premiere of Amazon Prime’s Rings of Power series. That, I can't explain.
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I’ll be bringing sexy back with @thegnotesots​ (hopefully soon, but I digress).
Let me update you on a few things before the events coming later today:
1. We’re back to Middle-Earth. I missed it a great deal. I was right in the middle of returning sooner when something interrupted that continuity and nearly cost me everything. It is a long story that I may share one day on @jmmauthoroftkwrtrilogy​ after everything gets back on a steady schedule.
2. This book is currently about 1400+ pages long (that is including Book II: The Saga of Thranduil and current first half of Book I: The Epic of Eryn Galen. This number does not include the @extendedtkwrtrilogyend​ which is longer than the original by a lot of pages.
3. There are Videos. I will do those a lot on the book’s Instagram page. As with everything else, they are clever visual metaphors to tell people about things coming up and/or things you might find interesting.
4. This schedule is this way because I am also writing with a co-author on @thesecretofthehouseofbourbonbook​ (which is also a trilogy about the House of Bourbon). Currently, I am also writing on @lesecretdelamaisondubourbon​ (about Louis XIV). Yes, it is another king telling his story. I enjoy writing for that perspective. It is comfortable for me, and most people seem to enjoy doing that. It is not every day a short woman gets to play two tall/blonde blue eyed kings. Somehow, I will manage.
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Also, I let it slip about the return of the standalone books (like @oflordsandkingstkwrtbook​)
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The story of Legolas’ mother side of the story called “The Song of Seven Rivers”.
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And the final installment called “The Lore Masters.” I had to stop somewhere. That will be six books, you realize. (and that doesn’t include the sister series called @thehouseofdurin​ by @fortunatelyclevercandy​. But even with delay of over a year, I have somehow managed to stay abreast of the storylines, and I’m sharp as a tank. Tack, I meant tack. Look, it’s almost 2 in the morning and I haven’t had much sleep. Cut me some slack. Be glad that even after a year, I am still way ahead of schedule. I know, that’s really weird.
The reason for such a short writing schedule for TKWRT is because I am the most familiar with the stories. After all, it all began here on Tumblr in 2015. The Secret of the House of Bourbon just started its reign in 2019 and only recently started being posted on all the important sites. Which reminds me, TKWRT is on Twitter and Instagram as well as Tumblr and WordPress.
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Okay, so we’re good, then? We’ll see you later today. I better set the alarm. Great. This is going to be an interesting seven days. Night, night. 🌜✹🛌
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iamjaynaemarie · 7 years ago
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Finding a place to put lost or additional scenes from The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy was hard but I can’t put them in the news feed @tkwrtnewsfeed, and I can’t put them where I’m going to resume posting bookish information @tkwrtrilogyhistory or where I’m going to resume posting about the Mirkwood Culture @tkwrealm and I can’t put it where I’m going to resume posting the Appendix of Characters @tkwrtlegends so I’m going to put them on @jmmauthoroftkwrtrilogy.
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Did you follow that? Neither did I...okay.
The News Feed: @tkwrtnewsfeed. News and Things about The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy I can't post on the main blogs.
The TKWR History: @tkwrtrilogyhistory. If you have read The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy by J.M. Miller, then you will want to know its origins--from every angle. On this blog, TKWRT goes a little further into the Halls of Thranduil and the annals of WR History.
The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm: @tkwrealm. The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm is the home of Thranduil and the Woodland Elves. Life in the Woodland Realm is far different than anywhere else in Middle Earth.
The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Legends: @tkwrtlegends. For those reading "The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy" on Tumblr, this is your one-stop Appendix and background to what's going on--from backstory to characters, this is it. I decided to only use the TKWRT Newsfeed for News and Articles. This is what you really want to know story-wise.
From the Author of TKWR Trilogy: @jmmauthoroftkwrtrilogy. Any properties belong to their perspective owners. TKWR Trilogy belongs to me, Jaynae Marie Miller (J. Marie Miller) © 2015. All Rights Reserved. 
Yeah, this was private, now it’s public and I’m changing it so it can have lost and additional scenes not in the books (due to the fact they either got lost or were added after the fact in the extended versions).
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This is a very long book with a very labor-intensive and complex story line (and this is only half of Thranduil’s family tree and his connection to the other elves in Middle-Earth). This is going to take a while. Years, actually. The world get years of the elves of the Woodland Realm (and then some).
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Uh, I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing...😏
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