#tkk fanfiction
wicked-jade · 10 months
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Time for the yearly update on the Thanksgiving fic, I guess. (A commercial guilted me into continuing it - long story, it's in the chapter notes.)
Anyway, Chapter 3 is up now. Hope everyone who celebrates had a nice holiday! (Or at least a better one that they're having in this story.)
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bubblegumflavor · 1 month
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Last night's random doodles turned into an actual fanfic idea! *_*;
Concept: The sweet, nerdy guy Daniel started to like is not quite what he thought..
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skyfallslayer · 1 month
SkyFallSlayer's || Cobra Kai || Masterlist
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🔥 = Smut 🧸= Fluff 💔= Angst (The Holy Trinity of Fanfics) ⭐= Hiatus
Note: If two or more characters are marked for the same fic, then the emojis used to indicate above my vary depending on their part in the story. If they're the love interest to the reader in their section, but the other person isn't, then their emojis might be different.
-Main Masterlist Index-
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•Robby Keene
|| Series
A Beautiful Crime - Coming Soon (x Sister!OFC) 🧸💔
Summary: Series of stories following Laura “Lara” Keene, the daughter of Johnny and twin sister to Robby. She may not be the best martial artist, but she sure has the knack of helping anyone in need… or putting someone in their place.
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-More will be added as time moves on/If you like to get updates, taglist is open-
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itskotka · 8 months
the greatest gift of all
for @dull-c @cksecretsanta23
summary: it's johnny's first christmas with robby and he's determined to make it okay. he ends up at daniel's house for christmas.
A/N: this was so fun to write and i'm very excited for you to read this! apologies it took a little longer than expected and was slightly rushed, but nonetheless, merry christmas and happy holidays!
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Johnny Lawrence didn’t know what to expect. It was his first Christmas with Robby - finally after all of these years - and all he wanted was to not screw it up. He was notorious for ruining everything in his life, so why would Christmas be the exception? He needed this to go over okay. After the last tournament, they had been better. Good, even. Part of that he attributed to Daniel and his good influence - even as hard as that was to admit. Johnny knew the mistakes he made and the irreversible damage they caused, but he was determined to fix it. Bandaids don't fix bullet holes after all. 
Everything was set up to be good, mediocre in the least. Until his power went out, he cursed out the tenant upstairs, almost got into a fight, and burnt the only edible food he had in his kitchen. Breathe in, breathe out, assess the damages. There was a method to his madness, as difficult as it was to see what that method was. He glanced at his watch. There were only 20 minutes until Robby was supposed to be over and there was no way he could host anymore. Hell, even the skinny tree in the corner was falling apart and had no lights to cover it up with. 
And that’s how Johnny Lawrence and his son ended up on Daniel LaRusso’s doorstep on Christmas night.
“Come on in, John. Hey Robby, how are you?” Daniel greeted them as he opened the front door and led them inside. 
“Thanks for having us, Mr. LaRusso,” Robby answered and shook his hand. Johnny rolled his eyes, both in embarrassment and jealousy. Over the phone with Daniel, Daniel had insisted it wasn’t a problem at all to have them. Johnny disagreed, but what other choice did he have? His plans were already ruined anyway and he wasn’t succumbing to Robby going back to Shannon’s alone for Christmas. Robby didn’t mind the change of scenery - God, his politeness and patience were surely not inherited from his father. Johnny couldn’t seem to mind as long as this all got smoothed out and Robby had a good night. 
The LaRusso’s front room was decked out in bright white lights and greenery. Smooth jazz music erupted from the corner, along Amanda quickly adjusted the sound. Johnny peered down one of the hallways, noticing they took the phrase “deck the halls” a little too literally. It was impressive, honestly. 
Amanda approached the pair and was quick to shake their hands. “It’s very nice to see you both,” she told them, lingering slightly at Johnny. Maybe it was the maternal instinct in her to know when something was wrong, but she definitely sensed tension with Johnny. Johnny tightly smiled at her until she walked away to the kitchen, trying to make himself seem put together. 
He turned back towards Robby who was taking in the decorations. “Sorry again, Robby. If that jackass upstairs hadn’t tried to light three trees at once, we wouldn’t be here.” Robby looked up at him, confused.
“It’s okay, Dad. Really.” He let out a breath of relief. Being addressed as ‘Dad’ was new to him and a foreign concept, but it warmed his heart every time he heard it. “I’m gonna say hi to Sam if that’s okay,” Robby said with a small smile. He waved him off and patted his shoulder as he walked past and down the decked hall. He was proud of his son for following in his footsteps in that way; arguably one of the good traits he inherited. For their sake, he hoped it would work out this time. 
“Well, merry Christmas Johnny!” Daniel exclaimed, sneaking up out of nowhere on him. “Mi casa es su casa. Wait, do you know what that means? I know you’re with Miguel a lot but-”
“I’m not an idiot, Daniel. I passed Spanish in high school, thanks to Ali’s homework.” Daniel chuckled, putting his hand on Johnny’s shoulder. 
“And look how far that got you. Make yourself at home, John. Dinner’s almost ready. I don’t have any Coors Banquet, but you can pick your poison.” Daniel presented him with his bar cart, fully stocked with a large variety of alcohol. Johnny mumbled back a thanks and cracked open a beer. 
“If I didn’t know better,” Johnny started, pausing to take a swig out of his bottle. “I’d say you were an alcoholic.”
“And what do you think the cause of that would be?” 
“Bullshit, LaRusso.”
“You’re telling me!” Johnny rolled his eyes at Daniel’s remark. The pair was on better terms now, but those terms still weren’t good . Acquaintances with a past, at most. Either way, Johnny was ready for this night to be over. Daniel led them into the kitchen (which was still, ridiculously decorated) and helped Amanda finish up dinner. Johnny found himself examining their family photos on the mantle and the walls. The most he had was Robby’s soccer picture from God knows how many years ago. He secretly wished for what LaRusso had. The perfect family, the perfect mentor, the perfect life . Aside from his part in it, of course. He’d never admit to it aloud, but he felt its presence everywhere. In everything he did, he realized the weight of the things he’d done and how hard they were to fix. But he was working on it. Trying had to count for something.
Robby, Sam, and Anthony eventually came down from the hall and sat to eat the five-course meal Amanda had prepared. 
“You’ve outdone yourselves. Thank you,” Johnny commented to the couple next to him. Robby sat on the other side of him, but Daniel insisted on sitting next to Johnny (even if it wasn’t his ‘usual’ spot as Anthony put it). 
“Of course, any time,” Amanda accepted with a smile.
Daniel, on the other hand, protested. “A compliment from Johnny Lawrence? It must be a true Christmas miracle.”
“Laugh it up LaRusso. I’m here out of pity.”
“Sure you are, John.” The table succumbed to the silent chatter of forks scraping against plates and small comments here and there. When everyone was finished, Daniel put on Home Alone and ended up at the kitchen island with Johnny. Johnny watched a lot of television and films, sure, but he was enjoying the peace and sense of comfort he found there. It was a change of pace and he hated himself for enjoying it there. At Daniel LaRusso’s mansion nonetheless. “Not a fan of peak Christmas movies?” Daniel approached, holding a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. 
“Nah, I’m just. Watching, I guess.” Johnny didn’t know how to lie very well, which was funny considering his track record. Daniel set the glasses down and gestured to ask permission. Johnny grabbed the glass and nodded. “Thanks, man.”
“You not a fan of Christmas or something?”
“It’s my first Christmas with Robby, you know. My mom, uh, didn’t have a great track record with holidays. I don’t want to repeat the same mistakes,” Johnny admitted, unsure why he was even talking about it. His mom had been gone for years and he didn’t even like to speak about her when she was still here. Daniel just nodded silently and sipped his drink. “I feel like I already ruined it,” he whispered. At this comment, Daniel placed a hand on his shoulder and looked up at him.
“You didn’t ruin it. I may not be your biggest fan, but I can’t watch you self-deprecate like this. You don’t deserve that. And look at him.” He pointed towards Robby, who was laughing on the couch next to Sam. “He’s happy.” 
“No thanks to me.”
“You brought him here. That was enough.” Their conversation lulled as Johnny thought about what he had said. Robby looked happy to be there and that’s all that mattered, wasn’t it? Maybe it wasn’t such a bad night after all, and maybe this was where they were supposed to be. 
“Can I ask a favor?” 
“Sure, Johnny.”
“Do you have wrapping paper?” Daniel coughed out a laugh. 
“Wrapping paper?” He asked back, laughing over his words. 
“Whatever, man, forget I asked.”
“No, no, I do. Come with me.” Johnny rolled his eyes again and followed Daniel to a room opposite the other hallway. “Choose wisely,” Daniel teased, showing him an array of papers. Johnny wasn’t going to bother wrapping Robby’s gift, but he felt like the Christmas spirit was upon him. It didn’t help that he’d never wrapped a present before, but hell if he was going to ask Daniel for instruction. Johnny smiled weakly at him and grabbed a random blue roll with snowflakes on it. Expecting Daniel to leave, Johnny took out the gift from his jacket pocket and tried to align it with the paper. “Johnny,” Daniel sterned. 
“Have you ever even, you know, wrapped a gift?”
“Pssh, of course, I have.” Johnny held his pocket knife up towards the paper, the paper crinkling in his hands.
“Doesn’t look like it. Here.” Daniel took a pair of scissors off a desk and laid the wrapping on the floor. Johnny crouched to meet his level and watched the man cut the paper and carefully wrap it around the rectangle. “Tape?”
“Oh, right.” Johnny turned and found the tape, ripping off too long of a piece and handing it to him. Daniel chuckled at it but took it anyway. They continued on it mutually (although Daniel definitely knew what he was doing; Johnny did not). When done, Daniel stood and bowed to it as if it were a karate match. Johnny shook his head at him and took the gift from the floor. “Thank you. I appreciate it, man.”
“Anytime John.” They left the room and returned to their whiskeys at the counter. “You’re really worried about this whole Robby-Christmas thing, aren’t you?” Daniel asked, pushing the subject further. Johnny gulped and took another swig. “For what it’s worth, I think your worry is proof you’re doing something right. As parents, all we want is our kids to be okay.”
“I screwed up. Bad.” He sighed. 
“We all do.” Daniel paused. “Sam’s 8th Christmas? She caught me writing from Santa on a present. How’s that for lazy planning on my part?” Johnny laughed, picturing the story. 
“That’s different.”
“Sure it is. Point is, we make mistakes. We learn from them. We grow up. And along the way, we realize that maybe, someday, things will be forgiven.” Johnny stared at the bottom of his glass, taking the other man’s words to heart. “You’re doing alright, Johnny. And believe it or not, it’s good for you to be in his life. You both deserve that.” 
“You know, I never thought I’d say this, but you give good advice LaRusso.”
“We’re not so different, you and I. We were raised differently - sometimes that’s the only difference. We don’t have to fight.” Daniel smiled meekly. 
“No. I suppose we don’t.”
“Christmas truce?”
“Christmas truce,” he agreed. The men shook hands, accepting the fact that tomorrow was a new day. Maybe in the new year, things would be better for them; they could only hope. The movie shortly ended and Johnny collected his things to leave. Daniel started leading him towards the front door. “Thank you again, Daniel. It was a good Christmas.”
“I would have to agree with you there. Wait, where’s Robby?”
“Saying goodbye to Sam.” Daniel nodded, but as he turned his head towards the hallway, he saw the couple kiss under a conveniently planted mistletoe. Daniel scoffed as Johnny started to smile. “Attaboy,” he mumbled under his breath.
“I guess it is tradition,” Daniel agreed solemnly. “I need another drink.”
“Tradition or not, if you try getting me under that? It’s over LaRusso. I will kick your ass until there’s no ass left to kick.” 
“Ouch. You forget I’m also a trained fighter.”
“I don’t know how I could forget the thing you’ve lorded over me for how many years now?” Johnny started counting on his fingers. Daniel struck his hand down, laughing as he did.
“Point taken.” Robby suddenly appeared from the hall, joining them.
“What’s happening over here?” He asked calmly, a sly smile on his face.
“Your father’s being his ridiculous self.”
“What’s new?” The three of them shared a moment before Johnny and Robby headed out the door, thanking Daniel once again. Once outside, Johnny reached into his pocket.
“Before I forget,” he started, “I wanted you to have this.” Robby looked up at him, his breath condensing in the cold air. He carefully unwrapped the paper, revealing an old walkman. “I know it’s not much and I’m sorry. It used to be mine and it got me through some tough shit. If you think it’s stupid or you don’t want it, that’s fine I-” His rambling was cut off by Robby flinging his arms around him.
“Thank you,” he mumbled into Johnny’s jacket. Johnny, slightly taken aback, hugged him back cautiously and closed his eyes. 
“Merry Christmas kid.”
“Merry Christmas Dad. I love you.” Johnny’s eyes filled with tears and he grabbed onto his son a little tighter. Maybe Daniel was right, in all of his weird wisdom and philosophy. Some things were worth fixing.
“I love you too, Robby.” 
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darleuxox · 2 years
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☆ samantha larusso x gender neutral reader dating headcanons
warnings: violence, angry sam
summary: n/a
author’s note: everytime sam larusso beats someone up on cobra kai i start twirling my hair and kicking my feet
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♡ sam can be incredibly overprotective. especially when the tension between dojos gets really intense. she’ll always be holding your hand or have her arm wrapped around your waist so your both close. (for protection. of course. and cuddling)
♡ she is so caring and attentive. sam remembers all of your favorite things and gives incredibly sentimental presents. y’all probably have a couple of inside jokes that confuse the hell out of other people.
♡ are you into karate? on one hand, that’s good. when karate really takes over her life that doesn’t impede upon her time with you. you both likely train together (even if you’re not in the same dojo) and always cheer one another on. unless you’re in cobra kai. if you’re in cobra kai she’s fighting tooth and nail to get you out of there.
♡ if you’re not into karate you won’t train with her, but she loves to have you come by the dojo and watch. queue you swooning over sam kicking people's asses!!
♡ she tries to be humble but secretly she loves showing off to you
♡ during the whole karate war she hardens on the outside, and you’re one of the few people who gets to see her dorky side.
♡ sam is adorably grumpy at times. although she may need some space once she returns she angrily demands cuddles and head scratches. asap >:(
♡ she loves it when you run your hands through her hair (just not too rough so you don’t damage the curls)
♡ if we’re talking bi sam larusso i’d like to introduce you all to daniel larusso saying ‘lgbtq’ like he’s a new york city pizza delivery man
♡ girl gets jealous so easily, especially if you’re getting friendly with someone from an opposing dojo. if tory flirted with you though? the earth would shake with her rage. people will die (probably tory.)
♡ if an opposing dojo targets you the rest of miyagi-do will have to hold sam back from burning whoever it is to a crisp.
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jensensfanfic · 2 years
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pairing: daniel larusso x reader
warnings: nsfw/18+
notes: we’re gonna say daniel is in his mid 20s for this one. and you’ve been together made 5/6 years? also i got carried away with "J" and "W", wow wow wow
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
daniel will always ask you what you'd like after sex. he'll ask if you want water, a snack, maybe a shower or use the bathroom. or if you want to cuddle... or go for round two.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
you - you're obsessed with playing with his hair during sex. running your hands through it, pulling it and seeing it all messed up afterwards. you're both ass people and you can't resist give his cheeks a squeeze when his hitting just the right spot, or, digging your nails into the plump flesh when you need it faster.
him - daniel loves your shoulders. he loves to kiss them and, with your consent, plant hickies all over them. he think it looks kinda pretty. he also loves your thighs, and ass - loves to squeeze and grab them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
daniel is very quick to change the sheets after a session if there is a mess left behind. he's not a fan of making that mess, but he does love to cum inside of you whenever you'll let him. on a particularly passionate night one time, he'd finished inside you and while you tried to gain back your breath, you'd watched as he pulled out and then proceeded to slowly gather and push your mixed releases back into you – causing your breath to hitch and you eyes to darken before you suggested going again with a wiggle of your hips.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
it’s not that dirty, but he really loves it when you wear his clothes, like when you surprise him wearing only one of his plaid shirts. ... or a pair of his grey boxers. when he pulls them aside just enough to slide into you, it drives him crazy.
D (bonus) = Dirty talk (do they use it? like it? what do they say?)
daniel isn't incredibly explicit, but he likes a little bit of dirty talk. things you often hear him say during sex include: "let go/cum for/with me, baby" "you feel so good/tight/wet" "fuck yeah" "just like that" "you like that?" "that feels so good, don't stop" "you want it faster/harder/deeper" etc. alson the words he uses most for your "intimate areas" are dick/cock + pussy. he hates the word c**t
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he's got some experience, but he's no expert. though, learning what you like and don't like, what makes you tick, what you both enjoy together, the sexual journey he's taken with you, he has very much enjoyed.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
call him a romantic, but any position where he gets to see your face, he enjoys. he likes to be able to watch you come apart, and have you in reaching distance, so he can kiss you. missionary, lotus, spooning <3
he also enjoys having you on top. reverse cowgirl gives him a great opportunity to grab your delicious thighs.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he's goofy a lot of the time, but you both know when a moment becomes more serious, nay, passionate. often, though, these two moods collide. a funny joke can lead to the clashing of teeth and lips, and then fade into sweet, slow love making. or, vice versa..
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he’s all about trying to impress and please you, therefore, he tries to keep tidy, in every way
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he will sometimes light candles, play music, even sprinkle your favourite flower petals over the bed. on one particular anniversary, he had made the bathtub look especically fancy, but that night ended with apologies and laughter when you struggled to find a position in the small space and ended up flooding your bathroom. - most of the time his romantic endevours suceed, but sometimes....
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i headcanon that... one night daniel had heard a specific song playing on the radio, it was the song that you had danced to together during a night on the town. it made him start to picture you that night, his head falling back on the sofa as he remembered the shorts you'd worn then. the ones that barely covered your ass, the ones that allowed him to reach down and sneak a feel when the dance floor was too full for anyone to notice. his hand glides over the growing bulge in his jeans as he thinks about the shirt you had worn too. one of his own favourite red button downs. while dancing, you had turned in his arms to grind into him, causing one side of his shirt to fall enough that one of your shoulders were exposed. daniel pulls out his hardness as he remembers how he couldn't resist biting down on your shoulder. the little yelp you had let out is clear as day in his mind as he starts to stroke himself to the memory. that night you both had decided to leave early. he remembers only making it to the very sofa he was sat on right now, before you had torn each other's clothes off, and, for the first time, fucked on a surface other than your shared bed. that was the moment when you had walked in, just home from work and caught him in the act. he was so lost in his nostalgia that he hadn't heard you, so you had quietly put down your bag, before removing your shirt and sneaking over to him. when he finally opened his eyes again, it was because you were now kneeling in front of him, hands gliding up his legs as you asked, "want some help?" you expected surprise, for him to try to excuse himself or say sorry, but instead he nodded, and moved his hand away, only for it to be replaced with your mouth instantly.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
he's definitely more vanilla, his kinks arent very hardcore. his two favourite kinks are to watch you get yourself off, or edging you/you edging him. there was one occasion where you'd explored bondage together - you had asked him to tie your hands to the headboard using his black belt, and... well, you've been wanting to ask him to do it again since.
another kink had come about after a steamy birthday evening. it was past 2am and you were both spent. daniel's arms were wrapped around you, just barely grazing your exposed breasts. he was peppering kisses all over the warm skin of your upper back, creating a patch to your lips, but when he got to your neck, he'd realised that you started to doze off. daniel smiled and then shifted his hips, but before he could, you'd gripped his leg quickly. with your eyes still shut, you whispered, 'no.' 'baby, i'm still– uh... i need to pull out... so we can sleep.' you turn your head then, opening your eyes just a smidge. 'don't. please. i wanna be close while we sleep.' 'w-with me... inside?' 'is that okay?' you peck his lips, then wait for a response. daniel takes a minute to think before he answers with a 'yes, baby.'
since that night, cockwarming had become a common occurrence - mostly while falling asleep. however, sometimes, you would slide onto him and cuddle him while he watched tv, and on one night, while you struggled on a awful paper for work(or school), you'd asked him if he could sit on your desk chair before you sunk onto him and enjoyed the feeling of his thick length seated inside you, as your stressed eased away.
since the sofa bj (see letter J^), you most often 'do the do' there or in bed. though, there have been a couple of shower fun times, and even a car quickie.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
daniel just loves to see you needy or desperate. he loves it when you show, or tell him how much you want, or need him. he is a people you pleaser after all.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he enjoys the idea of light bondage, but a hard no for him is anything more than the aforementioned, soft gi belt. ex: cuffs of any kind, or rope. others include: degradation, public sex, choking and a handful more, but he has full trsut in you and you in him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he prefers giving, and he absolutely loves to do it. when your relationship started getting more intimate, you were honest with him in admitting that he wasn't that great at oral. but you talked him through it, letting him know what you liked and didn't. and it didn't take that long before he was a pro when it came to your body.
he would be lying if he said he didn't like to receive too, though. it turns him on the most when you surprise him with it. either by telling him, out of the blue, how badly you want him in your mouth. or, by ghosting your soft lips in the direction of his waiting arousal.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
slow and sensual is his thing, but he is always happy to meet your demands of 'harder', 'faster' or 'deeper' in the moment.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
before he met you, he had always viewed quickies as emotionless, rushed. he saw them as something that happened only with a one night stand. but you'd convinced him that a quickie between strangers could be just as passionate as it could be in a loving relationship. you'd shown him this, and now he found them to be fun and exciting. he loved it so much when you needed each other so much that you would end up with your bare ass on the kitchen counter, or with just daniel's fly open as he took you against a wall. there had even been a couple of times where an argument had turned into a sweaty mess of a quickie, resulting in tension shattering and fast forgiveness. wherever or whenever they happened, they were just as pleasing.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he's happy to experiment if it's something you can both agree on, and nothing that crosses either of your boundaries. but all in all, he's not much of a risk taker. unless you count accidentally leaving your bedroom curtains open once in a while.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
over time, his stamina has improved a lot. it used to be that he would be tired after one round, but nowadays, if you want more, he is more than happy to oblige. and when it comes to giving oral, in the stamina department, he could do it for you all day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn't have any of his own, but, you told him that before you moved in together, you had one little purple friend that you would use when you missed more than just his personality. when you missed his touch, his body, his determination to pleasure you without fail, you would take it out and go to town. when he first heard this, he had blushed at the compliments. then, when you told him the toy didn't make the trip to your shared home, he found a similar toy online. he had given it to you as a gift, with a sticky note attached that read, 'for when i'm not around..... or when i am ;)'.
and this, in turn, led to your discovery of one of his very few kinks.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
it's fifty fifty with this, because daniel loves to tease you, but he also loves to please you. he could edge you for as long as you could take, but then he finds it incredibly difficult not to give in to your pleas.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he thinks he's pretty quiet, and he does have great self-awareness in making sure he's not too loud. but then sometimes he just cannot hold back, and you love it. especially the little 'ah''s he makes when you kiss the sensitive spots behind his ear or the one on a particular area of his abs. there are times during rougher love making that he will let out little growls, and you make it your mission to cause those, as it sends a million shivers through your body.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
i got carried away with my hc for this one, so i'll be posting a separate one shot and linking it here soon!! (it is still in the works as i'm not sure how far to take it etc. help would be appreciated?? 👀)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he is pretty well toned thanks to his training over the years. he has a couple of scars on his torso from school fights and general mishaps or clumsiness in the past. there's a particular scar on his left hip that you love to kiss and trace. as for what's going underneath down there, he isn't p-star big, he's pretty average but on the thicker side… ;)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
high enough for his age. he isn’t sex-crazed and unable to think of anything else… you know? but there are... those days. if we’re going to visualize, maybe you have sex three or four out of seven days in a week. however, that doesn’t account for how many times on those days. to put it simply, you're both incredibly happy and satisfied with your intimacy
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he likes to watch you drift in his arms before falling asleep himself. and this is usually how it goes. but there are some nights when he can't help it. most especially when your hands are in his hair, lightly scratching and stroking his scalp, sending him into a deep slumber
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taglist: @crimsonandclover27 (i lost my list so if you want to be added or removed, please let me know - i'll make a little taglist form soon to make things easier)
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spacebugarts · 1 year
Hey! You should tell us about your werewolf karate boys au!
While answering this ask I realized there's no way to talk about this au without writing out an entire plot summary of the fic I'm writing which would kida defeat the purpose of writing it so, uhh... I'll shorten it the best I can? Probably still gonna be a bit long so I'll put it under a cut
Johnny gets bit by a werewolf on the way back from the All Valley (bc that night was already so bad for him why not make it worse?) and basically entirely rejects the suggestion that it could've been a werewolf bc
It wasn't a full moon
He was probably seeing things bc he was so stressed and very injured, it was probably just like. A dog or something
He's had bad sensory days before and yeah this is worse but like its not abnormal (autistic Johnny my beloved <3)
Werewolves aren't real
Tommy continues to believe he's turning into a werewolf bc its Tommy, he's chaotic and stubborn, and Bobby continues to try finding a reasonable explanation bc he's the only one with a braincell, while Dutch and Jimmy are just here to make jokes and be idiots about it.
Over winter break Johnny starts convincing himself it was nothing, but then the first full moon hits and the guys need to try and keep him from going feral with very little success, but eventually they manage to pin him down and he wakes up chained to a tree with a vague recollection of what happened and a very bad headache. Eventually school comes back and he has to figure out how to deal with being a werewolf when he has to spend so much time in close proximity to the boy that publicly humiliated him and for some reason his wolf senses seem particularly attuned to... its probably because he hates him right? Yeah, totally (hint hint nudge nudge)
Well eventually Johnny realizes he probably won't get anywhere trying to control himself if he doesn't confront things head on and get some help staying calm, and the only person that can help with that is... *sigh* Daniel. He starts doing some training with him, learning how to control his anger with kata and other calming exercises, and eventually he realizes he actually... doesn't hate him? And also Mr. Miyagi keeps looking at him and acting weird and holy shit does he know something? He knows something doesn't he?
Idk where I'll go from that point, I might get into the actual KK2 plotline and have Johnny go to Okinawa with them, but I know I want him to expose himself at some point trying to protect Daniel, which would be easier to add with the plot of the second movie than to create another threat for him to fight off, idk tho. Definitely want Miyagi to know things tho lol
So yeah thats the au as it stands so far, I just gotta... put it into words in a way that's less scattered lol
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I got the results of my post with my poll and, fortunately enough, 17 of you said you wanted to read my Karate Kid/Cobra Kai WIPS! So I will try to remember to publish them on the dedicated day (which is Saturday) or at the very least publish them on Sunday! I’m also debating whether I should do a certain day to answer any questions about them, but I decided against it! I have decided to think of an emoji system that is still in my drafts, but it will be published soon once I fix my pinned again...
*Oh, if I can’t think of any WIPS on the designated Saturday, you can ask me questions about the current ones that I have published in my TOS document! ( ๑ ̅◡ ̅́)
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birdbrainedboy · 9 months
Chapter 3 of my Lawrusso fic, Roll with the Changes, is out!
Fic summary:
It’s been two months since the 1984 Under 18 All Valley Karate Tournament, and while Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence haven’t talked since, they’ve certainly been keeping tabs on each other.
Through the power of music and unfortunately timed lightning, the two wake up one day to discover that they have somehow switched bodies. Unable to switch back, they are forced to masquerade as one another until a solution can be found. With unspoken jealousy and uncertainty running rampant between them, will they be be able to stand each other long enough to figure out their predicament?
Johnny and Daniel swap bodies, and have to deal with each other long enough to figure out how to go back to normal.
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gay-caveman · 1 year
if you guys like lawrusso and are into theater you should read my fic!!! it's my first time writing so criticism is always welcome.
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chaotictommy · 1 year
Two more chapters of Living for You are out now.
It’s been a while since I updated it, so I wanted to come back to it.
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bubblegumflavor · 8 months
seven sentence sunday
thanks for tagging me!! @stevieevenstar !! : )
Little teaser to my next chapter of "Dancing in the Fire" I am working on right now. ^^v
The reason why Daniel was feeling so paralyzed was because of the things Dutch had said on the way, up the stairs to their apartment.
“It was Winston! The police showed me a picture of the weapon, the knife he got stabbed with was a fuckin’ Greaser knife. I know that damn thing, you don’t ever forget a knife that once pointed at your face.”
That’s what he said.
Daniel had no idea if Johnny had shown any reaction, because he had been staring down at the stairs, eagerly watching every step he took.
He knew it couldn't be Dally, but he also couldn’t tell one more word about where he was or what he was doing. The things he already said to Johnny were too many, but he had a little trust in him, at least, that he won’t use the information to hurt anyone, but Dutch.. He was a different beast.
I tag: @youre-alright-larusso @destielblamscilesinfinity @wicked-jade only if you want, of course =)
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not-goldy · 5 months
I'm confused Goldy. I didn't know big tk accounts were still spreading lies Jikook are separated. I thought them saying this was a coping mechanism or really just to piss Jkk off, but no, they really have deluded themselves. So much so that when Jm's pic with the tank came out & what some say looks like JK below him with his hand on his head, they stroked out & was writing posts like Don't panic & keep calm. HUH? The day Jikook enlisted together it squashed every theory you'll ever make from here on out & before that when Tae walked with Jennie in Paris. So what do you mean keep calm & stay positive, we'll get through this? Taennie & Jikook done fucked these people up so bad there is no return. Jikook are together no matter how calm you stay bitch, different jobs, doesn't mean different unit. They're still in the same place. I'm actually baffled they're still trying to debunk this. I saw one say well k-media listed their units in Jan, since then we know Jk was separated & is a cook, so they aren't together anymore. No one said they separated. you made that up. Jk is still in Jimin's unit, cooking for Jimin's unit. Still seeing Jimin every day. Still his buddy. Nothing has changed. All units have cooks and Jikook are in the same unit as buddies, therefore Jk cooks where Jimin is at & most likely along side other buddies cooking & doing the same thing as Jk & still in the same place as their buddies as well. Buddies have different rules idiots. No buddies enlisted as buddies separate, even if they have different jobs and discharged buddies have told you this. I will take their word. Jk isn't enlisted as a solo soldier cooking for other units, with other soldiers. What is this fanfiction. And the two main women spreading this the most are insane & people are eating it up. A woman who made up 10 identities for herself & changes her @ every other day to argue with herself or claims she has a Korean group chat on speed dial & the other is a woman who was begging tkk for money saying her man treats her like shit. Like go to therapy bitches, & leave Jikook alone. I do enjoy its destroying & killing you day by day tho, knowing Jk is not with your fav by his own choice. Hehehehe
Don't panick??????
Don't panick calm down??????????
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If you have to be told not to panick over another ship because it threatens your ship YOU DON'T HAVE A SHIP YOU HAVE AN ILLUSION OF ONE
A BUNCH OF masochists is what they are
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bookscandlesnbts · 1 year
Quick facts about me that no one asked for:
Figured since I’ve posted more here and answered some asks, I would share some facts about me on my blog both BTS/Jikook related and non related.
1.) I became ARMY during quarantine era. A friend got me into them. After I watched their MMA 2019 performance I was blown away. She was a Yoongi bias so that is whose content I initially watched and gravitated towards. When I ventured out on my own and watched more performance stages and Run BTS I knew immediately that I was drawn to Jimin. Everything from his stage presence, gorgeous vocals and dance lines, funny and sassy personality, but also super empathetic and caring. He was it for me and still is. But I do love all seven of them. I could probably rank them in order of my “favorites” but Jimin would be number 1 without a doubt.
***super fun fact is that I actually first was exposed to BTS in 2017 :( that’s right, I could have stanned back then. I frequently kind of kidding but not really refer to this as my biggest regret. An undergrad in my research group was obsessed with them. She showed me a clip of them dancing and probably because I didn’t like her that much (she was friends with someone toxic) I chalked it up as so they sing and dance? Who cares. I ended up reconnecting with her later when I stanned and found out that she was a low-key TKK shipper and loved reading their fanfics. By that point, I was already sus of Jikook so we clashed and I don’t talk to her. 🤣
2.) That brings me to point number two. The most important: Jikook. I wish I could remember the first time I was like yep this is a thing but I don’t. I do remember the first Jikook moment that I was exposed to was their Black Swan pas de deux. I remember finding their chemistry palpable and bold of them to perform a romantic dance together but that was it. The more I watched Run BTS and being a Jimin bias I couldn’t help but notice JK too and their closeness. What was the nail in the coffin so to speak? The cliches. GCF Tokyo and Rosebowl did it for me and I’ve been endeared by them ever since.
3.) I’m a sort of Jikook fanfic writer on A03 who I guess is on a hiatus and has been for awhile now. I love fanfiction and have been reading it and writing it a little since I was like 12. I was never a RPF girlie until BTS but I view them as characters in a story because that is what they are when I’m reading or writing fics. Not the actual people.
4.) I’m asexual and probably aromatic to some extent too. Asexuality is so misunderstood, I could go on about it for days, but I’m not the authority on it by any means. I like the idea of sex in the abstract. Fanfics, great. M/M where I don’t feel inserted in the act, even better. I’m not a prude, I just don’t experience sexual attraction. The idea of looking at someone even the tannies and wanting to fuck them makes me uncomfortable and it’s something I can’t relate to and have never felt. I’ve had sex of course, but it’s never lived up to the hype for me. I can definitely live without it. As far as being aromantic that I’m not sure. I love the idea of romance or I wouldn’t be so smitten with Jikook and other cute couples. I don’t actively seek romance in my life. I don’t date or want to date. I haven’t had a crush on someone in like 10 years. I’m not opposed to it. Their gender wouldn’t matter to me but it’s not something I feel like I need in my life. If you are anywhere on the ace spectrum or are LGBTQIA+, hi you are more than welcome here.
5.) I’m educated! I have a PhD in chemistry. I am on the Professor track and I teach organic chemistry. I spent 7 years in grad school combined for my masters and PhD.
So yeah! This way you know a little about me when you send in asks. I am terrible at formatting and use my phone only for Tumblr, so my blog probably won’t ever be pretty. I’m just here for connections and content that is more in depth than Twitter. Yes, I’m still calling it twitter. Sorry not sorry Elon.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
You said jungkook saying his most memorable moment of Christmas is him having snow fight with taehyung Cannot scream more bro than this how?? Like it's a good memory what's bro thing in that?
You mean apart from the fact that they're bros? Well, have u ever watched this video?
JK was having the time of his life terrorising the members. Mostly Jin because of course its Jin he would bully the most 🤣🤣🤣
JK loves the snow, Jimin more than JK but JK loves snow too. And he loves spending time with V. Why would them throwing snow at each other not be a good time? Why wouldn't it be memorable?
You're a tkkr so I'm assuming you've seen tkk playing right? It tends to get kinda rough. Which is a clear contrast to when Jikook play. So if you know members, like actually know the members, then the image of Tkk in the snow together is not them falling ontop of each other and hugging and kissing. That's... no. That just happens in fanfiction. Them 2 in the snow, I'm picturing that video and I'm picturing it brutal and competitive. Like bros do.
Do you remember when JK was spinning V?
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Do you remember V saying he wasn't feeling well and for JK to stop?
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Do you remember how JK refused to stop and instead started spinning faster till V had to scream at him to stop?
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And JK still didn't stop? 😂😂😂
Now do you remember when JK was spinning Jimin?
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Jimin only had to say JK's name twice
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And JK let him off
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You don't believe me? Watch for yourself. Jimin's part lasts 10 seconds while V.... oh, poor V 😂😂 even Namjin dont get the cruel V treatment. See for yourself
So for me, anon yes, Tkk in the snow is a bro moment. A real fan would know this. But listen, idk why you're keeping tabs on my blog seeing as I never tag V or your ship, but I assure you, I'm not trying to take this moment away from you. It IS a moment, it is. And it was memorable to JK. Facts. And that's great and I love that for you. But you and I both know it doesn't hold a candle to the Tokyo trip, right? We know that all Jikook moments will always be superior, right? I know, and you know. You all know. Thats why your people are losing their minds on twitter.
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I'm sorry you're going through it (I'm not) but you're the ones to blame for backing the wrong horse. Sorry not even a little bit sorry.
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kookiecrush · 9 months
Something I find strange from purely a psychological point of view is how in j*kook narratives, JK is always shown to be the whipped one. The one who always has to "prove he feels" something for JM. And it's never the other way around. Tkk or even Yoonmin for that matter, don't really have this. I sometimes wonder if this has something to do with fetishizing: that JK is always the masc, while JM is designated the fem roles in j*kookers minds, while in Tkk there is no such predisposed role. And the same with Yoonmin. Yoongi is not always designated with overt male characteristics who needs to "prove his love" or something like that. And maybe this is why j*kk is such a smut-heavy ship. I have nothing against smut, but it sort of makes sense why j*kook is such an sex-obsessed shipping fandom.
It is strange, anon. I've definitely noticed a reoccurring theme with j*kookers and the difference in the way some of them treat J*min compared to Jungkook. J*min always has to be the main character for them, and Jungkook is the love sick puppy who can't live without him. Always fawning over him. Aways the one who has to prove how he feels. A great example of this behaviour is their response to j*kook enlisting together. I saw so much for concern for J*min, and plenty of praise about Jungkook "stepping up" to protect him," but no worry for Jungkook or concern about how he might have been feeling. They treat him like a prop. Someone who's just there to make J*min look good. I suspect there may be some sort of "self-insert" behaviour going on with them and J*min, which would honestly explain a lot. That, or they're secretly pjms 🤷‍♀️ because as soon as Jungkook's success started overtaking J*min's they turned on him.
Remember when a lot of them ended up throwing a fit after Jungkook started racking up all those achievements and breaking all kinds of records with his solo music? They like him when he's playing the part of adoring boyfriend (in their eyes) but not when he's outshining J*imin. How dare he do that 🙄
Like you mentioned, I think a lot of the way they view j*kook is rooted in fetishism. Jungkook is this big, masculine, strong "alpha" who protects and dotes on J*min, the small, feminine, delicate "omega" (anyone else cringing right now?) For a "relationship" that consists of two men, they sure place a lot of heteronormative expectations on it, don't they? Part of me is convinced that the only reason they find the idea of taekook being together so inconceivable is because they don't have a height difference. Because then how would they know which one is the "man" and which one is the "woman?"💀
I really don't think that j*kookers have an accurate perception of who Jungkook and J*min are at all. I think they see what they want to see, and make the rest up to suit their narratives. Every time they talk about j*kook it perplexes me how they can be so utterly wrong about them. They really can't see past the fanfiction they've created.
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