#so i lost like a minute on the timer just recovering from the psychic damage
spacebugarts · 1 year
Finally started working on my werewolf Lawrusso fic again last night and these are the first two hints on the daily crossword are you fucking kidding me NYT???
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon White Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 3]
It’s time for hunting for thieves with Burgh! Long may no one else die in the process!
Team headcount:
Boeing (Latios)
Frogger (Seismitoad)
Ptera (Archeops)
Palm (Shroomish)
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I’ll also throw the Miracle Seed on Palm, since I forgot to do that last time.
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Hm. This is technically part of the same route Palm came from, but it’s a different area. I think if the randomizer considers it part of a different area, I will too. So if it has something from the outside part, I won’t catch it. If it turns out they both happen to have some things in common, and the first one was one of those, oh well. It was the first one in the area.
Stepping forward to find out if we get a new one or not.
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I don’t want it.
This might be a bad idea, but I think I’m going to let Palm just murder it. I do not want an Octillery, and then I’ll still only have one thing from Pinwheel Forest. It might be something I end up regretting, because as of right now, if my team wipes, I have nothing eligible to start over with, but.
Exp gotten, Grape avenged one more time.
So far there is nothing in this forest except for Octillery. What is this hell.
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I do not like the Patrat line. I might never like it again. Appropriate that Team Plasma currently seems to do almost nothing else.
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Okay, so for future reference, the insides of Pinwheel Forest are counted as a different area by the Randomizer. That future might not be so far off, depending on how this goes. The important thing is that something besides an Octillery can exist in these woods.
I have photo evidence.
Without it, even I wouldn’t believe at this point.
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Awesome, recovered the skull. Considering the size, I am not sure how a boy my age manages to do anything with it but not be crushed by it, but thankfully the plot is uninterested in such complications. Skull get.
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I have no memory of what that means. I assume it means that if I live long enough, I’m gonna beat you up.
Oh good, we give the skull to Lenora. She’s someone I have faith in to be able to lift it. She is very mighty, and when I don’t think about the consequences of our battle I still am highly appreciative of her.
I basically don’t do anything for the next twenty minutes but run around and let Ptera kill stuff. I am overusing Ptera because Ptera can one-shot everything into oblivion, and that’s a comfort.
There is good news after I remember I have other pokemon.
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no longer has Psywave.
I’d never really bothered looking up the accuracy, I just was sad when the damn thing never hit. It turns out, in addition to having variable damage, Psywave has 80% accuracy.
I have never hated a move so much.
It’s gone now.
Boeing can murder things.
Together, friend. We will make it to the end of this.
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Oh, the bridge! This is the one with the bridge! Bridges, even!
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Best part of this generation for sure.
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Now we’re in sections I think I remember a little more about. Mostly in relation to how often I ended up lost in this place. It’s not really that difficult, but for many, many years all of the towns and other locations were nice and neat 2D things. You might not know where to go next in some spots, but having trouble figuring out where you were wasn’t really a thing.
Along comes Castelia City, and it’s all “hold my drink,” and I, a mere ten-year-old, trip down back alleys trying to find out what in the heck I’m meant to be doing.
Now I, a mere ten-year-old, will probably do much the same. With an active interest in seeking out any grass.
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The real question here is which evolution stone I want. I can’t use Panpour. So I guess... hm. I might as well go with the Fire option? I think I mussed with the evolution settings, so I’m not sure if I need them or not (I shouldn’t need to trade anything to get it to evolve, but past that, it’s one giant shrug). I also don’t have anything in my party that needs a stone yet, and there is no way to guess at what I might find in the future.
What I do know is I have a Grass and a Water pokemon, so let’s just round that out. That’s what the chimp options are there for, after all.
Fire Stone get.
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I have zero memory of what’s up with the ship, but boats usually mean trainers to fight. Whatever the case, it is presently plot-locked.
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We’re going through the city to try to gather all the Dancer trainers for a squad, which basically means beating up more of the Pan-squad, and a guy in the alley jumps out and gives us Flash.
Pokemon games are the best.
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Dance squad assembled. Now that I think about it, I think this might be the version where rotating battles are introduced. I also think that might not be the right name, but the important bit is that three pokemon are participating at once and you can rotate through. I bring this up now because I’m wondering if talking to these guys again will set one off.
...Nope. I do get an Amulet Coin, though. Those are always good to have.
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A building full of trainers I didn’t remember! That’s much better than running back to Pinwheel Forest or going ahead for grinding. Too bad this resource doesn’t renew itself.
Oh, nice. The guy to our right gave us Quick Balls and Timer Balls. Those are some of my favorites.
I’m not touching the Gym until everyone’s 30. I already regret that decision, but you know something else I regret? No longer having a Fire type. So yeah, this is the program and we’re sticking to it.
A Hyper Potion and Revive are also in this building. One of those has no use to us, so yay free money. Here’s hoping that we don’t use up the other one right away. I’m already imagining the horror that is the Elite Four.
Also, since I never play these games with the volume on (ancient suspicions about battery life from the era of AAs), can I just say how wonderfully spooky the Scientist theme is?
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Heeeeeey. That is a good thing to have.
Time to check if I’m able to go forward, or if my grinding has to be stuck at Pinwheel Forest. As much as I like the bridge, let me tell you my preference.
Forward enough, anyway.
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I think there will be some sort of roadblock ahead, but I should be able to come across my next teammate first. And some Fishermen.
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Palm enjoyed meeting the Fishermen.
First encounter spotted.
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Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever used one of these in a game before. The evolution is never worth bothering with unless you’re shooting for the pokedex entry, and I think by the time you run into its first form, you’ve already got most of your team arranged already.
The real question is if I have something that won’t kill it...
I think Cut might be the answer.
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...I am the worst trainer ever, fml.
So. Uh.
The Escavalier is caught.
Apparently it knew something besides Fury Attack and Leer. Funny story, that.
Boeing is dead.
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Ahahaha. Wow. I do not want you. You murdered my best friend. You are also now more necessary than you were. So. You need a name.
You’re a dark knight.
First girl on the team is named Batman.
Batman does not kill.
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The real challenge of this game is going to be whether or not I can ever have six usable pokemon at a time. Dang. This is much rougher than anticipated. Boeing was one of those beasts I thought would be with me until the very end.
Of course, the same can be said for all that now lie here. I was definitely arrogant enough to assume that I could go through the game with none of you dying.
Serves me right, I suppose.
I really hope I don’t need to teach something else Cut now.
Goodbye, Boeing. We had four levels of being useful together. You taught me to hate Psywave, and your sacrifice brought Batman to the team. In time she will learn to honor that.
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Batman is Adamant and loves to eat. That is about the best Nature I could ask for. She isn’t going to be very useful at the moment, but she has the Exp. Share now, so. We’re going to change that.
This run just got much harder. Again.
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Apparently Bug is the theme of this desert.
That is one definite disadvantage to starting with a Psychic pokemon. Bug hurts. It doesn’t help that I almost constantly forgot what Boeing’s typing was.
Huh. Geodude also frequent this area.
It’s funny. Out of what’s available, so far I’ve been pretty darn happy with what I’ve ended up with. I mean, I would prefer Batman being a little weaker so I still had Boeing, but Escavalier is not awful. And I’ve never used one before. All praise the randomness.
You know what else is funny?
All the wild Escavalier here need multiple hits even with moves that are effective. All those turns I spent Cutting Batman down to size, allowing room for Boeing’s death, were unnecessary.
Haaaaa. Live and learn.
Unless you’re Boeing.
Frogger’s just going to murder everything in this route while the meager party slowly grows to level 30. Once more I feel my boredom setting in, but at this point I don’t think being less cautious is really a good idea. Getting six pokemon in my party has become something to strive for instead of the expectation.
-checks in an hour later-
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Someone save me from this hell.
I think when the time comes, I’m going to take Ptera and Palm back to Pinwheel. The level differences aren’t that great, and ALL the Blaziken kills would probably do them both some good. Ptera can probably take the things in the desert, but his Defense is terrible if something goes wrong (which it easily might) and I’m not so sure about Palm. Either way Palm’s getting the Exp. Share for it, and that’s probably still twenty minutes away, because grinding.
I really wish I hadn’t accidentally killed Timon and Boeing.
You never realize what a useful tool letting pokemon faint is until you can’t. Sigh.
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I am going to giggle like a small child every time that question pops up. My only good decisions in this run are their names.
Fun fact: Grinding is boring.
Batman and Frogger are all set, so I did make my way back to Pinwheel Forest in the hopes of helping Palm’s unfortunate Nature out with some better EVs and just generally having him and Ptera fight against things they could kill in one hit.
That’s working out.
This is taking forever.
I refuse to do this for the next gym. Isn’t failure the spice of any challenge?
I don’t even know what the next Gym is... Wait. Is it the electric model one? I think it might be. I remember liking her. I like her pokemon less. Flying electric squirrels are hardish to kill.
Ptera learned Acrobatics. So that’s neat.
Two. More. Levels. Come on. Bring on the massive surge of wild Blaziken.
Have I already pointed out that this is one of the generations where exp is calculated in part by level differential? The more I need the less I get.
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At long last. It is done.
In your memory, Timon.
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Dude, c’mon. It was going to be touching. I was going to murder all your Bugs and be like, “this is for all the things I accidentally got killed on my way here!” and now you’ve gone and ruined it with your plot interruptions. Sigh.
I’m supposed to go to one of the piers. If I’d been reading the text instead of mashing buttons I probably would know which one, but walking down each option and trying them all in order is fun, right? Right.
It’s always the last one you check.
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I remember just enough of the story to say that was one heck of a mistake they done made.
Oh wait, Bianca’s pokemon? Oh. That’s much sadder.
Team Plasma grunt shows up, and it’s time to run after it. After all, I am ten. I am the most reliable aid anyone could ask for in a situation such as this.
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I say, brilliant deduction, Burgh!
There is probably art of Burgh and Looker somewhere on the internet. They solve crimes.
Guess who has thirteen levels on Team Plasma like a boss. It is all four of my remaining pokemon. Yay.
They keep bringing up the Seven Sages, and I keep not remembering any of them except for one. My memory was that there was the one guy. And even that guy was pretty blurry. Now there are seven?
I just wanna catch stuff and pick fights hurry up plot.
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The plot hears my requests and punishes me with an infodump about pokemon mythology of the region. Why this.
For my current purposes, I don’t care, but I actually like Black and White’s background for Unova. I like stories about heroes and dragons, and having the cover legendaries being relevant in things that aren’t just glamorized sidequests. It’s a fun game.
The monsters are just so much funner.
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Let us try this again!
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I love all the gyms in this generation.
Our first victim starts with a level 20 Sewaddle and a level 20 Venipede.
Ptera covers his claws in their blood.
...Okay, that one’s a little too dark. The opponents’ monsters aren’t actually dying, just fainting. My guys are the only ones who can die, adding new weight to Batman’s name. She will go into battle for justice, never inflicting lethal damage, yet she might one day fall.
Burgh’s pokemon are probably mid-20s. It’s fair to say I didn’t need to grind as much as I did, and it’s also fair to say I’d do it all over again because the last Gym was traumatic.
I wonder if part of how they decide Gym Leaders is asking them what they’ll do if they get their own building and carte blanche to design it. That should be the new Sorting question: What Type would your Gym be, and what are your thoughts on its interior design?
I think one of them this gen has you being shot through the air with cannons.
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We look so serious.
Burgh does not.
First up is a level 21 Whirlipede. I feel fairly confident in saying that Ptera is up to the challenge.
Following that is a level 21 Dwebble. It does not have Sturdy.
Last is a level 23 Leavanny, and if you think these short sentences are a really uninspired way of describing such an epic fight, you’d be right, but they did not have much to work with. Ptera took everything that didn’t have an Ability preventing such acts down in one hit.
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His prize.
He has the option of learning DragonBreath, and I normally wouldn’t bother with it, but considering how worried I am about whether or not I’ll manage to have six pokemon in a party at once, AncientPower with its 5 PP taking up a move slot is... maybe not what I want to go with.
On the other hand, Ptera’s a physical attacker and DragonBreath only does 60 with no STAB.
We are abandoning the way of the dragon, Ptera.
That was Boeing’s realm.
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Badge get! Now, are we going to be able to leave the Gym without the plot calling?
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No. The answer is no.
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Look, it’s free exp! I mean one of my best friends!
With that invitation received, our time in Castelia comes to a close. This segment saw our most painful loss yet. Hopefully that has taught me a thing or two about being careful, but those lessons tend to be really temporary with me and video games.
Until next time.
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