teecupangel · 2 years
Hi, I don't know if you know call of duty : modern warfare 1 and 2 but this been brainrotting me cos just imagine Desmond ending up enlisted in the millitary by some weird chance (like an undercovered mission after surviving from the Temple) and gets promoted really quick and somehow got to be got selected to be in task force 141 (they're SAS) and Desmond is like how the fuck I got selected? And everyone is like newbies doesn't take down very muscular soldiers four times their size easily and can walk silently on their feet. I also see him like some hot twink in the millitary because of Ezio charisma from his bleeds or maybe in an intimidating mysterious character because of the scar. I hope I didn't annoy you with this and btw I love your assassin's creed Ao3 works and would reread Yew Branches series and The White Aster of Masyaf 🥰❤
Hi nonny!
(Thank you! I'm so happy that the Yew Branches series and the White Aster of Masyaf so good that you would reread them and I would never be annoyed. I love getting asks of any kind and asks that makes me write plot are so fun to do ^w^)
So... My father and I play the campaign modes of all the COD games I can get my hands on for cheap XD (I have a soft spot for Advanced Warfare because the controls reminds me of Titantall 2 which is my favorite fps... next to Metro Last Light)
Unfortunately, this means that I haven’t played the reboot MW yet as I’m still waiting for them to go really cheap. :(
The OG MW Trilogy is my favorite COD campaign story though and I’ve seen some scenes so I have a vague idea of the plot of the reboot.
Anyway, let’s talk about how we can make this COD:MW x AC crossover work!
Of course, it will be set in Modern Day but that includes having all those advanced securities and other techs. Not to mention that military-grade tech is usually years ahead of the tech available to the public so it would be very risky for Desmond to falsify his records even if this was a joint Assassin-Erudito mission. Not just because of the army itself but also because Abstergo has got to have an ally or a plant there somewhere.
There is also that little thing with Abstergo posting his photos everywhere and going “have you seen this man?” but we’ll get back to that later.
I did briefly consider the idea of making this about Desmond joining the US army instead of becoming a bartender (maybe even going by the name 'Johnson' hmmmm?) but that wouldn't work since all those medical checkups would have flagged him immediately.
A lot of military personnel having missions on foreign soil usually have a translator with them. Not only that, these translators are usually locals and, depending on the urgency and priority of the mission, background checks of translators could be spotty at times.
Enter Desmond using the fake id of one Eddie Richtofen (who is voiced by Nolan North in COD).
Now, in this setup, the mission has to be somewhere his Bleeds could help. This means a mission that needs a translator fluent in Italian, Arabic, or French. He’ll join as a translator for a ‘run in the mill’ job being conducted by the US Army, specifically by the US Army Rangers, 1st Battalion, 75th Regiment, Hunter 2-1 with Sergeant Foley and Private Ramirez.
They’re a special task force but this was meant to be one of the easy ones. Just a search and retrieve operation. Unfortunately, intel is too barebone so they have Desmond act as their translator when they need to talk to locals. Desmond was just there to confirm if there have been local Templar activities in the area and tagged along to make it easier to do recon.
Shit goes straight to the fan almost immediately because Desmond realizes all the locals they’re talking to are red. He and Ramirez have a kind of budding friendship going on because Desmond feels a kindred spirit for the quiet Ramirez who keeps getting ordered to do shit so he talks to Ramirez about it. Not about the Eagle Vision itself but about how something is just off with these locals. Something’s not right and all Desmond has is his guts.
Ramirez believes him because Desmond hasn’t lied to them and he gets Foley and the rest to be cautious.
That saves them when they get ambushed and the locals turn out to be an extremist group.
Things turned into a fucking shitstorm when the target they were sent to retrieve turns out to be a POE that is now hooked into this metal chamber and is emitting off the chart energy reading.
They have to retreat without retrieving the target because the extremists got reinforcement and Ramirez and Desmond get caught in a blast that sends them flying. Just as five men are about to shoot them, all five men dropped to the ground.
Desmond tries to get up but stops because he’s pretty sure he just broke a rib (or three) and sees three men quickly getting to their position. One of them knelt just ahead of them, semiautomatic aimed in front of them while the other two knelt next to Desmond and Ramirez.
The man next to Desmond wearing a tactical vest over a short sleeved black shirt informed calmly into the small radio strapped to his vest, “Bravo 7-1 to Bravo 0-6. We found two of the Americans.”
“Good work, Soap. Bring them in.”
“Roger that.”
And that’s when Desmond blacks out.
When Desmond wakes up, he’s now on a military base and he and Ramirez get debriefed about what just happened.
Long story short, Task Force 141 received more information about the POE (codename ‘Soma’) and they believe it’s being transported to Makarov who is their main target.
They still have no idea what ‘Soma’ is meant to do but those energy readings they had retrieved from Ramirez had given them an idea that it could be used to power something.
Or, worse, be used to cause a country-ending explosion.
Whatever Soma is meant to do, they must find it and intercept it before it could get to Makarov.
Of course, because there were American casualties, this has now become a joint mission between the US Army and SAS.
Taskforce 141 will be leading the operations and Ramirez gets drafted to join them as part of the whole ‘joint mission’ thing. Desmond gets roped in because they saw how he managed to take out many of the extremists with freaking knife throws and how everyone had a hard time seeing him as he stealth his way to taking out the extremists.
Of course, Desmond’s whole situation as part of the mission is iffy even when they received orders to take him in from the higher ups but someone Captain Price trusts vouches for him.
Captain MacMillan who may or may not be an Assassin who knows Bill Miles or may just be an ally of the Assassins. All Desmond knows is that MacMillan vouched for him with a “He’s my friend’s estranged son. Good man, terrible father. Kid went world-hopping to get away from his bastard of a father when he was sixteen.”
Not only that, this whole joint mission was scrambled together in a hurry and it was not helped by the fact that they need to find and retrieve Soma before it reaches Makarov so the Assassins were able to cobble together Desmond’s cover story and they had helped from the higher-ups in the US to make it all legit.
So Desmond Miles is now a military kid with a retired father who have all his missions classified. He’s now using his real name because the Assassins weren’t exactly that smart and they were on a time crunch too.
His world-hopping turned to him joining a secret task force (which may or may not have been implied to be the CIA) and the whole ‘terrorist thing’ was a way to get him some ‘street-cred’ so he could go undercover and infiltrate a secret terrorist group.
“Wait, if you were undercover since 2012, why are you now pretending to be a translator?” Soap asked with a slight frown.
“Mission was done.” Desmond shrugged, “Got a new mission. My handlers told me this translator job would be a good way to ease me back into the field.”
“And now you’re part of a joint task force under stressful time pressure. Wow, mate. Your luck sucks.”
“Yeah… it’s like the world hates me.”
Unorganized Notes:
Soap, Ramirez, and Desmond are usually called the three stooges and they get roped into doing tasks together a lot during missions.
Desmond’s Haytham Bleed once slips and he starts speaking in his posh British accent when he gets into an argument with a member of Shadow Company, after that Gaz starts teasing him and calling him ‘milord’ much to his chagrin.
141 starts making bets on what is Desmond’s actual nationality. Haytham’s Bleed has Gaz firmly believe that Desmond is from old money (like all boys boarding school trust fund baby type) and is a British pretending to be an American. Soap thinks he’s European, probably Italian or French. Ghost didn’t want to join in but Soap is persistent so fuck it. He picks Middle Eastern because he once heard Desmond speak Arabic and Ghost just knows that accent is Syrian. (“How do you know his accent is Syrian?” “I just know.” “That’s not an answer, LT.”)
They meet up with Alejandro and Rudy later on because they believe Soma is traveling to Mexico and all of 141 loses it when they learn Desmond speaks Spanish (thanks to Ezio traveling to Spain for a bit)
Because of Desmond’s secretive past, his ability to turn anything into a weapon (even a freaking spoon), being a polygot, being very quick on his feet but staying quiet even when he’s holding a grenade launcher of all things, everyone is pretty sure he’s CIA.
Desmond’s unofficial nickname is ‘Spooks’ because they believe he’s CIA and he has a habit of making people jump whenever he’s suddenly next to them and they didn’t even hear him.
I don’t like how they made Shepherd into a typical corrupt military commander in the reboot so we’re sticking with OG Shepherd’s personality in this idea…………… this does mean that he has a more drastic plan for the future though
Speaking of Shepherd, Shepherd is an Assassin in this one. To be more precise, he’s the Bellec type of Assassin.
Captain Price has an idea of what the Assassins and Templars are but he’s not fully in the know. However, he does know Berg because he once had a mission with him back when Berg was part of the Finnish Special Forces (and Berg’s name was part of the shortlist for 141 members, he was removed when Price learned of his Abstergo affiliations)
Speaking of: Kate Laswell has been secretly looking into Abstergo but she’s been hitting brick walls and she’s sure it’s because someone in Abstergo is on to her. Since she’s CIA, she doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty and she’s been secretly colluding with Erudito to gain more intel on Abstergo. She doesn’t know about the Assassins yet but she’s sure that this little favor of helping Desmond be a CIA operative (with possible deniability of course) means that Desmond is part of Erudito and that Soma is connected to Abstergo.
Both Kate and Shepherd prepared different backstories for Desmond and both of them didn’t know about the other’s plans until Desmond was already noted to be a military kid turned CIA operative with missions filled with so many black lines it would have been easier to just leave full black papers on his files instead. That was… an awkward conversation to have.
Desmond is on his own because it's too risky to stay in contact with Shaun and Rebecca. However, Shaun and Rebecca leave messages that Desmond could only find if he uses his Eagle Vision in the army bases they're sure Desmond would stop by (thanks to Kate's intel). One of them leads to a box that has Desmond's hidden blade.
Captain Price may or may not have Eagle Vision. Desmond isn't sure yet.
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thepilotdogee · 2 years
My Undertale Arts Masterpost
Kingdom Of Hometown - Chapter 1 Page: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ,13, 14, 15, 16 , 17, 18, 19, 20,  21, 22, 23, 24, 25 (Coming Soon) 
The End (Extended) - Kingdom of Hometown’s Prolouge
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10 ,11 ,12, 13 , Characters
Random Comics
An Edgy Asriel Sketch Dump
Don’t mess with the Goat Babey
Attack on Titantale
This AU is weird…
Undertale’s Text Box gets a new name…
Big Kid
Well..? Do they look pretty?
Now listen here you little s—-!
Dirty Words
My OC Avatar has Spawning Magic
They’re Just Shy
Two Dorky Gotes
Ska Music
Grillby’s Snowman
Fun Gang Gaming Night
Pinching Cheeks
Snootle Boop
More Snootle Boops
Quick! Strike a pose!
An Asriel Mini Q&A
Where are the goat parents are now?: [Part 1- Flowey] [Part 2- Toriel] [Part 3- Asgore]    
Let Sleeping Goats Lie...
Multiverse Goats (Memorial for @hattythewriter)
Other Stuff
The Legend (But it’s those kids from Undertale…)
Kris and Ralsei Takes Up The Sword
The Narrators Meet (Undertale / Stanley Parable Crossover)
The first thing I did with my Flowey plushie…
Something quick for Undertale’s 7th anniversary
Azzy vs Flowriel
Wholesome Goat & Edgy Goat
Goat Explaining
Flat Ralsei (With a Hat)
Christmas Sweaters 
Super Smashing Green Lizard Guy 101
Reference Sheets
Asriel - Dark World - Weapons
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salvaation · 4 years
quarantine has me bored and re-reading things but I can't seem to find titan tale part 2? any links to it?
Here ya go!
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rottengolem · 6 years
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I did a little bit more shading this time and I think it came out pretty good also I replaced the old eye cover to a lower head mask I have ran alternator cause I'd like to think she'd have the smallest weapon ( excluding the primary pistols) due to her lack of strength also I added a cute cat decal to the butt of her gun cause it just screams "alphys" Toriel is next
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screechthemighty · 4 years
Respawn while making Titanfall 1 and 2: Here’s the entity that serves as the antagonists of this franchise, they’re a mega-corp and they commit or attempt to commit multiple war crimes.
Respawn: gets purchased by EA, one of the biggest gaming companies currently active
Respawn while making Apex Legends: Several characters have IMC affiliations, at least one is openly pro-IMC without being challenged, no Militia-affiliated characters to counteract this, Hammond is suddenly the new boogeyman who’s the REAL bad guys, not the mega-corp the IMC, head writer engages in “both sides”-isms on twitter when asked about the conflict.
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five-by-five · 4 years
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ash titanfall return my phonecalls pls
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sagaverse · 3 years
Sagaverse Casts and AUs
Here is a list of the casts and AUs that will/has appeared in Sagaverse, please note that this list will surely be updated as the series progresses.
Yellow names mean they belong to other creators and not us.
The main characters of this Saga.
Error!Sans (Loverofpiggies)
Ink!Sans (Comyet/Myebi)
Dream (Jokublog)
Nightmare (Jokublog)
Core!Frisk (Dokudoki)
Those who have no coded connections to any worlds or reality. A reminder that this is canon only to SagaVerse.
DT (Determined!Undyne)
Maya (Mother!Toriel)
Gladia (Gladiator!Mettaton)
Neil (Jokublog)
Error!204 (Error!Mettaton)
Error!304 (Error!Alphys)
Error!417 (Error!Asgore)
Error!500 (Error!Chara)
Error!599 (Error!Frisk)
Olympia (Olympus!Muffet)
Mirela (Slime!Toriel)
Luke (Lucky!Frisk)
Azael (Purged!Asriel)
Nocturne (Stained!Mettaton)
Amor (Mercy!Mettaton)
-More coming soon-
AUs that inhabit In!Codes. A reminder that this is canon only to SagaVerse.
UnderTale (Toby Fox)
AfterTale (Loverofpiggies)
Deltarune (Toby Fox)
Disbelief AU (Flamesatgames)
DreamTale (Jokublog)
Dreemurr Reborn (Fatz/Dreemurr Reborn)
DustTale (Ask-dusttale)
EpicTale (Yugogeer012)
FreakTale (LFS Production)
HorrorTale (Sourapplestudious)
Kindred Spirits (Quillsparks)
OuterTale (Mimipippin)
ReaperTale (rerink)
StoryFell (Alexproxy12)
StoryShift (Voltra)
StorySwap (Shionbluu)
UnderFell (Underfell)
UnderSwap (AU Community)
Please note that other characters and AUs might be added in the future so be sure to look out for that.
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toriel-2 · 3 years
buying sable. i dont know a fucking thing about it but i need something to do cause i cant play titantall 2 and i fucking suck at apex and i fucking suck at tf2 and i fucking suck at Minecraft. id buy the somnium files but i dont like playing games where my siblings can walk in on me and go Oh whatre you playing....Ooooooh oookkaaayy and like fuckin roll their eyes and that game seems like the exact type to do something like that
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marinetesabadine · 6 years
Se cuida, Fortnite! Apex Legends ultrapassa 10 milhões de jogadores em apenas três dias
Essa semana vimos o lançamento do Apex Legends, um FPS gratuito para consoles e PCs que se passa no mesmo universo de Titantall – trinta anos após os acontecimentos do segundo jogo da saga
O jogo foi muito bem recebido pelo público, conseguindo em apenas oitos horas bater a marca de 1 milhão de jogadores, algo que Fortnite – título que agora permite a fusão das contas no Xbox One e PS4 – levou um dia inteiro para conseguir.
Com diversos reviews emergindo na internet, aparentemente o interesse dos jogadores por Apex Legends aumentou além do esperado, com a EA Games, desenvolvedora por trás do FPS, tendo revelado que o jogo acaba de ultrapassar os 10 milhões de jogadores.
Clique aqui para ler mais
Se cuida, Fortnite! Apex Legends ultrapassa 10 milhões de jogadores em apenas três dias publicado primeiro em https://www.tudocelular.com
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16richteau · 6 years
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Just completed titantall 2 on Master. Great times via /r/gaming http://bit.ly/2BKjP7u
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totltech · 7 years
أحصل على لعبة Titantall 2 مجاناً عند شرائك PUBG لمنصة Xbox One
إن كنت تنوي شراء نسخة لعبة PUBG لمنصة Xbox One فالأن هو الوقت المناسب لذلك حيث يمكنك الحصول على لعبة Titanfall 2 مجاناً! العرض متوفر على متجر Newegg فقط ولفترة محدودة..يمكنك التوجه لصفحة العرض من هنا
منذ إصدار لعبة Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds لمنصة Xbox One في بداية الشهر الجاري وحققت اللعبة مبيعات هائلة وصلت لمليون وحدة مباعة في أول 48 ساعة فقط.
وأطلق استوديو Bluhole مؤخراً تحديث جديد لنسخة…
View On WordPress
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thepilotdogee · 3 years
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My attempt at drawing Asriel in a short action sequence for an Undertale AU I made up. 
-Why the heck is Frisk in a cockpit?
Inspired by Dreemurr Reborn, I expanded the concept of “Frisk giving Asriel their SOUL” by representing Frisk’s essence “piloting” Asriel in a cockpit inspired by one of the Gundam anime’s (From Build Fighters/ Divers), complete with Undertale’s Battle HUD.  You could say that the whole SOUL pilot thing is like that movie “Inside Out.”
-Why is Asriel fighting a Titan from Deltarune? Why not Kris?:
This started as a joke regarding that if the Titans from Deltarune were to invade the light world, everyone would need the ODM gear from Attack on Titan to fight those things. Then I started drawing ODM like equipment on the Undertale/Deltarune characters I’m drawing (which I called “Jump Gears”) and will use them to help them fight the invading Titans.
As for why I didn’t draw Kris? Well… tbh I haven’t got around to drawing my own version of Kris yet. And I thought it would be cool for the self proclaimed “God of Hyperdeath” to fight something bigger than him. One of these days I will have to draw Kris fighting a Titan… TL;DR: Attack on Titan meets Undertale/Deltarune, and Azzy is basically a mecha...(not really, he just serves as Frisk's vessel.)
-These were used as inspiration for a few panels. Credit to the original artists.
https://www.deviantart.com/tc-96/art/Endertale-Page-6-632399599 (Mainly the panel of Asriel with his dual swords)
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rottengolem · 6 years
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oops I forgot to post this here this is the final reworked sketch of phase shift sans with his EVA 8 shotgun with gaster blaster decals and paint job, I'm going to rework and finalize each TitanTale character I made one post at a time papyrus is next
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screechthemighty · 4 years
I just realized, I keep talking shit about the IMC being pro-genocide but never backed it up with proof. This is hella spoilers for Titanfall 2 so bookmark this for later watching if you plan on playing the game (and you should because it’s amazing, please play Titanfall 2).
Here’s General Marder. As of Titanfall 2, he was the head of the ARES division. His list of war crimes includes human experimentation, because he’s just that Charming. It’s unclear what the time is between Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends, but bare minimum this man was running ARES within Bangalore’s lifetime if not her actual military service.
This is the speech that he makes in favor of using the ARK, a Death Star like weapon that the IMC had aimed straight at Harmony. Harmony is a planet with a population of forty million people. And the IMC was perfectly okay with this.
Please keep this man in mind when considering Bangalore’s blatant and repeated IMC apologism, and also know that this is the reason why I’m so mad the narrative has done nothing to challenge it yet.
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bonelypandabuns · 9 years
Where the monsters escape from the underground to the surface, only to find it overrun by titans. They join the humans in the fight against the giants, using their magic to push the war in their favor. @undertaleuniverses
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salvaation · 7 years
(Titantale pt1)Just thought of an idea, what about attack on titan x undertale (Titantale)? The monsters are the titans & the humans(Not the ones in the manga)built walls to keep them safe as Asgore waged a war on humanity, their size, strength & magic wiping many humans out until they were finally able to fight back when the gear was invented. Time passes & they're left in peace till the fateful day where the outer wall is destroyed allowing smaller monster to enter & devour/kill citizens
Titantale pt2)Frisk’s parents are killed, but they still remain merciful. They join the survey corps when they’re older to protect civilians, somehow never killing. Frisk is looking out over the town on the outerwall when a monster appears behind them(Sans)(who is being lifted up by papyrus to see over the wall despite paps being tall enough to barely look over) who places his hands on the wall, grinning down at them. Chaos erupts, in the chaos & confusion paps (accidentally) kicks a hole in the wall Titantale pt3)allowing smaller mons to enter, following Asgores’ orders to kill civilians(Paps & Sans were only meant to observe for Toriel, not break the wall open). Death & destruction follow, but Frisk never kills, only saves. They also save Sans & Paps from other scouts which causes them to get knocked into San’s mouth which snaps shut, saliva pooling from their taste, before being pushed around & tasted. Sans nearly swallows, but pulls them out. Both parties are frozen before Frisk escapesTitantale pt4)Paps & Sans escape, but Paps does seal the hole he caused, preventing any new monsters entering. The remaining mons inside are killed, whilst Frisk helps the remaining citizens before being captured and thrown in prison for being a traitor (saving the skele-bros). A couple of weeks later they’re being held for a public execution, injured & starving from guards disgusted with them. They insist they did no wrong, that the tall one was crying & displaying emotions, etc.Titantale pt5)Just as they’re about to be killed a boney hand surrounds them, shielding them from the attack before being picked up, screams & shouts sounding out at Sans’ sudden appearance. He’s livid at the soldiers, but concentrates on saving Frisk, swallowing them despite their pleas so they could heal, but make them think they’re dead so no one will look for her, before leaving. They were interesting & deserved to be rescued, he also wanted to know them better ~Shy anon
Aaaahhhhhh your ideas are always so amazing, I had so much fun with this one!!!!!
Frisk knew the monsters outside were dangerous. Many times larger than humans, with magic that allowed them to overwhelm even the strongest armies. And for reasons no one inside their Barrier could understand, they would eat humans.
The thought terrified her, especially after the fall of their first line of defense. She had lived in a town of Barrier for a long time - the past generations hadn’t been the most inventive when it came to names, the three walls being named Barrier, Home, and Surface. The Surface was the innermost sanctuary, hundreds of miles from the lands that had fallen to the monsters centuries ago. It was the land of privileged and elite, the richest of the rich. Home was where most of the remaining population lived, being the greatest area of land that humanity still claimed.
Barrier was the outermost wall, where the poorer citizens were. Frisk’s hometown was a wall district named Ebott, a small town jutting from the main mass of Barrier with its own defensive wall surrounding it. Not the most secure place, but no one inside the walls had seen a monster for almost a century.
Of course, the humans weren’t completely defenseless, cowering in their walls. They had a military, comprised of three main branches. The Mages, humans who possessed magical abilities and were thus most fit to combat monsters, was the most dangerous position. They were the only ones to journey outside the Barrier, in hopes of regaining the world lost to them.
Their expeditions had an average mortality rate of 40 percent. No one in their right mind would want to join them, and so the Mages were constantly in need of recruits. Though a child Frisk knew was insistent on joining them, as he would constantly announce to anyone who asked.
The second branch was the Keepers. They maintained the walls, and also were generally made up of magical humans, though these people didn’t have powers as strong as the Mages. Their responsibility was to keep guard at every gate and checkpoint along the walls, and to protect citizens in case of a breach. But that would never happen - no monster had ever penetrated the walls in the centuries since they’d been erected, and it was likely none ever would.
The last branch, and the most hated by common people, was the Guard. They were theoretically the most elite of soldiers, tasked with maintaining order in the Surface and protecting the king, though everyone knew they were lazy, slovenly cowards. None of the Guards ever saw anything larger than a street fight, and most of them couldn’t even use the gear every member of the military was provided with. At one time they had been descendants of the people who had built the walls, royal of blood if not birth. But by now anyone who graduated from boot camp with good enough marks could join.
Those who lived in the outer rings could only ever dream of seeing the Surface, a marvelous paradise that could only be found in stories outside that innermost sanctum. Frisk had never understood the allure of the Surface, though. She had always wanted to protect people, and had decided early in life that she would become a Keeper. At least, once she was old enough to join the military.
But her dreams were brought to frightening reality when the Barrier was broken. A monster more powerful than any seen before or after destroyed the gate of Ebbot, and Frisk had seen countless innocents die that day. She had managed to escape, finding refuge in Home, but from then on humanity knew what it was to be truly afraid. Her own parents had died in the attack, and she had left everything she knew behind to be taken by monsters.
When she turned thirteen, the girl signed up to join the military. The training camp was long and difficult, but she was pleased to meet some new friends.
The boy she’d known from Ebbot was there too, as determined as ever to join the Mages. Frisk wondered how he could still want to go out and fight - he’d lost his mother in the attack as well, and had barely escaped with his life. But she didn’t look down on his dream like many of the other recruits.
The trainees were divided up into seven groups, depending on their magical focus. Each type was fueled by a certain trait, and by working to strengthen that trait they would become powerful magicians.
Frisk was in the same group as that boy. She was more than a bit surprised - she didn’t think her magic would be based on Determination, she’d thought it would be Kindness, or possibly Patience. But she didn’t complain - the instructors knew what they were doing, after all.
The teen didn’t make it a point to talk to the boy. He was so intent on his goal of bringing back what humanity had lost he never stopped to think of mercy as an option. Frisk didn’t think he would get very far if his first thought was to fight.
After two long years the cadets finally fit to become soldiers, and their class spent the last night as a group in a border town of Home, celebrating and saying their goodbyes in preparation for the division the next day.
Most of her classmates were going to become Keepers, if they didn’t score high enough to join the Guard. Only a handful expressed a desire to join the Mages - the angry brunet boy and his two friends were the only ones that she could think of. Frisk said her goodbyes to those who would be leaving to the other branches, and went to bed early. The party had left her exhausted, and she wanted to be rested for the next day.
None of them could have guessed what would come with that new dawn. It had been a beautiful day, a few of the cadet squads were on the wall going through their daily routine that would be necessary if they were to become a Keeper. She had paused in her work to look out over the town, smiling as she wondered what new adventures awaited.
“Holy shit!” Someone yelled, prompting her to turn.
She froze on the spot, eyes widening as she stared at the impossible sight before her. A monster was peering over the wall, teeth fixed in a terrifying grin. Its gaze fixed on her, standing mere feet from its face. If she tried, she could probably touch it.
“What are you doing?? Sound the alarm, man the cannons! Frisk, move!”
Someone grabbed her by the arm, roughly yanking her away from the monster. It watched as she stumbled, falling to her knees as her shaking legs gave out.
Looking up at whoever had pulled her, she saw the boy from Ebbot, the one set on being a Mage. His face was set in a look of grim determination as he shouted orders to the rest of them, all frozen in shock like she had been.
He turned, looking at her and nodding. They were the only two Determination mages on the wall - the strongest branch of magic available to humans.
The other members of the squads were working quickly, bringing the cannons around as others gathered the ammunition. But they weren’t fast enough - a horrifyingly familiar ear-splitting sound came from below.
The gate had been broken, and the monsters could enter the city.
“Sound the alarm, now!” Frisk yelled, already scrambling for her flare gun. As a squad leader, she was provided one for emergencies. This definitely counted.
A red plume rocketed into the air, visible for miles around. The monster had disappeared - a skeleton type, her mind distantly noted - but there were more coming.
“We have to get the people out - it’ll be a slaughter! My squad, start evacuating those closest to the wall. The Keepers have been alerted, and hopefully the Mages haven’t left for the expedition yet.” She instructed. If they have, there’s nothing we can do but retreat to the Surface.
Her team nodded at the orders, hurrying to clear the buildings nearest the destroyed gate. She was shaking, she realized.
“Nice job, didn’t think you had it in you, Frisk! You’re a great leader, now let’s make sure these people can evacuate safely.” The boy - Eren, she suddenly remembered. His name was Eren - said, before shouting orders at his own people. “My squad, prepare to engage! Don’t let anything past the gate, they’re bottlenecked there and it gives us the advantage!”
“Don’t die.” She whispered, too faint for any of them to hear as they leapt into the fray.
Frisk had to protect the people of the town, she couldn’t let another innocent be killed. Not again, never again. She was sweating, barely managing to stay on her feet as she swung through the town, the familiar shzzz-fwip of her gear echoing in her ears.
She saw a squadron of Mages descend on a group of monsters, the emblem of their branch emblazoned proudly on their uniforms.
Maybe the day wouldn’t be completely lost, if the Mages were still here they might be able to reclaim the town.
Reaching a building some ways above the chaos, she stopped for a moment to rest, breathing heavily from her exertion. She watched as the Mages took down monsters, wincing whenever one of the massive beings collapsed into dust.
She may not like them, but she still didn’t like the thought of killing anything, even monsters.
As she watched, she saw the skeleton that had been peering over the wall. It was smaller than she’d anticipated - those walls were huge, and the skeleton was maybe forty feet tall. But there was another skeleton near it, this one somewhere between sixty and sixty-five feet, if she had to guess.
She saw a trio of Mages descend on the taller skeleton, magic sparking around them as they prepared to fight it. She saw the shorter skeleton turn, a look of what she could only call panic on its face before it vanished, appearing directly near its companion.
That one could be dangerous. A teleporting monster - she’d heard vague stories of them before, but no one had ever seen one. Frisk watched as it drove the three Mages off, its magic creating a flashing halo of blue and yellow in one eyesocket.
But she was more concerned about what she’d seen earlier. The monster had clearly been upset, but from everything she knew they weren’t emotional creatures - they only sought to hunt humans to extinction, with no regard for anything else. And it hadn’t killed or eaten those Mages, merely driven them away.
She was confused, but she wanted to see more of this strange monster. Without much further thought, she swung across the buildings toward the pair of skeletons, coming to a stop not far away. She watched them interact, curiousity growing as everything the two did defied all she knew about monsters.
Another group of Mages descended on them, these clearly more skilled than the ones before. Without thinking she launched herself towards them, standing between the squad and the pair of monsters she’d been watching.
“No, wait! These ones are different, they don’t act like any other monster we’ve ever seen. They haven’t hurt anyone, and they showed concern for each other.” She yelled, spreading her arms and planting her feet on the roof.
“What are you talking about, rookie? Get out of the way, that kind of behavior is going to get you killed!” One of the Mages replied scornfully, marching towards her with a grim scowl.
“I can’t let you do this - it isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen. We can study them, find out more about them! We don’t have to kill them, there has to be another solution!!” The girl replied, unaware of the massive footfalls behind her.
“Move, kid! If yer not gonna fight, run back to the inner wall and let the adults handle this!!” The Mage yelled back, shoving her out of the way.
The soles of her boots skidded across the roof tiles, finding no purchase as she tilted over the edge. She flailed frantically, trying to regain her balance, but fell despite her efforts, reaching towards the Mage that had shoved her and sent her tumbling.
She landed on her back, sprawled on a surprisingly soft, slimy surface. The girl lay there for a few seconds, stunned by the fall, before realizing that she was staring at a massive set of teeth. From the inside.
Frisk screamed in panic, reaching towards freedom a split second before ivory fangs snapped shut, barely missing her arm. She cried out, the force of her recoil sending her sliding back from the slick ooze coating everything around her. Complete terror filled her, adrenaline flooding through her veins as she clawed at the wall of teeth holding her captive, tears filling her eyes and streaming down her face to mix with the blueish slime she was quickly covered in.
A squawk escaped her as she fell onto her face, sputtering and coughing in surprise before she was pinned against those massive teeth, face pressed against the hard surface. She struggled, trying to at least turn to fight back easier, but couldn’t even manage to push away from the monster’s teeth.
Tears ran freely down her face. She was going to die here, there was nothing she could do to fight against an opponent so much larger and stronger than her. Falling limp, she didn’t even struggle as it pushed her around, simply waiting for the end.
Fear made her stiffen when she was squished against the top of the thing’s mouth, and she screamed senseless pleas upon feeling herself begin to slide. But it didn’t swallow her, though it could have so easily. Once again she was pushed towards the sharp fangs, pinned as the monster swallowed around her.
She shuddered, trying not to think, but she couldn’t help it. It was just a matter of time before she went the same way, nothing but a helpless morsel sent to burn in a monster’s belly.
“Please, I never wanted this I just wanted to help people I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t want to die, someone please help me I don’t want to die like this.”
A scream slipped from her mouth as she suddenly tumbled backwards, landing hard on her back. The impact knocked the wind out of her and she lay gasping for breath for a few seconds, eyes still firmly shut. Finally she managed to fill her lungs, choking and coughing as she breathed.
Her eyes flew open at that single word, growled from a voice far deeper than any she’d ever heard. She was frozen, staring up at the monster looming above her, its face cast in shadows that made it seem like something from a nightmare.
It was the skeleton type from before, the one she’d tried to stop from being killed. The white lights of its eyes were fixed on her, staring with as much intensity as her own terrified gaze. She trembled in fear, seeing huge digits curling up around her in the corners of her eyes. It had her - literally - in the palm of its hand. There was no way she could fight this.
An eternity of silence flashed by in a second, as she was suddenly dropped a short distance to the ground. The monster continued to watch her, hesitating for several minutes before pushing her with a finger.
The spell broke, and she scrambled to her feet, trying to get as far as she could from the behemoth. As she ran, she heard that deep, growling voice speak again.
She didn’t look back, running as far and as fast as she could until she finally ran out of breath, collapsing in a hidden alleyway. It was some time before she was discovered, this time by a handful of her fellow recruits. She vaguely recalled being lifted from the ground onto someone’s back, the person carrying her to the muster point as her mind reeled from the experience she’d suffered.
A brief view of the destroyed gate stuck in her mind—it had been closed off with an unnerving lattice, a portcullis of bones spread far enough that humans could pass through on horseback, but close enough that no monster could squeeze in. Where had such a thing come from, she briefly pondered in passing.
“Frisk Deitez, you are under arrest for treason against humanity.”
*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
Frisk shivered in the cool, dank air of the dungeon. She’d been down there for what seemed like weeks, but it couldn’t have been that long. Without a window she couldn’t know for sure, though.
The guards were cold and cruel, refusing to feed her much other than bread and water. She was starving and cold, but all she had was a hard wooden bench and a thin blanket.
“Please, I don’t know what you think I did, but I never would have betrayed us all!” She pleaded, shaking hands clasped around the bars of her cell.
“Shut up, you filthy traitor.”
That was how all her attempts at conversation went. She never even got a visitor down in the cold stone jail, locked up alone in the dark.
The door squeaked horribly, making her wince at the sharp sound. Footsteps were heard on the stairs, coming down to the row of cells deep beneath the earth.
“Come on. Take the traitor, it’s time for her trial.”
Frisk was roughly dragged out of her cell, handcuffed and kicked by the guards. Even though she couldn’t imagine what she could have possibly done to warrant this treatment, she still went quietly, stumbling from pain and weariness. The group arrived at the court after a few minutes, the girl barely able to walk straight. But she didn’t have to walk, at least, being chained to a post in the center of the room before everyone.
“Frisk Deitez, you stand accused of treason against your fellow humans and providing aid to the enemy. How do you plead?”
“Not guilty! I don’t know what you’re talking about, what did I do??”
“Your charade does not fool us. Testimony from several Mages placed you interfering in an attempted kill, blocking them from doing their job and speaking for the defense of monsters. How else could your actions be construed, except as betrayal of the highest order?”
“No, you - you don’t understand! Those ones were different, they showed emotion. They were concerned about each other, and didn’t try to hurt anyone, they just wanted to get away.” She tried to explain, before a loud bang made her flinch and fall silent.
“So you admit to interfering in the work of Mages? And yet, despite your insistence that these particular monsters made no attempt to harm any human, one of them nearly ate you, correct?”
The brunette teen was silent, her mouth hanging open in shock.
“N-no, I- One of the Mages pushed me, and I fell off the roof. It caught me, but didn’t try to eat me - it let me go, pushed me away from the fighting. How can you explain that as the actions of a mindless, ravenous beast?” She argued, pulling against the cuffs on her wrists desperately.
“You are found guilty of providing aid to monsters, interfering in the work of senior soldiers, and attempted betrayal of humanity. The sentence for your crime is death.”
The courtroom was so silent she hardly even dared to breathe. How could they accept this? How could her friends watch this without speaking up, let her be slaughtered like so many before her?
She was numb as another pair of guards released her from the post, yanking her to her feet and dragging her out of the building. Her mind vaguely registered the sight of the latticed gate, sunlight streaming through the gaps in the bones as they stopped before it.
Of course. For her crime, she would be sentenced to death.
By monsters.
Frisk struggled as the soldiers pushed her towards that entrance, fighting frantically to avoid the certain doom beyond. One of them laughed cruelly, sneering at her. “Why so scared? Weren’t you just telling that story about your monster savior, maybe it’ll come rescue you before you’re completely torn apart, eh?”
She let out a choking sob as they shoved her through the bone fence, falling on her face in the dirt beyond. Her whole body trembled in fear as she slowly sat up, looking back at the men who barred her from re-entering the safety of Home.
“Please, I-I didn’t mean to do anything! I just wanted to help, please don’t let me die.” She cried, tears blurring her vision.
“Better start yellin’ fer yer monster buddy, girlie, cause here they come.”
A shadow fell over her, blocking out the sun as she sobbed in the dust of the road. She didn’t even try to fight as a hand reached down, fingers curling around her to pluck her from the ground.
Somewhere behind her she heard shouting, but she was unable to pay it any mind. Her limbs refused to respond, stiff and numb from terror and mind clouded.
Frisk tensed as the monster touched her, fingers larger than her body curling over her and blocking out both light and sound. She was so scared, but she couldn’t get her body to work like she wanted it to.
“Please, I don’t- I don’t want to die, I never wanted- I was just trying to help, this isn’t what I thought would happen.” She whimpered quietly, already knowing her pleas would fall on deaf ears.
A low, growling hum made her flinch, ducking her head and raising her bound arms to try and defend herself from whatever was coming, but nothing happened. Looking up, she saw that she’d been taken by the smaller skeleton monster - a small relief, as at least this one hadn’t outright tried to kill her. It had pushed her out of the dangerous areas, after all. Maybe it was here to save her - wasn’t that a ridiculous thought.
But as she watched, it quickly raised a finger to its mouth in a shushing gesture, glancing between her and the gate below a few times. Confusion struck her, the girl just staring dumbly at the behemoth’s actions. It had been weird before, but this was a whole new level of strange.
There was some twisted sense of relief when it lifted her closer to its face, grip shifting to pinch the back of her shirt between two bony fingers. She squirmed, kicking at the empty air as it looked at her, brown eyes staring right back in confusion. Then it opened its mouth wide, and let go.
Frisk screamed, flailing wildly from the short fall into its maw. Her mind was blank, the only thought her desperate need for survival. She was even weaker than before, though, hunger and injury sapping her strength within minutes. The brunette could barely squirm when the monster pressed her against the roof of its mouth, but she still pleaded helplessly as she began to slide back.
Nothing she said seemed to affect it, as with a final, solid gulp she slid down the behemoth’s throat into its gut. She didn’t even have the energy to cry anymore, just trembled in fear as she curled around herself for a little comfort.
The analytical side of her was making studious observations about this skeleton’s insides, but she couldn’t be bothered to pay any attention to it. What good would it do anyone anyways, she would die without being able to tell anyone after all.
Her exhaustion, both emotional and physical, took its toll, and she finally gave in to unconsciousness, eyes closing as her breathing slowed to the soft rhythm of sleep.
*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
He was careful with the girl, not wanting to hurt her after going through all that trouble to get her. She was the only human he’d seen who would argue to the defense of monsters - Toriel would want to see her, and he was curious.
After sending her down to his stomach - more of a holding space beneath his ribs made of magic, really - he turned towards the gate. He could sense the souls of two humans hiding in the shadows, and gave them a cold, menacing glare. It sickened him that they had so little compassion as to be willing to watch a child die. Even though she was safe, they couldn’t know that, and they had laughed at her cries for mercy.
He was disgusted with humans. So cruel and callous, even towards their own kind.
With a final growl directed towards the slimy cowards he turned, leaving the wall towards his home, where his brother and the exiled queen waited.
It wasn’t a very long journey, at least for him with his shortcuts. If the humans tried to follow him, it would take near a week or more to reach the hidden place, but he was there in a few hours.
Upon entering their hidden home, he quickly made his way to the couch—monsters weren’t the uncivilized savages that the humans seemed to think they were, they had perfectly normal homes and lives much like the little creatures, but on a far greater scale.
There wasn’t any sign of his brother or Toriel, so he kicked back on the couch to take a nap. They’d wake him up when they got back, and so many jumps drained him and left him barely on his feet.
Besides, he couldn’t do much with the human until they arrived. Might as well rest.
*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
Muffled voices.
She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she could tell there were two people talking. One had a deep voice, that seemed so familiar, but she couldn’t place it. The other voice was soft and warm, it sounded like home and safety and love. That voice was so gentle it almost made her cry, it was like coming home to a hug from her mom.
The girl was comfortable, laying on a soft, plush surface. Not like any bed she’d had, and certainly not like the ones in the barracks - little more than a wooden plank with blankets thrown over it. She was surrounded by the softness, cradled gently and perfectly warm.
Frisk shifted slightly, trying to alleviate a painful pinching numbness in her arms, but couldn’t move her wrists from each other.
The voices stopped, silence reigning for a brief moment before the deep voice spoke again, but this time she understood.
“i think she’s awake, tori.”
Why was that voice so familiar, but still so strange? The confusion was making her upset, but she was still so sleepy, and this weird bed was so soft and warm…
A startled yelp escaped her as she suddenly fell, landing on a hard and unforgiving surface after a brief tumble. She groaned, rubbing her shoulder where it had hit the ground - ? - and slowly blinking her eyes open.
Frisk froze, panic flooding through every inch of her body at what she saw. Two monsters, a skeleton and a - goat? Yeah, close enough - goat loomed far over her, casting an ominous shadow. The girl stared up and up and up almost impossibly high to take in the behemoths.
She was shaking horribly, acutely aware of the absence of her mobility gear on her hips. But even if she’d had the gear, she doubted there would be much she could do.
The skeleton lifted her up closer despite the terrified whine that she made, its fingers curling slightly around her. The movement made her head spin, vertigo setting in as she wobbled precariously in the giant beast’s palm.
But it just sat her on a flat surface, hesitating slightly near her before pulling its hand away. When she failed to stand up, wobbling for a brief moment, it reached towards her again, but she let out a frightened cry and hid behind her bound arms. An explosive release of energy made her look up, eyes widening at the ruby bubble that now surrounded her.
Of course, she only managed a shield after she was captured by monsters. Typical. But the clear walls made her relax somewhat - at least the gargantuan creatures couldn’t directly touch her.
“s’at better? m’not gonna touch ya f’ya don’t want me to, but i can understand the bubble too.”
Frisk’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the words, staring at the skeleton monster. She must still be asleep, there was no way that had just happened. Everyone knew that monsters couldn’t talk. She squeaked in confusion, still staring but with less abject terror and more existential confusion.
“whassat look for? never seen a talkin’ skeleton, heh?” The giant folded its arms on the surface she was standing on and rested its skull on them, peering down at her from a less extreme height.
“What the hell is going on? I’m dead, right? I’m dead, or in a coma, or something, there’s a perfectly logical explanation as to why there’s a talking monster here when monsters can’t talk.” The girl rambled, running shaking hands through her hair as she dropped her gaze to the ground below her.
“mmm, nope, nope, and well. surprise?” It grinned at her, closing one eyesocket in a wink. “now, any other questions?”
The goat placed a hand on the skeleton’s shoulder, glancing down at it before looking at her. She flinched at the firm stare, feeling guilty as if she’d been caught stealing from the cookie jar.
“Hello, my child. I apologize for frightening you, it was not our intention.”
That was the nice, motherly voice she’d heard before. Just hearing it again made her tightly wound muscles relax, calmness seeping into her bones at the sound.
Then a sudden memory popped into her mind like a bubble.
“You ate me, how am I still alive?? And what the hell, if you can talk why hasn’t anyone ever mentioned that?”
The skeleton lifted a finger, waiting for her outburst to finish before replying.
“question number one, yes i did. monsters run entirely on magic, as opposed to you little humans who are mostly matter. we can’t get any energy from anything without a certain magic-matter ratio, which luckily excludes you guys. so we can eat you without causing any damage. and question number two, because most monsters don’t think of you guys as very intelligent either, so they don’t try to talk to humans. most monsters, meaning pretty much everyone except us three.”
She sat quietly, thinking over one part of the explanation that stuck out.
“Yes, child. Sans’s brother Papyrus is part of our little rebellion, however he is not here currently.” The goat answered.
“O-kay…” She was quiet for a few more seconds, before asking another question. “Why don’t monsters think we’re intelligent? We talk a lot, and built the Walls.”
The skeleton, who was apparently named Sans, stretched a hand out towards her, causing her to flinch back to the far side of her bubble. But he didn’t try to grab her or anything, just held his hand up next to her.
“kid, you’re smaller than my little finger. do you guys ever consider that maybe bugs can talk? it’s kinda the same thing.” He replied, wiggling his fingers for emphasis.
Frisk scowled at the comparison, folding her arms tightly across her chest. “We’re not bugs.”
“yeah, ya kinda are.” He was grinning again, holding his thumb and forefinger right in front of his face as he boxed her in. “so tiny.”
The goat had left her view a few minutes ago, which made Frisk feel slightly uncomfortable. She was all alone with Sans, who had apparently had no qualms about eating her - even if she was safe, it still didn’t seem like something anyone would do to another person.
And that feeling certainly didn’t go away when he leaned forward, grin widening until he reminded her of a cat in an old story she’d read.
“yer starin, pipsqueak. wanna take another look, all up close and personal? promise i don’t bite.”
Frisk shivered, already pressed back against her little bubble and helpless to move farther away as he yawned widely, giving her an excellent view of the inside of his mouth.
“really, ya shouldn’t tease me like this, tiny. all that red’s makin’ me think of ketchup, an’ i’m awfully hungry…” He loomed over the girl, grinning widely as she trembled in fear, her eyes wide and unblinking.
She jumped when he leaned back, laughing hard and wiping at his eyesockets. “aw man, ya should’a seen yer face! stars, that was hilarious, whew.”
Tears sprung up in her eyes as she realized it had just been a cruel joke, the fear still in her making her tremble as she tried to glare at him.
“Y-you can’t just do that to someone, that’s not funny! Do you know how many friends I’ve lost to that fate? Don’t joke about it!” She yelled, hands balled into fists in her fury.
Her outburst got an immediate reaction. He stopped laughing and stared at her, the white dots in his sockets vanishing into empty pools of black as a malevolent air settled in the room.
“who said i ever thought you were a person?” He said, voice low and threatening. She quailed, shrinking back from the frightening display before her. “the only reason yer not dead is because you spoke up for my bro an’ me, got it? yer kind has murdered people i care about, so don’t go thinking i have any kindness to spare for you. i can do whatever i want, whenever i want, and you can’t stop me, got it?”
She nodded quickly, hardly daring to breathe as he leaned back again, lights reappearing in his empty sockets.
“I never wanted to hurt anyone, even monsters… I only joined the military so I could help people.” The girl said quietly, shifting her wrists against the rope tied around them. It was tight, and chafed painfully against her skin, leaving angry red marks beneath it.
“yer different, i’ll give ya that. but yer still on thin ice - i only saved ya cause you were interesting.” He grumbled in reply, glancing over when she let out a pained hiss.
“here, lemme help with that.” She flinched away at his words, recoiling from his outstretched hand with fear evident in her stiff posture.
“m’not gonna hurt ya, an’ besides - yer gonna need both hands fer what i’ve got comin’.”
Reluctantly she lowered her shield, the shimmering red bubble fading into nothingness as she braced herself for whatever he was going to do.
He scooped her up in one hand, pulling her closer so he could focus on the knots that bound her.
Frisk stared up at the skeleton’s face with a cautious sort of curiosity. He was certainly interesting, and as she watched his face twisted into an irritated scowl as he tried to figure out how to get her free from the ropes.
A low growl startled her, making her jump and pull her arms away from his scrutiny. He glanced up at her face, pausing for a moment before gesturing for her to hold out her arms again.
“stupid thing… can’t hardly see the knot, don’t think i can untie it. are you gonna freak out if i try something else?”
Well that wasn’t ominous at all.
“Depends on what it is.” She replied, trying to read his expression and failing.
“m’gonna break the rope, okay? don’ worry, i’ll try not ta catch you in with it, but no promises.”
Reluctantly she agreed, watching as he held out one bony finger and carefully slid it between her arms. It felt like she was hugging a tree, her cheek pressed against the cool surface as she waited anxiously.
With a little snick, she felt the rope fall slack as he pulled his finger away from her, slicing clean through the rough knot. It fell away from her arms when she withdrew, rubbing the raw spots on her wrists and wincing.
“alright, tiny. lunchtime.”
Frisk blanched, staring at him with wide eyes at his words. He stared right back, unable to hold back a snicker.
“no, not you. yer hungry, right? s’been a long day, an’ tori’s an amazing cook.” Sans elaborated, looking at her in a silent query.
“O-oh… yeah, I- I am.” She stammered, ducking away from his stare.
“alright then, hold on.”
Maybe she could get used to this, she thought. A faint smile crossed her face when she smelled what the goat - Tori, apparently - had made.
Maybe she could.
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