#titantall 2
teecupangel · 2 years
Hi, I don't know if you know call of duty : modern warfare 1 and 2 but this been brainrotting me cos just imagine Desmond ending up enlisted in the millitary by some weird chance (like an undercovered mission after surviving from the Temple) and gets promoted really quick and somehow got to be got selected to be in task force 141 (they're SAS) and Desmond is like how the fuck I got selected? And everyone is like newbies doesn't take down very muscular soldiers four times their size easily and can walk silently on their feet. I also see him like some hot twink in the millitary because of Ezio charisma from his bleeds or maybe in an intimidating mysterious character because of the scar. I hope I didn't annoy you with this and btw I love your assassin's creed Ao3 works and would reread Yew Branches series and The White Aster of Masyaf 🥰❤
Hi nonny!
(Thank you! I'm so happy that the Yew Branches series and the White Aster of Masyaf so good that you would reread them and I would never be annoyed. I love getting asks of any kind and asks that makes me write plot are so fun to do ^w^)
So... My father and I play the campaign modes of all the COD games I can get my hands on for cheap XD (I have a soft spot for Advanced Warfare because the controls reminds me of Titantall 2 which is my favorite fps... next to Metro Last Light)
Unfortunately, this means that I haven’t played the reboot MW yet as I’m still waiting for them to go really cheap. :(
The OG MW Trilogy is my favorite COD campaign story though and I’ve seen some scenes so I have a vague idea of the plot of the reboot.
Anyway, let’s talk about how we can make this COD:MW x AC crossover work!
Of course, it will be set in Modern Day but that includes having all those advanced securities and other techs. Not to mention that military-grade tech is usually years ahead of the tech available to the public so it would be very risky for Desmond to falsify his records even if this was a joint Assassin-Erudito mission. Not just because of the army itself but also because Abstergo has got to have an ally or a plant there somewhere.
There is also that little thing with Abstergo posting his photos everywhere and going “have you seen this man?” but we’ll get back to that later.
I did briefly consider the idea of making this about Desmond joining the US army instead of becoming a bartender (maybe even going by the name 'Johnson' hmmmm?) but that wouldn't work since all those medical checkups would have flagged him immediately.
A lot of military personnel having missions on foreign soil usually have a translator with them. Not only that, these translators are usually locals and, depending on the urgency and priority of the mission, background checks of translators could be spotty at times.
Enter Desmond using the fake id of one Eddie Richtofen (who is voiced by Nolan North in COD).
Now, in this setup, the mission has to be somewhere his Bleeds could help. This means a mission that needs a translator fluent in Italian, Arabic, or French. He’ll join as a translator for a ‘run in the mill’ job being conducted by the US Army, specifically by the US Army Rangers, 1st Battalion, 75th Regiment, Hunter 2-1 with Sergeant Foley and Private Ramirez.
They’re a special task force but this was meant to be one of the easy ones. Just a search and retrieve operation. Unfortunately, intel is too barebone so they have Desmond act as their translator when they need to talk to locals. Desmond was just there to confirm if there have been local Templar activities in the area and tagged along to make it easier to do recon.
Shit goes straight to the fan almost immediately because Desmond realizes all the locals they’re talking to are red. He and Ramirez have a kind of budding friendship going on because Desmond feels a kindred spirit for the quiet Ramirez who keeps getting ordered to do shit so he talks to Ramirez about it. Not about the Eagle Vision itself but about how something is just off with these locals. Something’s not right and all Desmond has is his guts.
Ramirez believes him because Desmond hasn’t lied to them and he gets Foley and the rest to be cautious.
That saves them when they get ambushed and the locals turn out to be an extremist group.
Things turned into a fucking shitstorm when the target they were sent to retrieve turns out to be a POE that is now hooked into this metal chamber and is emitting off the chart energy reading.
They have to retreat without retrieving the target because the extremists got reinforcement and Ramirez and Desmond get caught in a blast that sends them flying. Just as five men are about to shoot them, all five men dropped to the ground.
Desmond tries to get up but stops because he’s pretty sure he just broke a rib (or three) and sees three men quickly getting to their position. One of them knelt just ahead of them, semiautomatic aimed in front of them while the other two knelt next to Desmond and Ramirez.
The man next to Desmond wearing a tactical vest over a short sleeved black shirt informed calmly into the small radio strapped to his vest, “Bravo 7-1 to Bravo 0-6. We found two of the Americans.”
“Good work, Soap. Bring them in.”
“Roger that.”
And that’s when Desmond blacks out.
When Desmond wakes up, he’s now on a military base and he and Ramirez get debriefed about what just happened.
Long story short, Task Force 141 received more information about the POE (codename ‘Soma’) and they believe it’s being transported to Makarov who is their main target.
They still have no idea what ‘Soma’ is meant to do but those energy readings they had retrieved from Ramirez had given them an idea that it could be used to power something.
Or, worse, be used to cause a country-ending explosion.
Whatever Soma is meant to do, they must find it and intercept it before it could get to Makarov.
Of course, because there were American casualties, this has now become a joint mission between the US Army and SAS.
Taskforce 141 will be leading the operations and Ramirez gets drafted to join them as part of the whole ‘joint mission’ thing. Desmond gets roped in because they saw how he managed to take out many of the extremists with freaking knife throws and how everyone had a hard time seeing him as he stealth his way to taking out the extremists.
Of course, Desmond’s whole situation as part of the mission is iffy even when they received orders to take him in from the higher ups but someone Captain Price trusts vouches for him.
Captain MacMillan who may or may not be an Assassin who knows Bill Miles or may just be an ally of the Assassins. All Desmond knows is that MacMillan vouched for him with a “He’s my friend’s estranged son. Good man, terrible father. Kid went world-hopping to get away from his bastard of a father when he was sixteen.”
Not only that, this whole joint mission was scrambled together in a hurry and it was not helped by the fact that they need to find and retrieve Soma before it reaches Makarov so the Assassins were able to cobble together Desmond’s cover story and they had helped from the higher-ups in the US to make it all legit.
So Desmond Miles is now a military kid with a retired father who have all his missions classified. He’s now using his real name because the Assassins weren’t exactly that smart and they were on a time crunch too.
His world-hopping turned to him joining a secret task force (which may or may not have been implied to be the CIA) and the whole ‘terrorist thing’ was a way to get him some ‘street-cred’ so he could go undercover and infiltrate a secret terrorist group.
“Wait, if you were undercover since 2012, why are you now pretending to be a translator?” Soap asked with a slight frown.
“Mission was done.” Desmond shrugged, “Got a new mission. My handlers told me this translator job would be a good way to ease me back into the field.”
“And now you’re part of a joint task force under stressful time pressure. Wow, mate. Your luck sucks.”
“Yeah… it’s like the world hates me.”
Unorganized Notes:
Soap, Ramirez, and Desmond are usually called the three stooges and they get roped into doing tasks together a lot during missions.
Desmond’s Haytham Bleed once slips and he starts speaking in his posh British accent when he gets into an argument with a member of Shadow Company, after that Gaz starts teasing him and calling him ‘milord’ much to his chagrin.
141 starts making bets on what is Desmond’s actual nationality. Haytham’s Bleed has Gaz firmly believe that Desmond is from old money (like all boys boarding school trust fund baby type) and is a British pretending to be an American. Soap thinks he’s European, probably Italian or French. Ghost didn’t want to join in but Soap is persistent so fuck it. He picks Middle Eastern because he once heard Desmond speak Arabic and Ghost just knows that accent is Syrian. (“How do you know his accent is Syrian?” “I just know.” “That’s not an answer, LT.”)
They meet up with Alejandro and Rudy later on because they believe Soma is traveling to Mexico and all of 141 loses it when they learn Desmond speaks Spanish (thanks to Ezio traveling to Spain for a bit)
Because of Desmond’s secretive past, his ability to turn anything into a weapon (even a freaking spoon), being a polygot, being very quick on his feet but staying quiet even when he’s holding a grenade launcher of all things, everyone is pretty sure he’s CIA.
Desmond’s unofficial nickname is ‘Spooks’ because they believe he’s CIA and he has a habit of making people jump whenever he’s suddenly next to them and they didn’t even hear him.
I don’t like how they made Shepherd into a typical corrupt military commander in the reboot so we’re sticking with OG Shepherd’s personality in this idea…………… this does mean that he has a more drastic plan for the future though
Speaking of Shepherd, Shepherd is an Assassin in this one. To be more precise, he’s the Bellec type of Assassin.
Captain Price has an idea of what the Assassins and Templars are but he’s not fully in the know. However, he does know Berg because he once had a mission with him back when Berg was part of the Finnish Special Forces (and Berg’s name was part of the shortlist for 141 members, he was removed when Price learned of his Abstergo affiliations)
Speaking of: Kate Laswell has been secretly looking into Abstergo but she’s been hitting brick walls and she’s sure it’s because someone in Abstergo is on to her. Since she’s CIA, she doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty and she’s been secretly colluding with Erudito to gain more intel on Abstergo. She doesn’t know about the Assassins yet but she’s sure that this little favor of helping Desmond be a CIA operative (with possible deniability of course) means that Desmond is part of Erudito and that Soma is connected to Abstergo.
Both Kate and Shepherd prepared different backstories for Desmond and both of them didn’t know about the other’s plans until Desmond was already noted to be a military kid turned CIA operative with missions filled with so many black lines it would have been easier to just leave full black papers on his files instead. That was… an awkward conversation to have.
Desmond is on his own because it's too risky to stay in contact with Shaun and Rebecca. However, Shaun and Rebecca leave messages that Desmond could only find if he uses his Eagle Vision in the army bases they're sure Desmond would stop by (thanks to Kate's intel). One of them leads to a box that has Desmond's hidden blade.
Captain Price may or may not have Eagle Vision. Desmond isn't sure yet.
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thepilotdogee · 2 years
My Undertale Arts Masterpost
Kingdom Of Hometown - Chapter 1 Page: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ,13, 14, 15, 16 , 17, 18, 19, 20,  21, 22, 23, 24, 25 (Coming Soon) 
The End (Extended) - Kingdom of Hometown’s Prolouge
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10 ,11 ,12, 13 , Characters
Random Comics
An Edgy Asriel Sketch Dump
Don’t mess with the Goat Babey
Attack on Titantale
This AU is weird…
Undertale’s Text Box gets a new name…
Big Kid
Well..? Do they look pretty?
Now listen here you little s—-!
Dirty Words
My OC Avatar has Spawning Magic
They’re Just Shy
Two Dorky Gotes
Ska Music
Grillby’s Snowman
Fun Gang Gaming Night
Pinching Cheeks
Snootle Boop
More Snootle Boops
Quick! Strike a pose!
An Asriel Mini Q&A
Where are the goat parents are now?: [Part 1- Flowey] [Part 2- Toriel] [Part 3- Asgore]    
Let Sleeping Goats Lie...
Multiverse Goats (Memorial for @hattythewriter)
Other Stuff
The Legend (But it’s those kids from Undertale…)
Kris and Ralsei Takes Up The Sword
The Narrators Meet (Undertale / Stanley Parable Crossover)
The first thing I did with my Flowey plushie…
Something quick for Undertale’s 7th anniversary
Azzy vs Flowriel
Wholesome Goat & Edgy Goat
Goat Explaining
Flat Ralsei (With a Hat)
Christmas Sweaters 
Super Smashing Green Lizard Guy 101
Reference Sheets
Asriel - Dark World - Weapons
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five-by-five · 4 years
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ash titanfall return my phonecalls pls
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screechthemighty · 4 years
Respawn while making Titanfall 1 and 2: Here’s the entity that serves as the antagonists of this franchise, they’re a mega-corp and they commit or attempt to commit multiple war crimes.
Respawn: gets purchased by EA, one of the biggest gaming companies currently active
Respawn while making Apex Legends: Several characters have IMC affiliations, at least one is openly pro-IMC without being challenged, no Militia-affiliated characters to counteract this, Hammond is suddenly the new boogeyman who’s the REAL bad guys, not the mega-corp the IMC, head writer engages in “both sides��-isms on twitter when asked about the conflict.
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toriel-2 · 3 years
buying sable. i dont know a fucking thing about it but i need something to do cause i cant play titantall 2 and i fucking suck at apex and i fucking suck at tf2 and i fucking suck at Minecraft. id buy the somnium files but i dont like playing games where my siblings can walk in on me and go Oh whatre you playing....Ooooooh oookkaaayy and like fuckin roll their eyes and that game seems like the exact type to do something like that
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salvaation · 7 years
Hey, I'm trying to find that first part of Titan Sans- you know, where he initially takes her from her home and stuff- but I can't seem to find it. Was it removed or something....? It's the part before part 2 where he realizes Frisk is an actual person, the part before.
I'm assuming you found it, since you liked the post, but for anyone else having trouble here's a direct link to it:https://salivaanon.tumblr.com/post/165668466161/titantale-pt1just-thought-of-an-idea-what-about
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16richteau · 6 years
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Just completed titantall 2 on Master. Great times via /r/gaming http://bit.ly/2BKjP7u
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totltech · 7 years
أحصل على لعبة Titantall 2 مجاناً عند شرائك PUBG لمنصة Xbox One
إن كنت تنوي شراء نسخة لعبة PUBG لمنصة Xbox One فالأن هو الوقت المناسب لذلك حيث يمكنك الحصول على لعبة Titanfall 2 مجاناً! العرض متوفر على متجر Newegg فقط ولفترة محدودة..يمكنك التوجه لصفحة العرض من هنا
منذ إصدار لعبة Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds لمنصة Xbox One في بداية الشهر الجاري وحققت اللعبة مبيعات هائلة وصلت لمليون وحدة مباعة في أول 48 ساعة فقط.
وأطلق استوديو Bluhole مؤخراً تحديث جديد لنسخة…
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screechthemighty · 4 years
I just realized, I keep talking shit about the IMC being pro-genocide but never backed it up with proof. This is hella spoilers for Titanfall 2 so bookmark this for later watching if you plan on playing the game (and you should because it’s amazing, please play Titanfall 2).
Here’s General Marder. As of Titanfall 2, he was the head of the ARES division. His list of war crimes includes human experimentation, because he’s just that Charming. It’s unclear what the time is between Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends, but bare minimum this man was running ARES within Bangalore’s lifetime if not her actual military service.
This is the speech that he makes in favor of using the ARK, a Death Star like weapon that the IMC had aimed straight at Harmony. Harmony is a planet with a population of forty million people. And the IMC was perfectly okay with this.
Please keep this man in mind when considering Bangalore’s blatant and repeated IMC apologism, and also know that this is the reason why I’m so mad the narrative has done nothing to challenge it yet.
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screechthemighty · 4 years
Finally updated the citadel just in time for Cooper’s birthday!
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thepilotdogee · 3 years
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These originally came from that Attack on Titantale comic I drew a while back and drew some Asriel fight poses that I was really proud of. Figured these deserve their own separate art pieces of their own.
Original comic here : https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/comments/sbni93/asriel\_makes\_his\_attack\_on\_titan\_my\_titantale/
The ones in the first 2 slides are inspired from one of the panals from the Endertale comic by TC-96: https://www.deviantart.com/tc-96/art/Endertale-Page-6-632399599
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salvaation · 7 years
(Pt 1)AAAHHH?! You wrote it so well (Plus I'm really glad you find my ideas amazing), it was worth the wait! I love how you've changed the lore and that shifters are now mages . Also I love that you changed the wall names, their king must be a human Asgore. I liked the unintentional stareoff Frisk and Sans keep having and that when Frisk fell into Sans' mouth it was because she was pushed. I find Frisk and Sans relationship in this interesting as well. I understand he's a bit bitter towards
(Pt 2) Humans, but he needs to have a cup of sea tea, relax and step back & realise he's being a bit hypocritical (Humans have suffered badly too, Frisk lost their parents & monsters probably aren't too happy with Sans & papyrus who are probably outcasts as well as Frisk(Though they were meant to die), but that's what happens when your in a war, both sides think they're correct &suffer loses. If you want I can brainstorm for a second part to Titantale, I have ideas for Alphys ~Shy anon
Ah thank you so much!!! I had so much fun writing this, it was definitely a break from routine to come up with a brand new universe to write in. And yeah, Sans is being a bit hypocritical but he still doesn't believe that humans have lives as important or complex as monsters. They're somewhere between dolphins and gorillas in terms of personhood, at least to him.
And I would love some more prompts for this world, it's so interesting and fun!!
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salvaation · 7 years
I can't wait to see what you have planned for Titantale part 2 then :) It will be interesting to see what will happen :) Unfortunately, I think I written bits too detailed so I'm having to try and cut bits out or I'll be unable to send it in one go because I think you can only send a max of something like 5-6 posts in an hour. ~Shy anon
I'd love to see what you wrote up, and if you hit ask limit you can go on incognito and send asks anonymously that way too
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salvaation · 7 years
How close do you think Titantale 2 is to completion and how long is the series going to be, if it is going to be one? Just curious because I saw there might be a possible part 3. Also has Shy anon submitted their prompt yet? I'm not meaning to be rude if I sound it, I just love the au
Idk I'm getting there. And yes, they've sent in their prompts!
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salvaation · 7 years
ooh, titantale part 2 sounds interesting :) are you planning on writing a part 2 for any of your other prompts? Also horrortale Sans, how is Frisk?
Yeah if i get good prompt ideas I will! I've got some fun ones for the Seven Souls story, so I'm gonna work on that too.*****"frisk- ya mean th'mouse? oh, they're havin' a real nice time now, hehe."
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salvaation · 7 years
pls talk to me i’m so lonely working on Titantale pt 2 and playing Creeper World
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