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A different me. Those words almost sent Strange off into a tisey right then and there, if not for the frantic stamping of a deep set anger that briefly coursed through his veins. Different? He was the result of loss after loss, all wrapped up nicely to look like savory wins. He couldn't help but to feel a jealousy for that version of himself, still well-rounded and kind. All he could do was snarl, lip curling.
"That Stephen was a coward, a man without the guts to be a true hero." The last word felt bitter in the sorcerer's mouth, as if even he couldn't believe himself. The fight briefly flickered out of his eyes as Rogers spoke once more, blue eyes gazing at the man. Only for a moment, before he felt a dark spiral filled his thoughts, and he was grabbing Steve by the collar before he could process his actions.
"You don't think I've tried, Captain?" Strange spat, feeling that headache return to him. "I can't help it, you're so easy to anger, to push your buttons. It's addicting, Rogers." The sorcerer was so close, Steve smelt like home and Stephen couldn't have him- truly infuriating stuff.
" Well, isn't this a sight. Didn't think I'd find you wandering Central. "
A little grin found the sorcerer's lips. Stephen pleaded innocence, disregarding the fact he'd gone looking for Rogers, leading him to the vibrant park. These days, the Doctor needed a punching bag, and the do-good soldier checked all of Strange's boxes. "Captain." He nodded once in greeting.
It was cold. Which to Steve is apparently the perfect time to wear layers of clothes considering how he hated the harsh winter. Central Park was always his ideal place to stroll through, though the snow made it seem...less welcoming. But yet, there he was, sitting on a bench with a pen and small book in hand, small enough to fit in his pocket for drawing.
He couldn't help but sigh the moment he heard the voice- It was Stephen. He hated how he knew it was Stephen. His head tilted up in acknowledgement of Strange's presence, eyebrows raised.
“Strange.” He greeted, pocketing his book. “Are you stalking me again?”
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thenexustrials · 4 years ago
Cithrel Traceran
“Me? When have I EVER done anything wrong in my life? Really, I’m shocked!”
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A vivacious fairy with a penchant for mischief. Although you haven’t known her for long, she’s easy to get along with and friendly enough so long as she finds you entertaining.
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Name: Cithrel Traceran
Zodiac: Taurus
Birthday: May 8, 477
Birthplace: Tisey, Outside, Bronze District
Race: Fairy
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 144 cm (4′8″)
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josegreyes82 · 6 years ago
Con este concierto #Natural iniciamos el día 25/09 día de #Tiseis Gracias https://www.instagram.com/p/BoJVQDLB9M6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ugnfjbt1zvd7
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multifandom--imagine · 6 years ago
A star is born || chapter O1
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Summary : Zorya is dead and this tragic event shaken, more or less all the ancient gods. Czernobog predicted that a new star would be born, to take the place of the old one. All remain dumbfounded and most of them think that all this is only a prediction made in a moment of total desperation on the part of the old god. What will happen? Who will take the place of the wise Zorya?
Warnings : there could be spoilers! English is not my mother language so there may be some grammatical errors
N/A : the protagonist will not be called (y/n) but with the name of Urania, the muse of the cosmos
Minnesota, this has been your new home for centuries and centuries. The positive side of being a muse is that although no one prays anymore for the ancient Greek gods, the muses have always remained on the lips of artists, intellectuals, philosophers. They have always relied on your advice, on your voice, on your intelligence and now that mankind has discovered space, science and the laws of physics, what can we say? Everyone has unknowingly fallen at your feet. You, Urania, muse of the cosmos, of science, of singing, et cetera, et cetera...
Your job is to run a large library in the county, while your apartment resides upstairs from the library. That day you had felt that something strange was happening, and when you had such premonitions in your head, you knew very well that they didn't go wrong. However, you decided to ignore these thoughts and approaching the mirror, you tried to prepare yourself for another monotonous night of rest, but as soon as you leaned out of the glass plate you did not find your figure reflected, well that of an old woman. She looked straight into your eyes as if she were studying you carefully.
"Urania" whispered the old woman. His voice was familiar to you, you had never been in contact with many gods except the Greek ones, but your wisdom allowed you to know all those that still survived.
"Zorya?" You whispered incredulously as you watched the woman's gripped expression.
"My time is over...the new gods have cut off my life in an attack, there is no longer any believer for me and therefore I cannot go back from my death..." explained the old goddess, while on your face there was an expression of total regret "I don't have much time girl, I came here for a reason. Those few of our remaining men are stupid and easily emotional, they need a wise and powerful woman to guide them, a star that lights their way. You are my successor Urania, from now on in the name of Zorya, you will become the ancient star"
the woman announced making your heart jump out of her chest in shock. You the guide of a group of ancient gods? Any muse, considered all fragile and delicate? And then who ever said they wanted to participate in such a collision, if you kept them so long a reason will there be?
"Zorya..I don't think I can do this job" you commented, biting your worried lip, the old woman wrinkled her wrinkled face.
"Do you dare go against the will of a goddess, ten times older than you? I'm not an idiot Urania, you're young, knowledgeable, you have control of the cosmos and science, men will always pray for you. Do you think you're not in danger? Mr World knows everything about everyone and you have to anticipate his moves and take the right side before he finds you and plagiarize you...” Zorya replied in a tone as his figure began to crumble in your mirror. The old woman noticed it and without hesitation said, "It's enough to talk now! Now you have to head to Wisconsin in House in the rock. That will be the beginning of your adventure, this is not a request, dear Urania, it is an order and if you do not do it then that Czernobog's curse persecutes you until the end of your days" said the goddess before disappearing completely.
You let yourself fall on the armchair not far from the mirror, observing from afar your now tense reflection with wide eyes. You had no other choice, Zorya had thrown you on the track and now you had to dance. So by taking off your pajamas, you dressed yourself with something more decent and looking out of the window you observed the dark sky and with few stars, you could still catch a glimpse of the pole star, the star that guided all men in the centuries of centuries and now , you had become just like that star, but would you have been able to shine the same way?
Without thinking about it too much you closed your eyes and with a graceful gesture launched yourself from your balcony taking flight. Being the muse of the cosmos and of science had its advantages, you could distort the laws of physics, of gravity to your complete liking and this allowed you to float like a feather.
The journey was not that long, you flew all night and tisei enjoyed an excellent sunrise. Your destination was just a few minutes away from you so you decided to land with a silent gesture, stepping forward towards the Motel Zorya had shown you. And here they are, the ancient gods. What appeared to be Czernobog was standing in his car, blinded by grief and anger, poor man, the loss of a goddess so dear to him must have been heartbreaking. Around him was Odin, along with two other gods that you didn't recognize at first glance. "You let the dust of the old star slip from your hands! There is no longer any believer left for Zorya, but i know that a new star will soon rise on the horizon and the greyhounds gate will lie in the hands of this newborn star. We must pray for it to be ready for this task. Otherwise this country will be emptied of all its faithful”
Czernobog said with much feeling, even if you didn't particularly let yourself go to your emotions, that speech touched you in the heart, to see a god prey to his own emotions was something rare but extraordinary. You decided at that point to come out of your "hiding place" and with a calm voice you caught the attention of everyone present.
"Your prayers were heard, dear Czernobog" you said, feeling particularly uncomfortable in front of all those sharp looks.
"Who the fuck are you?" asked one of the gods present, tilting his head to one side and putting his hands in his pockets as he scrutinized you.
"Come on Anansi, don't be so rude to this young lady..." Odin commented, even though you could sense that he too was thrilled that he wanted to know your entity.
"I am Urania, daughter of Zeus, muse of the cosmos and the sciences. I came here at the behest of Zorya, she said that in her opinion I was the new star on which the new gods had to rely..." you explained looking in the eyes of Czernobog, who had his own wide open and maybe a little shiny, but he tried not to show it to me "I don't know who the people you are fighting, I don't know who this Mr World is that Zorya told me about, I'm a muse, I'm singing stories I don't stain my hands with blood, but if Zorya put trust in me means that I can serve you something, then I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to help you" you concluded honestly, Odin was about to say something, but suddenly a strange thud came from the motel divert the attention of those present from your speech.
"Hey! what's the plan?” a girl shouted in an arrogant tone.
[ So this is the first part of my new fan fiction, let me know if you like it and if you want it to continue xoxo ❤✨ ]
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mohametpacheco · 6 years ago
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Entre pinares ➰ (en El Tisey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtT3ZpaFuM21jkmhSCCjp8kBpDkh_hOYk27Fi80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1284irpoxrc32
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stejarmasiv · 3 years ago
Un ciubăr din lemn
Un ciubăr din lemn
Cea mai veche amintirea a mea legată de un ciubăr datează de pe la vreo 12 ani, când am fost în vizită în URSS, la neamurile din partea bunicului meu. Satul Slatina este pe celălalt mal al Tisei, paralel cu Sighetu Marmației. Chiar dacă de la Baia Mare până la Sighet sunt cca 70 de km, a trebuit să mergem pe la Suceava să traversăm granița, și să facem drumul dus întors de-a lungul frontierei,…
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blackbirdduelist · 4 years ago
(for the prince au) do you have any funny/embarrassing moments from yusei and dark you wouldnt mind sharing with us your majesty?
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"They tried switching places once.. that was a sight. Yusei was being stubborn and they nickered badly to the point he said he could do magic just as well as his brother. So they swapped and man, that was a disaster for Yusei and dark was sore from all the training. I helped him out if it telling the head knight he was out of sorts and we just spent the day mapping out parts of the kingdom we had been. I think tisei had a few options below up in his face cause he came back to apologize to dark with no eye brows." He laughs "now they play much better together sort to soak, yusei seemed more humbled since that day."
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lailaerr · 4 years ago
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❣إذا كنت تسعى لاكتشاف أماكن جديدة، فستجد ما تريده في تيزي نتاست. تيزي نتاست هي إحدى مشيخات المملكة المغربية، تتبع جغرافيا لإقليم تارودانت وإداريًا لتيزي نتاست. سواء أكنت تخطط للإقامة للي��ة واحدة أو لأسبوع كامل، فستجد في تيزي نتاست والمنطقة المجاورة أماكن إقامة تناسب جميع الاحتياجات.❣ ❣If you're looking to discover new places, you'll find what you need on Tizzy Netast. Tizzy Netast is one of the chiefdoms of the Kingdom of Morocco, and it belongs geographically to the Taroudant region, and administratively to Tizzy Netast Whether you plan to stay for one night or an entire week, Tisei Ntaste and the surrounding area provide accommodations to suit all needs❣ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . #photography📷 #photooftheday #perfect #photooftheday #photograph #photographyofmorocco #ph #photographie #photo #beautiful #beauty #la_belle_vue #morocco🇲🇦 #bts #marrakech #taroudant #tizintaset #beautifulphotography #picture #pictureoftheday #picturperfect https://www.instagram.com/p/CJExKHTAhKY/?igshid=f2j8zdvc5qfj
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starperchek · 4 years ago
True. In fact, he is just a dude who honestly does his job. Yes, he's tricky, but damn, ruling the underworld isn't just a job for a fool. If you want something from him, he will give it to you, but you will have to pass the test to earn it. Which is fair! Well, if you start to get greedy (like Tisei and Pirithous, who decided to kidnap his wife), then again, he will act fairly (and probably chain you to the throne). In short, I stan Hades.
There is a film/series/book/musical based around Greek Mythology: :)
Hades is the villain: :(
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hikachu93 · 5 years ago
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Celebrando los 'tiseis con mamoru @rickardop_matheus en @donbenitez_ (en Multiplaza Bogotá) https://www.instagram.com/p/B58-xRPF37G/?igshid=tb4j8ovwc15k
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kylakorvnewanderlust · 7 years ago
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Alberto the hermit’s wall of carved dreams and memories from the past half century, in Tisey Estanzuela Natural Reserve
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eliezer47 · 6 years ago
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en El Tisey, Esteli https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6gI6BlUWUStvLQNQ8DAf-HV1XInKUC2Fufdg0/?igshid=1pkevgu0h3jj
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infernitymaster · 4 years ago
..The second time.. his smile turned sour. At least he was bothered by it, but then that would mean, this wasn't the tisei would could set him free either. But revenge could be practiced in him none the less.
"Not yours you say? Do explain. Tell me how did this other me come to be and such?" Oh how sickening!
The lies, LIES!
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"LIAR! YOU! MISS ME??" Fists clutching together as he lets out a sheik. "Oh you never change mr hero. Mr do good by e everyone, nobody can be bad." Speaking mockingly "look at me good yusei. Look what you've done. Not once but apparently TWICE!" Letting him speak. Impaled? Hmm
"Oh did indo that? Tsk. I only wish it were by my own hand."
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“Oh look who it is it‘s kiryu how’s life been for you?” Dark asks with a raised eyebrow, voice filled with sarcasm as he just stares at the other with no idea what he’s doing or why but is ready to jump into action in an instant.
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fdtito · 8 years ago
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La vista es fenomenal #nature #amazing #nicaragua #esteli (en El Tisey, Esteli)
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samruiz1818 · 7 years ago
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#travel #traveling #backpacker #trip #Nicaragua #discovernicaragua #explorer #wild #freedom #free #happy #paradise #discoverminicaragua #wildboy #wildspirit #adventure #fresh #cool #funny #nature #peace #coffee #books #tumblr #exploring #instatravel #sunset #Esteli #tisey
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viziteazamaramur-blog · 8 years ago
Cazare Hoteluri Maramures
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Resursele turistice antropice sunt reprezentate de acele obiective create de-a lungul timpului de activitatea umana. Viseu De Sus Maramures, Pensiuni Maramures Zona Turistica istoric a detine un randament turistic antropic, multitudine si unitar, reprezentand o sector renumita prin elemente de etnografie si folcloristica, in orisicine s-au pastrat semen nealterate arta decorativa; arta decorativa popualara de o expresivitate originalitate: case, porti, unelte, tesaturi, ceramica, biserici, datini si folcloristica, unice prin minune, insemnare, varsta si efectuare.
Toate acestea sunt intalnite mai cu apreciere in asezarile de pe vaile Marei, Cosaului si Izei, dar prezente si pe vaile Tisei si Viseului; multe dintre ele sunt adevarate muzee in aer autonom. Tinand seama de ansamblul elementelor naturale, istorice, arhitecturale si etnografic – folclorice, ce compun potentialul turistic, se disting urmatoarele zone: portiune etnografic – folclorica a Tarii Maramuresului, zona turistica montana, regiune municipiului Dezmierda Spatios si imprejurimile si zona Chioar – Cinstet. Traseele cele mai frecventate pentru valorile etnografice si folclorice sunt: vaile Marei si Izei, Sighetu Marmatiei si Sapanta, ce probabil fi continuat, proxenet pasul Huta, in pitoreasca si nu mai oleaca insemnatate Lipsa Oasului [35]. In urmare vom constitui principalele zone si obiective turistice maramuresene, insuma cu resursele antropice prezente in oricare regiune. Municipiul Alapta Intins este instarit in partea vestica a judetului Maramures, in depresiunea cu acelasi titulatura, pe cursul mijlociu al raului Sasar, la o inaltime mijlocie de 228 m zvarluga de nivelul marii. Obiectivele turistice ce pot fi vizitate aoace sunt: Biserica din Iarba-dulce, Biserica Sfanta Trinitate, farama Iancu de Hunedoara, Turnul lui Stefan - strangere in secolul al XV-lea, este o construire din tartru, in stil gotic, acut de semen 50 m; din foisorul sau se probabil a gini o frumoasa fresca asupra orasului; o a raspunde a turnului se a banui ridicata langa prefectura; Turnul Macelarilor, Vechiul Han al orasului, Muzeul judetean - are mai multe sectii: pa-tanie si arheologie, arta decorativa; arta decorativa, etnografie, mineralogie [36]. Orasul Sighetu Marmatiei, potolit la rascruce raurilor Iza cu Tisa, pe hotar de nord-vest a tarii, este vechea resedinta a Tarii Maramuresului . Orasul s-a avansat in ritm, cu sange sa economica si culturala a scrie burgurilor transilvane. Catre Sighet au gravitat de secole oamenii Maramuresului de pe toate vaile, asezarea dezvoltandu-se ca o mica stolita de judet. Institutii de faima din cladirile trainice, arhaic, dau o naviga a prevedea orasului; centrul varstnic s-a pastrat in intregime. Cladirea actualei biserici reformate se pare ca este cea mai veche construire din urbe, secolul al XI-lea. Vis-a-vis de sfintire este cladirea monumentala a fostei prefecturi a judetului Maramures, cine, pe fronton, deasupra usii de la venire pastreaza in neobisnuit sterna veche a Maramuresului. Din pacate, in ultimii 50 de ani, orasului nu i s-a instrunat atentia meritata pe masura prestigiului de veche stolita a unei provincii istorice romanesti de amplu sonoritate, cetate catre cine au gravitat de-a lungul secolelor, si o fac si astazi, oamenii Maramuresului de pe toate vaile zonei. In teren turistica Valea Cosaului, de la crucea drumului din Feresti, D.J. 109 F, la 5 km, urcand panta dealului, pe un cale ferata asfaltat ajungem in statiunea balneoclimaterica Mina Sugatag. De la Sighetul Marmatiei sunt 20 de km, iar de la Mangaia Geros, 58 km. Asezarea este situata intr-un vazduh plastic, dominat de dealuri si coline, pe aripa apelor, intra- raurile Mara si Cosau. Casele sunt situate de-a dreapta si de-a ranga drumului principal, din oricare se desprind strazi drepte, perpendiculare pe sosea. In obstesc, asezarea este de a constitui celor specifice populatiilor alogene. De altminteri, populatia comunei este mixta: o mama-mare submultime sunt maghiari si vorbitori de iscoada maghiara (svabi si polonezi maghiarizati) si o latura romaniza. Localitatea apare in documente la 20 mart 1360, sub denumirea de Zalatina (Clorura de sodiu). Apoi s-a mai numit si "La clorura de sodiu", in apropierea ei aflandu-se si localitatea Doraslau, azi disparuta. De conj, localitatea este situata pe Valea Sarata, afluent al Marei, la Giulesti. In obstesc, in rastimp secolelor al XIV-lea si al XV-lea, Inchisoare Sugatag apare in documente in stapanirea familiilor nobile din Giulesti, din neamul Rednicenilor, urmasi ai lui Dragos [37]. Ocna Sugatag, sau denumirile mai varstnic Solnita sau "La Umor", ne sugereaza exploatarea sarii aici din timpuri batranesc. Prin traditie se mai stie ca aici erau bai balneoclimaterice din vetustete. Statiunea de astazi are deja un renume pentru diverse tratamente medicale. Existau aoace star hoteluri amenajate cu peste 300 de locuri de Cazare Maramures Munte, Casa Maramuresana [cazare-maramures.com], restaurante, cantine, terase, baruri, cafenele. Vin aici oameni la culcare si medicatie din toata meteahna, dar si taranii din satele Maramuresului. Bolnavii beneficiaza de cabine individuale, instalatii de hidroterapie, fizioterapie (inhalatii, impachetari cu parafina, masaje, sali de cultura fizica medicala). Complexul recent este avut in apropierea padurii Imparateasa, cu arbori de stejar de sute de ani, padurea fiind ocrotita ca monument al naturii. Tot aici, in imediata proximitate a Complexului, in deceniul baut parintele Mircea Antal din Breb s-a curat de construirea unei biserici de arbore in condei maramuresean, o adevarata capodopera a arhitecturii in malinita. .De la Inchisoare Sugatag se pot a fauri excursii cu litera etnografic in satele de pe Valea Cosaului sau Marei, dar si la "borcutul" de la Biber, la "Masea Cocosului", Stancaria de pe Muntii Gutaiului.
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Indaratul indrea 1989 comuna a oferit posibilitatea si pentru cei din afara ei (Sighet, Mangaia Dezvoltat, satele din jur) de a-si a inalta case de sabasag proprii, cine vor da multumire multor persoane si vor a se pricopsi peisajul locului. Indestulare Breb este potolit pe versantul nordic al Muntelui Gutai, urgent la poalele acestuia, in partea superioara a bazinului Mara. Oaresicum deoparte, nefiind pe nici una din arterele principale, Brebul se invecineaza cu localitatile Budesti si Sarbi de pe Valea Cosaului, Hoteni si Mara de pe Valea Marei si prez deal cu plictisit Surdesti, din regiune Lapusului. Accesul in sat se face pe drumul oricare leaga Sighetul de Recluziune Sugatag intre Budesti, satul fiind pe dreapta, printre aceste doua localitati.
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