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Fissa nella mente

Lo so: “non posso fare a meno di amarti.” Me l'hai detto cento volte. Poi: “sei sempre salda e fissa in cima alla lista dei miei desideri.” Cazzo, che palle grosse che sei! Sentimi bene, bimbo: siamo solo usciti qualche sera quando tua moglie e i figlioli erano al mare. Si vabbè, t'ho fatto anche scopare, per un po’ di sere: è stato perché eri così caruccio, mi faceva tenerezza il marito smarrito e poi… francamente stavo dimenticando i rudimenti dell'arte e mi serviva qualcuno che mi togliesse le ragnatele, lì sotto. E mi sono anche divertita, con te. Giuro. Ma non ti amoooo! E comunque, sei di un'altra. Non sottoscrivo certo un investimento a perdere già in partenza, fossi scema. Peraltro poi, io sto sempre aspettando che l'uomo che mi piace davvero si decida e mi scelga.

Sto cercando di prendermelo con ogni mezzo, ma lui proprio non riesco a farlo crollare. E a farmelo, porca puttana! È fidanzato. Con quella scema è sempre un tiramolla; si pigliano e poi si lasciano. E quando si lasciano, io mi ficco subito in mezzo. Cercando di consolarlo, di consigliarlo “per il suo bene” a lasciare quella donna, perché non è adatta a lui e gliene spiattello davanti le prove, i grossissimi difetti, i pettegolezzi. Oh: tutti da fonte sicura e fidata. Ma ancora non capisce che lo voglio. O piuttosto fa finta di non capire, il coglione. E quindi, malgrado le mie trasparenze, la mini indossata senza mutande con le parigine velate, la camicetta sbottonata senza reggiseno per fargli vedere tutto ciò che vuole… niente!

Nonostante casualmente ogni tanto mi strusci a lui in modo esplicito, mi stringa forte al suo braccio “per non cadere, sai: i tacchi alti” e sia sempre molto profumata, il soggetto resiste a tutti i miei assalti! È innamorato, il piccioncino. E vede solo lei: ‘sta vegana culona senza un filo di trucco, scialbissima, e tracagnotta. Cazzo ci avrà sotto, quella! Non usa neppure né deodorante né profumo. Per un approccio… “Greenpeace-no-pollution-save-the-planet” evidentemente! Bah… ‘Sta mezza zoccola fallita… Comunque, alla prossima che capita, se mi gira bene lo porto in un angolo nascosto, gli schiaffo una lingua in bocca, gli infilo direttamente una mano nei calzoni e vedi allora se non reagisce, se non gli si drizza subito l'uccello!

Che poi di sicuro ce l'ha bello grosso, a giudicare dal pacco: io l'ho notato subito. È la prima cosa che guardo, in un uomo. Quello si che lo voglio nel mio culo, cazzo, mmmmh… ! Certo che tu non l'hai ancora provato il mio culo e non succederà mai, tranquillo! Noo, te lo ripeto: non esco domani sera con te. Si, l'avevo capito già da come hai reagito l'ultima volta che siamo stati insieme, che nessuna mai t'ha fatto un pompino come te l'ho fatto io. Modestamente, so il fatto mio, in materia: sono un'artista. Guarda: ora basta, per piacere: lasciami stare che ti conviene. Comperati un paio di riviste hard, fatti un bel giro sui siti porno. Iscriviti a un sito di annunci.

O invece, meglio: vai a puttane. A proposito: ho un po’ di amiche escort bellissime, sane e discrete. Interessa l'argomento? Prendo il 20% sulle serate coi clienti che procuro loro. O magari fai una cosa estrema: sfogati con tua moglie, per favore. Poverina, in fondo un po’ di cazzo ogni tanto spetterebbe anche a lei, dopotutto, no? E non cercarmi più. Certo che non ti bloccherò, tranquillo. E non ti ignorerò se ti incontro, figuriamoci. Per chi mi hai preso? Sono una persona seria, di sani e rigidi princìpi morali! Adesso attacca, che ho il mio capo che mi porta a cena, stasera: la moglie è andata dai suoi. Fine della conversazione. Un bacio.

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Anniversari: Giorgio Rebuffi
http://www.afnews.info segnala: Il caro amico “Giorgio Rebuffi (Milano, 7 novembre 1928 – Milano, 15 ottobre 2014) è stato un disegnatore e fumettista italiano noto per aver ideato e disegnato famose serie a fumetti come Cucciolo e Beppe e Tiramolla, pubblicate in Italia e all’estero, e per la creazione di molti altri personaggi umoristici.” https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giorgio_Rebuffi Foto:…
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Le macchine fantastiche di Manberto in mostra a Roma
E’ dedicata alle macchine fantastiche di Manberto, al secolo Umberto Manfrin (1927-2005), storico creatore del fumetto Tiramolla insieme a Giorgio Rebuffi e Roberto Renzi, e anche disegnatore de Gli Antenati e Braccobaldo, la mostra ospitata dal 15 al 17 dicembre nei laboratori di Oz-Officine Zero di Roma. ‘Ingranaggi Onirici e Circuiti Astratti’, il titolo dell’esposizione che vuole…
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Τιραμόλα: Ο αγαπημενος χάρτινος ήρωας της ιταλικής σχολής των κόμιξ, δημιουργία του Ιταλού σκιτσογράφου Τζόρτζιο Ρεμπούφι (1928 – 2014)
Ο Τιραμόλα (Tiramolla) είναι μια παράξενη λαστιχένια ανθρωπόμορφη φιγούρα με μαύρες γραμμές για σώμα, οβάλ πρόσωπο, έναν κύλινδρο για μύτη και ημίψηλο καπέλο. Το όνομά του προέρχεται από τις ιταλικές λέξεις tiro (εκτινάσσω) και molla (ελατήριο). Έχοντας πέσει μικρός σ’ ένα καζάνι με καουτσούκ, ο Τιραμόλα απέκτησε τη μοναδική ικανότητα να μπορεί να τεντώνει το […] Τιραμόλα: Ο αγαπημενος χάρτινος…
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Τιραμόλα: Ο αγαπημενος χάρτινος ήρωας της ιταλικής σχολής των κόμιξ, δημιουργία του Ιταλού σκιτσογράφου Τζόρτζιο Ρεμπούφι (1928 – 2014)
Ο Τιραμόλα (Tiramolla) είναι μια παράξενη λαστιχένια ανθρωπόμορφη φιγούρα με μαύρες γραμμές για σώμα, οβάλ πρόσωπο, έναν κύλινδρο για μύτη και ημίψηλο καπέλο. Το όνομά του προέρχεται από τις ιταλικές λέξεις tiro (εκτινάσσω) και molla (ελατήριο). Έχοντας πέσει μικρός σ’ ένα καζάνι με καουτσούκ, ο Τιραμόλα απέκτησε τη μοναδική ικανότητα να μπορεί να τεντώνει το […] Τιραμόλα: Ο αγαπημενος χάρτινος…
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Τιραμόλα: Ο αγαπημενος χάρτινος ήρωας της ιταλικής σχολής των κόμιξ, δημιουργία του Ιταλού σκιτσογράφου Τζόρτζιο Ρεμπούφι (1928 – 2014)
Ο Τιραμόλα (Tiramolla) είναι μια παράξενη λαστιχένια ανθρωπόμορφη φιγούρα με μαύρες γραμμές για σώμα, οβάλ πρόσωπο, έναν κύλινδρο για μύτη και ημίψηλο καπέλο. Το όνομά του προέρχεται από τις ιταλικές λέξεις tiro (εκτινάσσω) και molla (ελατήριο). Έχοντας πέσει μικρός σ’ ένα καζάνι με καουτσούκ, ο Τιραμόλα απέκτησε τη μοναδική ικανότητα να μπορεί να τεντώνει το […] Τιραμόλα: Ο αγαπημενος χάρτινος…
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Τιραμόλα: Ο αγαπημενος χάρτινος ήρωας της ιταλικής σχολής των κόμιξ, δημιουργία του Ιταλού σκιτσογράφου Τζόρτζιο Ρεμπούφι (1928 – 2014)
Ο Τιραμόλα (Tiramolla) είναι μια παράξενη λαστιχένια ανθρωπόμορφη φιγούρα με μαύρες γραμμές για σώμα, οβάλ πρόσωπο, έναν κύλινδρο για μύτη και ημίψηλο καπέλο. Το όνομά του προέρχεται από τις ιταλικές λέξεις tiro (εκτινάσσω) και molla (ελατήριο). Έχοντας πέσει μικρός σ’ ένα καζάνι με καουτσούκ, ο Τιραμόλα απέκτησε τη μοναδική ικανότητα να μπορεί να τεντώνει το […] Τιραμόλα: Ο αγαπημενος χάρτινος…
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Umberto Manfrin Elastoc n° 2 janvier 1977
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E anche la 50esima edizione della mostra del baratto e dell’usato è andata, questa volta ne sono uscito con un bottino decisamente più ricco rispetto all’ultima edizione, ma comunque lontano dai fasti di un tempo..(menzione speciale per i 7 arretrati di Dylan Dog, il romanzo classico di Pokémon, il numero 11 anni ‘90 di TMNT e Pokémon X) #dakenfromvault101comicbookcollection #dakenfromvault101pokemoncollection #mostradelbaratto #fieradelbarattoedellusato #fieradelbarattoedellusato2022 #pokemon #pokemonx #pokemonbook #dylandog #dylandogofili #dylandogfan #paperotti #tiramolla #tmnt #tmntcomics #disney #disneyitalia #fumettidisney #bracciodiferro #fumetti #fumettiitaliani #fumettidacollezione #fumettivintage (presso Vomero, Campania, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb8IrB5ojQV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#RiP #DeP #AlbericoMotta #81anni #topolino #tiramolla !!!!! #wd57 #walsat (presso Sestri Ponente, Liguria, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6nLS8o3E-/?igshid=16vxecqlateq2
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Prima di dedicarmi alla letteratura sono stato un grande consumatore di fumetti. Mi leggevo di ogni. Geppo. Nonna Abelarda. Soldino. Cucciolo. Tiramolla. Cocco Bill. Braccio di Ferro. Alan Ford. Corrierino dei Piccoli. Corriere dei Ragazzi. L'Intrepido. Monello. Lanciostory. Giusto per fare qualche nome. Ma i fumetti che ho letto di più sono stati quelli dei supereroi. Il mio migliore amico prendeva quasi tutte le testate. Io mi ero specializzato in due: Superman, pubblicato dalla Cenisio, e Spiderman, pubblicato dalla Corno. Dopo un po' ho abbandonato Superman. E ho proseguito con Spiderman. Sono andato avanti fino ai primi anni Ottanta. Poi ho lasciato anche lui. E mi sono tuffato nei libri.
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L'importante è affrontare la vita con un senso di ennui che è autentico e per nulla costruito, glielo assicuro signor ranger signore.
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Se ne è andato il 23 maggio 2019, all’età di 81 anni, Alberico Motta. Ai giovani lettori forse questo nome non dirà molto, ma ai vecchi lettori come chi scrive dice molto, moltissimo…
Sceneggiatore, disegnatore, illustratore, redattore, direttore artistico, ideatore di testate, coordinatore di intere linee editoriali, Alberico Motta ha collaborato con molti editori, lasciando la propria firma su…
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#alberico motta#big robot#braccio di ferro#chicchirichì#cucciolo#geppo#gino casarotti#pier luigi sangalli#provolino#renato bianconi#sandro angiolini#soldino#staff di if#tiramolla
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Addio al fumettista Alberico Motta, autore di Big Robot #AlbericoMotta #BigRobot #EdizioniBianconi #Lutto #Tiramolla
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Interview with Francesco Artibani
Monster Allergy Week, Day 7
And here you have the second and last interview of the day, this time with our lord and saviour, Mr. Francesco Artibani. Thank you so much once again for your kindness and for this oportunity!
Again, huge thanks to @shikadora-momo for her incommensurable help!
If you want to read the original interview in Italian, click here.
If you want to read the interview in English, keep reading.
1. Let’s start with a small introduction. For better or worse, many fans came across Monster Allergy through the TV series and they might not know much about its original creators. Therefore, who is Francesco Artibani?
I’m a scriptwriter for comics and cartoons and I have been working in this field for many years, dedicating myself mostly to series for young audience. Monster Allergy is a series I have created along with Katja Centomo, while the graphic authors are Alessandro Barbucci and Barbara Canepa (it’s a four parents series). The adventures of Zick and Elena were born for the comic books and later on they became an animated series.
2. Aside from the one that brought us here, in which other projects can we find your signature?
I’m the author of the series Kylion for Disney Italy together with the designer Giulio De Vita, while in France I have created Il boia rosso (with Ivo Milazzo), Jimmy Jones (with Alessio Coppola) and Willy Wonder (with Silvio Camboni). Together with Lello Arena I have created the adventures of Scardaglione and Maruzzelli in the pages of Lupo Alberto (Alberto the Wolf). Monster Allergy is for sure my longest running series and the one which has given me more satisfactions (and keeps doing so…).
3. Has your work always been focused on the comic industry or have you worked in the animation field as well?
I have always divided my work between both fields. As for comics books, the list of projects is quite long but I’ll try and be concise: I write for the weekly publication Mickey Mouse since 1992 and, aside from hundreds of stories about mice and ducks, I have written the series PK, W.I.T.C.H and Kylion. Outside of Disney I have written tons of episodes for Alberto the Wolf, but in all this time I have also had the luck to take part in other projects, from Martin Mystére to Lys, from L’Omino Bufo to some series for the French market. In the animation field I have always written for Winx Club, but for Rainbow I have also scripted Tommy & Oscar, Pop Pixie and obviously the two seasons of Monster Allergy. Among other TV series scripted by me I remember Alberto the Wolf, The extraordinary adventures of Jules Verne, The adventures of Marco & Gina, Monsters and Pirates, Spike Team, Egyxos, Bu-Bum!.
4. How did you come to the conclusion that you wanted to devote your time to writing stories aimed –generally- at young audience? Do you have any advice for those who are dreaming of being able to do the same one day?
Actually I found out I loved writing while being a designer. I started working as an animator in a cartoon studio and working on the storyboards I got interested in scripting. Following this interest I gradually moved to writing until I fully abandoned my work as designer (published on Alberto the Wolf and Tiramolla - in the early 90’s, but not long after that I was already working as a full-time scriptwriter).
I don’t have any advices to give in particular; if you really have the passion and determination for this job the only thing left to do is to be prepared and study a lot, work a lot, because out there it’s full of talented people and this competition is merciless. For scriptwriters it is necessary to read a lot, to be informed, to be curious about everything - you have to be like sponges and absorb as much information as you can to transform it into new ideas.
5. Let’s talk a little bit about Monster Allergy now. ¿How and when was this story born?
It was born during a car trip with my wife, talking about projects and ideas that, as readers, we would have liked to find in a bookshop. We got excited about these characters and this bizarre world that started to take shape based on what we as readers would have liked to read.
6. How did you and Katja Centomo end up working with Alessandro Barbucci and Barbara Canepa in this project?
We knew each other already and we shared the idea with them.
7. Which were the first characters to come to life? It has come to our attention that there is a beautiful anecdote behind Elena’s peculiar name, is that true? Did anything similar happen with other characters as well?
Zick came first being the “engine” of the story.
Elena was named after our daughter who –at the time we created Monster Allergy– was still in Katja’s belly. And given that on her first ultrasound she looked like a potato, that’s how we found a nice last name for Zick’s friend.
As for the other characters, we followed our instinct and the inspiration of the moment, having tons of fun.
8. Where did you find the inspiration to create this fantastic world and, in particular, all the different species of monsters and the fun facts that we can find in the “Manuals”, gathered nowadays in the Monster Allergy Extra? Did they result from random ideas or is there an intention behind them?
There was a huge enthusiasm around Monster Allergy, it was a particularly happy and fun moment on the creative point of view. The rules of the world of monsters were born as a consequence of this spirit. For sure there was the will to give life to a small and coherent expanding universe.
9. This is something about which we fans have been theorizing a lot. Where does the story of Monster Allergy take place? Is it Italy, the USA or a little bit of both?
It’s a world of fantasy where things are all mixed up, a sort of AmEurope or something like that. For sure Zick and Elena will never go on a trip or holiday in a real city.
10. The first finale of this comic book, issue #29, was it the one you had in mind from the beginning or did you suddenly see yourselves forced to give an end to the story for some reason?
The editor decided to interrupt the series and notified us with little advance, so we had to give the series a finale against the clock. Certainly it wasn’t the end we wished for (in fact, we didn’t even have one in mind yet…) but we managed to make it as open as possible.
11. How and why did Monster Allergy come back after all these years?
We felt that, thanks to the TV series being aired over and over, the story had managed to gather a large and devoted audience, plus the readers of the comic books were still there. The biggest reason for Monster Allergy to return was our editor Tunué who believed in it and worked hard to bring the series back in bookshops, releasing a marvelous reprint and producing new stories.
12. Is there a reason in particular why you didn’t pick up the story where you left off and decided that time should have passed for the characters as well?
That seemed like an unusual idea for a comic - hence it was perfect for Monster Allergy. Usually in comic books characters never age, but we wanted to bring back our characters after they had grown up, just like the readers of once had grew up to become young adults. In their “evolved” version the characters have many more narrative opportunities to follow and this is a great thing.
13. Do you know yet how many issues will Monster Allergy Evolution have? Is there an specific reson why it is an annual publication?
We would like to carry on with at least one volume per year; producing a title like this is very time and money consuming, and all the authors of Monster Allergy are busy with other projects as well, so getting them all together for a new adventure is complicated. But we stay optimistic and hope that this hiatus between issues will decrease with time.
14. Do you know if there is any chance that the issues will be published in other countries aside from Italy and Germany in the near future?
Tunué is working to sell the rights in other nations. I believe that you will have news regarding this issue very soon, with the arrival of Monster Allergy to other European countries and across the Atlantic.
15. To finish with, do you have any message for the fans that are going to read this?
The message can’t be other than a huge thank you for all the affection you keep showing to Zick, Elena, Bombo and all the other protagonists of the series. We truly hope we can keep you company for a long time.
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