#tips mujer
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mafer1606 · 3 months ago
Hay hombres cuando van a entender lo bonito que es para una mujer que la presuman
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dizzyfour · 6 months ago
Transforma tu Armario con Estas 7 Prendas Básicas
El armario perfecto no se trata de tener una cantidad infinita de ropa, sino de contar con las prendas adecuadas que te permitan crear múltiples looks. Hoy te traemos una guía con siete prendas básicas que transformarán tu armario, permitiéndote armar outfits increíbles para cualquier ocasión. ¡Empezamos!
1. El Clásico Blazer
El blazer es una prenda versátil que puede elevar cualquier atuendo. Desde una reunión importante hasta una salida casual, el blazer te permite lucir sofisticada sin esfuerzo.
Cómo llevarlo: Combínalo con jeans y una camiseta básica para un look casual pero chic. Si buscas algo más formal, úsalo sobre un vestido o con pantalones de vestir.
2. Jeans de Corte Perfecto
Un buen par de jeans es esencial en cualquier armario. Encuentra unos que se ajusten bien a tu figura y te hagan sentir cómoda y segura.
Cómo llevarlos: Los jeans son increíblemente versátiles. Úsalos con una blusa elegante para una cita o con una sudadera para un look relajado. Un buen consejo es tener al menos un par en un tono oscuro y otro en un tono más claro.
3. Camisa Blanca Clásica
La camisa blanca es una pieza fundamental que nunca pasa de moda. Es la base perfecta para cualquier look, ya sea formal o casual.
Cómo llevarla: Para un estilo casual, anúdala a la cintura con unos jeans de tiro alto. Para algo más elegante, métela dentro de una falda lápiz y añade unos tacones.
4. Vestido Negro (Little Black Dress)
El vestido negro es el salvavidas de cualquier armario. Es ideal para cualquier ocasión, desde una fiesta hasta una cena formal.
Cómo llevarlo: Puedes transformarlo completamente con los accesorios adecuados. Para un evento nocturno, añade unos tacones y joyas llamativas. Para un look de día, combínalo con zapatillas y una chaqueta de mezclilla.
5. Falda Midi
La falda midi es una prenda que puede ser tanto casual como elegante, dependiendo de cómo la combines. Es cómoda y añade un toque de feminidad a tu look.
Cómo llevarla: Con un crop top y sandalias para un look veraniego, o con un suéter de punto y botas para los días más frescos.
6. Camisetas Básicas
Las camisetas básicas son un must en cualquier armario. Son perfectas para capas y se pueden combinar con prácticamente cualquier cosa.
Cómo llevarlas: Úsalas bajo un blazer para un look elegante pero casual, o con jeans y zapatillas para algo más relajado. Las camisetas en colores neutros como blanco, negro y gris son esenciales.
7. Chaqueta de Mezclilla
La chaqueta de mezclilla es una prenda atemporal que añade un toque desenfadado a cualquier atuendo. Es perfecta para la transición entre estaciones.
Cómo llevarla: Combínala con un vestido para un look femenino y casual, o con pantalones y una camiseta para algo más urbano.
Consejos para Maximizar tu Armario
Accesorios Inteligentes: Los accesorios pueden transformar completamente un look. Unos buenos zapatos, un bolso elegante o unas joyas pueden hacer que una prenda básica luzca diferente cada vez.
Capas y Más Capas: Juega con las capas para crear diferentes estilos. Un vestido puede verse completamente distinto si le añades una chaqueta de cuero o un suéter.
Cuida tus Prendas: Mantén tus básicos en buen estado lavándolos y guardándolos adecuadamente. Prendas bien cuidadas duran más y se ven mejor.
Transformar tu armario no significa gastar una fortuna, sino invertir en prendas básicas y versátiles que te permitan crear múltiples looks. Al tener estas siete piezas clave, estarás preparada para cualquier ocasión, sin importar lo que te depare el día. 
Visita nuestra tienda y busca estas prendas basicas ademas de un amplia seleccion de moda trending femenina: DizzyFour
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nathyuwu01 · 1 year ago
Muchas veces en mi período me duelen los pechos o los ando super sensibles.
Tal parece que es por la producción de hormonas en el cuerpo, progesterona y estrógeno, lo que causa esa hinchazón en los pechos y por ende el dolor que este causa normalmente pasa unos días antes de la regla o cuando esta recién comienza.
Algunos tips para ayudar a reducir el dolor de los pechos durante el período serían:
Usar un sostén de soporte que se ajuste a tus medidas.
Duerme con un sostén suave si el dolor influye o altera tu calidad de sueño y descanso. 
Compresas frías en la zona.
Masajes en los senos para reducir la sensación de hipersensibilidad.
Dieta baja en grasas y en cafeína. (De acuerdo con un estudio realizado por la Duke University Medical Center, encontró una relación entre la ALTA ingesta de cafeína y grasas, y el dolor de senos cíclico.)
Menos estrés, incluyendo meditación y actividades que fomenten relajación. 
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cristinabcn · 2 years ago
BEAUTY: THE DROPPEN OR OVERLOADED EYELID HOLA MUNDO..!! La mirada es una de las características que nos proporciona atracción magnetismo y belleza, de hecho, es uno de los puntos más referentes para los maquillistas en todo el mundo para acentuar la mirada, embellecerla y volverla casi casi cautivante. Sin embargo, los ojos con párpados caídos o encapotados que hoy nos ocupa son aquellos ojos…
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lledron · 2 years ago
ChatGPT El viaje de la heroína ejemplos.
Por supuesto, con gusto te daré algunos ejemplos y detalles adicionales sobre el viaje de la heroína.
Separación: En esta etapa, la heroína se da cuenta de que algo falta en su vida actual y decide buscar algo más. A menudo, esto implica separarse de su entorno familiar y entrar en un territorio desconocido. Por ejemplo, en la novela "Comer, Rezar, Amar" de Elizabeth Gilbert, la heroína decide dejar su vida en Nueva York y viajar a Italia, India e Indonesia para encontrar significado y propósito en su vida.
Rechazo del rol femenino tradicional: En esta etapa, la heroína rechaza los roles tradicionales asignados a las mujeres en la sociedad y busca su propia identidad. Por ejemplo, en la novela "Mujeres que corren con los lobos" de Clarissa Pinkola Estés, la heroína explora y rechaza los estereotipos de género tradicionales, abrazando su lado salvaje y auténtico.
Buscar una figura femenina como mentora: En esta etapa, la heroína busca la guía y el apoyo de una figura femenina, que puede ser una madre, una abuela, una hermana o una amiga cercana. Por ejemplo, en la novela "La Casa de los Espíritus" de Isabel Allende, la heroína busca la sabiduría y la orientación de su abuela, quien es una curandera y una líder espiritual.
Inmersión en lo desconocido: En esta etapa, la heroína experimenta una serie de pruebas y tribulaciones mientras se adentra en lo desconocido, enfrentando miedos y obstáculos en el camino. Por ejemplo, en la novela "The Hunger Games" de Suzanne Collins, la heroína Katniss Everdeen se adentra en la arena de los juegos y debe luchar por su supervivencia mientras enfrenta muchos peligros.
Encuentro con el lado femenino: En esta etapa, la heroína se encuentra con su lado femenino y aprende a aceptarse y amarse a sí misma como mujer. Por ejemplo, en la novela "Cumbres Borrascosas" de Emily Bronte, la heroína Catherine Earnshaw se da cuenta de que está enamorada de su amigo de la infancia, Heathcliff, pero lucha por aceptar su amor debido a las convenciones sociales y de género de la época.
Integración: En esta etapa, la heroína integra su lado masculino y femenino, y se convierte en una persona más completa y equilibrada. Por ejemplo, en la novela "La novia oscura" de Laura Restrepo, la heroína busca la reconciliación con su pasado y su identidad al investigar el misterioso pasado de su madre y su relación con la violencia en Colombia.
Compartir el conocimiento: En esta etapa, la heroína regresa a su comunidad con el conocimiento y la sabiduría adquiridos en su viaje, y los comparte con los demás. Por ejemplo, en la novela "La casa de los espíritus" de Isabel Allende, la heroína Clara regresa a su comunidad como una curandera y una líder espiritual,
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mxtantrights · 3 months ago
estoy rendido del amor de una mujer
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a/n: he got me y'all don't look, I'm down bad. so basically this is just a one-parter. I don't know. If you ask for a part two or if I see y'all like it maybe I can whip something up. lets just see how it goes.
and for the sake of this story: Armando didn't kill the captain, and he's out on some 'good behavior' deal and helping Mike and Marcus with cases linked to the cartel.
Armando Aretas x fem!reader
You almost got burned tonight. A rookie cop saw you, and the heat you were packing and tried to arrest you. After hastily explaining to him that you weren't packing for no reason, he let you go. But you had missed an important meeting.
It had taken you two years to get into German's inner circle. German is a big player in the Miami scene. He's not known for being a trusting person. But he does have a thing for high ranking positions of power and women. Deadly combination, which was what you used.
Although he's putting you on the back burner after tonight.
You sigh and slot your key into the lock. The lock doesn't turn. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You take out your knife, not wanting to make too much noise for your neighbors.
Slowly you ease into your apartment. You look around quickly. The four corners of the living room are clear. Then again they would be, anyone who was lurking inside could be seen from the window.
You had your knife up as you tip toe into the kitchen. And there you find them.
Mike and Marcus. And they brought company. Three other people you don't know in your house. Your undercover house. They are all looking above something on the table, too occupied with it to notice your arrival.
"Oh what fresh hell is this." you say.
They all turn around.
Mike smiles, "I was just telling the crew about you."
You hold up you hand, "Whatever the hell this is, is gonna fuck with my shit so you need to go. Now."
"Langauge! I thought I told you that last time." Marcus shouts.
You put down your knife with a sigh.
"I've been working this guy for two years, and if he sees two cops coming out of my apartment I'm done. I'll curse if I want to curse." you explain.
The tall blonde man raises his hand, like he's in school. Your eyebrows raise in surprise as you look at Mike and Marcus.
"Dorn, you don't have to-just say what you want say man." Mike says.
The man, Dorn, nods his head and then looks at you.
"We know you're after German. And we're not here to cause any trouble but we just needed to ask for any information you have on his right hand man." Dorn says.
He picks up a tablet and shows you a picture. You look at the screen and then back at Dorn.
"Do you know him?" the woman asks you.
"That's Nico, they call him Nissan. Well, called. German found out he was skimming some off the top and lets just say he's not on vacation right now." You answer.
Mike groans, "He was our only way in."
"Into what? What have the two of you old-timers got yourself into this time?" you ask.
Mike and Marcus start arguing loudly when you call them old. You snicker as you reach into your fridge and look for the last Corona you had. When you find the bottle is not inside, you close the fridge door.
Your eyes scan the counter top, to see if you maybe left it out. But you don't find it. So you look over at the table. You find it there, opened and empty. Next to the unknown male in your kitchen.
You meet his eyes.
"You drank my beer?" you ask, though it's not a question.
He smirks and tilts his head at you. "Problem?"
You roll your eyes. Then you walk over to Marcus and Mike.
"I've told you that he's dead, so he can't help you. Neither can I. Yo've gotta go now." you say.
"No no no, hold on. If Nico is burned then the only one who can help us is you. We just need some files-" he speaks but you cut him off.
Burned. Nico is burned. He was an informant? German definitely didn't know that. Or if he did, he is keeping it close to his chest. Christ.
"Do you want me dead?! German either killed Nico knowing or not knowing that he was an informant, but either way he's dead. If I go snooping around I can just drive myself over to the morgue." you argue.
"She's got a point." Dorn says.
You turn to him, "Thank you, tall International man."
"Dorn is not international, but that's not the point. The point is, you have an in. And we need you." Marcus says.
You sigh. They need an in when you're not exactly in German's good graces. Great. Not only would you have to work your way back but you'd have to work under pressure.
"He'll smell her from a mile away." the unknown man says.
Mike looks over at him, "She's very good at what she does."
"Cops tend to have a tell." The man shrugs.
"She's not a cop. She's a freelancer." Marcus answers.
"And the best one I know." Mike tags on.
No doubt buttering you up. You groan. Yes, you liked being called the best at what you do. And it wouldn't take much to get info. You have the access. You'll be under a close eye but you can pull it off.
"Tell me what you need and when you need it by." you say.
You pulled the straps of your dress tighter. No wonder needed them to be 'loose' for an accidental cleavage slip.
The compute chimed and altered you that the information was done copying. You ejected the thumb drive and stuffed it into the fake juul packaging. You closed all the windows on the computer and pressed restart.
Now came the hard part. You smoothed out your dress and walked over to the door. You checked between the blinds and made sure no one was coming this way.
It's not like you couldn't be in the office. If someone a bit lower than you saw you coming out you wouldn't be questioned. But if someone higher than you in ranking saw, they might be curious.
You exit the office and turn down the hallway. Taking the way with the most witnesses as possible, more people to account for you later on.
Into the blue room, where you pass the exotic dancers. Then though the 'greenery' room, where some workers are watering the plants. Finally through the purple room where the weapons are stored.
You make it all the way outside with no one stopping you.
With a sigh of relief you quick walk to your motorbike. You take out your helmet and put your bag into the storage underneath the seat. Without another thought you get on your bike and ride out of the compound.
You ride from South Miami to your apartment near Hollywood.
When you get there, you go around the back. Better to let everyone think you weren't here than you were. Who knows who could be watching you.
You come in from the window in your bedroom. And somehow it feels like you're intruding because here he is. In your room.
Mike told you about him, a little. Armando is his son. His son with the cartel woman he was seeing way back when that he didn't know he had. He's done things, bad things. But he's making up for it.
Making up for it by sitting at your computer in your room.
"Oje, get the hell out of here!" you shout.
He turns to you slowly. You hate his cocky attitude. You hate his smirk and how he keeps eye contact with you. You step fully into your room and slide the window closed behind you.
Armando gets up from the seat with his hands up, "Lo siento,"
"You're not sorry, otherwise you wouldn't have found your way in here in the first place." you speak.
He looks you up and down. Yeah it was probably the dress. It's summer time in Miami and you weren't about to put on a sweater. You'd have to blend in and a sundress was about as normal as ablue sky here.
"You know spanish?" he asks.
You start walking away from him, "This is Miami."
You take out the thumb drive and open the door to your room. When you stop walking, you hear him laugh to himself. You watch him walk through it first and then you after him.
"Mike, I got it." you say as you walk into the living room.
The shades have been drawn and the black out curtains too.
"I ever tell you you're the best?" he jokes.
"Yeah every time you need something." you reply.
You hand the drive to Dorn. He takes it and plus it into his computer. You watch as the flies pop up on his screen. He seems to be reading them a mile per minute.
"What'd you want with all that anyways?" you ask.
You watch as Marcus and Mike share a look between themselves. It unnerves you. You know they have a way of talking without sharing words. It's what happens when you work with someone for so long.
Marcus smiles and claps his hands together, "Mike thinks I should be the one to tell you. Because he has a more salp-able face."
You squint your eyes.
"Are you about to screw me?" you ask.
"Not per say, but you might not like what we have to say." Marcus ushers you to the kitchen.
The two of you walk all about two steps in before he's unloading on you. He starts off pretty strong, that you''re more than capable of handling German. And that you put in the time for it too.
But then he's telling you a different story.
German is in connection with a guy they're looking to take down. Something about a syndicate. Something about getting both of them at once. And Mike and Marcus have the backing of the PD.
You can feel the steam coming from your ears.
"Marcus you can't be trying to poach my guy right now!" you yell.
"The yelling, keep it down, you're undercover after all." He holds his hands up in defense.
You cross your arms over your chest, "You don't even know who I'm working for."
"Well, it's not someone who's paying you that's for sure." He divulges.
All at once he realizes he probably shouldn't have said that. Because if he knows you're not getting paid for this job then he's went though your bank statements. And probably a lot more.
Your eyes widen and your turn around and run into the living room. There you find Dorn, hiding behind Mike, with his computer in hand.
"You got beanstalk here to go through my stuff?!" you yell.
Mike pushes Dorn back even further.
"Look, we needed to know if we were stepping on government agency toes. And now we know we're not." Mike answers.
You leap to pounce on him but Marcus is faster and grabs you by the waist. You fight against him a little, knowing the he's probably gonna feel it tomorrow morning.
"That's an invasion of privacy. But I guess like father like son, since this one was in my room when I got here." you shout.
Mike looks at Armando, "Now, I told you to get out of there."
Armando shrugs.
"I'm sorry. But listen you can still be part of it." Mike says.
"How nice of you Mike. I'll be sure to thank you when we're done." you spit sarcastically.
Marcus lets you go and you decide to take a seat on the couch. Dorn frees himself from the corner of the room and takes a seat in the arm char that is farthest from you.
"You never take a job for free. What gives?" Mike asks.
You roll your eyes. It's not like you were money hungry. Yes you needed money to survive but you weren't broke. You could afford to not work for the next ten years if you wanted to. But you'd miss it too much.
This isn't that though. This isn't fun.
This is revenge.
"I thought you read through my stuff. You didn't put it together?"
"It's revenge." Armando answers.
You turn around from your seat on the couch and look at him. He's looking right back at you. He probably didn't read your file, probably was too boring for him. But how'd he figure it out?
It's not like you left the reason on your computer. You wouldn't make such a rookie mistake.
"How'd you figure that out? Did you find her moodboard?" Marcus jokes.
You pass him a look. He takes a step back.
"Alright, alright, no more jokes about the mood board. Got it." Marcus says to himself.
"What other reason could she be doing this for?" Armando asks.
"It's been twelve years. I spent ten years tracking him down and two years infiltrating his circle. He has no clue who I am. None." you start to explain.
"I'm sorry, it wasn't in your file. Who are you?" Dorn asks.
"Well she was leader of the dirty dozen in New York. Highly effective tactile group, skin ranging from murder, assassinations, weapon making, and a whole lot more." Mike says.
"And when the group cut ties, she ran the underground for a bit. Nothing happened without her knowing it." Marcus adds on.
"Not a cop." Armando says.
"I'm the daughter of German's former right hand man." you answer.
Which is why it stung a lot that Mike and Marcus wanted to take this case from you. Knowing who you are and knowing what it means. You worked for this. And you're gonna see it through come hell or high water.
Mike and Marcus were all set with their crew. German would never allow them to step foot into his compound but lucky for them they don't have to.
You snuck in last night and triggered the sprinkler system. Everything got flooded. So while German is getting everything cleaned up and possibly looking for a new base of operations, he's hanging out with a buddy.
Zio. Money hungry drug mover. Only thing he loves more than money and drugs is his expensive shoe collection. Which he's putting on display tonight.
A rich man's party is the best place to re-con. You told Mike and Marcus how many men German has on him at all times, but that doesn't give them much for when the time comes to take him down.
What's their tactical response like? What weapons do they bring on the move? How many cars? Things like that. Which was smart thinking and not at all on your mind when you first started this.
Armando leans back in the van's chair, man spreading. You roll your eyes but you say nothing. You weren't really trying to talk to him. Lest he find out more about you.
He seems to be tapped in to you. Which is weird. You've never had someone checking for you before.
"I can hear you rolling your eyes from here. What's up? he asks.
He spins around in his chair and faces you. Smug look on his face as he leans back.
"Nothing. Just want to get this over with." you say.
He nods once, then he creeps closer to you with his chair. He's about a foot away from you.
"You wanted to be the one to kill him." he muses.
You look at him, "Well yes. It was my mission. I found him. I infiltrated. I lost someone to him."
"It won't make the pain go away." he says.
"Oh please don't give me the 'revenge will just turn into guilt' talk. I got it from Mike and Marcus." you sigh.
Before you can blink or think of anything else to say, you feel your chair being pulled to the left. You grab onto the only thing in view and that happens to be Armando's leg.
"If I get him in my crosshairs, I'll hand the shot to you." he says.
You look him in the eyes, "Do you want a thank you or something?"
He smiles, "No te preocopes, no quiero nada."
"It doesn't seem like you don't want anything." you reply.
The back door of the van opens and he lets go of your chair. You slide back a bit to put some space between you two. He turns back to the screen in front of him.
The steam from the shower wafts out the bathroom. You wrap your towel around your body a little tighter as you walk into the kitchen. The tea you were making is beyond ready, the kettle at this point screaming at a frequency only dogs can hear.
You turn it off and set it aside.
As your reaching for your favorite mug, you hear faint noises from the front door. You run over to the dinning room table and reach underneath the wooden chair. Your fingers wrap around the gun and you pull it close.
One swift check and the safety is off. You crab walk to the other side of the kitchen counter, away from the door. The noise becomes louder until you hear the door open.
"Shit, where'd she go." a voice says.
A voice, you know it. You get up from your position on the floor and look around the wall. Armando.
"What the hell are you-" you're about to ask.
"We need to go. now. No time to pack. Put some clothes on." He directs you.
He almost gives you no say when he grabs you by the elbow and maneuvers you into your room. He closes the door behind him and takes out his gun.
"Am I just supposed to undress in front of you?" you question, with your eyebrow raised.
He lets his arms fall to his sides. Then he walks over to the window, allowing you to walk over to the closet. You pull the door open and grab the first pair of jeans and shirt you can find.
Making sure he's actually turned first, you then put on your underwear and bra. Then you pull the shirt over your body, lastly your pants.
You walk to your dresser and reach into the cabinet. The noise must alert him that you're dressed because he turns around.
"We don't have time. You got made." Armando says.
"What the fuck do you mean I got made?" you ask.
"What I said. You're not safe here." he answers.
You grab your go-bag and move over to the window. Chest to Chest with Armando you look up at him.
"Where the hell am I gonna be safe then?"
He doesn't answer you. Maybe because he didn't have an answer. Or because the bullets started raining into your apartment right on time. Then he was nudging you out of the window and down the fire escape.
You put your bag down on the floor. The bed looked horrible. But horrible would have to do for now. You can't really make requests on the run.
Armando shuts the door behind him.
"Since you paid you can take the bed." you say.
He scoffs, "I'm not that kind of man."
You look over your shoulder, "Just one that snoops through my personal stuff and ignores personal space."
He says nothing. He walks silently into the bathroom and closes that door behind him too. You sigh and plop down onto the bed. You didn't understand.
Before Mike and Marcus showed up you were on track to get revenge within the next two weeks. Everything was set. There were backup plans. They were contingencies.
Now it was all shot to hell.
You hear the shower start up and lean back into the bed. And without meaning to you end up falling asleep. Right there on your back.
Armando comes out of the shower about five minutes after that. The soap sucked and the water had no pressure but at least he didn't feel like the sweat was clinging to him anymore.
He walks out of the bathroom and finds you laying on the corner of the bed. He looks you over once and crosses the room to cut off the lamps.
When the room is dark, he takes one of the pillows from the bed and sets himself up by the door. His gun tucked to his hip. This way he can keep an eye on the door and you.
You were interesting to say the least.
Usually people don't affect him this much. He can get on with his day and do what he has to do. Nothing comes in between him and a mission.
Especially now when his only mission was his freedom.
But there was something about you. Or, that's not really true. There were multiple things about you. He could see the lust for revenge in your eyes, he recognizes it well. He could tell you weren't being forthcoming either.
And he liked how you spoke your mind.
Liked? Why is he saying liked?
He doesn't really know you. He knows a little bit. He knows you only like tea, there is no coffee in your apartment. And you live in sweatpants when you don't have to be undercover. You also seem to have an aversion to the color blue.
He doesn't really know you. He can't like you.
He looks over at your sleeping form. How your lips part just a little bit and you snore. And your head leans to the right, your dominant side. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable and move you. But he knows you'll wake up sore from sleeping this way.
So he gets up. He gets up because he needs to stretch his legs. Not because of any other reason.
He walks to the bathroom and turns on the light and the vent. Hoping the sound will rouse you and you'll move on your own. He steps into the bathroom and closes the door with a bit more force than needed.
He looks into the mirror. He looks himself in the eyes.
This is bad. This is bad because you're the type of girl he would take a bullet for.
"I fucked up. I know you wanted this, and I took it from you when I should have let you handle it."
"And now you're on the run. You've never been burned before, and it's because of me."
"Shut up for a second and let me think."
You sigh.
German caught on to the eyes on him when he was at the shoe party. While anyone else would have packed up and fled to a non extradition country, he's staying here.
A sign.
Whoever it is that wanted to get him, should come see him face to face. No way in hell were you going to do that. Not only did you have the smarts to wait him out, you didn't want Mike and Marcus to put themselves on the line. They would no doubt follow you into the fire.
"I think I should make my peace with this before anyone gets hurt." you say.
There's silence on the other end of the line. With Mike not talking , you turn around to find Armando. He's standing there, two feet away from you on the hood of the stolen pick-up truck from the motel parking lot.
"That's big of you." Mike jokes.
"Very. But I mean if I see him about to get ran over, I'm not goin to save his ass." you quip.
Mike laughs, "He doesn't deserve it. Your forgiveness."
"I know," you say and Armando looks at you then. "I should probably return him to you, since he's on parole."
"Yeah well he did some things that might kick that back a few years." Mike answers.
You shake your head, "You can say it was all me. Make sure Dorn gets rid of any incriminating footage."
"I didn't tell him to go get you, you know that?"
You don't know why but hearing that makes your heart kind of thump weird. Not thump weird. Your heart is already thumping, but it feels different.
Different as you look him in the eyes.
The first time you interacted with him you hoped it would be the last. And now here he is sticking his neck out for you when you haven't been all that kind.
"I didn't know that. I'll get him back to you in one piece." you speak.
"Thanks. And keep me updated wherever you land."
"Will do. Thanks Mike."
You hang up the phone. Armando takes a step closer and you hold out the phone for him. When he does you feel the quickest static brush against your fingertips.
"You good from here?" he asks.
You nod your head, "I'm a big girl, first time for everything."
He nods once with a small smirk on his lips. He looks away, somewhere off behind your shoulder. It's not like you didn't notice he's good looking. But you just never thought about it for too long.
"Let me drop you off at the station." he says.
You don't want to smile. You shouldn't smile. "Okay."
Armando waits for you to start walking. Once your in front of him he walks over to the driver's side. You climb into the truck and shut the door.
You could've walked. The station is only ten minutes from here. You smile a bit to yourself when he puts the car in drive.
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frociaggina97 · 1 month ago
el tema con los chatrooms misoginos que buscan tips para violar a la madre y ese tipo de cosas es que le querés buscar un equivalente del lado de las mujeres y simplemente no hay. lo mas cercano debe ser las alzadas en los comentarios de ig de pedro pascal y no son un frente organizado que busca tirar a los hombres y tenerlos de agujero solo quieren cogerse a ese viejo.
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galaxysupreme17 · 4 months ago
Baking Chaos
Y/n = Your Name
Y/n/n = Your Nickname
AgathaRio x daughter!reader
It was a crisp Saturday morning in Westview, the sun lazily peeking through the curtains of Agatha's cozy kitchen. The Harkness household was buzzing with excitement. Today was a special occasion- the anniversary of the day they had first moved into their little corner of Westview, a day that had turned into an annual family tradition. And what better way to celebrate than by baking a cake together?
Of course, as with most things in the Harkness household, the process was far from simple.
Y/n, standing at the kitchen island, surveyed the clutter that had already spread across the counters. Bowls were stacked haphazardly, bags of flour and sugar were torn open, and there were splashes of milk and eggshells littering the workspace. And they hadn't even started mixing the batter yet.
"Are we making a cake or a disaster zone?" Y/n teased, brushing flour from her hair as she tossed a glance toward her mom, Rio, who was eagerly rifling through a cookbook.
"Disaster? Y/n/n, this is how the magic happens," Rio grinned, her fingers skimming the pages until she found a basic cake recipe. "Well, the non-magical kind, anyway."
Agatha stood by the stove, arms folded across her chest, shaking her head with an amused smile. "We're doing this the old-fashioned way, Rio."
"Amorcito, we could have this cake done in ten minutes if you let me help a little." Rio wiggled her fingers, the tiniest spark of magic lighting the tips. "Think about it. Cake, perfect frosting, all without the hassle."
Agatha raised an eyebrow. "That's cheating."
Rio rolled her eyes, tossing the cookbook aside. "It's not cheating, mi amor. It's called being efficient."
Y/n giggled as she grabbed the mixing bowl, watching her mother's banter. "I think Mom just wants to show off her magic. Mama's the one who insists we do everything 'by the book.'"
Agatha gave Y/n a playful, exasperated look. "Your mother has no patience for tradition."
"Tradition, mi vida, is overrated," Rio shot back, blowing a kiss in Agatha's direction. "You can't tell me this wouldn't be better with a little magic."
"And where's the fun in that?" Agatha replied, walking over to grab the eggs. "Part of the charm of baking is doing it with your hands. Mixing, measuring, getting a little messy-"
"Or a lot messy," Y/n interrupted with a grin, gesturing toward the flour now dusting every surface in the room.
Agatha couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, yes, maybe we went a little overboard."
"Mujer, you're making this harder than it needs to be," Rio said, watching as Agatha began cracking eggs one by one into the bowl. "Let me just stir it with a little-"
"No magic, Rio!" Agatha said firmly, though her smile softened the command.
Y/n leaned against the counter, already covered in flour and smudges of cocoa powder. "You're both ridiculous. As long as we get cake out of this, I'll be happy."
Rio sighed dramatically, casting a glance at her daughter. "You see what I have to put up with, Y/n? This one," she nodded toward Agatha, "is stubborn."
"And this one," Agatha retorted, gesturing toward Rio, "wants to wave her hands and get everything done in five seconds. Where's the joy in that?"
Rio rolled her eyes again, but this time with affection. "The joy is in eating the cake, mi cielo. Not in wasting time whisking the batter like it's 1692."
Agatha couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Maybe so, but I like doing things the traditional way sometimes. And I'm not budging on this one."
With a resigned sigh, Rio finally gave in and crossed her arms. "Fine, fine, mi vida. But if this cake doesn't turn out perfect, don't say I didn't offer."
Y/n shook her head, grabbing a whisk and handing it to Agatha. "Alright, Mama, let's get this started. The sooner we finish, the sooner we eat."
"Exactly," Agatha replied, flashing Y/n a proud smile as she began to whisk the eggs and sugar together.
They worked in harmony for a while, Agatha leading the charge as Y/n followed her instructions, adding flour and cocoa to the mixture. Meanwhile, Rio leaned against the counter, quietly observing her wife and daughter, though every now and then, she'd throw in a comment or a suggestion-usually about how much faster it would be if they just used a little magic.
Y/n, now covered in even more flour, glanced at Rio with a grin. "Mom, I think you're just itching to use a spell, aren't you?"
"I'm not itching," Rio said with mock innocence, "I'm just saying-this would be done by now."
"Where's the fun in that?" Y/n said, echoing Agatha's words with a laugh. "Besides, we're almost done with the batter."
Rio sighed dramatically again but smiled. "Alright, alright, I'll wait. But don't say I didn't warn you."
As they poured the thick batter into the pan, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Sure, they could have used magic to speed things up, but there was something nice about taking their time. The kitchen might be a mess, but it was filled with laughter and warmth, the scent of cocoa lingering in the air.
"Okay, into the oven it goes," Agatha said, carefully sliding the pan into the preheated oven. She turned to Rio and Y/n with a grin. "Now we wait."
"And clean," Y/n added, looking at the disaster around them. "This place is a wreck."
Rio clapped her hands together, her smile widening. "Mi amor, can I now use a little magic?"
Agatha pretended to think about it before finally giving a nod. "Fine. But only for cleaning."
Rio beamed, waving her hand as the flour and sugar began lifting off the countertops and into the sink. The bowls and utensils followed, floating through the air and washing themselves in the process.
Y/n watched with wide eyes, laughing as the kitchen transformed back to its original spotless state in a matter of seconds. "Now that's impressive."
Agatha just shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. "I knew you couldn't resist."
"Hey, I said I'd wait until the cake was in the oven," Rio teased, planting a kiss on Agatha's cheek. "And now we can relax."
As they waited for the cake to bake, the three of them settled onto the couch, exhausted from the chaos of the kitchen. Y/n stretched out, throwing a blanket over herself, feeling the peacefulness of the moment. It was rare that they had these lazy, unhurried days together, and she cherished every second of it.
Eventually, the timer went off, and they all rushed back into the kitchen to check on their creation.
Y/n opened the oven door cautiously, peeking inside. "Uh... well, it's a little..."
Rio leaned over her shoulder, her face breaking into a wide grin. "Oh querido Dios, it's lopsided."
Agatha stepped closer, eyeing the cake. "It's perfect," she said confidently as if the uneven rise of the cake was exactly what she had planned all along.
Y/n burst out laughing. "Mama, it's definitely not perfect. But it smells amazing."
"Perfection is overrated," Agatha replied, crossing her arms with a smirk.
Rio chuckled, pulling out a knife to cut a piece. "I told you we should have used magic."
Agatha playfully bumped Rio with her hip. "It wouldn't have the same charm."
They sliced into the slightly lopsided cake, and as soon as they tasted it, the three of them erupted into satisfied smiles.
Y/n took a big bite and hummed in contentment. "Okay, it may not look perfect, but it tastes amazing."
Rio winked at her daughter. "See? We make a good team."
Agatha leaned against the counter, watching her family with a warm smile. "It's not about perfection," she said softly. "It's about the memories."
Rio wrapped an arm around Agatha's waist and kissed her temple. "Te amo, mi amor. You're right. It's always about the memories."
And as they sat down together at the kitchen table, laughing and eating cake, Y/n realized that it wasn't the end result that mattered. It was the joy in the chaos, the laughter in the imperfections, and the love they shared through it all.
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medicacenterfem · 1 year ago
Navegando por emociones de una prueba de embarazo
Navegando por emociones de una prueba de embarazo. Una prueba de embarazo es un momento crucial en la vida de una mujer. Las emociones pueden fluctuar entre la anticipación, la ansiedad, la esperanza y el miedo. Comprender cómo manejar estas emociones puede ser fundamental para afrontar el resultado, sea cual sea. Una prueba de embarazo es un procedimiento que determina si una mujer está…
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elbiotipo · 1 year ago
Che, Biotipo, mi hermana me acaba de tirar un libro de Ceferino Reato para decirme que me eduque sobre los 70 con "más objetividad que mí zurdaje" y la verdad que no sabría cómo explicarle que el tipo es un negocionista, algún tip?
Tema complejo de abordar pero el alegato de Strassera sigue siendo igual de relevante: No existe absolutamente ninguna justificación para los crímenes de la dictadura. La dictadura no realizó una guerra sino una represión criminal sobre el pueblo argentino y sobre incontables inocentes. Los niños recién nacidos no son objetivo de guerra, tampoco estudiantes o mujeres embarazadas. No existió ninguna situación que no pudo haberse resuelto en el marco de una democracia y sin necesidad de los crímenes cometidos.
Pero como a muchos parece que no le importa realmente los derechos humanos, nunca hay que olvidar que los militares fueron un gobierno de fracasados. La junta fracasó en traer la paz: al contrario, terminó enviando al país a una guerra, y en estabilizar económicamente o socialmente a Argentina, solamente acrecentando problemas previos o haciendo nuevos. No hay absolutamente nada rescatable del Proceso de Reorganización Nacional. Cualquier cosa decente (o sea, lo mínimo esperable de un gobierno) que hayan hecho pudo hacerse en un gobierno democrático. Criminales y fracasados. Y fue moralmente apropiado resisitirlo, y ahora condenarlo.
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nathyuwu01 · 1 year ago
Muchas veces en mi período me duelen los pechos o los ando super sensibles.
Tal parece que es por la producción de hormonas en el cuerpo, progesterona y estrógeno, lo que causa esa hinchazón en los pechos y por ende el dolor que este causa normalmente pasa unos días antes de la regla o cuando esta recién comienza.
Algunos tips para ayudar a reducir el dolor de los pechos durante el período serían:
Usar un sostén de soporte que se ajuste a tus medidas.
Duerme con un sostén suave si el dolor influye o altera tu calidad de sueño y descanso. 
Compresas frías en la zona.
Masajes en los senos para reducir la sensación de hipersensibilidad.
Dieta baja en grasas y en cafeína. (De acuerdo con un estudio realizado por la Duke University Medical Center, encontró una relación entre la ALTA ingesta de cafeína y grasas, y el dolor de senos cíclico.)
Menos estrés, incluyendo meditación y actividades que fomenten relajación. 
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leviathanspain · 2 years ago
la camisa negra
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javier peña x reader
synopsis: javier had a bad day, and maybe all he needs is a little pick me up
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it all started when he came out wearing that shirt. the little black shirt that barely covered the taut muscles underneath, a crime to have such little fabric stretched over the big surface that was the upper body of javier peña.
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” the words came out the instant he walked out from the bathroom. his hand slammed the lights off and he slowly pattered to the bed. he huffed, “what?” mindlessly he got into the bed, pulling the sheets over him, javier was clearly bothered.
he had been since he got home. not even a plate of his favorite food could cheer him up.
you crawled up onto his chest and let your hand caress his jaw, “que tienes, amor mio?” javier always shyed away at your affection, especially whenever he heard the soft trilling of spanish on your tongue.
javier exhaled, “nothing important.” he looked down at you, his big brown eyes boring into yours, you kissed him, “let me make you feel better, corazon.”
he watched you crawl down, the sheets engulfing you as he felt your hands on his pajama bottoms. you tugged on the string and javier chuckled softly, “be careful..” he warned.
“always.” you growled softly at him, nails scratching just above the trail of hair going down to his cock. he shivered slightly, your fingers hiking up the black shirt, fingers smoothing over the planes of his stomach.
“fuck…” you groaned softly, the feel of the muscle left you dripping. he was practically purring as you touched him, even letting out a soft moan as your finger swirled the tip of his hardening cock.
“aye javi..” you opened your mouth and took him full. your mouth was absolutely stuffed with peña cock, your hands st the base of it. javier brought his hands down to your neck and started to push you on him, “ándale, take it, fucking take it..” his voice was husky as he encouraged you, the sound of your gags muffled his words, but you could still faintly hear them.
you pulled yourself off and panted for air. your chest fell hard and heavy for more and more air, javier was sitting with his back against the headboard, with a dazed expression.
you threw your legs on either side of him, and let your dripping wet cunt hover over his cock. javi carressed you gently, his thick fingers entangling themselves in your hair, “mujer mía.” he kissed you roughly, pulling your jaw towards his, you felt him lean into you fully.
“come on, javi..relájate.” you cooed, fingers grasping at the hem of his shirt, “take it off.” you demanded. a smile pulled at javier’s lips, taking a moment to look at you before pulling off his shirt with one swift movement.
he quickly tossed it into the corner, and you laughed, “much better.” your fingers traced the bare skin, inhaling with pleasure as you finally positioned yourself over him.
javi’s hands guided you onto his cock, fingers dragging upwards to your hair as you began to move.
javi pulled at your hair, neck bending backwards as you used all your strength to ride him. your hips smashed against his in a rhythmic force, almost like a dance. javi could see the bouncing force of your tits through his half lidded eyes. “fuck.” he murmured, the grip on your hair tightening.
the knot in your stomach was ready to snap, and all you could do was hope that your hips would carry you through it, “javi,, fuck me..” you begged him, wanting a much faster and deeper pace that you couldn’t give yourself.
javier understood, and pushed you down on your back. he hiked your leg up to his shoulder and didn’t hesitate in slamming his cock so hard into your cunt that you were breathless.
“holy fuck!” you cried, nails gripping the skin of javi’s forearms, “aye, corazon…” the sweet name for him trailed off your tongue as you panted, feeling the stickiness of cum drip down your pussy.
javier dragged a finger down the slit of your cunt, and pushed his cum in, “i feel much better now, amor mio.”
you couldn’t even respond, a weak laugh was the only thing you could manage in your state.
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tinynebula · 26 days ago
pro tip para DMs que tengan que improvisar una campaña de D&D: robate la trama de alguna película que sepas que tus jugadores no hayan visto (o no se acuerden con detalle). insertá una mujer hot que se burle de ellos (bonus points si es no humana), un viejo wizard ridículo que los odie, y npcs que cumplan la función de ser el peor empleado burocrático que trabaja en afip impidiéndoles hacer un trámite. en tres horas incorporaron a la mujer a su religión, mataron al wizard a sangre fría y terminaron presos por evasión fiscal.
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floreceremos · 13 days ago
manden tips para creerle a una mujer 🙁
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lulufotomoon · 4 months ago
10 trucos de belleza con vaselina que te cambiaran la vida.
Aprende nuevos trucos de belleza
La mayoria de las veces como mujeres no las ingeniamos en usar productos comunes para resaltar nuestra belleza o usarlos como productos beneficos en nuestro cuidado personal. Llego el turnode conocer los beneficios de la vaselina, un prodcuto que ha estado por años entre los productos de belleza de las mujeres.
Te comparto 10 trucos de belleza con vaselina que te cambiaran la vida.
Te seran súper utiles y te sacaran de apuros, ademas de que te ayudaran a lucir la piel sueve, te serviran para un sin fin de beneficios que resaltaran tu belleza naturak y tu cuidado personal. Es súper milagrosa y la podemos usar para varias cosas . ! Checa cuales son¡
1 Alarga la duración del perfume
Una de las cosas que mas nos encantan es olor rico todo el dia con nuestro perfume preferido y para hacer que este sueño se vuelva realidad te recomendamos agregarle un poco de vaselina a tu cuello o a las muñecas de tus manos son las zonas en donde te pones perfume, veras que este truquito te será súper util y no te defraudara.
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2 Bálsamo de labios con color
Lo podrás usar como labial, ademas te suér hidratara y le dara un brillo muy especial a tus labios. Necesitamos un tarrito de vaselina, sombras para los ojos y un pedacito de plastico. En el pedacito de plastico agregaras un poquito de vaselina, despues añadiras tantita sombre, lo mezclaras bien hasta que quede una masa homegenea. Aplicala en tus labios para que luzcas una sonrisa encantadora y muy luminosa.
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Una de nuestras peores pesadillas es tener las puntas del cabello maltratadas y buscamos un sin fin de opciones para repararlas. La vaselina puede ser nuestra aliada para que se repare las puntas de nuestro cabello. Toma un poco de vaselina, calientala en tus manos y comienza aplicarla en tus puntas, déjala actuar durante toda la noche y en la mañana siguiente enjuagala a la hora de bañarte.
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Cuando nos pintamos las uñas nos es super importante el no mancharnos el contorno de la piel con el esmalte. Lo pintamos de la forma más cuidadosa y buscamos todo tipo de consejos para ver que no te manches. Un super tip que te ayudara muchisimo es agregar vaselina alrededor de la uña, te la puedes poner con un pincel en la parte externa para que te cubra la piel y el esmalte no manche cuando terminas con un cotonete retiras el exceso.
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Si tienes piel muerta en tus labios la vaselina te sera súper util para exfoliarte. Vamos a utilizar un cepillo de dientes, te untarás el unguento y comenzaras a frotar tus labios para eliminar las celulas muertas.
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Si quieres cambiar de opción con tu desmaquillante la vaselina es buena idea. ademas que te dejara tu piel súper suavecita quitará súper bien el maquillaje, solo aguas con los ojos.
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Después de depilarnos la piel queda demasiado sensible y un calmante muy efectivo es la vaselina, nos quitara lo rojito y nos dará suavidad, también la hidratara.
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Si tienes tus pies resecos la vaselina es tu alida, toma un poco calientala en tus manos y frotala en tus pies dando pequeños masajes, luego colócate tus calcetas para que haga efecto toda la noche.
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La mayoría de nosotras tenemos pelitos rebeldes que nos descontrolan el peinado, pero todo tiene solución y para esos pelitos desordenados podemos usar la vaselina para que se aplaquen. Coloca muy poquito en tus manos frotarlas y así puedes ir controlando la cantidad.
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Es excelente para peinar tus cejas, solo necesitas colocar un poco y cepillarlas con un cepillo y listo. Después puedes pasar el maquillaje, veras que te duran mucho más tiempo pintada y en su lugar.
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myparadisemyblog · 1 year ago
Mi fascinación por tener sexo a cambio de dinero es vieja , mucho. Primero se estableció en mi mente como una fantasía medio abstracta que después de conocer por redes sociales a Valerie , una prostituta de Barcelona, se reafirmó, por alguna extraña razón en mi mente lo empecé a ver como un privilegio. Si hay alguien dispuesto a pagar significa que el producto promete valer la pena, ¿no?, pero no, el producto no soy yo, es mi tiempo y atención.
Toda esta fantasía fue reafirmada cuando empecé a tener sexo por aprobación , por no sentirme sola; los que me rodeaban empezaron a aprovechar esto lo cual me hacía sentir cada vez más utilizada  y poco después me di cuenta que el dinero saneaba eso, además de ser una herramienta que ponía las cosas claras en mis interacciones con los hombres.
Sorprendente , ¿no? Así ambos teníamos un trato cordial con el otro , yo no experimentaba transferencia de emociones hacia el hombre en cuestión y extrañamente recibía un mejor trato que cuando salía a una date “normal” . Así es, nada nuevo, pero puedo confirmar que la gente por lo general valora más aquello por lo que paga.
 Recientemente leí un libro feminista  en donde se compara la prostitución con el matrimonio como la misma cosa, solo que una es remunerada y la otra no ,una es en sí misma el modelo que constituye la base de la sociedad y la otra es terriblemente mal vista . ¿Por qué? Porque en la prostitución existe la posibilidad de que la mujer tome el control de su propia vida, haga lo que le dé la gana con su cuerpo y su dinero ganado por si misma.
Recuerdo la primera vez que alguien me pagó por acostarme con él, si, tuve miedo y sí, me puse en riesgo una vez más, el punto es que ya me había puesto en riesgo numerosas veces antes y por nada a cambio. Y adivina ¿qué? No pasó nada malo, al contrario, el tipo en cuestión me hizo sentir valiosa y no fue solamente porque me pagara. 
Por otro lado, cuando renuncias o te resignas de algún modo a no sentirte amada o bien porque no sabes recibir amor sano o porque solo te obsesionas por querer que te quieran quienes no tienen la intención de hacerlo; llenar tu cuenta de banco se convierte en un premio de consolación, así es para las mujeres, lamento tanto reconocerlo, para las mujeres el premio supremo en la vida es encontrar el amor, sé que para los hombres todo funciona diferente, y no , no es nuestra culpa que así sea , así nos enseñaron.  
En fin, aún existen hombres dispuestos a pagar por pasar tiempo conmigo, si, lo dije bien, no me quieren pagar solo por coger y ya. Los que quisieron cogerme y ya fueron otros tipos que me crucé por la vida y que no creían que ni un café me merecía, me cogieron en sitios lamentables como un puto baño y después se olvidaron de las mínimas atenciones que habían tenido hacía mí. Pasar tiempo conmigo implica hablar, conocernos, interesarnos el uno por el otro, escuchar mutuamente, reír si descubrimos que tenemos un humor compatible y si, la intimidad sexual.
La última cita pagada que tuve fue con M, hace mucho que no lo hacía y eso es porque no es algo que haga con regularidad, no me dedico a esto, lo hago esporádicamente por una combinación de motivos: de repente ansiedad por la velocidad con la que desciende la cifra en mi cuenta de banco , en ocasiones por aburrimiento o por necesidad de validación , es como un pequeño mantenimiento a mi autoestima.
Hice match con M en tinder, si quieres un tip resulta más fácil concretar este tipo de citas en tinder , la gente es mucho más directa, pervertida y abierta  y las reglas de la app más flojas; en bumble hay más gente que parece que aún se cree eso de buscar el amor en apps de ligue o bien, que buscan coger pero gratis.
En fin M es economista, ni siquiera recuerdo que ponía en su presentación y la verdad es que tampoco sé cómo llegamos al acuerdo de que cada que nos viéramos hiciéramos lo que hiciéramos él me daría determinada cantidad. Solo recuerdo que él me lo propuso. Tardamos en vernos debido a la imposibilidad de coordinar nuestros tiempos. Mientras conversábamos de vez en cuando por WhatsApp
Voy a ser sincera y es que un día me puso nerviosa ver como mis ahorros descendían y yo no tenía ingresos en ese momento, tampoco es que no tuviera para cubrir mis necesidades pero aun así no me gusta quedarme sin nada, no es algo a lo que este acostumbrada. Además ya tenía todo mi tiempo libre para disponer de él como quisiera.
Con la posibilidad en mente de que me mandara muy lejos , pues yo ya lo había dejado en visto antes decidí escribirle mientras hacía el súper con mi madre.
“Me perdonas?” Seguido de caritas tristes/tiernas
Respondió casi de inmediato.
“ ¿Por qué?, ¿Cómo estás?”
“Por no responderte”
“No te preocupes. ¿Ya vamos a poder vernos?”
“Justo para eso te escribía, ya tengo más tiempo libre”
Y así logramos concretar la cita dos días después. Solo me indicó que quería que llevara vestido y que fuera depilada. Condiciones sencillas que acepté sin ningún problema. Le pregunté si quería que desayunáramos algo antes  o íbamos directo, me respondió que desayunáramos antes que no era tan frío. De cualquier modo yo no hubiera pensado eso.
Quedamos en un centro comercial. Llevé un vestido blanco ceñido a mi figura y corto , por debajo un conjunto de lencería que me hacía cuerpo de ángel de VS según mi ex. Llegué unos 20 minutos después de la hora acordada y le llamé para encontrarnos.
Fuimos a un restaurante de desayunos en donde me pedí unos huevos pochados y un café, él una crepa con carnes frías varias.
El coqueteo se desarrolló excelente, me gusta hacer sentir especiales a los hombres con los que comparto mi tiempo, me gusta hacerles saber que tienen toda mi atención, que si estoy con ellos el mundo alrededor se desaparece, ese es mi superpoder,  no cuando abro las piernas.
Mientras traen el desayuno conversamos, me pregunta a cerca de mí , lo que hago, lo que estudie y por qué y yo le hago las mismas preguntas a él  , también el tópico básico de cada que salgo con alguien de una app: si lleva mucho en la app y si ha salido con otras personas a lo cual me responde que no , nunca se ha concretado ninguna cita con nadie.
-Por qué me volviste a escribir y quisiste salir conmigo?- me pregunta
Hmmm… sonrió. – Porque en este momento tengo más tiempo libre; cuando estoy centrada en el trabajo o proyectos personales no suelo salir con nadie, priorizo lo demás antes que conocer personas. -
Asiente coincidimos en el punto de que lo mejor es priorizar proyectos que nos llevan al desarrollo personal, las personas van y vienen. Tenemos varios puntos en común.
Él dice que no ha salido con nadie porque es desconfiado y se fija mucho en los detalles. Eso ya podía suponerlo, no deja de mirarme, se fija en cada uno de mis gestos  ademanes. Me presta mucha atención y eso me gusta.
-¿Qué haces cuando no estas trabajando? – me pregunta
-Gym, leer o salir con amigos, aunque no tengo tantos-
-Por qué? -
-Me cuesta contarle mis cosas a quien sea-
-Me da la impresión de que eres muy selectiva-
Asiento y sonrío.
En resumen, él es un tipo inteligente, educado al que le gusta trabajar mucho, es caballeroso también; y bueno, parece que tiene más vida social a sus 37 que yo a mis 28. Físicamente es delgadísimo, un poco más alto que yo , rasgos afilados y ojos pequeños que se agrandan un poco por las gafas rectangulares.
Al terminar pide la cuenta y se pone un poco serio.
-Antes de irnos quiero hacerte una pregunta , aunque creo que ya sé la respuesta- me dice
Su seriedad me pone ligeramente nerviosa. Asiento invitándole a hablar.
-¿Estas segura de que quieres hacer lo que vamos a hacer?... No tienes que hacerlo si no estás cómoda.
-¿Parece que no estoy cómoda o que no quiero?-
-No, definitivamente no, pero prefiero que tú me lo digas-
Su pregunta me parece extraña. <<Le importa lo que yo sienta o quiera?>>. Al parecer sí. Pero esto no es nada inusual para mí, me siento completamente dispuesta, quizá hasta mojada.
Suspiro. – Si, estoy muy segura. - le digo mirándolo.
-Eso pensé.-
Caminamos hacia el estacionamiento , me abre la puerta y en cuanto entra me pregunta la música que me gusta y me entrega su celular para que yo ponga lo que quiera.
Mientras conduce hacia un hotel hablamos sobre conciertos.
Al llegar y entrar a la habitación, después de ponernos cómodos me siento en el tocador y lo invito con mis brazos a acercarse, cuando está cerca le rodeo la cintura con mis piernas y lo aprieto hacía mí. Él me empieza recorrer el torso con sus manos mientras nos besamos. Huele bien y su aliento me resulta agradable. Una de sus manos se mete entre mis piernas, acaricia mis muslos y llega hasta el puente de la tanga , la corre hacia un lado , yo me empujo más hacia sus dedos hasta que los mete entre mis labios, los desliza con facilidad hasta que ocupan mi vagina. Me hace gemir y hace que quiera más, me froto contra sus dedos y presiono aún más adentro. Empiezo a desabotonarle la camisa. Me bajo del tocador y me pongo de espaldas a él , levanto los brazos para que me saque el vestido, y lo hace.
-Ese vestido esconde lo mejor de ti- Me dice mientras abraza mi cuerpo en lencería, siente mi piel, pone sus manos en mi cintura y la aprieta, después las sube hasta el broche del bra para soltarlo, a penas lo suelta pego mis tetas a su pecho y se las restriego, mis pezones se endurecen por efecto de la fricción y la excitación.  Me separo de él, me inclino sobre la cama invitándole a penetrarme, mientras me froto los labios comprobando que están lubricados.
Después de desnudarse siento su verga dando golpecitos a mis nalgas, separo más las piernas y se hunde en mi vagina; su miembro es afilado, delgado y largo, esta extremadamente firme y tiene una curvatura hacía la derecha muy marcada. Aprieto los músculos de la pelvis para que todo se sienta mucho más ajustado y me dedico a gemir mientras me embiste. Asombrosamente mi deseo empieza a ir hacia arriba, empiezo a buscar sentirme más cerca de su cuerpo, froto mi piel contra la suya, busco que nuestros labios se unan y cuando lo hacen le lamo los labios antes de recibir sus labios con la boca entreabierta.  
Cambiamos de posiciones hasta que encontramos la posición perfecta: cuchareándonos mientras me está penetrando ,  de este modo su curvatura pega contra mi punto G. Además esa posición deja libre sus dos manos, con una me jala por la cintura para metérmela más profundo, y con a otra aprieta mis pechos, incrementando mi humedad. Después de un rato ha sido tanto el ajetreo que estamos sudando, entonces paramos para descansar, mientras me acaricia, me toca los pezones, yo dirijo sus manos para que toque todo el torso, no quiero que deje de tocarme ni dejar de sentir su piel, aún estoy muy excitada , además su piel es suave y desprende un olor exquisito que seguro ya se me ha quedado pegado. Mientras me estoy masturbando , tomo una de sus manos y la llevo hacia mi vulva.
-Méteme los dedos- le pido gimiendo
Se ríe y aparta su mano de mi pubis.
-Por qué quieres que te meta los dedos?-
-Porque siento rico. Por favor, méteme los dedos-
-No te quiero meter los dedos- me dice mientras se acomoda y sin previo aviso me mete su verga hasta el fondo.
-Vale…- le digo complacida en un suspiro. –Es que creí que aún no estabas listo para continuar, pero así está mejor-
Me sujeto de las sabanas para empujarme contra su cuerpo, solo busco sentirlo más adentro.
-Dónde quieres que termine? -
-Sobre mis nalgas- le respondo
-No quieres sentirme adentro? -
Asiento con la cabeza y entonces se viene adentro de mí. Siento como su cuerpo se tensa y yo tenso el mis voluntariamente para cerrarme más alrededor de su pene. Gime. Y su cuerpo se relaja junto a mi piel.
Tras salir del éxtasis conversamos un rato más, nos vestimos, me cuenta que por la tarde tiene una comida de trabajo y bajamos hasta su auto para salir de ahí. Y en el auto me pregunta donde quiero que me deje, le pido que me deje en una plaza comercial, lo que siempre hago por seguridad.
Antes de arrancar me paga , le agradezco y quedamos en volver a vernos.
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