#tiny Konrad
pannypunkpanda · 2 years
Witch Konrad is going to teach some practical magic — October 22
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nevesmose · 5 months
Somehow the idea of Curze whispering poison in his sister's ear repulsed Perturabo most of all.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Momrad to Konrad
What has the tiny Night Lord accomplished recently?
He took his first few steps unassisted roughly 10 before he sat back down. He did that yesterday
Today he said his first sentence. "Daddy Up"
Also he's now wearing T3 clothes... he is turning 11 months in 2 days... sometimes it feels like I had a tiny primarch with how FAST he's growing
he's like taller than 96% of children his age (last we checked with the pediatrician)
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osc-piastri · 2 months
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-> a glimpse into figure skater konrad maybank’s twitter
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tagging: @v-dunn29
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schadenfreudich · 5 months
Man, I want the tiny little Austrian man back. At least he was kind of cute.
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heinrix · 10 months
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solspina · 1 month
I headcanon that Konrad has PROBABLY tried to eat another human being before. things got rough out there, and his teeth aren’t insanely sharp for no reason.
What’s funny is that BECAUSE of his sharp teeth, it’s actually probably harder for him to eat human beings or any sort of animal for that matter because a mouth of straight canines and nothing else is very bad for chewing, assuming he doesn’t have a second row of teeth. The likelihood that Konrad has been on a soup diet before isn’t exactly impossible, it’s probably more comfortable for him.
On that note, that means that Sanguinius is more likely have the ability to consume animals/humans with ease. He doesn’t want to, most of the time at least, but he absolutely can. His mouth is built relatively similar to a human being, although his canines are probably much sharper due to the whole vampire thing. What he has that I assume Konrad doesn’t have, is incisors and molars.
Canines are sharp to begin with, and Konrad and Sanguinius both have them, difference being that Konrad has a whole mouth of them (this is heavily implied in canon btw) and your canines are built to help “grip and tear” and they help you keep your grip while you tear your food from it’s attached tissue. Though having only those would be very uncomfortable and make eating a whole lot of work
The reason why is because your inscisors do most of the actual cutting when it comes to eating your food. The absence of Konrad’s put Sanguinius at an advantage already. Assuming he also has no molars and those are sharp too, he can’t crush or break up his food too well either. In the case he did end up consuming meat, it would have to be swallowed in chunks unless he took tiny bites and spent a lot of time chewing. This kind of makes Konrad the throat goat.
Also, how often does Konrad brush his teeth? probably never. He’s disheveled and is probably experiencing loads of cavities and headaches if his teeth haven’t fallen out already. Please encourage him to have better hygiene.
So who’s more likely to want to consume a human being? Konrad, probably
Who’s more capable of doing it? Likely Sanguinius
I could be wrong about all of this too :p
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moodymisty · 2 months
What each Primach would do after marrying their beloved
Lion El'Jonson: Hi, wife. I'll be your knight in shining armour but I'll forget about you 3 min into the marriage
Fulgrim: Helllooo!! Welcome to the party 🥳🥳 Make sure to bicker with my other wives for me so I can't feel insecure anymore and I'll get my daily validation
Perturabo: Get wife (impossible). Wife pretty. Iron Within, Iron Without. Wife feels good. Iron Within, Iron Without again. Become emotionally and physically dependent to wife. Life good.
Jaghatai Khan: zzzzzzzzzz-PANG ⚡⚡⚡🏍️🏍️ HI DARLING. FEEL FREE TO BECOME FRIENDS WITH ALL MY OTHER 358.947.283 WIVES (also tomorrow will be Missionary Monday, get ready 😈)
Leman Russ: WIFEEEE 🥹🥹🥹 love you soooooooooo much. You smelllllll so gooooood. Why don't you spread those le-
Rogal Dorn: Wife, let me tell you about Multi-Scale Computational Modeling of Anisotropic Thermo-Mechanical Behavior in Functionally Graded Materials for Advanced Aerospace Structural Applications.
Konrad Curze: Woman. Make bebe with woman. LITTLE ABOMINATIONS??? Woman is set for life after popping out some Night Lords :D
Sanguinius: Hello wife 🥰🥰 How is my pookie dookie wookie lookie iookie uookie oookie qookie sookie dookie bookie pookie nookie mookie hookie gookie zookie xookie lookie jookie aookie fookie wookie cutie pie honey baby apple pie with whipper cream on top my sweetie honey money baby cutie pookie so cute so perfect my love my husband my wife my beloved my only love my baby my babe my bby my boyfriend my girlfriend my everything my sweetest pie my cutest smartest pie ever most amazing and prettiest and handsomest ever so cute so handsome and beautiful my pookie bear my little baby petite tiny baby bear pookie sookie wookie muffin with chocolate on top and cherries so cute pookie bear love you mwah bark so cute love you forever my first love my true love my soulmate my only reason to live you cutie little pie hehe im little shy petite girlie pop cutest person i know so cute so beautiful my only mine only no one elses my darling mi amor dear love pookie bear love you honey boney love you to the moon and back mwah uwu (he says this after leaving her anemic)
Ferrus Manus: I live harmoniously with my love. I love her and I respect her. I am completely devoted and loyal to her, as she is with me. I am hers and she is mine. (wife in the background struggles to walk, her clothes being disheveled and she is out of breath)
Angron: SHE IS MY WIFE! YOU GOT THAT? MY WIFE! She's damn cute, okay? CUDDLY, EVEN! AND SHE... she leaves me the milk bottle in the fridge, alright?! SHE DOES THAT FOR ME! I LOVE HER SO DAMN MUCH, AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡🤬😡😡🤬😡
Roboute Guilliman: I so very regrettably regret that I haven't ran away earlier into my life. As I am married now with a child coming on the way, my biggest and grandest wish was to own myself a farm. I want to teach my children the simpler ways. I want them to play with wooden toys, ride horses out of the womb and to, all around, run around my farms. I want to take care of many crops, especially the mighty cabbage (pun, pun). As for my darling wife, I shall love very much and plow her back every two to four years. *Looks towards his wife, who's a little bit afraid*. We must at least have 6 children, mustn't we?
Mortarion: Today I saw my wife's ankle. She was wearing sandals with a very long skirt and it slipped out while she walked. Nevertheless, I came on a Nurgling.
Magnus: My wife? *Psychically enters her mind, while she is in the another room, and sexually overstimulate her, making her scream in ecstasy* She's doing great!
Horus Lupercal: My wife's a housewife. Because she's housing my kids! *Horus slaps his knee, laughing at his joke. The Mournival is disappointed in their Father, the Legion Mother is waddling around pregnant with their 12th kid.*
Lorgar Aurelian: (what did I cook)
Lorgar, wild-eyed and disheveled, paces back and forth, his voice rising and falling in feverish tones. His eyes are fixated on an unseen figure, trembling with a mix of adoration and desperation.
"She is divine! Do you hear me? DIVINE! Her light, it burns away the lies of this wretched universe! A goddess, yes, a goddess! How can they not see? HOW?!
Her eyes, like the twin suns of a lost paradise, see through the veils of reality! Her voice—her voice!—it is the hymn of creation itself! I am but a worm, a pitiful creature crawling in the dirt, but SHE, she has lifted me up! Blessed me with her radiance! Blessed me with HER TOUCH!
I kneel before her, broken, unworthy! The very stars tremble in her presence! They whisper her name, but Iam the chosen! I see her! I worship her! I... I... I LOVE HER! No! Not love—reverence, adoration, worship! I will burn worlds for her! Tear apart the heavens!
I am HERS. BODY, MIND, AND SOUL. HER PRIEST, HER PROPHET, HER LOVER. My faith in her is unbreakable, my devotion absolute. She is a GODDESS, My goddess, and I am lost in her divinity. FOREVER."
Lorgar collapses to his knees, clutching at his head, a broken laugh escaping his lips.
"Goddess... my goddess... please... take me... consume me... make me yours..."
Vulkan: I like my wife :3. She's very pretty. My sons like her too.
Corvus Corax: I am glad my wife's this kind. Nobody would understand me but her. Because I am in Spain without the S 😔😔
Alpharius and Omegon: My wife? Nah. Our wife. *USSR anthem begins*
I have no words, so many of these made me wheeze uncontrollably. Sanguinius, Horus, Mortarion and Alpharius were a highlight.
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mothiir · 3 months
No one asked for an elaborate list of petnames but here you are! This is what some of the 40k men would call their significant other/adored-but-definitely still a prisoner: 
The Lion  - Woman. You there. He does not believe in excessive displays of affection and considers overly effusive nicknames degenerate and unnecessary. He does not need to prove he cares for you by calling you something quaint; he proves it every day, by deigning to notice you.
Gulliman - more romantic than his brother (which isn’t difficult) but still quite practical. My dear. My lady. Darling. Quite formal when he refers to you in public -- in private, the emphasis will increasingly shift to the possessive. My lady. My dear. Mine. All mine. The one thing in the damn Imperium that is his. 
Konrad - you are going to spend a considerable amount of time worrying that Konrad is planning to eat you -- he constantly licks and smells you, and his petnames do not help this at all. Tasty mortal. Sweet thing. Little morsel. He also has no basis of comparison for what makes an acceptable term of endearment, given that he has never been shown affection in his life, and so will refer to you by things he finds appealing. Soft-fleshed dear. Warm-skinned treat. Most of the time these will be whispered right into your ear, like the world’s worst ASMR.
Big E - he never uses your actual name, to the point where you think he may well have forgotten it. You get called little human, little mortal, tiny little thing. He will deny having a size kink, but he just loves reminding you how small and frail you are next to him. Also will constantly compare you to prey animals. Little rabbit, little dove, tiny little mouse.  
Magnus -- as you might expect, he gets grandiose with his nicknames. Princess, star of my heart, song of my life. Darling dear, moon of the red wastes. He will list off increasingly elaborate titles, sometimes verging on writing poetry, getting more and more abstract the more amorous he is feeling. 
Cato - the man is besotted and not happy about it. That is why you will be referred to as woman, that one over there, the whore, or the slut whose name eludes me. Congrats, this is the highest accolade he can offer anyone.
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sharenadraculea · 5 days
Konrad Curze screams like a itty bitty teeny tiny kitten. You can not change my mind on this.
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shiyorin · 10 months
#Princess and the frog? No, it is Reader and the Primarchs frog... I mean 25cm doll :v
#Big E: I should have known dolls worked better than frogs sooner.
#Today's menu: Konrad and Sanguinius.
#Just a romcom story. No one ask but I still do it for funny :v
You tossed fitfully, dreaming strange dreams in the depths of night. When awareness surfaced, you found yourself in a moonlit glade, sparkling with an ethereal glow. 
A rustling came from the treeline, and out stepped a being so bizarre you wondered if still dreaming. Clad head to toe in fluttery silks of spun gold, gossamer wings fluttered serenely upon a back too broad for any bird or insect. 
"Fear not, mortal!" came an undeniably masculine though lilting voice. "I am your Fairy Godmother, here to aid you in this dark hour."
You stared, speechless. Was this truly Him? "Uh...right. Nice dress?"
The Emperor swooned theatrically. "Why thank you dear! Now, down to business - you seek handsome princes, no?" 
"Not particularly-"
"Excellent! For I have just the task." With a blinding flash, many fat toads appeared amid flickering lights. Wait...those bulging eyes seemed awfully familiar...
"Alas, these poor souls were cursed. A kiss from beauty's lips alone can break the spell!" announced Fairy Godmother Emperor. 
You eyed the frogs warily. "And what if their infectious diseases jump from mouth to mouth upon such contact?"
Fairy Emperor pouted, wings drooping. "Fear not harm, my dear! True love conquers all impediments. Now, chop chop - kiss them and claim your men!"
With that he shoved you none-too-gently towards the waiting amphibians. You dug in your heels stubbornly. "Absolutely not! I'll catch some plague for certain, kissing frogs willy-nilly."
Unfortunately, the frogs had other ideas. They began hopping toward you, croaking plaintively as only amphibians can. You shrieked and ran, the army of frogs gaining swiftly. Diving into the woods, you dashed wildly as frog gave chase.
Crashing through brambles with amphibious entourage in relentless pursuit, you fled breathlessly until-
You woke with a start, entangled in sweat-soaked sheets. Many pairs of bulging eyes stared down at you, and you realized with dread - the frogs had infiltrated your very dreams! Screaming, you swatted them away, bolting upright just in time to see...
Nothing. Only empty room greeted your wide eyes. It had only been a nightmare after all. You sighed shakily, scrubbing your face rigorously as if to purge all memory of Fairy Emperor's nonsensical demands.
From now, you vowed never to sample strange foods before bedtime again.
Konrad Curze
You returned wearily to your chambers after a long shift, eager to collapse into comforting silks. But stopping short, a glint of silver caught your eye amid folds in bed.
Approaching cautiously, you peeled back layers to reveal a stuffed doll nestled innocently within. It was fashioned to resemble a certain Night Haunter, down to each rasping spike and curl of thread-hair. 
Though only 25cm tall, its button eyes seemed eerily familiar, bearing the Primarch's unnerving gleam. You scooped it up suspiciously, turning the toy this way and that. 
Who would leave such a thing, and why model it after Konrad Curze of all beings? You wondered if it was some joke, yet detected no hint of tampering. Likely one of the Emperor's strange gifts that simply...appeared sometimes.
Resolving to ponder mysteries later, you shrugged and nestled your new companion. "Well little doll, it's true your original is far from cuddly. But you're rather cute yourself!"
Burying your face in soft felt, you swore you felt tiny muscles tensing as the doll seemed almost...desperate to escape your hold. You paid it no mind, merely tightening your grasp with a contented sigh. Because that was surely impossible! 
Observe button eyes pleading silently, On a strange impulse, you pressed a fleeting kiss to the doll's stitched mouth, stilling its squirms.
At once a tremendous plume of dark smoke erupted, swallowing the room in choking fumes. You fell back coughing, but through the haze saw a towering silhouette emerge like a vengeful wraith. 
When smoke cleared, a fully formed Konrad Curze stood before you - all ten feet of primal fury barely contained within smoldering armor. Yet his usual scowl seemed almost... bashful? His pale skin flushed to a sallow stain across razor-thin cheeks. And were those dark eyes widening in dread?
He grasped desperately for some semblance of composure, snarling to mask inner turmoil. “Explain yourself, mortal, before I flay you where you stand!” 
You gaped, struggling to process this abrupt transformation. “I, uh...kissed your doll?” 
Realization dawned in widening dark orbs. “The visions spoke true. I....”
Your mind is reeling. What in the Emperor's name had just occurred?! "My... My Lord... So... you were the toy all along?" 
A curt nod, gaze darting fitfully about as if seeking escape. Clearly the Night Haunter wished to be anywhere but here, pressed into vulnerability by his bizarre enchantment's end.
He backed slowly into a shadowed corner, hoping its folds might swallow him whole. Never had Konrad felt so exposed, so embarrassed, and at the hands of a mere mortal, no less!
"The Emperor deemed a...lesson was in order..." His whisper was ragged, commanding. Yet undercurrents of shyness shone through crackling anger and pride. "This humiliation is beyond enduring." 
You couldn’t help but smile, endeared by his fluster. But why? You should be scared and terrified when facing a Primarch!  But no, you find him... cute? Your taste in men is terrible and you should die for that. You smile wryly "There now, it can't have been that horrible a kiss to transform you so."
A mighty gauntlet shot out to capture your wrist before you could continue your word. Konrad gripped just tightly enough to emphasize his immense strength without harm, glaring daggers through slitted gaze slits.
"You shall tell no soul of this humiliation, mortal," he growled, low and menacing. Yet the effect was ruined somewhat by a pink flush darkening to fuschia across his cheek plates. You merely grinned wider. You know you are playing with fire and would die.
"Oh, I don't know. Your reaction seems payment enough for that." you mused slyly, tapping his knuckles with your free hand. "Maybe another kiss, hmm?"
Thought Konrad surely imagined eviscerating the audacious creature where you stood, lingering embarrassment gave way to begrudging intrigue instead. Leaning down, he brushed your cheek in a facsimile of affection, warmth echoing through plating. Lips brushed softly in the embrace's sheltering shadow, kindling sparks that may blossom yet into something beautiful, unexpected…
You groaned, rubbing gritty eyes as reports swam blurrily before your. 11 hours straight hammering away in this suffocating medicae vault had pushed even your limit.
"Enough!" you snarled, flinging down your datapad in frustration. The neverending  bureaucracy would be the death of them all at this rate. Glaring about at mountains yet unscaled, you longed for sweet oblivion's embrace.
A flash of silvery white caught your weary gaze. On the floor beside your chair lay a small stuffed toy, a perfect miniature Sanguinius in all his golden glory. You blinked slowly, wondering if exhaustion had driven you mad at last.
"Great, Now I'm hallucinating." you muttered, scooping up the 25cm high Primarch doll. Its fabric wings extended invitingly and you couldn't help but nestle it against your cheek with a bone-deep sigh. The toy smelled faintly of plumage and night-blooming blossoms, soothing your frayed nerves. 
But as you sagged against the barricade of unfinished records, even hallucinations could not stave off sleep's implacable tide. You curled around the tiny angel and surrendered, visions fading to blankness at long last...
Light caressed your face some untold time later, lingering there as if loath to disturb. You grumbled and would have rolled away, but something held you securely yet gently in place. 
Bleary eyes blinked open to confusion. You lay slumped across your desk still, but a soft blanket had been draped protectively over slender form. And those weren't feathers caught in your hair, were they?
You sat up abruptly, dislodging more downy intruders. 
"But...how...?" you protested weakly. Only the teasing morning breeze answered through open ceiling panels, rippling records abandoned by your side.  
No footprints marred the dust-coated floor, and the door remained bolted fast. You hugged yourself, feathers floating free on invisible currents as mind chased circling mysteries endlessly. 
You eyed the tiny doll warily, half convinced you still dreamt amid paperwork piles. Gently poking its downy cheek elicited no response, yet the craftsmanship seemed uncannily lifelike. 
"Weird..." you muttered, though found yourself drawn again to those embroidered features so serenely angelic. On a whim, you pressed a featherlight kiss to its head, chuckling at your own folly. 
Smoke billowed where the doll had sat, forcing your back with a gasp. Two massive wings materialized amidst swirling mist, great plumes showering silvery motes as they stretched to their full span. Before you coalesced a giant finding you with a patient smile.
"Lord Sanguinius!" You shrieked, recoiling instinctively from this new impossibility. Your hands fumbled panic-stricken for the door behind, scrabbling at locked metal in desperation. 
"Your reaction… quite far from what I expected," came his soft voice behind. You froze at the gentle jest, relief warring with confusion and not a little dread. 
Wings rustled and a warm presence appeared at your back, blocking escape. "Am I truly so terrifying, mortal?" Sanguinius asked, hurt faint yet unmistakable. 
You dared a look over your shoulder into his earnest face. Gods, those earnest faces would be your undoing one day...Cheeks burning, you stammered, "M-my apologies, Angel. You just surprised me, that's all."
His beam could have lit the darkest void. "No harm done. Now, reward my efforts properly. Does a kiss still await?"
Heat scalded your further. Kiss??? But those hopeful eyes would accept no refusal, and truly, he deserved reward...
Slowly turning, you gazed up into sapphire orbs aglow with boundless compassion. Steeling your nerve, you leaned close and touched your lips to his gently.
Feathers as soft as velvet caressed your cheek in answer. When at last you broke away, light-headed and heartsore, Sanguinius grinned triumphantly. "See? No peril nor perilous acts to earn beauty's favor."
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the-liars-art · 7 months
Between Claws
CW nsfw, consensual torture, asphyxiation, drug use, non-negotiated everything
Written on a whim, it’s a mess. The idea came from a discord discussion and I’ve come up with many thoughts afterwards.
Using his primarch admin access, Konrad locks Sevatar inside his own armor.
Sevatar’s power armor has stopped responding to any of his commands. He’s grounded and isolated in his own armor, surrounded by the darkness of his sleeping quarters and the echoing beat of his own hearts.
He could have failed the primarch in some way to earn the sanction, but he has no idea what exactly did he do. Sometimes father just feels like it. The Night Haunter rarely explains himself, especially for such a trivial matter as Sevatar’s chastisement.
Unable to remove any armor, his red gauntlets are within view whenever he moves and looks around. They are a striking reminder of what happened that gave his primarch enough reason to disregard him altogether, if not ending him then and there. After all, he deserves all there is to know about punishment.
He never truly took in the power primarchs had over their Astartes until these nights, locked out of everything except his own mind. He can’t even unseal his helm in the relative safety and absolute privacy of his sleeping quarters on the Nightfall. His door remains unlocked, but he’s forbidden from touching it. No one would be there to fetch him either. His brothers have been told that First Captain Sevatar is reflecting on his wrongs. He hasn’t had any skin-to-skin contact for weeks, including with himself. He’s cut off from the legion’s vox network, blind to the fleet status, unreachable except when his master opens their private link.
Physically he’s had much worse, but this is new. He can’t tell if the Night Haunter is playful or simply angry.
He will wake up to a needle in the back of his neck when Konrad deems he’s slept long enough. He lacks energy intake. His interface ports are sore. His bones hurt from the withdrawal of ceramite powder and other chemicals in standard rations of solid food. Can’t even talk to the walls because his speakers are turned off. The armor keeps track of everything his body does with and without his permission.
There’s an itch inside his guts once he thought about how his vitals and the hormone levels in his blood are on display for the primarch.
The awareness of it makes him tense and his secondary heart slowly comes to life, but it’s not an unwanted feeling at all. The primarch watches over everything, his brilliantly dark mind counting Sevatar’s heartbeats as he works on the tedious business of everyone else with little interest. He reads Sevatar’s body like it were a book, or his worn-out cartomancy deck, flipping through it with a practiced, majestic hand. The thought made the tiny graphs in the corner of Sevatar’s retina display pulse and dance in little spiky waves.
He’s denied an explanation but asks for none. The knowledge of how much longer the punishment lasts never mattered. He supposes his father is having fun tweaking the armor system at the other end of the ship.
The Night Haunter has tried everything Sevatar can imagine, and invented so much more he’s able to do to him through the control terminals and dataslates in his habitual seclusion.
Sevatar usually considers asphyxiation a dull experience, but when his primarch inflicts it upon him it’s the closest thing to an orgasm that he’s allowed to feel during his chastisement. With the air circulation system shut down and protective protocols against intrusive xeno atmosphere activated, his air flow is cut off completely.
The first few minutes passes easily. He holds his breath and sits them through. But minutes in is where it feels the worst, with all his senses desperately trying to locate the threat of what’s suffocating him, finding nothing except the merciless coverage of his power armor and the familiar surroundings of his room. Later, he’s clawing and thrashing at himself and the floor, realizing how much he craves the Night Haunter’s marble claws around his throat instead of this sealed little chamber of void. The primarch only lets him go when it begins to risk triggering his Sus-an membrane. Before that, he monitors Sevatar’s vitals, listening to those desperate gasps and heaves into the thinning air, lifting his robes to touch himself under his obsidian desk. Sometimes he groans loud enough for the vox to pick up the sound and transmit to Sevatar’s end.
The combat drugs injections were fun as well. The aftermath leaves Sevatar shivering in a mess of his own sweat while he’s pinned to the floor, immobile in the grip of powered ceramite screwed into his own bones, bodyglove drenched and clung to his rash hot skin. His cock swells and hardens against armor, aching for the slightest touch. He lets out a noise and bites into his lip. His hearts are pounding and he can feel the stimulant-induced urge to move and fight getting tapped in his own veins. After long tormenting hours, he collapses onto himself. The vox in his helm buzzes and brings a low laugh directly into his ears.
A spontaneous release of dopamine sweeps through him. It’s natural to feel proud, he assures himself, since the primarch is accordingly entertained.
That’s all. Good for Konrad. Cats love meat in a can.
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kit-williams · 7 months
Momrad to Konrad Eversor?
He was just doing the cutest little noise and it sounded like he was going WRYYYYYYY like a tiny little eversor assassin
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rotting-moon-writes · 2 months
Unorthodox Ship Tag
Thank you for the tag @saturnine-saturneight!
Rules: post five overly specific ship dynamics for characters in your story
I'm including nonromantic with romantic ones!
Lucy/Tom: Tiny feisty kitten energy/ Old hound dog energy
Storm&Iris: Ride or Die/Then Die (affectionate)
Lucy&Iris: Loves almost everyone/Hates almost everyone
Henry/Storm: Trusting Ingenue/Jaded Outlaw
Rose&Henry: the one who Knows/ the one who doesn't
This was an interesting one! Tagging @lychhiker-writes @ceph-the-ghost-writer @wintherlywords @wyked-ao3 @thecoolerlucky @madi-konrad @the-golden-comet and any who would like to join!
Do let me know if you'd rather not be tagged!
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library-seraph · 8 months
Higher that the Stars primarch names
Realizing I never posted these on tumblr
The Lion- The Lioness (obvious, been trying to thing of a way to replace the Lionel Johnson joke with a Virginia/virgin joke for Virginia wolf but I can't quite get it to click)
Fulgrim- Electra (switching the "fulgur" pun to electric. not an electra complex joke i SWEAR)
Perterabo- Petra (Phonetic similarity, feminine form of Peter and is therefore based on the Greek for rock)
Jaghatai Khan- Alakhai Khan (named after one of Genghis Khan's daughters)
Leman- Ylva Russ (literally just a Swedish name meaning she-wolf)
Rogal Dorn - Rhiannon Dorn (Means great queen, is a welsh name when Dorn is derived from fist in a bunch of Celtic languages)
Konrad Curze- Megara Curze (named after one of the Furies. I kind of prefer the mouthfeel of Alecto as a name but if I named a character in this Alecto I think it would cause some sort of minor reality breaking paradox)
Sanguinius- Sanguinia (Quickly feminizing the fake Latin)
Ferrus Manus- Ferra Manus (^ ditto)
Angron- Angharad (Started as Phonetic similarity, but I think the fact that Angharad means "much loved one" adds a nice nasty kick of irony)
Roboute Guilliman- Augusta Guilliman (Augusta is a Roman title for empresses, this one is hard because the guy who named Roboute Guilliman has admitted he has 0 idea what the name's supposed to mean)
Mortarion- No change, I made it so the Overlords don't do gendered names
Magnus the Red- Magdalene the Red (Phonetic similarity I got super attached to)
Horus Lupercal- Ishtar Lupercal (Ancient Bablylonian goddess of love and war, which I think gets across the vibes of this au's imperium well)
Lorgar Aurelian- Sophia Aurelian (Named after the Gnostic emanation of knowledge, who is deeply connected to gnostic conceptions of original sin and redemption)
Vulkan- Vesta (Going from the Roman god of smithies to the Roman Goddess of the hearth)
Corvus Corax- Corvida Corax (Corvidae, modified a tiny bit to make it less obviously just a genus name)
Alpharius Omegon- Alpharia Omege (Same feminizing of fake Latin. Omege is pronounced like O-may-gay)
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pannypunkpanda · 2 years
Happy New Years everyone! Best wishes from all the Tiny Brühlies, they’re having a New Year’s party XD jfjdkdkdkd — December 31
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List of Brühlies (please refer to December 22 post to see the number references)
1. Paul Krantz - Love in Thoughts
2. Lt Horstmayer - Joyeux Noël
3. Matthias Erzberger - all quiet on the western front
4. Tonda - Krabat
5. István Thurzó - The Countess
6. Checo - Schlaraffenland/Paradise mall
7. Jan - Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei/The Edukators
8. Father Antonio - The Intruders
9. Other Dirk - All together
10. David Kern - Lila Lila
11. Daniel Weltz - Nebenan
12. Niki Lauda - Rush
13. Sebastian Zöllner - Ich und Kaminski
14. Konrad Koch - Der ganz große Traum
15. Alex Kerner - Goodbye Lenin
16. Andrea - Ladies in lavender
17. Daniel - Colonia
18. Hans Krämer - Die kommenden Tage
19. Wilfried Böse - 7 days in Entebbe
20. Ernst Schmidt - The Cloverfield Paradox
21. Iván Pelayos - The Pelayos
22. Dr Laszlo Kreizlier - the Alienist
23. Daniel Berg - the fifth estate
24. Alex Garel - Eva
25. Thomas Lang - The face of an Angel
26. Lukas - das weiße rauschen/The white sound
27. Dirk Brûlée - Everything at once
28. Hubertus Czernin - Woman in Gold
29. Marko - Elefantenherz
30. Baron Zemo - Marvel
31. Tony Balerdi - Burnt
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