#tinsy vent
111-prxtty · 6 months
Watching Hetty feather again years later is so crazy. First of all how was that appropriate for young kids, Jacqueline Wilson wrote lots of books and I read quite a few of them and it's no wonder I was one of those kids who had wattpad at like 12 (ik now that it was completely inappropriate but we learn from our mistakes and you should learn from mine - wattpad = bad for kids). Like at the end of one of her books that I read at roughly 9 years old the mcs older sister falls out of a tower and dies (!!!) like wtf. Some of these episodes have me sobbing with how sad they are and how were my parents okay with me watching that!!Second of all why tf do those 13 year old foundlings in the 1800s have love and I don't. Like I love them and they're cute and all but still. I'm not okay with that but I love the show 😙 xoxo
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sulfvr · 23 days
Art teachers when you use your artstyle:
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Tinsy tiny blitzbee story for us anons?
(possibly either blitz having a panic attack or bee getting overstimulated)
( I know they are kinda the same but also different but I love torturing my boys🙂)
- chicken nugget anon
How about
- bee once got overstimulated during a team exercise from lack of sleep because he was worried about Blitzwing who had a panic attack during their last meeting. Blitzwing was highly stressed from walking on eggshells around the base because Megatron and Starscream were at each others throats and taking it out on those around them. Blitzwing had to keep his personalities in check so he wouldn’t be harmed and it taxes him greatly. So when he was able to calm down with Bee his mind wandered a little too far and he panicked thinking of all the bad things that could happen if starscream caught him with Bee and how easy it is to hurt Bee. So that made it worse.
- blitzwing’s face kept switching until he full on panicked while gripping Bee close.
- bee was able to catch hold of Randoms face plates and talk him down with deep vents and having him focus on describing the cabin Blitzwing hopes to one day build for them.
- they stayed in a deep cave where Blitzwing held Bee for security and bee kept talking about anything as blitzwing drifted off to sleep. Bee just commed his team saying he wanted to stay out by himself and cut his comms off. Easy to ask forgiveness than permission. Blitzwing wasn’t very worried about being demanded back since he knew how to not draw attention to himself and Megatron wanted to be left alone anyway.
- bee was lacking sleep after that. It was hard to recharge ever since he got back because it was getting cold and the cold hurts his frame. The lack of sleep and frame pain overstimulated him and he accidentally jumped away from his friends touch and yelled.
- he apologized after and said he needed to be alone. He didn’t wait for permission and left. He was so thankful Blitzwing was flying in the area but he also started overthinking and accidentally created an electric static around his frame.
Blitzwing has a thick armor so using that after helping talk bee down, he was able to withstand the shocks until they stopped.
He heated his frame up and soon bee was in significantly less pain and falling asleep to Blitzwing warm frame and humming spark.
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princessg3rard · 5 months
slight vent about sensory issues below the cut :3
why is everything so loud and itchy and weird Jesus fucking christ !! can the idf really not afford to not yell at 18yo for like 3 sec ?? just those 3 like pls I just want a tinsie winsie break that’s all
I’m really grateful that I serve but also I want to kill everyone and run away into the woods
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ask-robokasa-and-rui · 4 months
Tinsy little vent
I hate this au and it’s story not because of it being itself, because how sad it is. I hate writing these sad moments. I cry like every time I read them. Especially when Rui cried because of Mizuki’s death. It was so hard to write that. Sometimes writing is my coping way.
Also something about the songs. I’m gonna use them for the Tsukasa and Minori animatics. But they can only be animatics because my talent exams are so close. But they will come! Until then, more art and lore posts will come.
Tags: @aspenii @k3nnn1th @bobcross1010 @blankblyke @delartz @kusanagi-nene-official-mod @mai-mai-mai @scodscod @kiwi-does-stuff @mizuribbons
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gaykneecaps · 8 months
This close to doing something horrible to the system/to the body to teach the others a lesson about not treating me this way. I am not their doll to play with or their mannequin to shove all their issues onto and then make fun of for being a tinsy bit tired.
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kajinovaa · 1 year
i need some space to vent bark just for a lil tiny bit and yall can completely ignore the shit outta this if you want. im gonna just do a tinsy bit of journaling like my tarot cards suggested. nothing super drastic happened, nor is it aimed at anyone in particular, and no– iM NOT GOING ANYWHERE BDKBDNDDNDJND
its just late night thoughts. thoughts that kinda got nudged to life over a very small encounter, but its done its job properly by reminding me of something i feel like i need to ingrain into my head. a lesson i havent yet processed properly hard enough for it to feel like its fully a part of me
i got reminded of the absolute bs ive gone through in my life, shit thats so unbelieveably unacceptable but i stayed with it cuz it was mostly a part of autistic masking but also cuz i had a big heart that i wore constantly on my sleeve. greatest lesson ive learnt.
ive bowed and bent over backwards for all the people ive met in my life, and now im coming to the deep realization that i dont have to give a single fuck? like i dont need to care so much about other people's emotions/feelings when i never gave mine proper nuturing??? its so fucking frustrating that its gotten like this and i wish i couldve told my younger and more naïve self that its 100000% okay to be selfish for once??????? i wanna fucking swing at something so bad over this but yknow what? im just gonna have fun instead
so fuck expectations, fuck standards, fuck tryna sound nice— im tired. im infuriated and exhausted. ive been tryna act fair when in actuality that was the biggest mistake of my life. like, the stars gave me strength on my day of birth. the legends sing of destined power like im supposed to express with and yet here ive always been, getting drowned out by other people's priorities and cleaning up after their messes. this debilitating path of being submissive for others isnt the shit for me. it never was in the first place, so im done. im done being nice for the sake of being nice.
dont like that aint giving you attention? not my issue. dont like that im elsewhere and you cant keep up? learn how to walk then cuz i aint holding your hand. dont like that im not sharing my happiness with you? it was never meant for you to have in the first place.
i started my saturn return this year, bday happened several days ago, im only just feeling the brunt of the energies right now. i wanna fuck around, have my chaotic runs and be cringe but free dating my fictional bfs
please stop thinking im the same person i was years ago cuz im not. im the monster you feared you didnt have come across and learn how fast you can get piledrived the moment i deem you useless in my life. sorry but not sorry, its for your own good. somethings in life you were never meant to walk alongside with. i still wanna thank you for being another cobblestone in my path.
goodbye, past life. it was a good run while i still had the tolerance for that hot mess of growth. its my turn to be selfish for once
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fanfics-bts · 7 years
You’re Annoying (And Kinda Hot But I’d Never Dare Say It Aloud) // Chapter 3
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2, Chapter 4
💙 Prompt : Jungkook didn’t expect for Jimin to tag along for their summer camp. And he most definitely did not expect for the smol squishy fluffball of sunshine to have that kind of breath taking,heart throbbing, god-like body.
Or, Jungkook “hates” Jimin but his charms are kind of seeping through to him and Jungkook’s not sure if he wants it to stop.
💎 Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Summer Camp au!
Fic :
His mind was a trainwreck of thoughts, and so he hadn’t noticed when the chatter died down, he also didn’t notice them looking at him.
“Jungkook-ah”, Taehyung calls out, bringing Jungkook back to reality. “You okay?”, Jin raises his eyebrows.
“Yeah I’m-“, he says but cuts himself off when he looked at the chubby boy who looked back at him . He quickly looks away and coughs , “Yeah , I’m cool”, he chuckles lightly and so the rest goes back to their own conversations.
Yoongi was talking to Jimin animatedly and Jimin laughed at him. Pft, what was Yoongi saying that was so funny that it could make Jimin laugh…like..that...?
“You sure everything’s alright kook-ah? “, Jin asks quietly. Jungkook hadn’t realised when Jin sat beside him, but he was giving Jungkook a worried look.
God he was such a mom, but for the first time Jungkook found his presence calming.
“It’s nothing really”, he says and looks down at his worn-out brown timberlands, he should really get new ones.
“I see the way you look at Jimin”, he says and smirks suggestively. Jungkook frowns inwardly, is he really that obvious?  “What? No! I don’t know what you’re talking about. “, he says as he looks back at the boy they’re talking about.
He was still with that goddamn Min Yoongi, what were they even talking about?! Both of them were drinking hot chocolate together while probably talking about cute puppies and cotton candies.
Something he’d never want to do with Jungkook of course, he rolls his eyes.
“Then why are you glaring at Yoongi as if you’re about to murder someone? “, Jin says, simply amused at what he was witnessing.
“God Jungkook you jealous little shit, you’re so obvious!”, Jin straight out laughs, but not so loud that it’ll catch the rest’s attention.
Jungkook scowls a little, because what in the actual hell? Jungkook might just want to rip Yoongi's face off (figuratively only) but it's definitely not because he was jealous...was it..?
He only looks at Jin dumbfoundedly as he speaks again, "Get what's yours before someone else does Jungkook-ah.", he says and stands up to walk away, patting Jungkook's shoulders lightly as he does.
And Jungkook scowls even more What the fuck is that supposed to mean? , he fiddles with the cup of hot cocoa in his hands as he is in deep thoughts.
"Kookie..?", a voice calls out. He looks at the source of the voice, Jimin. He blushed a little ( a teeny tiny tinsy kind of a little) at the nickname and stood up frantically.
"Hm?" , he hums, afraid his voice would crack if he were to say things.
"We're going back now", he says slowly as he suspiciously eyes the taller boy.
What was up with Jungkook these days?, Jimin thought.
Due to the almost tense atmosphere Jungkook had set out, Jimin nods awkwardly and starts to walk off.
God, Jungkook you're such a wreck, he says to himself and steps in Jimin's way.
"Wait! Ji-", he comes infront of Jimin, but that results in them bumping into each other.
Also did he mention he had hot hot cocoa in his hands? The beverage had spilled on the boy's white shirt and timberlands.
Jungkook gasped as he saw the impact of what just happened.
His favorite pair of brown timberlands!!
He was meaning to apologise to jimin for behaving rudely and for them to be in good terms.
But oh boy, he's nowhere near apologising now.
"What the Fuck?!", Jungkook curses as he quickly puts the cup away.
"You spilled it on my timbs!", Jungkook glares at Jimin. "I'm sorry-", Jimin says , "but if you didn't get in my way it wouldn't have spilled at all", he says as he brings out a tissue to wipe the stain on Jungkook's shirt.
"So you're saying it's my fault?! -You were the one who didn't notice me infront of you because you were too busy with your 'hyungie~' ! ", Jungkook bites back , Yoongi hyungie was Jimin's stupid nickname for the pale boy.
Jungkook admittedly wasn't much angry over his pair of timbs (they were old and worn out like he said before) , you could say he was angry about a lot different matter. The different matter being something of the pale boy who was glaring at Jungkook right now.
"Yah Jungkook-ah aren't you being a bit rude?", Yoongi glares. Jungkook  looks at Jimin who was frowning angrily (and Jungkook did not think he looked cute when he pouts at all)
"Yeah well no shit Sherlock! He just spilled hot cocoa on me if you didn't notice!" , Jungkook says exasperatedly.
"Oh boohoo! It was already cold anyways! And you can wash it off too!", Jimin says, bawling his hands into fists.
"Gah! You're so stupid!", Jungkook says,frustrated.Jungkook almost doesn't remember what got him so mad in the first place.
He was just furious because of reasons even he didn't know of( it was not jealousy ok?!)
 But what he did know is that he hated Yoongi's guts as of now cause he just has to speak afterwards,"Why are you always so mean to him? He's your hyung you know! You can't just go bickering over some stupid boots! and did I also mention how mean you are?", Suga scolds the younger boy , he never learns.
Does he not know how much he's hurt Jimin?!
Jungkook was taken aback from the sudden vent from a rather calm and collected person.
“And why are you saying sorry to him, Jimin? It wasn’t your fault.”, he says to the shorter boy.
Sensing Jungkook's quiet aura, he speaks again, softer but still stern, " If anyone here is being stupid Jungkook, it's you", he says.
Jungkook should feel offended, yell , say something back but he was right.
Jungkook was the stupidest idiot. His blood had boiled at some point, filled with hatred ( that is definitely not for Jimin considering the thought process he's done and the talking Jin did)  And somehow that hatred had again, ended up with the same old bickering between Jimin and Jungkook.
Jungkook looked at Jimin this time, his expression was filled with hurt and maybe even annoyance.
Now , he'll never want to listen or talk to you Jungkook.
Scratch that, it's not like they ever properly talked anyways, most (all) of the time it was Jungkook who avoided him,being the stupid stupid boy he is.
But he'd realised one thing, that despite him annoying Jimin and despite all the arguments they had amongst bickering, at least this way Jungkook still talked to the shorter boy, even if it was through means of being hated by Jimin.
He sighs defeatedly, "The shoes are kind of worn out ...and I have other shirts back in the cabin so..I guess it's alright", he says and smiles, hoping he didn't look as miserable as he felt.
Yoongi didn't seem satisfied but he wasn't glaring anymore. "Let's go guys", Namjoon says as smoothly as possible, noticing the tense atmosphere.
Jimin was giving Jungkook an undecipherable look.
What is up with him these days?, he thinks . It was Jeon Jungkook we're talking about here, he doesn't do sad, tight smiles and quiet words.
 Jungkook quickly averted his gaze (he hadn't even realised he was staring again) when he saw Yoongi protectively put a hand on Jimin's waist.
But he wasn't mad at Yoongi anymore, he was mad at himself.
'Get what's yours before someone else does Jungkook-ah', is what Jin had said.
And it had made sense now, but not that it was of any use, the two love birds were already set off in their own merry happiness from what he could see.
And yes, for Lord's sake, he was jealous but can you blame him? It goddamn hurt to see how perfect they are for each other.
Jungkook almost , almost tears up, his eyes stinging.  He  was jealous of Yoongi because he is everything Jungkook was not.
Yoongi is not rude, annoying and   he most definitely does not hurt Jimin so many times without even fucking realizing.
And yeah , it did kind of stings but no, it's supposed to be normal. They're supposed to be hating each other and Jungkook is not supposed to have feelings for the other boy. And Jungkook is sure as hell not supposed to feel regret for all he put the boy through  and all he does to the older, kind, ball of sunshine.
Jimin was glaring again...
And overwhelmed with all this, with a defeated sigh he turns around to walk away (and to hide the slight glistening of his eyes) and says, "..you're annoying.."
and kinda hot and gorgeous and beautiful but I'd never dare say it aloud. Not when you clearly hate me.
And that’s it for Chapter 3! I’ve decided there’s going to be 5/6 chapters, not 4, because there’s more to the story :3 
This chapter was hard to finish but my very close friends Fay & Tay helped give me ideas and opinions <3
What do you think will happen next? :) 
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ae0nx · 8 years
In which I vent about Soushitsu
- Jou is a precious angel and has been consistently my fav throughout every movie (which is shocking cos I normally stan for Taichi) - Mimi stopping herself from crying and telling everyone it's all gonna be ok ✨😭 A+ content - Albeit a tinsy bit irritating, Yamato and Taichi being once again clueless when it comes to Sora is hilarious "maybe we should ask Takeru" come on boys - Biyomon randomly hating Sora really didn't work for me and Sora realising she had to sort her own problems (as always) was a bit iffy. Even though I love that she's independent and has her shit together, I'd like her to be able to rely on her friends for help a bit more and in this movie we didn't get that 👎🏾 - creepy, pervy "not" Gennai = why - My level of not caring for Mei has increased by 5% from 0 so that's cool I guess - but I still don't care about Meicomon - Taichi telling Koushiro not to push himself was all i needed in Kokuhaku so thanks storywriters - Hikari basically saying that maybe the reboot was good makes me so excited for her movie if they really roll with that thought - while taiorato was fire in this film, I guess I'm sorry to all you sorato shippers cos where - Maki and Daigo were digidestined, guess everyone was right woooo....
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bhiealoag · 6 years
Falling for a fuckboy
They’re just so charming. Everything about them. So fucking charming.The eyes. The smile. The dimples. The hair. The jawline. Oh my gosh, I need to stop. The fuckboy is known for his magical powers. He casts a spell on his victims. A spell that makes them feel as if they are the only girl in the whole wide world. But it’s ironic, you know. They can make us feel on top of the world one moment. Then bam, on bottom the next. Yup, a lonely pile of trash to say the least. But, no matter how many times they make us question our self-value, no matter how many times they make us wonder what WE did wrong. We always run right back into their arms. Fuck it. Sometimes we full on sprint into their arms.
I’ll admit it. I’m guilty of this. I always tell myself that I’m going to ignore his messages. But, I can’t. I physically can’t. It’s one of those things when my brain is screaming STOP in neon blinking lights, but my thumbs are twiddling away on my keyboard. And yeah, I’ll make another confession. I feel like a fucking idiot. I really do. Not my proudest moments by far. And of course, my friends love to voice their opinions…. “He’s just going to hurt you… Blah, blah, blah.. You’re just a hookup to him.. Blah, blah, blah.”
Uh, yeah. I know that he’s going to hurt me. And YEAH, I am fully aware that he hangs out with other girls.
I know all these things. But, he’s like a drug. Addictive. So addictive. So memorizing. I feel like my world stops when I’m with him. I like the rush. I live for the rush. I live for those moments when he kisses me and just stares at me for a second. It gives me a little bit of hope. Just a tinsy amount of hope that he’ll pick me. He’ll choose me. He’ll love me. Come on now, a little hope never killed nobody.
So, what was I even getting at here?
Now that my venting session turned into a full on rant. And now that I’m out of breathe. The overall point that I was trying to make is that
Yeah, that’s right. I’m going to say a few cliches. We deserve the world and more. We deserve to be somebody’s number one. We deserve someone who will shower us with unconditional love.
Yeah, that’s what we deserve. That’s what we want. But, I’m not going to lie to you all. I want the fuckboy too. I want him to settle down and realize that I’m the one for him. Will it happen? Probably not. Am I going to keep answering his texts? Unfortunately. So, now that I feel like a shitty human being. I should probably wrap this piece up.
This is going to sound just a tad unorthodox, but here goes nothing.
Don’t stop chasing him, if you don’t want to stop. At the end of the day, just protect yourself. Build walls. Do not let him break them. Set limits. Do not let him push them. Have fun. Get lost in the magic. But, never, ever, sell yourself short. NEVER, EVER, question your self-worth.
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