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link-is-a-dork · 1 month ago
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alteredsilicone · 3 years ago
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"Is that you, my son?"
Man's having a rough day.
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the-rollerchloster · 2 years ago
I am connecting dots over here... in a major tinhat/tinsuit kind of way.
Just this weekend I was "discussing" with my husband (read: ranting at him while he just nodded a lot) that Steve had mentioned during the Nashville concert that we were to expect this album in January. Well January's almost over, and we hadn't heard anything, so I'm like "why lie, Steve? what's the hold up?"
Then I got into how deranged Jensen is at the moment, and how there's no way that Every Light isn't about Dean, and so maybe they want to use that song in The Winchesters... but they probably can't do that until close to the end of it because it wouldn't fit in with the time-appropriate music we've had so far, so maybe we need a scene in the modern day... and then I spiralled even further into but Robbie said... about the "exciting legacy character" we're expecting in 1x12...
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...and suddenly I feel like I'm on to something... but I don't know what...
UNTIL we get this announcement.
Friday is a very typical New Music Day, so it makes sense that this album is being released on a Friday. But if my calculations are correct, we are expecting 1x12 on Feb 21st, just days before the Feb 24th release.
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So now I'm over here just like 👀👀
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merubun · 2 years ago
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Sorry for the lil break, have some tinsuit commanders :)
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yasmeensh · 6 years ago
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - The lore
I know this is an art blog but i can’t contain myself and I need to talk about zelda2 lore. Why? You all heard about the botw sequel being darker, much darker. And people made connections to Majora’s mask, because it was a dark sequel. But you know what? Zelda 2 was also a dark sequel. Nintendo are doing it for a THIRD time and I'm proud. Sit tight and maybe grab a snack because this will probably be a long passion essay. Here we go.
Most of you MIGHT be familiar with the storyline of Zelda2, but in summary, here is how it goes: Princess Zelda from an ancient time has been put to spell by a curse. Only the power of the full triforce touched by a pure heart can wake her. Finally after hundreds of years, the chosen one came along (Link). Link must place 6 crystals in 6 palaces to break the spell on the Great palace where the Triforce of courage is enclosed. Once there, he takes the triforce, completes it with the other two pieces, and wakes zelda up. The End.
And Here is the story in MORE detail (unless you are in a hurry , I recommend you read it. The top summary is just for people who have no clue what the story is:
    The king of hyrule always passes down the power of the triforce to his son next-to-be-king. This time however, he wants to give it to his daughter, Zelda, because he believes she is wiser and more considerate than the son. The son was very upset about it and has summoned a wizard to scare the princess and give up the triforce to him. The wizard however, overcome with hatred towards zelda, uses all his magic to put her to an eternal sleep, and he dies (only recently in the hyrule historia has the identity of the wizard been revealed: he is a follower of Ganon, or an embodiment of ganon himself (sort of like ghost ganon in oot or blight ganons in botw. So in this case he might have not died but just extinguished all his powers)). The son, overcome with grief for his sister, promises that every girl born into the Royal family henceforth will be named Zelda. He locks the triforce of courage far away, so only those worthy of it will be able to access it, and leaving the remaining two in the castle, unable to use its full power.
Hundreds of years have passed by and no worthy hero came by, until now. On his 16th birthday, Link noticed that a mark resembling the triforce glowed on his left hand. Worried and Confused, he goes to seek information on it from Impa. She tells him that he is the hero chosen to save the sleeping princess Zelda. She gave Link a scroll written in ancient text that only the true hero can read to ensure that he is in fact the chosen one. Link was able to read it despite never seeing that language before. The Great Palace where the triforce of courage lies is locked with a spell. The spell comes from 6 different temples, and he must break part of the spell at each temple so he can open the gates of the Palace. To do that, A crystal must be placed in each, and that is exactly what he does.
While Link is going on his journey, the minions of Ganon are going after him, trying to capture him and use his blood to revive Ganon (It’s unclear if they want him alive or dead, or simply his blood. All we know is they want to use Link’s blood in a sacrifice to bring Ganon back from the dead). If Link dies, Ganon will be revived, so he must remain alive. At the end of the trial to the triforce of courage, Link was made to fight his own shadow by the triforce keeper. After defeating his shadow, he made the triforce whole again, wished for the curse on Princess Zelda to break, and she woke. The End.
Now that is my extensive summary on the official story. Obviously I will fill in now MY theories on some points. My biggest point is Link fighting his shadow. Why did Link have to fight his shadow? Why was Link not ready to touch the triforce? He already went through ALL the trials, so why this now? My theory is that Link’s heart was not pure. Only a pure heart must touch the triforce. A corrupted heart will corrupt the world when the triforce is touched, no matter what the wish is. Link was most likely the chosen hero, but he is not completely pure. I believe Link was made to fight his shadow as a final step to touching the triforce; to cleanse his heart from any evils that are in it. Why would Link be evil and corrupt? I don’t know, but that’s hella dark.     Another point, that can be connected to BoTW, is Link’s death, and the revival of Ganon. If you played AoL before, then you are familiar with the red screen of death and Ganon’s evil laughter. Well, if Link dies, that means Ganon will return. That means Link should NEVER die. But he is not a god or eternal deity. He will die at some point during his journey after the events of the game or simply from old age, or whatever. He will die. At this point, if the people of Hyrule really want Ganon to remain dead, then Link should simply disappear once he dies. If he were to be buried, they have to hide his body somewhere the monsters will NEVER reach. I have no idea where that could be: the dungeons of hyrule castle? Something similar to the Great Palace? Maybe. The better option is to burn him, but I don’t know if people in Hyrule do that (they probably should in this case because yikes Ganon)
Where am I going with this? I’m not sure, but It vaguely reminded me of Ganon(dorf) coming back to life in the new BoTW trailer. Who was he even? A new ganondorf? Or one we already know?
Lets go back… what about AoL Link’s death? Another option for keeping Link out of the hands of Ganon’s minions is for him to never die. To be absolutely safe, protected, and strong enough to protect himself, and to live eternally. And I know the people of hyrule (at some point) will have that technology available, because BoTW Link was revived after his death. Link can probably die countless of times and still continue to live because of that shiekah tech. Now about the tech, AoL seems too middle ages, right? WELL… this is going to sound dumb but the temples in AoL have elevator thingies in them. Shiekah technology? Maybe. It could be a manual pulley system. Or pure magic. We don’t know, but we are a step closer at least.
BASICALLY i see a lot of similar points between these two games and idk if nintendo accidentally did that or took inspiration from aol but its cool that these two games share the concept of the kind of tragedy hyrule will go through if link dies and the idea of Ganom coming back to life.     Why am I even getting into BoTW… let’s get back to AoL lore! If you played AoL, you might be familiar with the Link dolls. Dolls that save Link from death (i.e extra lives) those dolls are pretty creepy and they look like a tiny hunched over limb Link. They are scattered throughout all of hyrule, and you find them in random weird places, like at the beach, in a swamp, inside a temple, in a cave, near a graveyard, forest, etc. They are everywhere. Who put these dolls there? No one knows. But someone is totally trying to save Link from dying on his journey. If he dies, Hyrule is screwed. Could it be Goddess Hylia? The fairies? A magician? Link Dolls are extremely strange and Nintendo could have gone more in depth on them because they provide some super cool dark lore.
Also we can’t forget about Kasuto Town. All the inhabitants of the town went to camp in the forest because their town was destroyed. Why? No one knows, again (everything in this game is shrouded in mystery). There is only a single man living there in old Kasuto. Kasuto town is entirely destroyed, all the buildings are decaying and crumbling, the air looks nasty and the sky is purple. There are ghosts EVERYWHERE. And if Link didn’t acquire the cross before entering, he will not see the ghosts at all and will just die from being hit by what looks like air. Now the civilians! The civilians are hiding in the forest! In-game, you will never be able to find them unless you hit a random block of grass with the hammer, and then it will appear. They are well hidden. Something must have destroyed their town, something terrifying, and they are hiding from it. The entire population has gone to hide in the depths of the forest. Now I have a theory that these people COULD be related to the shiekah. Those people are magic experts. You learn something called The Spell in old kasuto. And in new kasuto, you use this spell to raise a small temple from the GROUND to get the key in it (idk man but reminds me of the shrines) You also receive the final magic container there. So, yeah, those people definitely have a magic obsession or *super powers*. (i’m hinting at it but these people could be the shiekah). Also one more thing, these people are begging Link to save hyrule. They are the only people who are begging him to do something. They know HE will save hyrule. In all other towns, it only seems like Link is asking for advice and they answer Link is a random nobody. However, the people of Kasuto are AWARE. (shiekah much? idk)
This is not too lore-y but it’s about how dark this game is: there is so much red in it. Game over screen is red. The lining of the triforce on Link’s hand is red. The windows in the temples are stained red (blood?). The Tinsuit sprites have fresh blood dripping down their swords. Also, sleeping Zelda’s dress is red. I can’t brush that off. Whenever I think of AoL I think of the colour red. There is so much to say about AoL... But what I want to say is that this game is HELLA dark. I hope Nintendo uses its lore in future games, and adds references, because it can totally work if they try to. This game has a lot of lore material to work with. Nintnedo should consider expanding on it (and botw was inspired by loz1, it would only make sense if the sequel will mirror the original loz sequel too :3)
PLEASe share your ideas! I’d love to hear what you all think! There are many ideas to go around so share your thoughts! And one last thing, AoL is very difficult. If you want to try it, be prepared to see the colour red a lot, cry a lot, and rage quit a lot.
Thank you for reading my very long post! Enjoy your day <3 <3 <3
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ironsguilt · 6 years ago
local man in a tinsuit has the biggest heart of all.
sum up tony in a news article .  //  accepting .
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gotermina · 8 years ago
Shadow’s Dungeon Reviews: Zelda II: Parapa Palace
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Hello guys, and THIS is the Legend of Zelda Dungeon Reviews, this time for the ZELDA II! I really wanted this review out earlier, but school and writer’s block gets in my way, and I’m just making up excuses. Anyway, this dungeon is:
Parapa Palace
Hit the jump for the review by me, ShadowSect! (The Kinosagi)
Before I give my shpeel on how I review dungeons, here’s some backstory to Zelda II
I get it, it’s extremely frustrating. It’s hard, the game is difficult, and people are probably wondering if that will affect the dungeon reviews. The answer is yes and no. It will affect it, but only to a small extent, and I’ll try to look at it from the dungeon’s perspective and not the GAME’S.
Here’s how I review dungeons (for the newbies):
Dungeon Design (15 Points): Is the dungeon linear or complex? If linear, was it meant to be linear?  If complex, does it have unfair frustration? Does the gamer have much of a choice? Is there reasoning to what you have to do?
Visuals (15 Points): Does the dungeon look the part? Is the music good? Is the dungeon believable? If not, does it impact the dungeon? Does the overall mood of the dungeon bring chills up your spine?
Gameplay (15 Points): Is there a lot to do? Does the dungeon take full use of the item you’re given? If there is no item, is there a major hook that grabs you in this dungeon? Is the playstyle repetitive and does it get in the way of your playing?
Enemies (15 Points): Is there a variety of enemies in this dungeon? Does that variety fit the dungeon theme? Do the enemies bring a challenge and are entertaining? Is the miniboss or boss good, or does it fall flat? Would you battle the enemies again?
Puzzles (15 Points): Do the puzzles challenge your brain and treat you like you’re a functioning human? Are the puzzle rewards worth it? Is there unfair consequences to getting something wrong? Do the puzzles fit with the theme? Do the puzzles involve the dungeon item?
Challenge (10 Points): Is the dungeon too hard or too easy? Is it so linear that there’s no way to get lost? Is it very possible to die in this dungeon? If it is too easy, is it a fault of the game or the dungeon? Does the challenge work with how far you are in the game?
Fun Factor (15 Points): What did the dungeon make me feel like when I was in it and when I left it? Do I want to do it again? Was it entertaining and did I ever get bored? Was it too short or too long? Is there anything to enjoy in this dungeon that doesn’t end up as repetitive?
Now, the review awaits!
Oh god do people hate this game. People say it’s too difficult, some say that the random encounters were frustrating, some say the dungeons themselves have huge difficulty curves, and I’m going to stop right here before I start ranting myself. But regardless, this should be considered the worst Zelda game according to the Internet right? And surprisingly, that’s not the case. I did a recent study looking at Top 10s and seeing where Zelda II is on the lists (or if it’s even on there), but instead I found that it’s considered the 3rd worst game according to the internet, not the worst. So there are good things in the Adventure of Link, but I don’t care. We’re going to look at the dungeons. Because that’s the dang topic of this series of reviews. So let’s get right into Parapa Palace!
Let’s start with the first dungeon, the smallest and most straightforward dungeon that recommends Shield otherwise you get your butt handed to you on a silver platter. How thoughtful Horsehead! Screw you and your Iron Knuckles :D (sorry for swearing, that was for comical purposes…)
Dungeon Design (15): For starters, this dungeon is VERY linear, and it’s a good thing too. For a game that’s not forgiving in the slightest, this map isn’t hard to get lost in unless you’re stupid. And I mean really stupid. If you really do need help, then ZeldaDungeon is the way to go for a walkthrough, but other than that, I had fun scavenging the area of this fortress. If we’re talking unforgiving things, Zelda II has a lot of them, and we shouldn’t judge, but if we must be talking about SERIOUS unforgivingness, there’s 3 things. Heavily congested rooms such as the wild axe murderer guarding a key, the early Ironknuckles, and the “stair room” (the room with 2 stalfoses on top of stairs walking down them). But other than that, not bad for a first dungeon! 13 points.
Visuals (15): The visuals in this game are really bad compared to the previous version, and it’s no excuse since this was released after. That doesn’t mean the music and sound effects aren’t pristine, because they ARE. I love the palace theme, and the sound effects of clinking and stabbing are top notch for a combat-intrusive game. But seriously, the bland textures of the palace, while imposing, are dumbed down from a previously good game. Dang it Nintendo! 9 points.
Gameplay (15): Combat takes a huge step up in this game, and this dungeon takes full advantage of it. While frustration is an element, it’s a GOOD element. It really makes you fight at all times on the edge of your seat so you don’t die…. Unless you’re me with my infinite lives. I really don’t recommend it for anybody else since I DO suck at video games in general. This game doesn’t really have dungeon items that are “usuable”, but nevertheless, there’s usually a spell and an item for each dungeon. For this dungeon, the spell is Shield, and the item is the Candle. Shield is particularly stupid, as it saps your magic very fast at low levels, but it’s extremely useful for Horsehead, so it has its uses. The Candle is not usable in this dungeon, but it’s EXTREMELY useful for later, as it lights up caves. I like the variety of combat, but it is sad that a lot of usable items that were a huge trope in the previous game were removed for overworld uses. A pity, but oh well. 12 points.
Enemies (15): Colorful list of enemies for the first dungeon, and they’re not half bad! First there’s the Bots, the usual mobs that you would find me farming off in the overworld for low xp. The Bubbles are cool for sapping your magic and health, with the former being a huge annoyance and the latter being a mild poke, but some of them are way too frustrating as 2 of the 9 found like to both team up on you with others and go REALLY fast, making them hard to avoid unless you have Asian reaction times. The Gumas, or Mace Throwers, are great for having a strategic opponent for people with brains, and those who say they are frustrating are really bad like me, and even I can gloss over that. The Iron Knuckles, however, can go die in THE FIERY PITS OF LUCIFER AND SATAN HIMSELF GOD HELP THESE PEOPLE CROSS MY PATH WHEN I AM AT FULL HEALTH GO TO LUCIFER YOU DASTARDLY PIECES OF SCRAP METAL. *huff huff* Anyway, they’re really frustrating for a first dungeon, and I can’t stand them with a combat level of 1. God help me. Anyway, then there’s the Stalfos, which is yet another intelligent enemy I won’t go into full detail about, but then there’s the Wosus or named by the mild word “Tinsuits”. They’re annoying, but they serve to keep you on your toes. I do find frustration with the xp they take away from you, but it’s very small, and you DO need to stay on your toes. They shouldn’t do take that much health away from you though…Horsehead has one simple description. Don’t fight him without shield, and if you don’t have any magic, GOD DANG THIS ENEMY IS TOO HARD FOR A FIRST DUNGEON WHY DOES HE HAVE TO PERSISTENTLY HIT YOU WITH A CLUB TO KNOCK YOU BACK AND SERVE TO REMIND ME THAT I SUCK DANG IT DANG IT DANG IT. Anyway, the enemies’ frustration levels are largely the game’s fault, and NOT the dungeon’s. 12 points.
Puzzles (15): Yeah no. Good luck. It’s an NES game though, and it’s the first dungeon, but no puzzles, and it’s not even a puzzle to scavenge the palace. 7 points.
Challenge (10): I’ll just say right off the bat, with the information of the enemies’ and combat’s frustration behind me, and the analysis mentioned prior to this category, this challenge category shouldn’t be too much of a problem with you readers. But to summarize, while the game is largely at fault for its frustrating elements, the aspects of this first dungeon quest is not balanced with how the quest goes. The challenge is great, but no more, and I’m tempted to put it lower for its difficulty. 8 points.
Fun Factor (15): With traversing to this location, walking through the entrance, braving the halls filled with Wosus or Tinsuits, traversing the elevators, fighting Horsehead, grabbing the useful candle, using the Shield ability, and just traversing a difficult first dungeon, this dungeon definitely let me have some fun, and I have fond memories BECAUSE it’s not as difficult as the next dungeons, so there we go. Almost flawless fun in a first dungeon despite its shortcomings. 14 points.
Overall, 75 points. Good. Despite its shortcomings in NO puzzles, somewhat bland visuals, and unstoppable frustration, there is fun to be had with its combat and the scope of the whole challenge. I mean, doesn’t it feel like David and the Goliath? Just starting to traverse what will be a huge game of challenge? Feels like Dark Souls to me (BIG JK). It’s still frustrating anyway, but it’s not really bad frustration yet. Anyway, see me next time for Midoro Palace, the palace in the swamp! Of course, I’ll have to go through Death Mountain! I’ll comment on that before my next review…
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Phew, there we go. The first review had problems with internet with getting it out here, but here it is!
Little swearing, but there was one time, and I’m sorry. I needed some comical moments in this review.
Anyway, what do you think? Too forgiving or too critical? Was I too hard on the Zelda II game, or did it deserve to be lower for its frustration?
Anyway, if I missed anything, or you have things to say about this dungeon/review, let us know in the comments!
                                                                  –ShadowSect (The Kinosagi)
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link-is-a-dork · 7 days ago
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the-rollerchloster · 3 years ago
There's so many layers to 💙💚💛 being the answer...
Blue + Yellow = Green; Jensen needing his blue and his yellow to be himself 😭😭😭
I'm blaming @blanketforcas for that revelation, but it's just too perfect to leave in tags.
Clowning on main, after clowning all day, I'm super tired and need to go to sleep, but also need answers...
So we all agree...
Misha is 💙
Jensen is 💚
Question I have is...
What colour is Danneel?
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