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doctortwhohiddles · 1 year ago
To all the Alba haters out there, answer me this: if there's so much evidence of her being a full blown racist, then why isn't the media talking about it? Tabloids would have a field day with something like this. I can just imagine the headlines "Captain America married a Nazi". But yet, the only people talking about are those who are mad Chris got married. So, if you guys have evidence to back your claims, then show it. Prove to us that you are right without telling people to go kill themselves, or sending death threats, etc. Come on, I dare you.
What's that I'm hearing in the background? Crickets? Chris and Alba are married. Acting like assholes is not going to change that fact. You can try and justify your hatred of Alba all you want, to only thing you've proven is that you're immature, childish, over entitled "fans" that can't deal with the fact that a stranger got married. Chris was never going to marry one of you. He's never going to marry one of you. It's high time you learn to accept that. Your behavior isn't normal or healthy. It's annoying and creepy as fuck.
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insanityclause · 1 year ago
Zawe not at king lear press night.. The tinhaters will go crazy she isn't at king lear press night. If she didn't go to Richard E Grants halloween do for whatever reason so she and Tom would rather have their own halloween do with just their families because having 1 yr old first halloween at home after Tom gets home from king lear press night
Too bad for them that she’s at a different event, then, and obviously can’t be in two places at once.
Also - we don’t know that she wasn’t at REG’s party, and probably never will.
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yogrl335 · 2 years ago
I saw an interview yesterday of Darren and an Australian morning show. It was lovely. He spoke about his daughter and his music. At one point he mentioned that some members of StarKid would be performing as well. I thought about the nasty (always nasty) remarks the tin hats made about them for performing with him in LA and Mexico.
I’ve never understood the hate but I’ve chalked it up to them believing he’s too good for his college friends - that and the fact they were at his wedding. But it has occurred to me that the hate has more to it than that. They cannot accept that he is loyal. Loyal to friends and colleagues, loyal to his loved ones, loyal to his fans. You see, if he is so strongly loyal then how can they explain his treatment of “the love of his life” Chris Colfer? How can he be loyal, and loving, when he has hidden this relationship for more than a decade. Truly, at this point in time, 13 years after they met, why wouldn’t he just say that he’s realized he is in love with Chris and finally come out into the open? Why is he so fiercely loyal to everyone but Chris? There are two possible answers: 1) he cares more for the money and his career than he does for Chris, or 2) the Criss/Colfer relationship does not exist.
It has never existed.
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j-2-soulmates · 5 months ago
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Jared answers to, "are they still friends?" questions
Jared: This was actually my question I put in there. I haven’t heard from Jensen in two days are we still friends? Does he still like me. Circle yes or no”
And Jensen cracking up
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oldmanpusspuss · 10 months ago
by "real" use whatever criteria you think appropriate. "i think they had feelings for each other but never acted on it" "they had a casual thing/situationship" "they were together but broke up" "they were secretly married in canada and have 6 kids together and their wives are beards". or maybe "they gave each other handjobs but platonically or something" or "one-sided unreciprocated feelings" wouldn't count as "real" by your judgement.
feel free to say your ship/opinions if you reblog. or dont idc im not your mom.
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ohno-elrond · 2 months ago
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man's cannot take his eyes from her ever 😭
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chlochette-sunde · 3 days ago
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LA Con 2011
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DC Con 2014
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VegasCon 2016 (had to shorten it because of the 10 GIFs limit per posts)
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JIB9 2018 (shortened too but we know how it starts)
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JIB11 2023
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deanscutiepiesam · 3 months ago
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Fun fact, I showed this image to my mother and said, "Why does he look at him like that?" And her response was, "That's how I look at your dad."
So, my mom is a J2 shipper, I guess 😭
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daddysboydean · 2 months ago
my crackpot theory about why other dudes love jared so much is that jared’s traditionally masculine physique disarms them because he looks like a mans man, and then he gets ‘em with his puppy boy golden retriever touchy feely nature. and they love it bc so many dudes can’t be emotional with other dudes. (really they can’t be emotional with women either, it just manifests as sex because they’re repressed, but whatever. also i am most definitely generalizing here) so when this 6’5 tank is openly affectionate with them it gives them the ok to be openly affectionate back. am i making any sense. it’s part of why jensen “there’s no manly way to drink out of a straw” is so obsessed with him. 
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sunohhhjjkkm · 7 months ago
will never shut up about how this j2 shot permanently altered my brain chemistry
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doctortwhohiddles · 2 years ago
Since I get keeping ask after ask, I'll sum thing up:
There's nothing wrong with criticizing your fav when they do something wrong or problematic. But if all you do is criticize them over everything from their clothes to relationship, then you need to admit to yourself that you're no longer a fan and move on. Being a fan of someone means liking them. If you don't like someone, you're not their fan.
There's a difference between saying "I hope nothing happened to Bobby, we haven't seen him in a while" and saying "we haven't seen Bobby in a while this must means he's dead or that they gave him away". That's not an opinion, that's jumping to conclusions. Those are 2 very different things.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean having to respect everyone's opinion. It never has. Again, if you can't show respect to your fav, don't expect the fandom to respect you. Fandoms are places to have fun, not a place for hate and toxicity. That's why I don't put the artist names in the tags. That's why I understand if people block me.
Entitlement. Oh boy, there could be PhD thesis written about this. Your fav isn't your friend. He doesn't owe you anything. He doesn't have to involve you in their career or personal life. They're a stranger to you and you to them. You don't have a say in their lives, it's as simple as that. As for opinions, see point 2.
You say you don't hate your fav because of who they're dating? Fine. But ask yourself why you go from love to hate the minute they find a partner. Ask yourself why you keep criticizing everything someone does and then claim to be a fan. Where is the logic in that?
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hussyknee · 1 year ago
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Once I stopped wheezing, I went looking for what inspired this tweet. Apparently anyone consistently ripping into Biden and telling anyone why he's trash is "voter suppression". Liberals have all lost their goddamn minds.
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castielreal · 5 months ago
jensen saying “sexuality is fluid don’t box yourself in” two days before nov 5…
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j-2-soulmates · 4 months ago
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OMG Look at them 😭🥰
Sooo damn beautiful ❤️
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elaynetrakand · 1 month ago
Still thinking about Trevor describing Hetty as having “flaming hair and alabaster skin.”
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immodestly-marina · 4 months ago
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I found these tweets and just had to bc I feel like that’s not at all out of character for Jared 😭
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